Organization of the main processes of management activities. Components of management activity. Characteristics of management processes

Theme 8

Management process

This topic will cover the following topics for students of management:

The concept of the management process;

Properties of the control process;

Stages of the management process;

Stages of the management process;

The role of the control action in the management process;

Permanent impacts;

Periodic impacts;

Concepts: "action", "impact", "interaction";

Directions and types of impact;

Sources of influence in the management process.

In the previous topic, we showed that each of the enterprise systems (as control systems) - managed and managing - has its own organizational structure, which serves as the form of existence of the process. Consequently, each of these systems also has its own process. Earlier, we already talked about the process of a controlled (production) system, called production, regardless of whether it is material or spiritual (non-material) production, where it takes place.

The management process that takes place in the management system is similar to the production process and has its own characteristics, explained by the nature of managerial work. The production process is aimed at the production of goods and services, and the result of the management process is the preparation of control actions and decisions. This is the main difference between these processes.

8.1. The concept of the management process

Process (from Latin processus - promotion) means:

Sequential change of phenomena, states in the development of something;

A set of sequential actions to achieve a certain result (production, preparation of decisions).

Management process is a set of purposeful actions of the head and the management apparatus to coordinate the joint activities of people to achieve the goals of the organization.

Table 8.1.1.



Management process

Manufacturing process

The subject of labor


Material, blanks, part, etc.

Means of labor

Tools, office equipment, computers, etc.

Equipment, tooling, devices, etc.

product of labor

Information in a transformed form (decision, plan, report)

Detail, unit, unit, product

Executor labor process

Manager, specialist, technical performer

production worker

Process steps

goal setting information work, analytical work, choice of action option (decision making), organizational and practical work

Procurement, processing, assembly, testing

Components of the process

Operations, procedures


Workplace of the performer of the labor process

With wide borders

With narrow borders

Control process parameters. All processes occurring at the enterprise (in the sphere of production and management) are primarily labor processes, since both production and management are the joint work of people performing purposeful actions according to a specific program. The parameters (characteristics) of the management process include:

The subject of labor;

Means of labor;

product of labor;

Performer of the labor process (Fig. 8.1.1.).

Rice. 8.1.1.

General functions are performed in all, without exception, organizations with material and spiritual production. The formation of specific functions depends, as you know, on the specifics of the production system, the areas of activity of the enterprise. Therefore, the list of specific functions can be arbitrarily small and arbitrarily large, depending on the size of the organization and the scale of its production.

At each specific enterprise, general and specific functions are involved in the management process to prepare the control action, prepare, make and implement decisions.

8.2. General characteristics of the management process

Management process it is the activity of the subject of management to coordinate the joint work of employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

As a scientific concept, the management process appears in the unity of its three sides:

2) organizations;

3) implementation procedure (management technologies).

1. From the content side, the management process can be characterized as targeted impact on the state of the elements that form the control system. This process expresses the unity of various partial processes (technical, economic, social, etc.) carried out by the control apparatus within certain spatial and temporal boundaries in relation to specific objects and levels of control.

2. The organizational characteristic of the management process expresses the spatial and temporal sequence of its course, determined by the management cycle. The latter includes 1) the definition of goals and 2) the implementation of management functions. An important role in this aspect belongs to the division of the management process according to belonging to the components of the management system and its levels.

At the enterprise level, the following typical components of the control system are distinguished as objects of the application of the control process:

1) subsystem of linear management;

2) target subsystems;

3) functional subsystems;

4) a subsystem for providing control.

The line management subsystem includes all line managers - from the foreman to the director of the enterprise. Target subsystems cover:

Managing the implementation of the plan for production and supply of products;

Product quality management;

Resource management;

Production development management;

Management of social development of the labor collective;

Management of environmental protection.

Functional subsystems characterized by specialization management activities to perform the relevant 1) specific and 2) special management functions.

Control support subsystem covers:

1) legal support;

2) information support;

3) organization and implementation of the normative economy;

4) office work;

5) enterprise equipment technical means managerial work.

3. With the procedure of the (technological) side, the management process is a connection of its certain stages and phases, which are expressed and consolidated in their further division into types of work, operations and actions, as well as procedures, algorithms, etc.

