Horizontal reporting analysis. The financial analysis. Some provisions of the methodology What are the main sources of information for financial analysis

Horizontal financial analysis is one of the systems financial analysis, based on the study of the dynamics of individual financial indicators in time.

In the process of this analysis, the growth (growth) rates of individual financial statements indicators for a number of periods are calculated and general trends in their change (or trend) are determined. In financial management, the following forms of horizontal (trend) financial analysis are most widely used:

A) comparison of financial indicators of the reporting period with those of the previous period(for example, with indicators of the previous decade, month, quarter);

B) comparison of financial indicators of the reporting period with those of the same period last year(for example, indicators of the second quarter of the reporting period with similar indicators of the second quarter of the previous year).

This form of horizontal financial analysis is used in enterprises with pronounced seasonal features of economic activity;

C) comparison of financial indicators for a number of previous periods. The purpose of such an analysis is to identify the trend of changes in individual indicators characterizing the results of the financial activity of the enterprise (determining the trend line in dynamics).

For the sake of clarity, the results of such an analysis are recommended to be drawn up graphically, which makes it easier to determine the trend line.

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Financial analysis is a research process financial condition and main results financial activities enterprises in order to identify reserves to increase its market value and ensure further effective development.

The results of financial analysis are the basis for the adoption management decisions, strategizing further development enterprises. Therefore, financial analysis is an integral part financial management, its most important component.

Basic methods and types of financial analysis

There are six main methods of financial analysis:

· horizontal (temporal) analysis - comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;

· vertical (structural) analysis - identification of the share of individual articles in the final indicator, taken as 100%;

trend analysis - comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend, i.e. the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics individual periods. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, and therefore, a prospective predictive analysis is carried out;

· analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of ratios between individual reporting positions, determination of interrelations of indicators;

Comparative (spatial) analysis - on the one hand, this is an analysis of the reporting indicators of subsidiaries, structural divisions, on the other hand, a comparative analysis with the performance of competitors, industry averages, etc.;

factor analysis - analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the resulting indicator. Moreover, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself), when the resulting indicator is divided into its component parts, and reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common indicator.

The main methods of financial analysis carried out at the enterprise:

Vertical (structural) analysis - determining the structure of the final financial indicators (the amounts for individual items are taken as a percentage of the balance sheet currency) and identifying the impact of each of them on the overall result of economic activity. The transition to relative indicators allows for inter-farm comparisons of the economic potential and performance of enterprises that differ in the amount of resources used, and also smoothes out the negative impact of inflationary processes that distort the absolute indicators of financial statements.

Horizontal (dynamic) analysis is based on the study of the dynamics of individual financial indicators over time.

Dynamic analysis is next step after the analysis of financial indicators (vertical analysis). At this stage, it is determined which sections and items of the balance sheet have undergone changes.

The analysis of financial ratios is based on the calculation of the ratio of various absolute indicators of financial activity among themselves. The source of information is the financial statements of the enterprise.

The most important groups of financial indicators:

· Liquidity ratios.

· Indicators of financial stability and solvency.

· Indicators of profitability.

· Indicators of turnover (business activity).

· Indicators of market activity

When analyzing financial ratios, the following points should be kept in mind:

the value of financial ratios is greatly influenced by the accounting policy of the enterprise;

· diversification of activities makes it difficult to compare the coefficients by industry, since the standard values ​​can vary significantly for different industries;

· normative coefficients chosen as a basis for comparison may not be optimal and may not correspond to the short-term objectives of the period under review.

Comparative financial analysis is based on comparing the values ​​of individual groups of similar indicators with each other:

indicators this enterprise and industry averages;

· financial indicators of the given enterprise and indicators of the enterprises-competitors;

financial indicators of individual structural units and divisions of the enterprise;

· Comparative analysis of reporting and planned indicators.

Integral (factorial) financial analysis allows you to get the most in-depth assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.

What is the relationship between management accounting and economic analysis?

Economic analysis is not only the most important component of any of the management functions, but is itself a type of management activity that precedes the adoption of management decisions aimed at sustainable development organization's business. Thus, economic analysis occupies an intermediate place between the selection of information and the decision-making process and, depending on the nature of the decision, uses appropriate methods.

What is the subject and objects of economic analysis?

