Erp enterprise management 2. Is 1C an ERP system? Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators

Optimizes the work of medium and small businesses in the field of resource planning and financial management, and also takes production management to a whole new level.

The larger the production and more complex process on it, the more difficult it is to organize the work correctly:

  • eliminate overspending;
  • balance the use of raw materials and financial resources;
  • increase productivity.

How to solve these complex and important problems?

You can rely on your own experience or trust the global experience of production management and buy an ERP system "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2"- a specialized product created by professionals based on the current build of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 and repeatedly tested in practice. The functionality of the solution is especially carefully optimized to meet the needs of large enterprises of various profiles: including this system ERP class takes into account the specific features of multi-production production.

What is the secret to the effectiveness of this ERP system?

Product release "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" was the result of an in-depth analysis of international practice in organizing production and ERP-class systems present on the market, which was carried out by experts from the 1C company. Special attention specialists devoted their time to studying the work of enterprises in Russia and the CIS.

A specialized commission was created to control the quality of the solution and plan its development strategy. The commission included leading specialists from among the partners of the 1C company and the management of specialized divisions of large industrial companies.

The result of close collaboration between a professional team of developers and production management practitioners has become a flagship product in the ERP solutions market, developed taking into account global experience in resource planning, financial management and operational management, as well as asset management.

Hundreds of partners and clients of 1C company have implemented "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" in their production and tested the solution in practice for more than a year. Based on the results of testing under operating conditions, the product received high marks- according to surveys by the 1C company, more than 90% of clients give new system ERP ratings from “good” to “excellent”.

How does 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 organize enterprise resource planning?

  • Manage production- plan workload (including with inaccurate standards), manage employee schedules, create individual and mass work orders, work with route sheets. Now even renovations can be planned down to the smallest detail!
  • Manage your finances- at your disposal convenient cost accounting with detailing, working with a budget, a flexible accounting system with the ability to make calculations for individual departments, reliable tools for calculations wages and reporting.
  • Organize trade and work with warehouses- set up a pricing system, control transactions and sales, manage orders and delivery using new functions, keep records of packaging.
  • Stay informed, stay connected- the solution provides great opportunities for operational dispatching, and also allows you to work through the web client and the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 thin client.

Buy an ERP system - profitable investment: implementation pays for itself in 2–3 years. Find out how "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" can help your business. Contact us and receive an individual offer.

Maintaining big business is associated with complexities of organization, interaction of processes and full accounting. The Laerta company recommends an effective, high-tech solution - “1C: Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2”

The program will allow you to combine all the main functions of an economic entity into a single, harmonious process. This solution was developed to optimize performance large companies in various sectors of the economy.

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management" is an information mechanism that provides storage, exchange and processing of data financial accounting, personnel management, production and sales operations, working with partners and suppliers. Such a system makes it possible to manage business resources as competently and efficiently as possible.

Features of the program "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2"

  • Expanded basic functionality due to:
  • production management subsystems. The new element “1C:ERP Enterprise Management” was created to regulate business transactions at the primary and inter-shop level, processing route sheets, personal and group tasks, to control “ bottlenecks", loading and many other areas of core activity;
  • subsystems for repairs. The implementation of this ERP segment will make it possible to maintain detailed records of repair objects, carry out current or unscheduled repair work, and integrate with the production unit of the program (for example, through drawing up equipment availability schedules).
  • Developed and improved capabilities of “1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2”:
  • block of cost accounting and cost calculation. Detailing of initial costs is available, clarity and validity of cost calculations is ensured;
  • budgeting tools. Additional resources for building tabular models, calculating planned indicators and deciphering data;
  • subsystem of trade and warehouse operations. The introduction of a new ERP configuration will open up the opportunity to optimize transactions with clients, conduct automatic pricing, and promptly interact with sales representatives, using standardized processes for selling products and implementing other useful functions in this area of ​​business;
  • financial accounting block, improvements in which affected the rules of distribution, stages of approval of applications, acquiring operations;
  • HR and payroll segment. Featured in new version functionality means more convenient management staffing table, reflection of wages in both standard and financial accounting, its calculation depending on output.
  • regulated accounting tools– it became possible to set up rules for reflecting business transactions for financial accounting groups, accounting for facts economic activity deferred posting with control of the relevance of the reflection, operational control of the formation of postings for an arbitrary document, settlements with separate divisions, automatic support for accounting for “complex” VAT, decoding of the income tax return and regulated reporting.
  • The solution is developed on the basis of the modern 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3. Due to this, users have the opportunity to work in thin client and web client modes.
  • The program has industry extensions, which helps automate the company’s activities taking into account all its specifics.

