Business plans for livestock farming. Drawing up business plans for farming. Information about created jobs

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Pay attention to the livestock farming business plan, with the help of which you will be provided with documentary evidence of the profitability of the business - a cattle farm. Growing large cattle requires skill and experience, because animals need spacious pens in which all conditions for keeping will be provided. High-quality feed with special additives, the creation of drinking bowls and comfortable pens will certainly increase the profitability of the cattle breeding business.

In the proposed ready-made document you will find sections where the cost of the undertaking for breeding cows and fattening cattle will be indicated, because this activity requires tangible funds and constant replenishment of feed supplies. Animals also require careful care, and dairy cows require special treatment, so it is necessary to install milking machines, as well as equipment for keeping cows clean.

A carefully structured cattle breeding document also covers the stages of selling meat to customers. You can not only breed livestock, but also run a slaughterhouse yourself. This will require additional investment, however, the profit will be much higher than simply from selling livestock. You should also think about updating breeds so that the livestock becomes larger and the profitability of the enterprise increases.

The unstable economic situation in our country has led to the fact that such a business as livestock farming, unfortunately, is not developing as actively as we would like. Meanwhile, most consumers are interested in producing as much local meat products as possible, since their taste is much higher than their imported counterparts.

But why are entrepreneurs in no hurry to develop such an attractive, at first glance, niche? The thing is that when starting his business with the development of meat livestock farming, a businessman is faced with a huge amount problems. And this is not the amount of initial costs, as it may seem to an unenlightened person. On the contrary, the low barrier to entry into this business can attract budding entrepreneurs.

The difficulties lie elsewhere. First of all, in order to engage in a business such as cattle breeding, you need to have large areas of land - after all, cows need somewhere to graze! If there is not much pasture land in your region, then this business will be unprofitable. Good pastures will provide your cows with a natural food base, which will significantly reduce the cost of the final product - fresh meat.

With proper organization of the livestock business, the cost of feeding livestock can easily be minimized. Starting from early spring until the snow falls, the cows will eat grass, that is, practically for free. While the lack of natural food base will increase the cost of feeding animals to such an extent that it will become almost impossible to wait for a profit.

But, in addition to pasture lands, livestock farming also requires arable land, which is used for growing root crops and cereal crops - the basis of winter feed for cattle. Each cow with offspring must have at least 2 hectares of land, equally arable and pasture. Based on this, the entrepreneur should calculate the maximum number of heads in the herd that he can provide with feed.

The amount of expected profit depends very much on the breed of livestock that will be raised on your farms. You cannot save on this: it is better to purchase 50 heads of breeding cows that have proven themselves well in terms of fertility and rate of weight gain, than for the same money to purchase 100 heads of unremarkable cows, which will cause nothing but problems.

A competent livestock farming business project will allow you to take into account all the nuances of this type of business. Once you get acquainted with the reviews about the livestock business, it will become clear: those entrepreneurs who rely on professional example livestock business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business plan includes such important points as the specifics of selling meat and concluding contracts with suppliers, which is critical for peasant farms. And only this document will help you carry out a competent analysis of the meat products market in order to quickly recoup your investment.

In recent years, many farmers have abandoned livestock farming in favor of crop farming. We will try to prove that a business plan for cattle breeding is a very profitable activity.

The fact is that there is currently state support domestic producers. One of the points of such a program is financial assistance entrepreneurs who are engaged in the restoration of abandoned livestock farms. It is not surprising that beef cattle farming as a business will survive new wave popularity.

Choosing pastures for business

Before you take your first steps in cattle breeding, you need to make sure that your region has a sufficient amount of pasture land, since this is what will be used as natural feeding grounds for cows. If arable land predominates, it is extremely unprofitable to engage in such a business.

If there is enough pasture land, this means that practically all year round Burenki will eat for free. In the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to purchase feed, but then cattle breeding will turn into a golden business, and all your income will be “eaten up” by expenses.

But arable land will also be useful. They will be used to grow food for the winter.

What is the area of ​​pasture land for raising cows? One cow and one calf will require 1-1.5 hectares of pasture and the same amount arable land. Thus, to maintain 100 cows plus 100 calves and three bulls, at least 300 hectares of land will be required in the ratio of 150 hectares of pasture and 150 hectares of arable land.

