How to start a drinking water delivery business. Water delivery business. Profitability Indicators: Pre-Planning

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 200,000 ₽ (vending)


from 270,000 - 375,000 ₽

Net profit:

from 100,000 ₽

Payback period:

Every year the demand for drinking water increases. Therefore, business on water is relevant and promising. We will look at how to make money out of water: from the simplest ideas to large-scale production.

It is impossible to drink tap water in many regions. This problem is especially acute for residents of large cities, where drinking running water is harmful to health. Installed filters do not solve the problem, since they only purify the water, but do not make it useful for the human body. The only way out is bottled water from natural sources, artesian wells.

Therefore, Russians long ago stopped drinking untreated running water, having felt the difference. Ordering water has become commonplace for almost all offices and businesses, and many families order water to their homes. After all, human health depends on the quality of water, and people don’t skimp on health. Bottled water is reasonably priced and this product is popular in great demand. So business on the water is a relevant and profitable business.

Every year the need for clean drinking water increases, and the number of consumers increases. Every third family in big city Has a cooler with bottled water in the apartment. According to experts, about 65 million bottled water is sold per year in Moscow alone.

RBC experts predict that annual market growth drinking water will be about 15-16%. Currently, bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service line for the delivery of water in 5 and 19 liter bottles to offices and private apartments is also developing at an accelerated pace. The growth of this market segment is 20-30% per year.

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The market is expected to slow down only by 2020, but this will require increasing water production capacity by 3-4 times. Therefore, there is still time to find your niche and enter the market.

But it should be taken into account that competition in the drinking water market is already quite high. A newcomer to this business will have to fight for his clients. A simple price reduction will not solve the problem of competition: prices are already low, and there is no point in working at a loss. Therefore, if you decide to implement this idea, you will need a business plan to plan all stages of enterprise development: from determining the business format to methods of promotion in the market.

There are different options for making money on water. You can only extract water from a well, only purify it, or only deliver water of other brands. There is also an option to open a point of sale of bottling water or a water pavilion. There are a lot of options - it all depends on the market structure and available capital. Minimum costs to open such a business will amount to 200 thousand rubles - this amount will be enough to organize a water delivery company or open a kiosk. If you want to establish a full cycle of water production - from extraction to delivery of products - then get ready for more significant costs.

Let's try to figure out how much a water business costs and what is required for this. Let's start with the simplest format, which will require minimal investment.

Sale of drinking water through vending machines

Selling drinking water through vending machines is an interesting and relatively new idea. People are used to buying hot drinks and snacks from vending machines, then why not sell drinking water by the bottle? Vending allows you to reduce the cost of 1 liter of water by 4 times. Therefore, using such a system, you can reduce prices and attract buyers. In addition, for competitive market this option seems to be one of the most suitable. According to experts, this niche is available in 80% of Russian cities.

How the system works

The machine has a water tank. The buyer brings the container with him, contributes required quantity money, puts the bottle down and draws water. It's simple. Water vending machines have a vandal-proof housing, a reservoir with a water supply, a filling system for consumer containers, as well as a cash and card payment system.

Through the billing system remote access you can monitor the operation of the machine. The data reflects the collection history and the amount accumulated in the device. Through this system, you can block the machine, monitor the temperature in the machine and receive information about the condition of the equipment.

Ready ideas for your business

The range of slot machines is quite wide. They differ in design and performance (from 750 to 3000 liters/day). The machines can operate stably at temperatures from -30 to +35 °C. Finding a manufacturer and purchasing equipment will not be difficult special labor. The average cost of one vending machine is 180 thousand rubles.

Servicing the device is easy if you do everything on time. Basically, the service consists of replacing the cartridge once every six months and replacing the sterilizer (once a year).

What are the features of vending water trade?

The income of a vending machine depends significantly on a good location.

Locations for installing water vending machines:

    in the courtyards of residential complexes;

    in crowded places from bus stops to residential buildings;

    at exit points from the road in residential area;

    in actively visited stores, shopping centers, in markets;

    in the halls of apartment buildings.

The number of installed machines must be correlated with the number of potential buyers: approximately one machine for five high-rise buildings. You need to make sure that there is always water in the machine, otherwise you will lose some of your customers.

Despite the fact that the main advertising engine is the successful location of devices, it is necessary to consider other promotion options. For example, you can distribute leaflets, place advertisements in elevators and on notice boards, leave advertising brochures in mailboxes, and brightly decorate the device itself so that it attracts the attention of passers-by.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling water through a vending machine



    there is no need to hire workers, you can run the business yourself;

    vending business does not require much labor. It is enough to devote a few hours a week to servicing the devices;

    minimum investment volume;

    high profitability;

    quick payback;

    low level of costs;

    the machine operates 24 hours a day;

    a water vending machine takes up no more than 1 sq.m, which means renting it will be cheap;

    simple business organization

    the machine cannot be refilled with containers, and people may forget to take a bottle with them. This will prevent you from making a purchase;

    there is a risk of vandalism, which may entail costs for equipment repairs

How much can you earn by selling water through vending machines?

According to statistics, approximately 10 families will use the services of one device every day, purchasing about 250 liters of water per month. That is, in a month the machine is capable of selling 10*250*30=75,000 liters. With an average price of 5 rubles. per liter, the revenue of one device will be: 75,000 * 5 = 375,000 rubles. And if you open a whole network of vending machines in the city, you can earn many times more.

