Assignment for pre-diploma practice in personnel management. Diary on pre-graduation practice. Payroll analysis

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy"

Practice program in the specialty "Human Resources Management"

Nizhny Tagil 2012

The program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Management and social work 07.09. 2012, protocol No. 1

Head Department O.V. Kalashnikov

The program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the academic council of the Social and Humanitarian Institute NTGSPA _09/21/2012, protocol No. 1

Director of SGI S.A. Ustinova

Compiled by:

Belousova I.V., Associate Professor, Department of Management and Social Work

Kazantseva T.A., senior lecturer of the Department of Management and Social Work


Specialty 080505 - “Personnel Management” was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2000. No. 279ek/sp.

According to the state educational standard for higher professional education in this specialty, the standard period for mastering an educational and professional program for full-time study is 5 years; qualification - manager. Industrial and pre-graduate practice is integral part educational process of training qualified specialists. During practice, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire skills and abilities practical work according to the assigned qualification and chosen specialty.

personnel management practice


Practice goals:

To deepen and consolidate the theoretical and practical skills of students in the disciplines of general professional and special training: “Fundamentals of personnel management”, “Motivation” labor activity", "Organization of personnel labor", "Economics and sociology of labor", "Management labor resources", "Ethics of business relations", etc.;

Prepare the student to perform in real production and management processes the following types professional activity: managerial, organizational, economic, marketing, information and analytical, design and research;

Development and accumulation of skills in analyzing and improving the personnel management system;

Collect the necessary material to complete a course or graduation project.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

· development management culture future manager;

· study and participation in the development of organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical documents for solving individual problems of personnel management of the organization at the place of internship;

· development of proposals for improving the organization’s personnel management;

· developing students' interest in working in the field of management, carrying out independent research on a current scientific or practice-oriented problem on a course or graduation topic qualifying work; mastering methods of observation, analysis and generalization of the work experience of managers and heads of organizations;

· formation and development among students personal qualities future specialist, sustainable interest to professional management activities, the need for self-education and a creative approach to practical activities.


In accordance with the assigned tasks, the practice bases are industrial enterprises, research and design institutes, banks, insurance, trading, investment and other companies, labor and employment services, recruiting agencies and other organizations that have accumulated significant positive experience in personnel management.

The student’s workplace is any structural unit of the organization that ensures the high-quality performance of personnel management functions: the labor department and wages, HR department, personnel training department, occupational health and safety department, personnel development department, motivation and remuneration department, department social development, marketing department, etc.

At the workplace, the future specialist must acquire certain practical skills in performing specific work in managing the organization’s personnel.


In accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard for higher professional education in specialty 080505 - “Human Resources Management”, a student must undergo the following types of internships:

industrial, 4 weeks - 3rd course;

industrial, 4 weeks - 4th course;

pre-diploma, 8 weeks - 5th course.

The timing of internships is set by the dean’s office in accordance with the working curriculum.

All types of internships are carried out on the basis of agreements between the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NTGSPA and enterprises, institutions and organizations, in accordance with which these enterprises, institutions and organizations provide places for internship for NTGSPA students. The practice is financed from the appropriate budget.

General organizational management of the practice is carried out by the department of the Faculty of Social Work. Educational and methodological guidance is provided by the Department of Social Work. The head of the department is responsible for the level of organization of practice and its results.

Direct supervision of students' practice is carried out by:

· Head of practice from the faculty;

· Head of practice on the part of the organization.

The dean’s office annually appoints a faculty practice leader who carries out general organization and control of student practice within their competence.

The responsibilities of the faculty practice manager include:

1. before the start of the internship, visit the practice base and provide the necessary preparation for accepting students;

2. if necessary, develop an individual work plan for internship;

3. agree on an individual work plan for internship with the head of the HR service;

4. give the student an individual assignment for research work during the internship period;

5. regularly visit the practice base and provide students with methodological assistance in completing the practice program, collecting materials and preparing a report;

6. check all work completed by students;

7. organize timely verification, review and defense of practice reports.

Management of students' practice in a structural unit of the organization - the practice base - is entrusted to highly qualified specialists and heads of these departments. The head of practice from the organization is appointed by order of the director and carries out daily organizational and methodological management and control of the progress of the student assigned to him.

The responsibilities of the practice manager from the organization include the following:

Assisting student interns in their adaptation to the organization;

Providing trainees with jobs;

Drawing up, together with the student, a calendar work plan for the internship, regular monitoring of its compliance and the quality of the student’s performance of internship tasks with a corresponding entry in the diary;

Conducting scheduled consultations on the practice program;

Familiarization of student interns with operational accounting documentation and internal regulations(provisions, instructions, regulations);

Assisting students in selecting materials for completing the practice program, analyzing them, conducting special research in accordance with the practice program and individual assignments;

Monitoring compliance by student interns labor discipline(the head reports all cases of violation of labor discipline and public order to the faculty).

The head of practice from the organization can give students specific tasks that must correspond to the tasks and content industrial practice generally. At the end of the internship, the supervisor from the organization checks the report and gives a written review-characteristic assessing its content and the quality of the student’s practical work.

At the end of the internship, the student has the right to ask, and the internship supervisor from the organization has the right to give letter of recommendation and a thank you letter.


The main normative and methodological documents regulating the student’s work in practice are the internship program and the “Student’s Internship Diary”. At the end of the internship, the student is required to submit a report on the internship.

During the period of internship for students, a work schedule is established that is mandatory for those structural divisions of the organization in which students undergo internship. Each student is obliged to make the most of the time allocated for practice, to ensure high-quality completion of all tasks provided for in the practice program.

When undergoing internship, the student is obliged to:

1. complete the work provided for by the internship program and individual assignments in full, efficiently and on time;

2. obey the internal rules of the organization;

3. study and strictly comply with labor protection and safety regulations;

4. keep a diary in which you systematically make notes about the work performed;

5. regularly (at least once a week) inform the head of the practice from the faculty about the work done, provide him with a practice diary for control and signature;

6. submit a report on the practice to the department along with a diary and a review-characteristic of the practice leader from the organization and defend the report within the deadlines established by the department.

Students who have not completed the internship program or received negative feedback or an unsatisfactory grade when defending their report are sent to practice again or expelled from the academy.

In case of production necessity and if students wish, the heads of organizations can use student interns for regular positions with payment of their wages. At the end of the employment contract, the student can contact the head of the personnel management service with a request to give him a recommendation.

Monitoring of students’ implementation of the practice program is ensured by checking the collected materials by practice leaders from the organization and from the faculty.

Industrial, 4 weeks - 3rd course.

During the internship, the student must familiarize himself with the practice base, study the personnel management system and its features depending on the size of the organization and types of activities, and also collect the materials and documents necessary to prepare a report on the internship.

The practice program includes the mandatory completion of tasks by each student according to the curriculum (Table 1). The head of the practice from the faculty, taking into account the characteristics of the organization - the basis of the practice, can make clarifications in the content of the assignments.

Table 1

Educational and thematic plan of practice

Stages of internship

Completion deadlines

Familiarization with the types of activities and general structure organization management

1st week

Analysis of the number of personnel, its structure, dynamics, use of working time (Task. Appendix 1)

1st week

Study and analysis of documents characterizing the personnel management system

2nd week

3rd week

4.1. Determination of personnel needs. Recruitment and selection of personnel (Tasks. Appendix 2)

4.2. Organization of adaptation of new employees (Tasks. Appendix 3)

4.3. System of training and advanced training of personnel (workers, specialists, managers) in the organization

4th week

1. Familiarization with the types of activities and general management structure of the organization involves studying:

· industry business environment;

· general information about the organization (name, purpose of creation, organizational and legal form, brief historical background);

· types of activities and volume of production (works, services);

· production structure(divisions of the organization, functional relationships of divisions);

· organization of management (diagram of the organizational structure of management, functional relationships of departments and services);

· technical and economic performance indicators for 1-2 years (volume of sales of products (works, services) in value and in kind, cost);

· financial situation(profit, profitability);

· relationships with other organizations (suppliers, banking institutions, insurance organizations, charities etc.).

2. Analysis of the number of personnel, its structure, dynamics, use of working time involves the implementation next works:

· study of the dynamics of the number of personnel of the organization (dynamics average number, the level of staff turnover in general and for certain categories of personnel, turnover rates for hiring and dismissal, the main reasons for turnover);

· analysis of the release of employees of the organization (volume of release, functions of the personnel management service for the employment of released workers, interaction with employment services through transmitted and received documents and information);

· study of the use of working time in an organization over a number of years (2-3 years) or quarterly during the year (working time balance, average working day, amount and causes of daily and intra-shift losses of working time, absenteeism).

3. The study and analysis of documents characterizing the personnel management system involves the following work:

· study of the organizational structure of the organization's personnel management system (composition of divisions and officials, their hierarchical structure, subordination, factors determining the organizational structure of personnel management);

· drawing up a diagram of the organizational structure of personnel management, assessing its rationality, developing proposals for its improvement;

· study of the functions of the personnel management department and other divisions of the personnel management system on the basis of the “Regulations on the department” (composition of functions, their distribution between bureaus, groups and employees of the department, functional relationships of the department with other divisions of the organization);

· analysis of the functional division of labor in terms of duplication of functions, presence or absence of necessary functions, centralization of functions;

· studying job descriptions department employees (availability and quality of job descriptions for HR specialists, their content, compliance with best practices);

· analysis of personnel, methodological, information and technical support personnel management systems (quantitative and qualitative composition of employees personnel service based on staffing table and labor organization report, availability of basic regulatory documents of the personnel service (department regulations, job descriptions), composition and use personnel documents, methods of their maintenance, systematization, control of execution, composition and use technical means personnel management services);

· identification of internal clients (consumers) of the personnel management service.

4. Studying the content of work on the functions of personnel management is one of the most important tasks of industrial practice (1st stage - 3rd year, 2nd stage - 4th year).

According to the plan presented below, the student must understand personnel management technologies. If any of the functions listed below (for example, personnel training, recruiting) is carried out by a third-party organization under an outsourcing agreement, the student must indicate this fact and show in the report the validity of such cooperation.

4.1 Determining the need for personnel, recruiting and selecting personnel involves studying (Tasks. Appendix 1):

· personnel planning methods used in the organization;

· practice of preparing job descriptions and requirements for candidates;

· personnel recruitment systems in the organization (sources of attracting personnel, organization of personnel recruitment, procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, regulatory documentation for hiring and hiring personnel);

· personnel selection systems in the organization (used selection methods and procedures, regulatory documents, job filling schemes, requirements for candidates for vacant positions, functions of employees responsible for recruitment and selection of personnel).

4.2 Organization of adaptation of new employees (Tasks. Appendix 2) involves studying:

· induction activities;

· regulatory documents on personnel adaptation (adaptation regulations, adaptation programs, etc.);

· methods and forms of organizing adaptation, functions of workers responsible for adaptation.

4.3 The system of training and advanced training of personnel (workers, specialists, managers) in the organization involves the study of:

· organizational and methodological documents (decrees, regulations, orders, etc.);

· the procedure for preparing training plans and advanced training;

· forms and methods of retraining and advanced training for different categories of workers;

· personnel training budget.

