A brief description of the duties of the seller cashier rotation. Sales clerk and his duties. What does a job description look like?

To date, such a position as a cashier and a salesman is very common. AT modern world it is difficult to imagine a person who would not go shopping and would not buy essential things for himself - food and non-food. To ensure this process with maximum comfort, a cashier salesman will help, who will not only sell the right thing, but also advise on the quality of a particular product that you need.

Job description of the seller-cashier - basic provisions

The job description of the cashier seller contains not only the direct obligations of employees, but also the rights and general provisions, which ideally every experienced sales consultant should know. All information on the sample can be found below, according to labor code RF.

The cashier must:

  • 1. Perform their work with high quality, namely, serve guests and clients in a timely manner, according to all requests.
  • 2. Maintaining relevant documentation in accordance with all requirements of cash discipline.
  • 3. Checking the relevant amounts, at the end of the working day.
  • 4. Closing the store and opening according to the schedule approved by the manager.
  • 5. Ensuring the safety of the relevant material resources.
  • 6. Checking the relevance of price tags located on goods, both food and non-food.
  • 7. Providing information to the manager about the availability of goods in the store, as well as about price changes.
  • 8. In the event that the administrator is on sick leave, or is temporarily absent from the trading floor of the store, the seller, the cashier, according to the job description, is obliged to resolve and prevent any conflict situations that arise between customers trading house and service personnel.
  • 9. Participation in staff meetings according to the job description, which are arranged by the store director.
  • 10. Direct participation in activities that can improve the quality of service in trading house, as well as increase the income of the existing store.
  • 11. Takes part in activities such as inventory.
  • 12. Stimulates the sale of food and non-food products and provides qualified assistance to the client when buying a particular type of product.
  • 13. In the event of a conflict situation or force majeure, the cashier seller, in accordance with the job description, is obliged to immediately notify the management if there are any shortcomings.
  • 14. Timely passes advanced training courses for cashiers according to the job description according to the model, and strives to learn and hone the acquired skills.

Job description of the seller-cashier of food products

The duties of the seller of the cashier of food and non-food items are similar to each other. The direct responsibility of the consultant is to provide quality services in a timely manner, ensuring comfort when buying food and non-food products, as well as:

  • 1. Negotiate with superiors, informing about problems and conflicts according to the model.
  • 2. Participate in negotiations that relate to cash discipline.
  • 3. Notify the collection service about the receipt of cash for non-food and food items.
  • 4. Keep specialized records of consumables that are suitable for both food and non-food products.
  • 5. Full security of material assets that are in the cash register.
  • 6. Compliance with the limit that remains on the balance.
  • 7. Registration of trademarks and statements.

By the way, about what is job description supervisor, it is written in the following material.

Job description of the seller-cashier of non-food products

In the case of working with non-food products, the seller - cashier is obliged:

  • 1. Contact the main and direct suppliers of services and goods.
  • 2. Monitor the technical condition of the cash register.
  • 3. Help increase sales of goods and services.
  • 4. Ensure the receipt of goods from the main suppliers.
  • 5. Know the rules for operating a cash register.
  • 6. Compile special commodity reports.

Job description of the seller-consultant-cashier

Speaking about the direct responsibilities of the employee of the trading floor and the cashier, it should be noted that, according to the requirements of the job description, the following points are important:

  • 1. The employee undertakes to qualitatively fulfill his direct duties.
  • 2. Promote sales of the sector for which the employee is responsible.
  • 3. Contribute own ideas which will further increase the income of the enterprise as a whole.
  • 4. Directly communicate with customers on the trading floor.
  • 5. Interact with the store administrator.
  • 6. Know the range of non-food products and services provided according to the model.

Job description of the seller-cashier of alcoholic products

Alcoholic products are a specific range of products that require some preparation from the cashier seller. Among the direct duties of the cashier:

  • 1. Ensure the uninterrupted operation of the trading floor.
  • 2. Accompanying the client until the end of the transaction.
  • 3. Consultation in the choice of alcoholic products.
  • 4. Taking part in the unloading of the alcoholic assortment.
  • 5. Receiving goods and hanging labels on products.
  • 6. Accounting temperature regime, as a result of which alcoholic products remains intact.

For a quick job search, it is better to use an Internet source and send a resume by e-mail.

Some sites have a “Apply to a job” function, which increases search efficiency by several times.

The position of a salesperson is very common, and such work can be found even close to home.