The subject of economic analysis is the reasons for the change in the results of management and their deviations from the target parameters. The knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships in the economic activity of enterprises allows us to reveal the essence of the processes taking place in it and, on this basis, give a correct assessment of the results achieved in the current situation, identify reserves for improving work efficiency, justify plans and management decisions aimed at achieving the set goals.

List the tasks of economic analysis.

1. Establishing patterns and trends in economic indicators in the specific conditions of the enterprise.

2. Evaluation of the performance of the enterprise on the basis of an objective and comprehensive study of accounting and reporting information.

3. Scientific substantiation of current and future plans for the development of the enterprise

4. Monitoring the implementation of planned targets and the use of production resources.

5. Identification and measurement of internal reserves of the efficiency of the enterprise at all stages of the production process.

6. Development of measures for the use of production reserves.

7. Making optimal management decisions to improve the activities of the enterprise.

4. What is the content of the analysis and diagnostics of economic activity? The content of the analysis of financial and economic activity consists in a comprehensive study of the technical level of production, the quality and competitiveness of products, the provision of production with materials, labor and financial resources and the efficiency of their use. This analysis is based on systems approach, complex accounting of various factors, high-quality selection of reliable information and is an important function of management.

The essence of diagnosing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is to establish and study signs, measure the main characteristics that reflect the state of machines, instruments, technical systems, economics and finance of an economic entity, to predict possible deviations from stable, average, standard values ​​and prevent disruptions to the normal mode of operation

5. Give a description of the relationship between the main economic indicators as the basis for a comprehensive analysis.

objects, purpose and objectives of the analysis, a plan of analytical work is drawn up; a system of synthetic and analytical indicators is being developed, with the help of which

the object of analysis is characterized;

the necessary information is collected and prepared for analysis;

a comparison of the actual results of management with the indicators of the plan of the reporting year, the actual data of past years, with the achievements of leading enterprises, industries, etc.;

factor analysis: factors are identified and their influence on the result is determined;

unused and promising reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified; assessment of business results, taking into account the action of various factors and identified

unused reserves, measures are being developed for their use.

6. List the tasks of analytical research on the topics of a comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. General:

1. Assessment of the quality, validity and reliability of plans and standards.

2. Determination of basic indicators for planning for the coming period.

3. Control over the implementation of plans and evaluation of their implementation. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the use of material, labor and financial resources.

4. Determination of the influence of individual factors and their quantitative assessment. Isolation and measurement of the influence of internal (depending on the activities of the enterprise) and external (industry) factors.

5. Identification of reserves for increasing production efficiency.

6. Substantiation of managerial decisions and their optimization.

7. Objective assessment financial condition of an economic entity, its solvency, financial stability and business activity.

8. Identification of opportunities to increase equity, net assets, return on shares and improve the use of borrowed funds.

9.prediction financial results, the potential threat of bankruptcy.


Selection of partners according to the information published about them;

Evaluation and verification (due diligence) of the acquired organization (business);

Development of a methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of M&A transactions (mergers and acquisitions), determining the synergistic effect;

Improving the methodology of economic analysis, taking into account international experience and restructuring accounting and reporting in accordance with international standards;

Development of techniques for analyzing the effectiveness of investing financial resources in real and portfolio investment;

Improving methods for analyzing the quality, reliability of products, their competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets;

Analysis of the organization's capitalization and business growth potential;

Development of methods of social, regional analysis, environmental protection activities;

Analysis of the effectiveness of outsourcing implementation;

Development of non-traditional types of analysis: continuous, multivariate, strategic, diagnostic.

Run test

1. The fundamental principles of the method of economic analysis do not reflect the following feature of dialectics:

a) unity of analysis and synthesis;

b) the study of economic phenomena in their interrelation;

c) the study of economic phenomena in development, in dynamics;

G) unity and struggle of opposites.

2. The mathematical equation Y = reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type of ... factor models. Additive

3. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis include:

a) operations research method:

b) trend analysis;

c) coefficient analysis;

d) horizontal analysis.

4. The method of their transformation (modeling) is not applied to the class of multiple deterministic factor models:

a) lengthening the factor system;

b) extensions of the factor system;

c) reduction of the factor system;

G) bifurcation of the factor system.