Such a business can pay for itself within 3-4 months. This time is enough for potential consumers to notice the devices, get used to them and appreciate the ease of use.

Water kiosk or pavilion

A more complex trading option drinking water– opening of the water pavilion. A water pavilion is usually located in shopping malls or in free-standing kiosks in the parking area of ​​shopping malls.

Documents for opening a water pavilion:

  • documents confirming legal status. persons or individual entrepreneurs;

  • documents for the plot of land where the kiosk will be installed, or the premises where the pavilion will be opened;

    approval of the type of object, layout of the object, permission to install a kiosk or pavilion in the urban planning architecture department;

    sanitary passport of the trade facility, confirming compliance with all sanitary standards and ensuring the implementation of all preventive measures (disinfection, deratization, disinfestation);

    sanitary and epidemiological documentation, including conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor;

    other documents (contracts for the removal of solid waste, technical waste, etc.).

What equipment is needed for a water kiosk?

A kiosk for selling bottled drinking water consists of a metal frame and a concrete base. It must be installed on a horizontal sand bed with a thickness of at least 200 mm. The outer shell, made of galvanized sheet with RAL coating, gives the kiosk attractive appearance. You can place advertisements on it to further attract attention. The stall is insulated and protected from moisture. Trade stained glass windows are equipped with metal shutters.

Ready ideas for your business

A kiosk for selling water consists of the kiosk itself and a container installed on it. The capacity of the container is 5 cubic meters. m. Filling the container with water is carried out through a pipe system through a technological door provided in the wall of the kiosk. A high-pressure pump is used to supply liquids (usually not included in the equipment package and purchased separately).

Water is sold to consumers through the dispensing window. To install such a kiosk, you will need approval from the land owner and 6 sq.m. free space. Today, there are several manufacturers from whom you can purchase such equipment. The average cost of a kiosk for selling drinking water is 300 thousand rubles. The average sales volume through such a kiosk is 1.1 tons of water per day.

When choosing equipment, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer provides appropriate quality certificates for all materials that come into contact with drinking water. In addition to the kiosk building, you need to purchase water containers. 5 liter plastic bottles. The average cost of packaging is 120 rubles/piece. Service life – up to 1 year.

Where to find a drinking water supplier

To open a drinking water bottling kiosk, you need to find a supplier of quality products. The market offers a wide selection of drinking water manufacturers. Before concluding a cooperation agreement, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the quality of water and relevant certificates, the conditions for delivery of water to the point of sale, additional terms of cooperation, as well as reviews of entrepreneurs and consumers.

Starting investment for opening a water kiosk:

  • registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur – 20 thousand rubles;

  • rental of premises (area 7 sq.m.) – 12 thousand rubles;

    equipment (kiosk, pump, plastic container) – 350 thousand rubles;

    purchase of the first batch of goods – 50 thousand rubles.

    wages for sellers for the first month of work (2 sellers working in shifts) – 35 thousand rubles.

In total, according to estimates, an entrepreneur will need about 470 thousand rubles to open a pavilion for bottling drinking water.

What costs should be taken into account when planning

This business, like any other, has its pitfalls. There are many costs for a water bottling kiosk that are not obvious at first glance, but eat up a significant portion of the budget. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan and drawing up estimates, it is recommended to take into account the following costs:

    transportation costs for equipment delivery. Some equipment manufacturers do not include the cost of delivery in the overall price tag. It is necessary to discuss this point with the manufacturer before signing the contract and choose cooperation with those who are geographically located closer to minimize transportation costs. Their value can be significant and depends on the mileage, the amount of equipment supplied and other factors;

    transportation costs for water delivery. You should also consider how water will be delivered from the manufacturer to the point of sale. Water carriers are used for this purpose. The cost of such a car is 5 million rubles. If you are organizing a mini-business selling drinking water, there is no need to purchase an expensive car, but you should immediately find out from the manufacturer: at whose expense and under what conditions the water is delivered to the point of sale. There is a possibility that you will be responsible for some of the shipping costs.

    equipment maintenance costs, incl. carrying out sanitation of water storage tanks. The frequency of sanitation is established by the Production Control Program. According to the standards, kiosks must be washed once every two months. This is enough to keep the water in the container clean and safe. The tank is treated in a non-contact manner using a special CIP cleaning device designed for internal cleaning of pipe containers without the need for disassembly. The cost of such equipment is 140 thousand rubles. You can also contact cleaning companies that provide industrial sanitation services. The cost of services can be clarified by sending a request on the cleaning company’s website.

    installation of the kiosk and landscaping of the area around the kiosk. In order to install the kiosk, it is necessary to carry out work on pouring the foundation. The cost of installation will be, on average, 15 thousand rubles, including costs for landscaping the adjacent territory.

    connection to the electrical network. Since the kiosk requires electricity to operate, you should budget for the cost of connecting to the power grid. These expenses will amount to approximately 10 thousand rubles.

How much can a water kiosk earn?

The cost of 1 liter of water at a kiosk is slightly higher than at a vending machine. On average, 5 liters of water will cost the buyer 50 rubles. Based on the fact that such a kiosk can sell up to 1000 liters of water per day, the monthly revenue of 1 kiosk will be about 200*50*30=300 (thousand rubles). Taking into account the cost of drinking water and all additional expenses, the business will pay for itself within a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling bottled water at a kiosk

Drinking water delivery

One of the most common water businesses is the delivery of bottled drinking water. The potential of this area is very high, because this type of service is used by both individuals and companies. Water delivery is a simple business. It does not require a license, special knowledge, or specific equipment. But you should be prepared for a large amount initial investment, because the main equipment for delivery services is a car.

