Characteristics from the place of work (samples and examples of preparation). Clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor Characteristics from the place of work as a medical assistant laboratory assistant

When carrying out the production program, the student was interested in the opinion of experienced workers, and used the data from the necessary consultations she received when writing a report. According to the production program, she studied and analyzed all necessary documents. During the internship, the student gained new practical skills and consolidated her existing theoretical knowledge.

Performed the following types of work: Primary processing vegetables followed by the preparation of hot and cold dishes. Primary processing of meat and fish, as well as preparation of semi-finished products from them.

Quality of work: Excellent Compliance with production standards during the penultimate month: Excellent Over the last month: Excellent Knowledge technological process, handling the equipment is fully competent.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship at an enterprise: writing rules

The result of such work, as a rule, is the production characteristics of a student intern who worked at the enterprise. Writing rules Possible nuances when writing An important point in writing characteristics is the use of language business communication, excluding subjective value judgments. Important! The characteristics are written for each trainee separately; this is a document that characterizes one person specifically!

Sample characteristics from the site

Production characteristics for student laboratory assistant

Student Ipatko I.I. is distinguished by a thoughtful and interested attitude to business, the desire to combine theory with practice.

Student Ipatko I. took all types of work seriously and responsibly, was disciplined, attentive and polite when dealing with medical personnel and patients.

From the outside medical personnel I had no comments or complaints.

Deputy chief physician of the clinic Ivanova M.I.

Characteristics of a student from medical practice

Given to Yulia Aleksandrovna Smirnova, a 4th year student of the Rostov Medical College, who completed an internship at the State Budgetary Institution RO "ROCHB" in the specialty "Rheumatology in general clinical practice". The practice took place from February 10, 2020.

to 03/18/2020

The student was familiarized with the main orders and internal documentation. She was informed about the rules for disinfection and sterilization of instruments, and the rules for handling a corpse.

Smirnova Yu.A.

was engaged in filling out documentation directly related to the duties she performed. Participated in the preparation of the operating room, did dressings, treatment and removal of sutures.

The student was present during the spinal puncture procedure and independently transported the cerebrospinal fluid to the laboratory.

Head of practice Stepanova Yu.V.

Chief physician Apostolova L.S.

More examples of student characteristics from medical practice:

You can place an order/request for writing new job!

Organizational and methodological instructions

4. The Ambulance Paramedic Assistant fully performs the tasks provided for in the practice program; obey the internal labor regulations in force at the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” and the medical institution; study and strictly observe the rules of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime and safety regulations, industrial hygiene requirements when working in laboratories; bear responsibility for the work performed and its results, take care of the instruments and equipment of laboratories and the instrumental and technical equipment of the medical institution; keep a diary industrial practice; participate in research work on the instructions of the department; actively participate in public life hospital and laboratory teams; submit a written report on the implementation of the internship program to the practice manager and pass the internship test.

Ready characteristics for a student

At the end of the description, the date when the document was drawn up with the signature of the practice manager is indicated.

We will give examples of characteristics for a student based on the results of completing an educational, orientation, industrial, pedagogical or pre-diploma course.

  • The internship took place at the enterprise
Student intern Full name

Despite the fact that many consider job descriptions to be a relic of the past, this document is still in demand. Characteristics from the place of work are an assessment by the employer of professional and personal qualities in relation to a current or retired employee. The ambiguous attitude towards this document is explained by the fact that most employers approach its contents rather formally and such characteristics, as a rule, do not have any real individual affiliation. Accordingly, the content of such a characteristic may be questionable.

