Global problems of man in philosophy briefly. Global problems of modernity and philosophy. Global problems of modern civilizations

Topic 15. Philosophy of global problems

Each historical epoch, each stage of the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence global problems.

The term "global" comes from the Latin "globe", the globe. Hence, it is customary to call global problems such problems that are of a universal nature and affect not only the interests of all mankind as a whole, but also individuals practically anywhere in the world. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back at the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, as well as to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet. In 1992, a conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, which was attended by the heads of governments of many states, which adopted documents stating that the values ​​offered by the West are leading humanity to death.

The global issues of modernity cannot be resolved without a detailed study of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. At present, global problems are being studied by many scientists - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 1990s, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research arose, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is the results of private sciences. Philosophy becomes for representatives of various scientific disciplines link, as it is oriented in its analysis to interdisciplinarity.

Each era has its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must first of all become a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of mankind. The new philosophy is designed to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of an applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, none of the global problems can be solved.

The specificity of the philosophical understanding of global problems is as follows:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values ​​that largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates private theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd half. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the causes of the global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solutions.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added fundamentally new theme- the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Key words and terms:

Humanity, global problems of our time, prerequisites for development

mankind, the future of mankind.

A person lives, immersed in a series of days, in passions and predilections, in the whirlpool of everyday life, solving life's tasks, which are so difficult in our time. He is surrounded by life, they call for training, job responsibilities, own ups and downs, concerns about prosperity, career and health. Worldly common sense calls to improve own life, raise children, take care of the elderly. In everyday life, a person rarely, if not never, thinks about what humanity is and what the future holds for it.

As is known, humanity consists of various races, numerous peoples and nationalities living in different places on the planet, in dissimilar, often in completely incomparable natural conditions, developing in times of the exact socio-cultural environment. These diverse human communities can be separated by vast spaces, have incompatible views on life, categorically do not understand each other, be in hatred and irreconcilable enmity, but at the same time, all of them, taken together, are one thing. This something is called humanity.

Today, at the dawn of the 21st century, it is already legitimate to talk about the formation of a single humanity. At present, compared with "prehistoric" times (millennia BC), there are several orders of magnitude more people. Their number on the planet has grown from a few tens of millions to more than six billion, and this number is increasing rapidly. People on Earth live closer and closer, their contacts and interactions are increasing, which enhances the unity and integrity of humanity. Modern technical means: railway tracks, airlines, telephone, radio, television, computer networks etc. If at the dawn of human history people moved within tens or hundreds of kilometers, and this required quite a long time, then in our time for many people the most remote points of the planet are practically accessible, within a matter of hours. All these facts speak of the unity of all people on the planet, of the actual existence of such a subject as humanity.

More and more words and phrases have been mentioned recently: "modern civilization", " world economy"," transnational companies ",<Международный валютный фонд", "ноосфера", "Организация Объединенных Наций" и др. Все эти понятия подтверждают то, что человечество едино и всеобще.

The unity of mankind, one way or another, is reflected in various theoretical concepts, models that describe its history, the nature of development. But, it looks different, in different concepts, sometimes even contradictory.

Many modern Western philosophers are trying to prove that the unity of mankind does not exist, and that there is not even such a term. So, for example, S. Chase argued that humanity does not exist as an independent entity: "Try to call: hey, humanity, come here! And not a single Adam will respond to your call."

And yet one cannot but agree that unity does not exist. Let's give an example, people form a single species, they are uniform in their physical appearance, morphological features, genetic characteristics. These or other differences of the type of racial characteristics are only variants of a single basis.

K. Marx took the same position, but he great importance in the unity of people, attached to labor activity. For Marx, the entire history of mankind is presented as a natural change of socio-economic formations, a movement from the primitive communal formation through the slave-owning, feudal, bourgeois to communist.

O. Spengler, unlike K. Marx, considers the history of mankind as the development of heterogeneous, isolated cultures (for example, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian). Each culture is born, reaches its peak in its development, and then

passes into the stage of dying, degradation.

Each approach is the result of sociological reflection, where theorists have tried to analyze the phenomenon of "humanity".

Humanity, as we found out, is united, but at the same time diverse and contradictory. Today it is in deep crisis. Apparently, the deepest of all that have been in history. Humanity is at a turning point, close approaches to entering a new historical dimension. Christian theologians peer into the twenty-first century with tension. from Christmas. Dreadful prophecies are multiplying. Apocalyptic sentiments are expressed on the pages of the press. Tragic predictions are also heard in numerous sects. All their aspirations are implicated in the idea of ​​a coming catastrophe.

One after another, ominous diagnoses are made that the world is at one of the last stages of spiritual poverty and degradation, that unprecedented cruel wars that are destructive to the earth, hurricanes, earthquakes are about to fall on the heads of people, that at least 90% of earthlings will be incinerated, destroyed, etc. Our time is decisive.

