Jay Levinson guerrilla marketing tools. Jay Levinson - Guerrilla Marketing. Simple ways to get big profits at low cost. About Guerrilla Marketing. Simple Ways to Make Big Profits at Low Costs Jay L

Guerrilla Marketing. Simple Ways high profits at low cost Jay Levinson

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Title: Guerrilla Marketing. Simple ways to get big profits at low cost

About Guerrilla Marketing. Simple Ways to Make Big Profits at Low Costs Jay Levinson

Guerrilla marketing is not taught in marketing classes, it is not written about in ordinary textbooks, it is not used. advertising agencies, and it is unknown to most of your competitors - that's good, Jay Levinson is sure. You have in your hands the #1 book on guerrilla marketing. If your marketing budget is in the thousands of dollars, not the millions, be sure to read it.

On our site about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free the book “Guerrilla Marketing. Simple ways to get big profits at low cost” by Jay Levinson in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Jay Levinson, Paul Henley


Welcome to the marketing revolution!


Jay Conrad Levinson has long been considered the greatest proponent of "free" marketing and an advocate for small business owners. His last books dealt with specific elements of guerrilla tactics in marketing - useful, but very limited in number. This book takes it to a whole new level. It examines the most powerful yet inherently complex marketing drivers in existence. The authors offer a simple explanation of these phenomena and very intelligibly show how to put them into practice without spending much time and money.

For many years I have been a staunch supporter of the study of the principles of the human psyche and brain. Jay Levinson and Paul Hanley have done an excellent job showing entrepreneurs how to apply their knowledge in this area to marketing, consulting and sales. By mastering the skills presented in this book, you will automatically increase the effectiveness and efficiency of all your activities.

Jay Abraham,

founder and Executive Director Abraham Group, Inc., a business performance consultant with a total of over 10,000 clients in over 400 industries


Proponents of guerrilla marketing have advocated the use of psychology for marketing purposes since its inception. Guerrilla marketing is evolving along with the development of modern psychology and our knowledge of the human brain. The business world is constantly changing, and marketing must respond to these changes in order to keep up with life, not to be on the sidelines. Guerrilla marketing is a constant search for new methods, techniques and strategies, among which there will certainly be those for whom the future is.

This book describes some of the most interesting discoveries made in the field of guerrilla marketing in recent years. Most importantly, you'll be exposed to new content to shorten your sales cycle, improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts, and increase your bottom line.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is becoming more and more an integral part of our lives every day. Guerrilla marketing firms (or "guerrillas," as we'll call them) are eager to try out any new methods and strategies that expand their marketing arsenal. NLP is one of them. Much of the material in this book is based on the principles of NLP, for understanding and manipulating behavior is one of the main traits of a guerrilla "character." Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, continues to explore how far mind control can go, and partisans around the world are keeping their ears open. NLP and the latest brainchild of R. Bandler neurohypnotic restructuring ( Neuro-Hypnotic Repatteming, NHR™) - powerful weapon modern marketing, and the more weapons in our arsenal, the greater the variety of applications of guerrilla marketing campaigns we have.

This book describes latest methods, techniques and strategies created by experts and instructors in guerrilla marketing.

The goal of guerrilla marketing is to provide information in a way that influences the decision-making process carried out by potential buyers. In short, we are trying to make an impact.

To better understand how we can influence or influence people, we must first understand how decisions are made. Why? Because this book will present ways of influencing people on a biological level, by physically reaching out to parts of their brains that they are usually unaware of as part of their decision-making processes. You will be introduced to techniques and strategies to help people make decisions faster than usual and in most cases without any awareness of external influence or influence on their part.

Someone will say that such methods are "invisible marketing", which is designed to fool customers. This is completely untrue. Guerrillas know that such methods usually cause buyers to regret their deeds. True guerrilla marketers seek to create long-term relationships with their customers and clients, and not close a deal and rush to find a new “victim”. If the customer feels they have not received real value and exceptional service, the partisan seeks out the source of the dissatisfaction and immediately resolves the issue so that it never occurs again. This leads to loyal customers. Satisfied customers are not hard to find, but loyal customers are rare. Loyal customers and repeat orders are the future of profitable marketing. "Partisans" do not practice "invisible marketing" - they use knowledge in the field of communication.