What you need to start a water delivery business

    Thus, it is advisable to open your own drinking water production if you have a good water source, funds to purchase an automated line and established sales channels that will allow you to quickly sell your products. The table shows the pros and cons of such a business, allowing you to weigh the pros and cons.

    Advantages and disadvantages of business for the extraction and sale of drinking water

    1440 people are studying this business today.

    In 30 days, this business was viewed 91,971 times.

    Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

  • 3. Conclusion

Among millions ways to earn money one of the simplest and most profitable - delivery of drinking water. The business of selling water appeared not so long ago in Russia, so the competition is not too tough.

1. Water delivery business - where to start

First, let's find out how relevant the drinking water business is.

Every person needs to drink. If in the private sector we resolve the issue of drinking water, say, by opening our own well in the yard, then residents of large cities are forced to pay for clean water.

And if there is demand, organize an offer!

2. What you need to open a business selling drinking water - 3 simple steps

Step #1. First, decide on the supplier and rental of warehouse space.

Step #2. Calculate the possible volumes to understand how large areas you will need.

Step #3. No licenses are required, but you should still make sure that the water supplier has all the necessary papers, including from the SES, to guarantee the quality of the water.

But how to organize a business for the delivery of clean drinking water if at first there is no sufficient budget to rent a warehouse, etc.?

In this case, you can start with small volumes and first implement delivery to offices:

  1. Distribute advertisements indicating your phone number,
  2. Go around several large office companies,
  3. Offer your services.

This way you can save on an office, which you can do without for small sales.

3. Conclusion

Now you know the basic principles of the drinking water sales/delivery business.

From additional conditions starting a new business, you will need to resolve the issue of purchasing returnable packaging from the supplier.

In the future, it will be possible to simply exchange bottles for full ones, paying only the cost of the water itself.

Minimum investment and high profitability are the two main advantages of a water business!

In the list of directions that can bring stable income, one of the main positions is occupied by the water delivery business. An important condition for the success of the direction entrepreneurial activity there is a high demand for products on the market and insignificant preliminary financial costs for the organization. Delivery of clean drinking water is a service that is always in demand simply because the liquid from the tap is simply not suitable for drinking. In any case, it is extremely undesirable.

A beginner can start his own business with little starting capital. And since the service is more than in demand, there is quite healthy competition - provided that the business is run competently, it is difficult to remain without income.

How is official registration of business activity carried out?

The owner of a water delivery business immediately needs to register as individual entrepreneur. It is possible to register as a legal entity. The type of registration is selected based on the expected scale of the business:

  • When targeting the private sector, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. The cost of the fee for obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. Duration of registration is 5 days.
  • To meet the needs of organizations, it is better to register as a legal entity, as an LLC. The water delivery business is carried out in accordance with the requirements of OKVED 41-00 “Collection, purification and distribution of water.”

When drawing up service contracts, organizations prefer to choose an LLC rather than a private owner, that is, an individual entrepreneur.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the territorial office tax office. The following documents are prepared to complete the procedure:

  • application drawn up in form R 21001;
  • passport of the future entrepreneur with a copy;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee.

The package of documents is submitted in person. As an alternative to save time, you can submit an application through the State Services portal.

To register an LLC, you will need to select a legal address. The Federal Tax Service is selected based on the territorial location of the selected address. The maintenance code OKVED 41-00 is indicated. OOO. If documents are submitted through the State Services website, all papers are confirmed by an electronic signature.

How to start working in this field?

Before starting business registration, you need to determine the degree of need for the chosen area of ​​work in your region. In large cities, competition in this direction can be quite high. At the same time, the demand for high-quality drinking water is growing steadily and constantly. To found successful business for water delivery, it is possible to assess the needs of territories located in an area up to 500 kilometers from the location of the main office.

Business profitability is increased by having your own transport or direct cooperation in the provision of cargo transportation services. You will need to rent a small warehouse located at the intersection of large transport hubs to store drinking water that is supplied to different areas. A room of several tens of square meters with high risers for storing containers is enough. For example, a room with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters with high ceilings is well suited.

Nuances of finding clients, advertising

When searching for large orders, you can pay attention to the placement portal government orders. To successfully participate in tenders, a business plan is developed taking into account the provisions of the technical specifications posted on the government procurement portal. The most successful participant offering water delivery services for regular customers, may be declared a loser if his proposal does not meet the characteristics of this document.

An entrepreneur can personally offer his services to potential buyers after conducting an analysis pricing policy competitors. Effective advertising tools in in this direction will be the following:

  • placement of proposals in the media;
  • when targeting the private sector or small organizations, effectively advertise the water delivery company in advertising stands;
  • water delivery activities are advertised during major exhibitions;
  • A water delivery company benefits from the help of regular customers with a large number of contractors and partners.

Organizational issues

A successful business is based on the elaboration of every nuance. Process should be based on the following factors:

  • purchase of equipment to eliminate harmful elements and microorganisms.
  • Purchase consumables– bottles, pumps, disposable cups, perhaps even coolers.

To obtain the product, either a specially drilled well or a water supply is used, but in this case the use of the most modern equipment is required to eliminate harmful components.

