What kind of business to open a woman at 50. Starting a business after forty: six great success stories. Limitations are not physical

The process of starting a business is the same at any age, even if you start at fifty. The rules for success are also known: good idea, good customer service, good quality, good competitiveness.

However, there are nuances associated with the late opening of a business. With the approaching retirement age, you will have free time, and for a rainy day, a rather large sum is probably set aside, that is, you have time and money. However, it is much easier to recover from business failures when you are 25 years old, not 65.

You are in your fifties and are wondering if you should try your luck as a independent business owner? Let me give you some recommendations.

one . Don't think of your age as a judgment

It's best if you look at starting a business like getting the college degree you've always dreamed of. If you are not going to retire, then starting your own business is not such a difficult task. If you need inspiration, here you go: Ray Kroc, 52, started the McDonald's empire with Richard James "Dick" McDonald and Maurice James "Mac" McDonald. Garland Sanders, founder of the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) chain began development franchise network when he turned 68 . And Momofuku Ando, ​​at the age of 48, founded a super-successful Ramen instant noodle company.

2. Calculate carefully and repeatedly how much a new business will cost

While this is a self-evident piece of advice, it still needs to be said: don't invest more than you're willing to lose.

"Look for opportunities to use other people's money," says Gene Zaino, website manager administrative services for consulting companies and small businesses MBO Partners. “You are at a stage in your life where you need to feel secure and protected from possible unforeseen circumstances, so avoid using your funded pension plan or pension payments, not to mention borrowing on credit.”

Running a new business unpredictable dance. The most beautiful and most terrible thought for anyone entrepreneur is that your idea is probably a good project. The great thing about this is that you may have a chance to invest and make a profit. And the terrible thing about this is that you can be tempted to invest and lose all your savings and savings.

3 . Remember: experience matters

Yes, young entrepreneurs today are more likely to succeed, but we should not forget that the longer you have lived, the more life experience and strength you have on which you can rely. “You have real capital that you can dispose of - this is your experience,” says Zaino. “This is an advantage where you can start making money quickly without having to invest heavily and do in-depth marketing.”

On the other hand, Patrick Sweeney, president of Caliper Corporations, an international executive search and recruitment consulting firm, observes that “having achieved fifty years old milestone, many people are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. So be honest with yourself and play to your strengths.” If there are significant gaps in your knowledge about running a new business, do not try to fill them yourself,” advises Sviney. "Try to find people with such knowledge and willing to try their hand with you in the same business."

four . Consider buying an existing business

You do not need to start from scratch in order to become entrepreneur. The advantage of having a tidy sum already accumulated in your account (while 25-year-old businessmen do not yet have a penny) can be the acquisition of an already existing business. All advice about experimenting with retirement savings still stands, but sometimes it's realistic to consider buying a franchise or acquiring an existing business. Keep in mind, however, the obvious truth: if you don't know anything about a particular industry, buying a business in that industry with the hope that everything will go on as usual without additional effort on your part can be a serious mistake. The beauty of franchising is that the franchise owner teaches the franchisee all the intricacies of doing business, that is, ideally, the risks will be minimal - after all, their commercial success is already a fact. In practice, franchising will not always be the key to success, this must be remembered.

5 . Don't chase profit

When you are in your fifties, you want to slow down and not work until midnight - and this is completely natural. But for the development of any business in any case, you will need to make an effort. As Sviney says, to run your own business, it is essential to love the idea itself. Believe it or not, according to Pigs, the main goal of starting a new business is not to make money. “If this is your main goal, then perhaps you should think about other means of getting rich quick - for example, about the lottery. One of the most important lessons successful people learn is the need to love what you do. The ability to make good money at the same time is also important. But if you want self-realization- you have to do what you love.

And he's right. If you want to make money , you should understand that the money will not be credited to your account instantly . Perhaps they will not start to arrive at all . And what could be worse than being burdened unpromising work in 50-60 years? Only engage unpromising business at 50-60 years old. That is why, according to Pigs, it is extremely important for the “baby boom” generation to feel the “relentlessness of time”, to understand the meaning of the fact that “there will be a feeling dissatisfaction if you do not open your business . And every dawn and every sunset must be part of this new worldview.” He says that every day you should start with the thought of your favorite thing. And at the end of the day, ask yourself: “Are they really paying me for this?”.

If you think it's too late for you to start something that you do not have enough brains, health, money and something else in order to start new life- then this article is for you! In it, I have collected dozens of success stories of people who are over 50, 60 or more years old, and who have achieved great results in life, in business, in art and sports, science, etc. These people are from big cities and small villages, from other countries and our compatriots, contemporaries and people who no longer exist.