The concept of the management process is closely related to the category of management potential, which is understood as the totality of information, material, labor, financial management capabilities and resources available to the management system, experience and qualifications of personnel, management traditions.

The management process from the content side may look like this (Fig. 8.3.1.):

Rice. 8.3.1.

methodological content,

functional content,

economic content,

organizational content,

social content

Methodological content of the management process involves the allocation of certain stages, reflecting both the general features of a person’s labor activity and the specific features of managerial activity. The stages characterize the sequence of qualitative changes in work in the management process, being stages of internal development. impact in every act of its implementation

Stage it is a set of operations (actions) characterized by qualitative certainty and homogeneity and reflecting the necessary sequence of their existence.

The management process can be represented as a sequence of the following steps:

goal setting (goal setting)

Assessments of the situation

problem definitions,

Development of a management decision.

Let's reveal the step-by-step sequence of the management process clearly (Fig. 8.3.2).

Rice. 8.3.2.

Target This is the manager's idea of ​​what the system he manages should be like. In the scientific definition, it can be formulated as an ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state of the system. The management process begins with setting the goal of the impact. If it is a consciously implemented process, purposeful and expedient, it can only begin with understanding, defining and setting the goal of the impact.

Situation is the state of the controlled system, evaluated relative to the goal. Under the situation it would be wrong to understand only a deviation from the program or conflict cases of work. Management is carried out regardless of whether there is a deviation or not, whether the situation is conflict or non-conflict. The state of the system can never be identical to the goal, therefore, there is always a situation.

The difference between the situation and the goal, as a rule, includes many contradictions. The act of influence is necessary to resolve these contradictions, to bring the state of the system closer to the goal. But this is only possible if we find the leading contradiction, the resolution of which will lead to the resolution of all the others.

Problem - this is the leading contradiction of the situation and the goal, to the resolution of which the impact should be directed. Without defining the problem, a managerial solution is impossible.

Management decision is to find ways to solve problems and organizational work to implement the solution in a managed system. It is the final stage of the management process, its connection with the production process, the impulse of the influence of the control system on the controlled one.

Functional content of the management process. It manifests itself in a large-scale sequence and preference for the implementation of the main management functions. Here the following steps can be distinguished.

Management process- this is a set of individual activities aimed at streamlining and coordinating the functioning and development of the organization and its elements in the interests of achieving their goals.

Management process solves two tasks:

  • tactical is to maintain stability, harmony of interaction and performance of all elements of the control object;
  • strategic ensures its development and improvement, transfer to a qualitatively and quantitatively different state.

The process is characterized continuity, cyclical repetition of individual phases (collection, processing, analysis, storage, control of information; development and decision-making; organization of their implementation), unevenness, inertia, manifested in the delay of managerial actions. It develops and improves along with the organization itself.

Management process combines such moments as managerial work, its subject and means, and is realized in a specific product.

The subject of labor in management are management documents, which received such a name, in contrast to other documents that are not related at all to the management process. The document is currently the main carrier of information in the management system. They are used to connect between structural divisions organizations.

The transformed information acquires an independent existence and can be accumulated, which leads to a complication of the management process, an increase in the dominance of past decisions over current ones. The latter, however, is to a certain extent useful, since it generates organizational order, which ensures the automatic operation of management mechanisms and the performance of appropriate actions without special instructions. However, it is limited, as it is not able to subordinate and coordinate all organizational elements.

By means of managerial workis everything that contributes to the implementation of operations with information - from computers, telephones to pens and paper. At the same time, they distinguish: means of compiling documents (printers, voice recorders, etc.); means of processing and processing documents (stamps, cutters, punchers); means of grouping and storing documents (folders, folders, file cabinets); means of performing computational operations; means of operational communication; furniture.

product of labor is the result of the management process, which is a management decision. With the help of one or another material carrier (mainly documents), these decisions come directly to the control object.

managerial labor, as well as engineering, design, research, etc., belongs to the category mental labor carried out by a person in the form of neuropsychic efforts. He exists in three main forms: heuristic, administrative and operator.

heuristic labor is reduced to a set of actions for the analysis and study of certain problems facing the organization, and the development on the basis of this of various options for their solutions - managerial, economic, technical. Depending on the complexity and nature of the problems themselves, this work is carried out by managers and specialists.