An independent water delivery business requires mandatory investments aimed at:

  • search for your own well and its development;
  • construction of a production facility on the territory of which bottling into containers is carried out.

If you don’t have the prospect of your own, you can use the franchises of a large supplier.

For an individual entrepreneur or a small LLC, the water delivery business can be carried out as a dealer. In this case, the work is based on the use of the name renowned supplier products. To obtain a guaranteed profit, you need to identify a region in which there is a small number of competitors and a select customer base.

All parameters confirming quality when searching for co-executors must be indicated in the cooperation agreement.

Quality parameters

This includes parameters that meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, environmental structures, GOST, SNiP and other official regulatory requirements. The most stringent requirements are set by the Ministry of Health and the SES.

The slightest discrepancy may be grounds for revocation of the business license. For example, after an inspection by a supervisory authority based on a client complaint.

Business Features

It is better to use specially equipped vehicles to transport cylinders and canisters. This is required for the following:

  • protection of containers from damage during transportation;
  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions.

To maintain the customer base, it is necessary to fulfill all points of the supplier’s contractual obligations. The canisters are delivered strictly to the specified address within the agreed period of time without delays or delays.

Business investment, payback

At the initial stage, the water delivery business does not involve large-scale investments.

Add to list starting investments turns on:

  • rental of a Gazelle vehicle, costing about 30,000 rubles per month;
  • submitting an advertisement informing about the hiring of personnel, which takes from two to three thousand;
  • purchase of high-quality packaging in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles;
  • acquisition cost cash register, component from 20,000.

The business plan for water delivery includes the cost of selling one liter. It will be up to 6 rubles, and already at first the profit will be up to 120,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rental of premises for storing containers and finished products, which averages about 5,000 rubles;
  • payment for the work of the dispatcher - from 5000;
  • the earnings of delivery drivers will be about 20,000 per month in most regions of the country;
  • Up to 10,000 rubles are spent on advertising a water delivery business.

Additionally, expenses will be required for the purchase of fuels and lubricants (8,000), replenishment of water purchases (40,000). As a result, the final profitability reaches 38%.

Business start ideas

A water delivery business is accessible even to a beginner in entrepreneurship, since the service is in demand everywhere: clean drinking water is needed in city apartments, coolers are installed in offices, in children’s rooms educational institutions. Their installation is also necessary in large venues entertainment events with a large number of participants.

At the starting level, the water delivery business is based on the entrepreneur’s ability to show his advantages over competitors. You can visit in person city ​​administration and explain the importance of drinking clean water in maintaining the health of the younger generation. Delivery of trial batches to large offices can be used. To form a private clientele, advertising is used in public places, in large shopping centers.

An important condition successful management entrepreneurial activity in this segment is the analysis of competitors' proposals. On initial stage you will have to operate at a cost lower than your competitors. At the same time, the quality must be confirmed by all necessary certificates. The initial investment will pay off in the first 7-9 months of work.

It is not recommended to handle large quantities of goods at once. In the absence of unsuccessful implementation, you can simply go into a deep minus. As you develop, if necessary, you can open a store in the future. The sale and rental of coolers can be arranged.


A company with individual entrepreneur status may consist of only one or two employees, including the entrepreneur himself. An LLC working with large clients requires hiring more staff:

  • delivery drivers from 5 people;
  • dispatchers accepting supply orders;
  • accounting service and human resources department, consisting of at least one employee.

As the water delivery business expands, the number of staff members may increase.

Marketing strategy for a water business

A business plan is drawn up using marketing components:

  • A successful water delivery business is based on the use of information on cooler labels about the uniqueness of the product, delivered directly from mountain peaks or from unique wells.
  • The advertisement cites positive reviews from famous clients as an example; water delivery to such clients is often included free of charge; in the future, this will provide up to 60% of sales.

Based on all the above factors, the water delivery business becomes profitable in short terms.

Profitability Indicators: Pre-Planning

In the business plan for water delivery at the first stage, it is rational to include profit at a minimum level. At making the right choice supplier or creation own production At this stage, 2-3 coolers for installation can be sold per month.

The profit includes the cost of the equipment itself and the price of cylinders for installation.

Regardless of the size of the starting batches, profitability reaches 39% of the amounts invested in purchase or production.

How profitable is the business?

Selling clean water against the backdrop of constant deterioration of the environmental situation is profitable direction business. With a profitability of almost 40%, the company is developing quite quickly, and it is even possible to rent an office. To develop the enterprise, it will be possible to hire additional personnel.

Required Equipment

To begin with efficient work you will need the following:

  • with independent production, you will need to purchase equipment for drilling and developing wells;
  • formation of spill lines;
  • rental or purchase of vehicles;
  • equipment for water purification according to SES requirements.

Small private owners, in the role of individual entrepreneurs, delivering water for apartment owners or for one cooler, LLCs, operating under a franchise or being a dealer, are limited to only renting or purchasing vehicles.

The water delivery business is currently classified as a high-return activity. A well-thought-out business plan helps you become the owner of a successful production in a short time.

Water is an everyday need and the only product that cannot be replaced by anything. Every day a person should consume about two liters of clean water. In a city with a population of 300 thousand people, 600 thousand liters of water are needed every day. We drink water at home, at work, and at school. You can’t help but wonder where to get so much clean, non-chlorinated drink. A far-sighted entrepreneur will immediately pay attention to a business plan for water delivery with calculations.

