Business lines history of creation and development. General Director of Business Lines Group of Companies Farid Madani about e-commerce and the growth of cargo turnover. General characteristics of the company "Business Lines"

As Forbes found out, according to the statement of the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Capital, Mikhail Khabarov, the assets of businessman Alexander Bogatikov were arrested for $153 million, including his shares in the logistics group of companies. Business lines" The owners of Business Lines themselves have changed. One of them was Tatyana Bashmakova, former general director of Nafta Moscow.

On February 12, the District Court of Nicosia arrested the assets of businessman Alexander Bogatikov for $153 million, including shares in the logistics group of companies “Business Lines” owned by him. This was officially announced by Coledor Consulting Limited, which is controlled by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Capital, Mikhail Khabarov. Coledor and Khabarov went to court to “protect the rights” in relation to Business Lines, which Khabarov has “based on a number of agreements concluded in accordance with foreign law,” the company said in a statement.

Khabarov came to Business Lines exactly three years ago, in February 2015, leaving the post of president of the A1 investment company, which belongs to Alfa Group, and Alexey Kuzmichev. A1 specializes in crisis management and resolving difficult situations. One of these situations was the conflict between the owners of Business Lines in 2013. A1, which was then headed by Khabarov, acquired approximately 30% of the group from the co-founder of Business Lines Sergei Demidov, who was unable to agree on the terms of exit from the business with partners Bogatikov and Igor Bogatyrev.

Mikhail Khabarov — Business lines

Later, A1 sold the asset to other co-owners of the group, and Khabarov moved to Business Lines, while retaining the post of chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Capital. In a press release from Business Lines, which was sent out on February 25, 2015, Khabarov was named as a co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of Business Lines. Khabarov himself and a company representative confirmed this to Forbes, but did not disclose the amount of the transaction and the size of his share. According to SPARK, as of January 12, 2015, Bogatikov controlled 100% of Delovye Linii LLC, 100% of Avtodellin LLC, 100% of Optima Logistic LLC, Prokatoff LLC.

DL-Trans LLC, another of the companies included in the Business Lines perimeter, belonged to two Cypriot companies - Fiddletown Limited and Feldora Holdings Limited. Then the Cypriot Doglemor Trade Limited became the owner of the companies. How Coledor Khabarova was connected with the mentioned Cypriot companies is unknown. The Coledor report also states that since August 2017, Bogatikov blocked Khabarov’s access to information and employees of Business Lines.

Khabarov confirmed the contents of the press release and refused further comments, including what exactly happened between him and Bogatikov. He only clarified that he still likes Business Lines and believes in the prospects of the logistics business in Russia. It was not possible to contact Bogatikov. The press service of Business Lines did not comment on Caledor’s message.

Business Lines has been experiencing various kinds of upheavals for several years now. After the resolution of the shareholder conflict between Bogatikov, Bogatyrev and Demidov, the company was accused of tax evasion in 2011-2013 in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles, and Bogatikov became involved in a criminal case as an accused. The case was closed on June 20 due to the fact that “the damage caused to the budget system Russian Federation as a result of the crime, compensated in full,” Vedomosti wrote, citing the resolution.

New owners of Business Lines

Meanwhile, Business Lines has new owners. Now, according to SPARK, the companies of the Business Lines group are controlled by LLC 0578 Holding, which actually belongs to Alexander Bogatikov (43%), Magomedrasul Gadzhiev (25%), Grigory Gurariy (12.5%), Tatyana Bashmakova (12. 5%), Alexander Kobzev (7%). Kobzev is a lawyer, he was a co-owner of the law firm “Reznik, Gagarin and Partners”. Tatyana Bashmakova was part of the inner circle of senator and billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, and headed the Nafta Moscow company. Bashmakova has not yet responded to a request to comment on the conflict between Bogatikov and Khabarov.

“It’s a pity, of course, that this happens in a company,” says one of the founders of Business Lines, Sergei Demidov, who sold his share of A1 in 2013 and created his own company, Vozovoz. “But nothing can be done, as long as they divide the shares, we will divide the market.”

“It is unlikely that the seizure of assets will cause the company to stop operating. And if it does happen, it won’t threaten the market with anything terrible,” says Ruslan Kiss, head Non-profit partnership professionals and participants foreign economic activity. - “Business Lines” have missed out on the fast-growing e-commerce sector, they are trying to catch up, opening points for receiving and issuing correspondence, purchasing light-duty trucks. They also want to gain a foothold in the temperature transportation market and are investing in refrigerators. But the competition is serious and the market is quite saturated.”

“If assets mean company shares, then various seizure measures are possible: a ban on the payment of dividends, on the disposal of shares and a ban on voting. All three measures are possible at the same time - this largely depends on the shareholder’s share, says FBK Pravo partner Alexander Ermolenko. - The very presence of a conflict affects the market attractiveness of the company - potentially interested parties will be wary of the company conflict situation inside. The functioning of the company is under less or greater threat, depending on the severity of the conflict between shareholders and attempts to drive the other partner out of business.”