The practice program includes the mandatory completion of tasks by each student according to the curriculum (Table 2). The head of the practice from the faculty, taking into account the characteristics of the organization - the basis of the practice, can make clarifications in the content of the assignments. If the place of practical training of the 4th year coincides with the place of practical training of the 3rd year, in this case it is possible to use materials from the previous practical training. In this case, the student must adjust the materials used in accordance with the program of this internship and the changed conditions of the company.

Table 2

Educational and thematic plan for industrial practice 4 courses

Stages of internship

Completion deadlines

1st week

1.1. Organization and planning of a business career and formation personnel reserve

1.2. A system for conducting periodic certification of managers and specialists of the organization. Practice of assessing personnel performance

2nd week

1.3. Organization of remuneration and incentives. Contents of the compensation package for managers and specialists

Regulatory Analysis labor relations in the personnel management system

3rd week

Studying the system of planning and evaluating the results of the HR service

4th week

Preparation, submission and defense of a report on practice at the conference (date determined by the dean’s office)

1.1. Organizing and planning a business career and forming a personnel reserve involves performing the following work:

· study of organizational and methodological documents (regulations on personnel reserve, orders, etc.);

· analysis of the activities of the unit and officials performing these functions;

· studying the procedures for forming a reserve for leadership positions different levels;

· research into methods for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve;

· analysis of the practice of using candidate assessment results;

· analysis of the organization of work with the personnel reserve.

1.2. A system for conducting periodic certification of managers and specialists of the organization. The practice of assessing personnel performance involves performing the following work:

· study of normative and methodological documents on certification of managers and specialists;

· analysis of schedules and certification methods;

composition assessment certification commission, organization of its work;

· study of the composition of indicators and areas of employee certification;

· study of the composition of documents (attestation sheet, etc.);

· analysis of the use of certification results when filling vacant positions, forming a personnel reserve for promotion, etc.;

· study of the practice of assessing personnel performance.

1.3. Organization of remuneration and incentives. The content of the compensation package for managers and specialists involves the following work:

· study of the forms and systems of remuneration for workers, specialists and managers used in the organization (tariff, non-tariff, official salaries, commission systems or sales promotion systems);

· analysis of individual incentive systems;

· analysis of remuneration systems based on the results of the work of a division, branch, representative office, organization;

· study of the system of benefits and privileges;

· study of the contents of the compensation package for managers and specialists.

2. Analysis of the regulation of labor relations in the personnel management system involves studying:

· existing public organizations, their goals and objectives;

· work of management bodies responsible for contacts with public organizations;

Permission practices labor disputes;

· ensuring labor protection and safe life of workers.

3. Studying the system of planning and evaluating the results of the personnel management service involves studying:

· work plan for the personnel management service and the procedure for drawing up this plan;

· the budget of the personnel management service and the procedure for developing this budget;

· work plans for HR specialists;

· systems of indicators used to evaluate the performance of the personnel management service.

Pre-diploma internship, 8 weeks - 5th course.

The student’s research work during the period of pre-diploma internship should be mainly exploratory and exploratory in nature. During the internship, the student must study the personnel management system and its features depending on the size of the organization and types of activities, as well as collect the materials and documents necessary to prepare a report on the internship and the analytical part of the diploma projects carried out after the internship.

The topic of the student's research work must be relevant from the point of view of the graduating department and organization - the base of practice.

The report on pre-diploma practice should consist of sections:

1. topic of scientific work;

2. purpose of scientific work;

3. subject of research;

4. research methodology;

5. analysis of the results obtained;

6. conclusions and suggestions;

7. list of sources used.

Approximate topics of students' research works:

1. Development of goals for the personnel management system.

2. Application of a program-targeted approach when building the organizational structure of the personnel management service.

3. Designing the relationship between the HR service and external organizations(consultancy firms, training centers, regional labor management bodies).

4. Designing options for the organizational structure of the personnel management service, depending on the type, scale and capabilities of the organization.

5. Designing the relationships of the personnel management service in the overall organizational structure of the organization’s management.

6. Development of organizational- economic conditions development of creative activity and personal self-affirmation.

7. Development of organizational, social and economic problems of the relationship between the manager and the team.


Throughout the entire period of work in the organization, the student must, in accordance with the assignment, collect and process the necessary material, and then submit it in the form of a formal report on the practice to his supervisor.

The practice report is compiled individually by each student in a computer version (font 14, spacing 1.5). Preparation and submission of collective reports is not permitted. The practice report is submitted to the Department of Management and Social Work. The electronic version of the report remains at the student’s disposal as source material for coursework and diploma projects. The report is prepared in a folder on standard A4 sheets and is provided with a title page (Appendix 5). The material collected by the student during the internship is attached to the report as an appendix, and there should be a link to its use in the main text.

During practice, students keep a diary with a mandatory daily record of the work done (Appendix 6). At the end of the internship, the diary is certified by the head of the organization (signature, seal). The internship supervisor from the organization fills out a review of the student’s work (Appendix 7).

Students are given the last 2-3 days of practice to compile, edit and prepare the report. The student's report on practice must include text, graphics and other illustrative material. The volume of reports for all types of practices is 35-40 pages with tables, diagrams, documents, forms and other materials attached.

Front page;

General characteristics organizations;

Number and structure of the organization’s personnel;

Organizational personnel management system;

Analysis of the main functions of personnel management;

Regulation of labor relations in the personnel management system;

Planning and evaluating the results of the HR service;



The bibliography should contain a list of sources used in completing the report. Information about sources included in the list must be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Applications must have continuous numbering Arabic numerals. Each application should begin on a new sheet with the word “Appendix” indicated in the upper right corner, its serial number (without the No. sign); it should have a thematic heading reflecting the content of this application.


At the end of the internship, the student must defend a report. The basis for admitting a student to defend a report on practice is a fully completed report and diary on practice, and a review-characteristic.

The defense of the practice report is carried out on the day established by the department in accordance with the calendar schedule of the educational process. The test takes the form of the student defending a report on practice before a commission appointed by the head of the department.

As a result of defending the internship report, the student receives a test with a grade. The assessment takes into account the content and correctness of the student’s diary and practice report; reviews from practice leaders from the organization and department; answers to questions during the defense of the report.

A student who fails to complete the internship program or receives negative feedback on the work may be expelled from the academy for academic debt. If there is a good reason, the student is sent to practice again during his free time from studies.


Analysis of the personnel management system (fill in the table)


Are the company's personnel aware of its plans?

Does the company's personnel participate in receiving part of the profits?

How does a firm allocate authority and establish responsibilities through work instructions?

How does a company determine its workforce needs for the future?

How many workers are doing exactly the same work as they did 5 years ago?

what is the hiring procedure?

What part of the staff has not received training in the last 2 years?

How has the level of injuries and absences due to illness changed?

How is the work on regulating wages in the company assessed?

What is the level of understanding of the firm's legal obligations?


Exercise. (Internship, 3rd year, 4 weeks)



Task 1.1. Describe the process of recruitment and selection of personnel in the organization.

1. Write down what phenomena practitioners associate with the terms “recruitment” and “personnel selection”.

2. If you believe that the importance of effective recruitment and selection of personnel in an organization is increasing, then justify your opinion?

3. What is the value of effective recruitment and selection? List everything that you think applies here.

Task 1.2. Describe the organization's approach to the recruitment and selection process.

Describe the approach to the recruitment and selection process that is currently used in the organization or team. Indicate whether this approach is traditional or rather modern, and how it affects the psychological climate in the team and the productivity of employees.

Task 1.3. Make a connection between (a) organizational strategy and (b) recruitment and selection

Explain how an organization's strategy (mission, values, long-term goals and plans) influences its recruitment and selection policies and practices. If this influence seems insufficient to you, explain how you think the current situation can be changed.

Task 1.4. Describe the organization's recruitment and selection process.

List the steps in the recruitment and selection process used in the organization. Answer the following questions regarding the recruitment and selection management process:

3. What specifically do you think needs to be done to improve the recruitment and selection process in the organization?

If you have difficulty identifying the elements of the recruitment and selection process, use the following classification:

1. job description;

2. determination of requirements for candidates;

3. determining the purpose of the search;

4. determination of recruitment sources (where you can find a candidate of the required profile; will information about vacancies be distributed among the company’s personnel; how information about vacancies will be disseminated);

5. dissemination of information about vacancies;

6. preliminary selection of candidates based on analysis of application documents;

7. interviews with selected candidates;

8. checking information about candidates;

9. re-interview if necessary;

10. making a decision on admission;

11. informing the selected candidate;

12. informing rejected candidates;

13. determination and implementation of the newcomer adaptation program.


Task 2.1. Analysis of job description forms and candidate requirements used in the organization.

Provide answers to the following questions regarding the job description and requirements for candidates in the organization:

1. Which of the following documents are used in the organization in the process of recruitment and selection of personnel:

a) job description;

b) professional profile;

c) professional standard;

d) competency card;

e) professional portrait;

f) terms of reference for the recruiting firm;

g) an original document developed by the organization’s specialists.

2. What are they? strengths forms used in the organization with information about the content of the work and requirements for candidates?

3. Do they have any disadvantages? Which? Explain how they can be eliminated.

Task 2.2. Description of work.

1. Definition of work.

The Job Definition section contains several types of information:

Job title - indicate the job title, for example, assistant secretary, sales manager or storekeeper;

Organizational unit (division) to which this work relates;

The title of the immediate supervisor's position.

2. Purpose of the work (the purpose of creating this position).

For top managers, the goals of the organization are decisive here; for specialists - the goals of the unit, for performers - the goals of the workplace.

3. Brief description of the work.

The Job Summary section should provide a general description of the nature of the job, including only the essential functions and activities. So, for a purchasing manager, the “Brief Job Description” section may contain the following information: “the purchasing manager makes purchases, regulates deliveries, inventories and distributes all materials necessary for this production.”

4. Duties and responsibilities.

This section should provide a detailed list of actual duties and responsibilities appropriate to the job. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the clear formulation of the provisions so that the employee is completely clear what he is responsible for. This section is the main one in determining the requirements for candidates, organizing their assessment and selection. For the main two or three duties, it is necessary to indicate the approximate time allotted for its completion.

5. Equipment and software used.

6. Relationships.

The Relationships section describes the employee's relationships with other people inside and outside the organization. It is necessary to carefully record the names of the relevant positions and organizations. The information in this section is usually grouped as follows:

From whom it receives: information, instructions, semi-finished products, raw materials;

To whom it is addressed: information, instructions, semi-finished products, raw materials;

Who does he collaborate with to complete tasks?

7. Authority.

It is advisable to indicate the powers of management employees - who, what and to what extent they have the right to dispose.

8. Performance standards (required results, expected behavior).

9. Working conditions and environment.

This section describes factors such as noise level, hazardous conditions or high temperature.

Task 2.3. Determination of requirements for candidates.

Based on the prepared job description (task 2.2) and expert assessments prepare requirements for candidates for a specific position. To set out the requirements, you can use the form below as a basis.