Meat and dairy cattle breeding

Cows can be raised in two ways:

  • Dairy
  • Beef cattle breeding.

Beef farming means raising cows to produce beef. These breeds of cows are not used for milking. They are kept for the birth of young animals, which are subsequently fattened and at the age of 1-1.5 years are sent for slaughter. This option is advantageous in that the calves feed on their mother’s milk for the first six months, and the farmer’s costs are almost zero.

Dairy farming has certain advantages. So, in addition to obtaining milk, it is also possible to obtain beef.
Selling meat, like milk, is a profitable business

After choosing a direction, it’s time to organizational issues. To carry out such activities, it is necessary to register the enterprise. Business in rural areas in this case has its own specifics. The most popular ones are: organizational forms as peasant farms and private household plots.

peasant farm – peasant farm – is an association of farmers carrying out joint agricultural activities and owning common property.

Private household plots – personal subsidiary farming- a simpler option. In this case, there is no need to even register with the tax office. The farm is run as family farm. But there are also requirements for such activities. More details can be found in our.

Farm arrangement

Keeping 100 cows and calves with three bulls will require 2 premises, each measuring 70x20 meters with a walking area. Such a farm does not need heating in winter. But it is extremely important to maintain the humidity level - the room must be dry and draft-free.

Is automatic feed needed? If you plan to breed no more than 100 cows, then for such a small herd it is enough to feed manually. For 300 or more heads, mechanized feeding is carried out.

In general, catering is a serious issue for such a business. Feeding varies depending on different times year. In summer, the main part of the diet is fresh grass. In winter, cows eat pre-prepared hay, vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets), silage, and mixed feed.

Annual feed consumption per cow:

  • Green mass – 10 tons
  • Hay – 2 tons
  • Straw – 1 ton
  • Silo – 4 tons
  • Root crops – 2.5 tons.

It is also very important to give cows 100 grams of salt per day to maintain normal acid-salt balance.

If all of the above has to be purchased, then 41 thousand rubles will be spent per year per cow. Therefore, it is very important that the farmer has a large plot of land that can be used as pasture and also for making hay.

Costs of starting a farm

It is better to start such a business by purchasing a small number of cows. As your business develops, you can always buy more cattle. At first, 10 cows are enough, a little later - another 10. As soon as a stable income appears, you can increase the number of animals.

The peasant farm business plan includes the following costs:

  • Construction or repair of a farm - about 200 thousand rubles
  • Buying 7 cows – about 300 thousand rubles
  • Buying 3 head bulls – approximately 200 thousand rubles
  • Registration of activities – 15-20 thousand.

Thus, it will take from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles to open a business.

How much can you earn?

The first mating of cows is carried out at the age of 1.5 years, and the gestation of calves lasts 285 days, then you should not rely on a quick return on business.

You will begin to receive real income only by the end of the first or even second year of operation of the farm.

One cow gives birth to 1 calf per year. Lactation lasts approximately 300 days. Therefore, in the first 2-3 months after calving, half of the milk will be used to fatten the calf.

1 cow produces 10 liters of milk per day. During the first three months of lactation, approximately 5 liters per day can be sold per cow. From 4 cows – 20 liters.

At the end of lactation, all 10 liters per day per cow will be used for sale.

The average cost of 1 liter of milk is approximately 60 rubles. Consequently, during the lactation period, one animal can earn 27 thousand rubles in 3 months. Multiply by the number of cows to get your total revenue. And this is only when selling milk. If you additionally engage in the production of sour cream, cottage cheese, butter and cream, your income will increase.

Calves can also be sold as young animals or fattened and slaughtered with subsequent sale of meat. Raising calves for meat will take about a year of fattening.

The average weight of a dairy cow at the age of 1 year is 300 kg, and a bull’s weight is up to 400 kg. At slaughter, the yield of beef is 50%. The cost of 1 kg of meat is 300 rubles. Thus, the proceeds from the sale of meat will be 45-60 thousand rubles.

Taking into account low costs input and support from the state, as well as the variety of earnings on a cattle farm (sale of milk, young animals, meat), it is obvious that the cattle breeding business is a very profitable activity.

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The policy of import substitution creates favorable conditions for the development of farms. In addition, there are government support programs for young farmers. To receive such assistance, you must draw up a business plan farm with an analysis of this project.


