Craft competitions for children of educators. International creative competition of children's crafts. How children's competitive works of the All-Russian competition of crafts are evaluated

Every child loves to create. It is difficult to determine at what age he managed to make the first funny craft, but after it, a whole collection of works made by small skillful hands appears in the house. What to do with these works as the child grows? It’s a pity to throw it away, store it on shelves, there is hardly enough space, as some kids are ready to do something new every day. We invite everyone to participate in the All-Russian competitions of children's crafts and receive well-deserved prizes.

Goals and objectives of the craft competition for preschoolers and schoolchildren

It would seem that there is nothing unusual in the fact that boys and girls like to do something with their own hands. But that's not the case at all. Why do some children constantly make crafts, while others do not want to work with any materials? This question is asked not only by parents, but also by employees of preschool educational institutions. To help children join any kind of creativity, parents, and later educators, teachers, educators additional education should interest the little man in an unusual occupation. Try to show them the manufacturing process, offer to see in advance final result. And when the children learn how to make crafts with their own hands, take part with them in all-Russian competitions, which are held on the portal

Doing crafts develops the child. Everyone who works with paper or plasticine, beads or natural material has well-formed fine motor skills of their hands. It will be easier for them to learn to write, they will always take the initiative when doing creative works. In addition, the manufacture of various products with their own hands pursues other equally important goals:

  • the formation of perseverance;
  • education of accuracy in work;
  • development of interest in creative independent activity.

How to submit crafts at the All-Russian creative competition 2017 - 2018?

Almost any child can do the job. It will turn out even better and more interesting if an adult provides all possible assistance. But not everyone decides to submit a finished masterpiece to a remote competition. And not at all because they are not sure that their work will be appreciated, but because they do not know how to send it to the organizing committee.

Before you sit down to do the crafts, you must carefully read the position. Most likely, but on the site only in this way, the work is not required to be submitted in the original for the competition. The participant must take a picture of the finished product himself or with the help of his parents and send only the photo along with the completed application to the specified address. It is impossible to process the received photo in the Photoshop program or similar (similar) programs. There should be foreign objects in the photo of her. If the position specifies the maximum allowable size of the sent file, then you should pay attention to these parameters. It turns out that everything is extremely simple: the work at home remained, and participation in the competition was accepted.

How are children's competitive works of the All-Russian handicraft competition evaluated?

Having completed the competition work, sending all the documents for the competition, each participant looks forward to the results with impatience and excitement. In their hearts, everyone hopes to get the coveted first place, but at the same time, doubts gnaw that, apparently, more original works will be sent. The evaluation of the works is given by the jury in accordance with the criteria specified in the regulation. In addition, the work of participants is separately evaluated in age nominations. Thus, you should not worry that the work of a preschooler will be in a less favorable position than the work of a high school student or an experienced teacher. And even if the contestant did not become the winner, it is important that he managed to declare himself and take the first step towards victory.

Are you able to do something with your own hands? Be sure to participate with your children in the All-Russian craft competitions in 2017 - 2018 academic year. By the way, on our site and teachers participate in such events, competing in their age category.



on holding the All-Russian and International Competition "Decorative and Applied Art".

Works made in any technique and from any material are accepted for the competition of arts and crafts:

– plastic, paper-plastic, dough-plastic;

- beading;

- embroidery;

- macrame;

- products from natural materials;

- felting;

- floristry;

- painting on glass;

- testoplast;

- tapestry;

Work can be both individual and collective.

Crafts need to be photographed and sent to the competition.

  1. General provisions

1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the organizers, participants of the competition "Decorative and applied art" (hereinafter - the Competition), the content and procedure for the competition, the procedure for considering the submitted materials and awarding the winners.

1.2. The organizers of the competition are:

  • Festival of International and All-Russian Distance Competitions "Russian Talents".
  • All-Russian Pedagogical Journal "Sphere of Education".
  1. Targets and goals:

2.1. The competition is aimed at stimulating creative activity, identifying, accompanying and supporting talented participants in the competition in the field of arts and crafts.

