Internet: pros and cons (School essays). Coursework social networks in the life of high school students Message on the topic of the Internet pros and cons

Since 2010 on the all-Russian children's helpline 8-800-2000-122 received more than 8 million applications.
Currently, 222 services in 83 regions of our country are connected to a single number. Children, adolescents and their parents in difficult life situations can receive psychological assistance. The call is free and anonymous.
In particular, the helpline website lists the main signs and 10 forms of cyberbullying.

Modern children and teenagers, who are called “digital citizens”, easily master the computer, mobile devices and skillfully use them. At the same time, children's online safety skills lag behind their ability to master new applications and devices.

The main dangers on the Internet for children and adolescents are as follows:

1. Cyberbullying (Internet bullying).

2. Using the Internet to manipulate the minds of children and adolescents (propaganda of extremist, antisocial behavior, suicide, involvement in dangerous games).

4. Cyber ​​fraud.

5. Security of access to the Network and theft of personal data by technical means.

6. Illegal collection of personal data of minors and (or) their distribution in the public domain.

7. View adult sites.

Each generation is more or less different from the previous one. But it is precisely the children who were born at the beginning of the third millennium and whom we call generation Z are absolutely unique in this sense, because such a powerful tool as digital reality influences their development from an early age.

The Internet is a new habitat and source of child development. Of course, this situation affects the formation of the personality of children, their relationship with the outside world, and their cultural practices.

The president of the Unpress creative association, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sergey Tsymbalenko, said in an interview: “Children on the Internet, this is a fact, you can’t get away from it. Society has switched to constant dialogue, continuous communication. This is a decisive transition to collective intelligence, or noosphere. Children were the first to step into this new state of society."

According to the Department of Personality Psychology of Moscow State University, the number of children using the Internet daily has grown to 95%. At the same time, 32% of children sit online every day for 8 hours, although three years ago they were only 14%. Before our eyes, a new "digital" generation is being formed, which inevitably faces risks when using the World Wide Web.

One of the "Big Projects" in the domain zone.CHILDREN is the Sputnik.Children project, in which more than 5,000 sites have been selected: with cartoons, games, books, songs and much more. Each resource is checked by the assessors of the search engine and the security system.

Google offers parents 10 rules for children's safety on the Internet. The first rule is to talk to your child about online safety. Most importantly, convince your child that in any unclear or frightening situation, he should contact his parents to find a safe solution.

Internet use by teenagers

An interesting article was published on 03/09/2017 on the website The Village, with the stories of five Russian teenagers aged 11 - 16 about how they use and what the Internet means to them, what are their favorite sites and social networks, their opinions about online safety and parental controls.

In many ways, these teenagers' attitudes towards the Internet reflect the results of the study below. Except for their general opinion: there are “cons” and dangers on the Internet.

In 2013, the first (and so far the only) all-Russian scientific study of the digital competence of adolescents and parents of adolescents was conducted. The study was conducted by the Internet Development Foundation and the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with the support of Google.

In Russia, 89% of adolescents aged 12–17 use the Internet daily. On weekdays, 37% of them spend on the Internet from 3 to 8 hours, on weekends - 47%. Mobile Internet twice as popular with children as with their parents.

Most teenagers use the Internet to search interesting information. In second place in popularity is the search for information for study.

As it turned out, almost a third of the children surveyed believe that the Internet is devoid of any shortcomings, and one in ten had difficulties with the very question of the "minuses" of the Internet.

The main conclusion of the study is that the level of digital competence of both parents and adolescents themselves in Russia is about a third of the maximum possible (31% for parents and 34% for adolescents).

In January 2019, VTsIOM conducted a survey of adults and adolescents (14–17 years old) on issues related to the influence of social networks on their behavior.

It is significant that respondents of all ages note that the interest of adolescents in “bad” groups in social networks is formed not by the networks themselves, but by the real problems of schoolchildren: 49% of adolescents believe that such interest is caused by real psychological problems, 31% - conflicts with peers and 29% - lack of parental control.

According to a survey by the Foundation Public opinion”, conducted in December 2015, only 10% of children over 6 years old do not use social networks. The question was asked to respondents who have children older than 6 living with them.

The influence of the Internet on teenagers

Psychologists of the Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation and Development of Adolescents "Crossroads" believe that one of the main problems is the development of computer addiction.

