Organizing and holding an event in a team. How to improve employee relationships and create a strong team in no time. Factors influencing team cohesion

The study of interpersonal relationships of the team at the enterprise is a necessary link in obtaining highly effective results labor activity enterprises.

Real organizational configurations can only be carried out through internal integration, achieved through group work.

Team work is a tool used to bring about a series of changes as part of an organization's development program.

A.I. Prigogine proposed one type of variation in the group's working methods. In his words: “Any form of group work begins with the stage of acquaintance, during which the participants mutually open up and barriers between them are broken down. Next, group work is structured as follows:

  • 1) group dynamics. The goal of this form of work is, first of all, to organize emotionally positive conditions for the involvement of the team, a high-quality structure of the work group and the correct distribution of roles and responsibilities. The goal of activating thinking in a team is to acquire the effect of synergy in the group by means of mutually reinforcing the participants in the work. For this purpose, methods of active pause, group self-reflection, visualization of the process and result of work, and facilitation are used.
  • 2) Activation of groupthink. This form uses techniques brainstorming, synectics, group discussion.
  • 3) Work on content. The goal is to provide the group practical work, i.e. finding a solution to the problem. To apply this technique, the psychologist must use theoretical knowledge, advanced and personal experience to solve similar problems.

All three forms must be present simultaneously.

The second classification of methods of working with a group can be presented as follows:

  • 1. method of meaningful group work;
  • 2. method of qualitative group work;
  • 3. group structuring method;
  • 4. coordinator method.

Methods of qualitative group work are used to reveal cause-and-effect relationships, analyze procedural characteristics in a group of internal structure and relationships, plan, develop and accelerate dynamic processes in a group, develop skills of sensitivity, communication, communication, mutual understanding, problem solving, conflict resolution, increasing cohesion groups and team building (SPT, transactional analysis, Gestalt, NLP, psychosynthesis, art methods, psychodrama, sociodrama, role playing games etc.).

Structuring methods are aimed at shaping the structure of the group and the interventions carried out. They include diagnosis, formation and structuring of the group (sociometry, assistance, methods of “warming up” the group, etc.).

The coordinator’s methods are used by the psychologist in group work. The position of the psychologist and his role are determined (moderator, facilitator, trainer, participant, observer, etc.).

All groups of methods are interconnected and complement each other. It is important for a psychologist to determine the task that he sets to complete at a certain stage of development of the organization. Depending on this, a method or group of working methods is selected.

Experimental gaming techniques in the form of a classification were presented by D. Pruitt and have the following varieties:

  • - matrix (a typical example is the “prisoner’s dilemma”);
  • - meeting rooms. The point is to search for a common alternative solution when dividing a group into opposing sides. The action takes place in the process of communication, negotiations, and the search for a number of alternatives;
  • - coalition. In this form of play, the interaction of various coalitions within the group members;
  • - locomotion. This form invites opposing parties within the group to reach a given goal when setting certain conditions a game or a peculiar scheme;
  • - social trap game. A form of game with provocative actions that provoke the greatest competition and struggle between rivals of the two sides.

All of the above forms of gaming techniques are of great interest to relevant specialists. But in practice, greater importance is given to the matrix and negotiation form of the game, because they provide better results in provoking intragroup conflict for study under controlled conditions. This makes it possible to identify factors that promote or hinder conflict situations groups, the dynamics of the conflict, the individual behavioral reaction of each employee, etc.

The methods of working with the workforce are varied and depend on many factors, for example, on the goals and objectives set by the enterprise, on the requests of directors, managers of the organization, as well as the requirements of the enterprise’s employees. The main methods used by psychologists are:

  • - business and role-playing games;
  • - method of making a group decision;
  • - method of socio-psychological training;

The purpose of this qualifying work is to consider socio-psychological training as a method of team building.

Fundamentals of socio-psychological training.

The method of socio-psychological training is currently the most effective and is widely used in practice.

The concept of social and psychological training in the broad sense of the word - psychological impact, based on active methods of working with a group, which uses special forms of teaching skills, abilities and techniques in the field of development, communication, relationship building, and correction.

Social and psychological trainings are aimed at:

  • - mastering the necessary socio-psychological knowledge and skills;
  • - development of communication skills and reflective skills of the organization’s employees;
  • - development of skills in analyzing situations, behaviors, self-analysis, and the state of the group;
  • - development of the ability to adequately perceive oneself and others.

At the same time, norms of personal behavior and interpersonal interaction are developed and adjusted, and the ability to react flexibly to a situation and quickly adapt to different conditions and different groups is developed.

Considering various methods of practical psychology for team building, the training is characterized by the presence of certain specific requirements:

  • - compliance with the necessary rules for working with the group;
  • - focus on psychological support for training participants in self-development. Organizing such assistance not only from the training leader, but also from group participants;
  • - group constancy. From 7 to 15 participants who meet periodically or work continuously for two to five days (marathon groups);
  • - proper organization of the workspace. The room should be comfortable and isolated. Basically, the group sits in a circle;
  • - the “Here and Now” principle. All actions and relationships of participants should develop according to this principle;
  • - use of active methods of working with the group;
  • - objective assessment individual feelings and emotions of the training group in relation to each other and within the group. Verbalized reflection;
  • - creating a comfortable atmosphere in which participants feel relaxed, safe and can communicate freely;

These requirements have various forms of modifications, in accordance with individual characteristics each training. They differ significantly from each other in a number of ways. There is a particularly big difference in the duration of the training session, from several hours to several days and even years with weekly sessions.

For training, one of the important parts is staging, which determines the social and psychological patterns of development small group.