Administrative labor is the domain of chief executives. It is associated with the performance of such types of work as the current coordination of the activities of subordinates, their control, evaluation, motivation, management (bringing orally and in writing the decisions made to the performers), instruction, information exchange (carried out in the process of holding meetings and meetings, receiving visitors , conducting business negotiations, answering letters and phone calls, bypassing jobs).

Operator labor aimed at technical support production and management processes with the necessary information. It includes such work as documentation (formulation, reproduction, sorting, and storage of various kinds of documents); primary accounting and accounting (collection of statistical, accounting and other information about production, economic, social and other processes occurring within the organization); communicative-technical, computational and formal-logical (sequential processing of the collected information and the implementation on its basis and according to a given algorithm, the calculations necessary for decision-making).

This work falls to the lot of specialists and technical performers. Part of it, strictly speaking, does not apply to the mental, so the term "non-physical labor" is sometimes used to refer to it.

The process of managerial work consists of elementary actions, or operations, that is, homogeneous, logically indivisible parts of management activities, with one or a group of information carriers (documents) from the moment they are received until they are transferred in a transformed form to others or for storage.

Management operations is a technologically inseparable process of processing management information received by a given structural unit.

Management operations are: search, computational, logical, descriptive, graphic, control, communication (for example, listening, reading, talking, observing the actions of various devices, thinking, etc.).

An independent complex of information processing operations (collection, study, analysis, formulation of conclusions, their execution), ending with a result defined in form and content in the form of an oral message or document (certificate, order, letter, etc.), was called work.

Management jobs vary:

  • according to the intended purpose (foresight, activation, control);
  • by specific content (research, planning);
  • by periods (strategic, tactical, operational);
  • by stages (goal setting, situation analysis, problem definition, solution search); by orientation (inside or outside the organization);
  • by spheres (economic, social, technological);
  • by objects (production, personnel);
  • on forms and methods of implementation; on organizational role(differentiating and integrating);
  • by the nature of information transformation (stereotypical, algorithmic, and creative);
  • according to the degree of difficulty.

Let us dwell on the latter, since for managerial work it is perhaps the main characteristic.

The complexity of managerial work is due to several circumstances.

Firstly, the scale, number and composition of the problems to be solved, the links between them, the variety of methods used, organizational principles.

Secondly, the need to make new, innovative decisions, often under conditions of uncertainty or risk, which requires deep professional knowledge, experience, and broad erudition.

Thirdly, the complexity of managerial work is determined by the degree of efficiency, independence, responsibility, riskiness of decisions that need to be made. The manager, when making decisions, often takes responsibility not only for the material well-being of people, but for their health and even life.

  • communication (negotiating, receiving visitors, bypassing the organization, going on business trips);
  • administrative and coordination (bringing to the executors of the decisions made orally and writing, compiling and issuing tasks, instructing);
  • control and evaluation (checking the timeliness and quality of assignments);
  • analytical and constructive (studying information and preparing decisions);
  • information and technical (with information carriers) which take 10 - 15% of working time; primary accounting and accounting.

management procedure- a complex of interconnected certain order management operations and documents aimed at achieving a fixed .

The procedure should reflect the purpose of the work, the documents used and developed, their content, and the order of passage.

The classification of procedures and operations is carried out according to a number of criteria:

  1. By content:
    • information or information technology are associated with the processing of information and its carriers. Documentation, primary accounting, accounting and computing operations and procedures are also distinguished here;
    • logical-thinking or analytical-constructive are associated with the preparation and adoption management decisions;
    • organizational ones consist of service and communication, administrative and coordination operations and procedures.
  2. By the nature of the combination in time:
    • consecutive, i.e. each operation or procedure begins only after the end of the previous one;
    • parallel, involving the simultaneous execution of operations and procedures;
    • parallel-sequential ones provide for a partial combination of related operations and procedures in time and space.
  3. By difficulty:
    • simple operations and procedures, i.e. containing several elements and operations;
    • complex operations (20-30 elements) and procedures (100 or more operations).
  4. According to the degree of repetition:
    • repetitive, i.e. constantly performed by employees of the administrative apparatus;
    • non-repetitive or creative, complex operations and procedures.

With all its diversity and varying degrees of complexity, management procedures are cyclical.