5. To determine the compliance of individual costs at the enterprise with the socially necessary, its organizational and technical level and place in a number of enterprises of similar production specialization allows:

a) comparison of reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

b) inter-farm comparison;

in) comparison with industry averages;

d) comparison of the performance of the enterprise with the average performance of the market economy.

6. Method chain substitutions... consists in obtaining a number of intermediate values ​​of the effective indicator by successively replacing the basic (planned) values ​​of factors with actual ones, followed by comparing the value of the effective indicator before and after changing the level of the factor under study.

7. The mathematical equation Y = , reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type .. mixed. factor models.

8. ..Vertical. analysis involves determining the structure of the final indicators of financial statements with the identification of the impact of each position on the result as a whole.

9. The horizontal (temporary) method of financial analysis involves:

a) determination of the structure of the final indicators of financial statements with the identification of the impact of each position on the result;

b) identification of the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and features of individual periods;

c) comparison of each reporting position with the previous period with the identification of absolute and relative deviations;

d) comparison of the company's indicators with those of competing firms, with industry average and general economic indicators.

10. When using the method. absolute difference.. the value of the influence of factors is calculated by multiplying the absolute increase in the value of the factor under study by the basic (planned) value of the factors that are in the model to the right of it, and by the actual value of the factors located in the model to the left of it.

11. Integral..... the method is based on summing the increments of a function defined as a partial derivative multiplied by the increment of the argument over infinitesimal intervals.

12. .Index Analysis.. are relative indicators of comparison of phenomena consisting of elements that are not directly summable:

a) indexes;

b) financial ratios:

c) interest;

d) average values.

13. The mathematical equation Y = , reflecting the relationship of the effective indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type. multiples.. factor models.

14. ... methods of economic analysis of economic activity are based on the use of professional knowledge, experience and intuition of the analyst:

a) heuristic;

b) economic and mathematical;

c) factor;

d) statistical.

15. The method of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of economic activity, which involves assigning a weight coefficient to each indicator and its increment on a certain scale, is called the method:

b) scoring;

c) increase in the total resource;

G) financial ratios.

16. The method that involves comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and features of individual periods, is called. horizontal (temporary).. analysis.

17. To identify the reasons for the deviation of the actual values ​​of individual indicators from their predicted levels, a comparison is used:

a) reporting indicators with planned indicators;

b) reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

c) indicators of the enterprise with similar industry average data;

d) indicators of the enterprise with average indicators of a market economy.

18. The method of analysis, in which the effect of a number of factors on the performance indicator is excluded and one of them is singled out, is called:

a) rows of dynamics;

b) elimination;

c) detailing;

d) balance linkages.

19. An analysis method that involves comparing homogeneous objects to find similarities or differences between them is called:

a) graphic;

b) factorial:

c) selective and continuous observation;

G) comparison.

20. The economic and mathematical methods of analysis include:

a) calculus of variations;

b) trend analysis;

c) factor analysis;

d) vertical analysis.

21. Assessment of the dynamics of financial indicators is carried out using the method:

a) vertical analysis;

b) horizontal analysis;

c) financial ratios;

d) comparative analysis.

22. The calculation of relative indicators according to financial statements, reflecting intra-balance sheet relationships or relationships between indicators of several reporting forms, is carried out on the basis of the method:

a) economic and mathematical analysis;

b) financial ratios;

c) comparative (spatial) analysis;

d) factor analysis.

23. Mathematical equation Y \u003d (a + b) / c, reflecting the relationship of a performance indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type of ... factor models:

a) additive;

b) multiplicative;

c) multiples;

G) mixed (combined)).

24. Medium... the value expresses distinguishing feature given set of phenomena, establishes the most typical features this aggregate.

25. factorial... analysis studies the impact of input values ​​on the performance indicator using deterministic research techniques.

26. To identify trends in the development of an enterprise and the dynamics of the main parameters of its economic and financial position used:

a) comparison of reporting indicators with planned indicators;

b) comparison of reporting indicators with indicators of previous periods;

c) inter-farm comparison;

d) comparison with industry average data.

27. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis do not include methods:

a) elementary mathematics;

3) b) mathematical programming;

c) operations research;

G) elimination.

28. Mathematical equation Y \u003d , reflecting the relationship of a performance indicator with several factor indicators, belongs to the type .. multiplicative. factor models.

