It refers to the organization of the management process. What are the steps in the management process? Fundamentals of management processes. Basic principles of management activity

In life, we often use the word “process” in relation to a wide variety of situations. At the same time, no one raises the question: what is a process. We all take this word for granted and understand it as a logical sequence of certain actions or operations of a person aimed at obtaining a specific result. We encounter this term repeatedly in the presentation of the material in this textbook.

We consider management in at least three senses: as people doing the work of managing, as a field of knowledge about management, and as a management process. One thing is clear to everyone today: management is, first of all, a process.

What is a management process? This question will receive as many answers as the number of people will be interviewed, and all of them will be quite correct.

However, such diversity cannot be used if we want to create an effective managerial technological process specific organization.

Process- is a set of consistent targeted actions to achieve a result.

The participants in the management process are managers, performers and controllers.

Purpose of the management process- combining the efforts of participants to achieve a specific result. Subject management process - information that performers, controllers and managers use in their activities.

Funds implementation of the process - these are documents and various means of receiving, transmitting, registering, storing, processing and issuing information.

A properly designed management process makes an organization successful. And in order to design this process correctly, it is necessary to know its internal structure, the relationship between the individual stages of execution and their characteristics.

It is known that the process approach to management was first studied by the representative of the "classical school" or scientific managerialism, Henri Fayol. Analyzing the activities of managers, he considered it as a process, divided into separate stages: planning, organization, coordination, control and motivation.

Over time, it became obvious that the content of the management process is not exhausted by the list of these functions. If we take any of the functions separately, then its implementation is also a management process. It seems that the management process consists of individual processes performing each specific function.

Let's figure it out. Indeed, to perform, say, the planning function, it is necessary to perform a number of sequential procedures. Again abstraction. After all, planning as a process is carried out in relation to a specific object and a specific situation, and this is true. Each time we talk about management processes that differ from each other by the objects they are directed at and the time they are completed.

Rice. 5. Management cycle

In our opinion, the management process should be associated not with functions, but with management tasks. As we already know, each task is a management action that is described by the goal, the object of management, the time period for its solution, information parameters (input, output). In accordance with the definition given earlier, the "management process" is a logical sequence of management actions, i.e. management tasks, the solution of which is aimed at achieving a specific result, which is the goal. Thus, the content of the management process reflects the logical relationship between solving the problem of planning, organization, accounting, control, regulation, analysis and stimulation. The combination of these management tasks, the solution of which is aimed at one specific goal, forms management cycle(fig. 5.), or specific management process.

All organization management processes, presented as a relationship of management tasks, can be divided into two large groups: permanent and periodic.

Permanent processes represent the functional areas of human activity to achieve current goals. For example, the production management process. Such processes contain certain management procedures, the order of which is pre-designed and described in the form of instructions. Change content permanent processes happens infrequently. Management procedures are of a standard nature and change only when the management system is improved. They are described by the staff composition of control problems, the solution of which is carried out according to a known algorithm. Known methods are used to solve them.

Batch processes- this is an active form of management, caused by the appearance of unplanned, unforeseen situations, requiring the development of operational (often one-time) management actions. These processes, as a rule, are aimed at resolving emergency management situations. Rules developed by management are used to carry out management procedures, but the use of these rules is the art of management. At different points in time, the object of attention of the manager who carries out the periodic management process can be various aspects controlled system.

Both permanent and periodic management processes have the same internal structure, which differs in goals, subject matter, means, content of management procedures and operations performed.

In the management process, elements and management procedures can be distinguished.

The elements of the management process are management categories, the logical relationship of which determines the following characteristics management activities:

a) why the control process is performed;

b) what caused the emergence of the management process;

c) what is the purpose of the management process;

d) what kind of impact is produced in the process of management.

Based on the essence of management activity, which we considered earlier, we can distinguish the following elements of the management process:

· situation;

· problem;

· solution.

The logical relationship of these elements is shown in fig. 6.

Target determines the meaning of the execution of the control process. Processes are implemented to achieve the goal. The management process is always a purposeful activity of the participants. The concrete result of human activity is the goal. Therefore, each management process is performed to achieve some specific goal. Therefore, the management process provides for the clarification or setting of the goal for which it will be carried out.

