How to become an official distributor. Distribution as a full-fledged business. Main functions of a distributor

Our Russian consumers have long been accustomed to imported goods and they always use it good demand. Therefore, the profession of a distributor is actually in great demand.

Today we decided to talk about how Russian distributors actually work with foreign manufacturers. This area is not often talked about, but this activity is very profitable and the Russian market needs such professionals. Today we will talk in detail about the intricacies of this profession and how to start working in this field.

Main functions of a distributor

In general, the primary task of a distributor is to maximize the expansion of sales regions for any product. Typically, a distributor is an intermediary between the manufacturer and dealers, who are engaged in the direct sale of goods to end customers. Therefore, the functions of a distributor usually also include creating a dealer network. One or more distributors can work simultaneously in the market of the importing country, it depends on the demand for this product. specific products from our customers.

Thus, the distributor creates a market for the products foreign manufacturer in our country and the greater the capacity of this market, the larger the regional dealer network, the higher the distributor’s income.

The distributor himself, after creating a dealer network, may no longer be involved in direct sales at all; his main function becomes only maintaining the functioning of the sales chain he has created and receiving income from the total trade turnover of goods sold.

Depending on its intentions and the agreement with the product manufacturer, the distributor can become the general importer for a given foreign manufacturer, develop additional services or, for example, arrange the supply of components. In this case, the distributor’s responsibilities will include a guaranteed exchange of low-quality goods, components and spare parts.

Typically, manufacturers have standard distribution agreements that contain a set of specific conditions, often with specific requirements related to the legal practice of a given exporting country and the characteristics of the product. Often, the contract with the manufacturer also contains an indication of the volume of products that the distributor needs to sell over a certain period of time. All this must be clarified in advance and carefully study all the terms of future contracts.

When creating a dealer network, the distributor must understand that in the future a lot will depend on the dealer partners he has selected, because in the future it will be they who will represent the foreign manufacturing company to the end buyer.

Therefore, the distributor must take care of conducting the necessary advertising and marketing campaigns in order to create the image of the product manufacturer and promote it in the domestic market.

How and where to start - step-by-step instructions

Where to start:

  • First you need to decide in which industry and what product you would like to work with;
  • Study the current situation with supply and demand for these products on Russian market;
  • Select a foreign manufacturer of these products;
  • Then you need to carefully study the working conditions of this manufacturer with distributors, perhaps request to send email standard contract;
  • If at first glance your project looks profitable and realistic, then you can start drawing up your business plan;
  • When drawing up a business plan, you need to calculate as accurately and in detail all the main financial components of your future project, calculate the main income and expense items, take into account possible risks;
  • If the business plan has shown that your project is profitable, then you can safely begin its practical implementation - your official registration as a businessman (opening an LLC or individual entrepreneur), concluding agreements with partners, organizing an office and dealer network.

Some subtleties of organizing the work of a distributor

First you need to find a suitable foreign manufacturer. First of all, choose your field of activity, determine an approximate list of goods, the sale of which is in demand by the market and can bring good profits. Then, on the Internet, look at sales data and manufacturers on business sites (for example, the international site, the European site, the Chinese site, and also find contacts of suppliers on the sites.

Additional information about a potential foreign partner can be found on various websites, for example:,,

Then you need to study first general conditions supplier, draw up and send him email- your preliminary commercial offer"in the most general terms."

Typically, the working conditions of a distributor are determined by its status (general, exclusive) and the terms of the agreement concluded with a foreign manufacturing company. The key responsibility of the distributor for such standard contracts, is the organization of a distribution and marketing scheme for the manufacturer’s products, and the provision of related services.

There is a generally accepted organizational scheme: foreign manufacturer - distributor - dealer - buyer.

There are two generally accepted options:

  • general distributor is when the importer sells goods in his country according to his own scheme, independently or by organizing a dealer network;
  • exclusive distributor, in this case the transfer of rights to distribute imported products occurs only within the region specified in the agreement with the manufacturer and without the involvement of third parties. In this case, the distributor can usually already work with only one supplier, a foreign manufacturer.

As a rule, the sale of goods and services to retail outlets and specific retail customers, as well as all necessary interaction with them, is carried out by a dealer hired by the distributor.

It is the responsibility of the dealer to direct sales, not the distributor; it is important to always remember this when organizing and ensuring the effectiveness of the sales scheme. Only a clear delineation of all responsibilities and functions allows you to create and maintain effective business projects.

Based on the specifics of the product and the current situation on the market, a foreign manufacturer may have one distributor or several; this determines the main terms of the contract between the manufacturer and the distributor. The current market situation and the specifics of the goods also determine the conditions for organizing the dealer network and the intensity of the distributor’s work.

Some foreign manufacturers already have some kind of representative office or simply an office in the importing country, then establishing interaction with the manufacturer-supplier is quite simple, since company representatives are already well acquainted with the peculiarities of the work Russian business and it will be easier and faster for you to agree on everything with them.

If foreign company If there are no representatives in our country, then establishing contacts will require much more time and good command of a foreign language. First of all, it will be necessary to study the specifics and basic conditions of work of a foreign company with distributors, as well as familiarize them with the peculiarities of Russian conditions. In this case, you will also need to make several foreign business trips, conduct presentations in a foreign language. Such negotiations and approvals require significant time and additional effort - you will have to study a lot on your own additional information, be ready to explain a lot and convince partners of the economic profitability of the project, and negotiations will have to take place international level and according to international business standards.

Here it is very important to competently prepare and conduct negotiations and presentations to foreign potential partners. It is very important to study all the nuances of cooperation, prepare a competent business plan and presentation, and present a forecast plan for procurement and sales.

