Recruitment concept content performance criteria. Personnel performance evaluation as an effective method of business management. Need help with a topic

To assess the effectiveness of the search and selection process for new employees, a number of quantitative indicators can be used that characterize the work of personnel who have started working in the organization:

The level of employee turnover, especially among new employees;

The share of employees who did not pass probation, of the total number of people hired;

Financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel;

Violation level labor discipline among new employees (absenteeism, lateness, absence from the workplace, etc.);

The level of occupational injuries among new employees;

Usage efficiency necessary materials, accessories;

The number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers due to the fault of new employees.

Additional information about the quality of the selection system used in the organization can be obtained from three sources: from the candidates themselves, from the employees of the organization and from the employees leaving. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used.

It must be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. For example, high values ​​of the staff turnover rate may be due to the action of a number of factors that are not related to the personnel search and selection system.

The effectiveness of recruitment can be assessed partly immediately upon completion of this process, partly after a certain planned period of time. Immediately after the completion of the selection, the following can be assessed: 1) the compliance of the action plan for the selection and the actual set of measures in relation to the deadlines; 2) the degree of deviation of the actual costs of staff recruitment from planned indicators; 3) the general level of expenses for attracting one potential candidate; 4) the level of expenses for filling a vacancy, etc.

After a certain period of time, the effectiveness of recruitment can be assessed directly on the basis of an analysis of the activities of recruited specialists. This covers the following aspects:

The level of labor productivity of a hired specialist;

the proportion of employees who have not passed the probationary period;

the level of violations of labor discipline and corporate rules;

the level of staff turnover;

Information received (according to the principle feedback) from customers and suppliers when working with this specialist;

The level of equipment breakdowns, manufacturing defects, the quality of the use of components, etc.

An approximate assessment of the level of invited and hired workers is calculated as follows: KN \u003d (RC + PR + OR) : H,

KN - the quality of recruited workers,%

PR - Percentage of new hires promoted within one year

RR is the percentage of new employees remaining in employment after one year

N - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

With completion last stage, the recruitment process formally ends. However, the results of the work carried out within its framework in the future will have a significant impact on other areas of personnel management.


The personnel selection strategy is one of the important aspects of the personnel management system in the enterprise. The choice of one or another selection strategy depends not only on the behavior of potential employees in the labor market and their education, but also on situational factors of the micro and macro environment of the enterprise, such as the economic situation in the country, competitive environment enterprises, legal regulation, demographic factors, etc.

Personnel is a special value of any organization. On the one hand, the staff defines goals and chooses methods to achieve these goals, and on the other hand, it is an important resource used by all organizations to achieve their own goals. The effectiveness of the entire organization depends on the work of all personnel and each individual employee.

When building a system for recruiting and selecting personnel, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the qualification and personal parameters that the desired employee must have. In addition, it is necessary to increase attention to the implementation of adaptation programs for a new employee, because Taking on a position is an essential part of the recruitment process. It is necessary to take into account the personal psychological characteristics of each candidate in order to increase the efficiency of the company by strengthening its cohesion, creating a team.

There are various methods of personnel selection - selection based on interviews, documents, testing, special procedures in "personnel assessment centers". The choice of a specific selection method is based on the scope, scope and goals of a particular organization. To date, there is no one optimal method of personnel selection and the organization must own the entire set of techniques for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task.

Continuous improvement of the system of recruitment and selection of personnel helps to increase the efficiency of each organization.

?Federal Education Agency
State educational institution
higher vocational education

Department of International Personnel and Project Management

on personnel management on the topic:

"Criteria for the effectiveness of recruitment methods"

1.1 Characteristics of personnel selection methods and hiring decisions
1.2 The effectiveness of the search and selection process.
1.3 Indicators of the effectiveness of the selection process
1.4Assessing the costs of searching and selecting personnel
List of sources used


The initial stage in the process of personnel management is hiring, which includes, first of all, such processes as recruitment and selection of personnel. How recruitment is carried out and which people are selected to work in your organization, all subsequent activities in the management process depend by human resourses. Therefore, this stage should be taken seriously, taking into account the experience gained in domestic and foreign practice. This paper will consider the essence and content of the processes for the selection and recruitment of personnel, and the activities of personnel management specialists in the course of their implementation. Attention will also be paid to such an important issue as the effectiveness of recruitment methods. That is, what needs to be done to make the selection of personnel as effective as possible.
The relevance of this work is due to the fact that in the context of market economy the quality of personnel has become the most important factor determining the survival and economic situation Russian organizations. Careful selection guarantees the quality of human resources, which largely determines the possibility and effectiveness of further use. The work of any organization is inevitably connected with the need for staffing. At the same time, one of the central tasks is the selection of personnel. The selection of new employees is not only intended to ensure the mode of normal functioning, but also lays the foundation for the future success of the organization.
The purpose of this work is a detailed study of the technologies, principles and methods of professional recruitment and selection of the organization's personnel. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formulated:
? study the sources and methods of recruitment;
? analyze the features of the professional selection of the organization's personnel;
? consider the main stages of building a personnel selection system;
? determine the reliability and validity of personnel selection methods
The object of work research is the technology of recruitment and selection of personnel, and the subject, directly, is the personnel of the organization.
In order to build effective system search and selection of personnel, first of all, it is important to understand its place in the overall system of human resource management of the organization. The selection of personnel is not an isolated function of independent value; it must be linked to all other functions of personnel management so as not to become a function that is carried out for its own sake to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel.
Effective selection starts with an accurate job description, i.e. with an analysis of the work of a particular position. Next, a job description is drawn up, on the basis of which the requirements for candidates are formulated. One of the important stages is the advertising of the work, i.e. recruiting a candidate. The interview still retains its popularity as one of the most important elements of the recruitment process. During the interview, you can get to know the candidate better, i.e. learn his personal qualities, manners of behavior. Based on the information collected, a decision is already being made on the choice of a potential employee, but even the full presence of selection elements does not provide accurate information about the hired person. hiring personnel selection cost
In view of its relevance, the topic of personnel selection is increasingly appearing in the headlines of various periodicals and educational publications, as well as on the Internet, despite the fact that this topic has been studied quite deeply, new developments and additions to the personnel selection methodology appear.