There is no specific form of job description, but there are generally accepted rules for its preparation. So, the characteristic usually contains the following information:

  • Data about the person to whom the reference is issued, which includes the person’s full name, date of birth, marital status, military service, education, as well as the presence of various regalia.
  • Information about the work. This section contains information about length of service, the beginning of work and its end (if the employee no longer works in this organization), about personnel movements within the company that issues the reference. It is necessary to note the person’s labor achievements and professional skills. If during the course of work the employee was sent for training, advanced training, etc., then this should also be indicated in the characteristics. If the employee has various merits (gratitude, encouragement, etc.) or disciplinary action, this information should be specified.
  • Personal characteristics. This information, is probably the most significant part of the entire characteristic. It may contain various information regarding the personal qualities of a person. If the employee is the head of a department, then it is worth noting his organizational qualities, the presence or absence of responsibility for subordinates, the degree of readiness to make difficult decisions, his demandingness towards himself and his subordinates, and other qualities. If the employee is a performer, then you can indicate the degree of his readiness to carry out the instructions of the manager, initiative, desire for excellent results, etc. Also in this section you can indicate the person’s relationship with labor collective: whether he enjoys authority and respect, or relationships in the team do not work out due to the complex character or other characteristics of the employee.

Depending on the internal rules in force in the organization, the reference can be drawn up either on a form in which the details of the organization are indicated, or without a form, but the details in this case must also be indicated. If a reference from the place of work is provided at the official request of some institution, then you should indicate where this characteristic provided. To give the characteristic legal force, it is signed by the person responsible for issuing such a document. This could be as an employee HR department, and directly the head of the organization. In addition, you must indicate the date of issue of the document.

Examples of characteristics from the place of work

Here are some examples of ready-made testimonial samples from the place of work.

1. (on the organization’s letterhead)

"______" _______________ 20___


Issued by ______________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Full name work(s) in ____________________________________________ starting with “______” _______________ 20___. During my work, I was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which I successfully completed, according to the following programs: ___________________________.

Full name has an extensive knowledge of the existing specialty and is always up to date with the latest developments in his field. Has excellent business negotiation skills.

Full name has established himself as a responsible employee, focused on excellent results, always ready to quickly make innovative decisions and bear responsibility for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready to work in any conditions, including not working hours.

He is distinguished by his punctuality and delicacy in communicating with subordinates and colleagues, for which he is respected by the team. Demanding of himself.

___________________ ___________________

Don't know your rights?

Positive characteristics of a senior laboratory technician (example sample)

Samples on the topic: Labor. Characteristic

An example of a positive characteristic of a senior laboratory technician

In his position since November 2010. Own official powers performs at a high professional level, proactively, in strict accordance with the job description.

Firmly knows and strictly complies with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for conducting laboratory research, analyzes and tests. Able to work independently on all types of equipment available in the laboratory, incl. newest.

Skillfully organizes the performance by other technicians of research, analysis and testing to determine the characteristics, composition and properties of materials in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications. Carefully studies the results of research, analysis and testing of technological samples and specimens, prepares on their basis and submits appropriate conclusions for consideration by the laboratory management.

Effectively controls the maintenance of records of work performed by the laboratory by type, volume and timing, as well as the timeliness of informing the relevant departments and officials enterprises about the results of research, analysis and testing. Expertly manages the implementation of auxiliary and preparatory operations for carrying out particularly complex laboratory work, and in necessary cases- performs them personally, with high quality and within the time limits allotted for this.

Competently coordinates the actions of technicians within the team working group when developing new methods of research, analysis and testing. Takes appropriate measures to maintain installations, instruments, tools and other equipment in good condition laboratory equipment.

According to established requirements maintains technical documentation of the laboratory, regularly makes proposals aimed at improving document forms. Conscientiously and responsibly performs other duties of a senior laboratory technician.

Constantly improves personal vocational training. Knows and applies in daily work best practices in the field of research, analysis and testing of materials.

He is diligent in completing assigned work. He is highly efficient and uses his working time extremely rationally. Neat, neat. Physically healthy.

In the event of sudden changes in the work environment, he acts energetically and confidently. Submits motivated, comprehensively considered proposals for consideration by the laboratory management. Performs decisions, instructions and instructions from the laboratory management efficiently, timely and accurately. Methods of communication and business processing, scientific and technical information, incl. documented, masters it perfectly.