General provisions

To organize a water delivery company, you can choose one of two options: buy water from manufacturers or dig a well yourself. The second option requires multimillion-dollar costs, a large staff and a longer payback period. But there are also advantages here: due to our own production, the cost of the product would be scanty. However, this option requires a certain geographical location, and not every entrepreneur can afford to transport the product from afar. The water delivery business plan under consideration will be based on the repurchase of water from large producers. Let's define the initial data:

  • Required property: GAZelle class car and storage space.
  • Warehouse area: 20 sq. meters.
  • Type of property ownership: premises for rent, car owned by the director.
  • Number of staff: 2 people.
  • Working hours: 5 days a week. Daily routine depending on workload.
  • Form of ownership: individual entrepreneur.
  • Taxation system: simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6%.


To open a water delivery company as a organizational form It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur. This is due to the volume of revenue received and the scale of the business. Although many large manufacturers prefer to work with legal entities, this leads to additional costs and obligations.

Accounting will be carried out independently by the director of the organization through an online service.

Before starting a water delivery company, you need to go through the following steps:

Step Amount, rubles
Registration of individual entrepreneur (state duty) 800
Order and print production 1 000
Cash register 30 000
Registering a cash register
Opening a current account 2 000
Registration with the tax authority
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year* 48 000
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission to start operations from the fire inspectorate for a warehouse
Notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work

*Sum rental value indicated for 3 months plus a deposit in the amount of one month's rent, then payments will be monthly in the amount of 600 rubles per square meter of area.

Water delivery activities do not require licensing. However, before buying water from the manufacturer, you need to check with him the conclusions of the SES and the Ministry of Health. Only after this can you conclude an agreement with a bona fide supplier. In total, the initial organizational costs will be 81,800. In some cases, the warehouse space may require cosmetic repairs and improved ventilation. These needs may require about 40,000 rubles. In total, a novice entrepreneur will need 121,800 for initial organizational issues.

Technical equipment

To open a water delivery business, large quantities of equipment are not required.


For normal functioning 1 person will be enough to deliver, load and unload the goods. However, this is possible provided that the director-owner will keep accounts and deal with orders necessary products and receive customer calls. If the owner is not ready to perform these functions, then he will have to hire 1 more person for organizational activities, and outsource accounting to a third-party company.

In this business plan we use only one hired unit. For the driver, you can set a fixed salary of 25,000 rubles per month. Together with deductions, the monthly payroll will be 32,550 rubles.

Marketing strategy

Before starting work, you need to study target audience and make a test water supply. Today, demand for water delivery is met by supply, so squeezing into a crowded market will not be easy. For customers, you need to develop a flexible system of discounts: the more you order, the cheaper. Also, for long-term cooperation (example: from 3 months), provide a permanent discount. Attract corporate clients it will be even more difficult - as a rule, they already have their own trusted dealer. You can lure a client either with a lower price or with better service (the second option is preferable). To make your company heard, it is better to use standard types of advertising:

Water delivery activities exclude seasonality: people always drink. Even though the volume of water consumed will be higher in the summer months, this is unlikely to affect the number of customers. So you shouldn’t focus on the time of year when starting a project. In the estimated version, the project starts in April, that is, the entire preparatory work starts in early February.

Planned performance indicators

Before moving on to planned income, we will analyze all expense items. There are not many of them:

  • Renting premises and public utilities– 12,000 rubles.
  • Costs for fuel and lubricants – 15,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions – 32,250 rubles.
  • Advertising (ongoing contextual advertising) – 8,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - about 3,700 rubles.
  • Other expenses – 2,000 rubles.
  • When selling 40 bottles of water per day and the cost of water from the manufacturer is 2.5 rubles - 39,900 rubles.

In addition, every year and a half you need to completely change the container, this will cost 126,000 rubles. The car must undergo technical inspection every year. Insurance is also renewed annually. The cost of the car will be about 20 thousand rubles. We will allocate a certain amount monthly for large expenses: 126,000 / 18 + 20,000/12 = 8,667 rubles. In total, monthly costs will be 121,517 rubles.

Let's move on to the fun part - calculating profits. Retail price one liter of clean water is 9.47 rubles. The total cost of one 19-liter bottle is 180 rubles. The driver will be able to dilute about 50 bottles per day. Daily revenue will be 9,000 rubles. Taking into account the fact that a discount system will operate for clients, the total daily income will decrease by 5%, to 8,550. Monthly (for 21 days worked) profit is 179,550 rubles. Net profit – 58,033 rubles.

If the amount of water delivered increases to 70 bottles (this is the full load of the gazelle), income will increase by 3,420 rubles per day, therefore, by 71,820 per month. In this case, expenses will increase by 32,443 rubles. Net profit at full load (in the summer months) will be equal to 97,430 rubles. The annual turnover will be 2,370,066 rubles. The profitability will approach 825,000 rubles. Profitability is 35%. The initial investment can be recouped in 17-18 months.


  • Project start: February 2017.
  • Start of activity: April 2017.
  • Reaching operational break-even: June 2017.
  • Reaching projected income: July 2017.
  • Payback period for the water delivery project: September-October 2018.

