Negotiations on further cooperation. How to effectively negotiate with partners - the secrets of success from entrepreneurs. Rules for successful negotiations with partners

negotiation is a duel. Negotiation is a fight without weapons. Negotiation is a graceful fencing with words and arguments. The financial position, income and future of the company often depend on their outcome. How to learn how to properly negotiate, use psychological techniques and business techniques - read the new article on our blog.

From this material you will learn:

  • Why negotiations are needed
  • What are the negotiations
  • Stages of negotiations
  • Negotiation Rules
  • to push your decision;
  • to get benefits and goodies from partners or investors;
  • to justify himself before those in power;
  • to find a compromise.
We warn you in advance: we are talking only about those negotiations in which both sides have different opinions and are to some extent rivals. Otherwise, it will be just friendly gatherings.

What are the negotiations like?

Basically, these are two main types: competitive and partner.
  1. Competitive negotiations - the parties are aimed at winning, everyone wants to win and make a profit (good conditions, guarantees, agreements). In this case, the compromise is considered a “draw” and is not particularly needed.
  2. Partnership - both parties are friendly and agree to a compromise. Willing to sacrifice small gains in order to eventually reach a peace agreement.
They also share the styles of negotiations:
  • authoritarian - clear, bold, sharp as a bullet. This is how bosses often communicate with subordinates, and stronger partners with outsiders;
  • democratic - participants communicate on an equal footing, like partners;
  • informal is rather an informal conversation without strict rules.

Depending on what underlies the subject of negotiations, the style of conversation will be chosen. You need money for construction or a startup - most likely, the contracts will be partnerships. The tax office came to the IP with a check - it is possible that the authorities will behave authoritarianly. Two dudes from competing organizations met, liked each other, took a beer each - and an informal conversation started. Most often, styles are mixed, and then you choose for yourself - which is more appropriate and effective.

Stages of negotiations

Stage 1. Preparation

  1. Select the date and place of the negotiations. Psychologists say that it is better to meet in the morning - when your interlocutor, and you yourself have not yet had time to load your head with current affairs. The location is also very important - the outcome of the negotiations may depend on the territory in which you will meet. Buildings and walls are known to help—if possible, try to hold important meetings in your office. And if there is no office yet, in a place where you feel as comfortable as possible (your favorite cafe, lobby, etc.)
  2. Tune in mentally: calm down, focus, grow zen to your knees or below. Let nothing be able to unsettle you. If on the eve of the appointed date an unpleasant event occurred for you (failure, breakup, death), reschedule the meeting.
  3. Write down the main ideas and thoughts that you are going to convey to the interlocutor. Work through possible objections and consider how to respond to them. Simulate different situations, different ways in which negotiations can go, and options for different outcomes.

Stage 2. Monologues and sentences

At this stage, everything usually goes smoothly: the negotiating parties position their opinions and intentions. Here it is important to state your arguments as clearly as possible, without slipping into unnecessary reasoning and saving the interlocutor's time. Then comes the time for the most important thing - voice your proposal, backing it up with arguments. Then, in turn, listen carefully to the other. Key points are best written down to be discussed in the next step. For example, you came to agree that the rent for your office space should not increase. Tell us why this is so - the average price in the market is n rubles, but you offer a higher price.

Stage 3. Discussion and bargaining

The most difficult and tense stage of negotiations, where spears break, collapse or, on the contrary, hopes and prospects appear. It can drag on for half a day, especially if the goals and objectives of the parties are radically opposite. Or when it comes to big money. If you are conducting competitive negotiations, try to make concessions as little as possible and inform the interlocutor about your plans. Remember that anything said can be used against you. We continue to talk about rent reduction. When discussing, don't just ask for a lower price - offer something profitable in return. For example, pay with part of their products, or make repairs in the room. If you lower the fee, then we will make repairs - something like this should sound like your words. In partnership negotiations, everything is simpler: both interlocutors are aimed at a compromise - respectively, and it will be easier to find it. It is also unprofitable for the landlord to lose the tenant - it is not known when another one will be found, so there is a great chance that he will make concessions to you. Conflicts in partnership negotiations are almost impossible - the conversation goes in a peaceful direction. You are discussing, and not pushing each of your position.

Stage 4. Decision making.

It is finally decided how the negotiations will end. May lead to compromise or breakup. The ideal option is to sign a contract. Verbal promises are also a good thing, but it is still better to fix the meeting at the documentary level. After negotiations, we advise you to contact the interlocutor again. If the meeting was successful, thank and outline the main points and agreements. This is necessary in order to make sure that you understand everything correctly. If the negotiations failed, write anyway and thank. Express your hope that this is not your last meeting, and next time the dialogue can go in a more positive way.