British psychologists consider teenagers' addiction to Facebook, Twitter and computer games to be a positive phenomenon. In their opinion, the decline in the use of alcohol and drugs by adolescents in Europe and the United States is associated with the growing popularity of social networks, computer games and the spread of social media among young people.

Russian teenagers, like their Western peers, spend a significant part of their free time on the Internet. However, this does not affect the level of drug use.

Teenage Internet Addiction and Violence

Internet addiction is the plague of the 21st century. Unfortunately, children are not able to cope with this on their own. Parents need not to conflict with their children, not to abandon them, but to accept them as they are. Because the share of participation of parents in the fact that their child has become like this is definitely there. It is important to admit your mistakes here, but this is the most difficult thing - parents always consider themselves right.

On the Internet, teenagers have the opportunity to be a kind of sexless creature that kills everyone and everything, feeling strong and cool. If this is completely absorbed by the child, then a criminal will simply grow out of him. At some point, he will think that in real life, too, everything is permitted. One of these guys, gamers, to the question: “What were you thinking about then?” - answered: "I had two desires - either to kill someone, or to be killed."

The technological literacy paradox of children

Today's kids are probably great consumers of technology, but they are rarely tech-savvy, says Gavin Patterson, head of the BT Group (British Telecommunications plc).

They may look like experienced digital natives, but their knowledge is limited to the depth of the screen. They are passive users, not active creators. And most of them don't really care much about how the technology they depend on actually functions. I consider this a paradox of technological literacy.

Russian schoolchildren: privacy and security on the Web

Such a report was made by Galina Vladimirovna Soldatova, Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, at the last 10.11.2015 in Moscow, the 6th International Conference "Protection of Personal Data".

76% of Russian schoolchildren spend an average of 3 hours a day on the Internet. Every seventh teenager aged 12 to 17 spends almost a third of his life (8 hours a day) on the Web. Modern schoolchildren perceive the Internet not as a set of technologies, but as a habitat.

Almost every second teenager does not respect the principle of confidentiality regarding their passwords on social networks. At the same time, there are still children who are ready to give their password to strangers.

More than a third of teenagers are still ready to tell a stranger on the network personal information: first and last name, exact age, and send a photo. Sixth of the children will share the number mobile phone, almost the same number will report the number of the school.

The influence of the computer and the Internet on school performance

The authors of the study, which was conducted in schools in Northern Ireland, did not establish a direct relationship between the time spent by children on social networks and their grades. Video games, on the other hand, can worsen high school GCSE results.

According to a report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), massive investment in school information technology "did not lead to measurable improvements" in the International Assessment Program's test scores. educational achievement students in reading, math and science.

As stated by the director educational programs OECD Andreas Schleicher, computerization and the introduction of the Internet in schools "has given rise to too many unrealistic hopes."

Google effect or how the Internet is changing our brain

Today, almost any information can be found using search engines. It's entirely possible, argue Harvard University psychologists Daniel Wegner and Adrian Ward, that the Internet is replacing not only other people who store information, but also our own cognitive processes. The Internet can not only relieve us of the need to exchange information "live", but also weaken our desire to remember important information. Psychologists call this the Google effect.

“Until the age of 15, students tend to have a naive perception of information sources. Often they are not motivated to check the information they receive and usually take it as it is, focusing on what is being said,” says French scholar Jean-Francois Rouet, who assesses the impact of the digital environment on reading and searching for information.

The problem of children's safety on the Internet in other countries

Europeans are most concerned about cyberbullying (bullying) on ​​social networks and its consequences, when, due to bullying by peers, a teenager can become depressed or think about suicide.

Facebook on its

Internet: for and against.

The Internet is a huge platform for the opportunity to realize yourself, find a job you like and go where you have never been. However, not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity ...

So, let's look at the pros and cons of this web. Let's start with the good.

First, it is the limitless possibilities of self-realization. There are many courses on the Internet to teach you anything: even how to hack pages. Here you do not need to go somewhere - sit at home, drink tea and study.

For example, do you want to learn a foreign language? Tutors on Skype, all possible resources will help you. You just need to find something that is closer to your soul, and now, you can practice at any convenient time (another plus).

Don't need study? Do you have extensive knowledge in something? Share, teach someone, create a website, attract an audience, benefit someone.