This book will tell you about ways to appeal to the minds of potential buyers, after which they can make informed and honest decisions. However, you will also learn how to get your audience to make decisions without even realizing the impact on your part!

The application of psychology to marketing has already proven the ability of guerrilla marketing to produce consistent and ultimately predictable results that go beyond traditional marketing. We will learn more and more about how the human brain works, how it works, and through this knowledge we will find out how decisions are made. The more we understand the biology of the decision-making process, the more we have the opportunity to create methods that appeal to precisely those parts of the brain that are responsible for these decisions. And as such methods are developed, the systems of influence on the decision-making process are outlined more and more clearly. In general, everything looks simple, right?

The problem is that the human brain is the most complex structure we know of! Every second, 50 billion signals are transmitted in the brain of the average person. Huge areas of the brain are not used, and the principles of operation and the purpose of some parts still remain a mystery to us.

Despite rapid progress in this line of research, there is still a long way to go. Even if we can ever talk about a complete understanding of the human brain, we will still be very far from a thorough understanding of the decision-making process, since each person has his own unique system of opinions. Effective marketing requires that we influence our audiences with maximum benefit for myself. Effective guerrilla marketing requires that we do this by using every means available to us, including current research data.

Successful marketing appeal to the unconscious requires an open, receptive mind from ourselves. Guerrillas try to achieve traditional goals using new and unusual techniques and strategies. Most of the material in this book will be completely unfamiliar to you. And if so, your opinion system may try to dismiss some of them as unimportant, not particularly relevant to you. Don't follow her lead. This is your brain. Do you want to be a passive observer?

Many of the methods presented in this book will make you question your beliefs. This is normal, this is called learning. Other methods will delight you: you will immediately understand how they can be applied to your marketing campaigns. Still others will cause you concern - because they will seem “not quite right” to you, or maybe they challenge traditional marketing. In fact, these methods are often the most profitable marketing campaigns; many firms simply lack the courage to try to figure out how to use unconventional approaches. The philosophy of guerrilla marketing in relation to these methods is perfectly reflected in the motto of the British Special Air Force (SAS): "He who dares wins."

Jay Levinson

Guerrilla Marketing. Simple ways to get big profits at low cost

The book that changed the world of marketing

How to attract more customers without increasing the advertising budget?

If you've ever asked yourself this question, you must have heard of guerrilla marketing, also known as low-cost or low-budget marketing. And, perhaps, they even successfully implemented the advice from Igor Mann's book “Marketing Without a Budget” or my book “ More money from your business” revealing 234 proven ways to increase profits without spending.

And now you're holding the same the book that started guerrilla marketing. A business bestseller by Jay Conrad Levinson, translated into 62 languages, the book that changed the world of marketing.

For many years, marketing has been studied on the examples of the largest international companies– for example, Philip Kotler’s Fundamentals of Marketing provides case studies from the history of Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Merck and other companies whose advertising budgets are measured billions dollars. Needless to say, for the owners of small and medium-sized companies, such lessons were at least useless?

The situation completely changed in 1984, when Jay Conrad Levinson said: “What is good for giant corporations is not good for small businesses! It needs its own, special marketing” - and published a book on how to advertise your company with only a small marketing budget or no budget at all. How? Replacing the investment of money with the investment of effort, time and creativity.

The title of the book, Guerrilla Marketing, became the name of a new direction in marketing. Easy-to-implement and effective "guerrilla" methods were in demand, and in a few years guerrilla marketing was already included in the programs of many business schools, and then MBA courses.

The first version of the book was written almost 30 years ago, so some of the advice may bring a smile today - for example, you are unlikely to send audio cassettes to someone by mail. However, the book is based on the principles of low-cost customer acquisition and successful sales that do not become obsolete over the years. Now you are holding in your hands an updated version of the book, which also includes tips for online marketing.

There is another reason why I want to recommend this book to you. Hard to find today honest business literature - most authors spread one or two thoughts over hundreds of pages, although the whole essence of their book could be stated in postcard. All the more enjoyable to read a book whose author generously shares ideas, tips, and tricks on every page—I tried to count the bookmarks in my copy of Levinson's book, but lost count in the middle of the second hundred.

The book will teach you how to plan your marketing, how to make your current advertising more effective, how to find new, unusual ways for you to attract customers, how to get the most out of traditional media advertising, how to use "small" advertising tools - from flyers to business cards. … Much of Levinson's advice could be immediately put into action - and make a profit.