Management cycle- this is the period of circulation of information in the field of management, which is measured by a specific time interval or calendar period for each procedure.

After completing this chapter, the student should:


The main characteristics of group processes in the organization;

be able to

Identify different organizational structures;


Interaction technologies in companies with different organizational structures.

The content of management activities and the main management functions

The leader plays an important role in any organizational system. Its activities are closely related to all aspects of the functioning of the organization. The study of the psychology of managerial activity presents a certain difficulty. At present, the external manifestations of managerial activity, rather than its internal content, have been studied to a greater extent.

It is advisable to study the psychology of management based on an activity approach. The concept of activity has the status of a general scientific category and is studied by such sciences as philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, engineering disciplines, physiology, etc.

Activity is defined as a form of the subject's active attitude to reality, aimed at achieving consciously set goals and associated with the creation of socially significant values ​​and the development of social experience. The subject of the psychological study of activity is the psychological components that induce, direct and regulate the labor activity of the subject and implement it in performing actions, as well as the personality traits through which this activity is realized. The main psychological properties of activity are activity, awareness, purposefulness, objectivity and systemic nature of its structure. The activity is always based on some motive (or several motives).

Activity involves two main plans for characterization - external (subject-effective) and internal (psychological). The external characteristic of activity is carried out through the concepts of the subject and object of labor, the subject, means and conditions of activity.

The subject of labor- a set of things, processes, phenomena that the subject must mentally or practically operate in the process of work. Means of labor- a set of tools that can enhance a person's ability to recognize the features of the object of labor and influence it. working conditions - system of social, psychological and sanitary-hygienic characteristics of activity. The internal characteristic of activity involves a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, structure and content, operational means of its implementation.

To structural components of activity include: goal, motivation, information basis, decision making, plan, program, individual psychological properties of the subject, mental processes (cognitive, emotional, volitional), mechanisms of control, correction, arbitrary regulation, etc.

Anatoly Viktorovich Karpov classified the types of activities as follows:

  • on the subject area of ​​labor (profession and specialty);
  • by the specifics of the content (intellectual and physical);
  • according to the specifics of the subject ("subject-object" types, where the subject of activity is any material object, and "subject-subjective", where people are the subject of labor influences);
  • according to the conditions of implementation (activities in normal and extreme conditions);
  • on general character(labor, educational, play), etc.

The complex nature of managerial activity as an individually-joint activity determines not only its belonging to a special, specific type of activity, but also predetermines the presence of a number of basic psychological characteristics in it. Management activity is characterized not by direct, but by indirect connection with the final results of the functioning of an organization. The more management activity is concentrated around non-executive functions and freed from directly performing work, the higher its efficiency.

The essence of management activity- organization of the activities of other people, i.e. "activities of organizing activities" (activities of the "second order"). This property is considered in the theory as the main attribute for management activity (that is why it is denoted by the concept of metaactivity).

The purpose of management activities- ensuring the effective functioning of a certain organizational system. The content of managerial activity is uniform in its essence and represents the performance of a number of standard managerial functions: planning, forecasting, motivation, decision making, control, etc.

The work of the manager is aimed at solving two aspects of activity - ensuring technological process and organization of interpersonal interactions. The activity of a manager is more effective if the manager is not only a formal boss, but also a leader and knows how to combine hierarchical (“keeping distance”) and collegial (coordinating) principles.

According to A. V. Karpov, managerial activity is quite specific in terms of typical conditions, which are divided into external and internal. To external conditions relate:

  • hard time limits;
  • chronic information uncertainty;
  • high responsibility for final results;
  • unregulated work;
  • constant lack of resources;
  • frequent occurrence of so-called extreme - stressful situations.

To internal conditions relate:

  • the need to simultaneously perform many actions and solve many problems;
  • inconsistency of normative (including legislative) prescriptions, their uncertainty, and often their absence;
  • lack of formulation in a clear and explicit form of performance evaluation criteria, and sometimes their absence;
  • multiple subordination of the head to various higher authorities and the resulting inconsistency of requirements on their part;
  • almost complete non-algorithmic activity, etc.

In management theory, there are three basic approaches to the consideration of the management process: process, system and situational.

According to process approach the management process is considered as a chronologically ordered and cyclically organized system of management functions. Thus, the condition for successful management is not only the effectiveness of management functions, but also their precise organization within a single process.