Apparatus employed

In order to get a job, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Passport and a copy of the passport (main page, as well as a page with a marriage seal, a seal confirming the birth of children).
  2. Medical certificate (if you are going to work with food).
  3. Insurance.
  4. Labor book.
  5. References from previous jobs.
  6. Diplomas and certificates of completion of courses or graduation.

It is important to know: the seller-cashier must present to the personnel department the originals of special documents, diplomas, certificates of assignment of categories and categories to him.

After signing employment contract or a contract, the seller-cashier is obliged to be instructed at the place of work. The conditions at the workplace must comply with all sanitary standards: there must be a bathroom, a place for washing hands and for eating, changing clothes.

The briefing describes in detail what is included in the duties of the employee and the types of penalties for non-compliance. The employee, after reading the document, must sign it and put the date in the registration log.

Take into account: A job description is an official document that is subject to accounting and verification.

The liability agreement has terms and is drawn up together with the main agreement. The fact of acceptance and transfer of material assets is confirmed by the inventory, which is carried out on the first day of going to work.

If an employee is hired in grocery store, then, according to sanitary standards, in the absence of a sanitary book, he must undergo a medical commission within 30 days. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to enter the trade department. Underage teenagers can work in the food, household and other departments, with the permission of at least one of the parents.

The responsibilities of the sales clerk include the following:

  1. Don't be late for work. As a rule, it is necessary to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the working day in order to have time to change and clean up.

2. Have a neat appearance. Hair should be pulled back in a ponytail, a pigtail, and nails should be cut short and painted with colorless or beige, pink varnish. Also, do not forget about overalls: a neat and clean uniform will attract customers to you.

Think about the type of shoes in advance, as due to improperly selected shoes, feet can swell at the end of the day. It is best to wear ballet shoes, sports shoes, pumps with low heels. Eliminate the wedge and hairpin, as excessive stress on the muscles can only harm the joints.

3. Upon arrival at workplace, you need to prepare it: check and verify cash at the cash desk, see if there is a spare cash tape. Everybody Consumables are with the senior cashier (manager) and are required to be issued on demand. The cash tape and other stationery is paid by the organization that hired you;

4. The seller-cashier, depending on the specification of the supermarket, is obliged to strictly follow the following rules:

  • always greet the client;
  • ask if he needs a package;
  • ask if there is a discount card for this store, and if not, offer to purchase it;
  • at the end of the manipulations, say "Thank you for the purchase."

5. Lunch time is regulated by the store manager and can be divided into 2 parts of 30 minutes. Large organizations provide employees with hot meals in the canteen.

6. At the end of the day, the employee is required to calculate the proceeds and remove the cash tape, verify all the data and fill out the cashier's journal. Evening proceeds must be handed over to the senior cashier or other financially responsible person against the signature of the employee.

The senior cashier is obliged to recalculate the entire amount in the presence of the employee. The operator enters the data into the computer and at the end of the month sums up the total. accrual wages an accountant is in charge: depending on the monthly revenue, the amount of the bonus is calculated.

Features of work in a department store

The seller-cashier is obliged to fulfill, in addition to all the requirements listed above, the following obligations:

  1. Advise buyers on the product, talk about the characteristics, dimensions, manufacturer and price.
  2. Help to try on clothes and choose the right size for the buyer.
  3. Show samples of goods, give them into the hands of the buyer (an obligatory function of the seller is the ability to interest and captivate the buyer).
  4. Packing the goods, punching and inserting a check.
  5. The employee is obliged to change the low-quality goods for a new one or return the money if the buyer provided a check and low-quality goods.

The seller has the right to offer the buyer to try on several types of clothing to increase sales efficiency. The use of aggressive marketing skill is only acceptable if this task put a leader in front of you. A key role in the sales system is the ability of the seller to feel the buyer and get in touch with him positively.

The following items are not included in professional functions:

  1. Inspection of personal belongings of visitors (if this is not specified in the official duties). Only the store's security service, guards or other controlling person can inspect the buyer. Verification is carried out in indoors where the Inspection Act is drawn up. AT this document, the seller can be as a witness, and if necessary to sign.
  2. The employee has the right to refuse activities that are not related to direct duties. An example of a situation: the operator asked to issue a consignment note. In this situation, the seller-cashier has the right to refuse, since the performance of this work requires competence to work on a computer.
  3. Work outside of school hours. According to the law, after-hours must be paid, and work on weekends and holidays paid double. The employee himself can express a desire to stay if he sees fit. The manager does not have the right to manipulate or exert psychological pressure on the employee.

