Buying Christmas tree decorations. How to make money selling handmade Christmas tree decorations. What income can be

Our antique store buys any toys from Soviet times. How to understand pricing for USSR toys? The demand and prices for Soviet toys are formed as a result of the emergence of collectors of Soviet cars, toy soldiers, games, and so on. The more collectors, the higher the prices. Artpriced cooperates with the majority of collectors in this area and we always keep our finger on the pulse of current prices for Soviet toys.

What interests us and what we buy:

Tin and metal toys - cars, airplanes, military equipment, ships, soldiers and other equipment. Any toys with batteries and a remote control, for example, an all-terrain vehicle with a remote control or a tank with batteries. We buy any car models, railways, trailers, locomotives and so on. Toy soldiers made of metal, plastic, wood... Robots, all-terrain vehicles, lunar rovers, spaceships, rockets made of tin, metal, plastic, wood. Electronic games, board games. Soviet car models "Zhiguli", "Moskvich", "GAZ" (Volga), "ZIL", "ZIM", "Zaporozhets", trucks and any other models.

You can sell USSR toys by calling us in advance on +7 925 047-07-90 or sending photos by email. email, WhatsApp or Viber. Our specialists in as soon as possible will appreciate Soviet-era toys and we will offer you a price we can pay. We pay the money in cash and immediately, on the day of the assessment.

How to overcome seasonality and provide yourself with orders throughout the year, and not just on holidays? How to sell a product that is clearly more expensive than others? And how to do this with one brain and a hand?

Use Velvet Marketing! If you make something tasty, let people try it. And then they will not be able to help but return. How did it work for us?

We, the Mon Bon company, make macaroni cakes - perhaps the best in Moscow. As our company began to develop, two things became obvious:

  • we are positioned in the premium segment and are clearly more expensive than our analogues;
  • there is a demand for the 2b2 format of such a product. That is, for a corporate gift: pasta in beautiful packaging, with a seal and decorations;

And we were faced with a task: how to notify the b2b market about our services and attract buyers while remaining in your segment?

At the same time, we decided to overcome seasonality and provide ourselves with orders throughout the year, and not just on holidays ( New Year, March 8, Oil Worker's Day, and so on).

To withdraw new product needed for the market

  • time (at least six months!)
  • marketing department
  • good budget.

Instead of all this there was one set of brains and hands - yours truly. But a strategy emerged guerrilla marketing, which later became known as "velvet marketing". How and why does it work?

This concept is not new, I heard it from Kirill Gotovtsev. Its essence is as follows: if you make something tasty, let people try it and get used to it. And they will definitely come back and buy.

How is it implemented?

Point #1. Classic cold calls.

I made cold calls to a database of b2b clients who placed orders at the company’s office. He offered to order pasta with a personal 10% discount. The result is a 2-fold increase in the b2b client base. Classic!

Point #2. Working on social networks

I needed opinion leaders and cross-promotion in publications. I simply wrote in the comments to posts that were relevant to the topic, an offer to try our pasta. And he sent a box of cakes as a gift. It looked like this.

Here's an example from Facebook.

Here's an example from Instagram.

The work was done similarly with bloggers. Here is a blogger's report about our delicious gift.

Paragraph # 3. Personal gifts

A company that sells sales training invited me to a meeting. Of course, I agreed, took a box of cakes and arrived. The company subsequently placed an order. The result is 2-3 additional orders per month.

Point #4. Email marketing

E-mail marketing is as old as the world! Only, unlike the traditional letter with the message “buy from us,” I completely changed both the message and the tone. The letter became... an offer to try delicious cakes in the middle working day in the office.

I’ll tell you in a little more detail how this tool works, since it is a three-stage one.

  1. First, the recipient opens the letter. After reading, he is left with one thought: “I want a free box of cakes.”
  2. I am calling to confirm the time and place of delivery. During the conversation, I suggest you bring it in person and at the same time get to know each other. Refusal rate – 5%.
  3. We have a full-fledged business meeting, to which I bring a box of cakes with the client’s logo. The client is delighted: he clearly sees how this tool works: just as he is now delighted with these cakes, clients, partners, and employees will be delighted. Next, a story about the capabilities of the product in the form of a friendly conversation, exchange of contacts, and possible signing of a cooperation agreement. Or an order.

Results: the open rate of letters is about 50 percent, that is, every second letter is opened. Letter-meeting conversion is 10-12%.

What should you not do when using “velvet marketing”?

No need to "push". At least at first. No need to drive the client into a corner: buy, sign now! You need to let it get used to, integrate the product into the world of the client and his company.

From the very beginning, communication should be enjoyable: a person wrote and offered to try macaroons, free of charge. Why not?

Then he called, offered to bring it in person, and indicated that it would take no more than 15 minutes. Why not?

A nice person arrived, he really brought it, everything looks great, I’m not ashamed to show it to the manager. Why not order some to try and see what happens?

Who can benefit from “velvet marketing”?

To someone who sells a product or service that has immediate demand. “Oh cool, I want it.” But you won’t be nice by force, especially when you’re selling sweets. The tool is also useful for those who are building a business seriously and for the long term, building a brand reputation through the experience of interacting with the product.

The challenge of marketing remains the same: getting products and brands in front of consumers. Make sure that they trust you, because trust is valued most highly. But today there are a lot of possibilities on how to do this. Find your key to the hearts of your clients, and no one can copy it.

Be bold, and may strength and intelligence be with you!

Do you let your customers try your products? After all, not only sweets can have a test version. How can your clients try your services? Or are they buying a pig in a poke?

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An ecologist by training, Svetlana Emelyanova created a business producing Christmas tree decorations self made. The company produces 20 thousand balloons annually, and over the past two years sales volumes have more than doubled. However, it is not easy for the company to compete with factories where the creation of New Year's decorations is put on an assembly line.

“Some people love diamonds, but I love Christmas tree decorations. The display cases with them fascinate me,” says Svetlana Emelyanova. The idea to sell hand-painted Christmas tree decorations came to her after an unsuccessful shopping trip on New Year's Eve 2006. Svetlana wanted to find toys with images of Santa Claus, village landscapes and the Russian troika, but on store shelves there were mostly monochromatic balls or portraits of Santa.

