Once again to the issue of maintenance of heat metering units. Maintenance of heat metering units

  • Do we need a service organization?
  • Is there a law requiring it?
  • What awaits us if we refuse the service?
  • What is included in the maintenance service?

Let's deal with all the questions in order.

The heat meter, on the part of the owner, does not require special care. The lithium battery that powers the heat meter is not suitable for reuse, but must be disposed of. Special care for the battery is not necessary, the service life declared by the manufacturer is at least six years, usually no more than five years, and this is equal to the service life of the meter before it is checked (the state verification period is four to five years for different heat meters). The specialist who checks or maintains the heat meter must change the battery approximately every four years. If your flow transducers are also powered by batteries, they must be changed every two years.

Thermal resistance - no maintenance required.

This is theory, let's put it into practice.

The heat energy metering unit should be used only in accordance with the approved technical specifications. documentation and passports.

Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the instruments lies with a responsible person appointed by the management of the company in charge of the equipment.

Service works, repair and mounting devices are carried out only by specialists of firms that have the appropriate approvals for the right to perform work of this kind.

CJSC "ATONOMNY ENERGOSERVICE" provides turnkey implementation services heat metering units, as well as installation work its parts separately, adjustment of systems and commissioning. Our company can provide services both for the maintenance of the metering unit separately, and in combination with the rest of the equipment of the heat and power facility.

The list of works included in the maintenance of the heat energy metering unit:

  1. Scheduled maintenance work for devices that are part of the metering unit:
    - external inspection (periodic) in order to control the operation of the heat meter;
    - monitoring the presence of supply voltage;
    - inspection of connections (electrical and mechanical);
    - Inspection for external damage constituent parts appliances;
    - checking the serviceability of the laid signal cables;
    - control over the presence of oil in the sleeves of resistance thermocouples;
  2. Reading historical data on heat consumption (as well as hourly archives of unforeseen moments), processing, reporting and submission to the heat supply company, as well as providing data to the customer.
  3. Checking current and archived information (criteria) in order to control those. provisions, assessment of the performance of devices. Study of the mode of heat consumption, comparison of data with contractual criteria, timely notification of the client about non-compliance with the contract data (changes and non-compliance with the conditions of use), research and debugging of sensors of recorded data converters, control over databases and elimination of overlays in programs.
  4. Represent the customer's interest in heat supply companies in solving controversial points on the use of metering devices.
  5. Small and timely repair of accounting devices without dismantling the equipment itself.
  6. Preparation of heat energy metering units for heating season(carrying out planned and necessary preventive maintenance of devices).
  7. Delivery of the metering unit at the agreed time to the heat supply organization at the beginning of the heating period. Timely submission of reports to the relevant organization during the heating period.
  8. Provision (organizational and technical part) performance of repair, verification and restoration work, if necessary, or within the time limits established by control companies.
  9. Organization of timely metrological State inspection and control of metering units in accordance with the law and passport intervals.
  10. Repair work of equipment after notification of a malfunction of the devices.

After the commissioning of the metering unit, an agreement is drawn up for the maintenance of heat energy metering units. As a rule, this is done by the design and installation organization that carried out the installation and maintains the ITP.

We carry out all routine maintenance work, as well as the installation of UUTE at a high professional level.

Technical (service) maintenance of ITP and UUTE is necessary to maintain equipment performance, prevent accidents, ensure uninterrupted reading of indicators and control over equipment and coolant parameters.

Maintenance of thermal energy metering units allows you to avoid possible misunderstandings, if there is a discrepancy between the calculated and actual consumption of thermal energy. Such situations sometimes arise when thermal power companies somewhat distort the indicators and try to write off additional costs at the expense of consumers. In such cases, the price of UUTE and maintenance costs of UUTE quickly pay off.

As practice shows, professional and competent maintenance of equipment can not only reduce operating costs, minimize the risk of breakdowns, but also significantly reduce electricity consumption. It is calculated that regular maintenance at the ITP with UUTE makes it possible in some cases to reduce the average annual electricity consumption by 30%.

Scheduled maintenance of UUTE includes the following services.

  1. Scheduled follow-up visits.
  2. Unscheduled inspections.
  3. Maintenance of UUTE components.
  4. Daily remote (if technically possible) taking and analyzing readings from metering devices.
  5. Interaction with representatives of the heat supply organization.
  6. Tracking the timing of verification of control and accounting devices.