The training method is a form of practical psychology and reflects the paradigms that a practicing psychologist conducting training follows in his work. Several forms can be distinguished:

  • 1. form of constructing training using harsh manipulation techniques - the “trainer” is trained using positive or negative reinforcements. The task of the positive is to form the necessary behavioral models, and the task of the negative is to remove harmful, unnecessary models, according to the trainer.
  • 2. A form of training for the formation and development of the level of effective behaviors and skills in human behavior.
  • 3. The form of training as an active learning process. During its implementation, psychological knowledge is transferred and certain skills are developed.
  • 4. Training form for individual disclosure of all participants and independent work above yourself. Finding a way to solve your own psychological problems.

The forms described above are arranged according to the degree of decrease in the level of manipulative influences of the trainer and the increase in the level of responsibility for what is happening during the training. Awareness of the situation by all group members.

In the first form, the trainer takes responsibility for all the changes that occur with the participants and does not focus on the level of awareness of intrapersonal and group processes. In the form of skills training, a small part of the responsibility is delegated to the participants, and the main focus is the development of the necessary skills and abilities. In the form of training, cooperation with group members is already carried out, but full responsibility is not given to group members. And only in the latter form does the trainer take responsibility only for organizing safe and favorable conditions for conducting classes, which make it possible to reveal personality and understand self-change.

Brief description of the main types of training groups.

Considering socio-psychological training, it is necessary to give brief description the main types of training that are used by various schools of psychology.

T-groups - trainings for personality development in the interpersonal space. This type of training appeared thanks to Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist working with problems of group dynamics and social influences.

All types of psychological group work, united under the concept of “social and psychological training,” are preceded by T-groups. The objectives of laboratory training work mainly contain the following aspects:

  • - increasing the level of self-knowledge by minimizing psychological barriers and reducing defensive reactions. The main task is to eliminate insincerity to oneself, at the personal level;
  • - understanding the conditions that hinder or facilitate the functionality of the group;
  • - studying interpersonal relationships in the work group for better interaction;
  • - high-quality use of individual and group diagnostics to identify problems such as the emergence of conflict situations, their resolution, and strengthening the level of group cohesion.

T-group participants have the opportunity to acquire and develop valuable skills and abilities, such as communication, gain experience in analyzing interpersonal relationships and group dynamics, better awareness of their own and others' needs, empathy for others, and expanding the range of behavioral capabilities. Also, participants in the training group develop adequate self-esteem and the ability to better navigate solving life problems.

B - groups. Behaviorally oriented groups. The focus of the training is on life skills or simply skills. The purpose of such trainings is to teach participants the ability to cope with emerging difficulties, problems and learn to adapt to emerging life circumstances. Based on the behavioral direction of D. Watson. The general meaning of this approach is as follows: if a person’s own experience was gained through self-learning, then in order to correct inappropriate behavior it is necessary to wean him from ineffective reactions, and the most adaptive reactions should be developed.

B - groups are similar to T-groups in that certain skills are developed in classes social interaction, which have manifestations at the levels of behavior, since only in the presence and with the help of surrounding people and groups is it possible to change behavioral reactions. Behavioral trainings do not set themselves the tasks of personal development or the realization of a person’s potential; they are aimed at the growth and development of necessary personal skills, such as communication, decision-making skills and others.

Psi - groups. Groups based on a psychodramatic approach. Such trainings are aimed at finding solutions to personal problems. The founder of the psychodrama method, the currently popular method of sociometry and sociodrama as psychotherapy, is Jacob Levy Moreno.

The psychodrama technique places great demands on knowledge, qualifications, experience and creativity trainer. The psychodrama technique itself is a very emotional, vibrant group lesson, and the leader plays the role of director, analyst, and therapist. This method is a production of a play, the participants of which are members of a group under the leadership of a presenter, who is also the director. For the scenario, a personal problem is selected that is relevant for all participants, then roles are assigned, and a scene is played out, based on life experience or reflecting specific social roles(sociodrama). During the performance, participants experience deep experiences - catharsis. And through a strong emotional impact they receive a therapeutic effect. The stage of insight begins - insight. This action helps relieve anxiety, overcome stereotypical behavior, and reveal your creative and human potential.

B - groups, "meeting groups", based on a humanistic approach. The focus of the training is on free self-determination of the group. Humanistic psychology is based on the psychology of the uniqueness of the individual, his experiences in the human world, and awareness of his place in it. Every person has the opportunity to constantly develop and self-realize. And his task is to use these opportunities. Based on this approach, a new direction of work in the group was formed - “meeting groups”. Founder this direction Carl Rogers. The peculiarity of the B-group is that the training leader does not direct or organize the actions of the participants. A situation of frustration is created, which forces all participants to be active and take responsibility for everything that happens to them. Development is not inhibited negative emotions, as this gives participants the opportunity to openly express any (not just approved) feelings that arise. As a result of such revelations, an atmosphere of openness and mutual trust arises between group members, and negative emotions are subsequently processed constructively. Here the role of the leader is a model of an open personality. During frank stories about themselves, the participants reveal themselves. The trainer’s competence should also be in the form of attentiveness and caring to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and empathy in the group. In the course of the work, a specific climate is created that allows each participant to realize and change their defensive attitudes, test and accept new forms of behavior and, therefore, implement them in everyday life, treating others more adequately and more effectively.

TA - groups. Groups based on transactional analysis. The focus of the training is on rational self-knowledge and self-development. The direction of transactional analysis in psychology is quite new. Its founder is Eric Byrne, who revealed the existence of three states, in one of which each individual can arrive. These ego states are called: “child”, “adult”, “parent”. They are determined by a person’s actions, how he thinks, what he feels, how he behaves in a given situation.

