Production is being mechanized. Mechanization of production processes. An increase in the duration of construction in excess of the established norms is unacceptable. The reduction in construction time, in the absence of excess resources, indicates

Tanais was founded in the III century. BC e. Greeks, immigrants from the Bosporus kingdom, on the right bank in the past of the main branch of the mouth of the Tanais River (now the Don) - the Dead Donets, after which the city got its name.

Seven Wonders of the Don

  • Lost World (9%, 1,216 votes)
  • Novocherkassk Ascension Cathedral (8%, 1,126 heads)
  • Old Station. Loga Park (7%, 945 heads)
  • Azov is the most ancient city (7%, 937 heads)
  • Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya (7%, 909 heads)
  • Chekhov Taganrog (6%, 833 heads)
  • Museum-Reserve Tanais (6%, 819 guests)
  • M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (5%, 755 heads)
  • Rostov Zoo (5%, 726 animals)
  • Don-father (4%, 562 heads)
  • Razdorsky Museum-Reserve (4%, 561 heads)
  • Biosphere Reserve "Rostovsky" (4%, 532 birds)
  • Underground monastery (4%, 525 heads)
  • Pelenkino - healing lake (3%, 467 birds)
  • Aksai catacombs (3%, 428 birds)
  • Donskoye Lukomorye (3%, 426 birds)
  • Sedoy Manych (3%, 412 goals)
  • Healing mud of Gruzskoye island (3%, 408 birds)
  • Long Canyon (3%, 371 birds)
  • Skeletal rock (3%, 352 birds)
  • Guard-mountain (1%, 160 birds)
  • Embankment of the Don River (1%, 159 guests)
  • Drama Theatre. M. Gorky (1%, 125 goals)
  • Musical theater "White piano" (1%, 113 votes)
  • Rostselmash (1%, 103 heads)

For many centuries, Tanais was a major economic, political and cultural center of the Don-Azov region. The Greek geographer Strabo calls it the largest barbarian marketplace after Panticapaeum (the capital of the Bosporan kingdom, on the territory of present-day Kerch). Ancient geographers and historians drew the border between Europe and Asia from Tanais. The city gradually acquired features characteristic of the way of life of local tribes. Tanais fought for independence from the Bosporan rulers.

In 237 AD e. it was destroyed by the Goths. Restored after 140 years by the Sarmatians, Tanais gradually turned into a center of agricultural and handicraft production, but at the beginning of the 5th century it fell into disrepair.

Tanais - Italian colony

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Venetians founded the trading post of Tana in a new place - on the changed main branch of the mouth of the Don, now called the Old Don. Later, control over the city passed to Genoa, who built a Genoese fortress here.

In the Polovtsian time, the Tanais colony began to be called Tan for short. In 1395, Tamerlane's troops razed the city to the ground, completely destroying the walls.

Colony Tana on the site of the city of Azov

In the 15th century, the Tana colony (the medieval name of the Genoese colony Tanais) was partially restored on the site of the later city of Azov.

The dominance of the Genoese came to an end in the autumn of 1475. The Ottoman Turks, having captured all the Genoese fortresses of the Crimea (Captainship of Gothia) and the Orthodox Crimean Principality of Theodoro, before the attack on Tana in the same year, landed troops and captured the colony of Tana. The Turks owned the city, finally called Azov, with short breaks (in 1637-1643 and 1696-1711) from 1475 to 1736, when, as a result of numerous wars, the city of Azov passed to the Russian Empire.

Archaeological excavations

As an archaeological site, Tanais was discovered in 1823 by a corresponding member of the Paris Academy, Colonel I. A. Stempkovsky. On the personal instructions of Nicholas I, who was primarily interested in the treasures of the burial mounds, excavations in Tanais were subsequently carried out by P. M. Leontiev, professor at the Department of Roman Literature and Antiquity at Moscow University, and since 1867 by V. G. Tizengauzen. The study of the Nedvigovsky settlement was carried out under the supervision of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. True, Leontiev's excavations, which were carried out haphazardly, only harmed the settlement. Finding nothing that seemed worthy of attention, Leontiev stopped excavations.