2.2. Competition objectives:

2.2.1. Development of the creative potential of the participants, aimed at creating pride in the cultural heritage of the Motherland;

2.2.2. Providing a demonstration opportunity creativity in competitive form;

  1. Competitors

3.2. Participants of the Competition are divided into the following age categories:

the age of the participants (the sum of the ages of the team is divided by the number of participants).

3.3. Participation in the competition is absentee (remote).

3.4. To participate in the Contest, you must send:

1) Application for participation from the page of the site "Participate" or send the completed application form to e-mail: [email protected]

2) Competitive work.

3) Confirmation of payment of the registration fee (scan, screenshot or photo of the receipt).

3.5. The total time for consideration of the application, preparation and sending of award documents is from 5 to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

3.6. Stages of the competition:

Stage I - preparatory: collection of competitive works and applications for participation in the competition;

Stage II - the main one: evaluation of the Competitive works and summing up the results of the competition by the competitive jury;

Stage III - final: awarding and publication of the results of the competition on the website

  1. Evaluation of competitive works and summing up

4.1. The organizers form a jury of teachers and cultural figures from different fields. Also, various Public organizations. The composition of the jury is presented on the website in the section RULES OF PARTICIPATION / COMPOSITION OF THE JURY.

4.2. Criteria for evaluation of works:

4.2.1. Technical implementation:

– level of skill, possession of the chosen technique;

- the level of performance technology;

- manufacturing quality.

- the complexity of manufacturing;

- workload.

4.2.2. Technical aesthetics, design:

- aesthetic appearance of the product (product design);

- artistic expression;

- the unity of the stylistic, artistic and figurative solution of the product.

4.2.2. Creative approach to work:

- originality of the idea, its artistic embodiment;

- the use of folk traditions, techniques;

- compositional solution of the work;

4.3. Entries are evaluated on a ten-point scale, where 10 is the highest score.

4.4. All data is entered into a pivot table. A specially created program, using the arithmetic mean, determines the winner and the subsequent statuses of the contestants.

4.5. The names of prize-winners and winners are published within a month, the list is updated every 5-7 days.

4.6. The final step is to send the award documents to e-mail and sending SMS notifications to the phone number specified in the application.

  1. Rewarding

5.1. All participants of the competition are sent a diploma of the participant (diploma-recipient).

5.1. The winners of the competition are awarded with a diploma of the winner.

5.2. The supervisors (curators) of the competitive work are sent a certificate of the curator.

  1. Contacts

You can find all the necessary information on our website ( A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!

Sincerely, Gryaznov D.V.! (Head of FMVDK "Talents of Russia").

Educators, teachers, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical educational institutions and children, we invite you to take part in our creative competition

The competition runs from October 25, 2016 to January 25, 2017

Conditions of the competition

To participate in the competition, any work on the New Year theme is accepted:

Crafts from various materials on the theme " New Year and "Christmas"

DIY Christmas gifts

DIY Christmas characters (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Christmas Tree ....)

DIY New Year's cards

DIY monkeys

Applications on the theme "New Year" and "Christmas"

DIY interior decoration for the New Year. Kindergarten decoration, DIY school decoration

DIY Christmas toys

New Year's newspapers (master class on creating a New Year's wall newspaper)

Plots on the topic "New Year", "Christmas" with their own hands and other New Year's crafts.

New Year's recipes.

- New Year's games, New Year's quizzes, New Year's fairy tales and New Year's poems Attention! Only children's work is accepted here. This work must be author's, neatly designed, with a volume of at least 2 pages of printed text. Teachers can participate with this topic in the competition New Year's piggy bank

To participate in the competition are accepted:

Works performed jointly with children (the author of the work is a child, and the leader is a teacher);

Master class of a teacher, educator (without the participation of children)

The competitive work is drawn up as a master class (exception: New Year's games, quizzes, fairy tales and poems)

2. Your materials must contain photographs of the detailed manufacturing process, as well as a detailed step-by-step description of the production of your project (work).

Copying from the Internet or other publications is prohibited. In case of detection of plagiarism, the work is removed from the competition.

You can take ideas from the Internet, books and magazines, but the text, step-by-step construction process and photos must be yours and unique.

Works for which award documents have already been received from our site cannot take part in the competition.