The seller-cashier has no right:

  • leave the workplace without the consent of the authorities;
  • do not punch completed purchases on the cash register;
  • be rude, rude or insult the buyer;
  • come to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • cause moral or physical harm to other employees.

The quality of the work performed and the achievement of the employee must be encouraged and monitored. Control consists in the constant regulation of the fulfillment of requirements.

The employee has the right to ask for material assistance from the management of the organization in the following cases:

  • in case of fire or natural disasters;
  • when moving to a new place of residence;
  • at industrial injuries that happened due to the fault of the enterprise;
  • at the birth of a child;
  • in difficult life circumstances (death of a relative, etc.).

The employee is obliged to exclude conflict situations in the workplace, as well as verbal abuse. In the event of an emergency situation, it is necessary to report this by internal telephone to the security service or the head of the department.

Future cashier salespeople will benefit from the following cash register skills video:

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Responsibilities of a sales clerk are usually quite varied. The requirements are very high, and rightly so: in addition to direct work with the cash register, by virtue of the position, the cashier seller has to simultaneously perform the functions of a seller, manager, merchandiser, merchandiser and auditor. Of course, not to the extent that profile employees are required to do this within their specialty, but the seller-cashier is still required to have sufficient knowledge. This will be discussed in the article.

Seller-cashier: job responsibilities

Responsibilities of a sales clerk are not limited to calculating the total cost of the purchase, accepting payment and breaking through cash receipt. First of all, he is a seller, that is, the main link between the product and the buyer.

Given the specifics of the duties that the seller-cashier performs by virtue of the position, this should be a person with a number of qualities, the absence of which will not allow him to remain in the profession for a long time. Therefore, when posting an advertisement for a vacancy for a seller-cashier, employers, as a rule, put forward the following requirements for the identity of the applicant:

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  • equilibrium;
  • emotional stability;
  • the ability to be responsible for decisions made and actions taken;
  • willingness to learn and develop;
  • high concentration of attention;
  • good memory;
  • goodwill;
  • politeness.

Often among the requirements you can find the absence of bad habits. And this is by no means a whim of the employer. The time spent on smoke breaks will directly affect the quality of the work performed, and addiction to alcohol excludes the possibility of occupying a position related to the maintenance of cash or commodity values.

Besides, duties of a sales clerk require a number of knowledge and skills:

  • computer proficiency at the level of a confident user;
  • knowledge of the functionality of cash registers, a barcode scanner, a payment terminal for plastic cards, the skills of their practical application;
  • merchandising skills;
  • knowledge of the key properties of goods of various groups;
  • possession of technologies of pricing, merchandising, marketing, warehouse accounting.

True, employers are often ready to provide preliminary training, so the lack of special professional training is not always an obstacle to getting this job. However, there is still a mandatory minimum. That is, if, for example, knowledge of the basics of merchandising and marketing can be obtained at special trainings, then it is advisable to be able to use a computer already at the stage of compiling a resume.

Resume of the seller-cashier: how to get a job

When studying the job advertisement for a seller-cashier, you need to pay attention not only to the list of requirements for the applicant. The content of the future resume, and sometimes the expediency of sending it, depends on many factors, and the amount of wages here does not play a key role at all.

First, the list of responsibilities: if they include the performance of functions that clearly do not correspond to the proposed position, it is better not to risk it. For example, employers who are too frugal often try to entrust the seller-cashier with the responsibility of negotiating with suppliers, although in reality this should be done by a completely different specialist. And it's not even a matter of a couple of extra moves - such a condition almost certainly means the prospect of actually working in several positions. Of course, for one salary.

Secondly, it makes sense to study the reputation of the employer and the store where the job is supposed to be. Perhaps a few reviews posted on the Internet will be enough to look for another job.

If there are no alarming factors, you can start compiling sales clerk resume. The main task at this stage is to achieve an advantage over other applicants. Therefore, in addition to information indicating compliance with the stated requirements, it will not be superfluous to inform about yourself Additional information. For example, if you have experience in related positions (sales assistant, controller-cashier), this must certainly be reported.

Do not keep silent about the documents in the luggage, indicating the end various courses, trainings and other educational programs even if they are not directly related to duties of the seller-cashier: resume will attract more attention if it indicates, for example, the passage of a training that teaches productive communication with customers. This, at a minimum, will give the employer a reason to make an impression about the applicant as a person aimed at personal and professional growth.