I. Essence and methods of personnel selection
1.1 Staff selection methods
The basis for the correct selection of personnel is the availability of objective information about the employee and formal requirements for a vacant position in order to reasonably combine them. The selection and evaluation of employees constitute an important section of the system of work with personnel and should be carried out on scientific basis.
First, based on the specific characteristics of the enterprise and its divisions, employees are selected who can decide challenges. More often, this selection is carried out on the basis of qualitative methods, since it is carried out by the head or a personnel service specialist, as a rule, from his personal estimates of the amount of work in a particular profession, in the absence of complete information about business qualities ah and the professional competence of the employee. Flaw this method is to limit the comprehensive development of the personality of a capable worker, who must adapt to a specific workplace(job title).
Secondly, the selection of personnel is carried out on the basis of professional training, work experience and qualities of the employee. The composition of functional duties and the complexity of work are determined on the basis of organizational documents or the experience of a manager for a particular employee. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of filling vacancies as the staffing of the enterprise is filled with less capable workers and employees due to the fact that they went to work earlier. When a highly skilled worker appears, the vacancy may be filled by another person with lower qualifications, work experience or Creative skills.
Thirdly, by combining the first and second methods, when jobs are selected for highly skilled workers and employees with a change in the existing distribution of functions, and for other positions, personnel are selected based on the regulatory requirements of jobs. This method is more flexible, as it allows you to take into account specific features work of the enterprise, qualification of personnel and create conditions for the comprehensive development of people.
In all these cases, the basis for the correct selection is the availability of objective information about the employee and the workplace in order to reasonably analyze their compliance. A comprehensive comprehensive assessment of personnel can be made on the basis of a study of various aspects of personality, objective personnel data, business and moral qualities, life experience, professional knowledge and skills, health and performance, service career and other aspects. Obviously, the set of specific elements for building models of workplaces for workers and employees should be the same for each of these categories, otherwise they will not be comparable. comprehensive assessments. In particular, for managers and specialists, the composition of the elements should be identical.
Recruitment is a process of selecting suitable candidates for vacancies based on the available pool of personnel at the labor exchange and at the enterprise.
Recruitment includes the following elements:
? calculation of the need for personnel of workers and employees;
? job models;
? professional recruitment;
? formation of a personnel reserve.
The initial data for the selection of personnel are:
? job models;
? organization philosophy;
? inner order rules;
? organizational structure of production;
? staffing organizations;
? regulations on subdivisions;
? employee's employment contract;
? job descriptions;
? position on wages;
? regulations on official and commercial secrets.
In modern Ukraine, the following situation is emerging: the structure of demand for labor does not coincide with the structure of its supply. Therefore, in the labor market, there are simultaneously many vacancies offered by enterprises, and a large number of unemployed. In turn, they offer their ability to work, and the right specialist impossible to find. This circumstance also testifies to the considerable weakness of the majority personnel services enterprises and banks, as well as recruitment and recruitment managers. In addition, a number of modern managers, unlike their foreign counterparts, have not yet come to a practical conclusion on the basis of their own experience about the importance of the processes of formation and management of personnel for the overall success of the business in an environment of sharply increasing competition in all areas.
However, there are already noticeable, compared with personnel work in the USSR, positive changes and increased attention to this work and effective recruitment procedures, first of all. All this inspires hope that the use of the entire arsenal of varieties and mechanisms for hiring personnel will be the reserve that will eventually bring domestic work with personnel to the level of the best world standards, which will not be slow to affect the overall efficiency of domestic business. . Recruitment methods can be active or passive.
Active methods - they are usually resorted to when the labor market demand for labor, especially skilled, exceeds its supply. First of all, this is the recruitment of personnel, i.e. in other words, the establishment of contacts by the organization with those who are of interest to it as potential employees. It is usually carried out directly in educational institutions, and this is an advantage, since the candidates are "unspoiled" and do not need to be "broken". They recruit employees from competitors, through public employment centers and through private intermediary firms. It is relatively cheaper to attract employees with the help of personal connections of working personnel. By holding presentations and participating in job fairs, holidays, festivals and forming its image, the organization can also recruit (recruit) personnel.
Presentations allow you to attract casual passers-by or people living nearby, and who are looking for additional earnings.
A job fair is mainly for people who want to change jobs.
Holidays and festivals attract qualified professionals who are interested in this particular organization.
The above methods of attracting personnel are mainly applicable to workers of mass specialties with an average and low level of qualification. To attract highly qualified specialists with a narrow specialty, other methods of attraction should be used.
Passive recruitment methods are resorted to when the supply of labor in the labor market exceeds demand. One of the varieties of passive methods of attracting personnel is the placement of announcements about vacant positions, about the level, requirements for candidates, terms of remuneration and information in external and internal media.
Television makes it possible to provide a wider audience, but the cost of advertising is extremely high, and the targeting is negligible.
Advertising on the radio is many times cheaper and the audience is also wide, but, as a rule, they listen to it only during work. Through the use of this method of advertising, you can basically attract people who want to change jobs.
Announcements should form the image of the organization. They should not contain discriminatory points, but should be catchy, interesting, concise, well-written, legal, truthfully reflecting the requirements for applicants, working conditions and wages. Announcements should reflect the following information: features of the organization; job description; requirements for the applicant; payment system; benefits and incentives; features of the selection process ( Required documents, deadlines for their submission); address and contact numbers.

1.2 Characterization of staff selection methods and hiring decision

When selecting organizations, various methods are used - from analytical to medical and psychological. Their list is given below. Personnel selection methods:
I. Analysis and evaluation of application documents:
1) Analysis of the application;
2) Analysis of autobiography;
3) Analysis of evidence;
4) Checking recommendations;
5) Photo analysis;
6) Analysis and verification of questionnaires;
7) Analysis of labor tests.
II. Testing:
1) Performance test;
2) Intelligence test;
3) Personality test.
III. Interview:
1) Analysis of expressiveness;
2) Analysis of work behavior;

IV. Group discussion (assessment center):
1) Analysis of the expressiveness of behavior;
2) Analysis of work behavior;
3) Analysis social behavior.
V. Handwriting examination:
1) Analysis of a personal portrait;
2) Analysis of the working portrait;
3) Analysis of jobs.
VI. Assessment Center:
1) Work in laboratory conditions;
2) Analysis of relationships under stress;
3) Evaluation by experienced managers-heads.
It is believed that systematic and reliable selection methods require a lot of time and money to develop and implement, and therefore their development is justified in the case of a large number of vacancies and even more applicants. If the number of vacancies is not covered by a sufficient number of applicants, especially complex and, accordingly, expensive selection methods are not required. Guided by its own selection considerations, each organization uses either the full set of selection methods or some of them.
Personnel assessment methods applicable in the selection and selection:
1) Source study (biographical) - analysis of personnel data, data sheet, personnel sheet, personal statements, autobiography, education documents, characteristics;
2) Interviewing (interview) - a conversation with an employee in the "question - answer" mode according to a pre-compiled or arbitrary scheme to obtain additional data about the employee;
3) Questioning (self-assessment) - a survey of a person using a special questionnaire for self-assessment of personality traits and their subsequent analysis;
4) Sociological survey - a questionnaire survey of employees of different categories who know the person being evaluated well (colleagues, managers, subordinates);
5) Observation - observation of the assessed employee in an informal setting;
6) Testing and determination of professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, personality psychology with the help of special tests with their subsequent decoding;
7) Expert assessments - determining the totality of qualities and obtaining expert assessments of an ideal or real employee;
8) Critical incident - the creation of a critical situation and observation of human behavior in the process of its resolution;
9) Business game - conducting an organizational and active game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players according to their roles;
10) Analysis of specific situations - transfer to the employee of a specific production situation with the task of conducting an analysis and preparing proposals for resolving it in the form of a report;
11) Ranking - comparison of assessed employees among themselves by other methods and arrangement according to the selected criterion in descending or ascending order of ranks;
12) Programmed control - assessment of professional knowledge and skills, intelligence level, experience and performance using control questions;
13) Examination (test, defense of a business plan) - control of professional knowledge and skills, providing for preliminary preparation of the person being assessed in a certain discipline and presentation before the examination committee.
Along with classical methods selection, evaluation centers of personnel in different versions are becoming very popular. In Switzerland, for example, handwriting expertise is widespread. The trend in this regard is developing towards the simultaneous use of several personnel selection tools. . The choice of methods depends on the style of leadership, on accepted norms. corporate culture, on what level of the position in the management hierarchy the selection takes place, and other factors. When selecting candidates for vacancies, there is no one optimal method, therefore, personnel management services must know the whole set of techniques for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task. According to a survey of HR managers of leading firms, the higher the level of corporate culture of the company and the less recruitment of new employees, the less psychological testing is used. Candidates are assessed by high-class experts during a multi-stage interview. And in other firms, when evaluating personnel, only 10-20% of the information obtained as a result of testing is taken into account.
Testing is one of the seven most effective methods used in personnel management, both in business and in public institutions. It has a number of advantages, but it is not without disadvantages. When hiring, you can not rely only on your impression of a person. Valid tests provide the most objective information. The reliability of these data is from 20 to 70%, depending on the methods used and the qualifications of the interpreter. The more professional he is, the more qualitative tests he uses, the more accurate the assessment of the required characteristics. A test is a more or less precise tool that one must be able to use. . The reliability of the results is increased when a separate set (battery) of tests is compiled for each vacancy, corresponding to the core competencies of employees. There is a growing interest in corporate tests developed specifically for a given company. A selection interview (interview) is a universal and most commonly used selection method.
The number and order of interview stages may vary and depend on the corporate policy of the organization.
The main purpose of the selection interview is to get an answer to the question of whether the applicant is interested in this job and whether he is able to perform it. In this case, it usually becomes necessary to compare several candidates.
For the most part, interviewers base their scores on first impressions. However, it is well known that many screening interviews are conducted by non-specialists with little understanding of the consequences of their decisions. The selection interview is not an ideal method, despite its widespread use. Therefore, other selection methods should be used in the future.
The interview (interview), starting with a wide field of knowledge about the candidate, gradually narrows: only those aspects that are directly related to the activities in this organization are involved in its scope. After they are clarified, the conversation "closes" on employment contract- the last point, after which it ends.
The recruitment system in an organization goes through different stages depending on the level of its development, financial opportunities and formed strategy. With this in mind, it is necessary to be flexible in the choice of methods for searching for candidates for vacant positions, taking into account the effectiveness of various cost methods associated with them.
Depending on the size of the organization, the staffing of the personnel department of the personnel affairs with qualified specialists and the specifics of the vacancy, the organization of the selection process and the procedure for making the final decision can vary significantly.

