The subjects of social partnership in education include. Social partnership in the field of education. How the partnership is organized

concept Social partnership: this is such a jointly distributed activity social elements- representatives of various social groups, the result of which are positive effects accepted by all participants in this activity; This is the way to build a civil society.

Participants in a social partnership A social group is a relatively stable collection of people who have common interests, values, and norms of behavior that develop within the framework of a historically defined society. Large groups: public classes, social strata, professional groups, ethnic communities (nation, nationality, tribe), age groups (youth, pensioners). Small groups, the specific feature of which is the direct contacts of its members: family, school class, production team, neighboring communities, friendly companies.

Partnership for education partnership within the education system between social groups given professional community; partnership, which is entered into by employees of the education system, in contact with representatives of other areas of social reproduction; partnership initiated by the education system as a special area social life contributing to the formation of civil society.

Social partnership in education is necessary so that teachers, students and parents manage the school together so that teachers and educators can unite to fight the state and authorities for their rights so that the territory develops socio-economically to effectively raise funds for the development of the school to offer school resources to those interested the parties do not need social partnership at all educational institutions All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council 2008

1. The State The State is a special kind of partner. acts as a catalyst for change in socio-economic lives, financially and institutionally supports the public initiatives on which the partnership is based. creates legislative and regulatory conditions for the implementation of innovations, the development of local government, the non-profit sector, and charitable activities; forms targeted programs for the development of the social sphere and combines various resources for their implementation; attracts local government, non-profit organizations and businesses to implement targeted programs using various organizational and financial mechanisms, including social order.

2. Local self-government Local self-government is a phenomenon of public life, not state power. represents the interests of the local community; within the framework of its powers, ensures the most effective solution of social problems through the implementation of specific projects; acts jointly with public associations and business representatives interested in the development of the local community.

3. Enterprises and universities have simplified access to information about the labor market and educational services; the requirements of employers to the content of training of specialists are taken into account; simplifies the process of updating old and developing new educational programs that meet the requirements of Universities and employers; more opportunities for professional testing and self-determination of the graduate open up; expanding employment opportunities for graduates.

4. Non-profit sector Non-profit organizations, professional associations, independent think tanks: offer new ideas and solutions, social technologies; provide civilian control over the actions of the authorities; recruit volunteers; express interests certain groups population (youth, disabled people, etc.); put forward new value orientations (environmental movement, movement for restorative justice, human rights movement, etc.).

Roles of partnership members Commercial organizations- funding opportunities, State structures - the use of power levers, Public associations - form and organize social initiatives of citizens. Even if the problem is identified and recognized by all, this does not mean that a social partnership is possible.

Rules of partnership 1. This is really a partnership, not charity, mercy towards those in need. 2. It is a social action based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for a problem. Social partnership arises when representatives of the three sectors (or any pair of them) begin to work together, realizing that this is beneficial to each of them and society as a whole.

The basis of social partnership is the interest of each of the interacting parties in finding ways to solve social problems; combining the efforts and capabilities of each of the partners for their implementation; constructive cooperation between the parties in resolving disputes; the desire to search for realistic solutions to social problems, and not to imitate such a search; decentralization of decisions, lack of state paternalism; mutually acceptable control and consideration of the interests of each of the partners; legal validity of "cooperation", which provides favorable conditions for interaction for each party and society as a whole.

Cause of partnership A social problem arises when there is a non-antagonistic conflict of interests of different groups of the population regarding a certain common resource. The situation becomes more complicated if these are groups with unequal opportunities. The problem can also be a conflict of interests between the population and the authorities, when the “demand” of some groups of the population to meet their needs that do not contradict public interests is not provided by the “offer” from the authorities for some reason, and serious social tension arises. .

Partnership in education Transformation of the three means of the management system in the aspect state-public management of education: personnel (a means, the change of which is aimed at initiating the activity of professional and pedagogical associations); finance (a tool, the change of which is aimed at ensuring openness and rationality financial flows); information (a tool that is aimed at broadcasting positive, constructive and promising ideas about education to the public).

Topical issues What is the source of the emergence of educational (social) initiative? What different interests, what social groups are realized in this case? Perhaps make the process of realization of interests open? How effectively will the implementation of the initiative affect the well-being of its participants, the wider social environment?

Functions of subjects local level equity financing of educational programs; formation of an order for the quality of education; quoting places for a professional test; advanced training of teachers; functions social support students; employment of graduates; protection and support of the rights and interests of the educational institution, advertising of its activities; establishment of incentive scholarships and awards for educational and pedagogical achievements of teaching teachers; assistance in the establishment and development of intraregional, interregional and international business and cultural cooperation.

Public Educational Institution of Omsk "Secondary School No. 68"


Theme "Social partnership in education".

Prepared by:

Foreign language teacher

BOUg.Omsk "School №68"

Talalaeva Yulia Rikhartovna

1.Main characteristics and principles of social partnership.

2.Social partnership as a means of improving the quality of education.

3. Approaches to the development of social partnership in the field of education.

Social partnership - these are labor relations characterized by a common position and coordinated actions of employees, employers and the state. The main principles of social partnership are taking into account mutual requirements and responsibilities, respectful attitude towards each other's interests, resolution of disputes and conflict situations (1).

Social partnership in education - this is a real interaction of two or more equal parties (individuals and / or organizations) on the basis of an agreement signed for a certain time in order to resolve a specific issue ( social problem), which in some way does not satisfy one or more parties and which is more effectively solved by combining resources (material, financial, human, etc.) and organizational efforts until the desired result is achieved.

Social partnership operates at all levels of economic activity - from the organization (as well as a branch, representative office, other separate structural unit) to the state level. Expansion of contractual principles in the field of regulation labor relations, increasing the role of local and local acts are the result of the implementation of the new state policy in this area. A transition is being made from directive regulation to contractual regulation, to the search for mutually beneficial conditions for joint work, to social partnership.

The legislative basis for the development of a model of social partnership in the field of education in general is provided by Civil Code Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Law of the Russian Federation "On non-profit organizations", Law of the Russian Federation "On public associations", Decree of the President Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation". The legal basis for the organization of social partnership at the municipal level is created by the federal laws "On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", as well as the relevant laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted in development of these federal laws.