Initially, transactional methods of group work were aimed only at psychotherapeutic purposes. But over time, it spread in training methods that help people give an adequate assessment of their own and others’ behavior, explaining the difference in human states. The method is good for better understanding yourself and the structure of your personality, as well as interaction with others and an internally programmed script - lifestyle. During classes, in the process of communication, participants in the TA group learn to recognize the psychological games in which they are involved and what manipulations are used in them; how the roles of victim, savior, persecutor are distributed and how these roles are exchanged. During the training process, transactional analysis is used to help participants become more aware of unconstructive ways of communicating.

G - groups. Groups based on the Gestalt approach. The focus of the training is on self-actualization and self-regulation. The founder of Gestalt therapy is Frederick Perls. He created his own direction in psychology, bringing together the ideas of existential philosophy, bioenergy, Gestalt psychology, psychodrama and some other psychological concepts. The main task of the G-group participants is their awareness of personal perfection, self-identity, and understanding of responsibility for everything that happens to them. The Gestalt approach is based on the principle of trusting feelings. When working in groups, this method promotes self-actualization of the individual, expands self-understanding, develops a sense of empathy, the ability to communicate, reduces alienation within the group and helps to move from dependence and stereotyping to independence and self-confidence.

Basic methods used in training sessions.

The whole variety of specific exercises, techniques and techniques that are used in socio-psychological training is usually reduced to several basic training methods. This is a group discussion and situational role-playing games.

In addition, researchers, theorists and practitioners of training programs propose to add sensitivity training to the basic methods, which focuses on developing interpersonal sensitivity and perception of oneself as a psychophysical unity. This training includes techniques nonverbal communication. It is advisable to include meditation techniques and auto-training for self-hypnosis in the training process.

In Fig. 1 presents the basic methods used in conducting training, which will be briefly described below.

Group discussion. In social - psychological training group discussion is used for joint discussion of any controversial issues, allowing us to clarify and, if possible, change the opinions, positions, and attitudes of the training group participants in the process of direct discussion. The group discussion method is used to provide opportunities for participants to see the problem from different angles, as well as as an opportunity for discussion, group reflection, and individual experiences are analyzed. All this helps to strengthen the cohesion of the working group and the disclosure of each training participant.

Rice. 1

Forms of group discussion can be classified on various grounds. Structured discussions - the topic for discussion has already been set, and the order of the discussions is sometimes clearly regulated.

An unstructured discussion is characterized by an inactive role of the leader, topics for them are determined arbitrarily, and time is not formally limited.

In addition to the discussions described above, there are also thematic discussions. They discuss topics that are significant for all participants, interactive, biographically oriented to past experience. The discussion method is used to analyze situations from work practice, the lives of group members, to analyze complex situations, interpersonal relationships, and others.

Game methods. They are quite popular for organizing team building. Games help create an atmosphere of trust and communication, due to constant process contact between participants. The gaming community is quite deep and lasts a long time after the lesson. Games create conditions of uncertainty, revive, activate mental abilities, and lead to the search for non-standard solutions.

Game methods are: situational - role-playing, didactic, creative, organizational - activity-based, simulation, business games. Game methods are quite productive. At the initial stage of working with a group, games are useful as a way to relieve tension among participants and provide psychological protection. Quite often, games are used as diagnostics, making it easy to detect communication difficulties and more serious ones. psychological problems. Games contribute to the development of new behavioral skills, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and ways to better interact with people.

Methods aimed at developing social perception are used to develop perception, understanding and evaluation of other people, oneself, and one’s group. During the lesson, participants, through special exercises, receive verbal and nonverbal information about how other people perceive them and how accurate their self-perception is. The skills of deep reflection, semantic and evaluative interpretations of the object of perception are acquired.

Body-oriented methods as methods of psychotherapy. Their founder is W. Reich. Today, this method of therapy has begun to attract more and more psychologists. The essence of the method is to work on the structure of the body, techniques of sensory awareness and neuromuscular relaxation, and the use of methods of oriental practices (yoga, tai chi, qigong).

Meditation techniques are used primarily for physical and sensory relaxation. To relieve stressful and tense conditions. They teach auto-training skills and methods of self-regulation.

Each leader in his own daily work necessarily interacts with other employees of the organization, therefore, such a process is collective in nature. Therefore, in the problem of the theory and practice of personnel management in an organization, a special place is occupied by the formation labor collective, its cohesion and the level of microclimate of the working group.

In the course of theoretical research, the problem of creating a favorable socio-psychological microclimate in the team was identified, various shapes and methods of uniting the organization's team.

Team unity is one of the most important indicators of proper management and directly affects efficiency production activities. One of the main factors influencing team cohesion is the effect of group harmony, i.e. interactions during work that bring maximum results of work activity with minimal emotional and energy costs.

This made it possible to conduct a practical study of the level of cohesion and the establishment of a microclimate of the team of the MBU RM “TsGPV “Armeets”.

There should be some strong Frank Underwood quote about a strong team, but damn, I couldn't find anything. So let's move on from pompous demagoguery to practice.

So, for any great achievement you need a good team. In addition, the team must be united, bound by one chain and bound by one goal. The galley on which the rowers are rowing discordantly will not sail far; you will rather go with your ambitions to that nightmare fish from the trashy Soviet cartoon in which the mermaid with a fish head sang: “Stay, boy, with us, you will be our king.” But normal dudes don’t want to be the kings of some underworld, so they grab the sword from its sheath, jump on the shield and call on their army to rally. How to call? Now we'll find out.

This text is dedicated not only to beginning businessmen, but also to all those who dream of gathering a strong team around themselves. And it doesn’t matter what you have: a rock band with a garage and big ambitions, an amateur football team, a KVN team. The methods are the same everywhere.