The personnel department (HR department) carries out a preliminary selection of candidates. The final interview is conducted by the head of the department in which there is a vacancy (or the head of the organization, if we are talking about small company). He makes the final hiring decision.
The Human Resources Department (HR Department) carries out all stages of selection up to the final decision on the suitability of candidates for filling available vacancies. The head of the unit (or organization) is provided with a list of 3-5 candidates. The manager makes the final decision on hiring without conducting a final interview, only on the basis of information provided by the HR department
The Human Resources Department carries out a preliminary selection of candidates. Selected candidates are interviewed by a specially created commission. The final decision is made collectively on the basis of the agreed opinion of all members of the commission.

Rice. 1. Procedures for making a hiring decision

There are three most common procedures for making a final decision on the admission of an employee to an organization (Fig. 1).
The same organization in different cases can use all types of procedures for organizing the selection and making the final decision on hiring. At the same time, it should be taken into account that procedures 1 and 2 are more suitable for the selection of ordinary workers and specialists, and procedure 3 - for the selection of managers different levels.
The departure of a qualified employee always creates certain difficulties for the enterprise. Especially if it happens unexpectedly. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to quit own will, warning the administration of the enterprise for two weeks. Obviously, it is almost impossible to find a replacement within this period, even if we are talking about a middle-level employee. Not to mention higher level when real term finding a worthy candidate has to be measured in months!
What does it mean for an enterprise to leave an employee in monetary terms? First of all, these are losses from direct investments in attracting this employee. It's easy to calculate them:
recruitment agency fee (if a person was hired with his help);
expenses for the adaptation of a person in a team;
expenses for professional development of a person (training, internships, etc.).
Data on direct costs, obtained as a result of a survey of 48 managers of Moscow enterprises (number of employees from 200 to 3500 people) and 23 Russian branches of foreign companies, are as follows:
25-30% of the annual salary per worker - for Russian enterprises;
55-60% - for foreign companies.
It is obvious that the loss of the enterprise when a specialist leaves is the greater, the higher his level. Even now, when the salaries of senior managers have not reached the pre-crisis level, the direct losses of the enterprise, for example, when leaving financial director may exceed $10,000.
The indirect losses of an enterprise are much more difficult to assess, since they include, for example, business contacts and personal relationships of a person with clients, personal connections, promising developments and many other nuances that have great importance for business. The size of these losses can amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In general, candidates can be divided into three groups according to the degree of fitness: unsuitable, conditionally suitable and relatively suitable for work in the organization (relatively - because all necessary qualities cannot be determined exactly).
For any organization, hiring and selecting employees who are not suitable for the work assigned to them will be a luxury, especially in a rapidly changing and unstable environment.
1.3 The effectiveness of the search and selection process
A number of quantitative indicators can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the search and selection process for candidates for work in an organization:
? the level of staff turnover, especially among new employees;
? the proportion of employees who have not passed the probationary period;
? financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel; the level of violations of labor discipline (absenteeism, lateness, absence from the workplace, inconsistent with management, etc.); marriage level;
? frequency of equipment breakdowns;
? efficiency of use of necessary materials, components;
? the level of industrial injuries;
? the number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers.
In addition to quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel service in search and selection of new employees, you can also use a qualitative indicator, which is calculated by the following formula:

KN \u003d (Rk + Pr + Or): H,

where КН is the quality of recruited workers, %;
Pk - average indicator of the quality of work performed by recruited employees (%);
Pr - the percentage of new employees who have been promoted within one year;
Op - the percentage of new employees who remained to work after one year;
H - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.
For example, Pk is calculated on 20 parameters, the rating of each of which averaged 4 points on a 5-point scale (i.e. equal to 80%); Pr = 35% and Op = 85%. Then
KN \u003d (80 + 35 + 85): 3 \u003d 66.7%. Information about the effectiveness of the selection process can be obtained from the candidates themselves. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used. However, it should be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. For example, high employee turnover rates may be due to a number of factors that are not related to the system of search and selection of employees.
There are four possible outcomes of the selection process:
1) erroneous rejection good worker;
2) the right choice of a good worker;
3) erroneous hiring of a bad employee;
4) the correct rejection of a bad worker.
Options 2 and 4 represent the correct solution, while 1 and 3 are selection process errors. Both types of errors are fraught with losses for the organization. Especially high are the expenses of the organization associated with errors in hiring workers who do not meet the minimum requirements of the organization. Direct financial losses due to selection errors include the following costs:
? losses associated with production activities personnel: low productivity, low profits, low quality products or services;
? deterioration of the organization's reputation, an unfavorable image of the organization in the eyes of customers, consumers and suppliers, a decrease in the competitiveness of goods and services produced by the organization and, as a result, a decrease in profits;
? costs associated with occupational injuries, absenteeism;
? expenses related to training, transfers and dismissal of unsuitable employees (these expenses may include the payment of severance pay or compensation in case employees appeal against dismissals in judicial order);
? expenses for search, selection and training of new employees. The price of a mistake is the higher, the more difficult and responsible the work that will have to be performed new employee.
Indirect costs due to selection errors are difficult to assess, they are associated with the loss of working time for managers and specialists to participate in the process of selecting candidates and training new employees.
One of the negative consequences of poor recruitment and selection management is high staff turnover. The costs of high turnover cannot be ignored, these are not only direct costs for recruitment and adaptation, but also indirect costs arising from possible customer dissatisfaction with frequent personnel changes and costs in the form of managers wasting time to fill vacancies.
A very important item of indirect costs is related to the impact of high staff turnover on morale, motivation and satisfaction of staff, and the level of organization's efficiency.
For example, it can be determined through the equation of the relationship of such factors as the speed of recruitment of newcomers, how cheap it was, the quality of the selected people.
The effectiveness of the search and selection process. Selection Process Performance Indicators
The quality of the selected personnel determines the efficiency of the organization and the use of all its other resources, so mistakes in the selection of personnel can cost the organization dearly. If recruiting good people is a good investment, then selecting and training workers who are not suitable for the job assigned to them will be a waste of money. For small and medium-sized organizations, especially in a rapidly changing and unstable environment, such a “luxury” is unaffordable.
The most important prerequisite that determines the effectiveness of work on the search and selection of personnel is the close connection of this area of ​​activity with the management system in place in the organization. This connection may be based on the following points:
? communication to persons responsible for the search and selection of personnel, goals, with

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

Department of International Personnel and Project Management

on personnel management on the topic:

"Criteria for the effectiveness of recruitment methods"


3. The effectiveness of the search and selection process. Selection Process Performance Indicators

4. Estimation of costs for the search and selection of personnel



The initial stage in the process of personnel management is recruitment, which includes, first of all, such processes as recruitment and selection of personnel. How the recruitment is done and which people are selected to work in your organization, all subsequent activities in the process of human resource management depend. Therefore, this stage should be taken seriously, taking into account the experience gained in domestic and foreign practice. This paper will consider the essence and content of the processes for the selection and recruitment of personnel, and the activities of personnel management specialists in the course of their implementation. Attention will also be paid to such an important issue as the effectiveness of recruitment methods. That is, what needs to be done to make the selection of personnel as effective as possible.

The relevance of this work is due to the fact that in a market economy, the quality of personnel has become the main factor determining the survival and economic position of Russian organizations. Careful selection guarantees the quality of human resources, which largely determines the possibility and effectiveness of further use. The work of any organization is inevitably connected with the need for staffing. At the same time, one of the central tasks is the selection of personnel. The selection of new employees is not only intended to ensure the mode of normal functioning, but also lays the foundation for the future success of the organization.

The purpose of this work is a detailed study of the technologies, principles and methods of professional recruitment and selection of the organization's personnel. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formulated:

Ø to study the sources and methods of recruitment;

Ø analyze the features of the professional selection of the organization's personnel;

Ø consider the main stages of building a personnel selection system;

Ø determine the reliability and validity of personnel selection methods

The object of work research is the technology of recruitment and selection of personnel, and the subject, directly, is the personnel of the organization.

In order to build an effective personnel search and selection system, first of all, it is important to understand its place in the overall human resource management system of the organization. The selection of personnel is not an isolated function of independent value; it must be linked to all other functions of personnel management so as not to become a function that is carried out for its own sake to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel.

Effective selection starts with an accurate job description, i.e. with an analysis of the work of a particular position. Next, a job description is drawn up, on the basis of which the requirements for candidates are formulated. One of the important stages is the advertising of the work, i.e. recruiting a candidate. The interview still retains its popularity as one of the most important elements of the recruitment process. During the interview, you can get to know the candidate better, i.e. learn his personal qualities, manners of behavior. Based on the information collected, a decision is already being made on the choice of a potential employee, but even the full presence of selection elements does not provide accurate information about the hired person. hiring personnel selection cost

In view of its relevance, the topic of personnel selection is increasingly appearing in the headlines of various periodicals and educational publications, as well as on the Internet, despite the fact that this topic has been studied quite deeply, new developments and additions to the personnel selection methodology appear.