Services provided

In order to determine the services provided, you need to analyze the demand for a particular type of activity at the location of the farm. This will ensure higher demand for manufactured goods and a low level of competition. The choice also depends on the amount of land at the disposal of the entrepreneur and the possibility of placing buildings on the site. Large-scale projects are more profitable, but it is better to start small, gradually increasing production potential.

Most profitable services provided by the farm:

  • sale of vegetables and fruits;
  • sale of agricultural crops;
  • sale of meat;
  • milk sales;
  • sale of eggs;
  • sale of cheese.

TO additional services sale should be attributed to:

  • skins;
  • wool;
  • down and feathers;
  • manure;
  • young animals

You can consider the following types of services provided:

  • farm tour;
  • processing of production products;
  • cafe with farm products.


Relevance of development agriculture in Russia is as follows:

  • the demand for environmentally friendly products is constantly growing;
  • government support;
  • improvement of the legislative framework;
  • farming is a highly profitable business.

Types of activities

The farm carries out the following types of activities according to OKVED:

  • 01.1 Growing annual crops;
  • 01.2 Growing perennial crops;
  • 01.45 Sheep and goat breeding;
  • 01.46 Pig breeding;
  • 01.47 Breeding poultry.

In practice, it is more efficient to form household farms in the form of mixed subsidiary farming. Conducting mixed farming will allow you to expand the range of final products and minimize the risks of seasonality, which will also increase your potential profit.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming requires much less time and money than other types livestock farm. When implementing this area of ​​activity, it will be possible to use fewer workers.

Eggs and chicken are those products that are always in the refrigerator of any of our compatriots. In addition, breeding birds does not require too large areas.

Birds for rearing:

  • laying hens;
  • broiler chickens;
  • geese;
  • ducks;
  • quail;
  • guinea fowl;
  • turkeys

To open a small poultry farm you will need a room of about 400 square meters. m. It should be adjacent to an area for walking birds (at least 200 sq. m.).

The Ministry of Agriculture standards state that walking areas must have fences (in relation to the height and size of the birds) and drains. It is recommended to walk the birds different types separately, so you will need to make additional partitions inside the pasture.

Poultry house requirements:

  1. It is best to make a poultry farm from wood or brick.
  2. The floor should be covered with a thick layer of sawdust.
  3. The premises should be divided into areas where, like in a pasture, there will be various types birds.
  4. Each area of ​​the poultry farm should have a separate feeder and drinker.
  5. According to the norms, three adults or 10 chicks should live on one square meter. The calculation is given for chickens. Geese need 1 sq. m. for each adult, turkeys - twice as much as chickens.
  6. The room should be well ventilated, but at the same time be heated to a temperature not lower than +25 degrees.

Learn more about what you need to get started farming business in poultry farming from the channel “Main farming portal FARMER. RU".

Pig farming

Almost the most profitable idea for entrepreneurs who decide to make money meat business, there will be a pig farm. If you have 2–5 million rubles, you can open a modern high-tech farm with a livestock of 100 pigs. In this case, all necessary components will be included in the diet. The demand for pork in our country is higher than for other types of meat due to its lower price.

To raise pigs you will need a warm and ventilated pigsty. For a small number of heads, you can assemble a room from available materials: boards, chopped wood. But do not forget that pigs are curious animals, so when they grow up, they will dig tunnels and easily break walls. A permanent pigsty is located on a strip foundation made of brick or gas blocks.

During construction, the following standards are taken into account:

  • the height of the walls at the doorways is 2-2.3 m;
  • height in stalls – at least 1.3 m;
  • for one adult sow – 3–4 sq. m;
  • per boar – 4–5 sq. m.

Young animals can be kept together in one pen. When they reach 6 months, the piglets are divided into 2–3 heads in one pen. Adult animals are seated because they are cocky and can injure each other. That is, for 10 adult individuals you need to prepare a pigsty with an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. m. The price of construction and insulation of walls depends on the region.

The pigsty should be divided by wooden partitions. The light is not very bright, since excess lighting makes the animals aggressive. Window openings - no more than 13% of the total wall area. Places are equipped with drinking bowls and feeders. For the first time, you can make drinking bowls and feeders with your own hands. A separate walking area is being built. It is equipped with a roof and fenced with a wooden fence.