Created in 2001, the Business Lines company is now the largest carrier of groupage cargo in Russia (26% of the market) and ranks first in terms of the volume of warehouse space under management (575,000 sq. m.). Business Lines employs 20,000 employees in 153 cities where it operates; the company’s fleet includes 4,000 vehicles of various carrying capacities. In 2014, the company's revenue was estimated at 25 billion rubles, in 2016 - 35 billion rubles.

Company A1, which manages the funds of Alfa Group shareholders, is considered a raider unit: its intervention in corporate conflicts in third-party companies often ended with the companies ending up in the ownership of the holding or its managers. The previous head of A1, Alexander Vinokurov, who is the son-in-law of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, was named by the Ruspres agency as involved in the legalization of property fraudulently taken from the rightful owners of the Eurodon holding, the forceful takeover of the Stroyfarfor company, and fraud in the purchase of the pharmaceutical distributor SIA International "

Analysis of the activities of Business Lines LLC

General characteristics of the enterprise

LLC "Business Lines" is a dynamically developing company in the field of cargo transportation by road transport in the services market of Irkutsk and surrounding regions. Founded in 2006, it has already earned a reputation as a reliable and stable partner for many clients.

LLC "Business Lines" operates on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and other regulations of the Russian Federation, as well as constituent agreement on the creation of the company and the Charter. Is legal entity, owns separate property, accounted for on an independent balance sheet, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. LLC "Business Lines" provides transport solutions, which guarantee cost and time savings for both suppliers and carriers. The company's small size allows it to be very flexible and consider every request individually. A personal manager works with each client.

The main activity of the organization is to provide the client with a full range of freight forwarding services. Road transport cargo from 1 ton across Russia.

LLC "Business Lines" has its own fleet of 15 Eurotruck-type vehicles, as well as 2 vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons.

LLC "Business Lines" is located at: 410003, Irkutsk, st. Cooperative, 100.

Assessment (development) of the enterprise’s mission: a well-thought-out organization of cargo transportation inspires confidence in customers, which is why government agencies, large and medium-sized businesses order freight transportation throughout Russia from Delovye Linii LLC.

Assessing the efficiency of an enterprise

At enterprises with large number rolling stock, there are problems with transportation planning. To ensure that vehicles operate profitably, many factors must be taken into account, such as:

organizing maintenance and repair of vehicles to maintain a high level of reliability;

features of transportation determined by transport (type, quantity of cargo, transportation distance, loading and unloading conditions), road (condition of the road surface), climatic (air temperature, duration of summer and winter periods) conditions;

organization of work materially technical supplies in order to ensure required quantity fuel, lubricants, spare parts and units, tires, etc.;

organization of transportation routes that allow maximum use of vehicles and working hours;

providing the transport enterprise with the necessary number of workers: specialists, managers, drivers, repair workers.

Thus, the company uses waybills of the standard interdepartmental form. Information on waybills is manually entered by the following employees:

1) dispatcher - information about the driver (last name, personnel number); car data (car make, license plate number); time of leaving the garage, time of return to the garage; the required amount of fuel to complete the task; name and address of the customer; remaining fuel when leaving and entering the garage (data confirmed by the mechanic’s signature); speedometer reading when leaving and returning to the garage;

2) by the driver - time (hours, minutes) and speedometer readings upon arrival at and departure from the customer, route of travel. Also on the waybill, the driver indicates the hours of part-time work, since he is paid additionally for combining duties. For example, in the “Special Notes” column, an entry is made about combining the duties of a loader or freight forwarder;

4) permission to release a car in good condition from the garage, handing over the car to the driver and acceptance of the car from the driver are certified by the signature of the mechanic or a person replacing him.

Since filling out waybills at an enterprise is done manually, this leads to the following errors. For example, waybills do not always indicate the exact route of the car. According to the instructions for filling out and processing the waybill for truck It is prohibited to specify undefined routes. Since it is impossible to accurately determine the route using such a waybill, you cannot be sure that the mileage indicated in the waybill corresponds to reality. Also, unspecified erasures and corrections are often allowed in waybills, which is unacceptable, since a waybill is a document strict reporting. Drivers are in a hurry when filling out the waybill, and the handwriting can be illegible.

After the dispatcher accepts the completed waybill, it is sent to the department of the automated enterprise management system, where all information is manually transferred to the database for its accumulation and further systematization. This increases the possibility of errors occurring. Information obtained in this way cannot provide a clear picture of the operation of rolling stock. At the same time, there are a number of software products on the market, problem solvers accounting and specifics of automating the activities of motor transport enterprises. We offer ready-made industry solutions aimed at various categories of users. These programs allow you to organize the recording of applications and create orders for the operation of vehicles.

The use of programs helps to minimize production failures caused by inconsistencies in information relating to different areas of transport operation. However, the use of such programs is associated with significant modifications, since enterprises strive for a high degree of integration of transport accounting with accounting, and this requires additional time and qualified specialists.