The result of social partnership - creation of favorable conditions for self-realization of students through the interaction and cooperation of all parties involved in the process of education. Thus, the goal is to foster an active civic and life position, to create conditions for the socialization of adolescents.

Social partnership in schools is carried out in order to:

Ensuring a unified approach to the implementation of state policy and school development strategy;

Organizations for monitoring the activities of the school on a range of issues (fire safety, Rospotrebnadzor, implementation state standard and etc.);

Ensuring coordinated activities for the implementation of urban and school integrated programs;

Interactions in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations;

Improving the qualifications of school teachers;

Formation of effective solutions aimed at increasing economic independence educational institution, attraction of investments, sponsorship funds;

Organizations of medical, psychological, information-analytical, engineering, software and methodological support of the educational process.

Tasks of social partnership:

1. attract the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere

2. helps to direct educational resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government

3. helps to accumulate and transfer life experience, both of the educational community and its partners

4. able to effectively coordinate joint activities with an understanding of the degree of responsibility of each partner

5. allows you to provide assistance to needy members of the community

Briefly, the basic principles of mutually beneficial cooperation can be formulated as follows.

First, the real interaction of several partners. Second, the partnership must be in writing. Such formality disciplines all participants in cooperation, calls for responsibility

Thirdly, the contract or agreement on social partnership must have a clear time frame,

Fourthly, a document on social partnership is drawn up in order to solve a specific issue (social problem), which is more effectively solved by pooling resources.

Fifthly, the agreement on social partnership is considered fulfilled if the result planned by both parties is achieved.

Basic principles of social partnership:

1 . Respect and consideration of the interests of the parties to the agreement.

2. the interest of the contracting parties to participate in contractual relations.

3. compliance by partners with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulations.

4. availability of appropriate powers of social partners and their representatives.

5. equality and trust of the parties.

6. non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

7. voluntariness of acceptance of obligations by social partners on the basis of mutual agreement.

8. regularity of holding consultations and negotiations on issues within the scope of social partnership.

9. the obligation to fulfill the agreements reached.

10. systematic control over the implementation of agreements, contracts and decisions adopted within the framework of social partnership.

11. responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment through their fault of the obligations, agreements, contracts.

Social partnership is built by the school on the principles of:

Coordination of activities of all subjects of the educational process;

Cooperation with all interested structures to solve urgent problems of education and meet the educational needs of the population;

Interaction with public organizations;

Economic feasibility, taking into account the characteristics of the labor market, the prospects for its development;

Accounting for historically established cultural ties and traditions of the population.

Conditions necessary for the implementation of a successful social partnership:

1. development of organizational culture of partners and culture of partnerships

2. effective control system, including in the field of financing

3. wide Information Support activities

4. .functioning of the mechanism of self-development of partner organizations

5. formed strategy of organizations, which implies partnerships

To the subjects of social partnership include:

Educational institutions of various types;

Education authorities;

Public, commercial, government organizations;


Parents (2).

Parents are one of the most important social partners of the school. Partnerships between the school and the family expand the scope of subjective relations around the child in the educational environment. Relationships make it possible to increase the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and influence the type of upbringing in the family, to coordinate the education of parents with the content of the education of schoolchildren, to include joint activities of students and adults in the content of education, to attract the knowledge and experience of adults into the education of students. The modern parent community is ready to cooperate and interact with the school, because concerned about the living environment of children, each individual child.

Educational institutions included in the system of social partnership respond in a timely manner to changes in the requirements of society, thereby ensuring the necessary level of socialization of students.

The social pedagogue plans and carries out his activities taking into account the organization educational process in an educational institution.

Works to identify:

Students of an educational institution who are in a socially dangerous situation;

Minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons in an educational institution;

Students who classify themselves as members of illegal youth associations;

Takes measures to reorient and separate antisocial groups of minors, to suppress the facts of negative influence on students by members of the group;

Participates in the organization and conduct of preventive raids, operations and other preventive measures aimed at identifying and providing assistance to minors and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Participates in meetings of the Council of Prevention, the Board of Trustees, pedagogical council, other self-government bodies of the educational institution on issues within its competence;

Conducts events together with the administration of the educational institution (round tables, discussions, competitions, role-playing games, etc.) aimed at developing students' moral qualities, patriotic feelings, and a healthy lifestyle;

Participates in the development and implementation in the practice of the work of an educational institution of programs and methods aimed at the formation of law-abiding behavior of students;

Makes proposals to improve the effectiveness of individual preventive work with students of an educational institution, their parents.

In their work, the teaching staff should take into account the peculiarities of the social environment and act as a cultural, educational and educational center not only for children, parents, but for the entire population as a whole.

Components of the social partnership strategy:

1. Partner thinking - the ability to see the best in a person, respect for other people's opinions, the desire to understand the other, the desire and ability to build social relationships.

2. Mutual complement. In partnership means that within the framework of joint activities, in order to achieve the best result, everyone should do what he does better than others.

3. Shared participation involves the pooling of resources in order to obtain synergistic effect- a result that cannot be obtained outside the partnership.

4. A variety of forms of association of partnership subjects.

The formation of a system of social partnership in modern socio-economic conditions is a rather long and complex process, depending on a number of subjective and objective reasons(the state of the economy, the social situation, the readiness of the authorities and the will to get involved in it, the desires and capabilities of the heads of educational institutions). The effectiveness and efficiency of the work of an educational institution with social partners is determined by the degree of realization of its interests, which consist primarily in the training of highly qualified specialists, and is assessed by the degree of fulfillment of its main social function.

Social partnership in vocational education is a special type of interaction between educational institutions and subjects and institutions of the labor market, state and local authorities, public organizations, aimed at maximum harmonization and consideration of the interests of all participants in this process.Achievement High Quality education implies an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful in relation to domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the socio-cultural development of society.

The system of social partnership in education has a multipurpose character and allows building it at several levels.

Based on coverage of subjects (by scale):

As a partnership within a separate team of an educational institution.

As a partnership within the education system, primarily with systems of public administration.