Six months later, Emelyanova accidentally found herself at a Christmas tree decorations factory near Novgorod and saw the painted balls that she had been looking for for so long. She decided to negotiate with the factory to produce toys based on her own sketches under the Russian Elka brand.

The first batch of balloons of 12 thousand pieces cost the Russian Tradition company (that’s what Svetlana called her business) 800 thousand rubles. “Then my husband and I rented a one-room apartment, and when the order arrived, we had to sleep on the floor in the kitchen, because the rest of the space was occupied by New Year’s decorations,” recalls Svetlana. Then she opened outlet in Okhotny Ryad under the name “Christmas Tree Decorations Shop”, this cost about another 1.2 million rubles. The company's first big client was Yandex, which bought 20 sets of Khokhloma balloons from Emelyanova.

In November-December 2007, the startup sold half of the first batch, but sales fell by 30% after the explosion on Manezhnaya Square on December 27, 2007. The following year, 2008, Emelyanova had to sell the remains of the first batch (about 2 thousand balloons). Nevertheless, she ordered another 2 thousand Christmas tree decorations from the manufacturer, but the partner released the products at the very end of December, so the entrepreneur barely managed to break even. Emelyanova realized that relying on the factory was dangerous, and decided to create her own production.

In 2009, the company equipped workshops: glassblowing in Klin, art workshop in Moscow. The launch of production cost 2 million rubles. The “Russian Tradition” staff included two artists who painted about 5 thousand balloons for the New Year. Today the firm has 27 artists, half of them working remotely. “Out of 50 craftsmen who come for an interview, only one or two are real craftsmen who can be hired for delicate work,” notes Emelyanova.

In large factories, each artist paints individual details on each of hundreds of identical toys, and sometimes the image is applied using airbrushing through a stencil or pad printing. Souvenirs from the “Russian Tradition” are painted entirely by hand. First, the glass ball is blown on a gas burner (the glass tube is rotated in a flame), then it is dipped in varnish and dried. However, the company orders glass flasks for ordinary round toys in Europe, but decorations of non-standard shapes (for example, in the shape of a bell or icicle) are always blown by the Russian Tradition’s own glassblowers. Then the toy falls into the hands of the artist, who works for several hours to draw each detail. Such products cost from 300 rubles. up to 80 thousand rubles.

An artist’s salary at the production of “Russian Tradition” varies from 30 thousand to 80 thousand rubles. depending on the complexity of the painting being performed, the speed and volume of work. At the same time, the number of balloons from one sketch in the collection is no more than 100 pieces, and the artists themselves can offer ideas for design. “We, of course, develop thematic collections (for example, “Ball with Dwarfs” - 100 pieces, “Symbol of the Year” - 300 pieces), but as a result, the artists implement 60-70% of what was planned, and come up with the rest themselves,” explains Svetlana . As a result, all the balls from the same design turn out different, and the buyer can choose the one he likes.

Every year “Russian Tradition” produces about 20 thousand handmade toys. 50-70% of the cost falls on painting, 5-15% on packaging, 10% on glass. The rest of the money goes to purchase paints and powders, as well as rent and utility bills.

Today, 70% of Russian Christmas tree toys are sold through the online store; the company divides the remaining goods between its own outlet, other online stores and souvenir shops. For wholesale buyers, “Russian Tradition” also makes toys according to individual designs: it collects pre-orders at the beginning of the year, and after an advance payment (50-70%) begins work. The company's partners often raise prices for toys by 50-300%, although they themselves can purchase products at a discount at the beginning of the year. According to Svetlana Emelyanova, 70-80% of all toys sold in retail are purchased by buyers as gifts, less often - for their own collection.

However, handmade balls for corporate clients are more expensive and take longer to manufacture. For example, Russian Tradition has been accepting orders for the production of VIP balloons (costing from 13 thousand to 80 thousand rubles) since March, since on average it takes a month to produce one. To create a custom shaped toy based on an individual design, a sample is created in two to four months, but the production and delivery of jewelry can take several months. “We work a whole year for two months active sales before the New Year,” says Svetlana Emelyanova. Until October-November, the company concentrates on production and delivery of products - only artists and a small staff work.

By the New Year, “Russian Tradition” is forced to hire operators for the online store, couriers, packers and movers. For wages temporary workers Every year about 300 thousand rubles are spent.

Today 70% of the products in stock are Christmas balls own production. The company also purchases New Year's decorations from the Elochka factory, a porcelain doll factory, and from one of the Ukrainian manufacturers of wooden toys.

However, “Russian Tradition” also brings products from abroad. For example, Emelyanova’s company imports toys of unusual shapes (in the form of iPhones and laptops, sushi, etc.), including from Poland. Emelyanova brings snowflakes, stars, airplanes made of glass beads from the Czech Republic. In addition, since 2012, Russian Tradition has been supplying handmade toys from Venice (about 1 thousand toys every year) and Egypt (300-400 toys). Foreign suppliers have to pack their products well, so that the toys hardly break during transportation. Nevertheless, Emelyanova has to order balloons with a small reserve (1-2% of each collection). Customs payments increase the cost of imported products by 10-15%.

For the last two years, “Russian Tradition” has annually increased sales volumes by 40-50%; in 2012, the company’s turnover amounted to about 20 million rubles; at the end of 2013, according to Svetlana Emelyanova’s plans, it will amount to 30 million rubles. The entrepreneur looks for new buyers at industry exhibitions, as well as through mailings to potential client databases. Sales through the website are stimulated by promotion on social networks - the company has about 16 thousand subscribers in the VKontakte group.

In 2014, Svetlana Emelyanova plans to increase production and sales volumes by 30%. The assortment will include handmade balloons with European landscapes, and on balloons with gold leaf, artists will paint reproductions of paintings. Also, in addition to Christmas tree decorations, Russian Tradition will sell candles and custom-shaped painted decorations. Next season, the company plans to open three new points in shopping malls and reach sales volumes of 30-35 thousand balloons.