The work of dispatchers responsible for process order fulfillment is considered as one of the private elements in the logistics system, which is a complex object. The problem in the work of dispatchers at a large enterprise is the organization of information flows related to planning and coordination transport activities. Processing information flows is a very important task, since the slightest failure in the organization of the transport process can lead to non-fulfillment of the order. To solve this problem, the dispatcher needs to optimally regulate the operation of transport. He is obliged to timely collect and monitor operational information about the constantly changing situation on transport company, in other words, the dispatch service constantly keeps its finger on the pulse of the enterprise. The rhythmic operation of the enterprise, the execution of work in accordance with production programs, calendar schedules and daily shift assignments depend on the activities of the dispatcher. It carries out regular operational monitoring of traffic, takes measures to prevent and eliminate violations in the fulfillment of requests, and involves auxiliary and other services of the enterprise in eliminating these violations. Its functions include summing up the performance of the rolling stock, which is subsequently used in the assessment economic efficiency, level of service and quality of provided transport services.

One of the quality parameters transport services consumers consider the time from receiving a transportation order to delivery, reliability and the ability to deliver on demand. To achieve these tasks, dispatch services must coordinate transportation operations and monitor the technical condition of transport for a specific period of time.

Information support in transport logistics plays a key role, and planning and coordination of transport activities is impossible without the interaction of transport and information flows. During transportation, taking into account the tightening of competition, carriers are concerned not only with reducing prices on tariffs, but also with providing important information to the customer. Thus, information can be divided into three main types: advanced, accompanying, and explaining the transport and material flow. Advance information flow is one of the important elements in the work of dispatchers, since it contains a preliminary message about the upcoming movement of cargo. Information is maintained simultaneously with the traffic flow. In this case, the information allows you to quickly and correctly identify cargo and direct it to its destination. The lag of the information flow from the transport flow is usually allowed only for the explanation and assessment of the latter. Only if all the listed information flows are available can you be able to effective management, traffic control material flow.

At the enterprise under consideration, which has about 500 units of rolling stock, clear dispatch control of the operation of vehicles is still impossible, since there are no leading and accompanying information flows. The reason for this problem is the lack of communication between the dispatcher and the driver, which is unacceptable, since information is one of key factors competitiveness of the enterprise. So the dispatcher, having accurate information about the location of the car and its condition, has the opportunity to load the car along the way. The problem under consideration does not allow the logistics system to satisfy consumer demand for the delivery of the desired products on time and in the required place, which makes it impossible to control a certain duration of the logistics service cycle.

The work of the logistics service can be automated, but in most large enterprises this problem remains unresolved. The dispatcher is required to fill out dispatch logs manually, and this complicates and slows down the management and control of the operation of rolling stock. For example, a dispatcher at the large transport enterprise in question coordinates the movement of rolling stock based on incoming orders from management. To ensure control over the operation of transport, he fills out the following logs:

Logs of movement of waybills;

Logbook for vehicles being put into operation;

Vehicle fleet report card;

Time sheet;

Journal of hours worked for the month;

Logbook for vehicles undergoing repairs

It must be taken into account that the dispatcher in this case can only control the delivery of the cargo, and also reflect in the logs the technical condition of the vehicle before and after the order is completed. He notes in the logs the date and time of departure and arrival of the car, the remaining fuel when the car is returned to the garage, the speedometer reading, and the amount of cargo transported. However, today such work does not meet the requirements of transport services. Thus, the operator-dispatcher of an enterprise can develop several options for a delivery plan and identify transport companies that can be hired to carry out delivery according to the developed schemes. The customer is informed of the delivery conditions, how and in what time the order will be completed. Only after these issues are resolved, a Delivery Agreement is concluded between the customer and the company. Carrying out the above work will help improve the efficiency of cargo delivery.

Fulfillment of the plan for the volume of transportation is one of the main tasks of economic activity motor transport enterprise. The degree of implementation of the transportation plan is a complex function of numerous and varied factors, both depending on the ATP (organization of routes, rational use of rolling stock, organization of high-quality maintenance and repairs, organization of material and technical supplies, etc.), and independent of the ATP (nomenclature and structure of cargo turnover, transportation distance, lack of arrangement of access roads to loading and unloading points, etc.).

Let us summarize the calculation data in tables 2.1 and 2.2.

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  • 1.Introduction.
  • 2. Technical and economic characteristics
  • 2.3 Financial performance of the company
  • 2.4 Company cost structure
  • 3.Characteristics organizational structure object.
  • 4. Place, functions and structure of the logistics service in the structure of the facility.
  • 5. Presentation of the facility as a logistics system
  • 10. Characteristics technical means And organizational methods, used to implement logistics operations and functions.
  • 11. Assessment of the scientific and technical level of technical means and organizational methods.
  • 12. Recommendations for improving organizational methods and introducing more productive technical means for implementing logistics functions and operations.
  • 13.Conclusion
  • 14. Literature used


Freight forwarding pre The Business Lines enterprise was founded in 2001 in St. Petersburg. Initially, the company was engaged in urban transportation, as well as road transportation of small-lot oversized cargo in the Leningrad region, as well as in the regions bordering it (Pskov, Novgorod, Petrozavodsk). It positioned itself as a carrier providing express delivery from door to door. IN next year a regional office with a distribution center was opened in Moscow, regular transportation of goods between Moscow and St. Petersburg began, as well as delivery of goods to the central regions of Russia.