1. The essence and methods of personnel selection

The basis for the correct selection of personnel is the availability of objective information about the employee and formal requirements for a vacant position in order to reasonably combine them. The selection and evaluation of employees constitute an important section of the system of work with personnel and must be carried out on a scientific basis.

First, based on the specific characteristics of the enterprise and its divisions, employees are selected who can solve the tasks ahead. More often this selection is carried out on the basis of qualitative methods, since it is carried out by the head or a personnel service specialist, as a rule, from his personal estimates of the amount of work in a particular profession, in the absence of complete information about the business qualities and professional competence of the employee. The disadvantage of this method is to limit the comprehensive development of the personality of a capable employee, who must adapt to a specific workplace (position).

Secondly, the selection of personnel is carried out on the basis of professional training, work experience and qualities of the employee. The composition of functional duties and the complexity of work are determined on the basis of organizational documents or the experience of a manager for a particular employee. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of filling vacancies as the staffing of the enterprise is filled with less capable workers and employees due to the fact that they went to work earlier. When a highly skilled worker appears, the vacancy may be filled by another person with lower qualifications, industrial experience or creative abilities.

Thirdly, by combining the first and second methods, when jobs are selected for highly skilled workers and employees with a change in the existing distribution of functions, and for other positions, personnel are selected based on the regulatory requirements of jobs. This method is more flexible, as it allows taking into account the specific features of the enterprise, the qualifications of personnel and creating conditions for the comprehensive development of people.

In all these cases, the basis for the correct selection is the availability of objective information about the employee and the workplace in order to reasonably analyze their compliance. A comprehensive comprehensive assessment of personnel can be made on the basis of a study of various aspects of personality, objective personnel data, business and moral qualities, life experience, professional knowledge and skills, health and performance, career and other aspects. Obviously, the set of specific elements for building models of workplaces for workers and employees should be the same for each of these categories, otherwise the comprehensive assessments will be incomparable. In particular, for managers and specialists, the composition of the elements should be identical.

Recruitment is a process of selecting suitable candidates for vacancies based on the available reserve of personnel at the labor exchange and at the enterprise.

Recruitment includes the following elements:

ü calculation of the need for personnel of workers and employees;

ü job models;

ü professional recruitment;

ü formation of a reserve of personnel.

The initial data for the selection of personnel are:

ü job models;

the philosophy of the organization;

ü internal regulations;

ü organizational structure of production;

the staffing of the organization;

ü regulations on subdivisions;

the employee's employment contract;

ü job descriptions;

ü position on wages;

ü Regulations on official and commercial secrets.

AT modern Russia the following situation develops: the structure of demand for labor does not coincide with the structure of its supply. Therefore, in the labor market, there are simultaneously many vacancies offered by enterprises, and a large number of unemployed. In turn, they offer their ability to work, but it is impossible to find the right specialist. This circumstance also testifies to the significant weakness of most personnel departments of enterprises and banks, as well as managers in the selection and hiring of personnel. In addition, a number of modern managers, unlike their foreign counterparts, have not yet come to a practical conclusion on the basis of their own experience about the importance of the processes of formation and management of personnel for the overall success of the business in an environment of sharply increasing competition in all areas.

However, there are already noticeable, in comparison with personnel work in the USSR, positive changes and increased attention to this work and procedures for the effective recruitment of personnel, first of all. All this inspires hope that the use of the entire arsenal of varieties and mechanisms for hiring personnel will be the reserve that will eventually bring domestic work with personnel to the level of the best world standards, which will not be slow to affect the overall efficiency of domestic business. . Recruitment methods can be active or passive.

Active methods - they are usually resorted to when the labor market demand for labor, especially skilled, exceeds its supply. First of all, this is the recruitment of personnel, i.e. in other words, the establishment of contacts by the organization with those who are of interest to it as potential employees. It is usually carried out directly in educational institutions, and this is an advantage, since the candidates are "unspoiled" and do not need to be "broken". They recruit employees from competitors, through public employment centers and through private intermediary firms. It is relatively cheaper to attract employees with the help of personal connections of working personnel. By holding presentations and participating in job fairs, holidays, festivals and forming its image, the organization can also recruit (recruit) personnel.

Presentations allow you to attract casual passers-by or people living nearby who are looking for additional income.

A job fair is mainly for people who want to change jobs.

Holidays and festivals attract qualified professionals who are interested in this particular organization.

The above methods of attracting personnel are mainly applicable to workers of mass specialties with an average and low level of qualification. To attract highly qualified specialists with a narrow specialty, other methods of attraction should be used.

Passive recruitment methods are resorted to when the supply of labor in the labor market exceeds demand. One of the varieties of passive methods of attracting personnel is the placement of announcements about vacant positions, about the level, requirements for candidates, terms of remuneration and information in external and internal media.

Television makes it possible to provide a wider audience, but the cost of advertising is extremely high, and the targeting is negligible.

Advertising on the radio is many times cheaper and the audience is also wide, but, as a rule, they listen to it only during work. Through the use of this method of advertising, you can basically attract people who want to change jobs.

Announcements should form the image of the organization. They should not contain discriminatory points, but should be catchy, interesting, concise, well-written, legal, truthfully reflecting the requirements for applicants, working conditions and wages. Announcements should reflect the following information: features of the organization; job description; requirements for the applicant; payment system; benefits and incentives; features of the selection process (required documents, deadlines for their submission); address and contact numbers.

2. Characteristics of personnel selection methods and decision-making on hiring

When selecting organizations, various methods are used - from analytical to medical and psychological. Their list is given below. Personnel selection methods:

I. Analysis and evaluation of application documents:

1) Analysis of the application;

2) Analysis of autobiography;

3) Analysis of evidence;

5) Photo analysis;

6) Analysis and verification of questionnaires;

7) Analysis of labor tests.

II. Testing:

1) Performance test;

2) Intelligence test;

3) Personality test.

III. Interview:

1) Analysis of expressiveness;

2) Analysis of work behavior;

IV. Group discussion (assessment center):

1) Analysis of the expressiveness of behavior;

2) Analysis of work behavior;

3) Analysis of social behavior.

V. Handwriting examination:

1) Analysis of a personal portrait;

2) Analysis of the working portrait;

3) Analysis of jobs.

VI. Assessment Center:

1) Work in laboratory conditions;

2) Analysis of relationships under stress;

3) Evaluation by experienced managers-heads.

It is believed that systematic and reliable selection methods require a lot of time and money to develop and implement, and therefore their development is justified in the case of a large number of vacancies and even more applicants. If the number of vacancies is not covered by a sufficient number of applicants, especially complex and, accordingly, expensive selection methods are not required. Guided by its own selection considerations, each organization uses either the full set of selection methods or some of them.

Personnel assessment methods applicable in the selection and selection:

1) Source study (biographical) - analysis of personnel data, data sheet, personnel sheet, personal statements, autobiography, education documents, characteristics;

2) Interviewing (interview) - a conversation with an employee in the "question - answer" mode according to a pre-compiled or arbitrary scheme to obtain additional data about the employee;

3) Questioning (self-assessment) - a survey of a person using a special questionnaire for self-assessment of personality traits and their subsequent analysis;

4) Sociological survey - a questionnaire survey of employees of different categories who know the person being evaluated well (colleagues, managers, subordinates);

5) Observation - observation of the assessed employee in an informal setting;

6) Testing and determination of professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, personality psychology with the help of special tests with their subsequent decoding;

7) Expert assessments - determining the totality of qualities and obtaining expert assessments of an ideal or real employee;

8) Critical incident - the creation of a critical situation and observation of human behavior in the process of its resolution;

9) Business game - conducting an organizational and active game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players according to their roles;

10) Analysis of specific situations - transfer to the employee of a specific production situation with the task of conducting an analysis and preparing proposals for resolving it in the form of a report;

11) Ranking - comparison of assessed employees among themselves by other methods and arrangement according to the selected criterion in descending or ascending order of ranks;

12) Programmed control - assessment of professional knowledge and skills, intelligence level, experience and performance using control questions;

13) Examination (test, defense of a business plan) - control of professional knowledge and skills, providing for preliminary preparation of the person being assessed in a certain discipline and presentation before the examination committee.

