Recruitment of personnel in the organization. To the Director on the organization of the recruitment system in various situations Certain aspects of the advertising campaign




Management department

Department of Management


in the discipline "Theory of Management"

"Organization of personnel selection in the organization and its improvement"


Voronova Elena Yurievna

Head: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Koikova Tatyana Leonidovna


The orientation of the economy towards market relations radically changes approaches to solving many economic problems, and above all those related to man. This explains the attention that is paid to the concept of management, in the center of which is the person, considered as the highest value. In accordance with this concept, all management systems are aimed at a more complete use of the employee's abilities in the production process, which is the basis for the effective operation of the enterprise. The use of a material factor of production depends on the level of development of the employee, the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for work. Therefore, the topic of organizing the selection of personnel at the enterprise and its improvement is currently relevant.

The purpose of this work is to explore theoretical aspects organization of personnel selection at the enterprise and develop recommendations for improving the organization of personnel selection in SME "Stromat" in the city of Kotelnich.

This goal necessitates the solution of the following tasks:

1) to explore the theoretical foundations of the organization of recruitment at the enterprise;

2) analyze the recruitment activities in SME "Stromat";

The object of study of this work is SME "Stromat". The subject of the research is the organization of personnel selection at the enterprise and its improvement.

The theoretical basis was the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the works of scientists economists on the problem under consideration.

The information base of the study was the data of accounting and financial statistical reporting of SME "Stromat" for 2005-2007, labor report, charter.

The following research methods were used in the work: economic-statistical, monographic, dialectical, abstract-logical.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis organization of personnel selection at the enterprise

1.1 Personnel. Human Resources in an organization

Any organization exists only when there are people working in it, personnel. Personnel - this is the main (full-time) composition of qualified employees of enterprises, government agencies, organizations. Currently, the most commonly used term is "staff". Personnel is a holistic expression of the total capabilities and functional abilities of a person, which are continuously developed and updated in accordance with the needs of production and labor. Personnel in management science is defined as a socio-economic category that expresses the social community of employees of a particular organization, as a set of people with labor, professional, creative and entrepreneurial abilities.

After 1991, such a concept as HR appeared in Russia - human resources. The functions of the HR service include not only the conduct of personnel records management, but also the selection of candidates, the development of motivation programs, the assessment of the activities of employees, the organization of employee training, the formation and support of corporate culture and the holding of events. Recently, many transnational and foreign companies with developed personnel management systems, the level of management in domestic companies subsequently increased significantly.

The management of companies, enterprises, investing in the development of personnel services, systems for recruiting and motivating personnel, expects to get a team, the overall success of which will depend on the work of each member. Despite some significant differences in the system of providing employers with personnel under socialism and in the present conditions, the general principle has been preserved: the efficiency of a company depends on the degree to which the people working in the company fit the positions they occupy.

The tasks that the personnel service must solve, regardless of the direction of the enterprise, can be quite diverse. For example:

Forecasting and planning the needs of the enterprise in personnel;

Acquisition of the enterprise with the necessary personnel;

Ensuring the movement of personnel, preparing a reserve for promotion;

Raising the qualifications of employees;

Carrying out regular certification;

Accounting and analysis of the personnel of the enterprise, etc.

Based on these goals and objectives, a personnel service is formed at the enterprise. Depending on the size of the enterprise, its strategy, profile, external and internal conditions of activity, it may include: deputy director for personnel (head of personnel service, personnel service), recruitment specialist, personnel training specialist, personnel inspector, lawyer, psychologist

The structure of the personnel service, depending on the size of the organization, its strategy, profile, external and internal conditions of activity, may be different. As a rule, the head of the personnel department, who is often the deputy director of personnel, is at the head. He is subordinate to employees holding the following positions: personnel manager, personnel training engineer, personnel specialist, personnel inspector. The structure of the personnel service may include clerks and typists. If there is only one HR worker in the organization and his position is a HR specialist.

Before the personnel service, first of all, there is a goal - to provide the organization with conscientious, qualified, responsible, productive employees, to create optimal conditions for the successful fulfillment by employees of the organization of their official duties.

An HR specialist needs to have knowledge in areas such as labor law, economics, management, psychology and pedagogy.

The activity of a firm, enterprise, organization, institution begins with the selection and registration of employees.

1.2 Sources and problems of recruitment

Recruitment is not a momentary task, but the result of systematic work within the framework of the personnel policy of the enterprise. Therefore, along with the operational search, the creation of a personnel reserve is used. In order to avoid problems at the enterprise due to the lack of specialists, the personnel department studies the needs of departments and divisions in personnel. On the basis of such an analysis, work is underway to form the personnel reserve of the enterprise, i.e., the following are determined:

Subdivisions, directions, departments in need of a personnel reserve;

Positions for which it is advisable to prepare a personnel reserve.

The personnel reserve can be both external and internal. The internal reserve is made up of employees of the enterprise. It is divided into operational and prospective. The operational reserve is employees who are already replacing senior managers and are ready to take on higher positions without any additional training. A promising reserve is employees with high potential, but in need of additional training.

An external reserve can be formed at the request of the administration, i.e. the enterprise for vacant positions will deliberately attract candidates from outside. In addition, an external reserve can be formed involuntarily if the enterprise has a high turnover of personnel for some reason. The formation of a personnel reserve of an enterprise helps to identify the potential of personnel, and also helps to close unforeseen vacancies in case of emergency. What kind of reserve will be formed at the enterprise: external, internal or both - the management of the enterprise decides. In this case, the following rule must be taken into account: employees, before being transferred to a new position, give 80% output, and newly hired at the initial stage, only 20% (adaptation process, familiarity with the enterprise, its culture, rules, team, etc.).

1.2.1 Staff leasing

At present, the main role in the management of labor processes belongs to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), adopted on December 30, 2001 by Federal Law No. 197-FZ.

Article 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the basic principles of legal regulation labor relations. Article 9 is devoted to the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them in a contractual manner. The main role is given to the employment contract concluded upon employment. At the same time, labor relations are considered to be relations based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal performance by the employee of a labor function for payment (work in a certain specialty, qualification or position, subordination of the employee to the rules of internal labor regulations while ensuring that the employer provides working conditions provided for by labor legislation, a collective agreement , agreements, labor contract (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By embodying many provisions of the conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization, the Labor Code is intended to regulate, among other things, new relations that have already developed or are still developing in the practice of labor organization and personnel management.

An alternative to additional hiring of labor can be overtime hours, part-time work of full-time staff, staff leasing.

Let us consider one of the promising forms of using the labor force and organizing labor. Leasing, or rent, of workers (personnel) - the concepts are conditional for labor law. They were borrowed by Russian entrepreneurs from the annals of civil law in the course of searching for effective forms of personnel management and more rational use of employees based on the experience of foreign firms that use the term "contingent workers". In the economic aspect, the scheme is quite simple: one organization (recruitment agency), which specializes in working with personnel, recruits a workforce for further “renting” (leasing) it to another organization.

The successful development of this form of labor organization and personnel management is constrained by a circumstance traditional for our legal system - the absence of legislation regulating the relevant relations. This prevents the wide involvement in work in their free time of day students of universities, temporarily unemployed citizens, specialists of a narrow profile, and other categories of workers. Labor leasing should be distinguished from the usual hiring of citizens by the customer to perform a specific job (rendering a service). Such workers are usually not bound by an employment contract with the customer, but work in the order of "self-employment". In the best case, the relationship between them and the customer is regulated by a civil law agreement. The Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 "On Employment in the Russian Federation" allows this type of activity.

The labor force loan is economically beneficial for the customer, since it frees him from numerous problems associated with the selection, placement, use and dismissal of employees, the coordination of management decisions, and the implementation of other formal and bureaucratic procedures when working with personnel. Today, this difficult work is performed by a recruitment agency, which has qualified staff for this.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that three subjects of labor law participate in the regulation of the relations under consideration - the employee, the employer and the party (organization, legal entity), where the labor function employee, the labor rights and obligations of the parties to the employment contract are realized with the previously indicated deviations from the general usual scheme of labor organization. The latest theoretical constructions of the subject of labor law confirm the legally significant circumstances existing in it for the industry - participation in labor relations of two or more subjects. A more detailed relationship between the two subjects - the organizers of the recruitment and labor process, the two employers - legal and actual, has yet to be developed, to find the best options and analogies, using domestic and foreign experience.

However, the efforts of one branch of law - labor law - are still not enough to provide legal support for a complex structure, such as employee leasing. Here a complex of social relations arises, the regulation of which is possible and necessary by the norms of labor law in combination with civil law norms and structures. The presence in the legal regulation of leasing relations of labor and civil law methods is primarily due to the presence of two subjects of regulation: property relations and labor relations. Civil law relations between a recruitment agency and a customer are formed during the conclusion and execution of a civil law contract for the provision of paid services - the selection, training and leasing of labor. The recruitment agency (employer) profits from this. Specific conditions, terms and procedure for payment are determined by the parties in accordance with the norms of Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. As for labor (organizational-labor) relations, as has been shown, they include a wide range of issues: from employment and labor organization to the dismissal of workers, where labor law norms should be applied.

In expanding the service role of labor law in regulating the leasing of labor and providing labor guarantees to employees on this basis, we see a kind of counterbalance to civil law contracts, which have recently become more widespread.

In the history of labor law, there have already been similar situations that testify to the "lateness" of labor legislation in the regulation of labor relations, which are deeply embedded in the practice of labor organization, and the use of working time. This refers to the cost-effective in the 70s, the shift method and flexible (sliding) work schedule, which received their legislative embodiment only in the 21st century. To prevent this from happening with the legal support of the agency workforce, it is necessary in the near future to legally respond to the requirements of the latest forms of organization and management of labor processes.

1.2.2 Labor Market Research

At present, in order to effectively attract and use labor resources (staff), a personnel worker needs to monitor the labor market. Monitoring the labor market allows you to track changes in the requirements for positions, since business development requires the manifestation of additional competencies and professional skills. This, in turn, leads to the improvement of personnel assessment methods.

In the labor market, as in any other type of business, there is supply and demand.

Currently, the socio-economic conditions for the formation of the labor market, as well as the difficult demographic situation in Russia, have exacerbated the problem of quality workers. Their outflow to Moscow and St. Petersburg exacerbates the problem of finding specialists in the field. The employer wants to see an experienced specialist with great potential. These are usually difficult to match requirements. Therefore, the reform of the education system should follow the path of getting the student not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge as soon as possible. Two-level higher education is one of the important steps on this way .

The development of production has again made technical education in demand, the “failure” in which has occurred since the beginning of the 90s. An analysis carried out by the Federal Employment Service showed that in recent years there has been a “release” to the labor market of a large number of graduates with secondary vocational education, and the demand for graduates of primary vocational education exceeds supply in many positions.

Personnel management presupposes the presence of developed labor markets. The labor law of Russia, even with the entry into force of the new Labor Code, is not yet a law that reflects the developed relations in the economy. Establishing the business qualities of applicants, employers must again be privy to the specifics of Russian labor law.

The labor market is highly mobile, so modern companies should monitor it once or twice a year. For many HR managers, this is one of the mandatory functions.

The labor market of the Kirov region is characterized by the following trends:

1. The growing shortage of skilled labor.

2. Reducing the qualification requirements of employers for specialists in engineering and technical professions, and the growth of professional requirements for workers in working professions.

3. Decrease in the provision of the economy with personnel trained through the vocational education system (decrease in the share of graduates of vocational schools relative to the number of vacancies).

4. Excessively high volumes of training of specialists in the system of secondary vocational education, who are not in sufficient demand in the labor market.

5. High volumes of the informal labor market and shadow employment.

The problem of inconsistency of personnel training with the needs of the economy is topical. Unsatisfactory provision of the economy with personnel, an acute shortage of workers in many professions continues to be one of the main problems of the regional labor market.

On the basis of information on the supply and demand of the labor force, a strategy for attracting new employees should be developed, including taking into account the seasonality factor in the labor market. It is also necessary to identify and justify priority ways to attract personnel.

1.2.3 Job profile. Candidate Selection Criteria

In order to select the required specialist, you must first answer the following questions:

What kind of work will be entrusted to this specialist?

Will the job be temporary or permanent?

What results and after what time are expected from the employee?

Who is doing this work now, and what does not suit the current state of affairs?

When should a specialist start working?

There is equipment for it workplace(If not, when will it appear and how much will it cost)?

Such questions will help you understand whether you need a specialist for a permanent job or you can hire him temporarily, formulate requirements for a specialist (what he should be able to do, what skills to possess, in which area to specialize) and determine the time frame in which the appropriate employee should be selected.