Implementation of “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” by Laerta specialists: advantages and prospects for cooperation

  • Favorable cost design work and support for “1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2” (compared to the average price in Moscow). And the advanced one will help you choose a better offer.
  • Large list of free services: demonstration of the program, visiting the customer for installation, audit and express examination, bonus program, gifts for buyers "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2".
  • Availability of certificates developer for all our employees, including project managers.
  • Strict quality control of services dedicated manager for ISO 9001:2008 standard.
  • Possession of the status "1C: ERP Center", including in the context of trade accounting, which indicates a professional approach to the project.

Implementation of ERP is a real chance to increase the efficiency of your business! The support of professionals in this process is a guarantee of achieving the expected result!

An effective solution for automation of large and medium-sizedbusiness on the modern platform "1C:Enterprise 8"

“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” will allow you to build a comprehensive information system for managing the activities of any enterprise. This innovative solution from the 1C company uses integrated approach to business management, the best international techniques and many years of domestic practice, which guarantees flexibility of configuration, ease of use and significant economic effect. The 1C:ERP solution line covers all major industries, has a large set of functions and software tools, and is suitable for use in enterprises of any size.

More than 822,000 jobs are automated using 1C ERP solutions, and the total number of client personnel exceeds 12 million people. Over 2000 enterprises have already become clients of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2. If you want to increase the efficiency of production and business management, automate most tasks at a modern digital level and achieve fundamentally new target indicators, “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” is your choice!

The configuration is an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multi-industry enterprises, taking into account the best global and domestic practices in the automation of large and medium-sized businesses.

The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution was developed on the new modern version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform project team specialists from the 1C company with the participation of a specially created expert council, which included specialists from leading 1C partners (ERP Centers, 1C Development Centers) and heads of specialized departments of large industrial enterprises. Before the release of the final version, this product was studied and tested by hundreds of partners and dozens of clients in pilot implementations for more than a year.

During the development, special attention was paid to the implementation of functionality required by large enterprises in various areas of activity, including those with technically complex multi-process production. This approach made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities and scope of the new ERP solution compared to “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management” edition 1.3.

At the moment, the Configuration of edition 2.1 has received a new Taxi Interface, easy to use and familiar to clients who have previously used the programs 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 3.0, Trade Management 11.1. The new managed application enables configuration management via mobile devices and tablets to meet the demands of the times.

The new "Taxi" interface, developed in the configuration, can significantly improve the convenience of working with the program.

His distinctive features are:

  • maximizing workspace on monitors with different resolutions
  • modern interface design
  • user comfort for a long time
  • ease of navigation through the use of auxiliary panels
  • tools
  • favorites,
  • history, etc.
  • the ability to independently design your own workspace
  • quick line input
  • ability to add new directory items directly in the selection list

The program's command interface is more intuitive. Instead of the text main menu of the program, the Section Panel appeared. Each section on the panel corresponds to an accounting section. Lists of documents and reference books open from the section navigation panel, which is located on the left. Creation of new documents, work with reports and processing is done using the Action Panel.

Flexible customization of panels by the user is provided.

This configuration has been successfully implemented by specialists from our organization for more than 2 years. We recommend for use.