29. Methods ... allow you to give comprehensive assessment financial condition of the enterprise:

a) mathematical statistics;

in) deterministic factor analysis;

d) mathematical programming.

30. Standard techniques (methods) for analyzing financial statements include ... analysis:

a) regressive;

b) correlation;

in) horizontal;

d) differential.

There are six main methods of financial analysis:

  • horizontal(temporal) analysis— comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;
  • vertical(structural) analysis- identification of the specific weight of individual articles in the final indicator, taken as 100%;
  • trend analysis- comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend, i.e. the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics of individual periods. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, and therefore, a prospective predictive analysis is carried out;
  • analysis of relative indicators(coefficients) - calculation of ratios between individual reporting positions, determination of interrelations of indicators;
  • comparative(spatial) analysis- on the one hand, this is an analysis of the reporting indicators of subsidiaries, structural divisions, on the other hand, a comparative analysis with the indicators of competitors, industry averages, etc.;
  • factor analysis– analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the resulting indicator. Moreover, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself), when the resulting indicator is divided into its component parts, and reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common indicator.

The main methods of financial analysis carried out at the enterprise:

Vertical (structural) analysis- determination of the structure of the final financial indicators (the amounts for individual items are taken as a percentage of the balance sheet currency) and identifying the impact of each of them on the overall result of economic activity. The transition to relative indicators allows for inter-farm comparisons of the economic potential and performance of enterprises that differ in the amount of resources used, and also smoothes out the negative impact of inflationary processes that distort the absolute indicators of financial statements.

Horizontal (dynamic) analysis is based on the study of the dynamics of individual financial indicators over time.

Dynamic analysis is the next step after the analysis of financial indicators (vertical analysis). At this stage, it is determined which sections and items of the balance sheet have undergone changes.

The analysis of financial ratios is based on the calculation of the ratio of various absolute indicators of financial activity among themselves. The source of information is the financial statements of the enterprise.

The most important groups of financial indicators:

  1. liquidity indicators.
  2. Indicators of financial stability and solvency.
  3. Profitability indicators.
  4. Turnover indicators (business activity).
  5. Market Activity Indicators

When analyzing financial ratios, the following points should be kept in mind:

  • the value of financial ratios is greatly influenced by the accounting policy of the enterprise;
  • diversification of activities makes it difficult to compare coefficients by industry, since the standard values ​​can vary significantly for different industries;
  • normative coefficients chosen as a basis for comparison may not be optimal and may not correspond to the short-term objectives of the period under review.

Comparative financial analysis is based on comparing the values ​​of individual groups of similar indicators with each other:

  • indicators of this enterprise and average industry indicators;
  • financial indicators of the given enterprise and indicators of the enterprises-competitors;
  • financial indicators of individual structural units and divisions of the enterprise;
  • comparative analysis of reporting and planned indicators.

Integral (factorial) financial analysis allows you to get the most in-depth assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.

What is the purpose of financial analysis of the enterprise?

Based on data on the past activities of the enterprise, financial analysis is aimed at reducing uncertainty about its future state.

The results of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise is of paramount importance for a wide range of users, both internal and external to the enterprise - managers, partners, investors and creditors.

  • For domestic users, which primarily include the heads of the enterprise, the results of financial analysis are necessary to assess the activities of the enterprise and prepare decisions on adjusting the financial policy of the enterprise.
  • For external users - partners, investors and creditors - information about the enterprise is necessary for making decisions on the implementation of specific plans for this enterprise (acquisition, investment, conclusion of long-term contracts).

What is the difference between external and internal financial analysis?

External financial analysis is focused on the open financial information of the enterprise and involves the use of standard (standardized) methods. In this case, as a rule, a limited number of basic indicators are used.

When performing the analysis, the main emphasis is on comparative methods, since users of external financial analysis are most often in a state of choice - with which of the enterprises under study to establish or continue relationships and in what form it is most appropriate to do so.

Internal financial analysis is more demanding on the original information. In most cases, the information contained in standard accounting reports is not enough for him, and it becomes necessary to use internal management accounting data.

In the process of analysis, the greatest emphasis is placed on understanding the causes of the ongoing changes in the financial condition of the enterprise and the search for solutions aimed at improving this condition. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the goal is achieved by using standard or original methods.

