What do you need to open an microfinance organization? Turnkey MFO registration - how to open a microfinance organization

The microcredit business has been developing in Russia not so long ago, but has already become a leader among consumers. Many people seek services from such institutions. But to establish your business, it is important to register it. The article describes how to open an MFO.

Types of microfinance organizations

Each country has its own types of MFOs. The law determines the form of their registration. Main feature MFO is considered a simplified lending system. These institutions are divided into the following types:

  1. Financial group.
  2. Entrepreneurship Support Fund.
  3. Credit Union.
  4. Credit society.
  5. Credit agency.
  6. Credit cooperative.

Some MFOs are considered subsidiaries of banks. For the latter, such cooperation is beneficial. Banks are able to provide loans at rates significantly higher than those they issue. But there is a risk of non-repayment of the loan issued. Controls the activities of microfinance organizations Central Bank RF. Any violations in the work of the institution lead to liability.

Differences between an organization and a bank

Both financial institutions are engaged in providing loans to citizens. What is the difference between an MFO and a bank? The difference lies in the volume of loans provided. The differences are as follows:

  1. The loan is issued only in national currency.
  2. MFR cannot unilaterally make changes regarding the rate, the procedure for determining obligations under the contract, the duration of their validity, and the commission.
  3. There is no right to impose fines on a borrower who has paid the microloan in whole or in part, ahead of schedule, if he has notified about it.
  4. MFOs do not participate in the securities market.
  5. The MFO makes fewer demands on the client.

You can find such companies in many cities. They have bright advertising to attract customers. Although there are differences between organizations, in general, other regions work on the same principle.

Why are such institutions in demand?

The first organizations began to open in 2011. Since then, their number has been increasing. This is due to the fact that the state has little control over the activities of firms compared to large banks. The advantages of MFOs include:

  1. Simple registration of a legal entity from which the work will be carried out.
  2. Optimal control levers and soft economic indicators.
  3. No insurance contributions to funds are required.
  4. Mandatory reserves are not required.
  5. There are no requirements for the size of your capital.

Disadvantages of MFOs

This type of business has the following disadvantages:

  1. There is a risk of non-repayment when issuing loans. This must be taken into account when planning expenses and making profits.
  2. In case of violations during activities, sanctions and fines are expected to be imposed.

Before opening a new MFO, you should familiarize yourself with legal aspects activities and carefully study customer information. Then the business will be truly profitable.

Options for starting a business

How to open an MFO more profitable? There are 2 ways to get started:

  1. Franchise work.
  2. Independent activity - by opening an organization.

Both options are common in Russia. New microfinance organizations are regularly opened as franchises. This is a profitable option financially, so it is often chosen by budding entrepreneurs. A lot of work is done by the franchisor, who carries out accounting and legal support, provides funds.

Specialists are required to be trained, which reduces the risk of non-return and increases the rate of return on investment. The disadvantages include high investments, although the franchise price varies. It is important to take into account the amount of contributions, return on investment, and the level of participation of the franchisor in the work.

Another option is to create a company yourself. This method takes more time, and you also need knowledge of working with borrowers, including problem ones. But with the investment of funds there is the possibility of receiving big profits, which remains with the owner. If there is no legal department or security service, work with problem debtors is transferred to collectors.


How to open an MFO? The law states that such a company can be founded legal entity, which is registered in the form of funds, institutions, excluding budgetary, autonomous non-trade organizations, companies. It is not necessary to obtain an MFO license. This requirement applies to banks. You just need to have it registered in the MFO register. This document confirms the legality of actions. After registration, you can start a business.

To open an MFO LLC, you must have:

  1. Company Charter.
  2. Decisions to establish a company.
  3. Forms 11001.
  4. Order on the appointment of a general director with the responsibilities of a chief accountant.
  5. Statements about the taxation system.
  6. Receipts for payment of state duty.
  7. Request for a copy of the charter.

Getting status

To register an MFO, the following documents are required:

  1. Application for entering information into the register of microfinance organizations.
  2. Certificate of registration of a legal entity (copy).
  3. The decision to create a legal entity and constituent papers (copies).
  4. Decision on electing the bodies of a legal entity (copy).
  5. Information about the founders.
  6. Data about the actual address.
  7. Inventory of documents.

A decision on the application is made within 14 days. After 10 days after receiving the documents from the Federal Financial Markets Service, you can find your organization in the register.

Raising money

It is important to know not only how to open an MFO, but also how to raise money. Institutions may individuals: founders, participants, investors. There is no limit on the amount of money raised. If another person issues funds for a loan, subject to concluding an agreement with one borrower, then the maximum amount is 1.5 million rubles.

If an individual transfers money to an MFO, then a 13% tax is deducted from the organization’s income. In this situation, institutions withhold the amount individually and settle it with the state budget. The investor is given income other than personal income tax.