For those who are looking for a job for the first time or simply have never held positions in the field of trade, it will help Sample resume for sales clerk. According to the relevant request, set on the Internet, it will be possible to choose the most suitable instance. It is best to explore several options at once that are most relevant to the potential job. If we are talking about a shoe or clothing store, a resume of a sales assistant-cashier grocery supermarket should not be taken as a basis - the specifics of job duties have very significant differences.

The duties of a salesperson-cashier can be quite diverse, as they directly depend on the characteristics of the enterprise. In one case, the position implies only work for cash register, in another combines the duties of a cashier and a sales assistant.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, at the time of registration for the desired position, the future employee is provided, for familiarization purposes, with an instruction that describes in detail all the rights and obligations of the respective position.

General provisions

  1. The job description is the main document in which all duties, rights and cases implying responsibility for what happened are clearly described.
  2. Appointment and removal from office takes place in accordance with current legislation , subject to the signed decree of the director.
  3. The seller-cashier is subordinate to the head of the department or store, as well as the director.
  4. A person is appointed to the position of a cashier seller, who received a higher or secondary specialized education.
  5. The seller-cashier must have the skills of handling with all kinds of store cash registers.
  • accounting programs goods;
  • regulations and orders internal regulations of the enterprise;
  • storage rules products;
  • basics of industrial hygiene, labor protection rules and fire safety;
  • order and standards of service buyers;
  • rules for designing stands and shop windows;
  • financial documentation, rules for the issuance and storage of securities and cash;
  • reporting rules documentation;
  • procedure for accepting claims from buyers;
  • work schedule.

The seller-cashier in the process of work should be guided by:

Seller-cashier: job responsibilities

  • Uninterrupted customer service at the cash register. Consulting and demonstrating the performance of the purchased goods.
  • Check the serviceability and provide proper care to the cash register and other entrusted inventory.
  • Maintain cash registers.
  • Ensuring the safety of cash funds.
  • Do not leave the workplace without permission direct guidance.
  • Ensure cleanliness and order in a trusted store department.
  • Inform customers about new products and shop services.
  • Distribute goods by department, guided by demand and the psychological characteristics of the thinking of buyers.
  • Perform product quality control(shelf life, package integrity, marketable appearance, price and labeling compliance).
  • Ensure sufficient quantity of goods in assigned department. If necessary, order the missing goods in the warehouse of the store.
  • Maintain records of goods sold from your department.
  • Accepts from buyers cash according to the established order:
  1. Say the amount loudly and clearly purchases.
  2. Get cash facilities.
  3. Count and clearly pronounce the amount of money received aloud from the buyer.
  4. Print using a cash register check.
  5. Inform the buyer about the change due to him and issue it along with the check.
  • If necessary, provide a complaint book and offers.
  • Comply with safety and security rules labor.
  • Follow the appropriate external view.
  • To be polite, courteous and benevolent.
  • Count cash at the end of the working day and checkout.
  1. Make suggestions for quality improvement service and working conditions.
  2. Make decisions based on your competencies.
  3. Get familiar with the decision of the authorities regarding the changes regarding the position held
  4. Notify management of violations within its competence.
  5. Require the presence of all forms and documents, necessary to perform the work in accordance with the current job description.

Responsibility of the seller-cashier

The seller-cashier is responsible in the event of:

  1. non-compliance with direct instructions from immediate superiors or store management
  2. violations of sanitary and epidemic standards, fire safety and labor protection;
  3. damage or loss of inventory entrusted to him, securities and cash;
  4. regime violations labor activity and disciplines;
  5. exceeding official powers, resulting in a conflict situation;
  6. violation or dishonest performance of the obligations of the specified in the current job description;

Requirements for personal qualities and professional training of the seller-cashier

The job of a salesperson-cashier implies communication with people, it follows that the applicant must be:

  • polite;
  • benevolent;
  • courteous;
  • non-conflict;
  • punctual;
  • balanced;
  • sociable;
  • executive;
  • organized;

The seller-cashier must have:

In addition to personal qualities Special attention the employer pays vocational training.

Due to the specifics of the position held, the seller-cashier must be able to:

  • maintain reporting documentation;
  • handle a personal computer at the level of a confident user;
  • doing math in your mind calculations;
  • provide quality advice buyer;
  • handle cash register, terminal for bank cards and a scanner for reading barcodes;
  • draw up correctly showcase;
  • understand group characteristics goods;

Quite often, all other knowledge is obtained in the process of work.

In order not to waste time on unpromising interviews and speed up the job search process, you need to write a resume.