In the end

Water delivery is a simple business. It does not require a license, specific equipment, or specific knowledge. Anyone with an initial investment can start with this. To reach the specified quantitative profit parameters, you need to serve at least 200 families and 2 large organizations. If you can involve more organizations, the number of families can be reduced. With a successful combination of circumstances and a competent strategy, a businessman will sooner or later think about either expanding his vehicle fleet or opening his own well, which will reduce the cost of water by 6-8 times. However, this will require multimillion-dollar start-up investments. But you will now dictate the rules in the water market and will be able to sell water not only at retail, but also wholesale for other water delivery services.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the advantages of a water delivery business?
  • What are the features of the water delivery business?
  • What are the different ways to run a water delivery business?
  • How to write a business plan for water delivery
  • What organizational aspects of a water delivery business need to be taken into account?

Water is the source of life, without which no living organism can do. Ecological situation the world is deteriorating more and more and, accordingly, the quality of water is also decreasing. To a greater extent, this problem concerns large cities. As a result, people are reluctant to drink tap water. Therefore, the need for high-quality drinking water is increasing. The service of providing the population with this product is gaining popularity every day. Therefore, the water delivery business is profitable and promising direction. We will tell you more about this in our article.

The water delivery business is a type of activity that has many advantages that allow it to gradually develop from a small intermediary to big company without significant obstacles. And not everyone knows this. At the beginning of your journey, you should not expect huge profits, but if you act correctly and invest effort, the costs will pay off. So what are the benefits of a water delivery business?

The main advantage of the water business is the constant need of people for water. You can’t do without it either at work, or at school, or at home. It is also the only product that has no analogues.

Not only residents of apartments and houses need drinking water. Offices also require water. But companies do not install filters. And this is where the need for water delivery arises. The opportunities for finding regular customers are enormous, the number of potential consumers is large, therefore this type activities can generate decent profits.

Water delivery can be organized in two ways: either buy from the companies that extract it, or open your own well, and then extract and sell the water. The first method is good because you don’t need to invest large sums of money to find a place for a well, open it and develop it, or install the necessary expensive equipment. But the second way would reduce the cost of purchasing water from intermediaries, because it is yours.

If this does not suit you, then choose a simpler option - buy water from intermediaries for further delivery to consumers. Currently, companies extracting and selling water huge amount. Imagine that in the vicinity of Moscow alone there are 15 organizations involved in the extraction and sale of water. Therefore, finding such a company will not be difficult. Prices differ slightly from each other. The following pattern is observed: the further the company is from the city, the less water costs. When starting a water business, pay attention to the smallest details.

However, starting this business is not an easy task. First, there are many things that need to be observed at all times. Secondly, it will require significant investment financial resources. An important role will be played by the quality of the water sold and the thoughtfulness of the smallest details. What are the features of the water delivery business?

  • The first is the uniqueness of water.
  • The second is disinfection and removal of microparticles hazardous to human health, so the water undergoes complete purification before delivery to the end consumer.

High-quality and efficient water purification equipment is the key successful development business. Water should be obtained best from natural springs. But not everyone has this opportunity, so you can extract it outside the city from deeply drilled wells. You should not take water from the tap. Even if it is cleaned with specially designed equipment and then poured into containers, the quality of the product will still be far from ideal.

Also for successful work enterprises need to focus on creating effective base clients, to organize transport delivery to the consumer and a high level of service. But what a novice businessman should not do is bottle low-quality water into beautiful containers and sell it to the client.

Ways to run a water delivery business

Let's figure out what are the different ways to run a water delivery business.

  1. Own full cycle production. This type of water delivery business is the most expensive. It will take a lot of money for the first investment. If own funds is not enough, then you can take out a loan from a bank. The most reliable way to extract water using this method is by drilling wells.

    It is also necessary to build a plant that will fully purify water and bottle it. The last stage in the production cycle is the sale of finished products. Here, the company has two prospects: to deliver to customers itself or to sell through dealers. Using this method you can build good business, but large capital investments are required.

  2. Buy a water delivery business under a franchise from a well-known company. This method is suitable if you have an established customer base. The franchisor will provide ready-made business solutions and strategy.
  3. Dealership. Water is supplied from the manufacturer to the end consumer. With this method, the drinking water delivery business is the most inexpensive and simplest. You just need to find a trusted water production company that has a good reputation in the market. Income consists of mark-ups on products sold. An advantage is the discounts that can be obtained from the company when increasing regular purchases of goods.

How to start a water delivery business

1. Official registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC

First you need to decide which form of business activity is right for you. If you plan to carry out a full cycle of water delivery, then you should open an LLC (suitable for organizing a large business). In other cases, individual entrepreneur registration is required.

IN mandatory you will need to submit:

  • hygienic permit for water (for full cycle enterprises);
  • sales license (issued by the Licensing Department for a period of 3 years).

Registration is best done through special law firms.

To determine the size of your business, study consumer demand in the market in your region. With little demand and budget, a business delivering water in 19-liter bottles is suitable.

2. What will be needed to successfully sell a product?

  • Automobile

At the very beginning of starting a business, your personal car at small deliveries product. In the future, as trade turnover increases, you can purchase a Gazelle or a similar foreign-made car. When buying a car, do not forget that repairs and gasoline costs will be included in the cost of the product. It's best to choose a budget one vehicle. The car can be leased or rented, then the rent must also be taken into account.

Requirements for the dimensions of the car: small, so that you can easily turn around and drive through narrow courtyards in the city; The most practical door is a side one.

First of all, compare the prices of containers from competing companies. You calculate as follows: the purchase price + your markup (less than 50%) should be lower than that of your competitors. Based on this, you select a container supplier.