The organization creates rules for deposits:

  1. Own capital - not less than 5%.
  2. Liquidity - from 70%.

TO own funds MFOs in Moscow and other regions include capital, reserves, and loans. When a company goes bankrupt, loan requirements are satisfied only after all debts are repaid. These conditions are considered unconditional, binding and are specified in all contracts. Quarterly calculations are carried out according to financial statements, which is transferred to the FFMS.

Investments and profits

To achieve quick payback investments, you need to draw up a business plan for the organization. To open a business, the following expenses are required:

  1. Capital investments.
  2. Capital for issuing loans is 900 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of equipment - 50 thousand rubles.

Current costs include:

  1. Office rent - 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary for 4 employees - 120 thousand rubles.
  3. Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  4. Expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Sum capital investments will amount to 1 million 50 thousand rubles, and current costs - 220 thousand rubles. Costs may vary, it all depends on the case, but using this example you can calculate all the nuances. If desired, you can organize an MFO as a franchise on favorable terms.

Business plan

When opening an MFO, you need to consider:

  1. Costs of maintaining the company, including office rent, repairs, salaries.
  2. Initial investment.
  3. Staffing schedule.
  4. Advertising.
  5. Losses.
  6. Payback period.
  7. Profitability.

The MFO business is profitable, but at the same time it has a lot of competition. Therefore, the company's management needs to stay ahead of its rivals. This is achieved through advertising telling about promotions and special offers. An important aspect is the quality work of employees, which automatically promotes the business.

Accounting for risks and working with debtors

Lenders have always been successful. Now many people turn to microfinance organizations to receive money, although the rates there are quite high. It is necessary to target people who are new to the financial sector. Urgent loans should be offered when a person needs funds here and now.

Almost all microfinance organizations provide money using a passport. This loyalty increases profits, but risks also increase, since customers may not repay the debt. Therefore, the stakes are quite high. To remain profitable, risk is included in the bet. It is determined when drawing up a business plan.

It is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. If the borrower is thoroughly checked, then the budget includes about 10% for the risk of non-repayment.
  2. When providing loans with credit history checks, the risk of non-repayment is 10-20%.
  3. Urgent microloans issued using a passport have a high risk percentage - 30-40%.

Repayment and profit are determined based on how work with debtors will be carried out. As a rule, in small companies there is no personal security service or lawyers. Therefore, it will be difficult to return funds. There will be no such issues with the franchise. At independent work debts are sold to collectors, but their value will be less than the entire amount of the debt.

Thus, when opening an MFO, it is important to think through many nuances in order to establish profitable business, take into account all risks. With a competent approach to business, you will be able to lead successful activities an institution that will only develop over time.

Due to the bank’s high requirements for credited persons, the demand for the services of microfinance organizations is quite high. At the same time, the owners of such organizations receive a stable profit, because the interest on deposits is very high.

A microfinance organization is commercial organization, issued to legal entities at interest in accordance with Federal Law dated July 2, 2010 No. 151-FZ “On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations.”

Information about microfinance organizations must be contained in the general register.

All microfinance organizations, in accordance with Federal Law dated December 29, 2015 N 407-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts” Russian Federation and recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” are divided into microfinance companies and microcredit companies.

The requirements for microfinance companies are much higher than for microcredit companies: it is necessary that the charter amount to 70 million rubles, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the formation of a reserve fund, an annual audit, etc.

At the same time, the possibilities of a microfinance company are much wider: it has the right to issue bonds, the loans issued are much larger - up to a million for citizens and up to three for organizations.

A microcredit organization does not have the right to issue loans in excess of 500 thousand for individuals and not more than a million for legal entities.

Reasons for opening an MFO

The reasons for opening an MFO are as follows:

  1. A crisis for a microfinance organization is a time for accumulating profits, since banks are actively reducing the issuance of loans (especially to individuals), so competition in this area is much lower.
  2. Despite the fact that the population is not exactly a reliable borrower, microfinance organizations in small towns are still staying afloat.
  3. Low competition - since the Central Bank adopted new rules, the number of microfinance organizations has decreased, as “gray organizations” gradually left the market.

What is the difference between an MFO and a bank?

There are many differences between microfinance organizations and banks:

  1. a microfinance organization can only issue short-term loans, while banks provide a full range of financial services;
  2. It’s much easier to get a loan from a microfinance organization - you don’t need any documents other than proof of identity;
  3. obtaining a loan from a microfinance organization is much faster than from a bank;
  4. the bank often imposes additional services– registration of plastic cards, insurance.

How to open a microfinance organization is described in detail in this video:

How to open a microfinance organization yourself from scratch

There are two ways to open a microfinance organization:

  • the first implies ;
  • the second is opening from scratch.

Franchising is the easiest way, since the main responsibilities for organizing a business are doing both accounting and legal side question, software.

In addition, specialists are trained, which reduces the risks associated with the impossibility of returning the money issued. A significant disadvantage of this method is high cost franchises, although there are quite favorable offers.

