The right path in life. How to choose a life path and not make a mistake. Stop fighting and achieve what is difficult

Chantal Martin for a very long time could not decide what she wanted to do in life. She was helped to decide on a few simple steps, which she told the magazine about.She Owns It . Her advice is addressed to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

How to find your path in life when there are "too many options"

The post-college years looking for work were tough for me. I tried to find myself in a job for hire, but in the first month I was fired. Started a business but lost thousands of dollars. I tried to cling to everything, but then quit my job.

I didn't know where to go as there were many opportunities. This, by the way, is the problem with most of us: when the number of options is unlimited, they do not allow you to get off the ground, because you are at a loss as to which choice to make.

In order to finally figure out how to find my path in life, I completed several simple actions. I advise you to repeat them to those who are now at a crossroads.

1. Learn a little bit of everything online

There are many learning platforms on the Internet with lectures and practice. You can learn anything from them. Try everything in a row to understand what area you are interested in. It is likely that you do not even realize that your life's work exists simply because you have never done it.

2. Go to events

Attend events that bring people together based on their interests - professions or hobbies. Through acquaintance with representatives of a certain sphere, you will find out what it is like, learn something new for yourself.

3. Get to know

Just meet more often, everywhere. This is a great way to meet new people and make friends. Over time, you will understand in which society you feel comfortable and where communication with people goes like clockwork for you. Still, learning new things in a friendly environment is much more effective than studying a subject alone.

4. Find a mentor

Try to find a mentor. This should be a person with life or business experience, with certain knowledge in some area. The mentor will be able to direct you in the right direction and give an assessment from the outside. Although, of course, it may take years to find it. Or maybe he is somewhere nearby - you just need to look closely.

5. Ask for help

Although family and friends are always at hand, for some reason the idea that you can and should turn to them for support does not always come to mind. Sometimes it is very embarrassing to admit to loved ones that you feel bad, or to ask them for something. In fact, those close to you wish you only the best, know you inside and out, and will certainly willingly provide any help. Including your strengths and weaknesses.

6. Learn to listen

No matter how many events you attend, no matter how many mentors you find, you won’t be able to build quality relationships without the ability to listen. Although it seems obvious, many people forget about it.

Listen when a friend or friend tells how they are getting through career ladder. Listen to a speaker whose success story comes from the stage. You can find something useful everywhere.

7. Learn to observe

You can and should learn from the mistakes of others. Sometimes it is enough to observe the actions of other people, notice their mistakes and findings and try to apply in your life the behaviors that led them to success.

8. Ask more questions

You can learn a lot just by asking questions. Absorb information as greedily as a sponge, and your knowledge base will be noticeably replenished. And this, perhaps, will play a key role in choosing your case.

The lack of a conscious path in life leads to many problems of the psychological and physical aspects. A person does not see a clear goal for realizing the potential and wastes it on trifles, losing.

Living with meaning simple task. Each of us wondered: “Who am I? And where am I going?" When the answer is found, the person applies the maximum amount of strength in order to obtain the desired satisfaction as a result of actions. But what to do when time runs and the path remains untrodden? Do you feel the meaninglessness of calendar days? Has the feeling of being lost and helpless already knocked on your doorstep?

In today's article we will talk about how to find your life path? How can you make your world rich, full and harmonious? After all, it is the meaningful implementation of actions into reality that gives people a chance.

causal thread

Before “treating” the problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the loss of reference points:

  • loss (loss of a loved one, job, status);
  • the imposition of someone else's opinion by close people (“You will not become an artist!”, “Be like EVERYONE”);
  • zone of personal restrictions (impossibility to change permanent residence, financial barriers, health, etc.);
  • comfort zone (everything suits me);
  • lack of values ​​and the main goal (“I just live! I don’t strive for anything”);
  • a stunning success (oddly enough, mass recognition is dangerous depression, because it undermines the life guidelines that have served as pillars for many years);
  • self-doubt (the inability to believe that the desired will come true thanks to the efforts);
  • fear (capable of paralyzing any attempts to uphold beliefs, move towards a goal, or even expand your comfort zone).

This list can be continued indefinitely, because for each person of the Universe unique obstacles are prepared, overcoming which he becomes stronger and more resilient. Let me express my own opinion: I am convinced that a person who has not found himself in space will not be able to feel the life force at 100%!

She will be prone to depression, loss of strength, chronic fatigue, neuroses and other dangerous manifestations of the absence of a vocation in her soul. After all, when we find our own destiny, its support serves as a powerful motivator, a catalyst for happiness and satisfaction from our own efforts!