But the complexity of direct preliminary international negotiations with a foreign manufacturer that does not yet have its representative office in our country will then pay off; this will allow you to subsequently speak on its behalf at all events held in our country and exclusively represent its brand.

It is necessary to say a few words about the organizational and legal form of the distributor, foreign partners, partners and buyers in our country, are always more willing to interact with legal entities than with individuals.

To engage in distribution activities, it is better to choose the legal form of a legal entity "LLC" rather than an individual entrepreneur; this is more familiar to partners and inspires more trust. For dealers, both the “LLC” and “IP” forms are quite acceptable.

The legal form of the dealer rather depends on the business personal qualities of the businessman, and the regional specifics where he operates.

It is important to know that some foreign companies already have their own list of requirements for potential partners, as well as approximate schedules and volumes of deliveries of their products through export channels, requirements for financial indicators, volume of consignments, minimum supplies and sales.

Sometimes foreign manufacturing companies put forward requirements for distributors based on their regional location, the availability of warehouses and retail space, technical equipment and even impose some requirements on personnel.

Some foreign partners make their own forecast plans for product sales, use Russian statistics on economic activity in a specific selected region, demographic situation, and demand for similar products.

Foreign companies always use well-calculated business models, and therefore, it is necessary to be prepared to competently justify their position in negotiations, provide various additional data, give explanations, and convince of the mutual benefit of the upcoming partnership. During negotiations, it is also important to show that you can organize an effective dealer network and organize sales of products in required volumes, maintain and develop the regional network in the future.

The distributor, being the official representative of the manufacturer, as a rule, can count on his commercial support. Let us also note that international nonsense is often interesting to consumers in itself, it may already be known and has proven itself well, and perhaps many consumers would like to purchase such products.

Possible schemes for working with foreign manufacturers

Sometimes a contract with a manufacturer can impose rather strict conditions on the distributor and limit the freedom to make independent decisions; it is also possible to impose penalties on the part of the supplier if the terms of the contract and the minimum sales level are not met. This must always be taken into account. And sometimes, on the contrary, the distributor is given the broadest powers.

As already noted, sometimes foreign manufacturers prefer to work with only one Russian partner-distributor, and sometimes large manufacturing companies choose distributors for each specific group of their products or regional segments.

Some distribution agreements stipulate that the responsibilities of the importer-distributor include organizing brand representation in his country, as well as service centers and regional points of sale. But usually, distributors work through dealer networks and do not engage in direct sales. In this case, the main functions of the distributor are organizing a dealer network, regional expansion, advertising promotion products, organizing presentations and other events related to attracting new consumers. All these conditions are negotiated with the foreign partner in advance, even before the contract is concluded.

The conclusion of a contract is a very important and responsible event for the distributor, since international contracts usually provide for the setting out in the contract the smallest details of cooperation between business partners. International treaties are usually compiled in two languages, usually English and Russian.

When various disputes arise, foreign partners usually rely on the text written in English. In addition, they immediately stipulate in the contract the consideration of all disputes in a foreign jurisdiction. You need to know this and be prepared for it.

Some domestic entrepreneurs choose to cooperate with a foreign manufacturer under a dealer agreement. That is, they are ready to combine both dealer and distribution functions, but enter into a “dealer” agreement, which is usually more “flexible” and gives more freedom of independent action to the entrepreneur. But we note that usually under this scheme, more attention will need to be paid to direct sales, and there will be less opportunities for advertising and service support from a foreign manufacturer. It is also important to note that such contracts provide for the supply of goods on an advance payment basis. It is also possible that some additional conditions terms for the return of defective or unmarketable products and other restrictions. In some cases, such a work scheme may not be very acceptable.

In any case, whatever work scheme you choose for yourself, it is necessary to study in advance, negotiate and clearly state in the contract all the terms of the partnership.

How much money do you need to invest and is it possible to do without capital investment?

In general, organizing any business requires at least minimal investment. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to make the necessary start-up expenses, then in this case, then offer your foreign partner to distribute the upcoming financial expenses between the parties or postpone them over time. For example, you can ask to make a trial delivery of goods with a deferred payment or with payment upon sale, that is, after receiving proceeds from the sale.

This option is quite acceptable if the contract is concluded with the provision of bank guarantees or additional insurance for the delivery of goods.

If you correctly prepare all the necessary papers, then foreign partners may well agree to work according to such a scheme.

There is also a conclusion option agency agreement. If such an interaction scheme is implemented, the ownership of the goods remains with the manufacturer, and the distributor receives only his agency fee (commissions). Perhaps the agency fee is less than the distributor’s expected income, but it allows you to do without “start-up” costs.

“Start-up” costs usually include the following costs:

  • costs of preparing a business plan;
  • expenses for presentation preparation and advertising;
  • travel expenses;
  • purchase of a trial batch of goods;
  • transportation costs;
  • office rental expenses;
  • warehouse rental costs;
  • other organizational expenses.

The size of the required “start-up” costs depends largely on the products you choose and the expected scale of your activity.

You can reduce initial costs if you do most of the work yourself, without hiring additional personnel, and also carry out sales through your own website or online store sites, negotiate direct deliveries from the manufacturer at the time you need and self-delivery.

Business plan

A business plan is a very important document that allows you to clearly calculate the main financial indicators future project. In addition, another important task of the business plan is the presentation of the business project to potential partners of the distributor. A well-drafted and accurately calculated business plan is largely the key to the successful implementation of any project.