Negotiation Rules

1. Set realistic goals. Let's say you have a startup and you're meeting with a potential investor. Do not expect to get a million dollars - who will give you so much? Assess your investor's capital, how much he can invest (if he wants to) in your business. Set the maximum goal - to get a million rubles. And the minimum task - if he gives 500 thousand, this will be enough back to back. But still better than nothing. 2. At the same time, always ask for more. An old trick: if you want to ask your boss for a salary increase of 10 thousand, feel free to ask for 20, and he will breathe a sigh of relief and agree to exactly those 10. It’s the same in negotiations: ask for more than the maximum, and perhaps you will get the same maximum. 3. Start with easy topics - this is what psychologists advise. It will be easier for the interlocutor to agree with you, and the situation will be discharged. If you feel the mutual location - fine. Thousands of transactions were made due to spontaneous personal sympathy. And then move on to the most important thing - the main subject of the conversation. 4. Don't get carried away with an authoritarian style. Even if you are the boss and your interlocutor is an inexperienced subordinate, stick to democratic communication. First, it is now popular. Secondly, this way you will not set your partner against yourself (we remember that one battle won is a war not yet won? And if you managed to win these negotiations, it is not known what will happen next. Therefore, it is better not to spoil relations with partners and competitors ). 5. Study your interlocutor. Read interviews with him, find common acquaintances, use word of mouth to the fullest. Reveal its strengths and weak sides, do an analysis of it financial position. Find out what his needs are: maybe he's been building houses all his life, and before he retires, he wants to release a memoir or invest in a young creative brand. Play on these feelings, offer exactly what he wants. 6. Operate with exact numbers. It doesn't matter what the topic of the negotiations is. Whether you are looking for a partner, negotiating a joint collaboration or trying to find a sponsor, always be precise. People of business do not like approximate calculations, they want to understand how much money they will have to spend and when they will beat off. All. Believe me, you and your interests are of little importance to anyone, the main thing is money. As they say, nothing personal - just business.

For example, you came up with a startup and are looking for a sponsor. Don't say, "Well, I think the idea should pay off in about six months." What the Kindergarten! Bring a business plan with you and clearly, on the shelves, write down all the investments: yours and the investor, expectations for payback, expected profit and margin. 7. Ask questions. Negotiations are such a thing where every word counts. If you and your interlocutor work in different areas, of different ages or mentalities, you may misunderstand each other. So listen carefully and ask leading questions:
  • “Tell me more about it”;
  • “What do you think about it?”;
  • “What would you like to hear from me?”.
Ask again. If something is not clear, do not be afraid to ask: this way there will be no false illusions and expectations. Maybe your interlocutor was joking or you were wishful thinking. Example:
  • Yes, of course we will. Someday.
  • Please let us know when we will start work.
8. Record and document. This is useful to ensure that there is certainly no ambiguity. Insist on drawing up a contract - involve a lawyer and carefully study each of its clauses. 9. Never make excuses - do not show the interlocutor that you are weaker than him. Even if it's true. Even if you do not dictate the conditions and are in an unequal position. Even if your interlocutor communicates in an authoritarian style. And if you have to explain something - for example, why exactly your startup deserves investment - behave with restraint, with dignity, do not fuss. You are an equal partner, not a whipping boy. Example:
  • Come on, tell me what you got there.
  • I have a case there that will bring you millions if you listen to me carefully now.
10. Avoid conflict. Suppose the interlocutor adheres to a rigid style and in every possible way provokes a conflict. Do not give him this joy: direct the conversation in a constructive direction.

  • What are you talking to me here? Small still argue with the elders.
  • Please clarify what you mean. I'm not arguing, but I'm giving you reasonable arguments.
11. Take time out. If the conversation is difficult, disagreements arise, it is better to go for a smoke break or a cup of coffee. By doing this, you will defuse the atmosphere, and at the same time consider how to build a dialogue further. 12. Don't be intrusive. Give the person the right to think. Remember that he is also afraid of risks, afraid of losing investments. If you followed all our rules and were accurate and convincing, be sure that the interlocutor heard you. Just give him time - he will make some decision sooner or later. 13. And most importantly, keep your promises. If you promised to make a million in six months / bring the business to payback / hire an employee in a month - do it.

Major Negotiation Mistakes

  1. You are nervous and fussy. The enemy feels he has won, and that's the way it is.
  2. You do not set a goal - you do not know what you want to achieve as a result of negotiations.
  3. You do not know anything about your interlocutor - it's like not studying your target audience.
  4. You provoke conflict. The times of the 90s are long gone, now even disagreements are resolved in a civilized manner.
  5. You are bored and want to finish quickly - then why did you come at all?
Our advice: use not only numbers and facts, but also knowledge of psychology. Tune in to your interlocutor, study him - and the chances of a successful result will increase significantly. And remember: forewarned is forearmed!

The demand for people who know how to negotiate is growing all over the world, and in Ukraine as well. How to develop the skill of negotiation?

We are talking about this with Oleg Demchik, President of the Club of Professional Negotiators .

Oleg, how did you come to the topic of negotiations?

In 2004-2005, I was a marketing director in a research and production company and communicated a lot with my Western colleagues. I was struck by the huge difference in communications between top managers international companies and ours. I began to bring literature on negotiations from business trips and study it. After work, we stayed with subordinates to work out this knowledge in practice. In 2006, our Club entered the open format.

How much is negotiation skill in demand in the labor market?

The demand is huge, because the ability to negotiate is competitive advantage. Moreover, it is universal – both in business and in politics or the social sphere.

Who knows how to negotiate, gets what he wants.
Who does not know how - is left with nothing.

The issue is that the employer is not always able to correctly formulate his requirement for a vacancy. Often this skill sounds like non-conflict, the ability to find mutual language with the client, the ability to sell.

Where can this skill come in handy? What does he give in life?