Self-realization point and rollback

When a person has not chosen the path of movement through life, the most common excuse is the phrase: "I'm still looking for myself." In this case, people are advised: “Remember what you liked as a child? What did you want?"

Indeed, at a young age, a child is not burdened by stereotypes about “normal work” and wants to become an astronaut! He doesn't know how "normal people" should live! At this moment, he is free, which means he feels his way, only to approach the solution of the issue rationally, experience does not yet allow.

Growing up, we strive to realize ambitions and aspirations through the prism of our own nature. We want to find a cell where there is contentment and happiness! This state is called the point of self-realization, in which the feeling of what is happening is marked by high productivity.

But it happens that a person does not understand that he is following the chosen route. Doubts begin to overcome him, and the difficulties that arise on the way turn into the opposite vector! This is how the process of choosing the side of "social normality" and the clichéd standards of society takes place. And the future astronaut often turns into a chair sales manager. What practices will help you get on the right path and stay on track?

Look for the essence!

Self-realization is impossible without productive contact with your inner "I"! In order to do this, it is necessary to push the tinsel aside, taking the time to analyze the current state. Familiarize yourself with the fundamental practice that exposes the essence of the depths of the soul. The answers to these questions will open your eyes to life and allow you to take from it what is rightfully yours:

  • "Who am I? And where is my place in the world? Everyone should know the answers to these questions! Understand what is your main function? Do you want to be a cog in the system, a teacher or a hard worker who does his job and gets paid at the end of the month? Or maybe you want to become an innovator or a pioneer? You choose!;
  • What is my mission? Destiny is what is destined for you before the birth of the physical shell at the spiritual level! Ask yourself what am I living for? Do you want to become a wonderful family man, raise children? Do you want to lead an empire or help people by founding charitable foundation? Formulate the mission as accurately as possible, starting from the verbs create, create, create, help. Give an abstract idea a concrete edging!;
  • "What is my goal?" Perhaps this is the most important point. Understanding what result you want to achieve as a result of efforts, do you realize what you need for this? Often, goals are ambitious and will need to be specified. As soon as it is formulated, you will feel the vector of movement!;
  • "List of Values" In order not to be distracted from the route, a person must have an impressive list of values. These are personal, written truths that have been with you throughout your life or supplemented by the campaign. What are the main principles and ideas? What can you never do, and what can you not pass by?;
  • List of Talents and Skills. What do you manage to do well, and what is excellent and unsurpassed? Think about what actions you can take? With the right use of talents and skills, you realize yourself;
  • "List of Personal Characteristics". This paragraph is similar to the summary paragraphs. Only you really have to believe that you have unique personality traits! Responsibility, dedication, empathy, etc. can be an excellent foundation for implementation in the world!

It is worth noting that only a complete symbiosis of these elements will lead to spiritual harmony. Otherwise, the visualization of "Swan, pike and cancer" may turn out. Motivations that do not correlate with each other always lead to conflicts within the personality! Are there other ways to find your way?

Effective test and literature

To find zones for accurate self-realization, it is necessary to answer questions that are often ignored. People are looking for a way using different methods: they analyze factors by date of birth, unravel the secrets of the name, the signs of the Universe. I propose to pass a simple test designed to realize your true nature:

  • what do you like to do the most? (write out the points in a notebook, zooming out);
  • what would you do in your free time? (a hobby that brings satisfaction);
  • What are you interested in and what do you systematically focus on? (this could be an area of ​​interest:
  • music, crop production, science, teaching);
  • what do you read or study? (visited sites, books, discussions);
  • where do you use creativity or creativity, showing yourself real? (if your job does not allow talent to circulate freely, then this is not your destiny) There is an interesting video on this topic!;

  • What actions benefit or delight other people? (ideally, the outside world should ask you to do what you like);
  • If you were not afraid of failure, what would you do with yourself? (not only money is important, but also contacts, connections, success, recognition, respect, etc. The main thing is to understand, are you doing what you hate only because you are afraid of condemnation or failure? Or is there another reason?);
  • What would you do if the money issue was settled forever? (Where do you see yourself? Who are you? And what makes you happy?).

Read the answers carefully and analyze the current state of affairs. Perhaps you do not have enough determination or faith that the desired path is very close? To minimize the pressure, I will share recommendations for books to read. Someone else's experience and advice perfectly help to see the problem from the outside and make sure that it is solvable!

  1. "Life with clean slate. How to find your way? - N. Kozlov;
  2. "Vocation" - K. Robinson;
  3. "Man brand" - T. Peters;
  4. “Say YES to life” - V. Frankl.

