What is interesting about the profession of a master of carpentry and parquet work? Master of joinery, carpentry and parquet work Master of carpentry and carpentry

A master of carpentry, parquet and glass works is a qualified specialist in the field of construction and housing and communal services. Specialization 01/08/24 provides for professional carpentry, glass and parquet work.

  • Level of education: Primary vocational education
  • Base of study: Secondary general education, basic general education
  • Form of study: Full-time, Part-time (evening)
  • Duration of study: 10 months, 2 years. 10 months
  • Qualifications:
    • Construction joiner – carpenter – parquet worker
    • Construction joiner – carpenter – glazier

A document confirming receipt of this education in one of the Moscow secondary educational institutions makes the master in demand in construction corporations and at enterprises and large industrial associations in the construction industry. The graduate is also able to plan and lead entrepreneurial activity.

If you study at general principles If you don’t have the desire or opportunity, our company offers to buy a master’s diploma in carpentry, parquet and glass work. The “crust”, custom-made by our specialists, will fully correspond to the original. We have sufficient technical means so that the authenticity of the diploma is not in doubt.

Professional disciplines for the profession

The competence of a master of carpentry, parquet and glass work includes covering walls and ceilings along the frame with finishing industrial materials, repairs wooden products and structures, as well as the production of products on woodworking machines.

To carry out activities of this kind, a specialist must master a number of disciplines:

  • General professional cycle:
  • Basics of construction production
  • Construction graphics
  • English in professional activity
  • Life safety
  • Physical culture
  • Professional modules:
  • Carrying out carpentry and carpentry-assembly work, including the technology of manufacturing carpentry products.
  • Carpentry work, including device technology wooden structures and assemblies wooden houses.

The acquired knowledge is consolidated through educational and production practices. According to the list of qualifications, students receive skills in glass and parquet work.

Moscow secondary educational institutions that issue a diploma in the specialty “master of carpentry and parquet work.”

In the capital there are 3 secondary specialized educational institutions in which they master the profession of a worker in this specialty:

  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26
  • Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Technological College No. 21

You can buy diplomas from any of the specified secondary educational institutions in our company at favorable conditions. The purchase will become profitable solution for specialists in the field of woodworking and glassmakers who, for one reason or another, do not have proof of their professionalism.

Age limit for education is not a problem! Our company provides for the issuance of diplomas from previous years on forms of the appropriate standard. This is very important as the forms have changed several times since 1996. Other companies do not always take this fact into account, but we will not let you down in front of the employer, the diploma will be completed perfectly!

Remoteness educational institution Where you live is also not a hindrance. You can buy a diploma as a painter of carpentry, parquet and glass work with delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. Payment is made exclusively upon completion of the order: in cash upon receipt by courier, or cash on delivery by mail.

On the Yudu website you will quickly find qualified craftsmen who will offer the best prices for carpentry work in Moscow and the Moscow region. The carpenter will inexpensively carry out high-quality repairs of doors and windows, restore furniture sets and repair wooden interior elements. On Yuda you can also profitably order the services of a carpenter for making furniture and performing finishing work.

How does a qualified performer work?

If you are looking for an experienced carpenter who can carry out all types of work cheaply complex repair wooden products in an apartment or cottage, contact Yudu performers. Private master will come to your home at the specified address in Moscow and inexpensively fix a breakdown of any complexity. You can agree on the cost of the service, as well as the time of the visit, with a specialist individually.

Yuda has a price list with approximate prices for various types works Experts will tell you their exact cost after assessing the scope of the task. To carry out wood carpentry work, Yudu performers have professional tools. Carpenters registered on the site will repair:

  • wooden window sills, windows, interior and entrance doors with replacement of locks and fittings
  • flooring with installation of parquet or laminate boards
  • stairs, railings, thresholds, baseboards, trims
  • furniture sections and their elements

To find out how much repair work costs, you should look at the price lists located in the profiles of the performers. There you can find the cost of cladding the premises in an apartment with wooden finishing materials.