4. The number of works from one participant is not limited.

5. Collective works are not accepted for the competition.

Competition procedure

1. The competition is International. Works are accepted only in Russian.

2. The competition is held among teachers and children who have blogs on the site site

If you don't have a blog and want to enter the contest, then you need to:

Register on the site;

Leave a request to open a blog (follow the link)

After reviewing your application, we open a personal blog for you.

3. You post the entries yourself on your blog from October 5, 2016 to January 25, 2017 inclusive.

At the beginning of the text of the work, be sure to indicate all your full data (name, position, place of work). If you are participating with a child, be sure to include the child's details.

4. The number of works from one participant is not limited

5. After placing the competitive work on the blog, you leave an application in this article (follow the link)

The application must be submitted within 5 days after posting the work on the blog(applications for blog posts posted more than 5 days will not be considered)

6. After receiving your application, the editors conduct an expert review of the work for compliance with competitive requirements within 3 working days from the date of the application.

If the editor gives permission for your work to participate in the competition, then you send your master class (photo + text) to the address

After receiving your work, it is assigned a number, and it is placed in the competition table within 2 working days.

If your work did not pass expert assessment, then you don't need to send it anywhere. We will not report the reason for the refusal, since the work will not be accepted for participation in the competition only if the competition requirements are not met.

Your work remains on the blog.

If your work (master class) was not accepted for participation in the competition, then you can offer another NEW job. You can correct (remake) this work as well, but it will no longer be able to participate in the competition.

7. Those who wish will be able to express their opinion on each of the works and support the participants in the comments to the relevant articles.

9. When summing up the results of the competition, the following will be taken into account:

Site administration ratings. The administration will take into account the quality of the design of the master class, the level of complexity of the work and the ability of readers in this master class to repeat your project (master class);

10. February 5, 2017 The results of the contest will be published and the winners will be announced.

11. Dear contestants, remember that this is not a competition the best craft, this is not a children's photo contest, but this is a competition for the best master class on making crafts.

12. Additional Terms.

Participation in the Contest means acceptance of the following conditions:

● the organizers of the Contest do not enter into correspondence with participants whose applications were rejected (did not meet the requirements of the Contest);

● Organizers of the Contest reserve the right to use the materials provided for the Contest at their own discretion.

How to apply for a job

1. The text description of the work is drawn up in the Word editor.

The title of the work must be written first. The data of the authors are indicated: a child and a teacher helping in the manufacture of crafts. The age of the child must be indicated. If this is a teacher's master class, then only the teacher's data.

When describing, you can use poems, riddles, interesting stories or history, taking into account the theme of your master class.

Creativity in the description of the master class is welcome.

Not accepted as a master class Presentations and master classes in tabular form.

2. Your work must contain:

A detailed textual step-by-step description of the process of making crafts, jewelry, dishes ... The work should describe and show on the photo all the stages of manufacturing, all the necessary templates are presented, everything is described necessary materials and tools;

Photos (at least 11 pieces; if the work is complex, voluminous, then the number of photos should be more than 15 pieces), showing step by step the entire process of making the work. In addition, you need to provide 2-3 photos already finished work from different sides (without the participation of children). Finished work must be visible close-up, beautifully designed, showing some interesting fragments of your work.

3. Requirements for photos:

Photo size: at least 700 pixels. in width (place originals better);

Photos must be good quality(photos must be sharp and bright);

Photos must not contain any watermarks, captions or dates;

- Photos should be placed according to the text, not a separate text, a separate photo.

We want to warn you right away that you should not deliberately increase the number of photos, for example, show how you cut out elements with scissors or hide salty dough in the refrigerator, etc. The level of your work should be such that you can show all the main stages in at least 11 photos. If the work is simple, then in one master class you can show the manufacture of several crafts (appliqués, postcards ....) made in the same technique or on the same subject.

If you use children in the description of the master class (work), then you need to make sure that all photographic materials are addressed to the reader, and not to the child. The emphasis should not be on the child, but on the process of making crafts. There should not be 90% of the image of the child in the photo and only 10% of the manufacturing process.

All stages of the production of the work should be visible close-up.