To organize a company with " clean slate“, you need to have knowledge of working with borrowers. The easiest way to start such a business is for a former bank employee.

The advantage in this case is that all the profit from issuing microloans goes to the owner of the organization. The downside is the need to independently bear the risk of non-returns.

The registration algorithm for a microfinance organization is as follows:

  1. to register a company with limited liability it is necessary to prepare the entire package: these are constituent documents, an order for the appointment of a director, a corresponding application, a receipt for payment of state duty, a lease agreement or letter of guarantee to his conclusion;
  2. Next, you should register the status of a microfinance organization - for this you need to send documents to the Federal Financial Markets Service about entering information into the system - the application is reviewed within two weeks; the list of documents is approximately as follows: application for entering information, copies of registration and constituent documents, information about the founders, receipts for payment of state duty, information about the actual postal address etc.
  3. renting office space - it is better to choose a walkable location;
  4. purchase of equipment, machinery and furniture;
  5. hiring employees;
  6. carrying out an advertising campaign.

The payback for such a business is quite large and occurs within a year.

How to register an individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service - see.

Features of raising funds

Raising funds to a microfinance organization is carried out by organizing advertising company. However, recently lead generation has become popular - an Internet marketing tool, in the implementation of which play a large role contextual advertising, direct marketing.

Certificate of registration.

However, the process of attracting cash joining a microfinance organization is subject to a number of rules:

  1. funds are raised through loan agreements;
  2. the transfer of funds to a microfinance organization is voluntary;
  3. all employees must observe the secrecy of issuing loans (similar to banking);
  4. clients must also keep information about invested funds confidential;
  5. Moreover, such organizations do not have the right to raise funds from individuals, with the exception of the director or founder, and also if the amount of funds raised does not exceed 1.5 million;
  6. the interest rate can change unilaterally;
  7. the issuance of interest on raised funds can be in cash or non-cash form;
  8. the client can manage funds independently and through an authorized representative;
  9. arrest and confiscation of client funds can only be carried out by court decision;

Business plan with calculations

Before you act, you need to make an approximate financial plan taking into account expenses and income.

How to draw up a business plan yourself - read.

Here's how business expenses will be roughly calculated:

  1. Initial costs will include:
    1. registration of a limited liability company - about 20 thousand;
    2. furnishings - about 50 thousand rubles;
    3. purchase of several computers and programs for them - about 80 thousand;
    4. advertising campaign - about 80 thousand rubles;
    5. fund for issuing loans - about 1 million rubles.
  2. running costs- these are the funds that are needed monthly for normal functioning business:
    1. premises rental – about 60 thousand;
    2. employee salary – about 100 thousand monthly;
    3. advertising campaigns and so on - about 100 thousand monthly.

Such financial costs will be typical for starting in locality, where the population does not exceed 1 million people. With similar monthly expenses it is necessary to issue loans in the amount of more than half a million, only in this way the business will gradually begin to pay off.

How much can you earn and over what period?

So, for the calculation we took small town with a population of less than a million people. Let's consider how profits will grow over five years.

Currently, the rate on microloans should not exceed three times the amount. This high rate is due to the fact that the risk of non-repayment on loans exceeds the risk of issuing bank loans.

If you set the rate to about 250%, then the capital can increase 30 times over a five-year period. Of course, we are not talking about net profit– it will depend on the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and the percentage of repayment on loans.

How to open a microfinance organization as a franchise, watch the video:

Over five years, monthly profits from microfinance activities can grow to 5 million, excluding taxes and personnel costs. For such income it is necessary to roll over the reserve fund annually.

This calculation is approximate in order to demonstrate the dynamics of profit growth.

It is worth increasing the pace gradually. It is worth starting to issue loans with small amounts - up to 50 thousand, without raising the interest rate.

There is an unspoken rule - the larger the loan amount, the higher the interest. This is due to the fact that even in the case of the most malicious evasion, a microcredit organization can gain at least a quarter of the profit.

It will be useful to make contacts with the police or other departments, since in case of non-repayment it will be necessary to obtain information about the borrower.

MFO - what is it?

When creating a microfinance organization, you must consider the following:

  1. the name must contain the phrase “microfinance company”;
  2. a condition prohibiting the accrual of interest to the borrower, if the amount of interest and other payments accrued under the agreement reaches three times the amount of the loan, it should be indicated on the first page of the loan agreement;
  3. a novice businessman should hire a good lawyer who will help him understand the jungle of legislation and develop standard forms, and will also represent the interests of the organization if forced collection is necessary;
  4. According to recent information in the media, it became known that the Central Bank is ready to allow microfinance organizations to acquire the status of a bank with limited capabilities, thanks to which they will be able to receive financing from household deposits, engage in money transfers, exchange currency and issue guarantees; These changes are due to the fact that the Bank of Russia has revoked the licenses of many banks, and now this niche needs to be closed.

Thus, microcredit is promising direction for financing.

Individual entrepreneur status can also be obtained through the State Portal - details in.