Don’t forget that for large purchases, suppliers give discounts and the cost of one bottle is reduced, this way you can get additional profit.

  • Caps for bottles under the cooler

Can be purchased from the same suppliers who sell containers. The same principle works here as with bottles: the larger the order, the more more discount and more profitable for you.

  • Hand pumps for bottles

Research pump manufacturing companies before purchasing. There is no point in saving on pumps; it is better to overpay a little to get a high-quality, reliable product. Clients will appreciate this.

Follow the price-quality rule. Purchase coolers according to customer orders, this way you will save money, nerves and time. After all, there is no guarantee that the coolers that you purchase in advance will be in demand.

3. So, everything necessary for transporting water is there, and the main question arises: where to get the water from?

It is possible to organize supplies of spring or artesian water. Moreover, the second one is extracted from wells, so it will take about 2 million to drill the well itself, install filters, prepare documentation and perform other work. Therefore, it is better to use spring water.

Surely there is a clean spring somewhere outside the city. The quality of water depends on the distance from the city, so we choose according to the following principle: the further away the spring, the better.

The price should be slightly less than your competitors. Next, you need to promote your business. At the first stages, it will be enough to place a message in the local newspaper, post advertisements on entrances, and distribute leaflets in places with large crowds of people. Then you can make high-quality commercials and launch them on radio and TV, focusing on your target audience. You can publish an article in the newspaper about the difference between tap water and your water, listing the obvious advantages of the latter.

Don’t forget to run promotions that will help you find loyal customers. Give discounts to regular customers when purchasing large quantity goods.

Make your order affordable. To do this, organize the acceptance of applications by city and mobile phones, By email, through social media, create your own website and accept applications there. Also arrange for everyone to pay possible ways: cash, non-cash, via the Internet.

Develop a route list by area and always follow it so that clients adapt to you and know that if you deliver water to one area in the morning, you will continue to deliver it at that time in the future.

High-quality customer service is the key to long-term cooperation, so do not neglect this point.

4. Consider expenses and income:

  • Wholesale price of a bottle: 110–170 rubles. +% markup = 140–210 rub.
  • Hand pump: 160–210 rub. + % = 220–320 rub.
  • Fuel and lubricant expenses: 350–450 rubles/day.
  • Price of water: 50–100 rub. for 19 l.

If you sell 100 bottles per day, the revenue will be about 8,000 rubles. Minus the costs, the result is a very good result! In the first stages, this is an activity without large investments.

Let's look at how to draw up a business plan for a water delivery company.

1. Make a plan yourself

When developing a business plan, use the following rules:

  • consider all the pros and cons;
  • determine the competitiveness of your product type;
  • study the sales market and the period for making a profit;
  • determine the amount financial investments step by step;
  • study the payback and attach its calculations;
  • create a sequence of your actions, adhering to the recommended structure.

The structure of a business plan does not have clear norms and standards. The businessman himself decides how many points to include in the document and what size it will be. If you plan to attract investments into the project from third-party sources, you will have to strictly adhere to the business plan. Also, if your intentions include seeking financing, then it is better to entrust the drawing up of a business plan to experienced specialists.

The business plan must reflect possible profit and losses, ways to find customers, attracting investments, loans, bank allocations, product advertising and other information reflecting different aspects of the company’s activities.

This is the introductory part of the business plan in which you need to make positive effect on investors. How you write your resume will depend further development your business. Here it is necessary to bring general characteristics project. It consists of 6-7 sentences, so it will take a minimum of time to describe it.

Compose your resume from the following points:

  • direction of activity;
  • Brief description of the company:
  • the amount of planned capital investments;
  • expected repayment period of borrowed funds;
  • profitability of the project.

3. Description of the company and goods (services)

The section consists of two subsections:

  • Company:

Description of the industry in which the company operates and its development prospects;

Strategic development plan;

Characteristics and structure of the company.

  • Products (services):

Name of product (service);

Analysis of the shortcomings and advantages of the product;

Description of the product and its scope;

Determining the target audience;

Patent rights;

Methods of producing goods, selling or providing services.

The purpose of this section is to provide the investor with evidence of the relevance of the product (service).

The following points need to be noted:

  • analysis of the market environment;
  • identifying target customers;
  • identification competitive environment and its analysis;
  • product promotion tools;
  • drawing up a sales plan for quarters;
  • pricing.

Here they describe the full production cycle, determine the amount of production capacity and its implementation. It is necessary to clearly display all production process, which will avoid problems during the implementation of the project.

This section includes:

  • basic information about production: location of premises, required resources;
  • equipment planning, searching for supply sources;
  • labor requirements;
  • planned volume of production, costs of raw materials and production;
  • calculation of product costs;
  • plan for increasing the technical level of production.

In this part, you need to describe the details of organizing a business step by step, identifying the person responsible for completing a specific task.

We describe:

  • structure and legal form of the enterprise;
  • partners, if any;
  • personnel composition;
  • personnel selection procedure;
  • determining the stages of project implementation.

This section includes:

  • planning of fixed and working capital;
  • profitability calculation;
  • calculation of payback period;
  • determining the break-even point;
  • risks and ways to avoid them;
  • forecast budget.

8. Application

They apply here visual materials discussed in the business plan. These are various schemes, contracts, photographs of product samples, plans, licenses, market research results in the form of graphs and diagrams, certificates of creditworthiness and others.

  • It is necessary to briefly summarize all the necessary information.
  • A business plan must be individual.
  • Reflection of reliable information.
  • Forecast the first year of activity development by months.
  • Supplement information using visual materials.

