Regular issues of "RMZH". Topical issues of ophthalmology

– A professional publication that publishes the currently optimal algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, including urgent conditions. Represented full versions issues (HTML format) since 1998.

  • Russian medical journal - General medical journal for postgraduate education of general practitioners.
  • Biometrics - Publication of materials on biostatistics and biometrics. Announcements of conferences and seminars. Links to Internet resources and library. A collection of samples of statistical incorrectness.
  • Psychopharmacology & Biological Narcology - Peer-reviewed electronic journal open access. English-language interface, articles in Russian (PDF format).
  • ( - Russian biomedical scientific journal (electronic periodical). The review of reviewers-experts is necessary for the publication.
  • Ukrainian Medical Journal - Polythematic scientific and practical publication for doctors in Russian and Ukrainian. Archive of numbers (PDF format).
  • Modern problems of science and education - Achievements in the field of science and education in various scientific specialties, including biology and medicine. It is possible to independently publish an article (, which will be placed in a printed version.
  • Medical Bulletin - Announcements of issues, selectively full texts of articles. Access to the archive (PDF format) by subscription.
  • Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakova - The oldest medical journal in Russia, founded in 1901. Wide range of materials. For neurologists, psychiatrists. Archive of the content of the issues (access to the full texts is possible with a subscription to the paper version).
  • Consilium-medicum - Medical consultation. Journal of evidence-based medicine for practitioners.
  • Bulletin of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences. Archive of articles (PDF format).
  • Saratov scientific medical journal - Problems of theoretical and practical medicine, public health. Published since 2002. Archive of issues (PDF-files of issues).
  • Difficult Patient - A polythematic journal primarily for physicians of therapeutic specialties. All issues (including the latest issue) are posted on the website (PDF format).
  • Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology - Russian version of the journal of the same name (the official publication of the American Gastroenterological Association). Abstracts of articles, on-line supplement to each issue.
  • Pulmonology The leading specialized publication in Russia dedicated to pulmonology issues. Founded in 1990 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Scientific Society of Pulmonologists.
  • Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy - Scientific and practical journal. Requirements for authors, distribution of announcements, subscription to the journal. Archive of articles since 1999 (HTML, PDF formats). The full on-line version of the issue is posted 12 months after the publication of the printed version.
  • News of radiation diagnostics Belarusian radiological journal (1998-2004). The issue has been discontinued (14 issues were published). The archive remained: full texts of articles, base of radiological images.
  • Who's Who in Medicine Exchange of professional experience on topical issues in the development of Russian healthcare. For both medical and nursing leaders.
  • MedMir - Internet project non-profit organization International Medical Information Technologies Inc. (USA) in Russian. Reviews of articles published in the world's largest medical journals.
  • Resort statements - detailed information about health resorts, methods of rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions.
  • Neurological Bulletin. V.M. Bekhtereva - Founded by V.M. Bekhterev in 1893. The publications of the journal are devoted to neurology, psychiatry and related disciplines.
  • Intensive Care - Lectures and review articles on the most important issues in critical care medicine.
  • Medical card index - Dissemination of information on medical subjects for specialists in various fields of medicine and health care. Archive of articles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal - Published since 1931, revived in 1991. A wide range of biomedical problems of both fundamental and applied nature.
  • News of Surgery - Peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal in all areas of surgery. Full access after registration on the site. Vitebsk.
  • Laboratory - Information and educational publication for medical specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics.
  • Radiology practice - Modern diagnostic methods, medical and technical problems. For employees of the medical radiological service. Archive (PDF format).
  • Stroke / Stroke - Russian version international magazine. Translation of the most interesting materials with comments by leading domestic neurologists.
  • Emergency Medicine - Materials on urgent pathology. For doctors of any specialty. Archive of numbers (PDF format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • International Neurological Journal - Versatile information for neurologists. Number archive (HTML format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • The Genius of Orthopedics - Established in 1995 in Kurgan and dedicated to the memory of the outstanding innovator, Professor G.A. Ilizarov. The priority is information for traumatologists and orthopedists on the clinical application of the method of transosseous osteosynthesis in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Manual Therapy - Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal (assignee of the journal "Manual Medicine", published since 1991). Archive of numbers (PDF format). Links to web resources.
  • SonoAce-International - International medical journal on echography (ultrasonography) for ultrasound doctors.
  • Alternative Medicine - Scientific and practical journal on traditional medicine. Lectures, reviews, discussions. Full text articles. Kazan.
  • Spine Surgery - Materials on operative vertebrology and related disciplines (for specialists).
  • Polyclinic - For doctors of all specialties. Archive (PDF format). Each issue is accompanied by an appendix with regulatory legal acts on health care.
  • Practical angiology Interdisciplinary journal about vascular lesions in various pathologies. For surgeons and therapists. Archive of numbers.
  • Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

    Journal "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences" authoritative scientific publication has been published since 1946.