The channel “Rabbits Rule!” will talk about the organization.

Sheep breeding

Developing a business related to sheep farming has certain advantages. They are not only stable income, but also the constant demand for farm products. At the same time, the products include not only meat, but also wool, as well as sheep’s cheese.

Another advantage is that any room is suitable for keeping animals; you can build it yourself. The sheepfold needs less constant cleaning (this is the advantage of ungulates over birds or, say, rabbits). But in order for your livestock to winter well, it is important to insulate the sheepfold. It is necessary to purchase space for sheep walking taking into account the further increase in the number of animals (an average of 20 sheep per hectare).

Requirements for the sheepfold:

  1. Floors that are too soft can lead to foot problems in animals. The optimal covering is a layer of earth + a thin layer of straw.
  2. Drafts must be avoided, so there should be no gaps in the room. The air temperature in the sheepfold in winter should not be below minus 12–15 degrees.
  3. It is better to avoid bumps in the path of the sheep to avoid broken legs.
  4. In the premises where sheep are kept, drinking bowls must be designed for a volume of at least 10 liters per head.

The cost of one breeding sheep of the common Romanov breed starts at 5 thousand rubles. The cost of a stud ram can be double or even triple that. On average, one ram covers up to 40–50 sheep, but practice shows that it is better to provide two flocks of 20 sheep each than one of 40.

Channel “Almasbek. “Or Kazak bai bolsyn.” provides information about sheep farming.

Agricultural crops

The process of cultivating and growing grain crops is closely related to animal husbandry. After all, the final product of this industry, along with its use in food industry, serves as food for animals and birds. Cereals are the main ingredients of any feed. In addition, plant products are actively used in pharmaceuticals, textiles and perfumery.

When planning a business, first of all, you need to decide on the specific grain crop that is supposed to be grown:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • oats;
  • sunflower;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley, etc.

Depending on the selected crop, it is planned process, including:

  • features of soil cultivation;
  • methods of sowing seeds;
  • timing and technology of harvesting;
  • types of fertilizers used;
  • ways to protect plants from harmful insects and diseases.

The “Technical” channel was filmed on how to minimize drought when growing crops.

Growing vegetables and fruits

In addition to cereals and grain crops, entrepreneurs may be interested in floriculture, growing vegetables and berries. These areas have great prospects, and seasonality factors can be reduced through the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses. Such a business will be especially profitable in winter, when the price of fresh vegetables increases significantly.

Gardening and viticulture are quite promising and cost-effective type business. Unlike other areas, investments in such projects pay off for quite a long time. A period of 3 years is required depending on the type of trees chosen. However, over time you get stable business with insignificant expenses for its maintenance. It is necessary to choose ways to protect the crop from the unwanted effects of insects and crop diseases.

It should be remembered that automation of the growing process has a positive effect on farm productivity, thereby increasing the profitability of the business.

Fruits and berries to grow:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • strawberry;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • watermelons;
  • apricots;
  • plums;
  • melons

Vegetables to grow:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant.

Greens to grow:

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic.

Requirements for greenhouses:

  • light transmission - frame elements should not be too wide;
  • the soil under the greenhouse must be stable at any time of the year;
  • It is not recommended to install greenhouses in areas that are flooded in the spring.

The linvideo zp channel will talk about growing vegetables in industrial scale.

Market description and analysis

Organizing a business should begin by assessing the business idea according to the following criteria:

  • characterize the target audience;
  • determine the competitiveness of your project;
  • analyze the share and dynamics of the selected market segment.

The characteristics of farms in Russia are as follows:

  1. There is an increased demand among the population for agricultural products, which currently exceeds supply.
  2. Import substitution policies minimize competition from foreign suppliers.
  3. The volume of farm products produced by local farms is very low.
  4. Over the past ten years, Russian farms have significantly lost their position in the market.
  5. The introduction of sanctions led to the formation of unfilled niches and an increase in the range of unmet needs of the population.
  6. High profitability determines the attractiveness of this business for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
  7. The main difficulty for the successful functioning of domestic farmers is the sale of their products to intermediaries low prices and lack of independent entry into the market.

Target Audience

The target audience of farms is divided into two segments:

  1. B2B - purchase of products by legal entities for the purpose of further processing or resale. The most active buyers are regional and federal retail chains.
  2. B2C - purchase of products directly by the consumer. These are mainly working people aged 25–45 years.

