Without a jacket. defense industry general. Personal information Kudryavtsev Gennady Ivanovich axion holding

Dmitry Vinokurov

Deputies of the State Council of Udmurtia on March 29 at the regular session adopted a resolution on the early termination of the powers of Gennady Kudryavtsev, who had previously submitted a written statement.

“Let me thank Gennady Ivanovich (Kudryavtsev - ed.) on your behalf for the fruitful deputy work. For two convocations in a row, he was a deputy of the republican parliament, it was no coincidence that he was in the ranks of the standing commission on social policy. The Aksion-holding Izhevsk motorcycle plant headed by him is an example of a competent social policy. Under the leadership of Gennady Ivanovich, the plant is developing steadily, taking a worthy place in the system of enterprises of the country's military-industrial complex. What is very important, in the conditions market economy, preserves and develops social facilities ... Gennady Ivanovich is distinguished by an active civic position, a sincere interest in the success of the republic and the plant, and the well-being of the inhabitants of Udmurtia. His activities as a deputy of the State Council of Udmurtia were very fruitful, many of his proposals were reflected in the adopted laws ... Today, Gennady Ivanovich heads the industrial and economic association of Udmurtia "Razvitie", which unites more than a dozen enterprises," commented Vladimir Nevostruev, Chairman of the State Council of Udmurtia.

It should be noted that Gennady Kudryavtsev was re-elected to the State Council of Udmurtia in the Republican constituency (party lists) from United Russia in 2012.

“I am grateful that you made the decision that I would like you to make. I, like your colleague, have a huge layer of work ahead of me. In the last quarter, we have created three more enterprises in our Aksion Corporation - Microelectronic Technologies Plant; an enterprise that is engaged in the construction, maintenance of communications, networks; Institute of Complex Instrumentation. Volumes for the last year have grown by more than 60% in general for our company. Much attention should also be paid to our association of defense enterprises. Today, in the conditions in which we are all looking for solutions today, this is of particular importance. Therefore, I have a desire to work for another 12-15 years specifically in industry, in defense production, there are a lot of tasks to be solved and I would like to transfer the place that I occupied in the State Council of Udmurtia to young talented people who come here and solve very important state tasks. Thank you very much. I am always there, at your command, I will always solve with you any issues that will depend on me to some extent, ”Gennady Kudryavtsev, now ex-deputy of the republican parliament, responded with a response.

Kudryavtsev Gennady Ivanovich

Graduated from the Perm Mechanical College, Udmurt State University, specialty - economics and management at the enterprise.

Candidate economic sciences.

1963 - 1964 - an apprentice fitter, fitter 2nd category, Izhevsk Motor Plant, Izhevsk.

1964 - 1965 - fitter-assembler of the 2nd category, Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, Izhevsk.

1965 - 1992 - fitter-fitter of the 2nd category, dispatcher of the assembly shop, engineer of the assembly department, senior dispatcher production department, head of the planning and dispatching office of a mechanical shop, head of a mechanical shop, head of mechanical production, deputy general director for economics, Izhevsk Radio Plant, Izhevsk.

1992 - 1996 - Director for Economic Coordination, Head of the Department of Finance and Economics - Director for Economic Coordination, Aksion-Holding Izhevsk Motor Plant, Izhevsk.

Since 1996 - general director, JSC "Izhevsk motor plant" Aksion-holding ", Izhevsk.

Kudryavtsev Gennady Ivanovich General Director of OAO Izhevsk Motozavod Aksion-Holding.
Candidate of Economic Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship and three medals. Honored Worker of Industry of the Udmurt Republic. Laureate State Prize Udmurt Republic. Honorary citizen of the city of Izhevsk.
Address: 426000, Izhevsk, st. Maxim Gorky, 90.
Website: www.axion.ru

Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev was born in 1947 in the city of Dalniy (now - the city of Dailyan of the People's Republic of China), where his father served. Gennady Ivanovich began his career at the Izhevsk Motor Plant in 1963. From 1966 to 1992, G. I. Kudryavtsev worked at the Izhevsk Radio Plant, where he rose from a worker to a deputy general director.
In January 1992, Gennady Ivanovich was appointed to the position of director for the coordination of the economy of the Izhevsk Motor Plant, and in 1996 he headed the enterprise. These were the most difficult years for the Russian industry. Significantly decreased the volume of orders, there were serious difficulties with traditional suppliers of components and materials. Gennady Ivanovich managed to form an effective team of leaders, create modern structure management, which allowed not only to save the enterprise, but also to achieve its confident development.
Today Aksion is a modern multidisciplinary strategic instrument-making enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Russia. Under the leadership of G. I. Kudryavtsev, a large range of products is produced special purpose for the armed forces Russian Federation and the Federal Space Agency.
OJSC Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding actively participates in the implementation of the state space program. The enterprise produces on-board instruments for the Kondor-E and KazSat spacecraft, telemetry systems for the Proton-M, Soyuz-ST launch vehicles, the Progress-M spacecraft, launch vehicle control system devices. Angara”, antenna systems for rendezvous and docking of spacecraft with the International Space Station. For the strategic missile forces, equipment for the control systems of the Topol-M and Yars missile systems is being produced. For the navy - automated complexes and data exchange systems, special communications equipment. The enterprise also produces devices and products from the composition of high-precision weapons and operational-tactical missiles of the Igla-SM, Iskander-M complexes, as well as small-sized telemetry stations MPRS of a new generation. Close attention is also paid to the creation and production of civilian products: medical equipment, energy-saving equipment, consumer goods. The enterprise carries out systematic work on the modernization of production.
The youth program is being consistently implemented, fruitful work is being carried out with veterans of the plant. Health complex "Beryozka", Palace of Culture, Medical Center, Sports Center are among the best in the city of Izhevsk and the Udmurt Republic. On the initiative and under the leadership of G. I. Kudryavtsev, the “ Charitable Foundation"Axion" for social support factory workers and veterans.
Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev leads an active community service, the second convocation is a deputy of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic.

I am the Udmurt Republic” about what they watched in the television version. Moreover, from the printed version of the joint project, you will learn all the most interesting things from what remains behind the scenes.

The new hero of the project, who took off his jacket, was Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev, General Director of Aksion-Holding, OJSC, who celebrates his 60th birthday on August 20.

Interestingly, Gennady Kudryavtsev was born in the Chinese city of Dailian, where the young Soviet soldier Ivan Kudryavtsev was sent. After some time, the Kudryavtsevs returned back to the USSR, c. And when the young man was 16 years old, he came to his motorcycle plant as an apprentice mechanic. Subsequently, Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev devoted almost half a century to the defense industry ...

The checkpoints of the Izhevsk factories brought many people into the people, but those who did not exchange them for any professional temptations are few. And if a person goes to work along the same street all his life, this does not mean at all that the circle of his interests is limited only to production issues. Gennady Kudryavtsev considers himself a rocket scientist since he saw the launch of an intercontinental missile, he is sure that in order to achieve success, you need to work very hard. A high professional at work, Gennady Ivanovich is a travel lover, a successful fisherman who became famous in the Mediterranean with his catch, and a big fan of beautiful melodic music.

What mechanic does not dream of becoming a general

Gennady Ivanovich, you first came to the factory shop as a 16-year-old boy. They started working at a motorcycle factory, then they gave almost three dozen to the radio factory and returned to their native enterprise again. You can say, all my life in the defense industry. Moreover, in one of yours you said that you really felt like a rocket scientist when you saw the launch of an intercontinental missile, and this became one of the highlights in your biography. What emotions did you experience during the rocket launch?

It seems to me that all the people who at least once took part in the work of launching rocket carriers from our ranges experienced similar feelings - and these are hundreds of thousands of military personnel, engineers and workers who worked on the creation of these rockets. It is their work, talent and skill that are concentrated in a short episode, when a huge colossus hangs above the ground, and you see how this power slowly but persistently overcomes the earth's gravity, goes into the sky. This is something colossal and makes an unforgettable impression that remains in the memory of a person for a lifetime. At the missile range, you very clearly begin to understand why you work and serve.