How to partner with others social institutions– from executive, legislative and municipal authorities to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Based on relationship development:

The initial level of partnership is the simplest contacts for the purpose of exchanging information. At the same time, contacts are specifically new relationships in which the effect of congruence (confirmation of mutual expectations) and a minimum of disagreements on the main issues of exchanged information play an important role.

The average level of partnership involves active cooperation in solving certain problems of education through joint efforts.

The highest level of partnership acts as an extremely effective joint activity, accompanied by mutual understanding and mutual assistance of all parties in achieving a common goal.

Regardless of the level of social partnership, it always has onestructure , which includescontent and style partner interactions.

The content determines what the interaction is about. The completeness of the content of the socio-pedagogical partnership is determined by the purpose and objectives of the educational institution (system), tactics and strategy of its development.

Style indicates how partners interact.

The first step in building a partnership is the search for common ground and strongholds. The supporting positions are the positive aspects of the partner or the interest in his capabilities by the other side.

The second stage is the accumulation of consents. This makes it possible to determine the scope and content of interaction between the parties on the basis of mutual interest. Each party presents its interests and reveals its possibilities for coordinating positions and the level of involvement in joint activities.

The stage of mutual adaptation is based on mutual understanding and acceptance of the interests of the other side.

This is the stage of correction of interests and joint development of interaction standards. It is preferable to consolidate this stage with contractual relations.

The transition to a trusting relationship in the process of joint activities. At this stage of partnership development, the level of mutual control decreases and mutual responsibility for the results of joint activities increases. Joint discussion, mutual assistance, mutual support, characteristic of this stage, ensure the preservation of a positive psychological mood of the parties. At the same time, conflicts that arise in the course of activity are constructive in nature and are resolved taking into account the coordination of the positions of both parties.

The highest level of partnership is mutual assistance or cooperation. A feature of relations at this level is that they gradually turn into joint creative activity. This provides both an increase in the effectiveness of relations, and the development and improvement of the subjects that are in interaction.

Approaches to the development of social partnership in the field of education:

1. Partnership as a system of certain relationships between the family and the educational institution is the partnership of the school with the family.

2. Partnership as a level of relations between an educational institution and external social structures.

3. Partnership in the trade union sense - as certain legal and economic relations between employers, trade unions and workers.

Forms of social partnership in the field of education:

    Board of Trustees.

    Council of partners of an educational institution.

    Resource center for social partnership on the basis of a general education institution.

    Territorial Interdepartmental Coordinating Council.

    Reflective seminar, etc.

Thus, having considered the essence, types, levels and stages of the formation of partnerships, it can be argued that any business or personal contacts built in an open educational community are ensured by the active interaction of various social groups that have their own strategic interests in the field of education.


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    Social partnership and development of civil society institutions in regions and municipalities: the practice of intersectoral interaction. Practical guide/ Ed. A.E. Shadrin, Deputy Director of the Department strategic management(programs) and budgeting of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - M .: Agency for Social Information, 2008. - 488 p.

Education as a social institution plays an important role in the process of human socialization. It is responsible for the timely and adequate preparation of the individual for a full-fledged life in society. Understanding the essence and specifics of the education system is not easy. The state regulates the unified educational space, but in addition to this, there are many practices that complement the process. One of such phenomena is social partnership in education. What it is, what its methods are and what its system is, let's try to figure it out with the help of examples.

Partnership as an element of social interaction

"You - to me, I - to you" - this is how the meaning of the word "partnership" can be characterized. Initially, this concept was used only in social and economic sciences. They characterized the process of coordination of actions by the participants. In a broader sense, "social partnership" should be considered as a system of solvations (interactions), as a result of which subjects satisfy their needs.

Over the past few years, social partnership has begun to be interpreted as a multi-layered process, where the functioning of the elements is clearly regulated and aimed at achieving positive changes. That is, it can be understood as a kind of relationship between subjects that are united by common interests and jointly solve the problems that have arisen. The main task of the partnership is to overcome possible differences in the actions of the participants, harmonize work and level conflicts.

Educational process

Based on the foregoing, social partnership in the field of education can be defined as the common actions of subjects related to the educational process. It is typical for such actions to have the same goals and bear mutual responsibility for the results obtained.

The system of social partnership in education is considered at three levels:

  1. The relationship of social groups of professionals within the system.
  2. Partnership of employees of the education system with representatives of other organizations and social institutions.
  3. The relationship between the institution of education itself and the public.

The development of social partnership in education dates back to the 80-90s of the last century. At this time, educational institutions become autonomous, and the demand for highly qualified personnel increases in the labor market. The institution of education begins to play a key role in the development of the state. An important element in the social partnership of the educational sphere is the relationship between educational institutions, trade unions, employers and government agencies. Their main purpose is to: identify the needs of the labor market in order to increase human resources; form an educated personality with an active life position; increase the economic and spiritual potential of society as a whole.

Translated into human language, this means that dynamic changes are taking place in the country. Partnership schemes like the USA are beginning to be introduced, and against the backdrop of this evolutionary chaos, the need for “other people” arises. That is, society needs personnel who have already been trained in new standards. And here the institution of education comes to the fore, because who, if not him, is responsible for teaching the younger generation new methods. This, in fact, is the main essence of the concept of "social partnership in the field of education."

But over time, the leading figures of the country begin to understand that in general, it is not very logical to consider the interaction of educational institutions, economics and politics. Many are overlooked important points, which are at the lowest levels of institutional gradation. Therefore, social partnership in education begins to “acquire new shoots”, each of which is responsible for its own area.


Now partnership can be considered in the environment of development of various educational institutions. The first thing to start with is the municipality. It is understood as a general educational process that is carried out in a certain territory and solves problems peculiar only to it. To make it a little clearer, you can hover small example. Suppose there is a small educational process in institutions is carried out according to current legislation, but in addition included special elements that are unique to this region. Within the framework of education, thematic fairs, days of memory of famous personalities who used to live in this territory can be held or craft circles are created, which are popular in a particular region.