Any business plan should include the following sections:

  1. Summary of the project - must be given here general description project;
  2. Marketing plan- this section should include an assessment of the current market situation for this product, an analysis of supply and demand, it is advisable to present an analysis with data on specific regions and target audiences. Analytical and statistical information for this section, on initial stage can be taken from the Internet;
  3. Organizational plan- in this section you need to outline and calculate the scheme of your upcoming distribution activities;
  4. Risk assessment - in this section of the plan, it is necessary to indicate and evaluate possible potential risks for this type of activity, as well as propose ways to minimize them (for example, risk insurance);
  5. Conclusion - here it is necessary to give overall rating economic feasibility this project, show its profitability.

In fact, for distribution activities the main cost section is the “Organizational Plan” section.

This is due to the fact that Marketing costs, namely marketing analysis You can do it yourself using the Internet, and the costs of online advertising are minimal (set yourself any amount acceptable to you).

Risk assessment is, as a rule, only approximate calculated amounts. Bank guarantees can be issued. You can enter into insurance contracts with insurance companies, but this will require some costs.

  • Purchase of a consignment of goods 1 million rubles;
  • Office rent - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Payment utility payments and communications - 12 thousand rubles;
  • Warehouse rental - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Transport costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Wages employees - 150 thousand rubles. (3-5 people);
  • Payment of taxes and fees 40 thousand rubles;
  • General organizational and business expenses - 20 thousand rubles;

Thus, we received a very approximate amount of total costs - 2,352 thousand rubles.


As can be seen from our short business plan, the bulk of the costs are incurred on the purchase of a trial batch of goods. This expense item completely depends on the type of goods and can vary greatly. In addition, as we said above, there are quite acceptable options for agreeing with the manufacturer on supplies without making an advance payment.

The next item is the cost of renting an office, but now most of the work can be done on a home computer or renting an office of a minimum area - this will significantly reduce costs for this cost item.

Warehouse rental costs can be eliminated or at least reduced by organizing direct deliveries to retail outlets or dealerships. Transport costs can also be greatly reduced if these costs are transferred to dealers and the import supply schedule is more carefully planned. Additionally, you can save a lot on operating expenses if you do not inflate your staff and effectively build the entire organizational structure and sales chains.

Distribution activity is just such a type of activity where the initial capital investments and operating costs are largely determined by the businessman himself.

Business involves an alliance of manufacturers, distributors, lenders, retailers and buyers.

There are clues how to become an official distributor:

Obtain premises for storing goods and placing cargo transport;
find clients using software logistics management.

Distribution is activities of an enterprise or organization that is responsible for the logistics of storage and transportation of materials.

A distributor can specialize in a wide range of different sectors, depending on local competition, resources and potential. So that become a distributor It is important to identify your target customer group and purchase the equipment necessary to meet your needs. For example, distributors who handle perishable food products (dairy, meat or frozen) must have cold storage and trucks.

Depending on the number of warehouses, type of customers, materials, distribution activities require a certain amount of space for storing goods. By becoming a distributor, distribution companies may bear full responsibility for moving items around the world, or they can participate in a network of smaller companies that provide access to local resources. Having become a distributor, the company must trace the entire chain of movement of goods.

The location of the storage space is very important for the distributor. Warehouses inside a large city are very expensive if they are privately owned or leased. . When becoming a distributor, your best bet is to look for a central location near a major highway, airport, or waterfront. It can be purchased for a reasonable price, assuming it is located outside the main city limits.

When you become a distributor, you need to have a reliable way to transport materials. There are two options: purchase your own fleet of vehicles, or use a courier service. For those who want become an official distributor, it is important to remember that there are benefits and risks associated with each option.

A distributor who invests in trucks must hire staff, pay for insurance and pay for fuel. Courier firms assume full responsibility for servicing the equipment, but courier fees represent a significant cost to the distributor. When do you decide become an official distributor, it is important to be able to adjust as the business climate changes. Thus, distribution is the responsibility for the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the client.

Having become a distributor, the company is responsible for the safety of production of retail customers. The company takes possession of the goods and is responsible for the storage and sale of these goods in retail store. In a typical arrangement, the manufacturer sells its product directly from the distributor.

If, after becoming a distributor, a firm is unable to find a retailer, it must determine other methods of selling the product. Accurate tracking of shipments, purchase orders, locations and distribution is central to the job. There are several quality software products to assist with key business functions that help you become an authorized distributor.

We covered some aspects of the topic " How to become an official distributor" The main thing is to think through the flow pattern of the goods. But initially you can take out loans, receiving income from a large turnover of goods.

In this publication I will tell you, who is a distributor, what are the specifics of distribution activities, and I will also dwell in more detail on how to become a distributor and build your business on it. Surely many of you have heard phrases like “official distributor”, “cosmetics distributor”, etc. in advertising, so after reading this article you will have a complete understanding of what this means.

Who is a distributor?

So, the very concept of “distributor” is borrowed from English language(distributor) and in exact translation means “distributor”, and in literary translation it means “distributor”.

A distributor is a legal or natural person who is an official representative of the manufacturer’s company and performs the functions of distributing goods from the manufacturer to wholesalers or retailers - dealers and retailers, or to end consumers. In fact, the distributor acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the seller of the product, and in some cases, even between the manufacturer and the buyer directly.

A distributor can be either a huge company with a regular turnover of millions, or an individual who from time to time distributes the products of a certain company.

The main feature that distinguishes a distributor from other intermediaries is that he has the exclusive right to present the products of the manufacturer and distribute the products at the price set by the manufacturer without any markups. The distributor's income is a discount on the purchase of goods, which is set for him by the manufacturer.

