Analysis of marketing activities at a tourism enterprise. Analysis of the organization of marketing activities of a travel agency. Scheme of marketing activities of a tourism enterprise


2.1 General characteristics travel agency "Moonlight"

The travel agency Moonlight LLC is located in the Altai Territory, Barnaul, st. Sverdlova, 78, e-mail: [email protected]

The travel company Moonlight LLC began its work in November 2003. The company's activities are carried out on the basis of a license for travel agency activities issued by the Committee Altai Territory for culture and tourism TD No. 0005187 reg/number 22-ar-20171 dated 03/17/2004. Registration number MVT 002100. The amount of financial support is 5,000,000 rubles. Liability insurance contract 0729 OVB 000 934 dated 05/07/2007. Name of the organization that provided financial support: Altai Branch of OJSC Military Insurance Company in Barnaul.

The main operating principle of Moonlight LLC is a high level of service and excellent offers on the market of Barnaul and nearby areas in a combination of price and quality. Currently, the company has a long history of operation and has established itself as reliable partner population and enterprises of the city.

The travel agency performs the functions retail sales single tourist services and tours to the consumer - tourist or corporate clients. He is bound by an agency agreement with a tour operator or travel agency-wholesaler, which may provide for a variety of forms of interaction and mutual settlements in the field of finance and even a certain redistribution of responsibility. As a seller, Moonlight has limited liability for the travel product.

Moonlight LLC offers and sells individual services, tourist packages purchased by a tour operator, a complex of various services that are not necessarily included in a package, for example, for individual tourists.

There are several types of activities in the agency field:

· sale of tours on behalf of and on behalf of the enterprise. Essentially, it is a “tourist package store” of various tour operators. The tourist voucher always fully indicates all the details of the tour operator and the agent who carried out such a sale;

· selling tours on your own behalf, but indicating affiliation tourism product to a specific tour operator;

· sale of a tourism product on one’s own behalf (without mentioning that this product belongs to a specific tour operator), for example, when creating a total tourism product. In this case, the travel agency itself acts as a tour operator with all the ensuing consequences and liability.

Depending on accepted scheme interaction there are clearly defined levels of responsibility, schemes financial settlements and principles of activity taxation.

Moonlight LLC as a travel agency is the most important link in the chain of participants in the process of selling a tourism product. It is associated with the tour operator and telecommunications service operator computer networks, for example, global international and national automated booking networks that provide agent access to powerful information bases data and system for booking tourist services.

Travel agency Moonlight LLC offers tours in various directions:

1) Tours to the Altai Mountains on the t/k "Turquoise Katun": tourist centers "Sarzhevskikh Estate", "Tavdinskaya Estate by the Lake", "Tavdinskaya Estate by the Katun", Belokurikha.

2) Excursion tours around Russia / g. St. Petersburg, Moscow, “Golden Ring”/.

3) Beach holidays in exotic countries /Thailand, Turkey, Croatia, Egypt, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, China (Hainan Island)/.

4) Bus tours and holidays in Europe and other individual tours at the request of the consumer. [Appendix 1]

2.2 Analysis of the activities of Moonlight LLC

Each organization is specific organizational structure and methods of working with personnel, however, in any organization, regardless of the specifics of the activity, the size of the organization, the basic functions of the personnel management service must be implemented.

At the moment, the organizational management structure of Moonlight LLC can be classified as linear (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Organizational management structure of Moonlight LLC

Let's analyze the qualitative composition of the staff of Moonlight LLC by age and education. The staff of the analyzed organization is relatively young and has potential - two employees are under 30 years of age. Each of the employees has higher and additional tourism education, which is due to the specifics of their work. The director has three higher education and has knowledge English language. The professional staff of Moonlight LLC provides high service to consumers of tourism services.

When analyzing the tourism activities of an organization, it becomes necessary to consider the main indicators that characterize both the amount of income and expenses of the enterprise (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 - Indicators economic activity Moonlight LLC, thousand rubles.

Indicator name 2005 2006 Dynamics, %
Revenue (net) from the provision of tourism services (less VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments) 4 486 7581 169,0
Amount of commissions, agency and other remunerations 202 247 122,3
Expenses incurred by the organization for the provision of tourist services - total 273 262 95,9
including: material costs 45 -
labor costs 70,9 136 191,8
amount of accrued depreciation - 126
other expenses 158 -
obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds 11,7 96 820,5

Based on the data presented in Table 2.1, we can conclude that there has been a significant increase in the volume of consumption of tourism services, since in 2006, revenue from the provision of tourism services increased by 69%. The amount of commissions and agent fees also increased by 22.3%. Mandatory payments to the budget increased due to an increase in employee wages.

It should be noted that expenses in the reporting year decreased compared to the base year by 4%, which is 11 thousand rubles. The increase in staff salaries is evidenced by an increase in labor costs by 1.9 times.

To talk about the effectiveness of the economic activities of the travel agency “Moonlight”, it is necessary to provide data from the following table (Table 2.2).

Analyzing the data presented in Table 2.2, we can conclude that in 2006 the number of vouchers sold increased by 78.7% compared to 2005. These results are clearly presented in the form of a diagram (Figure 2.2).

Table 2.2 - Number and cost of tourist packages for 2005-2006.

Indicator name Number of vouchers, units dynamics, % Cost of vouchers, thousand rubles. dynamics, %
2006 2007 2006 2007
Total vouchers sold 263 470 178,7 3005 4821 160,4

including: citizens

in Russia

189 383 202,6 1344 2213 164,7

citizens of Russia

By foreign countries

74 87 117, 1465 2405 164,2

Figure 2.2 Number of vouchers sold for 2005-2006.

The number of vouchers sold for tours around Russia in 2006 increased more than 2 times than in 2005, and the activity of tourists was mostly aimed at recreation at the Turquoise Katun tourist complex.

These facts indicate an increase in the share of sales in the Barnaul market and effective contacts of Moonlight LLC with domestic and foreign partners. Availability regular customers speaks of a good reputation in the Barnaul market and the high quality of the product provided. It should be noted that if the volume of vouchers sold increased by 78.7%, then the cost of vouchers increased by 60.4 times. The continuous growth in the well-being of society is also characterized by such a large increase in the number of vouchers sold. During the analysis of the activities of Moonlight LLC, it turned out that the age composition of the clientele is not kept in mind, that is, the travel agency does not offer specialized tours aimed at specific age groups. The travel agency advertises its services mainly through print media, outdoor advertising, advertising on television and the Internet. Moonlight LLC believes that the best advertising medium is positive feedback from its customers, therefore it considers regulating the quality of service one of the priorities in its activities.

subject of work: features of marketing in the service sector. In accordance with the purpose, the object of study was chosen - consulting company LLC "Most-Marketing" The subject of the study is the cause-and-effect relationships of economic phenomena and processes that arise in the sphere of economic activity of business entities. The purpose of the work is to study the essence and distinctive characteristics marketing in...