The municipality is divided into 5 types:

  • rural settlements. This includes villages (towns, farms, etc.) that are located on a certain territory.
  • urban settlements. Can be classified as cities or urban-type settlements.
  • Municipal areas. These include several cities or villages where local self-government solves general issues.
  • Urban districts. That is, cities that are not included in the directive of municipal districts.
  • Autonomous urban areas. Parts of the city with its organizational structure. For example, the Indian quarter in Singapore: on the one hand, a part of the city, on the other, a separate element of it.

Social partnership in the municipality is carried out between the bodies that manage educational processes in the field and the authorities of the country. The main specificity of such interactions is financing. For example, the state has long established that the municipal system is responsible for providing benefits. Educational subventions are also provided, which the local government system divides into all educational institutions depending on their needs and status. Also, the state can provide information on the need in the labor market for specialists who are trained in an institution that is located on the territory municipal district. The authorities take this into account and can increase the funding of the institution, the number of budget places, etc.

Teacher Education

For those who do not know what teacher education is: it is the process of preparing highly qualified specialists for work in educational institutions. That is, the training of educators, teachers and professors.

Social partnership in teacher education directly depends on the expectations of the public. Recently, the requirements for the quality of school education have increased significantly, because of this, it became necessary to change the methods and technologies of teacher training. The development of teacher education depends on the following factors:

  • Political innovations in education.
  • The presence of a concept that allows the involvement of state and municipal authorities to support research.
  • Creation of a public control service, which, focusing on government requests could guide the system of teacher education in the right direction.

If the “municipal partnership” focused mainly on the financial side of the issue, then teacher education is based on the demands of the public to improve the quality of education in accordance with modern standards.

For example, a few years ago there was a need for the emergence of out-of-school educational institutions. Initially, this was wanted by the parents, who decided that the child should develop more fully. Gradually, demand for such institutions begins to arise, and the state is already getting involved, requesting teachers who would be specially trained to provide this kind of service.

In general, the essence is clear: since every person attends educational institutions, the task of teachers is to form a personality that is in demand in society. And if any changes occur, then the training of teachers also changes, because only they can painlessly introduce innovative programs into society.

Professional education

Now society requires specialized educational institutions to produce specialists who are ready to immediately start working. Also, the economic institute requests a certain number of specialists in a particular field. Social partnership in vocational education is to provide the labor market with the required personnel in the right quantity.

Everything is extremely simple here: the market is a cyclical system in which something is constantly changing. One year there are not enough economists, another year it is impossible to find a lawyer. And, having heard that there are not enough representatives of certain professions in the labor market, applicants massively begin to apply for this particular specialty. As a result, supply begins to exceed demand and the unemployment rate rises. To prevent this from happening, there is a social partnership in education, which allows the most efficient use of human resources.

Preschool education

The modern cannot fully develop without interaction with society, so partnership is especially relevant here. Social partnership in preschool education consists in creating links between a preschool institution and cultural, educational and other development centers. This practice causes a higher level of perception in the child, he develops faster and learns to build his partnerships, according to the type of "you - to me, I - to you."

Working in a social partnership helps to expand the cultural and educational environment of the child, and accordingly, it will be easier for him to adapt in the future. In this segment of interaction, they show him what is interesting and informative, teach him what is necessary. They also work with families who are also members of the social partnership.

Additional education

Social partnership in education plays a significant role even in an environment that provides additional knowledge. It can be language schools courses, seminars or workshops. That is the view educational activities, which implies the comprehensive development of a person - this is additional education. Social partnership in this environment is to provide all kinds of knowledge and opportunities. If to describe theses, then the partnership is engaged in the following:

  • Preserves the main ideas of organizing work in the field additional education.
  • Maintains relationships with government agencies, the business environment, society and parents.
  • Takes an active part in its development. Responsible for the outreach segment of continuing education, which includes talent scouting programs, support for disadvantaged children, or the provision of continuing education services for children with disabilities.
  • distribution budget funds in accordance with the requests of organizations.

Additional education can be divided into three main groups: cultural, humanitarian and technical. Each of these groups provides general fundamentals knowledge, as well as modern innovative ideas. Since now knowledge is the most valuable currency, in the environment of additional education they are trying to provide the necessary basis on which comprehensive individual development will be formed in the future.

How is the partnership organized?

Organization of social partnership education is based on the following:

  1. Legislative acts. Laws created by the state are the main source of formation and development of social partnership. They regulate the field of action and the limits of the participants' possibilities.
  2. Local management. Each municipality has its own rules and laws, some of which also apply to social cooperation. Take, for example, the municipality system. Suppose this organization received a certain amount for the development of the educational system in its area. She could divide everyone equally, but this does not happen.
  3. Society and economy. The education system is closely linked to public demands and economic changes. And if something new enters people's lives, not directly or indirectly related to education, then the curriculum is still changing so that in the future pupils and students meet the expectations of the market.

Is social partnership necessary in education?

Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to compare the concepts of "social partnership" / "quality of education". Although they have made some progress, there are still a lot of unresolved issues.

Initially, social partnership was implemented in the same way as America and Europe, only the peculiarities of our state, its culture and mentality were not taken into account. As a result, many important points were missed. However, despite all this, the partnership brings positive changes in the development of education even today.

Social partnership in education (priorities and opportunities):

  • The main priority goal of interaction is to satisfy the common interests of all members of the community. Not only social institutions and the processes that take place in them are taken into account, but the subjects of interaction (teachers, students, parents).
  • The social partnership program helps to make learning more effective. Participants in the educational process become in demand in the social environment.
  • The right approach and regulation of partnerships give impetus to the full development of society, relieving it of unemployment and filling it with in-demand specialists.


There are many examples of social partnership in education. This is a system of rewarding students for good grades (scholarship), and agreements between educational institution and an employer who is willing to hire a former student, and even parent-teacher dialogue. But the main component of this process is high-quality knowledge, the carrier of which is so demanded and expected by society.

Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers
Russian Federation







Moscow 2006

Edited by the Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union

and Secretary of the Central Committee Yudin

, Ponkratova partnership in the field of education. Tutorial. Moscow, MGOU Publishing House, 2006. 60p.

The guide covers the legal and organizational foundations social partnership in the field of education, including in educational institutions. The role of the trade union organization, its elected trade union bodies during the preparation and conclusion of agreements and collective agreements in an educational institution in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation is shown.