- Didn't you have a desire to depict the spectacle of a rocket launch on canvas? You were painting.

In fact, I used to draw a little, and it turned out pretty well for me. Usually I painted flowers, still lifes, portraits, but not rocket launches. And even though now I lack time for painting, nevertheless I cherish the dream of returning to the easel in a few years.

- Since you were fond of drawing, then you probably wrote lyrical poems?

Wrote. Frankly, it was more likely not poetry, but a good youthful chatter in poetic form.

- And at what age did the poet fall asleep in you?

When he got married.

- Marriage discourages everyone from the desire to create,- sighing lightly, the artist said about poetry, and Gennady Kudryavtsev specified the reason for the transition to prose.

I gave up poetry not because I got married, but because I connected my life with the woman to whom I dedicated my poetic declarations of love.

- Then read something from your own writings, - suggested the editor-in-chief of "From the th Udmurt Republic".

Once my wife and I were in nature. We walk along a wide field on which oats are earing, and a line was born to me: "Oats stand like a general's mustache."

A fine poetic metaphor. In addition, real prophetic imagery - everyone knows that directors large enterprises called generals. Why do you think?

Because large-scale industrial production requires special professional and human qualities. Just like in the army. Hence, many directors are often compared with generals. In addition, the significance of the work that large defense enterprises do involuntarily leads to comparison with army reality. There is also a historical aspect to this. During the Great Patriotic War many directors of defense enterprises were given the rank of general.

Heroic character and the golden factory rule

- Each Izhevsk plant has its own spirit. What is factory character?

The factory character is expressed in great responsibility and a sense of duty - no matter what happens in the life of the state, no matter what problems torment our country, the native factory workers always say to themselves: "We must do our job." Politicians may come and go, but the country and the army must have enough capacity to defend their country, their land and their people on which they live. Our people heroically did not leave the machines even when at the end of the last century they were delayed for half a year, for a year wage. In those difficult times, it was they who did not let the plant fall to its knees. That's what a factory character is.

Today, when the economic situation at our factories has been stabilized, one of the serious problems is the rotation of personnel in the field of management. industrial production. Young people are few among the leaders. How do you get out?

Clearly understanding that the time to pass the baton comes for any leader, we solved this problem a long time ago by putting into practice the developed reserve training system. This good social technology is an institution of training for young leaders. We take young man 25-30 years old and appoint him to the position of deputy director, as they say, with the current deputy director. The trainee works under the supervision of an experienced leader, learning all the nuances of production management. Moreover, this interesting move is not some episode, but a regular practice that allows you to look for and notice bright guys whose talent we allow to manifest and be realized. It must be said that a management vertical is being formed at our plant, which begins with the institute of assistant foremen. Then the apparatus of managers is formed at the stages of senior foremen and heads of shops and above. Nothing would have happened in a vacuum. In addition, we have a special training center where groups of young workers are recruited every three months. Thus, we were able to solve personnel problems and increase the number of workers. Moreover, over the past four years, the average age of the plant's employees has decreased significantly.

- Apparently, that's why "Aksion" kept social sphere?

Indeed, we have preserved the social sphere, but at the same time, when the country is in market relations, the plant has clearly declared its position - not to make free subscriptions. The main task of managers is to provide a decent level of salary for their employees, and the person himself will decide where to spend the money earned: buy a trip to the camp for a child or subscriptions to the pool at a reduced price. Our health-improving center Beryozka is one of the best in Udmurtia. Quite recently, we reconstructed the polyclinic and are now engaged in the reconstruction of the Aksion Palace of Culture. We also have a multifunctional sports and recreation complex. We managed to preserve what was inherited by the plant, and now both the plant workers and the townspeople use it.

Sterlet in pike perch and space pleasure

According to rumors, you love, and most importantly, you know how to cook, and what do you intend to treat your guests to who will gather on yours?