Even though starting capital microfinance organization requires serious investments, the costs will be recouped within a short period of time.

It would seem, who would think of taking out such expensive loans - well, isn’t it idiotic? But meanwhile, the MFO business, or in common people express loans, is blooming and thriving: microloans are now available in shopping centers, and at bus stops near your home, and on TV, and on the Internet. People are coming.

You might think that it’s too late, the market is saturated, everything is busy - but no. The prospects for the microfinance business are quite optimistic. Some say that its volumes in some regions are still growing by almost 50% per year.

In general, while people are walking, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this. Fortunately, the process of organizing such a business is quite simple - it is fast and practically no different from creating an average company. The main thing is that after creating a company you need to submit an application for inclusion in State Register microfinance organizations - without inclusion in this register, your activities will not be entirely legal.

Before we begin

The good news: the activities of MFOs are regulated by the federal law “On Microfinance Organizations”, or, more simply, mainly Civil Code. The process of getting a loan has been simplified to a tee, so if you think money is money, a microfinance business is exactly what you need.

Main part starting investments should be immediately used for issuing loans. For these needs you should have at least 500 thousand - 1 million rubles. Usually, to issue a loan, you only need a passport, the borrower’s age is 22-60 years, the interest rate is 2% per day, the maximum loan amount is 20 thousand rubles, the term is up to 15 days. If desired, the loan can be extended, but this will involve other interest or commission. Of course, if you flirt with the deadline, pennies are awarded. The average company issues loans of approximately 1.5 million rubles per month.

When planning a financial model, it is worth taking into account up to 50% non-repayment. Of course, usually the level of non-return is much lower, but are you used to proceeding from the most negative scenario? If you do everything correctly, you can achieve self-sufficiency from the first month. Oh, yes, and remember - according to the law, MFOs cannot attract deposits or issue loans in foreign currency, work in the securities market, take interest for early repayment and demand more than one million from their borrowers.

The main risks: a high percentage of non-repayment, legal challenges to interest rates for a loan if the accrual is recognized as unlawful, high competition.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open an MFO”


Before opening an MFO, you need to decide on the location. It can be critical to your business. The most delicious places are shopping centers, small supermarkets near home, large office centers and stops public transport. For starters, even a small corner of about 30 square meters will be enough. m – we’re not opening a bank branch.


Here, too, everything is much simpler than in banks and beauty salons. The main equipment is computers, office equipment, telephones. To make your clients feel good and cozy, place a sofa, flowers and a coffee machine with sweets. Compared to competitors who only have iron chairs... in general, a trusting atmosphere is important. The little things matter.


Following the economic scenario, we will need about 3 people - in addition to the director, this is a security officer and 2 managers a la “credit expert”. A security guard is simply a must-have and you shouldn’t skimp on it: it will check borrowers for availability on various blacklists, so good connections are welcome. The working day of managers is 12 hours, 2/2, adequacy, customer focus and a radiant smile are welcome.

Documents and licenses

As we said above, in order to start an express loan business, you need to knock on the State Register of Microfinance Organizations. To do this you will need: an application, notarized copies of the registration certificate, copies of constituent documents, a copy of the founders’ decision, a copy of the decision on the appointment of the general director, information about the founders, information about the location, and a certificate confirming payment of the state fee. Company information is entered within 14 working days.


Competition in the microfinance sector is growing by leaps and bounds, so it makes sense to invest heavily in the marketing component of your business. Don't skimp on attractive promotions: the first loan without interest, record low rates in the first months of work or an increased ceiling on the amount issued can give you more than you think. Pay attention to classic leaflets, advertising in the local newspaper, and the Internet - a banner on a well-known city portal is not a luxury, but a clear touch to the audience. Good move: eventually enter into an agreement with suppliers electronic services, so that your clients can return money cashless, through Qiwi or Elexnet. Well, of course, you need to remember that nothing will be the best advertising/anti-advertising for your microloans like word of mouth. At some point, new clients will start coming based on recommendations from friends: rumors spread oh so quickly.


The microfinance business is simple, promising and very, very profitable. Opening a company is not so difficult, and the activity itself requires a minimum permitting documents and is regulated by the Civil Code. The only annoying thing is that there is quite strong competition, so it is worth analyzing the market and the degree of openness of entry in your city, and then invest heavily in marketing and promoting your brand. Special attention Pay attention to the location of your point and finding a good security guard.

How to open a microloan company and earn huge money on crazy interest rates? Most people think that this is very easy to do, but this is a misconception that has nothing to do with reality. Open own business providing microloans to the population from scratch is a very expensive and dubious “pleasure”.

How to open a microloan business? How do they make money here? Where to start? What do you need to open? Where and how to register? Or maybe it would be better to open a franchise business? Answers to the most popular questions from readers in this article.

Business - payday microloans for the population

The essence of this business model is to lend your own or borrowed funds at interest. The main income consists of interest on the use of borrowed funds, which is accrued on the principal amount of the debt and paid by the borrower on the repayment date.