People of rational thinking, scientists, sociologists believe that the new century brings in itself contradictory possibilities of both rise and decline. They insist that humanity is entering a multidimensional world and a new unknown model of world civilization is emerging. Politicians and economists of various directions are increasingly coming to the conclusion that a crisis of modern world civilization has come. embraced nature. world economy, political relations, culture, and especially human.

Today's crisis is due to obvious phenomena on a planetary scale. They can be easily compared with the threats that mankind has faced in the past to see the bleak present situation of new dangers. Today the situation in the world can be described as close to critical and humanity does not know clear ways out of it. Here we are talking about the global problems of our time, which are of a universal nature and affect the interests of mankind, on the solution of which its future depends.

Main problems:

environmental pollution;



health care;


the problem of the new international economic order;

energy and raw materials resources;

problem of war and peace.

Global problems cover the entire globe; and not only its part where people live, but also the rest of its surface, subsoil, atmosphere and even outer space that fall into the sphere of human activity.

Solving global problems is a complex matter, today there is no answer to this question. Mankind is trying to find a way out of this situation - this is the implementation of a "green policy", the development of environmental ethics, social ecology, etc. Mankind faces a very difficult task - to ensure the joint evolution of society and nature.

There is another threat that is less talked about, and that is the crisis of human spirituality. Virtually all secular and religious, global and regional, ancient and new ideologies cannot today provide a definitive answer to actual problems era, nor to the eternal demands of the spirit. There are currently no reliable theories and concepts within which it would be possible to more or less definitely characterize our today and, even more so, our tomorrow. Fear, anxiety, anxiety permeate all layers of human existence. There is no fresh outlook on the world. There is only a rewriting of the old, canonical provisions that came from the past. The dynamics of abrupt global historical shifts leads to a loss of orientation, the collapse of shrines,

spiritual desolation.

These are the threats. They are real. They cannot be overlooked. There are threats, but there are also hopes, on the basis of which, humanity can emerge from the global crisis.

Consider the prerequisites further development humanity, which block the threats to the existence of people in general.

Deployment of the information (computer) biotechnological revolution. Creation on its basis of some new civilization and deployment of a prosperous world community in the foreseeable future.

Possibility of approval as the dominant type of the world economy of a mixed, market, socially protected economy with elements of a convergent type. Such a form economic relations will contribute to the development of the economy, finding a balance between economic efficiency and social justice.

The formation of the principle of non-violence and democratic consent in foreign and domestic politics, in group and interpersonal relationships. The ethics of non-violence becomes one of the central moments of ethical thought. The terms "consensus", "compromise" are increasingly used in politics.

Unifying processes of spiritual life, both in religious and secular versions. This rapprochement is extremely necessary for a benevolent search for mutually applicable values, since our world is diverse and it cannot be otherwise.

Ongoing interethnic and intercultural integration while maintaining the uniqueness of each ethnic group and each Culture. Wide migration flows lead to the interpenetration of cultures; to the expansion of international economic and cultural contacts. As a result, the desire of earthlings for a true "brotherhood" is growing.

Emerging breakthroughs in the spiritual field and in the field of intellectual search. There is a search for acceptable contacts between rational and non-rational, scientific and technical in mastering reality. This is especially important for the construction of a global ethics, universal moral principles that strengthen all of humanity.

These are the prerequisites that mankind lays down to overcome today's difficulties. Whether it can survive in the 21st century depends on the person himself and on the achievements of human progress. Now the world is at a break, at a crossroads. He is looking forward to the new global order and therefore it is necessary to choose a further path of development.

What is the future of humanity? The past has already happened, it can be rethought. And the future is not programmed by anyone. It is an open page.

Questions for self-control:

1) What is humanity? -

2) What is the global crisis of our days?

H) What is the essence and content of global problems?

4) Try to imagine the 21st century. What do you think it will be like and why?

Test questions on the subject "Fundamentals of Philosophy"

1) Philosophy is translated into Russian as:

A) love for the universe; C) love for nature;

C) love for a person; D) love of wisdom.

2) The universal, universal and unique ability to exist, which any reality possesses is called;

A) matter C) development

B) movement C) life.

3) Objective reality that exists independently of human consciousness, which is given to a person in his sensations, which is copied, photographed and displayed by our sensations is called:

A) reflection C) movement

B) being B) matter.

4) Naturphilosophy is:

A) philosophy of culture; C) philosophy of ethics;

C) philosophy of nature; C) philosophy of being.

5) Who developed and formulated the three laws of dialectics:

A) Marx C) Bacon

B) Hegel B) Descartes.

6) Who was the first philosopher to single out being as a category:

A) Plato C) Kant;

B) Parmenides B) Aristotle.

7) The active activity of people aimed at acquiring knowledge is called:

A) thinking C) epistemology;

B) consciousness B) knowledge.

8) School of Confucius existed:

A) Ancient Greece C) in ancient China.

C) in ancient India

9) Nature and man are considered as the creation of God, this problem is solved:

A) in Cosmocentrism;

C) in theocentrism;

C) in anthropocentrism.

1O) The human psyche, which has reached the stage of development, at which he is aware of the processes taking place with him and around him, is called:

A) knowledge C) attention

B) consciousness B) thinking.