In the late 1860s, during the construction of the site railway Rostov-Taganrog workers who were breaking stone in the Nedvigovka region stumbled upon the ancient settlement of Tanais. However, no measures were taken to resume excavations. Having shown some interest in the newly “discovered” settlement, the chairman of the Archaeological Commission, Count S. G. Stroganov, wrote a letter to the chief ataman of the Don Cossacks, M. I. Chertkov. M. Chertkov, in turn, sent the director of the Novocherkassk gymnasium Robush and the artist Oznobishin to Nedvigovka with a check.

From the 70s until the time when the Soviet government had already declared all the ancient monuments to be national property under state protection, local residents took away the settlement for their own needs, using the stone of the ancient city in their buildings.

From 1870 to 1872, excavations at the Nedvigovsky and Elizavetinsk settlements were carried out by P. I. Khitsunov.

"Tanais" is the first of the archaeological museum-reserves created in Russia on the territory of Russia.

In 1955, the Nizhne-Donskaya Archaeological Expedition was formed by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which, together with the Rostov University and the Rostov Museum of Local Lore, under the leadership of D. B. Shelov, began the scientific study of the settlement. Four years later, the excavated settlement and the burial ground were declared a protected area. And in 1961, one of the first archaeological museum-reserves in Russia was opened here, with an area of ​​more than 3 thousand hectares. From 1973 to 2002, V. F. Chesnok was the permanent director of the museum-reserve. Then the former deputy minister of culture of the Rostov region V. Kasyanov was the director for a short time. In 2005, V. Perevozchikov was appointed director.

    The initiators of the creation of the museum-reserve were the head of the Nizhne-Donskaya expedition D.B. Shelov and Deputy Director of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore S.M. Markov. In 1958, the resolution of the Rostov Regional Executive Committee "On the establishment of the Tanais Museum-Reserve as a branch of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore" was issued. In 1960, the land with the main area of ​​the ancient settlement and adjacent sections of the necropolis was transferred to the museum for unlimited use. The construction of the first museum buildings based on panel structures began: a museum exposition, administration and two small utility rooms. Two staff units were allocated (manager and watchman). On August 1, 1961, the museum opened and received its first visitors.

    In 1981, the decision of the Rostoblispolkom approved the protected zones of the reserve with an area of ​​1200 hectares. In 1990, the museum-reserve received the status of an independent cultural institution.

    In February 2009, the Tanais Archaeological Museum-Reserve became a candidate for the list of objects world heritage UNESCO).

    Today, about 40 people work in the reserve. On the territory of his estate there is a new museum building with the main historical exposition, a fund storage building, administrative premises, buildings for stationary and temporary exhibitions, museum and pedagogical classes, and technical services. The reserve has become a significant cultural, educational and scientific center region, known far beyond its borders.

    The most important role in the formation and development of the museum-reserve belongs to the half-century creative union of the reserve and the Nizhne-Donskaya archaeological expedition, which has become international since 1993 (teams of the German Institute of Archeology and the Institute of Archeology of Warsaw University).

    To date, excavations have unearthed about a tenth of the ancient city, as well as a significant area of ​​the city necropolis. Unique standard stock collections and a unique exposition “under the open sky”, which makes up the majority of the studied sites of the settlement. This exposition also includes large-scale reconstructions of ancient buildings on the museum estate and a lapidarium - a collection of massive, three-dimensional finds, mostly made of stone. The items from the excavations, stored in the funds of the reserve, number more than 140 thousand items. The most expressive of them can be seen in the historical exposition of the museum. The funds have created a unique "Hall of Amphora Standards" - the only experience in Europe of open storage of amphora containers. The museum estate also houses the exposition "Museum of Historical Costume" and a complex of thematic exhibitions of a historical, archaeological and artistic nature.