Maintains business-like, correct, and benevolent relationships with colleagues. Serves as an example in following the rules and regulations of everyday life business ethics and decency. I am not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy acts. Takes criticism addressed to him calmly, eliminates existing shortcomings in short terms.

1. Complies with the position held.

2. Worthy of encouragement from the management of the enterprise - a declaration of gratitude for the conscientious performance of the assigned work and the achievement of high results in it.

Certification work of a bacteriologist

Date of creation: 1999

Source: found on the Internet

Service characteristics

Shagaeva Lyudmila Petrovna has been working in the bacteriological laboratory of the MU UTMO since 1996, after merging with the bacteriological laboratory of the medical and sanitary unit production association Yurginsky machine-building plant, due to economic reasons, where she works as the head of a laboratory.

Shagaeva L.P. has good theoretical and practical knowledge, the last improvement took place in March-April 1999, certification cycle Bacteriology (GIDUV, Novokuznetsk). Proficient in almost all types of laboratory research, participates in the introduction of new techniques into practice, carefully and competently evaluates the results of laboratory research.

He treats his work conscientiously, maintains contacts with attending physicians, if necessary, instructing them on the interpretation of results, treatment of a particular patient and other issues of bacteriology.

She pays a lot of attention to individual work with laboratory assistants, the accuracy of their performance during sowing, preparing nutrient media, etc. She devotes a lot of time to issues of internal laboratory quality control of work, and has been appointed responsible for this area of ​​work. Takes an active part in interlaboratory control and always successfully identifies a given culture. Conducted scientific and practical work on implementation economic methods management in the work of a bacteriological laboratory in the conditions of budgetary insurance medicine.

He has no comments or penalties for the entire period of work. She is respected and fair among her colleagues. She is friendly by nature.

Chairman of the certification commission

N.D. Melyanchenko


The Yurga Territorial Medical Association sends materials for the certification of bacteriologist Lyudmila Petrovna Shagaeva and requests confirmation of her first qualification category. Total work experience 27.5 years. Experience in the specialty - 20 years.

Sample - Work instructions for chemical analysis laboratory assistant

1. General provisions

1.1. A chemical analysis laboratory assistant is a worker.

1.2. A chemical analysis laboratory technician can be an employee qualified in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue 1 Professions of Workers Common to All Sectors of the Economy (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2004 No. 33), and upon admission to work, having undergone occupational safety training in accordance with the established procedure.

1.3. The chemical analysis laboratory assistant reports directly to the head of the laboratory (sector) (head of other structural unit).

1.4. In his activities, a chemical analysis laboratory technician is guided by:

Technical regulatory legal acts, other guidance materials regulating the performance of work assigned to a chemical analysis laboratory assistant

Orders, instructions from the head of the organization (chief engineer), instructions from the immediate supervisor

Labor safety instructions for chemical analysis laboratory assistants, approved by the head of the organization

These operating instructions.

1.5. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 2nd category must know:

Methodology for performing simple tests

Rules for servicing laboratory equipment, equipment and instrumentation

Colors characteristic of elements found in the substance being analyzed

Properties of acids, alkalis, indicators and other reagents used

Rules for preparing average samples

Elementary fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry

Technological process of the work performed

Requirements for the quality of work performed, incl. and related operations or processes

Types of defects, reasons for their occurrence, ways to prevent and eliminate defects

Characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors

Guidelines for maintaining a safe workplace

The main types of deviations from the normal technological regime and methods for their elimination

Procedures to prevent emergency situations

Procedure in case of accidents and situations that may lead to undesirable consequences

Methods and techniques for performing work safely

The procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work

Rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning, or sudden illness

Security rules environment when performing work

Fundamentals of labor legislation, contractual regulation labor relations, incl. in the field of remuneration and labor standards, content collective agreement organization and procedure for negotiating its conclusion

Forms and systems of remuneration established in the organization, their features, the procedure for establishing and revising tariff rates, norms and prices

The procedure and features of tariffing and re-tariffing of works and workers

Basic provisions and forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production

Internal labor regulations

Rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety.