11) Which stage in the history of philosophy was the longest in time:

A) New time; C) Modern;

B) the Middle Ages; C) antiquity.

12) Historically the first type of worldview:

A) religious

B) philosophical;

C) mythological.

13) The interest of philosophers in rational science, in knowledge appears in the era:

A) Renaissance C) in the modern period;

B) New time; 13) Antiquities.

14) Who first combined materialism and dialectics:

A) Bacon C) Kant;

B) Marx E) Voltaire;

E) Plato F) Hegel.

A) Islam C) Christianity.

B) Buddhism

16) What was the interest of thinkers in the Renaissance:

A) to a person: C) to religion;

C) to myths; D) art.

17) Which of the following aphoristic statements express agnosticism:

a) The more we know, the less we know;

C) You can not embrace the immensity;

C) Alien soul - darkness.

18) Which philosophers are called idealists:

A) who recognize only the existence of ideal formations;

C) who are guided in life by higher ideals;

C) who claim that consciousness is primary and matter is secondary;

C) who claim that the world is unknowable. 19) Highlight the forms of sensory cognition:

A) concept C) inference;

B) feeling B) presentation.

19) Highlight the forms of sensory cognition:

A) concept C) inference

C) sensation D) representation

20) The science of knowledge is called:

A) axiology; C) ontology;

B) logic 13) epistemology.

21) What is Antiquity for the Renaissance:

B) a judge

22) Which of the following features are not characteristic of a scientific theory:

A) systematic; C) completeness;

B) verifiability; B) rationality.

23) Specify a non-existent attribute of matter:

A) movement 13) structure;

B) time E) accommodation;

C) reflection; R) space.

24) Indicate the correct judgment:

A) Truth is that which simply and economically describes experience;

C) Truth is knowledge with which everyone agrees;

C) Truth is a correct reflection of reality in consciousness, which does not depend on the content either from a person or from humanity.


Chapter 1. Origin and essence of global problems ……..5

Chapter 2. Global problems of our time…………………..8



Global, or worldwide (universal) problems, being the result of the contradictions of social development, did not arise suddenly and only today. Some of them, such as the problems of war and peace, health, existed before and were relevant at all times. Other global problems, such as environmental ones, appear later due to the intense impact of society on the natural environment. Initially, these problems could only be private (single), issues for a particular country, people, then they became regional and global, i.e. "problems of vital importance for all mankind."

The global problems of our time are a set of socio-natural problems, on the solution of which the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization depend. These problems are characterized by dynamism, they arise as an objective factor in the development of society, and for their solution they require the combined efforts of all mankind. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and concern all countries of the world.

The global issues of modernity cannot be resolved without a detailed study of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. At present, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 1990s, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research emerged, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is the results of private sciences. Philosophy becomes a link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is oriented in its analysis to interdisciplinarity.

Each era has its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must first of all become a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of mankind. The new philosophy is designed to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

Chapter 1. Origin and essence of global problems

In philosophy, global problems are usually understood as planetary problems, which, due to their severity and scale, call into question the further existence of mankind. Scientists and politicians, writers and public figures began to talk about them persistently, primarily in the 70s-80s, when these problems revealed all their acuteness and magnitude.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, humanity is faced with the most acute global problems that threaten the very existence of civilization and even life itself on our planet. The term “global” itself originates from the Latin word “globe”, that is, the Earth, the globe, and since the end of the 60s of the XX century it has become widespread to refer to the most important and urgent planetary problems of the modern era affecting humanity as a whole. . This is a set of such acute vital problems, on the solution of which the further social progress of mankind depends and which, in turn, can be resolved only thanks to this progress.

Global problems are the result of the confrontation between natural nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists according to the principle of negative feedback, while human culture - on the principle of positive feedback.

The very term "global problems", first introduced in the late 1960s in the West, became widespread largely due to the activities of the Club of Rome. However, many of these problems were anticipated as early as the beginning of the 20th century by such prominent scientists as E. Leroy, P. Teilhard de Chardin and V. I. Vernadsky. Since the 1970s, the concept of the “noosphere” (the sphere of the mind) developed by them was directly switched, among other things, to research in the field of the philosophy of global problems.

The specificity of the philosophical understanding of global problems is as follows:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values ​​that largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates private theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd half. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the causes of the global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solutions.

Modern global problems are a natural consequence of the entire global situation that has developed on the globe in the last third of the 20th century. For a correct understanding of their origin, essence and the possibility of their solution, it is necessary to see in them the result of the preceding world-historical process in all its objective inconsistency. This provision, however, should not be understood superficially, considering global problems as simply traditional local or regional contradictions, crises or disasters that have grown to planetary scales. On the contrary, being the result (and not just the sum) of the previous social development of mankind, global problems are a specific product of the modern era, a consequence of the extremely aggravated unevenness of the socio-economic, political, scientific, technical, demographic, environmental and cultural development.