Rice. 6. Organization management process

Each of the management processes has its own purpose. Therefore, goals are relatively constant (indefinite period of time) and periodic. An incorrectly set goal makes the management process ineffective, and yes, harmful to successful activity organizations.

Goals in the management process should be operational and translated into specific tasks and work assignments. For each management situation, they are a guideline for the concentration of necessary resources.

Situation represents the state of a controlled subsystem (for continuous processes) or a separate object (for periodic processes).

The situation in the management process arises as a result of deviations in the activity of the managed object or the influence of factors on the object external environment in which the organization operates. The situation can have a positive impact on the organization of a controlled specific object, increasing the effective one or negatively, reducing it. For example, a sharp increase in demand for the company's products allows you to increase the price, and, conversely, a sharp decrease in consumer demand for the same products forces the organization to develop measures that have undesirable trends. The situation is a certain perturbation, which is the cause of the emergence of control processes. The complexity and scope of the situation (impact on a large subsystem or a separate object) are the cause of the emergence of permanent or periodic management processes.

In management, the situation has one very important feature. Numerous situations affecting the organization are interrelated. One situation entails many others, the passage of a boat causes waves on the river. The first management process, which develops a response to the impact of the situation, causes the phenomenon of other management processes, and they, in turn, cause new processes, thereby creating constant management cycles.

Situations in the management process create problems that must be resolved by managers.

Problem - it is the need to justify and choose a certain position in resolving the situation that has arisen.

The problem involves the clarification of the main contradictions between the conditions of the organization, caused by the emergence of the situation, and the conditions required for the organization to achieve its goals. Clarification of the nature of the managerial situation allows you to determine the possible areas of activity of the manager to eliminate the deviations that have arisen from achieving the goal.

Directions of activity are related to the redistribution of available resources (material, human, financial), i.e., the determination of the necessary resources and their distribution.

Choosing possible ways out of the situation, the manager must remember the interconnectedness of managerial situations. Therefore, when resolving a problem, the manager needs to use the integral systems approach. Merely pointing out which elements or factors that caused the situation have the most influence on the success of the organization is clearly not enough to determine which solution will be the best to achieve a particular goal of the organization.

To do this, it is necessary to establish the relationship between these elements and develop a comprehensive response to eliminate undesirable impacts.

Specifically, the impact on the situation is carried out through the decision.

The manager in the management process chooses the direction of action not only for himself, but also for the organization and other employees.

Solution- this is the final and, perhaps, the most important element in the management process.

The decision provides for the choice of the most effective option for influencing the situation that has arisen (meaning the variable factors that caused the situation), the choice of specific means and methods, the development of specific management procedures for the implementation of the management process.

It is this element that activates human, material and financial resources. The effectiveness of the developed managerial response to the impact exerted by the situation that has arisen depends on what decision will be made. The solution accumulates in itself the successful and unsuccessful sides of the previous elements and is obliged to filter out the inefficient areas of activity of managed objects or the actions of managers.

Each element of the management process is implemented using interrelated management procedures. The following management procedures can be distinguished:

goal setting

· Information Support;

Analytical activity;

selection of options for action;

implementation of solutions.

goal setting how the procedure is designed to ensure the setting of a specific goal (if the goal is not set) or the clarification of the essence of the goal associated with the flow of the management process.

Goal setting is carried out for ongoing processes.

In this case, the goals act as a standard, a measure by which performance is measured.

In the management of an organization, there are often cases when the goal-setting procedure proceeds unconsciously, automatically or elementarily.

Such cases occur in many periodic processes. However, apparent automatism does not mean that the manager carries out the process of management and clarification of the content of the goal. In these cases, there is a subconscious understanding of the goal towards which the manager directs the management process. The goal is known to the manager, and the situation that has arisen is not so complex that managers can immediately determine the nature of its influence. Therefore, the impression of automatism in the implementation of the management process is created.

No management process can be carried out without a goal-setting procedure. Control without a goal does not exist, which follows from Corollary 1 general concept management.