If you are looking for teams of construction specialists who provide finishing services for cottages of any size in Moscow, use the Yudu website. You can place your order cheaply right now. Qualified carpenters will:

  • lathing and finishing work using wooden slabs
  • laying wooden boards, laminate or parquet
  • cladding of offices, baths and saunas with clapboard
  • arrangement of wine cellars and rest rooms
  • installation of wooden arched structures, gazebos, shelf plinths

If it is necessary to carry out finishing carpentry work on wood, the price for them will be known to you when the Yudu contractor calculates the repair estimate.

The cost of services depends on the area of ​​the premises. Agree on the price and time of complex repairs with a team of specialists in advance.

Private companies that manufacture furniture from solid wood are also registered on Yuda. You can place an order for production:

  • wooden windows, doors, decorative beams, bar counters
  • built-in furniture sections, sets
  • cabinets with an antique façade designed for offices and libraries
  • tables, chairs, chests of drawers, couches, sofas, armchairs and other products

In their work, Yudu service providers use modern carpentry technologies and valuable wood species. The duration of work on installing furniture sections depends on the complexity and volume of the order.

Applying for YouDo

You can find out prices for carpentry work and order the services of qualified performers around the clock on Yuda. To receive offers from experienced carpenters, you must complete and publish an application. Select a contractor from among those who responded and agree on prices for carpentry work.


by order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation






1.1. This federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education(hereinafter - the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education) is a set of mandatory requirements for secondary vocational education (hereinafter - the Secondary Professional Education) for the profession 01/08/24 Master of carpentry, parquet and glass work (hereinafter - the profession).

1.2. Obtaining secondary vocational education in a profession is allowed only in a professional educational organization or educational organization higher education(hereinafter referred to as educational organization).

1.3. When developing a training program for qualified workers and employees (hereinafter referred to as the educational program), the educational organization forms requirements for the results of its development in terms of professional competencies based on professional standards, the list of which is presented in Appendix No. 1 to this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

1.5. An area of ​​professional activity in which graduates who have mastered educational program, can carry out professional activities: 16 Construction and housing and communal services.

1.6. Training in the educational program in an educational organization is carried out in full-time and part-time forms of study.

1.7. When implementing an educational program, an educational organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When training disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, e-learning and distance educational technologies must provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

1.8. The implementation of the educational program is carried out by the educational organization both independently and through a network form.

1.9. The implementation of the educational program is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by local normative act educational organization.

The implementation of an educational program by an educational organization located on the territory of a republic of the Russian Federation can be carried out in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of an educational program in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.10. The period for obtaining education under an educational program in full-time study, regardless of the educational technologies used, is:

based on the main general education- 2 years 10 months;

10 months.

The period for obtaining education under an educational program in full-time and part-time education, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases compared to the period for obtaining education in full-time education:

for no more than 1.5 years when receiving education on the basis of basic general education;

for no more than 1 year when receiving education on the basis of secondary general education.

When studying according to an individual curriculum, the period for receiving education according to the educational program, regardless of the form of study, is no longer than the period for receiving education established for the corresponding form of study. When studying according to an individual curriculum for students with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities, the period for obtaining education can be increased by no more than 1 year compared to the period for obtaining education for the corresponding form of education.

The specific period for obtaining education and the volume of the educational program implemented in one academic year, in full-time and part-time education, as well as according to an individual curriculum, are determined by the educational organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

1.11. The educational program, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed by an educational organization based on the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, taking into account the profession being acquired.

1.12. An educational organization develops an educational program based on the following combination of qualifications of a qualified worker, employee, specified in the List of Professions of Secondary Vocational Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 N 1199 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013 , registration N 30861), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 N 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014, registration N 32461), dated November 18, 2015 N 1350 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration N 39955) and dated November 25, 2016 N 1477 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2016, registration N 44662):


2.1. The structure of the educational program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable part).

The mandatory part of the educational program is aimed at developing general and professional competencies provided for in Chapter III of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, and should amount to no more than 80 percent of the total time allotted for its development.

The variable part of the educational program (at least 20 percent) makes it possible to expand the main type(s) of activity for which a graduate who has mastered the educational program must be prepared, according to the combination of qualifications obtained specified in paragraph 1.12 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education (hereinafter referred to as the main types of activities), as well as obtaining additional competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the requests regional market labor.