In 2007, a decision was made to open new offices and distribution centers in a number of Russian cities. Thus, at the moment the company has:

· head office in St. Petersburg (Kubinskaya st., 80);

· 2 branches in St. Petersburg;

· branch in Moscow;

· branch in Rostov-on-Don;

· branch in Arkhangelsk;

· branch in Yekaterinburg;

· branch in Samara;

· branch in Chelyabinsk.

The company intends to develop a network of distribution centers and consolidation centers in the future.

2. Technical and economic characteristics of the object

2.1 Legal form"Business Lines" company

The transport and forwarding company “Business Lines” is a legal entity and, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, operates on the basis of the Law “On Enterprises and entrepreneurial activity», Civil Code RF, Agreement “On the creation and activities of LLC “Business Lines” in the form of a limited liability company.”

The main document regulating the activities of the enterprise is the Charter. According to the Charter; the subject of the enterprise's activities are transport transportation, LLC "Business Lines" has sole founder, who is the general director of the company; The company's goals are to expand the service market and make a profit.

From the first day of its existence, the company’s management adheres to a democratic management style, which provides open market sales, competition based on the criterion of price - consumer qualities, client-oriented infrastructure that meets the requirements for obtaining maximum income. The company still adheres to these management principles.

2.2 Personnel composition and politics

The head office of the company is located in St. Petersburg and consists of several departments:

· finance department;

· personnel department;

department automated systems control (ACS);

· sales department;

· client department;

department freight transport(OGP);

· regional department (department for work with branches);

· delivery department (drivers and dispatchers).

2.3 Financial performance of the company. Let's look at the main performance indicators of the company (Table 1).

Table 1.

Basic financial indicators enterprises as of December 1, 2009.



Working capital


Marketable securities

Accounts receivable


Prepaid expenses

Working capital, total

Fixed assets

Buildings, structures, equipment (initial cost)

Accumulated depreciation

Buildings, structures, equipment (residual value)

Fixed assets, total

Assets, total

Short-term debt

Accounts payable

Accrued liabilities

Current portion of long-term debt

Tax debts

Short-term debts, total

Long-term debt

Long-term bank loan

Deferred income tax

Long-term debt, total


Liabilities, total

Current liquidity ratio is calculated as the quotient of division working capital for short-term liabilities and shows whether the company has enough funds that can be used to pay off short-term liabilities. According to international (and Russian) practice, the liquidity ratio values ​​should range from one to two (sometimes up to three). The lower limit is due to the fact that working capital must be at least sufficient to pay off short-term obligations, otherwise the company will be at risk of bankruptcy. An excess of current assets over short-term liabilities by more than three times is also undesirable, since it may indicate an irrational asset structure.

According to formula (1.1) CR = 14494618 / 18483400 = 0.784.

Net working capital, in monetary units is the difference between current assets enterprise and its short-term liabilities. Net working capital is necessary to maintain the financial stability of an enterprise, since the excess of working capital over short-term liabilities means that the enterprise not only can pay off its short-term obligations, but also has reserves for expanding its activities. The optimal amount of net working capital depends on the characteristics of the company’s activities, in particular on its scale, sales volumes, turnover rate inventories and accounts receivable. A lack of working capital indicates the company's inability to repay short-term obligations on a timely basis. Significant excess of net working capital over optimal need indicates irrational use of enterprise resources. For example: issuing shares or obtaining loans in excess of real needs.

According to formula (1.2): NWC = -3988782 rub.

The financial independence coefficient (Equity to Total Assets) characterizes the firm’s dependence on external loans. The lower the ratio, the more loans the company has, the higher the risk of insolvency. The low value of the coefficient also reflects potential danger the company has a deficit cash. The interpretation of this indicator depends on many factors: the average level of this ratio in other industries, the company’s access to additional debt sources of financing, and the characteristics of current production activities.

According to formula (1.3) EQ/TA = 21190418 / 61022818 = 0.347.

Total debt to total assets is another option for representing a company's capital structure. Demonstrates what proportion of a company's assets is financed by borrowing.

According to formula (1.4): TD/TA = (21349000+18483400) / 61022818 = 0.653.

Long-term debt to total assets shows what proportion of the company's assets is financed by long-term loans.

According to formula (1.5): LD/TA = 21349000 / 61022818 = 0.35.

Total debt to equity - the ratio of credit and own sources financing. Just like TD/TA, it is another form of presenting the financial independence ratio.

According to formula (1.6): TD/EQ = (21349000+18483400) / 21190418 = 1.8.

Long-term liabilities to non-current assets(Long-term debt to fixed assets) - demonstrates what share of fixed assets is financed by long-term loans.