Initially, guerrilla marketing was addressed only to small businesses, but today it is successfully used and large companies too. Among those who studied with me are MDM Bank, Beeline, Essen Production ( trademark"Maheev") and MTS, introduce "guerrilla" methods and Rosgosstrakh, Sberbank, Euroset, Svyaznoy ...

So whether your company is large or just growing, this book should be on your bookshelf.

Alexander Levitas, expert No. 1 in guerrilla marketing in Russia, author of the bestseller "More money from your business", www.levitas.ru


I remember the shock I experienced at the age of fifty when I learned that the average college graduate was better informed than the average professional my age. No matter how much these fifty-year-olds study all the important new literature, all the magazines and newspapers, TV documentaries, websites and so on, they will still know less than the guy or girl from college whose educational diet includes the cream of new information.

This is an updated edition of a book on guerrilla marketing, the flesh and blood of a book I wrote to help my students at the University of California, Berkeley. This book is like a college graduate. It contains everything new and good from marketing - some eternal truths, some innovations - everything that will be useful to you in marketing battles.

Marketing continues to evolve and take shape, just like a former student. This edition is all about its partisan father. It does not intend to abandon its own principles, just as people do not betray their essence. But it's going to give you a secret or two about the many changes that have taken place in marketing since I published the first book and all subsequent ones. In war as in war.

Take courage: every change in your life can mean receiving money, if only you will know about it and act. It's impossible to capitalize on all the changes, so you'll have to be picky. If you're as good as you look, try using a few tried-and-true marketing gimmicks and tactics, and invent new ways to leave dumbfounded competitors on scorched earth.

I'm taking a deliberate risk by warning you that if you don't improve your marketing skills, your organization is doomed. Companies that are successful either grow and change or die. Failure to adapt is the main reason for their death.

This is a new edition of the adaptations that will energize your marketing. It is also about those properties and relationships that cannot be dispensed with in the business environment, present and future. The key to success in guerrilla marketing is the ability to attract attention. You need to constantly look at the most diverse media, competitors, customers, current events, everything that happens on the stage where events are developing. If you do not pay attention to all this, then you will be chewing your popcorn, sitting in the cinema, while on the screen main character will get close to the tasty stocks of your competitor. That's what I mean when I say that you need to draw attention to yourself. That's what marketing I'm talking about. That's the kick you're looking for. And these are the changes that I have in mind.

You will read some of the tips for guerrilla marketing in this book and say to yourself, "I knew that." As you read other revelations, you will exclaim, “We could have done it!”

I don't blame you for worrying. I myself can not calm down from the moment the idea first occurred to me to apply guerrilla marketing in an era when entrepreneurs are no longer even turning millions, but billions of dollars. Marketing theorists view our time as two separate eras. One is based on centuries-old principles of endurance and patient waiting for possible profit. The other needs offers you can't refuse, a long and effective mailing list, an online knack for making quick money. The modern guerrilla marketer easily operates in both eras.

Adepts of guerrilla marketing are pleased with all the changes that are happening with marketing. These merchants know that when it comes to modernizing marketing and making it really flourish and not just look good, most competitors pretend it doesn't concern them.

But in order to bloom, you need more sun exposure. You must be the energy that will give life to your marketing. Consider the following two statements.

1. Guerrilla marketing is theory and practice. theory for me. What are you going to do? To begin with, understand what marketing is in principle and why guerrilla marketing replenishes many bank accounts around the world for a tidy sum.

2. Realize freedom of choice for the guerrilla marketer. Today, there are so many new options available to guerrillas to choose from that it becomes too easy to achieve success. But I know that this is your job, and my job is to help you. So let's get to work.

Part one

Guerrilla approach

What is guerrilla marketing today?

Marketing is any contact with the outside world that your company enters into. Any, even the most insignificant. This means a lot of marketing opportunities. It doesn't mean that you have to invest a lot of money.

This book is a worldwide bestseller on the subject of marketing. Jay Conrad Levinson is the inventor of the term guerrilla marketing, the man behind the Marlboro Man and president of the Guerrilla Marketing Association, advising small businesses around the world. With the permission of the company smartreading we publish the summary of this edition prepared by her.

smartreading- new project co-founder of one of the leading Russian publishing houses business literature"Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" by Mikhail Ivanov and his partners. SmartReading produces so-called summaries - texts that summarize the key ideas of bestsellers in the non-fiction genre. Thus, people who for some reason cannot quickly read full versions books, can get acquainted with their main ideas and theses. SmartReading uses a subscription business model in its work.