Another opportunity to meet. Finding friends with the same interests and maybe from other countries will not be a problem in the 21st century.

And much more…

But besides the pros, there are also cons.

The first minus: not only normal people use the Internet.

Since it is impossible to see a person sitting on the other side of the monitor, to find out what is going on in his head, this poses an immediate danger. Having fallen under the influence of such people, you can lose money, or even kill him (there have been such cases).

Hence the hackers.

Viruses are the scourge of the 21st century. And what do not keep computers, how many secrets they know. And having seized such information, you can frame a person, disgrace and, in the end, blackmail, which none of the normal people would like.

The second minus: Degradation of people.

As mentioned, not everyone is properly used by the Internet. Under the influence of the Internet, people do not realize how much time they are wasting.

For example. Imagine a bank that gives you $86,000 every day that you have to spend, and the bank keeps the rest. And so every day.

Of course, you would want to spend every dollar. So $86,400 is your time. Each new day gives you 86400 seconds, taking the remainder.

Scary numbers. And many people spend most of their time looking at stupid social media posts. networks, selfie and editing it, and then they are shaking because of the likes ...

The third minus: Rudeness.

There is an opinion that no one sees us on the Internet, does not follow us, etc. But in vain. All visits are tracked. Have you noticed that when you go to a site with fashionable dresses, you will then be offered ads with offers to buy dresses, etc. Watch. Sometimes it's funny)

On the Internet it is very easy to be rude, rude, because you do not see a person, you are safe.

Unfortunately, we do not use all the opportunities that the Internet provides us. Indeed, for success, for profit from the Internet, you need patience, work, will, and, alas, a person does not like to make efforts. Everyone wants something easy, but in this world nothing comes for free ... That's how we live.

The complexity of using a dll created with Borland C++ Builder (hereinafter referred to as BCB) in projects developed in Microsoft environments is due to three main problems. First, Borland and Microsoft have different naming conventions for functions in dlls. Depending on how the exported function is declared, its name may be padded with certain characters by the compiler. For example, when using a calling convention such as __cdecl, BCB adds an underscore before the function name. Visual C++ (hereinafter referred to as VC), in turn, when exporting a function as __stdcall, will add to its name, in addition to the underscore, also information about the argument list (the @ symbol plus the size of the argument list in bytes).

Table 1 shows possible naming options for the exported function MyFunction declared as follows:

Table 1. Function names depending on the calling convention and compiler.

Second, the object binaries (.obj and .lib) generated by BCB are incompatible with VC object files, and therefore cannot be linked to a VC project. This means that if you want to use implicit linking with a dll, you must somehow create a .lib file (import library) in the format that Microsoft adheres to.

Thirdly, classes and function-methods of classes exported from BCB dll cannot be used in a VC project. The reason for this lies in the fact that compilers mangle the names of both regular functions and class method functions (do not confuse with different naming conventions). The distortion is introduced to support polymorphism, that is, to distinguish between functions with the same name, but different sets of parameters passed to them. If for ordinary functions distortion can be avoided by using the extern "C" directive before defining the function (but at the same time, firstly, the first problem comes to the fore - different naming conventions for functions in dll, and secondly, from two or more functions with the same name, the extern "C" directive can only be used for one of them, otherwise compilation errors will occur), then name distortion is inevitable for class method functions. The Borland and Microsoft compilers, you guessed it, use different corruption schemes. As a result, VC applications simply do not see the classes and class methods exported by libraries compiled to BCB.

These three issues make it difficult to use the BCB dll from applications built on VC, but it's still possible. The following are three ways to create a VC compatible dll and then successfully use that dll.

Algorithms for creating a VC-compatible dll and its use

Two of the algorithms described in this section use implicit dll linking, one uses explicit dll loading. Let's first describe the easiest way - using the BCB dll from the VC project by explicitly loading it during program execution.

Algorithm with explicit dll loading

Using this technique, we don't have to create VC compatible import libraries (.lib). Instead, a series of actions will be added to load and unload the dll in the application that uses it.

Let's create a BCB dll (New -> DLL Wizard -> C++ -> Use VCL -> OK) that exports only two functions for simplicity. One of the functions will calculate the sum of two numbers and will not use VCL classes, while the other will create a window and display the elements of the array passed as one of the arguments to the TStringGrid VCL component.