    The museum has accumulated significant experience in working with visitors, and developed interesting exclusive forms of this activity. At the service of tourists is a series of excursion routes through the expositions of the museum, the ancient settlement, monuments of history, culture and nature of the protected areas of the reserve, covering the chronological range from the Paleolithic era to the twentieth century. A variety of interactive programs are held: historical workshops on the basis of the museum and pedagogical centers of the reserve on ancient handicraft, writing, trade, and sports technologies; educational games based on competitions; large theatrical mass holidays in ancient traditions. The museum publishes booklets, guidebooks and other popular science literature about Tanais, specialized archaeological collections.

    Every year on the third Saturday of September, the Day of the city of Tanais is celebrated here.

    The program of the holiday is based on the ancient celebration of the same name, which is described by the text of a marble slab dated 104 AD, found in an ancient settlement. It is assumed that the festival combined the birthday of the city of Tanais and honoring the god of the river.

    A series of theatrical performances, master classes in ancient crafts, competitions, quizzes and competitions, new exhibitions await the guests.

    Everyone can become participants in the historical reconstructions of the Pythian and Olympic Games, various myths and ancient Greek holidays.

    Suggested by a user under the nickname Nikolai S. When preparing the material, data from Wikipedia and from the official website of the museum were used.

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The famous Don archaeologist, who for many decades headed the Tanais archaeological museum, Valery Fedorovich Garlic in his book “In the beginning there was a legend” said beautiful words: “Legends were born in the steppe, and they are looking for confirmation in the steppe” ...

The city of Tanais was once a legend itself. But it has long since become a reality and tourists can wander through its ancient ruins. And the excavations of Tanais gave material confirmation to many amazing legends.

The open-air museum - the ancient city of Tanais - is located in the Nedvigovka farm of the Myasnikovsky district of the Rostov region, located 30 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don.

They say that these places were described by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the preface to his poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila": "There is a green oak near Lukomorye ..." The fact is that the bend Sea of ​​Azov, which once reached the Tanais itself, was called Lukomorye - according to its shape.

Once in these parts there was the northernmost colonial settlement of the ancient Greeks - Tanais. This locality of the Bosporan Kingdom was founded in the 3rd century BC and existed until the beginning of the 6th century AD, that is, eight centuries, having survived a lot during this time: a grandiose fire that swallowed the whole city, nomad raids ...

Here, on the edge of the Oikumene (as the Greeks called the "inhabited land"), life was in full swing in a relatively large port city. The geographer Strabo called Tanais "the largest barbarian market after Panticapaeum" ("barbarians" - because, along with the Bosporan Greeks, representatives of local tribes - Sarmatians and Meots) lived in Tanais. There were extensive cellars and warehouses Tanai merchants. We can see the ruins of these ancient buildings even today.

In ancient times, Tanais was considered a trade intermediary between two different parts of the world, Europe and Asia, on the border of which it was located.

The outstanding ancient scientist and encyclopedist Pliny wrote: “There is a city at the mouth of the Tanais River, for those who enter here, Europe is on the left hand, Asia is on the right ...”

But this city in the Don Delta not only separated the two around the world- barbarian and Greek, but was also the result of their convergence, the merger of two different cultures.

For a long time, the existence of Tanais in our area was considered a legend. Some even doubted that someday the legendary city would be found, as the fabulous Homeric Troy was once found. “Who will doubt that Tanais under the cold sky was just as dear to its peoples, if any were found there,” said the creator of the great “Decameron” Boccacho, putting into these words distrust of the stories of the ancients about Tanais.

One of the first Russian archaeologists, Ivan Alekseevich Stempkovsky (1789-1832), having believed the words of ancient authors and following the instructions of ancient books, found the city-legend. Subsequently, the famous Heinrich Schliemann found his Troy in the same way, which for a long time was considered an invention of Homer and other ancient poets.

Now, on the site of the ancient settlement, there is the world-famous archaeological museum-reserve "Tanais", excavations are underway, each year bringing new historical discoveries.

People who are passionate about history come to Tanais every year during the warm season to touch the secrets of the past. Moreover, this miracle is available to everyone and any volunteers can help archaeologists, as you can see by reading how to get on an archaeological expedition.