In Russia, in addition to “Russian Tradition,” the Atlas Art company also produces handmade Christmas tree decorations, which sells balls under the M. A. Mostowski brand at a factory in Poland, and also brings Komozja souvenirs from there. However, Atlas Art relies on mold-blown Christmas tree decorations, not balls. Every year the company produces small collections based on author’s sketches (300-400 balloons costing about 3.5-4.5 thousand rubles).

In addition, handmade toys are produced by the company “Style from Selizharovo” near Tver, and the Lavrovskaya art painting factory near Kostroma. Muscovites can buy their products in online stores, but those surveyed RBC daily Representatives of online retail explain that it is more convenient to work with Moscow manufacturers - there is no need to transport toys from afar.

However, large factories position their New Year's decorations as handmade products. For example, the Frost factory in the Pavlovo-Posad district of the Moscow region sells more than 250 types of Christmas tree decorations - from balls and shaped toys to pine cones and pendants. As Lyudmila Nevstrueva explained to RBC daily, general manager factories, the company annually produces 100-120 thousand handmade toys. They are purchased primarily by private entrepreneurs, but the main buyers are excursion groups. Every winter, “Iney” is visited by about 30 thousand people - mostly schoolchildren with their parents. Factory of glass Christmas tree decorations "Ariel" under Nizhny Novgorod, engaged in the mass production of Christmas tree decorations, also takes on exclusive hand-painted orders.

According to Svetlana Emelyanova, large factories cannot produce high-quality handmade toys in quantities of thousands. “Factories use pad printing or airbrushing, and manual labor is 1-2 minutes per ball (draw eyes, folds on clothes, sprinkle with glitter),” says Svetlana. - It is sold as handmade, and the price is much lower. 80% of “handmade” Christmas tree decorations are made precisely according to this principle.”

Hello! Today I would like to tell you about the seasonal New Year business, or more precisely about business on the eve of the New Year and winter holidays. This is a great time to start your own business and make decent money. Therefore, 30 business ideas for the New Year 2019 will come in handy for you! And we need to prepare now.

Even among my friends there are those who deal exclusively New Year's business, having a turnover of millions and have already begun to develop in the regions. Some will say that this is all “nonsense.” But I’ll tell you that until you see all this with your own eyes and try it, you will continue to consider your business for the New Year to be unrealizable or unprofitable.

New Year's business in winter- a really great opportunity to work hard for 3-4 months and earn good money.

New Year's business - 6 advantages

There are a lot of advantages, here are a few that come to mind:

  1. Fast payback period;
  2. Quick start;
  3. Work only 3-4 months a year;
  4. The most impulsive and thoughtless purchases are made on the eve of the New Year;
  5. State enterprises and private companies are allocated decent budgets for organizing and holding New Year holidays;
  6. Participation in tender procurement (state and semi-state organizations).

TOP 30 business ideas for the New Year 2019

Business idea No. 1. Packaging sweets and corporate gifts

Minimum investment- 150,000 rubles.

Great business for the new year!

The essence of the business idea is the purchase of sweets in small wholesale quantities, their packaging in specially made packaging with a New Year's theme to order from clients or for retail sales. You can make an original surprise for adults and children from a simple set of ordinary sweets using colorful bags and boxes. The relevance of this project is due to the popularity and versatility of confectionery gifts for the New Year.

On the eve of the holidays, many businesses, kindergartens and schools purchase sweet gifts, so you should take care of organizational issues in advance:

  • compile a list and telephone database of future clients;
  • offer your services to potential customers;
  • rent space for packaging and storage;
  • select and train personnel;
  • purchase the necessary packaging.

Having thought through all the details to the smallest detail, and carefully worked target audience, you can make a good profit. After packaging, the profitability of each finished gift can increase to 200% of the cost of materials and sweets spent. Given the high competition, you can stand out as follows:

  • original packaging (only paper, but tin and even gift baskets);
  • a surprise in every gift (board game, coupon somewhere, “build it yourself” toy);
  • New Year's toy;
  • etc.

Business idea No. 2. Selling goods from one-page sites

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to search for goods that can be purchased before the New Year and sell them through one-page sites (landing page).

To do this, you need to find a product, make a one-page website, run ads and process orders. You need to start searching for the product now. Roman Kolesnikov is actively involved in this business, here is an article with an interview on the topic. He sells goods all year round, and not just before the New Year. But the essence is absolutely the same!

Business idea No. 3. Dog sled for dog owners

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

Idea for those who have dogs!

The essence of this idea is to organize original dog sledding along a specific route, walks through the forest or countryside for everyone. You can also organize this event in crowded places for the New Year holidays (parks, ice towns, historical places of the city, etc.). This kind of entertainment will be popular on New Year’s days for its originality and novelty. Considering the low competition in the market for such services, this project may become promising.

Most of the stated minimum investment amount will be spent on the purchase of sleds and special equipment for animals. This idea is good for dog breeders and owners of large nurseries of malamutes, huskies or huskies. Otherwise, the cost of their acquisition will be added to the amount of expenses, which will increase expenses several times. But, to be honest, it’s not worth buying dogs specifically for this.

The main problem is the right choice of place of work that will ensure a flow of clients: country houses and recreation centers, elite villages, city amusement parks. On average, one lap of 500 meters can cost up to 1000 rubles. Therefore, an average trip of 3 kilometers will bring about 5,000 rubles. You can offer services through social networks, negotiating with employees of country hotels and original gift agencies.

Business idea No. 4. Selling garlands from China

Minimum investment amount- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is high-quality electrical garlands in China, organizing supplies for further retail resale to customers in their city. New Year's holidays are unthinkable without colorful and bright decorations, originally designed shop windows and house windows. Therefore, garlands with an economical and practically safe LED lighting principle are always popular.

Most reputable manufacturers from China are interested in finding potential intermediaries for the resale of garlands, so they offer unique conditions for selecting an assortment and transporting goods. To organize such a project you will need:

  • storage room for garlands;
  • searching and concluding contracts with small wholesale buyers;
  • advertising.

You can sell garlands through an online store or through a rented small point in a busy supermarket, near children's stores or places with high traffic. Depending on the length and complexity of the product, the trade margin can be 50-100%. Buyers should be attracted by new original models, sales of related products and home decorations.