You can't say that I love to cook. But I know how to do it and in the family circle I’ll cook something. My simplest recipe is to take a pike perch, a sterlet on top and put this fish union in a smokehouse - it turns out a very tasty pike perch! Frankly, in our family there is a tradition of Saturday dinners at my place. All my close friends know about it and therefore they can come, sit at the laid table, have lunch and talk.


The labor collective of the plant is also preparing to congratulate its director. As usual, on a festive pretext, people have a lot of questions in order to find out more details from the preferences of the birthday man and make a pleasant surprise beloved leader. Some of the numerous intelligence "what", "how" and "why" were recorded by the film crew of the TV company "New Region".

- What's your favourite dish?

I like to cook and treat my friends with triple fish soup.

- What is your life credo?

Live in the future!

- The most important victory in life.

Overcoming oneself. In order to do something, you need to force yourself to work every day.

- You have a cat and a dog. How often do you have to separate them?

Oddly enough, they live together, and it surprises me.

- As a fisherman to a fisherman, tell me, what was your biggest catch?

Once, during a vacation in the Mediterranean, my son Jan and I managed to catch a one and a half meter beautiful and very rare fish. When we fished it out, the next morning many local newspapers published notes about this event and our photo. We have gained popularity in the hotel. All the guests congratulated us on successful fishing and asked: “Where is the fish? Show it to us." I honestly said that I gave the fish to the owner of the yacht, which greatly upset the inhabitants of the hotel. They very much regretted that they did not take pictures and did not taste this rare specimen of marine fauna, similar to swordfish.

- How many real friends do you have?

I think a lot. Here I am very lucky. I have friends that I have been friends with since I was young. I value them and appreciate them.

- At the factory you are the most chief boss And who is the head of your family?

Of course the wife. It is interesting to look at the family where the main husband is. It's just that many men are cunning, believing that they occupy a dominant position in the family.

- Do you remember your first mentor?

Of course I remember. I entered the factory as a fitter's apprentice and my mentor was Mikhail Chernykh. It was very beautiful person who taught me the first lessons of factory life.

- How is the working day of the director?

Like all directors - 12-14 hours. The standard option is from 8 am to 10 pm.

- And in what areas is it planned to modernize production at our plant?

By main technological directions. Over the past four years, we have been able to completely re-equip the PCB shop. We are one of the only enterprises in Russia that has the technology for the production of printed circuit boards of the fifth accuracy class. Having spent $4.5 million on the purchase of equipment, today we are able to implement the decisions of all the chief designers for the development military equipment. And it is very important that such a base has been created. And now we are re-equipping the microelectronics workshop, increasing production volumes and recruiting staff. One more important point- renewal of the stock of machining equipment for metalwork, turning and milling work. Next year we plan to reconstruct two main production area. Thus, step by step, in the next five to seven years, we intend to seriously modernize the entire production.

Restless economy and the right of a Hollywood actress

- You have a lot of awards, and what is the most valuable, the most expensive for you?

Probably the very first - the medal "For Labor Valour". I worked as a shop foreman at a radio plant, we introduced machines with numerical program management, which three decades ago were akin to today's introduction of microelectronics and nanotechnologies.

By the way, with the change in know-how and the introduction of the latest equipment, can you still speak with any employee of the enterprise “in his language”?

No one person can know everything, but the director needs to have a professional understanding of all major business issues. And I am proud that there are associates and great specialists next to me who help to solve problems. the toughest questions. At the same time, not very often, but it happens that life makes you say: “Do as I do!”

- In order for the company to keep pace with the times, first of all, the director himself must do this. In your case, the proof that you do not get tired of studying are the diplomas of the Perm Mechanical College, the Udmurt State University, the degree candidate of economic sciences, membership in the Russian Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems, the Russian Academy of Engineering, the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. However, in this graduation series there is a certificate from the University of Chicago. Could the Americans really teach our defense worker something?

