How to remove hyperlinks from a Microsoft Word document. How to remove hyperlink from MS Office document? How to remove hyperlinks in content

In all applications of the package Microsoft programs Office is configured by default to automatically resolve domain names of sites and addresses Email into hyperlinks. That is, for example, if an e-mail address appears in the text, the application will automatically convert it into a link, by clicking on which you can go to sending email to the address in the text or open the corresponding web page. This function is useful in some cases, especially when creating interactive pages, promotional mailing lists, presentations, databases, etc. But more often than not, such a function is useless to an ordinary user and only interferes. In addition to the fact that if you accidentally click on such a link while editing text, the user will be redirected to the browser each time, such hyperlinks differ in style and do not always fit into the visual design of the document.

Of course, this function can be disabled and the problem will disappear, but what if unnecessary hyperlinks are present in previously created documents? How to remove them? The same question is also relevant for cases where the text of the document is partially or completely copied from the Internet. In 99% of cases, such text will contain hyperlinks. Consider ways to get rid of links in documents created in the most popular programs of the MS Office package: Word, Excel, Power Point and Access.

Word uses perhaps the easiest way to get rid of hyperlinks.

Text in MS Word containing hyperlinks

To do this, you just need to select a piece of text with links and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F9 (You must press at the same time, you do not need to press the pluses). In order to remove all links in the entire text of the document, select the entire text with a combination of hot keys Ctrl+A (in this case, "A" - Latin corresponds to Russian "F", you can press it with any keyboard layout). After performing the specified operation, all links in the selected text will take on a normal text form. The method is suitable for all versions of MS Word.

The same text after using the hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+F9

In Excel, the process of removing links from cells is fundamentally different. Keyboard shortcuts applicable for Word do not work. But there is one trick. Step by step:

  • select any empty cell and enter the value "1" into it (just enter one in the cell)
  • Without removing the selection from this cell, right-click on it and select the item from the menu that appears. Copy

  • select the cells in which we want to get rid of hyperlinks (you can select a rectangular area of ​​cells with the mouse, you can select individual cells by holding down the key ctrl , you can select all cells with a key combination Ctrl+A , you can select the entire row/column by clicking on its/its header)
  • right-click on any of the selected cells and select the item from the menu that appears Special insert

  • in the opened window in the section Insert choose a value All , In chapter Operation choose a value Multiply and press the button OK

After performing these steps, all links in the selected cells will turn into plain text. However, the design style will remain the same. To make all text the same style, simply, without removing the selection from the cells where there were hyperlinks, remove the underline of the text and change its color to Auto.

Note: this method is suitable for all versions of Excel. In versions of MS Excel 2010 and higher, it is possible to remove hyperlinks through the formatting menu.


Powerpoint also has its own way of removing hyperlinks. The difference is that since Power Point is a multimedia editor for creating interactive presentations, then the link can be any object on the slide, be it text, a picture, or a standard shape. And links can be not only hypertext, but also internal. An object or text can refer both to a page on the Internet and to internal elements of the presentation (transition to another slide, start playing music or video). In order to get rid of the link in the presentation, you can use two methods:

Method one:

  • Insert and press the button Action
  • tab in the window that opens By mouse click set value Not , on the tab On hover set value Not
  • Push button OK

Method two:

  • highlight the element(s) containing the link
  • in the top menu go to the tab Insert and press the button Hyperlink
  • in the window that opens, click the button Remove link
  • Push button OK

After these actions, text links will be converted to plain text (no additional formatting is required), graphic elements will not visually change, but will no longer be active links. The first method removes both internal and external links, the second method will save you only from hyperlinks of site addresses or e-mails.

How to get rid of hyperlinks in MS Access?

The first way is to change the data type

  • go to tab Table view
  • use the keyboard arrows to place the cursor on the desired cell or select the entire row/column containing cells with links by clicking on the appropriate heading (if you try to select a cell with a link with the mouse, you will not succeed, the program will try to follow the link)
  • open dropdown list Data type in the top menu and select data type − Text

  • in the warning window that appears, click Yes

The use of active links or hyperlinks in an MS Word document is not uncommon. In many cases, this is very useful and convenient, as it allows you to link directly within the document to other fragments of it, other documents and web resources. However, if the hyperlinks in the document are local, pointing to files on one computer, then on any other PC they will be useless, non-working.

In such cases, the best solution would be to remove active links in the Word, give them the appearance of plain text. We have already written about how to create hyperlinks in MS Word, you can read more about this topic in our article. In the same we will talk about the opposite action - their removal.