(1.5. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 3rd category must know:

Methods for installing and checking captions

Properties of the reagents used and the requirements for them

Methodology for conducting analyzes of medium complexity and properties of the reagents used

Standards for the analyzes performed and commercial products for the serviced area

Rules for using analytical balances, electrolysis installations, photocalorimeters, refractometers and other similar instruments

Methods for performing the necessary calculations

Requirements for the quality of samples and analyzes performed

Processes of dissolution, filtration, extraction and crystallization

Rules for setting up laboratory equipment

Fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry.

1.5. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 4th category must know:

Purpose and properties of the reagents used

Rules for assembling laboratory installations

Methods for determining the mass and volume of chemicals

Methods for preparing complex titration solutions

Rules for weighing sediments on analytical balances and carrying out the necessary calculations based on the analysis results

Rules for using instrumentation and scales of various types

Standards and technical specifications for the tests carried out

Rules of conduct technical documentation for completed work

Fundamentals of biochemistry, analytical and physical chemistry.

1.5. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 5th category must know:

Design, principle of operation and rules for using control and measuring equipment, instruments and devices

Basics of development and selection of analysis methods

Physico-chemical and technological properties raw materials and finished products

Methods for separation and determination of noble metals

Properties of radioactive elements and rules for working with them

Methods for determining analysis error

Regulatory and technical documentation for the analyzes performed.

1.5. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 6th category must know:

Methods for conducting chemical analyzes medical supplies, set out in the state pharmacopoeia

Physico-chemical foundations of spectrophotometry, flame photometry, polarimetry, microcoulometry and other methods of analysis

Formulas for calculating the reproducibility and accuracy of analytical methods

Design and operating rules of instrumentation and instruments

Properties of the reagents and solvents used

Rules for working with poisonous, toxic and explosive substances

Requirements of the accreditation system for calibration and testing laboratories.)

1.6. A chemical analysis laboratory technician of the 5th (6th) category must have a secondary specialized (professional) education.

1.7. A chemical analysis laboratory technician is required to perform work related to the acceptance and delivery of shifts, timely preparation for work of equipment and the workplace, tools, devices, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, cleaning his workplace, and maintaining established documentation.

1.8. A chemical analysis laboratory technician periodically undergoes testing of knowledge of occupational health and safety, and the rules of providing first aid to victims.

2. Characteristics of work

A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the 2nd category is tasked with:

2.1. Carrying out simple homogeneous analyzes according to the accepted methodology without preliminary separation of components.

2.2. Performing droplet analysis of electrolyte and other substances using reagents, filter paper, and porcelain plate.

2.3. Determination of water content according to Dean and Stark, specific gravity of liquids using Mohr and Westfel scales, flash point in an open crucible and according to Martens-Pensky, viscosity according to Engler, gas composition using an Orsa apparatus.

2.4. Distillation of petroleum products and other liquids according to Engler.

2.5. Testing simple paint and varnish products using special devices.

2.6. Determination of the amount of carbon by burning chips in a Wurtitz apparatus (in a flow of oxygen).

2.7. Conducting chemical analysis of carbon and low-alloy steels.

2.8. Determination of the density of liquid substances with a hydrometer, alkalinity of the medium and dropping point.

2.9. Determination of melting and solidification temperatures of flammable materials.

2.10. Participation in the preparation of titration solutions and soldering fluxes.

2.11. Determination of the percentage of moisture in the analyzed materials using chemical-technical balances.

2.12. Carrying out analyzes of the chemical composition of copper-based alloys.

2.13. Preparation of average samples of liquid and solid materials for analysis.

2.14. Determination of the concentration of latexes and impregnating solutions, draining the dry residue.

2.15. Determining the sieve residue when sifting ingredients.

2.16. Preparation of plasticizer, mixing it with hard alloy powder.

2.17. Observing the operation of a laboratory installation, recording its readings under the guidance of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant of a higher qualification.

(A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the 3rd category is tasked with:

2.1. Carrying out analyzes of medium complexity according to the accepted methodology without preliminary separation of components.