I was studying overseas in the summer of 1991, when, as part of a delegation of Soviet engineers, I was sent to listen to lectures at two Chicago universities, where managers were trained - we then uttered this word not without difficulty. Moreover, in one of the universities, a former Hollywood actress who became a professor of jurisprudence read to us about economic law. I was impressed that the American teachers immediately warned that they would not compare the two economic systems- socialist and capitalist, but talked about how relations are built in the American economy. Then it was a revelation to us that many Americans are in search of their place all their lives. Hollywood actress quits and goes to study law. Then she persistently makes her way upstairs, reaching the professorship, and admits that the position of head of the department of economic law is not the last turn in her career for her. In general, studying in America was useful and interesting. Then no one knew what would happen to Soviet Union literally in a month, and these lectures just told us what kind of world we are entering and what awaits us. And if the authorities at that time had this knowledge, I am sure that many mistakes could have been avoided and more sensible use of resources, and as a result, the country would have gone through the transition period less painfully. For example, we were told that, according to US law, the tax authorities must collect at least 35 percent of income, but in fact it is considered the norm if 10 percent less is collected. "Why?" - we naturally asked the former Hollywood star. She replies: “If less than 23 percent is collected, then it means that our tax officials are messing around, the laws are bad and there are many loopholes to get around them. However, if more than 27 percent is collected, this means that our entrepreneurs have become stupid, lazy and ineptly conduct their business. Both little and too much - everything is bad for the country's economy. Therefore, no one is trying to squeeze out all 35.

Just at the beginning of the 90s, most of the country's defense enterprises went through conversion, starting to master the production of civilian products. "Axion" also did not pass this process, but you did not allow the stoppage of military production. Therefore, now defense orders are being revived in your country, and civilian areas for the production of medical and agricultural equipment are in demand. What are you earning more on now?

I am convinced that those defense enterprises that switched to the production of saucepans no longer exist. We must do what we can. This is a special specific production. Another thing is that when the plants lost defense orders - in 1992 the plant was loaded with only 20 percent of its production capacity - the turn to the production of civilian products was dictated solely by the interests of retaining personnel and the plant as a whole. Therefore, we have developed the production of medical equipment, which began even before perestroika, and mastered the production household appliances. AT total volume The company's production output of civilian products reaches 45 percent. At the same time, we continue to work hard on the production of military products and are ready to carry out serious tasks.

Iron safe and soft saxophone

In your factory museum there is an exhibit called "The Director's Safe", which contains a bottle of vodka, three envelopes and a pistol. What is in your safe?

I handed over the gun, I don’t keep vodka and envelopes either. I'll do without them. Who does not know what the point is, I explain that there was such an anecdote among the directors that the director could put the lines of a suicide message, letters to relatives, drink vodka and shoot himself into these envelopes. This anecdote symbolized the difficult war times, when it was impossible even to imagine that the plant did not fulfill the state task, the order of the front and did not give the army machine guns, rifles or cannons.

- So, now times are much easier for you?

For us, not at all. Of course, there is no longer any reason to keep envelopes and weapons, but a sense of responsibility remains. The understanding of the degree of responsibility for what you produce will never disappear from the directors of the defense complex.

A person with a high concentration of a sense of duty always needs an opportunity for relaxation. Forgive me, but we found out that your new hobby behind the factory fence is playing the saxophone. Rather, learning to play the saxophone. Is it possible to play?

It works out for yourself.

- Rumor has it that the saxophone was given to you for your birthday.

Knowing that I love saxophone, jazz music, my friends gave me a saxophone, having played a "cruel" joke.

- What are you playing?

Beautiful lyrical melodies from the repertoire of Fausto Papetti - "Nostalgia", "Love Story".

- Now we know what sounds in the soul of a person who has worked at a factory all his life.

Kudryavtsev Gennady Ivanovich

Kudryavtsev Gennady Ivanovich

The title "Honorary citizen of the city of Izhevsk" was awarded in 2010.

The life and work path of Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev is inextricably linked with industry. For 50 years he has been working in the defense industry of instrumentation, of which 40 years - on leadership positions. Since 1996, he has been the General Director of OAO Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding.