The ability to negotiate brings enormous benefits. The negotiator does not waste his nerves and time on non-constructive conflicts, but immediately sees what needs to be done and how to solve this or that life situation in as soon as possible and at minimal cost.

Example 1

A company of young people is talking loudly in the yard late at night, young people are having fun. Because of this, the residents of the house cannot fall asleep: at first they toss and turn in bed for a long time, then they go out onto the balcony and begin to aggressively shout at the company. Accordingly, they receive reciprocal aggression from the company, and the scandal only flares up. In such a situation, the negotiator goes out to the company and calmly asks to communicate more quietly or go to the nearest square so as not to interfere with the rest of the residents of nearby houses. Often, in the absence of aggression, the company fulfills the request and begins to communicate more quietly or moves to another place.

In this case, the negotiator's rule is triggered, which is called "the picture of the world of the interlocutor." You need to put yourself in the place of these young people and imagine what you wanted at their age. And you will understand that cheerful and loud chatter in the yard is not from hooligan motives. And you will have the right words.

Example 2

An elderly citizen is traveling in a crowded transport and wants to sit down, but the seat is occupied by a young man / girl who is reading something on a smartphone. The citizen begins to loudly resent the whole car. Usually the object of psychological attack becomes even more closed and ignores such manipulative pressure. In such a situation, the negotiator leans towards young man and calmly, without unnecessary emotions, asks to give way, because he is tired / his legs hurt / he is unwell, etc. In 98% of cases, the young man will immediately give way to the one who asks.

Here the negotiator's rule comes into play - to set a specific goal in the SMART format and clearly explain to the opponent what is needed from him. The interlocutor should not think and guess what exactly you want him to do.

Example 3

At the interview, they ask you why and how the dismissal happened, and ask for the boss's contacts for a recommendation. And you left badly, and the boss will not say anything good. How to behave so as not to harm yourself and get this job?

Do not try to deceive the interlocutor. Take advantage of the opportunity to tell your vision of the situation before he gets the point of view of your former boss. In this case, it is acceptable to briefly, without labels and emotions, convey your vision of the conflict.

In this case, you took advantage of the first impression effect.They expressed their point of view on the conflict and explained why the review would be negative if someone still decides to call the old place of work for recommendations.

Example 4

A freelance specialist agrees with the customer on a certain amount of work and payment. In the process of working on the project, the customer increased the amount of work. How to properly convey to him that he needs to increase the payment?This is a classic situation that everyone who works on project work faces.

What you need to do from the point of view of the negotiator is to constantly communicate with the client and not be shy to say to him: “We did not agree on this in advance. I can do it, but it will cost so much extra. If you agree, I'll take it to work. If not, I won't do it."

You must have a trusting relationship with the client, and all the moments that strain you or do not suit you should be boldly discussed with him. You should not be afraid to talk with the client, but be friends with him, discussing all the nuances of your project.

What are the benefits of having this skill?

The one who knows how to negotiate, quickly solves the problem. He does not spend, for example, years in litigation or figuring out who was wrong. He can extinguish the conflict in one round, find a way out of the situation and begin to move towards a solution. It is more productive: it will perform more useful tasks in one unit of time.

In what areas and professions can it be used?

Judging by our internal statistics, the greatest demand for negotiation training is among IT companies. Especially among those who work for a Western customer or are members of international corporations. In the West, there is a culture of business communication that has been formed for decades, and customers are fluent in it. But Ukrainian managers are not always able to adequately defend their interests.

Where and how best to learn negotiation?

If we talk about systematic training, then there are structures on the Ukrainian market that methodically teach negotiation and mediation. There are also niche organizations that train only buyers or salespeople. The principle of the gym is important here: if you want to be in good shape, do it all the time, and do not try to lose 20 kilograms a week before the vacation.

I am skeptical about this approach - one-time go to a cool training and learn a super-secret technique, such a “magic pill”. Occasional training (like going to a trendy trainer) is not effective. Serious negotiations with high stakes are always stressful. You won't learn how to fight for a 2 day martial arts training where you'll be shown a thousand super effective punches. In a real fight from fear, you won’t even remember a single one.

If every negotiation skill has not been developed to the level of automatism, you have nothing to do in serious negotiations.

Who is this area for? Are there any contraindications?

Negotiating will be easy for those who have a high level of emotional intelligence and empathy. These are natural born negotiators.

It is contraindicated to negotiate for those who do not know how to listen and hear the interlocutor. Who is convinced of his unconditional rightness and does not allow a situation of loss. He does not know how to admit his mistakes, who has high conceit.

Are there simple tips that can help our readers improve their negotiation skills right now?

First tip -
put yourself in the place of the interlocutor. You have to get into his skin. See the situation through his eyes. Feel what your opponent feels at that moment (empathy). Then you can greatly improve your negotiating position, and your arguments will become much more convincing for the interlocutor. By the way, aikido and social dance classes (salsa, tango, merengue, etc.) are well suited for developing empathy. They teach to feel a partner and understand when it is convenient or inconvenient for him to perform a certain action. And you can use it in negotiations.

The second advice is to always try to answer the question of what is important for the opponent and what is not. For this, you can use a SWOT analysis. Make such an analysis of the negotiating position of the second party, and you will know everything that he is trying to hide from you.