2.2. Determination of substance content in analyzed materials using various methods.

2.3. Determination of viscosity, solubility, specific gravity of materials and substances with a pycnometer, Reid vapor pressure, induction period, acidity and coking properties of the analyzed products, flash point in a closed crucible and solidification of oil and petroleum products.

2.4. Establishing and checking simple titles.

2.5. Carrying out various analyzes of the chemical composition of homogeneous mixtures of raw materials (charge), various samples of ore, chromium, nickel, chromium-nickel steels, cast iron and aluminum alloys, products of metallurgical processes, fluxes, fuels and mineral oils.

2.6. Determination of sulfur and chloride content in oil and petroleum products.

2.7. Carrying out complex analyzes and determination physical and chemical properties paint and varnish products and cement using special equipment.

2.8. Selection of solvents for paints and varnishes and determination of their shelf life.

2.9. Weighing the analyzed materials on an analytical balance.

2.10. Setting up laboratory equipment.

2.11. Assembling laboratory installations according to existing schemes under the guidance of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant of a higher qualification.

2.12. Monitoring the operation of the laboratory installation and recording its readings.

A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the 4th category is tasked with:

2.1. Carrying out complex analyzes of the composition of pulp, suspensions, solutions, reagents, concentrates, surface, drilling and industrial waste water, oil and petroleum products, fibers, fertilizers, acids, salts, fatty substances, finished products, auxiliary materials, waste according to established methods.

2.2. Carrying out various analyzes of the chemical composition of various non-ferrous alloys, ferroalloys, high-alloy steels.

2.3. Determination of the quantitative content of the main substance in raw materials used in glass production, the main alloying elements in alloys based on titanium, nickel, tungsten, cobalt, molybdenum and niobium according to established methods.

2.4. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of all types of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

2.5. Determination of nitrosity and strength of acids, viscosity, solubility, density and stability of solutions and emulsions.

2.6. Checking the color stability of semi-finished and finished products to physical and chemical influences.

2.7. Determination of color characteristics of pigments, fillers, paints and varnishes on color compositors, spectro-colorimeters such as Spectrotron, Pulsar, Raduga.

2.8. Determination of the content of free formaldehyde in wood fiber and particle boards using the perforator method using toluonom.

2.9. Chemical analysis of urea-formaldehyde resin for formaldehyde content.

2.10. Participation in complex analyzes of incoming chemical raw materials.

2.11. Installation and verification of complex titles.

2.12. Performing analyzes using sieve and electric gravimetric methods.

2.13. Determination of the amount of carbon in the charge using a gas analyzer, air analysis and determination of the concentration of substances contained in it.

2.14. Carrying out complex analyzes on instrumentation equipment with the development and verification of calibration graphs.

2.15. Preparation of calibration solutions and calibration of instruments using them.

2.16. Performing analyzes using chromatographic methods.

2.17. Analysis of potent poisons and explosives.

2.18. Complete analysis of gases using VTI devices, gas fractionation devices and chromatographs.

2.19. Preparation of complex reagents and testing their suitability.

2.20. Carrying out synthesis in laboratory conditions according to a given method.

2.21. Determination of the degree of ammonia conversion and oxidation of nitrous gases.

2.22. Determination of the calorific value of fuel.

2.23. Assembling laboratory installations according to existing diagrams.

2.24. Testing product coatings using special instruments - a weather meter, a tropical climate chamber, a Meger device, etc.

2.25. Conducting arbitration analyzes of simple and medium complexity.

2.27. Registration and calculation of analysis results.

A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the 5th category is tasked with:

2.1. Carrying out particularly complex analyzes of alloys on nickel, cobalt, titanium and niobium bases using instruments and apparatus according to established methods.

2.2. Analysis of rare, rare earth and noble metals.

2.3. Conducting non-standard, multi-stage research using chemical and instrumental methods for multi-stage resin synthesis in laboratory conditions.