For each requirement, indicate its importance using the following characteristics:

1 - very important

3 - desirable.

Requirements for applicants



(underline, specify, explain as necessary)

1.1. Higher special education(indicating specialty)

1.2. Other types of education

1.3. Special training

1.4. Foreign languages

1.5. Specific specialized knowledge


(if possible, indicating work experience)


(underline and explain as necessary)

3.1. Oral speech(in contacts with partners, reports, at meetings, etc., when participating in meetings)

3.2. Written speech(regularly repeated contacts in in writing, exchange of written information, preparation of local regulations, ability to give a written opinion on applications and requests, contacts with external addressees)

3.3. Treatment of colleagues, subordinates, management

3.4. Negotiation skills (e.g., negotiating with..., stating the difficulty or significance of negotiations)

3.5. Ability to make independent decisions (approach to tasks and powers that require a high degree of independence in decision making)

3.6. The ability to take initiative, express a range of ideas in connection with... (give examples)

3.7. Organizational abilities, in particular when organizing work activities in a department

3.8. Ability to manage employees



Task 3.1. Recruitment methods used.

Describe the recruitment methods currently used in the organization or team:

1. Search within the organization (internal recruitment),

2. Selection with the help of employees;

3. Self-proven candidates;

4. Advertisements in local newspapers;

5. Announcements through local radio or television;

6. Appeals to institutes and other educational institutions;

7. State employment agencies;

8. Private employment agencies;

9. Private recruitment agencies;

10. Internet;

11. Appeal to "headhunters".

What explains the use of specific recruitment methods? How is the effectiveness of the methods used assessed?

Task 3.2. Selecting a dialing method.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (tasks 2.2 and 2.3), formulate proposals for the use of recruitment methods.

Task 3.3. Preparing a competition announcement.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (tasks 2.2 and 2.3), formulate the text of the competitive recruitment announcement.


Task 4.1. Selection methods used.

Describe the methods of personnel selection that are currently used in the organization or team:

1. Analysis and assessment of application documents

2. Testing

3. Interview

4. Professional test

5. Group discussion (Assessment Center)

6. Graphological examination

7. Medical examination

8. Security check

9. Check by law enforcement agencies

10. Using a polygraph

What explains the use of specific selection methods? How is the effectiveness of the methods used assessed?

Task 4.2. Selecting a selection method.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (Exercises 2.2 and 2.3), formulate proposals for the use of personnel selection methods.

Task 4.3. Selection based on analysis of application documents.

Formulate a list of documents that the applicant must provide to the organization (taking into account the position and other factors). Sample list:

1. Summary;

2. Application (covering letter);

3. Biography;

4. Questionnaires;

5. Certificates of education;

8. Work record book.

Task 4.4. Selection based on interview results.

Prepare an interview plan and questions aimed at determining the candidate's suitability for the specific position you have chosen.


Exercise. (Internship, 3rd year, 4 weeks)


The short questionnaire below gives you the opportunity to assess the approach to employee orientation that is taking place in the organization. You will immediately see the strengths and weaknesses of adaptation. Each section of the questionnaire involves calculating the sum of points for the section, and then summing up the overall result. Use the following scale when answering questions:

4- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is constantly present in the organization during orientation programs;

3- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is present in the organization in most cases for the majority of employees during orientation programs;

2- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is sometimes used in the organization for some employees during orientation programs;

1- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is not used in the organization or it is unknown to you;

0- if the administration of the organization ( officials who answer asked question) completely disagree with this statement of the questionnaire or, when conducting orientation programs, follows a different, directly opposite line.

Section 1: Planning.

1.The orientation procedure was developed and implemented with the participation of senior management, line managers and human resources management.

2. The benefits of orientation (reducing staff turnover, increasing labor productivity, etc.) are known in the organization and are clearly communicated to the team and newly hired employees.

3.Employee orientation and induction are specialized according to hierarchy levels and types of employees. It is worked out in more detail for the most frequently hired employees.

4.The needs, doubts and fears of new employees are known to those who conduct orientation and induction.

5. Orientation goals have indicators that can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively and concentrate on the employee’s mastering of special knowledge, skills and abilities.

6. The orientation and induction program is linked to the corporate culture of the organization through detailed communication to the employee of the organization’s mission, its vision, goals and priorities.

7.At the end of orientation and onboarding, employees are clearly presented with the policies and procedures that will impact their productivity and quality of work.

8. Issues of occupational health and safety, guarantees and compensation, and workers’ rights during the orientation process are balanced with a statement of workers’ responsibilities.

Section 3: Methods.

9.Orientation and induction takes a long period of time during the probationary period and is an ongoing process and not a one-day event. The information that is provided to the employee is provided exactly when he needs it to perform his job duties.

10.The role of the line manager in the orientation process is clearly described, active and takes place in close contact with the HR representative.

11. Employees undergoing orientation know how to independently find the materials needed for self-study.

12.The materials issued to the employee are complete and meaningful.

Section 4: Procedures and Actions.

13.Adult training methods are used in the orientation process.

14. Orientation and induction are carried out with the active participation of the new employee himself.

15. From time to time, for a number of positions, third-party consultants are hired to provide training during the process. probationary period.

16.The family of the new employee is involved in the orientation and induction process.

Section 5: First day.

17.The workplace and work colleagues are ready for the arrival of a new employee.

18.The first day of the employee stimulates the optimistic mood of the new employee, through various events (formal introductions, tour of the company, if necessary), which involve the immediate supervisor, colleagues and the HR department.

19.Already on the first day new employee performs specific and useful work, albeit with outside help.

20. Already on the first day, the employee is given a job description and is introduced to labor productivity standards and the company’s expectations from his work.

Section 6: Evaluation.

21.New employees and their supervisors are asked to express their views on the orientation, induction and probationary procedures.

22.The orientation process is assessed by participants, senior and middle managers and HR staff for its effectiveness and achievement of set goals.

23.During the probationary period, new employees are given information about their work (evaluation) and special events to increase their productivity.

24.The final results of orientation, assessment and probation are assessed in a formal manner.


by sections.

13-16 points - the orientation program for this section is carried out at a good level.

9-12 points - the orientation program for this section needs minor improvements.

5-8 points - the orientation program for this section is inconsistent and needs improvement.

Less than 5 points - there is practically no orientation program for this section, you should start developing it all over again.

In general, according to the questionnaire:

72-96 points. The orientation program you researched can be assessed as good.

48-71 points. Find out which areas the orientation program does not meet modern requirements, and formulate suggestions for improvement this direction personnel management systems.

25-47 points. The orientation program studied requires serious modification.

Less than 25 points. The orientation program studied does not help the organization in strengthening its competitiveness, and does not contribute to the work with full dedication of new employees from the first day of their employment.


Assignments. (Internship, 4th year, 4 weeks)



Task 1.1. Describe the organization's approach to managing employee performance and behavior.

Describe the approach to managing employee performance and behavior that is currently used in the organization or department. Indicate whether this approach is traditional (certification once every five years) or rather modern, and how it affects the psychological climate and productivity of employees.

Task 1.2. Make a connection between: (a) the organization's strategy and (b) employee performance and behavior.

Explain how an organization's strategy (mission, values, long-term goals and plans) influences performance, employee behavior and professional development workers. If this impact can be improved, explain how you think this could be done.

Task 1.3. Describe the process of managing the performance and behavior of personnel in an organization.

List the stages of the performance and behavior management process used in an organization.

Provide answers to the following questions regarding the process of managing performance and behavior of personnel in an organization:

1. Which elements of this process work most successfully, or what do you think are the positive factors of this process?

2. Which elements of this process are least successful, or what, in your opinion, are the negative factors of this process?

3. What specifically would you like to do to improve the process of managing performance and behavior of personnel in the organization?


Task 2.1. Analysis of evaluation forms used in the organization.

Take the performance and behavior evaluation form used in the organization and analyze it as follows:

1. What are its strengths?

2. Does it have any disadvantages? Which? Explain how they can be eliminated.

Task 2.3. Preparing for an interview to evaluate the performance and behavior of staff.

Prepare an interview to evaluate the employee's performance and behavior using documentation and methods accepted in the organization. Select either an imaginary employee or a real employee as the person being evaluated. Indicate how you have chosen to prepare for the interview, select three aspects of the job to analyze, and explain how you intend to address them. Choose one example for each of the following three situations:

1. Requirements have been exceeded,

2. Requirements are met,

3. Improvement needed.


Task 3.1. Some reasons for low performance.

Select a specific example of poor performance or unacceptable behavior from staff you encountered. List several characteristics of this problem

Which of the following reasons best fits your example?


Lack of skills or abilities

The employee is unable to achieve the performance you expect because he does not have the necessary knowledge or ability to perform the job properly.

Unclear requirements for behavior or performance

The employee is unable to achieve your expectations because he does not have a clear understanding of one or more of the following:

* description of job responsibilities;

* priorities of work or tasks;

* requirements for labor performance;

* requirements for behavior.

Conflicting requirements for behavior or performance

The employee is unable to achieve the performance you expect because he receives conflicting information regarding work priorities; its results or reporting.

Unclear chain of command or reporting

The employee is unable to achieve the results you expect because he does not have a clear understanding of the reporting system. For example, an administrative assistant may perform work that needs to be done by several people.


An employee's mood interferes with his or her ability to perform effectively. official duties.

Health status, stress, psychological problems

The employee is unable to properly perform his job duties due to his health condition.

What other underlying causes may be causing low rates?

Task 3.2. Improving staff performance and behavior.

Identify the problem with the performance and behavior of personnel in the department or organization.

Possible problems to work through:

Systematic absenteeism or tardiness;

Suspected alcoholism or drug addiction;

Failure to meet deadlines for completing assignments;

Failure to comply with official requirements;

Theft of property.

Explain what you would do to solve this problem based on the following three steps:

Recording positive and negative labor indicators;


*-improving employee performance.


Task 4.1. Explain the use of incentives.

1.Give an example of verbal gratitude for good work.

2.Give an example of written gratitude for good work.

3. Give an example of rewarding an employee with some kind of material reward, salary increase or promotion.

4.Give an example of public gratitude in a department or organization.

5.Give an example of the use of a formal program for recognizing and rewarding success that exists in an organization.

Task 4.2. Drawing up an informal incentive plan.

Choose one type of informal recognition and encouragement that can be used in your work team right now. Explain how it should be implemented.

Task 4.3. Analysis of ineffective incentives.

Give an example where an attempt at informal recognition and encouragement failed. Explain why it was ineffective and what could be changed to make it successful.

Task 4.4. Application of official methods of encouragement.

1. Briefly write about the organization's formal methods of recognizing and rewarding success. If such formal methods are not provided, formulate your recommendations for the introduction of such methods and briefly describe what you think they should be.

2. Give three specific examples how formal methods of recognizing and rewarding the successes of employees in the workforce could be used.

Task 4.5. Development of methods for encouraging employees.