Competitive advantages

Basic competitive advantages farm:

  • flexible pricing policy;
  • environmental friendliness of products;
  • quality of agricultural products;
  • efficiency of delivery;
  • branded packaging.

Advertising campaign

  1. Logo development and corporate identity from scratch.
  2. Naming (name of the farm).
  3. Slogan development.
  4. Designation and formation of philosophy and mission.

Minifarms are a business where the main means of informing potential clients is recommendations regular customers. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor product quality. You can place advertisements in stores, markets and other crowded places.

Other channels for product promotion:

  • local media;
  • creation of a website on the Internet;
  • social networks;
  • distribution of booklets with products to restaurants and cafes;
  • billboards, banners.

Sales channels

Possible product sales channels:

  1. Participation in exhibitions and thematic events. Usually only interested buyers gather at such events, so a competent presentation of your products will help you get profitable contracts with acquirers.
  2. Participation in state, regional and commercial tenders. A somewhat expensive option. The winner of the tender is determined on a competitive basis. However, this is one of best options searching for a reliable and profitable buyer for large volumes of goods.
  3. Sale at wholesale markets. An option to arrange supplies to supermarkets, hypermarkets, and other stores. Cooperation with them will ensure long-term, constant and profitable sales of products.
  4. Registration for electronic platform marketing of agricultural products. For example, at the state one - Rosagrotorg. Russian Federation or regional - Saratovagro.
  5. Selling through online platforms is convenient, inexpensive and fast. Buyers can always find the nearest supplier.
  6. Membership in a marketing agricultural consumer cooperative. A kind of association of farmers that allows them to jointly sell produced goods.

Government support

In Russia, the “State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food for 2013–2020” is applied.

In order to support beginning agricultural producers, the following activities are carried out:

  • provision of subsidies;
  • distribution of grants for various purposes;
  • holding competitions;
  • conducting consultations.

To participate in the program, you must have the status of a beginning farmer, and the farm must meet the parameters of a microenterprise. Beginning farmer - citizen Russian Federation of working age who have an agricultural education or have at least 3 years of experience in agriculture. He is the head of a peasant farm and a registered individual entrepreneur.

Basic parameters of a starting peasant farm:

  • the share attributable to a legal entity that is not a small and medium-sized enterprise does not exceed 25 percent;
  • average number of employees - no more than 100 people for small enterprises and 15 people for micro-enterprises;
  • revenue excluding taxes should not exceed the maximum values ​​that are established annually.

Additional conditions for participation in the program:

  • The peasant farm was registered no more than three years ago;
  • being implemented commercial products no less than 30 thousand rubles. per year;
  • the head of the peasant farm is a citizen of the Russian Federation living in rural areas at least a year;
  • A peasant farm can participate in each of the Program activities only once.

The video shows step by step how to obtain land for farming. Filmed by the channel Mikhalev Sergey - business coach.

Step-by-step opening instructions

After defining target audience and market analysis, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Draw up a detailed business plan for a farm or purchase a ready-made sample.
  2. Prepare documents for opening a mini-farm.
  3. Find a suitable location for the enterprise.
  4. Purchase equipment and inventory.
  5. Determine the need to hire personnel.
  6. Purchase animals, seedlings.
  7. Open your own business.


A peasant farm (peasant farm) is a form of business ownership associated with agricultural activities. A peasant farm can be opened by either one person or a group of people connected by joint farming or family ties. The number of participants is limited to five citizens.

A peasant farm is not a legal entity, and its head is recognized as an entrepreneur in accordance with the law. To carry out this type of activity you must be a legally competent adult. In this case, the citizenship of the entrepreneur does not matter. Registration is carried out simply by contacting the tax authorities at the place of residence of the manager.

To register a mini farm in tax service The following documents will be required:

  • application for registration of a peasant farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • entrepreneur's passport (original and copy);
  • a document indicating the place of residence of the entrepreneur;
  • agreement to create a farm (for several persons).

The registration procedure will take no more than five working days from the date of submission of the package of documents. The registration authority will submit the following documents:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • a document confirming registration with the tax office;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

An entrepreneur can also receive information letter Goskomstat.