2.4. Carrying out complex analyzes and necessary calculations to adjust the composition of the charge in glass production, complex analyzes of multicomponent gas mixtures, complex chemical reactions using explosive, flammable and toxic substances, analyzes using radioactive elements.

2.5. Analysis of mixtures of explosive organic substances using chromatographs of various designs using a method based on the use of electronic circuits and the use of complex calculations of chromatograms.

2.6. Conducting analyzes of the compositions of fixing solutions and rinsing waters.

2.7. Production of indicators for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vapor-air environment and static electricity on technological equipment.

2.8. Conducting a complete chemical analysis of raw materials.

2.9. Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of raw materials, semi-finished products, dyes, auxiliary materials and finished products.

2.10. Composition of color melanges.

2.11. Carrying out chromatographic analysis using computer program, interpretation and calculation of chromatograms.

2.12. Carrying out analyzes using the atomic absorption method.

2.13. Conducting tests on installations using a processor system with various control modules and pneumatic system units.

2.14. Selecting a test mode, calibrating recording devices, printing and calculating test results in digital and graphical forms.

2.15. Conducting complex arbitrage analyses.

2.17. Carrying out research work on equipment using a PC when processing results.

2.18. Adjustment of serviced equipment.

A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the 6th category is tasked with:

2.1. Carrying out particularly complex analyzes during the research and development of new medicines, vitamins and other medications.

2.2. Determination of quality indicators of drugs using thin layer chromatography, flame photometry, electrometric titration.

2.3. Conducting complex arbitration analyzes using methods described in the state pharmacopoeia.

2.5. Carrying out analyzes using complex devices and equipment.

2.6. Installation, focusing, adjustment and adjustment of spectrographs, chromatographs, photometers, polarimeters.

2.7. Metrological assessment of the results of non-standard analyzes for developed samples of medical products.

2.8. Performing quantitative and qualitative analyzes of samples of unknown composition, determination of microimpurities using various methods of analysis: spectrometric, atomic absorption, microcoulometric, capillary chromatography.

2.9. Participation in the development and testing of new methods of chemical analysis, in the development of new, particularly complex instruments and equipment.

2.10. Processing and registration of analysis results on a PC.

2.11. Maintaining documentation in the prescribed form.)

A chemical analysis laboratory technician has the right:

To provide funds personal protection, instrument, necessary materials, equipped with a workplace to create normal conditions on labor protection

Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual workers), identified in the process of performing the assigned work, and make proposals for their elimination.

Failure to comply with internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety

Failure to ensure the safety of inventory items entrusted to him

Causing material damage organizations - in accordance with current legislation.

You want to download the file: Sample characteristics for a paramedic - a necessary thing.


Under any circumstances, the paramedic must be kind and... Burn it all with a blue flame. Qualification characteristics of a clinical laboratory doctor. Ambulance Paramedic Jobs | certification work. Pushing aside passers-by, he did not immediately notice that he had to go to her through the characteristics of the samples. Posted by: Adriesida Today downloaded 1302. Characteristics for a medical assistant laboratory assistant sample. Characteristics from the place of work sample for a paramedic sp. Sample characteristics for an employee. Responsibilities and requirements for a paramedic.

Siberian branch

clinics of the Scientific Center of KEM SB RAMS

Pirogova Tamara Petrovna

for 2005.

Novosibirsk - 2000

Sh. Disinfection regime and safety precautions for industrial sanitation during the work of a bacteriological laboratory. 9

IV. Qualitative and quantitative performance indicators for the year. 10

VI. Methods and means of hygienic education in health care

I. Brief description workplace

The bacteriological laboratory of the NCCM clinic serves patients of the clinic of the Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine.

The clinic is a multifunctional medical and preventive institution that provides highly qualified specialized assistance to the population of the regions of Siberia and the Far East. The clinic has 200 beds in four therapeutic departments and an intensive care unit (ICU).

Doctors of the departments widely use bacteriological tests, as in diagnostic purposes, and for the purpose of checking the effectiveness of treatment.