We turn Special attention! It is forbidden to post photos of other people's children or adults without their written consent. Effective July 1, 2011 The federal law 07/25/2011 N261-FZ "On the protection of personal data", according to which no one can publish data about a person, including biometric data, incl. photographs without the written consent of the person himself or (if he is underage) of his parents, certified by a notary. Please consider this fact.

That is, if you post a photo that does not depict your child, then at the request of the Site Administration, you must attach a written permission of the parents certified by a notary to the competitive work.

Therefore, if you do not have such written permission from the parents, certified by a notary, then it is better to do the whole process to the teacher or show a photo of the process without the child, and at the end of the master class, take a picture and show the child’s work done according to your master class.

By posting photos, you confirm the fact that the photos are yours personally and you bear all the moral and material costs in case of violation of copyrights and human freedom rights.

4. Tables cannot be used in a text description.

So, your work must contain: a text document with a detailed description of the manufacturing process; at least 11 photos (at least 7 photos of the manufacturing process + 1 photo necessary tools and materials + 2-3 photos of the finished work; if the work is complex, then the number of photos should be more than 18 pieces).

Wish to the participants of the competition. To participate and win the competition, it is not necessary to submit a complex and time-consuming project, you can submit a simple project, but consisting of the process of making several crafts. For example, the theme: Application on the theme "New Year" (in this project, you can show the process of making not one application, but several different applications: Christmas trees, Santa Claus ...)


Dear future participants of the competition, please read all the rules carefully and remember that you are doing a master class not only to participate in the competition, not only to receive a Certificate, Gratitude, Diploma, but first of all for readers, so please respect them. Your work will be watched by tens (hundreds) of thousands of people.

What should be the master class

1. Neat. The photo should show only the process of making the work, no foreign objects, debris, the surrounding interior ... should not be. Showing hands should only be used as a last resort, and make sure that your hands and those of your pupils are clean.

2. The entire manufacturing process should be facing the reader and visible in the close-up photo.

3. All photos must be of good quality, without logos, extraneous inscriptions. The number of photos in the master class must be at least 11 pieces. Photo size: at least 700 pixels. in width

Photograph the process of work and the finished work in daylight (not in the bright sun, as sharp shadows are obtained), frontally (without turning), with sharpness (not blurry). Do not add frames, do not make a collage of photos.

Photograph your work on a plain background (white or color), try to avoid glare (especially on glossy photographs if they are in the frame). The background should not merge with the work.

4. The master class should be such that readers can easily repeat it. That is, it should have enough theoretical description and photographic materials.

5. In a master class on appliqué made of paper, plasticine, fabric, templates (patterns) must be offered, and in such a way that they can be printed.

6. If the work is simple, do not artificially increase the number of photos. Offer readers the process of doing several works (crafts, applications ...) in one master class.

7. Show how your finished work (craft) can be used.

8. Be sure to offer and show a photo of the finished work from different angles. Show volumetric crafts from different sides. You can photograph large interesting or textured fragments of the work.

9. In the text description of the work, be sure to indicate the goal, tasks, purpose and implement them with the help of your master class. In the text description, you can indicate links to materials located on our site.

The organizers of the contest reserve the right to reject the work if the submitted materials do not meet the stated requirements or are of unsatisfactory quality.

Summing up the results of the competition

The results of the competition will be summed up as follows. Children's work and the work of teachers will be evaluated separately.

Number of winners 10-15% of the total number of entries (master classes)

According to the results of the competition among children's works, the following prizes will be awarded

I place. Awards: Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree, Diploma to the teacher.

II place. Awards: Diploma of the winner of the II degree, Diploma to the teacher

III place. Awards: Diploma of the winner of the III degree, Diploma to the teacher

According to the results of the competition, the following prizes will be awarded among the works of teachers

I place. Award: Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree

II place. Award: Diploma of the winner of II degree

III place. Award: Diploma of the winner of III degree

Attention! Each work (master class) will be evaluated separately. If you offer several works (master classes) for participation in the competition and want them to be evaluated jointly, then you need to send a personal message to the site editorTatyana Alekseevna until January 25, 2017, indicate in it which works need to be combined and how to name your combined work.