The specific ratio of the volumes of the compulsory part and the variable part of the educational program is determined by the educational organization independently in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph, as well as taking into account the approximate basic educational program (hereinafter referred to as the PEP).

2.2. The educational program has the following structure:

general professional cycle;

professional cycle;

state final certification, which ends with the assignment of qualifications to a qualified worker or employee specified in paragraph 1.12 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

Table No. 1

Structure and scope of the educational program

Structure of the educational program

Volume of the educational program in academic hours

General professional cycle

not less than 180

Professional cycle

no less than 972

State final certification:

on the basis of secondary general education

on the basis of basic general education

Total scope of the educational program:

on the basis of secondary general education

on the basis of basic general education, including obtaining secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education

2.3. The list, content, volume and procedure for the implementation of disciplines and modules of the educational program are determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the vocational education program for the relevant profession.

To determine the scope of the educational program, an educational organization can use a system of credit units, with one credit unit corresponding to 32 - 36 academic hours.

2.4. In the general professional and professional cycles (hereinafter referred to as educational cycles), the volume of work of students in interaction with the teacher is distinguished by type of training sessions (lesson, practical lesson, laboratory session, consultation, lecture, seminar), practice (in the professional cycle) and independent work students.

For conducting training sessions and practices when mastering the educational cycles of an educational program in full-time education, at least 80 percent of the volume of educational cycles of the educational program provided for in Table No. 1 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education should be allocated, in full-time and part-time education - at least 25 percent.

The educational cycles include intermediate certification of students, which is carried out as part of the development of these cycles in accordance with the funds of assessment tools developed by the educational organization, which allow assessing the achievements of the planned individual disciplines, modules and learning outcomes practices.

2.5. Mastering the general professional cycle of the educational program in full-time education should include mastering the discipline “Physical Education” in the amount of at least 40 academic hours and the discipline “Life Safety” in the amount of 36 academic hours, of which 70 percent for mastering the basics of military service (for boys) of the total amount of time allocated for the specified discipline.

The educational program for subgroups of girls may provide for the use of 70 percent of the total amount of time in the Life Safety discipline, provided for studying the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

For disabled students and persons with limited health capabilities, the educational organization establishes a special procedure for mastering the discipline “Physical Culture”, taking into account their health status.

2.6. When forming an educational program, an educational organization must provide for the inclusion of adaptation disciplines that ensure the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of disabled students and persons with limited health capabilities.

2.7. The professional cycle of the educational program includes professional modules, which are formed in accordance with the main types of activities provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

The professional cycle of the educational program includes the following types of practices: educational practice and industrial practice.

Educational and production practice are carried out when students master professional competencies within professional modules and are implemented both in several periods and dispersedly, alternating with theoretical classes within the framework of professional modules.

The part of the professional cycle of the educational program allocated for practical training is determined by the educational organization in the amount of at least 25 percent of the professional cycle of the educational program.

2.8. State final certification is carried out in the form of a final defense qualifying work in the form of a demonstration exam.

The educational organization determines the requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work independently, taking into account the vocational education program.



3.1. As a result of mastering the educational program, the graduate should have developed general and professional competencies.

3.2. A graduate who has completed the educational program must have the following general competencies(hereinafter - OK):

OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. Search, analyze and interpret information necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in a team and team, interact effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 05. Carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the characteristics of the social and cultural context.

OK 06. Exhibit a civil-patriotic position, demonstrate conscious behavior based on traditional human values.

OK 07. Promote conservation environment, resource conservation, act effectively in emergency situations.

OK 08. Use physical education to preserve and strengthen health in the process of professional activity and maintain the required level of physical fitness.

OK 09. Use information Technology in professional activities.

OK 10. Use professional documentation in the state and foreign languages.

OK 11. Plan entrepreneurial activities in the professional field.