Along with the classical methods of selection, evaluation centers of personnel in different versions are gaining popularity. In Switzerland, for example, handwriting expertise is widespread. The trend in this regard is developing towards the simultaneous use of several personnel selection tools. . The choice of methods depends on the style of leadership, on the accepted norms of corporate culture, on what level of the position in the management hierarchy the selection takes place, and other factors. When selecting candidates for vacancies, there is no one optimal method, therefore, personnel management services must know the whole set of techniques for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task. According to a survey of HR managers of leading firms, the higher the level of corporate culture of the company and the less recruitment of new employees, the less psychological testing is used. Candidates are assessed by high-class experts during a multi-stage interview. And in other firms, when evaluating personnel, only 10-20% of the information obtained as a result of testing is taken into account.

Testing- one of the seven most effective methods used in personnel management, both in business and in public institutions. It has a number of advantages, but it is not without disadvantages. When hiring, you can not rely only on your impression of a person. Valid tests provide the most objective information. The reliability of these data is from 20 to 70%, depending on the methods used and the qualifications of the interpreter. The more professional he is, the more qualitative tests he uses, the more accurate the assessment of the required characteristics. A test is a more or less precise tool that one must be able to use. . The reliability of the results is increased when a separate set (battery) of tests is compiled for each vacancy, corresponding to the core competencies of employees. There is a growing interest in corporate tests developed specifically for a given company. Selection interview (interview) This is the universal and most commonly used selection method.

The number and order of interview stages may vary and depend on the corporate policy of the organization.

The main purpose of the selection interview is to get an answer to the question of whether the applicant is interested in this job and whether he is able to perform it. In this case, it usually becomes necessary to compare several candidates.

For the most part, interviewers base their scores on first impressions. However, it is well known that many screening interviews are conducted by non-specialists with little understanding of the consequences of their decisions. The selection interview is not an ideal method, despite its widespread use. Therefore, other selection methods should be used in the future.

The interview (interview), starting with a wide field of knowledge about the candidate, gradually narrows: only those aspects that are directly related to the activities in this organization are involved in its scope. After their clarification, the conversation "closes" on the employment contract - the last point, after which it ends.

The system of organizing recruitment in an organization is going through various stages depending on the level of its development, financial capabilities and the formed strategy. With this in mind, it is necessary to be flexible in the choice of methods for searching for candidates for vacant positions, taking into account the effectiveness of various cost methods associated with them.

Depending on the size of the organization, the staffing of the personnel department of the personnel affairs with qualified specialists and the specifics of the vacancy, the organization of the selection process and the procedure for making the final decision can vary significantly.

The personnel department (HR department) carries out a preliminary selection of candidates. The final interview is conducted by the head of the department in which there is a vacancy (or the head of the organization, if we are talking about a small company). He makes the final hiring decision.

The Human Resources Department (HR Department) carries out all stages of selection up to the final decision on the suitability of candidates for filling available vacancies. The head of the unit (or organization) is provided with a list of 3-5 candidates. The manager makes the final decision on hiring without conducting a final interview, only on the basis of information provided by the HR department

The Human Resources Department carries out a preliminary selection of candidates. Selected candidates are interviewed by a specially created commission. The final decision is made collectively on the basis of the agreed opinion of all members of the commission.

Rice. 1. Procedures for making a hiring decision

There are three most common procedures for making a final decision on the admission of an employee to an organization (Fig. 1).

The same organization in different cases can use all types of procedures for organizing the selection and making the final decision on hiring. At the same time, it should be taken into account that procedures 1 and 2 are more suitable for the selection of ordinary workers and specialists, and procedure 3 - for the selection of managers at different levels.

The departure of a qualified employee always creates certain difficulties for the enterprise. Especially if it happens unexpectedly. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to quit of his own free will, warning the administration of the enterprise two weeks in advance. Obviously, it is almost impossible to find a replacement within this period, even if we are talking about a middle-level employee. Not to mention a higher level, when the actual search for a worthy candidate has to be measured in months!

What does the departure of an employee mean for the enterprise in terms of money? First of all, these are losses from direct investments in attracting this employee. It's easy to calculate them:

Recruitment agency fee (if a person was hired with his help);

Expenses for the adaptation of a person in a team;

Expenditure on improving a person's qualifications (training, internships, etc.).

Data on direct costs, obtained as a result of a survey of 48 managers of Moscow enterprises (number of employees from 200 to 3500 people) and 23 Russian branches of foreign companies, are as follows:

25-30% of the annual salary per worker - for Russian enterprises;

55-60% - for foreign companies.

It is obvious that the loss of the enterprise when a specialist leaves is the greater, the higher his level. Even now, when the salaries of senior managers have not reached pre-crisis levels, the direct losses of the enterprise, for example, when the CFO leaves, can exceed $ 10,000.

The indirect losses of an enterprise are much more difficult to assess, since they include, for example, business contacts and personal relationships of a person with clients, personal connections, promising developments and many other nuances that are of great importance for business. The size of these losses can amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In general, candidates can be divided into three groups according to the degree of suitability: unsuitable, conditionally suitable and relatively suitable for work in the organization (relatively - because all the necessary qualities cannot be accurately determined).

For any organization, hiring and selecting employees who are not suitable for the work assigned to them will be a luxury, especially in a rapidly changing and unstable environment.

A number of quantitative indicators can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the search and selection process for candidates for work in an organization:

ü the share of employees who have not passed the probationary period;

ü financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel; the level of violations of labor discipline (absenteeism, lateness, absence from the workplace, inconsistent with management, etc.); marriage level;

ü the level of industrial injuries;

ü the number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers.

In addition to quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel service in search and selection of new employees, you can also use a qualitative indicator, which is calculated by the following formula:

K N \u003d (P k + Pr + Or): H,

where K N - the quality of recruited workers,%;

P k - average indicator of the quality of work performed by recruited employees (%);

Pr - the percentage of new employees who have been promoted within one year;

Op - the percentage of new employees who remained to work after one year;

H - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

For example, Pk is calculated on 20 parameters, the rating of each of which averaged 4 points on a 5-point scale (i.e. equal to 80%); Pr = 35% and Op = 85%. Then

K H \u003d (80 + 35 + 85): 3 \u003d 66.7%. Information about the effectiveness of the selection process can be obtained from the candidates themselves. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used. However, it should be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. For example, high employee turnover rates may be due to a number of factors that are not related to the system of search and selection of employees.

There are four possible outcomes of the selection process:

1) erroneous rejection of a good worker;

2) the right choice of a good worker;

3) erroneous hiring of a bad employee;

4) the correct rejection of a bad worker.

Options 2 and 4 represent the correct solution, while 1 and 3 are selection process errors. Both types of errors are fraught with losses for the organization. Especially high are the expenses of the organization associated with errors in hiring workers who do not meet the minimum requirements of the organization. Direct financial losses due to selection errors include the following costs:

ü costs associated with industrial injuries, absenteeism;

ü costs associated with the training, transfers and dismissal of unsuitable employees (these costs may include the payment of severance pay or compensation in the event that employees appeal against dismissals in court);

ü the cost of finding, selecting and training new employees. The price of a mistake is the higher, the more difficult and responsible the work that a new employee will have to perform.

Indirect costs due to selection errors are difficult to assess, they are associated with the loss of working time for managers and specialists to participate in the process of selecting candidates and training new employees.

One of the negative consequences of poor recruitment and selection management is high staff turnover. The costs of high turnover cannot be ignored; these are not only the direct costs of recruiting and onboarding staff, but also indirect costs arising from possible customer dissatisfaction with frequent staff changes and costs in the form of managers wasting time filling vacant positions.

A very important item of indirect costs is related to the impact of high staff turnover on morale, motivation and satisfaction of staff, and the level of organization's efficiency.

For example, it can be determined through the equation of the relationship of such factors as the speed of recruitment of newcomers, how cheap it was, the quality of the selected people.

The effectiveness of the search and selection process. Selection Process Performance Indicators

The quality of the selected personnel determines the efficiency of the organization and the use of all its other resources, so mistakes in the selection of personnel can cost the organization dearly. If recruiting good people is a good investment, then selecting and training workers who are not suitable for the job assigned to them will be a waste of money. For small and medium-sized organizations, especially in a rapidly changing and unstable environment, such a “luxury” is unaffordable.