Aksion is a modern multidisciplinary strategic instrument-making enterprise of the Russian military-industrial complex. Under the leadership of Gennady Ivanovich, Aksion produces a large range of special-purpose products for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Federal Space Agency. The enterprise manufactures special equipment for all types of strategic missile weapons of the Russian Army. Close attention is paid to the creation and production of civilian products: medical equipment, energy-saving equipment, consumer goods.

The company is implementing a systematic youth program, fruitful work is being done with veterans of the plant. The health-improving complex "Birch", the Palace of Culture, the Medical Center, the sports center are among the best in the city and the republic. On the initiative and under the leadership of G. I. Kudryavtsev, the Aksion Charitable Foundation was created to provide social support to the plant workers and veterans. Gennady Ivanovich actively supports the company's patronage of the Mozhginsky orphanage, which was launched more than 40 years ago.

For a great contribution to the creation and production of a new special equipment the staff of OAO Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation. The enterprise was also awarded with the Diploma of the Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy of the Russian Federation. In 2010 and 2012, the staff of JSC Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding was listed on the Board of Honor of the Udmurt Republic.

Gennady Ivanovich was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2011), the Order of Honor (1999), the Order of Friendship (2005), the medals "For Labor Valor" (1987), "300 Years Russian fleet"(1996)," For strengthening the military community "(2001), Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (2007). Awarded with the Gratitude of the President of the Udmurt Republic (2007). Honorary Machine Builder of the Russian Federation (2002), Honored Worker of Industry of the Udmurt Republic (2002). Laureate of the State Prize of the Udmurt Republic (2006). Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, President of the Udmurt Branch of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation. Honorary citizen of Izhevsk. He has received numerous public awards.

Gennady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev is active in public work, is a deputy of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic.

Gennady Kudryavtsev, General Director of Aksion-Holding Izhevsk Motor Plant JSC, remained in his post after being re-elected at the shareholders' meeting on January 13, 2017.

January 31 with Gennady Kudryavtsev will stop urgent employment contract, and on February 1 they will conclude a new one, - they report on the disclosure server corporate information enterprises.

Recall that Kudryavtsev has been heading the enterprise since 1996. Gennady Ivanovich is an honorary citizen of Izhevsk and an honorary citizen of Udmurtia.


Gennady Kudryavtsev was born on August 20, 1947 Higher education. Graduated from the Perm Mechanical College, Udmurt State University, majoring in economics and enterprise management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

1963 - 1964 – an apprentice fitter, fitter, 2nd category, Izhevsk Motor Plant, Izhevsk. 1964 - 1965 – fitter-assembler of the 2nd category, Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, Izhevsk.

1965 - 1992 – 2nd category fitter, assembly shop dispatcher, procurement department engineer, production department senior dispatcher, head of the planning and dispatching office of the mechanical shop, head of the mechanical shop, head of mechanical production, deputy general director for economics, Izhevsk Radio Plant, Izhevsk.

1992 - 1996 - Director for Economic Coordination, Head of the Department of Finance and Economics - Director for Economic Coordination, Aksion-Holding Izhevsk Motor Plant OJSC, Izhevsk.

Since 1996 – General Director, Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding, Izhevsk.

State awards, titles, promotions: Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree, Order of Honor, Order of Friendship, medal "For Labor Valour". Medals "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", "300 Years of the Russian Fleet", "For the Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation", commemorative medal "20 Years of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic", badge of the Federal Space Agency "For providing space launches", badge of the Federal Space Agency " S.P. Korolev”, registered firearms of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation, Gratitude of the President of the Udmurt Republic, Certificate of Honor of the Udmurt Republic, Certificate of Honor of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic. Honorary Machine Builder of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Industry of the Udmurt Republic. Honorary citizen of Izhevsk. Laureate of the State Prize of the Udmurt Republic, laureate of the National Prize named after Peter the Great in the nomination "For effective management enterprise and achieving stable financial and economic indicators”, the Order “For Loyalty to Duty” of the special international public award “Gold Star” in the field of defense industry. Full member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, President of the Udmurt Branch of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation.

He was elected a deputy of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic of the fourth convocation.

Member of the permanent commission of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic on social policy. Member of the parliamentary faction "United Russia"