I myself have never been on an archaeological expedition. But I really like to wander around ancient places, admiring the evidence of the life of bygone centuries. And talking with archaeologists, many of whom are among my good friends, I understand: this is a completely different world, full of romance, secrets and mysteries...

Do you like antiquity and ancient times?


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"Tanais" is the first of the archaeological museum-reserves created in Russia on the territory of Russia. It is based on sections of the ancient city of Tanais, discovered as a result of research by the Nizhne-Don expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, conducted since 1955. The city is named after the Tanais (Don) River, at the mouth of which, at its confluence with the Meotida (Sea of ​​Azov) was founded, for almost eight centuries played a significant role in the economic and political life of the cities of the Northern Black Sea region and the Great Steppe bordering with them.

The Tanais Archaeological Museum-Reserve is located 35 km southwest of Rostov-on-Don. It was created on the basis of excavations of a monument of federal significance, the settlement and necropolis of Tanais, the extreme northeastern center of ancient civilization (3rd century BC - 5th century AD). The sites of the ancient city explored by archaeologists form an open-air exposition. The most striking finds are shown in the historical exposition of the museum. In addition, the Museum of Historical Costume and the Exhibition Complex are open to the public. Within the protected areas of the museum-reserve there is a unique ensemble of monuments of history, culture and nature.

The Tanais Museum is located on the outskirts of the village of Nedvigovka in the Myasnikovsky district of the Rostov region. He presents on his estate a reconstruction of ancient buildings and a lapidarium - a collection of large finds, mainly stone slabs with texts carved on them. In the halls of the “open-air museum” there are thematic and permanent exhibitions: “Antique and painted ceramics”, “Museum of historical costume”, “Tanais and the Lower Don in art”. The special pride of Tanais is the unique hall of amphora standards, the only experience in open storage of amphoras in Europe.

Tanais - Greek colony

Tanais was founded in the III century. BC e. Greeks, immigrants from the Bosporus kingdom, on the right bank of the then main branch of the mouth of the Tanais River (now the Don) - the Dead Donets, after which the city got its name.

For many centuries, Tanais was a major economic, political and cultural center of the Don-Azov region. The Greek geographer Strabo calls it the largest after Panticapaeum (the capital of the Bosporan kingdom, on the territory of present-day Kerch), marketplace of barbarians. Ancient geographers and historians drew the border between Europe and Asia from Tanais. The city gradually acquired features characteristic of the way of life of local tribes. Tanais fought for independence from the Bosporan rulers. In 237 AD e. it was destroyed by the Goths. Restored after 140 years by the Sarmatians, Tanais gradually turned into a center of agricultural and handicraft production, and at the beginning of the 5th century A.D. e. came to a standstill.

Tanais - Italian colony

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Venetians founded the trading post of Tana in a new place - on the changed main branch of the mouth of the Don, now called the Old Don. Later, control over the city passed to Genoa, who built a Genoese fortress here.

In the Polovtsian time, the Tanais colony began to be called Tan for short. In 1395, Tamerlane's troops razed the city to the ground, completely destroying the walls.

In the 15th century, the colony Tan(the medieval name of the Genoese colony Tanais) was partially restored on the site of the later city of Azov.

The dominance of the Genoese came to an end in the autumn of 1475. The Ottoman Turks, having captured all the Genoese fortresses of Crimea (the Captaincy of Gothia) and the Orthodox Crimean Principality of Theodoro, landed troops and captured the Tan colony before the attack on Tang in the same year. The Turks owned the city, finally called Azov, with short breaks (in 1637-1643 and 1696-1711) from 1475 to 1736, when, as a result of numerous wars, the city of Azov passed to the Russian Empire.

Among the most interesting objects kept in the museum's funds is a plate with a relief sign of the Bosporus king Rimetalka of the 2nd century. According to the assumptions of scientists, it was built into the defensive walls of the city, and the name of the king adorns it. Another unique exhibit: a marble altar decorated with a bull's head on one side and a female bust on the other. The silver perfume bottle found in Tanais is also unusually elegant. Its surface is decorated with inserts of garnet and gold wire.