Each historical epoch, each stage of the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization entered a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back at the path traveled. Today, it is necessary to assess the goals that mankind has set for itself, it was necessary to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

Chapter 2. Global problems of our time

In the second half of the 20th century, such conditions, processes, and phenomena arose on our planet that put humanity in front of the threat of undermining the very foundations of its existence. The human race, for the first time in its history, faced the possibility of its total destruction. The very existence of life on Earth turned out to be questionable, because the destruction of the biosphere became technically possible.

Global problems have the following common features:

1) They are planetary, global in nature and, because of this, affect the vital interests of all peoples, all states.

2) They threaten (if no solution is found) either the death of civilization as such, or a serious regression in living conditions, in the development of society.

3) They require the collective efforts of all states, the entire world community for their solution.

These problems, which existed before as local and regional, have acquired a planetary character in the modern era. Thus, the time of occurrence of global problems coincides with the achievement of the apogee of industrial civilization in its development.

Summarizing what is known about the global problems of our time, they can be reduced to three main ones:

1) the possibility of the destruction of mankind in a world thermonuclear war;

2) the possibility of a global environmental catastrophe;

3) spiritual and moral crisis of mankind.

The possibility of destroying humanity in a third world thermonuclear war is the most threatening problem. And although the Cold War is a thing of the past, nuclear arsenals have not been destroyed, and Russia's efforts in the international arena in terms of disarmament do not find a proper response from the politicians of the most developed countries with nuclear weapons. It is known that for the period from 3500 BC, i.e. in fact, since the emergence of the most ancient civilizations, there have been 14530 wars, and only 292 years people lived without them. If in the 19th century 16 million people died in wars, then in the 20th century. - more than 70 million! The total explosive power of weapons is now about 18 billion tons in TNT equivalent, i.e. each inhabitant of the planet accounts for 3.6 tons. If at least 1% of these reserves explode, then a “nuclear winter” will come, as a result of which the entire biosphere, and not just man, can be destroyed.

For many centuries, wars were perceived by mankind as an integral and objective component of its development. But historical experience, especially of the 20th century, not only confirmed the validity of the statement of I. Kant that the funds spent on them would be enough for the comfortable existence of mankind, but also made it possible to understand that wars are a specific form of violent armed solution of certain social, political, economic, religious and other problems.

In this century, everyone living on our planet and shocked by the horrors of the First and Second World Wars, after their end, had the illusion that such a nightmare should not happen again. In order to prevent new military tragedies, the League of Nations was created in 1922, and in 1945 the United Nations. But in neither case has the danger of war diminished. So, from 1945 to the present, more than 150 major wars have already taken place on the planet. For several decades, the world, split into capitalist and socialist camps, lived in tense expectation of the inevitable 3rd world, but already a nuclear war. And when the communist system collapsed in the second half of the 1980s, the establishment of a new world order based on universal values ​​seemed inevitable to many politicians and ordinary citizens. As practice has shown, in the conditions of scientific, technological and information revolutions, a military conflict even between small and economically weak states can lead to dire consequences. The fact is that at present such means of mass destruction of people as bacteriological and chemical weapons are widely used in the world. In addition, one should take into account the fact that a conflict between small states can also affect the political, religious, and economic interests of several groups of states at the same time, which will inevitably become involved in a global military confrontation.

Measures to prevent war and hostilities were already developed by I. Kant at the end of the 18th century, but there is still no political will to approve them. Among the measures he proposed were: non-financing of military operations; rejection of hostile relations, respect; conclusion of the relevant international treaties and the creation of an international union striving to implement a policy of peace, etc. However, there is an impression that the world community has been moving further and further away from these steps in recent years.

An environmental problem can lead to a global environmental catastrophe. The first significant ecological crisis that threatened the continued existence of human society arose in the prehistoric era. Its causes were both climate change and the activities of primitive man, who, as a result of collective hunting, exterminated many large animals that inhabited the middle latitudes. northern hemisphere Significant damage to nature was already caused by synanthropes, who lived about 400 thousand years ago. They began to use fire, which led to fires that destroyed entire forests. However, although human impacts on nature sometimes acquired menacing proportions, until the 20th century, they were of a local nature.

Everything that happens on planet Earth, with or without human participation, also takes place in nature. The latter is understood as a part of matter with which people directly or indirectly interact, perceive it, i.e. see, hear, touch, etc. It, in turn, in one way or another also affects each of us, society as a whole, affects the results of human activity. In this sense, man himself is a product of nature. It is also present in all creations of human hands.

Therefore, no matter how highly developed and how efficient industrial production becomes, man always depends on nature. The nature of these relationships is very complex and contradictory, because nature is very diverse and has a rather complex structure.
Among the global problems of our time, one more should be singled out - this is the problem of population growth.

It is interesting that the English economist Malthus spoke about the inevitability of its occurrence as early as the 18th century in his book An Essay on the Law of Population. It outlined the difficult situation that, in the author's opinion, will arise on the planet as a result of a growing disparity between population growth, which is supposedly taking place exponentially, and the amount of food produced, which is increasing in arithmetic progression.