According to A. Fayol, there are five basic management functions: predict, plan, organize, manage, coordinate and control. Subsequently, such functions as goal setting, forecasting, planning, organization, management, leadership, motivation, communication, coordination (integration), research, control, evaluation, decision making, correction, recruitment, representation, marketing, innovation management and others

At the same time, everything managerial functions can be grouped into four basic categories:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • motivation;
  • control.

In addition, there are two so-called linking functions(aimed at harmonizing basic functions) - decision making and communication.

Planning- this is a system of ways by which management ensures a unified focus of the efforts of all employees of the organization to achieve the goals, including the development and implementation of means of influence: concept, forecast, program, plan.

Organization– a system of measures aimed at optimizing the joint activities of employees to achieve goals, including the development of work modes, adaptation to changes in external and internal communications in the management system, coordination of activities.

motivation- Encouraging employees to qualitatively perform assigned tasks in accordance with delegated responsibilities.

Control includes setting standards, measuring performance, comparing what has been achieved with what is expected, and taking action to correct deviations from the original plan.

Decision-making is the choice of how and what to plan, motivate, organize and carry out.

Communication - it is a process of information exchange between people in the process of joint activity.

Systems approach proceeds from the fact that any organization is a system consisting of interdependent parts.

The main task of the leader in this case is to see the organization as a single organism, single system, whose constituent parts interact both with each other and with the outside world.

However, it must be taken into account that modern organizations are so-called socio-technical systems, i.e. they are internally heterogeneous and include qualitatively different components. They consist of a complex subsystems, which must be coordinated hierarchically (by type of subordination) and "horizontally" (by type of coordination).

The systems approach formulated a new understanding of organizations as sociotechnical systems, and also contributed to the strengthening of interdisciplinary links between management theory and other sciences and areas of research (general systems theory by L. von Bertalanffy, "industrial dynamics" by D. Forrester, studies of "administrative systems" by C. Barnard, research on theoretical foundations management (cybernetic direction) N. Wiener).

Besides, systems approach demonstrated the need integrated approach to the theory of management based on the integration of various schools of management.

situational approach represents unified methodology, a way of thinking in the field of organizational problems and ways to solve them. According to this approach, any organization is open system, in constant interaction with external environment when the main causes of what is happening in the organization must be sought in the situation in which the organization operates. From the point of view of this approach, the situation is defined as a specific system of circumstances and conditions affecting the organization at a given time.

In accordance with this approach, the management process includes four main macro-stages:

  • 1. Formation of managerial competence of the head.
  • 2. The ability to foresee the consequences of certain steps in a given situation and conduct their comparative analysis.
  • 3. Adequate interpretation of the situation and selection of external and internal situational variables; assessment of the effects of exposure to them.
  • 4. Coordination of management techniques chosen by the manager with specific conditions based on the requirement to maximize positive and minimize negative effects.

The third stage is the main one in this process. It should be borne in mind that specific sets of situational variables can vary greatly. However, there are a number of basic variables that are relevant for most management situations (Fig. 1.1). The situational approach showed that the effectiveness of any approach is determined by the situation of management.

Rice. 1.1. Structure external organization environment

  • Shadrikov V.D. abilities and activities. M., 1995.
  • Karpov A.V. Psychology of management. M.: Gardariki, 2005.
  • Karpov A.V. Decree. op.
  • Grayson J., O'Dale K. American management on the threshold of the 21st century. M., 1991.
  • Albert M., Mescon L/., Kheduri F. Fundamentals of management. M., 1992.

Any organization has two management systems: the object of management and the subject of management. The object of management includes working personnel, intra-organizational relations, economic mechanisms, structures, marketing, information and more. The subject of management is the management personnel that performs all actions in relation to the object of management.


Management personnel are employees of the administrative apparatus, employees belonging to the administration of an enterprise, organizations, office workers, directorates of enterprises and institutions. Main task management personnel is to ensure coordinated, purposeful activities and individual areas of work, and the entire team as a whole.

Achieving the goal is carried out by preparing and implementing a set of decisions taken by management personnel. Thus, a managerial decision is a specific product of managerial work. This speaks of the informational nature of managerial work.