The goal-setting procedure allows you to do the following:

1. to organize and explain the whole range of phenomena associated with an object, under a system or an enterprise as a whole;

2. predict the behavior of an object, subsystem or enterprise;

3. evaluate the reasonableness of decisions at a time when they have not yet been made;

4. analyze own work managers of all levels in the management process and improve it as a result.

The goal-setting procedure is also necessary to understand the essence and content of the situation that has arisen. Any situation should be commensurate with the goal, the achievement of which it can influence.

Information Support represents a management procedure regarding the subject of the management process - information that adequately reflects the characteristics of the goal and the impact of the situation that has arisen on its achievement.

This procedure includes operations for collecting the necessary information, its systematization and processing.

Analytical activity in the management process characterizes a set of operations related to assessing the state of a managed object, subsystem or enterprise (depending on the type of process), finding ways to improve or eliminate undesirable effects from the situation that has arisen. The situation itself, the reasons for its occurrence and possible consequences her impact. For this, the collected and processed information about a specific goal and the factors that created the management situation is used. Analytical activity "serves" all elements of the management process, providing possible options for the flow of the management process.

Choice of options for action. The content of this management procedure depends on the complexity of the situation. To develop a response to the impact of the situation, the manager needs to determine the most appropriate options for action. If the problem is not particularly complex, and has been correctly assessed, then choosing the right solution is relatively easy. The manager, having the necessary information, simply selects the alternative with the most favorable overall consequences.

But the manager has to deal not only with simple situations, but also with very complex and interrelated situations. In this case, he has to take into account many trade-off options, and if the analytical procedure has not been performed sufficiently, then it is possible that no alternative can be the best. There are times when even additional analytical work does not provide satisfactory alternatives.

In these cases, the manager is forced to accept for execution the alternative that is acceptable, but not necessarily the best. Thus, the procedure for selecting alternatives is mandatory in the management process, but it does not necessarily lead to the selection of only the best solution.

Solution implementation. The real value of the solution becomes apparent only after its implementation. The control process ends if it had an impact on the control object as a result of the specific work of the performer. Therefore, the decision implementation procedure requires the manager not only to make an acceptable decision, but also to organize its implementation, i.e., he must involve this process specific performers. If this is not done, then such a management process does not really make sense, and it is not worth spending resources on its implementation (performing the previous procedures).

Feedback. P The control process contains, in addition to the listed elements, feedback. We have already considered the role of feedback. Therefore, it is clear to us that the comparison of the result obtained, from the implementation of the chosen solution alternative, with the goal for which the control process was carried out, is possible only with the help of establishing feedback. Methods for establishing feedback will be discussed below.

It is important to understand here that feedback allows the manager to evaluate the results of the management process he has carried out and, if necessary, correct the result, while the organization has not yet suffered significant damage.

The basis of all management procedures is the information transmitted using human speech, documents or related technical means. Therefore, information support is necessary for the implementation of all management procedures. The subject of the management process is the information that managers and performers use to implement it.

Organization of the management process

The organizational characteristic of management processes provides for:

  • o identification of participants in the process and the procedure for their interaction;
  • o description of the time sequence of the flow of the control process, determined by the sequential implementation of the main control functions;
  • o determination of the procedure for the interaction of various management bodies (links) in the management process.

The management process is closely related to the management structure. This connection consists in their mutual influence. The structure reflects the stable forms of the division of managerial labor, the process - the sequence of execution various kinds managerial actions. Indirectly, this connection is manifested in the principles, functions, mechanism and methods of management, which equally reflect both the statics and the dynamics of management.

The organization of the management process is its comprehensive ordering, which determines the clarity, consistency and acceptable boundaries of implementation. In other words, the organization of the management process is its expedient construction in time and space in accordance with the needs of coordinating joint work in social system and tasks to improve management efficiency. In concrete terms, the organization of the management process is manifested in the distribution of work by stages, the establishment of the sequence and time duration of their implementation, the provision of certain parts of the management system in carrying out these works. The organization of the management process should be based on its preliminary design, which is based on a deep and comprehensive analysis of all the conditions and features of management. Designing the organization of the management process provides for:

  • o determination of a logically justified and most rational sequence of work;
  • o establishing the necessary procedures for processing work (approval, coordination, discussion, etc.);
  • o the procedure for using time by type of work;
  • o spatial design of the management process;
  • o designing links between control links in the joint performance of work of a certain type.