The most important prerequisite that determines the effectiveness of work on the search and selection of personnel is the close connection of this area of ​​activity with the management system in place in the organization. This connection may be based on the following points:

ü bringing to the attention of persons responsible for the search and selection of personnel, the goals facing the organization (subdivision);

ü development of an optimal organizational management structure (elimination of duplication of functions and vagueness of requirements for candidates);

ü the presence of personnel planning, which is the link between the goals of the organization and organizational structure management. HR planning is the foundation of the personnel policy, providing a systematic approach to the search and selection of personnel.

To assess the effectiveness of the search and selection process for new employees, a number of quantitative indicators can be used that characterize the work of personnel who have started working in the organization:

ü the level of staff turnover, especially among new employees;

ü the share of employees who have not passed the probationary period out of the total number of employees hired;

ü financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel;

ü the level of violations of labor discipline among new employees (absenteeism, lateness not agreed with the management, absence from the workplace, etc.);

ü the level of marriage and mistakes made by new employees;

the frequency of equipment breakdowns;

ü efficient use of necessary materials, components;

ü the level of occupational injuries among new employees;

ü the number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers due to the fault of new employees.

Additional information about the quality of the personnel selection system used in the organization can be obtained from three sources: from the candidates themselves, from the employees of the organization and from those leaving. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used.

It must be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. For example, high values ​​of the staff turnover rate may be due to the action of a number of factors that are not related to the personnel search and selection system.

When searching and selecting personnel, no organization is immune from all sorts of mistakes. Especially high are the expenses of the organization associated with errors in hiring workers who do not meet the minimum requirements of the organization. It should not be forgotten that hiring individuals who are far beyond the requirements for the position, “too good”, with an excessive level of knowledge or training for a particular job, is also fraught with losses for the organization. Such workers tend to quickly lose interest in their work and quit.

Table 1

The effectiveness of different recruitment methods on various indicators

Set source


Result (in %) of the total amount of all types

Acceptance rate of proposals sent out

Job offer acceptance rate

Persons who applied in writing in search of work

Publication of announcements

Various agencies

Educational establishments

Inside the company

Persons who accidentally entered in search of work


3. Estimation of costs for the search and selection of personnel

Cost is usually one of the main considerations when organizing the search and selection process. Many managers are well aware of the money spent on the search and selection of personnel, trying to achieve maximum savings. However, they forget to calculate the losses that the organization may incur if the selection is unsuccessful: if the organization does not find a suitable candidate, if an unsuitable candidate is hired, or if a candidate who was judged to be suitable for the job is rejected.

Direct financial losses due to selection errors

In the process of searching and selecting personnel, the organization may incur certain financial losses. Direct financial losses due to selection errors include the following costs:

ü losses associated with the production activities of personnel: low productivity, low profits, poor quality of products or services;

ü deterioration of the organization's reputation, an unfavorable image of the organization in the eyes of customers, consumers and suppliers, a decrease in the competitiveness of goods and services produced by the organization and, as a result, a decrease in profits;

ü costs associated with industrial injuries, absenteeism, etc.;

ü costs associated with training, transfers and dismissal of unsuitable employees. These costs may include the payment of severance pay or compensation in the event that employees appeal against dismissals in court;

ü costs associated with the low quality of selection, with the replacement of employees who do not suit the organization, that is, the cost of searching, selecting and training new employees.

Indirect costs for selection errors

These costs are difficult to estimate, they are associated with the loss of working time of managers and specialists to participate in the process of selecting candidates and training new employees.

One of the negative consequences of poor recruitment and selection management is high staff turnover. The costs of high employee turnover cannot be ignored; these are not only direct costs for recruitment and adaptation, but also indirect costs arising from possible customer dissatisfaction with frequent personnel changes and costs in the form of wasted time for managers to fill vacant positions.

A very important item of indirect costs is related to the impact of high staff turnover on morale, motivation and satisfaction of staff and the level of organization's efficiency.


The work of the management team of the organization is inextricably linked with the implementation of the search and selection of personnel. The efficiency of the organization and its divisions largely depends on how well the search and selection of employees was carried out. Therefore, the procedures for the search and selection of personnel should be considered in conjunction with common system management of the organization and its personnel policy. The development of a program to provide the organization with new employees should take into account the goals of the organization, established management practices and available resources. In this regard, the search and selection of employees requires an integrated approach that takes into account the requirements of the position, the needs of the organization, the choice of adequate selection methods, etc. At the same time, formalization (provision of documents, instructions, regulations, etc.) and planning of processes for providing the organization with new employees increase the likelihood that personnel will be selected that fully meet all the necessary requirements.

When selecting, it is important to use a system of methods aimed at determining, with the maximum degree of accuracy, how the candidate meets the requirements of the position and the needs of the organization. Interview occupies a special place among the selection methods. When preparing for and conducting an interview, many factors should be taken into account: what position the candidate is selected for, what questions will help to collect more accurate information about the candidate, how to eliminate possible errors during the interview and when evaluating candidates, etc.

The procedures for making a final decision on hiring candidates may vary depending on the size of the organization, the staffing of the personnel department (HR department) with specialists, the specifics of the vacancy, etc. commission.

Thus, the considered activities form the basis of the recruitment and selection process.

Recruitment is one of the key elements of the work of any organization. The quality of the selected personnel depends on the efficiency of the organization and the use of all its other resources. Therefore, mistakes in the selection of personnel are a waste of money, and good shots- their good investment. For any organization, selecting and training employees who are not suitable for the work assigned to them will be a luxury, especially in a rapidly changing and unstable environment. . Recruitment is carried out from internal and external sources. In the process of recruiting and creating a reserve of workers to occupy vacant positions, the organization satisfies its need for personnel. Sources of staff recruitment vary in terms of effectiveness, as practice shows, the most effective source of staff recruitment are the recommendations of friends and relatives, as well as the recommendations of recruitment agencies. Recruitment methods can be active or passive, depending on the staffing situation in the organization.

To date, there is no one optimal method for selecting personnel, so the organization must own the entire set of techniques and methods for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task. The selection of new employees is not only intended to ensure the mode of normal functioning, but also lays the foundation for the future success of the organization.

List of sources used

1. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management, N. Novgorod, NIMB, 2007. - 110 p.

2. Odegov Yu.G. Personnel management in structural and logical schemes. M.: Alfa-Press, 2008. - 944 p.

3. Skopylatov I.A., Evremov O.Yu. Personnel Management. St. Petersburg, 2008. - 399 p.

4. Magura M.I. Personnel management, M, 2008. - 456 p.


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search for oneself. Each person begins to sympathize with those who are similar to him to a certain extent. But the specialist conducting the selection cannot afford this, since his mistake can be costly.

Efficiency of the recruitment system

Although performance evaluation is not directly included in the recruitment process, it is fundamentally important to evaluate performance at the recruitment stage for assessing the correctness of a specific search source, the content of the information message (announcement), and the candidate assessment method. Therefore, the assessment of the effectiveness of the main stages of attracting sales personnel should include all stages of attracting - from the search for personnel to its final assessment.

The effectiveness of recruitment, which is assessed by determining the ratio between the result obtained and the resources expended in most economic theories understood as the performance and quality of a single management process or the organization as a whole. AT trade especially important is the element of organizational costs of a specialist (department) in the selection of personnel for the work performed and the results obtained. It is almost impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel selection using specific methods (for example, mathematical ones), since trade is a dynamically developing area, changes in which almost completely depend on the functioning of external environment.

But Odegov Yu.G. believes that the effectiveness of the process of attracting candidates for work in the organization can be used a number of quantitative indicators:

the level of staff turnover, especially among new employees;

· financial costs for ensuring the process of attracting personnel;

the number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers;

The level of violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, lateness, absence from the workplace, and so on).

Information about the effectiveness of the recruitment process can also be obtained from the candidates themselves. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used. However, it should be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. There are four possible outcomes of the selection process:

erroneous rejection of a good worker;

the right choice of a good employee;

mistakenly hiring a bad employee;

· correct rejection of a bad worker .

Options 1 and 3 are errors in the selection process. They are fraught with losses for the organization. Especially high are the expenses of the organization associated with errors in hiring workers who do not meet the minimum requirements of the organization.

Direct financial losses due to selection errors include the following costs:

Losses associated with the production activities of personnel: in trade - this is a low quality of services;

Deterioration of the organization's reputation, unfavorable image of the organization in the eyes of customers, consumers and suppliers, decrease in the competitiveness of goods and services produced by the organization, and as a result, a decrease in profits;

costs associated with the dismissal of unsuitable employees (these costs may include the payment of severance pay or compensation in the event that employees appeal against dismissals in court);

Expenses for search, selection, training of new employees. The price of a mistake is the higher, the more difficult and responsible the work that the employee must perform.

