Requirements for a military ace. On the issue of automation of the control system of the US armed forces. Requirements and tasks of information exchange



Head of Research Laboratory of Management,

ACS and communications of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus,

candidate of technical sciences

Lieutenant colonel Yu.A. LEONOVETs,

head of research laboratory

Air Force of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus,

candidate of technical sciences

The authors propose an approach to evaluating the effectiveness automated system control of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the use of which allows conducting research to assess the impact of the quality of the functioning of the control system on the effectiveness combat use troops

At all stages of the life cycle of automated command and control systems (ACS) for troops and weapons, from the stage of development and adoption to service and ending with operation in the army, it is necessary to solve the problem of assessing their effectiveness, the purpose of which is to determine the degree of suitability of the system to perform the tasks assigned to it in various conditions of combat use.

In the general case, efficiency is understood as a property of an automated control system that characterizes the degree to which it achieves the goals set when it was created. Quantitatively, the effectiveness of the system can be assessed using the indicator (indicators) of efficiency - a numerical measure that characterizes the degree to which the system fulfills its tasks from various points of view. Comparison of quantitative indicators of systems allows us to talk about how (or how many times) one system is better (or worse) than another in one or another indicator, or how much one system is more effective than another.

Numerous publications have been devoted to the study of the effectiveness of complex automated systems. Their analysis shows that as a methodological basis for research complex systems At present, the methodology of system analysis is used, which uses the concepts, concepts and formal mathematical apparatus of cybernetics and the theory of complex systems. An analysis of the literature and studies on this issue showed that the effectiveness of the ACS of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces should be assessed on the basis of the provisions of the experimental-theoretical method (OTM). The essence of this method lies in the fact that it allows you to obtain estimates of the quality indicators of the functioning of automated control systems in conditions that are not reproducible or difficult to reproduce in full-scale experiments, using simulation and training tools of real automated control systems or mathematical models calibrated according to the results of field tests in the allowable region of the factor space of input impacts. The study of the effectiveness of the ACS of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces in accordance with the chosen approach involves the implementation of a number of tasks presented in Figure 1.

The analysis shows that at present, when conducting tests and studies related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of automated control systems, the application of the provisions of the OTM is limited. This is primarily due to the lack systems approach to conduct a meaningful analysis of the process of functioning of the ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces and the choice of performance indicators.

A meaningful analysis of the ACS functioning process is one of the central tasks of efficiency research aimed at obtaining a formalized description of combat control algorithms. In practice, the use of a formalized description of the functioning process is carried out only at the stages of development and debugging of the software for automated control systems in standard conditions combat use of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces under a strictly defined scenario of combat operations. In the future, when evaluating the effectiveness of automated control systems already put into service in the new conditions for the use of air attack weapons and groupings of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, such studies, as a rule, are not carried out.

One of the main tasks in evaluating the effectiveness of complex systems is the formation and continuous improvement of a system of indicators that adequately reflect the main properties of the evaluated products.

The choice and determination of performance indicators for automated control systems is a rather complex theoretical and practical task. In practice, in the course of solving problems related to the assessment of the combat capabilities of automated control systems, they tend to use one generalized indicator that integrally evaluates the influence of the control system on the effectiveness of the use (combat operations) of troops. However, the use of a generalized indicator is associated with various kinds of difficulties, due both to the complexity of taking into account the totality of factors influencing it in the structure of such an indicator, and the possibility of obtaining it in the course of experimental studies.

Objective difficulties associated with the choice of one, main and complete indicator of the effectiveness of ACS, lead to the fact that in a comprehensive study of the effectiveness of combat operations of an air force and air defense group equipped with ACS, a set of indicators is used, the choice of which is determined by the tasks being solved.

An analysis of the existing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of automated control systems for troops and weapons shows that at present there are several approaches to researching and evaluating the effectiveness of automated control systems for the Air Force and air defense forces. The first approach is to assess the effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force and Air Defense forces, taking into account the use of automated control systems. In the second case, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the automated control system is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the control system, in the course of solving problems of managing the grouping of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces in a given range of conditions of use. Indicators evaluating the effectiveness of the control system based on an analysis of the effectiveness of the use (combat actions) of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces in the process of repelling enemy air strikes are commonly called indicators combat effectiveness ACS. Accordingly, the indicators that evaluate the ability of the automated control system to carry out the solution of problems of information processing and management with the required quality by subordinate forces (means) are called indicators. functional efficiency ACS.

AT as indicators of combat effectiveness of automated control systems, generalized indicators of control quality (CQI) are usually used, the main of which are shown in Figure 2. At the same time, it is assumed that CQI is a function of the state of controlled objects, air targets, parameters characterizing the objects being defended, and control parameters describing distribution of forces (means) of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces for air targets.

Traditionally, in a generalized analytical form, PKU is estimated as the amount of prevented damage caused to defense facilities

where - the importance of an r-separate object defended by a grouping of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces;

Numbers of individual objects defended by the grouping of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces;

The study of efficiency using the indicator of prevented damage makes it possible to obtain a final assessment of the quality of command and control of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces and to simplify the comparative assessment of the effectiveness of automated control systems with the same purpose. However, obtaining quantitative values ​​of performance indicators using expression (1) is a rather difficult task, associated with the need to determine the parameters characterizing the state of defended objects and air targets. In practice, the amount of damage prevented is determined by mathematical modeling of the combat operations of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces.

To assess the capabilities of the automated control system for managing the combat operations of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, a number of methods use the mathematical expectation of the number of targets destroyed

- the number of missiles on a firearm of a given type of Air Force and Air Defense Force grouping (anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) or fighter-interceptor (IP)) and missiles launched by them in one attack;

Estimated Probability k-th implementation attacks, depending on the fuel reserve, reliability and survivability of the IP (air defense system capabilities);

- the estimated probability of hitting a target when one missile is launched by each type of fire weapon (SAM or IP);

Estimated probability of aiming an air defense missile system (IP) at a target in k-th attack;

- calculated coefficient of combat readiness of fire weapons of the Air Force and troops grouping air defense;

- calculated control coefficient, which takes into account the increase (decrease) in the effectiveness of the use of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces grouping due to the quality of control;

- the number of fire weapons (SAM or IP) in the composition of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

The parameters that directly characterize the efficiency of the ACS functioning are identified only with the target distribution quality indicator, which, generally speaking, is unacceptable. The management of combat operations using automated control systems is not limited to target distribution, but is a whole range of activities, including planning, organizing and controlling subordinate forces (equipment) of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

The main drawback of the considered approaches to the construction and selection of indicators of the combat effectiveness of the ACS of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces is the lack of connection between the combat effectiveness of the ACS and its structure (the structure and nature of the tasks being solved, the level of mathematical, technical and information support). Moreover, the indicators by which the effectiveness of the automated control system is assessed, as a rule, are systemic in nature, that is, they reflect the work of not only the control system, but also sources of information, fire weapons subordinate to the command post (PU). Therefore, their use does not allow assessing the quality of the functioning of the automated control system in the course of solving problems of managing the grouping of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, as well as determining the share contributed by automation tools to the overall effectiveness of combat operations.

It is possible to eliminate the noted shortcomings by using analysis methods functional characteristics ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces and building a system of indicators in accordance with the functions (tasks to be solved) of the equipment object. To solve this problem, a tree of system goals is used as a formal mathematical construction. The goal tree reflects the hierarchy of tasks facing the management system and defines the relationship between elements (tasks) of different levels of management. The hierarchical structure of the goal tree allows formalizing the process of selecting and building a system of indicators to assess the functional effectiveness of the automated control system.

The construction of the tree of goals and the corresponding hierarchical system of performance indicators is carried out on the basis of the decomposition of the main goal of the functioning of the ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. At the same time, the first level of the tree of goals corresponds to the generalized goal of the control system functioning, which is to increase the effectiveness of the combat use of troops (forces) and means, which are controlled using automated control systems, the second - to the list of processes occurring at automation objects in the course of solving control tasks, the third - composition of tasks solved with the use of automation tools.

Figure 3 shows the process of forming the hierarchical structure of the target tree in relation to the assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of automation equipment complexes (ACS) of the Air Force and Air Defense Command.

The first level of the goal tree (Fig. 3, goal 1.1) determines the purpose of the KSA, i.e. the system's capabilities for the timely and high-quality solution of the tasks of controlling the forces (means) of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces. In accordance with the nature of the tasks solved at the command posts of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces at various stages of the command and control cycle, two functional subsystems are distinguished in the KSA: the information subsystem (Fig. 3, goal 2.1), problem solving collection and processing of information about air situation, and the control subsystem (Fig. 3, goal 2.2), designed to solve the problems of controlling the forces (means) of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

The obtained goals of the 2nd level are decomposed into the goals of the 3rd level, which determine the tasks facing the selected subsystems of the CSA.

The conducted studies have shown that the assessment of the quality of the functioning of the information subsystem of the KSA of the CP of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of the tasks solved by the subsystem in the course of tertiary processing of radar information (RLI):

identification by the trajectory of information about air

objects coming to the KSA from radar sources;

averaging the coordinates of air objects when they resist
driving with several radar sources in order to obtain more accurate coordinates;

update of information on the routes of air objects accompanied by the information subsystem of the KSA. The evaluation of the quality of functioning of the control subsystem of the KSA KP is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the effectiveness of the subsystem's solution of the tasks of controlling the subordinate forces and means of the Air Force and Air Defense forces in the course of repelling an air strike.