Technology and management technique

The management process has not only a content and organizational, but also a technological side. Control process technology covers three components:

  • o organization information system. Management information is a collection of information about the state of the object and the subject of management. Information processes accompany the entire management cycle. The information used in the management process is classified according to its content (political, economic, organizational, scientific and technical, etc.); source of occurrence (internal and external); relation to the management process (directive and descriptive); temporal sign (past, current and future events); form of presentation (digital, text and coded); method of fixation (oral and documented);
  • o documentation and workflow. The following main types of documents are used in the management process: resolutions, orders, instructions, instructions, charters, regulations, instructions, decisions, acts, instructions, protocols, letters, explanatory and memorandum notes, reports, conclusions, transcripts, protocols, summaries, plans, reports, abstracts, lists. With the aim of rational organization flows of documented information, they must be regulated, indicating the specific recipient, sender and nomenclature of documents. In principle, the scheme of documented communications should correspond to the structure of the governing body and its external relations;
  • o procedures. They are developed for all main types of management activities: preparing a long-term plan, drawing up an annual balance sheet, holding business meetings, etc. A clearly organized management process technology is presented in the form of sets of various management procedures.

Control technique.

Management technique is a tool and means of labor designed to perform information transformations in the management process. The technique of managerial work can be conditionally divided into three groups: material carriers of information; means of information conversion; means of equipping information transformation processes (equipment, office and utility rooms, etc.). The classification of control technology is shown in fig. 8.6.

Control technology is developing in several directions. Firstly, new high-performance devices and machines are being created to automate labor-intensive processes of information transformations (multidimensional sampling and comparison of data, fixing information on media, transferring and presenting the necessary data, etc.). Second, improve technical means, the use of which has become traditional (the creation of high-performance computers with a large amount of memory, typewriters with logic elements, facsimile equipment, video terminals, etc.). Thirdly, technical means and systems are aggregated (data transmission networks are created, automated systems management, technical complexes of office equipment are developed and produced). Fourthly, multifunctional machines and systems are being created for various levels of management (computer complexes, organizational universal automata, etc.).

There are the following forms of using technology in the administrative apparatus: centralized, in which administrative equipment is concentrated in one place and serves the entire administrative apparatus; decentralized, when the available management equipment is distributed among structural divisions control apparatus; mixed, when one part of the equipment is operated centrally, and the other - by separate divisions or employees of management.

An organization is a relatively autonomous group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal. It is a planned system of cumulative (cooperative) efforts, in which each participant has his own, clearly defined role, his own tasks or responsibilities that must be fulfilled.

These responsibilities are distributed among the participants in the name of achieving the goals that the organization sets for itself, and not in the name of satisfying individual wishes, even though the two often overlap. The organization has certain boundaries, which are determined by the types of activities, the number of employees, capital, production area, territory, material resources, etc. Usually they are fixed, fixed in documents such as the charter, memorandum of association, position.

Organizations are private and public firms, state institutions, public associations, institutions of culture, education, etc. Any organization consists of three main elements. These are the people who are in this organization, the goals and objectives for which it is created, and management, which forms and mobilizes the organization's potential to solve the challenges.

Any organization is an open system built into the external environment with which the organization is in a state of constant exchange. At the input, it receives resources from the external environment; at the output, it gives the created product to the external environment. Therefore, the life of the organization consists of three main processes:

1) obtaining resources from the external environment;

2) transformation of resources into a finished product;

3) transfer of the produced product to the external environment.

At the same time, the management process plays a key role, which maintains the correspondence between these processes, and also mobilizes the resources of the organization for the implementation of these processes.