Business idea No. 5. Rental of tubes, snowboards, snowmobiles and skis

Minimum investment- 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the acquisition of equipment for winter sports, the organization of a paid rental point in order to make a profit. This is very current view activities, taking into account weather conditions in the winter months, and there is great interest among people of all ages in active recreation. Recent years have struck us with the emergence of great activity in specially organized skiing and snowboarding centers, real winter sports schools.

To implement the project, the purchase of equipment will be required, on which the main amount will be spent cash. Therefore, it is better to purchase skis, winter bicycles or a snowmobile in the summer months, which offer significant discounts. No less important point For the success of the event, the choice of location for the item will depend on:

  • country resorts and holiday homes;
  • recreation and amusement parks.

You will need a small room to accommodate equipment and personnel. The profitability of such services depends on a good location, high-quality advertising and can be as high as 50%. On average, working with only a set of 5 pairs of skis and snowboards can give a monthly income of 70,000 rubles. By replacing the administrator with yourself, you can significantly increase your profits during the New Year holidays.

Business idea No. 6. Corporate decoration of offices, storefronts, community centers

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The general essence of the idea is the development and implementation of individual artistic projects for decorating residential or office premises in a New Year's theme. This project is ideal for small creative workshops or individual decorators who want to increase their income during the New Year holidays. Design ideas are gaining relevance due to the desire of many entrepreneurs to stand out from competitors with corporate decor.

To implement this original business project you will need:

  • advertising in various forms and form (for example, a website or group on a social network with examples of work);
  • purchase required material for creating garlands, designs and decorations.

You can start looking for clients in the fall to secure yourself orders and prepare decorative elements in advance. Services can be offered to owners of country houses, restaurant complexes, and the design of halls in large and small offices can be announced. The profitability of such a project depends entirely on the ability to sell the decorator’s services and the speed of work on a specific order. It can easily account for more than 100% of the time and materials costs.

Business idea No. 7. Sale of fireworks and pyrotechnics

Approximate investment amount- 100,000 rubles.

The project consists of small-scale purchases of specialized pyrotechnic goods and the organization of a stationary point for their retail sale to customers. Such products are very popular during the New Year holidays and allow you to make a significant profit from their sale. In a competitive environment, the idea will bring good income with a reasonable approach to pricing and assortment.

To reduce costs, attention must first of all be paid to organizing the procurement process, which begins in the summer. For a small seasonal business, it is better to purchase pyrotechnics of classes 1-3, which do not require the purchase of a special license. Fireworks that are mid-priced and easy to operate are usually more popular among consumers. Good offers You can find everything from the same suppliers from China.

An organized place for sales should be selected in shopping centers, which will solve problems with fire safety and special alarms. During the New Year holidays, daily sales can amount to at least 50 pyrotechnic products. If net profit each will be 200 rubles, we can talk about an acceptable income for December - up to 300,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 8. New Year's confectionery

Minimum investment- 50,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open a stationary outlet for the sale of sweet products, original baked goods with a New Year's theme, cakes and pastries. This project is in demand during the holidays, because more and more clients want to please their loved ones with delicious new products, and they purchase decorated cakes and pastries as gifts for friends, relatives and colleagues.

The idea can be successfully implemented in two directions:

  • production of confectionery products, receiving and issuing orders at home;
  • organizing a small sales department in the traffic area of ​​potential buyers.

The first option is optimal for home cooks who know how to bake beautiful and tasty products and decorate them in the appropriate theme for the holiday. The main cost is the circulating amount for the purchase of products, which quickly pays off after the sale of the product. The markup on holiday cakes and pastries can reach 100%. The total amount of profit depends on the need to pay rent, transportation costs and can reach more than 100,000 rubles during the holidays. The home-based option is more economical and can provide good income, especially if there are no employees.

Business idea No. 9. New Year's baskets (champagne and sweets)

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is hand made individual gift sets for the customer in the form of a decorated basket. Such products are popular during the New Year's Eve, solving for many consumers the problem of a pleasant gift for colleagues and loved ones, helping to create the mood and festive atmosphere at home. The relevance of the business is due to low competition in this sector and the growing demand for such products among consumers.

You can gain skills in making such baskets by first taking master classes or completing design courses. To work, you will need a minimum set of materials and maximum personal time. You can offer your services through:

  • posting advertisements on the Internet;
  • negotiating with grocery stores about implementation;
  • working with alcohol, sweets or souvenir stores.

To receive more recommendation reviews, you need to make each product taking into account the wishes and tastes of the customer. The cost of the basket depends entirely on the contents. Earning 500-2000 rubles of net profit from each surprise basket, you can get a New Year's income of at least 5,000 - 7,000 rubles daily.

Business idea No. 10. Making New Year's bouquets from sweets and tea

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the production of original compositions from sweets and decorative materials on a New Year's theme with subsequent sale to clients. A novelty in the form of a Christmas wreath with artificial pine needles or a miniature Christmas tree decorated with candies can be an original gift for work colleagues, loved ones, or surprise children. The relevance of this project is due to the desire of many people to present inexpensive but interesting surprises.

To implement the idea, large financial investments are not required. It is necessary to purchase a certain amount of sweets, original tea, special materials for scrapbooking and decoration, which will pay for themselves immediately after the sale of sweet gifts. You can learn how to make such non-standard sweet decorations in special courses or video lessons.

It is better to offer your services by:

  • posting advertisements on websites;
  • creating your own sales team;
  • through cooperation with employees of souvenir shops and confectionery shops.

The price of such a “delicious” Christmas tree made of chocolates can start from 500 rubles. With a profitability of at least 50% and pre-New Year sales of such products from 10 pieces per day, you can calculate the approximate amount of income of 2000-3000 rubles.

Business idea No. 11. New Year's fruit bouquets based on a vegetable shop

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the production of non-standard delicious bouquets of fruits, decorated in a New Year's theme. Such original and healthy desserts will perfectly decorate the table for the New Year with family or colleagues, and will be a real gift for a children's party. Having a business selling fruits can earn you a good income during the New Year holidays.

To implement such a project, you will need to undergo preliminary training in carving courses and purchase small set special cutting tools. Having developed several options for such delicious products, you can offer your services:

  • owners of cafes and restaurants organizing New Year's corporate parties;
  • private clients for a family gala dinner;
  • entrepreneurs who want to congratulate their team in an unconventional way.