« If you think that you are capable of something, or you think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases!” - Henry Ford. (Everything is in our head, friends! 🙂)

With the development of the Internet, the number of opportunities has increased astronomically. Never before in the history of mankind has it been so easy and cheap to start something new. All that is required of a person is to do what you love and believe in yourself!

😎 Hello everyone! Timur Mazaev is with you, he isMoneyPapa - family finance expert

Personal history

My personal heroes are my parents! Simple Soviet engineers who started life from scratch several times, changing countries and cultures, while never giving up. Having higher education, work experience as a leader, title of inventor of the USSR, father in difficult times did not shun work and worked as a loader, taxi driver, seller in the market, etc. Mom, at the age of 45, she changed her profession and turned from an engineer into an accountant.

Parents moved to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, with $5,000 in his pocket and homeless. For $1,500 they bought me a computer that “feeded” me later for many years (I wrote and sold all the students accounting software). There was a time when the only source of their income was the little money that I, as a student, managed to earn. There was a time when they ate mushrooms found in the nearest forest belt))). They've been through a lot.

And never, never, never did they lose heart they didn’t blame anyone for anything, they always held on to each other and to the children, they were (and still are) positive, always smiled and found great happiness in small things and joys. They were not afraid to start life over again. And now, closer to 70, they are ready for major changes on all fronts that are taking place in our family. God bless you, my family!

Related quotes

“People who fail to motivate themselves will settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents are.” — Andrew Carnegie

Everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, who created the KFC brand after 60 years

Hollywood is not a dream, but a reality

Sylvia passed hard way, in which there were a few orders from friends, and a serious illness - however, all this is left behind, and now 82-year-old Sylvia is the main supplier of cakes for world-class celebrities, loves her job and creates without days off; each cake is decorated corporate logo- an image of her round black-rimmed glasses.

Always on the top

Rock the dance floor? Easily!

"Tornado in a turban"

Beat cancer by dancing

Michelangelo began work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel when he was already 61 years old (work on the Sistine Chapel lasted five years). He became the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral at the age of 71.

"Diana and Actaeon"


It's never too late to change your life and start from scratch! However, success does not fall on its head and it may take several years of work, and strength and health after 50-60-70 can be much less than at a young age! Therefore, it is so important to do what you love in order not to notice physical and moral fatigue. All the people in this article are the same people as we are, made from the same “material”, no smarter and no more stupid than us. And that means anything is possible! The main thing is not to rush (despite your age) and move at your own pace, breaking big goals into small, “edible” steps!

Call to action

2. Download the Goal Setting Matrix, which I use - and try to come up with and paint your (new and old) goals into steps that are accessible to you. Read articles about goal setting.

3. For those who want to find new job - download for free Sample Resume + Cheat Sheet "10 Most Frequently Asked Questions in the Interview with examples of (correct) Answers".

Will be useful!


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👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa, an expert in family finance.

RANEPA experts whose developments are often used by the government
Russian Federation, several scenarios for raising the retirement age in the country. The most likely is to increase it to 63 years for men and up to 60 years for women. In the same time .

So what about those who are already over 40, but under 60? The output could be own business. In the West, people over 50 are one of the most active entrepreneurial audiences. People gained experience, formed start-up capital and willing to take risks. good example serves the UK, where about 20% of company owners are people over 55. And we are talking not only about those who have grown old in the chair of the CEO, but also about startups. For example, 43% of all UK residents who opened their own business in 2015 are people over 50. And this is despite the fact that among the employees of UK companies, such workers make up less than a third.

A similar trend is observed in the USA. If in 1997 people aged 55 to 64 made up only 15% of business owners, then in 2016 there were already 24%. A Gallup poll of more than 14,000 people in the United States in 2015 (of which 2,000 were surveyed over 55 years) found that the older generation is more entrepreneurial than those born after the 1980s: 12% baby boomers said they were ready to start their own business in the next 12 months against 5% for millennials.

In Russia, we have not been able to find studies of the entrepreneurial activity of people of retirement and pre-retirement age — there are few elderly startups in the country. But we found - not only those who have been in business for a long time, but still launching new projects, but also 70-year-old "newbies".

Vladimir Khoroshevsky

Teacher for artificial intelligence

Vladimir Khoroshevsky, 71 years old, search service scientific works semantic hub

Vladimir Khoroshevsky is a Russian scientist who devoted most of his life to research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. He worked as an expert in the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Foundation fundamental research and Russian scientific foundation, wrote hundreds scientific articles and taught at leading universities in the world. And in 2015, the scientist became a startup and now holds the position technical director at Semantic Hub.