Maintenance of heat energy meters

The heat energy metering unit consists of a heat quantity calculator, resistance thermal converters, primary flow converters, pressure converters, sensors, measuring instruments and auxiliary equipment (power supplies, controllers, etc.).

Maintenance of heat meters is carried out during one of the control inspections at least once a month. It is divided into external inspection and preventive maintenance of heat meters.

During the external examination is carried out:

  • visual inspection to identify mechanical damage and malfunctions;
  • checking for the presence and integrity of seals;
  • checking for changes not provided for by the project;
  • checking the operating conditions and the condition of the place where the UUTE was installed;
  • taking readings and recording them in a journal.
  • cleaning the premises and the installation site of the UUTE from foreign objects that interfere with maintenance.

Preventive maintenance includes:

  • cleaning equipment from dust;
  • counting mechanism testing;
  • checking the configuration (settings) of the calculator;
  • setting and checking the output signals of the converters;
  • checking the calculator for the presence of programmable distortions;
  • checking the mains voltage;
  • checking grounding and pipeline for lack of voltage and potential difference;
  • elimination of possible leaks and check valves;
  • starting water from a common valve to the node.

Violation of the frequency or regulations for the maintenance of heat metering devices can be costly. A minor, easily repairable damage not detected in time, after some time, can cause a serious accident, requiring the replacement of expensive elements of the ITP and UUTE.

LLC "Tesco" offers design, installation and maintenance of heat energy metering units. You can't just install counters. No need to neglect the maintenance schedule. Any equipment requires attention. Regular inspection allows you to identify small problems and fix them in a timely manner. Ignoring the periodic maintenance of UUTE - heat energy metering units - means risking equipment and money.

The operation of heat meters costs little, but eliminates many troubles and financial losses. Turning to our company, you will receive maintenance of heat energy metering units in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is included in instrument maintenance?

Scheduled maintenance includes:

  • regular taking of readings and their transfer to employees of the heat supply company;
  • analysis and processing of the information received, allowing to recommend the optimal equipment maintenance scheme;
  • development of the required documentation with the specialists of the heat supply enterprise;
  • direct maintenance of UUTE - thermal energy metering units, including checking the condition of sealing, grounding connections, wiring to thermal resistors and elements that record heat consumption and power supply; this may also include minor installation and dismantling works;
  • preliminary check the state of the UUTE - an assessment of how well the system functions;
  • basic check of the state of the UUTE:
    • analysis of the accuracy of measuring instruments - assessment of the deviation of instruments from the reference reading of instrumental data;
    • analysis of comparative temperature data of thermal resistance transducers with respect to similar indicators on other similar devices;
    • obtaining information about the incorrect operation of equipment and various emergency situations - with subsequent data analysis;
  • minor repairs (if necessary):
    • replacement of fuses;
    • replacement of control and measuring elements;
    • analysis of elements that record data on pressure in the system;
  • in the most neglected case - in case of major equipment breakdowns that are not compatible with local repairs - dismantling work with subsequent shipment of the equipment to the manufacturer; after repair - installation and commissioning with official fixation of the measures taken by an employee of the heat supply company.

Terms of cooperation with our organization

Maintenance of UUTE - heat energy metering units - is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the received diagnostic information and the requirements of the documentation that determines the operation of the devices. The performed maintenance work must be reflected in the UUTE passport. The results of verification activities are documented in the format of an act signed by three parties:

  • heat consumer;
  • employees who perform maintenance of devices;
  • heating company specialists.

Tesco specialists have extensive experience in servicing thermal appliances. If necessary, the list of routine maintenance can be expanded. Prior to the start of work, our employees preliminarily inspect and evaluate the condition of the heating equipment.

To order maintenance of UUTE - heat energy metering units - in the capital or Moscow region, please contact our managers. The adequate cost of the service is complemented by the guaranteed quality of its provision.

Ph.D. S.N. Kanev, Associate Professor, General Director,
Khabarovsk Center for Energy Saving, Khabarovsk

The purpose of this publication is to draw the attention of heat supply organizations licensed to repair measuring instruments (MI) and engaged in the technical and service maintenance of heat energy metering units to the aspects that arise when checking licensed activities for the repair of MI that are part of the metering unit.


In January 2008, the territorial body of state metrological supervision (Rostechregulative Inspectorate for the Khabarovsk Territory) checked all enterprises in Khabarovsk that have a license to repair measuring instruments and are engaged in maintenance of heat energy metering units.