On this point!

Subscribe to blog updates, and in the comments, tell us how you found your destiny and found the right way to move? Or are you still looking? It is very interesting to learn about your victories and methods!

How bad it is for a person to live without understanding his life path. Uncertainty and ignorance of the right path in life is a straight road to a dead end. It's like wandering in thick fog - walking and not seeing the road. Numerology will help dispel the fog on the road of life.

A hobbler on a straight road will outstrip a runner who has gone astray. (Francis Bacon)

The straight road is to know your life path. To find out your calling in life, let's use numerology. The initial data will be the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. The sum of all the numbers will give us an important number that determines the Life Path. This is the number of the waybill in the road called Life.

This waybill, where the route of direction is indicated and the limits of possible and impossible deviations are indicated. It is this number that will explain to us who we are and give an answer to the question: why are we exactly like this?

The life path is what mission we are sent to planet Earth with and what we need to do here. It will also clarify our inner nature, the abilities that we possess.

Rule for determining the life path: the Life Path figure is determined by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. Then we reduce everything to one digit. Exception: 22 and 11.

Numbers 11 and 22 - Dominant in numerology, which cannot be reduced, unless their fluctuations impede the life path of a person.

The Life Path Number (LFN) is easy to determine in three ways of addition.

illustrative examples

Example: 1. Date of birth of Leo Tolstoy 09/09/1828

  • 0+9+0+9+1+8+2+8=37=3+7+10= 1+0=1
  • 1828+09+09=1846=1+8+4+6=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
  • 1828=1+8+2+8=19=1+9=10=1+0=1; 0+9=9; 0+9=9; 1+9+9=19; 1+9=10=1+0=1

Different methods of addition are needed in order to check whether the double numbers 11, 22 and 33 are hidden behind 2, 4 and 6, which deepen the meaning of our number.

That's how difficult it is for the brilliant writer Pushkin.

Example 2. Date of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 06/06/1799

  • 0+6+0+6+1+7+9+9= 38= 3+8=11
  • 1799+ 06+06=1811; 1+8+1+1=11
  • 1799=1+7+9+9=26=2+6=8 0+6=6; 0+6=6; 8+6+6=20=2+0+2

As you can see, Pushkin hides 11: The dominant number. If the dominant number does not suit you, then there is an alternative, such as Pushkin's number 2.

Life Path Number: 1-3

  • The key here is individuality. If you have 1, then you are the first, the creator and the original. Leader, not follower. You will succeed as a craftsman, manager or director. Orders are not for you. Ambition overwhelms the soul and you have a very active life path.

Honesty and loyalty are your character traits. A good sense of humor helps in the most difficult situations.

Self-confidence and pride, in addition to willpower, will help to complete any work begun.

Beware of negative emotions: arrogance, selfishness, as well as boasting, laziness and instability

  • Cooperation. You are better at creating in pairs, in a group or team. The two need cooperation. You are sociable, kind and do not forget other people. Your success is to help others without a reward, then she will find you herself. Just beware of volunteering.

You are a good diplomat and peacemaker. There is a great sense of tact. Love your family - the hearth and relatives are very important in your life. Punctual in work, picky about trifles. You are shy and often prefer not to step out of the shadows.

Numerology warns against negative fluctuations: over-receptivity, refusal to help others, fearfulness, inability to take risks and self-destruction. Gain strength and courage.

  • Self-expression. You are happy, creative and versatile person. Enthusiast by nature, who is energetic, intellectual, optimist - a born leader.

Have an excellent sixth sense and you will triumph in mental work.

Friendly, and the word friends is not an empty phrase for you. You want beauty, happiness and fun for all people and for all living things that surround you. original ideas so they beat the key. Follow your instincts - they are true.

Beware of: haste, uncriticality, excessive talkativeness, as well as jealousy, loss of self-respect and intolerance.

HPL for 4-9

  • Key words - practicality and organization. You are sincere and honest, serious and patient - conscious. Your work is long and thorough. Your motto is responsibility, which is why many ask you for support and protection.

By nature, you are a master, strive for regularity at work and smoothness at home. Details make a huge difference in your life - go overboard with precision.

An intellectual activity is suitable for you, but you can also work well with your hands. industrious. Save money and love your home. You work for money, but forget about gambling.

Your talents are far from household chores and work routines

Negative emotions to beware of: the desire to command, great criticality, laziness, intolerance, workaholism.