AT modern organization the main ones are the processes carried out at the inputs and outputs that ensure the correspondence between the organization and its environment. The implementation of internal processes, the production function is subject to ensuring the long-term readiness of the organization to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Management levels

The division of labor allows the employees of the enterprise to perform their functions much more qualified, making less of their own efforts, and helps to reduce the costs of the organization. The division of labor can be horizontal or vertical. The horizontal division of labor provides for the creation of divisions in the organization that specialize in various activities. Vertical - separates the direct execution of work from the work of coordinating the activities of performers; reflected in the hierarchy of management levels. The result of the vertical division of labor is the formation of different levels of management.

Organization management levels

Most often, there are three levels of control:

Technical level (lower level of management) - managers are in direct contact with employees-performers, solve specific issues;

Management level (intermediate) - managers are responsible for the course production processes in divisions consisting of several structural units; managers of headquarters and functional services of the administrative apparatus, heads of auxiliary and service industries, targeted programs and projects;

Institutional level (highest) - the administration of the enterprise, carrying out general strategic management; resolves issues strategic management- financial management, selection of sales markets, enterprise development, at this level only 3-7% of the total is employed management personnel.

The highest level of management develops long-term plans, formulates tasks for the middle level. A significant place in the institutional level of management is occupied by the adaptation of the company to changes in the market environment, the management of relations between the enterprise and the external environment. The top leadership may be represented by the president, CEO and other board members.

Middle managers coordinate and supervise the work of junior managers. They identify problems of a production, organizational, financial nature, develop creative proposals, prepare information for management decisions accepted by senior managers. These are the leaders individual divisions, services, departments of the enterprise.

The lower level of control is correspondingly subordinate to the middle one. The lower level managers are production masters, foremen, group leaders. These are highly specialized professional managers who perform well-defined responsibilities for production, sales, marketing, material supply management, etc.. They are responsible for the rational use of allocated to them material resources, workers, equipment. Such a construction organizational structure ensures clarity of management, uses the advantages of a narrow, in-depth specialization of managers. However, at the same time, it makes it difficult to determine the contribution of each manager to overall result entrepreneurship, its responsibility for the decisions made.

At small and medium-sized enterprises, the management system has a slightly different organizational structure. Managers of such enterprises are more likely to face the problems of an unstable external environment, with unpredictable results of their activities. Therefore, in small and medium-sized businesses, managers are supposed to perform several management functions at the same time (interchangeability of individual managers).

The construction of the organizational structure of management in this group of enterprises depends on the legal form entrepreneurial activity relationships between owners and managers. Under these conditions, the effectiveness of management as a whole depends on the entrepreneurial abilities of managers, their ability to work as one well-coordinated team. Therefore, the organizational structure of management in small and medium-sized businesses is built on a horizontal principle.

A characteristic feature of the horizontal management structure is the focus of the efforts of all managers without exception on solving a specific problem, for example, on the success of the company. This means that in small and medium-sized businesses there may not be a strict distinction between entrepreneurs in terms of their powers and responsibilities. Only a few senior managers have financial and labor resources. Others are working together to resolve critical issues. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to achieve the following benefits: Reducing management costs; Reducing the production cycle; Increased responsiveness to consumer and market needs.

Separate groups of managers may be responsible for certain areas of activity. Within these groups, personal success is determined by the ability to work at the intersection of various functional processes, with specialists of different profiles.

Management is the implementation of several interrelated functions (BASIC!):
planning, organization, employee motivation and control.

Planning. With the help of this function, the goals of the organization's activities, means and most effective methods to achieve these goals. An important element of this function are forecasts of possible directions of development and strategic plans. At this stage, the firm must determine what real results it can achieve, assess its strengths and weak sides, as well as the state of the external environment (economic conditions in a given country, government acts, positions of trade unions, actions of competing organizations, consumer preferences, public opinion, technology development).

Organization. This management function forms the structure of the organization and provides it with everything necessary (personnel, means of production, cash, materials, etc.). That is, at this stage, conditions are created to achieve the goals of the organization. good organization work of the staff allows to achieve more effective results.

Motivation is the process of inducing other people to act in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Performing this function, the leader provides material and moral incentives for employees, and creates the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of their abilities and professional "growth". With good motivation, the personnel of an organization perform their duties in accordance with the goals of this organization and its plans. The process of motivation involves creating opportunities for employees to meet their needs, subject to the proper performance of their duties. Before motivating staff to work more efficiently, the manager must find out the real needs of his employees.