62.Budgeting methods for financing marketing program. 63.Marketing plan. 64.Marketing control. List of recommended literature 1. Market Academy: marketing. Per. from fr. – M.: Economics, 1993. 2. Gerasimenko V.G. Basics tourism business: textbook - Odessa: Chernomorye, 1997 3. Durovich A.P., Kopanev A.S. Marketing in tourism - M.: Ekonopress, 1998. 4. ...



Department of Economics and Management



Analysis of the enterprise's marketing activities

based on materials: travel agency Intertour XXI Century LLC

Completed by the student:

Konovalova T.V.

Group: 51 - EU

Specialty: 0805020

Coursework supervisor:

Zhurman N.V.

Table No. 1 - Initial data on the production and financial activities of the enterprise for 2005-2007 (rub.)

Table No. 2 - Consolidated analytical balance (assets), (rub.)

Indicator 2005 2006 2007
N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g
1. Fixed assets and non-current assets 116584 146584 146584 1488214 1488214 151058
2. Current assets 374939 376847 376847 523872 523872 783245
43820 46805 46805 110218 110218 120230
2.2. Funds in settlements 145280 164412 164412 194112 194112 29700
2.3. Cash 184921 165114 165114 218830 218830 272546
2.4. Other assets 908
TOTAL PROPERTY (balance sheet) 1540779 184268 184268 2012086 2012086 229383

Table No. 3 - Consolidated analytical balance (liabilities), (rub.)

Indicator 2005 2006 2007
N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g
1.Equity 107767 123774 123774 1425152 1425152 161256
2. Borrowed capital 463152 604945 604945 586934 586934 681271
2.1. Long-term loans - - - - - -
2.2. Short-term loans - - - - - -
463152 604945 604945 586934 586934 681271
2.4. Other liabilities - - - - - -
154077 184268 184268 2012086 2012086 229383


1. Theoretical aspects of analyzing the marketing activities of an enterprise

1.1 The essence and principles of marketing activities

2. Analysis and diagnostics of financial economic activity Intertour XXI Century LLC

2.1.1 Brief description enterprises

2.1.2 Analysis of the efficiency of using enterprise resources

2.1.3 Analysis of profit and profitability of the enterprise

2.2.1 Analysis of changes in the structure of the enterprise’s balance sheet

2.2.2 Analysis of indicators financial stability and liquidity of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the marketing activities of Intertour XXI Century LLC

3.1 Analysis of demand and competitiveness of the enterprise

3.2 Pricing and marketing policy of the enterprise


List of sources used


The rapid development of the service sector and tourism in Orel in the last decade has contributed to the formation of a system for promoting service and tourism services and, in particular, the creation of an advertising market. IN market conditions Service enterprises must qualitatively satisfy the population's needs for services and at the same time make a profit. This is only possible with the right marketing policy implemented by the tourism enterprise.

In order to increase sales, increase efficiency and profitability, any service and tourism enterprise must engage in creating demand for its products or services and promoting sales, i.e. product promotion. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a marketing communications system.

At the moment, marketing is just beginning to develop in Russia, so the experience of marketing activities of domestic enterprises is very limited.

Based on the relevance of this problem, we chose this topic for the course work, based on materials from the travel agency Intertour XXI Century LLC.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the marketing activities of an enterprise. To consider this problem we need to solve a number of problems:

1. Learn the basics theoretical aspects analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise

2. Analyze the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, identifying the positive and negative aspects of the development of this travel agency.

3. Analyze the marketing activities of Intertour XXI Century LLC, considering the competitiveness and demand for the services of this company.

This course work consists of three chapters. The first chapter contains theoretical aspects of the analysis of marketing activities. Secondly, research is given financial and economic activities of the travel agency, and the third analyzes the marketing activities of the enterprise under study.

The following documents were used as information sources for writing this work: balance sheets, literature on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, publications of economic magazines and newspapers.

1. Theoretical aspects of analyzing the marketing activities of an enterprise

1.1 The essence and principles of marketing activities

Marketing is a system of organization and management of production and sales activities enterprises, market research in order to create and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility of giving a complete description of marketing that is adequate to its essence, principles and functions in one universal definition.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature, “marketing principles” mean quite different things. Having examined the positions of various authors and compared them, we will highlight the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions;

2. Creating conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and not based on immediate benefits, but on a long-term basis);

3. Influence on the market, on the buyer using all available means, primarily advertising;

Marketing activities is a set of activities focused on researching issues such as:

Analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows us to identify factors that promote or hinder commercial success. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions;

Analysis of consumers, both current (current, buying the company’s products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of studying the demographic, economic, geographical and other characteristics of people who have the right to make purchasing decisions, as well as their needs in the broad sense of this concept and the processes of purchasing both our and competing products;

Planning of product distribution and sales, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and stores, as well as agent networks;

Providing demand generation and sales promotion (fosstice) through a combination of advertising, personal selling, prestigious non-profit events (“public relations”) and various types of economic incentives aimed at buyers, agents and direct sellers;

Ensuring pricing policy, which consists of planning systems and price levels for exported goods, determining the “technology” for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.;

Management of marketing activities (marketing) as a system, i.e. planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and individual responsibilities of each participant in the enterprise, assessment of risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing decisions;

To implement the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom, in essence, the effectiveness of the marketing strategy depends, namely marketing entities, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers. It is important to note that while responsibilities for marketing functions can be delegated and shared in various ways, in most cases they cannot be completely neglected; they must be carried out by someone.

1.2 The process of managing marketing activities in an enterprise

Every firm, enterprise or company is interested in effective management its marketing activities. In particular, she needs to know how to analyze market opportunities, select suitable target markets, develop an effective marketing mix and successfully manage the implementation of marketing efforts. All this constitutes the marketing management process.

In market conditions, it is not enough to rely on intuition, judgment of managers and specialists and past experience, but it is necessary to obtain adequate information before and after making decisions. The nature of decisions made is influenced by large number factors. And the main thing is not even the quantity, but rather the difficult predictability of most of them. The behavior of competitors, for example, often goes beyond traditional patterns. The situation is complicated by the fact that the marketing management system operates in real time.