You can create several chains of goods passing from manufacturer to buyer. The most commonly used scheme is:

Moreover, there may be several dealers in it (large and small). This option is also possible:

Or a direct sales option, used, for example, in:

Differences between a distributor and a dealer.

A distributor differs from a dealer in that he acts on behalf of the manufacturing company and receives goods for sale according to strictly specified rules (including those relating to the price of the goods), while the dealer acts on his own behalf and purchases goods for own funds and independently sets the desired level of trade margin for further resale.

At the same time, it should be noted that this difference is rather conditional in nature, and more precisely, the functions, rights and obligations of the distributor or dealer are stipulated in the contracts concluded with them. For example, it happens that distributors purchase goods from the manufacturer at their own expense, just like dealers.

The main function of the distributor is not the final sale of the product, but the creation and development of its distribution network, promotion and promotion of the trade brand, while the dealer is responsible for the direct delivery and sale of goods to end consumers.

One manufacturer can cooperate with many distributors, and one distributor can cooperate with many manufacturers.

It often happens that the founders of distribution companies are the manufacturing companies themselves. In addition, they can provide individual intermediaries with “VIP statuses”, which provide extended rights: official distributor, exclusive distributor, etc.

How does a distributor work?

All the distributor’s work comes down to expanding the sales network and promoting the brand of the manufacturer’s product. He independently searches for dealers, sellers-retailers or end consumers of products (depending on the situation), then sends an order to the manufacturer for the required batch of goods, receives this product for sale at a fixed price or buys it at a discount, sells it and gives the proceeds to the manufacturer minus his own commissions.

Most often, only large distribution companies are allowed to take goods for sale, while small ones, as a rule, have to purchase products at their own expense, or at the expense of funds collected from customers (as, for example, happens in network marketing).

Now that you have some understanding of what a distributor is, let's look at how to become a distributor.

To become a distributor of a certain product, you must sign an agreement with the manufacturer, which is usually called a “distribution agreement.” The distribution agreement specifies all the rights and obligations of the manufacturer and distributor, the conditions for the transfer and acceptance of goods, and other operational issues. In this case, it is issued distributor certificate with the seal of the manufacturing company and the signature of the general director, who confirms the rights to officially present the company's products.

Every manufacturer is always interested in having as many distributors as possible, because they work to promote his product and expand the sales market. But not every distributor will be able to offer the maximum favorable conditions cooperation.

Very often, the distributor’s commission income and the terms of transfer of goods (for sale or prepayment) depend on the sales volumes that the distributor provides: the larger they are, the softer the conditions and the higher the income, and vice versa. Therefore, it is likely that you will first have to work for your name, show good results, which will definitely work for you later.

You can work with several manufacturers at the same time, perhaps this will affect the increase in turnover, and therefore income, but this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes large-scale cooperation with one large manufacturer and representing only its interests is more profitable for the distributor.

For people who don't have much initial capital and opportunities for starting a distribution business, you can consider the option of becoming a distributor from scratch. To do this, you can start “from the bottom”: get a job in a distribution company, start with lower positions, for example, with sales agent, then, showing good work results, advance through career ladder to supervisor, regional representative. At the same time, save the income you receive to open your own business. This way you can collect some knowledge and, importantly, gain experience working in a distribution company.

If you want to engage in distribution activities on a more or less large scale, you will need to incur significant costs:

– rent warehouses and equipment for storing goods;

– purchase or rent freight transport for transportation;

In other words, it will require well-thought-out and extensive sources of funding.

The good thing about the distribution business is that there is room in it for both very large and very small distributors, and there is always room for development.

How to find manufacturers for cooperation?

If you are thinking about how to become a distributor, the first thing you need to decide is the products of which companies you would like to represent on the market. You can search for manufacturers in different ways:

1. Through business directories. By looking through the catalogs of manufacturers of certain products, you can contact directly those that interest you and find out from them the terms of cooperation, choosing those companies where the conditions will be optimal for you.

2. Via the Internet. Simply by typing “looking for distributors” or “searching for distributors” in the search, you will be taken to many pages of companies wanting to build and develop their distribution networks. Choose those that are most interesting to you and act.

How to find dealers, sellers and buyers for cooperation?

The second important issue that needs to be considered before becoming a distributor is finding ways to sell the product. Here, too, you can act in a variety of ways:

– Through company catalogs;

– Through direct appeals to retail outlets sales;

– Through your own website or online store;

– Through colleagues, acquaintances, relatives;

– Through advertisements in print media, etc.

Now you know who a distributor is and how to become a distributor. Let's summarize.

Distribution activities are good option at a variety of scales: from small self-employment to generate additional income to building the largest distribution networks and businesses with million-dollar turnover. Everyone will be able to find something of their own in it, based on their initial capabilities and goals. A distributor's earnings largely depend on his ability to sell and his diligence. Therefore, dare, and you will certainly be able to achieve good luck in this business!

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Text by Daria Sharkova

Photo by Elena Ryazanova

For the first time in the “Success Stories” section we will talk about an alternative form of creating your own business - through distribution. Elena Lapko first became a distributor in Krasnodar, and then an official representative throughout Russia of the famous Dutch brand of accessories NOOSA-Amsterdam. Our heroine created her own network of regional distributors from scratch, overcame three financial crises in the Russian economy and learned to predict what jewelry customers in our country will like.

Elena Lapko

NOOSA-Amsterdam: the essence of the business

I am the official representative in Russia of the Dutch accessories brand NOOSA-Amsterdam. Moreover, she started as a distributor in her native Krasnodar, where she sold their products. And then she became the main partner and created her own network of regional distributors. Now I have a full-fledged business: my own team, my own channels for attracting clients and promotion, my own turnover and revenue.