Control. This management function involves the evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of the results of the organization. With the help of control, an assessment is made of the degree to which the organization has achieved its goals, and the necessary adjustment of the planned actions. The control process includes: setting standards, measuring the results achieved, comparing these results with the planned ones and, if necessary, revising the original goals. Control links together all the management functions, it allows you to maintain the desired direction of the organization's activities and correct wrong decisions in a timely manner.

LECTURE №6. Internal environment organizations

All enterprises operate in a certain environment, which determines their actions, and their survival in long term depends on the ability to adapt to the expectations and requirements of the environment. Distinguish between the internal and external environment of the organization. The internal environment includes the main elements and subsystems within the organization that ensure the implementation of the processes occurring in it. The external environment is a set of factors, subjects and conditions outside the organization and capable of influencing its behavior.

Elements of the external environment are divided into two groups: factors of direct and indirect impact on the organization. The environment of direct impact (business environment, microenvironment) includes such elements that directly affect the business process and experience the same impact of the functioning of the organization. This environment is specific to each individual organization and, as a rule, is controlled by it.

The environment of indirect impact (macro environment) includes elements that affect the processes occurring in the organization not directly, but indirectly, indirectly. This environment is generally not specific to a single organization and is usually outside its control.

Any organization has two management systems: the object of management and the subject of management. The object of management includes working personnel, intra-organizational relations, economic mechanisms, structures, marketing, information and more. The subject of management is the management personnel that performs all actions in relation to the object of management.


Management personnel are employees of the administrative apparatus, employees belonging to the administration of an enterprise, organizations, office workers, directorates of enterprises and institutions. The main task of the management personnel is to ensure coordinated, purposeful activities and individual areas of work, and the entire team as a whole.

Achieving the goal is carried out by preparing and implementing a set of decisions taken by management personnel. Thus, a managerial decision is a specific product of managerial work. This speaks of the informational nature of managerial work.

  1. Functional division - the allocation of functions assigned by production to certain employees or departments of the management apparatus.
  2. Hierarchical - distribution of work according to management levels.
  3. Technological - differentiation of management processes into operations for the collection, transfer, storage and transformation of information.
  4. Professional - differentiation of managerial employees on the basis of their professional training.
  5. Qualification - distribution of work in accordance with qualifications, work experience and personal abilities.
  6. Position - distribution of managerial employees in accordance with their competence.

Within the framework of this categorical division, management personnel can also be divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. This is the most common approach. Thus, the activity of managerial personnel is a specific type of human activity, isolated in the course of the division and cooperation of social labor.

Features of the activities of management personnel

As you know, the main role in the management of the company is played by the leader (manager, administrator, boss), who is at the head of the team. The leader is distinguished by giving him the necessary powers to make decisions on emerging situations, specific types activities of the company, and is also responsible for its management full responsibility. In the first category of managerial personnel, i.e., a manager, several levels can be distinguished according to their place in the company's management system: top, middle, and grassroots. The content of the activities of managers at various levels is the process of implementing management functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

The second category is specialists who perform certain management functions. Their tasks include the analysis of the collected information necessary for managers of the appropriate level, for joint decision-making with them on the task at hand. This category includes: economists, accountants, financiers, analysts, lawyers, etc. Main Feature activities of specialists is a strict regulation of their work. In their actions, they rely on the orders and instructions of the leaders, technological and legal standards. They also have clear qualification requirements and the availability of special knowledge on the implementation of logical operations.

The third category is technical performers serving the activities of specialists and managers, performing information and technical operations in order to relieve managers and specialists from laborious work. This category includes secretaries, typists, junior technicians, etc. Features of their activities - the implementation of standard procedures and operations, are mainly amenable to rationing. As well as for employees of the previous category of managerial personnel, logical and technical operations dominate (see table):

Roles of management personnel

Each employee of the management team may have certain roles in the organization. Let's list them:

  1. Interpersonal roles:
  • chief leader;
  • leader;
  • connecting link.
  • Information roles:
    • information receiver;
    • distributor of information;
    • representative.
  • Decision roles:
    • entrepreneur;
    • eliminating violations;
    • resource distributor;
    • leading the negotiations.