Colonel Ivan Alekseevich Stempkovsky, Corresponding Member of the Paris Academy of Sciences, was the first to pay attention to the place where Tanais was later excavated. He went down in history as the creator of the museum of antiquities in Odessa and Kerch. In the thicket near the Nedvigovka farm in 1823, Stempkovsky discovered strange "trenches", which turned out to be not trenches at all, but the remains of ancient fortifications. Fragments of broken dishes - Greek amphoras, as well as Bosporan coins confirmed this guess.

The first regular excavations, begun 30 years later under the guidance of Moscow University professor Pavel Mikhailovich Leontiev, and then the famous numismatist, Baron Vladimir Gustavovich Tizenhausen, generally confirmed the hypothesis of the famous archaeologist. Walls were discovered and a rough plan of the city was revealed. However, in the 1870s, excavations ceased, only to be resumed in Soviet time. They are still going on. It is thanks to this work that today we are presented with an exciting and dramatic story of a huge city that has disappeared from the face of the earth.

In ancient times, Tanais was considered the largest shopping mall Northern Black Sea region and Meotida (Greeks called the Sea of ​​Azov Lake Meotida). In the Roman era, it was believed that it was here that the border between the civilized world and the steppe, inhabited by barbarian nomads, passed. Pliny the Younger wrote: "For those who enter here, Europe is on the left hand, Asia is on the right."

The very name of the city comes from the name of the great river Tanais. In Hellenic geography, these are the Northern Donets and the Don (in the lower reaches). However, for more than two millennia, the coastline has changed a lot. The city was built at the confluence of the Tanais with the Sea of ​​Azov. Now in these places only one of the branches of the Don flows - Dead Donets

The first settlements here were founded by the Greeks from the Bosporus in the 3rd century BC. e. Not later than the beginning of the 2nd century BC. e. residential quarters were surrounded by a fortress wall. However, between the 14th and 8th years BC. e. The city was destroyed by the Bosporan king Polemon. The Greek geographer Strabo wrote about this event as a rumor from a distant outskirts: "Recently it was destroyed by King Polemon for disobedience." The western part of the city, which was no longer rebuilt, suffered the most. The rest of the territory was restored fairly quickly by the inhabitants, and in memory of these events they annually celebrated the Day of Tanais.

Period from the 1st to the 3rd century AD. e - the time of the highest prosperity of Tanais. Local residents were engaged in trade, fishing, crafts and arts. In Tanais, there was the only glass production in the Northern Black Sea region. Probably, it was from here to Rome, to the table of the patricians, that the noble fish was delivered - sturgeon, sterlet. Moreover, they carried her alive: Roman aristocrats could afford such a pleasure. Representatives of the most different peoples- Greeks, Jews, Sarmatians, Meotians. However, judging by the archaeological material, the city quickly erased ethnic differences. A personal, Tanais style of life was taking shape, as evidenced by the special cult of the Most High God that existed among the townspeople. This God was similar at the same time to Zeus, and to the Jewish Yahweh, and to the Thracian Sabazius. In addition, representatives of the local nobility - merchants, aristocrats, officials - were part of fias, a kind of religious and public unions. Today, only the names of people, members of these unions, which were inscribed on marble slabs, cry out to us from ancient times.

At the end of the 3rd century Tanais suffered a new misfortune. This time it was destroyed almost to the ground, and women and children were taken into slavery. Residents returned here after almost a hundred years, and then not for long. These were already completely different people who did not own fine crafts, had no idea about architecture. They didn't even bother to sort out the rubble on the streets, and lived among the ruins. There is no written evidence from that era.

But the last townspeople left at the beginning of the 5th century. Tanais was finally empty. It is possible that the reason is simple: the sea receded, and the city lost the strategic benefits of its position.

For domestic archaeologists specializing in ancient monuments, this long-dead ancient city has long become iconic and legendary. Many well-known scientists began their scientific careers at the excavations in Tanais. To understand and measure this place, you need to be a historian. But to feel it, it is enough just to visit these places and look at the fruits of the labors of several generations of archaeologists.