  • Freedom. You cannot be controlled, come and go as you please. Activity, tirelessness and variety. Luck comes from working with people. The new simply attracts you: friends, wardrobe, unfamiliar lands. Monotony quickly becomes boring.

Communicative and easy to make new friends. Undiscovered facets attract you, you want to experience everything yourself. Order and discipline are your priority.

Beware of irresponsibility, excessive addiction to alcohol, sexual games and drugs.

  • A responsibility. Learn to serve others, create good for others, while forgetting your selfish intentions.

You adore comfort, idealism, musical creation and beauty. In appearance you are handsome, idealism and justice are in your blood. Peacekeeper.

Close your eyes to the mistakes of your loved ones. Think you can re-educate others. Many of you get married, but there are people who set exorbitant criteria for the second half. Therefore, they create a family at a later age or do not create at all.

love to enjoy beautiful scenery. Fair. You have an increased concern for people who need protection: children, the elderly and the sick.

Humanitarian professions are suitable for you. Often choose the activity of a doctor, a teacher.

Beware: heartlessness, pride and unreason.

7. Wisdom. You are constantly learning. Knowledge is everything for you. Do you want to discover the secrets of the Universe. Do not trust others, constantly collect information.

This is the number of singles who read, reflect and discover. You must learn the secrets from the mouths of the world's thinkers. You can be a teacher or a writer. Learn, share your knowledge with others. Comprehend your skill, and luck will come to you.

Patience is one of your best qualities

Beware: melancholy, alcohol, laziness and secrecy.

  • Traffic. Hard way. According to numerology, triumph comes with the help of knowledge, equality, both spiritual and material.

Eliminate earning money from the first place - this is not the main thing in life. Learn to work harder for the common good, then the reward will come.

Leadership is no stranger to you. Management and your own business are more to your liking. It beckons big business, great projects.

Numerology advises: learn firmness in principles, temper courage and common sense.

You may be lucky in education, trade, consulting. Interested in metaphysics.

Beware: avarice, selfish motives and extravagance.

  • Compassion. Tolerance and understanding are your qualities. Get rewarded when you realize that your calling is to serve people. Try to help them, inspire them. You risk defeat if you want power.

You have a developed intellect and insight. Your prospects: charity, work in hospitals. You make the world a better place.

Vibrations to watch out for: stinginess, cowardice and indecision.

Dominant numbers

  • Inspiration. According to numerology, a lot is expected of you. The life path is associated with the dominant number. You are in the epicenter of reverence.

Professions in which you can succeed: ambassador, diplomat, minister, critic. You can be a spiritual advisor. In life you are a philosopher who believes in ideals. Personal ambitions can hurt, because your goal is to transfer knowledge to other people. You have to lead other people.

The way you live inspires others. Live right. You can become an actor, a writer, a doctor, a psychologist - to succeed in any field that is aimed at helping others.

Beware: dishonesty, cunning, aimlessness.

This is a strong number and is not suitable for all people. If it works, then the number is yours. If not, then there is an alternative -2. Do not strain the Dominant numbers, do not adjust to them.

  • Versatility. The number of creators, creators and architects. All those who take risks for the sake and benefit of other people.

World problems and global enterprises are your interests. Leadership and management come easily to this number.

You can work as a teacher, in government and public structures. All your views are universal, because you must work for the public good.

Beware of such vibrations: nervousness, laziness, boasting and indifference. If the number does not work, then it has an alternative - the number 4.

Knowing our life path, we can determine the main goals for ourselves and protect ourselves from rash projects. Numerology will help you find a profession - your true path in this world.

Life is too short to do things you don't like, sleep with a girl you don't like, and do things you don't love. Everyone wants to find their purpose in life, realize opportunities and fulfill their innermost dreams.

In youth, we chose the place of study, work, in life, almost at random. We were advised by friends, parents or led by fate. But often we made the wrong choice, the results of which we reap 10 or more years later.

If you are unhappy, then you are definitely not going where you want and what you deserve. You can get excellent results and become happy only when you have found your true path. But it's not that easy.

1. Draw the life of your dreams

What should your dream life look like? Make a list of 20-30 items that highlight key points. What do you want to do, how to live and what to do? This list includes all desires: material, physical, psychological, spiritual. This is the initial sketch of your dream life.

2. Make a list of things that don't appeal to you at all.

What do you definitely not want to do, how to look and what to surround? It can be your life today, in which you have an unloved and low-paid job, a gray life and the absence of a soulmate. This is what you definitely do not want to have in a year or two, if you have it now. It's time to get out of the hole!