Each of the goals (subsystems) formed in this way is described by quantitative indicators characterizing the correspondence of the KSA to the functional purpose, such as productivity (throughput), efficiency and quality of solving control problems. At the same time, indicators of the lower levels must be used in a generalized (aggregated) form when calculating indicators located at the upper levels.

In this case, the task of evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the automated control system (CSA) is reduced to the task of making decisions with several indicators characterizing the quality of the implementation of the functions of the system under study. However, the implementation of this approach to the study and evaluation of the effectiveness of automated control systems requires establishing the dependence of the resulting (complex) indicator on the set of particular ones that characterize the compliance of the control system with its purpose. An analysis of the literature shows that the solution to this problem can be obtained by constructing an aggregation function of indicators, setting a vector of priorities a = (a1,a2,..,an) private tasks. At the same time, the relationship between the elements (tasks) of different levels of the hierarchical system of the main functional characteristics is established on the basis of the principle of additive utility using the following relations :

Where Ki- complex indicator effectiveness of KSA functioning l-th level;

aij - weight vector;

l- number of decomposition levels;

P - the number of i-th elements (indicators) on l-m level;

- normalized vector of private indicators of the quality of the functioning of the CSA ( l+ 1)-th level, each element of which is determined in accordance with the expression

where - i-th private index ( l+ 1)-th level;

- maximum possible (required) value i-th private indicator ( l+1)-th level.

Thus, the complex indicator (Ki) the effectiveness of the solution by the system of all assigned to it functional tasks is calculated as a weighted sum taking into account the importance of tasks and is determined by the accuracy, time or probabilistic characteristics of the correct solution of individual tasks by the system in relation to the maximum necessary (required) values ​​that guarantee the required performance of the corresponding functions by the system.

In accordance with the proposed approach (Fig. 1), in order to assess the effectiveness of automated control systems and study the impact of automation of control processes on the effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to formalize the tactical situation in order to assess the effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force and Air Defense forces equipped with ACS;

plan and conduct semi-natural experiments to obtain quantitative values ​​of the ACS efficiency indicators.

In the course of formalizing the tactical situation in order to assess the effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces grouping equipped with automated control systems, the initial data on air strikes and options for building and using the Air Force and Air Defense Forces grouping are determined. At the same time, the following is carried out: development of options for air strikes against defense facilities and elements of the Air Force and Air Defense forces; determination of the quantitative and qualitative composition of AOS in each strike, determination of options for building combat formations and parameters of movement of AOS; clarification of options for the construction and modes of operation of the ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces groupings. When planning and conducting semi-natural experiments to assess the degree of influence of the quality of the functioning of the automated control system on the potential effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force grouping and air defense forces, the following is carried out:

definition required amount experiments to calculate the quality indicators of the functioning of the automated control system; implementation of the interface scheme for the studied automated control systems with sources and consumers of information in accordance with the chosen option for building an automated control system for the Air Force and a grouping of air defense forces;

input of data on planned variants of air strikes against defense facilities and elements of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces grouping using standard automated control system simulation tools;

carrying out half-life experiments at the air force and air defense command posts with non-automated and automated methods of controlling the forces (means) of the air force and air defense forces grouping.

It should be noted that the planning and selection of the required number of experiments should be carried out taking into account the achievement of the required accuracy and reliability under certain restrictions on material and time costs.

The last stage of research is to determine the quantitative values ​​of the indicators of the effectiveness of the control system and their subsequent analysis in order to obtain objective assessments of the quality of the functioning of the automated control system in the course of solving problems of managing the forces (means) of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

The application of the proposed approach will make it possible to make an informed choice the best options building an automated control system already at the development stage, comparing various technical solutions, identifying bottlenecks, and developing proposals to increase the efficiency and improve the characteristics of an automated control system for the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. As a result, we come to the following conclusions:

1. An analysis of existing approaches to research and evaluation of the effectiveness of ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces has shown that at present a large number of heterogeneous indicators of purpose are used to assess the quality of automated control. At the same time, the authors strive to combine several indicators into one generalized one, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the comparative assessment of automated control systems. At the same time, the considered approaches do not make it possible to determine the contribution of automated control systems to the realizable effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces grouping, as well as to assess the quality of solving control problems using automation tools.

2. The application of a systematic approach to assessing the effectiveness of the ACS of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces requires a meaningful analysis of the functioning process and the establishment of a complete list of tasks facing the control system. On the basis of the identified tasks, it is necessary to develop a system of complex and particular indicators that would allow evaluating the effectiveness of performing tasks using automation tools and would be devoid of the noted shortcomings.

3. To obtain quantitative values ​​of performance indicators, it is necessary to choose such conditions that would make it possible to establish the main characteristics of the system under study, as well as conduct studies to assess the impact of automation of control processes on the effectiveness of the use of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

4. Based on the proposed approach to the study and evaluation of the effectiveness of automated control systems, a comprehensive methodology was developed to assess the impact of automation of control processes on the effectiveness of the combat use of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. The use of this technique in the course of operational training of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces made it possible for the first time to obtain a quantitative assessment of the quality of the functioning of the ACS of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces and to conduct studies to assess the impact of automation of control processes on the effectiveness of the combat use of troops. The results of the studies have shown that the use of automation tools makes it possible to increase the efficiency of command and control of the Air Force and Air Defense forces by more than 20 percent.


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In the development of automated military systems, everyone is their own head

The need to create an automated command and control system for the Armed Forces is beyond doubt. It will provide the maximum speed of decision-making and communication of commands, not to mention the highest level of information protection. Let's try to understand the sources of problems that make it difficult to develop such an automated control system, and the reasons for their survivability.

A significant increase in the attention of the country's leadership and military command to increasing the effectiveness of the use of the Armed Forces with the help of comprehensive and deep automation of command and control processes is obvious. From 2005 to 2014, dozens of research and development works were carried out, significant financial resources, attracted a large number of specialists from various enterprises that develop automated systems for military purposes. There are successes, a sufficient number of automated control systems for a specific application have appeared, but to create single system, ensuring the satisfaction of the basic needs of military command and control bodies at various levels in the efficiency of assessing the situation and making decisions, has not yet been succeeded.

“To build the ACS of the Armed Forces, we need a body that brings the decisions of designers to a common denominator”
Let's name the main tasks facing the developers. The first is the unification of the description of information, data, information and protocols for the interaction of elements of the control system in terms of the technical platform. The second is the development of a system of formalized electronic documents (orders, directives, orders) for putting into effect options for command and control of troops and issuing commands when the situation changes. The third is to provide shared awareness for distributed troop planning. The fourth is the integration of generally applicable data and their description by type of functional activity at all levels of management, the creation of a single information space. Fifth, the development of methods for timely bringing changes in the situation to officials control points.

In the conceptual documents that determine the development of command and control in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, it is indicated that the ACS of the Armed Forces is built according to the general concept and plan on the basis of unified system engineering solutions. In addition, it should be "open", that is, providing the ability to quickly change its configuration based on the tasks being solved, the use of unified technical means, software, mathematical, informational and linguistic support. It is also clear that, in accordance with the state standard (GOST RV 52333.2-2006), compatibility is required - technical, informational, linguistic, software - with other automated control systems. And this means that classification and coding systems, protocols for information exchange and interaction should be unified, as well as data processing algorithms, etc.

However, the above requirements are only fixed in the guidelines. Their practical implementation during the creation of the ACS of the aircraft is not observed. The reason is the lack of an implementation mechanism. The activities of enterprises show that it is impossible to solve the problem of creating a promising automated control system for the aircraft, using existing methods and technologies that do not take into account the indicated approaches. The way to eliminate this discrepancy lies in the field of methodology and technology for the development of automated systems for military purposes (AS VN).

On different platforms

It is known that the construction of an automated control system is a set of design tools and methods, organizational techniques and technical devices used. Developers should be guided by the following principles: consistency, possibility of development, compatibility, unification, efficiency. However, the research and production enterprises that develop AS HV do not comply with the above principles and requirements for reasons beyond their control.

To correct the situation, it seems appropriate to rely on the existing experience of R&D performers, which shows that most specialists in the creation of AS VN understand that the requirements of the governing documents do not correspond to the mechanism for their implementation, but they cannot solve this problem on their own. The main reason here is that not a single R&D executor has the authority to bring the methods and technologies that should be used when creating the ACS of the Armed Forces to a common denominator, and the Ministry of Defense has not yet organized work in this direction. For this reason, there are no uniform technologies and standards that allow all enterprises involved in the process to operate in a common methodological and technological space, which, of course, has a particularly negative effect on large projects.

Among the main problems that impede the creation and modernization of ACS for the Armed Forces, we note the following. Firstly, the complexity and laboriousness of the tasks of ensuring information and technical interaction of AS VN due to the use various models data storage, database management systems, special software, etc. temporary and topographic and geodetic support), as well as means of automation of military command and control. The third problem is the low technological capabilities to ensure the modernization of the nuclear power plant and the rapid change in its configuration. It is worth paying attention to the complexity of maintaining up to date a significant number of protocols for information and technical interaction of functioning automated control systems during their operation. Among other things, ensuring the interaction of AS VN, which are being supplied and created in the course of R & D, require significant costs.