According to formula (1.7) TD/FA = 21349000 / 46528200 = 0.459.

Conclusion: the values ​​of the considered indicators generally do not correspond to the recommended values. This indicates a low ability of the company to satisfy the claims of debt holders and an unstable financial situation enterprises. These unsatisfactory indicators were formed due to the fact that the company's share of current assets is too low, and the cost of fixed assets (long-term assets), on the contrary, is too high. The company does not have sufficient funds and sufficient own capital. The company's long-term and short-term liabilities are too high. There is a risk of non-payment of obligations.

To pay debts, the company needs to increase current assets and reduce the share of fixed assets (in this case, the vehicle fleet). This will allow the indicators to return to normal, reduce the company’s liabilities, and make the company solvent.

Let's look at the basics of the logistics activities of an enterprise and try to find the weak points that are responsible for the poor results. financial activities companies.

2.4 Company cost structure

Monthly cargo traffic is 2549 tons. For comparison, at the beginning of 2009 - 1897 tons, for the whole of 2005 - 3673 tons. These data indicate the unstoppable development of the company and the emergence of new clients. Freight traffic by direction is presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Structure of the company's cargo flow, t/month (November 2009).







The table shows that the main directions of cargo flow are Moscow-St. Petersburg, Moscow-Rostov, Moscow-Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg-Rostov, St. Petersburg-Ekaterinburg.

Income from the provision of transport services for the month amounted to 40,406,000 rubles.

Let's consider the company's cost items for a period of 1 month.

The company does not have its own warehouses and distribution centers. All company warehouses are rented. The rental cost is presented in Table 3.

Table 3.

The cost of renting warehouses of the enterprise (November 2009).

Total total cost Warehouse rental costs RUB 2,402,025.

The company's balance sheet consists of 53 Iveco Daily 65C15 vehicles (load capacity 4.5 tons; cost 1,250,000 rubles, depreciation period 7 years). Thus, the monthly depreciation of vehicles is 828,125 rubles. Other expenses for car maintenance amount to 579,556 rubles per month. Fuel consumption is 25 liters per 100 km. At a price of 25 rubles/l, fuel costs are equal to 10,281,375 rubles.

Table 4 presents data on wages of the company's employees.

Table 4.

Salary structure of employees by category (November 2009).

The total salary of employees is 17,635,000 rubles/month.

Each warehouse of the enterprise has loading and unloading mechanisms. Costs associated with depreciation, energy costs, etc. the costs of these mechanisms, as well as the costs of other warehouse equipment amount to 106,700 rubles.

Enterprise taxes, excluding income tax - RUB 3,127,500.

These and other expense items and changes over the year are presented in Table 5.

Table 5.

Average monthly performance of the company in 2008 and 2009.


Warehouse rental

Vehicle depreciation

Vehicle maintenance costs

Salary of employees

Costs for warehouse equipment

Administrative expenses

Electricity costs

Other expenses

From Table 5 it is clear that the main part of the enterprise’s expenses is wages workers and fuel costs.

3. Characteristics of the organizational structure of the object

This company uses linear structure organization of enterprise management.

Linear management organization. Distribution job responsibilities carried out in such a way that each employee is maximally focused on fulfilling the production tasks of the organization.

All powers - direct (linear) - go from the highest level of management to the lowest. The advantages of a linear organization include responsibility, established obligations, clear distribution of responsibilities and powers; operational decision-making process; ease of understanding and use. the ability to maintain the necessary discipline. This type of management structure usually leads to the formation of a stable and durable organization.

Among the disadvantages of the linear structure of an organization are inflexibility, rigidity, and inability to accommodate the further growth of the organization. The loss (resignation, death) of a manager can lead to more serious consequences than with a flexible organizational structure. The management method can be bureaucratic, dictatorial, which reduces potential opportunities and restrains the initiative of young managers; Managers may be overloaded with duties and responsibilities, which can lead to stress and poor management.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 Organizational structure of Business Lines LLC.

Responsibilities of the general director of the enterprise:

· carries out operational management of the enterprise;

carries out current financial and economic activity on enterprise management;

· Hires and fires employees;

· ensures the execution of decisions of the Meeting of Participants;

· concludes all types of contracts;

· represents the company in all government and other organizations.

Personnel department:

· forms and implements personnel policy;

· predicts personnel needs, organizes searches on the labor market;

· forms personnel reserve;

· participates in decision-making on personnel management and development issues.

· searches for personnel, conducts initial interviews, conducts personnel records.

Finance department:

· defines the main provisions financial policy Enterprises;

· heads budget process and reporting;

· carries out financial control activities of all services and divisions of the Enterprise, including Branches;

· Responsible for maintaining contacts with financial institutions;

· maintaining current balances for settlements with Suppliers and Buyers

· control of receivables and payables;

· maintains accounting records of property, liabilities and business transactions.

ACS department:

· ensures the creation of necessary additions and/or modernization of the existing Database, develops new reports, improves old ones, promptly corrects detected errors and inaccuracies;

· ensures uninterrupted operation of the Database and computer network.