The staff of an enterprise is like a football team: the guys must play like united team, and not as a bunch of bright personalities.
– Lee Iacocca –

Your people

If you want to form a team, then be very careful in selecting new people. They should not only be professionals, but also think the same way as you. Only our own people understand everything perfectly, and this saves a lot of time. You don’t have to waste time on familiarization, integration and mastering. Getting used to it will go much faster. Even if you take a worse drummer, he will understand you and move in the same direction with you. And technology is a profitable business.

If your team, like a football team, consists of players from different clubs, then a split is inevitable. When everyone is cut from the same cloth, the risk of repeating the fate of the Beatles and breaking up comes down to 13.9%. Calculated scientifically by Vikenty Jabot, associate professor of the department of meaningless calculations.

And, perhaps, the main reason why you need to look for your own people is that they will give you valuable advice. Knowing the goal, understanding perfectly what you are focusing on, they will be able to give competent advice. Otherwise, it turns into a big tent, like an old librarian telling you how to work in C++.

However, remember that you should avoid unanimity. No, there is no need to argue, everyone should be embraced by a single goal, but they should have their own options for solving the problem that they can offer.

Realistic goals

If to the question: “What are the goals, boss?”, you say: “Well, so that there is a lot of money, wealth, so that we are known. Well, something like that,” then our advice to you is to stop with your projects right now. You see, a team can only unite if it knows its goal. And this goal must be formulated precisely, elegantly and clearly, so that no one has any questions. Otherwise, different members of your team will have different visions of the situation, and everyone will begin to achieve “riches and fame” in their own way, most often contradictory general work.

And most importantly, the goals must be real: not castles in the air called “Bright Future”, but step by step, overcoming one peak after another. Maybe in the distant land of wondrous elves there are creatures who can lead a team to success right away and in a week, but, alas, in this world this is only possible after many years of working together.
And most importantly, always tailor your team to specific situations.


Of course, in a real team, many work not only for a kind word, a magnificent corporate event, an idea, for each other, for their leader. The team understands perfectly well: if the result is interesting from an intangible point of view, its achievement is an unconditional victory for the entire team and any of its members. Moreover, each participant is clearly aware of his role in achieving this victory. But nevertheless, we need to live to see the glorious times, and people need money at the moment. And if their aspirations are rewarded with hard cash, a kind word, or some other bonus, then an incentive to work appears. A kind word is pleasant for a dog, and the attention of a leader is pleasant for people of all ages. But the main thing is to do it in a timely manner, otherwise doubts will creep in. Remember, success is shared, but praise must be expressed personally.

Keep everyone

The Chilean socialists sang: “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,” or in our language: “As long as we are united, we are invincible.” And then something terrible begins: the team and the company get tired of each other and strive to separate, undermining the monolith of a well-coordinated team. It’s even worse when they go to competitors. It is stupid to consider cases involving promotions; this is why the person tried in many ways.

Why do people leave? There are many reasons, it all depends on what you do. Some because of money: they have gained experience, now they can move to a richer office. Some people simply get tired and don’t see the point of further coexistence; they want to change the surroundings. An ordinary crisis. Here is the most difficult thing: you must convince the employee that better times ahead that he truly is an incredibly valuable member of the crew. And that soon, when you reach your goal, all the ordeals will be compensated. Be diplomatic and attentive to your “brothers in arms.” But know your limits, just a little - they will sit on your neck.

Team culture

In the business sphere it is also called “corporate”, but we are not just talking about business. And this is very important, because, despite the goals and common interests, people are different. They came from different families, different educational institutions, and they have different views on life. And sometimes the very moment comes when you get together, and the thought begins to ripen in their heads: “How to quickly get out of the circle of these idiots.”

But you should be united by something other than a banal goal and direct work. In sports, a team is united by colors and fans, in political parties by ideology. What will unite you? This is something you must decide for yourself. But the very fact of having a team that has a legend and at least some communication with each other is more attractive than a simple office. You don't have to be Pink Floyd, who didn't even say hello to each other during rehearsals in the last years of their existence. Where there is a team culture, there is a guarantee that you will not fall apart to hell in the next 2 months and will work for the common good by the sweat of your brow until your last dying squeak.

Personal contribution

This advice is more suitable for those who have united a team in the financial field. If you have a group or circle of young poets, then you need a different approach, more traditional, based on equality.

And in business and other places in which you play the role of a pronounced leader, avoid familiarity, softness and other tenderness, establish relationships through results. People who achieve the desired results have good relationships with other people. In their work, they are aimed at a common cause and fulfill their obligations to the entire team. Kindness and tenderness without results have no meaning, this is hypocrisy and dependency.

Look at yourself

Be an example for your team. You started this mess, and if something happens, you will have to sort it out. You must be an example for your employees, a clear, workaholic example, the embodiment of responsibility, ideology and ability to work. Create, suffer, live at a frantic pace!

And also, do you know why the apostles were so successful in sowing Christianity in Europe? Because they knew well the weak and strengths their comrades and therefore could correctly distribute their responsibilities. Also those psychologists. You should also take note of this long-forgotten art.

Not every leader knows how to unite a team. If the set goal is achieved, the level of comfort among staff can be significantly increased, accelerating the process of achieving the set goals. Today, there are many known methods designed for unity, and each of them has its own specific features.

The manager must understand that there are no universal methods that help unite the team behind short term. Only establishing relationships with your employees will help take the company to a new level of development.

Locomotive production

Each company has a certain set of traditions that have been formed over many years. Many people make mistakes, trying to break an established system of interaction by introducing elements into it that simply won’t fit.