Program window (Fig. 1)

Directory form window (Fig. 2)

Document form window (Fig. 3)

Report form window (Fig. 4)

Description of the software product

Functionality of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1

Performance Monitor


Supply and inventory management


Fixed assets management



Cash management


International accounting Financial standards Reporting

Personnel records

Salary calculation

Personnel management

Management reporting

Regulated reporting

Production management subsystem 1C:ERP Production management 2.1:

Management of inter-shop transitions and at the operational level supports a two-level production management system at the inter-shop and intra-shop levels. At the inter-shop level of the “Chief Dispatcher”, the production schedule is managed at the level of production divisions. Management is carried out in a consolidated manner in terms of time and resources. At the intra-shop level, the “Local Dispatcher” manages the processes of executing the production schedule in a separate department using the “BBV”, “UBBV” models or operationally.

The functionality uses:

  • route sheets
  • run batch management
  • group and personal work assignments
  • operational dispatch
  • bottleneck management
  • download management
  • planning up to the quantum of time, diagnosing and flexible rescheduling of the production schedule
  • willingness to work with inaccurate standards
  • visualization of product structure
  • extended control over the provision of production resources,
  • i.e. not only at the level of accessibility training centers, but within the framework of providing material resources.

Subsystem for organizing repairs and accounting for fixed assets in the 1C ERP Production Management 2.1 program:

A unified regulatory and reference information and a mechanism for registering developments are used. To register households. operations related to initial investments in fixed assets, two methods can be used: with and without the use of intermediate registration of fixed assets as an enterprise nomenclature. Functionality includes:

  • accounting and hierarchical classification of objects in operation
  • monitoring the condition of operating facilities
  • organizing and carrying out scheduled and unscheduled repairs
  • formation full price ownership of operating objects
  • registration of operating time
  • integration with the production subsystem
  • equipment availability schedules.

Mechanisms for cost accounting and cost calculation in 1C:ERP Production Management 2.1:

  • detailing to the volume of initial costs
  • visibility and control of the validity of the calculation.

Subsystem financial management in the 1C:ERP Production Management 2.1 program:

Operational accounting data is used to generate reporting indicators. The system uses a combined method for generating reporting indicators under IFRS, which includes elements of parallel accounting and transformation. To reflect operational accounting data in the form of transactions, the following are developed as part of the subsystem: a chart of accounts for international accounting, the procedure for generating transactions in international accounting based on operational accounting data, the composition of reporting and the rules for generating reporting indicators. The functionality includes:

  • accounting by activity areas
  • stages of approval of applications
  • flexible distribution rules
  • acquiring operations
  • multi-variant planning cash and financial indicators
  • parallel planning in multiple currencies
  • comparison of actual and planned data for different periods and analytics, calculation of deviations.

Budgeting mechanisms and tools in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1:

The ability to create a budgeting model in user mode (indicators and budget items, types and forms of budgets, budget processes are developed). When generating actual data, operational accounting data is used. Also based on them, planned values ​​of budget items can be obtained.

Tabular input of planned budget data is used, which increases the loyalty of users who have previously used Excel. The functionality includes:

  • tabular budgeting model
  • versioning
  • calculation of planned indicators
  • data decryption.

Subsystems for automating the trade and warehouse activities of an enterprise in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1 program:

  • managing the effectiveness of sales processes and transactions with clients
  • customizable automatic pricing capabilities
  • use of regulated sales processes
  • advanced customer order management
  • sales representative management
  • monitoring the status of sales processes
  • Separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers
  • accounting for reusable packaging
  • statistical analysis of reserves
  • delivery management and product calendar.

Subsystems of regulated accounting in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1 program:

  • setting up rules for reflecting business transactions for financial accounting groups, recording facts of economic activity in a deferred manner with monitoring the relevance of the reflection
  • operational control of the formation of postings for an arbitrary document, settlements with separate divisions of the organization (account 79)
  • automatic support for accounting for “complex” VAT without additional settings
  • transcripts of income tax returns and regulated reporting.