In order to correctly determine the selection criteria, it is necessary to clearly formulate the qualities of an employee necessary for the corresponding type of activity - to draw up a profile of competencies. Criteria should be formed in such a way that they comprehensively characterize the employee: experience, health and personal characteristics. Reference levels of requirements for each criterion are developed based on the strategy of the enterprise. Even for the same positions, for example, a manager, priority qualities must be determined in each company. A manager in an insurance company must have slightly different qualities than a manager in a construction or travel company. In innovative organizations that are rapidly developing and employ specialists who have not been on the Russian labor market until recently. Therefore, when forming a position profile (a profile is a set of data necessary to perform a certain job), a personnel manager who is familiar with the trends in the labor market and a manager who better understands the current tasks of the company must necessarily take part. Prioritization may also depend on subjective factors, such as the personality of the manager. With an authoritarian leadership style, it is very important to correctly assess the candidate's manageability and diligence, while with a democratic one, initiative and the ability to work in a team.

An example is such a competence as communication skills, which is indicated in most vacancies: this is not only the ability to quickly establish contact with strangers, but also the ability to speak in public, the presence of a well-trained voice, the ability to convince, knowledge of the basics of non-verbal communication.

In most traditional enterprises, the main document defining duties, rights and responsibilities is the job description. It reflects the requirements for the level of education, knowledge, skills and abilities of the candidate for the position.

1.2.4 Personnel search

Any enterprise that has long-term development plans inevitably faces the need for rational use of its human resources, their development and replenishment.

Personnel search is the first of the tasks facing the HR manager. There are several ways to close a job. These methods differ in complexity and cost. Each of them can be suitable for one position and be completely unacceptable for another. In order to choose the most correct one from the whole variety of ways to search for personnel, it is necessary to know the technology of personnel selection.

The selection of personnel in organizations is carried out by employees of the personnel department (HR managers). The functions of HR managers include:

choice of selection criteria;

approval of selection criteria;

qualifying conversation;

work with applications and questionnaires on biographical data;

conversation about hiring;


final selection decision .

There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from the organization's internal talent pool) and external (from people previously unrelated to the organization).

There are several options for externally searching for the right employee.

1. Through acquaintances, this is a reliable and cheap source, but not always professional. It is best, taking into account the recommendations of acquaintances, to consider candidates on a general basis.

2. Use the services of recruitment agencies, preferably a few. It will be fast, quite professional, but expensive. They will help to formulate exactly who is needed, orient the cost of a specialist, conduct a preliminary selection and submit more than one candidate for consideration.

If all the candidates are more or less suitable, then the work of recruiters is done professionally. If applicants are not suitable, it is better to refuse the services of such an agency. But the success of cooperation cannot be guaranteed either by the duration of work on the market of this agency, or by the volume of the database, or by the list of reputable clients, or by the cost of services. In this case, you should look for another recruitment agency.

3. The easiest and cheapest way to find a specialist is the Internet (placement of an ad on one of the employment sites). By e-mail you can conduct the first interview by asking the candidate to answer some questions. In addition, the necessary candidates can be selected by viewing the resumes posted on the sites. But in small towns this method does not always work.

4. Placement of advertisements in newspapers for employment, preferably in several, in order to reach a wide and diverse audience of job seekers. It must be like a local periodicals(including those that are delivered to every home for free every week) and business publications that are guaranteed to hit the desks of most executives. The involvement of professional publications and the business press makes it possible to select the right specialist who is thinking about changing jobs. The job posting must contain the title of the position, requirements and terms of reference. Well, if it is a module containing the name and logo of the enterprise. At the same time, announcements can be given on radio and television.

5. Educational institutions willingly cooperate by providing information about the best students and graduates. It is difficult to work with training companies, because they do not have the right to disclose information about people attending trainings without their consent. But if the personnel officer himself attends various trainings and gets acquainted with potential candidates there, then this method of selecting specialists can also be used.

6. You can also find the right specialists at specialized exhibitions, usually on the second or third day, good managers and specialists work at the expositions. Posing as a client, you can see them in the process.

7. You can contact representatives of other enterprises that recruit staff for themselves, and offer to exchange information about candidates.

Since in our country recruitment technologies were not sufficiently developed until recently, foreign experience was used and adapted to the Russian reality. Terminology has also been transferred from foreign literature.

In modern practice of external selection of candidates, the following technologies are mainly used: screening, recruiting and headhunting. Lower vacancies are usually closed by screening, mid-level specialists are selected through recruiting, and top managers and highly qualified narrow specialists are selected by headhunting.

Screening - "superficial selection", it is carried out on formal grounds: education, age, gender, approximate work experience. As a result, having received a lot of resumes, the selection is carried out by the customer himself, and the recruitment agency acts as a supplier of suitable candidates.

Recruiting - "in-depth selection", which takes into account the personal characteristics and business qualities of the applicant, is carried out by a recruiting agency based on the database of candidates and response to advertisements in the media. The result of the selection depends on the experience of the recruiter and the content of the database of candidates.

Headhunting - "high-quality search", search for top managers, taking into account the specifics of the customer's business, working environment, business and personal qualities of the candidate, organized in a direct way - without announcing a vacancy in the media. Most of the candidates are employed and have a high salary. For comparison: if screening and recruiting are "wholesale", then headhunting is "retail".

The Association of Recruitment Consultants (AKPP) has been established in Russia, which indicates the transition of the recruitment process to a qualitatively new level.

1.3 Organization of the selection of applicants for a vacant position

The final selection decision is usually formed at several stages that applicants have to go through. At each stage, a part of the applicants is eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other offers. The sequence of these stages can be traced in Appendix 1.

Preliminary interview. Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Sometimes it is preferable that candidates come to the personnel department or to the place of work. In such cases, the personnel department specialist or the head of the department conducts a preliminary conversation with him. At the same time, organizations apply general rules conversations aimed at finding out, for example, the level of education of the applicant, assessing his appearance and defining personal qualities. After that, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection.

Completion of the application form and application form for the position. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection interview must fill out an application form and a questionnaire. The same sequence is commonly used by recruiters. The number of questionnaire items should be minimal, and with their help it is necessary to request information that most of all characterizes the applicant's labor productivity. Questions may be related to past work and mindset so that a psychometric assessment of the applicant can be made on their basis. Questionnaire items should be worded in a neutral style and suggest any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer.

Questioning is an important procedure for assessing and selecting applicants. The purpose of the method is twofold. Along with solving the problems of screening out less suitable candidates, a range of factors is determined that need particularly close study based on subsequent methods, as well as sources from which the necessary information can be obtained. Any distortion of it in the questionnaire is the basis for the dismissal of the employee at any time when it turns out (the text of the questionnaire usually includes a corresponding indication).

Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following:

1) compliance of the applicant's level of education with the minimum qualification requirements;

2) compliance of practical experience with the nature of the position;

3) the presence of restrictions of a different kind on the performance of official duties;

4) readiness to accept additional loads (overtime work, business trips);

Hiring interview (interview)

There are several types of conversation for hire:

carried out according to the scheme;

Weakly formalized;

performed not according to the scheme.

During a conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. If during the conversation they try to put pressure on the applicant, for example, by asking questions in a hostile tone or deliberately interrupting it, then stressful situations are possible that have a very negative impact on the selection process.

And even if a decision is made to hire, until the moment a new employee enters the workplace, it is necessary to continue the search. There is always the possibility of a candidate rejecting a job offer.

1.4 Methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of the organization of recruitment at the enterprise

Efficiency is understood as a situation where the return on the use of resources exceeds their cost. At the same time, the effectiveness of recruitment can be reduced to the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

Analysis labor indicators of the enterprise is the basis of the audit of the social and labor sphere of the enterprise, which allows you to quickly assess the correctness of the personnel policy.

In the study of labor resources, the analysis of the number of employees is of decisive importance. The information obtained as a result of the analysis is necessary for the correct prioritization in the formation of personnel policy.

The analysis of the number of employees includes the study of the following indicators:

The number of employees, including composition, gender, age, specialty, position, level of education and qualifications; security of the enterprise with personnel;

Forms, dynamics and reasons for the movement of labor, coefficients of stability and turnover, directions and intensity of movements within the enterprise, the state of labor discipline;

The number of workers engaged in manual and low-skilled labor, heavy manual labor in dynamics;

To characterize the movement of the labor force, the following indicators are calculated and analyzed in dynamics.

1. Recruitment turnover ratio (CR):

Kpr \u003d Kpp / Chr, (1)

where Kpp - the number of personnel hired for the period under consideration, people;

2. Retirement turnover ratio (Kv):

Kv \u003d Kur / Chr, (2)

where Kur - the number of retired workers for the period under consideration, people;

Chr - the average number of personnel for the same period, people.

3. Staff turnover rate (CTC):

Ktk = ──────, (3)

where Kurzhd - the number of employees who quit their jobs

desire and for violation of labor discipline for the considered period of time, people;

Chr - the average number of personnel for the same period, people.

Кз = ───────, (4)

where CPP is the number of personnel hired for the period under review, people;

Kur - the number of retired workers for the period under review, people;

Chr - the average number of personnel for the same period, people.

5. The coefficient of constancy of the composition of the personnel of the enterprise (Kps):

Kps = ─── , (5)

where Крг is the number of employees who have worked the whole year, people;

Chr - the average number of personnel for the same period, people.

The level of provision of the enterprise with personnel is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and specialty with the planned need. Special attention is given at the same time to the provision of the enterprise with personnel of the most important specialties for production.

It is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of personnel in terms of qualifications. Compliance with the qualifications of production personnel for the work performed is assessed using tariff categories. The actual average wage category of workers is directly related to the quality of products. Consequently, this study makes it possible to establish how correctly the production personnel are selected and placed in sections and whether the labor contribution of workers corresponds to wages.

In general, the audit of labor indicators allows you to evaluate the economic efficiency of labor at the enterprise level and its structural divisions.

Chapter 2. Brief organizational and economic characteristics of SME "Sromat"

2.1 General information

The object of study of this course work is the Municipal construction company"Stromat" of the city of Kotelnich, created in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of August 28, 1995 No. 154-FZ "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" dated June 1, 2004. The abbreviated name is SME "Stromat", Kotelnich.

The founder of the Enterprise is the municipality "city of Kotelnich". The functions of the founder of the Enterprise are carried out by the administration of the city of Kotelnich, Kirov Region. The authority of the owner to manage the property of the enterprise is exercised by the Property and Land Resources Administration of the city of Kotelnich (Property Administration).

The enterprise is legal entity- a municipal unitary enterprise that conducts its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, incl. about municipal unitary enterprises.

Legal address: 612600, Russian Federation, Kirov region, city of Kotelnich, st. Oktyabrskaya, 102

SME "Stromat" has no branches and representative offices.

The enterprise was created in order to maximize the needs of the city of Kotelnich in production services building materials, for the performance of construction and installation works and the overhaul of buildings, structures and housing stock in order to make a profit.

To achieve the goals, the Company carries out the following activities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

· performance of construction and installation works at capital (new) construction sites;

· performance of major and current repairs, reconstruction of buildings and structures.

The structure of the enterprise includes administrative and management personnel (AMP), consisting of various services of the unit. The main activity (main production) is construction.

The property of the enterprise is in the municipal ownership of the municipal formation "city of Kotelnich", is indivisible and cannot be distributed among deposits (shares, shares), including between employees of the enterprise, belongs to the enterprise on the right of economic management and is reflected in its independent balance sheet. The composition of the property of SME "Stromat" cannot include property of a different form of ownership.

The authorized capital of the enterprise is 100272 (One hundred thousand two hundred and seventy two) rubles. The statutory fund is created by assigning to the economic management of the enterprise property that is in the municipal ownership of the municipal formation "city of Kotelnich". Based on the results of 2006, the authorized capital was increased to 1,000,000 (one million) rubles.

The enterprise is headed by a director appointed to this position by the head of the city of Kotelnich (Organizational management structure is given in Appendix 2).

The director acts on the principle of unity of command and is responsible for the consequences of his actions in accordance with the current legislation, other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the agreement concluded with him.

The relationship between employees and the Director of the Enterprise, arising on the basis of an employment contract, is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and the collective agreement.

The main activity of the enterprise is construction. The construction site is the largest subdivision in terms of number - 55-70% of the total number of employees. Auxiliary production serves the needs of the construction site. The repair and production site is engaged in the manufacture of metal products for building structures, the repair of tools and equipment, its maintenance. The transport service, which includes 22 units of automotive equipment and self-propelled machines and mechanisms (tractors, cranes, excavators), serves both the needs of the construction site and fulfills orders from third-party organizations. Boiler room provides heating industrial premises and heat supply for technological needs. Warehouse provides storage of material and technical assets. Protection of construction sites and the territory of the production base is carried out by the security service.

The administrative and managerial staff has an average of 24 people, which, depending on seasonal fluctuations, ranges from 15 to 20% of the total.

Most of the services in the structure of the AMS are represented by one employee (economist, personnel inspector, legal adviser, labor protection engineer). The production and technical department is engaged in planning work, drawing up estimates, providing project documentation for facilities, checking the maintenance of as-built documentation, and material reports.

