Breeding cows at home: where to start and how to succeed. Business plan for cattle breeding

Currently, cattle breeding for profit is widespread in three areas - dairy, meat and dairy-meat. These are natural food products that are in demand. To start such a business, you need to equip premises, select the necessary breeds of animals, determine distribution channels, and select employees. And this is only a small part of everything. We will consider in more detail all stages of activity, as well as the pros and cons of each of the three areas.

Registration and start of activities

First of all, market monitoring is carried out. You need to understand whether it really makes sense to start a business. At this stage, the capabilities and needs of the region are clarified. The presence of future competitors must be studied and, if possible, they should be removed. Sales points can be small retail outlets, meat processing plants and dairies. They are considered both local and in nearby settlements. If everything is in order with this, you definitely need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Despite the fact that the business begins its journey from home, everything must be legal. This means following formalities and mandatory documentation. To reduce taxation, individual entrepreneurs are registered using the “livestock husbandry” code.

It will also be a plus to establish contacts with people who will interact with the future farm - veterinarians. Their activities are no less important, because they provide the necessary certificates, vaccinations and much more.

It is necessary to decide in what direction the work will be organized. This could be raising bulls for meat at home or keeping cows for dairy products, or in combination, that is, selling both meat and milk. Some farmers act in such a direction as raising calves and trading them, which also has benefits.

Site selection

The territory for cattle breeding must be selected very carefully. It is necessary to select appropriate sizes and conditions for the livestock. If the area is small relative to the number of heads, then there is a risk of rapid contamination. At this stage, the size of the herd is determined. In general, the entire farm plan is established, which should include a cowshed, a pasture, various utility rooms and sheds, and feed warehouses.

Breeding cows at home as a business requires the future farmer to have a plot of land. If it is not there, then you can rent some empty territories and premises. You can also start construction on land from scratch, if financial capabilities allow.

The area of ​​the pen for cattle is determined at the rate of 10 sq.m. for one head. If there is grazing on a pasture, then in this case about 1 hectare of land will be needed for one cow. It should be taken into account that you need to stock up on hay for the winter, and this is another plus one hectare. All structures on the territory of the future farm will require at least 200 square meters. m.

It’s good when there are enterprises nearby that grow and sell grain crops and root crops. This is necessary to provide cows with quality products in terms of additional nutrition.

Barn and equipment

To breed cows as a business, you need to understand all the intricacies and start with a small number of heads, which do not require large areas. If necessary, you can always buy additional cattle and complete the building. The optimal option is 10 goals. If there is a building that was a cowshed in the past, then this is an ideal option. For beginners, building from scratch will be difficult both physically and in terms of collecting documentation. It is best to rent a room and make suitable repairs there.

It is necessary to prepare the barn in accordance with sanitary standards. This means that there are special requirements, which include the presence of a wooden floor with a straw bedding, a ceiling height of 2.4 m, feeders, drinking bowls, walls that are insulated with bundles of straw, as well as ventilation.

On the farm, future farmers must stock up on various equipment - shovels, forks, buckets, overalls, containers, scales. In the process, you need to purchase a vehicle designed for delivering products. It will be a plus to purchase a mini-tractor, which will be used to make hay, remove manure and various other household chores.

Arrangement of the premises

Breeding and raising calves and caring for cows can be carried out in separate boxes, in rooms with thick bedding, or in a room without a tie, but with flooring for rest. If we take the presence of ten heads of cattle as a basis, then an acceptable building will have dimensions of 34 by 6 meters. For one cow you need to allocate 2 sq. m. When there are not many animals, stalls are built for them.

The cattle breeding technique requires mandatory cleaning of the barn from contamination. Often structures are built with a special slurry tank and a room for manure. In a simpler version, you just need to replace the soiled straw bedding with a clean one. It is either disposed of on personal property or sold as fertilizer.

The room should have enough windows, as well as doors to clear the boxes from manure. When raising dairy cows, you need to think about purchasing a milking system and regular water supply. Feeders are suitable for different types - from collective to personal. You can also equip them with a food supply system.

Purchasing animals

To start breeding cows as a business, you need to find a suitable farm that sells calves. This must be a reliable supplier who will provide healthy individuals. The best period for such an acquisition is the end of winter or the beginning of spring. The profitability of the business depends on the types of animals purchased. These can be purebred bulls and cows, or half-breeds. There are special nurseries that monitor the purity of the breed. Such cows are able to produce good milk yields and gain significant weight. The output is only high-quality products.