2. Go to the tab "Insert" and in the group “Links” click on the button "Hyperlink".

3. In the dialog box “Change hyperlinks” that appears in front of you, click on the button "Remove Link", located to the right of the address bar that the active link refers to.

A similar action can be done through the context menu.

Right-click on the text containing the hyperlink and select "Remove hyperlink".

Remove all active links in a MS Word document

The method of removing hyperlinks described above is good if the text contains very few of them, and the text itself is small. However, if you are working with a large document that has many pages and many active links, deleting them one at a time is clearly inappropriate, if only for the reason high costs such precious time. Fortunately, there is a method thanks to which you can immediately get rid of all hyperlinks in the text.

1. Select all the contents of the document ( "Ctrl+A").

2. Click “Ctrl+Shift+F9”.

For unknown reasons, this method does not always allow you to remove all links in a Word document, it does not work in some versions of the program and / or for some users. It's good that there is an alternative solution for this case.

Note: The method described below returns the formatting of all document content to its standard appearance, set directly in your MS Word as the default style. At the same time, the hyperlinks themselves can retain their original appearance (blue text with underlining), which will have to be changed manually in the future.

1. Select all the contents of the document.

Good day dear visitors.

Have you copied content from the Internet into a Word file, and now it is full of unnecessary hyperlinks? Or have you received such a document, and hyperlinks interfere with working with it? You do not have to spend a lot of time to remove them, no matter how many of them there are in the text. In this article, you will learn how to quickly remove hyperlinks in Word.

For those who are not yet familiar with this concept: a hyperlink is a fragment of a document leading to a specific web page or other file on the local computer drive. The transition is carried out in one click with the left mouse button or the Tab key (in some browsers).

As a rule, when pressed, they change color from blue to purple, as, for example, in search engines. A hyperlink does not necessarily have the form of an address - it can be an image, a command, a note, a title, etc. There are several options for how to remove hyperlinks individually or in the entire document at once. Let's analyze each in detail.

Delete one by one

To begin with, let's follow the same path that they were once created in order to delete them now:

  • In the main menu of the file at the top, open the "Insert" tab;
  • In the expanded menu we find the section "Links" and select the command "Hyperlink";

  • The "Edit Hyperlink" window should appear, where we click on "Remove Link".

If there are few hyperlinks in the document, you can delete them like this: right-click on each and select the necessary action in the drop-down window.

Remove everything at once

When there are a lot of hyperlinks, you should use the hotkeys Shift+Ctrl+F9. Only before applying this combination, it is necessary to select the desired fragment. If deletion is required throughout the text, hold down Ctrl + A to quickly select it.

This method is suitable if fields were not specially created in the document, otherwise they will also be removed along with hyperlinks. Also, using this method, only links in the form of text are removed, but as images they remain. Do you need pictures too? Then we go further.

Removing image hyperlinks

  • Hover over the picture;
  • Hold down the combination Ctrl + K;
  • In the window that appears, select "Delete".

Text hyperlinks can be deleted in the same way.

Removal automation

The previous method is clearly not suitable when images are located throughout the text. Therefore, we will use a macro - a software algorithm of actions that helps speed up the execution of operations. Create it once and use it as much as you like. How to do it?

Dim PicTest As Shape
For Each PicTest In ActiveDocument.Shapes
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
On Error Resume Next
Next i
end sub

  • Save and close the window.

Now, in order to use the macro, you need to open it through the same menu or hold down the Alt + F8 combination, which will instantly open a window with a new algorithm. Press the top "Run" button, after which hyperlinks from all images will be automatically removed.

Copying text without hyperlinks

Do you often have to deal with copying content from the Internet? And you constantly suffer with the removal of hyperlinks? Don't waste your time on this. Transfer the text to Word immediately without them. Don't know how to do it? Everything is simple.

When you paste text into a document, a menu with three icons usually pops up, from which you should select the last one with the letter "A" - Keep text only. In this case, only the words will be copied, without any formatting.

Doesn't this menu pop up? Let's go to it manually. On the Home tab, click the down arrow in the Paste section. You will see the same panel with three icons.

To apply the desired command, the text must be selected. Want to preview how it will look? Then don't click on the icon, just hover over it.

You can find this command this way in Microsoft Word 2010. Do you have the 2007 version installed? Then in the same "Paste" tab, open the "Paste Special" section. A dialog box will appear where you should select "Unformatted Text". Click "OK" and get the desired result.