Make a list of at least 10 actions that could be taken within the workforce to recognize and reward performance individual workers- both official and unofficial. Organize your ideas into the following categories:

1. Free types of recognition and encouragement of success;

2. Inexpensive types of recognition and encouragement of success;

3. Relatively expensive types of recognition and reward for success.


Sample title page design


Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Academy

Department of Social Work

on industrial practice

Name of enterprise (organization):

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higher professional education



Student Priymak Alexander Sergeevich

I, student Priymak Alexander Sergeevich, during my internship from June 24 to July 21, 2013. at PromAvtomatika LLC, servicing NGP enterprises, fulfilled the approved internship plan, namely:

Functions performed Calendar period Department name Organizational management structure of the enterprise PromAvtomatika LLC 06/24-06/26/2013 PromAvtomatika LLC Introduction and analysis of the enterprise management system. Creation of administrative documents. 06.27-07.01.2013 LLC "PromAvtomatika" Analysis of enterprise management principles, analysis of staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports 02.07 - 08.07. 2013 LLC "PromAvtomatika" Identification of positive and negative aspects in the management system at LLC "PromAvtomatika", development of recommendations for its improvement 07/09 - 07/17/2013 LLC "PromAvtomatika" Drawing up a report on the internship 07/18 - 07/21/2013 LLC "PromAvtomatika"

To undergo industrial practice, I was hired as an assistant manager at PromAvtomatika LLC, which services NGP enterprises.

Having a wealth of experience, PromAvtomatika LLC provides high-quality and timely maintenance NGP enterprises and own projects.

During industrial practice

studied regulations, Charter, documents, job descriptions, regulations, safety instructions;

  • drafted documents, orders for employment and granting leave, letters;
  • carried out instructions from the head of the enterprise;
  • participated in concluding an employment contract;
  • acquired practical skills in enterprise management and work motivation.
  • I completed the following points of the plan:
  • -studied the Charter of the enterprise, the collective agreement, internal regulations, job descriptions of employees, regulations, safety instructions;
  • -completed the instructions for composing a business letter and sending it by registered mail at the address indicated by my practice manager from the enterprise, prepared and distributed documents into cases by groups and types;
  • consolidated existing and acquired new knowledge and skills when working on personnel management of the enterprise;
  • got acquainted with the work of the Department of Forecasting Management;
  • analyzed the enterprise management structure;
  • carried out an analysis based on the results of the survey;
  • developed proposals for improving the enterprise and personnel management system.

I got acquainted with the enterprise, its structure, and types of activities.

REPORT on the internship

Characteristics of the enterprise

To ensure the rhythmic operation of an NGP enterprise to produce competitive products, it is necessary to timely supply production with materials, rational organization transport transportation cargo, as well as maintaining equipment in working condition and providing production with electricity and necessary types fuel. It is the work listed above that constitutes the maintenance content of the NGP enterprise.

Maintenance of an NGP enterprise involves solving the following two tasks: ensuring the normal functioning of the means of labor; ensuring the uninterrupted movement of objects of labor in production.

The solution to the first of the above tasks is carried out during the organization of auxiliary production - repair, energy and instrumental.

In solving the problem rational organization material flows The logistics service, warehousing and transport services are involved.

The structure of these farms and services is determined by the characteristics and scale of the main production, the size of the enterprise, as well as the level of development of its cooperative ties. The combination of repair, energy, instrumental, transport, warehouse and supply services constitutes the system of servicing the production process of the NGP enterprise by PromAvtomatika LLC.

PromAvtomatika LLC was founded in 1999 and operates on the basis Civil Code Russian Federation and Federal Law Russian Federation "On companies with limited liability", in order to provide services for the design, supply, installation, commissioning and repair of various devices and automation systems, equipment and devices. PromAvtomatika LLC is legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the Charter and current legislation Russian Federation. The period of activity of the enterprise is not limited.

The defining areas of activity of PromAvtomatika LLC in servicing NGP enterprises are:

· Installation work, repair and maintenance of electrical distribution and control equipment,

· Service maintenance of NGP enterprises,

· Organization and support of energy metering systems, dispatch systems,

· Project development industrial processes and production related to electrical engineering, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, as well as in the field of industrial construction, systems engineering and safety engineering,

· Production of electrical installation work.

The financial condition of PromAvtomatika LLC is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use financial resources enterprises and all production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The main form in analysis financial condition is balance. According to current regulatory documents, the balance sheet is currently compiled in a net valuation (accounting for fixed assets and small business enterprises at their residual value without taking into account depreciation). The balance sheet total gives an approximate estimate of the amount of funds at the disposal of the enterprise. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an enterprise using a comparative analytical balance sheet.

An analysis of the management system and financial condition of the enterprise according to the indicators I carried out shows that the enterprise has created efficient system management, deviation from the actual and planned number staffing not significant. This allows us to conclude that PromAvtomatika LLC employs not only economic but also managerial professionals.

Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing the managed object to achieve the goals of the organization.

Administrative methods are qualified by the formula of influence (order, instruction, recommendation, instruction, instruction), by the form of transmission (documentary, oral), by the period of use (estimate, month, etc.)

The administrative activities of the organization in question are carried out mainly through the issuance of orders by the head of the organization. By content, orders are divided into two types: by main activity and by personnel.

The order on the main activity is a normative document reflecting management decisions on issues of production and economic activity, planning, reporting, financing, lending, product sales, foreign economic activity, improving the structure and organization of work industrial enterprise etc.

The order signed by the manager is registered by the employee responsible for record keeping. The order comes into force from the moment it is signed, unless another period is indicated in its text.

Analysis of the organizational management structure of PromAvtomatika LLC

When studying regulatory documents institution (in particular, regulations on departments and job descriptions), I built the organizational structure of the institution. Based on the resulting structure, I concluded that the organizational structure belongs to the linear-functional type of organizational structures, since it has a number of specific characteristics inherent to this type:

there is a division of processes into functional units;

both line and functional managers function in the hierarchy of the institution;

functional units report directly to the line manager of the institution.

During the expert survey, respondents were asked questions about the strengths and weaknesses institutions, opportunities and limitations in the development of Promavtomatika LLC. When analyzing the answers, the "SWOT" analysis method was used. The organization does not have a structured database of candidates, there is no assessment system for personnel selection, personnel selection is carried out on the basis of a chaotic conversation during personal contact with the head of the HR department, and then with the director of the organization. Reception of personnel is limited to filling out the necessary documentation and introducing the new employee to his immediate supervisor and team.

The process of adaptation of new employees in an institution takes place outside the zone of regulated processes. Assistance in adaptation to a newcomer from the management is limited to a story about his performance of the required functions, all other information new employee forced to produce independently by turning to his colleagues. There is no control over this process and its results in the institution.

As for the personnel management service, its formation is currently underway.

Thus, as a result of the author’s analysis of the structure and person management system of PromAvtomatika LLC, the following trends were identified:

the management structure of the institution has a linear-functional structure;

the institution does not have a clearly formulated development strategy for the entire organization, or a personnel management strategy in particular;

lack of documentary media documenting HR management technologies;

there is a lack of understanding among a number of managers about the need to change the process of working with personnel;

The main indicators characterizing the size of a trading enterprise are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Indicators characterizing the enterprise for 2010-2012.

No. Indicators201020112012 in % of 20091Volume products sold, тыс. руб.4312389490,32Среднесписочное число работников, человек464293,93Стоимость основных производственных фондов, тыс. руб.89058985100,94Фондоотдача, руб.0,4842433,489,55Фондоемкость, руб.2,06522307,4111,76Валовой доход от реализации товаров, thousand rubles 3912308878.97 Distribution costs, thousand rubles Incl. advertising3604 5002923 40081.1 80.08 Profit, thousand rubles 30816553.69 Profitability level, % of turnover 7.14,259.210 Labor productivity per worker, thousand rubles/person 91.7102.4111.7

From the data in Table 1 it is clear that basically all the performance indicators of the enterprise have deteriorated over the past two years. Thus, the volume of products sold in 2012 decreased by 9.7% compared to 2010, and the number of employees decreased by 4 people. The cost of fixed production assets during the analyzed period increased very slightly (by 0.9%). The organization's profit in 2012 decreased by 46.4% or by 1,463 thousand rubles. the level of profitability in 2012 was 4.2%, which is 40.8% less than the level of 2012.

The wage fund in 2010 is planned according to the standard in the amount of 160 thousand rubles. in fact, it amounted to 164.1 thousand rubles. The level of labor costs in 2012 decreased by 0.01% compared to the previous year, but increased by 0.05% compared to the plan. Savings in the wage fund were achieved by reducing the number of employees of the enterprise this year.

Based on the results of a survey of PromAvtomatika LLC employees, the following conclusions were drawn:

the release of personnel is carried out mainly due to low wages, while management is trying in every possible way to retain highly qualified personnel: increasing wages at the expense of extra-budgetary funds, training, retraining, advanced training at the expense of the employer, creating favorable working conditions, and so on;

the working conditions in which they work are of greatest importance to the organization’s personnel;

The motives that have the greatest value for the organization’s staff are mainly related to self-realization in the profession with normal conditions labor and relationships in the team;

material remuneration appears only in the next sector of the structure; this is mainly due to the limited funds coming from the budget; upon achieving certain labor indicators, the employee understands that he will not be able to receive more funds than allocated from the budget; a small adjustment of these funds is possible from the enterprise’s own budget ;

three clusters (groups) were identified that most clearly characterize the attitude of the team to the characteristics of the job: 44.1% of respondents indicate that they are satisfied with such characteristics as career growth, the system of advanced training, certification and evaluation of personnel, with characteristics that are less satisfactory this group include wages, security, equipment, special programs; 10.3% of respondents are practically satisfied with such characteristics of work as relationships in the team and the work schedule, least of all they are satisfied with the amount of wages, the opportunity for self-realization, the provision of equipment and the opportunity for initiative; 13.2% of respondents are practically dissatisfied with such characteristics as career growth, salary, special programs and equipment provision.

As measures to increase the productivity of PromAvtomatika LLC employees and improve the labor incentive system in the organization, it is proposed to introduce a personnel assessment system. It was proposed to introduce a decentralized remuneration policy at PromAvtomatika LLC, introduce alternative forms of incentives, and complicate marketing goals. Thanks to an effective incentive policy, you can achieve the best results and increase the profit of the enterprise. To motivate employees of the organization in order to improve social status employees, as well as for the efficiency of personnel management, has been developed social program, consisting of intangible and material motivations. These events will help increase professional motivation and increase customer satisfaction; fast and high-quality decision-making related to personnel management at any level of enterprise management; to improve the social status of workers and effective management staff.

So, great value in the development of the sphere commodity circulation has incentives for workers. The main goal of stimulating labor is to establish the earnings of workers depending on the result of their labor and their contribution to the overall results of the enterprise.

During the internship, I got acquainted with the work of the department "Office of Forecasting Management".

Planning can be broadly defined as the activity of “shaping the future.”

The bulk of planning work at PromAvtomatika LLC is performed by employees of the Forecasting Management Department.

Forecasting is one of the management functions, which allows us to anticipate the possibility of unfavorable production situations. The peculiarity of the emergence of a problem situation is the fact that it carries danger, the threat of destruction production system.