With the future CEO of the company, Irina Efimenko, Khoroshevsky met 15 years ago, when she was still a graduate student at Moscow State University. They worked together to create natural language processing systems in one of the Russian companies, and then at the Center for Information and Analytical Systems of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Three years ago, colleagues came up with the idea to embark on “autonomous navigation” and form their own team to transform the experience of developing high-tech technologies into business. At the same time, they met the third founder, Vitaly Nedelsky, who also dreamed of creating a company in the high technology. “What was needed was a fusion of young impudence and experience. We have it. The little ones - the students - pulled themselves up, ”says Khoroshevsky. Like-minded colleagues and students who are passionate about the problems of artificial intelligence joined the team of 20 people.

At first, the team took on all proposals related to the analysis of promising scientific and technological trends using big data. But after completing several custom projects, it became clear that I had to work in completely different subject areas. “Soon we realized that a wide range of different subject areas with severe restrictions on the time of project implementation would lead to the fact that we would know nothing about everything,” says Khoroshevsky.

Therefore, at the end of 2016, the founders of the company decided to focus on pharmaceuticals. The services offered by the Semantic Hub are based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing methods that provide an assessment of the potential of new medicines. The intelligent system Semantic Hub collects and analyzes hundreds of thousands of documents: scientific articles, descriptions of the results of clinical trials, patents, opinions of doctors and patients. Then, based on the results of the analysis primary information reports are generated that record risk factors and competitive advantages drugs proposed for development. Order research medical and pharmaceutical companies. According to Khoroshevsky, such an analysis reduces the risk of failure, because manually people can deeply study no more than 1% of documents on the topic.

Partners do not disclose financial indicators, average check for research — €100,000. In 2017, the startup was among the top thirty of the international accelerator Grants4Apps in Berlin. And in August attracted 24 million rubles. IIDF (according to SPARK, the share of IIDF is 13.87%), private investors Valentin Doronichev and Vladimir Preobrazhensky. Khoroshevsky's share is not disclosed, but it is known that he owns a minority stake in the company.

“As a startup, I feel completely normal and calm. After all, I have been teaching for more than 30 years and I communicate with young people all the time, ”says Khoroshevsky. According to the 71-year-old scientist, this is his first business startup, before that he was engaged only in scientific projects. In a new business, he is attracted by two aspects: an interesting science-intensive task and the opportunity to bring the idea to implementation.

“It's all interesting to me. I spend most of my time developing and educating myself. After all, if you do not go forward, then you go back. I try to keep my brain in good shape, ”explains Khoroshevsky.

Oleg Zagvozkin

closer to the body

Oleg Zagvozkin, 55 years old, brand "Danila - Russian blouses"

In his youth, Oleg Zagvozkin traveled half the world as a sailor - he was in Europe, China, Japan, Singapore and other countries. Even then, he noticed that national clothes play a big role in the life of many peoples. “In the Arab countries, Scotland, Germany, people put on national costumes at significant moments for them. And the Russians, unfortunately, have almost lost this tradition,” he says. In the early 1990s, Zagvozkin returned to land, started a family in Vladivostok and opened a furniture production, and two years later he moved to his homeland, Yekaterinburg.

There Zagvozkin took up social and political work: he headed the Sverdlovsk branch of the movement of Sergei Kiriyenko " new power”(part of the coalition of the Union of Right Forces”), was the head of the party’s election headquarters, organized elections in Yekaterinburg. Then he worked as a political strategist and GR specialist. “At some point, I looked around and realized that almost all my acquaintances are engaged in business, earn money, but what am I? Zagvozkin recalls. “I decided it was time to find a job that I love that will bring a steady income.” It was then that the old idea surfaced to revive the love for national Russian clothes.

He studied books that told about the life of Russian peasants, and found a detailed description of the traditional men's shirt - a kosovorotka. It turned out that several handicraftsmen in the Urals are already sewing them. “But I would never wear what they were selling,” says the entrepreneur. “I decided to make a kosovorotka fashionable, modern, so that it would not be a shame to go out in public.”

In 2008, Zagvozkin found a sewing workshop in Yekaterinburg that sewed men's shirts, and ordered the first batch of linen blouses - about 150 pieces. To draw attention to the new product, he began to walk around the city in a kosovorotka. “A lot of people stopped and asked what it was,” I said. They were surprised, praised, ”Zagvozkin recalls.

He gave half of the batch to souvenir shops, he decided to sell half on his own. Ordered from local craftsmen metal structure- a portable counter on which you can lay out goods - and went with shirts to an arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. “There are a lot of foreigners there, I look into their eyes, lure them - they come up, they look, but they don’t buy. And then it dawned on me - why should they wear my national clothes if they have their own? But compatriots bought shirts for going to the bathhouse and stylized weddings.