Sales department:

· implements an aggressive sales policy in the assigned territory;

· looking for new clients.

Client department:

· provides telephone reception of standard orders from Clients;

· gives clients background information regarding prices, assortment and conditions of the Company;

· maintains and develops existing Client base;

· Enters orders into the computer.

Freight transportation department:

Delivery department:

Regional department:

· coordinates interaction with company representative offices;

· searches for new representative offices;

· maintains unified reporting for all regional offices.

4. Place, functions and structure of the logistics service in the structure of the facility

Let's take a closer look at the internal structure of the logistics department.

At this enterprise, this role is played by the Freight Transportation and Delivery Department.

· Enters orders into the computer.

Freight transportation department:

· ensures acceptance of cargo, its placement, storage, preparation for shipment, loading and release from the warehouse;

· ensures the safety of goods, accounting and reporting;

· Responsible for the delivery of products from the supplier, for the delivery of orders to customers, including regional customers.

Delivery department:

· creates optimal delivery routes;

· compiles packages of documents;

· takes into account walking hours, working hours, fuel and lubricants;

· for drivers: ensure timely delivery of the vehicle, timely pickup of cargo from the sender, timely arrival at the destination; delivery of goods in proper form.

5. Presentation of the object as a logistics system.

Activity transport company"Business Lines" The company offers its clients a range of services related to the delivery of oversized cargo throughout Russia, namely:

· express delivery of cargo "from door to door" in the European part of Russia (the average delivery time from the moment the cargo is collected from the sender is about two days (the start date of transportation is considered the moment the cargo is collected from the sender based on the invoice, which has a unique number, the delivery time is calculated excluding the day of cargo acceptance));

· express delivery within the Russian Federation is carried out both forward and backward, as well as between any of the cities served (their list is not limited to the cities where the company’s representative offices are located - each representative office carries out transportation to points located in its service area;

· payment for services can be made both upon dispatch and upon receipt of the cargo, as well as by a third party;

· payment for services can be made either in cash or by non-cash system;

· credit payment system;

· the company provides the service of cargo insurance “against all risks” by the Independent Insurance Company (in St. Petersburg - IC “Pari”). Cargo with an estimated value of no more than 10,000 rubles is accepted for shipment without additional payment. Cargo worth more than 10,000 rubles in mandatory are insured by the company for the period of transportation. The insurance premium is not subject to VAT and is 0.5% of the insured amount, but not less than 5 USD;

· the client is provided with real-time information about the delivery and movement of cargo (this is possible thanks to the tracking system on the company’s website);

· the company provides timely customer support consumables for preparing shipments (waybills, boxes, protective films, etc.);

· individual calculation of tariffs when sending cargo weighing more than 200 kg;

· The company has a flexible system of corporate discounts.

6. Determination of the class of the logistics system

A logistics system is a dynamic, open, stochastic, adaptive complex or large system with feedback that performs certain logistic functions (LF), for example, industrial enterprise, territorial production complex, trading enterprise etc. The logistics system, as a rule, consists of several subsystems and has developed connections with the external environment. The goal of the Logistics System is the delivery of goods and products in maximum accordance with consumer requirements at a minimum (specified) level of costs.

There are the following four properties that an object must have in order to be considered a system.

1. Integrity and articulation. A system is a complete set of elements that interact with each other, but for analysis purposes the system can be conditionally divided into individual elements.

Integrity and articulation. Logistics systems have the property of integrity. This means that the logistics system can be isolated from its environment as a single object that has its own goals of functioning, development, end result activities. On the other hand, the logistics system can be divided into separate elements. Elements of the logistics system at the macro level, i.e. When the MP passes from enterprise to enterprise, these enterprises themselves (supplier and consumer) and the transport connecting them are present. If individual elements of the logistics system are considered as a system, then they are called subsystems

2. Integrative qualities (emergence) - qualities inherent in the system as a whole, but not inherent in any of its elements separately.

Integrative qualities. Only the logistics system as a whole can deliver goods, fulfilling all delivery requirements, and also adapt (adapt) to changing conditions external environment. Individual elements of the logistics system cannot solve such problems on their own.

3. Connections are what connect objects and properties in a system process into a whole. There are connections between the elements of the system that determine the integrative qualities of the system. The connections between the elements of the system must be more powerful than the connections between individual elements and the external environment.

Connections In macro-logistics systems, connections between individual elements are established on the basis of commodity-money relations, formalized in the form of an agreement.

4. Organization is internal order, consistency in the interaction of system elements, a certain structure of connections between system elements.

Organization. The connections between the elements are regulated by various legislative, regulatory documents, regulations, job descriptions.

Our enterprise meets all the required properties, therefore there is a logistics system.

The system is Macro-logistical.