The above problems increase the development time, do not allow for deep integration of heterogeneous ACS into a single ACS of the aircraft, lead to irrational costs for the creation of information and technical interfaces, which, with the advent of each new ACS, must be rebuilt. Attracting a significant number of specialists to solve these problems also - rather negatively - affects the level of development of special software.

It should be noted that the interfacing of various AS VN, as a rule, is carried out with great time costs, the lack of mutual interest of developers in performing tasks at the proper level. There are other inherent difficulties in this kind of work. In addition, the modernization of the software of the automated control system of one of the parties, leading to the emergence of a new version of the software, leads to a violation of information and technical interaction.

The practice of creating AS VN has shown the difficulty of linking them into a single system. That is, here we run into the need for a common methodology and technology, mandatory for all, developed on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense. Until such a “development mechanism” is created, AS VN continue to be created using the tools that this or that enterprise developing these systems owns.

Here, everyone, as they say, is his own head, moreover, supported by his customer, who forms the requirements for the product in the way that is customary in a particular department. Everyone is guided by their own approaches to the choice of technical solutions. They are not unified, which results in a large number of unique protocols of information and technical interfacing and the complexity of ensuring interaction. At the same time, the integration needs of the ACS of the aircraft are not taken into account. Interaction between customers of the Ministry of Defense is poorly organized, and general requirements there is no single development mechanism for them.

It should be noted that there were attempts at unification and they gave the impetus necessary for understanding the problem under consideration. The leading role in this topic is played by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of EISU". At the same time, these attempts were not evaluated at the proper level in the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense, therefore, the practice of using original software and information-linguistic support, and sometimes even a geographical system, continues in the development. The composition and format of input and output data are set in each new job and are determined by the need to ensure interaction with other AS VN.

These factors negatively affect both the local system and the formation of an automated control system of a given configuration: automated control systems for a type of armed forces, automated control systems for a theater of operations, automated control systems for a military formation, and automated control systems for the armed forces. The integration requirements of conceptual and other documents are not fulfilled, we emphasize, due to the lack of methodological and technological foundations that are mandatory for all participants in the process.

As a result, the Armed Forces operate a large number of AS VN, built on various technical solutions. They were created using a single operating system, but with different special software, a geographic information system, a data storage model, a database management system, etc. Since the issues of supporting the interaction of AS VN are not defined by standards that are mandatory for use by customers of the Ministry of Defense and R&D executors , new interfaces were created in each work. At the same time, problems always arose - not only purely technical, but also functional, financial, resource. Decreased speed of information exchange. The development time increased, its cost grew. There was a need to attract a significant number of specialists, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the problems that are in the sphere of relations between customers and R&D performers. Thus, when creating an AS VN, great importance should be attached to the development of a tactical and technical assignment (TTZ) for R&D. At the same time, in a number of cases this task is performed at an unsatisfactory level, hastily, without a deep study of the content. TTZ poorly takes into account the requirements of conceptual documents and operational and technical requirements in relation to automated control systems. This significantly affects the quality of their performance. As a result, as they say, you get what you ordered.

In addition, when developing TTZ for R&D and its adjustment, the customers of the Ministry of Defense interact weakly with each other. This greatly complicates the linking of products by performers. The organization of work on the creation of AS VN should provide for the competent execution of technical specifications for R & D, close interaction between customers of the Ministry of Defense and performers among themselves.

It follows from this that in order to achieve a positive result in the creation of ACS for the aircraft and to reach the most appropriate technical solutions, it is necessary to replace the existing development mechanism. This is the only way to form a single methodological and technological space.

Looking for harmony

The new mechanism should eliminate the above problems, which are of a systemic nature. Its unified methodological and technological requirements for the development of ACS VN should become mandatory for all enterprises involved in the creation of automated control systems for aircraft.

The creation of a mechanism should begin with the development of basic elements on which a single technological basis of the automated control system will be built. It is advisable to define a single range of technical means intended for use in automated control systems for various purposes and levels - both mobile and stationary.

The mechanism for the development of AS VN using unified methodology and technology will ensure the harmonious information and technical interaction of various automated systems for military purposes and will allow them to be connected to the ACS of the Armed Forces. At the same time, the unified technological basis of the AS VN and the reduction in the number of unique protocols for information and technical interface being developed will ensure a significant reduction in the amount of work on information and technical interaction and will allow focusing the main efforts on the development of special software as the basis of the intellectual power of the ACS of the aircraft.

The basic elements for the development of AS VN should be a single operating system, common special software, an object model for data storage, a database management system, information and linguistic support, and a geographic information system. In addition, it is advisable to develop “input-output” standards to ensure the interface of automated systems and complexes for various purposes (fire destruction, air and missile defense, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, hydrometeorological, navigation-time and topogeodetic support) with automated control systems of military formations of various levels.

It should be emphasized once again that without providing R&D executors with a new mechanism for the development of ACS based on a single technological basis for AS VN and a methodology for its application, the creation of a promising ACS of the Armed Forces, corresponding modern requirements, defined in the conceptual and operational-technical documents of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is impossible, since the practice of forcibly compatible, rather than harmoniously coordinated (created according to uniform technologies and standards) automated systems will remain.

Thus, the creation of a unified technological basis for automated military systems is necessary condition for a promising automated control system for the aircraft. The development of the technological basis for AS VN must be started immediately within the framework of a special R&D. In addition, a state standard or operational and technical requirements are required that introduce a set of “input-output” protocols that are mandatory for enterprises involved in the development of AS VN, defining the rules for information and technical interfacing of AS VN and their complexes with automated control systems of military formations of various levels of command.

The development of a promising ACS for the Armed Forces using the mechanism proposed above can be implemented only subject to the organizational work of the relevant bodies of the Ministry of Defense, without which it is impossible to ensure the development of a unified technological basis for the ACS and its application. To give order to this process, for the coordinated activities of development enterprises, the military department needs to decide on a policy in several areas.

It requires better coordination of the actions of the customers of the Ministry of Defense, who are developing technical specifications for R&D for executing enterprises, in order to link them and coordinate actions in the course of supporting work.

It is necessary to create state standards or uniform requirements for the content and application of technology for creating AS VN.

It is necessary to form cooperation between developers and clearly define the field of activity of each enterprise in order to exclude unhealthy competition.

Conditions are needed for the formation and development of scientific and industrial schools in the field of AS VN, and it is necessary to provide for the possibility of disseminating their experience.

Finally, it is necessary to determine the parent company to develop and maintain the technological basis of the ACS of the Armed Forces at the required level, and also to form a body at the customer's office that develops and maintains up-to-date classifiers, a regulatory and reference base and other components of information and linguistic support necessary for work ACS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

A separate R&D should be aimed at creating a software and hardware complex that will be used to develop and maintain up to date classifiers, dictionaries and reference information.

The generalized block diagram of the ACS of the Armed Forces, made on the basis of the ACS of the unified development mechanism, includes the following special elements: ACS of military formations of various levels, types of armed forces and branches of service, top management. All of them are interconnected by a telecommunications system.

The “input-output” standard provides information and technical interface of automated systems and complexes for various purposes (fire destruction, air defense and missile defense, intelligence, electronic warfare, hydrometeorological, navigation-time and topographic and geodetic support) and complexes of automation equipment for command posts of military formations of various levels.

The unified technological basis of an automated system for military purposes must be periodically upgraded, and its new version installed on the automated control systems of the Armed Forces that are in operation. The development of special elements based on a single technological basis will ensure their organic inclusion in the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the possibility of promptly changing its configuration.

Thus, in order to give the process of creating a promising ACS of the Armed Forces the right direction for development, the Ministry of Defense needs to resolve organizational issues, set the development of a unified technological basis for automated systems for military purposes, and oblige enterprises to use it when creating AS VN. It is estimated that this task may take up to five years to complete. The measures we have considered are of a preparatory, technological nature, and only after they have been carried out can work begin on the creation of a promising automated control system for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The ACS of the Armed Forces, built using a single technological basis, will provide, firstly, a through vertical control trunk for subordinate forces and means from the highest to the tactical level, since it will use a single document management system, a common data storage model for all and a geographic information system ; secondly, a through horizontal trunk of interaction between military command and control bodies of various affiliations; and, thirdly, interaction with the command and control bodies of the forces and means of other ministries (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB) - of course, with the distribution of the “development mechanism” described by us to create an automated control system for these structures.

"Laboratory 50" for several years has been developing automated systems for military purposes, including integrated ones. During this time, sufficient knowledge and experience in this area have been accumulated. For obvious reasons, it is difficult to publish aspects related to domestic systems. However, foreign technologies and approaches available in the open literature do not impose any restrictions.

With reports affecting domestic specifics, our employees speak at conferences. Often presentations and full texts are available in conference proceedings. We have presented reports at the following:

  • ASUVN"13 (Theoretical and applied problems of development and improvement of automated control systems for military purposes);
  • ITOPK"14 (Information technologies in the service of the military-industrial complex);
  • IBMM"14 (IT business in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, fuel and energy complex and chemistry);
  • Agat "15 (State, problems and prospects for the creation of ship information and control systems).