The entrepreneur returned to Yekaterinburg and stood with his counter on the main pedestrian street of the city. Then he came up with the brand "Danila - Russian blouses", which he registered with Rospatent. Kosovorotki sold out well - 200-250 rubles were sold per month at a price of 1 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles. The businessman's profit ranged from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. per month.

For seven years, Zagvozkin was engaged in blouses in parallel with his social and political activities, and in 2017 he decided to devote himself entirely to business. He wrote a business plan to develop the brand and is actively looking for investors. “There is no time to trade - every day I meet with potential partners, defend the project,” says the entrepreneur. “The national clothing market is promising and is still free, and with the help of investment support I plan to occupy a significant part of it.” He wants to raise funds for development through crowdfunding - a project called “Own shirt closer to the body” will appear on the Boomstarter platform next month.

The entrepreneur plans to sell the Danila franchise to the regions. The package will include a collapsible counter that can be transported in the trunk passenger car and install at fairs, a signboard and a starter set of blouses. “I want to attract young beginners and peers who will be able to promote my brand across the country and make money on it themselves,” explains Oleg Zagvozkin.

Boris Smorodov

Roll - do not roll

Boris Smorodov, 69 years old, "Russian felt boots" self made

Boris Smorodov turned the traditional plain shoes into a fashion accessory. Now the fullers at his Russian Valenki factory produce 6,000 pairs of shoes a year. The annual revenue of the project, according to RBC estimates, is about 12 million rubles. per month.

In 1992, Smorodov bought a dry-cleaning and dyeing factory in his hometown. Vyshny Volochek(Tver region). "AT Soviet time the factory prospered, but during the perestroika there were no orders, all clothing collection points were gradually closed,” says Boris Smorodov. “The boiler room was taken away from us, we had to work in outerwear.” To pay bills and wages to workers, they traded whatever they had to - vegetables, manufactured goods, cooked soap, there was even a car wash. After two years of such work, Smorodov realized that it was time to change something. The idea was given to him by a local mechanic - he offered to start producing felt boots.

In Vyshny Volochek, there was already a large factory for the machine production of felt boots. To compete with a major player, Smorodov decided to make felt boots by hand. He gathered four locals and took them to study in the village of Firovo, where at that time there was a workshop for the production of hand-felt boots. “Every day I drove them in my car for 60 km - in the morning I brought them, in the evening I picked them up. It took eight years to develop the fishery. Well, what normal person will learn the craft so much? Young people need everything at once,” says Boris Smorodov. All this time, his factory continued to trade and work as a dry cleaner.

By 2002, he finally managed to establish the production of felt boots. One fuller per shift made no more than three pairs of shoes - this could not be compared with factory volumes. They took the quality. “Our felt boots serve for many years and withstand cold temperatures up to 60 degrees, they are not eaten by moths,” the entrepreneur boasts. The main buyers were residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg: the factory is located on the highway connecting the two capitals. According to Smorodov's calculations, 40,000 cars pass by every day.

Gradually, they switched from standard plain boots to decorative ones. “It is clear that Muscovites will not wear felt boots with galoshes, as is customary with us. They began to attach rubber soles to them, embroider patterns by hand, attach rhinestones and appliqués,” says Boris Smorodov. Recently, he has mastered the technique of photo printing and now accepts corporate orders for felt boots with company logos.

Travel agencies have become interested in "Russian felt boots" - now buses with foreign and Russian tourists constantly come to Vyshny Volochek. Smorodov realized that it was time to expand, and in 2012 he built a second floor over the factory, where he arranged a museum and a store. “I often travel abroad and see how local manufacturers work there: first, a group of tourists are shown how glass figures are blown in Venice or carpets are woven in Tunisia, and then they are taken to a store where a person buys these handmade things. And I decided to do something similar,” says Boris Smorodov.

Now he has two stores: one at the factory and one in the center of Volochka for local residents who buy felt boots for everyday wear. Orders are also received through an online store with an English version. “No one taught me how to use the Internet. Life forced me,” says Boris Smorodov. Soon "Russian felt boots" will also be available in Switzerland and the United States: Smorodov has already signed contracts with two residents of these countries who plan to open stores of Tver felt boots abroad.

Vadim Shemarov

Vadim Shemarov, 55 years old, customer search service in social networks "Shikari"

When Vadim Shemarov studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the ChGU. Ulyanova (Cheboksary), programming was taught as an elective - one or two semesters for the entire time of study. But even this was enough for the student to get involved - he was sure that in the future programming would be in demand. And I didn't guess.