On the one hand, forecasting makes it possible to foresee the possibility of the emergence of problematic situations and take preventive measures, and on the other hand, with the appearance of undesirable events, to identify them and identify the degree and depth of the crisis in order to develop a solution to eliminate it. Feature of forecasting in anti-crisis management is the fact that, unlike other cases, here the forecasting is almost constant

All management is based on foresight. But foresight can be different. It varies

by horizons (near future and distant, limited by time or has an indefinite time period),

by form (plan, program, prediction, forecast),

by sources (intuition, scientific analysis, analogy, generalized experience).

The planning process can be represented as a sequential flow of actions, which presents next steps:

) formulation of goals;

) statement of the problem;

) search for possible courses of action;

) assessment of action options;

) decision-making in the form of determining planned parameters;

) management of the organization of plan implementation;

) implementation of planned tasks;

) monitoring the progress of the plan;

) diagnostics and testing of the results of plan implementation based on a comparison of planned and actual parameters, analysis of the causes of deviations.

The ability to foresight becomes most important in the context of increasing complexity of production, growth of its scale, acceleration of scientific and technological development, changes in the socio-psychological and economic conditions of human activity.

One type of foresight is strategy.

IN crisis management strategy plays a special role. It allows you to prepare for crisis situations, recognize the nature of weak signals of crisis development, reduce the number of tactical errors, confidently navigate problems that have consequences in the future, develop and use effective management technologies, and find positive elements in complex crisis situations.

Analysis of the number and structure of personnel

Speaking about the team working at PromAvtomatika LLC, we can say that it consists of 26 people, including the general director. If we talk about the distribution of workers by function and department, we get the following picture:

Commercial management. (6 people, including the General Director), engineering management (6 people), financial - economic management(4 people), Project Management Department (3 people), technical management(7 people).

In order to characterize the structure of the enterprise personnel and its professionalism - qualification level We will use a number of supporting materials, among which the personal files of employees and enterprise statistics turned out to be especially informative. The data obtained was summarized in the following table:

Table 2.

Indicators characterizing the personnel structure of PromAvtomatika LLC

Value of the indicator Indicator in 2011 in 2012 people people Top managers 11 Middle managers 44 Specialists 46 Employees 57 Workers 108 Total: 2426? men1815? women611· working pensioners12· from 45 years to retirement age46· from 35 to 45 years1510· from 25 to 35 years36· to 25 years12· two higher education, postgraduate, doctoral studies00· higher education1012· specialized secondary1213· general secondary21· incomplete secondary00

The level of professional training in the specialty, after an analysis of the personnel composition, is as follows:

Rice. 1 Level of professional training in the specialty of employees of the OOO PromAvtomatika enterprise.

From the above data it is clear that the category of workers whose professional training is based on higher education, increased and amounted to 46% of the total number of employees. This suggests that workers improve their professional training by moving from one category to another. In other categories there are minor fluctuations.

Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of LLC"PromAvtomatika"

It is advisable to begin the analysis of personnel management with an assessment of the provision of OOO PromAvtomatika with labor resources in the reporting year 2012 (see Table 3)

Table 3.

PromAvtomatika OOO's supply of labor resources in 2012 (persons)

It is also necessary to conduct a qualitative analysis of the distribution of employees by age, level of education and length of service (OOO "Top Business Integrator").

Table 4

Distribution of workers by age

Groups of workers by age, years Number of workers at the end of the year, people Share, % 2012 Before 2013.820 - 30519.230 - 40934.640 - 50623.250 - 60311.5 Over 6027.7 Total 26100

The tension in providing OOO "Top Business Integrator" with labor resources can be somewhat relieved through more complete use of the available workforce, increased productivity of workers, intensification of production, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, improvement of technology and production organization.

Complete use of labor resourcesWe will estimate it by the number of days and hours worked by one employee during the analyzed period, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers for each production division and for the enterprise as a whole.

Working time fund(FRV) depends on the number of workers, the number of days worked by one worker on average per year and the average working day:

PDF = CR * D * P

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual working time fund is 16,350 hours less than planned, including due to changes in the number of workers:

FW chr = (CR f -CR pl ) * D pl *P pl = (164-160) * 225 * 7.8 = +7020 hours.

At OOO PromAvtomatika, most of the losses [(492 + 197 + 656) * 7.8 + 9840 = 20330 hours] are caused by subjective factors: additional holidays with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund. Preventing them is equivalent to releasing 11 workers (20,330 / 1,755). Significant in OOO "T.S.V. Transcompany" and unproductive labor costs,which consist of the costs of working time as a result of the provision of low-quality services for the installation and adjustment of networks. They amount to 1640 hours.

Reducing lost working time - one of the reserves for increasing production output.

To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (LOW) due to the fault of the enterprise PromAvtomatika LLC by the planned average hourly production, or in this case, the time of rendering transport services generally:

VP = PRV * CV pl = (20,330 + 1640) * 284.9 = 6259.2 thousand rubles

Unproductive labor costs due to defects in the work of OOO PromAvtomatika amounted to 1,640 hours. Due to this, the level of average hourly output decreased by 0.6%, or by 1.71 rubles. Modernization of existing equipment made it possible to reduce labor costs by 5,670 man-hours, or 2.02%, which is why the level of average hourly output increased by 2.06%, or by 5.87 rubles.

Personnel policy OOO "PromAvtomatika"

The personnel policy of the enterprise includes the following areas of activity:

Recruitment and selection of personnel


Job Descriptions

Personnel assessment

Staff development

Creation of a personnel reserve

Let's take a closer look at each of the HR functions.

The main objectives of personnel selection are:

creating a reserve of candidates for employment;

formation of requirements for professions and positions;

assessment of potential candidates.

The search for candidates for vacant positions is carried out both within the enterprise and outside it.

The starting point for selecting and hiring personnel at OOO PromAvtomatika is to determine the need for personnel. Regardless of whether there is already a specific candidate to fill the vacancy, or whether outside candidates will be required, the manager structural unit fills out the personnel requirements application, candidate requirements and job description.

The personnel requirements application is filled out annually at the beginning of the year, as well as in cases of need, but no less than a month before the actual date from which the new employee must begin work.

Based on the request for staffing needs, the HR department advertises vacancies. First, advertising is carried out within the company OOO PromAvtomatika itself. Advertisement posted on the bulletin board and distributed electronically.

For all candidates wishing to work at OOO PromAvtomatika, questionnaires are filled out in the HR department, on the basis of which a electronic database data.

Candidates who meet the requirements are interviewed by the Human Resources Department.

The HR department creates a personal file of a potential candidate and transfers it to the immediate head of the structural unit in which there is a vacant position, for reference.

The selection of candidates is carried out by the immediate head of the structural unit. If the manager has not selected a suitable candidate, he informs the HR department employee about the need to continue the search and clarifies the specifics of his requirements for the candidate or explains why the candidates presented to him do not meet the requirements.

After the final decision is made, the head of the HR department notifies all applicants for the position. Applicants for whom negative decisions were made receive polite refusal in hiring. Information about them is entered into a database of potential candidates.

After a candidate is approved for a position, an employment contract is drawn up. Employment contract signed by the citizen and the general director of PromAvtomatika LLC.

Employment contract signed general director, is the basis for registering a citizen’s employment.

Hiring is formalized by order of the enterprise.

A newly arriving employee undergoes introductory briefings on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, rules fire safety and other labor protection rules.

The introduction to the position is carried out by the HR department and the head of the relevant structural unit. The employee is familiarized with all the main provisions of PromAvtomatika LLC. These include:

brief description organization, its structure and management systems, history of OOO "PromAvtomatika";

collective agreement;

internal labor regulations;

provision on bonuses for the main results of economic activities.

After completing an internship at PromAvtomatika LLC, I formed the opinion that at PromAvtomatika LLC the main problem in the enterprise management system is the psychological dissatisfaction of the staff with the work environment. Without conducting special psychological research, we can draw some intermediate conclusions and recommendations for improving the personnel management system. The main problem of the personnel management system is the unfavorable psychological environment leading to tension and conflict situations.

The psychological climate of the collective, which reveals itself primarily in the relationships of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Thus, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes and a certain situation - the social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual.

Each team member based on all other parameters psychological climate develops in himself a consciousness, perception, assessment and sense of his “I” corresponding to this climate within the framework of this particular community of people.

Often people appear in a team who are dissatisfied with some aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. may serve as a cause or occasion for conflict.

In order to correct the existing negative situation at the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a number of measures that would help improve corporate culture in general and reducing the number of conflicts in the team in particular.

There are several effective ways managing a conflict situation. A simple difference in character should not be considered the cause of conflicts, although, of course, it can become the only cause of a conflict situation, but in the general case it is just one of the factors. You need to start by analyzing the actual causes and then apply the appropriate methodology.

As a way to prevent the appearance of conflict situations, I propose to use a method of interpersonal contact that would be organized.

The plan for such events can be presented in the form of the following table. (see table 5)

personnel personnel policy psychological

Table 5.

Activities aimed at improving the psychological situation in the team

Name of the event Date of the event Purpose of the event 1. Sports competitions between departments Spring, autumn. Nothing unites a team better than a common goal and competitive conditions. In this capacity, sporting events are ideal2. Field trips (Bird Day, Forest Day, System Administrator Day, Tourist Day, Harvest Festival, etc.)Depending on seasonal and weather conditions, at least once every six months An informal atmosphere always helps to find common language, distract from work problems and promotes the search for common interests, areas of common behavior between people3. Corporate parties Once a quarter, it can be timed to coincide with some event, and not necessarily an official one. You can simply arrange “March 8 Day”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, New Year. It has approximately the same goals as the previous group of events; in general, they are aimed at establishing interpersonal contacts in an informal setting4. Family holidays (Father's Day, Mother's Day, Children's Day) Father's Day - the third Sunday of July, Mother's Day - the last Sunday of November, Children's Day - June 1. Carrying out family events provides another additional opportunity to establish not only interpersonal, but also inter-family connections, which strengthens the connection between generations. And contributes to the development of working dynasties in the enterprise

This plan is approximate; when implementing it, it is important not to overdo it with the frequency of such events, since this also causes additional fatigue in the team, and, accordingly, the formation of a negative attitude towards work.

Among the private methods of resolving conflict situations and improving the psychological situation in a team are:

formation of organization-wide comprehensive goals. Effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea behind this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal;

development of interpersonal conflict resolution styles, including the style of avoidance, smoothing, coercion, compromise and problem solving.