In the area of ​​ICS technology, one of the most advanced branches of the US military is the Navy. This situation is connected with the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in order to support American diplomacy. In addition, the main unit of the fleet (ship) is a complex technical object that combines a set of huge amount technical means, weapons and military equipment, navigation, etc. Depending on the class and purpose, the ship can be the headquarters of the tactical and operational groups and the fleet.

And therefore, the issues of creating integrated automated control systems are of paramount importance here.

Foreign approaches

The technical solutions embedded in foreign military automation systems, and more specifically, in the combat control and automated control systems of surface ships, are based on a single ideology and concepts approved for the entire defense industry.

Today's concepts have been consistently developed over two decades. The starting point is the memorandum of US Secretary of Defense William Perry " Specifications and standards - a new way of doing business", released in 1994 . As a result, during the decade, most of the processes and technologies associated with the development of systems and software were revised.

The memorandum prohibits the use of most military standards without special permission. One of the main goals of the Department of Defense initiative was to open up the military systems integration market to use standard "mass" market components.

It must be said that the developers of the COTS methodology had the good sense to accompany their initiative with “sub-legislative” definitions, due to which they included in the concept of COTS products not only what “can be bought, rented or licensed on the mass market”, but also , which can be obtained by upgrading COTS products that fall under the above definition.


The appearance of the “Perry Memorandum” was the result, among other things, of problems with overpriced contracts and the excess of allocated funds for military projects. An important role in the advent of the "era of COTS" is played by the intention of the US Department of Defense to implement the doctrine of "electronic" wars. It is based on (a) increasing the “intelligence” of embedded weapon control systems, (b) uniting as many participants in combat operations as possible by a single information network and achieving success thanks to the possibilities of sharing information, (c) “unmanned” technologies for conducting military operations, including "deep" intelligence and intelligence analysis based on electronic technologies (applications C4ISR or Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance). These three "vectors" of the development of military equipment should ensure the delivery of coordinated strikes against a potential enemy, achieving a greater effect with fewer resources and inflicting irreparable losses on him while minimizing his own.

The equipment that embodies the principles of "electronic" warfare is usually based on microcircuits, hardware components, technologies and software of the COTS class (excluding work on special applications for space, radiation-hardened applications and special sensors used only by the military).

This approach has received maximum support in many projects. So, a modern submarine of the Virginia type is equipped with 75-76% of electronic equipment and software used in commercial samples.

System and Software Engineering Standards

In addition to these decisions, a strategy was approved to replace military standards with industrial ones. The software design and development standard was adopted in 1998. IEEE standard 12 207, which replaced the military standard MIL-STD-498 and the "transitional" J-STD-016-1995. It is important to understand that the IEEE 12207 standard is a completely commercial, “civilian” standard and is being developed by ISO/IEC/IEEE international committees.

Similar to standard 12207, the general industrial system engineering standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 has been adopted as the foundation for military systems.

In Russia, a part of the standard was approved as GOST R ISO/IEC 12-207-99 with an update of GOST R ISO/IEC 12-207-2010.

The GOST R 12 207 standard demonstrates a completely different approach to management in the field of information systems development and a qualitatively different theoretical level than GOST 34. This is manifested primarily in the focus on processes, the modern view of quality management, the project approach to the creation of information systems.

open architecture

The application of commercial practices to the development of military software since the release of the "Perry memorandum" has been consistently covered in a number of documents of the US Department of Defense: "Commercial practices in ordering military software" (1994); "Report on open systems ah "(1998); "Report on military software" (2000) .

The reports examine, among other things, the following questions:

  • the conditions under which commercial practices can be appropriately used in defense software procurement;
  • what management methods the US Department of Defense should use to most effectively and efficiently assign, order, integrate and test, and maintain military software;
  • under what conditions the MO should develop new software tools, technologies or libraries;
  • what approach should be taken to ensure that such developments take place in the mainstream of a commercial industry.

One of the developed fundamental solutions was the introduction of the concepts of "open system" and "open architecture".

Open Architecture (OA) is a set of technical and organizational best practices, together with an appropriate manufacturing culture, designed to implement a highly effective life cycle strategy: minimizing total cost of ownership and maximizing combat capability. The open architecture uses open standards for key interfaces in the system. Open standards are widely used, published, and maintained by recognized industry standards organizations.

An important goal of open systems is to enable a competent counterparty to supply standards-compliant modules or elements that can be successfully and easily integrated into working system according to customer requirements. The system owner can take advantage of competitive offers from various vendors seeking to supply modules for the system.

The technical basis of an open architecture is:

  1. use of open standards;
  2. modular design;
  3. ensuring interoperability (ability to interact);
  4. desire with extensibility;
  5. reuse exploitation;
  6. ensuring compatibility in design solutions;
  7. design with maintainability.

An example of the successful application of this principle in the Navy is the Aegis Open Architecture program, which is being implemented as part of an ongoing program to modernize cruisers and destroyers. In 2009, the cruiser Bunker Hill (CG 52) became the first upgraded under this program, including the open architecture Aegis. The plans of this project include the transition to a single core of combat control systems.

In general, we can say that the described decisions of the US Department of Defense made it possible to qualitatively increase the capabilities of intellectual systems for military purposes, which is characterized by an exponential increase in complexity. software systems.

Automation of weapon control tasks

The US Navy has the following main command and control systems:

  • Aegis (cruisers, destroyers);
  • SSDS (aircraft carriers);
  • ACDS (UDC, generally non-Aegis);
  • TSCE (destroyers "Zumwalt");
  • COMBATSS-21 (LCS).

The automation systems installed on the latest generation ships (LCS, Zumwalt) go far beyond traditional weapons control systems (for example, Aegis). The TSCE and COMBATSS-21 systems are full-fledged ACS NK, covering all information systems of the ship.

In an effort to bring opportunities closer various systems The ICS ACS developed a development concept around a common ACB core. ACB is a functional and organizational unit designed to be implemented in a specific platform of an integrated combat control system.

An important engine for building various systems is the concept of an open architecture, which allows you to integrate parts of a system from different manufacturers. The ACB development cycle period is four years. All new versions of combat information and control systems are built around common block ACB.

To understand the appearance of the kernel, you can give examples of items in successive versions of ACB.

  • department of software and hardware.
  • network computing COTS technology of increased productivity;
  • unified computing complex / unified AWP system;
  • general target environment;

Items of a specific version of ACB are already implemented in the platform of a specific ISBU. For example, the Aegis ISBU line is created on the basis of a single code base. This code base embodies the requirements of ACB 8−12-., thus obtaining specific implementations - Aegis ACB 8−12-., on the basis of which, in turn, software lines are created that are installed on various types of media.

AUTOMATED TROOP CONTROL SYSTEM(ACS B), a man-machine system that provides automated collection and processing of information necessary to optimize command and control of troops in order to use them most effectively. The ACCS in service with the armies of developed countries are usually built in accordance with the general structure of military formations: the ACCS of units are included in the ACCS of formations, the ACCS of formations are in the ACCS of formations, etc. The ACCS of neighboring formations are operationally and technically interfaced, forming a single functional system (Fig. one).

ACCS usually consist of three main. subsystems: computing; displaying information and communication between a person and a computer; connections. The ACCS can include both automatic, ACCS of the SENIOR FORMATION and automated control systems for combat assets (ACS BS). Automated systems allow the command and officials of the combat crews of command posts (CP) to directly influence the process of combat operations management; automatic systems operate according to a given program without human intervention.

Tech. the basis of the automated control system is computers, to-rye perform numerical and logical operations. means of visual and auditory indication increase the information content of communication between people. The need to move to ACCS is due to changes in the nature of the modern. military operations, which caused the need for automation of command and control.

ACCS can perform following features: informational (collection, memorization, storage, accumulation, generalization, search, addressing, transmission, display of information about the project, about its troops, about the conditions of hostilities and about the tasks assigned to the troops); computational (action planning, resource allocation, data preparation for displaying and assessing the situation, weapon control, compiling reference data); logical (preparation of data for making operational decisions, processing of qualitative data, evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions and the results of military operations); control and operational (bringing commands, orders, directives, orders to the troops, control over their implementation). ACCS can provide reproduction and rapid production of graphic, cartographic. and textual documents on the basis of data received through communication channels, as well as input by com-rami and operators from workplaces. It is designed to shorten the time for setting missions for the troops, taking into account changes in the situation, to objectively monitor the implementation of orders and instructions, to ensure the receipt of reference materials with a given degree of detail or generalization, the development of solutions, the simulation of the course of hostilities for various solutions and the assessment of their effectiveness.

ACCS allows you to reduce the time spent on organizing combat and operations, improve the interaction and coordination of combat operations, get a deeper, objective assessment situation, reduce errors associated with incomplete accounting of information, delay in its processing, limitedness, insufficient accuracy and subjectivity of the assessment. RYS. 1. Structural ACCS usually builds a communication scheme between Xia based on 3 ACCS principles of different SOVs. 1st (main) - coverage, poslodovat. development and formalization of a wide range of control tasks and their transfer to computers, the creation of new control methods in accordance with the capabilities of the computer.

At the same time, there must be direct. the creative influence of the com-ditch and headquarters on the implementation of automated control systems for information and logic. functions. By analyzing the combat activity of troops, tasks are identified that arise in the process of control, which can be described algorithmically. To solve these problems, computer programs are being developed. At the same time, programs are compiled to perform auxiliary tasks. technological tasks (addressing, transmission of orders and reports, production of documents, etc.).