Opening hours: from 09:00 to 17:00 without breaks and days off.
+7 (86349)2−04−08, [email protected]
farm Nedvigovka, Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district

Few people know that there is a real ... Greek city on the territory of the Rostov region! More precisely, his excavations, what was left of him. The city of Tanais (Greek Tanaїs and Tanaїs), founded at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC e. Greeks from the Bosporus state. The city played an important role in the development of trade by sea.

Who just did not live on this earth: Scythians, Amazons, Greeks, Venetians, Polovtsian tribes and of course we Russians. But, first things first.

Legend of Tanais

A little more than a couple of millennia ago, judging by the notes of Greco-Roman historians, beautiful Amazons lived on the Don land. They cultivated the land themselves, and when wartime came, they took up arms. In order to freely wield weapons, poor women even burned their right breasts (to make it more convenient to throw a spear). In those distant times, the Don River was called Amazonia. One day, the son of Tanais was born to the Amazon Lysippa and the warrior Berossus. The boy grew up and turned into a beautiful, young man who impeccably wielded weapons and different types martial arts. In order to devote his life to military affairs, Tanais adopted chastity. Meanwhile, the goddess of love, Venus, fell in love with a young boy. He is zero attention. The wounded goddess punished Tanais with love for her mother. The guy could not stand the test, and rushed with high hill into the river. Since then, the river has been called "Tanais".
And then, by the name of the river, they named the City.

So, one sunny summer day by car from Rostov-on-Don we went on an adventure "back to the past". The narrow highway Rostov-Taganrog, poplars along the road and heat, heat.. Not reaching the city of Taganrog, we turned at the sign to Tanais, which is impossible to pass.

Leaving the car at the entrance to the protected area, we bought tickets at a small lonely box office and delved (in the literal sense) into the study of history.

The first thing that shocks in this place is the high sky, the endless free steppe and an excellent overview of the surrounding area (due to the location), solitude, lack of people.
The second is the realization that you are on the ancient Hellenic land, sung by Homer himself.

The territory of Tanais is about 3 thousand hectares, large excavations in Russia. Work has been carried out here since the middle of the 19th century and continues to this day.

First of all, we decided to explore the museum, in itself it is small and "poor". Unfortunately, everything that was interesting and golden was taken to large museums.

The first hall of the museum is dedicated to the history of the city, its commercial purpose. Special attention devoted to amphora import. diorama "Arrangement of military vehicles on the watchtower".

The themes "Trade" and "Crafts" are extensively presented in the second hall of the museum. The third hall of the museum presents the "Tanait Religion" and the "Necropolis of Tanais". The fourth hall is an exhibition hall.

I want to note that the Polovtsian tribes also lived in this territory, which left behind a large number of sculptures Baba, who hold a semblance of a bowl in their hands. According to legend, the Polovtsian woman was installed near the burial ground, facing the sun. The soul of the deceased was supposed to move into stone statues.

In the reserve you can see the reconstruction of the Polovtsian house made of clay, trough with straw. In a strong heat, the temperature inside such a house is about 20 degrees. This is what we used to relax.

After visiting the museum, we went to see the most interesting thing - the ancient excavations. In this place, you can independently climb the excavations, feel the special spirit of this place.

I do not recommend digging, you can get a fine.
On the territory, of course, you will not see Greek columns and squares. Everything is quite simple - houses made of stone, standing close to each other, buildings are chaotic. Archaeologists, who were the first to discover the settlement, were very upset, just like us, because they expected to find countless treasures here. But it turned out that the treasures had already been found and taken out by someone more than once.

The city was leveled with the ground several times, the burial grounds were robbed. For the last 100 years, local residents have also been pulling it into stones for their household plots, since the reserve is poorly guarded.

The territory is divided into so-called "quarters", near each of them there is a sign with a plan of the area: here there was a pool, and here there was a square.

You can also see the restored structure of the Roman bridge and even walk along it.

After walking through the excavations through a hole in the fence, we went for a walk around the Nedvigovka farm and went down to the tributary of the Don - the Northern Donets.
Silence, absence of people... only a passing train disturbed the prosperity on this earth.