  1. Functional division - the allocation of functions assigned by production to certain employees or departments of the management apparatus.
  2. Hierarchical - distribution of work according to management levels.
  3. Technological - differentiation of management processes into operations for the collection, transfer, storage and transformation of information.
  4. Professional - differentiation of managerial employees on the basis of their professional training.
  5. Qualification - distribution of work in accordance with qualifications, work experience and personal abilities.
  6. Position - distribution of managerial employees in accordance with their competence.

Within the framework of this categorical division, management personnel can also be divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. This is the most common approach. Thus, the activity of managerial personnel is a specific type of human activity, isolated in the course of the division and cooperation of social labor.

Features of the activities of management personnel

As you know, the main role in the management of the company is played by the leader (manager, administrator, boss), who is at the head of the team. The leader is distinguished by giving him the necessary powers to make decisions on emerging situations, specific types activities of the company, and is also responsible for its management full responsibility. In the first category of managerial personnel, i.e., a manager, several levels can be distinguished according to their place in the company's management system: top, middle, and grassroots. The content of the activities of managers at various levels is the process of implementing management functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

The second category is specialists who perform certain management functions. Their tasks include the analysis of the collected information necessary for managers of the appropriate level, for joint decision-making with them on the task at hand. This category includes: economists, accountants, financiers, analysts, lawyers, etc. Main Feature activities of specialists is a strict regulation of their work. In their actions, they rely on the orders and instructions of the leaders, technological and legal standards. They also have clear qualification requirements and the availability of special knowledge on the implementation of logical operations.

The third category is technical performers serving the activities of specialists and managers, performing information and technical operations in order to relieve managers and specialists from laborious work. This category includes secretaries, typists, junior technicians, etc. Features of their activities - the implementation of standard procedures and operations, are mainly amenable to rationing. As well as for employees of the previous category of managerial personnel, logical and technical operations dominate (see table):

Roles of management personnel

Each employee of the management team may have certain roles in the organization. Let's list them:

  1. Interpersonal roles:
  • chief leader;
  • leader;
  • connecting link.
  • Information roles:
    • information receiver;
    • distributor of information;
    • representative.
  • Decision roles:
    • entrepreneur;
    • eliminating violations;
    • resource distributor;
    • leading the negotiations.

    Any employee from any category of management personnel works with his assistants, with his team, thereby providing a certain function, performing a certain role. Implementation common functions and roles of management personnel determines the success of management activities and leads to the achievement of the stated results of the organization.


    Thus, management is carried out through the division and cooperation of managerial labor, which is an objective process of separating certain types into independent spheres of managerial labor.

    The management process today is subject to changes, primarily related to the fact that the staff is considered as the main resource of the organization. And at the same time, not only managers, but also the entire staff are involved in the process of making managerial decisions. Under these conditions, the manager works in the management team both as a leader and as a member of the team, which, in turn, increases the requirements for his business and personal qualities.

    Topic 2 Psychological characteristics of the management process

    1. The concept of the management process

    2. Management organization

    3. Basic principles of management activity

    4. Management methods and their characteristics

    5. Psychological patterns of managerial activity

    Basic concepts and terms:control, control subsystem, controlled subsystem, direct information impact, feedback information communication, internal noise, internal disturbances, external disturbances, management organization, management principles, management methods, administrative and legal methods, economic methods, socio-psychological methods.

    The concept of the management process

    Management is an integral component of any joint activity in any historical period in the development of society. With the development of society, management activities became more complicated. But the realization that management is special kind human activity occurred only in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The fundamental concept of "management" is considered in the science of management in the broad and narrow sense of the word [Weinstein].

    Management in the broad sense of the word is a purposeful impact on a specific object or process [Urbanovich]. This definition applicable to both social and biological, technical and other objects. It includes not only the impact itself, but also preparation for it, control over the activities of the control object and analysis of the results obtained [Weinstein].

    The concept of management in the narrow sense of the word, which can be applied to social facilities, proposed by M.A. Kremen.

    Control- this is a purposeful information interaction between the subject and the object of control in order to transfer the latter from one state to another (from a lower to a higher one) or to compensate for disturbances acting on the object ( F possible), both internal and external The control process can be visually represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 2.1) [Kremen, p. 245].