Based on the results of the inspection of the licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments, protocols were drawn up, which were then submitted to the Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk Territory to initiate proceedings on bringing the licensee to administrative responsibility.

It should be noted that during the audit, the actual activities for the repair of measuring instruments were not considered, only the formal (paper) side was checked:

■ availability of normative-technical and normative-technological documentation;

■ availability of logs of repair and transfer of measuring instruments for verification;

■ availability of working measuring instruments used in the repair of measuring instruments;

■ Availability of reference MI used for verification of repaired MI.

The main remarks of the inspection body, in particular for the group of enterprises of the Khabarovsk Energy and Resource Saving Center, were as follows.

1. The licensee violated the technology of repair of measuring instruments, namely: in a timely manner (by the end of verification) did not ensure the verification of measuring instruments used in the repair process.

2. The licensee did not submit the List of measuring instruments and the schedule for verification of measuring instruments for 2008.

3. The licensee violated the terms of the repair - did not conclude an agreement with the State Metrological Service for verification of measuring instruments after repair: pressure measuring sensors (pressure gauges and pressure gauges).

4. The licensee has repaired and sent for verification the narrowing devices that are not included in the licensed type of activity.

5. The licensee did not inform the licensed body - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of his new, registered according to the State Register, legal address.

All comments will be considered in detail below, but for now we note that the Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk Territory in the first instance recognized all the arguments of the inspection body as unsubstantiated and decided: to refuse to satisfy the requirements of the Inspectorate for State Metrological Supervision of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The purpose of this publication: to draw the attention of organizations licensed to repair measuring instruments and engaged in the technical and service maintenance of heat energy metering units to the aspects that arise when checking licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments that are part of the metering unit.

Consider the following concepts:

■ after-sales service;

■ maintenance;

■ repair;

■ verification.

Service maintenance

The concept of "service maintenance" is absent in the regulatory and technical documentation,

but it can be qualified as follows. After-sales service is a set of services aimed at meeting the specific needs of each individual client.

The concept of service maintenance of a heat energy metering unit includes maintenance, repair and additional service functions provided to the consumer - the owner of the metering unit:

■ taking readings and analyzing data on the subscriber's heat consumption;

■ analysis of emergency situations arising during operation;

■ preparing a report on heat consumption for the subscriber and providing assistance in case of disputes arising between the subscriber and the power supply organization;

■ training of the subscriber's personnel;

■ provision of consulting services to the consumer on the issues of heat supply to his facility;

■ carrying out work to improve the operation of the heat supply system of the subscriber (regulation, adjustment, etc.).


In accordance with maintenance, it is a set of operations to maintain the operability of the product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storing and transporting. In accordance with maintenance, this is the operation, repair, adjustment and testing of equipment. Operation - systematic use, maintenance and repair of heat-consuming installations.

Thus, maintenance in accordance with includes repairs, and in order to carry out repairs in accordance with it, it is necessary to have a license for the repair of SI.

With regard to heat energy metering units, maintenance is carried out in order to control the correct operation of the metering unit and includes the following types of work:

■ systematic monitoring of the operation of devices that are part of the metering unit and diagnostics of their technical condition;

■ current repair and adjustment of measuring instruments;

■ if necessary, dismantling of measuring instruments, their repair and subsequent verification.


In accordance with the repair - a set of operations to restore the health of the product and restore the resources of products or their components. The following types of repairs and repair methods are distinguished.

Repair types:

■ overhaul - a repair performed to restore the serviceability of a complete or close to full restoration of the product's life with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones;

■ medium repair - repair performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of the product resource with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and control of the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation;

■ current (minor) repairs - repairs performed to ensure or restore the product's operability and consisting in the replacement and/or restoration of individual parts;

■ repair according to technical condition - a repair in which the technical condition is monitored at intervals and to the extent specified in the normative and technical documentation, and the scope and time of the beginning of the repair is determined by the technical condition of the product.

Repair Methods:

■ aggregate repair method - a repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired units;

■ method of repair by a specialized organization - a method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations;

■ in-house repair - a method of performing repairs by the manufacturer.


In accordance with verification of SI - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service in order to determine and confirm the compliance of SI with the established technical requirements. Measuring instruments subject to state metrological control and supervision are subject to verification upon release from production or repair.