Marketing information is understood as information obtained during the study of the process of exchange of results of socially useful activities and interaction regarding such exchange of all subjects of the market system, used in all spheres (levels) of entrepreneurship, including marketing activities.

One of the main goals of marketing research is to determine the market opportunities of a company. It is necessary to correctly assess and predict the market size, its growth potential and possible profit. Sales forecasts will be used by the finance department to attract working capital or investments, production department- to determine capacity and planned productivity, the supply department to carry out purchases in accordance with needs, and the human resources department to hire the necessary labor force. After all, if the forecast turns out to be far from reality, the company will spend cash for the formation of excess reserves and production capacity or, failing to meet market needs, will miss out on profits.

One of the conditions for developing a competent marketing plan- study of consumer markets and consumer behavior.

Price, like product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company pursuing a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. Commercial results and the degree of efficiency of all production and marketing activities of a company or enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is structured.

An enterprise's pricing strategy is an activity that is related to continuous process adjustments. The pricing strategy needs to be revised:

1. When new products are created.

2. When products are improved.

3. When it changes competitive environment on the market.

4. When a product goes through different stages of its life cycle.

5. When production costs change.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, highly qualified decision makers, and the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation. When setting prices, you should not only know their lower and upper limits, beyond which their use is not economically justified or causes punitive sanctions, but also flexibly maneuver prices within these limits so that at a certain point in time these goals would be optimal for the seller , and for the buyer.

Means of promoting a product to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organizing exhibitions, fairs, providing discounts, trading on credit, etc.

Advertising is a message intended for a certain predetermined group of people, paid for by a specific customer and intended to induce this group to take specific actions desired by the customer.

Public Relations is defined as “promoting the establishment of mutual understanding of goodwill between an individual, an organization and other people, groups of people or society at large through the dissemination of educational material, the promotion of exchange and the assessment of public reaction.” The task of the Public Relations Manager is to prepare and conduct press conferences, briefings, press cocktails, presentations, meetings with company executives, press releases, photographs and other press materials, on the basis of which articles, essays and reports will then be written.

Marketing planning is of no small importance. IN various organizations carried out differently. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, and the organization of planning. Thus, the range of content of a marketing plan for various companies is different: sometimes it is only slightly broader than the sales department’s activity plan. Individual organizations They may not have a marketing plan at all as a complete document. The only planning document for such organizations may be a business plan, drawn up either for the organization as a whole or for individual areas of its development. In general, we can talk about the development of strategic, usually long-term, plans and tactical (current), usually annual or more detailed plans marketing.

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic economic unit organization and in terms of formal structure usually consists of the following sections: executive summary, current marketing situation, threats and opportunities, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, program of action, marketing budget and control.

Marketing planning is increasingly used by many companies in the Russian Federation, although it encounters many opponents. There are cases when enterprises, having adopted this powerful tool of market economy, subsequently abandoned it. There is a completely logical explanation for these facts. The fact is that the planning system in general and strategic in particular cannot be blindly copied, which was observed in most cases. Any enterprise has individual characteristics related to organizational structure, values, technology, personnel, scientific potential, etc. Thus, organizations, in order to achieve maximum economic effect, it is necessary to adapt the existing system marketing planning to the environment in which it operates.

In order to implement the concept of marketing in an enterprise, it is necessary to create an appropriate marketing service. Currently, without such a service that provides marketing research to study the prospects of demand, consumer requirements for a product and its properties, trends in these requirements under the influence of various factors, it is difficult for manufacturers to survive in competition. The ultimate goal of operation marketing services is the subordination of all economic and commercial activities enterprises to the laws of existence and development of the market. Both manufacturers and consumers of products are interested in this. In the evolution of marketing departments, four stages of development can be distinguished, each of which is also found in the activities of today's companies.

Stage I - marketing as a distribution function. Marketing of goods at this stage was relatively simple. The sales department plays a relatively important role.

Stage II - organizational concentration of marketing tasks as a sales function. The emergence of sales problems and a better understanding of the role of marketing led to significant organizational changes.

Stage III - the separation of marketing into an independent service, characterized by the emergence specialized service marketing, which has equal rights with other divisions of the enterprise. The marketing manager makes decisions about the appearance, packaging, and name of the product.

Stage IV - consists of orienting all areas of the company’s activities to marketing requirements. Marketing is seen as main function companies. Essentially, most companies are in the third stage of marketing development.

IN real life there are many various forms organization of a marketing service, however, we will limit ourselves to considering only some basic organizational structures:

1. Functional structure marketing. This form of organization means that marketing acts on an equal basis with other functional divisions of the company. Problems associated with such an organization: a) group egoism, difficulties with coordination; b) the solution of problems that go beyond the limits of competence is transferred to the top, which entails the danger of excessive centralization; c) employees do not always understand the final goal, i.e. motivation decreases.

2. Organization by products. The more diverse the program, the more diversified the company, the more dynamic the market, the better the product organization fit. When organized by product, functions related to all products are usually transferred to the upper levels of management.

3. Organization by clients. When organizing customer marketing, each department is assigned a specific customer group or part of the market. This structure is justified if the market segments are large enough and differ significantly from each other.

4. Organization of marketing on a geographical basis. Such structures may be suitable for companies with a large sales volume, within which there are regions with different requirements for the product.

5. The matrix marketing organization is based on at least two structuring criteria. With their help, companies are trying to overcome the problems inherent in one-dimensional management structures.

2. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities of OOO “Intertura XXI century”

2.1.1 Brief description of the enterprise

Intertour XXI Century LLC has existed for more than 7 years and is one of the competing travel agencies in the tourism market of the city of Orel. This company was organized in 2002, the main director of which is Olga Nikolaevna Galushko.

This company is no longer licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, but has a certificate of conformity.

Society with limited liability"Intertour XXI century" is legal entity and builds its activities on the basis constituent documents, and current legislation.

Intertour XXI Century LLC is located at: 302001 Russia, Orel, st. Komsomolskaya, 25, near the city center.

The travel agency Intertour XXI Century LLC works as a travel agent, offering its clients not only domestic but also international routes. While engaging exclusively in outbound tourism. Currently the company works with 32 tour operators.

The number of vacationers per year is about 340 people. The main areas that are most popular are:

Inside are Russian: Gelendzhik, Crimea, St. Petersburg, Anapa and Sochi;

International: Greece, Türkiye, Spain, Croatia, Egypt.

In general, the main purpose of clients traveling abroad is sightseeing, visiting and participating in shopping, sports, recreational and cultural events, and relaxing on beaches and in the mountains. The rest go to resorts and sanatoriums.