When starting a business from scratch, it is best to form a small herd. In this case, you can purchase young animals from households. However, beginning farmers very often purchase adult cows, but not old ones. When drawing up a business plan for cattle breeding, it is advisable to work through both options and choose the profitable one. It must be remembered that the first option with young animals is quite troublesome and risky.

Besides the fact that the calf requires some care, it is not clear what kind of adult it will grow up to be and whether it will live up to expectations. When purchasing a bull that is less than a month old, you need to feed it milk. Up to 10 liters are required per day. If you don't own a dairy cow, it's a financial expense. Purchasing dry formulas and other related products is also an investment, and the animal may not reach the required weight. It is better to purchase a calf at the age of one month or more.

In the second option, you can also make a mistake, since they can sell the old cow. If you are planning a dairy farm, then you need to do it responsibly, since the cow gives maximum milk yield in the period from 3 to 13 years.

Milk farm

So, when at the initial stage of building a business it is decided that the farm should operate to produce milk and dairy products, it is necessary to purchase good cows. This technique of breeding cattle is quite within the capabilities of a beginner.

When selecting the required number of cows for milk, you need to choose purebred, highly productive individuals. The presence of such heads is available at Russian breeding plants. Most popular:

  • black-and-white is considered very common and accounts for almost 50% of the total dairy population. It is capable of producing approximately 5500-5800 kg of milk per year;
  • The Holstein breed was bred in the 1970-80s and produces 30 kg of milk per milk yield, and an average of 7,400 kg per year;
  • Kholmogory is considered an old breed and is capable of producing up to 8000 kg of milk per year if well fed. But 4000-6000 kg can be considered average.

If a novice farmer purchases animals from a breeder, he must be provided with documents and veterinary certificates.

When choosing a cow suitable for milk yield, you need to pay attention to the structure and shape of the animal. As mentioned above, age matters. The older the animal, the less milk it will produce. The number of years is determined by the horns. They count the number of roller lines and add two more years to this figure. This gives an accurate age.

The number of calvings also affects productivity. The highest milk yield occurs after the third birth. It is best for a business to purchase cows after the first calving.

Animals for meat

Breeding bulls and cows for meat is no less profitable. Cattle for meat production must be prone to rapid weight gain, have product suitability, and females must be able to calve every year.

When choosing animals and breeding them, breed is of great importance. The time it takes for the calf to gain the required weight is especially important. Also, different types of animals may differ in the taste of their meat. Fast-growing meat breeds include Charolais, Kazakh Whitehead, Simmental, and Hereford. The cheapest option is to purchase newborn calves, but this is burdensome in terms of feeding. The best solution for breeding bulls at home is to purchase individuals that can eat feed and grass.

Of course, every newcomer to farming is interested in knowing why the above breeds of cattle are bred for meat. Almost all of them have a low percentage of product grease. This means that the fat content of such meat will be minimal. However, the weight gain is rather short-lived. If you look at the Hereford breed, it has a fairly calm temperament and excellent taste. The Kazakh white-headed and Charolais can easily tolerate the local climate and temperature changes. In this regard, they are very hardy. If the Simmental cow is both dairy and meat, then the Kazakh white-headed cow has rather low milk productivity.

Breeding bulls for meat as a business requires high-quality maintenance and care. During the warm season, they need daily walking. It is not recommended to keep such individuals in a stall all the time, although this way they gain weight very quickly. This method makes them aggressive and contributes to various diseases.

Setting up a paddock involves expenses for a beginning farmer. Accordingly, he must arrange the right place for walking, which must be constantly kept clean. This method produces very good quality beef. If the number of heads is quite impressive, then you will most likely need house helpers. The point of recruiting personnel and wages for it should be considered at the initial stage and when building a business plan.

If you still choose a method of keeping bulls on a leash, then you need to take care of high-quality equipment, as they can be aggressive. In the stall, individuals must be well secured. On the other hand, this method allows you to assess the condition of the animal, make various measurements, and veterinary examinations.

Breeding bulls as a business for the production of meat products in a pen requires less costs than housing in a stall. One of the reasons for this conclusion is that much fewer employees are needed to operate.