So, if the concept of service, maintenance and repair can be combined, then "verification" is in no way connected with these concepts. There is only an indirect connection between repair and verification: verification is carried out after repair, i.e. repaired measuring instruments must be verified. Although this is a controversial statement, as will be shown below.

The author spoke about the need for maintenance of heat energy metering units, especially on the basis of domestic heat meters, 13 years ago. At that time, most manufacturers of heat meters accepted the idea of maintenance metering units "with hostility". They motivated this by the fact that their products do not need maintenance, because. the operability of their products is maintained during the entire calibration interval (MPI), which is usually from 3 to 5 years. After the end of the MPI, a scheduled repair of the instruments and their subsequent verification are carried out. However, this myth was debunked after 1-2 years of operation of this equipment.

Operational practice has shown that none of the domestic heat meters has an actual MPI that matches the passport approved during testing for approval of the MI type.

For the vast majority of domestic metering devices, the actual MPI does not exceed 1 year (although sometimes there are samples in which MPI is 2 years) with a declared MPI of 3-5 years.

Today, all domestic manufacturers of heat metering devices tacitly recognize this fact, introducing the column "maintenance" into the NTD for metering devices. In this column there are interesting records like:

■ “If a heat meter is used in conditions of heat carriers with a physical and chemical composition that differs from the requirements of regulatory documents, it is necessary to periodically flush the flow part of the flow converters without abrasive materials; flushing should be carried out regularly in the service mode, avoiding metrological failure; the frequency of flushing the flow path depends on the specific operating conditions”;

■ “If sedimentation is possible in the medium being measured, then the flow transducer must be periodically flushed in order to eliminate deposits; at the same time, do not allow mechanical damage to the inner surface of the transducer and its electrodes”;

■ “If yellow deposits are detected during operation on the internal surface of the flow transducer, it must be dismantled and the internal surface of the measuring section should be wiped with a soft cloth so as not to damage the electrodes.”

Isn't it funny. Firstly, how to determine whether the quality of the coolant complies with regulatory documents or not. Even if the quality of the coolant complies with GOST at the outlet of the source, it is not at all necessary that its quality will not change when flowing through the “rusty” pipes of the heat supply system. Secondly, how to “flush” the flow part and with what solution - nothing is said about this in the NTD. And most importantly: how to determine at what point it is necessary to flush (clean) the measuring section? How often should this be done in the field? Will the metrological characteristics of the device change in this case? You will not find the answer to these questions in the NTD for these SI.

Currently, the need for maintenance of heat meters during their operation is not discussed. In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, heat metering units are not allowed for commercial accounting if they are not under maintenance or service, although 13 years ago this was considered a crime.

Before returning to the verification materials, let us once again dwell on the concepts of repair and verification of measuring instruments.

For the repair of flow converters, heat meters and heat meters, no reference SI is required. When repairing, the following can be used: a set of keys and screwdrivers, a tester (multimeter), an oscilloscope, etc. Moreover, it is not necessary that these funds be trusted.

After repair (in order to determine the quality of repair), these MIs can be diagnosed (adjusted, calibrated) using reference MIs on special stands. You can do this, or you can not do it - if you are sure of the quality of the repair and have not damaged the seals of the state certifier. Moreover, this operation can be performed either by the repair organization itself, or by any other organization.

And finally, the third stage is the verification of repaired measuring instruments on special stands using reference measuring instruments, which is carried out by authorities

state metrological service. If, according to the results of verification, the product is recognized as suitable, then this means that the repair was carried out with high quality.

Note that although it is written in that MIs are subject to verification when they are released from repair, not all MIs need to be verified after repair. So, for example, if a current (minor) repair of an MI is carried out (replacement of a battery, power supply unit, fuse, etc.) and the seal of the state verification is not damaged, then this product may not be verified after repair.

This raises interesting questions.

1. Flushing, cleaning of the flow part of the flow converter during operation - is it a repair or maintenance? If the metrological characteristics of the device have changed during operation, i.e. a metrological failure has occurred (it is not clear, however, how to check this), then this is a repair for which a license is required and after which it is necessary to carry out an extraordinary verification. If the metrological characteristics have not changed, then this maintenance and a license to repair the measuring instrument is not needed.

2. Is instrument adjustment a repair or not a repair? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Suppose the device was adjusted and its class was changed to a lower one, for example, from 0.25 to 0.5. However, the device remained operational. If this qualifies as a repair,

then it requires a license to repair, and if it is not a repair, then no license is required.