The third tip is to analyze your state, feelings and thoughts. If during the negotiations you feel that you have to do something, congratulations - you fell for the bait of a manipulator. Analyze why you have such a desire (a sense of duty, guilt, shame, fear, overflowing with joy, etc.). In no case do not take decisive action right now - take a pause so that your emotions calm down and you can understand why you should take this or that action. This will allow you to protect yourself from manipulative influence.

Many people believe that negotiators use a harsh and aggressive method of communication. This is true?

No. This is the image imposed by the series Suits, BOSS and House of Cards. Negotiators, like doctors, have their own specialization. There is a dentist, and there is a proctologist. Both are needed, but they are not interchangeable. So are the negotiators.

There are those who communicate in a tough environment, and they should be tough. These are usually departments. professional procurement in retail, negotiations with law enforcement agencies and crime, some other areas. There are negotiators who work in sales - they must be flexible, feel the client, be able to identify and implement his needs. Negotiators from conflict resolution services need to be stress-resistant. Diplomats are required to know subtle etiquette, have the charm and rules of lobbying the interests of their state. And so for each separate line of activity.

What other qualities does the ability to negotiate develop?

First of all, this is the helicopter view skill - they can look at the situation from the side, from a bird's eye view. In this case, numerous exit options become visible. This usually comes with years of experience and is called worldly wisdom. But this wisdom can be obtained in a short time. With training, managerial skills come to see the essence of the issue and immediately solve this issue.

Hence the "side" effect of learning to negotiate - the willingness to take leadership positions. And one more thing - a person sees what is wrong in his organization. And he either can change it, or he changes the job 🙂

I am very pleased that our state has begun to really change, and not only business, but also representatives of government agencies come to our Club - volunteers, military, security officials, diplomats, lobbyists of Ukraine in foreign markets.

No person is born a professional negotiator. Finding ability compromise solution between two or more parties - a unique skill that is also important for further career development person or his personal business. How to negotiate and always succeed? We'll talk about this.

Negotiations are usually divided into competitive and partnership.

In the first case, the goal of both negotiators is to win at any cost, so such a business meeting often results in a conflict between the parties.

Partnership negotiations involve the achievement of a mutual agreement that does not infringe on the rights of both parties and satisfies the interests of all participants in the process.

There is no universal advice on how to negotiate correctly. Each person develops their own style through trial and error. In practice, a combination of partner and competitive forms of conducting a business meeting is most often implemented.

But if its task is to agree on conditions for long-term relationships, then a partnership (soft) scheme is more suitable.

Phases of competitive negotiations

To understand how to negotiate with competitors, you need to know the specifics of the process.

For such meetings, a tense atmosphere is typical, since the task of each of the parties is to obtain their own benefit, without taking into account the interests of the opposite.

The rules are as follows:

  • Never reveal your offer in full at the beginning of the meeting, because the opposite side in this case gets the most information. Make sure that the conversation does not go away from the planned agenda.
  • Concessions are bad. If you are forced to give in, then do it at a minimum. The size of the first concession allows the opponent to judge your mood.
  • As conflict develops, dignity must be maintained. Stick. You can defuse the situation by moving the conversation to another topic.

Phases of partnership negotiations

How to negotiate with partners? Such a meeting cannot be regarded as a battle. This is a serious mistake. Conflicts rarely occur during partnership negotiations, since their main goal is to reach a mutual compromise solution.

The initial phase of the meeting involves the collection and provision of the most complete information, which helps to achieve solutions that are beneficial for both parties. If you intend to negotiate with partners, then you need to be prepared to make concessions.

Conducting business negotiations: the basic rules for achieving the goal

How to negotiate correctly? Experts give several recommendations.


How to negotiate cooperation in order to get the desired result? A future meeting should be viewed in a businesslike manner, so good preparation will greatly simplify the process.

You need to set goals. They must be specific, achievable and measurable. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what you plan to get from the opponent.

Discussion and study

If we talk about how to negotiate correctly, then even before the start of the meeting, you need to study the needs of the other side and, based on the information received, formulate your proposal. It must be realistic.

When both sides are willing to make some concessions, then getting the desired result is quite simple. But if one of the negotiators conducts a conversation in the format of a competitive meeting (too aggressively), then the development of conflict situation.

At this stage of negotiations, issues are discussed. The task of the negotiator is to establish relations with the opposite side.


After each side has formed an idea about the opponent, it's time to put forward concrete proposals.

Deciding to make concessions, you need not only to offer, but also to receive returns. The exchange carried out must be equivalent, i.e. the resulting concessions must be of value to both parties.


How to conduct negotiations at this stage? After the exchange of information is completed, you can start trading. The thing to remember is that the more you ask, the more you will receive, and the less you offer, the less you will have to part with.

At the stage of putting forward a proposal, you need to be as clear as possible in your wording. Try to avoid approximations. Ambiguity can be interpreted not in your favor.

Example: you are ready to deliver the goods to certain period. Voice exactly this period, since any doubt will be used against you, and you will not even have time to notice how the bargaining will begin to unfold in your favor.

Similarly, you need to negotiate with the opposite side if the proposal comes from them. It also needs to be clearly understood. Don't be afraid to ask questions that will help you understand if the offer you receive meets your goals.

Communication (body language and gestures)

How to negotiate cooperation if the meeting is held in an informal setting? Practice "open" body positions and maintain eye contact with the interlocutor. Do not cross your arms over your chest or cross your legs.