The introduction of machine programs can occur in parallel with the theoretical. and practical preparation of commanders and staffs for the use of automated control systems. The 2nd principle is the systemic nature of the ACCS, which increases the efficiency of communication between officials, including those separated by large distances. ACCS expands collegiality and strengthens unity of command. The expansion of collegiality is achieved by increasing the information content of communication between people with the help of technology. means of displaying information, strengthening unity of command - centralization and concentration in the hands of a company of great opportunities for quick and direct. impact on subordinate troops, taking into account all the data of the situation.

An important factor of consistency is highly informative communication between a person and a computer with the help of special. tech. means, in particular the means of "direct dialogue". The systemic nature of the ACCS allows you to effectively solve a variety of organizational, methodological issues. and tech. character. The 3rd principle of building ACCS is the possibility of building up this system, the ability to develop it. ACCS should allow for phased implementation, deployment and slowdown. improvement at the level of subsystems and elements. The performance of the automatic control system should practically not be disturbed when replacing the separate. elements, the inclusion of new subsystems in the ACCS and the interface with the ACCS of higher, neighboring and lower links.

The general structure of the ACCS is hierarchical, with a large proportion of connections that ensure the survivability of the system when the enemy hits its units. parts. Elements of the ACCS are located on the PU (subsystems - computing, display and communication; part of the communication subsystem - communication nodes). PU are connected by communication channels. Int. the structure of the launcher depends on the level of automation of control, the distribution of functions between the combat crew and technical. means, the composition of the combat crew and the number of technical. funds.

Volume of tech. means is determined by the degree of their perfection, as well as operators. requirements for mobility, speed of deployment and collapse, allowable program change time, etc. The structure of the ACCS depends on the level of automation. At the 1st stage of automation (Fig. 2), Fig. 2. Structural diagram of ACCS: 1 - collection and processing of information; 2 - information analysis; 3 - preparation of solutions; 4 - performance evaluation; b - presentation of the results of the evaluation of options; b - display of information; 7 - formation of commands and orders; 8 - control of commands and orders; 9 - addressing and coding; 10 - communication node; K - commander; A - intelligence operator; B - direction operators; .

B - situation analysis operators. when the logical functions are performed by commanders and combat crew members (operators), ACCS prepares and displays information, performs standard calculations, encodes, transmits, receives and decodes commands. At the 2nd, higher stage of automation, an additional (logical) function of the ACCS is to analyze and evaluate the reliability of the data and optimize the options for decisions prepared by the combat crew. At the 3rd stage, the ACCS can additionally be assigned a logical. the function of preparing options for decisions, which serve as working material for the creative activity of the commander. Calculate, the subsystem can include both universal and specialized computers that meet the military. requirements (mobility, small dimensions, resistance to impact loads, wide temperature regime etc.).

It is possible to use multi-machine complexes, in which individual computers are interconnected by high-speed communication channels. On the different levels computer controls have different configurations. In view of the large heterogeneity and diversity of tasks, ACS computers have a flexible structure, in particular, different types of processors and types of memory.

The information display and communication subsystem includes screens, indicators, scoreboards, information input and output panels, which include writing instruments, sound signaling devices, speech analyzers and synthesizers. Screens and indicators, the dimensions of which are determined by the number of officers served, can display maps, the situation and conditions of hostilities, as well as alphanumeric information. Relatively stable alphanumeric information is displayed on the scoreboard.

Speech analyzers and synthesizers are designed for direct communication between a person and a computer using voice. It is possible to use mnemonic diagrams, on which elements of military and technical equipment are indicated by visual symbols. structures; the same symbols indicate the corresponding input devices. In view of the low inertia and high information content, the widest possibilities of the existing ones. display means have electron-optical. devices.

On electron-optical. indicators, you can simultaneously and interconnectedly display maps with applied conditions, graphs, formulas, tables, typewritten text, photocopies of real objects. The informativeness of the means of communication is consistent with the physiological. abilities of man and technology. computer capabilities. An important element of the ACCS is the information part, which in some cases forms an independent information retrieval system - IPS for performing reference and information tasks. In the IPS, all the information of the reference and operational. nature, necessary for management, is concentrated in the center, the repository, which is continuously replenished.

To store queries that need to be answered periodically, there are corresponding. device. Responses to requests are displayed on indicators or printed (if necessary, copies are made), the situation is automatic. imprinted on maps of the required scale. Peripheral points can be small IRS (included in the corresponding

ACCS) or terminal devices. connections. The language of communication with the IPS should be simple, capacious and denu - to allow the introduction of new information processing programs.

Usually this is a simplified nature. a language supplemented by a formal language of communication with a computer. The structure and composition of the automated control system must ensure continuity, secrecy, reliability, survivability and noise immunity of control. Continuity is achieved by high operational reliability and quick response of the automated control system to changes in the situation, as well as timely receipt of operations. information, an assessment of its impact on the course of events and the expected outcome of hostilities, an effective change in the program of actions in accordance with the task set and the decision made.

Secrecy can be ensured by automated accounting of documents, differentiation of access to information of officials in accordance with their functional duties. The operational reliability of the automated control system is achieved by redundant main. system elements, automation of functional control over the operation of devices and troubleshooting, self-healing (automation of connecting redundant units to replace faulty ones), the use of highly reliable elements with a long service life, the modular principle of building equipment, microminiaturization (see Miniaturization). To increase the survivability of the ACCS, a reserve is provided. PU and duplication of communication lines.

Depending on the requirements for mobility, launchers are placed in permanent or temporary shelters.. On mobile launchers, supplements, camouflage and protection are used.

Tech. equipment, composition of information and algorithms based on and stock. PU are identical; all commands, orders and instructions from the main.

PU can be duplicated in stock. PU. ACCS is built so that the reserve.

PU is always ready to take control. The survivability of a communication network is usually achieved by using covert, protected (buried) wired communication channels, using radio communication, duplication and using bypass channels. Direct communication lines connect the ACCS of one level of the hierarchy (interaction communication), as well as ACCS that differ by 1, 2 or more steps (command communication).

The communication structure, built on the principle of "each with each" (multiply connected), has the greatest survivability, but it has a number of technical disadvantages. and economic character. The basis of the communication subsystem is usually made up of switching centers connected by high-performance trunk lines, supplemented by backup and bypass channels. In a particular situation, the choice of optpm. communication direction is carried out automatically. Noise immunity is achieved by the secrecy of radio frequencies and wire line routes, the use of noise-immune signals, a reduction in the duration of transmissions, and the use of special. noise protection equipment and noise-protected signal processing algorithms, etc. methods.

The work of the com-pa and headquarters with the use of automated control systems may have several. different order than under normal conditions. First, based on the information that was issued by the subsystem for displaying information and communication, in general view evaluate the situation, the state of the theater of war. actions (theatre), the battlefield, equipment, etc. For a more detailed study of the situation in the ACCS, requests are entered for supplements, data on the pr-ke and theater of operations. The data in the system is continuously updated, coming in automatically. communication channels from sources of primary information (automatic transceivers located on the launchers of subunits and units, as well as from reconnaissance aircraft and other means) both to the information part of the information system and directly to workplaces.

If the received data relate to a new factor, they are given a next number and they are entered into the memory of the ACS (with an indication of the time and source of their receipt). If a previously known factor is specified, then only changes are made to the memory. Similarly, information about the position, composition, weapons, safety precautions, and combat readiness of friendly troops is processed. On the basis of the received task and assessment of the situation, the com-pa forms options possible solution: the method of performing the task, the grouping of troops (composition of forces and means, the distribution of tasks), the procedure for interaction and control, the degree of combat readiness, etc.

Com-r directs the headquarters to carry out measures to organize the upcoming battle (operation). Information about solution options is entered into a computer for evaluation and use by their headquarters and services. Options in the form of schemes on maps and text are automatically displayed for viewing on display devices.

Each task option is accompanied by a list of positives and negatives.. moments and evaluation of its effectiveness. Further, the weaknesses of the options are identified and evaluated, the restrictions are changed and, if necessary, supplementary data are introduced. As a result, some options are excluded, the rest are improved. The commander chooses the most rational option, i.e., makes a decision. The adopted decision is transferred to the headquarters (combat crew of the PU) for detailing and setting tasks for the troops.

Instructions to the troops are formed automatically or typed on the control panels of the automation. workplaces of operators (combat crew of PU) and are transferred to subordinate headquarters (PU). At the same time on the indicator avtomatizir. workplace acc. the signaling confirms the fact and time of its receipt by the addressee. In the same way, but in the reverse order, reports on the implementation of instructions can be received.

The effectiveness of the use of ACCS is assessed by its contribution to the economical use of forces and means in combat (operations). Evaluation criteria - the degree of reduction in the loss of their troops in person. composition, weapons and equipment; increase in damage caused to pr-ku; speed and correctness of the reaction of officials. An accompanying criterion is also taken into account - the cost of ACCS ( material costs and number of attendants). Optimal ratios according to the criteria "efficiency - cost" are achieved by an appropriate level of automation, the correct distribution of functions between personal. composition and tech. means, rational composition and high technical characteristics. means, efficient algorithms and computer programs, flexible restructuring of the functional algorithm.