Unlike external, internal analysis is not limited to considering the enterprise as a whole, but almost always goes down to analysis. individual divisions and directions of activity of the enterprise, as well as types of products.

The following table compares the two approaches to financial analysis.

Table 1.

External analysis Internal analysis
Target Assessment of financial condition (problem of choice) Improving financial condition
Initial data Open (standard) financial statements Any information necessary to solve the problem
Methodology Standard Any corresponding to the solution of the task
Accent Comparison with other enterprises Identification of causal relationships
Object of study Enterprise as a whole enterprise, his structural units, activities, types of products

What tasks are solved with the help of financial analysis?

With the help of financial analysis, the following tasks are sequentially solved:

  1. Determination of the financial condition of the enterprise at the current moment.
  2. Identification of trends and patterns in the development of the enterprise for the period under study.
  3. Identification of factors that negatively affect the financial condition of the enterprise.
  4. Identification of reserves that the company can use to improve its financial condition.
  5. Development of recommendations aimed at improving the financial condition of the enterprise.

What are the main directions of financial analysis?

The main areas of financial analysis are:

  1. Analysis of the balance structure.
  2. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise and the structure of production costs.
  3. Analysis of solvency (liquidity) and financial stability of the enterprise.
  4. Capital turnover analysis.
  5. Analysis of return on capital.
  6. Analysis of labor productivity.

What are the methods of financial analysis?

There are the following methods of financial analysis:

  • Horizontal(retrospective, longitudinal, temporal) analysis.
    It involves comparing financial indicators with previous periods of time in order to determine trends in the development of the enterprise.
  • Vertical(deep, structural) analysis.
    It involves determining the structure of the main financial indicators in order to study them in more detail.
  • factorial analysis.
    It involves assessing the impact of individual factors on the final financial performance in order to determine the causes that cause changes in their values. In this case, the method of chain substitutions (elimination) can be used.
    This method of analysis is used, as a rule, when conducting internal financial analysis.
  • Comparative analysis.
    It involves comparing the financial indicators of the enterprise under study with industry averages or similar indicators of related enterprises and competitors. Unfortunately, in Russia today there is no necessary statistical base. Therefore, in some cases, it is possible to use similar Western directories, the most famous of which are the bulletins of Dun & Bradstreet and Robert Morris Associates.
    This type analysis is used, as a rule, when conducting external financial analysis.

2. Sources of information for financial analysis

What are the main sources of information for financial analysis?

The main sources of information for financial analysis are accounting and management accounting data:

  1. Data on the property of the enterprise (assets) and sources of its formation (liabilities) at the beginning and end of the study period in the form of an analytical balance sheet.
  2. Data on the performance of the enterprise for the period under study in the form of an analytical profit and loss report.

How analytical reports are built will be discussed below.

Which Additional Information used in financial analysis?

When conducting a financial analysis, for a more accurate interpretation of the source data, the following information may additionally be required:

  • Information about the accounting policy of the enterprise.
  • The amount of accrued depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • Average headcount personnel and payroll of the enterprise.
  • Share of overdue receivables and payables.
  • The share of barter (commodity) settlements in sales proceeds.

How to build an analytical balance?

Traditionally, and especially during external analysis the standard balance sheet (form No. 1) is used as initial information. However, this is not a prerequisite and, for example, in case of distrust of the external reporting of the enterprise, any other management accounting document can be used for this purpose.

In any case, the data must meet the following requirements:

  • Data preparation should be carried out on a regular basis and according to a single methodology.
  • Data on property and sources must be balanced with each other.
  • Assets should be structured according to their economic nature (according to the principle of attributing value to manufactured products, terms of use and degree of liquidity).
  • Data on funding sources should be separated according to the principle of ownership and terms of attraction.

All of the above requirements are met by the analytical balance.

One of the ways to build this document is to transform (aggregate or downsize) and refine the standard balance sheet.