The accounting department is engaged in accounting and tax accounting.

The enterprise management structure is centralized (The enterprise management structure is given in Appendix 3). sole executive body is the director. The chief engineer is the first deputy director and acting during his absence. At the enterprise the Council of labor collective is created. The trade union organization was not created.

The composition of workers in the main production is determined by the specifics of the construction industry: plasterers, painters, masons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians.

Basically, the company employs full-time employees hired under labor contracts. But during the period of expansion of production (construction of large facilities), the number increases due to those working under contract agreements and loan personnel.

Since the beginning of the formation of the SME Stromat enterprise in the city of Kotelnich, it has built: a 48-apartment residential building, a 46-apartment residential building, two 4-apartment cottages, production workshops of the Vyatka MPSM, an intra-city branch of a water conduit and other overhaul facilities municipal institutions.

With the development of the construction market in the city of Kotelnich, with the advent of non-resident construction companies, a lot of competition has arisen for the municipal enterprise. The steps taken by the company's management to improve competitiveness did not produce the expected results. The volume of construction and installation works decreased, as a result of which the number of downtime due to the fault of the employer increased (from 112 man-hours to 683 in 2007).

Enterprise security non-current assets and the efficiency of their use are the most important factors in the effective operation of the enterprise as a whole.

The composition and structure of fixed assets of the SME "Stromat" of the city of Kotelnich is presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Composition and structure of fixed assets of SME "Stromat"

Composition of assets

2007 in % to

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

2. Machinery and equipment

3. Vehicles

Total fixed assets

As a result of the analysis of the composition and structure of fixed assets, according to table 3, it can be seen that the total amount of fixed assets increased by 3.4% over three years. This change is due to the fact that the cost of machinery and equipment has increased significantly.

Table 2 - Composition and structure of revenue

Types of activity (products, goods, works, services)

2007 to 2005, %

construction and installation works

transport services

other services

A general indicator that characterizes the level of security of the enterprise with fixed assets is the capital-labor ratio. Indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are capital productivity and capital intensity.

The provision of SME "Stromat" with fixed assets, as well as the efficiency of their use, is presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Provision of fixed production assets and the efficiency of their use in SME "Stromat" in Kotelnich

The reduction in the number of employees, as well as the increase in the average annual cost of fixed assets over the analyzed period, led to an increase in capital-labor ratio by 4.2%.

The main production assets were used most effectively in 2006, since the return on assets in terms of cash proceeds was highest value, and capital intensity, respectively, is the smallest, this is also evidenced by the profitability index of fixed production assets. The profitability indicator decreased in 2007 by 2.44%, which indicates a decrease in the efficiency of using fixed production assets for construction and installation work.

For further performance analysis economic activity SME "Stromat" needs to analyze the composition and structure of current assets (table 4)

Table 4 - Composition and structure of current assets

Composition of assets

2007 in % to 2005

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

1. Stocks incl.

raw materials

Future expenses

2. VAT on acquired valuables

3. Accounts receivable

4. Cash

Total current assets

Table 5 shows that the value of current assets increases in 2007 compared to 2005 by 34.4%. This was due to a significant increase in accounts receivable - by 163.9%. Such an increase in accounts receivable, payments on which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date, is a negative trend. The diversion of funds (in the form of receivables) from the turnover of the enterprise is increasing. Indirect lending by means of this enterprise to other enterprises is growing.

In 2007, the share of cash in the structure of current assets decreased significantly in comparison with 2005 - by 95.3%, the share of raw materials and materials increased by 115%.

If from 2004 to 2006 the company worked with a profit, then 2007 ended with a loss. The reasons for the inefficient operation of the enterprise are associated not only with the indicated external, but also with the internal environment of the enterprise: the lack of a development strategy, production planning, and an inefficient motivation system. Among the internal reasons, an important role is played by the authoritarian leadership style and the lack of a developed personnel policy.

2.2 Qualitative and quantitative composition of the personnel of the enterprise

SME "Stromat" belongs to the category of medium-sized enterprises. The average headcount has doubled since 2004 and currently stands at 102, of which 27 are Administrative and Management Personnel (AMP).

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the employees of the enterprise is characterized by the staffing table.

The personnel of the enterprise can be divided into three main groups:

Regular staff hired under an employment contract;

Working under civil law contracts (contracts with individuals);

Agency employees working under a staffing agreement.

By level of education:

12% workers with higher education;

20% - with secondary professional;

68% - with primary vocational and no education.

By work experience in the specialty:

Up to 1 year - 4 people

From 1 year to 3 years - 11 people

From 3 to 5 years - 14 people

From 5 to 10 years old - 43 people

Over 10 years - 29 people

Total for 2007 - 101 people.

By qualification level:

Plasterer-painter: - 4th category - 13 people

3rd category - 3 people

A total of 16 people.

Bricklayer: - 5th category - 1 person

4th category - 9 people

3 category - 2 people

A total of 12 people.

Plumber: - 4th category - 4 people

Total 4 people.

Electric and gas welder: - 6th category - 1 person

5th category - 1 person

4th category - 2 people

Total 4 people.

Carpenter: - 3 category - 4 people

2 category - 1 person

Total 5 people.

Driver: - 1 class - 4 persons

2 class - 6 people

Total 10 people.

Electricians: - 4th category - 3 people

Total 3 people.

Repairman: - 5th category - 2 people

Total 2 people.

Auto mechanic: - 5th category - 2 people

Total 2 people.

At the enterprise, there is a tendency for the aging of the personnel, especially among skilled workers (more than 45% are workers over 50 years old, including 5 people of retirement age).

Due to the specifics of production, determined by the charter of the enterprise - construction, most of the personnel are employed in the construction site: plasterers, painters, carpenters, masons. Auxiliary production is mainly drivers and machine operators. Among the specialists, 30% are workers with a construction education.

Let us analyze the personnel in dynamics from 2005 to 2007. For analysis, we take only full-time personnel, not taking into account agency workers (from DemFilS LLC and other enterprises) and those working under contract agreements. The data are taken from form No. P-4, approved by Rosstat Decree No. 46 dated 08.06.2007, amended No. 62 dated 08.08.2007 "Information on the number, wages and movement of employees", given in Appendix 5. An analysis of the main indicators of personnel movement is given in Table 1. The table shows that the number of employees has increased by 27% since 2005. It was 44% less accepted, and dropped out 2.1 times more. At the same time, the average number on the payroll decreased by 2007. This was due to a decrease in the volume of construction and installation work. This trend continues in 2008 as well. In 2005, there was the highest turnover ratio for admission due to the fact that employees of the liquidated IAP "Podryad" transferred to SME "Stromat" in the order of transfer. The turnover rate increased and, accordingly, the staff permanence ratio decreased in 2007, which is an unfavorable trend in the absence of qualified construction workers on the labor market. A negative replacement rate in this case does not indicate that there are vacancies, but that there is a decrease in the need for personnel.

Table 5 - Analysis of the movement of personnel


2007 to 2005, %

Headcount at the beginning of the year, people

Accepted during the year

Dropped out within a year

Incl. dismissed by own will, for violations of labor discipline and other violations

Headcount at the end of the year, people

Average headcount for the year, pers.

Acceptance turnover ratio

Retirement turnover ratio

Flow rate

Replacement rate

The coefficient of constancy of the composition of the personnel of the enterprise

Table 5 shows the dynamics of the number of employees, their composition and structure. To do this, take the annual average list indicators. Since 2005, there has been an increase in production personnel by 6%. The reduction of non-production by 10 times became possible due to the involvement of agency workers. There was an increase in the percentage of employees to the number of workers in the production staff. From the analysis of column 4 of section 1 of the P-4 form for 2005-2007, it can be seen that the number of people who performed work under contractor agreements remained practically unchanged and varied within 10-20 people during each year. Therefore, an increase in the number of employees could affect the increase in the cost of production.

Table 6 - Dynamics of the number of employees, their composition and structure

2007 to 2005, %

All staff


1. Production staff

1.1. workers

1.2. Employees


1.2.1. Leaders

1.2.2. Specialists

2.Non-production personnel

You can also analyze the employment of workers, making a conclusion about the organization of labor in SME "Stromat". According to the timesheets for 2005-2007, using the example of one of the most stable teams in terms of number (plasterers-painters), one can see that the number of celestial downtime due to the fault of the administration has increased. This indicates the shortcomings of planning and the absence of other construction enterprises in the city of Kotelnich that could use the services of employees of SME Stromat.

The number of managers, who make up 10% of the total, is unreasonably high: many have 2 to 5 subordinates. So the deputy director for supply and marketing has 2 people subordinate. To carry out this work, it would be enough for a supply specialist reporting to the chief engineer. The number of workshops can also be optimized by combining several. The work of the foreman in most cases is duplicated by the deputy director for construction.

Chapter 3. Organization of recruitment in SME Stromat and its improvement

3.1 Analysis of the organization of recruitment in the enterprise

In SME "Stromat", due to the small number of personnel, the personnel department includes only one employee. The personnel inspector is mainly engaged in personnel records management: he prepares employment contracts with applicants for work, sends employees for safety and labor protection briefings, keeps records of employees' personal data, draws up vacation schedules. A complete list of job responsibilities is given in the job description of the HR inspector, given in Appendix 6. The selection of personnel is carried out at the level of heads of structural divisions and directors. Personnel policy and motivation system is also not developed. Requirements for personnel are determined by job descriptions and the Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide (ETKS).

Based on the needs of the enterprise, defined in its staffing structure, the selection of personnel is carried out in two directions: full-time and agency workers, the requirements for which are the same, but the procedure for registration is different, and selection for one-time work, under work contracts.

The most tangible problem for the Kirov region and, accordingly, for the SME "Stromat" is the migration departure of qualified personnel, in which construction specialists are most involved.

In the city of Kotelnich there is a vocational school (PU-27), which trains plasterers, painters, masons, gas-electric welders, plumbers, so there are no problems with the selection of these specialists at the enterprise. On the contrary, excavator drivers are trained only in three educational institutions of the Kirov region, therefore, with a high turnover of this category of workers, there is a problem of closing these vacancies.

When selecting personnel in SME "Stromat", search through the mass media is mainly used. From 50 (in 2005 with the expansion of production and mass recruitment) to 28 people are closed per year (in 2007).

In the course of the analysis of the selection of personnel in the SME "Stromat", the following shortcomings in the work of the personnel department were identified:

1. The personnel management strategy is not defined.

2. The work of the HR inspector is limited to personnel records management.

3. The need for personnel is not planned.

4. There is no monitoring of the labor market.

5. There is no plan for labor, which should serve as a source of labor costs.

6. There is no document reflecting the ideology of personnel work, which should take into account both economic aspects and the needs and interests of employees.

7. Insufficient introduction of new information technologies, both for personnel records management and for other personnel management functions.

The level of provision of the enterprise with personnel is determined by comparing the actual number of targets. During the analysis of the current state of recruitment, we found that the planning of personnel work in SME "Stromat" is not carried out. The HR system needs to be reformed.

The shortcomings of personnel work are associated, for the most part, not with the inefficient performance of their duties by the personnel inspector, but with the authoritarian leadership style that prevails at the enterprise and the lack of a strategy for its development. The main difficulty is that the leader suppresses any initiative related to the improvement of existing technologies. One of the main functions of the personnel service - the selection of personnel is not the responsibility of the personnel inspector, this is handled by the director himself.

Based on the data obtained during the study, the following recommendations can be made:

1. First of all, the reform should concern the duties of the HR inspector. It must perform the following tasks:

Staffing of the organization's activities;

personnel management based on modern methods of personnel management;

Compliance with labor legislation in the activities of the organization;

· organizational and methodological guidance, coordination and control of the activities of structural units on personnel issues;

preparation and provision of information and analytical materials to the management on the state and prospects for the development of labor resources and the personnel service of the organization;

· improvement and introduction of new methods of organizing work, including through the use of modern information technologies, social and cognitive psychology;

Participation within their competence in the preparation and execution of management decisions of the organization's management;

At the same time, the staffing of the organization with workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the organization, the external and internal conditions of its activities should be carried out by a personnel inspector who has the necessary knowledge for this (assessment and selection technologies). This will relieve the work of the director to some extent and increase the efficiency of recruitment at the enterprise (increase the speed of recruitment and the number of closed vacancies per month). This will reduce the likelihood of hiring workers who do not have the necessary business skills.

It should be separately noted that the enterprise needs a detailed personnel policy, which should be prepared jointly by the director of the enterprise, the HR inspector and the heads of structural divisions of SME Stromat.