That's all.

I think I wrote in detail. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and make it easier for you to work with Word documents.

Come back to me for other useful information.

See you friends!

Good day dear visitors.

Have you copied content from the Internet into a Word file, and now it is full of unnecessary hyperlinks? Or have you received such a document, and hyperlinks interfere with working with it? You do not have to spend a lot of time to remove them, no matter how many of them there are in the text. In this article, you will learn how to quickly remove hyperlinks in Word.

For those who are not yet familiar with this concept: a hyperlink is a fragment of a document leading to a specific web page or other file on the local computer drive. The transition is carried out in one click with the left mouse button or the Tab key (in some browsers).

As a rule, after clicking, they change color from blue to purple, as, for example, in search engines. A hyperlink does not necessarily have the form of an address - it can be an image, a command, a note, a title, etc. There are several options for how to remove hyperlinks individually or in the entire document at once. Let's analyze each in detail.

Delete one by one

To begin with, let's follow the same path that they were once created in order to delete them now:

  • In the main menu of the file at the top, open the "Insert" tab;
  • In the expanded menu we find the section "Links" and select the command "Hyperlink";

  • The "Edit Hyperlink" window should appear, where we click on "Remove Link".

If there are few hyperlinks in the document, you can delete them like this: right-click on each and select the necessary action in the drop-down window.

Remove everything at once

When there are a lot of hyperlinks, you should use the hotkeys Shift+Ctrl+F9. Only before applying this combination, it is necessary to select the desired fragment. If deletion is required throughout the text, hold down Ctrl + A to quickly select it.

This method is suitable if fields were not specially created in the document, otherwise they will also be removed along with hyperlinks. Also, using this method, only links in the form of text are removed, but as images they remain. Do you need pictures too? Then we go further.

Removing image hyperlinks

  • Hover over the picture;
  • Hold down the combination Ctrl + K;
  • In the window that appears, select "Delete".

Text hyperlinks can be deleted in the same way.

Removal automation

The previous method is clearly not suitable when images are located throughout the text. Therefore, we will use a macro - a software algorithm of actions that helps speed up the execution of operations. Create it once and use it as much as you like. How to do it?

Dim PicTest As Shape
For Each PicTest In ActiveDocument.Shapes
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
On Error Resume Next
Next i
end sub

  • Save and close the window.

Now, in order to use the macro, you need to open it through the same menu or hold down the Alt + F8 combination, which will instantly open a window with a new algorithm. Press the top "Run" button, after which hyperlinks from all images will be automatically removed.

Copying text without hyperlinks

Do you often have to deal with copying content from the Internet? And you constantly suffer with the removal of hyperlinks? Don't waste your time on this. Transfer the text to Word immediately without them. Don't know how to do it? Everything is simple.

When you paste text into a document, a menu with three icons usually pops up, from which you should select the last one with the letter "A" - Keep text only. In this case, only the words will be copied, without any formatting.

Doesn't this menu pop up? Let's go to it manually. On the Home tab, click the down arrow in the Paste section. You will see the same panel with three icons.

To apply the desired command, the text must be selected. Want to preview how it will look? Then don't click on the icon, just hover over it.

You can find this command this way in Microsoft Word 2010. Do you have the 2007 version installed? Then in the same "Paste" tab, open the "Paste Special" section. A dialog box will appear where you should select "Unformatted Text". Click "OK" and get the desired result.

That's all.

I think I wrote in detail. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and make it easier for you to work with Word documents.

Come back to me for other useful information.

See you friends!

The use of hyperlinks in Word is not uncommon, but when you receive a document from someone with similar links to other documents and files, then almost all hyperlinks will be broken. So that they do not confuse and interfere, it is better to remove them, and then we will look at how to remove a hyperlink in Word.

You can delete hyperlinks in Word through the same menu through which they were created. To do this, select our hyperlink, go to the tab "Insert" and on the menu "Links" choose "Hyperlink". After that, a window appears "Change Hyperlink", where you can change the hyperlink in Word or delete it by clicking the button "Remove Link".

But this method is convenient for deleting several hyperlinks, and if there are a lot of them on several sheets, deleting in this way can take a very long time. You can remove all hyperlinks in Word using a special script, the code of which can be found on the Internet or using a key combination Shift+Ctrl+F9 pre-selecting all the text. You can use a key combination only if you know for sure that no other fields were created in the document except for hyperlinks, since all of them will be translated into text as a result.