My business is based on the distribution of accessories: I buy collections from the head office of NOOSA-Amsterdam in Holland, and then sell them in two ways - through distributors or in stores.

About the brand

NOOSA-Amsterdam - accessories self made: bracelets, bags, belts, wallets made of leather. Replaceable buttons for them are made from natural materials: mollusk shells, wood, bone, resin and lava, as well as natural minerals. These items are created by hand by craftsmen in Nepal, Indonesia and Peru to order from the company. We also have a jewelry line called Relics, which features earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and pendants made of silver.

All leather accessories are decorated with removable buttons - each reflects the culture of one of the peoples of the planet and carries a sacred meaning. By choosing symbol buttons, our customers, for example, make wishes or protect themselves from what they want to avoid. The buttons are easy to attach and just as easy to remove. That is, buyers themselves create the design of their jewelry and can change it appearance at least every day.

For me, working with NOOSA-Amsterdam has always been not just a business, but a great love. If the brand's accessories had not met my life path, it’s unlikely that I would do another business.

Getting to know NOOSA-Amsterdam

I am one of those people who, in childhood and youth, never thought about the possibility of opening my own business. When I was in high school, I realized that I wanted to interact more with people, so I entered the psychology department. After university, she worked in various companies in Krasnodar. Positions include office manager and HR manager in a large Western company. At that time, as I wanted, I was in very close contact with different people. Perhaps, it was thanks to the experience of an HR manager that I began to understand how to find an approach to everyone, understand needs, and be able to listen and hear.

I met NOOSA-Amsterdam by chance. In 2012, I went to Amsterdam and met my Dutch friend in a cafe. We talked and drank coffee. I noticed on her hand a bracelet decorated with unusual buttons. The accessory captured my attention, and I realized that I simply needed to purchase the same one.

A friend took me to the store. It was a typical European multi-brand boutique, where current clothes could be complemented with various accessories. The treasured bracelets were in a display case near the cash register. When I asked the employee to show me the buttons, there were three large boxes in front of me - more than a hundred characters in total. It was a real delight! At that time I did not yet understand what all these signs meant, and I chose the replacement elements intuitively. The happiness of owning your very first bracelet cannot be compared with anything! I carried this emotion into my heart through all the years of working with the brand.

Many people who purchase NOOSA-Amsterdam products for the first time have very similar feelings to mine. I don’t want to take off my bracelet; without it, I feel like I left the house naked. The accessory becomes part of you! And so I returned to Krasnodar from that trip to Amsterdam with NOOSA jewelry on my hand.

The amount of the first purchase was 150 thousand rubles. I could choose the sales paths and channels myself


The idea of ​​becoming a brand distributor

All my friends and acquaintances, when they saw the bracelet on my hand, could not, like I did at one time, hide their curiosity and delight. This is the nature of our jewelry. They started asking me where I bought it. The interesting thing is that there was already a Russian representative office of the brand in Moscow. But few people knew about him. And after another question from a friend, the idea suddenly occurred to me that I could become a distributor of this company and tell many people about the accessories.

The amount of the first purchase offered by the brand to the distributor was (and is now) 150 thousand rubles. Compared to other retail companies, this amount is relatively small; In addition, the distributor constantly has the opportunity to make additional purchases, expanding the range and, accordingly, increasing turnover. That is, I needed to buy buttons, bracelets, belts and bags for this amount and boldly start selling them. I could choose the sales paths and channels myself.

At that time, I had no fear of starting a business: the reaction of my Krasnodar friends turned out to be eloquent - everyone really liked it. Without giving myself time to doubt, I wrote a letter to the head office of the brand - in the Netherlands. They, in turn, redirected me to a representative office in Moscow. I talked with the management and found out all the terms of cooperation. They also took a closer look at me, realized that I understood what I needed to do, what kind of product it was and what it was target audience.

I was endlessly inspired and confident that this was my calling and I would succeed. I made the decision to launch my first business after receiving the approval and support of other members of my family. My husband was happy that I would be able to combine business with raising children, expand my horizons, make new acquaintances, and my daily life would go far beyond housekeeping. I still thank my family for this.

The Moscow representative office received my consent and began collecting the parcel with the first order.

Interview. Womenbz journalist Daria Sharkova and entrepreneur Elena Lapko

They gave me the box and allowed me to transfer money when possible


Start of cooperation

We agreed with representatives of the brand in Russia to meet at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport, where I had a transfer: they were supposed to give me a box with my first purchase. My husband and I wanted to withdraw money from an ATM at the airport, but everything didn’t go according to plan: the first plane was delayed, we arrived late and didn’t dare run to the ATM so as not to miss the next flight.

The representative of NOOSA-Amsterdam without hesitation gave me the box with the words: “This is not a problem, take it, transfer the money when you have the opportunity.” I felt like this was another one good sign when starting a business is associated with such total trust.

First sales. Going out to shops

First, my friends started coming for bracelets, then friends of friends. Then word of mouth worked well, because in my environment there were always interesting personalities who liked unusual things. In a matter of days, the Nusa brand was on everyone’s lips and began to sell “on its own.” I had to be constantly in touch to select bracelets and buttons every day for those people who wanted to be part of the NOOSA world.

There was a great excitement, buyers wanted to purchase new items, to have products that I did not have in stock at that time, and the first purchase was immediately followed by a second. American marketer John Trout once formulated a law according to which regular expansion of the assortment through short term will inevitably lead to increased sales. In my case it worked too.