Listing 1 - Borland C++ Builder 5 compiler



int __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl SumFunc(int a, int b);

HWND __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall ViewStringGridWnd(int Count,double* Values);

The __declspec keyword with the dllexport attribute marks the function as exportable, the function name is added to the dll's export table. The export table of any PE file (.exe or .dll) consists of three arrays: an array of function names (more precisely, an array of pointers to strings containing function names), an array of function sequence numbers, and an array of relative virtual addresses (RVA) of functions. The array of function names is sorted in alphabetical order; it corresponds to the array of ordinal numbers of functions. The ordinal number after some transformations turns into an element index from an array of relative virtual addresses of functions. When exporting a function by name, the following sequence of actions takes place: its index in the array of function names is determined by the known name of the function, then the index number of the function is determined from the array of ordinal numbers, then from the ordinal, taking into account the base ordinal of exporting functions for the given PE file, the index is calculated, by which the desired RVA function is extracted from the array of addresses. In addition to exporting by name, it is possible to export functions by their serial numbers (ordinal). In this case, the sequence of actions for obtaining the index of an element from an array of relative virtual addresses is reduced only to converting the ordinal number of the function. To export functions by number, a .def file with an EXPORTS section is used, where a serial number will be assigned to each function. At the same time, in the text of the dll itself, functions are not marked as exportable. You can read more about the export table in the article at #"7248.files/image002.gif">ImplicitLinkingAliases.def

Thus, alias functions are added to the dll export table, the names of which correspond to the functions declared in the header file of our library. For full compliance (although this may not be done), we will remove from ImplicitLinking_cdecl.def mentions of all functions that are extraneous for the client application, since the header file contains declarations of only two functions. As a result, we get a .def file ready for generating an object .lib file from it:



Sum Func @4 ; SumFunc

ViewStringGridWnd @5 ; ViewStringGridWnd


In the only article that I could find on this topic (on the site, it was recommended, in addition to removing extraneous functions from the .def file, to replace the name of the EXPORTS section with IMPORTS. This should not be done for the simple reason that the lib.exe utility (at least supplied with Visual Studio 6 and 7) does not support the IMPORTS section, therefore it ignores all subsequent function descriptions and creates an empty .lib file. The lib.exe utility is located in the $(VC)\Bin directory, but it usually fails to run the first time, because it requires the mspdb60.dll library (mspdb70.dll for the lib.exe that comes with Visual Studio 7) to work. mspdb60.dll is in the $(Microsoft Visual Studio)\Common\MSDev98\Bin folder, and mspdb70.dll is in the $(Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)\Common7\IDE folder.

Using the lib.exe utility, we will create the .lib file necessary for implicit linking in the COFF format, for this we will type in the command line

lib.exe /def:ImplicitLinking_cdecl.def

lib.exe /def:ImplicitLinking_cdecl.def /out:ImplicitLinking_cdecl.lib

The resulting .lib file will be added to the VC client project (Project -> Add To Project -> Files…).

Now let's look at a way to achieve the same function names in the header and object (.lib) files using the #define directive. Let's rewrite the header file of our BCB library as follows

Listing 4 - Borland C++ Builder 5 compiler


When compiling a client VC application in a project-attached header dll file(ImplicitLinking_cdecl.h) An underscore character is added to the name of each function using #define directives (the _MSC_VER macro is defined by the VC compiler by default). Since __cdecl functions are exported from BCB dll in the same way, that is, with the addition of an underscore, the names of the exported and declared functions correspond. Macros #define extend their influence to the entire subsequent application code, which allows in the program text when calling an imported function to use its original name, which will be supplemented with the necessary magic underscore during compilation. Thus, we follow the lead of Borland and in the client application covertly use the names changed by the BCB compiler to call functions from our dll. It is the need to use changed names (albeit not openly due to the define-trick), in my opinion, that is a significant drawback of this method, since, for example, if you want to explicitly (see the section “Algorithm with explicit dll loading”), you will have to use dll handle changed function names. Without further developing this topic, I will say that if the BCB dll is created with the clear intention of using it in VC applications, then it is better to add a library .def file to the project with user-friendly function alias names.

To the virtues this method(define-trick) can be attributed to its simplicity and, no matter how it contradicts what was said in the previous paragraph, the absence of the need to add function aliases to the dll export table. Despite all the convenience of using aliases, the export table (and hence the dll itself) increases in size. Yes, and the creation of a .def file of aliases when in large numbers functions does not add pleasant emotions.