2.1.2 Analysis of the efficiency of using enterprise resources

The resources of an enterprise consist of means of labor (fixed assets), objects of labor (working capital) and labor (personnel).

In order to analyze the efficiency of using the resources of a given enterprise. To begin with, we will determine the level of provision of enterprise employees with fixed assets. To do this, we calculate the capital-labor ratio:

To assess the efficiency of using fixed assets, we calculate the following coefficients:

Capital productivity of fixed assets. The economic meaning of the indicator is how many rubles of products can be obtained from 1 ruble of invested fixed assets.

Capital intensity of fixed assets. The economic meaning of the indicator is how many rubles of fixed assets must be invested to get 1 ruble of products.

We will enter the data obtained into a table and analyze the resulting result.

Table No. 1 - Analysis of the efficiency of use of fixed assets

Indicator 2005 2006 % 2007 %
1 Volume commercial products, rub. 2248512 2610215 116,1 2971918 113,9
2 Average annual cost of fixed assets 732920 744107 101,5 755294 101,5
3 Average headcount PPP, pers. 8 8 100 8 100
4 Balance sheet profit, rub. 257100 277553 107,9 298006 107,4
5 Capital-labor ratio, rub/person. 91615 93013,38 101,5 94411,75 101,5
6 Capital productivity in the production process, rub/rub 3,07 3,51 114,3 3,93 111,9
7 Capital intensity in the production process, rub/rub 0,33 0,28 84,8 0,25 89,3

Based on the data in the table, it can be noted that the capital-labor ratio is gradually increasing, this indicator increased by 2796 rubles/person. in 2007 compared to 2005. Capital productivity also increased by 0.44 rubles/ruble in 2006 compared to the previous year and by 0.42 rubles/ruble in the next year. However, analyzing the capital intensity, we can say that this indicator has decreased from 0.33 rubles/rub. in 2005 to 0.25 rubles/ruble, in 2007.

Now let's analyze the use of working capital of the enterprise. To begin with, let's calculate the turnover ratio, which characterizes the number of turnovers made by working capital for a certain period and represents the ratio of sales proceeds to the amount of working capital. In 2005 it was 48 times, in 2006 23.7 times, and in 2007 24.7 times.

Then we calculate the coefficient of consolidation or loading in circulation, which was 0.02 in 2005, and 0.04 in 2006 and 2007.

The duration of one revolution per year in 2005 was 7.5 days, in 2006 15.2 days, and in 2007 14.6 days.

We will analyze the data obtained in the table below.

Table No. 2 - Analysis of efficiency indicators for the use of working capital

The table shows that in 2005 the efficiency indicators for the use of working capital were much better than compared to 2006 and 2007. The turnover ratio decreased by almost half, which is why the retention rate increased. The dynamics of growth in the duration of turnover also increased, which indicates the ineffective use of working capital at this enterprise.

Let's analyze the factors that influenced the change in the turnover ratio:

6. =-29,3+6=-23,3

From the analysis it follows that the increase in the turnover ratio is due to the positive influence of sales revenue, but this trend is offset by a decrease under the influence of the amount of working capital and a general focus on reducing the turnover ratio is manifested.

For any enterprise operating in the service sector, a very important role is assigned to the staff, the quality of their work, and the ability to attract the attention of the client. That is why efficiency analysis labor resources so important for this enterprise.

To do this, let's analyze the table below.

Table No. 3 - Analysis of the efficiency of use of labor resources

The table shows that the number of personnel has not changed over 3 years, which indicates stability staffing. Average monthly wages is 7166 rubles. However, due to the increase in the volume of marketable products, there was an increase in labor productivity by 116.1% compared to 2005 and 2006 and by 113.9% compared to 2006 and 2007. A slight increase is also observed in other indicators of the efficiency of use of labor resources.

In order to analyze the effectiveness of use material resources you need to look at the table.

Table No. 4 - Analysis of efficiency indicators for the use of material resources

The table shows that the material intensity indicator is gradually decreasing, which has a positive effect on the enterprise. Accordingly, the reduction in material intensity is due to an increase in material productivity from 450 rubles/ruble in 2005 to 594 rubles/ruble in 2007.

Having analyzed the efficiency of using fixed assets, working capital of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of using labor and material resources, we can say that the enterprise as a whole worked positively.

2.1.3 Analysis of profit and profitability of the enterprise

To conduct a profitability and profitability analysis, you need to analyze the following table.

Table No. 5 - Analysis of profit generation (rub.)

Indicator 2005 2006 % 2007 %
1 Volume products sold 2248512 2610215 116,1 2971918 113,9
2 Cost of products sold 1881256 2256445 119,9 2631634 116,6
3 Profit from sales 367256 353767 96,3 340278 96,2
4 Balance of operating income and expenses 146276 124494 85,1 102712 82,5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
5Non-operating income 1465840 1488214 101,5 1510588 101,5
6Non-operating expenses - - - - -
7 Balance sheet profit 257100 277553 107,9 298006 107,4

8 Income tax

Interest rate, %;

Tax amount, rub.

108 107,4
9 Net profit 235503, 254238, 108 272973,8 107,4

Based on the data in the table, we can say that the balance sheet profit of this enterprise gradually increased by 20,453 rubles. in 2006 compared to 2005 and by the same amount in 2007 compared to the previous one. There was a slight increase in non-operating income. The taxable amount increased by 14,316 rubles. in 2007 compared to 2005. It also increased net profit for 18,735 rubles. from 2005 to 2007 the figure was 272,973.8 rubles. However, when analyzing the profit from sales, it should be noted that this indicator decreased by 26,978 rubles. in 2007 compared to 2005.

Table No. 6 - Analysis of profitability indicators

Indicator 2005 2006 % 2007 %
1 Volume of products sold, rub. 2248512 2610215 116,1 2971918 113,9
2 Average annual cost of fixed assets, rub. 732920 744107 101,5 755294 101,5
3 Average annual cost of working capital, rub. 45312,5 78511,5 173,3 115224 146,8
4 Balance sheet profit, rub. 257100 277553 107,9 298006 107,4
5 Profit from sales, rub. 367256 353767 96,3 340278 96,2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 Sales profitability, % 0,16 0,14 87,5 0,11 68,8
7 Cost of commercial products, rub. 1881256 2256445 119,9 2631634 116,6
8 Average annual cost of capital, rub. 1315840 1477027 112,2 1499401 101,5
9 Return on equity, % 0,2 0,2 100 0,2 100

This table shows that the sales profitability indicator decreased slightly both in 2006 by 0.02% and in 2007 by 0.05% compared to 2005. However, return on capital has remained stable over 3 years, this figure is 0.2%.