Despite the controversy in the accuracy of such calculations, it should be noted that since the beginning of the 20th century, our planet has experienced a powerful population explosion. As a result, the number of inhabitants of the Earth by now has already exceeded 5 billion people and will reach 6 billion by the beginning of the third millennium. But this process cannot continue indefinitely, for it is completely limited. objective reasons:

The area of ​​soils suitable for agriculture,

The complexity of mastering agricultural technologies and production culture, which takes a long time,

Increasing urban growth,

The limiting possibilities of natural resources: air, water, minerals, etc.

Unproductive costs of states (for wars, liquidation of internal conflicts, fight against crime), the size of which is a significant part of the budgets of most of them.

Without a doubt, the growth rate of the world's population is constrained by numerous factors, in particular, such as wars, diseases, industrial, household and road traffic injuries, crime, hunger. For example, every year in the CIS countries alone, more than one hundred thousand people die at the hands of criminals in accidents on the roads and at workplaces.

At the same time, in other regions of the world, for example, in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the number of newborns is very high, despite the active efforts made by the government of some countries, such as China, to limit the birth rate. In most European countries, in North America and Australia, very different processes are taking place, as a result of which their population is growing at a very low rate.

According to experts involved in the study of these problems, and among them there are philosophers, and economists, and lawyers, and sociologists, the reason for this is:

A significant difference in living standards in highly developed and underdeveloped countries,

historical traditions,

geographic factor,

Religious dogma.

If we touch on the latter, then they regulate, for example, a whole range of family and marriage relations between spouses. So, both Islam and Catholicism forbid women from having abortions. Islam also allows polygamy.

But the main reason, most likely, should be sought in the difference in the standard of living of people in both parts of the world. Countries with a high standard of living also comply with the standards applicable to:

The quality of medical care,

The structure of nutrition and its culture,

The system of raising children, as well as their education and living conditions.

The food problem is also sometimes ranked as a global problem: over 500 million people suffer from malnutrition today, and several million die from malnutrition a year. However, the roots of this problem lie not in the lack of food as such and not in the limitations of modern natural resources, but in their unfair redistribution and exploitation both within individual countries and on a global scale.

In addition to the above-mentioned global problems of our time, there is another one that is very relevant for both prosperous countries and those eking out a beggarly existence. It refers to the problem of crime. Variety of activities modern man gave not only many positive results, but also gave rise to an equally rich set of his illegal actions with varying degrees of negative consequences. They manifest themselves in the sphere of economics, finance, politics, administrative activities, having long passed the line when crimes are committed by individuals or their small groups.

The reasons for the criminal behavior of people are very diverse and therefore are studied by a number of sciences, in particular, criminology, legal psychology. As a global problem, it began to be perceived since it acquired the character of an organized one and went beyond the boundaries of individual states. International syndicates and other associations of criminals involved in the production and sale of drugs, gambling, prostitution, trade in transplants, etc. involved millions of citizens of various states in the scope of their activities. The cash income from their operations is hundreds of billions of dollars.


Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. AT organizational plan the solution of global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

Global problems in many ways change the very approach to understanding social progress forced to re-evaluate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization in its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I. Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “For the first time, a person realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can – must – think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of an individual, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was important step to the formation of global consciousness on the basis of a person's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in the moral reorientation of people, in understanding the current situation from these positions and in the search for practical ways out of it.

Global problems require spiritual unity from humanity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require a fundamentally new relationship between people, as well as the relationship of people to nature.

List of used literature

1. Bessonov B.N. Philosophy. - M., 2004.

2. Vernadsky VI, Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. – M.: Nauka, 1991.

3. Kanke V.A. Philosophy: Tutorial for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. - M .: Logos, 2001.

5. Philosophy / Ed. Kalashnikov V.L. - M., 2003.

6. Philosophy / Ed. Lavrinenko V.N. - M., 2004.

Kanke V.A. Philosophy: Textbook for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.- M.: Logos, 2001.- 272 p.

Vernadsky VI, Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 271 p.

Modern global problems are directly related to the formation of a strategy for the survival of mankind in changing socio-natural conditions. The term "globality" (French global - universal) emphasizes the magnitude of the problem, its universality and significance for the entire planet as a whole.

The global problems of modernity are understood as a set of interconnected intractable contradictions affecting both the world as a whole and its individual parts: nature, society, and man. Their resolution requires collective efforts on the part of all states, the entire world community. Globalization of various aspects of human activity acts as one of the essential characteristics of the current world situation. Moreover, the deeply contradictory nature of this global process is revealed.

The emergence and development of global problems, their contradictory consequences, ways and means of resolving and preventing emerging threats to the existence of people constitute the object of the interdisciplinary direction of modern science - globalistics. The philosophical aspect of globalistics is to identify and study the most common planetary contradictions in the "world - man" system. This contributes to the formation of the essential aspects of the modern world outlook, the philosophical substantiation of the survival strategy in the 21st century, and the development of modern planetary thinking.