It is most profitable to issue short-term payday loans. The average interest rate for them is 2% per day, and for microloans for a long period - 0.5-1% per day. By issuing a microloan for short term, the money can be returned faster and used to issue a new loan to another client. Thus, increasing profitability compared to providing long-term loans.

If we imagine that the average MFO in small town issues 15 microloans per day in the amount of 5,000 rubles for 10 days, then the organization’s net income per day will be 1,500 rubles, for 10 days - 15,000 rubles, for 30 days - 45,000 rubles. And these are the most modest calculations. In fact, even in small towns, potential borrowers continually turn to microfinance organizations in order to borrow money before payday.

How to open microloans? What do you need to open?

To open micro credit institution starting from scratch, a significant investment will be required, and the procedure for registering an MFO will take about 1-2 months. If you calculate the most budget option for an offline MFO in a small town on the periphery, then the approximate estimate will look like this:

  • Registration, state fees, specialist assistance (about 10 thousand rubles)
  • Office rent, minor cosmetic repairs - about 25-35 thousand rubles, subsequent rent of premises with monthly payment. A cheaper option is to place a sales counter in a large shopping center.
  • Purchase of equipment (tables, chairs, PCs and components, printer, scanner, etc.) is about 50 thousand rubles, if you save money and get everything in good condition.
  • Recruitment/salary. To reduce the cost of the enterprise as much as possible, you can get by with only manager-consultants who will play the role of cashier, security guard, security guard, and cleaner. Most often this is what happens in local microfinance organizations. The salary in a small peripheral city will be about 12-20 thousand rubles. for everyone.
  • Costs for an accountant. You can save here by hiring a part-time accountant and submitting papers to fill out immediately before sending reports to higher authorities, the tax office, the Central Bank, etc. Such one-time work for an accountant will cost about 4-8 thousand monthly.
  • Everyday expenses. In addition to the main costs, the business owner faces small but very important monthly payments. This is payment of bills for the Internet and telephone communications (cellular and landline). This will cost an average of 1000-1500 rubles per month. Purchase stationery, refilling printer cartridges, etc. Depending on the rental conditions of the premises, there may be costs for electricity and water. Don’t forget about printing services (business cards, various forms, etc.) In general, about 3-5 thousand rubles will be spent on monthly needs.
  • Very important factor- verification of the borrower. Depending on the budget, the owner can use different verification methods:
  1. Scoring assessment is the most expensive option. You need to buy a licensed program and pay a lot of money for it.
  2. Requests to BKI and calls to contact persons. You can connect batch (wholesale) requests, or single ones. In the first case, the cost of the request varies from 150-200 rubles. and higher. In the second, the minimum is 250-300 rubles.
  3. Free request to the FSSP database and calls to contact persons. A free and most dangerous verification method for MFOs, which increases the percentage of loans issued to fraudsters and large debtors.

As a result, it turns out that opening the most budgetary microfinance organization in a small town on the periphery will cost the owner 125-135 thousand rubles. The amount is small, but it was formed without taking into account the creation and support of the site, without advertising, operators hotline, scoring systems for checking a client or paid requests in BKI, security services, cashier, etc. With these components, creating an MFO would cost at least 3-4 times more than the minimum estimate.

Where and how to register?

The process of registering and obtaining MCC (microcredit organization) status is a painstaking and lengthy task that requires money, time and effort. First of all, the owner of a future business needs to draw up everything regulatory documents(statutes, provision rules, general conditions services, etc.) Documents must be developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and special federal laws(No. 151, 152, 230, 115, etc.)

Then you need to decide legal form: LLC, JSC, etc. and register a legal entity with the tax office by paying the state fee (RUB 4,000) List necessary documents You can check with any branch of the Federal Tax Service. The registration procedure is standard, it takes 5 days, after which you can go for a certificate and other documents.

Next, you need to order a stamp and open a bank account. To do this, you need to select a suitable credit institution and familiarize yourself with the list of all necessary documents for opening a current account by legal entities. The account will be opened in approximately 2-5 days.

After this, you need to send a state duty to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1000 rubles from this organization’s current account. The state duty is paid for entering information about a legal entity into the state register of microcredit organizations. This is exactly what you need to write in the purpose of payment.

When the state duty is paid, you need to send a package of documents along with a receipt for payment of the duty to the Central Bank to obtain MCC status and be included in the list of financial market participants (MFO register). During the 14-week period, the Central Bank's service financial markets must make a decision whether to include the organization in the register or to refuse.
As soon as information about the organization is added to the register, it will be able to provide microloans in cash at offices and points of sale.

Microloan franchises: which ones are there, which one to choose?

If your own strength is not enough to create an MFO from scratch, and the idea of ​​earning your first million by providing microloans does not leave you, then it is better to turn your attention to microloan franchises.