The laboratory is located on the first floor of the clinic in a suitable room with an area of ​​100 m2. There is an autoclave, a washing room, a room for media preparation, two rooms for performing tests, a box with a pre-box and a utility room. The laboratory is divided into a clean and dirty half.

The laboratory's equipment supply is satisfactory: there are binocular microscopes, a stereomicroscope, an ion meter, a distiller, two autoclaves, four thermostats, four bactericidal lamps, a dry oven and other equipment.

There are two medical teams working in the laboratory. The job responsibilities of each employee are defined job descriptions, approved by the director of the scientific center. Employees work on the principle of interchangeability.

In 2003, the laboratory passed licensing and on September 3, 2003 received a license from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to perform work with microorganisms of pathogenicity groups III-IV.

II. Scope of work performed

The laboratory carries out research in accordance with the nomenclature approved by Order No. 868 of the USSR Ministry of Health dated June 19, 1986 “On improving the centralization of clinical laboratory research.”

During the reporting period, 6,694 samples were delivered to the laboratory, which amounted to 1,668 analyses.

The structure of bacteriological studies is presented in Table. 1.

Table 1: Structure of bacteriological studies for 2005.

Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich, graduated from the Gorky State Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, in 1976. From 1976 to 1977 completed clinical residency in the specialty “ophthalmology” at the specialized department of the Regional Hospital. From 1977 to 1982 worked at the Sechenov Central District Hospital, Gorky Region, as a district ophthalmologist. Here, since 1978, he was deputy chief physician for medical care population of the area. From 1982 to 1991 he worked as a doctor in the ophthalmology department of the Gorky Regional Children's Hospital. 1991-2001 – head of the ophthalmology department of this health care facility, chief freelance ophthalmology specialist at Gorkovsky regional department healthcare. 2001-2003 – Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Zrenie Ophthalmological Center. 2003-2011 – work as an ophthalmologist at the International Ophthalmology Clinic. Since 2011, he has been working as an ophthalmologist at the Visus Plus ophthalmology clinic.

During my work, I underwent several improvements:

  • 1981 VNIIGB Ministry of Health of the USSR - underwent on-the-job training;
  • 1988 – Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, subject: “Myopia.”
  • 1990 – advanced training in pediatric ophthalmic surgery at the Leningrad State Institute of Internal Medicine.
  • 1993 – advanced training at the MNTK “Eye Microsurgery”.
  • 1994 – Helmholtz Research Institute of GB, “Diagnostics and treatment of ophthalmopathology in children.”
  • 1997 – courses at the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, “Plastic and vasolymphoreconstructive operations.”
  • 2001 – “New in children’s health care”, Research Institute named after. Helmholtz.
  • 2010 – Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, “Ophthalmology”.

Since 1996 has the highest qualification category, which was confirmed in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2014. certification commission Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Specialist certificate since June 8, 2000, confirmed. 9.11.2014 GBOU VPO Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Work experience as an ophthalmologist for 37 years.


Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich is a highly qualified doctor who has the highest qualification category since 1996 and a specialist certificate since 2000. He has repeatedly completed advanced training courses and thematic courses in various areas of ophthalmology. Constantly improves the level of knowledge, introduces advanced medical achievements into practice. Actively participates in scientific and practical conferences, ophthalmological societies Nizhny Novgorod. Conducts classes on theory and practice at advanced training courses for doctors at the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy. He took part in the VII Congress of Ophthalmologists of the Russian Federation in 2005, where he made a report “Dysbinocular amblyopia: training methods using the direct and friendly method.” He is the author of 11 articles and 2 inventions.

In March 2008, he defended his thesis on the topic “Accommodation in dysbinocular amblyopia in childhood and the influence of pleoptic treatment on it.”

During his work, S.N. Ivanov showed himself to be a highly qualified leader and organizer of a children's ophthalmological service. A good ophthalmic surgeon with excellent professional knowledge, knowledgeable in all areas of his specialty.

He loves his work, treats patients attentively, builds good business relations with colleagues. Possesses professional competence, skill as a doctor, and good personal qualities, which ensures the respect of colleagues and patients.