It is recommended that when submitting documents for registration, you follow the procedure for switching to the Unified Agricultural Tax regime. The unified agricultural tax is calculated taking into account VAT, income and property taxes. This is the most suitable option for the farmer, since he will have to pay no more than 6% of the profit received. Payment is made once every six months, and reporting is submitted once a year.

Equipment and inventory

The choice of equipment depends on the type of farm.

Equipment and supplies for sheep breeding (flock of 100 heads):

Poultry breeding equipment:

Equipment for greenhouses:

Pig breeding equipment:

Photo gallery

Chick brooder Heat and pregnancy detector Incubator Feather plucking machine Hoof shears Lamb castration tongs Greenhouse 200 sq. m Grain crusher


Depending on the size of the farm, it may require hired workers. In addition, the peasant farm must have a veterinarian/agronomist on its staff (this is determined by the activity profile) and an accountant. They may be family members or invited part-time professionals.

Financial plan

Whatever direction of home farming a businessman chooses, he will still need initial capital. can be opened by carefully planning the size of the investment and forecasting income.

Features of the financial plan:

  • a pig farm opens;
  • number of goals - 200–250;
  • form of ownership - peasant farm with unified agricultural tax (tax is 6% with net profit).

How much does it cost to open?

Cost estimate.

Regular expenses

Fixed farm expenses.


Activities that bring in the most income on the farm.


Schedule planning for opening a mini-farm.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Market analysis+ +
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Acquisition and registration of land +
Construction of premises for keeping animals +
Greenhouse installation +
Summing up communications +
Purchase of agricultural machinery +
Purchasing and completing inventory +
Creation of feed reserves +
Purchase of young animals and seedlings, seeds +
Recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

When choosing agriculture as the basis for entrepreneurial activity, it is worth considering all the risks:

  1. Insects can interfere with crop production natural conditions and disasters. Not in all cases, their consequences can be quickly eliminated without causing significant losses. This risk can be minimized if you regularly consult with an experienced agronomist and independently gain knowledge on growing plants.
  2. When choosing livestock farming, it is worth considering the likelihood of diseases that can affect the entire livestock and require its complete destruction. A veterinarian will help here, who should be regularly invited for preventive examination of the livestock.
  3. Power and water interruptions. The risk is quite high. To neutralize it, it is worth taking care of the availability of backup sources of electricity and water supply.
  4. Poor quality seedlings, young growth. You can minimize the risk if you carefully select suppliers and breeders.
  5. Rising feed prices. You cannot skimp on the quality of animal nutrition. This risk can be neutralized by developing own production fodder supply (growing crops and vegetables).
  6. Difficulties with selling products. It is necessary to establish distribution channels in advance.

Many branches of agriculture do not require significant expenses, and their payback occurs within a year.

To organize your own business in the field of livestock farming great value has a well-thought-out farming business plan. Meat and dairy areas are of particular interest. At the same time, you can organize a small family business with only about a dozen cows, or plan to organize a farm for 100 heads of cattle or more. In both cases, you need to start with clear, well-thought-out actions for each specific project.

The Importance of Sole Business Planning

Before opening any business, you need to think through everything carefully. At the planning stage, it is important to identify priority tasks on which the success of a private enterprise directly depends. Creating a business plan for a farm should begin with determining the general direction and format of a specific production.

Based on these indicators, it is necessary to study the market, pricing policy, possible competition, establish preliminary contacts with potential buyers of manufactured products.

Among them special attention deserve contacts with meat processing plants, dairies and leather tanning companies.

Having decided on the direction of activity, it is important to make calculations of the area of ​​​​the optimal territory for running a specific farm, equipment and building materials.

Where to start your business in rural areas

Before organizing a livestock farm, it is important to assess your capabilities and the seriousness of your aspirations. In addition, you need to carefully consider necessary equipment, do the calculation detailed business plan on cattle breeding, which includes financial costs, payback time, profit level. It will be useful and necessary to study the basics of the production of meat and dairy products, and the technology of raising cattle. Only by relying on proven knowledge can you properly organize an effective business.