The book “Guerrilla Marketing. Simple Ways to Get Big Profits at Low Cost” has revolutionized the business world by debunking the myth that a fabulous budget is necessary condition successful product promotion.

First of all, guerrilla marketing differs from traditional marketing in its flexibility, creativity and focus on customer needs. The guerrilla marketer has 200 effective tools in his arsenal, including minimedia, maximmedia and online resources.

Guerrilla marketing is based on knowledge of psychology and this makes it extremely effective because 90% of purchases are made unconsciously. Properly organized customer support and "live" marketing tools increase the loyalty of old customers and attract new ones.

The book by Jay Levinson is undoubtedly worthy of being table book both for a novice entrepreneur and for a businessman with experience. It can inspire people who are hesitant to start their own business.

1. What is guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla marketing is a relatively recent term, thanks to Jay Levinson. If before, start-up entrepreneurs were frightened by the upcoming financial investments, now numerous marketing guerrillas around the world are looking for and finding effective budgetary ways to promote goods and services.

1.1. Traditional Marketing VS guerrilla marketing.

1. Conventional marketing claims that you need money to enter the market and gain a foothold in it. Guerrilla marketing is not against the investment of money, but believes that it is possible to invest time, imagination, energy and information just as effectively.

2. Traditional marketing is shrouded in mystery - many entrepreneurs never fully understand what this concept includes: sales, website, PR ... Guerrilla marketing is a fully managed and controlled process.

3. Conventional marketing is focused on big business, while guerrilla marketing is a godsend for companies with a small budget but huge ambitions.

4. Traditional marketing has a lot of performance criteria: sales volume, number of responses to an offer, clicks on websites or traffic in stores. Guerrilla marketing has one measure of effectiveness - profit.

5. Conventional marketing is based on experience and judgment, and guerrilla marketing is based on knowledge of psychology.

6. Traditional marketing gradually develops a business, modifying it along the way, guerrilla marketing initially knows what to strive for.

7. According to the traditional marketing scheme business develops linearly, gradually attracting new customers. This expensive and slow method is foreign to guerrilla marketing, which is about ensures business growth exponentially.

8. Traditional marketing is solely about selling, guerrilla marketing - to maintain relationships with the client.

9. Traditional marketing calls to study the market and eliminate competitors, while guerrilla studies the market in order to identify companies with similar goals and cooperate with them, which, in turn, will help to reduce costs and expand the reach.

10. Conventional marketing believes that a logo is needed to represent the company, and guerrilla marketing offers memes- universal visual and verbal symbols that convey the idea.

11. Traditional marketing is "I-marketing" with stories about the company, its goals and products. Guerrilla Marketing is "You Marketing", initially aimed at the desires and needs of customers.

12. Conventional marketing focuses on what can be obtained from the client, while guerrilla marketing first determines what can be given to the buyer.

13. Traditional marketing believes in separate means, while guerrilla marketing believes that only the right combination of marketing tools can lead to success.

14. Proponents of traditional marketing consider money, and marketing guerrillas collect new contacts which are the key to making a profit.

15. Traditional marketing is wary of new technologies and guerrilla marketers, against, are technophiles, because the introduction of new technologies provides businesses with flexibility and speed.

16. Traditional marketing is aimed at the masses, while guerrilla marketing seeks to narrow down as much as possible target audience, to be able to convey information to each potential client.

17. Traditional marketing is global: using radio, television and the press, it ignores the details. Guerrilla Marketing Focuses on Details which helps build a reputation and retain customers.

18. The main goal of traditional marketing is to sell, but guerrilla marketing has a more realistic goal - get people's consent to inform about your product.

19. Traditional marketing is a monologue, and guerrilla marketing - dialogue, making a potential customer a participant in the marketing process.

20. Traditional marketing only recognizes television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, direct mail, while how guerrilla marketing uses 200 marketing tools, some of which are free.

Traditional marketing is solely about selling, guerrilla marketing - to maintain relationships with the client

1.2. Where to begin?

You need to start with a quality product. If the product is bad, guerrilla marketing will only hasten its demise.

