Russian revolution of 1917 presentation. Presentation February Revolution. Positive results of the fall of autocracy

February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 Second Russian revolution 1. Causes, character, driving forces 2. Main events of the revolution 3. Formation of the Provisional Government Chuprov L.A. MOU secondary school No. 3 with. K-Rybolov Khankaysky district of Primorsky Krai

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February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 The second Russian revolution Date: February 23 (March 8), 1917 - March 2, 1917 (?) The nature of the revolution is bourgeois-democratic. 1. 2. Reasons: 3. 4. 5. 6. The First World War exacerbated all the contradictions in society. The need to eliminate feudal-serf remnants that hinder the development of the country. Contradictions between landowners and peasants. Contradictions between the workers and the bourgeoisie. Contradictions between the center and the outskirts. Contradictions between government and society. Main goal: Elimination of feudal-serf remnants (liquidation of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic, elimination of landownership), liberalization of the political system; improvement of working conditions; Organizers: Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, RSDLP. Driving forces: workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie, intelligentsia, separate parts of the army Opponents: Supporters of Emperor Nicholas II, various Black Hundred organizations, the Union of October 17 Demands: End of the war, liquidation of the autocracy, liquidation of landownership, creation of labor legislation, solution of the national question. The main forms of struggle: Strikes, strikes, armed uprisings, uprisings of peasants, seizure of land, arson of landowners' estates. Slogans: “Bread!!!”, “Return our husbands!” , "Down with autocracy!" "Down with tsarism!", "Down with war!"

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The First World War exacerbated all the existing contradictions in society

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The need to eliminate feudal-serf remnants that hinder the development of the country

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Contradictions between landowners and peasants

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Contradictions between the workers and the bourgeoisie.

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Contradictions between the center and the suburbs Kyiv 1917 Yakutsk 1917 Tomsk 1917 Central Asia 1917

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Contradictions between government and society. Dissolution of the Duma Political strike in the Caucasus Dissolution of the Duma Grigory Rasputin

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We fill in the table: "Events of the February Revolution of 1917." On February 17, a strike of workers at the Putilov factory, the workers of which demanded:  an increase in prices by 50%  the hiring of laid-off workers. February 18 They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. February 23 demonstration of women, slogans: "Bread!", "Down with the war!", "Return the husbands!"  February 25:    The political strike develops into an uprising Beginning of the transition of the Petrograd garrison to the side of the rebels. The 4th company of the Pavlovsky regiment opened fire on the mounted police.    Autocracy was overthrown. The Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to "restore the state and public order." February 26 February 27 General political strike. Slogans: "Down with tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with war!" Was dissolved. State Duma March 1 The Petrograd military garrison went over to the side of the rebels. March 2, the signing of the act of abdication by Nicholas II.

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The beginning of the first unrest was put on strike by the workers of the Putilov factory on February 17, the workers of which demanded a 50% increase in prices and the hiring of laid-off workers. The administration did not meet the stated requirements. In solidarity with the Putilov workers, many enterprises in Petrograd went on strike. They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. Thousands of random people joined the crowds of workers: teenagers, students, small employees, intellectuals. On February 23, a demonstration of the women workers of Petrograd took place. February 18 - They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side.

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February 23 - a demonstration of women, slogans: "Bread!", "Down with the war!", "Return the husbands!" According to estimates, the number of strikers was about 300,000! In fact, it was a general strike. The main slogans of these events were: “Down with the autocracy!”, “Down with the war!”, “Down with the tsar!”, “Down with Nicholas!”, “Bread and peace!”.

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February 25: General political strike. Slogans: "Down with tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with war!" On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave the order to stop the unrest in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

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February 26: The political strike develops into an uprising On the night of February 26-27, rebellious soldiers joined the workers; last days. On February 27, the Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

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The Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to "restore the state and public order". February 27 Captured Formed Winter Palace Rifle arsenal

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March 1-2 - negotiations On March 3, 1917, the Provisional Government was created Prince Lvov G.E. Prime Minister Provisional Government (March 3 (16), 1917 - October 26 (November 8), 1917) - the highest legislative and executive agency state power in Russia between the February and October revolutions.

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Negative results of the fall of the autocracy The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy by the February Revolution in Russia can be considered: 1. The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the individual and infringement of property rights in society. 2. A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order No. 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a result, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War. 3. Destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, there was a sharp increase in class contradictions in society, the growth of which during 1917 led to the transfer of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the Civil War in Russia.