I decided not to limit myself only to my circle of acquaintances. I wanted more people to know about the brand. The next step was a cooperation agreement with the CosmoStore chain of accessory stores, which, by the way, did not work under a commission agreement with third-party suppliers for many years. But for me they made an exception, because as experienced buyers they understood: unique products will attract large number new buyers. At first, I placed the accessories on sale terms, that is, I received money after the sale. Then, when the company's owners saw the commercial success of the brand, the network began purchasing collections. Today, like almost six years ago, the NOOSA-Amsterdam collections are widely represented in the CosmoStore flagship store in Krasnodar.

Events developed really quickly, and I asked the Moscow representative office for permission to expand the geography of sales. I began to enter into contracts with stores in Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Vladikavkaz, Rostov-on-Don. I found retail outlets through the Internet and through the recommendations of mutual friends. During that period, for about a year and a half, I worked without assistants.

I personally visited official representatives in different cities of the Southern Federal District, made presentations for sellers, demonstrated photo and video materials, shared inspiring stories and told how to work correctly with customers, offering store visitors not only a high-quality and beautiful accessory, but also a unique amulet, and a good gift for those closest to you.

It is difficult for the Dutch to understand that in Russian cities located 300 kilometers from each other, people have different mentalities, lifestyles, incomes, priorities, interests


My favorite thing was about to disappear, and, of course, I simply could not come to terms with this. I took a breath, made up my mind and wrote a letter to the head office in the Netherlands. She introduced herself, told about herself, her successes and asked to set up a meeting. A couple of months later I flew to Amsterdam.

I prepared a business plan to convince them not only with my emotions, but also with the commercial component. She talked about what has already been implemented and what is planned. She focused on the mentality of different regions - something that people in Holland cannot know. It is difficult for them to understand that in Russian cities located 300 kilometers from each other, people have different mentalities, lifestyles, incomes, priorities, and interests. The founders of the brand were convinced not only by the indicators of my business plan, but also by the fact that I want to introduce people to good taste and knowledge of the symbols of world cultures.

They then asked me one question: “What is the difference between you and our former partners, a company from Moscow?” Without thinking, I said: “They liked it and I love it.” Literally: “They liked it, and I love it.” And it was absolutely true. I have always treated the project primarily as a hobby, and not as a business. Until now, all this is at the same level of love for me.

The result of our meeting with the Dutch was the signing of a contract for a year. We looked closely at each other, I made regular orders for collections according to the purchasing budget, while simultaneously developing a network of distributors throughout Russia. A year later, I confirmed my status as the exclusive representative of NOOSA-Amsterdam in the country and still maintain it.

I continue to please them with numbers: for example, in 2017 our turnover increased by another 20% compared to 2016.

How to become a distributor - brand partner in Russia

Today I am creating a network throughout the country. I work with distributors in different regions. Those who want to cooperate with us, to be a representative of NOOSA, choose which method of implementation and development is closer to them. There are two such options.

  1. Store or showroom. In this case, you need a platform on which the entire range of brand products will be presented. Partners buy collections and sell them locally. The retail price of products is the same in all regions of the country, while the brand has a high margin. In this format, we cooperate with boutique owners in Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kirov and Simferopol.
  2. Regional office. That is, work the same way as I started: make regular purchases of each new collection. Today, when a potential distributor comes to us who is in love with our jewelry and wants to make money with NOOSA, we tell us what promotion mechanisms can be used, share secrets, and help. In this case, accessories are sold, as in the first option, at the retail price recommended by the head office in Krasnodar. Official representatives work in 18 cities and regions of the country, as well as in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

It is convenient for our partners in stores and regions: the entire range is available for order at any time, since our main warehouse in Krasnodar has all items, including products from the regular collection, as well as new items from limited collections.

Often distributors become people who are already familiar with our product. It is important for us to cooperate with those who value every customer and know that coincidences are not accidental. You should have intuition, believe in buttons and share positive emotions with others. The effect of symbols is not magic. This is the power of a person's faith in himself.

We do not charge the distributor upfront for future collections. We take these risks upon ourselves


Purchase of collections

I get to know new collections 9 months before the launch retail sales. After the presentation of new products in Amsterdam, I pre-order accessories several months in advance and make an advance payment. For example, product orders for August and November of this year have already been placed.

My task is to predict how many bracelets, buttons, bags of one type or another we can sell in Russia, and what design options our customers will like. At the very beginning of the work, the forecast was more based on intuition, and it was also important to listen to personal taste, to imagine as much as possible wide range products and also provide the opportunity to purchase accessories from the classic collection, which is currently always available to each representative. Now, when ordering, the preferences of customers from different regions are taken into account.

It’s interesting that in Krasnodar the audience, which traditionally prefers bright colors in clothes, chooses more conceptual bracelets, bags and wallets from our brand and builds a look around them. The image is based on black, gray and blue products. And, say, ocher and wine-colored creations sell better in Siberia than in the south. St. Petersburg residents, on the contrary, often wear colored bracelets and buttons, further creating a joyful mood. “Nusamans” in Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan are at the initial stage of getting to know the brand, so they give preference to universal accessories that are suitable for both casual and evening wear.

While the accessories are making their way from Amsterdam to us, Russian distributors receive a new order form and form a purchase. After the appearance of the next limited collection in our warehouse in Krasnodar, we immediately send the products to representatives in the regions.

We make life easier for our distributors: we do not take advance payment for future collections. Thus, partners do not “freeze” 30–50% of the order value for several months - our company takes on these risks.