    The journal publishes original scientific materials, the results of completed clinical studies in all areas of medicine and review articles on the most important problems of medical science and healthcare practice. The main goal of the journal is to consolidate the community of scientists and practitioners, draw attention to the most relevant, promising and interesting areas of medicine, contribute to the formation and development of the most promising directions research practice, presenting information about scientific research and achievements, providing an exchange of views between researchers from different regions.

    The journal is included in the List of Leading scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science should be published. Indexed in databases: Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Elsevier BV Scopus, Pub Med, Embase, EBSCO, RSCI.

    The two-year impact factor of the RSCI is 1.070

    Current issue

    Open access Access is paid or only for Subscribers


    5-13 139

    14-19 44

    20-28 62

    In accordance with the neurotrophic hypothesis of depression proposed two decades ago, the most important role in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders is played by disturbances in the mechanisms of maintaining neuronal plasticity regulated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Although the decrease in BDNF activity in depression has now been widely documented, it remains unclear whether this is a contributing factor or a consequence of the chronic course of the disease. In preclinical studies, it was found that exogenous, both central and peripheral, administration of BDNF causes antidepressant-like effects, prevents the depressogenic effect of chronic stress, and increases cell survival in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex; however, the mechanisms of these effects are not fully understood. The results of molecular genetic studies have confirmed the need for the presence of endogenous BDNF for the occurrence of antidepressant effects, while the role of genetic polymorphisms in predicting the effectiveness of antidepressant pharmacotherapy in patients with depression remains uncertain. The molecular mechanisms of action of monoaminergic antidepressants are at least in part related to their effect on the expression of BDNF and its TrkB receptor, however, the degree of this effect seems to vary both in relation to different groups drugs, and for members of the same class. Peripheral BDNF levels increase with antidepressants, and this increase is clearly observed only during the treatment of the acute phase of depression, but not during maintenance therapy. Serum BDNF is a potentially useful biomarker for diagnosing depression and predicting therapeutic response to antidepressant treatment.


    29-34 39

    Rationale. The relevance of the study is determined by the high prevalence of refractive errors, including progressive myopia, among children, as well as the high risk and tendency to develop complications from the organ of vision in refractive pathologies.

    Target- to study tissue reactions occurring in the Tenon's capsule with refractive errors, including with progressive myopia.

    Methods. A one-stage study was carried out on 47 samples of Tenon's capsule (25 with hypermetropia and 22 with progressive myopia) obtained during surgical treatment of strabismus and sclero-strengthening operations with progressive myopia. Tenon's capsule has been studied at various levels - tissue, cellular, subcellular. At the tissue level, fragments of the Tenon's capsule were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and picrofuchin mixture according to the Van Gieson method, which made it possible to obtain a general idea of ​​the morphology of the Tenon's capsule; at the cellular level - with toluidine blue on sodium tetraborate, which made it possible to determine the area for ultratomy and conduct morphometry of the cellular composition; at the subcellular level, using transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructural morphometry of fibroblasts and an assessment of the density of collagen fibers were performed.

    results. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the structure of the Tenon's capsule were assessed for two refractive errors - progressive myopia and hypermetropia. It was found that with progressive myopia in the Tenon's capsule, in contrast to hypermetropia, there are 1.56±0.12 per 104 µm 2 fibroblasts, 0.08±0.02 per 10 4 µm 2 mast cells, 0.01±0.001 per 10 4 µm 2 of adipocytes, and ultrastructural features of fibroblasts are represented by the following quantitative characteristics: fibroblast nucleus area - 1.60±0.82 in µm2, karyolemma length - 6.99±0.199 µm, number of nucleoli - 0.17±0.015 per 1 µm 2 nuclei, the number of mitochondria and lysosomes is 2.05±0.14 and 0.64±0.08 per 1 µm2, respectively); collagen fiber density was 28.72±4.18%; fibrillar disintegration and fragmentation were recorded.

    Conclusion. Hyperplasia of fibroblasts and their ultrastructures, as well as mast cells, a decrease in the level of adipocytes and the density of collagen fibrils - these changes are features of tissue reactions in the Tenon's capsule and reflect the adaptive nature of the processes occurring during progressive myopia.