Indirect costs in case of recruitment errors are difficult to assess, they are associated with the loss of working time for managers and specialists to participate in the process of selecting candidates and training new employees. One of the negative consequences of poor organization of selection is a high level of staff turnover. The costs of high turnover cannot be ignored, these are not only the direct costs of attracting staff, but also indirect costs arising from the possible dissatisfaction of customers with frequent staff changes and the costs of wasting time for managers to fill vacant positions. Note that an effective recruitment process is an indicator of the organization's prestige. The ability to select the most suitable organizations from the whole variety of candidates, the ability to work in conditions of economic and social instability is the most important condition for the existence of an organization in the market. After analyzing the selected concepts ("attraction" as a search and "attraction" as a selection), we summarize all the data obtained in Table 2.

To compare the two concepts, the following parameters were highlighted:



· the effect.

Table 2 - Comparison of the concepts of the concept of "recruitment"

Evaluation parameters

Engagement as a "recruitment"

Engagement as a "selection"

1. Concept

Defined as frame search

Considered as a series of successive steps

2. End goal

Recruitment of a group of people to conduct a further selection process

Selecting the best candidate for the position

· Internet;


labor exchanges and job fairs;

· recruitment agencies;

direct appeal of candidates to the company;

· leasing;

· educational establishments.

Candidates are selected using:

personnel planning;

· primary selection;

· secondary selection;

candidate selection process

4. Meaning

One of the stages of the selection process

A separate process in the personnel management system, which consists of a number of stages

Conclusions on chapter 1.

Based on the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the concept of "staff recruitment", we identified two concepts, that is, "staff recruitment as a recruitment" and "staff recruitment as a selection". "Attraction as a set" is one of the stages of the selection process, and "attraction as a selection" is the actual selection process, which includes a stage of recruitment. These concepts reveal different approaches to the process under consideration.

For further analysis, we will use the second one, since it is wider and more voluminous.

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The process of selecting candidates and studying their suitability functional duties for a specific position includes:

  • 1) initial acquaintance with applicants;
  • 2) collection and processing of information about them according to a certain system;
  • 3) assessment of qualities and drawing up reliable "portraits";
  • 4) comparison of the actual qualities of applicants and the requirements of the position;
  • 5) comparison of candidates for the same positions and selection of the most suitable ones;
  • 6) appointment or approval of candidates for positions, conclusion of an employment contract with them;
  • 7) verification of the effectiveness of their adaptation and work in the initial period.

It is advisable to have the rules for the selection and hiring of personnel in writing. They should include, for example, how and when to use a description of the requirements for applicants, information about the necessary steps at each stage of the selection, methods of obtaining additional information, methods of control, responsible persons.

On preliminary stage selection based on the professiogram, there is a primary identification of candidates capable of performing the required functions, the maximum narrowing of the circle of applicants and the formation of a reserve from them, with which further more thorough work is carried out. Its task is a comprehensive assessment of the candidate, focusing not on individual features but on personality traits in general. The verification of the applicant is carried out using a detailed analysis of documents, general and targeted interviews, testing and a number of other methods.

Primary identification occurs by analyzing the documents of candidates (questionnaires, resumes, which are sent to many employers in the hope of a response, characteristics, recommendations) for their compliance with the organization's requirements for future employees. His methods depend on the budget, strategy, culture of the organization, the relative importance of the position. But with the help of evaluating documents, you can get a limited amount of information, and this is the main drawback of this method.

To facilitate the analysis, it is advisable for all applicants to offer a standard application form, including information about the name, age, education, work experience, and special items. The application can be combined with a questionnaire containing questions about previous work, salary, reasons for leaving, interests, entrepreneurial experience, teaching, scientific activity, participation in public organizations, awards, honorary titles, publications, as well as persons who can report something about the applicant.

In many US firms, an applicant for a position is invited to fill out a questionnaire at home, consisting of 14 blocks of questions of ten each, an application letter of up to 15 lines and submit photos in profile and full face. The questionnaire and the letter of application undergo a graphological examination in 238 parameters, and photographs - a physiognomic examination in 198. In addition, the style and nature of writing the application and answers to the questions of the questionnaire are carefully examined by psychologists, trying to determine the specifics of the author's personality.

As a result, a conclusion is made about the expediency of a personal meeting with the applicant. An invitation to it can be made in advance by phone, but must be confirmed in writing. Rules of good manners require to attach to the invitation a diagram of the location of the organization's office and personnel department.


Job interviews or interviews for hire are by far the most widely used

the selection method used. When hiring new employees, the organization usually has only documentary data about it. In this case, the conversation of representatives of the organization with the applicant is of great importance. Even non-managerial employees are rarely hired without at least one interview. It is best to conduct it to the future direct manager of the employee applying for the position. The selection of a high-ranking manager may require dozens of interviews that take several months. The interview is designed to clarify some of the candidate's business qualities and get to know him personally. First of all, the knowledge of the specialist in the case for which he undertakes should be clarified. The specific content of the knowledge test is determined by the description (qualification) of the workplace. It is checked how much the applicant understands the upcoming work (functions, technologies), knows technical means, which he will have to use. Some general recommendations effective implementation conversations are as follows:

  • Establishing mutual understanding with the candidate and providing him with the opportunity to feel free;
  • Concentration of attention during the entire interview on job requirements;
  • · Inadmissibility of assessment on the first impression;
  • · Preparing a set of structured questions to be asked of all applicants, with enough flexibility to explore other questions as they arise.

There are conversations formalized (strictly according to the scheme), poorly formalized and non-formalized. During any of them there is an exchange of information, usually in the form of questions and answers. The goal of almost any type of conversation is to get to know the applicant. However, these three types of conversation differ significantly in approach. During a conversation of a formalized type, the person conducting it does not deviate from the standard list of questions he has and notes the candidate's answers on a special form. Such an approach, as a rule, does not allow obtaining a sufficiently broad picture of the applicant, as it does not make it possible to adapt the course of the conversation to the applicant's answers.

When conducting a conversation of a weakly formalized type, there are only basic questions and, along with them, additional ones can be asked. This method allows for more flexibility than the first, but requires more skill from the interviewer.

When conducting a conversation according to an informal type, the person conducting it usually does not have pre-prepared questions. The conversation is conducted freely, depending on the situation and the nature of the applicant himself. Nevertheless, there are certain recommendations for conducting an interview of this type. This includes disallowing comments about the candidate's gender unless it has something to do with the job. It is unacceptable to ask questions related to race (about the color of skin, eyes, hair), injuries (how they were received and how serious they are), age, marital status and number of children (this becomes clear only after admission), height and weight, fitness to military service, to be interested in the type of troops in which the candidate served, living conditions, criminal record. It is also prohibited to demand recommendations from religious organizations. In addition, there is a list of questions that should be asked with great care, these are questions about the deposit, the use of a pseudonym or middle name, religious beliefs, citizenship, membership in various clubs and societies. In general, the conversation is conducted quite freely. Here you need to try to call the candidate for frankness and carefully listen to his words.

A job interview is usually divided into three main parts: introductory, main and final. The opening part is about 15% of the time to create the atmosphere

mutual understanding. The survey usually begins with a topic of interest to both parties. At the same time, one should try to encourage the interviewee, avoid negative assessments and critical remarks, show friendliness and interest in the personality of the candidate as much as possible. The main goal of the main part of the conversation is to obtain information for assessing the applicant's qualities required for this position and making a decision. At the same time, it is desirable that the candidate speaks himself, and the interviewer listens carefully. In the final part, it is necessary to summarize and explain the further course of hiring. You should not end the conversation with a negative decision, it is recommended to notify the person about it later.

The sphere of HR is not left without attention, in particular, the desire to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment. This question worries both managers of all levels and the HR specialists themselves, because we have to answer it. Let's try to figure out how well we select employees?

To evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment, several indicators can be distinguished. Analyzing each of them, we will consider related factors, which, in turn, will also help to judge the quality of the recruitment system as a whole.

1. Implementation of recruitment plans (recruitment of the planned number of employees at the scheduled time). This indicator is a target and in reality answers a number of questions.

The ideal situation is when the company has strategic planning, and the recruitment service has a clear plan for which and how many employees need to be attracted in a certain period of time. Under such circumstances, it is enough to simply compare the plans and the result in fact, to give objective assessment execution of plans.

If the company does not practice planning, you can use the indicator of time spent on the selection of one candidate.