The advantage of the brand's products is NOOSA-Amsterdam accessories outside the season and time. In other words, all products are popular throughout the year and do not go out of style.

Specifics of purchasing in euros

In our country it is difficult to plan a strategy for several years in advance. Especially when the business directly depends on the euro exchange rate, like mine. Our company has already successfully survived three financial crises in the Russian economy. When the ruble weakened against the European currency, I did not make drastic decisions: for example, to stop business, immediately raise prices and thereby scare off buyers and distributors. Therefore, I kept prices at the same level for a long time. Then the increase ranged from 5 to 12% for various categories of goods. However, as soon as the situation in the economy stabilized, the ruble “created” and sudden jumps in the exchange rate stopped, we again reduced prices.

Interview. Womenbz journalist Daria Sharkova and entrepreneur Elena Lapko

Preparing new collections for sale in Russia

New limited collections appear 4 times a year. Each of them produces an average of two dozen new products. We prepare our own detailed descriptions buttons, plunging into the culture, myths and beliefs of those countries and peoples where the signs depicted on the buttons originated. Information about all the symbol buttons released by the brand throughout its history can be found on the official website. Our company also produces its own booklet, in which the lookbook is adjacent to interesting information about the philosophy of NOOSA-Amsterdam.

Retail sales and promotion

We continue to work with retail customers. They can purchase jewelry in our online store. This partnership project, connected to our central warehouse in Krasnodar, and online prices match retail prices throughout Russia. We are currently finalizing it to create a unified retail sales platform for distributors in different regions. It is important for us to launch a portal that has a unified visual style, a system of relationships with customers and accounting for products in the warehouse.

We pay great attention social networks. In 2015 I created a full-fledged Instagram profile. Today it is a working mechanism for increasing brand awareness and retail sales. Each regional representative also has his own Instagram account, in which our partner publishes both author’s photographs and image photographs provided by us. In addition to the materials received from the Dutch, we ourselves constantly initiate professional photo sessions that convey the beauty of accessories and the philosophy of the brand.

Participation in specialized exhibitions is also important. We are convinced that such events help make the brand more recognizable. We took part in Collection Premiere Moscow (CPM), opened a corner as part of Moscow Fashion Week with the support of Mercedes-Benz. Official representatives of NOOSA-Amsterdam can be found at major regional and Moscow exhibitions, fashion markets and among partners of social events.

About buyers

Our customers are strong, special individuals. There was an opinion that most of the “Nusamans” or, as we also call them, noosapeople are representatives creative professions. But our accessories are also purchased with pleasure by young mothers, doctors, and workers. financial organizations- in fact, everything is deeper and more diverse.

In other words, the main thing for a person is to find a reflection of his inner world in our unusual products and choose signs close to your heart. Our people appreciate things with strong energy, created with soul and from natural materials, and are aware of their individual style. Having once purchased a bracelet, after a while the buyer strives to become the owner of a wallet and bag, and having attached a set of buttons to the accessory, he returns for new symbols.


At the moment, in addition to me, our team includes a PR and Marketing Director, a Development Director, and a Client Relations Manager. An accountant and an IT specialist are outsourced.

I try to motivate and encourage my colleagues. For example, for the results of their work over the past two years, two employees were awarded a trip to Amsterdam. In general, I am lucky: there is harmony and mutual understanding in our team. This is logical, because we are united by a love for such beauty.

In business, as in driving a car, the rules are the same for everyone: both men and women



In fact, all modular accessories can be our competitors. But still, our customers do not like things presented in the mass market. In addition, Nusamans will never buy a Chinese fake Noosa bracelet made of leatherette and with a plastic button.

We occupy a “niche of unusualness.” We are often compared to other stacked bracelets, such as charm jewelry, but we are very different, even in appearance. This is a completely different style and, in my opinion, a different philosophy and meaning. If you buy a charm when you want to remember something, then by choosing a button, you “write” your future.

I feel pleasure that the product we offer people brings them joy. Increasingly, bracelets are purchased as a talisman or a universal gift that carries a positive message, and to a lesser extent - as simply a fashionable item.

About women in business

I believe that in business, as in, say, driving a car, the rules are the same for everyone, both men and women. Floor successful businessman doesn't matter. In my opinion, it is wrong to believe that if you are a woman, you will be given a head start.

Own business helped my development business qualities, negotiation skills. It is important for a businessman to have a balance between the energies of Yin and Yang, because if the balance is upset, then the head of the company will not be able to use analytical thinking and intuition equally. Also, success largely depends on personal charisma.

1. Find a balance between work and family life, devote enough time and attention to those you love. Do happy people around you to get that heat back.

2. As for risk, it is always justified! There is not a single business that does not have certain difficulties. My business, as I have already said, depends on the euro exchange rate, and I take upon myself all temporary difficulties caused by the increase in the exchange rate. There is no such thing as a smooth and sweet business. If you are not willing to take risks, owning your own business is not for you.

3. It is very important to have an airbag in the form of a reserve. financial resources and the support of loved ones, to have the readiness and fearlessness to stay afloat, no matter how stormy it is around.

Distributing is one of the relatively new areas of activity that everyone has heard about, but not everyone knows what exactly distributors do, and they are certainly not aware of how to become a distributor.

To figure out how to master this interesting and profitable profession, let's first find out who a distributor is and what his job is. Translating this word from English, you will immediately understand what we are talking about: “distribution” in Russian means “distribution”. The distributor receives the rights to sell products major manufacturer, which is distributed for sale among dealers - small wholesalers. Goods can be products and intangible cultural objects, such as films, services, copyrights, and technologies.