    Any employee from any category of management personnel works with his assistants, with his team, thereby providing a certain function, performing a certain role. Implementation common functions and roles of management personnel determines the success of management activities and leads to the achievement of the stated results of the organization.


    Thus, management is carried out through the division and cooperation of managerial labor, which is an objective process of isolation certain types into independent areas of management.

    The management process today is subject to changes, primarily related to the fact that the staff is considered as the main resource of the organization. And at the same time, not only managers, but also the entire staff are involved in the process of making managerial decisions. Under these conditions, the manager works in the management team both as a leader and as a member of the team, which, in turn, increases the requirements for his business and personal qualities.

    The relevance of the issue of the stages of the management process is due to the fact that it runs like a red thread through all the activities of the organization. Efficiency can be compared with hours. A well-oiled and clear mechanism will lead to the planned result. At the same time, a good management system is characterized by flexibility - the ability to adapt to new conditions.

    The essence of management

    Management refers to the management of an object or subject (person). Management as a process is a combination of various activities, coordination, maintenance of order necessary for successful work enterprises, achieving goals and development.

    The management process includes the solution of a tactical and strategic task:

    • the task associated with tactics requires maintaining the harmony, integrity and effectiveness of the elements of the managed object;
    • strategy implies development, improvement and positive change of state.

    Characteristics of management processes

    The management process is continuous and cyclical. It consists of managerial labor, subject, means and final product. The management of any object is associated with the periodic repetition of individual stages of work. These may be the phases of collecting and analyzing data, developing an organization for its implementation.

    The technology of the management process is being improved along with the development of the organization. If the leader is late in making decisions, then the management process becomes chaotic, inertial.

    A closed sequence of management actions that are repeated to achieve goals is called the management cycle. The beginning of the cycle is the identification of the problem, the result is the achievement of a working result. The periodicity of management processes helps to find common patterns and principles for organizations of different profiles.

    Management principles

    The foundations of management processes are expressed through fundamental principles. They are objective and consistent with the laws of management. The list of general management principles that can be found in textbooks is not small. Among them are:

    • purposefulness;
    • feedback;
    • information transformation;
    • optimality;
    • perspective.

    The formation and operation of the management system is based on several other principles.

    Division of labor

    Management functions are separated from each other and become the basis for the management structure. There are departments, teams that perform different, but common types of work.

    Consolidation of functions

    Combination of operations in managerial functions. Relationship between the functions of governing bodies and the internal structure.

    Centrism and independence

    The management process and organizational structure remain centralized and independent of the external environment.

    Submission in the control system

    The information flow links the higher, middle and lower levels of management by steps.

    The implementation of the principles contributes to the effective unification of managerial functions, the strengthening of ties at all levels of management bodies.

    Management functions

    The professional activities of managers are gradually reflected in managerial functions.

    Grouping functions

    The management process includes activities

    General (universal) functions

    Planning, implementation of forecasts, coordination, organization, control, accounting function and others. Contribute to the development, improvement and interconnection of management processes.

    Special Features

    Administration, personnel management, motivation. As tools for common functions, they help organize productive activities.

    Secondary functions

    Maintenance of management processes for the successful functioning of all

    By the nature of the activity, functions are distinguished that are used in various areas related to production, the economic part, the economy, and technology.

    Henri Fayol divided the management functions of an industrial organization into 6 groups: administrative, commercial, production, accounting, insurance and accounting activities.

    Stages of the management process

    Each managerial action and decision is accompanied by the unity of information, goals, society and other aspects. The essence of management reflects which can be represented as a set of stages.

    The management process includes stages that alternate continuously.

    In addition to the above stages, the management process includes actions to implement a management decision.

    7 stages of the personnel management process

    Management tasks in the field human resources varied. The process of personnel management consists of seven stages.