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Positive results of the fall of autocracy: 1. One of the biggest remnants of feudalism, which seriously hampered the development of the country - autocracy, was eliminated. 2. Conditions were created for the real development of society along a democratic path. 3. There was a short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the country's social development. However, as subsequent events that ultimately led to a bloody civil war showed, the leaders of the country, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, could not take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (given that Russia was at that moment in a state of war) chances. on this.

February Revolution of 1917.

Target: give an idea of ​​the main concepts of the topic.

Equipment: Textbook, presentation

During the classes: 1. Organizing time

2. Review questions 1-10 pp. 88-89

3. New topic questions page 89

Fall of autocracy.

Reasons for the fall of autocracy:

The peasantry suffered from poverty and lack of land.

Lack of labor legislation.

Crisis of autocracy.

People waiting for the end of World War I.

The economic devastation caused by the war led the population to impoverishment and starvation.

The Russification policy of the government gave rise to a desire for independence among national minorities.

Large queues for food, prices increased by 5-7 times, speculation. The people began to smash the shops.

Chronology of the events of February 1917

February 18 - strike at the Putilov factory, the dismissal of more than 30 thousand workers

February 23 - general strike, 128 thousand workers went on strike, calls for struggle, clashes with the police, classes were stopped educational institutions- the beginning of the revolution.

February 25 - general political strike. 300 thousand workers strike

February 25 - Decree on the dissolution of the State Duma

26.02 - a mass transition of soldiers to the side of the rebels began

February 27 - the Peter and Paul Fortress is captured, political prisoners are released.

February 28 - Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet

01.03-02.03 - creation of the Provisional Government

02.03 - abdication of Nicholas II

On February 26, 1917, Petrograd was captured by the rebels. The Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was formed in Petrograd. Head - N.S. Chkheidze. Such councils were also formed in other large cities of Russia.

Nicholas 2, being at the headquarters of the Supreme High Command, decided to return to the capital. But his train was stopped. He was persuaded to abdicate. On March 2, 1917, Nicholas II abdicated in favor of his younger brother Mikhail, but Mikhail refused the throne. The autocracy has fallen.

Working with handouts Text 1

Read the text and answer the question: Why did Nicholas II agree to abdicate the throne?

A direct participant in the events, General Savvich S.S., describes the adoption of this decision by the king: The Tsar was informed: “Your Majesty, the situation is not possible now to deal with the questionnaire, but events are rushing with such speed and worsening the situation so every minute that any delay threatens with incalculable disasters ... I ask Your Majesty to listen to the opinion of my assistants, both of them in the highest degree independent and, moreover, direct people. The emperor turned to us and, looking at us, said: - Well, but I only ask for a frank opinion. ... Danilov saw no other way out of the difficult situation that had arisen, except for accepting the proposal of the Chairman of the State Duma. The sovereign, turning to me, asked: - Do you have the same opinion?

I was terribly worried. An attack of sobs squeezed

I am a straightforward person, and therefore I fully subscribe to what General Danilov said.

There was a general silence that lasted, it seemed to me, for about two minutes. The sovereign sat in thought, bowed his head. Then he stood up and said:

I made up my mind. I renounce the throne.

At the same time, the sovereign crossed himself. We all crossed ourselves..

Creation of the Provisional Government. From among the representatives of the State Duma, the Provisional Government (cadets and Octobrists) was formed, headed by Prince G.E. Lvov.

Reforms of the Provisional Government:

Providing democratic freedom - freedom words, press, meetings, political activities.

Abolition of the death penalty

Democratization of the army - the equalization of the rights of soldiers and officers, the election of commanders (Order No. 1)

April Crisis.

During the revolution, two bodies of power were formed, none of which was ready to fully assume responsibility for the fate of the country: the Provisional Committee of the State Duma and the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, headed by a provisional executive committee.

Question: Why were both bodies called temporary?

The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy:

The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the person and infringement of property rights in society.

A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order number 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a result, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War.

The destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia.

Positive results of the fall of autocracy:

A short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the country's social development.

However, the leaders of the country, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, were unable to take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (given that Russia was at that moment in a state of war) chances for this.

The first crisis of power arose in April 1917, the reason was the decision of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Milyukov to wage the war to a victorious end. The people were dissatisfied.

Bolsheviks and revolution. The Bolsheviks did not play a big role during the February Revolution. They started active later.