His career began with distribution work in a design bureau in his native Cheboksary. And in 1989, Shemarov and his partners registered the first cooperative. Engaged in the supply of computers and themselves developed for them software. There were also large clients, for example local branch Sberbank and republican hospitals who ordered the automation of business processes and the development of electronic queue systems. And the most unusual order came from the United States - a programmer was developing software for compiling crime reports for the New York prosecutor's office.

Meanwhile, new programming languages ​​appeared, technologies developed. Shemarov says that he had to learn by doing. Colleagues took out books, instructions for computers, passed printouts on English language. Recently, Shemarov is usually attracted as a manager or technical director for various IT projects.

In parallel, he tried himself as an investor. For example, in 2011, he bought an accounting company from Aynur Abdulnasyrov, the founder of the language learning service LinguaLeo. He says that he spent only a few tens of thousands of rubles. At that time, the authorities took taxi drivers seriously, demanded that they draw up an IP. Shemarov hoped that he would occupy the niche of accounting support for newcomers individual entrepreneurs. But a year later I realized that the calculation was not justified, and resold the company with a small margin.

In 2016, while working on another order, Shemarov and his colleagues Dmitry Afutin and Vyacheslav Sateev had to extract a lot of information from social networks. Afutin noticed among everyday and social posts records with calls for help: people ask for advice from a tutor, builder or lawyer. Shemarov notes that people used to search for thematic sites, study forums and freelance exchanges: “Now they are used to solving problems without leaving social networks. They throw a cry and wait for the performers to answer them or some of their friends to advise. For many companies, such posts are valuable - in fact, these are potential customers who are ready to buy services here and now. Therefore, Afutin had the idea to monitor social networks and with the help of neural networks to divide requests into professional categories and sell information to companies by subscription, he suggested that Sateev establish new project, and Shemarov became the third partner.

The project was called "Shikari". Partners started without investment, invested their time and experience. Now the service analyzes 24 categories of requests by type of activity, processes more than 10 million messages per day. In two years, 20,000 customers used it, of which 500 became regular subscribers (the base rate is 900 rubles per month). The entrepreneur does not disclose the revenue, he says that the monthly growth is 10-25%. He emphasizes that the project has reached self-sufficiency and allows paying for the work of ten employees, but the partners spend all the profit on the development of the project.

Irina Shevitch

see perspectives

Irina Shevich, 56 years old, consultations for ophthalmologists "Opti-class"

Irina Shevich, a history teacher by profession, found her life's work thanks to family troubles. When her child was four years old, it turned out that the girl sees only the first line of the table to check the vision. On the way to get medicine, my husband came across the book “Improving Vision Without Glasses”. During the three days that the examination was going on, Shevitch read the book and began to train her daughter's vision on her own in parallel with traditional treatment. Three weeks later, the girl began to see a few more lines - it was a breakthrough. And after eight months, the severity was restored to unity.

Irina Shevich's husband is a military man, so the family traveled around the country, and Irina herself began to advise numerous parents she knew on vision training methods. It soon became clear that she needed to get a specialized education, so she left her husband with three children for a month to take courses in ophthalmological nurses in Alma-Ata. In the end, the family moved to Moscow, and Shevich got a job as a nurse at the NII GB them. Helmholtz, worked in optics stores and laser correction centers. The longer she studied, the more she came to the conclusion that visual gymnastics, of which she was an adept at the start, is far from suitable for everyone, and that you still cannot do without glasses.

Since 2006, Shevich has been working for a company that distributes medical frames, spectacles and contact lenses. For five years, work in the office is rather tired. “It got boring. There were not enough challenges, overcoming, ”Shevich admits. At first, she tried to negotiate with the management: she offered to expand her duties - they refused, she received an MBA in absentia - her knowledge was not useful in the office. Therefore, in 2011, when Shevich was in her 50th year, she decided to open her own business.

First of all, Shevich applied for participation in international exhibition spectacle optics under its own brand "Opti-class". I created a website, printed advertising brochures and started selling what I did best - webinars for opticians and optometrists, seminars and master classes. Shevich trains future employees of optics stores to select glasses and lenses for patients, train vision, etc.; the company also has refresher courses for existing optometrists.

Irina Shevich registered LLC and received a license to conduct educational activities. But nine months later, it turned out that the license does not give the right to issue certificates to students. medical specialist, - I had to register the PI DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining".

I had to figure out all the bureaucratic subtleties on my own. Shevich admits that it was not easy to develop a business without investments - the company is growing more slowly than we would like. Only by 2018, the entrepreneur recruited a team of four people, began to attract well-known Russian and foreign experts to lecture on the distance learning portal. Revenue for the last year amounted to 3 million rubles, profitability - 60%.

“My parents still don’t understand what I do and why it was necessary to leave a hired job. And the children are proud and also try their hand at business,” says Irina Shevich.