    35-43 28

    Currently, the parathyroid glands are recognized as a vital organ in humans. At the same time, the path to this realization was long, and the establishment of a connection between the pathological conditions of the parathyroid glands and their complications went through many mistakes and misconceptions. Understanding the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body and the recognition of the main role of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in it occurred slowly - throughout the entire 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite an increasing number of observations confirming the development of complications as a result of hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands or the development of tetany due to their removal, the main link in this relationship remained unidentified for a long time. Due to the unique anatomical features, the parathyroid glands were the last of the discovered endocrine glands, which was the main obstacle in the rapid study of them. functional characteristics. Today, their structure and functions are described in detail, the manifestations of various pathological conditions are well studied, and the possibilities of modern medicine allow timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The review presents the history of the discovery of the parathyroid glands, highlights the main stages in the study of their role in calcium-phosphorus metabolism in particular and in the body as a whole; perspectives are also discussed further development in this direction, the works devoted to evolution in terms of their anatomical, physiological and pathological features are analyzed.

    44-53 31

    A combination of factors play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). environment(physical inactivity, overnutrition, etc.) and genetic variants that predispose to the development of the disease. The contribution of inherited traits to the development of T2DM can reach 80%, which is confirmed by the results of a number of published studies. At the same time, the multifactorial and polygenic nature of T2DM makes it difficult to establish direct causal relationships between individual genetic variants and specific metabolic changes. This explains a large number of research and a long search for the most convenient and effective approaches to assess the role of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are the main type of genetic variations in the human genome. The involvement of specialists from various fields of knowledge and the emergence of many ways to process and interpret data led to the parallel development of various scientific approaches. This review will highlight the main of them (except for mathematical ones), characterize these approaches, and evaluate the results obtained with their help. Special attention given to new opportunities and developments within the framework of the use modern methods genome editing, in particular the CRISPR/Cas9 system, and the prospects for this direction.


    54-60 63

    In medical research at the population level of generalizations, concepts such as “risk factor”, “risk group”, “risk territory” and “risk time” are widely used. Nevertheless, up to the present time, these categories have found their application and theoretical justification mainly for certain groups or nosological forms of infectious diseases, and for non-infectious pathology they have been used only in applied research. At the same time, there are practically no publications of a generalizing nature concerning theoretical foundations such a basic epidemiological category as "risk". The presented report provides an analysis of the general scientific understanding of the concept of "risk" and a theoretical justification for the use of this category in epidemiological studies. The article provides a systematization various kinds risks and their estimated characteristics for practical use in epidemiological generalizations, the relationship and unity of the main categories of epidemiological risk are considered. In conclusion, the authors made a generalizing conclusion that the doctrine of risk is a key, fundamental direction in epidemiology and is becoming the main paradigm of this science.

    And about. Minister of Health Uliana Suprun shared on Facebook the work of the Ngenius platform, which develops medicine and science in Ukraine. They have collected 10 sites for doctors, where you can find the latest research, articles and developments in the field of medicine.

    Probably every physician strives to professional development, spends a significant part of his time searching for high-quality and verified information on the Internet. Therefore, to save your time and make your learning more productive, here are 10 of the most informative resources to increase your scientific output.

    1.OmniMedicalSearch ( - This is a collection of information from top medical sites such as PubMed, NIH and Merck. A very convenient service for searching for information that is difficult to find on familiar sites.

    2.PubMed ( is probably one of the most authoritative scientific metric databases, providing access to scientific articles for over 40 years.

    3.MedNets ( - This search engine will provide you with the latest information from medical journals, associations and media resources. Also on the site there is a specific search specifically for doctors in addition to the usual search for the general public.

    4.Hardin MD ( - the service allows you to search for medical articles alphabetically and find a large number of links to online articles and photos of given diseases.

    5.Healthline ( is one of the best sites that will save you precious time. You just need to lead keyword and done.

    6.Entrez ( - a search engine based on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnological Information) website will help you find all the information you need from journal articles, books and more .

    7.Coremine ( is a free service that allows you to search and share the latest medical information(combines search engine and social network)

    8.MedicalNDX ( - a service for finding information about drugs in modern journals, medical books, articles.

    9.Journal Watch ( - This site monitors over 350 medical journals and provides relevant information on all branches of medicine. You can search for information yourself, or you can subscribe to a daily mail subscription.

    10.HONMedhunt ( - on this site you can find not only scientific information on a topic that interests you, as well as information about conferences, news and pictures related to your search.

    ** Medscape ( - last news in the world of medicine, clinical trials and international guidelines

    ** Cochrane ( is the source of the highest quality research based on evidence-based medicine.