2. When planning the needs of an enterprise for personnel, it is recommended to carry out the following activities:

· determine the factors influencing the need for personnel (the company's development strategy, the number of products produced, the technologies used, the dynamics of jobs, etc.). At the same time, the following categories of personnel are distinguished: workers (including skilled workers of the main professions and auxiliary ones), employees (including managers of various levels), technical personnel;

Conduct an analysis of the personnel required by the enterprise;

determine the qualitative need for personnel (identification of professional and qualification requirements and analysis of the abilities of employees necessary to fulfill the production program);

Determine the qualitative need for personnel (forecast of the total need for personnel) on the basis of an assessment of the movement of personnel. Currently, the company employs 5 people of pre-retirement age, so soon there will be a need to close the vacancies of an engineer, drivers, a bricklayer and an accountant. It is necessary to create an external reserve for these specialties. To do this, you need to advertise in the local newspaper "Kotelnichsky Vestnik" and report the vacancies that have appeared to the Employment Service.

3. To attract, select and evaluate necessary for the enterprise personnel, it is advisable to carry out the following activities:

Optimize the ratio of internal (relocation within the enterprise) and external (acceptance of new employees) recruitment of personnel;

· to develop criteria for personnel selection;

optimal distribution of new employees to jobs;

· to establish how correctly selected and placed production personnel in the areas and whether the labor contribution of workers corresponds to their wages.

· Analyze the existing system of motivation, set priorities correctly, along with material incentives using other methods.

4. To facilitate and increase the efficiency of the work of the personnel inspector, it is necessary to introduce a new software 1C: "Salary and Personnel Management". This typical configuration is offered as a tool for implementing the personnel policy of an enterprise, as well as for automating various enterprise services, from the personnel management service and line managers to accounting workers in the following areas:

planning of personnel needs;

providing business with personnel;

management of competencies and certification of employees;

management of financial motivation of personnel;

effective planning of personnel employment;

personnel accounting and personnel analysis;

labor relations, including personnel office work and others.

5. Effective work of the personnel inspector will also be facilitated by close cooperation with the city and regional employment service, which every six months submits a report on its activities, monitors the training of personnel in accordance with the demand of the regional economy. It is also necessary to cooperate with educational institutions that train the specialists needed by the enterprise.

6. The problem of closing a vacancy for an excavator driver and other rare specialists in our field can be solved by using headhunting technology.

7. In the near future, it will be necessary to solve the problem of personnel retirement due to the fact that the enterprise has a lot of employees of pre-retirement (5 years before the old-age pension - 21% of the staff) and retirement age (6%). Among them are AUP and workers of the construction site. When selecting them, screening (for working personnel) and recruiting (for AUP) will be a fairly effective method of selection. It is also not necessary to abandon the tried and tested method of searching through the media.

8. With all these innovations, it is necessary to train a personnel inspector (advanced training), which can be completed at the Training Center of the Department of the Employment Service of the Kirov Region.

It should also be noted that it is necessary to optimize the use of the personnel available at the enterprise, to identify reserves. Achieve the efficiency of the use of labor resources when the return on their use exceeds their cost.


1. During Russia's transition to market relations, approaches to solving many economic problems, and above all those, have changed radically. that are associated with the person. The effectiveness of the development of the organization currently largely depends on the organization and placement of personnel.

2. Personnel - this is the main (full-time) composition of qualified employees of enterprises. Personnel management, selection of candidates, development of motivation programs, organization of employee training is carried out by the personnel department. The number and structure of this service, depending on the size of the organization, may be different.

3. An alternative to additional hiring of labor can be overtime hours, part-time work for full-time staff, staff leasing. The use of "contingent workers" (staff leasing) should be distinguished from the usual employment of labor. Such employees are usually not associated with an employment contract, the relationship between them and the customer is governed by a civil law contract. The labor force loan is economically beneficial for the customer, since it frees him from the problems associated with the selection, placement, use and dismissal of workers, etc.

4. Currently, in order to effectively attract and use labor resources (staff), a HR worker needs to monitor the labor market. The escalating shortage of skilled labor is the main problem that a personnel worker may face in the selection of personnel.

5. In order to correctly determine the selection criteria, it is necessary to clearly formulate the qualities of an employee necessary for the corresponding type of activity - to draw up a competency profile. When forming the profile of the position, a personnel manager who is familiar with the trends in the labor market and a manager who better understands the current tasks of the company must necessarily take part. In most enterprises, the main document defining duties, rights and responsibilities is the job description.

6. Personnel search is the first task facing the HR manager. There are several ways to close a job. These methods differ in complexity and cost. There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from the organization's internal talent pool) and external. There are several options for an external search for the right employee: search through acquaintances, through recruitment agencies, placing an ad on one of the Internet employment sites, placing an ad in newspapers, and cooperating with educational institutions. In modern practice of external selection of candidates, the following technologies are used: screening, recruiting and headhunting. Lower vacancies are usually closed by screening, mid-level specialists are selected through recruiting, and top managers and highly qualified narrow specialists are selected by headhunting.

7. The final selection decision is usually formed at several stages that applicants should go through, these are a preliminary selection interview, filling out an application form and questionnaires for a job applicant, a recruitment interview, testing, checking references and track record, medical examination.

8. Efficiency is understood as a situation where the return on the use of resources exceeds their cost. At the same time, the effectiveness of recruitment can be reduced to the efficiency of the use of labor resources. In the study of labor resources, the analysis of the number of employees is of decisive importance. The analysis of the number of employees includes the study of the following indicators: the turnover rate for admission, the turnover rate for retirement, the staff turnover rate, the replacement rate, the coefficient of constancy of the composition of the enterprise. It is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of personnel in terms of qualifications and length of service.

9. SME "Stromat" of the city of Kotelnich, chosen as the object of study, has been carrying out construction activities since 2004. From 2004 to 2006, the company worked with a profit, and 2007 ended in losses. The reasons for the inefficient operation of the enterprise are associated not only with external causes, but also with the internal environment of the enterprise: the lack of a development strategy, production planning, and an inefficient motivation system.

10. Basically, the company employs full-time employees hired under labor contracts. But during the period of expansion of production (construction of large facilities), the number increases due to those working under contract agreements and loan personnel. From 2004 to 2007, the number of workers at the enterprise doubled. At the enterprise, there is a tendency for the aging of the personnel, especially among skilled workers. Most of the employees of the enterprise have work experience in their specialty from 5 to 10 years, most have 4 and 5 grades.

11. The selection of personnel at the enterprise is carried out by the director, the personnel inspector is engaged in personnel records management. The most tangible problem for the SME "Stromat" is the migration departure of qualified personnel, in which construction specialists are most involved. There are no problems with filling vacancies for plasterers, painters, masons, gas-electric welders, and plumbers. These specialists are trained by PU-27 of the city of Kotelnich.

12. To improve the efficiency of the organization of personnel selection at the enterprise, it is necessary to include the organization of personnel selection in the duties of the personnel inspector, to develop the personnel policy of the enterprise. For more effective work of the personnel inspector, close cooperation with the city employment service is necessary.


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Recruitment principles

Recruitment for a job is a series of activities undertaken to attract candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. The recruitment process consists of comparing the requirements of the employer and the qualifications of the candidate. If the requirements of the organization and the qualifications of the candidate at least partially match, they are compared. The hiring process usually requires concessions in the demands of both parties.

With the most qualified and careful selection, no one is immune from mistakes. Usually it is necessary to proceed from the fact that a candidate for a vacant position obviously cannot be 100% consistent with the intended activity.

Therefore, the one who meets the requirements more than other candidates is preferred.

The main purpose of the selection is to recruit employees with the necessary qualifications, the necessary personal qualities, who are able to solve the tasks as efficiently as possible.

Often, when working with a candidate, the HR manager is faced with the following situation: according to formal signs, everything fits, interviews, testing, professional testing - everything gives a positive result. But it is still clear that this is not “that” candidate. A professional can see this and understand: the whole point here is precisely that the organizational culture in which a person worked before is completely different, and he will not be able to fit into this team. Or is the organization currently at that stage life cycle that this candidate, for various reasons, will also not be able to work effectively, even being a good specialist in his field.

Most employers try to select workers based largely on their education. However, the criterion of education must certainly be compared with the requirements of the job.

One of the most important personal characteristics of an employee is his social status. Some employers prefer workers with a high position, "powerful", others - those who are interested in the essence of the work, and the title of the position does not matter to them.

An important characteristic is also the age of the candidate and his personal characteristics. Employers may prefer outgoing candidates to introverted ones, and vice versa. To solve certain problems, certain personal characteristics are required.

Often managers find it difficult to formulate criteria. HR specialists clarify them by pronouncing the features, elements, key points of activity with managers. It happens that the criteria do not correspond to each other or even mutually exclusive. This can complicate selection and even make it impossible. The task of the HR specialist is to point out the discrepancies in the requirements from the very beginning and, together with the manager, bring them to a "common denominator".

One way to find out if an applicant will meet all the requirements and to choose the most suitable one from a group of candidates is to test applicants in conditions that are as close to working conditions as possible.

Testing methods must be reliable, reliable. The reliability of the selection method characterizes its non-susceptibility to systematic errors in measurements, that is, its consistency under various conditions. In practice, reliability in making judgments is achieved by comparing the results of two or more similar tests. Another way to increase reliability is to compare the results of several alternative selection methods (for example, test and conversation). If the results are the same or similar, the result can be considered reliable.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the validity of the adopted selection criteria. Validity refers to the degree of accuracy with which a given result, method, or criterion predicts a candidate's potential.

The best result is achieved when the selection methods are combined, i.e. it is important to properly organize the whole process.

The selection process usually consists of several steps that "candidates" must go through. At each stage, some of them are eliminated for various reasons.

The initial interview is usually done over the phone. Its purpose is to get to know the candidate, find out more about his education, work experience, and communication skills. The further success of working with the candidate depends on how professionally the first stage is carried out.

Then comes the stage of filling out a special form-questionnaire. Usually, the questionnaire includes questions of a personal nature (date of birth, place of birth, address, social status, etc.) related to past jobs, education, hobbies. Often there are questions aimed at determining the level of self-esteem, attitudes towards various phenomena of social life.

The next stage is an interview, more or less structured and formalized. The results can be obtained both orally and in writing.

Only with a positive result of all the previous stages, the applicant is offered to pass the testing stage. Testing can be psychological, professional, psychophysiological, intellectual. In each specific case, a special testing program is developed, the so-called. battery of tests corresponding to the request of this vacancy. Testing can be done on one day or several days, individually or with a group. It is important that the battery of tests is correctly formed and the test measures precisely those qualities that are important for a particular position.

Finally, the last step is checking the recommendations. Practice shows that when talking with a previous manager, with a candidate’s colleagues, you can not only find out some information about him, but also get interesting recommendations about what this person is strong in, what problems he may have with him, what he does well , which is not very good. When comparing this with the results of research and interviews, the picture becomes almost complete and clear.

Activities for the selection of a specialist end with a decision on the recommendation of certain candidates for work and the presentation of the applicant to the employer.

So, recruitment is a separate task, a whole process that begins with an analysis of activities and ends with hiring a specialist. The success of the selection depends on many reasons, knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists dealing with these problems.

The selection and recruitment process in general includes the following aspects:

Determination of personnel strategy based on the overall strategy of the enterprise for the next few years.

The effective development of any enterprise is impossible without determining the basic values ​​of the company regarding hired personnel. The main goal of personnel policy is to outline the strategic direction in the field of personnel management for the next few years.

Drawing up a "professional portrait" for each vacant position.

Knowing the basic requirements for the candidate, it is necessary to draw up a specific professional portrait of the future employee before starting the search. Such a portrait is compiled by the personnel service together with the head of the relevant department. It contains the following information: educational and professional level, professional skills, availability of additional knowledge, work experience, in which company acquired, the level of tasks solved at the previous place of work and the degree of responsibility at the previous place of work, personal qualities, ability to learn, develop, work motivation, initiative, etc. characteristics. It also indicates other criteria by which a specialist will be selected: gender, age, driver's license, etc.

A professional portrait is created on the basis of not only full information about the position, about the main and additional responsibilities and the expected results of this activity, but also on the people with whom the specialist will interact.

Determining how to search for a candidate.

Use of a databank;

Very often, the personnel officers of companies in search of the right candidate, first of all, look through their database. This has both its advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, the candidate could have already found a job, secondly, it is not known to what extent the description of the candidate corresponds to reality, and thirdly, verification of the authenticity of diplomas, certificates, etc. will require significant effort.

Publication of announcements in the media, Internet, radio, television;

Contacting regional employment centers;

Regional employment centers will assist in the professional selection of qualified specialists entered in the data bank at the preliminary request of the employer; in the organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel and redundant workers; will place information about the needs of the enterprise in personnel, in some media.