Beautiful bouquets of fruit and chocolate in the form of a Christmas tree, basket or wreath are enjoyed in great demand in the price category from 1500 to 4500 rubles. One trained employee produces 3-4 similar products per shift. With a 100% markup, the daily profit on New Year's days can be 5,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 12. Selling hot drinks at public festivals

Minimum investment- 20,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the organization of a mobile retail outlet offering hot soft drinks everyone during the New Year's festivities. These small tents or vans are very popular, offering aromatic coffee, several types of tea in beautiful, convenient containers and simple ready-made snacks. Such a business will become relevant during the New Year holidays and festivities at fairs.

To implement the project, you will need to rent a compact van with fully ready-to-use equipment. It is necessary to take care of finding a place for future sale in advance. The most popular will be:

  • city ​​squares where holiday trees are installed;
  • parks and squares with winter activities;
  • Christmas markets and nativity scenes.

A new type of such business is selling drinks from a special portable backpack on the go, which requires minimal expenses.

Part of the cost must be invested in festive decoration places of trade to attract customers with a special atmosphere. Considering the low cost of one glass of prepared drink, we can talk about a daily turnover of up to 30,000 rubles during New Year’s events.

Business idea No. 13. Making clothes and accessories with a New Year theme

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to create clothes or warm accessories using sewing or knitting, to offer customers beautiful and cozy products from yarn or fabric. On New Year's Day a good gift for loved ones it can be a hat, scarf or mittens decorated with a pattern of snowflakes, Christmas trees or funny drawings on a holiday theme. Felt boots with themed embroidery are gaining popularity among young people, and practical oven mitts and aprons are offered as gifts for housewives.

To implement the project, you need a small amount of available materials and advertising of your products. Additional income can be obtained from selling your hats or mittens to handmade or souvenir stores by participating in holiday fairs.

Craftsmen need to prepare in advance for the New Year holidays so that during the rush days they will have goods for sale. The price of the products offered consists of the materials spent and working time, which reaches 100% of the cost of thread or fabric. By offering mittens costing 500 rubles per pair, we can talk about a net income of 250 rubles from just one pair. The number of sales depends on the originality of New Year's items and advertising of their services.

Business idea No. 14. New Year's gift and accessories store

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the opening of a store offering a large assortment of goods and accessories related to the New Year theme. On the eve of the New Year, most of the population happily goes on a hike to buy new toys, souvenirs and gifts. The relevance of such a project is due to the great demand for similar products intended for design and decoration of the home.

There are two ways to implement the project:

  • an online store offering delivery to any convenient location;
  • standard sales department in a large supermarket or market.

Your assortment should be developed taking into account the tastes and wishes of customers. It may include artificial Christmas trees and all the decorations for them, souvenirs, dishes and holiday-themed table decor. Necessary goods You can purchase similar products in advance at wholesale stores or Chinese factories. The main amount of costs falls on the rental of the trading place and its equipment, wages seller and purchase of batches for sale. The trade margin on most New Year's products reaches 100%, so such a project can become profitable and profitable.

Business idea No. 15. New Year's photographer services

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to rent a room, arrange it as a photo studio and decorate it with New Year’s decor for the purpose of conducting themed photo sessions different types. Family or children's staged photographs taken professionally are becoming increasingly popular. Some enterprises order such a service for staff to support corporate culture or make a company advertising calendar.

To organize the project, it is necessary to rent a residential or specially equipped room in advance, purchase or make original decorations with New Year’s accents. You shouldn’t skimp on advertising your services, which can be posted on the Internet by handing out leaflets near entertainment or shopping centers.

Additional income can come from special photo books that are made from the photographs received. This is an excellent gift for family and a memorable souvenir with a beautiful design.

The cost of a New Year's photo session starts from 700 rubles per hour. By holding 8 such events daily, we can talk about a minimum profit during the holidays in the amount of 5000-6000 rubles per day.

Business idea No. 16. Father Frost and Snow Maiden delivered to your home

Minimum investment- 15,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to provide costumed services for the provision of festive New Year's greetings at the customer's home or office. A simple and interesting form of entertainment and giving a gift to a child is steadily popular during the holidays and winter holidays.

To organize, you only need to purchase colorful costumes and write a script for non-standard congratulations. There is no need to rent an office while working. Significant time should be devoted to self-promotion. To do this, they use posts on social networks, advertisements and leaflets. Activity should begin long before the New Year in order to ensure a customer base for all holidays.

You can increase your profits and make your idea a winning one against the backdrop of great competition by:

  • interesting non-standard program;
  • attentive attitude towards customers;
  • working with all family members.

Minimum cost of such a visit fairy-tale heroes in pairs per house starts from 1000 rubles depending on the region and entertainment program. Having your own car, you can make at least 10 orders per day and save on transportation costs. A creative and responsible approach to each visit, creating a festive mood will help you find more customers thanks to recommendations from satisfied clients.

Business idea No. 17. Selling live Christmas trees

Minimum investment- from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is wholesale purchase live Christmas trees in forestry, organization special place trade and sale of trees during the pre-holiday period. We already have a detailed article about. Despite the large assortment of artificial ones, natural trees with the scent of pine needles are in great demand as the main attribute of the New Year. The relevance of such a project is possible even with high competition under conditions the right choice price range.

You should begin preparing for the implementation process long before the New Year and select the optimal farm that offers high-quality and inexpensive green product. The main stages of organizing such a New Year's process:

  • obtain documentation for trading and rent a place;
  • arrange a sales point in accordance with the law;
  • conclude a preliminary agreement with the forestry enterprise.

The focus is on selecting trees to offer quality product to your customers. On New Year's Eve, the level of trade margins can reach over 100%. An analysis of such projects indicates a minimum amount of net profit of over 120,000 rubles for a couple of weeks of active pre-New Year sales.

Business idea No. 18. Selling artificial Christmas trees

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the wholesale purchase of artificial Christmas trees for their subsequent sale to retail customers. Such a business can be an ideal option for beginners. The great demand for beautiful and irreplaceable attributes of a favorite holiday makes it profitable even with fairly high competition in the market.