2.2.1 Analysis of changes in the structure of the enterprise’s balance sheet

To assess the dynamics of the financial condition of the enterprise, we will group the balance sheet items: assets - according to the principle of liquidity; liabilities - according to the urgency of obligations.

Let us assess the structure of balance sheet assets and liabilities, which are presented in the tables below.

Table No. 7 - Structure of assets of the enterprise’s balance sheet, rub.

Indicator 2005 2006 2007
N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g

1.Fixed assets and

Non-current assets

116584 145840 146584 1488214 1488214 151058
2.Current assets (current) 374939 376847 376847 523872 523872 783245
2.1 Tangible current assets 43820 46805 46805 110218 110218 120230
2.2. Funds in settlements 145280 164412 164412 194112 194112 29700
2.3. Cash 184921 165114 165114 218830 218830 272546
2.4. Other assets 918 516 516 712 712 908
TOTAL PROPERTY (balance sheet) 154077 184268 184268 2012086 2012086 229383

Table No. 8 - Structure of liabilities of the enterprise’s balance sheet, rub.

Indicator 2005 2006 2007
N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g
1.Equity 1077627 1237742 1237742 1425125 1425125 161256
2. Borrowed capital 463152 604945 604945 586934 586934 681271
2.1.Long-term loans - - - - - -
2.2. Short-term loans - - - - - -
2.3.Accounts payable 463152 604945 604945 586934 586934 681271
2.4. Other liabilities - - - - - -
TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS (balance) 1540779 1842687 1842687 2012086 2012086 229383

The table shows that there is an increase in equity capital. However, at the same time, accounts payable increases from 463,152 to 681,271, which already indicates signs of a “negative” balance. Other indicators are also not stable.

To assess the financial condition of the enterprise, we calculate the coefficient of financial autonomy or the share of equity capital in the total capital, reflecting the structure of the balance sheet. Let's analyze the indicators in the table.

Table No. 9 - Analysis of balance sheet structure indicators

The analysis showed that the share of equity capital in the total capital of the enterprise is gradually increasing from 0.67 in 205 to 0.7 in 2007. On the contrary, the financial risk coefficient decreases in 2006 compared to 2005, but in 2007 it increased slightly. This indicator indicates that the amount of financial risk is decreasing, as is the enterprise’s dependence on borrowed funds.

2.2.2 Analysis of indicators of financial stability and liquidity of the enterprise

Indicators of financial stability characterize the condition and structure of the enterprise's assets and the provision of their sources of coverage, that is, liabilities. Let's calculate the dynamics and draw conclusions about existing trends in financial stability indicators.

Let's calculate financial stability indicators that characterize the state of working capital and analyze them in the table.

Table No. 11 - Analysis of indicators characterizing changes in current assets

Indicator 2005 2006 Growth rate, % 2007 Growth rate,%
1 Fixed assets and non-current assets, thousand rubles 1465840 1488214 101,5 1510588 101,5
2 Own capital, thousand rubles 1237742 1425152 115,14 1612562 113,15
3 Own working capital, rub 212435 329760 155,2 753545 228,5
4 Material reserves, thousand rubles. 46805 110218 235,5 120230 109,1
5 Current assets, rub 376847 523872 139 783245 149,5
6 Security ratio material costs own working capital, ( Ko.m) 4,5 2,9 64,4 6,3 216
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 Ratio of the enterprise’s provision of its own working capital, ( Co.s) 0,6 0,6 100 1 160
8 Coefficient of maneuverability of own working capital, ( Kms) 0,2 0,2 100 0,5 250

The amount remaining to cover working capital is shown by own working capital. The dynamics of this indicator increases from 212,435 in 2005 to 753,545 in 2007. In accordance with this, as well as with a sharp increase in material reserves, the ratio of the provision of material costs with own working capital decreases by 1.6 by the end of 2006. and increases by 3.4 by the end of 2007. This suggests that the position of this enterprise is not stable, but, nevertheless, the values ​​of the indicator exceed the normative ones, which means that the enterprise does not need additional borrowing.

The ratio of the enterprise's own working capital during 2005 and 2006 was stable, it was 0.6, but by 2007 it had sharply increased to 1. This indicator in the reporting and base years fully complies with the standard, thereby revealing the ability of the enterprise to cover own funds current assets necessary for activity.

The maneuverability coefficient of own working capital did not change during the base period, after which in the reporting year it increased by 0.3, which indicates an improvement in the financial condition of the enterprise.

Having analyzed the indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise, we will calculate the indicators of liquidity and solvency.

Based on the grouping of assets depending on the degree of liquidity, and liabilities according to the urgency of payment (Table No. 8, No. 9), we will check the fulfillment of the balance sheet liquidity conditions.

For 2005: A1<П1; А2>P2; A3>P3; A4>P4 - only two conditions coincide.

For 2006: A1<П1; А2>P2; A3>P3;A4>P4 - two conditions coincide.

For 2007: A1<П1; А2>P2; A3>P3;A4<П4 - совпадают три условия.

This analysis shows that the balance sheet of this enterprise is not absolutely liquid, because not a single year fulfills all four conditions. However, in 2007, liquidity increased, which indicates that the enterprise was improving.

Next, we calculate the liquidity indicators of the enterprise for the period under review in table No. 12. These indicators allow us to determine the ability of the enterprise to pay its short-term obligations by selling its current assets.

An enterprise can be liquid to a greater or lesser extent, since current assets include heterogeneous working capital, among which there are both easily sold and difficult to sell to repay external debt.

Table No. 12 - Analysis of liquidity indicators

Indicator 2005 2006 Growth rate, % 2007 Growth rate, %
1 Cash and short-term financial investments (A1), rub 165114 218830 132,5 272546 124,5
2 Quickly realizable assets (A2), rub 164412 194112 118,1 29700 15,3
3 Slowly selling assets (A3), rub 47321 110930 234,4 121138 109,2
4 Hard-to-sell assets (A4), rub 1465840 148821 101,53 1510588 101,5
5 Most urgent liabilities (P1), rub 604945 586934 97,02 681271 116,1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 Short-term liabilities (P2), rub - - - - -
7 Long-term liabilities (P3), rub - - - - -
8 Constant liabilities (P4), rub 1237742 142512 115,14 1612562 113,15
9 Absolute liquidity ratio ( Ka.l) p1/p5 0,27 0,37 137 0,4 108,1
10 Adjusted liquidity ratio ( Ku.l) p1+p2/690 (1ph) 0,54 0,7 129,6 0,44 63,4
11 Coverage ratio ( KP) p1+p2+p3/620+610(1F) 0,62 0,89 143,5 0,62 69,9

The data from the table indicates that the absolute liquidity indicator gradually increases from 027 to 0.4, the values ​​of which correspond to the standard, that is, >= 0.2 - 0.5. What cannot be said about the adjusted liquidity ratio, the values ​​of which are lower than the presented standard (>=1). However, the closest value to the standard was in 2006, after which there was a sharp decline. The coverage ratio is also far from the specified standard (>2). In 2006, there was an increase in it, after which it again decreased from 0.89 to 0.62.