Combined breeding method

Such universal breeds as Simmental, Lebedinsky, Swiss, Red Gorbatovsky, Kostroma are suitable for business. All of them are capable of achieving large body weight, and females produce an average milk yield of 3,000 to 5,000 kg per year. Almost every breed is capable of producing 50% of its weight for slaughter. The growth of calves is quite active and by six months they weigh quite impressively.

All of the listed animals have high taste levels for meat and dairy products. This is a clear plus for a successful business.

Sales of products

This is an equally important stage of business. Having decided what kind of product should be the output - meat or milk - the farmer needs to sell it.

If the farm is aimed at breeding and raising meat heads, then after purchasing young animals, meat will be available in about a year. Dairy cows produce milk constantly, except at calving time. Related products can also be supplied. These are skins, milk (cheese, butter, kefir, sour cream), semi-finished meat products. At the beginning of the article, mention was made of such a direction as the sale of young animals. If you know how to organize the raising of calves, this can become an additional profit.

Any of the goods, be it milk or meat, can be sold wholesale or retail. Many processing plants often collaborate with farms. It is also possible to enter into agreements with catering outlets and shops. Guided by the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of the products - it is necessary to establish high-quality sales of products.

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2017-01-25 Igor Novitsky

A livestock business can provide a farmer with a lot of useful products that can not only be used for personal purposes, but also sold to the market for significant profit. When starting to organize cow breeding at home, it is better for a farmer to start by optimizing and rationalizing the farm, building a barn layout and assessing risks.

The cow is one of the most common farm animals in Russia. In former times, its presence in personal subsidiary plots was almost mandatory for village residents. A family that did not have at least one cow was considered either very poor or very lazy, which in rural conditions is essentially the same thing. Today, the way of life in the countryside has changed significantly and not everyone considers it necessary to keep livestock on the farm. However, for those who are not afraid of work, a cow can still be a source of good, stable income.

Advantages of raising cows at home

Today, about half of the Russian cattle population comes from private farms of villagers. At the same time, every year the share of farm enterprises and livestock complexes in the production of milk and beef increases. Cattle breeding in Russia can hardly be called a thriving industry, but in this article we will not discuss macroeconomic problems and the difficulties of organizing large-scale production. This review is about breeding cows at home. And it is precisely people’s subsidiary farms that have a number of advantages over large livestock complexes in matters of organizing highly profitable production.

Firstly, to have one, two, three or even ten cows, you don’t need that much money. In most cases, you can get by with family savings and a small loan from friends and relatives. In other words, you don’t need to go to the bank and borrow millions at draconian interest rates. But these percentages can easily eat up the entire profit of the enterprise and even drive it into the red.

Secondly, with a small number of cows, you can completely dispense with hiring workers and purchasing expensive equipment. A full-fledged family of two to four adults (two parents and grandparents) and two to three teenage children (or older) can easily cope with even two dozen cows, not to mention fewer. Of course, if you have more than five cows, then at least one adult will have to do only housework all the time, without being able to work full-time. But in rural areas there is not much work anyway, so instead of working part-time in a local village store for 5-10 thousand rubles a month, it is better to devote your time entirely to the family business.

Thirdly, it is much easier to find free natural pastures nearby for a small herd than for a large herd of several hundred or even thousands of heads. In the vicinity of almost any village there are a couple of hundred hectares of uncultivated meadows, hills covered with herbs, or ravines. For a large livestock complex this area will not be enough, but for a family farm it will be quite enough.

Fourthly, finding sales of products at a good price is much easier when we are talking about small volumes. While large farms are forced to hand over meat and milk to wholesale suppliers, a family farm that produces a hundred or two liters of milk per day and several hundredweight of meat per month can sell its products to small grocery stores in the nearest regional center at a much more favorable price than from resellers. In addition, small quantities can be sold directly to the end consumer: sold at food markets and fairs, rented out to restaurants and cafes, and in some cases even targeted delivery to regular customers is possible (this method has gained popularity in recent years with the development of the Internet and the ease of finding new customers with his help).

Finally, fifthly, any home-produced agricultural product, from vegetables to meat and milk, is valued much higher on the domestic food market than the products of large agricultural producers. Thus, even if the cost of homemade milk and meat turns out to be higher than the products of a neighboring cattle breeding plant (which is unlikely in itself), the business will still be profitable due to higher prices.

Where to start breeding cows?