In situations where plans are not implemented on time or it takes a lot of time to search for one candidate, you will have to resort to more subjective assessments, affecting related factors:

a) How realistic are the goals set for the recruiter and the time frame in which the vacancy needs to be filled?

To carry out a high-quality selection of a candidate for the position of secretary, it may not take much time. For example, if the company already has a good base of candidates' resumes, it can take from three days to two weeks. In order to select, for example, the editor-in-chief of a new publication, it is necessary to allocate a little more time. The higher the position for which we select a candidate, the more time should be allocated to it.

b) Does the recruiter have a clear understanding of who, in fact, he is looking for?

This is a typical problem for internal service recruiting and external recruiters. A simple list of requirements for a candidate is unlikely to help you select a qualified specialist. The recruiter must have a clear idea of ​​the candidate he is looking for, and this is simply unrealistic without the use of such tools as the position profile, a detailed application form for selection and an interview with the line manager.

It is important to remember here that the personnel service plays an expert role in the selection process, where people have special knowledge and skills to carry out search and selection procedures. And the line manager should take the leading position in the selection of personnel.

c) Are the requirements for candidates realistic?

Working with the above tools, we must understand how real and simple it is to find a secretary with knowledge of 1C or a specialist with a specialized education and many years of experience.

d) What about the recruitment budget?

Obviously, the recruiter knows best and feels the "staff shortage" that our country is experiencing. This year, for the first time, companies began to spend huge budgets on television advertising in order to present themselves as good employer. Nothing more than a "staff shortage" has given rise to this trend.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to fill complex vacancies, for example, to select narrow specialists or those who are few in the country, with the help of at least external recruiting, and, if necessary, a good headhunter.

2. General turnover rate

Staff turnover is a big problem for many companies today. From a recruiting point of view, turnover is probably not the most important indicator, but it can still be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the selection.

To calculate the overall staff turnover in the company, I propose to use the formula that determines the CT - the turnover rate:

(CT) = (Number of quitters per month, total number of employees in the middle of the month) * 100

If 25 people left the company in a month, while the number in the middle of the month was 500, then the staff turnover rate in the company for the month was 5%.

There is also a way to calculate churn, which will display only those exits that could have been avoided (AND). That is, from the total number of those who quit (KU), we will subtract those that are inevitable (NI): going on maternity leave, moving for family reasons, and others. The formula will look like:

(I) \u003d (KU - NI) C * 100

where C is the total number of employees in the middle of the month. For example, if out of 25 employees (KU) there were 5 (NI), at C 500, then the turnover for departures that could have been avoided is equal to:

(I) \u003d (KU - NI) C * 100

Using this formula, you can take into account the planned staff turnover, a certain level of which a company can take as its norm.

When using employee turnover to evaluate recruiting performance, it is important to realize that quantity is not the only factor to consider. The qualitative characteristics of employees leaving the company are also important. If a “weak” employee leaves the company, experts call this functional turnover, which, in fact, can be a positive event for the company. After all, the cost of maintaining an unproductive employee is sometimes higher than the cost of selecting and training a new, more efficient employee.

3. Staff turnover rate among employees who have worked in the company for 1 month/six months/year

I propose to consider these indicators separately from the overall turnover. From personal experience I can say that by working with this data, you can very quickly diagnose the problem in the selection. And, it seems to me, these indicators are the best evidence of the effectiveness of the recruitment system as a whole. It is necessary to consider and take into account the dismissal at the initiative of the organization and at the initiative of the employee.

For example, within one month, eight new employees were hired in different departments of the company. Two weeks later one of them left, and a week later the second one was fired. Thus, in a month, out of eight, six new employees remained. "Leaving" was 25%. This indicator, like all the previous ones, must be considered in dynamics, since there is always a place for chance.

You will get very important information by studying such indicators not only for the company as a whole, but also for departments. It is almost impossible for the total to match the individual divisions. I know from my practice that there is always a department where the issue of turnover is more acute. By examining the problem and solving it (whether the problem is solved again becomes apparent through the analysis of turnover dynamics by department), you will most likely help improve not only the recruitment performance indicator, but also the efficiency of several other business processes in the organization. The reason for employee turnover can be several common problems in recruiting:

a) The employee started working, and already in the first month of work, the line manager complains that the person does not have all the necessary knowledge and skills.

In such cases, it is necessary to evaluate the instruments used in the selection procedure. How exactly do you assess the required knowledge and skills? If you use professional tests, it's time to review their content. I recommend that after each case of such care, analyze the questions and tasks that assessed the professional knowledge and skills of the candidate. If such assessment takes place during the interview, it is necessary to review and develop the questions used.

b) The person did not get along with the team due to personal qualities.

Most likely, during the selection process, the personal qualities of the candidate were incorrectly assessed. And this does not mean at all that the problem is in the candidate. It's just that a person has not managed to merge into the accepted type of relationship, because he considers them unacceptable for himself.

It may also be that, due to the traditions, attitudes and stereotypes that a person has formed, the company and the candidate simply do not fit together.

Assessment of personal qualities is a very important stage of selection. The main task of the personnel service is to see if the candidate can fit into a certain organizational culture. The recruiter, having worked in the company for some time, must “feel” which candidate is suitable for this position. Responsibility for selecting a new employee also lies with the head of the unit, who has the best idea of ​​the relationships that have developed in the team and the people with whom the candidate may or may not be able to work. It is best to use intuition and experience for such an assessment.

c) In the first few weeks of work, there is growing dissatisfaction on the part of the employee due to the fact that the reality is different from what the candidate heard about his future work during the selection stages.

Most likely, the candidate was presented with facts that did not correspond to reality or were not clearly informed. This may relate to the schedule of the working day, the features of formalizing cooperation, financial agreements, the size of the "white" wages, learning prospects, career development and other factors. The new employee learns about such moments during the first few weeks of work, and, of course, this does not contribute to his loyalty to the new employer.

Insufficient information provided to a real candidate at the selection stage, or incorrect information, disinformation (conscious or unintentional) are signs of poor-quality selection. Sometimes this may indicate that the recruiter himself does not have the information that needs to be provided to the candidate at the selection stage.

Well, if this approach is the accepted order of things in the organization, then, I think, the issue of the effectiveness of the selection of personnel should not be raised at all.

d) The reason for the employee's departure in the first month of work may be the inexperience or even incompetence of the line manager himself, who was initially involved in creating the position profile, and later in the final selection of the candidate. Then it's just the right time to work with this manager in the field of training and development. In fact, the problem of poor preparation of line management is relevant today for many companies. Even due to the fact that professional management, as it is known foreign companies, in Ukraine is still very young.

The study of the monthly dynamics of such turnover in comparison with similar indicators for the previous six months and a year can also provide an answer to a number of questions. The reasons why a person leaves the company after "having stayed" in it for a month or six months will most likely be completely different. Here, in my opinion, there is a question of a deeper assessment of the effectiveness of selection.

When we consider a candidate for a position, we evaluate the business and professional quality as well as motivation. I believe that if a person left the company after six months or a year, this may mean that his motivation was incorrectly established at the selection stage. Why did the person seek new job?

If the reason for moving to a new job was dissatisfaction with the salary, then at the next new opportunity earn even more than you have in the company, such an employee is likely to change jobs again.

If the candidate really wanted career growth, and the position to which he moved did not turn out to be such in reality, the person will continue to look for an opportunity to work in a higher position.

Or maybe a person just needs another entry in the resume, and he uses work in your company as a “stepping stone” on the way to achieving his own goals?

You can determine the true motivation of a candidate with the help of a series of questions that I ask the applicant during the interview. Why did the candidate leave the previous job, and why is he leaving the current one? In about 80% of cases, the answers about all previous departures will be the same: “I want to earn more, I want to develop professionally, there is no career growth opportunity.” Believe me, if you cannot provide what the candidate in the previous position lacked, then it is better not to hire him. The reason for leaving you will be the same as in other cases. Demand must match supply. By the way, such a conversation helps to establish how a person gets along with the team, whether he is in conflict.

Do not hire a candidate without establishing his true motivation.

4. The indicator of the ratio of growth in search and selection costs to profit growth

An excellent indicator. Today, more and more companies use a link to the achievement of goals or the ratio of achieved results to profit in the compensation system. Recruitment is an attraction to the company of a key resource of the organization, and the quality of the selected personnel will undoubtedly affect profits as a result. So, having tried to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment, we touched on the evaluation of the work of several key business areas at once, which in end result help to assess the "health" of the organization as a whole.