3.3. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must be ready to perform the main types of activities provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, based on the combination of qualifications of a qualified worker serving in accordance with paragraph 1.12 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

Table No. 2

Correlation of main activities and qualifications

skilled worker serving in the formation

educational program

Main activities

Name of qualifications of a qualified worker, employee

Carpentry work

carpenter, construction carpenter, parquet floorer;

carpenter construction carpenter glazier

Carpentry work

carpenter, construction carpenter, parquet floorer;

carpenter construction carpenter glazier

Execution of glass works

carpenter construction carpenter glazier

Carrying out work on installing parquet floors

carpenter construction carpenter parquet floorer

3.4. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have professional competencies (hereinafter - PC) corresponding to the main types of activity:

3.4.1. Carpentry work:

PC 1.1. Organize workplace in accordance with occupational health and safety requirements.

PC 1.2. Carry out preparatory work.

PC 1.3. Produce simple carpentry rods and carpentry blanks.

PC 1.4. Produce carpentry products of varying complexity from the provided terms of reference material, in accordance with established norm consumption, drawing and quality requirements.

PC 1.5. Prepare carpentry surfaces for finishing in accordance with the requirements for appearance products.

PC 1.6. Carry out installation of joinery products in accordance with the design position.

PC 1.7. Carry out repairs to carpentry.

3.4.2. Carpentry work:

PC 2.1. Organize the workplace in accordance with labor protection and safety requirements.

PC 2.2. Carry out preparatory work.

PC 2.3. Produce wooden elements for various purposes in accordance with the drawing, established material consumption rates and quality requirements.

PC 2.4. Perform assembly and installation work in accordance with the design documentation.

PC 2.5. Carry out work on the installation of scaffolding, scaffolding, and formwork in accordance with the design provisions and the requirements of safe labor organization.

PC 2.6. Carry out repairs to carpentry structures.

3.4.3. Performing glass work:

PC 3.1. Organize the workplace in accordance with labor protection and safety requirements.

PC 3.2. Carry out preparatory work.

PC 3.3. Perform glazing of sashes with all types of glass and double-glazed windows in accordance with the technical specifications.

PC 3.4. Arrange partitions from glass blocks and glass profiles in accordance with the design position.

3.4.4. Carrying out work on installing parquet floors:

PC 4.1. Organize the workplace in accordance with labor protection and safety requirements.

PC 4.2. Carry out preparatory work.

PC 4.3. Install floors from planks and industrial wood-based materials in accordance with technical documentation.

PC 4.4. Install parquet floors from panel and block parquet in accordance with technical documentation.

3.5. The minimum requirements for the results of mastering the main activities of the educational program are presented in Appendix No. 2 to this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

3.6. The educational organization independently plans learning outcomes for individual disciplines, modules and practices, which must be correlated with the required results of mastering the educational program (graduate competencies). The set of planned learning outcomes should ensure the graduate masters all OK and PC in accordance with the selected combination of qualifications of a qualified worker, employee, established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.



4.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program include system-wide requirements, requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support, personnel and financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2. System-wide requirements for the conditions for implementing the educational program.

4.2.1. An educational organization must have ownership or other legally material and technical base ensuring all types of educational activities students provided for curriculum, taking into account POP.

4.2.2. In the case of implementing an educational program using a network form, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by a set of resources, material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by educational organizations participating in the implementation of an educational program using a network form.

4.2.3. In the case of implementation of an educational program in departments or other departments created by an educational organization in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations structural divisions requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by the totality of resources of these organizations.

4.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program.

4.3.1. Special rooms should be classrooms for conducting classes of all types provided for by the educational program, including group and individual consultations, ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work, workshops and laboratories, equipped with equipment, technical teaching aids and materials that take into account requirements of international standards.

4.3.2. Premises for independent work of students must be equipped computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet information and telecommunications network and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the educational organization (if available).

In the case of the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies, the use of specially equipped premises and their virtual analogues is allowed, allowing students to master OK and PC.

4.3.3. The educational organization must be provided necessary kit licensed software.

4.3.4. The library collection of an educational organization must be equipped with printed publications and (or) electronic publications for each discipline of the general professional cycle and for each professional module of the professional cycle at the rate of one printed publication and (or) electronic publication for each discipline, module per student. The library fund must be equipped with printed publications and (or) electronic editions of basic and additional educational literature published over the last 5 years.