Particular attention is paid to the practice of social partnership, generalization of the experience of trade union organizations.

The textbook is designed to help the trade union committees of educational institutions in their work on the development of social partnership.


1. The role of social dialogue in the practice of trade union work…………………………………………………………..

2. The practice of contractual regulation of social and labor relations in the field of education.

3. APPS:

3.1. Approximate structure of the collective agreement of an educational institution………………

Under such conditions, the sectoral Trade Union, starting from 1991, began to implement its main statutory goals and objectives of activities to protect the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators and students, primarily through social partnership mechanisms.

Today it can be stated that the industry has developed a system for concluding agreements and collective agreements at the federal (Sectoral Tariff Agreement), regional, territorial and local levels (collective agreements in educational institutions of all types and types), which is increasingly developing.

Since 1997, 211 regional agreements have been registered in the Central Committee of the Trade Union together with the sectoral ministry, including 75 registered regional agreements (96.0%) in the current year.

The practice of concluding territorial agreements at the municipal level is expanding (89%), and in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, agreements of this level have been concluded in all municipalities. In 2005, on average, 88% of educational institutions have collective agreements.

Within the framework of the implementation of regional, territorial agreements and collective agreements, in recent years it has been possible to increase to a certain extent wages, mainly due to the formation of an over-tariff fund, including through extra-budgetary funds, which led to some stabilization of the work of educational institutions; in more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was possible to achieve an increase in the level of material support for employees of educational institutions by establishing various types of additional payments and allowances, including for young teachers.

In recent years, issues of social partnership have been considered at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the All-Russian meeting of the chairmen of the territorial committees of the Trade Union and the heads of educational authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The close attention of the Central Committee of the Trade Union to the problem of developing social partnership in the industry is due to the following.

Firstly, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on February 1, 2002, the legislator seriously increased the role of social partnership. For the first time, a whole section appeared entirely devoted to social partnership; for the first time, the code defines social partnership as a system that includes all types of interaction between employees (their representatives), employers (their representatives) and state authorities or local governments, including and informal, non-legal ones.

The purpose of social partnership is recognized as the coordination of the interests of employees and employers, i.e. making decisions that equally take into account the need to ensure the effective operation of organizations and create a system of guarantees for the labor rights of workers at the federal, regional, territorial and local levels.

More than a hundred articles Labor Code The Russian Federation refers to the collective agreement as a legal act regulating social and labor relations in an institution.

Secondly, from the side federal bodies authorities, there is a growing tendency to transfer powers to provide social and labor guarantees and provide benefits from the federal level to the regional and even municipal (in setting levels of rates and salaries, allowances for educators, in providing utility benefits teaching staff in countryside, in determining the procedure for attestation of teaching staff, etc.).

Under such conditions, it seems necessary to intensify the work of the territorial organizations of the Trade Union on collective agreement regulation in order to prepare the trade union activists to professionally and competently defend the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators at the regional, territorial and local levels.

It should be noted that the current state of contractual regulation of labor relations in the industry is still characterized in many respects by declarative and insufficient content of agreements and collective agreements, their optionality and the absence of necessary sanctions for their non-compliance.

This is due to the fact that federal and regional government bodies often evade responsibility for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of citizens' rights in the field of education, for ensuring stable funding for schools and for the obligations assumed under agreements and collective agreements.

Under such conditions, the Trade Union repeatedly had to use such extreme forms of struggle for the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators as all-Russian protests, rallies, pickets and strikes.

In addition, the constraining factors for the development of the process of social partnership in the field of education are also:

The slow establishment of representative bodies of employers in the industry (so adopted in 2002 the federal law"On Associations of Employers" does not fix the specifics of the status of the employer in the public sector, despite the fact that the Central Committee of the Trade Union has repeatedly given its comments and proposals on fixing this specifics in the law);

The problems of restoring the responsibility of the state in the field of education, the delimitation of powers and responsibilities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in ensuring stable financing of industry institutions that have not been fully resolved;

Extremely low financial security of the provisions of collective agreements and agreements at all levels;

Absence systems approach to the formation personnel policy in branch;

Underdevelopment of the pedagogical labor market, lack of relationship between the planning of professional training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff and the requirements of the labor market

In addition, in the protocol, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Trade Union undertook to create an Industry Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, which was instructed to prepare and submit for approval by the Parties a draft action plan for 2005 to implement the Industry Agreement for years and begin developing a draft new industry agreement for years.

On June 9, 2005, a meeting of the Industry Commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, was held. At the meeting, the Industry Commission approved a draft action plan for 2005 for the implementation of the industry agreement on institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for years, decisions were made to organize work on the preparation of a draft industry agreement for years, indicating specific stages of work, and a working group was formed to preparing a draft of a new industry agreement.

2.3. Increasing the effectiveness of social partnership in order to strengthen the protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of industry workers, including professional growth and increase the wages of education workers

Improving the effectiveness of social partnership at the federal level is largely due to the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement. As the analysis showed, social dialogue at the federal level is currently characterized by instability and inconsistency, primarily due to the unresolved issue of legislative consolidation in the public sector of an authorized and responsible representative of the employer, as well as the ongoing administrative reform of the federal executive authorities.

However, despite the difficulties objective nature, it should be noted that in 2005 the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Institutions of the System of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2004-2006 continues. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education have prepared and approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the Industry Agreement, which provides for a set of measures in the following main areas:

Continuation of joint registration and analysis of regional agreements and collective agreements of universities, including through automated analysis of the Industry Laboratory based on the Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy;

Preparation by the parties of recommendations to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on clarifying the methodology for the formation of subventions to local budgets from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance expenses for the implementation of basic general education programs, including additional education, in terms of the cost of remuneration of employees educational institutions, expenses for teaching aids, technical teaching aids, etc.;

Development by the parties of recommendations to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on the basis of the model for calculating the standards for budgetary financing of the implementation of basic educational programs for additional education of children;

(From the experience of the teaching staff MOU "School No. 3 of Dokuchaevsk")