He who knows humanity is not deprived of the mind,
The one who knows himself is doubly smarter.
He who defeated another is strong,
Who defeated himself - a hundred times stronger .

Scientists have made an amazing discovery: 75% of people do not have time to adapt to changes in the world. Is it good or bad? Is this an unsolvable problem or is it a constant call for improvement?

Development is the basic law of the Universe, because the Universe itself is constantly changing. Any person needs the development of the intellect, body, soul, consciousness. What does personal development mean in general?

As adults, many people stop developing. They stop the process of learning, learning and starting work. Perhaps this happens because they are engaged not in what the soul lies in, but in what they pay money for and at the same time you do not need to strain much. Also environment greatly contributes to the degradation of the personality: chewing gum from TV series and shows, negative news, depressive movies, the cult of mega malls and Chinese flea markets, shopping on the couch, the suppressive personality corporate culture, mediocre education, club life, drunkenness, All Inclusive vacations or, on the contrary, hopeless poverty and much more.

Another, progressive, thinking part of people, either does not fall into hibernation, or wakes up, realizes an irresistible craving for improvement, development and knowledge. Such people are eternally young, inquisitive, generous and interesting to others. They never grow old in soul and for a long time in body.
Successful people who belong to the conscious part of the population name the causes of poverty, illness, failure and unhappiness of the gray majority. Most people seem to live in a matrix. They are driven by attitudes given in childhood by society and herd feeling. They do not understand the difference between cause and effect.

Such people often hang out in smoking rooms, on home phones and in corporate buffets. They constantly complain to each other about the lack of money, bad people, bad laws, they constantly blame someone: the government, bosses, relatives, the country and modernity. They often get sick and complain about the level of medicine, while constantly throwing money at it, regardless of the success of the treatment. A successful career, happiness, wealth, luck and health, as they believe, is not for them, it all goes to the lucky and cunning. In fact, the reason for their unfulfillment, pain and sadness is not external factors how they think.

The reason for their failures in life is their thoughts. They don't know their true potential. Nobody told them about it. They have not learned to develop their fortitude, positive energy, wisdom, no one taught them this. They do not understand the real laws of the Universe, they do not know that thought is material, therefore they do not control them. They do not know that you first need to learn how to be happy, and then wealth and success will come. Unfortunately, the system does not provide such knowledge, because the system needs cogs, not thinking units.

Unconscious people are easier to exploit, to profit from.
At the same time, scientists have proven that people have superpowers.

1. Our brain consists of 100 billion neurons, which have from 10,000 to 200,000 connections with each other. The number of new brain states is potentially greater than the number of atoms in the entire universe!
2. The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors and shades.
3. The length of all human DNA is approximately 16 billion kilometers - 2 distances from Pluto.
4. The brain produces enough energy to light a light bulb.
5. The brain is like muscles: the more you train it, the more it develops.
6. Neurons grow throughout life.

It is the disclosure by a person of his superpowers that is the cause of real success. It is the ability of a person to control his thoughts, feelings, energy, mood that is the magic key to a new life, to wealth, happiness, to love and harmony.
Here are examples of famous people who have achieved great success from scratch at the age of over 40, changed their lives for the better and became an example for millions of followers

Anna Maria Robertson (Grandma Moses)

famous American artist

She was born into a very poor family of farmers. From the age of 12, she worked as a laborer for rich neighbors. She was uneducated. At 37, she married a poor man and lived all her life on a small farm.

At the age of 75, her daughter gave her paints, and Moses began to paint. The pictures were naive, primitive, but very attractive. A traveling amateur collector bought 3 of her paintings for nothing.

A few years later, her paintings became in demand, they were presented to the presidents. She gained wealth and fame, but continued to live a simple and modest life on the farm. Grandma Moses lived to be 102 years old, leaving behind over 1,500 drawings and paintings. She liked to repeat: "Life is what we make it!".

creator of KFC restaurants

Until the age of 65, this man was an absolute loser. He was born into a poor family, grew up without a father. As a child, Sanders had to raise his younger sister while his mother worked. With great difficulty, he became a lawyer. But at the very first trial he had a fight with his client, and he was permanently expelled from the bar.

He opened business after business (restaurant, gas station), but failed and went bankrupt. At 65, he received a pension of just $91. Left alone and without money, he asked himself the question: “What do I have that I can offer people, for which they will pay me money?”. Without thinking of anything special, he remembered a delicious recipe for fried chicken with 11 spices. He had an idea - to offer this recipe to the owners of restaurants, for its use they would pay him money. But no one was ready to sign a contract with this elderly loser.

Our hero did not give up. Real luck still smiled at him after a thousand failures. And he became very rich and famous thanks to his belief in his success and perseverance.

Ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher and founder of the Pythagorean school

Pythagoras created his famous school when he was already 70 years old. Before that, he was fatally unlucky. He even went into slavery. Having created his own school, the then unknown philosopher Pythagoras faced huge competition with well-known philosophers and schools. Nobody went to study with him. Then he made an unusual move. He offered to his first student that he would pay him money if he would study with him. He agreed. Time passed, and Pythagoras was forced to ask the student to study for free, because. Pythagoras didn't have more money pay the student. The student agreed again.

Time passed and the teacher put forward new conditions: now the student needs to pay, because. his teacher now has nothing to eat. And the student began to pay Pythagoras for education. Thus a great school was born.

Founder of McDonald's

Until the age of 52, Ray was an unsuccessful and sick person, he was repeatedly ruined.
Having met the McDonald brothers in 1954, he wanted to buy a license to distribute McDonald's, but he could not get a loan of $ 15,000 from the bank. Then he had to mortgage the house. Then he was 52 years old, he was sick with diabetes and arthritis, without a gallbladder and part of the thyroid gland. He also had hearing problems. But he believed in the future!
Having started his business at the age of 52, Ray Kroc lived another 30 years and became one of the most famous and richest people in the world!

Founder of Kinko

Dyslexic, Paul Orfala never learned to write. Half the city's schools expelled him for failing.
Once, while working part-time at his aunt's dry cleaner, he served a client, because at that moment none of the staff was around. For this, his aunt scolded him: “Don’t even think about communicating with visitors, you are underdeveloped, you will scare everyone away. Despite this serious illness, Paul created a chain of Kinko copy shops, which he later sold for $3.4 billion.
Today he teaches at Stanford University.

Founder of Panasonic

When Matsushita was 9 years old, his parents went bankrupt. They sent the boy to work in a workshop in another city. For the first ten nights he sobbed into his pillow.
Little Matsushita then worked as a laborer for a wealthy family and polished rice cookers to calluses on his hands. At the age of 18, being in poor health, he got a job as an electrician in state company. He couldn't read or write at all. He couldn't even finish night school. He spent two or three months a year in the hospital. But this did not prevent him from later becoming the richest man on Earth, realizing his vocation to engage in electrical appliances. Matsushita's motto: "All my life I have considered it my duty to learn from smart people."

Previously, the Presidents of these countries were harsh dictators,

and now smiling ladies rule there.

So being a woman is not at all an obstacle to success.

Everyone has the opportunity to become successful, rich and famous!
76% of the richest people in the world created their fortune from scratch. It is quite possible to become successful from scratch and in old age if you find your destiny, come up with a super-idea that serves the good of people and persistently implements the idea. And for success, you need to constantly train your mind and wisdom and become a brighter personality.

Most people who dream of wealth, success and fame are prevented from taking a start in life by common misconceptions: “Where to start? Where can I get ideas, start-up capital, connections?”

It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, what others think about you, even if you yourself have lost faith in yourself - set yourself the task of succeeding, go through trainings, constantly develop and promote your idea. The main thing is not to give up and keep moving forward. If you really want to reach a new level of understanding yourself and the world around you, I recommend the Winners Academy, where I myself study.

…Rain doesn't care if you like it or not.

He still keeps going.


Today my biological age is well over 50 years old, and my physiological age and inner feelings are 35 years old.

Recently, right after my birthday (I was born on Epiphany on January 19), I tried to analyze my life: how did I get into business, why, I started my way into entrepreneurship at the age of 50 - at the very time when most people go to "well-deserved rest" gardening and grandchildren?

As a result, I formulated a number of rules that I try to follow in certain situations and found about 50 reasons to open my own business and do business.

I hope that my experience will help some people to better understand themselves and make, perhaps, some serious decisions in their lives.

That's what came out of it:

Life is often very, very painful. At times like these, it's important to remember that pain is part of growth. It's important to accept what happened.as an impetus to development and as a kind of lesson. In this world, everything is relative - there is no just good and just evil. Often change for the better, learn, grow, become wiser, stronger helps us exactly what was initially perceived as something bad.

There were many problems, working for a salary, starting a business, betrayal and so on.I thank God and life for all the difficulties, on my life path who helped me grow as an entrepreneur and person,for the people I met, for relatives, friends, children, grandchildren, my husband and everyone who surrounds me today and helps me.

But 50 main reasons or principles , which guide me in life and which allow me to rise, move forward and win!

1. The main thing in any business is to start, so take it and do it.

2. Don't take on a job if you don't like it.

3. Always look at things from a positive point of view, accept everything, do more for other people, and you will see how quickly your life changes for the better.

4. Don't waste your time and energy trying to prove something to someone. Instead, focus on proving to yourself that you are capable of more in this life. It is impossible to live without striving for anything and having no motivation.