When it comes to creating a business for breeding farm animals, the emphasis is always on the fact that it is necessary to purchase pedigree young animals of the most productive breeds from the very beginning. However, in our case, raising cows at home as a business does not at all oblige the entrepreneur to go in pursuit of the most productive breeds of animals. This path will bring more problems than benefits.

The fact is that in most cases, highly specialized breeds that produce large milk yields or quickly gain muscle mass require special housing conditions and intensive feeding. And this, in turn, eliminates the advantages that home breeding provides - low costs due to minimal use of equipment and maximum use of free grass in the meadows. Thus, we can safely say that the main criterion for choosing a breed should be the ease of care and the animal’s unpretentiousness to living conditions and feed.

In addition to choosing the right breed of animals, before purchasing the cows themselves, you should carefully calculate the profitability of this entire business and at least pre-determine distribution channels for the products. Both start-up costs (construction of a barn, purchase of tools and the most necessary equipment, purchase of the first animals), as well as fixed costs for maintaining animals (feed, vaccinations, electricity) and sales of products (transportation costs, market fees when sold on the market) are subject to calculation. Don't forget about taxes.

Only after all the costs of starting a family farm and maintaining it have been taken into account can a preliminary calculation of profitability be made based on the expected selling prices of the products. By the way, it is also better to work out sales channels in advance. There is nothing worse for a business than not being able to sell perishable products.

Organizing a cattle breeding business at home

So, having decided on the type of product (meat, milk, or both), having worked out a business plan and mentally preparing for a new stage in your life, you can start launching your home business.

First of all, we strongly recommend that you formalize your activities according to the law. Of course, you can work in secret if you limit yourself to 2-3 cows, but even in this case, the opportunities for selling products will be very limited and there will always be a risk of problems with fiscal authorities. The best option would be to register an individual entrepreneurship - the so-called “IP”. This form of business organization does not require much hassle with government agencies and provides for a simple form of taxation (6% of gross income).

Having finished with the paperwork, you can start creating a home mini-farm. If you plan to keep no more than a dozen animals at a time, then in some cases the cows can be placed in an existing barn or stable. But with a more or less large herd (10 cows or more), you will still have to build a full-fledged barn, which will be convenient not only for the livestock, but also for those who serve it. After all, the more animals there are, the more work you will have to do in the barn, distributing food, removing waste and changing bedding.

Unfortunately, building a barn is quite an expensive undertaking, so many people prefer to first get started with a minimum number of animals, squeezing out everything possible from the conditions that already exist, and only then expand the business by investing the profits in it.

The room itself should be quite spacious (4-6 sq. m per cow), warm (temperature no lower than 8 degrees above zero), dry (humidity no more than 70%) and without drafts. To maintain normal biorhythms, there must be enough light (preferably natural) in the barn. There is also no need to talk in detail about the fact that each animal requires an individual feeder and drinker.

Although it was already mentioned above that a home farm can do without expensive equipment, when creating a small dairy herd (say, more than five dairy cows), milking by hand will be very tedious and it is better to acquire at least the simplest milking machine.

Raising cows at home for beginning farmers can be quite a difficult task at the first stage, so it would also be a good idea to get an experienced consultant who can help set everything up in the first months of work.

Cattle(abbr. cattle) - farm animals of the “Bulls” subfamily. The main purpose of cattle breeding is the production of meat and the production of skins and sometimes wool. Additional income in each of the main areas is breeding for the purpose of selling young animals.

Mandatory in any of the directions, you will definitely need agricultural equipment for the preparation and transportation of feed, animals, hand tools, a hayloft, a calf barn, areas for walking and grazing cattle, a barn with stands, thanks to which it becomes more convenient to feed the animals, as well as to carry out control.

You should immediately think about veterinary medicine, since livestock can become ill with very serious and dangerous diseases such as anthrax and various influenzas, in which all livestock are sent to slaughter. Any farmer must monitor the cleanliness of his production premises, pastures and periodically carry out processing required by veterinary medicine.

Depending on the possibility of peasant farming, climatic conditions, as well as meat requirements, several systems for keeping cattle are used:

  • Stall-pasture. They are kept indoors in winter (with regular walking in pens), and in summer on pasture. In warm seasons, pen-camps are equipped in which animals are kept. Each cow has access to greens, water, and mineral elements.
  • Stall-walking system. With it, the herd is kept indoors with mandatory daily walks in special runs, platforms, and mechanized installations.