From the very beginning you should take the following steps:

  • choose the right place to build a barn;
  • explore the possibilities of renting ready-made premises;
  • purchase the necessary equipment;
  • ensure that the temperature inside the wintering area is maintained at least 12 degrees Celsius;
  • take care of the availability of nearby summer pastures for livestock;
  • form a productive herd;
  • better to start with small farm a maximum of 50 heads, and then expand the scale of the business;
  • a small dairy plant with a packaging line will become an important part of a dairy farm whose business plan is focused on processing its own products.

Actions and tools to start your own livestock business

To start a business, you can rent a ready-made cowshed and adjacent land. This will require a certain starting capital. A novice entrepreneur can be helped in organizing a farm for 50 heads of cattle. government program preferential lending.

After this, you should register the business in the form legal entity, open personal accounts to pay for communications. Before starting work, barns must be inspected by firefighters, the sanitary-epidemiological service, and veterinarians.

The economic activity of any enterprise is associated with financial statements, therefore, a livestock complex with a business development plan requires the work of a qualified accountant. In addition, an efficiently operating farm that seeks to expand its markets ensures constant veterinary control. This makes it easier to sell meat and dairy products.

Productive production is impossible without the necessary equipment. You will need a tractor with replaceable attachments and vehicles that will deliver cattle farm products to sales points. In addition, it is impossible to do without a sufficient number of agricultural tools, cans, and milking machines.

Enterprise registration, livestock breeding technology

It is necessary to register an “LLC” or “IP” depending on the planned production volumes of meat and dairy products. For this individual entrepreneur You will need a photocopy of your passport, identification code, a statement certified by a notary, a receipt for payment of the state duty. In addition, you must provide the necessary OKVED codes (01.2 – livestock farming).

After deciding to raise cattle, it is important to choose the most favorable form of taxation. At the moment, you can work according to a simplified scheme (STS – 6% of gross income).

A successful cattle business plan, which forms the basis of an individual farm, is best focused on both dairy and meat products. It should be borne in mind that each of these areas has its own unique features. Before opening a dairy farm, the best solution would be to establish cooperation with nearby dairies. This will help ensure a constant supply of fresh produce. Over time, to expand the business beyond dairy and meat direction, it is possible to develop the production of hides and wool in parallel.

Specifics of raising cattle for meat

Before registering a livestock business, you need to study the characteristics of the market in a certain region, the average prices for meat and milk. It is important to calculate necessary costs. After this, based on the information received, you can try to predict the income of a particular farm.

Raising cattle for meat has its own specifics. It should be taken into account that the organization of cutting up carcasses and the production of semi-finished products requires obtaining permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service, veterinary service, Rospotrebnadzor, and state fire supervision.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to provide such papers to open a farm focused on the sale of bulls, cows, and calves by live weight. Although this is an easier way to start a business, it is less profitable. Thus, when starting your own business in livestock farming, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

Planning profitability of the dairy sector

The plan for breeding dairy cows also needs to be tied to profitability. Income from this business is determined by factors such as the productivity of the entire herd, production costs, and purchase prices for milk.

A business plan for a dairy farm can only be built taking into account specific data. For example, the profitability of a farm of this type for 50 animals can be calculated according to the following scheme.

The average cow produces 5,000 liters of milk per year. Thus, 250,000 liters can be expected from a whole herd under favorable conditions. Wholesale price is within 20 rubles per liter.

To increase economic efficiency It is possible to set up a processing facility, which will increase the added value of products by 40-50%. In this case, for a year it will be about 6,250,000 rubles. By subtracting the necessary operating expenses from this amount, you can obtain the net profit for the year and month, as well as calculate the payback time. To do this, the investment amount is divided by the monthly profit.

You can learn more about the planning of two livestock areas in the articles and.

Rent, repairs, employee wages

The calculated costs for rent, disinfection and repair of production, office, and utility premises constitute a mandatory expenditure part of the enterprise’s budget. A large business requires a full staff, but a small farm will also require hiring certain people.

Animal husbandry can rightfully be considered one of the most ancient crafts of human society. The primitive population also survived thanks to animal husbandry. A lot of time has passed, but nothing has changed. Meat is still considered an indicator of wealth, abundance and luxury. For these and many other reasons, animal husbandry is a very attractive way to start your own business. In order to succeed, it is imperative to create a livestock farming business plan.

Livestock farming business involves not only meat, but also dairy products. The production of meat and dairy products is a very popular area of ​​agricultural business. Meat and dairy products have always been in great demand among wide sections of the population. A business plan must take into account all possible costs, include an algorithm of actions, and all possible risks.

