All-Russian verification work on the history of social science. Presentation preparation and participation in VPR in the subjects of history and social studies. Unified State Examination in History: the cycle of online consultations on preparation for the unified state exam continues

On May 18, 2017, the All-Russian verification work VPR in history in 11 grades of schools that expressed a desire to test the knowledge of graduates.

Official website of VPR (StatGrad)-

VPR options for history 11th grade 2017

Option 1 answers
Option 2
Option 6
Option 9 answers + evaluation criteria
Option 10 answers + evaluation criteria
Option 11 answers + evaluation criteria
Option 12 download

Appointment of the All-Russian verification work on history

The All-Russian Testing Work (VPR) is intended for the final assessment of the educational preparation of graduates who have studied the school history course at the basic level.

The test work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

Write down the answers to the tasks in the space provided for this in the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the largest number points.

The structure and content of the all-Russian test work for grade 11 in history

The work consists of 12 tasks. The answer to each of the tasks 1, 5, 6, 7 is a letter, a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase). Tasks 2-4 and 8-12 require a free answer. Tasks 11 and 12 are alternative: the student must choose one of the events (processes) and complete the task only in relation to this event (process).

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Report on the topic of VPR as a means of assessing the quality of teaching history and social science to students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

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In modern school education in addition to such abbreviations as the Unified State Examination and the OGE, a new one has appeared - VPR.What is it?

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All-Russian test work in our area was first held last academic year to test the knowledge of students, as a final annual work, for self-diagnosis of the school.

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According to the developers of these control and measuring materials in high school, such work should contribute to the formation of students' desire for in-depth study of all subjects, and not just those that they chose to pass the exam.

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In the lower grades, such work should help to identify not only the level of knowledge gained during the study of the subject, but also determine the level of formation of universal learning activities, competencies and personal qualities of students.

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This academic year, such works will be held in history and social studies. Students of the 5th, 6th, 11th grades will write the work on history. In social science, work in the approbation mode will be written by sixth graders.

What documents are decisive in the content of the verification work?

Federal State Educational Standard of the Basic general education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897);

Approximate main educational program basic general education (approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes dated 04/08/2015 No. 1/15)

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The basis of the VPR is the system-active, competence-based and level approaches, along with the subject results, the subject-based UUD are also evaluated:

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Regulatory actions: goal-setting, planning, control and correction, self-regulation.

General educational universal educational (cognitive) actions:

Search and selection of necessary information;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of speech utterance in writing;

Choice of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action,

Control and evaluation of the process and results of activities - determination of the main and secondary information;

Simulation, model transformation.

Semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose

Boolean Generic Actions:

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features;

Synthesis, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

Selection of bases and criteria for comparison;

Submission under the concept;

Derivation of consequences;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Building a logical chain of reasoning; proof.

Communicative actions:

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication,

Possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

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Diagnostic work is aimed at identifying the level

Mastering the basic historical knowledge by schoolchildren,

Ability to apply a historical and cultural approach to the assessment of social phenomena,

The ability to apply historical knowledge to comprehend the essence of social phenomena,

The ability to search, analyze, compare and evaluate the information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past. Diagnostic work checks students' knowledge of the history and culture of their native land.

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The work of the VPR in the 5th grade in history consists of two parts and 8 tasks, of which according to the level of complexity: basic - 5; increased - 2; high– 1 . Total time to complete the job 45 min. Maximum Primary Score– 15 . The answer to each of the tasks 1 and 2 is a digit or sequence of digits. Tasks 3–4 and 6–8 suggest a long answer. Exercise 5 involves working with a contour map.

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Exercise 1 is aimed at testing the ability to work with illustrative material: the student must correlate the images of cultural monuments with the countries where these monuments were created.

Task2 tests the ability to work with textual historical sources. In the task, it is necessary to determine which of the countries presented in the task is directly related to this historical source.

Task 3 is alternative. It is aimed at testing the knowledge of historical terminology and consists of two parts. In the first part, the student is required to correlate the chosen topic (country) with the term (concept) that is directly related to it. In the second part of the assignment, you need to explain the meaning of this term (concept).