5. Live cheerful and positive life, do not do unloved things, this is your life and you have only one.

6. Find something to your liking, and you will find real human happiness.

7. If you want to achieve unprecedented success, set goals that will change the world.

8. Always stand firm on your feet and don't let anyone disturb that state.

9. Trust people. Without trust, a person cannot be happy and successful.

10. Live life to the fullest today , without looking back and not regretting the mistakes that he once made. Always remember that "yesterday" - will not return, and "tomorrow" - may not come. Live for today and spend it as if it were your last.

11. If you are an entrepreneur and have not made mistakes, then you are not an entrepreneur.

12. I sometimes treat business as a pleasant entertainment and sometimes I forget where work ends and where my personal life begins.

13. My pride never stops me from admitting I'm wrong.

14. I am always glad when a person does not know what he wants. No, I'm not a masochist at all - it's just that at that moment all my professional qualities were manifested.

15. My willingness to listen to other people's opinions and accept offers that are better than mine has consistently helped me throughout the years that I have been in business.

16. There is no place for conservative thinking in entrepreneurship, because it clips your wings, makes you weak, unable to appreciate the facts, and simply kills you.

17. I'm sure you can't let the wretched word "no" stop you.

18. For me, creating a business means doing something that you can be proud of, bringing together talented people and building something that can seriously change the lives of those around you.

19. Don't be afraid to take calculated risks. Sometimes such a crane in the sky is better than a titmouse in the hands.

20. It is far better to promise less and deliver more than the other way around.

21. In business, as in life, it is important to do good.

22. I still prefer talking to people rather than texting.

23. My greatest merit is that I always strive to give people independence, the opportunity to feel responsible and was ready to push them to take risks and achieve goals.

24. All my life I myself tried to stay as far away from the offices as possible and mostly worked in places where people were: at home, on the square, in cafes.

25. Remember: no one else on his deathbed regretted spending too little time in the office!

26. I do not cease to be a businesswoman even when I am in a dressing gown, and, of course, a formal suit does not add to my business qualities.

27. In every organization, every leader - from the head of the department to the top manager - from time to time must take off his suit and get his hands dirty.

28. Provide employees with your email address and phone number. They will not bother you for no reason, but your actions will give them a powerful psychological incentive: they will know that if the solution of the problem requires your participation, they can contact you at any time.

29. An entrepreneur should not view failure as a negative experience: it is simply a segment on a learning curve.

30. Success does not come by itself: you need to work on it.

31. As soon as some business ceases to bring joy, I begin to think about changes. Life is too short to live it with a sour face.

32. My slogan is: live easy, with humor, and the money will come.

33. In life, you always win something and lose something. Be happy and cheerful when you win. Do not regret the loss and do not repent. Never look back - you can't change the past anyway. But I try to learn from his mistakes.

35. The most important thing I always want to achieve is to keep the word that I gave to someone.

36. Morality is not an empty phrase in business. It has all the meaning.

37. Business is designed to improve and enrich people's lives, otherwise it is not worth starting.

38. Befriend your enemies is a good rule in both business and life.

39. Success that comes to you once will not feed you all your life.

40. You should treat people the way you treat yourself, and even better.

41. Money is a poor indicator of success. Worse than glory.

42. If you ask what I believe in the most, I will answer: in my family.

43. I happy man. I laugh always. I love people, life, good jokes. I really agree that laughter ennobles the soul.

44. Guess I won't stop until I drop.

45. I firmly believe that nothing is impossible in life.

46. Accept everything that fate gives us with gratitude. Feel every moment of your life as a gift from above, as a treasure.

47. Do not worry about trifles and do not complain - few things in this life really turn out to be important in the end.

48. Remember that struggle is not an obstacle on the path, it is the path. And patience will allow you to maintain a good mood while working hard towards your dreams. So if you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, there is no point in starting.

49. Criticism and negativity coming from other people should not worry you. People will always talk - no matter what you do or how well you do it. Don't try to please them, never let anyone's opinion change you. In life, you need to keep your head straight and look ahead. Only without looking around, you can remain who you really are.

50. If we talk about a woman, then the most important project of life is her children and their upbringing. And this is a huge responsibility. Each of us - I'm sure - can simultaneously be a mother, and a businesswoman, and just a woman. With the right time planning, it is quite possible to achieve success in work and raise healthy and well-mannered children.

You cannot force certain events to happen. You can only try to bring them closer. Love your life, trust your intuition, take risks, lose and find happiness through new experiences. You may not know exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive exactly where you need to be.

In what, I wish you with all my heart to succeed!

Sincerely yours, Irina Belousova