An educational organization uses textbooks as its main literature. teaching aids, provided by POP.

If there is an electronic information and educational environment, it is allowed to replace the printed library collection by granting the right of simultaneous access to at least 25% of students to the electronic library system (electronic library).

4.3.5. Disabled students and persons with limited health capabilities must be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources adapted to their health limitations.

4.3.6. The educational program must be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all academic subjects, disciplines, and modules.

4.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.4.1. The implementation of the educational program is ensured by the teaching staff of the educational organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the educational program under the terms of a civil contract, including from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities correspond to the area of ​​professional activity specified in paragraph 1.5 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education (with work experience in this professional field at least 3 years).

4.4.2. Qualification teaching staff educational organization must be responsible qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books, and (or) professional standards (if available).

Teaching staff involved in the implementation of the educational program must receive additional professional education under advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in organizations whose activities correspond to the area of ​​professional activity specified in paragraph 1.5 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, at least once every 3 years taking into account the expansion of the range of professional competencies.

The share of teaching staff (in rates reduced to integer values) ensuring the development of professional modules by students who have at least 3 years of experience in organizations whose activities correspond to the area of ​​professional activity specified in paragraph 1.5 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, in the total number of teaching staff, implementing the educational program must be at least 25 percent.

4.5. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of an educational program.

4.5.1. Financial support implementation of the educational program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs for the provision of public services on the implementation of state accredited educational programs of secondary vocational education in the profession, taking into account correction factors.

4.6. Requirements for the applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of the educational program.

4.6.1. The quality of the educational program is determined within the framework of an internal assessment system, as well as an external assessment system on a voluntary basis.

4.6.2. In order to improve the educational program, the educational organization, when conducting regular internal assessment of the quality of the educational program, attracts employers and their associations, other legal and (or) individuals, including teaching staff of educational organizations.

4.6.3. External assessment of the quality of the educational program can be carried out by employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, including foreign organizations, or professional and public organizations included in international structures, professional and public accreditation in order to recognize the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered the educational program as meeting the requirements of professional standards and labor market requirements for specialists in the relevant profile.

Appendix No. 1

Master carpenter,

parquet and glass works







Professional standard code

Name of the professional standard

Professional standard "Parquet floorer", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 1092n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 23, 2015, registration N 35666), as amended by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2015 N 793n (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation December 3, 2015, registration N 39947)

Professional standard "Glazier", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 1062н (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2015, registration N 35716), as amended by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation dated October 28, 2015 N 793н (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration N 39947)

Appendix No. 2

to the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education by profession 01/08/24

Master carpenter,

parquet and glass works







Main activity

Requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience

Carpentry work

rules for reading working drawings;

species and variety-forming defects of wood;

physical, mechanical and technological properties wood;

arrangement of tools, electrical machines and machines for wood processing;

rules for handling electrified tools;

procedure for preparing tools for work;

requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing carpentry products;

requirements for the quality of processing of joinery parts and products;

technology for manufacturing joinery and parts;

technology for performing carpentry, installation and repair carpentry work;

species technical documentation for the execution of work;

Qualification – construction carpenter (4th category); carpenter (4th category);

parquet floorer (3rd category)

Standard period for completing the program on the basis of basic general education - 2 years 5 months.

Objects of professional activity:

Buildings and structures, their elements;

Materials for carpentry, carpentry and parquet work;

Technologies of joinery, carpentry and parquet work;

Hand and mechanized tools, devices and equipment for carpentry, carpentry and parquet work;

Drawings for the production of joinery and carpentry work.

A carpentry and parquet master will know:

Main types of timber, species and properties of wood, basics of wood cutting, basic wood processing operations, main types of glazing work;

Hand and power tools;

Types of joinery and carpentry joints (interfaces);

Basic designs of joinery and building products;

Rules for handling antiseptic and fire retardant compounds, techniques for coating parts or wooden structures using brushes;

General information about parquet work, the composition of parquet floors, types of parquet strips, parquet boards and parquet floors, requirements for parquet floors and coatings, tools, mechanisms and machines used in the installation of parquet floors; – technology for the manufacture and installation of straight milled parts of simple profiles and joinery;

Techniques for cutting out knots and tars in wood, methods for sealing them;

Reading simple drawings and sketches;

Methods for manufacturing joinery products of medium complexity; techniques for clean cutting of timber, chipping logs, preparing single piles and single-post supports;

Methods for preparing straight formwork panels and partitions for plaster;

Methods for constructing plinths, planks, partitions, sheathing and roof elements;

The main elements of wooden parts of buildings and wooden structures and the requirements for their quality;

Safe labor methods and techniques when performing professional work.