The analysis of global problems presupposes their classification. Comparative study of planetary contradictions, identification of their differences and common features allows you to study the essence of problems in depth and identify the most effective ways to solve them. Over the past decades, in the field of globalistics, considerable experience has been accumulated in the analysis of planetary processes and various systems their classifications.

It is advisable to single out two groups of global problems:

  • The first unites those of them that relate to the interaction of society and nature.
  • In the second - associated with society, society, man.

The global problems of mankind usually include the following problems:

  • the threat of world thermonuclear war;
  • growing "scissors" in the level of economic and cultural development of the most successful countries and countries of the "third world";
  • depletion of natural resources;
  • "scissors" in the demographic sphere ("explosion" of the birth rate in some countries and the gradual extinction of the population in others);
  • environmental pollution;
  • the growing "vandalization" of culture, the replacement of culture by the so-called "mass culture";
  • problems from the field related to health care: the spread of hepatitis, AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction.

The theorists of the "third wave" or "post-industrial society" dealt with global problems: Bell, Toffler, Marcuse, Galbraith. In the 1960s, in developed countries, for the first time, the number of employees exceeded the number of workers. AT modern society the cost of information is rising rapidly. The process of individualization of production is developing (i.e., the rejection of large-scale production). The degree of communication between people is increasing. The share of skilled labor is increasing, and high qualifications make employees less and less easily replaceable. Contribution to GDP decreases large corporations and the contribution of small firms is increasing, i.e., only very mobile structures win in the competition. However, no one has yet developed, based on the above features modern world, a real and prospective program for the exit of mankind from the current crisis.

One of critical factors producing global problems is the spontaneity and uneven development of mankind. Under these conditions, a single planetary consciousness acquires decisive importance, which is spontaneously formed at the psychological level as a primary reflection of the characteristics of social life that are new for humanity, but requires great efforts to become more conscious. The planetary consciousness must have the following characteristics:

  1. recognition of the priority of universal human values ​​over more private (regional, national, class);
  2. planetary consciousness causes a significant correction in the public consciousness of individual countries and peoples, as well as in individual consciousness. Here one should move towards what Teilhard de Chardin called for to move towards: towards a “differentiated unity”, in which individuality is not lost and does not mix, but is even more improved;
  3. planetary consciousness is characterized by the highest degree of "scientific knowledge", which is connected with the impossibility of solving global problems simply at the level of "common sense", bypassing the achievements of various sciences.

The future of humanity has always been a significant philosophical and methodological problem. And now, in the face of the most dangerous global problems, philosophy can provide people with irreplaceable spiritual support, because people associate all their aspirations and hopes with the future.

Human society has always faced and, apparently, will face various problems. However, not all of them are global. In Russia, many people live below the poverty line. In the United States, terrorists destroyed the World shopping center and the Pentagon. The rights of the Russian-speaking population are being violated in the Baltic republics. In England there are clashes between Protestants and Catholics. All these problems are very serious, as they are connected with the lives of many people. However, they do not affect the interests of all mankind. Therefore, they are not global.

The global ones are acute global problems that, due to their specificity, affect the life and well-being of all mankind.

The most important of these problems at the beginning of the 21st century are the following:

spiritual crisis.

The spread of mass diseases.

The threat of war with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Depletion of the planet's natural resources.

Deepening ecological crisis.

demographic problem.

The rise of terrorism.

Uneven socio-economic development of the regions and states of the planet.

Global climate change.

Increase in seismic activity of the earth's crust.

The above problems to some extent recognized by most experts. However, there are also such global problems, the discussion of which is limited to a narrow circle of professional researchers, since not all of them admit that such problems exist or pose a real danger to mankind. As an example, here are the following.

Potential Hazard collisions of the Earth with space bodies (meteorites, comets, asteroids), from which at the moment there are no means of protection. Such collisions can be very dangerous and lead to the death of all mankind and the animal world of the Earth.

Negative psycho-energetic influence"inner space" of the planet (the so-called subtle worlds) the cause of which are spiritual disharmony and negative psycho-emotional background of the human noosphere.

Essence and ways of overcoming global problems

The solution of any problem, especially a global one, is impossible without understanding its causes.

All the global problems noted above in the general view have three reasons:

Spiritual imperfection of a person;

inconsistency historical development human civilization and culture;

Objective natural processes.

The vast majority of problems associated with the first and second reasons. Some problems, experts believe, are exacerbated by all three causes (global climate change, increased seismic activity). And only one of these problems is entirely related to natural processes, or at least the influence of man and society has not been established here (the collision of the planet Earth with cosmic bodies).

In this way, we see that almost all global problems are associated with the consciousness or worldview of a person, the development of which, obviously, lags behind the rapid change in objective reality in science, politics, economics, culture, demography, and technology. In the conditions of modern civilization, the responsibility of a person for his activity is aggravated hundreds and thousands of times. So, a few centuries ago, the biggest war did not threaten the death of all mankind. Now, a military conflict with the use of weapons of mass destruction is unpredictable in its consequences. Nuclear weapon can destroy not only civilization, but all life on the planet.