After compiling the dll using impdef.exe, we get an export .def file, from which we create an object .lib file using the lib.exe utility and add it to the client VC project.

The listing of the client application, the code of which in this case does not depend on the method of solving the problem of mismatch of function names in the header and object files of the library, is presented below. As in the previous section, this is a dialog box with two buttons. The code of interest to us is concentrated in the event handlers for pressing the dialog buttons.

Listing 5 - Visual C++ 6.0 compiler


// window handle with VCL component StringGrid

HWND hGrid = NULL;

// include the header file of the library

#include "ImplicitLinking_cdecl.h"

// code generated by the development environment

void CUsingImplicitLinkng_cdeclDlg::OnSumFunc()

// call the function SumFunc from dll

intres = SumFunc(5, 9);

// display the result in the title of the dialog box

this->SetWindowText(itoa(res, str ,10));

void CUsingImplicitLinkng_cdeclDlg::OnViewStringGridWnd()

// initialization of arguments

const int count = 5;

double Values ​​= (2.14, 3.56, 6.8, 8, 5.6564);

// close the previously created window so that they do not "breed"

if(hGrid != NULL)

::SendMessage(hGrid, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

// call the function ViewStringGridWnd from dll

hGrid = ViewStringGridWnd(count, Values);

void CUsingImplicitLinkng_cdeclDlg::OnDestroy()


// close the window with the StringGrid component, if it was created

if(hGrid != NULL)

::SendMessage(hGrid, WM_CLOSE, 0,0);

The main advantage of implicit dll loading is the implicit use of the dll by the client application. In other words, the application, when calling functions, does not suspect that they may be somewhere in an external module. The result is a simplification of the program code. The disadvantages include the fact that the dll is in memory during the entire operation of the program that implicitly uses it. The dll is loaded when the application is loaded - the PE file loader, looking through each entry in the application import table, loads the corresponding dll for this entry. Therefore, if there are many libraries used, the loading of the main program may be delayed. In the absence of an implicitly used dll, the application will not start at all.

The final algorithm with implicit binding for exporting (importing) __cdecl functions consists of the following sequence of actions (see also Demo project):

1. Declare exported functions as __cdecl.

2. Place function declarations in the extern "C" block, while not exporting classes and member functions of classes.

3. Insert into the header file for the possibility of its further use on the client side:

and add the macro _DECLARATOR_ to the declaration of each function, for example,

If the #define trick was used, then step 7 will need to be skipped.

5. Compile BCB dll.

6. Using impdef.exe, create a .def file with the names of the exported functions.

7. If aliases were used in step 4, remove unused function names from the export .def file, leaving only aliases.

8. Create a client VC project.

9. Using the lib.exe utility, create an object .lib file of the COFF format from the .def file of the library export and add it to the client VC application.

10. Copy BCB dll and its header file to the folder with the client VC project.

11. Connect the dll header file in the client application.

12. Call the necessary functions in the body of the program, without thinking about the fact that they are located in an external dll.

Implicit-binding algorithm for exporting (importing) __stdcall functions

As mentioned above, the lib.exe utility can only create an import library from an export .def file, and lib.exe does not interact with the dll itself in any way. However, the .def file does not contain any information regarding the calling conventions that the exported functions adhere to. Therefore, lib.exe, working exclusively with a .def file, will not be able to catch that it is dealing with __stdcall functions, and, as a result, will not be able to display functions in a .lib file according to the Microsoft naming convention for __stdcall- functions. Thus, taking into account from the previous section that lib.exe generates a fully functional .lib file for __cdecl functions, we come to the following conclusion: the lib.exe utility is not able to generate import libraries for dlls that export __stdcall functions. For people who wished or were forced (and after reading this section, I think only forced) to use the BCB dll with __stdcall functions in VC, this section is dedicated.

The BCB dll source code is the same as in the previous section (see Listing 3), only the __cdecl keyword needs to be replaced everywhere keyword __stdcall.