    • Planning staffing for all functions of the enterprise.
    • Recruitment of personnel, formation personnel reserve, selection and hiring.
    • Labor motivation. Creation of material ( wage, bonuses) and an intangible system of motivation for the formation of a stable team.
    • The system of adaptation and career guidance of employees. As a result, everyone should quickly get into work, know corporate goals understand the essence and requirements for their activities.
    • Evaluation of employees and work. Assessment of knowledge, skills, skills for effective work. The system for evaluating the work of each and informing the team as a whole.
    • Relocation, career planning, staff rotation.
    • Training of staff to replace leaders. Raising the qualifications of managerial employees.

    An effective personnel management process is impossible without the development and enhancement of the professional potential of workers. This factor becomes decisive in production and labor productivity.

    Project management

    Project management processes are a collection of functions and defined activities.

    The entire project and each contractor can be evaluated using a number of indicators. This is the volume, period and quality of the work performed in accordance with the deadlines, the amount of invested resources (material, financial), staffing project team, the estimated level of risk.

    Project management processes are associated with the following tasks:

    • formulating the goals of the project;
    • search and selection of solutions for the implementation of the project;
    • creation of structure (team of performers, resources, timeline and budget);
    • connection with the external environment;
    • managing a team of performers and coordinating the progress of work.

    Information management

    Information is a collection of knowledge, information about an event, fact, phenomenon or process. In production management, information becomes a necessary means of communication, communication between employees.

    The great importance of information in the management system is associated with its universality. It is not only the subject and product of managerial work, but also a collection of data on the state of the management system, internal and external environment.

    Information management processes are the stages of collecting, transmitting, transforming, processing and applying information. Storage and destruction of the information base are distinguished as separate processes.

    Management of risks

    Risk management in any company is not a one-time event, but an ongoing necessity. Risk management has become a stage of business management, without which it is impossible to make a profit and achieve goals. includes five action steps.

    AT practical activities these processes are not always performed in this order or may be performed simultaneously.

    The overall picture needs to be completed feedback for each of the stages, meaning a return, if necessary, to the passed stage. The final stage is related to the conclusions and the final assessment. The results should be used when working on assessing and minimizing risks in the future.

    Production technology management

    Depend on the organizational structure, which is presented on modern enterprises in three versions.

    • The centralized method of management involves the concentration of functions in departments. In production, in fact, there is only a line management. Therefore, centralization is applicable only in small production.
    • Decentralization - the structure of the management process is associated with the transfer of all functions to the shops. Workshops become partly independent units.
    • The combination of centralization and decentralized system is used by most manufacturing enterprises. Operational issues are resolved in workshops or bureaus, while management methods and quality control remain with the management departments. The workshops have their own administrative apparatus and conduct the entire technological process.

    Financial management

    The financial management system must be present even at small firm and consist not only of accounting. The management process includes five areas of financial work.

    Business process control

    Helps identify possible cash losses

    Creation of the finance department

    And the allocation of financial departments is a clear distribution of responsibility, effective control of cash flows.

    Controlling the movement of money and goods

    Carried out with the help financial plan cash flows.

    Implementation of management accounting

    It is implemented after the development of indicators to assess the state of finances, the effectiveness of departments.

    budget management

    The management process includes financial departments based on analytical information.

    Analysis of the management process

    The main purpose of management analysis is to provide management with information to make informed decisions. It includes three areas of analysis:

    • retrospective (examines information about past events);
    • operational (analysis of the current situation);
    • perspective (short-term and strategic analysis possible situation in the future).

    Improving the management system

    Improvement process management system is carried out on the basis of data analysis of managerial, accounting. To assess its effectiveness, it is necessary to calculate a number of coefficients: controllability, level of labor automation, labor efficiency, economic efficiency management, management effectiveness, labor productivity.

    Improving the management system is an inevitable process for a successful organization. At this stage, the management process includes, for example:

    1) audit of the management system;

    2) verification of compliance with legislation, international standards, recommendations of the Bank of the Russian Federation;

    3) development of measures to improve the management system and update internal documentation;

    4) cooperation of the board of directors with shareholders and the formation of proposals.

    The current state of society and the economy contributes to the rethinking of management and managerial professionalism. It becomes relevant for the leader active work on the development of personnel, the main resource of the enterprise. A successful manager is able to look into the future, be flexible in decision-making in the face of complete unpredictability of the external environment.