In April they held an all-Russian conference of the RSDLPb. Where the course of the party was determined. Party leaders V.I. Lenin, G.E. Zinoviev, N.I. Bukharin, L.D. Trotsky. Lenin proposed to transfer all power to the Soviets, to begin a general democratic transformation.

The Bolsheviks declared that if they came to power, they would begin work on making peace.

Formation of the Red Guard.

June and July crises of power.

Provisional Government in June 1917 offers to launch an offensive on the front line. To show your ability. But the country was undermined by the revolutionary movement, the industrial production. Reduced supplies to the front. With the start of the offensive, mass strikes took place in large cities of Russia. The attack ended in defeat. The provisional government is not trusted.

In July, the leaders of the Provisional Government, headed by Lvov, resigned, A.F. Kerensky became the head.

Message about Kerensky p. 98.

The Bolsheviks were accused of an anti-government uprising, they were persecuted, they were forced to go underground. Lenin fled to Finland.

Rice. Page 99

Speech by General Kornilov. In order to somehow strengthen his power, Kerensky turned to the officers. The top of the army was occupied by General Kornilov, (Fig. P. 100) he proposed to introduce death penalty, restore a combat-ready army and continue the war.

In August, Kornilov sent troops to Petrograd, but Kerensky, fearing that Kornilov would overthrow him himself, declared Kornilov a rebel, and proclaimed that the revolution was in danger. The Red Guard, which emerged from the underground, arrested Kornilov. The attempt to establish a military dictatorship failed.

The results of the revolution:

  • Liquidation of the monarchy
  • The proclamation of the republic, the beginning of elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (a parliamentary institution that was supposed to legislate new system authorities)
  • Formation of dual power or anarchy.

4. Anchoring:

Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies for the garrison of the Petrograd Military District.
By the garrison of the Petrograd district to all soldiers of the guard, army, artillery and navy for immediate and precise execution, and to the workers of Petrograd for information.
The Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies decided:

  1. In all companies, battalions, regiments, parks, batteries, squadrons, and separate services of various military directorates and on ships of the navy, immediately select committees from elected representatives from the lower ranks of the above military units.
  2. In all military units that have not yet elected their representatives to the Soviet of Workers' Deputies, elect one representative from the companies, who will appear with written certificates in the building of the State Duma by 10 o'clock in the morning on March 2.
  3. In all its political actions, the military unit is subordinate to the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and its committees...

6. In service and on departure official duties soldiers
must observe the strictest military discipline ...
7. ... Rough treatment of soldiers of all military ranks and, in
in particular, addressing them with “you” is prohibited ...

On the introduction of an eight-hour working day, the organization of factory committees and conciliatory chambers.
An agreement was reached between the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the Petrograd Society of Manufacturers and Breeders on the introduction of an eight-hour working day, factory committees and conciliatory chambers in factories and factories.

1. Pending the issuance of a law on normalization of the working day, an eight-hour working day (8 hours of actual labor) in all shifts is introduced in all factories and plants.

2. The day before Sundays work is done within 7 hours.

3. Reducing hours of work should not affect wages.

4. Overtime allowed with the consent of the factory committees.

Factory committees

  • 1. At all plants and factories, factory committees (councils of elders) elected from among the workers are established this enterprise on the basis of universal, equal, etc. suffrage.
  1. The task of these committees is: ... b) the formulation of opinions on the socio-economic life of the workers of a given enterprise; c) resolution of issues relating to internal relationships between the workers of the enterprise themselves ...

5. Summary of the lesson. Homework *10

  • Causes, nature, driving forces
  • Major events of the revolution
  • Formation of the Provisional Government

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The First World War exacerbated all the existing contradictions in society

  • slide 4

    The need to eliminate feudal-serf remnants that hinder the development of the country.

    slide 5

    Contradictions between landowners and peasants

  • slide 6

    Contradictions between the workers and the bourgeoisie.

  • Slide 7

    Contradictions between the center and the outskirts

    • Kyiv 1917
    • Yakutsk 1917
    • Tomsk 1917
    • Central Asia 1917
  • Slide 8

    Contradictions between government and society

    • Dissolution of the Duma
    • Dissolution of the Duma
    • Grigory Rasputin
    • Political strike in the Caucasus
  • Slide 9

    We fill in the table: "Events of the February Revolution of 1917."