It is better to purchase goods long before the start of the season or at the end of the previous one. This will help you purchase decent specimens at a minimal price, especially since you don’t need to store them. special conditions and a large area. Chinese manufacturers offer a good assortment, additionally helping with delivery.

You can offer goods through an online store, or by organizing a full-fledged retail outlet in supermarkets, near bus stops and childcare centers during the New Year holidays. Artificial Christmas trees can be offered for sale in toy and souvenir stores for a certain percentage, and can be delivered to the client’s home or office.

The optimal markup level is considered to be in the range of 25-75%. With the initial cost of the simplest copies starting from 60 rubles, the estimated amount of profit can be 180,000 rubles, which is the real result in two weeks of work.

Business idea No. 19. Selling New Year's toys

Minimum investment- from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the wholesale purchase of original Christmas tree decorations at bases or from suppliers for the purpose of retail sale to customers. This product is in great demand before the New Year holidays and is an integral part of the decor. In addition to home decoration, products can be offered to cafe owners, entertainment venues or educational children's centers.

Wholesale sales of Christmas tree decorations have been carried out since the beginning of September, allowing you to select inexpensive and high-quality items. Toys made in China have the lowest cost, while the highest quality products can be found from domestic manufacturers.

To implement the project on New Year's Eve, you should:

  • rent a department or several meters retail space in a place with good traffic;
  • arrange the display using simple shelving;
  • find staff.

Considering the high competition in this sales sector, you can offer customers exclusive handmade products, edible surprises, and profitable promotions. The trade margin can be made up to 100%, which will allow you to get a good profit in 2-3 weeks of sales.

Business idea No. 20. New Year's handmade: cards, candles, toys, champagne

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the production of original and non-standard products, New Year's decorations and holiday decor for sale to interested clients. Handmade products are very popular as gifts for friends or colleagues, as well as home interior decorations. The relevance of the project depends on the combination of affordable price and practicality of such a product.

An economical option for implementing the project is to open an online store or transfer your products for resale for a certain percentage to toy and souvenir stores. This is the best option for craftsmen who do not have sales skills and want to engage only in the creative process. Your products should be produced in advance in order to have a decent assortment for the New Year holidays.

The bulk of the costs will be spent on purchasing materials for hand-made goods and renting a trading place. The selling price should include production costs for components and payment for the artist’s labor expended. A good financial effect will come from participating in New Year's fairs or holiday sales.

Business idea No. 21. Sale and rental of New Year's costumes

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the purchase of a variety of costumes, accessories and decorations for them with the subsequent offer of rental and sale for entertainment events. New Year's holidays are characterized by a great desire of adults and children to plunge into a fairy tale, trying on the role of their favorite character. What makes such a project relevant is the increasing popularity of themed corporate parties, New Year's parties and holiday photo shoots.

To organize and implement the project, you should take care in advance of purchasing a variety of costumes, which can be roughly divided into categories:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • children under 10 years of age;
  • youth and adults.

Costumes of popular characters are becoming the most in demand, so a preliminary study of the preferences and interests of each price category can give good results and significantly increase profits. All products should be divided into sales and rental. The cost of renting the latter should include subsequent dry cleaning and the cost of possible repairs. You should offer your product in a rented department shopping center, on the market. The amount of profit depends on the size of the markup, which is recommended at a level of up to 100% for suits and over 100% for jewelry.

Business idea No. 22. Organization of New Year's children's parties

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the purchase or rental of special costumes, equipment and the organization of festive events for children on the customer’s premises. The New Year holidays significantly increase the demand for such matinees and themed events. What makes this business project competitive is its non-standard and interesting scenario, individual approach to each child and affordable price for parents.

The best option would be to organize such matinees on location. You can offer your services to educational institutions, kindergartens, shopping complexes. Good income can be obtained from cooperation with cafes and restaurants that are actively introducing the practice of festive events for children. Travel productions will require investment in costumes and equipment, script writing, and travel costs to get to the location.

With the average cost of a matinee being 300 rubles and the number of children being 20, one hour-long party can bring in 6,000 rubles in income. After deducting the costs of organizing and renting premises, it can be assumed that by holding 4-5 matinees a day, you can receive a minimum net income of over 250,000 rubles during the holidays.

Business idea No. 23. Organizing New Year's corporate events for companies

Minimum investment- 50,000 rubles.

The essence of this project is the turnkey organization of a New Year’s event for employees of the customer’s organization, including entertainment program. Increasingly, company managers want to encourage their employees by giving them an interesting New Year's Eve in the office or restaurant. The relevance of such an idea depends on the pricing policy and the ability to offer an original vacation for a reasonable amount.

To implement such a project it is not required high costs. The main expenses are carnival costumes and the purchase of materials for creating paraphernalia. If it is possible to rent such suits, this way the costs are halved. Cafes and restaurants become work sites, the owners of which should offer their services. You can also rent a hall for events on certain days.

For the success of the project, you should look for customers in advance, offering videos or photo reports about your work, creating a website or group on social networks. Cooperation with a certain restaurant will help offer banquets with a menu and show program. Profit will vary depending on the number of guests and the minimum can be 20,000 rubles per event.

Business idea No. 24. New Year's taxi in your own car

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is to provide taxi services in your own car during the New Year holidays, delivering passengers to their destination on the holiday night. The “sober driver” service, which is relevant on New Year’s Eve and throughout the holidays, is becoming increasingly popular among passengers. Many taxi companies cannot boast of the quality of work of their drivers or guarantee their fresh and personable appearance.

To organize such a project you will need a personal car, a lot of free personal time and small investment into advertising. You should offer your services in advance, distributing information and a contact number in advertisements. In paper form, you can place such leaflets in high-traffic areas where the driver plans to work on New Year's Eve: shopping and entertainment establishments.

Despite the competition, passengers prefer and choose:

  • comfortable and clean cars without the smell of nicotine;
  • a sober, courteous driver;
  • fast delivery of the machine.

The average cost of a trip depends on the route, city of work, and during the New Year holidays it increases up to 50%. Therefore, daily profit can start from 5,000 rubles with proper advertising and provision of quality services to passengers.