To summarize, we can conclude that the organization’s personnel and their management, regardless of the size of the group, must always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously structure their behavior and choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise . And subordinates strived for innovations and improvements; there was a desire to work and be in demand.


student's INS_ 008-0027 ________________________

Direction of preparation _ Management _

Priymak Alexander Sergeevich

No. Date Summary of the work performed Place of work (position held) 06/1/24/2013 I became familiar with the structure of the organization, its divisions and departments. Studying the history of enterprise development. I got acquainted with the Charter, internal regulations, safety instructions. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 06/25/2013 I got acquainted with organizational structure company, the principles of its work in the market. Compiled together with the head of practice S.N. Kaplev individual task (plan). Enterprise office work. General rules drawing up various documents I got acquainted with the collective agreement. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 06/3/26/2013 Analysis of the organizational management structure of PromAvtomatika LLC. Used the studied production management methods. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 06/4/27/2013 Familiarized with the personnel management system at the enterprise. Participated in drawing up orders for personnel: - on hiring, on granting leave. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager 06/5/28/06/30/2013 Analysis of the enterprise management system, department "Forecasting Management Department". I became familiar with the rules for preparing organizational and administrative documents and administrative documents. Participated in writing an order on granting parental leave. Filled out an employment contract. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 01/01/07/2013 Analysis of the personnel management system at the enterprise. Participated in holding planning meetings, drawing up purchase and sale agreements. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 02/02/07/2013 Analysis of the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, analysis of staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports. Participated in drawing up an order for the dismissal of an employee, in filling out work book employee. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 07/03/2013 Studied the personnel management system, as well as the personnel planning process at the enterprise. Studied archival documents. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 04/04/07/2013 Analyzed the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports. Studied the adoption process management decisions.PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 05/10/07/07/08/2013 Got acquainted with the management bodies of the labor collective, their composition and powers; collective agreements and their role in regulating relations in an enterprise (organization) and in the development of self-government. Psychology of small groups and teams. Stages of team formation. Studied the financial statements. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 09/11/07/07/10/2013. Identified positive and negative aspects in the personnel management system at PromAvtomatika LLC. Conflict situations and ways to resolve them. Analyzed the financial stability of the enterprise. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 07/11-07/12/2013. Studied personnel selection and hiring. Familiarized himself with the main directions of organizing the work of a manager and his subordinates, planning individual work and its content. Collected indicators characterizing the personnel structure. LLC PromAvtomatika, assistant manager 07/15/17/07/2013 Developed recommendations for improvement in the personnel management system at LLC PromAvtomatika. Participated in the preparation and conduct of a business meeting, conversation, and reception of visitors. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager 07/18/07/21/2013 Collecting information for writing a final qualifying thesis. Drawing up a report on the completion of industrial practice together with the head of the internship from the enterprise. PromAvtomatika LLC, assistant manager

07.2013 Student ______ Priymak A.S.


personnel personnel policy psychological


Internship is an important element in preparing a future specialist. Industrial practice gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the training process in practice, to develop skills independent work. I learned to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge when solving specific professional issues. During my internship, the bulk of the knowledge I acquired during my studies was in demand.

Industrial practice helped me understand how much depends on a well-created management system at an enterprise - from correctly selected personnel to effective work with information. It is very important for a company manager to develop suitable system personnel management, learn to stimulate employees.

During my industrial practice, I studied the regulations of PromAvtomatika LLC, which serves NGP enterprises, the Charter of the enterprise, internal regulations, job descriptions, regulations, and safety instructions. Learned to draw up orders for core activities and personnel, business letters, purchase and sale agreement, enter into an employment contract with the employee; conduct and analyze surveys, draw conclusions based on their results and make recommendations.

During the internship, I became acquainted with and analyzed the structure of the management apparatus of the enterprise PromAvtomatika LLC, the department "Forecasting Management Department", with the organization's experience, planning and management, with management methods labor collective; with the existing practice of planning the work of team members and assessing its results, the procedure for drawing up and passing official documentation. I learned the technology of preparing and making management decisions and organizing their execution. Acquired practical skills in enterprise management and work motivation

In the course of writing this report on my internship, I analyzed and researched the main issues related to the enterprise management system and personnel management. As a result of the analysis, we can conclude that PromAvtomatika LLC is a successfully operating service company that has high competitive advantages However, against the backdrop of successful economic prosperity, the company experiences staff turnover. In the course of a study of various areas of the functioning of the enterprise management system, I came to the conclusion that this fact is associated primarily with the psychological dissatisfaction of personnel with the process work activity.

As recommendations, proposals were developed to improve the enterprise management system, an action plan was drawn up that would help defuse the tense psychological situation in the company and improve interpersonal relationships between staff.


Promavtomatika LLC employee profile

Dear managers and specialists!

Currently, PromAvtomatika LLC is studying the personnel management system. In this regard, we ask you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is not only to study the existing personnel management system, but also to have a sincere desire to improve it in your interests. The questionnaire is anonymous. The accuracy of your answers will allow you to draw reliable conclusions. Please read the questions carefully and circle the number that corresponds to your answer option. You can give multiple answers to one question or write your answer on the blank line. We hope for your understanding and support!

What attracts you to work in this organization?

(check the three positions that are most significant to you or write your answer in the empty spaces)

prestige of the institution 001

interesting work 002

opportunity to realize your professional potential 003

salary level 004

team relationships 005

career opportunity 006

location of organization 007

internal culture 008

Do you have enough knowledge for the job you are doing?

quite enough 011

mostly enough 012

not enough 013

I find it difficult to answer 014

Do you need advanced training?

I find it difficult to answer 017

Do you have a job description at your workplace?

Do you have to perform work that is not typical for your position?

I find it difficult to answer 022

Do you think your work is assessed objectively?

(one answer possible)

evaluation criteria are too high 023

the assessment is quite objective 024

evaluation criteria are too low 025

no evaluation criteria 026

I find it difficult to answer 027

How do you feel about innovations in organization and management?

I easily accept and adapt to them 029

I am more satisfied with the usual methods of work 030

I am against innovation 031

didn't think about it 032

How do you think your career is shaping up?

successful 034

not too good 035

not at all successful 036

I find it difficult to answer 037

To what extent are you satisfied:

(please circle the answer in each row of the table)

IndicatorsDegree of satisfaction Completely Satisfied. Satisfied. Not quite Satisfied. Not satisfied. I can’t say with the personnel selection system038039040041042 with the adaptation system for young specialists043044045046047 with the content of work048049050051052 with the organization of work053054055056057 with working conditions0580590 60061062rof nervous tension068069070071072prospects for career growth073074075077078management style of your depstyle of the organizain your department08909 0091092093 relations between departments 094095096097098 system for evaluating your work 099100101102103 system of industrial relations 104105106107108 distribution of responsibilities within the department 109110111112113 information support 114115116117118 computer support 119 120121122123materially technical support124125126127128culture of the of the organization in the city134135136137138training system139140141141143ability to make independent dmanagement system149150151152153management system of the organization154 155156157158

10. Which of the following conditions would influence your desire to change jobs?

more high salary 159

better relationships in the team 160

fewer claims and demands 161

opportunity to open your own business 162

clearer definition of the boundaries of my responsibilities 163

quieter work 164

less risky job 165

I am not going to change my job under any circumstances 167

Please, a few words about yourself:

Your age:

one year and older

What education do you have?

average 181

secondary vocational 182

n\ higher, higher 183

Your work experience in the organization:

up to 1 year 184

more than 5 years 187


Tags: Enterprise personnel management system Practice report Management

- 263.00 Kb

Order number –

Type of work – practice report

"Financial Management"

Deadline – today J

Volume – 15 pages


Industrial practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including “Human Resources Management”. During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, and students acquire practical work skills in their chosen specialty and assigned qualifications.

The main purpose of practical training is the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired during training. The main result of this work is a report on the internship, which contains all the results of the student’s activities during the internship period and an analysis of the main indicators of personnel management in the organization.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

Study and participation in the development of organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical documents for solving individual problems of personnel management of the organization at the place of internship;

Development of proposals for improving the personnel management subsystem of the organization's management system;

Collection necessary materials and documents for completing course projects in the disciplines “Organizational Personnel Management” and “Work Motivation” in accordance with the chosen topic.

This report consists of an introduction, conclusion, bibliography and the main part, which in turn consists of a list of production and introductory issues on which the main analytical work was carried out.

The basis for the internship was logistics company T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, which operates in the field of transportation and rental of vehicles.

  1. Individual work plan

    The internship period is from 02.09. to 09/23/2010

    Place of internship – Administration of Rudakovsky rural settlement

    Internship position – HR manager

Functions performed Calendar term Department name
Familiarization with the organizational administration structure, the principles of its work. 22.10-24.10
Introduction and analysis of the administration's personnel management system. Familiarization with the Administration Charter, job descriptions of the HR manager 27.10-31.10
Analysis of the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, analysis of personnel turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports 3.11 – 7.11
    Enterprise archive, HR department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC
Identification of positive and negative aspects in the personnel management system at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, development of recommendations for its improvement 10.11 – 15.11 LLC "T.S.V. Transcompany"
Drawing up a report on the completion of industrial practice together with the internship supervisor from the enterprise 17.11 – 18.11
    Human Resources Department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

    2. General characteristics of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

The limited liability company T.S.V. Transcompany LLC was created in 1995. This is a stable, dynamically developing company. It is headed by professionals, the personnel are qualified operators, economists and managers who have received special education and have extensive experience.

The main activity of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is transport logistics.

Having a wealth of experience, T.S.V. Transcompany LLC provides high-quality and timely technical service for its own projects.

Speaking about the management structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that management depends on the form of legal existence of the organization.

LLC "T.S.V. Transcompany"is a limited liability company, i.e. it is commercial organization founded by several persons, authorized capital which is divided into shares of certain sizes. The size of the share of each participant is fixed in the constituent documents. The number of founders is 5 people.

1. Responsibility of participants.

Participants are not liable for the obligations of the company and bear the risk of losses within the value of their contributions.

2. Constituent documents.

At T.S.V. Transcompany LLCorganizational basis legal registration consist of two main documents:

The constituent agreement, which is signed by all founders.

Charter, which is approved by the founders.

3. Control.

The highest governing body is general meeting participants. The executive management body is the Director.

4. Right to withdraw from the partnership.

Members may withdraw from the society at any time, regardless of the consent of other members. A participant can transfer his share to another private owner, if not prohibited by the charter, then to a third party.

The organizational structure of the enterprise can be represented as follows: (see diagram 1)

Scheme 1.

Organizational structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Commercial management implements the marketing strategy of the enterprise, concludes and maintains contracts with suppliers, forms and maintains a regulatory framework for labor.

Engineering Department is responsible for the operation of warranty and post-warranty service stations.

Financial and economic management is engaged financial statements and providing reports to relevant organizations, and also controls the financial flows of the company and distributes them in accordance with the strategic plan of the enterprise.

Project Management Department is responsible for the scientific validity of the chosen management strategy and economic development of the enterprise.

Technical management assumes functions at the enterprise technical control, is engaged in technical checks of cars going on sale for absence of defects and authenticity trademark and compliance with the requirements that Russian legislation imposes on such types of services.

The financial condition of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use of the enterprise’s financial resources and all production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The main form when analyzing financial condition is the balance sheet. According to current regulatory documents, the balance sheet is currently compiled in a net valuation (accounting for fixed assets and small business enterprises at their residual value without taking into account depreciation). The balance sheet total gives an approximate estimate of the amount of funds at the disposal of the enterprise. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an enterprise using a comparative analytical balance sheet. 1

An analysis of the personnel management system and the financial condition of the enterprise according to the indicators carried out by the author shows that the enterprise has created an effective personnel management system; the deviation from the actual and planned number of personnel is not significant. This allows us to conclude thatLLC "T.S.V. Transcompany"We employ professionals not only of an economic, but also of a managerial nature.