  • Slide 10

    The beginning of the first unrest was put on strike by the workers of the Putilov factory on February 17, the workers of which demanded a 50% increase in prices and the hiring of laid-off workers.
    The administration did not meet the stated requirements. In solidarity with the Putilov workers, many enterprises in Petrograd went on strike. They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. Thousands of random people joined the crowds of workers: teenagers, students, small employees, intellectuals. On February 23, a demonstration of the women workers of Petrograd took place.
    February 18 - They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side.

    slide 11

    According to estimates, the number of strikers was about 300 thousand! In fact, it was a general strike. The main slogans of these events were: “Down with the autocracy!”, “Down with the war!”, “Down with the tsar!”, “Down with Nicholas!”, “Bread and peace!”.

    slide 12

    February 25: General political strike. Slogans: "Down with tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with war!"
    On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave the order to stop the unrest in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

    slide 13

    February 26: Political strike turns into insurrection

    On the night of February 26-27, insurgent soldiers joined the workers, on the morning of February 27 the district court was burned and the house of pre-trial detention was seized, prisoners were released from prison, among whom were many members of the revolutionary parties who had been arrested in recent days. On February 27, the Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

    Slide 14

    The Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to "restore state and public order."

    • Rifle arsenal
    • Winter Palace
  • slide 15

    March 2 - the signing of the act of abdication by Nicholas II.

  • slide 16

    On March 3, 1917, the Provisional Government was created

    The Provisional Government (March 3 (16), 1917 - October 26 (November 8), 1917) is the highest legislative and executive body of state power in Russia in the period between the February and October revolutions.
    Prince Lvov G.E. government chairman.

    Slide 17

    Negative results of the fall of autocracy

    The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy by the February Revolution in Russia can be considered:

    1. The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the person and infringement of property rights in society.
    2. A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order number 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a result, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War.
    3. The destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, there was a sharp increase in class contradictions in society, the growth of which during 1917 led to the transfer of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the Civil War in Russia.
  • Slide 18

    Positive results of the fall of autocracy

    1. One of the biggest remnants of feudalism, which seriously hampered the development of the country, was eliminated - autocracy.
    2. Conditions were created for the real development of society along a democratic path.
    3. There was a short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the country's social development.

    However, as subsequent events that ultimately led to a bloody civil war showed, the leaders of the country, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, could not take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (given that Russia was at that moment in a state of war) chances. on this.

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    The main prerequisite for revolutionary actions in February 1917 is the revolution of 1905-1907 - it did not solve the main problems of society: landlessness, working conditions of the proletariat, the issue of national self-determination of peoples within the Russian monarchy.

    In the war of 1914-1918, Russia was on the side of the Entente. The fighting weakened the state: the economic crisis deepened, the strike movement intensified, and a political opposition emerged that managed to create a strong social base. The level of economic development did not allow to adequately meet military needs, the country's external debt increased, factories stopped working, Agriculture was in decline.

    The main reasons for the revolutionary events were: economic decline, loss of authority by the head of state, the anti-war movement, the crisis situation of the peasants.

    Driving forces: proletariat, peasants. The center of events is Petrograd.

    At the end of February 1917, the country was engulfed in a mass movement to overthrow the monarchy and end the war. The army went over to the side of the protesters. Petrograd was captured. It was announced the formation of the Provisional Government and the need to convene the Constituent Assembly. The Soviet of Workers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed.

    The result of the revolution was the abdication of the power of the monarch Nicholas II, the government of the state passed into the hands of the Provisional Government. There was a situation of dual power: the Provisional Government and the Council of Petrograd.

    The highest legislative and executive functions were assigned to the Provisional Government. It wasn't strong enough. The core was made up of members of the parties of social revolutionaries and social democrats. A number of Bolshevik demonstrations took place against him in the summer of 1917 - the "July Days". During the "July days" the leaders of the Bolshevik movement were arrested. One of the ideologists of Bolshevism, Vladimir Lenin, ended up in exile.

    August 1917: General Lavr Kornilov made an attempt to establish a dictatorship. The coup was unsuccessful.

    Gradually, the Bolsheviks increased the number of their representatives in the Petrograd Soviet. After the Kornilov coup, Leon Trotsky became the head of the Soviet.

    In October, the Military Revolutionary Committee was formed under the Petrograd Soviet, whose task was to provide paramilitary support to the Bolshevik faction.