A master of carpentry and parquet work will be able to:

Perform simple joinery, carpentry, glass and parquet work;

Perform basic wood processing operations;

Perform simple and moderately complex carpentry work, manufacture and install milled parts - trim, skirting boards, straight handrails of a simple profile, etc.;

Manufacture parts and assembly from them for rectangular door panels and window frames of all types;

Install paneled partitions, door and window blocks, window sill boards and mounting bars;

Carry out cutting of internal walls from logs, installation of simple temporary structures: terraces, verandas, vestibules, porches, as well as sheds, sheds, walkways, showers; installation and replacement of wooden bases and chairs, installation of frame walls; clean cladding of walls and ceilings, installation, relaying and joining of upper plank coverings (clean floors) from individual boards, as well as installation of floors from bars, laminated boards, fiberboards, end blocks, chipboards with sealing of joints.

Disciplines studied:

Fundamentals of construction production;

Construction graphics;

Electrical equipment;

Fundamentals of construction economics;

Life safety; labor protection.

Carpentry work;

Carpentry work;

Carrying out work on installing parquet floors.

Employment Opportunities: the graduate will be able to work in construction and furniture production enterprises of various forms of ownership.

Profession code - 01/08/05 Master of joinery, carpentry and parquet work
Profession code - 01/08/24 Master of carpentry, parquet and glass work
Duration of full-time study on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) - 2 years 10 months
Qualification – Construction joiner, Carpenter, Glazier, Parquet worker

Master of carpentry, parquet and glass works: building finishing

Finishing of premises is necessary at the construction stage of buildings, but is also in demand by the owners of ready-made premises.

A huge number of residential buildings are now being rented out finishing" There's nothing there. It is impossible to achieve a good finish without a professional.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that in the Udmurt Republic both the usual standard of this profession and the training of workers according to the TOP-50 standard are implemented. Technical schools operating according to the TOP-50 standard are marked in the table below with a special inscription.

Competencies of graduates of the profession “Master of carpentry, parquet and glass work”

A graduate of the profession will be able to make technical drawings, sketches, drawings of parts and products, read construction drawings, select lumber, mark and process them, use hand and electrified tools, manufacture and install simple and moderately complex carpentry parts and products.

A professional finisher knows how to sheath walls and ceilings on frames with finishing industrial materials, process timber with hand tools and electrified machines.

A master builder can be entrusted with constructing temporary structures and assembling wooden houses, repairing wooden structures, performing glass work, installing vapor barriers, waterproofing, thermal insulation and sound insulation under floors, making prefabricated and monolithic screeds.

A graduate who has mastered the profession of a carpentry, parquet and glass master can independently lay joists and floors from various materials, install baseboards, and navigate the types and methods of laying parquet floors.

What will be studied?

During the training process, the student will master professional competencies within a range of academic disciplines and professional modules:

  • Basics of construction production
  • Fundamentals of Construction Economics
  • Construction graphics
  • Technology for the manufacture of joinery products and carpentry and installation works
  • Technology of installation of parquet floors
  • Construction technology
  • Technology of constructing wooden structures and assembling wooden houses

Two types of practices are required:

  1. Educational practice.
  2. Industrial practice.

The practice takes place in construction organizations Izhevsk and Udmurtia.

State final certification is carried out in the form of the student defending a diploma project.

You can obtain the profession “Master of carpentry, parquet and glass work” in technical schools and colleges:

To go to the page of an educational organization, click on its name

College/technical school Full-time training
Budget places
Correspondence studies
Budget places
Number of places for paid training
(TOP 50)
(TOP 50)