Contacting recruiting companies;

The experience of working with recruitment agencies made it possible to deduce one regularity: it is not the name of the company, its fame or turnover that is important, but the conscientiousness and professionalism of managers who work in a recruiting company. It is very important that employees of recruitment agencies have their own “techniques” for finding out the needs of the client, since sometimes the customer himself does not have a very good idea of ​​what he wants. It should be noted that in different cases it is necessary to resort to the services of different agencies, since some are "strong" in the search for managerial or secretarial candidates, others - in technical specialties, etc. The strengths and weaknesses of the agencies are usually clarified in the process of cooperation, and such experience is exchanged between the company's personnel managers. For the correct setting of the task, the agency needs to give a detailed professional portrait of the required specialist and be sure to tell about the corporate culture of the enterprise, the psychological climate, the leadership style and those employees with whom the future specialist will communicate daily. The agency is usually interested in the candidate's career prospects and the package of social benefits that are due in addition to the salary, and also finds out the specifics of the enterprise's activities in Russia and its prospects.

Next, it is very important to prioritize your requirements for the candidate: suppose excellent knowledge of a foreign language is prerequisite and age limits may be revised. Thus, the elements of a professional portrait are ranked in order of importance and an "invariant" core of requirements is revealed. It is also necessary to agree with the agency on the form and content of the resumes of candidates that they will send you for the initial assessment, as well as determine ways to identify certain qualities.

Distribution of announcements about vacancies in mailboxes and on the streets;

Applications for graduates of educational institutions;

Some companies prefer to grow their staff from university graduates, investing a lot of effort and money in them. This very often justifies itself, as young people are more flexible in their perception of a new corporate culture, more energetic, hard-working and creative, and you can grow very good specialists out of them. But there may be failure if the candidate's ability to learn and develop is not accurately predicted. There are also failures of a different kind: you raised a wonderful professional by spending a lot of money on his training, but he left you because a competitor company offered him a higher salary and because he did not fully absorb the corporate culture of your company and did not loyal to her.

Informing acquaintances about existing vacancies;

It has both its pros and cons. The downside is the limited choice, since it is unlikely that each of us has many unemployed or job-seeking acquaintances, besides good professionals in the right field. The advantage is that you can get first-hand recommendations about a person, and get a lot of necessary information.

personnel leasing;

Some companies are trying to use various methods to reduce personnel costs, while striving to ensure the highest possible quality of their employees. As a result, recruiting companies offered the market a new service - "personnel leasing".

Leasing allows you to control the budget of the company and adjust the staffing, especially when their hard limits are set.

As part of the service, the recruiting company undertakes to enroll the employee in the state and formalize labor relations with him, maintain work books, calculate and pay salaries, and settle with funds. An addition to the package can be life and health insurance, business trips for employees, provision of temporary staff for periods of vacation and illness of full-time employees, etc.

Staff leasing helps companies to control qualified employees without laying them off, legally pay their employees a salary without headaches, provide additional motivators to those who previously worked under civil law contracts, reduce administrative costs for personnel, have a qualified intermediary in relations with labor and tax inspections .

Appeal to authorities state power and management.

Selection of candidates for the position.

The main purpose of the selection - to recruit workers with a high culture of work - can be carried out by managers-managers or people who control the interests of the company. The administration of the enterprise sets various goals for recruitment.

In order for the recruitment process to bring maximum benefit, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat recruitment methods exist and know how this or that method is applied in practice. This will allow recruiters to select talented and enterprising employees.

You will learn:

  • Why you need to use different methods of recruitment.
  • What are the sources of recruitment.
  • How to recruit staff.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of methods.
  • Who is responsible for recruiting.

Unprofessional recruitment may lead to a delay in the completion of work, a drop in the company's profits, a violation. As a result of systemic errors in the field of recruitment, you will be forced to return to the starting point: to engage in the selection of new personnel, spending time and money on this.

External and internal recruitment methods

Sources of personnel search can be internal and external. In the first case, personnel are selected from among the employees of the company itself, in the second - at the expense of external resources. Internal sources are always limited, and it is impossible to completely solve personnel problems with their help.

External sources of recruitment are divided into the following types:

  1. By recommendation. Employees are involved taking into account the recommendations of acquaintances, friends, relatives of the company's employees. This is one of the oldest recruiting methods, but it is very effective and is great for small companies with less than 60 employees. According to statistics, it is in such companies that about 40% of new employees are accepted on the basis of recommendations. With all the advantages of this method, its disadvantage is the high degree of risk of hiring an insufficiently qualified specialist.
  2. Direct work with potential employees. This type involves the interaction of HR specialists with candidates who are independently looking for a job, without contacting specialized employment agencies. As a rule, such job seekers can call the company directly to find out about open vacancies or send their resume to the personnel department. Often, applicants offer their candidacies to those organizations that have proven themselves in the market. Sometimes the data about the applicant is postponed in order to return to them later if necessary.
  3. Advertising in the media. This method of attracting employees is most common. The company advertises vacancies in print media, on Internet portals or on television. Applicants respond to vacancies, call by phone or come to the company. In addition, today there is a wide range of specialized resources, publications and websites that are focused on a wide range of professions or specific industries. This recruitment method is an effective and popular means of attracting new employees, but it is important to take into account its specifics and formulate requirements for candidates as clearly as possible, describing in detail their future job responsibilities.
  4. Contacts with universities. Many serious and large organizations such as holdings or corporations that have ambitious plans for the future often invite graduates of educational institutions without experience and work experience. Representatives of such organizations can be met at thematic events in universities or at job fairs. As a rule, the selection of candidates takes place according to such parameters as personal characteristics, the ability to think strategically, analyze, and plan.
  5. Labor exchanges are state employment centers. Any prosperous state benefits from an increase in the level of employment of citizens. To achieve this goal, the state invests in the creation of specialized services that form their own databases and work with large employers. This method of recruitment has one significant drawback: the number of job seekers applying to state job search services is not very large.
  6. Recruitment agencies. In the last ten years, the field of recruiting has become an actively developing sector in the economy. Recruitment agencies constantly update and expand their databases, actively search and select applicants, strictly focusing on the requirements and fully taking into account the wishes of the employer. Such services are not cheap, sometimes the reward for finding a suitable employee reaches 50% of the annual salary of this specialist. Among the recruitment agencies, there are those that are engaged in mass recruitment, and there are those that offer more sophisticated methods, for example, "exclusive search" - that is, they are looking for talented leaders and managers for the company.

The right choice of external sources and methods of recruitment directly affects the success in the work on the formation of a professional team consisting of valuable and talented employees who fully share its values ​​with the company and meet all its requirements.

This table shows comparative indicators by recruitment methods:

Personnel search methods

Average time spent

Total time

Through the media

Information is placed in the newspaper in 5-7 days. For electronic media the deadline has been reduced to the day of the announcement. It takes 5-7 days to process responses from applicants and screening interviews with applicants

Through friends and acquaintances

A full survey of the entire circle of contacts takes from 3 to 5 days

Among university graduates

Communication and interaction with employees of the relevant services of universities (5-7 days). Processing of received resumes takes up to 7 days

Inside your own company

1-2 days are enough to test possible candidates from among employees

Through job centers

Providing information to responsible employees of employment centers - 7 days. Processing resumes of applicants - 5-7 days

Through free recruitment agencies

Establishing contact with agency staff - 3 days. Information processing - 7 days

Through recruiting organizations

Providing information to employees of companies - 1 day. Search and selection of candidates for the position by forces recruiting agency– 5-10 days

1-2 weeks

Touching upon the topic of modern methods and technologies of personnel selection, it is worth mentioning the following types and their characteristics:

  • Search for candidates in social networks- This is a modern, cost-effective, but at the same time rather labor-intensive method of recruiting personnel. With its help, it is best to search for and select young employees and mid-level specialists.
  • Search for candidates online (forums, specialized communities) is a time-consuming, but not expensive method, thanks to which you can reach a narrow circle of specialists and get information about the most talented ones.
  • Posting job ads on the Internet in video format- is one of the most common methods of search and selection of personnel today. The cost of shooting a video about a company or a video story is about the same as for the implementation of traditional recruitment methods. This method is highly effective, and thanks to the popularity of the network these days, there is a chance that a large number of job seekers will watch your video.
  • Mass recruiting - necessary if the company requires a large number of new employees. As a rule, mass recruitment is used as a method for selecting line-level specialists with specific skills and experience in this field.

All of the above methods of search and selection of personnel began to be actively used as the Internet developed and grew in popularity. First, those who are looking for a job appeared on the expanses of the global network, and after them, those who can offer them this job.

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10 interview questions that will reveal the whole ins and outs of a candidate

Non-standard questions will show how quickly the applicant thinks and how he solves problems. To build an honest conversation with a potential employee, use the interview questions from the article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

The main methods of recruitment in the organization

  • recruiting

Recruiting is understood as a certain system of recruitment methods for various, but most often, the most demanded professions. As a rule, these are “line level” specialists, that is, sales agents, managers, performers, secretaries. Recruiting involves writing a job description and placing it on various sites and resources where it can be seen by potential candidates. The websites of specialized recruitment agencies are also used. In this case, recruiters focus primarily on specialists who are actively looking for work.

  • Executive Search

This is recruitment for leadership positions: heads of departments, directors of companies, heads of regional branches. The Executive Search method searches for rare specialists with unique skills or knowledge. The method of exclusive search and selection of personnel implies activity on the part of an interested employer. As a rule, companies turn to specialized recruitment agencies in order to select worthy specialists.

  • headhunting

This term literally translates from English as "headhunting" and today is widely used to refer to the method of recruiting by luring talented and rare specialists from one company to another. This method is based on the understanding that high-value employees, top-level specialists, almost never think about changing jobs and, accordingly, are not actively looking. In this case, the hunter for valuable personnel himself takes the initiative and offers the valuable specialist some special working conditions, benefits, opportunities for career or personal development.

  • Screening

Screening is a quick process of selecting applicants on formal grounds, and this is the main criterion for this recruitment method. The selection does not take into account such characteristics of applicants as personal qualities and motivation. Screening should be carried out in a short time, this technique is widely used when searching for specialists for such positions as a secretary, manager, sales consultant.

  • Preliminaring

This term means the process of attracting applicants (young professionals, graduates of specialized universities) to a vacancy by offering them to pass industrial practice. After the completion of the internship, the company offers a job to those applicants who have shown certain psychological and personal qualities suitable for working in the company in a particular position.

Preliminaring is a process related to the long-term business goals and objectives of the company. This method of recruitment is aimed at creating a strong and efficient workforce.

Modern recruitment methods

  1. Aggressive headhunting

Headhunting methods are based on the fact that high-value specialists most often do not think about changing jobs and therefore are not actively looking for vacancies. Headhunting aims to get in touch with a valuable employee and offer him more favorable working conditions in a new company. Aggressive headhunting, as the new recruitment methods are collectively called, began to be actively used several decades ago in America at First Merit Bank and Cisco Systems. Today, this method is becoming more and more popular in the Russian labor market due to the fact that the struggle for valuable and rare specialists is intensifying.

How is aggressive headhunting different from regular headhunting? The fact that it is, one might say, a war with its own special techniques, "victims" and "prisoners". From the point of view of aggressive headhunting, the struggle for valuable personnel is one of the important components of competition between companies. It is important not to miss a single action of a competitor, but at best, try to always be one step ahead of him. In such a war for talented workers, any means are used.

So, let's look at the main elements that the process of aggressive headhunting includes:

  • Direct impact on the company's profits. Specialists who are attracted through headhunting are perceived as an asset that can bring additional income to the company's piggy bank.
  • The emergence of a corporate culture of recruiting - the process of searching and attracting personnel takes place with the participation of not only the recruitment department, but also the entire workforce of the company (directly or indirectly).
  • Personnel poaching: Aggressive headhunters focus on employed and working top-level specialists, and not on free applicants who are actively looking for work.
  • Encouragement of those who give recommendations for talented employees, including material.
  • Interaction not only with candidates for vacant positions, but also building relationships with promising specialists in advance.

According to some people, all these elements are a demonstration of the use of unacceptable principles and methods of recruitment, but it is important to know that such methods are actively used today. Aggressive headhunters use a variety of recruiting methods. One of them is to address the employee on some important holiday for him: birthday, vacation, family celebration. From the point of view of psychology, a person at such moments becomes especially sensitive to new offers and is more positively disposed towards recruiters who call him. This forces headhunters to collect as much data as possible about a potential candidate: information about his family, personal preferences, hobbies and other areas of life.

  1. HR branding

HR branding is becoming popular in Russia today. More and more companies are looking to follow this new trend and apply it. As part of HR branding, an attractive company image is created. There are two important components to this process:

  • The visual range is a slogan and an artistic image that reflects the company's advantages, its corporate values ​​and its exclusive position in the labor market.
  • Internal corporate policy of the company, which is closely related to personnel work.

Both components should realistically reflect reality and be interconnected. For example, if the motto of the company contains a promise to employees to provide conditions for rapid career development, then the company should actually provide such conditions. Branding will not be needed for those companies whose goals are only to find one or two employees, but not to strengthen their position in the market. For those organizations in which a constant influx of fresh personnel is important, branding is a mandatory process.