Macro-logistics system is a large logistics management system for small enterprises, covering enterprises and industrial organizations, intermediary, trade and transport organizations of various departments located in different areas, regions of the country or in different countries. The goals of macro-logistics systems may differ from the goals of micro-logistics systems, i.e., be environmental, social or political, and not related to profit-making.

based on the administrative-territorial division of the country - interregional

on an object-functional basis - intersectoral

System classification

Classification sign

Type of systems


Simple, complex, large

Change over time

Static, dynamic

Relationship with environment

Closed, open

Anticipation of development

Deterministic, stochastic

Response to environmental change

Adaptive, non-adaptive

At this enterprise, the logistics system is:

1) by degree of difficulty - Large ( Large system- a complex system that has a number of additional features: the presence of subsystems that have their own purpose, subordinate to the general intended purpose the entire system; a large number of various connections (material, information, energy, etc.); external connections with other systems; the presence of elements of self-organization in the system.)

2) change over time - dynamic

3) relationship with the environment - open

4) foresight of development - deterministic

5) response to environmental change - adaptive

7. Definition of LAN inputs and outputs, Description of flows passing through LAN inputs and outputs

Inputs and outputs of the system Economic and mathematical dictionary. -- the totality of the influences of the external environment on the system and the influences of the system on the environment.

The output of one system will inevitably be the input of some other system - this expresses the universal interconnection of phenomena in the world. Therefore, inputs can be of two main types:

1) the result of a previous process sequentially associated with the given one;

2) the result of a previous process randomly associated with the given one.

In addition, the input may turn out to be the result of the functioning of the same system, which is reintroduced into it ( feedback). IN complex systems(and the system we are considering is such) there is a close relationship between the internal elements, so often the output of one structural element is the input of another.

Among the input quantities in controlled systems (they are also called signals), two groups can be distinguished, different in the nature of their influence on the outputs:

1) control actions;

2) disturbances (disturbing influences).

The first includes such quantities (control variables, instrumental variables), the values ​​of which can be changed to obtain the desired (usually optimal) output, the second includes impacts on the system that violate it normal functioning and development in the desired direction.


Characteristics of flows


Characteristics of flows


information flow (documentation), financial flow(customers' calculations)


information flow (documentation), financial flow (settlements with suppliers)

Freight transportation department

material flow (receipt of resources to the warehouse from suppliers, receipt finished products)

Freight transportation department

material flow (release of finished products from the warehouse to customers)

information flow (registration and transfer of documentation)

Sales department

information flow (reception and processing of orders for production)

Sales department

information flow (providing customers with information about the availability of a product, its properties and price)

Personnel department

Human flow (hiring) information flows

Personnel department

Information flow (personnel information)

Client department


Client department


Regional department


Regional department


Delivery department

Material flow (product movement) information flow (documentation)

Delivery department

Information (documentation) material flow (products)

financial indicator logistic

8. Characteristics supply chain, Determination of the composition of LC links

A logistics chain is a linearly ordered set of participants logistics process that carry out logistics operations to bring external material flow from one logistics system to another in the case of industrial consumption or to the final consumer in the case of personal non-productive consumption.

The Business Lines company carries out road, container, air and rail transportation of goods in any direction across Russia, and also performs loading unloading work and cargo packaging.

Based on the company’s activities, the following supply chain can be built:

9. Description of logistics functions and logistics operations performed by LC units

1) The customer is the initial link in the distribution chain. Provides information about requirements, conditions, and the cargo itself.

2) UGP (freight transportation department) - at this enterprise it is a formative element. Forms orders, documentation, and directly organizes the delivery of cargo from point A to point B.

3) Delivery department - deals with cargo transportation.

4) The customer accepts the goods at the final point. It is the final link in the chain.

10. Characteristics of technical means and organizational methods used to implement logistics operations and functions

Technical means:

1) Road transport - light-duty, long-haul trucks (trucks)

2) Rail transport

3) Air transport

4) Containers: 3 tons, 5 tons, 20 tons (20 feet), 30 tons (40 feet)

5) Warehouses

6) Packaging materials: hard packaging (wooden crate), additional (adhesive tape, stretch, cardboard), soft (covered with fabric), “bag” packaging, as well as packaging of cargo in a pallet block.

Each cargo is equipped with the “Business Novigator” satellite system, which allows its location to be determined online with great accuracy.

Basic concepts of logistics services of this enterprise, are the concepts of Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Service. Their essence is building such relationships with the consumer, within the framework of which it is possible to solve almost all the consumer’s problems based on studying his needs (“the customer is always right”). The main goal is to help consumers make their business more efficient and profitable. To do this, it is recommended to detailed analysis consumer pain points.

The logistics service management system is based on the following basic principles:

§ customer orientation;

§ focus on business process;

§ focus on preventing errors and failures;

§ focus on continuous improvement

11. Assessment of the scientific and technical level of technical means and organizational methods

Cooperation with leading airline, railway, and automobile companies allows us to provide logistics services at a high level. In addition to cooperation, the company provides high-level services through the use of modern technical means.

Usage modern means control over the movement of transport and cargo, such as:

1) Fuel control system "FMS"

2) GPS system "GLONASS"

as well as modern software.