You will definitely need capital. There should be enough money to spin up the business for three months (ideally, for a year). What your budget should be depends on your goals.

You should study all marketing tools to evaluate the usefulness of each for your business, and then test as many tools as possible in various combinations.

Then you need to formulate the goal, and then briefly and clearly define the key concept.

One entrepreneur wanted to open computer literacy courses. Knowing that most people suffer from technophobia, he formulated his goal as follows: "I want to reduce people's fear of computers so that they can appreciate the competitive advantages of people using a computer." Then he shortened the wording to "I will teach people how to use a computer" and immediately understood what the name of the company should be - "Computers for beginners." As a result, the concept of the company took only a couple of pages, which gave a clear idea of ​​​​the future business and led to success.

To ensure successful marketing for yourself, you need to follow these steps to develop a creative strategy:

  • Define the "flavor" of your proposal.
  • Turn a highlight into a significant benefit.
  • State your benefits as plausibly as possible.
  • Draw attention.
  • Encourage your audience to participate.
  • Make sure your message is clear.
  • Align your advertising with a creative strategy.

Having chosen marketing means, it is necessary to organize them competently by creating a marketing program. The best way to do this is with a marketing calendar that helps you organize all the items on your to-do list. Guerrilla marketing calendars detail each week of the year: marketing tools; online promotions or other events in which you participate; duration of each promotion. In addition, some marketing calendars include the cost of marketing activities.

Remember: The best way save on marketing - clearly follow the marketing program. Stopping it too soon is a sure way to lose money.

2. Marketing and media

One of the dangers is to place correct advertising in the wrong media.

When choosing marketing tools, you should, first of all, pay attention to those that you can use correctly and regularly.

2.1. Minimedia

In the guerrilla environment, minimedia marketing is popular: soliciting orders, sending personal letters, sending postcards, telephone marketing, handing out brochures, advertising in cinemas, advertising on bulletin boards, placing classified ads, using yellow pages and dual-purpose business cards. In this case, the small size of your company is a plus: you can ensure maximum flexibility and proximity to the client. Also, using minimedia won't hurt your budget, since they're not all that expensive.

The oldest method of minimedia is the collection of orders. Its essence is to look into the eyes of your potential buyers and ask them to place an order. To succeed in collecting orders, you need to be enthusiastic about the product you sell, sincerely rejoice at people, and be purposeful. Order picking can be the least expensive of marketing tools, even free, but time consuming. Unfortunately, you won't be able to reach enough potential customers with it, and its scope is limited geographically. However, this method is indispensable if you are just starting a business and have limited financial resources. The collection of orders consists of three stages: establishing contact, presentation and completion. When collecting orders, you must follow the following rules:

  • learn as much as possible about the client, try to adjust the presentation for him;
  • get to know the person who is authorized to make decisions;
  • dress appropriately - advertising a window cleaning service in a Hugo Boss suit is a bit odd;
  • be concise - do not waste someone else's time;
  • get straight to the point, focus on the main benefits of the product or service;
  • refer - name the names of buyers who are satisfied with your product;
  • seek an order - always think about making a deal.

During your presentation, accompany the product feature with a description of the benefit: our security system is solar powered, so you don't need batteries and you don't need to use electricity.

On the initial stage there are not always the means to produce high-quality prospectuses and brochures. To communicate information about your product or service, you can make a two-in-one option - business card, on one side of which will be the name and contact information of the company, and on the other - a short list of what you can offer the client.

An effective and inexpensive tool is Personal letter, in which you offer the client something that he needs. The effectiveness of personal letters is about 10%, in contrast to personalized mailing (standard text with the name of the client), which induces only about 2% of recipients to make a purchase. To write an effective personal letter, consider the following rules:

  • the letter should be no more than one page;
  • the first paragraph should not have more than 5-6 lines;
  • at the beginning of each paragraph you need to indent;
  • do not overload the letter with capital letters, underlining, notes;
  • the letter should not look like a pre-prepared "blank";
  • the signature must be highlighted in a color different from the main text;
  • the letter should have a postscript that contains a paragraph that creates a sense of urgency for the proposal.