Today, corporate events have become very popular and are used to improve the efficiency of core activities. Depending on the goals set, both unity and separation can be achieved. An unoriginal scenario and identical type of event will lead to an even greater decrease in interaction in the group, since employees consider such activities to be “plastic.”

As practice shows, corporate meetings put every person under even greater stress. He cannot fully open up and feel organic in the current situation. The employee understands that such events are a continuation of the work process from which he wants to take a break.

For this reason, at work you can increasingly see sad and depressed people who feel responsible for their actions. Someone could have had too much alcohol and said something unnecessary, which could be a shame. A holiday in any company should be thought out to the smallest detail and implemented by the entire work team.

Each employee should have his own role in the overall training process. He will feel his importance, and the unity of the team will happen much faster. On the eve of the event, everyone shares information with each other, setting themselves up for the positive. This approach will save the company money, since organizing and holding a corporate event with the involvement of specialized organizations will be expensive.

In order for the events to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary anonymous survey. Each employee must express their point of view and display a vision of the future holiday. After the company survey is completed, it will be possible to draw conclusions and understand the needs of colleagues. The leader must form an initiative group that will deal with the subsequent organization of the event. In addition, you can always involve colleagues as assistants.

Team building

Many managers give advice, in which you can often hear advice on conducting team-building sports training. Market educational services is constantly expanding, and therefore for personnel development it is necessary to attract additional corporate areas. Team building is a simple way to help create loyal connections and motivate unity with the team.

We must not forget that improperly organized corporate trainings can lead to the opposite result:

  • discord between employees;
  • loss of managerial authority;
  • increased turnover in the company, etc.

Every little thing plays a big role, and therefore we must be constantly vigilant. The company should always have a person responsible for selecting training personnel, taking into account the current level of employees. There was an incident in one company: a female manager accidentally broke her leg during training, and then many could not understand whether everything happened intentionally or through negligence.

When active youth are involved in an event, and the physical fitness of the manager leaves much to be desired, the format needs to be reconsidered. This method of team unity will lead to the opposite result. A small mistake can affect the authority of the boss.

If the physical fitness of the company’s employees is not satisfactory, then it is necessary to register detailed plan future action. In the case where the CEO is a professional athlete, then imposing his views on his subordinates will be unjustified. A simple example can be given to clearly demonstrate the situation.

In one company, a male manager was involved in parachuting professionally for several decades. He decided to bring a little extreme into the lives of top managers, 90% of whom were women over 45 years old. Of course, no one forced me to jump with a parachute, but it was clear that this was an easy way to establish contact with the boss. Many decided to jump, but not all. Extreme is an ideal option only for active teams who are in search of a constant source of adrenaline.


Corporate trainings have begun to become very popular, and therefore many managers invite recognized masters of their craft to speak. Such events help to achieve positive results for new employees who have not had time to adapt to new working conditions.

Some companies practice conducting training programs for each group of new employees. It should be of utmost importance to management that staff can navigate the current landscape. In addition, a professional trainer can tell you difficult things in simple language, bringing to everyone’s consciousness non-obvious truths.

After the staff passed corporate training with one coach, everyone began to use a single and understandable terminology. As practice shows, this educational methodology helps those teams that employ employees with different educational levels.

We must not forget that a newcomer, when starting work, must be familiar with the current work and colleagues in a short period of time. The team should form an attitude towards the newcomer, and therefore communication can begin much faster. Fast adaptation- a method that allows production to constantly maintain efficiency.

Goal: uniting the team of children


  1. Develop a game way to select a group asset
  2. Determine forms of joint activities of children
  3. Offer possible options group traditions

The principles on which this plan is based:

  • Continuity principle
  • Principle of integrity
  • The principle of relying on the positive
  • The principle of psychological and pedagogical expediency

This plan is designed for the age category of mentally retarded children from 10 to 13 years old, but can also be implemented for older children, with some adjustments.

The expected result of this action plan is to increase the level of group cohesion and, as a result, normalize the behavior of students.

The following will take part in the implementation of this action plan: group teachers, educational psychologist.

The plan is presented in Table 2.

Action plan “Path to success”


Forms of work



1.Selecting a group asset

Collective creative work “Portrait of a group”

Teachers, together with children:

1. Discuss the skills and capabilities of each child, then highlight the main skills that are attached to the group as a whole;

2. Children are distributed according to their basic abilities and assigned to them parts of the creature’s body (the ability to draw - a hand, sports skills - a leg, etc.). This way you can get several arms, legs, etc.;

3. Draw the resulting creature on whatman paper and note who belongs to which part of the body (photos are glued in the form of decorating the creature’s clothing or in another way);

4. They select those responsible according to their abilities (draws well (hand) - responsible for decorating the playroom and bedrooms, likes to clean up (hand) - responsible for cleaning, runs fast (leg) - responsible for organizing children at sports competitions, able to organize group activities , make important decisions (head) - leader, responsible for monitoring the performance of duties by group members, etc.) Those responsible are somehow marked in the portrait for clarity.

5. And in accordance with all the information identified earlier, they jointly come up with the name of their group and motto.


2.Creating team traditions

1. “Evening candle”

Every day, in the evenings, the teacher sits the children in a circle on a rug in game room.

At the first “Evening Candle”, you should, together with the children, formulate the rules of behavior during it. In the future, it is recommended to repeat these rules with children before the start of each “Evening Candle”.

Sitting in a circle, children are invited to discuss the events of the past day and learn lessons for themselves.

Only the one holding the candle symbol can speak out.