You need to carefully consider your speech. It is not recommended to use words and expressions that can irritate opponents. It is necessary to refrain from sarcastic remarks, belittling the opposite negotiator (this applies to his position, the proposal received, etc.).

How to conduct negotiations correctly if you notice that the discussion is moving into another direction that does not interest you? It is necessary to return the attention of the people present at the meeting. A simple question will help with this: “Does something bother you? Please voice your position and we will make a worthy decision.”


Negotiations with a client or partner/competitor involve the practice of "active listening". It will help to avoid unpleasant situations and painful reactions to what was said by the opposite side.

Active listening helps improve communication skills. It will be very useful if you need to negotiate often enough.

  • Listen carefully to the speech of the interlocutor. You will have time to think about your answer later.
  • Visualize your interest, such as nodding your head to indicate that you are listening to your opponent.
  • Demonstrate that you have understood all the information - voice the essence of what was said and make sure that you understood everything correctly.
  • Enter the position of the interlocutor. You must be able to put yourself in the place of another person and see the situation through their eyes.
  • Ask questions that require a detailed answer, clarify the information.
  • Don't be afraid of pauses. A two- or three-minute break in a conversation—an awkward pause—can give you time to gather your thoughts and think about the next question.


If you need to take a break, then take it. Sometimes a pause of 10-15 minutes can save the situation if the meeting takes place in more difficult psychological conditions than expected.

This time period will help both parties to restore balance and replenish the spent moral energy. In addition, it will help to look at the issue under discussion from the other side and sit down at the negotiating table with new ideas. This will help a lot if the meeting has reached an impasse.


During the discussion, pay close attention to the verbal cues given by the other party. These can be the words "possibly", "perhaps". In most cases, this is a clear sign that an agreement will soon be reached.

Information will also be provided by tacit verbal signals in. The laying of the paper laid out on the table indicates the end of the bidding stage: it's time to take stock.


A summary is an important part of the negotiation process. A short summing up of the results of the meeting allows you to understand that all participants in the negotiations received the necessary information. At this stage, you can ask clarifying questions, since this will not be possible later.

After the completion of the negotiations - in a few days - the opposite side must be sent a message containing the decision taken during the meeting.

Typical negotiator mistakes

How to negotiate cooperation correctly? There are several common mistakes made during business meetings, which should be avoided.

  • The beginning of negotiations with an offer unacceptable to both parties. It must be clearly understood that during the meeting, each side can get the desired result. But, by initially putting forward unacceptable proposals, the deal can be ruined in the bud.
  • Lack of information. If you negotiate with partners/competitors without having full information about the needs of the opponent, you can lose the deal. To business meeting prepare and collect the necessary information. This will help you understand what concessions are acceptable and what you can get for it.
  • Loss of self-control. The ability to negotiate is a talent that not all opponents possess. If the other side is being overly aggressive, don't stoop to their level. Save business style communication and do not be afraid to politely point out to the negotiator from the other side the inadmissibility of his behavior.
  • An attempt to shorten the course of negotiations. The pace at which the meeting proceeds should suit both parties. Representatives should have time to reflect on certain points of the conversation before other questions are raised. You must give the opponent this opportunity, but at the same time strictly follow the time frame. Negotiating with a client who is unable to make a decision is a waste of time and effort.

The ability to negotiate is a serious science, having mastered it, you can take your business to a whole new level.

Tough negotiations begin when you have lost control over who you are negotiating with: first over his emotions - negative emotions dominate, then over his behavior - he attacks or defends, and finally over his attitude towards you - he does not believe, that an agreement with you is possible.

The main reason for the transition to tough negotiations is the lack of resources for one of the parties. If we are talking about commercial negotiations, then most often we are talking about a lack of time, then - information, and only then - money.

If you don’t have enough time, then you don’t prepare for negotiations properly - you don’t define a list of your goals, you don’t collect information about your partner’s preferred goals, you don’t develop draft solutions. As a result, you are pinched during negotiations, you do not understand what information is worth sharing and what is not.

How to determine what will be tough

First, it is important to comply with the rules business etiquette. Business people start negotiations according to these rules. Everyone else neglects them, either because they don't know them or because they consider themselves above convention. Is it possible to expect constructive negotiations from such a person, if he was not enough for such a small amount? Miracles don't happen.

There are two tests that will help determine the mood. The first is the location of the interlocutors during negotiations. If they sit at different heights, this is a bad signal. There must also be a correct vector relative to each other - it is impossible for one to sit straight and the other at an angle. And, of course, comfort. One in a chair and the other on a "side chair" is a bad option.

Violation of equality is a sign of an attempt to manipulate, create starting unequal conditions, the desire to negotiate from the position of attack or defense.

If during the negotiations you are “run into”, do not hesitate to respond in the same way. If, after negotiations, you find that you have been deceived, respond in kind.

The second test is the procedure for starting negotiations. If the discussion agenda is announced and this happens on the principles of equal volume of information, then most likely the negotiations will be constructive.

But! Changes may also occur during negotiations.

The first marker of "clouds on the horizon" is a violation of the volume of information supply and reception. It is equally bad when the partner speaks more and when the partner speaks less than you. If you notice this, then it makes sense to draw a preliminary conclusion: indicate what you have agreed on / double-check the information received and issued by this moment. This "tie" on what you already have in common allows you to restore balance.