Therefore, the main means overcoming global problems is the spiritual transformation of mankind. This means the development of a new planetary-cosmic thinking and a humanistic worldview focused on universal human values, ethical, environmental and cultural priorities.

Modern man must be fully aware of his personal responsibility for the fate of the planet, he must understand how complex and at the same time fragile the ecological system of the Earth is, how easy it is to disturb the natural balance and how difficult it will be to restore it. Humanity has reached such a milestone in its historical development, when it becomes impossible to isolate itself from world problems with the borders of its state - terrorists, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, environmental disasters, epidemics do not recognize any borders.

Let us now consider some of the global problems in more detail and try to understand how they can be overcome.

The spiritual development of mankind has always been complex and contradictory. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a period in history in which spiritual culture, the moral foundations of society would be subjected to such a test as in the 20th - early 21st century. It is no coincidence that the concept "spiritual crisis" firmly entered the modern philosophical and scientific lexicon.

What is the manifestation of the modern spiritual crisis? In undermining the spiritual foundations of the individual and the growth of many destructive social phenomena. Such phenomena include the loss of the meaning of life and ethical guidelines by many of our contemporaries, drunkenness and drug addiction, prostitution and sexual deviations, the desire of many people exclusively for material enrichment and sensual pleasures, the growth of crime and all kinds of violence, mass stress and mental illness, social egoism and intolerance and some others.

Legislative, police, medical measures in overcoming these vices are ineffective without recourse to man's inner world and his spiritual principles. What strengthens and develops them? Spiritual teachings, education, philosophy, science, high art - everything that belongs to the sphere of the true spiritual culture of mankind. Obviously, the problem of a spiritual crisis is a problem of a person's worldview and the spiritual culture of society. It is in these areas that it is necessary to concentrate efforts to overcome the spiritual crisis.

. When talking about distribution mass diseases, first of all, they mean cardiological, oncological, infectious and mental diseases. So, for example, the annual mortality of cardiological and oncological patients around the globe amounts to many millions. AIDS is spreading rapidly. According to the World Health Organization, in 2001, 35 million people were infected with HIV worldwide. Until 2001, AIDS caused the death of 22 million people. At the end of the 20th century, according to the Russian Ministry of Health, the dynamics of mental disorders increased tenfold.

There are many reasons for the increase in the number of diseases - unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition, environmental pollution, stress and the inability of most people to control their inner world and manage the neuro-emotional reactions of the body, sexual deviations and lack of mental energy.

Experts believe that the problem of mass diseases should be addressed from two sides. Firstly, it is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, balanced physical and mental activity, systems of natural prevention and recovery (cleansing procedures, exercise and dietary nutrition, courses relaxation and auto-training, yogic methods of self-regulation, etc.). Secondly, it is necessary to develop new methods of medical therapy - new technologies for the treatment of mass diseases and new drugs. For example, vaccines against AIDS, pacemakers, drugs that block the growth of cells uncontrolled by the body, technologies for the psycho-correction of human consciousness.

.In the 20th century, mankind has learned produce weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological). The scientific mind has made truly impressive "successes" in this field. One drop of a military chemical is enough to poison an entire lake. One rocket with a biological filler, when exploded in the air, is capable of hitting the population of an entire city. One nuclear submarine missile carrier is capable of turning an entire state into ruins. By the beginning of the XXI century in the arsenals of the bloc states NATO, Russia, China, India and other countries stored thousands of tons of chemical and biological warfare agents, thousands of nuclear warheads, which would be enough to repeatedly destroy all the cities of the globe and all life on Earth. Why do people need so many such destructive weapons?

Scientists have modeled and proven that war with the use of weapons of mass destruction equalizes the winners and the losers. High radiation, environmental poisoning or "nuclear winter" will put everyone - the vanquished and the winners - in the same conditions - on the verge of life and death. When two people are sitting in a powder magazine, what difference does it make which one of them will first detonate his charge in the hope of hitting the other? As long as weapons of mass destruction are not destroyed, the planet is such a powder magazine that exposes all of humanity to a mortal threat. Therefore, a gradual reduction and then destruction and a complete ban on the production of weapons of mass destruction for all countries of the planet are necessary.

. In the last century humanity for the first time realized the threat of depletion of natural resources on its planet - oil, coal, ore and mineral raw materials, clean water reserves, forestry and
fertile areas, fish, etc. So far, this problem is not the most urgent. However, if the use of raw materials continues to increase at the same rate, society will already be
The 21st century may face, for example, the complete depletion of oil reserves, which will lead to the paralysis of auto, air and water transport, many types of chemical production
and other industrial facilities.

Where to look for a way out? Scientists propose to develop and implement resource-saving and waste-free production technologies, use more actively the energy of the Sun, wind, water, nuclear energy, look for new energy sources, limit resource consumption, and carry out industrial development of the bowels of the planets of the solar system.