Subsystems Personnel management and payroll:

  • maintaining staffing schedule
  • salary calculation based on employee output data
  • flexible options for reflecting wages in financial and regulatory accounting
  • ability to enter an unlimited number of indicators for calculation

About implementation

An innovative solution in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1 program was the mechanism for turning on/off elements, which allows you to “turn on” or “turn off” various functional parts of the application solution without programming (configuration changes). This solution allows you to very flexibly customize the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1 program and get rid of “redundant” functionality.

As examples of on/off mechanisms:

  • - management of several organizations;
  • - maintaining records by department;
  • - management separate divisions on a separate balance sheet;
  • - several currencies;
  • - registration of services for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials

As a result of the implementation of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.1 program, it is possible to achieve a significant economic effect:

Inventories and production

  • Decrease in volumes inventories 21%
  • Reduced costs for material resources 9%
  • Reduced production costs 7%
  • Reduction of operating and administrative expenses 15%
  • Reduction in production costs 8%
  • Increase in production volume 28%

Working capital

  • Increase in inventory turnover 18%

Efficiency and efficiency

  • Reduction of order fulfillment times by 33%
  • Profit growth 11%

Labor costs and reporting

  • Reduction of labor costs in various departments by 30%
  • Acceleration of receipt management reporting 3.8 times
  • Acceleration of preparation of regulated reporting by 2.8 times

On June 25, 2019 it became known that within the next two or three months the 1C company will create an international version of its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, enterprise resource planning) system, which will be easier to implement with customers abroad due to easier adaptation to local realities.

We set ourselves the goal of selecting a core from the Russian ERP, cleared of ` Russian legislation`, which can be used in different countries as a basis for developing local solutions. At the same time, from his words one could conclude that in the future Russian ERP will be developed on the basis of this particular core,

The beta version of the international ERP with index 2.5.3 will be released in August or September 2019. Then its final development will begin based on incoming partner requirements.

Alexey Monichev is confident that 1C’s work on the English version of ERP will benefit not only foreign, but also Russian users - due to the accelerated development of its functionality.

In particular, according to the top manager, within the framework of this project there will be significant development IFRS subsystems (international standards financial statements) and a fully customizable RAS chart of accounts will appear (published by the Ministry of Finance Russian standards accounting).

2018: Integration of the Yandex.Cash module into 1C:Enterprise products


"1C-Rarus" is preparing the module "1C: Customer-Developer"

On October 18, 2017, the 1C-Rarus company announced preparations for the release of the product “1C: Customer-Developer. Module for 1C:ERP”, which allows you to automate the processes of construction, sale and rental of real estate and investment activities.

Revision 2.4 release

Regulated accounting

  • It is possible to specify an identification number (tax number) legal entity outside the Russian Federation.
  • Storage of the counterparty's TIN and KPP details in received invoices is supported.
  • The mechanism for reflecting information on registration with tax authorities of separate divisions of the organization, allocated to a separate balance sheet, has been optimized.
  • The registration of a special taxation procedure for property tax has been changed.
  • The forms for declaration and calculation of advances on property tax have been updated.
  • VAT accounting for the export of raw materials has been supported.
  • Defined new order setting accounts when reflecting settlement transactions with counterparties using the parameters of GFC settlements.
  • The procedure for setting up accounts within the “Setting up the reflection of documents in regulated accounting” workplace has been optimized.
  • Implemented separate accounting for contracts in accordance with the requirements Federal Law N 275-FZ.

Accounting non-current assets

A scenario has been added for organizing the accounting of non-current assets, in which:

  • all types of accounting for non-current assets (regulated, international and managerial) are based on data from the operational circuit;
  • uniform documents are used for all types of accounting;
  • the possibilities for reflecting transactions with non-current assets in international accounting are brought into line with similar possibilities in regulated accounting;
  • independent management supported management accounting non-current assets in case of disconnection of regulated and international accounting;
  • the mechanism for calculating depreciation has been optimized for calculations when large quantities accounting objects.

HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the configuration "Salaries and personnel management PROF", edition 3.1.3.

Service capabilities

  • To create geographically distributed systems, a distributed information base (DIB) mechanism has been added. Using this mechanism, synchronization of configuration changes and complete consolidation of data between the central database (central node of the RIB) and all peripheral databases (peripheral nodes of the RIB) are carried out.
  • To develop e-commerce tasks, a mechanism for creating and publishing your own 1C-UMI sites has been added. The mechanism is implemented as part of a separate service for automated creation and filling of a website “in one click”.
  • The mechanism for maintaining and developing conversion rules using the universal Enterprise Data format has been simplified, support for version 1.4 has been implemented.


To switch to edition 2.4, you must install version no lower than 2.4.1 of the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration. To run edition 2.4, you need version 8.3.10 of the 1C:Enterprise platform or higher.

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" can be purchased, rented or used in the cloud.

Development of regulated accounting

Generating transactions based on documents

  • Possibility of automatic accounting. recording only documents verified by an accountant
  • Setting up an account for materials transferred for recycling
  • Reflection of assembly/disassembly of items without using account 20
  • Setting up sales accounts for UTII
  • Filling out section 7 of the VAT return
  • Convenient workplace on transfer of VAT to the budget for individual transactions
  • Support for VAT accounting features when importing goods from the EAEU
  • Development of VAT tax agent functionality
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) VAT accounting for “long production cycle”
  • Accounting for losses from previous years for purposes tax accounting by profit
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) accounting for reserves for future expenses

Separate accounting for the State Defense Order

Plan-actual cost analysis

Development of production management

At the level of enterprise plans

  • Supported planning by areas (projects, contracts)
  • Rolling planning
  • Automatic end-to-end production planning of all stages has been implemented - from finished products to purchased materials
  • Manual adjustments of plans are supported
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) planning of material balances
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) execution of plans on an accrual basis

At the level of intershop management

  • Supported simultaneous employment of several work centers at the stage

At the level of intra-shop management

  • In development (to version 2.4.3) shift-daily tasks and a new workplace for “manual” assignment of operations
  • Specifications for measured products supported
  • Formulas for calculating resource consumption in specifications and route maps have been significantly developed
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) support for repair production processes

GIS integration

Availability from the cloud

In July 2017, the flagship 1C product - 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 - will become available from the cloud in test mode. This was announced by 1C director Boris Nuraliev.

To begin with, a pilot stage will begin, providing for free use of the application. In the future, the estimated cost of the service will be from 1,500 rubles per user per month.

1C believes that 1C:ERP in the 1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet service will be convenient for small enterprises with complex production that require production planning and accounting capabilities. The product is also aimed at new enterprises that are ready to build their business processes based on the standard capabilities of 1C:ERP, geographically distributed production and trading companies small and medium scale.

The product may also be of interest to users of other solutions who want to try using 1C:ERP on their data, the company believes.

Earlier, in May, 1C allowed partners to rent out 1C:ERP to clients. The minimum cost for one workplace in this case is from 1000 rubles. per month when installed on the client’s equipment.

Renting 1C:Enterprise programs is a fast-growing segment of the 1C business. As of May 2017, more than 60 thousand workplaces are rented out. Sales growth in 2016 was 37%. 1C software rental agreements were concluded with 54 large corporations using more than 12 thousand licenses. A scheme has become popular when an insourcing company within a holding company becomes a tenant and provides software to its subsidiaries.

According to 1C, as of May 2017, the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management solution was used by about 1,600 organizations in Russia.


Sales dynamics of standard ERP solutions "1C"

As of October 25, 2016: 1268 clients purchased the commercial version of 1C:ERP. 279 implementations were published on the 1C website.