The second marker is an overestimation or underestimation of the pace of discussion by the partner. This also leads to a violation of the volume of reception and transmission of information and leads to negative consequences.

How to resolve conflict

Hard style is illegitimate . It destroys a joint and constructive discussion, the search for mutually beneficial solutions.

There is no shame in discovering that you have been manipulated. It is quite another thing to behave illiterately after what you have discovered. The moment you realize that your partner's actions are inconsistent with your idea of ​​justice, you get the opportunity to choose your tactics and respond.

You can respond to wrong actions both during negotiations and after they are completed. In both cases, a symmetrical answer must be given. If during the negotiations you are “run into”, do not hesitate to respond in the same way. If, after negotiations, you find that you have been deceived, respond in kind.

To many, this advice will seem wild or unethical, because it is both wild and unethical. But hooligans on the street are not inclined to discuss Mandelstams. By “almonding” with them or not giving an answer, you must know for sure: you are provoking a negotiating bully to use such techniques more and more often in relation to you. After all, they work for you. Why should he negotiate with those on whom his methods do not work?

There is a simple trick - rationalization. When you explain to your partner that you are not satisfied with his behavior and that in exchange for his refusal of such behavior, you are also ready to do something for him. And if he is not ready to meet you halfway, negotiations will become impossible at the moment.

But we cannot give in to a partner who uses illegal means of reaching an agreement (rudeness, deceit, concealment of information, etc.), what should we do? And here you go on two vectors. If you have a mutually beneficial offer (albeit not ideal, but satisfying the interests of both parties), we display the offer. If you don’t have such an option, you suggest not to waste time on fruitless negotiations, take a break and think about solutions. Indicate the period after which you will contact the partner.

You need to decide for yourself: whether it is worth negotiating both for yourself and “for that guy”. If you need the result of negotiations more than your partner, or just really need it, try it. Here everything is decided by your resources. If your partner does not have time to prepare and share information, you need to take on the time that he does not want to spend. Sit and think: what goals and interests you can bring together into complete solutions that you can offer him. If he does not want to part with the information, can he be persuaded to give it away or find someone from the partner’s entourage who will “leak” the necessary information to you. Yes, this also takes time. And if he cannot give you the price that you would like to receive, again, you will need to think: what can you do for him so that he will give you this price.

Business is not only a struggle for the most profitable sales with a focus on customer experience. It is also the use of psychological tricks. Who knows how to speak well, he "rules". Consider practical advice on preparing for negotiations, the rules for conducting them in person and by phone, as well as the tricks used by entrepreneurs. This will help, whatever your area of ​​responsibility.

How to prepare for negotiations?

The ability to negotiate does not come by itself. It begins with preparation, regardless of the chosen one. This stage includes an analysis of the situation, the benefits and interests of the opponent, an assessment of one's own strengths and the development of a strategy. Here are a few key points:

  1. Bring your self-esteem to a balanced level. The fact is that low self-esteem and insecurity can lead to an overly defensive attitude. Then the person will not be able to conclude a contract. When self-esteem is inflated, the businessman is too inclined to pull the blanket over himself. Both interfere, moreover, a person sees the problem in others and does not notice his own mistakes. But sobriety in the look helps to negotiate constructively and more often achieve mutual benefits. How to achieve a balanced self-esteem? The answer is ridiculously simple: Surround yourself with good friends who are always willing to tell the truth about you.
  2. Find a decision maker (DM). Often in companies, responsibilities are not clearly defined. Sometimes responsible for making decisions whole group persons. You will probably also need to ask a number of clarifying questions to make sure that you have reached the decision maker.
  3. Prepare for your partner's communication style. In order to properly negotiate in the future, you need to understand how your partner makes decisions: emotionally or rationally. Based on this, choose your conversation tactics. If you have an emotional person in front of you, then the arguments for him may mean nothing. You just need to make the negotiations simple and pleasant, to win over. And then offer the opponent what he likes. And if you got a partner with a rational type of thinking, rely on numbers and facts - on what is easy to calculate. First, there should be undeniable indicators, and only then you can move on to hard-to-measure ones.
  4. Think about the possible tactics of the opponent's behavior. If he will "attack", outline the answers to possible reproaches and claims, often unfair and aggressive. If the business partner is only inclined to defend himself, then you need to try to defeat his passivity and unwillingness to act. Your arguments must be structured in such a way as to induce reasonable activity. For example, you can record joint actions and so gradually move towards the overall result.
  5. Make a plan of questions and set a time for their discussion. Some people make this mistake: they either forget about the total time, or do not take into account the number of important questions when allocating it. It happens that each of the parties differently imagines the rules. First, the total time is determined, and when the deadline approaches, other points are remembered that they did not have time to talk about. The rush begins, or it turns out that the next round is required. So, it's better to schedule a discussion period for each issue, not just the total time. If the question is 1, the meeting can last up to 40 minutes, and if 3-5 - about 90. Do not plan for one round for more than an hour and a half, otherwise you will get tired of each other.

Thus, prepare for a battle of character; strategize, considering who is in front of you. And remember about the rules so that the plan does not go down the drain.

How to negotiate correctly?