Business idea No. 25. Letters to children from Santa Claus

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the production of individual congratulatory letters in special envelopes for children. This service is becoming increasingly popular on the eve of the New Year holidays among loving parents who want to surprise their children with original gifts and surprises. Competition in this sector is quite low due to the reluctance of many entrepreneurs to engage in such painstaking work.

To work, you will need a high-quality printer with color printing and imagination, which will help you create beautiful and colorful templates and funny congratulations for children of different ages. You can offer your services through social networks by posting advertisements on parent forums. Good profit can be obtained from cooperation with employees preschool institutions, toy and souvenir shops. You can send such letters by registered mail, working with customers from any city.

With established production, such a congratulation can have a cost of 15-20 rubles, and the selling price is offered at 100 rubles. With careful and painstaking work in finding customers, you can make a profit during the holidays in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 26. Renting a house or apartment for the New Year holidays

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is to organize the process of searching for clients and daily supply of apartments, country houses and cottages for the New Year holidays. This service is becoming increasingly popular among companies of all ages who want to hold a fun event in a specific environment.

There are two ways to implement such a non-standard idea:

  • offer family real estate for rent;
  • provide intermediary services.

Having a free home or a country house, you can get a decent income from renting it out to companies on a daily basis. The cost of such services during the holidays increases by 3-4 times the regular price. You should be looking for potential clients from the beginning of December, in some cases backing up the preliminary deal with an advance payment.

You can offer services by submitting advertisements on various resources, city Internet portals, posting leaflets through taxi drivers, posting them on boards near bus stops and grocery supermarkets. When offering intermediary services, you can ask for at least 20% of each transaction, which is at least 1000 rubles.

Business idea No. 27. Decorating buildings with illuminations

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is to provide services for decorating residential and office buildings for the New Year holidays using garlands and decorations. Every year, such a service is becoming more and more in demand due to the desire of many entrepreneurs to attract attention to their business through originality. Owners of country houses who want to create a festive atmosphere for loved ones are also showing interest.

To implement such a project, you need a car, a small set of tools and a partner to help with the work. The purchase of garlands and components is not included in the cost of the work, but is fully paid for by the customer. You can recommend certain suppliers to him, receiving a good additional percentage from the transaction.

You should offer your services in advance, working with the following categories:

  • entertainment venues, restaurants and clubs;
  • suburban elite villages;
  • office buildings and shops.

Average cost clean work installation of illuminations and garlands with controllers and original designs costs 12,000 rubles, and takes a professional 3-4 hours with minimal financial expenses. By placing 3 such orders every day, you can easily get a net profit of more than 200,000 rubles in just one week.

Business idea No. 28. Writing scripts for New Year's holidays

Preliminary investments- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a business project is a proposal to write an original script for children's parties and corporate events with a New Year's theme for specific tasks and client requirements. This idea is optimal for creative people who want to get extra income during the New Year holidays. Relevance due to interest small companies to a non-standard celebration event, the desire to unite the team or congratulate employees with humor.

To implement the project, it is enough to place advertisements or design a one-page website that will give feedback with future clients. Good economic effect may present collaboration with some groups:

  • groups holding New Year's matinees and corporate parties;
  • business managers;
  • entertainment venues;
  • private individuals.

The minimum cost of an individual scenario starts from 1000 rubles and depends on the individual wishes of clients. Additional income can come from writing non-standard congratulations, toasts and wishes, beautiful and humorous poems. Income depends entirely on your efficiency and ability to advertise your services.

Business idea No. 29. Rent of artificial decorated Christmas trees

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is to purchase artificial Christmas trees, accessories and decorations in small wholesale, decorate the trees according to the customer’s wishes, and offer them for rent for the New Year holidays for a certain price. Many successful entrepreneurs and individuals want to decorate their home or office without wasting time, so they are happy to rent a fully decorated Christmas tree, which does not need to be removed or thrown away later.

To implement the project, you will need to purchase a certain number of artificial trees and decor for them. To calculate the approximate cost of this, you need to start active search clients long before the holiday, offering their services:

  • various enterprises, small offices;
  • children's institutions, development centers;
  • recreation centers and beauty salons.

The search for private clients can be carried out by posting advertisements on Internet portals. The cost of such a service should be 50% of the total cost of its production and vary from 250 to several thousand rubles. By offering such an original product for rent, you can earn an annual income during the holidays without much difficulty.

Business idea No. 30. Chef services at home during the New Year holidays

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the provision of services for preparing a complex festive dinner or several dishes at the customer’s home. Such interesting business can bring good income to talented housewives and novice chefs. On the eve of the New Year, many wealthy clients want to order this service, inviting friends or business partners for a holiday holiday at home. Increasingly, this service is used to organize a feast for a New Year's corporate party.

To implement this project, no special investments are required, except for equipment and special clothing; it is desirable to have a personal vehicle. The services of such a personal chef may include:

  • visiting the client’s home at a certain time;
  • purchasing the necessary products for New Year's dinner;
  • preparing festive dishes at the request of the customer;
  • Serving and cleaning assistance is available at an additional cost.

Payment for chef services may depend on the complexity of the menu, the volume of services required or the number of guests per New Year's holiday. A good cook can earn at least 5,000 rubles per evening, doubling the rate on the eve of a holiday, receiving additional income from preparing a variety of take-out dishes.


Now you know how to make money before the New Year and what kind of business to open in winter. I hope this collection of ideas will help you.

If you have your own ideas, write in the comments! And also ask questions!

The idea to get into antiques came to him before the New Year. Together with his family, Dima, who was then twenty, decorated the Christmas tree with Soviet toys and thought: “What if there are people willing to buy them?” I went online and saw that they were in demand. Two years later, he established his business: he sold antique toys for 120,000 rubles to the Ural political elite, Moscow actors and the country's main socialite Bozhena Rynska. In an anonymous blog, a young antique dealer told Moments how to make money from his love of retro, why Yekaterinburg residents still throw away old things, and what wonders can be found in landfills.

I walked next to a garbage container and saw a slightly open Soviet suitcase...