Analyzing the indicators of financial stability and liquidity of the enterprise, we can conclude that, in general, the enterprise worked positively and is not currently in a critical situation.

3. Analysis of marketing activities of Intertour XXI Century LLC

3.1 Analysis of demand and competitiveness of the enterprise

At the moment, the number of travel agencies in Orel has increased significantly. In this regard, fierce competition is also increasing, which forces everyone to occupy their own niches in the tourist market of a given city. In total, there are 54 travel companies operating in the region, of the 20 operating travel agencies, only 6 offer trips on intra-regional tourist routes, and the rest are mainly engaged in outbound tourism.

Intertour XXI Century LLC, like most travel agencies, works as a travel agent, offering its tourists not only domestic but also foreign tours.

Analyzing consumer demand for the services of this travel agency, it should be noted that in recent years there has been an increase in tourists from 302 people in 2005 to 348 people in 2007.

In general, the main purpose of clients traveling abroad is sightseeing, visiting and participating in shopping, recreational and cultural events, and relaxing on beaches. The rest go to resorts and sanatoriums.

However, it should be noted that the company’s activities are mainly seasonal, since the flow of tourists winter time practically equal to zero.

There are several time periods when Oryol tourists prefer to spend their holidays abroad:

1 The two summer months are July and August, especially August is the biggest peak.

2 Autumn school holidays and November holidays.

3 New Year and winter school holidays.

5 Spring school holidays.

The age composition of clients is different; both young and elderly people come. However, when analyzing tourists by age category, it should be noted that there are significantly more people aged from 25 to 45 years than older people. More often than not, they travel with families rather than traveling alone.

Considering tourists by gender, the company's clients are most often women, about 60%, than men, who make up 40%.

To consider the competitiveness of this company, we will analyze the 12 most famous travel agencies in the city of Orel by type of tourism. The data is presented in the table below.

Table No. 13 - Analysis of types of tourism offered by Oryol travel agencies.

Travel agency Type of tourism quantity
beach medicinal educational religious sports cultural and educational shopping tours business
Azimuth + + + 3
Bolkhov antiquity + + 2
Intertour XXI century + + 2
Intourist + + + + 4
Origins + + + 3
Med tour + + 2
Eagletourist + + + 3
Remix tour + + 2
Satellite + + 2
Sphere + 1
Tourist information + + + + 4
International round trip (ICT) + + 2

The table shows that several companies have the largest number of types of tourism, these are: “Intourist” and “Tourinfo”. The travel agency “Sfera” has the lowest indicator, which is explained by the concentration of its efforts only on organizing beach tourism.

“Intertour XXI Century”, like most other travel agencies, offers its clients only beach and cultural tourism, which indicates a rather difficult situation for this company in the competition when offering these types of services.

A less tense situation is observed in such areas as educational, religious and shopping tourism. Sports and business tourism are not represented at all, this niche is free, and this should be taken into account by companies entering the tourism market.

An important indicator of competitiveness is the list of proposed holiday destinations. To do this, let's analyze another table.

Table No. 14 - Vacation spots offered by Oryol travel agencies

The table shows that firms specialize in one or two areas. Basically, travel agencies offer the same range of services. Intertour XXI Century LLC, like many others, offers only historical and cultural centers and seaside resorts, which also negatively affects the competitiveness of this enterprise.

Places with untouched nature and mountainous areas turned out to be completely undeveloped, which at the moment is already gaining momentum and becoming increasingly popular both throughout the world and in our country. Taking into account this information, we can suggest Intertour XXI Century LLC to diversify its list of services promising directions while increasing its competitiveness.

Recently, one of the priorities in the activities of travel agencies in Oryol has become the regulation of the quality of tourist services. Moreover, quality assurance has become the most in an efficient way survival in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, it is very important to determine the level of service during tours offered by Oryol travel agencies.

Tourist service classes are used to indicate the quality of services provided. There are no regulatory standards for establishing classes of tours and service programs, both in our country and in international market. Therefore, tour operators and travel agents, when promoting and selling a tourist product, the level of service is conventionally designated by the following categories: “luxury”, first class, tourist class, economic class. Let's analyze the quality of service in the table.

Table No. 15 - Service class

This table clearly shows that only two travel agencies offer all classes of service: Turinfo and Intourist. Basically, the activities of travel agencies are aimed at selling economy class; a little less offer tourist class tours, this indicates that the majority of the population going on travel is of average income. Intertour XXI Century LLC offers, like everyone else, only economy and tourist class.

Having examined all the tables as a whole, we can say that Intertour XXI Century LLC is a fairly competitive travel agency, offering a wide range of services to the tourism market. It is obvious that the strongest competitors are Intourist and Turinfo. On par with Intertour XXI Century LLC are: Oreltourist, Remix Tour. Less competitive, which do not pose a threat to Intertour XXI Century LLC, are: Sphere, Azimuth and MKP.

Having analyzed competitive positions travel agencies of the Oryol region. It can be said that currently there is quite fierce competition in the tourism industry in the region. Three oldest enterprises, having solid work experience, have to compete with young and proactive travel agencies.

3.2 Pricing and marketing policy of the travel agency

One of the most important marketing decisions in tourism is the decision regarding setting the price of a product or service. When setting the price for a tourism product, first of all, the nature of competition in a given tourism market and an analysis of the pricing policies of competitors are taken into account.

It is worth noting that in pricing decisions, firms choose one of three strategies for setting the price of a tourism product:

1 Firms may decide to sell their product (service) at a market price, that is, at a price generally accepted in the market. In this case, firms are considered to operate under conditions of non-price competition.

2 Firms can appoint more low price compared to current market prices. Firms that practice such price discounting policies create a reputation for themselves as firms trying to achieve a greater increase in sales compared to their competitors.

3 Setting a price above the market price. This approach focuses on quality, which many customers believe is a function of price. Quality generates more costs.

Of all the above strategies, Intertour XXI Century LLC uses the most common one today - selling tourist products at a market price. The main competitive feature is that this company is a multi-profile travel agency, distinguished by reliability and high quality customer service, which is guaranteed by more than seven years of experience of its employees in the travel services market.