Farmers often build sheds under which bulls and cows rest or hide from bad weather.

Breeding bulls for meat

Meat breeds

Since the trend in recent years has been the breeding of breeds that produce high-quality meat, for example, marbled meat, we will first list the meat breeds that have marbleization. Many of them are already being bred by enterprising businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Aberdeen Angus

This breed is naturally prone to marbling, and proper fattening and care can produce meat of the highest marble category - completely permeated with the thinnest layers of fat, very juicy and tender. Angus gains weight in the region of 1 ton and has a height of up to 1.6 meters. They were bred in Scotland, from where they spread throughout the world, including the CIS countries.


Limousines grow up to 1.5 meters in height and weigh about 1 ton. The meat is very tender, juicy with varying degrees of marbling. It is the most exported among French breeds.


Originally from France, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and weighs about 1,500 kilograms. The best bulls of this breed have a genetic defect in the form of increased production of the protein myostatin, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. But it is impossible to carry out selection on this basis. However, normal Charolais also produce excellent marbled and lean meat.


Height is about 1.5 meters, weight is about 1100 kg. Herefords come from England and were bred as meat breeds. It is quite unpretentious, so it occupies one of the most important places in the meat market. When properly fattened, the meat is very well marbled.


It was bred in England and is one of the most common. Shorthorns are characterized by high early maturity. The weight of cows is 500-600 kg, bulls - 800-1000 kg. The meat is very tender, juicy, with fat evenly permeated. The average slaughter yield is around 65%.

Grain and grass fed

This example is suitable for both a large farm and a small one.

useful links

  • Codex Alimentarius - Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat developed by FAO
  • Everything related to cattle // Forum, communication between farmers on this topic

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


When starting a cattle breeding activity, you need to draw up a business plan for your activity. It will help to foresee all stages of the business and take into account many nuances. The plan has certain sections. By filling them out, the entrepreneur will see how much finance he will spend on his enterprise, what profit he will receive from it.

A business plan must be presented to credit institutions in order to receive a loan. The state supports livestock farming with huge sums. To get them, they draw up a business plan.

If the plan is drawn up to receive investments, then 1 section is drawn up. This is a summary of the activities of an entrepreneur. It contains all the farmer’s details: enterprise registration address, telephone numbers, email address, registration numbers with the tax authority, Pension Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund and statistics. It is necessary to indicate the current account through which the main financial flow will be carried out.

Next is a short message about the farm and animals. It describes what property is available: buildings, transport, pastures, hectares of land for building a farm or a finished barn. It is necessary to mention what livestock of cattle is planned to be bred or has already been purchased: what breeds of cows and bulls, how much milk yield and slaughter weight are.

Part 2 of the plan is a summary of the project. In it, the entrepreneur describes what he wants to purchase and for what purposes. What is the projected profit the farmer can receive at the end of the project. There is no need to describe everything in detail. Only general phrases and numbers.

Part 3 – production. It calculates all production costs. An entrepreneur wants to start an activity such as a business of breeding cows for milk. What should he do first?

If you buy heifers that are 2-3 months old, they will not produce milk soon. The chick needs to grow up. This will take on average 10-11 months. Everything will depend on how she gains weight. A young chick costs 8 thousand rubles. There is no guarantee that her adaptation to new conditions will go well and she will not get sick.

If the heifer is accustomed to a new place and eats well, then at 12-13 months she is taken to mating. The gestation period for a calf is 285 days, which is 9.5 months. She begins her lactation period, but milk can only be taken from her after 1.5 months. An entrepreneur will have to wait almost 2 years to start selling milk. To fatten the heifer, he will need feed worth 40 thousand rubles.

If you buy heifers, they will cost more – 20 thousand rubles, but they will produce milk in about a year. They require more feed than a one-year-old calf. The same amount is set aside for food. The entrepreneur benefits from animal care costs.

A dairy cow will cost an average of 40 thousand rubles, depending on the breed of the animal. She immediately gives milk, sales begin from the first days of purchasing the animal. Having made the calculation, the entrepreneur decides which animals to buy.

In addition to heifers, it is also necessary to purchase bull calves. They are necessary for the fertilization of heifers so that they can produce milk. The cost of a 3 month old bull is 10 thousand rubles. He will become an adult at 13-14 months, depending on the breed. As he grows up, he will need food worth an average of 60 thousand rubles. In some cases, yearling bulls are purchased. It will cost more, at least 20 thousand rubles. Per head. The farmer saves on feed.