Further development of ACS is connected with Ch. arr. with the improvement of computers, in particular with the widespread introduction of functional arithmetic, the ability to operate with semantic information and an increase in bandwidth means of communication. The exchange of information between different subscribers in the ACCS can be carried out through automatic. communication based on the commutation principle. Developing promising automated control systems, they provide for the automation of all basics. types of management activities and a significant increase in the number of tasks to be solved related to the development of information, reference and evaluation data, as well as solutions.

Automated control system. T. 1-2. M., 1972; BskarevV. A. Cybernetics and military affairs. Philos. feature article.

M., 1969; Glushkov V . M. Introduction to ACS. Ed. 2nd. Kyiv, 1974.

Bibliography: p. 307-311; Druzhi-n and n V. V., Kontorov D. S. Idea, algorithm, solution. Decision making and automation.

M., 1972; Romanov A . N., Frolov G. A. Fundamentals of automation of control systems (Construction of automated air defense control systems). M., 1971; Baranyuk V. A., Vorobyov V. I. Automated control systems for staffs and military institutions. M., 1974.

them. N.E. Bauman
Military Department No. 1 of the Air Force

Radio engineering troops main source

Educational and educational
lesson objectives:
1. Learn the basic concepts and content
automated control process,
composition and structure of the management system.
2. Learn the basic concepts of military KSA
destination, block diagram of the ACS connection
air defense.

1. Basic concepts about the management process, composition

2. Basic information about the organization of the ACS of the military
3. general characteristics main subsystems and
ACS elements by air defense forces and means
Lesson time - 450 min.

1. Basic concepts about the management process, composition
and the structure of the command and control system of the military
1.1. The content of the management process
Management is purposeful
control bodies to control objects for
achieving certain goals.
The control system is an ordered set
interconnected and interacting elements,
forming a whole in order to achieve in
the process of functioning of a certain
(specified) result.
System element - the simplest part of the system
control that performs a strictly defined
function alone or in combination with
other similar elements.

1. Basic concepts of the management process, composition and

Subsystem - selected according to certain characteristics
(properties, qualities, functions, etc.) part of the system
management that performs one or more
functions inherent in this control system.
Management bodies (command, headquarters, departments,
services and other staff or non-staff bodies) -
designed to perform the functions of
command and control of troops at various levels
The object of management is the governing body of the subordinate


structure of the military command and control system
Control points - specially equipped and
places equipped with technical means, with
which commanders (commanders) through their headquarters
exercise control over troops in the preparation and
conducting combat operations, when carrying out combat
duty roster.
Distinguish between fixed and mobile

KSA KP association of Air Force and Air Defense "Bastion-3"

KSA KP connection of the Air Force and Air Defense "Universal-1"

KBU 49L6 mobile automated control system for air defense missile systems "Baikal-1"

1. Basic

structure of the military command and control system
Troop control system - a set
functionally and hierarchically related organs
control, control points, communication systems, systems
and means of automation of command and control of troops, as well as
special systems that ensure the collection, processing
and information transfer, decision making, control
execution of assigned tasks.

Basic concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
Signs of the control system:
system (the presence of a certain
the presence in the system of various connections that provide
interaction of subsystems that distinguish: by level,
scope and purpose;
intended purpose of the system (intended for
performing a predetermined set of tasks
information processing and management);
the presence of a management process with the corresponding
the complexity of the system, determined by the number of elements and
connections of subsystems;
the presence of amplifying properties of the system, i.e. achievement
a certain efficiency in terms of the final result;
dynamics of processes occurring in the system.

Basic concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
Communication system - organizational and technical
unification of forces and means of communication deployed in
in accordance with the tasks being solved by the troops, and
established control system.
Ensures the exchange of information between all
elements of the control system.
The structure of the management system is the order
arrangement of elements (subsystems) relative to
each other, a set of stable relationships between
all elements of the system that provide it
integrity when changing internal and external

Basic concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
Management process - continuous, consistent
organizational and technical process with a wide
using various methods and technical
means for developing control actions for
achieve a given goal in accordance with
principles of the management system.

1. Basic
concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
The essence of management is based on laws
armed struggle and the principles of military art
purposeful activity of governing bodies
collection, processing and analysis of information about
the situation as a whole and the development of managers
impacts for controlled subsystems in order to
achieving maximum effectiveness of combat
actions of troops under given conditions of the situation, in
in accordance with the combat mission received from
superior commander as a governing body.

1. Basic
concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
The content of the management process - implementation by the body
control of a certain function in time and
logical sequence.
The control function is a set of interrelated
acts of activity leading to permission
a specific task.
The task of management is the ultimate goal of management, which
must be achieved at any level of management.

1. Basic
concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
The control cycle is a period of time during
which the sequential solution is carried out
management tasks until they are fully completed in
the scale of this command and control system.
Information is a set of certain information,
necessary to fulfill the inherent
system of functions in accordance with the purpose and program
this control system.

1. Basic
concepts of the management process, composition and
structure of the military command and control system
Requirements for information
used in control systems:
timeliness and continuity;
necessary accuracy and discreteness, sufficient
to solve problems at a given level of management;
simplicity of the coding system;
a sufficient degree of consolidation of information.

1.2. Purpose, structure and classification
automated control systems
Automated control system (ACS)
designed to improve efficiency and
quality of command and control of troops or combat
funds in order to make full use of their
combat capabilities.
ACS is understood as the totality of personnel and
a set of automation tools that implement
information technology for performing tasks on
information processing and management for the benefit of
effective functioning of managed

1. Basic concepts of the management process, the composition and structure of the system
military administration
ACS for military purposes are divided into:
ACS B - automated control systems
ACS BS - automated control systems
combat means;
ACS SN - automated control systems
special purpose.
ACS VPVO - a set of automated systems
control of command posts (CP) and points
management (PU) of units, units, armies, etc.,
united into a single system by communication lines in
in a manner consistent with the principles of governance
troops, the distribution of functions for solving problems
command and control and information distribution
between KP (PU).

1. Basic concepts of the management process, the composition and structure of the system
military administration
The automated command post (AKP) is
the main element of the ACS, which provides
solution of the whole complex of control problems.
AKP is a complex of specially equipped and
engineering-protected structures,
where automated workers are located
places (AWP) of combat crew members, as well as others
automation and communication tools necessary for
control of subordinate troops.
A set of automation tools (KSA) - a set
technical means and software,
necessary to solve information and
calculation tasks in command and control of troops.

ACS classification
By response time to
received information
and time to bring it to
performer (reactivity
ACS of strictly regulated real-time mode
time (reaction time
units of seconds)
Hierarchy (by
number of levels
ACS of non-strictly regulated real mode
time (reaction time
tens of seconds)
ACS unreal time
(reaction time minutes and
By degree

1. Basic concepts of the management process, the composition and structure of the system
military administration
Throughput - total volume
computational work per unit of time (number of
simultaneously tracked air objects).
There are 3 subsystems in real-time ACS:
Information subsystem - to receive
information about the VO (coordinates, parameters,
VO characteristics);
Control subsystem - to implement the main
appointment of ACS (preparation of proposals for reflection
hitting the opponent and bringing the decision to
subordinates (objects of control));
Subsystem of communication and data transmission - set
all types of communication and data transmission paths, for
bringing all elements of the automated control system into a single system.

1. Basic concepts of the management process, the composition and structure of the system
military administration
Subsystem of communication and data transmission in turn
includes a number of subsystems:
data transmission subsystem;
subsystem of internal operational-command communication;
subsystem of external operational-command communication.

2. Basic information about the organization of automated control systems
military purpose
2.1. General information according to the structure of the ACS of the military
purpose, characteristics of the elements of the ACS of the military
A typical structural diagram of an automated control system for military purposes

Managed objects for ACS B are
subordinate troops, and for the ACS BS - weapons and
military equipment, mainly military equipment
reconnaissance and destruction (anti-aircraft missile systems
weapons, fighter aircraft weapons systems
and radio engineering troops, means of radio-electronic

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
As part of any ACS, one can distinguish:

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Management methods are techniques and ways of working
management personnel used in its
for the implementation of functions
A set of automation tools
a set of mutually agreed components and
complexes of software, technical and
information support, developed,
manufactured and supplied as a product
industrial and technical purposes
(the totality of all components of the automated control system, with the exception of

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
In the ACS by the forces and means of air defense of the Aerospace Forces of the KSA
created for:
automation of data collection processes about
processing and displaying this data for the purposes of
issuing recommendations to officials of bodies
management when they develop decisions on
command and control of troops (combat means) and
reporting in accordance with the decisions made
tasks and control actions to controlled