2. "Justice" - Group Court

At the end of each week, a trial is held of those guilty of the previous week. For this event, a lawyer (defender), a prosecutor (prosecutor) and a judge are selected - this will be the leader, as well as the judge’s adviser - an educator. Witnesses may also be invited to the court hearing. Decisions are made


Continuation of table 2

In the “Constitution of the group” in the form of laws and indications of preventive measures to prevent the repetition of such actions.

3. “On this day you began to live” - celebrating students’ birthdays

A week before the birthday, the teacher, together with the students, secretly from the birthday boy, come up with what they will give. The teacher comes up with competitions and games for the celebration and, together with the children, a host of the holiday is appointed from among the children.

4. “Our Group Day” - celebrating the day the group was created

Preparations can begin a month before the actual celebration. The teacher organizes preparations for the group celebration: selects games, helps students make gifts for each other. After the day's group day celebration, evening time A KTD is organized, where the children jointly create a gift for the group as a whole; this gift should subsequently take its place in the group’s playroom.


3. Involvement of children in joint activities

1. Training “One for all and all for one”

The educational psychologist organizes and conducts training aimed at uniting the group.

March, April, May. 1 time per week, 10 lessons

2. Game hour “Together”

The teacher organizes joint games aimed at team building.


3. Departure to the city library “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

The library hosts various events, both entertaining and educational, organized by library staff and their partners.

At the end of every second month

4. Campaign “Together we are strong!”

Pupils, with the help of the teacher, prepare in advance for the hike, collect the necessary supplies, repeat safety rules, distribute responsibilities, and assign responsibility. In nature, the teacher organizes entertaining games.

June – August

1 time per month

4.Creating immediate and distant goals

This stage is carried out immediately before other stages, inseparably from them.

Each manager strives to unite the team in order to maximize the level of comfort of employees and their desire to move together towards their goal. There are many tools used to build relationships between employees.

You will learn:

  • What are the advantages of a close-knit team?
  • How to create a cohesive team
  • How New Year can help bring the team together
  • What problems may arise in creating a cohesive team?

What are the benefits of a close-knit team?

1) Collective-team is an analogue of such concepts as strength, unity and reliability of personal interactions and relationships between employees. Team cohesion is a necessary factor for the company’s productive and focused work. A group selected from strangers must spend N amount of time to unite and focus on solving the tasks assigned to it. As a rule, only a well-worked and loyal team can successfully overcome periods of crisis during its formation and advancement, which is their fundamental discrepancy with a group where the members are hastily found people.

2) Only a cohesive team has the ability to overcome the crises that await its members on the path of their formation without losses, which cannot be said about a group of incompatible people. The concept of compatibility is a real opportunity to overcome difficulties, and solving the problems they face actually means that all team members are integrated in the best sense of the word.

3) If the company has a friendly team, then staff turnover practically zero or none at all. Employees do not run away from work after the end of the working day, do not try to help each other out, and do not have the habit of gossiping about their colleagues.

4) Working in such a team, it is immediately clear that everyone is ready to help a colleague, talk about their ideas and developments that can be applied in common work. Employees do not experience negative emotions when thinking about work, they are less tired and more stress-resistant. and they are the ones who are ready to ultimately increase the company's profits.

Team building that will unite the team

Find out how to think through a scenario for an ideal team building from the article electronic journal"Commercial Director"

Characteristics of a cohesive team

1. Awareness is one of the important concepts of conscious human behavior. The level of awareness of people affects the performance of the entire team as a whole. A timely information process, sent to all recipients and reaching everyone, gives a person a feeling of involvement in the life of the team and its goals. Thanks to this, there are no uninitiated or indifferent employees in the team.

Openness and interest in the economic interests of almost all team members encourages workers to jointly participate in management activities team. It is unlikely that even the most experienced top manager will be able to hope for the support of the team if he does not use or minimally uses the available information channels, both oral and printed, in his work.

2. Discipline is the accepted order of behavior of people, which meets the moral norms and rules established in the company, which allows you to regulate the processes of behavioral mood in the team. A disciplined person in a team is an incentive social development and responsibility towards work. High awareness and understanding of the importance of one’s place in the team contributes to the conscientious performance of functional duties.

Compliance with discipline is the fulfillment by people of established norms and rules of behavior. The level of personal relationships between management and each team member directly affects quality performance job responsibilities and social functions.

Methods for maintaining order and discipline can vary greatly. Species public discipline there may be such concepts as morality, customs and traditions.

3. Activity is an increased activity performed by a person not so much because of the obligation to perform official duty, but because of the opportunity for free self-expression. Thus, the activity of the individual is a need for work and knowledge of the surrounding world.

A person always has a desire to realize and more fully express his inner essence, which leads to his most complete and integral development as a person. The level of activity and initiative of a person is more influenced by the situation when he is alone or in contact with colleagues. Naturally, the feelings and moral component of a person in society are much different from his behavioral mood in a state of loneliness.

4. Organization programs the accurate and competent definition and distribution of rights and responsibilities of employees. It can be traced in the response of team members to changes in the environment, to updating internal and external awareness. From proper organization labor depends on the attitude of staff to labor process and discipline.

It is easier for a top manager to work in a highly organized team. To create such a company requires enormous effort and the highest professionalism. Organization is influenced by such reasons as the role of the individual in the team, discipline and others. important factors. But even an ideally formed team experiences ups and downs during its existence due to the distribution of responsibilities of its employees as subjects of labor communication and cognition.

To strengthen personal connections in the team, take into account the interests of employees, using economic and social leverage.

5. Cohesion is an action that unites all employees in their common work and gives integrity, which proves the team’s attraction to each other and to the team. This is undoubtedly a qualitative indicator of any work collective.