    Initial conditions F possible

    control subsystem control subsystem

    Problem Purpose Direct link

    Feedback channel

    Rice. 2.1 Control process diagram

    VS - internal noise, F pos - external and internal disturbances

    Management is a professional human activity in which there are two subsystems - the managerial one (the subject of management, the manager) and the managed one (the organization or a specific subordinate). The subject of management exercises a managerial influence on the object of management through the channel direct information impact through commands and directives. This impact is purposeful, i.e. aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, and systematic, characterizing continuous activity.

    To optimize the management process, it is of great importance feedback. It informs about the effect of directive information (orders, instructions, etc.) and provides interaction between the subject and the object of management. As a result, the manager can take additional measures to improve the management object, as well as self-improvement measures. Feedback helps the leader understand not only the effect of solving a particular problem, but also the changes that may occur in the social and psychological relationships of team members. Therefore, without a full-fledged feedback of information, effective management cannot be.

    The organization of the management process can be hampered by internal noise in management activities and organizational disturbances.

    Internal noise- these are factors that constrain the potential and results of a person’s work when performing certain managerial activities: limitations of personal knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities of a manager that prevent good governance. These include insufficient understanding of the characteristics of managerial work, poor leadership skills, a person’s inability to manage himself, stopped self-development, etc.

    Internal disturbances- these are the restrictions that exist within the organization or enterprise itself, for example, conflict situations in a collective. To external disturbances the organization includes restrictions caused from the outside, for example, the economic crisis, late payment of salaries.

    Thus, management performs an important socio-economic function, providing the relationship and interaction between the subject and the object of management, and largely predetermining the effectiveness of their joint actions.

    2. Management organization [Flint]

    Management organization- a set of actions leading to the formation and improvement of the relationship between the parts of the whole, allowing to realize the goals of management [Kremen, p. 19].

    The organization of management is considered in the form of a specific algorithm that can be used to practical work to study management systems and serve as a convenient way to determine the sequence of work in improving the management process.

    The algorithm considered below includes seven blocks denoting the constituent parts of the organization of the control system and the relationship between them (Fig. 2.2) [Kremen, p. 19].

    Figure 2.2 Organization of the management system

    Block 1. Studying the goals of the organizational system and defining the processes needed to achieve these goals. The organizational system is usually multi-purpose. Its elements are built and coordinated from the very beginning in such a way as to ensure the achievement of the entire set of goals.

    These goals from the position of the management organization mean that for each of them the processes must be determined, the implementation of which will ensure their achievement; these processes must be controlled. Consequently, there are people, bodies, structures that will work to achieve these goals, etc.

    Block 2. Determination of the composition of the control system. Knowing the goals allows you to determine the necessary production processes (functions), i.e. certain types activities that need to be completed in order to achieve the goals. On this basis, the composition and structure of the organizational system as a whole are determined. Moreover, the nature of the organization of any institution is determined by the content of the activities of this institution.

    Block 3. Determination of the structure of the control system. The necessary management subsystems, the number and levels of management bodies are determined, connections and communications are identified, and the appropriate type of structure is substantiated in relation to specific conditions.

    At the same time, areas of competence are established, tasks, rights and obligations of governing bodies are formulated and distributed, their internal structure is developed, the required number of employees is determined, and staffing etc.

    Block 4. Development of control technology. Management technology is the methods, techniques, procedure for performing management functions at all levels, in all subsystems of the management system. It should be analyzed in parallel with the governance structure.

    Block 5. Determination of links, ways and volumes of information flow, development of forms of documents and the order of document circulation, organization of office work. These tasks can be solved when the decisions made in the field of the structure of the control system and control technology are obvious.

    Block 6. Preparation and use of technical means. This is a labor-intensive work, solved in the process of creating automated systems management. The complex of means of organizational technology makes it possible to solve the problems of mechanization of information processing and, on this basis, to improve the technology and methods of management, and to increase the efficiency of managerial work.

    Block 7. Selection, placement and training of management personnel to work in the created control system. The selection and placement of people can be carried out when all the previous blocks are clear, otherwise everything will be done at random.

    When analyzing the organization of management, it is important to take into account the connections and interdependence of individual blocks. Taking them into account significantly affects the quality of solving the problems of management organization, and makes it possible to provide a systematic solution to the problem.