It is an indisputable fact that it was education at all times that was considered an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of growth of the intellectual resource and the spiritual and moral potential of the population, a guarantee successful development of any state, the absolute personification of the well-known proverb "What you sow, you will reap." However, rational and balanced arguments in favor of the fact that the school is not the only subject of the implementation of the educational mission have been sounding more and more insistently lately. In the light of the tasks determined by the doctrine of the development of education, as well as in view of the modernization of modern education, there is a natural need to ensure the openness of the education system to various influences from the family, society, state and, moreover, to involve them in solving issues of educational tactics and strategy. It would be useful to recall that the school never claimed an absolute monopoly in the provision of educational and upbringing services, and the so-called "sponsorship relations", so popular in the 70-80s of the last century, are absolute confirmation of this. Along with positive results, namely: the provision of material and other assistance in the repair of the school, the purchase of educational literature and didactic materials, the provision of nutrition and health improvement of children, patronage relations were only episodic, unsystematic in nature and were not based on the dialogic attitude of the subjects and, as a result, did not provide permanent unity, harmonization of relationships and the development of a joint strategy for common action. In other words, a kind of manipulation took place, when either one of the parties unconsciously performed the actions necessary for the other side, or one of the parties was used only as an element of raising the status of the activity without its conscious inclusion and involvement in the educational process. Worked the so-called level subordinate inclusion, which involves the voluntary inclusion of one side as a passive performer, accepting the specified framework of activity. Such a one-sided, and sometimes only symbolic, participation in the life of the school, of course, had nothing to do with the subject of our conversation today, but it was it that served as the embryo of what is now commonly called social partnership in the field of education. And it is social partnership, excluding subordinate inclusion accomplices in the process of education and upbringing, offers other types inclusions, more constructive, allowing you to feel not just involved, but involved in the educational system, to see the results of your participation, to show a sincere interest in discussing and solving problems of the development of education.

The term "social partnership" came to pedagogy from other areas of society, where it is interpreted as a mechanism for regulating relations between the state and various social groups. Socio-pedagogical partnership is a combination of joint efforts of individuals or educational institutions to achieve common goals; streamlining the coordination interaction of education systems and social institutions within their mutual interest, with the aim of introducing nationwide, nationwide aspects of education and upbringing, on the basis of which representatives of different property entities, population groups, organizations and institutions reach the desired consensus, organize joint activities, coordinate it in direction of achieving public consent in educational policy. And this joint activity is based on:

*coordinated inclusion, which is being built taking into account the joint discussion of the initiative of one side, with its further development and possible adjustment;

*initiating inclusion, characterized by high activity of one side, with consultative and coordinating activities of the other side;

* independent mutual inclusion where the initiative of joint activities can be put forward by any party with bilateral support for the idea, its development and implementation by joint efforts, as well as mutual responsibility for the success of the result achieved.

Level selection involvement in the implementation of joint activities is determined by both the situation and the results that the parties, called social partners, seek to achieve.

Social partners are individual and collective entities that share the values ​​of modern education, are interested in developing a unified educational policy, and are able to effectively support education in solving real problems of the formation and development of its system. Achieving a high quality of education involves an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful in relation to domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the sociocultural development of society. However, social partnership should not imply direct copying of foreign experience. It is far from being universal, and even if it is partially applied, a deeper social and historical-comparative analysis is required. Therefore, we must agree that social partnership in our country should be based on the realities and needs of our lives. Partnerships can be considered as inter-subject interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-target aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, as a joint development of the system of values ​​that prevail in our society and are a criterion for assessing the level of education and upbringing of a person.

However, everyone knows that society is heterogeneous, which means that partnerships are not always possible between education and various sectors of society. But the term "partnership" is understood very broadly, and the most common is the understanding of partnership as the unification of the efforts of individuals or organizations to achieve common goals or to achieve a goal that is significant for all. The modern approach to the issue of partnership in education shows that the development of education is not only the concern of the state in general and the educational institution in particular. The state, represented by the ministry and regional departments of education, is responsible for ensuring a unified educational space in and providing the education system with the necessary resources, and therefore, due to obvious reasons, cannot cover the full complexity of the tasks, needs and conditions of specific communities. In addition, the school is a living entity that has continuous dynamics and a tendency to change, and that is why the variability of the forms of social partnership is allowed. Education, as one of the social institutions, has always been characterized by close relationships and their interdependence with all the main areas of society - the economy, social structure, politics and culture. These are the four fundamental stones on which the school can rely in the implementation of its main mission - to educate and educate. And it is on the interaction of these four subjects of cooperation that it depends whether the entire education system as a whole and each educational institution in particular will be able to build a new partnership system to replace the well-known old practice of patronage relations. Now we can say with confidence that the social maturity of society and local communities is a prerequisite and indicator of the possibility and even the need for social partnership in education. The idea of ​​social partnership in education is that in order to solve problems in this socially significant area, the efforts and specific actions of the whole society, and not just one of its components, are required. Of course, it is necessary to first monitor the situation in a particular city or locality in order to find out if there is a basis for mutually beneficial cooperation, i.e. partnership between education, individual public, charitable organizations, specific people, government agencies. It is necessary to thoroughly study and work out the question: what opportunities does partnership represent to education and vice versa, what technologies are needed for effective partnership, what mutually beneficial results can be achieved in case of successful partnership.

How does partnership in education help to improve the process of teaching schoolchildren, what results it helps to achieve, what mistakes it helps to avoid, how it can enrich the routine educational process, does it have the right to life, in general, and what is the ultimate goal of this difficult and very laborious task?

An assessment of the experience of interaction showed that social partnership helps to direct the resources of the school to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government, regardless of its type and type. It attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere, while not saving the resources of the school itself, but enriching them. It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners in order to form the ability of community members to survive in the educational services market for a long time. Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind the priority perspective common to all partners, to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of your responsibility. Such activities allow for the most effective and cost-effective assistance to needy members of the community participating in partnership, to ensure that, while remaining different from others, to recognize the differences of individuals and organizations.

An effective social partnership in education involves:

    a) the existence of a social need to be included in the implementation of the values ​​of education;

    b) readiness for such cooperation of the school;

    c) the need of the school;

    d) school initiative;

    e) initiative of the non-state sector.