In addition to animals, it is necessary to consider their maintenance:

  • build a barn or rent one;
  • purchase equipment for milking and cow boxes: feeders, drinking bowls;
  • lay water supply, connect electricity, install heating if necessary;
  • establish automatic control of all processes in the barn;
  • rent or buy meadow fields to be able to make hay; you need to think about whether it might be cheaper to buy hay;
  • build a hangar for storing feed;
  • equip a silo;
  • decide on the removal of manure: the best option is to enter into an agreement with a vegetable farm;
  • establish staffing levels for workers, milkmaids, and veterinarian;
  • purchase milk containers;
  • transport for transporting milk.

You will also need sawdust and straw to sprinkle on the flooring in the stall. Equipment for cleaning dirt in the barn. The construction of sheds for storing equipment and hangars for the vehicle fleet is being considered. A business plan for breeding cows determines all the expenses that an entrepreneur will undergo when opening a business in the livestock sector.

Part 4 of the cow breeding business plan is economic. In it, the entrepreneur calculates his projected profit from the enterprise. It describes the amount of milk that is planned to be sold. If a farmer sells manure, its value is indicated. An additional business could be the sale of young animals or the slaughter of bulls.

Part 5 of the plan is analytical. An analysis of the entire enterprise is carried out. What profit was made, taking into account the costs of maintaining and purchasing animals? If the farmer has already registered with the tax office, he will have to pay taxes and contributions to state funds.

Next comes the investment part. If previous calculations showed that there is not enough money for the cow breeding business, then the loan amount is determined. In the investment part, a calculation is made of what is planned to be purchased for this amount, and what income the entrepreneur, the credit institution and the state budget will receive from this.

Business plan: production part

Raising cows requires certain costs. They need to be counted. To begin with, it was decided to purchase 10 dairy heifers, 3 bulls and 10 cows to produce milk. This will be spent on (thousand rubles):

  • heifers – 10*20 = 200;
  • yearling bulls – 3*30 = 90;
  • cows – 10*50 = 500.

790 thousand rubles will be spent on animals. At the same time, it is necessary to resolve issues with milking, feeding, and keeping animals. If farming is already developing, and everything necessary for the cattle population is equipped, then this expense item disappears. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide for the following expenses in (thousand rubles):

It is necessary to take into account the costs of wages for workers and milking operators. Costs for water and electricity: 50 thousand rubles. Animals are vaccinated, given medical examinations, and milk samples are taken. 30 thousand rubles are allocated for these events.

To start selling milk, you need to spend 2,280 thousand rubles. With the condition of keeping cows in stalls, acquiring land ownership, purchasing a truck with a milk tank. 790 thousand rubles are added to this amount. from the cost of animals. To develop an enterprise for selling milk, 3,070 thousand rubles will be required.

In the future, less finance will be required. The farmer already has a barn, animals, pastures, and transport. The bulk of the costs will be for feed, veterinarian, and barn maintenance.

In this part, income from all areas of business is considered. In this case, the sale of milk. The cows will start producing milk immediately. If we take into account the period of adaptation of animals to new feeds and living conditions, then from 1 individual you can get 16-20 liters per day.

The calculation is made for the year in (thousand rubles):

  • during the lactation period, which lasts 305 days, 6100 liters of milk are obtained from the cow;
  • from 10 cows – 61,000 l.;
  • 1 liter of cow's milk costs 25 rubles at a wholesale price;
  • from 10 cows, milk revenue will be 1525;

By the end of the lactation period of cows, milk will appear in heifers. The same calculation is made, but taking into account that after the first calving they will produce less milk than adult cows. The entrepreneur's milk sales will be constant.

Over the course of a year, an average of 500 thousand rubles will be spent on feeding cows, bulls and heifers. The calculation is made taking into account seasonal feeding. During the warm period, cows do not need to be given succulent feed and concentrates separately. They receive their main nutrition on pasture.

Business plan - analytical part

This section summarizes the entire enterprise for the year. All expenses incurred by the entrepreneur to develop the business and the gross profit from the sale of milk are taken into account. The data is analyzed and the return on investment of the project is calculated.