All participants of the competition during the period of the competition will receive Certificates of participants.

Teachers who help children will receive Thanks.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone's copyright, the work will be withdrawn from the competition and all previously issued documents will be canceled. Your work remains on the site.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to Submit Approved Work (master class)

After approval of your work, you send it to the address indicated there.

The text description must be in Word document. Photos must be attached to the letter as separate files in jpg format. If the size of photographic materials exceeds 20 Mb, then the photo must be sent in several letters (up to 20 Mb in size).

You can not insert a photo in the body of the letter! You cannot send a copy of your recording (your master class) posted on the site (with logos).

Is it possible to get a Certificate of Publication for a competitive work?

For competitive work, you can receive a Certificate of participation, in case of victory, a Diploma of the winner.

We do not issue a certificate of publication for competitive work.

Do I need to pay money to participate in the competition? Do I need to pay money for Certificates, Diplomas?

No, you don't have to pay for anything.

Participation in the competition and the issuance of all documents (Certificate of participation, Diploma of the winner) - Free. We don't have any org. contributions.

Participation in all competitions on our portal is free.

The procedure for obtaining the Certificate of Participation and Gratitude of the teacher

As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, the button "Download Certificate" appears on the page with your material (next to the buttons "Edit" and "Delete".

You can download the Certificate of the participant of the competition and Gratitude to the teacher within 14 days of your application being approved.

If the master class was provided by the teacher, then he receives a Certificate of participation in the competition (he does not receive Gratitude).

The issuance of award documents begins from the moment the competition is announced, i.e. from October 5, 2016

Samples of Acknowledgment, Certificate and Diploma

The results of the competition can be viewed


Member #1

Supervisor: Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator, State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk

Participant #2

Participant #3

Participant #4

Participant #5

Supervisor: Chernikova Dina Nikolaevna, educator MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1, Staroe Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovo district

Participant #6

Participant #7

Member #8

Supervisor: Gribanova Anna Leonidovna, educator, MBDOU No. 44 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.

Participant #9

Supervisor: Shubina Yuliya Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO DYUTS KMZH "Ogonyok", Yekaterinburg

Member #10

Participant #11

Participant #12

Participant #13

Member #14

Participant #15

Participant #16

Supervisor: Parshukova Galina Mikhailovna, teacher-defectologist, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 62 of a compensating type", Kiselevsk

Participant #17

Participant #18

Supervisor: Luchsheva Svetlana Yaroslavovna, pedagogue-psychologist, DO "Landysh" SBEI School No. 547, Moscow

Participant #19

Member #20

Participant #21

Supervisor: Stoletova Tatyana Leonidovna, Teacher of kindergarten No. 3 "Birch" p. Mikhailovka Primorsky Krai

Participant #22

Participant #23

Supervisor: Chernikova Dina Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1, village of Staroe Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovo district

Participant #24

Participant #25

Participant #26

Participant #27

Member #28

Member #29

Participant #30

Participant #31

Supervisor: Alekseeva Irina Ivanovna, teacher of MDOU kindergarten No. 51 "Ryabinka"

Participant #32

Supervisor: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO DDIY, Millerovo

Participant #33

Participant #34

Supervisor: Bardeeva Tatyana Sergeevna, educator, ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada ", kindergarten No. 63" Vesnyanochka ", Samara region, Togliatti

Member #35

These Regulations on the competition of the "International Creative Competition of Children's Crafts" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) determine the procedure for holding the Competition, selecting works, the composition of participants and awarding winners.

Founders of the Competition-international educational social Internet project Maaam ()

The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to promptly make additions and changes to the text of these Regulations that regulate the process of holding the competition.

2. Main goals and objectives of the Competition.

  • introducing children of preschool and primary school age to artistic forms of creativity;
  • education of artistic taste in preschoolers and younger students;
  • disclosure of individuality and realization of children's creative abilities;

3. Participants of the Competition.

  • Nomination "Preschoolers": pupils of preschool educational institutions, early development studios, age of children from 3 to 7 years
  • Nomination "Schoolchildren": students primary school, age of children from 7 to 11 years

4. Procedure for organizing and holding the Competition.

Competition monthly. Works are accepted within one calendar month, the next month after the acceptance of works - voting.