In a personal letter, use as much as possible personal information. So, in the mailing list they usually write: “Dear gardener! You may be having problems this year. We are pleased to offer you a wide range of garden products and expert advice.” However, a personal letter will look different: “Dear Miss Atkins! Your gardenias and carnations look amazing this year! However, roses need help. I would be happy to help you deal with this trouble."

telephone marketing- an effective tool if you sell goods or services to other businesses. Make a list of the 100 clients you most want to get and go for it. In the US, telephone marketing is extremely popular and has been growing in profitability over the past three decades. On the phone call it takes less time and money than collecting orders; it is more personal than writing; provides close enough personal contact with a potential buyer. However, saying “no” to a human voice is easier than saying “no” to a person in person. When preparing a telephone presentation, there are a number of points to consider:

  • a presentation learned by heart sounds better than a presentation read “from a piece of paper”;
  • before making a speech into the handset, you should make an audio recording and evaluate how it sounds;
  • speech should be like a conversation, not an advertisement, and allow the interlocutor to insert remarks and ask questions;
  • the script should not be changed, it can only be rephrased; it is necessary to prepare several options for ending the conversation, depending on the reaction of the interlocutor.

People like to hear words like "profit", "sales", "revenue", " cash flow”, “savings”, “productivity”, “market share”, “ competitive advantage”, but they dislike jargon and newfangled buzzwords.

Many businesses thrive on classified advertising. Now the most popular online resources, most of which allow you to place ads for free. When placing classified ads, you should remember that:

  • title should not be long;
  • abbreviations and terms should not be used - this may hinder understanding;
  • it is better to write in short sentences;
  • it is necessary to formulate advertising in such a way that it differs from others;
  • rubric must be chosen carefully.

As an example of unsuccessful classified advertising, the author cites an ad for a rented apartment in the UK. It stated that the price includes CCF&F. Later, Jay Levinson and his wife learned that the abbreviation stands for "carpets, curtains, fixtures and fittings" ("carpets, curtains, networks and communications that provide water, heat and gas supply to buildings").

2.2. Maksimedia

Speaking of marketing in Maximmedia, we mean magazines, radio, television, billboards, direct mail and the Internet. A guerrilla marketer knows how to use maximmedia effectively on a small budget. Advertising in the media greatly enhances the effect of minimedia. Due to the increase in the share of small businesses (in the US - about 98%), newspapers, magazines, television and radio companies began to offer attractive rates for advertising packages. As a result, marketing through Maximmedia has become available to almost everyone.

Online advertising is gradually replacing newspaper advertising. However, there are categories of citizens who do not use the Internet so actively: first of all, these are the elderly and emigrants who read newspapers published in their native language. Multiply the circulation of a newspaper by three and you get the approximate number of readers. Make your ads readable by choosing a clear font that is at least as large as the newspaper's main font, and favoring dark font on a light background. When choosing an ad size, it is optimal that it exceeds half a newspaper page in width and height: such an ad will stand out no less than if it occupied a whole page, and you will be able to save on cost. Vague headlines reduce the effectiveness of an ad by 11%, while humor can increase the effectiveness of an ad by 10%. The participation of celebrities in advertising often increases its effectiveness by 25%.

To determine the newspaper that best suits your ad, do the following analysis: Advertise in several newspapers, each ad offering different discount options. Use coupons in your advertising. Taking them from buyers, it will be easy to understand in which newspapers advertising does not work, and in which it brings the greatest return. Be careful to determine exactly what the consumer is responding to: an offer or a newspaper. This can be found out with a repeated test: publish another offer in the most effective newspaper. If this time you got good results, then you hit the target.

Advertising in magazines inspires confidence because it relies on the relationship to the journal itself. If people think a magazine is reliable and solid, they tend to project that attitude onto the companies that advertise in it. Magazine advertising is more targeted than newspaper advertising: you reach a specific audience of people, and every trade magazine reader becomes your potential customer. A good guerrilla marketer will not advertise in mass consumer magazines. AT advertisement Bold subheadings should be used - they should be concise, but as informative as possible.

One successful company managed for 33 years to use a one-time advertisement placed in Time magazine in 1973! Copies of those ads were placed on counters and shop windows and distributed through a mailing list that said, "This is what the ad in Time magazine looked like."

radio advertising not as popular as newspaper advertising and online marketing. However, radio brings you closer to your audience than newspapers or the Internet. Radio advertising can be effectively used by a company that has a limited advertising budget. To determine which radio station to advertise on, it is worth doing a test similar to what was considered on the example of newspaper advertising.