The traditional branch of livestock farming is the breeding of cattle, piglets and poultry. Due to the decrease in the number of farms, the demand and price for livestock products (meat, dairy products) increases, which makes it possible to boldly enter into this area of ​​activity. If we look at statistics, we can take into account, for example, the cost of one pig in 2005. You can notice that if then it cost about 500 rubles, now its price will exceed 800 rubles.

Having carried out the correct calculations, you can come to a conclusion about the profitability of this business.

Starting a business

Register this entrepreneurial activity Necessarily. involves individual entrepreneurial activity with a private form of ownership.

The number of heads of livestock for breeding business should ideally be 250-350 units. For breeding and growth of the farm, out of the total number of animals, about 120 must be females. If the rest of the heads are put up for sale, this will allow for a fairly quick return on investment. There are some factors to consider when purchasing livestock. So, when choosing a male, his pedigree up to the third generation plays an important role. If you stick this advice, then your business will only flourish.

A lot of money will have to be spent on purchasing feed for livestock. An average number of heads per year will require at least 500 tons of feed. When raising livestock for sale, it would be more rational to stock up on special mixtures that promote rapid growth and weight gain of livestock. It is also worth remembering that for better results and livestock health, it is necessary to periodically include special fortified supplements in the animals’ diet. This also requires some funds.

In addition to purchasing the livestock itself and feed for it, you will need to purchase special sheds and pens. All these costs, so necessary at the initial level of starting a business, will cost approximately 4-5 million rubles.

If you are ready to invest these funds in opening your business, your farm will pay for itself within 3-4 years of operation.

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Equipment of premises and sale of livestock

Before equipping a premises for raising livestock, it is necessary to determine where it will be located. To do this, you can purchase some inexpensive farm or rent it. The premises must be well repaired, disinfected, and livestock drinking troughs must be replaced or cleaned.

It is definitely worth allocating a special separate room for females, which will serve as their mother’s room. The premises must take into account some points. It must be well ventilated and the temperature must be stable. This facility should provide the best possible care for mother and offspring.

Young cattle can also be sold by live weight. By the way, such a beast costs a lot of money. But already adult cattle can be resold to clients involved in the production of meat food products, as well as dairy products.

In the livestock business, as in any other, advertising plays a big role. Visiting various exhibitions will allow you to find your regular customer. It is necessary to choose the healthiest and most beautiful cattle for these events, and then the success of your business will be ensured.

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Deciding on the choice of livestock

Livestock farming includes more than just raising cows and pigs. Rams, goats, sheep, and even camels are also suitable for sale and breeding.

Before deciding on keeping livestock, you need to determine for yourself the goals that you want to achieve and the audience to which your products will be targeted. For example, in Muslim villages and cities, the decision to raise pigs will not be very rational.

If you want to connect directly with dairy plants, it makes more sense to raise cows and goats. In the person of the dairy plant, you have the opportunity to find your regular customer. The main thing is to remember that the product must be at the highest level, its quality should not be inferior to other manufacturers.

Sales of products can be carried out independently - through retail outlets. It’s up to you to decide whether to sell livestock products yourself or sell goods through intermediaries.

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Financial calculations and attracting investors

So, as mentioned above, a mandatory point in organizing a livestock business is the purchase of equipment and arrangement of premises. This procedure requires considerable capital investment. To start a business, the paddock area can be about 150 square meters. m. It will be enough for a beginner to raise up to 200 heads of livestock. A large number of goals will be much more difficult to cope with, but a smaller number will pay for itself in a long time.

Very important point In opening a livestock business is the selection and hiring of personnel. On initial stage at least six activities will be enough different specialists. A veterinarian, livestock specialist and other general workers must be present. Management personnel may also be required.

You should definitely include funds for paying taxes in your business plan. utilities, acquisition of all necessary permits. Don't forget about wages working personnel. As a rule, the amount for labor costs is one third of all the funds needed to start a business.

The state itself can become an investor in your business. Now the state pays great attention to the development of agricultural activities. The success of your business will depend on how competently and correctly your business plan is drawn up; you will easily be able to take out a loan, and maybe even non-repayable subsidies. Then the question of financing will no longer worry you.