An alternative option for opening a microloan outlet would be a franchise of a microfinance organization. This is an excellent option for beginner businessmen with no experience and a great desire to do just this business.

A microloan franchise is the right to use the intellectual property (brand, logo, details, documents, conditions, etc.) of a large microfinance organization by its “little brother.” An aspiring entrepreneur pays money to the owner of a large microfinance organization for the right to open a microloan center that will operate under the brand of the “parent” organization. Moreover, the deal stipulates that the franchisee will comply with the charter and all regulatory documents of the franchisor.

Among the microfinance organizations that offer a franchise are: Money for You, Money before Payday, Momento Money, Miladenezhka, FastFinance, Udobnodengi, MasterDengi, Migomdengi and others.

Based on the terms of the franchise and customer reviews, the MFO FastMoney and Moneyman franchises receive very decent ratings. The anti-TOP included Money Before Payday and Momento Money.

5 reasons to work as a franchise

If you don’t have enough experience and money, and you don’t know how to open a microloan business from scratch, then it’s better to use a franchise. And here's why:

  1. Opening your own microfinance organization has become very difficult and costly, and maintaining it is even more difficult (document flow, reporting, Central Bank inspections, etc.)
  2. The assessment of the borrower will be carried out by the head office of the organization. There is no need to spend additional money on requests to BKI, calls to contacts, etc. Perhaps the franchisor has its own software or scoring program that additional franchise locations can use.
  3. Accounting and legal services the parent organization takes over. The franchisee saves on an accountant, security service, lawyer, etc.
  4. A recognizable and well-promoted brand, assistance in advertising. The owner of a new business needs to promote everything from scratch, but here you can use everything ready-made (layouts, training videos, call center with free support clients, instructions for promoting on the Internet, via SMS, a guide on how to open a microloan center, etc.)
  5. After the Law “On Collectors” (Federal Law No. 230) comes into force, not a single collection organization will work with a small microfinance organization that issues loans only in one locality on the periphery. If you work with a franchisor, you will have access to the spacecraft with which the “big brother” cooperates.

Microfinance organizations usually provide small loans"before payday" That is, in this case, a person takes a small amount for a very short period, which is usually no more than one month. This offer is used in great demand, it’s no secret that many people lack their wages, and no one has yet canceled unforeseen expenses. At the same time, there is a certain wave of negativity towards microfinance organizations, when due to financial illiteracy people fall into debt. In fact, it is important to clarify everything from the beginning. Yes, the interest rates are partly very high, but you should take into account such advantages as the possibility of receiving a small amount, quick consideration of the application and a loyal attitude towards the client. Even an unemployed person, a student or a pensioner can receive money from an MFO. Microloans are also issued to persons with a bad credit history. In other words, not a single bank will work under the conditions offered by MFOs. Consequently, there is a natural need for such services. Against the backdrop of various crises, MFOs are sometimes the last option that can solve financial problems consumer.

Let's understand the system of work of MFOs. In fact, everything here is extremely simple and does not imply any difficulties. Lending to clients here occurs on the basis of microloan agreements. The latter, in turn, refers to loans whose amount is no more than one million rubles. In practice, microloans are usually issued in an amount of no more than ten thousand rubles, and this is definitely beneficial to both parties. Naturally, all loans in this case are issued for a very short period with minimal interest.

For the owner of an MFO, the benefits are also obvious. First of all this high profit, because compared to banks, MFOs have very high interest rates and an extremely short payback period. That is, even with a significant number of non-performing loans, you can get a stable profit. Thanks to this, even very large investments can be returned. This type of business has been actively developing in recent years, so it is likely that the number of MFOs will only increase every day.

As for interest rates, there are also a number of points to consider. For example, you need to carefully study Federal Law No. 230, which states that interest here stops accruing after it reaches three times the loan amount. That is, if the borrower received 10 thousand rubles from an MFO, then, taking into account the amount of the loan, you can receive from it with interest no more than 40 thousand rubles. In this case, the repayment period for a consumer loan should not exceed one year. This, by the way, can be said to clients who mistakenly think about “predatory” interest rates in MFOs - they are actually not that high, and they operate within reasonable limits.

Something special should be said about cases of overdue microloans. Here, too, there are limits and they are stipulated by current legislation. If the microloan is already overdue, then the interest on it cannot be more than twice the loan amount. For example, if the borrower does not return 10 thousand rubles on time, then no more than 30 thousand rubles can be demanded from him. As a result, we see that entrepreneurs have their own limitations and they must be taken into account when calculating potential profits and drawing up a business plan for an MFO.

As we can see, even with the introduction of legislative norms, the numbers still remain impressive. It is known that sometimes the most problematic borrowers still repay the debt months later with a huge overpayment. After all, not all people want to ruin their credit history and participate in legal proceedings. As a result, MFO owners have been operating successfully for many years and receive guaranteed profits.