Much can be learned from most children about how to negotiate. Amazing Fact: they act intuitively, but almost always get their way from their parents. Why? Children, first of all, know exactly what they want. Secondly, they make concessions, but not too big. Of course, when it comes to large sums of money or business interests, investors are less willing to show emotions and make decisions more carefully than parents. Nevertheless, the main principles can be distinguished:

  • Decide for yourself what you need to achieve and what you can sacrifice. By separating the necessary from the desired, you will determine where concessions are acceptable, and where you need to insist on your own.
  • Understand the terms of the agreement. To do this, you need to understand all the specialized terms and understand the pitfalls - obligations or risks that are not noticeable at first glance. If necessary, ask your partner what you mean.
  • Avoid ambiguity in the interpretation of the situation. The point is to document the agreement reached and make sure you understand it in the same way as the partner. To do this, for example, you can send after the meeting thank you letter where the outcome of the negotiations is clearly indicated. Further, if confirmation is received, the contract can be considered valid.
  • Always keep your word. This affects business reputation and business prospects.

Important: remember that no two cases are the same. These general principles should help, but be aware of the differences. For example, negotiations between a startup and an investor will not be the same as between the directors of two companies planning mutually beneficial cooperation. They also differ in the way they are conducted - in person and by phone.


Face-to-face negotiations leave the opportunity to follow the reaction of the interlocutor: to see his gestures and facial expressions. This is a trump card that is important to use. Now let's formulate 7 basic rules of face-to-face business communication:

  • Rely on your own mission. Face-to-face communication allows you to remember your global task. And it is better that it is focused not only on your interests, but also on the interests of the interlocutor. It has already been said above that you need to understand the goal, that is, what you want. But it is also important to remember exactly how you want to achieve this. This is also part of the mission.
  • Free your mind and avoid speculation. Visual contact has and reverse side: You may interpret a nod or gesture incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to ask something again than to draw the wrong conclusion and then suffer.
  • Get rid of the need and think about the needs. Sometimes we get into a psychological trap because we think we need a deal. In fact, it's better to think that we have certain needs, and with the help of a deal, we can solve them. Need allows us to be manipulated, and need and choice will not let us be the losers.
  • Do not dominate and do not rise, but pretend to be a "boot". People love to feel taller and smarter. You can dress ridiculously and behave absent-mindedly: dropping a pen or folder with papers, not tying your shoelace, or putting on a crooked tie. Then the person will probably reveal all the cards and start showing off. He's in his comfort zone, and that's what you want.
  • Ask only open-ended questions. Their closed type with the answer "yes / no" deprives communication of informativeness and fetters. For example, the question "Are you sure?" sounds strange, like an interrogation. Open-ended, or detailed, questions will help to get useful information, and they sound more pleasant for the interlocutor.
  • Understand, explain and resolve your partner's "pain". Face-to-face communication is a great way to hear a person's problem and offer a solution.
  • Say "no" whenever an offer doesn't work for you. The answer "yes" terminates the negotiations. The word "no" continues them. Don't feel compelled to accept an opponent's proposal just because you don't have the time. It is better to look for another person who is ready to take into account your interests to a greater extent.

Such meetings are best held in a calm atmosphere and without haste. Their goals can be very different, but it’s better not to waste time on trifles, especially when you have planned a long time interval or even several rounds for face-to-face negotiations.

By phone

The phone should help save time and money: instead of long meetings and trips, you can simply solve a certain task in the “on the wire” conversation mode. True, large-scale transactions are not usually concluded this way. Rather, it is a way to clarify information and agree on something in advance. Or offer a solution to the client's problem.

Important: if the interlocutor feels that phone call takes, not saves time, you are guaranteed to lose a client or partner. That is why (especially for beginners) it is so important to familiarize yourself with and take into account ready-made algorithms.

  • To negotiate with a client by phone, you need to be well prepared and keep a memo in front of your eyes. Lack of eye contact can also be a trump card, because then you should not be embarrassed by the prepared cheat sheet with the plan.
  • State the purpose of the call. If during a personal meeting you can outline a long conversation plan, then in telephone conversation the goal is one, and the interlocutor should communicate it. But the more significant the goal is set, the greater the likelihood of failure. Thus, it is better to set the task simpler: inform, invite, get an opinion, bill or offer something valuable and free.
  • Instead of immediately asking the person responsible for a particular issue or the director, it is better to use a workaround. Set a problem that only the decision maker can solve. Then the secretary himself will want to switch to right person. For example: “Arshin Company holds an investment forum for leading landowners. With whom can I coordinate the rider ... ".
  • Make sure you land on the "right" person. This doesn't always work out. Repeat the task for the proposed decision maker. The reaction will show whether to continue the conversation. We develop an example: “This is Andrey Sidorov from the Arshin company. We are holding an investment forum for the development of import substitution. Are you responsible for attracting investments in your company?
  • Identify needs. Ask clarifying questions about the plans of the prospective partner at the point of contact with your interests. Further, if interest is visible, strengthen it with 1-2 sentences. First, just the essence. Does the interlocutor have questions? Excellent.
  • Give a presentation. Now is the time to tell the details from the point of view of the interests of the interlocutor. This is usually the best time to report. Stay within a few minutes.
  • Handle objections. If they relate to a product or service in general, pay attention to the purpose of the call. But if the objection is still related to the goal, explain how the proposal solves the mentioned or other problem of the interlocutor. For example, you were invited to a seminar, and in response you heard: “I don’t have time to go to such events.” You can answer: “The seminar will help save time on solving technical issues that arise due to lack of information…”.
  • Close the call. If the conversation was successful, you should agree on the next action. For example, arrange a meeting to discuss the details. Naturally, this should be directly or indirectly related to your goal.