Organizational aspects of the water delivery business

What organizational aspects of a water delivery business need to be taken into account?

Before starting a business, you must purchase or rent a premises of 20 square meters. If you also accept used plastic bottles, then an additional area of ​​10 square meters will be required.

For a large-scale business you need 2 premises:

  • office - a modest room with an area of ​​about 15 square meters. m, since work with clients will be carried out remotely; equipment required is a computer, a multi-line telephone, a table and chairs;
  • warehouse - required if large-scale trade is carried out; The area should be from 20 sq. m; temperature regime: +5 – +20 °С; protection from direct sun rays; should be located in the area where most of the potential customers are located in order to save on delivery of goods.

With small volumes, you can do without staff, manage your customer base yourself, deliver water from the manufacturer to customers, and draw up reports. But when expanding activities, it is necessary to hire staff.

3. Transport

Transport is one of the main components of this business, because water needs to be delivered quickly from the supplier to customers. This includes costs for renting or purchasing a vehicle, for gasoline, for maintenance, for driver’s labor (if big business). These costs may be reduced if you have your own minibus or Gazelle.

If you are planning to buy a vehicle, then it is most profitable to purchase a Gazelle on gas, as it holds up to 70 cans.

The number of vehicles is determined based on the following calculation: one vehicle per week can transport up to 5 tons of goods.

Thus, at the very beginning of the business journey, $300–400 will be enough.

4. Buying containers

One empty bottle costs $4. One customer requires 3 containers: one is at the customer’s place, the second is in the warehouse filled with water, the third is at the supplier’s for filling. To calculate all the necessary packaging, we multiply the number of customers by three. One bottle will be enough for at least one year. Empty bottles are purchased from the supplier.

The business does not have a pronounced seasonality, which pleases novice entrepreneurs. Bottled water in small containers is bought mainly in the summer on hot days, but the demand for water in canisters is always stable.

Basically, your niche of customers will be various organizations- catering establishments, business centers, reputable companies. The share of ordinary citizens and private clients will be insignificant. Therefore, you need to think through a plan for promoting your business.

As practice shows, consumers first of all pay attention to the price and delivery time, and then study the documents that confirm the quality and purity of the goods supplied.

To attract the attention of potential clients, you need to organize a presentation of your business in the drinking water delivery market. Show and explain on real examples the difference between tap water and your drinking water in the form of chemical analysis results. Conduct a product tasting.

At the initial stage, develop a system of discounts to quickly disseminate information about your company, in this way many people will learn about you.

Along with water, you can also sell additional goods, such as tea, coffee, sugar, cream, and confectionery bars. To make using your coolers more enjoyable, organize a service to service them.

Delivery must be carried out within the stipulated time frame. Know that reputable companies pay significant attention to punctuality. The service must be carried out unnoticed by the customer's employees.

Develop delivery methods.

First of all, create a route in accordance with the principles of logistics. Divide the city into districts and deliver deliveries there at the same time. Next, decide how you will deliver water: in a personal car or is it better to hire a driver with his own car.

Previously, no one delivered water to their homes. The payback and profitability of this option was zero. Required high costs to deliver water to a single client on the outskirts of the city. This includes wages, gasoline costs, and time spent.

To benefit from a water delivery business, you need to sell 15–20 19 liter bottles daily. This is the bare minimum to stay in the black. So, let's calculate: for a family of two adults and one child, one bottle of water is required per week. For the normal functioning of the business, you need to have 100-140 families per week who will use your services.

Certainly, big profits You won’t get anything from this, but a stable income will be provided. If you form a customer base of private and corporate individuals, then the number of the former can be confidently reduced, because delivery to companies is much more profitable. After all legal entities consume much more water, and their location is usually in the city center. This circumstance allows us to reduce transportation costs.

The main consumer of drinking water is the office worker. Market analysis showed that 80% of the entire water business niche is made up of legal entities. And recently there has been a downward trend in their share. This is explained by the fact that the provision of drinking water from a cooler is included in the social package. The cost of its delivery reduces the company's taxable profit. But during a crisis, accountants cut this expense item, and the water business loses its customers.

This fact should not be overlooked; it is worth developing the direction of delivery to private homes, because this niche has not yet been developed by competitors and is currently much more stable.

The demand for clean water is growing, and companies are exploring this area. One office orders 7–12 bottles per week. A person drinks 0.3–0.8 liters per day. To provide water to an office of 40 employees, 12–32 liters are required.

Develop strategies for capturing market segments such as schools, kindergartens, shopping and entertainment centers, feasts, gas stations, and companies specializing in organizing holidays.

Advertising can include leaflets, newspaper advertisements, banner advertising on the Internet. Conduct a competitive analysis on the Internet, if necessary, create a website with the ability to place an order. Send mailings to the mailboxes of potential clients.

If you start a delivery business and do not adhere to the recommendations described above, you will have to close your business or sell your water delivery business.

Drinking water requirements

The quality of the products offered is the main tool in acquiring regular loyal customers. So what drinking water requirements must be met to run a water delivery business?

  • mineralization can be at the level of 50–150 mg/l;
  • can be used for cooking and drinking;
  • amount of additives of artificial origin – up to 1%;
  • the water is pre-softened, there is no iron and chlorine;
  • disinfection using UV units;
  • the presence of useful components - fluorine, calcium,