Analyzing the prices for services, we can say that the most expensive tours in the company are to India, prices are about $850-950 for a 7-day tour. A trip to France will cost a tourist $495-600, to England $500-540, to Malta $530-650.

The cheapest tours are tours to the Czech Republic $150 and Hungary $175-180. Therefore, the clients of this company are people with both high and average incomes who prefer to spend their time traveling.

The profit of Intertour XXI Century LLC, like any other company, largely depends on the demand for the services provided. That is why, to increase demand for services, many travel agencies offer their clients various discounts. Today in the world there are about 20 types of discounts on services provided, such as:

Seasonal discounts,

Special discounts,

Discount for turnover (bonus),

Corporate discounts,

Dealer discounts and so on.

However, at INTERTOUR XXI Century LLC this method, which helps to increase the promotion of sales of services is not developed. The company offers only special discounts for “loyal” and regular customers. Discounts range from 3-7%.

Discounts for “faithful” or prestigious buyers - a special type of discount found in commercial practice is a discount for “loyal” or prestigious buyers. Such discounts, as their name suggests, are provided by INTERTOUR XXI Century LLC to such customers who:

or regularly make purchases from this company over a long period of time;

These discounts are provided on a purely individual basis and can be issued, for example, in the form of personal buyer cards. However, INTERTOUR XXI Century LLC does not use such cards. This discount varies from 5% to 7%.

To promote your services, you must correctly and clearly carry out marketing activities. After all, advertising in tourism is one of the most important means of communication between the producer and consumer of travel services. Today, not a single service enterprise can successfully conduct business without advertising in one form or another. In order to sell any product or service, it is necessary, first of all, that this product or service be familiar to the buyer, and he feels the need and need to purchase it.

At the beginning of its activities, Intertour XXI Century LLC placed advertising and information material in many advertising media. The advertising was on television on the ORT and RTR channels, as well as on the radio “Silver Rain” and “Avtoradio”. Today, this travel agency has abandoned this expensive means and decided to save its financial situation by placing advertisements only in a few newspapers, such as:

- “From hand to hand”

In addition, there is a pillar on Komsomolskaya Street not far from the office. Signposts are portable panel structures placed by the company during their operating hours. They are placed in pedestrian areas and on sidewalks so that they do not interfere with the passage of pedestrians.

However, according to general director In the tourism industry, oral advertising plays a large role. After all, positive and negative reviews spread in tourism much faster than in any other field of activity.

Despite the fact that the number of clients has increased over the past year, in our opinion it is still necessary to expand to this enterprise both marketing and pricing policies, introducing the following ways of improvement.

1. Expansion marketing policy through the use of other media, namely advertising on radio.

2 Use of additional discount systems such as: off-season discounts; providing discounts to newlyweds; group; discounts are temporary.

Indeed, today, in the context of constantly increasing competition, a travel agency needs to take into account not only its own financial interests, but also the interests of the buyer in order to retain him and maintain its market share. And this can only be achieved by observing a pre-developed pricing and marketing policy, using all modern developments.


The saturation of the tourism market with a variety of tourism services, the intense competition of travel companies for consumer preferences, the ability of entrepreneurs to independently determine goals, strategies, and management structures have determined the need and possibility of using marketing in the field of tourism. Marketing as an active process solves a number of tasks necessary for the smooth functioning of a company in a market economy.

Thus, marketing research of consumers of a tourism product is a systematic determination of the range of data required in connection with the marketing situation facing the company, their collection, analysis and reporting of the results and the subsequent use of the research, which is a process consisting of several stages.

In this course work We reviewed the analysis of the marketing activities of one of the travel agencies in Orel, Intertour XXI Century LLC. Based on the set goal, the following tasks were solved:

1. Studied the main theoretical aspects of analyzing the marketing activities of an enterprise

2. Analyzed the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, identifying the weak and strong points of the travel agency.

3. We analyzed the marketing activities of Intertour XXI Century LLC, considering the competitiveness and demand for the services of this company.

Having analyzed the changes in the balance sheet structure, we saw that the financial risk coefficient decreased, indicating that the amount of financial risk is decreasing, as is the enterprise’s dependence on borrowed funds.

The financial position of the enterprise is unstable, with an average level of solvency, but, nevertheless, the values ​​of the indicator exceed the normative ones. The firm's liquidity is relative because no year fulfills all four conditions.

Of the entire period considered, 2007 is the most positive among the rest; this growth can lead the company to rise and even greater conquest of a significant market share.

Speaking about marketing analysis, we can conclude that this company is quite competitive among other travel agencies in Orel. The strongest influence on the tourism market is exerted by travel agencies: Intourist and Turinfo. To improve the marketing policy, we proposed: using an additional system of discounts, as well as advertising on the radio.

List of sources used

1. Bakanov M.I. The theory of economic activity analysis: Textbook. - 4th ed., revised. and additional [Text] / M.I. Bakanov, A.D. Shermet - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997.

1. Grachev A.V. Financial stability of the enterprise [Text] / A.V. Grachev - DIS, 2004

2. Durovich A.P. Marketing in tourism [Text] / A.P. Durovich. - M.: LLC New Knowledge, 20002.

3. Efimova O.V. Analysis of liquidity indicators [Text]// O.V. Efimova Accounting. - 1997 - No. 11, p. 27 - 28.

4. Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: capital management, investment selection, reporting analysis [Text]/ V.V. Kovalev - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1994, p. 86-196.

5. Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: methods and procedures [Text] / V.V. Kovalev - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002

7. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise [Text] / G.V. Savitskaya - Infra - M, 2007

8. Soboleva E.A. Sobolev I.I. Financial and economic analysis of the activities of a travel agency [Text] / E.A. Soboleva, I.I. Sobolev - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006

9. Theory economic analysis. [Text] / Ed. Shermeta A.D. - M.: Progress, 1982.

10. Walker J. Hospitality management: a textbook / J. Walker - M.: Unity-Dana. - 2006. - 851 s

3.1. Scheme of marketing activities of a tourism enterprise

Schematic implementation of marketing in activities tourism enterprise can be represented as consisting of the following stages:

1. Marketing Research , which provide managers with the necessary information about consumers, competitors, markets, products (services) in a timely manner.

2. Strategic Marketing , which is the most difficult stage of marketing activities. This stage includes segmentation (identifying target segments) and positioning (taking a position in the minds of consumers, not in the market). A unified marketing strategy for a tourism enterprise consists of:

Product offering strategies;
- pricing strategies;
- promotion strategies;
- service strategies.