. One of the most pressing problems modernity is an environmental crisis . Many people think that it is only environmental pollution. But it's not. From a philosophical point of view, the ecological crisis is negative impact of human activities on nature. The consequences of such activities are manifested not only in the poisoning of the earth, water and air with industrial waste, but also in the destruction of the planet's ozone layer and sustainable ecological systems. For example, massive deforestation lowers the percentage of oxygen and increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An ill-conceived violation of the water balance of the region (during the construction of a dam or changing the course of a river) can lead to the death of many species of animals and plants, the spread of harmful insects, the appearance of swamps or deserts.

Solution environmental problem involves a range of measures. Among them, of great importance are: changing people's attitudes towards environment, the construction of treatment facilities in industries, the replacement of thermal power plants and internal combustion engines with new, environmentally friendly analogues, the reduction of carbon dioxide and freon emissions into the atmosphere, the preservation of the natural ecological balance of the regions, and many others.

. The essence of the demographic problem lies in extremely high population growth rates in some countries and regions of the planet (China, India, South America). As a result, despite the decline in the birth rate in Europe, North America, Russia, the total number of the world's population is growing rapidly. What does it threaten? Some analysts believe that the Earth can only feed a limited number of people. For example, the figure is 10 billion. If the growth dynamics continue, then, according to various estimates, the modern six-billion-strong civilization will reach this limit in a few decades.

Many experts note that with a uniform distribution of people and an efficiently organized industrial and agricultural production, the planet can provide life for at least fifty billion civilizations. However, this does not make the problem less acute. The fact is that the socio-economic and cultural infrastructure of states lags behind in its development from the rate of population growth. These two processes must be synchronized. Therefore, China, India and other countries are pursuing a tough policy aimed at reducing population growth.

. The problem of terrorism and violence has sociocultural roots. However, it rests not only on the moral and ethical principles and legal consciousness of a person. In many cases, terpop is an extreme measure of struggle against society for their rights and their worldview. Consequently, society must, first of all, provide people with elementary rights and freedoms - the right to life and work, to education and freedom of conscience, to property, freedom of thought and speech. Here a very important role is played by the political, economic and socio-cultural support of developing states, the population of which is sometimes deprived of many opportunities and rights. The expansion of intercultural dialogue is also essential, allowing peoples to better understand and, consequently, respect each other's values ​​and traditions.

Special problem- the activities of antisocial, socially dangerous groups whose terrorist activities have criminal causes. Here, the decisive word should belong to the legislative and law enforcement agencies. Moreover, their international cooperation and the development of common standards for the legal assessment and counteraction to terrorism are now acquiring particular relevance. It turned out that, for example, Western countries in the problem of terrorism adhere to a policy of double standards. Such a policy is inherently very dangerous and does not allow the world community to fight against terrorism in a consolidated manner.

. In the 20th century, science has fixed increase in global climate change on the planet. Scientists believe that there is a gradual warming. In some countries, such as Russia, over the past quarter of a century this has become obvious even to non-specialists. In the middle lane, winters became less snowy, summers became hotter. Off the coast of Europe, there is a rise in water in the Atlantic Ocean, which, according to some estimates, is due to the melting of snow and ice at the poles.

At the same time, weather anomalies are observed in many countries of the world. For example, snow falls in Africa and in the southern latitudes of America. Across the globe, meteorologists note sudden changes in temperature, pressure, an increase in dangerous atmospheric phenomena (hurricanes, typhoons, heavy rains, large hail, sudden heavy snowfalls, etc.).

Over the past few hundred years, there has been an increase seismic activity earth's crust. Earthquakes are becoming more frequent and destructive. Underwater earthquakes cause huge ocean waves (tsunamis). For example, in 2004 a powerful tsunami in South-East Asia killed more than 250 thousand people.

What is the cause of these processes? Science cannot yet give an exhaustive answer. However, many scientists are inclined to the point of view, according to which climate change and the increase in seismic activity may depend not only on objective natural causes, but also on human activity. For example, it is believed that nuclear explosions cause vibrations in the earth's crust. An increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creates a "greenhouse effect". The mental and psychic disharmony of humanity generates electromagnetic fluctuations in the energy field of the planet, which causes both atmospheric and seismic phenomena.

Objective reasons of the processes under consideration, some researchers associate with periodically occurring changes in the inclination of the earth's axis and the drift of the planet's magnetic poles. It is assumed that such changes already occurred in ancient times. As a result, the climate and geographical outlines of the continents underwent cardinal transformations. Thus, the followers of some philosophical systems (theosophy, Living Ethics, etc.) believe that under the influence of such global processes, the huge continents of Lemuria and Atlantis were destroyed in the distant past. But what causes a change in the tilt of the earth's axis and a shift in the magnetic poles? The question is still open.

Every global problem has its own specifics, and hence its own methods of solution. However, it is quite obvious that not a single global problem can be solved by the efforts of one nation or one state. It is necessary to unite the resources of all mankind - political, economic, demographic, scientific and others. Therefore, the need for a broad international cooperation countries and peoples, as well as the coordination of their efforts. However, by and large, world problems require more from humanity - political, economic and cultural integration into a single planetary community. The solution to this problem will largely depend on