The trends in the development of the personnel market in Russia are such that in the coming years we should expect increased competition among companies in the struggle for personnel. This is primarily due to the fact that on the one hand, there is a demographic problem, and on the other hand, there is an intensive growth of the market. Under these conditions, companies will be forced to actively work on creating a positive HR brand, and those who will do it most successfully, competently and efficiently will be able to attract the best specialists.

In the West, a serious and responsible attitude towards personnel has long been normal. Companies perceive their employees as one of the most important components of successful business development. As for Russia, here HR-branding is still at the stage of development. It should be noted, however, that this development is happening quite quickly, since the formation of HR branding is accompanied by a high level of competition in the market and thus becomes an excellent motivation for quality work with personnel in the company and creating excellent working conditions for employees. A company with such priorities will definitely be competitive in the modern labor market, as it will be able to attract talented employees.

  1. IT- recruitment systems

The new trend of 2017 is HR-digital. This is not only an automated recruitment method, but also the creation of a new concept of thinking, new approaches to work and interaction with potential and real employees of the company.

Many experts agree that by 2018 the market for digital technologies and programs for recruiting will approach a value of $ 2 billion. According to data for 2015, 88% of employers already used various information systems for personnel management 1C or SAP applications to regular Excel). In 2017, new opportunities appeared in this area; among the most modern, special modules for the selection and hiring of ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) employees can be distinguished.

ATS are aimed primarily at the implementation of specific functions, including:

  1. Processing and storage of resumes of applicants.
  2. Comparison of the resume and the profile of the vacancy for which the author of the resume applies.
  3. Publication of information about company vacancies on many different resources and sites.
  4. Processing and collecting responses to the vacancy from a variety of possible sources.
  5. Collaboration with recruitment agencies that provide data on potential applicants by uploading their resumes directly to the ATS of the client company.
  6. Individual approach to each applicant in the process of hiring him.
  7. Activity in social networks.
  8. Working with passive candidates, information about which is stored in the ATS.
  9. Creation of an information database with a large amount of information.

There are a lot of companies and their products on the modern ATS market: both expensive and “heavy” for large corporations, and free cloud systems for small and medium companies. Most popular today: Taleo, Kenexa-Brassring, Jobvite, iCims, SAP-SuccessFactors, Peoplefluent, ADP, Silkroad, iRecruitment, Greenhouse, Newton Software, Ultipro, Jobscore, Lumesse, Hrsmart, Bullhorn.

For any recruiting program, the minimum objective is to simplify the work of the recruiter, and the maximum objective is to improve the company's recruitment strategy.

  1. Remote recruitment

Among the innovative methods of recruitment, one can single out the remote method, which has already become familiar. Thanks to him, the traditional situation in the labor market of recruitment agencies has changed dramatically. If everything is organized correctly, then the remote recruitment method can have many advantages:

  1. Ability to hire a candidate from almost anywhere in the world.
  2. Conducting a remote interview with the applicant without his physical presence for the purpose of primary selection.
  3. Minimal time spent on interviews.
  4. Possibility of conducting several interviews simultaneously in different regions for company branches.

Every day, the range of vacancies is expanding, for which a candidate can be selected and accepted remotely. If a few years ago this circle included mainly IT professions, accountants, designers and journalists, today even employees of working specialties can be remotely hired.

The remote recruitment method also has a significant drawback, namely, a high risk of obtaining false information about the applicant. To minimize this risk, it is important to use video during remote interviews, as visual data can tell a lot about a candidate. A remote recruiting specialist needs to identify and weed out problem candidates, as well as to see exactly those who really fit the vacancy they are applying for.

  1. HR outsourcing

HR outsourcing is a special recruitment method that is highly effective. The process of cooperation with an outsourcing company is different from working with a recruitment agency. The difference is that the interaction between the company and the customer in the process of HR outsourcing involves closer cooperation. In the most ideal scenario, employees of an outsourcing company deeply study the corporate history and culture of the customer, conduct interviews in the office of the organization itself.

Outsourcing company thus assumes the role of an intermediary between the employer and job seekers. At interviews with candidates, representatives of the outsourcing company talk about their impression of the company with which they work, and applicants, in turn, have more confidence in a third-party specialist, which allows the recruiter to get a more complete and objective image of the applicant.

Candidates who come in for an interview form their opinion of a company mainly based on various details: how they were met, who conducted the interview, in what manner they were communicated with. One of the main tasks of an HR outsourcing specialist is to build communication with candidates so that they have a favorable impression of the company.

In addition to this important function, the HR outsourcing specialist has a second important function in communication with the candidate, which is to provide feedback based on the results of the interview. As a rule, recruiters in a company conducting an interview end with a promise to call the candidate back, but sometimes they do not even do this if the company is not ready to hire him. The outsourcing company organizes its communication with candidates in such a way that it informs the candidate about the decision in any case. This largely contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of employees and applicants.

HR outsourcing can be of several types:

  1. Outsourcing of the entire HR department. It is rarely used in practice, since it is not easy to find a truly professional third-party HR specialist who can take on all the functions of the company's HR department.
  2. Recruitment outsourcing. This is one of the most common types of outsourcing, which consists in organizing events for the selection, evaluation, and training of employees.
  3. HR outsourcing. It is used to unload HR specialists from current tasks and reorient them to solving more important and priority issues.

With any type of personnel outsourcing, it is important to give preference to cooperation only with highly qualified specialists and companies, because the security and competitiveness of your business will depend on the level of their professionalism.

  • Human resource management: what does it mean and why is it needed

How to determine the effectiveness of recruitment methods

  • Closing factor.

The most important thing for a leader is the availability of staff in the company. The quality and cost of goods are secondary issues. If the company does not have the necessary specialists, then this is a very serious problem for the manager. Therefore, the closing rate is very important in the work of a recruiter.

This coefficient can be calculated in different ways. Sometimes the company takes the staffing as a basis. Then they draw up a recruitment plan for the year ahead, set the deadlines in which this or that staff should be selected. If all positions are taken as 100%, and vacancies are taken as the share of the need for employees (also as a percentage), then the smaller the share, the higher the closing rate. However, the number of open vacancies in the staff list is not directly related to the selection of personnel.

Suppose a company has very well developed planning. The staffing table is updated annually: all positions that open during this period of time are included in the plan at a time in December or January. To what exact number of specialists are needed, when it is necessary to start work on finding and attracting personnel, whether the personnel officers will have time to select the necessary employees within the planned time frame or not - is unknown.

Thus, calculations using this method rather indicate how busy the recruiting manager is during the year, but do not reflect the degree of efficiency of his work. In addition, if the staffing table is not developed with sufficient quality, and some vacancies are added to it “just in case”, then the calculation of the closing rate according to the staffing table becomes meaningless.

There is another way for which a calculation formula has been developed:

The term "vacancy" should be clearly defined here. For example, the manager sets the task for the personnel service: to find 20 installers in the same specialization. The company's rules are such that the manager's request is made in the form of an application. It is the number of applications, not vacancies, that is taken into account in the calculations.

In addition, in the work of a recruiting manager, it is important to consider deadlines. For example, in a month 15 vacancies were opened and 13 employees were hired:

Consider another situation: three days before the end of the reporting period, three new positions were opened. It is obvious that the personnel department will not be able to select the necessary personnel and fill vacancies in such a short time. In this case, the closing rate will be lower, but not through the fault of the personnel department.

It is best to calculate the closing rate not from the ratio of open and closed vacancies for the reporting period, but from the ratio of vacancies closed on time and vacancies closed with a delay. This requires more work, however, the results of such a calculation will be more accurate, especially if the process is automated. The formula for calculating the closing coefficient itself will not change.

  • Selection cost.

The question of what is the cost of recruiting is of interest, first of all, to the manager. In general, despite the importance and necessity of the personnel service in the company, from the point of view of business and accounting policy, it is the center of costs. Any recruiter should always keep this feature in mind: all the costs of finding employees are distributed among the profit centers of the company - the departments - that provide the organization with profit. Recruitment officers are required to report and explain how and on what they spent the funds.

If we talk about the cost of recruiting, then in Russia it is customary to include only the direct costs of disseminating information about open positions in the company. As a rule, cost calculations do not include such costs as the labor of a recruiter, rental of premises, operation of equipment, the cost of various accessories: paper, stationery, forms, etc. But to improve the image of the personnel department in the company, the manager must make such calculations. If a recruiting team does a good job, then their services will be at least two to three times cheaper than those on the market, and managers will benefit from knowing this.

There are two main metrics that determine the overall cost of recruiting. This is the total number of open positions and the cost of hiring one employee (unit costs). Decisions on the number of open vacancies are made by the manager, based on operational need, and the recruiter does not influence these decisions. However, it directly depends on what methods are used for the selection of personnel, how rationally and economically spending on the needs of the personnel department occurs. In many ways, it is these factors that determine the amount that will ultimately be needed to attract and hire each new employee.

Unit costs for the selection of one employee are calculated by the formula:

It is important to clarify that there is an effect of scale. For example, you need to hire five electricians. You publish information about open vacancies in one of the specialized publications. For five jobs, you use one ad, so the cost per ad can be divided by five. But if you need to select only one specialist, then you will also place an ad. And all the costs of advertising in this case will fall on one unit of staff, which means that unit costs will increase.

  • Selection quality.

The quality of the selection is a rather subjective concept, however, according to the laws of marketing, it must correspond to the ideas of the client, that is, the customer-manager. This means that the candidate must meet all the requirements specified in the vacancy profile as much as possible. As a rule, at the very first interview, the applicant is assessed.

If the manager is satisfied with the quality of recruitment, then questions of cost or timing are relegated to the background. Sometimes the company hires applicants whose qualities do not quite match the requirements of the vacancy, however, over time, the employee expands his competence, and the manager is satisfied with his work. There are also situations when a company is forced to hire obviously unsuitable employees. There may be various reasons for this: the lack of the necessary specialists, the uncompetitiveness of the company's offer, difficulties in finding specialists of the required qualifications. One way or another, the selection of inappropriate personnel can lead the company to depletion and lower the quality of human resources. This can slow down the development of the company and lead to the fact that your business will no longer meet the challenges of the modern market. As a result, a gradual decrease in the value of the company can be expected.

There is another factor that can be used to judge the quality of recruitment: the number of employees from among those accepted into the company who have passed the probationary period. A successful interview and a preliminary high rating of the applicant are not a guarantee of successful integration and productive work of this employee in the company. It is entirely possible for a candidate to perform well in an interview, but in reality will perform irresponsibly and inefficiently. If the number of such employees grows, then the question arises about the quality of the work of the recruitment service.

On the other hand, shifting all responsibility for the successful completion of the probationary period onto the shoulders of one recruiting manager is unfair. What to do in cases where the manager does not provide even minimal support to a new employee? Or, for example, the conditions promised at the interview do not correspond to the real state of affairs in the company. What if, for this reason, an employee decides to leave the company before completing their probationary period? Thus, there may be different factors that are not directly related to the effective work of the recruiting manager. This means that the number of employees who have passed the probationary period is an indirect factor for judging the quality of work of HR specialists.

How to Choose the Best Recruiting and Selection Methods

The recruiter in the performance of his duties must adhere to the following principles:

  • Complexity. You should not select employees based on any one factor. For example, to hire a system administrator only on the basis of his high professionalism. In order for an employee to truly be able to benefit the company and become part of the team, he must have such qualities as responsibility, accuracy, efficiency. For all these qualities, it is imperative to test applicants even before hiring.
  • Objectivity. Since the interviewer's evaluation will always be subjective, it is important to put into practice recruitment and evaluation methods that could help to obtain a more objective opinion about the candidate. For example, if you are hiring a waiter and you choose from several candidates, let them set the table for guests. Based on this test task, you will get more objective results based not only on your assessment, but also on the assessment of the guests.
  • Scientific. The simplest type of interview always remains popular and in demand, however, one should not forget about other methods of recruiting and evaluating personnel, which can help to create a more reliable portrait of the applicant and draw a conclusion about his suitability for the position and the company. You can refer to modern methods evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment, psychological tests and techniques (including non-standard ones).
  • Continuity. The recruiter must work continuously until the vacancy is filled and the company is accepted new employee.
  • impartiality. If the recruiter does not like this or that feature of the candidate that is not capable of interfering with the performance of his professional duties (for example, having several children, an inexperienced university graduate, a person with disabilities), this should not be a reason for refusal.

A recruiter will be able to professionally approach the process of searching, selecting and hiring valuable employees only if he adheres to all five principles.

It is useful to study the methods of evaluating a candidate in the selection of personnel. Surprisingly, there are many more of these methods than search methods. Thanks to them, it is possible to create such a personnel selection system that could be adapted to any company and would allow solving its problems more effectively.