Task 4 is alternative. The task is aimed at testing the knowledge of historical facts and the ability to present historical material in the form of a consistent coherent text. It consists of two parts. The student is required to correlate the selected topic (country) with one of the events (processes, phenomena) given in the list. In the second part of the task, the student must give a short written story about this event (phenomenon, process).

Task5 is alternative. The task is aimed at testing the ability to work with a historical map. It consists of two parts. In the task, it is required to shade one quadrangle on the contour map, formed by a degree grid, in which the country chosen by the student was completely or partially located.

Task6 checks knowledge of causes and effects and the ability to formulate provisions containing cause-and-effect relationships. In the task, it is required to explain how the natural and climatic conditions influenced the occupations of the inhabitants of the country indicated in the topic chosen by the student.

Tasks 7 and 8 test knowledge of the history of the native land. In task 7 the student is required to name one historical figure whose life was connected with the region where the student lived. In task 8 it is required to tell in writing what the historical figure named in task 7 is known for, what is his contribution to the development of the region, our country, or the world as a whole.

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Work on history in the 6th grade contains 9 tasks. As in the work on history for grade 5 in grade 6, students are offered a list of events for which they must demonstrate the level of historical knowledge they have received.For example, Option 1 contains the following topics:The fall of the Horde dominion; Neva battle; annexation of Novgorod to Moscow; Wat Tyler's rebellion. As we can see, the work involves completing tasks on knowledge of the events of the World History. In the first the task is to correlate four illustrations with the events stated above. Second task - work with a historical source, Third task - work with the concept, but with 4 to 7 tasks you need to choose one of the four historical periods and complete the proposed tasks in accordance with the theme of the selected period. These tasks are for knowledge of historical figures and their actions, the ability to work on a map, reasonably express your point of view on a particular historical event, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.Eighth and ninththe task is aimed at the ability to compare the objects of cultural heritage of the Fatherland and foreign countries.

The time for writing a work on history and social studies in grades 5.6 is 45 minutes.

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In the 11th grade of VPR in historyincludes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work. Most of the VPR tasks are similar in terms of completing the tasks presented in the USE tests. 1-4 the task is aimed at analyzing the text, correlating time - an event - a participant in the process, 5-7 task work with a map, map-scheme, work with an illustration- 8 and 9 task, 10 task - local history orientation, 11 and 12 a task to analyze an event selected from the four proposed.

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VPR in social studies in the 6th grade is held for the first time. The work will consist of 9 tasks, for which 45 minutes are given. 1 task - chart analysis. 2 task - on the basis of the read text, identify the signs of any social science concept. 3 task - analysis of human behavior, his feelings, emotions based on the consideration of illustrations. 4-7 tasks - text analysis, the ability to plan the text, respond to problematic issues in the text, give examples from your own life. 8 task - to the definition of a social science concept through its features, encrypted in a photographic document. 9 task on the analysis of life situations, on the basis of existing social science knowledge.

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What resources can we use to prepare students for VPR in history and social studies.

Firstly, this is the FIPI website, where a demo version of the VPR on history in grade 11 is posted, as well as a task codifier and a specification of the knowledge and skills being tested.

Secondly, this is VPR statgrad ( ), where the entire regulatory framework for the organization of the VPR is given, materials of the VPR in 2018 are posted.

Thirdly, Dunno, where there is also a VPR in history and social studies, and just like in the variants of the OGE, the Unified State Examination, detailed analyzes of the proposed tasks are given, which will contribute to the organization of self-preparation of schoolchildren for the VPR.

Fourthly, I will solve the VPR, where there is a bank of assignments in the history of grades 5 and 11. The site contains 15 options for tasks that are updated monthly, the ability to compose an individual test, check the solution.

Also on the Internet there are collections of VPR on history and social studies available for download, a folder with such collections and demo versions of works is on your desktop.

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In the 2016 - 2017 academic year, students of MBOU secondary school No. 9 also took part in writing a VPR in history in grades 5 and 11. Teacher Cheredova N.V. The analysis of the VPR showed the following results.

5 "a" class:

5 - 6 people; 4 - 13 people; 3 - 3 people; 2 - 2 people.