Resume of the seller-cashier: how to get a job

A well-written resume is already halfway to getting the desired job.

However, do not rush to send it, based only on the amount of wages. When choosing an employer, you should pay special attention to the list of job responsibilities that will be assigned to the applicant.

Recently, quite often there are ads in which, being in the position of a sales assistant-cashier, the employee must perform the functional duties of other specialists.

Of course, this approach significantly reduces the employer's financial costs. At the same time, the material condition of the subordinates remains the same, since the total amount of wages does not change.

  • Wage.
  • Job Compliance stated requirements.
  • Working conditions.
  • Schedule.
  • Reviews about the enterprise.

If all the points suit you, then we will proceed directly to compiling a resume.

This document is necessary in order for the employer to be able to select the most suitable candidates for the vacant position.

Therefore, when compiling a resume, you must indicate all your personal and professional quality to get the job you want.

When an employer asks for a resume, quite often, he provides his standard form with questions. In this case, you just need to fill in all the fields and send the result.

But what to do if such a form was not provided?

The Internet has a large number of samples for writing a resume for the position of a sales assistant-cashier. Familiarize yourself with several options at once and choose the appropriate instance.

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Job responsibilities of a cashier salesperson in Pyaterochka

According to the provisions of Russian labor legislation, each employee, when hiring, must be familiarized with his job description against signature. Moreover, the employee must keep a copy of the job description at the workplace.

Below is Job description of the seller-cashier (sample).

Application No. one

to an employment contract

Director of Ways of Success LLC

I. I. Petrov

merchant cashier


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Seller-Cashier.

1.2. The seller-cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the director.

1.3. The seller reports directly to the Director, chief accountant.

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year.

1.5. The cashier must be fluent in all the methods of working on various types of cash registers used in the enterprise.

1.6. The cashier must know:

Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of a trade enterprise;

Merchandising, standards and specifications on goods, their main properties, quality characteristics; storage conditions of goods;

The management structure, the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work; rules and methods of organizing customer service; the order of registration of premises and showcases; fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection; safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

Forms of cash bank documents; rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage of funds and securities; the procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents; limits on cash balances established for the enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety; rules for maintaining a cash book, compiling cash reports; rules and methods of organizing customer service; operating rules for cash registers and computers; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection; safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.7. The seller-cashier must have good communication skills, must be energetic and positively disposed to perform their functional duties, be fluent in the techniques of working on a cash register.


2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the commodity section, stays at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if he is replaced by another Seller with the consent of the director.

2.1.2. Provides preventive and courteous customer service, creates for them the necessary conditions for the selection and familiarization of the goods they are interested in, controls the absence of violations of the rules of trade, takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.1.3. Performs a complete pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, conformity of marking, unpacking, inspection appearance, other).

2.1.4. Notifies his/her immediate supervisor, and necessary cases and the administration of the enterprise, on cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.

2.1.5. Places and lays out goods by groups, types, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, frequency of demand, ease of use.

2.1.6. Offers and displays products to customers; assists buyers in choosing goods, advises buyers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, on the rules for caring for goods, on prices, on the offer of interchangeable goods, new and related goods; calculates the purchase price, issues a check, issues a passport (other document) for a product that has a warranty period; carries out the packaging of the purchase, issuance or transfer of the purchase for control; makes an exchange of goods.

2.1.7. Controls the availability of goods in the trading section, checks the quality, expiration dates of goods, checks the presence and compliance of markings, price tags on goods.

2.1.8. Supervises the safety of goods commercial equipment and other material assets.

2.1.9. Carries out operations to reflect on (c) KKM all amounts of money received from buyers in accordance with the operating manual for the corresponding type of cash registers.

2.1.10. Determines for each buyer the total amount of the purchase according to the indicator of the cash register or using a counting device and reports it to the buyer.

2.1.11. Receives money from the buyer for the purchased goods according to the amount called by the buyer or indicated in the price tags, in compliance with the following procedure:

a) clearly names the amount of money received and places the money received from the buyer in full view of the buyer separately from any (other) money;

b) punches a check on the cash register;

c) names the amount of change due to the buyer, removes the money received from the buyer to the cashier and gives the buyer the change together with the check (paper notes and small change are issued by the Seller-cashier at the same time).

2.1.12. At the end of the shift (if necessary and in other cases) removes the cash desk, hands over the money received from buyers to the collector.