It is difficult to talk about any universal recipes and recommendations regarding the selection of personnel. However, it is worth noting that it is important for a recruiter to master the full range of candidate assessment methods and analyze recruitment methods, as this can allow them to make better decisions in choosing employees who could really become valuable personnel and fully meet the requirements of the company.

  1. Gathering information about applicants.

Even at the stage of studying the resumes of candidates (that is, even before the moment of personal communication), the so-called primary screening takes place. Today, perhaps, everyone knows exactly how a well-written resume should look like. It is not a particularly difficult task for recruiters to conduct an initial selection of candidates based on the evaluation of their resumes. Unfortunately, the unification of techniques causes recruiters to often stop reading the content, so they can miss an interesting candidate. Of course, at this stage, you should be more attentive to the content of the resume and study the candidates more carefully.

  1. Interview.

This concept has many interpretations. In our case, let's turn to a dictionary of business terms, which defines an interview as a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan. Thus, a selection interview with a candidate differs from any other conversation in that the interviewer prepares a conversation plan in advance.

  1. Interview.

In the selection system, the interview is a key stage. In addition, this is the most common and familiar method of recruiting.

Only practical experience in conducting interviews can help to achieve professionalism in this type of work with personnel. It is important to constantly apply existing tools and do it wisely. The most optimal variant of the interview is from the position of equal partners. Sometimes the employer conducts a stressful interview, in which, of course, there is no question of equal partnership positions. It is hoped that this type of interview will be used less and less. If we talk about the structure of the interview, then we can focus on the approximate sequence of stages:

  • Greeting: acquaintance, presentation of the upcoming stages of the conversation.
  • Brief presentation of the company (3-5 minutes), story about the vacancy.
  • Main part: consists mainly of the interviewer's questions and the applicant's answers.
  • The interviewer expresses gratitude to the candidate and acquaints him with the procedure for further actions and the time frame in which the candidate can learn about the decision on his candidacy.

There are various interview formats:

  • Structured interview is carried out based on the approved list of questions for a specific vacancy or category of employees. This format allows you to compare different answers of candidates to the same questions, which allows you to give them a more objective assessment.
  • Free unstructured interview(conversation) is used in the case of a search for a specialist for a creative position and a small number of applicants. A conversation will be a more effective recruiting method in this case, since standard questions will not help to make a full impression of a particular candidate.
  • situational interview is conducted in order to obtain important information about applicants applying for leadership positions, as well as for positions of managers with a high level of responsibility. Such an interview can be called psychological testing. The candidate is offered a series of questions and several answers that are close to the only correct one. The psychological test should take into account the requirements for the vacancy for which applicants are applying.
  1. Group interview.

Sometimes this recruiting method is called an expert group interview, that is, this is the format when there is one candidate and several interviewers representing the company. Naturally, this is a stressful situation for the candidate, not everyone can withstand this kind of psychological stress. For an employer, this is an ideal option for testing a candidate for stress resistance. A group interview is usually conducted when it comes to hiring an employee in a narrow specialty, and it is difficult for the recruiting manager to delve into all the intricacies of the profession, so he invites an experienced specialist who could, with the help of his questions, find out the applicant’s qualification level . At a group interview, you can also determine the personal characteristics of a person, assess his level of sociability and conflict.

For the successful conduct of this type of interview, it is important to clearly allocate the roles and tasks of the interviewers at the planning stage. However, a format is possible that involves one main facilitator, and all the others can enter into a conversation and, as necessary, ask clarifying questions.

  1. Assessment Center.

Today, the assessment center method is becoming popular, which is based on the observation of specially trained assessors of the work of employees and their performance of various tasks related to a particular position. Each assessment center develops special requirements for employees. Measurement is the main component of this method.

The assessment center method is close to the testing method, since it also implies standardization: the existence of standards for procedures and an assessment system. In some cases, the assessment center also includes structured interviews and testing.

Recruiters should not forget about other effective methods: projective methods, self-presentation of applicants, cases - all these tools are a source of data for evaluating a potential employee.

  1. Testing.

Testing is a very popular recruitment method and can consist of several types of evaluation. It is important to adhere to some rules.

In many personnel services, applicants are offered to pass psychological tests for various positions. You need to know some of the limitations that exist with this method of recruiting:

  • Testing should only be offered to a candidate if there is a real need for it. For example, if it is necessary to identify some qualities of the applicant, which are very important for the position for which he is applying.
  • Only professional tests should be used. It is important to pay attention to the high degree of their objectivity, reliability and validity.
  • Psychological testing of candidates should be carried out by a professional psychologist.

In addition to these requirements, psychological testing should be used only with the full consent of the candidate.

  1. professional questionnaires.

Professional questionnaires are aimed at saving the time of the recruiter. They allow you to weed out unsuitable candidates at the very first selection interview. Professional questionnaires can be used in the selection of candidates for various professions: accountants, lawyers, programmers, IT specialists, telephony. Questions are prepared in advance by recruiters together with the head of the department in which you want to accept a new employee. A potential manager checks a future employee for professional skills and abilities. The objectivity of this recruitment method can reach 80%.

  1. Checking skills and abilities.

This method is one of the types of testing, during which the expert checks the candidate for the professional skills and abilities that are necessary for effective work in the desired position. For example, a stenographer will be tested for typing speed, a translator - for the level of foreign language proficiency. The most important condition: the skill should be mandatory and easy to measure. This method is not suitable for all professions, however, its objectivity reaches 100%, and, if possible, it should be actively used.

Unusual and non-traditional recruitment methods

  • Anthropological selection method.

With the anthropological method of selecting a candidate, the structure of his skull is studied: the size of the superciliary arches, the shape and position of the lips, ears, etc. According to the results of the study, the creative and intellectual abilities of a person are determined and evaluated.

  • Graphological method of selection.

The graphological selection method involves the analysis of the candidate's handwriting, on the basis of which individual characteristics his personality and business qualities. In Europe, this method is quite widespread, while in Russia it is unpopular due to the fact that graphology is classified as a pseudoscience.

  • Astrological selection method.

With this method of evaluation and selection of personnel, the candidate and his personal characteristics are analyzed from the point of view of astrology. A considerable number of people in the world trust astrology and are convinced that the sign of the zodiac will allow you to predict how an employee will be able to find his place in the team, how much he is disposed to a particular activity, profession, position. This selection method in Russia is considered rather exotic and is used extremely rarely.

  • Numerological selection method.

This method implies that the usefulness and professional suitability of the applicant is determined using numerology (for example, by analyzing the numbers that make up the candidate's date of birth).

  • Palmistry.

Palmists claim that they are able to evaluate not only personal, but also professional quality person. Palmistry was at the peak of popularity in Russia in the 90s. Then palmists (as well as magicians and psychics) were actively involved in a variety of activities. The use of palmistry as a method for recruiting personnel is rather doubtful. Firstly, the involvement of a palmist in the process of selecting employees removes the responsibility for making a decision from personnel worker, and secondly, it is not known how reliably and objectively a palmist can evaluate a candidate.

  • Polygraph.

The use of the polygraph (lie detector) in hiring has been going on for over 100 years, this method has a real scientific basis and has recently become more and more popular. The reliability of the candidate's assessment when using a polygraph can reach 95%.

  • Polygraph testing of employees: how to bring personnel to clean water

Mistakes to Avoid in Recruiting Methods

Some specialists who are not too often and actively engaged in recruitment may make mistakes due to inexperience. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • Limitation. If a recruiter sets strict requirements for the form of communication of a candidate with a company (for example, send a resume only by fax or only by e-mail), then he thereby significantly narrows the circle of potential applicants. All people are different, some do not have the opportunity to use a fax to send their resume, and some prefer personal communication to e-mail. It is important to give everyone an equal chance to compete for a position.
  • Pickiness to the applicant. Sometimes a really valuable and talented employee can be hidden behind a poorly written resume. There are people who do not attach much importance to writing a resume or do not know how to do it, but this does not mean that they should be eliminated immediately.
  • Selfishness. If the resume indicates that the applicant seeks to work in big company anyway invite him for an interview. It may turn out that your conditions in a small company will be satisfactory for him.
  • Stealth. If the job description does not contain any salary information, the number of applicants ready to respond to your offer will be significantly reduced.
  • Lateness. An interviewer being late for an interview is completely unacceptable. Most likely, applicants will form a negative opinion about the company and will not want to work in it further.
  • Disapproval of a previous employee. Unflattering remarks about previous employees can alert a new employee. He may imagine that he will be referred to in the same way and refuse to work for such an employer.

Pros and cons of outsourcing recruitment to an organization

The involvement of third-party recruitment agencies can be considered both positively and negatively. After getting acquainted in detail with all the advantages and disadvantages of this recruitment method, you will be able to make your decision regarding cooperation with recruiting agencies.

So, the advantages of working with agencies are:

  • Huge base of applicants. If a recruitment agency is serious and has been on the market for a long time, then most likely it has a large database of applicants. For you, this means choosing from a large number specialists.
  • Willingness to take on unusual tasks. Real professionals in a recruitment agency will not be afraid of any task, they will even take it upon themselves to lure a director from a competing company. The most important thing is to offer the candidate more favorable working conditions, and then there will be no problems with hunting for a talented employee.
  • Flexible terms of cooperation. You can choose convenient terms of cooperation: work on a permanent basis with a recruitment agency or use their services for a certain period of time. In the same way, you can agree on paying for the services of specialists in the search and recruitment of personnel.
  • Guarantee. If you entrust the recruitment task to a recruitment agency, you get a partner who will be responsible for the quality of their work.
  • Preliminary screening of candidates. The recruiter will take on communication with a variety of applicants, including those who are not the most pleasant and well-mannered of them. Thanks to this, you, as the head of the company, will be able to deal with already selected candidates who, most likely, will not cause you many problems and troubles, but will be set up in a businesslike way.

Interaction with recruiting companies may have and limitations:

  • Inability to find a common language with the agency manager. The agency manager may not understand you, and in the absence of mutual understanding, it is unlikely that productive work with good results will turn out.
  • Unprofessionalism of individual employees of the agency. Most likely, you will be able to protect yourself from this risk if you do not contact unreliable companies.
  • Money question. In any case, the services of a recruiting company will not be free for you. It is important to determine a reasonable limit for the payment of services, taking into account the location, the prestige and experience of the company, your requirements, etc.

Recruitment agencies often use this scheme in their work:

To avoid mistakes when choosing a recruiting company, pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Do not contact agencies whose prices for services will be much lower than market prices. As a rule, such agencies are not able to offer qualified specialists for work.
  2. It is extremely important for the recruiting manager to get a clear understanding of your requirements. Do not use general words and vague wording, express your requirements as clearly and specifically as possible.
  3. Be wary if you hear unflattering comments about your competitors from a recruiting agency representative. True professionals, as a rule, do not allow themselves to insult competitors.
  4. Give preference to more experienced organizations, they will have a larger customer base, and they will make fewer mistakes due to their experience.
  5. Do not continue to work with those who have already let you down or deceived you. It is better to make a choice in favor of another specialist or company.

Practitioner tells

It is more convenient and profitable to work with a recruitment agency

Zhanna Dibrova,

Head of Human Resources, Forum Group, Moscow

In my opinion, it is more profitable and more convenient for a company to conclude an agreement with a recruitment agency than to search and select personnel on its own. The fact is that for high-quality work with personnel and the selection of personnel quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to have at least two personnel specialists: one will communicate with candidates before inviting them for an interview, and conduct an initial selection by phone. The second specialist will already communicate with those who are invited for an interview and want to find out various organizational issues. If the company does not have a regular need to update staff, and vacancies appear from time to time, then it is more profitable to work with third-party recruitment agencies: it will be both cheaper and more efficient.

Nesterov A.K. Recruitment in the organization // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

The recruitment process in an organization is regulated by a personnel policy formalized in the form of a specific document, for example, in the form of an Enterprise Standard in a quality management system - personnel management.

Recruitment system in the organization

Recruitment in the organization is carried out on the basis of determining the need for human resources for the following reasons:

  1. Changing the structure of the enterprise - the organization may need new employees with different qualification requirements for new departments, divisions, etc.
  2. Changing the structure of departments - the selection of candidates will be carried out to staff the departments according to the new staffing table;
  3. Personnel reshuffle - usually this reason appears if specialists are transferred to other projects, to other divisions, and the organization needs to replace its previous position;
  4. Change in the type and volume of work - when changing activities or increasing the workload of the organization, it will be necessary to select personnel to fill positions due to a lack of human resources;
  5. Natural attrition of employees - when employees retire, the organization selects personnel to fill vacant positions;
  6. Personnel turnover - in a continuous mode, the organization conducts recruitment due to the frequent change of employees.

Determining the need for personnel is carried out monthly.

Determine the required number of workers and other personnel and their professional and qualification composition allow:

  • manufacturing program;
  • production standards;
  • planned increase in labor productivity;
  • work structure.

Having a database with available vacancies, employees of the Human Resources Department begin to search for applicants. The typical structure of recruitment sources is shown in the figure.