Useful negotiation tips

How to do it right and how to do it effectively are two different things. Still, it is necessary to take into account human psychology and the mentality of a particular nation. Even in home business the art of negotiation can be a good help if you take into account some tricks. Their correct application affects income, expenses and the likelihood of achieving the goal.

Trick #1: Under no circumstances should you say "yes" after the first sentence.

If you rush to a positive response, the interlocutor will have one of two types of negative reactions:

  • "We had the opportunity to better conditions. Since they accepted our first offer, it means that we started the bidding incorrectly.”
  • “Probably something is wrong here. Why did they decide to immediately agree after the first offer?

Trick #2: you should ask for more than you hope to help out.

Here are some reasons to use this approach:

  • Only in this case you have a chance to achieve what you ask for. If you don't try, you yourself will eliminate the possibility of obtaining additional benefits.
  • This allows you to build some space for a business conversation. The wider it is, the more interesting it is to move towards common interests.
  • In the event that you are responsible for the sale, using this advice, you can increase the importance of your products and services in the eyes of the opposite party.
  • After your concessions, the opponent will have the feeling that he is in a winning position.
  • This tactic avoids bad deals.

Among employees in the area international relations such tactics are referred to as the key to success at the negotiating table.

Trick #3: you need to show a willingness to change your conditions.

Consider different sides of the issue, do not rush to give in. Don't go to extremes. You must listen to the interests of the interlocutor and calmly analyze them out loud.

Trick #4: The choice gives a psychological advantage.

The side that has the choice has more influence. It is necessary to show that you have it, and to convince of it. But do not let your partner know that he can use such weapons. Show the benefits and uniqueness of your offer to eliminate options for your opponent.

Trick #5 A: Be a reluctant buyer.

If you're a buyer, you can "pin the wall" of the seller using 3 tips:

  • Listen carefully to what the seller has to offer and ask any questions you might have. Their goal is to show doubts about the appropriateness of the purchase.
  • To say that they appreciated the time spent on you, but this option did not quite suit you.
  • At the very end, you can, as if by chance, ask: “Is this the smallest cost for this product?”.

Trick #6: learn the technique of "clamping".

After as you listen to the seller's proposals, hint that there is a better option. The next step is to remain silent. The one who first says something after a pause will be the loser. When people hear such a phrase, in most cases they begin to make concessions.

Trick number 7 A: Don't give in too often.

Based on how often you concede, opponents will create their own image of you. Don't give in to their whims. So you prolong the dialogue and take a step towards your interests.

Trick #8: be patient.

If you hear conditions that are not suitable for you, do not rush to refuse negotiations altogether. Give the impression that you want to move towards a common goal. If there is a feeling that the opponent no longer agrees with your point of view, that is, he himself is losing patience, find arguments to continue the dialogue.

Trick #9: Unnecessarily do not delay the final stage.

It often happens that the discussion of issues stops at the final stage. If this happens, most likely the other side can agree to your terms, but it is embarrassing for her to be the loser. So a simple tip: remember to keep a modest concession up your sleeve for your opponents. Inform that you will provide it only at the conclusion of the contract right now.

Trick #10: do not forget about the higher authority.

Don't tell your opponents that you have the right to make your own decisions. Better warn that there is a higher authority, which has the last word. You can exercise serious pressure on a partner without creating a conflict situation. For example, like this: "I'm not sure that the director will consider the transaction profitable." So you do not blame your leadership, but simply immediately shift the responsibility to them and at the same time seek concessions.

Trick #11 A: Don't compromise first.

Better try to get the interlocutor to offer you compromise options. For example, you could start like this: “Our interests are not too different. Which option do you think will suit both of us?”. If your opponent decides to voice a compromise, agree reluctantly. This will give the impression that he managed to beat you.

Trick #12: Don't solve other people's problems.

People often blame their problems on others. This is how they get concessions. In this regard, it is important to check the veracity of their arguments. For example, if you hear the phrase “our treasury does not have enough funds,” you can check the statement. But don't be too direct, but ask, "Who in your firm has the right to go over budget?" Now your opponent is proving something and solving his own problem of lack of money.

Trick #13: If there is a stalemate, apply a prepared gambit.

When there is no way to reach an agreement, try to look at the problem from the outside and offer a solution. If you manage to reach a solution to minor issues, then you will probably be able to agree on a more important point.

Trick #14: In case of disputes, offer to invite an impartial arbitrator.

If the dialogue has reached an impasse, sometimes only a neutral person can resolve the controversial situation. Offering to call an arbitrator from the outside, you can assess the readiness of the opposite side to solve the problem.

Trick #15: if you are asked to yield, ask for something in return.

You can say this: "If we agree to your terms, what concessions are you willing to make on your part?". The chance of getting a profitable bonus with this formulation is very high.

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The thoughts discussed above are a great help in learning how to negotiate. Practice shows that this skill is not always in the blood of businessmen. Some do not even know such simple things and, through negligence, "stuff bumps." Of course, the secrets, rules and tricks described here should be applied flexibly and selectively, according to the situation. However, they are time-tested and help you achieve your goals faster and more often.

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