3. Find the most important points

Choose from the entire list of 8-10 most important things and mark them with a separate marker. What are your dreams? To what extent are dreams achievable and really desirable? Are they yours, and not just stereotyped desires only to have a lot of money?

4. Make plans

Now proceed to the analysis and drawing up plans for the future life. How to achieve these 10 most important points and what needs to be done to achieve this? How do you spend your free time? What should you do today, tomorrow? Make a plan for the coming months and even years.

5. Take at least one step every day

Do your actions make you closer to your dreams and goals, or maybe they just delay this time? All your actions go to plus or minus dreams. When you clearly know what you want, opportunities appear. Take at least one step forward each day. This is the minimum program. But it's better to do two or three. You don't want to die before you're happy, do you?

When you find your way, you have no further doubts. Everything becomes clear, easy and understandable. Life is filled with meaning, and a smile appears on the face. On “your” path, everything always turns out easier, and you seem to soar.

Life is short not to find your way, vocation and destiny...

It happens that a person at the end of his life regrets that he wasted his best years, buried his talent in the ground, missed the opportunity to fulfill his dream. It seems that he did not live his life at all, but someone else's. To prevent this from happening, here are some tips on how to find your path in life.

Listen to yourself

Many of us make irreparable mistakes by blindly following the opinions of others. We study where our parents want; choose a job that your spouse approves of; We do the hobby recommended by friends. We are subconsciously afraid to make a mistake, we place responsibility for our actions on other people. As if those who advise are incapable of making mistakes. We must finally become bolder and listen to our own opinion.

Only knowing your true needs can you understand how to find a path in life. To do this, try to question every advice of others. Not to ignore, but to question, in order to personally consider, weigh, and understand on your own that the advice is really useful. Even if advice is given by a loving and a wise man, you still need to approach it constructively, and not follow blindly. This will teach you to make your own decisions.

Start small. Realize exactly what you want from life. If disturbing thoughts come that life is passing by, try to analyze the moment when it began. Perhaps you are not satisfied with the work, lifestyle, environment.

Remember your old dreams, youthful hobbies. If you understand that this life does not coincide at all with past aspirations, then it is time to change something immediately. It is important to understand in which direction you want to develop, what to achieve, how to live.

Don't hold on to what makes you unhappy. For example, it is very difficult to refuse hateful job if you spent many years on it. However, being honest with yourself, you can make a firm decision to change jobs.

Rely on your own abilities

Many people overestimate their goals in life, and then endure failure and disappointment all their lives instead of successfully doing what they love. This is due to the fact that a person is guided in the choice of activity not by his abilities and desires, but by someone else's experience, fashion and stereotypes.

Do not forget that it is better to be a good potter than a bad lawyer. Especially when you consider that a good potter, improving in his skill, can receive much big profit and social recognition than a lawyer with a bad reputation. Remember that success can only be achieved in what you love. Do not pursue prestige, but improve in the activity that suits you.

Don't be afraid to start over

At some point, it may seem that it is too late to change anything in your life. After all, education has already been received, work has been found, the social circle is stable. And even if all this does not suit, contradicts human nature, nothing can be changed.

This opinion is wrong. It is never too late to start life anew, make new acquaintances, get a second education, do what you love. The main thing is desire and determination.

Be responsible

Do not forget that freedom is, first of all, responsibility. By independently choosing the path you want to follow, you will no longer be able to blame someone else for your failures. It is important to understand that your life is in your hands. This realization is one of milestones turning a person into a blacksmith of his own happiness.

Believe in yourself

In order to find a path in life and successfully follow the intended goal, it is very important to believe in yourself. This is more difficult than it seems, since many of us have been accustomed from childhood to take a passive position, to expect changes and pleasant accidents from life, without daring to take active steps.

In order to get rid of the oppression of your own complexes and insecurities, you need to learn to think positively.

  1. Trust yourself. Accept the fact that when you decide on a new path in life, you inevitably lose the old one. Avoid feeling guilty about this. Understand that this is not a loss, but getting rid of the unnecessary.
  2. Respect yourself. Try to get rid of the inner inhibitions that stand in your way. Remember that you deserve happiness, and do not let others impose their opinion on you.
  3. Formulate your goals in a positive way. To achieve the best results, it is necessary, having outlined a plan of action, instead of burdening "I must" say to myself: "I want." Such psychological technique gives a sea of ​​​​enthusiasm and pushes to action.

Having managed to find your way, do not be afraid of new difficulties and be ready to overcome new obstacles. The main thing is to clearly outline your goal and really want change.