    The revolutionaries captured the Winter Palace on October 25 (according to the new style - November 7). Representatives of the Provisional Government were arrested, and the head, Alexander Kerensky, fled. The event was called the October Revolution.

    The main consequence: the proclamation of Soviet power.

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    February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 The second Russian revolution Causes, character, driving forces Main events of the revolution Formation of the Provisional Government

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    February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 Second Russian revolution Date: February 23 (March 8), 1917 - March 2, 1917 (?) The nature of the revolution is bourgeois-democratic. Reasons: World War I exacerbated all the existing contradictions in society. The need to eliminate feudal-serf remnants that hinder the development of the country. Contradictions between landowners and peasants. Contradictions between the workers and the bourgeoisie. Contradictions between the center and the outskirts. Contradictions between government and society. Main goal: Elimination of feudal-serf remnants (liquidation of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic, elimination of landownership), liberalization of the political system; improvement of working conditions; Organizers: Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, RSDLP. Driving forces: workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie, intelligentsia, separate parts of the army Opponents: Supporters of Emperor Nicholas II, various Black Hundred organizations, the Union of October 17 Demands: End of the war, liquidation of autocracy, liquidation of landownership, creation of labor legislation, solution of the national question. The main forms of struggle: Strikes, strikes, armed uprisings, peasant uprisings, seizure of land, arson of landowners' estates. Slogans: “Bread!!!”, “Return our husbands!” , "Down with autocracy!" "Down with tsarism!", "Down with war!"

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    The need to eliminate feudal-serf remnants that hinder the development of the country

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    Contradictions between the center and the suburbs Kyiv 1917 Yakutsk 1917 Tomsk 1917 Central Asia 1917

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    Contradictions between government and society. Dissolution of the Duma Dissolution of the Duma Grigory Rasputin Political strike in the Caucasus

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    We fill in the table: "Events of the February Revolution of 1917." On February 17, a strike of workers at the Putilov factory, the workers of which demanded: an increase in rates by 50%, hiring laid-off workers. February 18 They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. February 23 demonstration of women, slogans: "Bread!", "Down with the war!", "Return the husbands!" February 25: General political strike. Slogans: "Down with tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with war!" Was dissolved. State Duma February 26 The political strike develops into an uprising Beginning of the transition of the Petrograd garrison to the side of the insurgents. The 4th company of the Pavlovsky regiment opened fire on the mounted police. On February 27, the autocracy was overthrown. The Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to "restore the state and public order." March 1 The Petrograd military garrison went over to the side of the rebels. March 2, the signing of the act of abdication by Nicholas II.

    10 slide

    The beginning of the first unrest was put on strike by the workers of the Putilov factory on February 17, the workers of which demanded a 50% increase in prices and the hiring of laid-off workers. The administration did not meet the stated requirements. In solidarity with the Putilov workers, many enterprises in Petrograd went on strike. They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. Thousands of random people joined the crowds of workers: teenagers, students, small employees, intellectuals. On February 23, a demonstration of the women workers of Petrograd took place. February 18 - They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side.

    11 slide

    February 23 - a demonstration of women, slogans: "Bread!", "Down with the war!", "Return the husbands!" According to estimates, the number of strikers was about 300,000! In fact, it was a general strike. The main slogans of these events were: “Down with the autocracy!”, “Down with the war!”, “Down with the tsar!”, “Down with Nicholas!”, “Bread and peace!”.

    12 slide

    February 25: General political strike. Slogans: "Down with tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with war!" On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave the order to stop the unrest in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

    13 slide

    February 26: The political strike develops into an uprising On the night of February 26-27, rebellious soldiers joined the workers; days. On February 27, the Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

    14 slide

    The Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to "restore state and public order." February 27 Captured Rifle Arsenal Winter Palace

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    Negative results of the fall of the autocracy The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy by the February Revolution in Russia can be considered: The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the individual and infringement of property rights in society. A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order number 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a result, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War. The destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, there was a sharp increase in class contradictions in society, the growth of which during 1917 led to the transfer of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the Civil War in Russia.

    18 slide

    Positive results of the fall of autocracy: One of the biggest remnants of feudalism, which seriously hampered the development of the country - autocracy, was eliminated. Conditions were created for the real development of society along a democratic path. There was a short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the country's social development. However, as subsequent events that ultimately led to a bloody civil war showed, the leaders of the country, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, could not take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (given that Russia was at that moment in a state of war) chances. on this.