The presence of all the above conditions will contribute to the fact that the partnership will help direct the resources of the school to the development of the community, social self-organization and self-government. It will attract community resources to support education at school and will contribute to the cultivation in the community of the tradition and practice of civic engagement, charity, and voluntariness. Already today, social partnership creates real structures of civil society at the local level, trying to guarantee their stable development.

Opportunities for the development of education through partnerships are based on the following mechanisms:

- openness and cooperation;

- emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas;

-developed philosophy of education and approach to community development;

- the possibility of implementing rational ideas for local residents;

- establishment of socially active schools;

- revealing desire local organizations become active partners in solving problems in education and the community;

- giving parents the opportunity to participate in the learning process and school life of their children;

- collaboration with volunteers to increase the number of services provided in the community.

The guarantee of successful cooperation between educational institutions is a large number of factors. But the most important is the development of a culture of charity, the formed strategy of organizations entering into cooperation, proximity to those in need, professionalism in the services provided, the degree of development of the partner’s organizational culture, the humanitarian component of the partner’s human factor, the control system, the existing financing system and the philosophy of its development, information support , regulation of the organization, the mechanism of self-development of the partner organization.

Models of social partnership in education and organizational forms partnerships that have a "registration" in the Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3, the stages of implementation of the social partnership model give the right to declare the existing specifics of relationships, established technologies and evaluate the components of success in this new business for a developing civil society. Yes, social partnership in education is a sign of the new time. But modern school is in such conditions when it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. The educational institution should be open system expanding cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share responsibility for their education and upbringing.

Today, the school has been given a social order for the formation of a child's personality, which is characterized not only awareness in various fields of science, but also sociability , tolerance, modern type thinking, decision-making responsibility .

Therefore, in the conditions of a modern approach to training, education, development and socialization, a school graduate must build harmonious relations with the outside world, adequately adapt to the conditions of modern society, its social, professional, spiritual and moral values.

Changing value orientations in accordance with socio-cultural changes in society, the emergence of the idea of ​​lifelong education as education throughout life, puts the individual with his interests and capabilities at the center of a new socio-cultural paradigm of education. Based on the understanding that the education system has a significant potential that ensures the socialization of a person, it becomes clear that modern conditions the education system should prepare a person for the future life. It is no coincidence that among the priorities of the modernization of the educational sphere is the development of education as an open state-public system. At the same time, it is emphasized that strategic goals education can only be achieved through continuous interaction of the school with representatives of science, culture, healthcare, all interested departments and public organizations, as well as parents.

To date, a certain system of work on social partnership has developed in Dokuchaevskaya School No. 3, which contributes to the creation of a “social situation of development” for students. The school is an open socio-pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, the republic, public organizations, families of students. The market of additional educational services in our city is quite saturated and competition between institutions is high. Clubs of the House of Culture, children's music and sports schools, the House of Children's and Youth Creativity, private forms of additional education for children are successfully operating in the city. All of them, to one degree or another, provide varied education at different levels, and with skillful involvement in partnership, they provide invaluable assistance to the school. Currently, the teaching staff of our school cooperates with more than twenty various organizations our city. Involving the public in partnership in the field of education is a task, the implementation of which will help create a qualitatively new level of relations and interaction in solving the problems of the development of education by a union of interested entities capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy. We are looking for opportunities to attract social partners who have the resources to organize joint activities of the school as a resource center.


Between social groups of the education system:


Other schools in the city;

Institutions of additional education:

School of Music,

sport school,

mining and trade technical schools;

Intra-school communications at the level of interdisciplinary integrated relations;

Between social groups outside the education system:


Palace of Culture;


Local Internet resources;


Fire station;

Medical institutions;

Public organizations;

With many of the above organizations, there are already long-standing partnerships built on a contractual basis. To some of them, we are only paving the path in the field of mutual cooperation and partnership. And, since the benefit from joint coordinated actions of both the school and all subjects of society is obvious, it is becoming easier to establish contacts with those who are really interested in the versatility of the learning process, in its multi-vector nature and depth.

Social partnership in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 is carried out in several areas:

1. Socio-pedagogical direction:



Institutions of additional education;

2. Civil-patriotic direction:


Council of Veterans;

Museum of Local Lore;

Society of Veterans - Afghans;

Union of Liquidators of the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant;

3. Spiritual direction:


Sunday School;

4. Physical culture and health direction:


4. Preventive direction:

Social services for work with youth;

Local Internet resources;


5. Career guidance:

Mining and trade technical schools;

City employment center;

Developing the system of continuous education (preschool institution-school-technical school (HEI)), Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 cooperates with kindergartens of the city, technical schools of the city to create a system focused on the individualization and socialization of students. On the third step general education, we are developing a system of specialized education, taking into account the real needs of the labor market, parents' requests, working out a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with higher education institutions. The possibilities of socialization of students are expanding, continuity between general and vocational education is being ensured, it becomes possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for mastering higher education programs. vocational education. The social partners should jointly take an active part in the mandatory vocational guidance and advising pupils of the secondary education system. To work not only with senior students, who for the most part have already made their choice, but also among primary school students through organizing and holding conversations with the best workers, excursions to enterprises, holding open days in professional educational institutions.

Let's consider several directions of modern partnership in the field of education.

Social - pedagogical direction:

Parents are the main social partners of the school.

Much attention is paid to social partnership with parents, supporting the educational potential of the family. To instill a positive attitude towards the school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents in the social life of the school (in terms of the educational work of the school - the participation of parents in class, school-wide events, joint trips, competitions, career guidance excursions to the places of work of parents is impossible without the active help of parents. Civil passivity, dependency of a certain part of parents, their consumer attitude towards school can be overcome by developing social partnership first with a group of parents, voluntary community service, charity. We try to make parents our allies, because only by joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, parents and the school can achieve the desired results in the education and upbringing of children. The parent community today proposes to build relations between the family and the educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that correspond to the social order for the education of children. Throughout the year, we conduct monitoring among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of studying children. It turns out that the vast majority is interested in children receiving quality education, upbringing and development, further continued their studies in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of developmental education and socialization in the transition to a competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process can hardly be overestimated! And that is why the teaching staff of our school today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, and teach how to raise a child. To educate without appropriate knowledge, guided only by a blind instinct, means risking the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, no matter what the parents do, no matter who they are in their specialty, they are always the educators of their children.