2.1.13. Carefully handles money (does not pollute them and does not produce any inscriptions on paper bills).

2.1.14. Issues money on checks returned by customers only if the director's signature is on the returned check. Refunds are made only on a check issued at this cash desk.

2.1.15. Ensures the smooth operation of the cash register, is located in work time at your workplace. The seller-cashier can leave his workplace only with the consent of the Director or accountant.

2.1.16. Provides a clear and polite service to customers, creates comfortable conditions for them, controls the absence of violations of trade rules, takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.1.17. Ensures the safety of money in the cash register, cash registers and other material assets.

2.1.18. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.19. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.20. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.1.21. Maintains a welcoming atmosphere in the workplace personal example in customer service.

The seller-cashier must be patient, attentive, polite when choosing and inspecting goods by buyers. When handing over the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him.

2.1.22. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the commodity section, as well as in the trading floor as a whole.

2.1.23. Complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety, civil defense requirements.

2.1.24. Executes instructions and orders of the direct management and administration of the enterprise.

2.1.25. Must have a neat appearance.

3.1. The seller has the right:

3.1.1. Take appropriate actions to eliminate conflict situations and the causes that led to them.

3.1.2. Give explanations on the essence and causes of the conflict situations that have arisen.

3.1.3. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to improve the work related to functional duties The seller-cashier and the entire enterprise as a whole.

4.1. The seller is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, directives of the direct management and administration of the enterprise.

4.1.4. Violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established at the enterprise.

4.1.5. Disclosure of trade secrets.

4.1.6. Loss, damage, shortage of goods, money and other tangible assets in accordance with the full liability agreement concluded with the Seller-Cashier


5.1. The mode of operation of the Seller-Cashier is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

I am familiar with this manual. I received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace: _______________/ __________________

In one store official duties seller-cashier include only work at the checkout, in others he combines the functions of a cashier with the functions of a sales assistant. The specifics of a particular company should reflect the job description of the seller-cashier. Our sample job description for a sales assistant-cashier is more suitable for a “part-time job”, but based on it, you can easily develop your own service document.

Job description of the seller-cashier

General director
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The seller-cashier belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The seller-cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order CEO company / store manager.
1.3. The salesperson-cashier reports directly to the store director/section manager.
1.4. During the absence of the seller-cashier, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a parent-cashier: education - higher or secondary vocational education, work experience in the specialty for at least a year, knowledge of a cash register, PC, including being able to use computer programs for accounting for goods, availability of a medical book.
1.6. The seller-cashier is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation, incl. Consumer Protection Law;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the seller-cashier

The sales clerk performs the following duties:
2.1. Serves customers at the checkout and maintains cash documents.
2.2. Ensures the safety of funds.
2.3. After the store is closed for customers, checks cash at the checkout, in case of an error, identifies and eliminates it; fills in the book of the cashier-operator.
2.4. Controls inventory cash register tape for KKM, credit and debit orders, twine, seals and accompanying statements for collection.
2.5. Monitors the availability of a sufficient amount of goods in the trading floor and, if necessary, replenishes it.
2.6. Helps customers in choosing goods, gives advice to customers on the range of goods offered for sale in the store, on consumer properties and features of goods.
2.7. Participates in the promotion of sales of certain types of goods, in promotions store: draws the attention of customers to a given product by placing it in the most viewed places, by additionally consulting customers on the features and benefits of this product, and in another way.
2.8. Monitors the availability of price tags for goods, their correct placement and the correct indication of all information in the price tag (product name, price, weight, etc.). The seller sticks the price tags prepared and handed over to him by the merchandiser or director: after the acceptance and placement of the goods; after price update; in case of detection of discrepancy between the price tag and the requirements of the rules of trade; in other cases, at the direction of the director or merchandiser.
2.9. Participates in inventory.
2.10. Resolves disputes with customers in the absence of administration representatives.
2.11. Participates in classes (training) conducted for sellers to increase the level of knowledge on the properties and features of products, merchandising of goods, work at the checkout and other knowledge and skills necessary for work.
2.12. Participates in in-store team meetings.
2.13. Informs the store manager about all emergency situations in his work.
The seller is obliged to fulfill other, not described in this job description, orders of the administration, caused by production needs.

3. Rights of the seller-cashier

The seller-cashier has the right:
3.1. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.2. Report to higher management on all identified deficiencies within their competence.
3.3. Require management to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
3.4. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the seller-cashier

The seller-cashier carries liability for the safety of property and other material assets and funds entrusted to him for sale and work.
In addition, the seller-cashier is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.