It is known that when creating a VC dll along with it, the environment generates a .lib file (import library), which is presented, of course, in the COFF format we need, and in which __stdcall functions will be displayed correctly. Therefore, let's create (File -> New... -> Win32 Dynamic-Link Library -> OK -> An empty DLL project -> Finish) a dummy VC dll that will export the same set of functions as the BCB dll. The implementation of functions in a false dll is absolutely not important, only their names are important. In addition to the same names of the exported functions, the names of the decoy and source libraries must match, because .lib files contain the names of dlls. You can use the BCBdll sources by copying the .h- and .cpp-files into the directory of the mock dll, then adding them to the project (Project -> Add To Project -> Files...) and deleting the bodies of all functions. If the function returns a value, then we leave the return statement and return anything according to the type (it can be 0, NULL, etc.). Since the function bodies will be empty, most of the #include directives with included header files can also be removed. As a result, according to our example, we get the following false dll code:

Listing 6 - Visual C++ 6.0 compiler


#ifdef _DLLEXPORT_

#define _DECLARATOR_ __declspec(dllexport)

#define _DECLARATOR_ __declspec(dllimport)

int _DECLARATOR_ __stdcall SumFunc(int a, int b);

HWND _DECLARATOR_ __stdcall ViewStringGridWnd(int Count, double* Values);


The line with the name of the library (LIBRARY) in the .def file is optional, but if it is, then the name specified in it must exactly match the names of the mock and the original dll. We add a .def file to the VC project, recompile it and get a false dll and the import library we need, containing the correct description of the exported __stdcall functions. The .lib file inherited from the mock dll should be added (linked) to any VC project that is going to use our original BCB dll.

An example of a VC application that imports __stdcall functions is the same as in the previous section (see Listing 5). Do not forget to include (#include) the required BCB dll header file in the example and add it to the project the right library import.

Implicit linking algorithm for exporting (importing) __stdcall functions (see also Demo Project,

Declare exported functions as __stdcall.

Place function declarations in an extern "C" block. Do not export classes and member functions of classes.

Compile BCB dll.

Since it is not possible to create a valid import library using the lib.exe utility, a mock VC dll is created that contains the same set of functions as the original BCB dll.

Check the identity of the names of the false dll and the original dll, the names must match.

If the source texts of BCB dll are used for the false library, then delete the function bodies, if not used, then create empty functions with the same names and signatures as in the original dll.

To prevent function names from being changed during export, add a mock library .def file to the VC project with an EXPORTS section that simply lists the original names of all exported functions.

Compile a fake dll and get the necessary .lib file with the correct display of __stdcall functions.

Create a client VC project and add the resulting .lib file to it.

Copy the BCB dll and its header file to the folder with the client VC project.

Connect the header file in the client application.

Call the necessary functions in the program text, without thinking about the fact that they are located in an external dll.

As you can see, ensuring successful interaction between the BCB dll and the client VC application is not a trivial task. However, such interaction becomes necessary in cases where the use of VCL and C ++ Builder in the development of individual parts of the application is more preferable (for example, due to time costs). Using the algorithms described in the article, you will be able to create and successfully use BCB dll from a VC project.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

Internet in the life of a teenager: Pros and cons

Completed by a 10th grade student. Bortsova E.

  • Find out the influence of the Internet on a person.
  • Identify the positive and negative aspects of a computer network.

"Internet is a global computer network, which provides huge freedoms to users" - one of the official formulations.

A person "entering" the network for the first time usually has good impression about the Internet. But is it really so? You understand it only with time. The longer you are on the Internet, the more you see in it not only pluses, but also minuses. But unfortunately, not everyone can understand and realize how the Internet fills our consciousness. And we can no longer distinguish between what is good and what is bad.

The Internet gives us many

various services such as:



Plenty of information available

BUT! With all this, there are many minuses, which are much more than pluses:

  • exposure to electromagnetic radiation
  • information loss stress
  • dependence on the virtual world
  • public availability of information
  • mental disorders

internet addiction

A mental disorder in which a person has an obsessive desire for as much time as possible on the Internet, the inability to disconnect from it and return to the real world. Doctors compare it with drug and alcohol addiction.

Communicating in social networks, a teenager joins various groups, subcultures, gets acquainted with dubious people. All this can turn out badly for the unstable psyche and even the life of a teenager who is easily trusted and influenced.

Another negative side of adolescent communication in social networks is the limitation of communication opportunities in real world, they have trouble making real acquaintances. Indeed, on the Internet, a teenager can choose any role for himself, make himself better, more beautiful, come up with his ideal self, but in life everything is not so simple, because you are who you are.