It is important for us to achieve an active life position of parents, to make them want to know their child, to evaluate their relationship with him. And we use many forms and ways, proven by practice and time. This and parent meetings, which take place in the form of "Let's think together" conversations, and parent-pedagogical consultations; trainings, discussions, round tables. Parents discuss at parent-teacher meetings, participate with their children in socially significant matters for the improvement of the building, the collection of search material, etc.

Main areas of work with parents:

    the formation of an active life position of parents in relation to the school;

    organization of parent education;

    interaction of the social and psychological service of the school with parents;

    involvement in school self-government bodies;

    using the hobbies of individual parents for extracurricular work with children;

    holding joint events, holidays, hikes, excursions, weekend clubs;

In order to activate all of the above areas of work with parents, the school has developed and operates the program “Social Partners: School and Family”, which is implemented through:

* usage traditional forms of working with the family, organizing joint leisure and search activities, creating a bank of family holidays and other forms of joint events: “Health for the whole family”, “Grandma’s Chest”, “My Mom’s Passion”, “Looking through an old photo album”, “Songs my childhood”, “Adults to children” and others;

* development and supporting the interest of children and adults in the history of the family, the city: “My family tree”, “Festival of the birthright”, “The contribution of my family to the history of the city, country”, “Defender of the Fatherland in my family”, “School graduate in my family” and others ;

* creation in the school museum of family albums, one-day exhibitions and expositions; compiling a report about interesting families on the local Internet resource "Typical Dokuchaevsk" and the site of school No. 3.

* involvement parents in strengthening the material and technical base of the school: equipment and repairs classrooms, participation of parents in the repair of the school and participation in school-wide community work days.

School - preschool institutions.

The system of work "school - kindergarten" has long been established. Primary school teachers know in advance which children will come to them in the first grade, as they attend classes under a joint activity agreement preparatory group, parent meetings. Kindergarten teachers are invited to the school for pedagogical councils on readiness for the learning process, as well as the adaptation of children at school (to see how their former pupils feel here). Such a system of work allows children to quickly get used to a change in their usual environment and activities, new teachers, and helps to avoid a difficult period of painful adaptation. Holidays held for kindergarten students by our students have become traditional: open lessons for kids in order to get acquainted with the lesson as such, New Year trees, days of acquaintance with the school and others.

School - House of Children's and Youth Creativity.

For many years, the school has been cooperating with this institution of additional out-of-school education. Especially valuable for us is the fact that for many years on the basis of the school the methodist of the Children's and Youth Youth Theater Pyzhova Natalia Andreevna has been leading the circle "Lacemaker". In her classes, she introduces children to the basics of clothing modeling, crocheting with them, and making traditional folk dolls. Her hands decorated the traveling exhibitions of the corner of the school museum.

Physical culture and health direction.

School - "DYUSSH" SC "Dolomit".

The sports school provides its base for conducting classes for students. Many students of the school attend sections led by trainers - teachers of the Youth Sports School. Students show the results of this work by winning at different levels of competition. However, coaches also provide invaluable assistance to the school in the formation of self-discipline among schoolchildren, and sometimes even work on school subjects and improve the quality of knowledge.

Preventive direction.

The activities of the school in this area are carried out through interaction with social services for working with youth, public organization"Young Republic", as well as the police. Representatives of the above organizations are frequent guests at our school. Conversations, quizzes, performances of propaganda teams, joint events help teachers in the difficult process of forming a student's personality. AT this direction social partnership is also carried out for the implementation of additional education: representatives of the public movement "Young Republic" offer children to engage in various types of social activities on the terms of volunteer movement, sports, active lifestyle.

Information direction.

The role of the educational institution in ordering the information that falls on the child from the media is great: radio, television, the Internet. Organizing work on the formation of the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local press, local television, we effectively solve the problems of education common culture young citizens, their attitude to the world, to themselves, the results of their creative activity. Teachers and students of our school actively use the thematic pages of the Dokuchaevskiye Vesti newspaper, the websites Typical Dokuchaevsk, School No. 3. As a positive trend, it can be noted that the teachers themselves began to actively promote their experience of working with children, to look for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, an effective system of informing citizens about the life of the school, about problems in the children's and youth environment is being formed in the city. This allows not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote their “product” in the educational services market, solve the image problems of school No. 3 and attract new partners for cooperation.

Career direction.

Our school has been cooperating with the Dokuchaev Mining and Trade Technical Schools for many years. We understand this educational partnership as cooperation of absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive association of teachers around one big thing - creating conditions for graduates to obtain a profession, while making a conscious choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society.

One can talk endlessly about the need for social partnership in modern education, its importance can hardly be overestimated. One thing is obvious: it allows everyone to take a fresh look at the process of education, as an integral part of the entire life of society, each member of which, to one degree or another, can influence its course, direction and effectiveness. Today's practice of social partnership is filled with new content: Special attention is given to the use of technologies of search, research activities of students in work with students, building the social infrastructure of the school, which allows creating conditions for including students in the process of development and implementation social projects, mutual penetration of school subjects, full-scale integration of all actions carried out by the school educational institution. And, since all of the above partnership schemes are rather one-time and unsystematic (since work with schoolchildren is not the main activity for either police officers, medical workers, or representatives of other services), the implementation of modern partnerships in our school I would like to demonstrate just on the example of interdisciplinary connections, on the joint coordinated actions of all school employees, on the implementation of such a partnership through integrated lessons. Based on my pedagogical specialty, my own experience and the existing models of partnership in the education of children, I would like to dwell on school subject titled "English". Your attention is presented to two presentations based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience on the topic "Modern partnership in the field of education (achievements and prospects) and "Modern partnership in teaching children English".
Prepared material for participation in the Virtual exhibition-presentation "Modern education in the Donetsk People's Republic 2016" - Pisanets N.G., teacher of English language MOU "School No. 3 in Dokuchaevsk", teacher of the highest qualification category, senior teacher.