  • save money by advertising every three weeks out of four;
  • repeat the same ad for several days in a row (for example, from Wednesday to Sunday);
  • try to advertise at the end of the working day, when people are driving home and they are more in the mood for shopping than in the middle of the working day.
  • when checking the sound quality, listen to advertising on car equipment, and not in the studio;
  • learn about discounts and bonuses provided by radio stations;
  • study the audience of radio stations broadcasting in your sales area;
  • refer to your website in a radio ad - in a short video there is no opportunity to talk in detail about the product, and the site can be viewed for a long time.

Television is a perennial undisputed favorite among mass media. Now television advertising available for small businesses. It became possible to narrow the audience of viewers by showing ads on thematic channels and even residents of certain areas. However, one of the features of television advertising is the fact that it is effective only when it is shown frequently. Showing a video once a month will not move sales off the ground.

A successful TV commercial starts with an idea. Try to express this idea visually, then add words, music and sound effects to make it clearer and more powerful. Watch your ad without sound. If it's a winning ad, it will only reach its goal with the help of the video.

Outdoor advertising- these are billboards, banners, advertising in transport, outdoor signs. What makes outdoor advertising bad? Lack of readability, uniqueness, frilly fonts, dull colors, short words, poor placement, and poor linkage with other marketing elements.

The bookstore of a small entrepreneur was sandwiched between two large bookstores. One day the owner came to work and saw that the competitor on the right had put up a huge poster: "Great anniversary sale - prices minus 50%!". The poster was larger than the entire window of a nearby shop. Things were even worse with a competitor on the left: an even larger poster flaunted on the store: “Total sale - prices reduced by 60%!”. Being a guerrilla marketer, the owner of the store did not compete with giant neighbors in the amount of discounts and posters, but posted a poster with a unique inscription "Entrance".

2.3. Electronic media

The popularity of electronic marketing tools is growing every year. Not only advertising, but also themselves trading platforms massively "move" to the Internet. If you decide to go into online sales, then you need to learn the rule of three thirds: you must determine the budget intended for online marketing, then invest a third of this amount in the development of your site, a third in its promotion, and a third in its support. Most failed marketers invest three-thirds into website development and then wonder why they don't make big profits.

At first glance, the instruction for Internet marketing is extremely simple:

  • start with an outstanding product or service;
  • create a motivating website;
  • send out emails with links to your site.

The simplest part of this process is an outstanding product or service. Creating a website that would increase sales is not easy, but it is a very real task. However, the main difficulty lies in compiling a list of people who will want to listen to you and make contact with you. Drafting mailing list is the process of defining your market and setting goals. It's easy to find names and addresses, it's harder to get people's consent to receive mailing lists. You can add to the list by offering people a free newsletter subscription or a free e-book. The idea is to offer valuable information is free.

Blogging- an interesting marketing technique. A successful blog meets five requirements:

  • individuality - readers should feel as if they personally know the author;
  • utility;
  • writing style - try to be honest, but do not impose your product too aggressively;
  • usability and design;
  • desire to return.

If you can't write good short posts two or three times a week, or if you're not open enough to build a conversation with your potential clients, then blogging is not for you.

An extremely convenient marketing tool are webinars:

  • no need to waste time and money on the road;
  • there is no need to rent a room and a hotel;
  • it is possible to demonstrate texts, presentations and videos;
  • you can conduct them for a few people or several thousand listeners.

Partnership programs - one of the best achievements in the field of marketing. The author offers eight main components of the recipe for successful co-marketing:

  • good partner;
  • planning time and perspectives;
  • organization of a joint business;
  • joint business plan;
  • your employees and partner employees;
  • implementation of a plan;
  • openness, lack of secrets;
  • exit strategies.

According to research by the Georgia Institute of Technology, 87% of Internet users use search engines to discover new sites. However, 80-90% of web users only look at the first page of search results, so your site needs to be at the forefront to get good traffic. If the site is not enough optimized for the best search engines, then your customers may simply not find you. Well optimized for search engines the site will provide you with motivated visitors - those who want to buy something. Search engine users become real customers 10-100 times more often than users who came through banner ads. Search Engine Optimization is a long-term investment as it can increase traffic for months or even years.

One of the most successful affiliate programs runs on Amazon.com. The site pays commissions to affiliates whose customers make purchases on Amazon.com. Affiliate programs are extremely easy to use and install, they contain a special code that tells the system which visitors came from your site

3. Marketing without media

Marketing without media is the most important method of the guerrilla marketer because does not require financial investments. However, it is no less important and requires non-material investments in the form of time, energy, imagination and information.