As mentioned earlier, the company has seven centers in Russia. Regular direct flights of vehicles are organized between these cities. The number of flights depends on the volume of cargo traffic between the two cities (there are daily flights, flights every other day, between Rostov and Moscow - 3 flights in 2 days). The presence of regular flights is due to the fact that the company provides express delivery services.

In accordance with the number of flights and distances between centers, the number of rolling stock operating on in this direction(53 units), as well as the number of drivers (206). These figures are too high. As mentioned above, the enterprise needs to reduce the number of rolling stock, and therefore the number of drivers will decrease (driver salaries are one of the main cost items of the enterprise - see above).

Let's consider such an indicator as occupancy vehicle. In total, all vehicles make 1020 trips per month in all directions. If the vehicles carried a load equal to their carrying capacity, they could transport 4590 tons per month. But the monthly freight traffic is only 2549 tons. Thus, the vehicle occupancy rate is only 0.555.

Obviously, this figure is too low and needs to be increased. By increasing this ratio, the company will be able to reduce its vehicle fleet, reduce costs, and achieve higher profits. But how to do this? Let's consider possible solutions:

1) reduce the number of flights. This means that the vehicle will have to wait longer for loading until it is completely filled. But at the same time, the delivery time of the goods will increase and will differ from that stated to the client. This will entail the possible payment of fines and penalties, as well as the refusal of some clients to work with the company.

2) reduce the vehicle’s carrying capacity. This will entail a long and troublesome process of changing rolling stock at the enterprise.

3) use of a consolidation center. Cargo in some directions will arrive at this center, be consolidated and sent to its destination when the vehicle is fully loaded.

The third option is preferable. This option is the simplest and most effective. In the 2nd and 3rd sections, we will consider the theoretical basis for the fact that the consolidation center will reduce the costs of the enterprise and normalize financial performance.

13. Conclusion

This work examined in detail the internal structure and logistics activities transport company "Business Lines". The technical and organizational means and methods used to implement logistics operations and functions are described.

This company has all the capabilities and the required base for further development, and expanding your capabilities. Also in the future, it is possible to launch international deliveries.

List of used literature

1. V. P. Popkov, I. M. Shisterov, Commercial logistics - training manual, St. Petersburg 2004.

2. A. U. Albekov, V. P. Fedko, O. A. Mitko, Commerce Logistics - for University Students, Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2001.

3. Anikin B.A., Tyapukhin A.P. Commercial logistics: Textbook. - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005.

4. Johnson J. S. Modern logistics. Per. from English - M.: Williams, 2002. - 615 p.

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The ability to identify and analyze elements of an organization’s internal environment is the key to a company’s success. Studying the internal environment of the company gives management the opportunity to assess the internal resources and capabilities of the company. Revealing the strengths and weaknesses company, management has the opportunity to expand and strengthen competitive advantages and, accordingly, prevent the occurrence of possible problems. In this work we will carry out strategic analysis companies: we study the internal environment; research the market; factors influencing the development of the company; We will conduct a SWOT analysis. The purpose of this work is to conduct the above studies to justify the need to conduct a management survey of the internal aspects of the organization, as an essential factor in the functioning and development of the company in a market environment. The object of the study is a company providing transport and forwarding services. The subject of the study is analysis of the internal environment, SWOT analysis of the organization.

Characteristics of LLC "Business Lines"

The Business Lines group of companies is one of the largest transport and logistics companies in Russia. Since 2001, Business Lines has been providing cargo transportation services to organizations and individuals. The company's central office is located in St. Petersburg.

Today "Business Lines" is:

  • 125 divisions throughout Russia,
  • 1 500 settlements delivery,
  • 4,000 cars,
  • 20,000 employees.

The main activities are:

All types of freight transportation in Russia, as well as to Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan;

Warehousing services;

Outsourcing of foreign trade activities;

Exhibition logistics;

Various cargo support.

Core values ​​of the company:

  • 1) Clients. This is the most important value of the company. The success of an organization directly depends on retaining and retaining customers. Therefore, the company constantly studies their needs, offering new useful solutions. "Business Lines" are confident that their reputation and the quality of the service provided are the key to growth and the emergence of new long-term partnerships.
  • 2) People. The basis of the business is quality service and the people in the organization make this possible. Through constant search, motivation, and training of personnel, the company strives to strengthen its leadership position in the market.
  • 3) Culture. Like all successful companies, Business Lines has its own unique culture. Organizational culture focused on success, constant development and achieving excellent results. It's a simple philosophy that works. Life is too short not to enjoy the work you do and the people you work with. Conditions are created within the company that would encourage employees to work there for the rest of their lives.
  • 4) Technology. Internal system covers the full cycle of customer service, starting from the client’s first request to process the request to specialized reports received on-line for monitoring and managing the client’s entire supply chain. The company's system covers all aspects of the business, including sales, customer policy, supplier relations policy, production and service delivery, quality system, personnel management system, finance and accounting. All offices are connected to unified system, which eliminates the loss of information and allows you to see a picture of all ongoing processes in real time. According to the company's strategy, Business Lines does not plan to stop there in development information technology, which are important in the development of the company.

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