3. Tactical Marketing– this is a set of actions that are carried out within the framework of the developed strategy, which involves the use of marketing tools (marketing mix).

4. Administrative Marketing, which is a continuous process of managing marketing activities. General Features Management is the planning, organization, regulation and control of resources to achieve the objectives of marketing research. Administrative marketing ensures the implementation of marketing strategies and tactics based on existing market information.

Marketing activities coordinate and direct the functioning of other areas of activity of a tourism enterprise: production, financial, personnel.

3.2. Analysis of marketing opportunities of a tourism enterprise

Marketing opportunities for a tourism enterprise– this is the established relationship between a certain area of ​​consumer needs and the real resources (potential) of the enterprise to satisfy them. The marketing capabilities of an enterprise are largely determined by legislative acts regulating external environment tourist enterprise (for example, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, etc.).

Analysis of marketing opportunities is a study of the real position of a tourism enterprise on the market in order to assess the possibilities for the effective use of its potential (material, financial, human, etc. resources), and is a prerequisite for making marketing decisions.

In progress marketing analysis possibilities of a tourism enterprise, the following methods are used:

- SWOT analysis– detailed analysis of the internal and external environment;
- situational analysis(A. Meski’s “5*5” method) – analysis of the current situation, the enterprise’s position in the market, microenvironmental factors;
- STEP (PEST) analysis- analysis key factors macroenvironment;
- I. Ansoff method- methodology for the enterprise’s perception of strong and weak signals from the external environment;
- GAP analysis- analysis of the “gap” strategic gap between the real opportunities and aspirations of the enterprise;
- financial analysis etc.

Analysis of the marketing capabilities of a tourism enterprise allows us to determine the most attractive areas of the company’s marketing efforts to ensure the profitability of its activities.

Based on the analysis of the marketing capabilities of the enterprise, planning of target indicators of marketing activities is carried out, which follow from the general goals of the enterprise and ultimately ensure their implementation. Marketing planning targets contain both economic goals (sales, share) and communication goals (recognition, attitude, loyalty). In this case, various methods are used: extrapolation, examination, modeling, etc. The system of marketing target indicators consists of:

- at the corporate level– maximization shareholder value, growth of intangible assets;
- at the level of target segments– sales (an indicator of the level of compliance with market requirements), share (an indicator of the enterprise’s position relative to competitors), loyalty (an indicator of awareness, attitude and commitment of consumers to the enterprise, product, brand);
- at the level of individual marketing tools– product profitability and break-even, product competitiveness, brand market power, penetration, repeat purchases and consumption intensity, indicators of “perceived value” of the product, market coverage, load sales representatives, profitability of the distribution channel, assessment of awareness and attitude towards the product, brand, etc.
- In addition, other indicators are also used– elasticity of demand, assessment of the sufficiency of trade discounts to ensure support from trade, the number of visits per completed transaction, time for processing and fulfilling an order, costs of attracting one buyer, costs of familiarizing the target buyer with the brand, etc.

3.3. Determining the costs of marketing activities

The essence of marketing costs is expressed as follows:

Marketing costs are not overhead costs, but costs that ensure the sale of goods (services);
- marketing costs are of an investment nature, i.e. they can bring income to the tourism enterprise in the future. These are expenses of a special kind that work for the future. Funds marketing is allocated at the enterprise from the profit of the enterprise;
- financial planning marketing costs is carried out in the form of developing a system of interconnected budgets.

The volume of marketing costs is determined by two methods:

1. Top-down method involves first calculating the total cost, and then distributing it to individual marketing activities.
2. Bottom-up method uses first the calculation of the costs of individual marketing activities, and then the summation of all costs to determine the total value. Here, a methodology is used to calculate costs for individual activities based on accepted standards or on a contractual basis.

Marketing costs are conventionally divided into fixed and variable. Fixed costs are those costs that are necessary to constantly maintain the functioning of the marketing system of a tourist enterprise; as a rule, these are the costs of maintaining marketing employees (services), regularly conducting marketing research and creating a marketing data bank, financing work on the continuous improvement of the enterprise’s products (services) .

The variable part of marketing costs is marketing costs associated with changes in market conditions and the adoption of new strategic and operational decisions.

3.4. Comprehensive marketing research of the market in tourism enterprises

Comprehensive market research, which is the basis of marketing research at a tourism enterprise, consists of several parts:

1. Study of tourism product(novelty, competitiveness, compliance with legal regulations, differentiation of tours in accordance with needs different groups customers, compliance with quality standards, meeting existing and future customer requirements, the influence of seasonality of tourist consumption on demand).
2. Market research(geographical location, market capacity and possible share of the enterprise’s tourism product, intensity of competition, market conditions, development trends (forecasts).
3. Consumer research(potential buyers; segmentation of clients according to various criteria; needs not satisfied by this tourism product; incentives of buyers; factors determining demand).

When studying consumers, experts consider it important to determine their lifestyle. People belonging to the same subculture and having the same profession may have different lifestyles. Lifestyle is the range of a person's actions in life and his interactions with other people. Lifestyle is studied by the science of psychography, which covers all the main parameters of the human personality (Table 8).

Table 8

Main parameters of human personality 20

Western experts have developed a large number of schemes by which consumer orientations are determined, but recently the following gradation is most often used:

- idea-oriented(those who believe and who put faith into practice);
- status-oriented(those who achieve the desired status and who try to achieve it);
- action oriented(those who act for experience and who act for results).

The concept of lifestyle, when used correctly, can help marketers understand a consumer's changing lifestyle values ​​and determine how they influence their purchasing behavior.

4. Studying competitors(major competitors with the largest market share; competitors with the most dynamic growth; characteristics of competitors' products; visibility of competitors; availability of experienced personnel; marketing activities; official profit data).

Competitor research allows a tourism enterprise to identify its own competitive advantages. Competitive advantages– these are tangible assets (material, technical and financial) and intangible assets ( trademark, prestige, image of the enterprise, personnel competencies) that the tourism enterprise has. It is recommended to analyze competitors in the form of tables showing their strengths and weaknesses, distinctive features. Based on the results of this analysis, the tourism enterprise can determine its position in the market, i.e. identify the features of its activities that will distinguish it from competitors and attract consumers.

Security questions

1. Describe the content of the marketing activities of a tourism enterprise.
2. What are the marketing opportunities of a tourism enterprise?
3. What is the analysis of the marketing capabilities of a tourism enterprise?
4. Name methods for analyzing the marketing capabilities of a tourism enterprise.
5. How are total marketing costs determined?
6. Name the components of a comprehensive market study at a tourism enterprise.

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