The personnel policy of most enterprises is based on the internal selection of candidates from the personnel reserve and educational institutions. Most often, to search within a large organization, bulletin boards are used, which provide information about vacant positions, search for the required employees through those who already work at the enterprise, and also use the personnel reserve.

For the positions of employees of departments, especially for senior positions of various directions and levels, preference is given to employees who have worked for some time and have positively proven themselves.

In some cases, a very effective option for recruiting personnel within an enterprise is rotation. It is believed that such recruitment of managerial personnel, as the transfer of leaders, gives a better result than inviting a leader from outside.

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to a broadening of horizons, an increase in managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by the promotion of employees of the organization.

On average, the selection of personnel within the enterprise provides the need for personnel by 23%.

Announcements in the media and the Internet. This method allows a large-scale search, although a rather expensive option. However, not all who apply to the organization in response to the announcement really meet the formal requirements. The subsequent selection makes it possible to single out from this number those employees who, in all basic parameters, suit the enterprise. To share given source accounts for an average of about 12%.

The share of candidates attracted through channels with educational institutions accounts for an average of 28%. Among young people, many young specialists work as deputy heads of shops, heads of bureaus and laboratories, senior and shift foremen. The effectiveness of the search for candidates through educational institutions is the highest for industrial enterprises.

The choice among those who applied to the organization on their own. In addition to active recruitment techniques, potential job seekers can send resumes to the company. As a rule, these are people who are actively job seekers. Through such a search, the satisfaction of the need for personnel is ensured by an average of 11%.

The organization can also be contacted by those who are looking for a job and have among their relatives and friends already working at the enterprise. At the expense of candidates who applied on the recommendation, on average, the need of the enterprise for personnel is satisfied by about 5%.

The State Employment Service and recruitment agencies, as a rule, recruit personnel either for work that does not require high qualifications - for mass positions, or specialists - with clearly defined qualification requirements. Due to this source of recruitment, on average, about 21% of the need for personnel is satisfied.

Separately, it should be noted participation in job fairs. As a rule, organizers of job fairs, specialized forums for employers, etc. send their invitations or programs with an offer to take part in them. Representatives of the organization visit fairs, hold conversations with applicants, provide comprehensive information about the company, available and interesting vacancies.

The recruitment process in an organization

After the applicant's request for employment, the employees of the personnel department carry out:

  • analysis of the documents presented by the applicant, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (employment book, documents on education, all available confirmations of advanced training and additional training);
  • an interview in which they find out what the applicant is applying for, what job or position he would like to receive, as well as some other questions.
  • selection of a job seeker according to the available vacancies and in accordance with the professional and intellectual capabilities of the applicant.

After the selection of a place is made, the employee of the personnel department invites a representative of the site or department where the candidate is sent for a more detailed interview with the head of the unit. Here the incoming candidate is told about his future work, duties, salary, and is shown the workplace. If both parties are satisfied with the negotiations, then the applicant writes an application for employment, it is endorsed by the head, head of the Human Resources Department and the job application begins.

If the future work implies that the employee has some special special skills and knowledge, professional or intellectual abilities, then testing is carried out.

A prerequisite for admission to work is the passage of a safety briefing, and each applicant signs in a special book that he is familiar with the safety rules and internal labor regulations that exist at the enterprise.

After all obligatory formalities are observed, the applicant is registered for a job.

From the date of commencement of work specified in the employment contract and in the order for employment, the new employee begins to fulfill his new duties. Within a week, all the necessary procedures for the official employment of a new employee of the company are carried out.

During the probationary period of a newly hired employee, employees of the personnel department monitor the organization of his workplace in accordance with established standards and the availability of work in accordance with the terms of the employment contract, monitor the process of adaptation in a new place and in a new team. In the future, repeated control is carried out and the degree of satisfaction with the work at the enterprise is clarified.

Typical disadvantages of recruiting in an organization

In most enterprises, the selection of candidates for vacant positions is not organized ideally. The table shows the typical disadvantages of this process.

The main problem with recruitment and selection technologies is that most organizations do not use modern personnel management technologies when selecting personnel. Instead, the main reliance is on intuition. personnel manager and trial and error. In modern conditions, this approach becomes not only inefficient in terms of

Typical disadvantages of recruiting in an organization

Recruitment problems in an organization


Lack of calculations and planning in terms of staff needs, requirements for a vacant position are not formulated

Heads of departments, with an incorrect distribution of responsibilities within the department, may mistakenly decide that a new employee is needed, which will lead to additional and unjustified costs for the organization.

Incorrect registration of the application for recruitment

Often the form of such an application does not allow to properly formulate and define the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacant position.

The list of questions included in the application allows you to get a minimum of information.

As a result, there is an insufficient level and elaboration of the criteria by which a candidate for a position is evaluated, since the job description and application for selection contain information only about the duties of the staff and biographical characteristics.

Insufficient use of internal reserves in the selection of personnel for a number of vacant positions

Often, recruitment sources through the channels of educational institutions and employment services win in terms of the number of candidates who responded, but most of them do not have the required qualities.

In this regard, the economic and time costs for processing resumes and received telephone calls increase significantly.

Evaluation and comparison of the actual qualities of the applicant to the requirements of the position are formulated orally, which subsequently causes a distortion of information.

The main reason for inaccuracies in determining the professional and social, personal and motivational suitability of a candidate is the methodology chosen to identify the qualities of a person. Therefore, when selecting personnel in an organization, it is necessary to use several assessment methods, or supplement them with your own criteria.

The main disadvantage is subjectivity and, to a certain extent, an unformalized selection process. Therefore, the organization needs to formalize the recruitment process as much as possible.

Improving recruitment in the organization

The first is a staffing needs analysis. Such an analysis will be effective if there is a clear idea of ​​what kind of employee is needed, what knowledge, skills and abilities he should have, what production tasks the new employee will solve.

This is one of the typical recruiting problems. In particular, a situation is possible when there is complete clarity about the required personnel, but the requirements for work are formulated incorrectly or insufficiently carefully.

The optimal solution to this problem is a clear definition of the tasks and functions of employees, the redistribution between employees and the totality of knowledge and skills necessary for effective work.

To assess the need for personnel in an organization, a recruitment test should be developed that precedes the search for candidates.

At the stage of formation of requirements for a vacant position, the main condition for determining the correct requirements is the accuracy and the possibility of an objective assessment of the requirements. Generalizations should be avoided, such as "good looks", "work experience", "higher than average education", etc.

A candidate who meets the qualification requirements of the position in terms of his professional qualities must have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing management at this stage of its development. Personal qualities will determine the person's ability to perform the job, and the candidate's fit with the organizational culture. Also, a person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him (for example, if he considers his level of compensation is not high enough, the work is uninteresting, or that his knowledge and skills will not be used to the full, then expect from such an employee full return on work is not necessary). Therefore, highlighting a set of priority characteristics of a candidate, one can further be guided by the definition of methods for their assessment at the stages of personnel selection for the applicant's suitability for the position.

One useful approach to this task is to take a critical look at existing employees to identify the personal and professional traits that make employees successful.

Improving the recruitment of staff in an organization as a common method may include the development of an application form to search for a candidate for a vacant position. This form of application for recruitment is designed to eliminate the above listed shortcomings at the initial stage of the recruitment process. With a more complete amount of information about the required characteristics and skills of the candidate, and for what purposes and work the staff is recruited, we are able to reduce the time spent on the initial screening of candidates during the review of resumes or telephone interviews.

The application for recruitment should take into account not only General characteristics, but also the individual characteristics of each applicant:

  • physical data;
  • qualification;
  • intelligence;
  • special inclinations;
  • interests;
  • character;
  • motivation;
  • circumstances.

At the same time, for each of these points, the manager will have to decide for himself what is for him:

  1. essential
  2. Desirable
  3. Contraindicated

The application for recruitment is filled out by the head of the department. Be sure to sign and date. After that, this document is agreed with the head of the personnel department, who can immediately clarify the details of interest on the characteristics of the candidate, and is transferred for execution to the unit that solves the tasks of recruiting. The person responsible for the selection of personnel must, as necessary, contact the customer who submitted the request to clarify the requirements specified in the application. After that, these clarifications are recorded in the comments column.

The use of such an application for the selection of personnel at the exit allows you to systematize the information received to compile a profile of a candidate for a position, develop a strategy for attracting candidates, taking into account the timing, as well as determine the methods for selecting candidates for a position.

Also, if possible, increase the share of recruitment through internal search and personnel reserve.

Advantages of recruiting current employees of the organization to a higher position.

To find the best candidates, employers sometimes approach the process of finding and attracting new employees in a rather original way, especially when it comes to representatives of highly qualified professions. In this article, we want to talk about the most unusual, in our opinion, methods of recruiting that Google, Yandex, Volkswagen, IKEA and a number of other companies have distinguished themselves by finding creative solutions to replenish their staff.

1 . An interesting case happened to a programmer from the USA, Max Rosett. He was working on his project and entered a query into Google related to the Python programming language. At first, nothing unusual happened: as always, the usual search results appeared on the screen, which Max began to study. But then something strange happened: a message appeared in the middle of the screen: “You speak our language. Ready for a test?"

Max accepted the challenge and got on the page, which resembles the Unix operating system interface. In the only file on the screen, it was suggested to write a "request" to start the test, which the programmer did. As a result, he received a programming task and a series of instructions.

Within two weeks, Max successfully coped with the proposed tasks. Soon a recruiter from Google contacted him and offered him a job at the company.

2. In addition to this case, back in 2004, the IT giant managed to attract the attention of developers with the help of a huge billboard with a mathematical problem. The clue was the address of the site where the visitor was waiting for a new task. Those who coped with it were invited to join the Google team.

3, 4. Russian IT company Yandex and Flickr (a photography hosting company owned by Yahoo!) also like to post their job offers creatively. One attentive developer found a link to a Russian search engine job in the JavaScript error console. In the case of Flickr, anyone with an inquisitive mind can find a link to an open job simply by looking at the site's page code.

5. Volkswagen also chose an equally unusual place for its job ads: when the company needed talented mechanics, it placed ads on the bottom of faulty cars and sent them to service centers. As a result, Volkswagen was able to attract new experienced employees to the staff.

6. Matsushita Electric has also excelled in delivering a message to its target audience. Job advertisements for an electrician were posted on electric poles at a height of five meters. Pretty good place to find the right specialist, isn't it?

7. The unobtrusive way of offering a job to potential candidates was also invented by the company Schild Security. Employees of the company often have to carry their luggage through scanners at airports and business centers, and therefore, when it was necessary to replenish the staff with security specialists, a job offer appeared in the cases of employees of Schild Security, written in metal letters. Such a message was perfectly visible to security officers when scanning. Such a campaign to attract new personnel brought good results to Schild Security.

8. Video game development company Red5 has also stepped up to impress potential candidates with its recruiting method. Having compiled a list of 250 applicants, Red5 employees spent 4 months studying the professional qualities of each of them. As a result, 100 developers were selected who received an invitation from Red5 that was hard to ignore: in unusual packaging, candidates received a personalized iPod with a personalized message and access codes to the site with detailed information about the proposed position. Outcome? 90 out of 100 recipients responded positively to such a job offer.

9. In 2010, advertising agency Gyro International set out to increase their creative department staff by 50%. Deciding that standard recruiting methods wouldn't help them, Gyro innovated and did some research to find the places where their competitors' employees usually dine.

Gyro convinced the owners of identified cafes and restaurants to replace their usual sandwich packaging with special job-changing packaging. As a result, 100,000 creative sandwich packages brought the company 3 no less creative employees.

10. IKEA Australia did its job of hiring just as brilliantly. In order to quickly close vacancies for the new shopping center, the personnel department chose the option in which they did not even have to carry their ads far. IKEA recruiters put them in ... packages with their own products. HR professionals have decided that loyal customers are the best candidates and, even if they are not looking for a job themselves, they are more likely to tell relatives or friends about the vacancy. What was the outcome of this campaign? The cost of placing ads in the media - $ 0, postage - $ 0, resumes received - 4285, hired employees - 280. There is something to praise resourceful recruiters.

12. How to find a good programmer? In 2010, SeatGeek decided that a good specialist must be able to hack a site. For example, their own website. The results of this experiment pleased SeatGeek so much that now each candidate for a similar position must independently gain access to the site management in order to send their resume to the company. At the same time, those who do not have enough time to complete this task in 10 minutes may not even hope to get a vacant position.

In the process of searching for non-standard recruiting campaigns, we came across many other examples of a creative approach to hiring employees, but in the end we decided to talk only about the most striking, in our opinion, cases. By the way, some time ago, the Awara method was also recognized as non-standard and was treated with skepticism (you can learn more about it from an interview for The Moscow Times at the link above).

We will also be happy if you share your unusual ways of recruiting personnel in the comments.