  1. Analysis of the number and structure of personnel

Speaking about the team working at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that it consists of 26 people, including the general director. If we talk about the distribution of workers by function and department, we get the following picture:

Commercial management. (6 people, including the General Director), engineering department (6 people), financial and economic department (4 people), project management department (3 people), technical department (7 people).

In order to characterize the structure of the enterprise’s personnel and its professional and qualification level, we will use a number of auxiliary materials, among which the personal files of employees and enterprise statistics turned out to be especially informative. The data obtained was summarized in the following table:

Table 2.

Indicators characterizing the personnel structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

The value of the indicator
Indicator in 2007 in 2008
people % people %
1 2 3 4 5
Senior managers 1 1
Middle managers 4 4
Specialists 4 6
Employees 5 7
Workers 10 6
Total: 24 100 26 100
· men 18 15
· women 6 11
· working pensioners 1 2
· from 45 years to retirement age 4 6
· from 35 to 45 years 15 10
· from 25 to 35 years 3 6
· up to 25 years 1 2
· two higher degrees, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies 0 0
· higher education 16 18
secondary special 6 7
general average 2 1
· incomplete secondary 0 0

Job description

Industrial practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including “Human Resources Management”. During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, and students acquire practical work skills in their chosen specialty and assigned qualifications.


Introduction 3
1. Individual plan works 4
2. General characteristics of the Administration of Rudakovsky village 5
3. Analysis of the number and structure of personnel of the Administration of Rudakovsky village 8
4. Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system. 10
5. Personnel policy 13
6. Conclusions and recommendations for improving the personnel management system and individual functions in personnel management 16
Conclusion 19
References: 28

Type of work – practice report

Subject – personnel management

Introduction 3

1. Individual work plan 4

2. General characteristics of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC 5

3. Analysis of the number and structure of personnel 7

4. Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC. 10

5. Personnel policy of OOO “T.S.V. Transcompany” 13

Conclusion 19

References: 20


Industrial practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including “Human Resources Management”. During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, and students acquire practical work skills in their chosen specialty and assigned qualifications.

The main purpose of practical training is the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired during training. The main result of this work is a report on the internship, which contains all the results of the student’s activities during the internship period and an analysis of the main indicators of personnel management in the organization.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

Study and participation in the development of organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical documents for solving individual problems of personnel management of the organization at the place of internship;

Development of proposals for improving the personnel management subsystem of the organization's management system;

Collection of necessary materials and documents for completing course projects in the disciplines “Human Resource Management” and “Work Motivation” in accordance with the chosen topic.

This report consists of an introduction, conclusion, bibliography and the main part, which in turn consists of a list of production and introductory issues on which the main analytical work was carried out.

The basis for the internship was the logistics company T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, which operates in the field of transportation and rental of vehicles.

    Individual work plan

The internship period is from 22.10. to 11/18/2008

Place of internship: T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Internship position – HR manager

Functions performed

Calendar term

Department name

Familiarization with the organizational structure of the company, the principles of its work in the market.

LLC "T.S.V. Transcompany"

Acquaintance and analysis with the personnel management system at the enterprise. Familiarization with the company's Charter, job descriptions of the HR manager

Analysis of the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, analysis of personnel turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports

Enterprise archive, HR department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Identification of positive and negative aspects in the personnel management system at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, development of recommendations for its improvement

LLC "T.S.V. Transcompany"

Drawing up a report on practical training together with the internship supervisor from the enterprise

Human Resources Department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

2. General characteristics of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

The limited liability company T.S.V. Transcompany LLC was created in 1995. This is a stable, dynamically developing company. It is headed by professionals, the personnel are qualified operators, economists and managers who have received special education and have extensive experience.

The main activity of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is transport logistics.

Having a wealth of experience, T.S.V. Transcompany LLC provides high-quality and timely technical service for its own projects.

Speaking about the management structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that management depends on the form of legal existence of the organization.

T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is a limited liability company, that is, it is a commercial organization established by several persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of certain sizes. The size of the share of each participant is fixed in the constituent documents. The number of founders is 5 people.

1. Responsibility of participants.

Participants are not liable for the obligations of the company and bear the risk of losses within the value of their contributions.

2. Constituent documents.

At T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, the organizational basis for legal registration is made up of two main documents:

The constituent agreement, which is signed by all founders.

Charter, which is approved by the founders.

3. Control.

The supreme governing body is the general meeting of participants. Executive body management is the Director.

4. Right to withdraw from the partnership.

Members may withdraw from the society at any time, regardless of the consent of other members. A participant can transfer his share to another private owner, if not prohibited by the charter, then to a third party.

The organizational structure of the enterprise can be represented as follows: (see diagram 1)

General manager

Financial and economic management

Commercial management

Technical management

Forecasting Management Department

Engineering Department

Organizational structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Commercial management implements the marketing strategy of the enterprise, concludes and maintains contracts with suppliers, forms and maintains regulatory framework by work.

Engineering Department is responsible for the operation of warranty and post-warranty service stations.

Financial and economic management deals with financial reporting and reporting to relevant organizations, and also controls financial flows firm, and distributes them in accordance with the strategic plan of the enterprise.

Project Management Department is responsible for the scientific validity of the chosen management strategy and economic development of the enterprise.

Technical management at the enterprise takes on the functions of technical control, is engaged in technical checks of cars going on sale for absence of defects, for the authenticity of the trademark and for compliance with the requirements imposed by Russian legislation for similar types of services.

The financial condition of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use of the enterprise’s financial resources and all production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The main form when analyzing financial condition is the balance sheet. According to current regulatory documents, the balance sheet is currently compiled in a net valuation (accounting for fixed assets and small business enterprises at their residual value without taking into account depreciation). The balance sheet total gives an approximate estimate of the amount of funds at the disposal of the enterprise. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an enterprise using a comparative analytical balance sheet.

An analysis of the personnel management system and the financial condition of the enterprise according to the indicators carried out by the author shows that the enterprise has created an effective personnel management system; the deviation from the actual and planned number of personnel is not significant. This allows us to conclude that T.S.V. Transcompany LLC employs not only economic but also managerial professionals.

    Analysis of the number and structure of personnel

Speaking about the team working at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that it consists of 26 people, including the general director. If we talk about the distribution of workers by function and department, we get the following picture:

Commercial management. (6 people, including the General Director), engineering department (6 people), financial and economic department (4 people), project management department (3 people), technical department (7 people).

In order to characterize the structure of the enterprise’s personnel and its professional and qualification level, we will use a number of auxiliary materials, among which the personal files of employees and enterprise statistics turned out to be especially informative. The data obtained was summarized in the following table:

Table 2.

Indicators characterizing the personnel structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Senior managers

Middle managers



· men

· women

· working pensioners

· from 45 years to retirement age

· from 35 to 45 years

· from 25 to 35 years

· up to 25 years

· two higher degrees, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies

· higher education

secondary special

general average

· incomplete secondary

The level of professional training in the specialty, after an analysis of the personnel composition, is as follows:

Rice. 1 Level of professional training in the specialty of employees of the T.S.V. Transcompany LLC enterprise.

From the above data it is clear that the category of employees whose professional training is more than a year has changed noticeably during the reporting period, there is a downward trend from 27% to 22%, and the category of employees whose professional training is based on higher education increased by 7% and amounted to 27% of the total number of employees. This suggests that workers improve their professional training by moving from one category to another. In other categories there are minor fluctuations.

4. Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of LLC "T.S.V. Transcompany".

It is advisable to begin the analysis of personnel management with an assessment of the provision of OOO T.S.V. Transcompany with labor resources in the reporting year 2008 (see Table 3)

Table 3.

Provision of OOO "T.S.V. Transcompany" with labor resources for 2008. (persons)

It is also necessary to conduct a qualitative analysis of OOO “Top Business Integrator”, i.e., the distribution of employees by age (for workers), by level of education and by length of service.

Table 4

Distribution of workers by age OOO “Top Business Integrator”

The tension in providing OOO “Top Business Integrator” with labor resources can be somewhat relieved through more complete use of the available workforce, increased productivity of workers, intensification of production, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, improvement of technology and organization of production.

Complete use of labor resources We will estimate it by the number of days and hours worked by one employee during the analyzed period, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers for each production division and for the enterprise as a whole.

Working time fund(FRV) depends on the number of workers, the number of days worked by one worker on average per year and the average working day:

PDF = CR * D * P

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual working time fund is 16,350 hours less than planned, including due to changes in the number of workers:

∆FRV chr = (CR f -CR pl) * D pl * P pl = (164-160) * 225 * 7.8 = +7020 h.

In OOO T.S.V. Transcompany, most of the losses [(492 + 197 + 656) * 7.8 + 9840 = 20330 hours] are caused by subjective factors: additional leaves with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund. Preventing them is equivalent to releasing 11 workers (20,330 / 1,755). Significant in OOO T.S.V. Transcompany and unproductive labor costs, which consist of the costs of working time as a result of the provision of low-quality services for the installation and adjustment of networks. They amount to 1640 hours.

Reducing lost working time – one of the reserves for increasing production output. To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (LOW) due to the fault of the enterprise T.S.V. Transcompany LLC by the planned average hourly output, or in this case, the time for providing transport services as a whole:

∆VP = PRV * CV pl = (20,330 + 1640) * 284.9 = 6259.2 thousand rubles

Unproductive labor costs due to defects in the work of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC amounted to 1,640 hours. Due to this, the level of average hourly output decreased by 0.6%, or by 1.71 rubles. Modernization of existing equipment made it possible to reduce labor costs by 5,670 man-hours, or 2.02%, which is why the level of average hourly output increased by 2.06%, or by 5.87 rubles.

5. Personnel policy of OOO T.S.V. Transcompany

The personnel policy of the enterprise includes the following areas of activity:

1. recruitment and selection of personnel

2. adaptation

3. job descriptions

4. personnel assessment

5. staff development

6. creation of a personnel reserve

Let's take a closer look at each of the HR functions.

Recruitment and selection of personnel

The main objectives of personnel selection are:

Creating a reserve of candidates for hiring;

Formation of requirements for professions and positions;

Assessment of potential candidates.

The search for candidates for vacant positions is carried out both within the enterprise and outside it.

The starting point for selecting and hiring personnel at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is to determine the need for personnel. Regardless of whether there is already a specific candidate to fill the vacancy, or whether it will be necessary to attract third-party candidates, the head of the structural unit fills out an application for personnel requirements, requirements for the candidate and a job description.

The personnel requirements application is filled out annually at the beginning of the year, as well as in cases of need, but no less than a month before the actual date from which the new employee must begin work.

Based on the request for staffing needs, the HR department advertises vacancies. First, advertising is carried out within the company OOO T.S.V. Transcompany itself. The advertisement is placed on a notice board and distributed electronically.

For all candidates wishing to work at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, questionnaires are filled out in the personnel management department, on the basis of which an electronic database is formed.

Candidates who meet the requirements are interviewed by the HR department and also tested by a company psychologist.