It is on such ambiguities and inaccuracies that the regulatory authorities are trying to play when checking the licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments.

About the comments of regulatory authorities

Let us return to the comments of the regulatory authorities, which are given at the beginning of this publication. The first gross violation that, from the point of view of the inspection body, falls under paragraph “b” is a violation of the repair technology, which consists in the fact that the licensee, in the process of carrying out the repair, used not timely verified reference measuring instruments, with the help of which, allegedly, the repair was carried out . Note that in fact, we were talking about reference MI (pulse generator, frequency meter, resistance box, etc.), which are used when checking repaired MI, and not when repairing them. At the time of verification, a part of these standards was handed over for verification, which was confirmed by a letter from the metrological service that accepted these instruments for verification.

The essence of this remark, which the inspection body incriminated the licensee, was as follows.

1. In accordance with the MI verification schedule for 2007, the reference MI should have been verified in December 2007, and submitted for verification in January 2008, but before the expiration of the MPI. Since the licensee violated the Schedule, this, according to the inspection, is a violation. Note that the contract for the provision of metrological services contains a clause: “The Contractor undertakes, in agreement with the Customer, to verify the measuring instruments that are not included in the Schedule, presented outside the Schedule or with violated deadlines specified in the Schedule.” However, the inspection did not take into account the reference to this clause of the contract.

2. The inspectorate also charged the licensee with the fact that some of the reference measuring instruments, which, in its opinion, are used for repairs, were not available at the time of the check (it was being verified at the KhTsSM). Consequently, during the period of time when the reference SI were being verified, the licensee did not have the opportunity to carry out licensed activities. He should have warned the licensing authority, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, about this, but he did not. The licensee drew the attention of the inspection that during this period he did not carry out any repairs or verification, but

this was not taken into account. And although the inspection did not prove the fact of the repair and, consequently, the violation of the repair technology, it still considered this a violation and demanded that the licensee be punished. From the point of view of a normal person, this is absolute nonsense: to punish not for committing a crime, but for the potential possibility of committing a crime. According to the logic of the inspection, it turns out like a classic: “If a gun hangs on the wall, then it will definitely fire sometime,” which means it can kill someone.

The court dealt with this issue in the following way. Let us quote the decision of the court: "Based on the definition" technological process”, given in GOST 3.1109-82 “Terms and definitions of basic concepts”, a violation of the technology and manufacture and repair of SI means the presence of a violation production process in the manufacture and repair of SI. The inspectorate did not provide evidence that the untimely delivery of instruments for verification led to a violation of the MI repair technology. At the time the instruments were being verified at the KhTsSM, the latter could not be used by the licensee in the repair of measuring instruments and, as a result, there could be no violation of the repair technology.

Let us further consider the second remark addressed to the licensee by the regulatory authority: The licensee did not provide a list and schedule for the verification of measuring instruments for 2008. proceedings. But regarding the list, the supervisory authority insisted on its position, which was as follows. In accordance with, “Measuring instruments that are in operation or in storage are subject to periodic verification; lists of measuring instruments to be verified are compiled by the owners of measuring instruments and sent to the body of the State Metrological Service.

Those. according to the logic of the regulatory authorities, the licensee had to present to the inspection a list of all measuring instruments that are on its balance sheet and are in operation or in storage: electric meters, heat and water meters for which utility payments are made with resource supply organizations, etc. Moreover, in what form this list should be compiled and for what period it should be compiled, it is not specified.

The licensee did not have this list, but the court considered that this did not apply to licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments. However, the inspection insisted that the licensee violated normative act, namely , and

means, thereby violated the terms of the licensed activities. However, the court did not take into consideration the arguments of the supervisory authority on this issue.

I want to draw the attention of everyone who has on their balance sheet and operates measuring instruments to the fact that the List of measuring instruments to be verified must be kept. This is the first thing that the inspection for metrological supervision and control checks. Moreover, this does not necessarily apply to the verification of activities for the repair of measuring instruments.

According to the author, this list is not needed either by the enterprise-balance-keeper, or even more so by the body of the state metrological service (GMS), which verifies SI. Both parties verify these measuring instruments in accordance with the terms established in the NTD for these measuring instruments and on the basis of an agreement for the provision of metrological services concluded annually between these parties. Therefore, the presence of a list in is an extra hook for the territorial bodies of Rostekhregulirovanie, on which they are trying to catch the organization being checked - the owner of the SI.