Since childhood, I liked old things, I really loved looking at them. When I grew up, I began to think about how to translate this hobby into commercial basis. I studied the literature on antiques, re-read history books and decided to sell the first thing. There were vintage things from my parents and grandparents at home, but touching them was taboo. Therefore, I bought a Christmas tree decoration at the opening day in Moscow and resold it to a friend with a small markup. With experience, I stopped dealing with things that I couldn’t sell at a 300% markup. Now I buy things from people who find something interesting on flea markets Europe, I often see something interesting myself.

My most unexpected find was in a trash heap in Yekaterinburg. I walked past the containers next to the house and saw a slightly open Soviet suitcase standing next to them, with Christmas tree decorations sticking out of it. Without disgust or a twinge of conscience, I simply picked up and carried away this suitcase. I only earned a couple of thousand then, but most of all I liked digging through this suitcase: there is excitement in when you slowly take it apart and think whether you will find something valuable or not.

This is what a Christmas tree looks like, completely decorated with antique toys. The teddy bear on the right, according to Dmitry, costs 2,000 - 3,000 rubles. Photo: courtesy of the hero of the material

All of Rublyovka decorates its Christmas trees with antique Christmas decorations

There are Soviet Christmas tree decorations that are really cheap - from 100 rubles apiece. This is a trifle, not money, but there are also toys for 150,000 rubles. The price is determined based on three factors: condition, rarity, age.

Toys that were produced in the 70s, roughly speaking, in millions of copies, are sold for 100 rubles, because every apartment has them. Christmas tree decorations from the 30s to the 50s are rarer: some collections produced only a thousand copies throughout the USSR. They cost more than 100,000 rubles.

The most expensive toy I sold cost 120,000 rubles. This is a trend in Moscow now: the entire Rublevka decorates its Christmas trees with antique toys. I have clients from there: Bozena Rynska - a lady of a specific character, designer Alexander Arutyunov. People spend a lot of money because it's atmospheric. Among the intelligentsia, in the bohemian and business environment, people with good incomes are interested in antiques.

Left: a toy from the 50s from the Circus series. In good condition it costs from 5,000 rubles. Right: A swaddle toy that was popular in the 50s. There was a whole collection where the envelopes contained children and, for some reason, pigs, cats and dogs. Approximate cost: 3,000 rubles. Photo: courtesy of the hero of the material

The Ural political and business elite are often deceived

There are also buyers in Yekaterinburg, but, alas, our interest is not so great. I judge by my sales. It’s a shame that people don’t value old things and throw them away without knowing the price. I sometimes spend free estimates- in this regard, I am not greedy, I name the real amount. People are surprised: “Oh, we wanted to throw it away.”

Everyone, figuratively speaking, breaks into IKEA, strives to have no old things in the house at all, and adore high-tech and loft styles. People still live a little in two thousand. Two or three years ago it was the same in Moscow, which means that soon they will start collecting antiques in Yekaterinburg.

If anyone here is interested in antiques, it’s for some reason ordinary people middle class. The Ural bohemia is still absorbed in the glamor of the 90s. The Yekaterinburg political and business elite buys antiques, but understands nothing about them. I feel very sorry for such people, because they are often deceived - they can sell a fake, this is very widespread. They may never realize it's fake, but they still made money off of it.

Many people buy old thing just to boast about it. Such people are like “expensive” girls who walk down the street with the look: “What a pity that you have to rip price tags off your clothes.” Or men who buy cars not to drive them, but just to show off.

Left: A globe coated with phosphorus glows in the dark. It is also popular among antique dealers and costs from 5,000 rubles. Right: Baba Yaga's house was made in the 50s. Dmitry says that this toy has high artistic value. In good condition it costs 15,000 rubles. Photo: courtesy of the hero of the material

Nobody ever talks about transactions of half a million and above.

The antique community is very closed; they try not to let outsiders in. ABOUT major transactions no one ever tells.

Large transactions - from half a million and above - take place behind closed doors. Nobody ever talks about them, unnecessary attention, and, therefore, no one needs problems. Rumors spread quickly, especially in Yekaterinburg. Due to my age, I have not yet reached the level of transactions with such amounts; my largest sale is 250,000 rubles. I would not like to say what and to whom I sold for this amount.

The oldest thing I was able to sell was a dinner set from the mid-19th century. There was an incomplete set - ten silver-plated objects. I charged three thousand rubles per position. It's funny that people think that if they find something that is over a hundred years old, it means that they will get rich and buy an apartment in Moscow. This is actually a misconception. There are rare things from the 90s that cost a hundred times more than an item from the 19th century. For example, there are scary abstract toys made by a famous master in the USSR. They may be only thirty years old, and they are not even vintage, but their rarity and the fame of the author allow one toy to be sold for at least 20,000 rubles.

Left: A surprise toy made from the late 40s to the 60s. The characters from fairy tales and fables were painted on the lid. This copy costs about 4,000 rubles. Similar toys from the same series can sell for 1,000 or 30,000 rubles. Right: a silver bottle made of pure silver for 3,500 rubles. Photo: courtesy of the hero of the material

Any transaction is always a risk

I'm not renting a warehouse. At home I have a small room where I store things: they are all in boxes, neatly packed. I am very scrupulous about such things, even if they are inexpensive. It’s the little things—transactions worth 500, 1,000, and 2,000 rubles—that make up the bulk of your income. I easily earn 150,000 rubles a month from antique Christmas tree decorations. But this is not my only income. Yes, it generates income, but at the same time it is very unstable: for six months it can be “wow”, and then you suck your paw. The first year I worked at a loss - I needed to invest in business. Some people think that when you sell an item for 200,000 rubles, the entire amount is pure profit. But this is not so, because I also bought this thing for a certain amount.

Selling antiques has its own challenges, but it’s a lot of work. Sometimes it takes more effort than unloading the cars. You constantly communicate with people, it doesn’t matter whether you like the person or not. You need to constantly look for buyers, this mainly happens at social events - you already know roughly what kind of people are interested in antiques and what you can offer them.

Transactions, if both I and the buyer are in the same city, are completed in person. If a person is in another city or country (I sold Christmas tree decorations to people in the USA, Germany, Belarus), then I send him a photo of the item. Sometimes they ask to make a video to better assess her condition. Negotiations sometimes last for a month. You waste time, and the person eventually tells you that he has changed his mind. Until the money is transferred, there is no sale. Any transaction is always a risk.