Listed below are a number of procedures that must be carried out:

  • Decrease authorized capital enterprises by the amount of unpaid capital (debts of the founders).
  • Enter the real value non-current assets.
  • Adjust the cost of current assets (stocks, receivables, free cash) and liabilities ( , loans) for amounts that for some reason did not fall into the balance sheet.
  • It is most convenient to correct the difference between the value of assets and liabilities through a specially created article of the analytical balance sheet "Accumulated capital". This analytical article combines all types of retained earnings, reserves formed from profits, accumulation and consumption funds and other similar balance sheet items. It shows what the enterprise has actually earned over the entire history of its existence (for privatized enterprises - from the moment of corporatization).

Table 2. Approximate structure of the analytical balance

Assets Act Liabilities Pass
Fixed assets VneobAkt Equity SobCap
Intangible assets NematAct Authorized capital UstCap
fixed assets MainWed Extra capital DobCap
Capital in progress UnscheduledCap Special-purpose financing TselFin
Long-term financial investments DebtFin Accumulated capital AccumulationCap
Other noncurrent assets PrVneobAkt Long-term loans DebtCredit
current assets OborAkt Short-term liabilities Brief Obligation
Advances issued AvVydan Short term loans ShortCredit
Stocks of raw materials and materials ZapMat Advances received AvReceive
Unfinished production Unscheduled Debt to suppliers DebtDebt
Finished products GotProd Debts on taxes and deductions DebtTax
Buyer debt DebtPurchase Debt under wages DebtSalary
Short-term financial investments ShortFin Other PrKrObyaz
Cash DenSred
Other current assets ProborAct


The second column of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet shows conventions corresponding positions used in the future in the calculation formulas and examples.

How to get analytical?

As a basis for constructing an analytical income statement, you can use the accounting income statement (form No. 2).

In this case, the following procedures must be followed:

  • Adjust sales proceeds for sales amounts that for some reason were not included in the accounting report.
  • Adjust costs for sold products on the amount of costs that for some reason did not fall into the accounting report or, according to tax legislation, are attributed to repayment at the expense of profit.
  • Divide the costs of sold products into variable and fixed components according to the degree of their dependence on changes in production and sales volumes.
  • As part of fixed costs, separate the items "Depreciation" and "Interest on loans" as separate items.
  • Separate taxes calculated before income taxation from other operating expenses and include them in costs of products sold.
  • Separate income and expenses associated with the sale of non-current assets and other property of the enterprise and securities, as well as exchange differences, as separate items.
The main requirements for an analytical profit and loss statement are:
  • Construction regularity.
  • Use of a single methodology when generating reports for different periods.
  • Ensuring the possibility of conducting a break-even analysis.

Table 3. Sample Structure of Analytical Profit and Loss Statement

Sales proceeds (net of VAT and excises) VyrReal
variable costs
Marginal profit MarginPrib
fixed costs
Depreciation deductions
Interest on loans
Other fixed costs PrPostZatr
Profit from operating activities PribBasnDeyat
Profit (loss) from other sales PribPrReal
Profit (loss) from operations with securities PribTsenBum
Other profits (losses) Prrib
Profit before taxes PribDonal
income tax NalPribn
Net profit Chistprib
Dividends (use of profits) Divide (IspPrib)
Undestributed profits UnexpectedPrib

3. Scorecard for financial analysis

Indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise are divided into two categories: volumetric and relative. The latter are called financial ratios or financial ratios.

Various indicators are related to each other and reflect the view from only one of several possible points of view on the enterprise. Therefore, they talk about the system of financial indicators.

Among the volumetric indicators of the enterprise's activity are used:

  1. Balance currency.
  2. Own or paid-in authorized capital of the enterprise.
  3. Net assets enterprises.
  4. Sales volume (sales proceeds) for the period.
  5. The amount of profit for the period.
  6. cash flow for the period.
  7. Structure cash flow by type of activity.

Financial ratios are divided into several groups:

  • Solvency (liquidity) indicators.
  • Profitability indicators*.
  • turnover indicators.
  • Indicators of financial stability.
  • Profitability indicators*.
  • Indicators of labor efficiency.

* Indicators of profitability and profitability are considered separately. This is due to the fact that in the first case, the efficiency of the current (main) activities of the enterprise is analyzed, that is, the income and costs associated with their receipt are compared. In the second case, we are talking about the efficiency of capital (assets) use in general.

To obtain a holistic assessment of the enterprise, various volumetric indicators and financial ratios are combined (taking into account the weight and significance of each of them) into complex (composite) indicators of the financial condition.