Consider the third remark: "The licensee violated the condition for the repair - did not include in the contract with the State Migration Service for verification after the repair of pressure gauges and vacuum gauges."

Firstly, as mentioned above, repair and verification are different things and should not be confused. If the SI data were not included in the Verification Schedule for 2007, then this did not violate the condition for the repair.

Secondly, the licensee drew the attention of the inspectors to the fact that these measuring instruments were not repaired by him, but were handed over for verification, because MPI has expired.

Thirdly, in the agreement between the licensee and HMS for the provision of metrological services, there is a clause according to which the Contractor (HMS) undertakes, in agreement with the Customer (licensee), to verify the measuring instruments that are not included in the schedule. Therefore, the court did not take into account this remark and dismissed the arguments of the inspection.

The fourth observation of the inspection was that “the Licensee repaired and sent for verification the restrictive devices (CD) not included in the licensed type of activity.” In the opinion of the inspection, this is a very gross violation, because the licensee carried out activities to repair the control system, without having the right to do so. During the inspection, the licensee drew the attention of the inspectors to the fact that he did not repair the control systems, but only handed them over to the State Migration Service for verification.

Note that only standard diaphragms are used as control systems in Khabarovsk, which, in principle, cannot be repaired. The licensee, at the request of consumers, for whom he serves heat metering units, really handed over the control systems - standard diaphragms, having previously cleaned them of dirt and washed them in kerosene, but this is not a repair! Since the inspectorate was unable to prove the repair of the control system, the court considered its arguments unfounded.

And, finally, the last - the fifth remark: "The licensee did not inform the licensed body about the change in its legal address."

In accordance with: "In the event of a reorganization of a legal entity, a change in its name or location, as well as in the event of a change in the address of the place where the licensed type of activity is carried out, the licensee is obliged to submit an application for reissuing a document confirming the existence of a license."

Because neither actual nor mailing address of the licensee did not change, the address of the place of licensed activity did not change, and there was no reorganization of the legal entity - the licensee, then the licensee considered that he acted in strict accordance with and therefore did not notify the licensed body of the change in legal address. The court took the side of the licensee and recognized the arguments of the inspection as unfounded.

In conclusion, we can quote the Decision arbitration court Khabarovsk Territory:

“In accordance with paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, a person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses in respect of which his guilt is established, irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility are interpreted in favor of this person. The provisions of Art. 65 and 210 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation establish the rules according to which the obligation to prove the obligations that served as the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility rests with the administrative body that made the contested decision (in our case, this is the State Metrology Control Inspectorate).

This decision also follows from, namely: paragraph 3 of Art. 12 "To the relations connected with

when the licensing authority checks that the licensee complies with the license requirements and conditions when carrying out the licensed type of activity, the provisions shall apply.

In accordance with Art. 3 of the law the basic principles of protecting the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when conducting state control (supervision) are: the presumption of good faith, i.e. innocence of the legal entity, and, therefore, the controlling body must prove the guilt of the person being checked, and not vice versa.

Based on the above, the following can be done conclusions.

1. An organization engaged in the maintenance of heat metering units must have a license from Rostekhregulirovanie for the repair of measuring instruments that are part of the metering unit.

2. If the territorial bodies of Rostekhregulirovanie will check your licensed activity for the repair of measuring instruments and during this check they conclude that you have violated the conditions for carrying out this activity, then they will have to prove your guilt by presenting the relevant facts, and you are not obliged to them help by testifying against themselves, providing them with the information they request, sometimes even illegally.


1. GOST 18322-78. The system of maintenance and repair of equipment. Terms and Definitions.

2. Rules for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heating networks of consumers, State Energy Supervision Authority, 1998

3. the federal law No. 128-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

4. Law on Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (as amended by Federal Law No. 15-FZ of January 10, 2001).

5. Glukhov A.P., Kanev S.N., Putyatin V.I. Experience of the Khabarovsk Center for Energy and Resource Saving in servicing heat metering devices at enterprises // Industrial Energy. No. 2, 1995.

6. Regulation on licensing activities for the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 493.

7. PR.50.2.006 "Procedure for verification of measuring instruments".

8. Federal law on the protection of rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision) No. 134-FZ of 2001