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
There are 3 functional systems in KSA,
which are subsystems of a single automated control system:
command and signal;
command and information;
information and settlement.
Command and signal system (CSS) - a set
automation tools for
delivering commands and signals, as well as to receive
confirmations and reports on their implementation.
The composition of the automation tools of the KSS includes:
means of entering commands and signals,
24/7 communication network and
means of outputting commands and signals to devices
visual display, audible alarm and
to other operating devices.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Command Information System (CIS) -

designed to collect, organize and
displaying information about the current situation and
bringing tasks to subordinates (performers).
KIS is characterized by:
advanced system of devices for displaying data on
the current situation of the individual and
collective use and
hard time cycle of operation,
due to the need for processing and
displaying real-time situational data
time scale.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Information and settlement system (IRS) -
a set of automation tools,
intended for the collection, storage, processing and
issuing to display and printing devices
various information for the benefit of
calculations necessary to analyze the situation,
decision making and planning.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
2.2. Principles of construction and operation
Operational and tactical principles of building automated control systems
1. Compliance with the purpose of creation, combat and technical
the capabilities of the automated control system, the tasks, composition and organizational structure of the commanded troops (forces) and means,
their management system, the level of development of funds
air attack and controlled objects,
methods of preparing and conducting operations (combat
2. Organizational, software and technical and
information unity of the construction of the automated control system and its
subsystems providing control
various types of air defense forces and means, as well as
the possibility of interaction between automated
controls, both vertically and

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
3. Balanced development of automated control systems,
corresponding to the development of systems
radar and electronic intelligence,
electronic suppression and fire
destruction of air objects
4. Balanced construction of all components
parts of the ACS of the combat arms (forces) of air defense, as well as systems
automated funds management
Air defense of other types of RF Armed Forces
5. Integrated automation most
fleeting, labor-intensive and fast-acting
management functions at all levels,
compliance with the degree of automation of these
functions of the dynamics of controlled processes, and
also the role and place of these functions in achieving
general and private management goals

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
6. Ensuring survivability, adaptation and
self-organization of automated control systems in accordance with
changes in internal and external factors her
functioning under various conditions
situation, composition and parameters of the solved
7. Rational combination of centralized and
decentralized command and control
(forces) and weapons, the ability to move from
centralized control to
decentralized and vice versa without loss
8. Ensuring the ability to manage in
hierarchical system through an instance (and in
in some cases and through several instances)

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
9. Control invariance, which consists in
opportunities to provide both
automated, and
non-automated control mode with
transition from one mode to another without loss
10. Integrated and harmonized application
main, backup and backup systems
automated control of troops,
forces and means

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
General system principles for building automated control systems
1. The principle of consistency is that when
creation, operation and development of automated control systems should
to establish and maintain such links between
structural elements of the system, which
ensure its integrity and interaction with
other systems
2. The principle of development (openness) is that
based on the prospects for the development of processes and objects
automation, automated control systems should be created taking into account
the possibility of replenishing and updating the functions of the automated control system and
types of its support by finalizing software and
(or) technical means or customization of existing

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
3. The principle of compatibility is that
when creating an automated control system, must be implemented
information interfaces, thanks to
with which she can interact with
other systems in accordance with
established rules
4. The principle of standardization (unification)
lies in the fact that when creating an ACS
should be rationally applied standard,
unified and standardized
elements, design solutions, packages
application programs, complexes, components

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
5. The principle of adaptability is
the need to create an automated control system with
the ability to change its parameters in
depending on internal parameters
functioning and characteristics of the external
6. The principle of efficiency is
achieving a rational balance between
costs for the creation of automated control systems and target
effects, including end results,
resulting from automation

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Operational-tactical principles
functioning of the automated control system
1. Preservation of the leading role of commanders and staffs
in the process of command and control of troops, the correct
combination of human creativity with
operation of automation tools
2. Maximum execution automation
technical and settlement information
functions assigned to officials
governing bodies
3. Simplicity and convenience of interaction between operators
with input automation tools,
processing and perception of information

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
4. Ensuring access control to
information, prevention
unauthorized activities and
unauthorized use of funds
5. Organization of operation and maintenance
ACS by a small number of qualified
6. Implementation of automated exchange
information with superiors, subordinates and
interacting authorities in various
forms (speech, data, video)

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
7. Ensuring the unity of management
different types of air defense forces based on
integrated assessment of air and ground

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes

The ACS VN distinguishes the following types of support:
Design solutions for software, technical and
information support is sold as products in the form
interconnected set of components and complexes,
included in the ACS VN (their parts), with the necessary

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Technical support (complexes of technical means) ACS VN -
functioning of ACS VN.
In the control points (bodies) of the KTS, they provide the solution of the following
software that provides automatic and automated
solution of functional problems of information management and processing;
exchange of information within the point (body) of control, as well as with
external systems; information display; documentation
information; functional control of KSA equipment; binding
information processing and management processes to a unified system
time accepted in ACS VN; information security,
electricity supply
the life of the governing bodies.
As part of the CTC of points (bodies) of control, the following can be distinguished
main elements: computer complex; KTS Display
information; KTS documentation; KTS simulation and training; KTS
voice communication; KTS data transmission; KTS of the common time system; KTS
control and management of the functioning of the KSA; KTS of provision
information security; KTS of power supply; KTS of provision
vital activity

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
In automated PU (OS), the computer complex decides
the following tasks: performs logical and computational processing
data on the implementation of the main automatic and automated
functional tasks.
The complex of technical means of display is intended for
displaying information in the interests of certain officials
(group of persons) of the governing body in order to ensure the implementation
officials of their functional duties(includes
KTSO for individual and collective use).
The complex of technical means of imitation and training is intended for
education and training of officials of the governing body, as well as for
testing and verifying the correct functioning of the KSA.
The complex of technical means of voice communication is intended for
organization of speech information exchange between officials
persons of the governing body through the channels of radio, internal and external
telephone and loudspeaker communication.
The complex of technical means of data transmission provides reception from
data transmission paths of information, its accumulation in arrays, blocks
or messages and the transfer of this information in digital form to VK;
reception of digital information from VC by arrays, blocks or messages
and issuing this information to the appropriate data paths.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
The complex of technical means of documentation is intended for
day off
circulating through the channels of operational-command and telecode communication
(for ACS VN control of forces and means of air defense - this is data on
air situation, combat readiness and combat operations), as well as
summary data presented in a form convenient for subsequent
analysis, analysis and study.
is designed to generate single time signals and output them to
functional elements of ACS VN.
functioning of the KSA is intended for communication between the operator and
CTS equipment or its individual subsystems. It provides:
control of the operation of all or a given subsystem of the CTS; control
state of the CTS; carrying out adjustment and preventive work.
A set of technical means for ensuring information security
designed to neutralize or at least minimize
potential threats to the security of information circulating in ACS VN
(potential threats to information security are divided into
accidental and deliberate, associated with conscious illegal
human actions).

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
control from the ACS VN is impossible without special technical
means of ensuring the normal functioning of both the CSA and
government officials.
The complex of technical means of power supply is intended for
providing all consumers of PU (OS) with electricity as in everyday,
so in special conditions functioning. During daily activities
PU (OS) are usually provided with electricity from external sources,
owned by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. In special conditions during autonomous operation
carried out through the use of autonomous power sources
(usually from a diesel generator set).
Complex of technical means of life support
includes heating systems, water and air supply, filter ventilation,
air conditioning, sewerage and drainage, fire alarm and
fire extinguishing, devices for assessing the radiation situation, etc., the task
which consists in ensuring the normal mode of operation of personnel
PU (OS) for the time necessary to implement the goals and objectives of the automated control system
VN. In addition, the life support CTS must provide
notification of the personnel of the PU (OS) in the event of a threat to life and
health of officials of ACS VN.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Mathematical support of ACS VN
Mathematical support of ACS HV - a set of mathematical
methods, models and algorithms used in ACS HV.
Mathematical methods are different ways
use of the mathematical apparatus of certain mathematical
Mathematical model is a system of mathematical dependencies and
logical rules, allowing with sufficient completeness and accuracy
reproduce in time the most significant components
simulated objects and processes and calculate based on this
numerical values ​​of the desired indicators.
The calculation problem is a set of mathematical methods, algorithms and
data to perform certain calculations, allowing you to evaluate
the situation that will develop as a result of the proposed actions, or
achieving the desired result.
An algorithm is a set of precise prescriptions that define a finite
sequence of actions to be performed under varying
source data to obtain the desired result.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
ACS VN software
ACS VN software - a set of programs on media
data and program documents, designed for debugging,
functioning and checking the operability of the ACS VN.
Software (software) of ACS VN in terms of its functional
intended purpose is divided into general software (GPO),
system-wide special software (OSPO), and
special software (SPO).
General ACS HV software - part of the ACS HV software,
which is a collection software tools developed
out of connection with the creation of this ACS VN.
Usually, the HPO ACS VN is a set of programs of general
appointments intended for the organization of the computing process, and
also for organizing technological processes development and
software support.
Special and system-wide special software for ACS HV - part
ACS HV software, which is a set of
programs developed during the creation of this ACS VN.
Usually, the SPO of the ACS VN is a set of implemented
functional tasks of the system (for example, the task of processing radar data).

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Information support of ACS VN
Information support of ACS VN - a set of forms of documents,
classifiers, regulatory framework and implemented solutions in terms of volumes,
placement and forms of existence of information used in ACS VN
during its operation.
Information support determines the location and forms of organization
information used in automated control. By way
data representation IO can be divided into intramachine
(information is presented on data carriers) and off-machine
intended for direct perception by officials
automated OS (PU) without the use of computer technology).
Off-machine IO includes a classification and coding system,
reference documents, operational documents, methodical and
instructional materials. The information is usually displayed in the form
documents, the movement of which in the process of functioning of the ACS VN
implemented in accordance with organizational structure systems.
Intramachine IO includes information
forming the basis of the information base of the system.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
2.3. The structure of the automated control system of the air defense forces of the VKS
Under the structure of the ACS of the Air Defense Forces of the Aerospace Forces, one should understand
sustainable order internal communications between
individual elements of the system that define it
functional purpose and features
interaction with the external environment.
The structure of the system can be:

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
External environment
Centralized structure of the automated control system
The centralized structure of the automated control system provides
fast transfer of control actions and
signals feedback between the elements of the system, and
as well as coordinated functioning
executive elements.