Participants can take part in all competitions, but competitive works should not be repeated.

Creative works of children are accepted for competitions: crafts

The completed creative works are published by the curators of the contestants (educators and teachers) on the project website on the page with competitive works.

5. Requirements for the design of creative works.

5.1. Creative work must be performed in accordance with the requirements:

  • a high-quality photograph or scan of a children's craft. Lack of computer processing, frames, text;
  • materials: any;
  • the number of crafts placed by the curator at the competition - no more than 10;
  • one work can have only one author, collective works are not accepted;
  • all submitted drawings become the property of the Contest Organizers and cannot be removed from the project site.

5.2. When publishing a creative work, you must write the name of the craft, the author of the work and the age of the author. In the "description" field, the name of the institution and comments on the work are added.

5.3. The organizers of the competition may remove the work of the participant or remove the work from the vote if it does not meet the requirements of the competition or for other reasons without further explanation.

6. Voting, summing up and awarding the winners.

6.2. The winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas of winners for children. Curator certificates are not issued to the winners. All other participants of the competition can order documents for a fee (see clause 8 of this regulation).

6.4. The works of the contestants can be further used in commercial and non-commercial purposes the organizers of the competition.

7. How to add work to the competition.

  • Add a photo of the work to your photo album on the user page.
  • Go to the competition page with the desired category (preschoolers or schoolchildren)
  • Click on the contest page link "+add photo"
  • In the window that opens, select a photo of the work from your photo album and fill in all the required fields.
  • Go to the competition page and check the availability of your entry

8. How to order a document

  • Follow the link "order certificates and certificates" from your user page.
  • Select on the page the link to the desired competitive work and follow it
  • On the page with the competitive work, click the button "Order a participant diploma" or "Order a curator's certificate"
  • Then follow the instructions.

on holding the international children's creative competition of crafts "Hand-made"

1. Competition organizers

  • Pedproject, LLC "International Association of Educators" registered with the USA Wyoming Secretary of State;
  • Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Scientific and Educational Center for Pedagogical Projects" Moscow;
  • Pedagogical community of Russia (Moscow);
  • Information and educational portal "Center for the Development of Education, Creativity and Culture "Rainbow Talents. Moscow";
  • Autonomous non-profit organization additional vocational education"Moscow River";
  • St. Petersburg cultural and educational center "White Nights" (St. Petersburg);
  • Editorial staff of the Moscow River magazine (Moscow);
  • Academy of Pedagogical Projects Russian Federation(Moscow);
  • Victorian College of Art (Melbourne);
  • high school fine arts(Dresden).

2. Goals and objectives

  • Stimulation of the creative activity of children;
  • Activation of children's cognitive interest in the world around them;
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities in a competitive way;
  • To identify and encourage the authors of the best creative works.

3. Participation rules

Preschoolers and schoolchildren aged 5 to 16 are invited to participate in the competition.

One creative work is accepted from each participant.

The competition is held in absentia on the basis of the submitted author's creative works (in electronic form).

Methods for performing competitive works: beads, paper, fabric, etc.

4. Subjects of competitive works are free.

Criteria for evaluating creative works:

  • Creative fiction (originality, content, degree of structure of the material, accessibility of presentation, compliance with the stated topic)
  • Design (originality of design, stylistic unity, conformity of design to content)
  • Artistic and aesthetic level of performance.

5. Awards for winners and participants

In each nomination of the competition will be played:

Diplomas of winners (I, II, III places);
Diplomas of laureates (I, II, III degree);
Participant certificates;
Letters of thanks for teachers who submitted 20 or more children's works for the competition.

6. Registration fee
The registration fee includes, transfer to English applications of the participant, organization of distribution and acceptance of competitive works to the members of the international jury, execution of an award document with the seal of the organization, confirming participation and result in international competition for children, entering the results of competitive works on the website of the information and educational portal “Center for the Development of Education, Creativity and Culture “Rainbow Talents. Moscow” and is 300 rubles. Diplomas are sent by the Organizing Committee by mail to the addresses indicated in the Application in accordance with the Regulations.

7. Sample diploma