5 "b" class: the work was written by 24 students out of the available 25, they showed the following results:

5 - 3 people; 4 - 8 people; 3–9 people; 2 - 4 people.

Low rates are observed for task No. 8 (42% in the Russian Federation, 36% in the NSO) - Recall the most important events in the history of a region or locality.

In the 11th grade, 21 students wrote the paper. We got the following results:

The main sinking points in the VPR in history in the 11th grade with us are tasks No. 3, 4, 10.

No. 3, 4 - text analysis; No. 10 - the name and story about the monument of the history of the native land.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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“A person, having completed 11 years of study, cannot not know his history,” said the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva in February 2017 and proposed making it mandatory for all Russian graduates of the Unified State Examination in History. Later, the minister clarified that the introduction of the third mandatory exam for obtaining a certificate is expected "most likely" from 2020. Despite the fact that the final decision on the introduction of the exam has not yet been made, already in the 2016/2017 academic year, eleventh-graders who did not choose to take the Unified State Examination in history wrote all-Russian test papers in history at the basic level. "This made it possible to test the acquired knowledge and skills of graduates on the main topics of the school course national history", - Oksana Reshetnikova, director of FIPI, told Kommersant.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

What is a VPR? VPR is a new procedure for external assessment of the quality of general education. All-Russian verification works (VPR) are control measures, the main purpose of which is to assess the subject knowledge of students in accordance with the Federal state standard education. The purpose of the VPR is to timely assess the level of general education of students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, taking into account the Exemplary Basic Educational Programs.

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Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science Recommendations FOR SCHOOLS educational organization; organize a full-time final repetition in each class within educational process, avoiding dragging elements; ensure the possibility of obtaining objective results at all stages of the VPR; analyze the results; use the obtained analytical conclusions in further work. Not recommended: work during holidays or after school; specially prepare students for the performance of work; put marks (in a journal); leave the procedure for conducting a VPR uncontrolled; use the results for administrative and managerial purposes.

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To prepare or not to prepare for the VPR? Special preparation for VLOOKUP is not required, since the controlled content is reflected in the textbooks included in federal list textbooks. However, we understand that repetition is not a special preparation, but a part of the teacher's daily work. At the same time, qualitative repetition is always a kind of expansion and deepening. It is proposed to redirect the process of repetition from fixing (memorizing and reproducing) and solving specific tasks (similar in type and content to CM) to a conscious generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge and methods of action.

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And yet, how to prepare for the VPR? When should you start preparing? If from the 1st grade students were engaged in the lines of teaching aids that fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then preparation for them has already begun. But to feel even more confident, you can refer to study guides specially designed to prepare for CDF.

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All education experts point out that VPR does not require special training - after all, no one hires tutors for ordinary tests. For more peace of mind, it will be useful to look at demo versions of VLOOKUP: they are in open access on the information portal VPR and on the FIPI website. If even after that you do not leave an anxious feeling, you should pay attention to study guides, compiled specifically for the preparation for the VLOOKUP. The basic rule of preparing for VPR is to simply teach and learn throughout the year. Preparing for the test work in 2 months is a stressful and sometimes unsolvable task. The right decision is to prepare and prepare for the VPR gradually, systematically, in the usual school mode, using a variety of tasks and studying according to modern teaching aids.

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Description of the slide:

What can't be said because it's not true? CDF is like the OGE and the Unified State Examination The results of the CDG will affect the final grade The results of the CDG will be taken into account when entering a university test, but for the teacher a way to objectively look at the educational achievements of the children! No more!!!

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Psychological preparation of students for testing work Tips for preparing for testing work Prepare systematically Follow the daily routine Eat right During preparation, alternate classes and rest On the eve of the test work Stop preparing in the evening. Sleep as well as possible to get up rested, with a sense of your health, strength, "combat" mood. Tips during test work Follow the rules of conduct on test work! Learn how to fill out the form correctly! Work on your own! Make the most of your time! When working with assignments: Focus! Read the task to the end! Think only about the current task! Start easy! Skip! Exclude! Check! Do not leave the task unanswered! Do not worry! Tips after test work Go in for sports Draw Sing



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