RUB 3,070 thousand were invested in the new project. Received 1,525 thousand rubles from the sale of milk. Next year the amount from milk sales will be identical. The project will pay for itself in 2 years. In the 4th year, the profit will be double, because the cows that were purchased earlier as heifers have given birth to offspring. At 4 years old they will become adults. After calving they will produce milk:

  • in year 2, sales from milk will be 1,525 thousand rubles;
  • for the 3rd year – 1525 thousand rubles;
  • for the 4th year – 3050 thousand rubles.

Payback in 2 years is a good business option. Investments were made to generate profits in future periods. In the future, it is possible to trade calves or select bulls for rearing in order to obtain meat. If an entrepreneur has registered an individual entrepreneur, he will have to pay taxes to the budget: 6% of the profit. In 1 year it will be 91.5 thousand rubles.

By calculating a business plan, you can clearly see all the costs and income from the project and determine the payback period for the new enterprise. If an entrepreneur does not have enough funds to start a business, he can take out a loan from a bank or apply for a grant from the state. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the food supply of the animals. The calculation is carried out for each unit: hay, silage, concentrates. The business plan outline is provided by the credit institution.

An old Russian proverb says: “A cow in the yard means prosperity on the table.” And this is actually true, because the cow provides the most important livestock products - meat and milk. With a little work, you can get from milk: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and much more. Manure is also a valuable fertilizer for home gardens. With good maintenance, there will be excellent milk yield and a surplus will be formed, the sale of which can not only cover the cost of maintaining the cow, but also make good money.

First of all, cow breeding, is of interest to those people who want to make a profit from selling meat. But this is not about that, I would like to expand on this topic in more detail, so everything is in order.

Breeding cows: reproduction

A healthy heifer and mature cows periodically exhibit a period of heat. Full puberty in heifers occurs at the age of 7-8 months, and physiological maturity at 18 months of age. By this time, live weight reaches 290-360 kilograms. A cow has a specific sexual cycle and occurs every 21 days. Based on this, we can say that if the cow was not fertilized during the first heat, then after 21 days the mating process can be repeated again.

To properly inseminate a cow, you need to repeat the mating process at intervals of 11-12 hours before milking. In this case, it is best to write down the name of the cow or heifer, as well as the breed and name of the bull. This will help you accurately determine the timing of calving and the origin of the offspring. A cow's pregnancy lasts about 285 days.

During the second half of a cow's pregnancy, fetal movement can be captured on the right side of the cow's belly. During this period, it is advisable to conduct numerous examinations with a veterinarian.

The fastest growth of the fetus in the womb occurs in the last months of pregnancy. It is at this time that you should stop milking the cow in order to give the cow physiological rest before calving. An incorrectly chosen date for stopping milking can lead to udder disease in the future. Especially during this period, it is necessary to protect the animal from drafts and cold, so as not to catch a cold in the mammary glands. During this period, it is important to provide the cows with proper nutrition. Per day you need to give: 5-7 kilograms of hay, 11-15 kilograms of succulent feed and various concentrates - 1-2 kilograms. It is also very important that the diet contains mineral supplements: chalk, bone meal, salt. Sugar should be replaced with carrots or sugar beets.
Just before calving, the owner needs to prepare: tincture of iodine, potassium permanganate, petroleum jelly, cotton wool, soap, bandages. Before giving birth, the cow begins to stare at her belly, moo loudly and stomp her feet. Before giving birth, the owner needs to treat the tail, legs, and labia with a manganese solution and wipe with a towel. In most cases, the cow does not require assistance during calving.

After giving birth, the cow should be given one bucket of salt water and some hay.

Organizing a barn.

Organizing a barn.
Before you build a barn, you need to decide how many cows will live there. Consider the option for one head.

Any material can be used for construction: wood, brick, foam blocks, cinder blocks, etc. The floor should be located above ground level. The cow really does not like the dark, so the barn should be light. 2-3 windows will be enough, place them above the cow's eye level.

It is also necessary to place a feeding trough in the barn. It is better to make it 30-40 centimeters high, 40-45 centimeters wide, and preferably at least 1 meter long. On the opposite side, make a recess in the floor (“rest”). It is convenient to store all waste products there. It is very important to maintain the barn regularly, because almost all representatives of cattle are very clean and would never lie on a dirty bedding. And if the cow does not have the opportunity to lie down, then milk yield is significantly reduced. That's why it's so important to provide a good place to relax.