When the formation of a cohesive team is required

1) At the stage of active development. If the number of employees increases over a short period of time, the “old guys” sometimes develop rather difficult relationships with newcomers. To unite both groups, you need to start with leaders, both recognized and unrecognized. Team building will serve to bring you closer and benevolent.

2) During stagnation or business downturn. This period is characterized by the fact that employees, doubting the future of the company, begin to work unsteadily, slowly, without showing initiative, and begin to look for new job, and then go into free swimming. At this time, the main task of the manager is to raise the working spirit of the staff so that they can realize that improving the situation is in their hands.

3) When there is a conflict between the company's departments, such events will help resolve the problems that arise. So, in one company sales fell sharply. The head of the company organized team building, which contributed to the breakthrough. This event was held after the January holidays, after which the employees went to work rested and ready to move mountains.

What factors influence team cohesion?

1) Common interests, hobbies, views, ethical and material values ​​and orientation of group members;

2) Age composition of groups;

3) A feeling of psychological safety and goodwill;

4) Active and intense joint labor unity aimed at solving common problems;

5) The attractiveness of the leader as a reference model who performs functions to the maximum;

6) Skilled leadership work;

7) The presence of a competing group;

8) The presence in the group of a person who is sharply different from other members and who opposes himself to the group.

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Ways to unite the company team

1. Corporate events. They are used as an effective mechanism designed to unite the team or divide it. The unoriginality of the script and the same type of corporate events will not lead to anything good, since employees treat these events as artificial. During the meeting, they are tense and cannot feel at ease. The person understands that this is a continuation of the work process. After returning to work, people feel awkward and worried that someone behaved inappropriately, someone had too much alcohol.

A full-fledged holiday occurs when the entire scenario is invented and implemented by team members. Colleagues learn new information about themselves and others, and everyone is positive from the very beginning. This approach saves the company money, since holding corporate events by specialized organizations is quite expensive.

In order for the event to be rich and original, you need to conduct an anonymous survey to find out what employees want to see as a corporate event. To do this, fill out a questionnaire. After processing the completed questionnaires, you will understand what employees want, and an initiative group will be determined that can be involved in organizing the event.

2. Team-building sports trainings. Team building will help team members create loyal relationships and motivate team unity and team organization. Improperly organized team building can lead to unforeseen consequences - disengagement of employees, loss of authoritarianism on the part of the manager, and dismissal of staff. Therefore, you should take the choice of a coach very seriously and take into account the physical fitness of the participants. There was such a case, a female leader broke her arm during team building and then thought for a long time whether it was done intentionally or not.

When a company employs active young people, and the physical fitness of the manager leaves much to be desired, then team building is hardly justified. This can diminish the boss's authoritarianism. If the general director has much higher sports training than the employees, there is no need to force everyone to take an active part in the event.

For example, in one company the manager, an athletic man aged 36, was passionate about skydiving, so he organized extreme team building for top managers, who were mainly representatives of the fairer sex over 40 years old. Naturally, no one was forced to jump, but they hinted that anyone who did not jump was not our man. Many had to jump, but not all. It is better to compete with extreme sports with those who love such recreation.

3. Team building activities. These include carrying out educational trainings, which will unite the existing staff. They will help adapt new employees to achieve positive results:

- Find common language. There is a known case when a company conducted training 6 times and each time for a new department. The company's management set a goal for the staff to speak the same language. This could be achieved by undergoing training from one trainer. As a result, colleagues began to use a single terminology. Typically, this training is most useful for employees with different levels education.

– Bring newcomers up to speed. New employee within a few hours or days, he gets to know his colleagues, gets involved in the work and ceases to be a stranger. During this time, the team can draw up a portrait of the person and move on to an active form of cooperation. Under normal circumstances, a newcomer can undergo adaptation for several months.

– Earn authority. In the financial division of one company, the core of the employees were people of above average age. Was appointed new manager for the position financial director, and a young woman at that. How the employees reacted was quite predictable - disrespectful attitude, insubordination, sabotage.

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The financial director made an unusual proposal - she announced her intention to hold free seminars on English language And financial analysis. It is clear that at the first lesson there was no queue of people interested, but there were also those who became interested and came to the conclusion that the classes were worthwhile, and even free. He told his colleagues, and the employees reached out. As a result, she gained authority and respect from her colleagues.

– Development of new documents. During the training session, you can work together to develop, for example, a corporate set of rules for the company, which sets out all the acquisitions and developments of the company. If such a document is provided by a higher organization, it will not work. It’s another matter when the employees themselves become the creators, and the document is honed through an open discussion.

How to unite truants and drinkers

Aigul Gomoyunova, General Director of Penopol Group of Companies, Moscow

The main part of our company are warehouse employees (loaders) and sales department. Therefore, we had a constant turnover of personnel. The loaders' staff was constantly being replaced because they drank and skipped work. In just one year, the entire sales department left. It seemed impossible to find out the reason for the constant turnover, because at that time I paid too little attention to the issues of retaining employees. I was at a loss as to what the reason was: our wages are quite high.

Hundreds of methods were used to change the situation: fines, bonuses, promotions - nothing worked. Various methods were used throughout the year, but there was no result.

Remembering my past experience as a business coach, I thought about conducting trainings on team building, inviting the whole team to it: after all, each employee must understand that their contribution also depends on end result, no matter what he does. The movers expressed a strong reaction to the proposal; they were pleased that someone was interested in their opinion and listened to it. Today they are already interested in the training schedule. The office staff also reacted actively and with understanding.