Below we will tell you how best to register an enterprise. The only thing that can be mentioned here is that it is better to register such a company as an LLC or JSC. However, there are no fundamental requirements in this regard, so each entrepreneur decides for himself exactly how his company will operate. In order not to be unfounded, we will further describe in detail how to register an MFO better and faster.

Legislative requirements for microfinance organizations

Before registering a microfinance organization, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their types. Depending on the format in which the MFO operates, there are different requirements to the source data and directly to the registration process. So, to clarify the picture in detail, let’s consider the features of MFOs according to their types.

Microfinance company (MFC)

In this case the size authorized capital must be at least 70 million rubles - the provision on this appeared at the end of 2015 (established by Federal Law No. 407). It turns out that the amount is quite impressive, but it has its advantages. Initially, it should be taken into account that the heads of microfinance organizations opened before 2016 had until the end of March 2017 to decide what type they belong to and, if required, increase the amount of the authorized capital to the required amount. The name of such an organization must contain the phrase “microfinance company”, and its organizational and legal form must also be indicated. In the case of IFC, this means raising funds from individuals who are not founders. Moreover, the amount of such investments must be at least one and a half million rubles - if the amount is less, then regulators may have certain questions. That is, here you also need to very carefully control the process and avoid any violations of the law. At the same time, the possibilities in this case increase significantly. In other words, the IFC is a kind of bank model, which also allows you to make deposits and provides loans on mutually beneficial terms. Only in the case of the IFC everything is somewhat simpler and at the same time has limitations. At the same time, compared to the ICC, everything here is much more complicated, especially since the latter option is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia.

Microcredit company (MCC)

In this case, everything is definitely simpler and does not oblige the entrepreneur to comply with many requirements. Special conditions There is no MCC for registration, and therefore it is possible to register an MCC as an LLC with a minimum authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. True, here it is necessary to take into account that issuing loans is the main activity of the MCC, therefore, without more significant investments, the organization simply will not be able to operate. In addition, according to Federal Law No. 151, the founders must make a joint decision on transactions the amount of which is more than ten percent of the authorized capital. That is, if a client wants to take out a loan for at least 1,000 rubles, then if the book value of the property is 10 thousand rubles, all the founders will have to get together. So for optimal operation of the MCC, it is better to deposit at least 500 thousand rubles on the balance sheet - this will allow the company to operate stably for many years.

However, when registering an ICC, you need to take into account several minor features. For example, there are also legal requirements that must be adhered to. The fact is that in the name of this company it is important to use the phrase “microcredit company”. Moreover, here it is also necessary to indicate its organizational and legal form (LLC, as indicated in our case). As with any LLC, it is important that the name is unique and one of a kind.

As an addition, let's say that in the case of the ICC it is much easier to work. At least microfinance companies are not regulated as strictly as banks. Such companies are not required to license, create reserves or make mandatory insurance contributions to specialized funds. This, in fact, explains the wide distribution of microfinance organizations, especially since they are registered extremely easily and quickly. Registration of these institutions, in fact, consists only of registering a legal entity and obtaining the status of an MFO. Consequently, any entrepreneur, having a relatively small capital, it'll go better along this path and will save valuable time.

Facility security

It is natural that the office of an MFO should be well guarded, because quite large sums of money will be stored here during further activities. It is important to have an alarm system that will prevent any attacks by criminals. Naturally, the MFO office must be equipped with video surveillance. Before choosing a suitable office for work, you must first consult with representatives of security structures. The fact is that there are a number of requirements for the premises in which MFOs operate. After making sure that a particular office has security or it is possible to arrange it, you can safely register a legal address.

Documents required for registration of microfinance organizations

So, registration of an MFO is possible only as a legal entity, that is, individual entrepreneur has no right to engage in such activities. According to Russian legislation, MFO can operate in the format of LLC, foundation, NPO, partnership, economic company and non-profit partnerships.

If the registration of an MFO is done in the form of an LLC, then the following package of documents must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service:

  • application for registration of a legal entity, which is drawn up in form P11001 (as we said above, the name of the company must contain the phrase “microfinance company” or “microcredit company”;
  • The Charter of the MFO, which is made in two copies (the Charter indicates the size of the authorized capital, which must correspond to the type of the selected company);
  • solution sole founder, or the protocol of communication of the meeting of the founders of the LLC (these, by the way, are subject to a requirement - this is the absence of unexpunged or unexpunged convictions for crimes committed against state power or for economic crimes);
  • confirmation that you have paid the state registration fee (it is currently 4,000 rubles);
  • documents confirming the presence of a legal address (copy of the certificate of ownership of non-residential premises, or a letter of guarantee).

Please note that an application for transition to a separate tax regime is not required here, since all microfinance organizations operate on common system taxation.

The MFO Charter specifies the following information:

  • list of proposed activities;
  • a clause in which all transactions made for an amount exceeding ten percent of the value of the enterprise’s property are pre-approved;
  • the body that is responsible for developing the rules for issuing loans;
  • the procedure on the basis of which the data of persons influencing the decisions of the MFO are disclosed.