Who did destroy Tanais?

In the 40s. 3 in. n. e. T. was completely destroyed by the tribes that were part of the union led by the Goths.

I didn't want to leave this place at all. But new adventures lay ahead of us...

How to get there:
settlement Nedvigovka, Rostov region, about 40 km from Rostov-on-Don along the Rostov-Taganrog highway

Depending on the production areas of pig farms, their size, type of premises, feeding methods, and conditions of detention, various mechanization options have been developed. production processes and related machinery and equipment.

Mechanization of preparation and distribution of feed. Each type of feeding has its own technology of preparation and distribution of feed. For large pig-breeding complexes, a concentrated type of feeding is acceptable with a strictly developed system for the use of complete mixed fodders.

For the preparation and distribution of liquid feed, there are feed preparation workshops separately for the reproductive and fattening sectors. Technological schemes and the equipment of the workshops are similar, the difference is only in productivity.

The process of preparing liquid feed is as follows. Compound feed from the reloading point is delivered by intra-farm transport to the feed shop, poured into a receiving hopper with a capacity of 0.4 m 3 and fed into the elevator by auger. Noria lifts the feed into one of the bunkers with a capacity of 30 m 3 . The process of filling the hoppers with compound feed is automated; when they are fully loaded, the line is automatically turned off. The start of the feed loading line into the bunker is carried out from the central control panel. At the bottom of the hopper there is a feed extractor (auger), which feeds the feed into the hopper of automatic scales. After weighing, the corresponding amount of compound feed is fed to the mixers with the help of a distributing device, where it is diluted with warm water 1:3.

Liquid feed mixture From mixers it is fed by special pumps through pipes to pigsties. Feed remaining in the feed line after dispensing is displaced by water back into the mixer. When not in use, the feed pipe is filled with water. Communication between the feed shop and pigsties is carried out by means of light signaling. The red light means that the feed mass has entered the feed line, the green light means that the feed line is filled with feed mixture.

In pigsties with group keeping of animals, feed is distributed to group feeders using a trolley that moves along a gear rack parallel to the feed line and, at the command of the feed shop operator, opens and closes quick-acting valves at each machine.

In pigsties with individual animals, feed is dispensed manually or with the help of taps on the nozzles going from the feed pipeline to individual machines. From the moment the green light comes on, the operator alternately opens and closes the quick-acting valves installed at each machine.

For weaned piglets, depending on their age and live weight, dry compound feed from the transfer point enters one of three storage bins, each of which is designed to receive and then distribute compound feed of a certain recipe and, using a washer conveyor and screw distributor, fills the self-feeders once in two days.

The most complex in organizational terms is the technology of fodder preparation with grain-root, grain-potato types of feeding, as well as when feeding mixtures of feed from concentrates and food waste. This technology of preparation and distribution of feed is used in most farms that use their own feed.

Feed mixtures are prepared in the feed shop according to the following scheme:

  • supply of green, succulent fodder by a conveyor to a grinding or paste-making machine;
  • the flow of crushed mass and concentrates from the dispenser hopper to the feed mixer, where grass meal can also be fed;
  • moistening the entire mass with water;
  • transportation of mixed, moistened and steamed feed in the feed mixer to the feeding places.

Feed preparation with a flow system should be organized in a closed cycle; all machinery and equipment in such a case are placed in accordance with the planned operations. The set of machines and equipment, their placement in the feed shop depends on the type of feeding adopted. At present, the industry supplies a sufficient range of machines and equipment, the correct selection of which makes it possible to resolve all issues of fodder preparation and distribution of fodder on farms and complexes.

Mechanization of manure removal. The most labor-intensive operation on pig farms and complexes is the removal of manure, which accounts for 50% of all labor costs. One pig-breeding complex for fattening 108 thousand pigs per year gives a day

up to 3000 tons of wastewater. Improper storage and use of this amount of waste creates a constant threat of the spread of disease and environmental pollution.

Recently, large pig-breeding complexes have been using conveyor and hydraulic manure removal systems. Proper technical organization completely solves the issues of cleaning, storing and using manure.

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