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
The hierarchical structure of the automated control system provides
several levels of management, with managers
subordinate level elements at the same time
are objects of control for the superior
External environment
Hierarchical structure of ACS

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
The VCS air defense control system can be represented as
structures from 4 levels of management:
Level 0 - VKS air defense control system;
1st level - control system of air defense formations;
Level 2 - air defense connections control system;
Level 3 - parts management system and
divisions of the air defense forces.
The existing structure of the air defense automated control system of the Aerospace Forces provides for
subordination from the bottom up vertically and mutual
horizontal links at each level:

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
With the help of KSA of the operational level,
the following operational and strategic tasks:
airspace control;
for the timely bringing of air defense systems to
various degrees of combat readiness;
on notification of a higher command post, command post of other types of aircraft,
bodies civil defense about air
on preparation of data for the discovery of intentions
probable adversary;
on setting combat missions for subordinates
connections and organization of interaction with

2. Basic information about the organization of ACS for military purposes
Operational-tactical level of management
represented by air defense corps (divisions),
which are equipped with the corresponding KSA.
ACS K (d) air defense is designed to control combat
actions of parts (connections) of ZRV, IA, RTV, EW,
included in the K(d), and the organization of interaction
with KP interacting K (d), KP and PU air defense land
troops and navy.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces
and air defense systems
ACS "Pyramid" is designed for automation
the process of managing the combat operations of units
(compounds) that are part of K (d) air defense.
Structural scheme
ACS "Pyramid"

air defense means
3.1. Purpose, composition and a brief description of
elements of the information subsystem
The information subsystem of the ACS "Pyramid" decides
tasks of reliable and complete control of air
space and support of the combat subsystem
management of combat and intelligence information.
Intelligence information is information
issued at the checkpoint of units, air defense formations for
revealing the intention of an air enemy.
Combat information is information of the required
quality, issued at the CP of parts, for the issuance
target designation for anti-aircraft missile divisions, for
aviation guidance control in the air and
electronic suppression.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
The information subsystem includes:
radar acquisition and processing system
information (SORLI) from ground-based sources,

system for collecting and processing radio engineering
information (SORTI) from terrestrial sources,
air and sea based;
system for collecting and processing information on nuclear,
chemical, bacteriological and meteorological
environment from various sources;
air control and management system

The composition of the information subsystem of the ACS "Pyramid"

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
The basis of the SORLI ground system is the forces and means
RTV, creating a single radar field K (d) air defense.
collection points and
radar image processing
Automated Sources
radar image processing
RIC K (d) air defense

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
The basis of the SORLI air system is aviation
complexes of long-range radar patrol and
guidance A-50 (U) (AK RLDN), providing processing and
issuance of data on 60 VO.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
Sea-based radar sources are
radar patrol ships (KRLD).

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
Along with receiving radar data from subordinates
KP K (d) air defense
receives information about
environment from KP
interacting K(d) air defense, and
also from RIC KP
ground forces.
At the same time, the exchange
data with them
carried out
40 VO.
Principles of Radar Image Processing in the ACS "Pyramid"

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
The basis for building the SORLI K (d) air defense system
the principle of creating zones of far and
near air situation according to data
subordinate departments and
interacting K(d) air defense.
Close air situation zone (up to 1200 km)
formed according to the data of subordinate units,
and far (up to 1600 (3200) km) - according to
interacting sources.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
The tasks solved in the system are divided into the following:
collection and processing of information from various
determination of the coordinates of the directors of active
interference (PAP);
protection of radar sources from anti-radar
shells (PRLS);
grouping information;
notification of the superior CP, CP of interacting
K (d) air defense, civil defense bodies;
management of information sources.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
In order to coordinate the actions of aircraft
devices of various state and
departmental affiliation in the zone
responsibility of K (d) air defense in the ACS "Pyramid" at the command post
rtbr equipped with KSA "Niva", "Foundation-3" and on
RIC KP K (d) air defense, established by the KSA control
use of airspace "Crimea".

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
At the KP rtbr KSA "Crimea" is needed to solve
the following tasks:
determination of belonging to VO - identification of VO
with air traffic control data on aviation flights
applications and assignment of the VO index of ownership
"application aircraft";
clarification of VO affiliation - check
correctness of the earlier decision
accessories of the VO and the adoption of a new decision when
there are grounds for that;
mode control - detection of violations
of the established mode of flights of VO, performing
flights on request.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
At the KP (d) air defense KSA "Crimea" is used for:
resolution of conflict situations;
selective control over the actions of subordinate command posts
rtbr (rtp) for assigning VO indices

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
3.2. Purpose, composition and brief
characteristics of subsystem elements
combat control
The combat control subsystem of the ACS K (d) air defense should
provide centralized management
effective fire impact on air
enemy and the suppression of his airborne RES.
The combat control subsystem includes:
ZRV control system;
IA control system;
control system for EW units and subunits;
subordinate management system
forces and means of other branches of the Armed Forces.

ZRV and
electronic warfare
other types
Composition of the ACS combat control subsystem

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
Presence of control systems in the CU subsystem
heterogeneous forces and means requires a solution
tasks of automated planning and
results-based combat coordination
information about the air situation,
combat readiness, combat capabilities and combat
the actions of the troops.
All means of destruction (destruction) K (d) air defense
divided into:
long-range means (DD) and
short-range means (BD).

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
To the means of destruction (destruction) long-range
actions (DD) include:
fighter-interceptors and
groups of divisions DD (ZRK DD).
As part of short-range destruction means (DB)
includes anti-aircraft missile divisions (zrdn):
medium range (SD) and
short range (MD).

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
Automated usage planning
means of destruction (destruction) on a scale
K (d) air defense is carried out on a preliminary
stage of solving the task of target distribution.
It consists:
in the arrangement of the lines for the introduction of interceptor fighters (IP) into battle and the lines for launching anti-aircraft missiles
missile systems (SAM) DD so that
the target destruction line was in the area of ​​​​combat
actions of K (d) air defense, as well as
in taking into account security measures and providing temporary

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
3.3. Purpose and tasks to be solved on
typical KSA KP K (d) air defense
KSA K(d) PVO is designed to automate the process
control with KP K (d) air defense by the actions of subordinates
connections (parts):
anti-aircraft missile troops (ZRV),
fighter aviation (IA),
electronic warfare (EW) and
radio engineering troops (RTV), equipped with
means of automation, when repelling blows
means of air attack (AOS) and in the course of carrying
combat duty.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
KSA K (d) air defense, being at the same time equipment
automation KP K (d) air defense and RIC, provides
solution of the following tasks:
bringing the troops of the K (d) air defense to combat readiness;
collection, processing and display of information about
air situation from AKP subordinates
radio engineering units and divisions,
interacting K (d) air defense, AK RLDN and VKP;
collection, processing and display of information about combat
readiness, combat operations, results of combat
actions from subordinate connections, parts and
units of IA, ZRV, RTV, EW;

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
CP air traffic alerts
interacting K (d) air defense, KP of other types of aircraft and
KP of civil defense bodies;
distribution of targets between formations, units and
units of IA, ZRV, EW by developing
recommendations for direct assignment to
targets of fire weapons DD, selection of targets for
connections and parts of IA, ZRV, EW, taking into account the state
forces in the directions of enemy strike and possible
concentration of efforts;
management of the process of implementation of the set
tasks for formations, units and divisions of IA, ZRV,
electronic warfare;

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
formation and issuance of information about the air
situation, combat readiness, combat capabilities
and final data on the results of hostilities on
airspace control and
flight safety of their aviation;
documentation of all input and output
information with subsequent use of the data
for training combat crews;
carrying out autonomous and integrated
functional control of individual subsystems and
systems as a whole.

3. General characteristics of the main subsystems and elements of ACS by forces and
air defense means
In addition, KSA K (d) air defense provides:
processing, forecasting and displaying data on
nuclear explosions and radiation conditions;
display information about chemical and
meteorological situation;
preparation of reporting documents based on the results

Assignment for independent
Study the material of the lesson and be prepared for
I will answer the following questions:
1. Definition and classification of automated control systems.
2. Structure of control systems, advantages and disadvantages
centralized, hierarchical and mixed structures
control systems.
3. Structural diagram of ACS for military purposes,
characteristics of the elements.
4. Operational-tactical principles of building ACS VN.
5. System-wide principles for constructing ACS HV.
6. Operational and tactical principles of functioning

Study the material of the lesson and be prepared for
I will answer the following questions:
7. Composition and definition of the main types of ACS support
8. Composition and purpose of the main complexes of technical
9. Composition and purpose of software for ACS VN.
10. Composition and purpose of the ACS VN software.
11. Composition and purpose of information support of automated control systems
12. Purpose, composition and brief description of the elements
information subsystem.
13. Purpose, composition and brief description of the elements
combat control subsystems.
14. Purpose and tasks solved on a typical KSA KP K (d)