3.1. "Live" marketing

In this type of marketing, people play a leading role: you yourself, your employees, satisfied customers and representatives of the media.

Providing quality service directly depends on the ability to hear the client. By responding to his dreams and desires, you earn appreciation and loyalty. Of the five most important reasons why people become regular customers companies, service comes in third place, right behind trust and quality, but before choice and price.

Most companies lose customers due to indifference to them after the deal is closed. Post-sale indifference accounts for 68% of all U.S. company losses.

Public relations- this is popularization, including free articles and news about you and your company in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, on radio and television, and in other mass media. This concept also includes any relationship that you establish with someone. How good is promotion? It's free and believable, giving you and your company credibility and standing. It gains credibility for you and is available to a large number of people. Effective marketing plan impossible without public relations.

Many successful entrepreneurs use one of the main non-media marketing methods: they showcase and sell their products on industry exhibitions and fairs. These people understand that many serious potential customers attend these events, and therefore put a lot of effort into organizing exhibitions and selling their products (exhibitions usually sell goods, not services).

Generally, people don't like to feel influenced by marketing, so they trust their friends more. When a person buys something, it is important to use such a phenomenon as “the moment of maximum satisfaction”. It lasts from the date of purchase for 30 days. During this period, people talk about your company with enthusiasm. If you hand them a brochure or prospectus that summarizes the benefits of your product, then put the right words in the right mouth and do it at the right time, which will ensure an influx of customers through "word of mouth".

One lawyer sought to establish cordial relationships with clients. He made it a habit not only to escort them to the elevator, but also to go down from the twenty-third floor to the lobby and escort them to the car. It is not surprising that the rumor about the courteous lawyer quickly spread among acquaintances and relatives of visitors to the law office.

3.2. Life after the deal

Most companies lose customers due to indifference to them after the deal is closed. Post-sale indifference accounts for 68% of all U.S. company losses. Business owners believe that marketing ends immediately after the sale. It is not right. Marketing begins when you close the deal. Wise partisans understand that it will be much more difficult to sell something to a new client than to an old one. Consistent follow-up will turn the client into a permanent one.

When the guerrilla has sold the goods, the customer receives thank you letter within 48 hours. A month later, the guerrilla either sends another email or calls the customer to see if the customer is happy with the product or has any questions. After three months, the client receives information about a new product (service) or related product. After some time, the buyer is asked to recommend three acquaintances who may be interested in the company's offers. A year after the purchase, the buyer receives a letter with a discount coupon. Becoming a repeat customer, the client refers acquaintances to the partisan company, and he continues to keep in touch with customers.


The book “Guerrilla Marketing. Simple Ways to Make Profits at Low Cost” has revolutionized the world of marketing by debunking the myth that high-quality product promotion is only possible with an impressive bank account.

Guerrilla marketing is as different from traditional marketing as a wooden abacus is from a computer. Guerrilla marketing is a fully managed process based on the knowledge of psychology and focused on the needs of the client.

The only indicator of the effectiveness of guerrilla marketing is profit, it is characterized by high manufacturability, flexibility and attention to detail.

Guerrilla marketers strive to work with a narrow target audience and skillfully combine budgetary marketing tools.

With guerrilla marketing, anyone who is willing to invest time, imagination, energy, and information can succeed in business.

If you're confident in the quality and relevance of what you're selling, put together a marketing program and stick with it, no matter how hard it gets.

There are hundreds of tools in the arsenal of a guerrilla marketer, and it is important to study each of them and then test as many as possible to decide which tools are effective for your business.

At the initial stage, minimedia tools are the priority: they do not require significant financial investments, but they allow you to better understand the target audience and provide business speed and flexibility.

Properly selected means of maximmedia can greatly enhance the effect of minimedia. In recent decades, the cost of media advertising has been declining, making it affordable for small businesses.

Online marketing is becoming more and more popular every year. However, so effective means like a banner ad email newsletter, webinars, blogs and search engine optimization are not very effective if not combined with mini and maxim media tools.

As great as media marketing is, it's personal involvement that makes a company different from others. In addition, "live marketing" can significantly reduce the budget and attract customers not for one transaction, but for a lifetime.