The first training was devoted to identifying problems with interaction. We played a game on the theme of a shipwreck, in which everyone present took part. Everyone tried to prove their point, no one heard anyone, office employees treated the lower classes with half contempt, i.e. movers. The problem was obvious: the entire team was divided into groups, and each considered itself the main one. The goal became clear to me - team unity.

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The culmination of the training was our biggest event, when we rented a cottage and went out into nature for four days. The picnic program included barbecue, paintball and training. The participants were divided into two teams, each including colleagues from all departments. Before we started, I asked departments to make a list of what they needed to buy for their work.

The accounting staff needed some kind of program, the loaders needed an electric car and a microwave, etc. The winning team could choose only one item. Before the start of the competition, everyone argued and proved that the most important thing was the one they ordered. And when the game started, and the first winning team chose the very first item, the situation changed dramatically, each department refused its prize, everyone chose a microwave for the movers, realizing that it was more important to them. And this was repeated at every stage of the competition - everyone completely forgot about their interests and decided on its value for the company, and not for themselves personally.

Today I am pleased with the result:

– permanent employees work at the warehouse site, loaders take an active part in the work of the company.

– in the office in 2 years, only two employees quit, one of them for a good reason.

The effect of the training did not appear immediately, but the first results became visible after the 2nd training.

How to unite the team with the help of a New Year's corporate party

Nadezhda Finochkina, director of the company “Formula for Successful Selection”, Moscow

One day, a client approached us with a request for help in increasing the level of interaction between employees. It was not customary for the team to communicate with each other or attend corporate gatherings. Such relationships within the company were reflected in productivity.

We gave the client's employees a carefully thought-out and original surprise. We conducted mini-interviews with the staff separately in advance to find out personal preferences and facts from his biography, what he devotes his free time to. We collected 25 questionnaires and, using the information provided by employees, prepared a questionnaire for the quiz. On the announced day, the entire team of 35 people was invited, as the New Year holidays were approaching.

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According to the rules of the quiz, you had to listen to an interesting description of the hobbies and characteristics of any employee and determine who exactly they were talking about. This story was accompanied by a showing of his childhood photographs. Duration corporate holiday took about 6 hours in total, including the official part, a quiz with photos and a buffet reception.

After the corporate event, the colleagues got to know each other again. Such an unusual and educational experience helped the team unite and even gave rise to friendly relations between departments. In just one evening, people learned more about each other than in the previous ten years of work.

An original idea for team building for 300 rubles

Eduard Kolotukhin, General Director of the company “”, Yekaterinburg

Our company is not engaged in sales, but in the emotional involvement of customers. True, this approach works only if the members of the team are endowed with emotional intelligence, the ability to celebrate and greet emotionally best sides work colleagues. One of the ideas that helps develop empathy in a team is cards with the word “CLASS!”

The essence of the idea. To convince employees to notice the good deeds of their colleagues and thank them, we did not use the usual means of suggestion such as “encourage best qualities colleagues”, in return, we used a simple technique: we allowed employees to pay each other a small incentive monthly. Today, any member of the company can personally present 300 rubles once a month to someone who, in his opinion, has earned it. All employees are given a personalized “CLASS!” card on the first day of each month. Throughout the month, he can give this card to a colleague whose work has delighted or helped him. On the last day of the month they are counted, and we celebrate the leader of the month in corporate media and on the company website.

Here are examples of cases that, in our opinion, are worthy of encouragement and monetary incentives. One replaced a colleague who was on vacation or sick. Another went to the post office to do his business and bought some stamps to send mail to the company, although he was not asked to do so. You can always do a good deed! But if a person is sure that there were no people worthy of the award in the past month, then he may not indicate anyone and not give his card to anyone. Then the next month starts from scratch.

Result. Slowly the relationship between the two is building. internal departments By the way, this pleased me the most. The staff gradually gets involved in the game, learns to notice signs of attention and concern from their colleagues, because sometimes it’s difficult to come up and say: “Thank you!”, but with personalized cards it’s easy and simple. In addition, we noticed emotional leaders of the company.

Factors that reduce team cohesion

Factor 1. The presence of small subgroups in the group, which leads to “parochial” behavior and thinking. The larger the group, the greater the likelihood of subgroups emerging. Limit the number of team members to 5-7, sometimes up to 20 people. As a rule, friendship or acquaintance between individual members before the formation of a group leads to separation of these people from the team, which can lead to the alienation of such a pair or small group from the entire team. This problem can be present when combining old and new team members, which clients usually want to resolve.

Factor 2. Incompetent leadership of the leader leads to conflict situations and even the elimination of the team. So, if a leader is engaged in building intrigues, bringing in or removing selected members, giving powers and rewards, based on personal preferences, and not on the knowledge, competence and existing merits of the team, then such a group eventually ceases to be a team.

Factor 3: Lack of common purpose and shared direction. For example, asking a group of students: “Is our group considered a team?” - the participants say: “No, we are all good people, but we have no future." When people do not have a future, it is created by a leader who brings down a goal from above. When this goal is realized and accepted by each member of the group, then the group turns into a team. If the leader does not give such a task, then everyone carries out their plans and sets personal goals.

Information about the author and company

Aigul Gomoyunova, general manager GC "Penopol", Moscow. "Penopol". Field of activity: production and wholesale construction and finishing materials; logistics services; conducting trainings.

Nadezhda Finochkina, director of the company “Formula for Successful Selection”, Moscow. LLC "Formula for successful selection." Field of activity: personnel selection. Number of staff: 5. Closed vacancies per month: 7–12.

Eduard Kolotukhin, General Director of, Yekaterinburg. GC "Stayer" ( Field of activity: production and sale of sportswear, as well as equipment; sale of sports equipment. Number of staff: 25. Annual turnover: 50 million rubles. (in 2014).