    Relationship (1) determines the priority determination of the goals and objectives of the organizational system as a whole, so that practical actions for the organization of management systems proceed from given (known) and conscious goals.

    Relationship (2) reflects the principle of necessary and sufficient diversity, which states that for the optimal functioning of the organizational system, it is necessary to create a management system that would allow managing all its elements.

    Links (3,4). Between the structure of the control system and control technology, there must be mutual correspondence and interrelationships. The structure of the management system lays down the distribution of tasks, rights and obligations of the management bodies. These rights and obligations are determined and methodically equipped in the process of developing management technology. And vice versa, when developing management technology, it is necessary to take into account the proposed structure of management bodies, the degree of centralization of management that is being established, etc.

    Relationship (5) testifies to the influence of the structure, composition and features of the controlled system on the control technology. For example, the decisive role is played by the type production process etc.

    Links (6.7) show the influence of the structure and technology of management on the forms, the order of workflow, the flow (volume) of information.

    Links (8, 9) emphasize that the choice of technical means depends on the amount of information and management technology, and vice versa, technical means affect the management technology, the forms and order of workflow.

    Relationship (10) indicates the influence of technology on the structure of the control system (for example, the centralization of decisions in the field of control).

    Relationship (11) shows the totality (amount) of knowledge required by managers and management personnel.

    The analysis of connection (12) can lead, for example, to the conclusion that in some cases it is necessary to adapt the structure to the available frames. This is extremely undesirable, although it happens often, so the task of training (retraining) personnel becomes more urgent.

    These are the interrelations of problems in the process of analyzing the organization of management. Their correct accounting will allow you to confidently study the management system with a developed structure, a complex network of communications and information flows, document flow, necessary technical means, etc.

    Basic principles of management activity

    A principle is the basic, initial position of a certain theory, doctrine, guiding idea, the main rule of activity.

    Management principles- these are the fundamental truths on which the management system as a whole or its individual parts is built [Weinstein].

    If the management functions are focused on the organizational structure and show what should be done by the leader in the organization, then the principles of management are aimed at the behavior of people and determine how he must do it. The principles of management, unlike functions, are not rigidly interconnected, they embody the subjective experience of the leader and therefore can be enriched, significantly transformed depending on the specific situation, from the new managerial experience of the leader.

    Control modern organization is based on the following basic principles [Meshcheryakov]:

    1) principle of conformity of personnel to the structure: you can not adjust the organization to the abilities of working people, you need to build it as a tool to achieve a clearly defined goal and select employees who can ensure the achievement of this goal. Initially, a well-thought-out structure is created, in which there are no extra departments or levels of management, and then the appropriate personnel are selected;

    2) principle of unity of command, or administrative responsibility of one person: each employee must report on his activities to one leader and receive orders only from this leader. If one performer receives consistent orders from two leaders at once, then this is inefficient, since there is unnecessary duplication. But if the orders are different or contradictory, then the execution itself becomes ineffective. In addition, the responsibility of administrative persons is scattered, it is not clear who should be responsible for the wrong order;

    3)principle of departmentalization- creation of new divisions (departments): the organization is built from the bottom up, at each stage the need to create new divisions is analyzed. The functions and role of the unit, its place in overall structure organizations;

    4) management specialization principle: all regularly repeated actions must be distributed among the employees of the administrative apparatus, without duplicating them;

    5) control range principle: one leader should not have an average of more than 6-12 subordinates. When performing physical work, up to 30 people can be subordinate to the manager, but the higher the level of management, the smaller the range of control that the manager can exercise. At the top of the management pyramid, there are 3-5 people directly subordinate to the manager;

    6) vertical hierarchy principle: the fewer hierarchical degrees, the easier it is to manage the organization, because management becomes more mobile;

    7) principle of delegation of authority: the head should not do what his subordinate can do, while managerial responsibility remains with the head;

    8) correlation principle: at all levels of management, power and responsibility must coincide. Within the framework of his authority, the leader bears full personal responsibility for the actions of people subordinate to him;

    9) principle of subordination of individual interests to a common goal: the functioning of the organization as a whole, and each of its divisions separately, must be subordinated strategic goal organization development;

    10) remuneration principle: each employee should receive remuneration for his work, and it should be assessed by him as fair.