To register an MFO, you can use several options for submitting documents: visit in person tax office, send all forms by mail, or do everything through an official representative. If you submit the above documents through a representative, then the preparation of a power of attorney to conduct registration actions. When preparing this document, application P11001 is certified by a notary - this is also required when sending all papers via mail.

Company registration is usually completed within three days. If everything is in order, then the tax authorities will issue the applicant with a USRIP entry sheet in the P50007 format. One copy of the Charter is also issued and a certificate of registration of the legal entity is provided.

Inclusion of microfinance organizations in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Documents from the tax office alone are not enough here, since at this stage only a legal entity is registered. In accordance with Federal Law No. 151, an MFO begins to have special rights and obligations only when information about it is entered into the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

To register an MFO in the Central Bank register, you need to collect a package of the following documents:

  • a statement that information has been entered into the register of microfinance organizations;
  • a copy of the Charter and the decision that the MFO is registered;
  • a copy of the order stating the appointment of the director of the enterprise;
  • information about the legal address of the company;
  • information about the founders of the company;
  • certificate of no criminal record for the founders and managers of the microfinance organization;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles;
  • rules of internal control of microfinance organizations.

The application and information about the founders of the company are filled out in accordance with the forms of appendices 1 and 2 - they are made in accordance with the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 28, 2016 No. 3984-U (it can be found in the public domain). Data on entering information about the organization into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the Central Bank is requested from the tax office independently.

The collected documents are submitted to the territorial banking division, which interacts with financing entities. Information about these institutions is posted on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Registration with this organization occurs within thirty working days, starting from the day the documents are submitted. After an MFO is included in the register, it can already conduct its activities.

Registration of microfinance organizations step by step

Let's now more briefly describe the entire process of registering an MFO:

  1. We study the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the activities of microfinance and microcredit organizations and decide which option is more convenient for us.
  2. We choose the organizational and legal form for registering a company. In most cases, an LLC is used for this.
  3. We clarify what requirements apply to the premises in order to organize its security. It is possible that the initially selected address will not be suitable for these purposes (at least a reliable alarm system is needed).
  4. We register the company with the tax authorities.
  5. We submit documents for inclusion of the company in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

After successfully completing the above procedures, you can safely begin your business.


There are a number of additional requirements that the founders of MFOs must comply with. We list below the responsibilities of such organizations.

In particular, MFOs must report quarterly to the mega-regulator. This is done through the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation through your personal account.

It is necessary to report to Rosfinmonitoring. The point here is that MFOs must develop and put into practice measures aimed at preventing the laundering of money obtained by criminal means. This is also due to the fact that MFIs must prevent the financing of terrorism. In other words, the company must identify all customers who carry out transactions with money. In addition, disclosure of the list of affiliates is required here.

As mentioned above, the development and application of rules for providing microloans is important. All points of such rules must be available on the Internet. They are usually posted on the MFO website or on third-party Internet resources.

Similar to banks, MFOs submit information about borrowers and loans to the Credit History Bureau. When working with borrowers, company representatives are required to comply with the law on consumer credit (Federal Law No. 353 of December 21, 2013), which regulates the form of the agreement, limits penalties and stipulates other points. That is, everything must be in accordance with existing laws - it is important to study them carefully before starting activities, so as not to face penalties.

It is important to keep in mind that the MFO does not set rates arbitrarily. The limits are usually announced by the Central Bank. Moreover, their average value depends on the specific category and type of loan. Market realities are also taken into account. At the same time, an MFI cannot deviate by more than one third from the average value full price loan.

Also, when opening an MFO, you should remember about the legislation in the field of advertising. Moreover, all fines will be imposed on a legal entity and, therefore, their amounts can reach millions of rubles.

In general, we can say that the business of issuing microloans is quite troublesome and requires detailed accounting current laws. To conduct business legally, you must constantly seek the help of an experienced lawyer. Owners of microfinance organizations should carefully study all laws that are in one way or another related to their activities and only then can they begin to register a company.


You should not think that all the difficulties in registering an MFO are something unsolvable and out of the ordinary. In fact, everything here is relatively easy and registering an MFO, as well as its work, is much simpler than opening a large manufacturing enterprise. So there should be no particular cause for concern here, especially since most officials are more or less loyal to such companies. If you look into it, there are no particular difficulties in registering an MFO, but it is better to contact experienced lawyers for this. Probably, most owners of such companies use the services of professionals here - it’s both more convenient and faster. After all, the work of an MFO should already involve periodic assistance from lawyers, for example, when the company encounters loan defaulters. For anyone who wants to protect themselves from mistakes in advance, we still recommend using the experience of proven specialists - they, in turn, will be able to solve many problems without any difficulties and, as a result, save you from serious fines. So, if you already definitely intend to register an MFO and you have a sufficient amount of money for this, then you can confidently go towards this goal and achieve positive results.