The HR department creates a personal file of a potential candidate and transfers it to the immediate head of the structural unit in which there is a vacant position for review.

The selection of candidates is carried out by the immediate head of the structural unit. If the manager has not selected a suitable candidate, he informs the HR department employee about the need to continue the search and clarifies the specifics of his requirements for the candidate or explains why the candidates presented to him do not meet the requirements.

After the final decision is made, the head of the HR department notifies all applicants for the position. Applicants for whom negative decisions are made are politely refused employment. Information about them is entered into a database of potential candidates.

After a candidate is approved for a position, an employment contract is drawn up. The employment contract is endorsed by the head of the structural unit, as well as by the following persons:

Branch director;

Head of the Human Resources Department;

Legal specialist.

The employment contract is signed by the citizen being hired and submitted for signature to the general director of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC.

An employment contract signed by the general director is the basis for formalizing the employment of a citizen.

Hiring is issued by orders for the enterprise.

A newly hired employee undergoes induction training on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire safety rules and other labor protection rules.

The introduction to the position is carried out by the HR department and the head of the relevant structural unit. The employee is familiarized with all the main provisions of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC. These include:

Brief description of the organization, its structure and management system, history of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC;

Collective agreement;

Internal labor regulations;

Regulations on bonuses for the main results of economic activities.

According to the author of this work, who underwent practical training at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, the main problem in the personnel management system is the psychological dissatisfaction of personnel with the work environment. Without conducting special psychological research, we can draw some intermediate conclusions and recommendations for improving the personnel management system. The main problem of the personnel management system is the unfavorable psychological environment leading to tension and conflict situations.

The psychological climate of the collective, which reveals itself primarily in the relationships of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Thus, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes and a certain situation - the social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual.

Each member of the team, on the basis of all other parameters of the psychological climate, develops in himself a consciousness, perception, assessment and sense of his “I” within this particular community of people that corresponds to this climate.

Often people appear in a team who are dissatisfied with some aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. may serve as a cause or occasion for conflict.

In order to correct the existing negative situation at the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a number of measures that would help improve corporate culture in general and reduce the number of conflicts in the team in particular.

There are several effective ways to manage a conflict situation. A simple difference in character should not be considered the cause of conflicts, although, of course, it can become the only cause of a conflict situation, but in the general case it is just one of the factors. You need to start by analyzing the actual causes and then apply the appropriate methodology.

As a way to prevent the very emergence of conflict situations, the author of this work proposes to use the method of interpersonal contact, which would be of an organized nature.

The plan for such events can be presented in the form of the following table. (see table 5)

Table 5.

Activities aimed at improving the psychological situation in the team

Event name


Purpose of the event

1. Sports competitions between divisions


Nothing unites a team better than a common goal and competitive conditions. In this capacity, sporting events are ideal

2. Field trips

(Sea Day,

System Administrator Day, Programmer Day, Leshy Day,

Harvest Festival, etc.)

Depending on seasonal and weather conditions, at least once every six months

An informal atmosphere always helps to find a common language, take a break from work problems and promotes the search for common interests and areas of common ground in people’s behavior

3. Corporate parties

Once a quarter, it can be timed to coincide with some event, and not necessarily an official one. You can just have a “Burnt Light Bulb Day”

It has approximately the same goals as the previous group of events, generally aimed at establishing interpersonal contacts in an informal setting

4. Family holidays

(Father's Day,

Mother's Day,

Children's Day)

Father's Day - third Sunday in July

Mother's Day - last Sunday in November

Holding family events provides another additional opportunity to establish not only interpersonal, but also interfamily connections, which strengthens the connection between generations. And contributes to the development of working dynasties in the enterprise

This plan is approximate; when implementing it, it is important not to overdo it with the frequency of such events, since this also causes additional fatigue in the team, and, accordingly, the formation of a negative attitude towards work.

Among the private methods of resolving conflict situations and improving the psychological situation in a team are:

Formation of organization-wide comprehensive goals. Effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea behind this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal;

Developing interpersonal styles of conflict resolution, including the style of avoidance, smoothing, coercion, compromise and problem solving.

To summarize, we can conclude that the organization’s personnel and their management, regardless of the size of the group, must always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously structure their behavior and choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise . And subordinates strived for innovations and improvements; there was a desire to work and be in demand.


In conclusion, we can say that the entire period of internship was full of analytical work on various aspects of the company’s activities. These areas of activity included not only the personnel management system, but also economic and financial issues of the company's functioning in the market.

In the course of writing this report on the internship, the author analyzed and investigated the main issues related to the personnel management system. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is a successfully operating leasing company that has high competitive advantages, however, against the backdrop of successful economic prosperity, the company experiences staff turnover. In the course of a study of various areas of the functioning of the personnel management system, the author of this work came to the conclusion that this fact is associated primarily with the psychological dissatisfaction of personnel with the process of work activity.

List of used literature:

    Abramova G.P. Marketing: Questions and answers. - M.: Agropromizdat, 2000

    Karlof B. Business strategy (Concept, content, symbols). - Per. from English - M.: Economics, 2001. - 248 p.

    Kibanov A.Ya. Organizational personnel management: workshop. M. Economics, 2006. 232 p.

    Lapin A. Formation of a personnel management system. M. Nauka., 2003. 342 p.

    Livshits A.Ya. Introduction to market economics. Course of lectures. - M., PMT TPO "Kvadrat", 2001. - 225 p.

    Magura M.I. Place of search and selection of personnel in common system personnel management. M. Economics. 2003. 454s

    Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management. M. MSU. 2006. 344s

    Moseykin Yu.N. Strategic planning. Course of lectures: Tutorial. - M.: Publishing house RUDN, 2005. - 80 p.

    Reference manual for the director of a production association, enterprise: (Economics, organization, planning, management), in 2 volumes. - M.: Economics, 2000.

    Explanatory terminological dictionary-reference book on economics. - M.: SP Infokont, 2001.

    Tyurina I.O. Personnel management: the process of personnel selection, Moscow State University. 2006. 433s

    Frank E. Consulting firms and selection of human capital: Personnel selection services. M. Science. 2003. 343s.

Do not submit your downloaded work to your teacher!

This practice report can be used by you as a sample, in accordance with the example, but with the data of your enterprise, you can easily write a report on your topic.

Hello, dear reader.

This article consists of the following sections:

  1. How to count the days of practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a pre-diploma practice diary
  3. Lots of items to use when filling out your diary
  4. Some important questions at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out the pre-diploma practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any student work exchange, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers:

How to fill out a diary of pre-graduate (or industrial) practice as an economist? To fill it out you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice lasts (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put dates in your diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service: .
    That is, for each week in practice you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day you will need to write several tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. The supervisor will mark the completion. Usually the word “completed” is written there.
    If in reality you were not in practice at all, you will have to invent points. There should be 3-5 of them in each cell.

I think the logic of filling out the diary is already clear to you. Below is a list of possible points and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Getting to know the management of the enterprise and your immediate supervisor
  3. Meeting the practice manager
  4. Preparation of documents for arrival to practice
  5. Signing an order for access to the enterprise
  6. Completing safety training
  7. Familiarization with the provisions on trade secrets
  8. Signing documents on trade secrets
  9. Corporate conduct training
  10. Meeting the organization's employees
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart for company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Assessing the scale of the company's work
  15. History of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Compilation brief description enterprises
  17. Familiarization with the industry of the enterprise in Russia
  18. Studying legal aspects activities of the organization
  19. Study of regulations governing the operation of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up an agreement for the provision of consulting services to a company client
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new clients
  22. Answers to phone calls and telephone consultations
  23. Accepting requests for service
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling out invoices
  26. Collection of reports on the operating activities of the organization
  27. Studying the organization's archives
  28. Copying and filing organization documents for archiving
  29. Attendance at negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in an operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selecting sources for analysis
  35. Listing apps
  36. Compiling a bibliography
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Drawing up tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparing a financial analysis structure
  41. Selecting sections for financial status
  42. Checking collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company’s property
  44. Assessing the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. Main indicators of the economic condition of the organization
  46. Key indicators economic results organizations
  47. Assessment of key indicators of economic condition and economic results
  48. Study of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Drawing up an analysis scheme
  51. Selecting Analysis Sections
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Grade economic security enterprises
  56. Analysis marketing activities enterprises
  57. Conducting competitor price analysis and compiling explanatory note for the manager
  58. Performing motion analysis cash, credit and settlement operations
  59. Studying the staffing table of the enterprise and the organizational objectives of the company
  60. Carrying out analysis finished products And inventories
  61. Conducting an analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Conducting labor efficiency analysis and payment calculations
  63. Estimation of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of enterprise reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the manager about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. Study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. Study of normative documents regulating the activities of the organization, types and content constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, forms of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the responsibilities and job descriptions of the organization's employees.
  71. Study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Familiarization with the accounting procedures.
  73. Study of the organization of the system of payment and labor incentives.
  74. Study of the organization's sales plans, study of planning standards, orders for organizing planning in the organization, methodological recommendations and orders.
  75. Study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Grade balance sheet enterprises (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in warehouse, balance sheet currency, etc.)
  77. Analysis of accounts receivable, study of our own, borrowed funds,formation analysis working capital organizations.
  78. Analysis of the organization's accounts payable.
  79. Study of the procedure and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of goods sold.
    PCs, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program “1C Enterprise 8.0” and “Client-Bank”.
  81. Conducting an analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise
  82. Assessing the liquidity of an enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the organization's solvency.
  84. Studying the practice of relationships between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures in force in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Study of payment forms used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, delivery notes)
  89. Studying relationships with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying relationships with clients (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of a product range
  93. Studying the sources of goods receipt
  94. Analysis of product range. Working with price lists.
  95. Familiarization with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the import of products from suppliers.
  98. Studying work with suppliers to determine the price level for supplied goods.
  99. Familiarization with advertising activities enterprises
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. Study of the organization of financial responsibility.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, collecting losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Income Statement Analysis
  105. Analysis equity organizations.
  106. Study of contracts between suppliers and buyers.
  107. Working with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for report formatting
  109. Creating a report template
  110. Drawing up the contents of the report
  111. Preparation of a report on the internship
  112. Checking the findings and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions based on the analysis performed
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs for the report
  115. Determining areas for improving performance
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Offering recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal of improvement measures
  119. Preparation of a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining characteristics of the practice manager from the enterprise
  122. Submitting a report to the practice manager for review
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Drawing up a practice report and submitting it to the practice manager for review.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the internship site. What to check there. Check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write directly in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary immediately before taking the test. Although if you have doubts, you can do it in draft first. But this doesn’t make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like this - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of points, and so on
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing if it really is so? In principle, the same thing is possible. But, again, it’s better to be a little unique. For example: analysis of plan implementation = assessment of achievement of turnover goals.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the company (as of spring 2013): on the title page(over the words “Head of practice from the enterprise”); in the description of a student from the internship site(in the lower right corner); in the review of the practice manager from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

You can ask your questions about pre-graduation practice for economic specialties in the comments to this post or in contact.