A distributor is an intermediary between the manufacturer and the dealer, retailer or buyer. It can be one person who takes goods from the factory and delivers them to customer stores, and the whole company, selling the products of the giant manufacturer around the world. The distributor receives his income from the large discount percentage given to him by the manufacturer.

The distribution chain of goods can be short (manufacturer - distributor - buyer) or long, when the distributor sells the product to a dealer (intermediary), who in turn resells it to the buyer. Such multi-tiered schemes are more often typical for products foreign companies, delivery of which to our market is carried out in several stages. For example, a manufacturer entrusts the sale of large quantities household chemicals to a distributor located in the capital, he sells them to dealers located in regional centers, and they resell them to smaller dealers in cities and towns.

The difference between a distributor and a dealer is that the former acts on behalf of the manufacturing company and does not receive ownership rights to the product, while the dealer acts on his own behalf, purchasing the product with his own funds.

True, this classification is rather arbitrary, since the statuses of dealer and distributor are not prescribed by law, but are determined exclusively by contracts. Thus, in many cases, a distributor can purchase goods from a supplier at his own expense, thereby effectively becoming large wholesale buyers who resell products to small wholesalers, that is, dealers.

Another difference between a distributor and a dealer is that distributors do not bear financial responsibility for the products supplied. For example, if a company sold a defective product, then returns and exchanges will be made not from the distributor, but from the manufacturer. But the dealer needs to be more careful - he is fully responsible for the quality of the product and solves any problems at his own expense. Distribution work is aimed primarily at creating a distribution network and promoting goods, dealer work is aimed at delivering products to the end consumer.

Consultants of network companies such as Avon and Oriflame are also called distributors - they send an order for products to a direct supplier and receive them by paying their own money or money collected in advance from customers. In this case, they do not bear full financial responsibility, since they can return the goods to the manufacturer if the buyer refuses it (though not all of it, but only partially). But, again, this rule does not work everywhere; in many network companies, distributors must buy all the goods with their own money.

There is such a thing as a general distributor - a company that is granted the main right to distribute goods, as well as an exclusive distributor that owns unique rights. Often manufacturing companies themselves establish distribution companies.

One manufacturing company may have several distributors, and one distributor may have several suppliers.

Of course, the distributor does not sit and wait for dealers to come to him - his responsibilities include promoting the product, finding buyers and expanding the market.

To become an official distributor of the company, you need to sign a special distribution agreement and receive a certificate approved general director. The distributor can then distribute the product provided to him by the manufacturer at a price determined by the agreement.

But in this case we are talking about large companies cooperating with supplier companies. If we talk about small businesses, then most likely you will have to work with the manufacturer on a dealer basis with a full purchase of the products.

Where to look for suppliers?

The easiest way is to type the phrase “we are looking for distributors” into the search engine of your Internet browser and familiarize yourself with the manufacturers’ offers. This type of business can be started from scratch, without prior sales experience.

Another option is to determine the section of goods you are interested in, for example, bed linen, and find companies on the Internet that produce the desired products. On the websites of these enterprises there are always contacts - telephone numbers and e-mails. You can call them or write a letter with a proposal for cooperation.

For this it is necessary draw up small business plan , which will indicate in which region you are going to work, territory coverage, number of employees, availability of transport, client base, available product turnover.

The second step after a preliminary agreement will be to familiarize yourself with the product - for this you need to meet with the supplier and study samples. During this meeting, it is useful to find out some information - how advertising is organized, how many distributors the company already has, whether they overlap with you regionally, what are the terms of delivery.

If the plans are Napoleonic, then before looking for large clients, you need to register an enterprise, find a warehouse, transport, workers, and organize a dealer network. Serious manufacturers prefer to deal with distributors who have already demonstrated their quality work locally.

Becoming a distributor of a foreign company with a larger turnover is much more difficult - for this you need to have experience in similar activities in your own country, an established customer base, understand hidden economic processes, and have significant funds for promoting the product, because it is the distributor who is involved in advertising for the manufacturer.

You can also become a representative network company and receive money not only from the difference in purchase and sale prices, but also from the work of attracted consultants. In this case, the difficulty lies in the enormous competition.

There is another possibility - to become a professional, you need to work your way up from the very bottom in any large distribution company, gradually rising from merchandiser to sales agent, supervisor, and so on until you reach the level that you consider sufficient for yourself. Along the way, you can receive an economic education. This option is longer and more complex, but promises to achieve greater heights than simple resale of goods.

You can become a representative of one of the most popular cosmetics companies, Avon, and earn money without leaving home, on the official website

Where to look for buyers?

Again, you can find clients online. An online store is suitable for this, where you will place photographs and descriptions of the goods. If we are talking about mediation between the supplier and the store, then you will have to study in detail all the outlets of the selected area. Some of them are also represented on the Internet, but most do not have Internet platforms. Therefore, you will have to walk around the desired area with samples and talk to the owners retail outlets and receive orders from them.

Newspapers and classifieds sites will be a good help - through them you can find clients, partners, and employees.

At first, most entrepreneurs do everything themselves or together with relatives who are ready to work for the future - they look for manufacturers and a sales market, pick up and deliver goods. Over time, if turnover increases, they hire additional workers. Of course, if there is a large starting capital, then the situation is completely different.

Distribution is a convenient activity for individual entrepreneurship. In this case, a person works for himself, receiving orders from stores and bringing them goods; all his earnings depend only on his own energy and desire to work. This work will also be a help for mothers on maternity leave or students - taking on a small turnover, you can devote only part of the day to customer service.

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