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" in version 2.2

Positioning of 1C:ERP relative to other 1C solutions

More than 100 specialists are involved in the development

  • 1C:ERP contains 7.5 million lines of code

Implementations in production

  • Custom model of management and accounting 3 levels of management, optional
  • Volume scheduling
  • Inter-shop schedule
  • Intrashop schedule
  • Reduced requirements for the quality of reference data
  • Accounting for material and resource limitations
  • Support of legal requirements

Development in version 2.2

  • Preservation of methodology
  • Architecture Optimization
  • Increased productivity
  • Development of material logistics
  • Simplification of primary accounting
  • Development of ergonomics
  • Architecture Optimization
  • Increased reliability
  • Increased calculation speed
  • Calculation of the cost of products during processing
  • Recalculation optimization
  • Reduced memory consumption
  • Built-in diagnostics and testing tools

Cost calculation in 1C:ERP

  • Quantitative distribution of batches by FIFO
  • Inclusion/exclusion of VAT
  • Preliminary cost calculation
  • Distribution of additional expenses
  • Distribution of indirect costs and salaries
  • Calculation of the share of work in progress
  • Cost calculation using a system of linear equations

Treasury in 1C:ERP

  • Integration with other ERP subsystems
  • Preparation of documents “in one click”
  • Convenient payment calendar
  • Support for settlement payments under 275-FZ
  • Exchange with banks in DirectBank format
  • Automatic posting of incoming payments
  • Accepting payments through Yandex.Checkout

Transition from other applications to 1C:ERP

System open to change

The platform-oriented approach allows you to:

  • Use your business-oriented development language
  • Reduces development time
  • Speeds up the developer learning process
  • Execute once written applications:
  • On different operating systems - Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • On different DBMS - MS SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL
  • In different versions - local, client-server, cloud, distributed, ...

2015: "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" in edition 2.1

Until this moment, UP 2.0 was in beta version status. Although quite large customers were also involved in the implementation of UP 2.0 in 2013, this was not about full-fledged commercial installations, but about customers exploring the possibility of switching to this ERP and preliminary acquaintance with the functionality.

The price of the main delivery (platform version 8.3, application solution and license for one workstation) was the same and for all partners was 14.5 thousand rubles. excluding the 1C application server (72 thousand rubles in the case of one server, without clustering; for various server options prices range from 14.4 thousand rubles to 180 thousand rubles) and directly licenses for workstations (for 100 workstations - 300 thousand rubles, for 500 workstations - 1.48 million rubles) The vendor did not tell the partners the exact price for the final version of the main delivery of UP 2.0 "1C", voicing only the range of 300-450 thousand rubles.

Now the amounts have become known: recommended retail price for UP 2.0 appearing on sale on December 31, 2013 is 360 thousand rubles. This kit does not include server and multi-user licenses, but includes the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 and Application Solutions Design System configurations, a configurator, a license for one workplace and documentation.

Also for 990 thousand rubles. you can buy a second extended kit: a corporate version of UP 2.0 with document management, server and 100 user licenses. Let us recall that the vendor previously promised that when the final version of UE 2.0 appears, the company will provide a 70% discount to customers who have already used the beta version and can confirm this. 1C took this percentage of the price basic supply and subtracted the resulting 252 thousand rubles. from the prices of both delivery sets. The total price for beta version users is 108 thousand rubles. and 738 thousand rubles. respectively.


1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

The solution “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0” is a development of the most widely used ERP-class system “1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management” version 1.3 (1C:UPP) currently used in Russia and the CIS countries and takes into account the experience accumulated over 10 years of using this systems in large-scale projects involving hundreds and thousands of jobs (more than 16,000 enterprises use the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management solution). More than 500 enterprises have already become users of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0.

Benefits of the solution

  • functionality at the level of international-class ERP systems;
  • platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", supporting work via the Internet, including "cloud" technologies and work on mobile devices Oh;
  • availability of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of the system (PDM, EAM, PMO, ITIL, CRM, MDM, WMS, TMS, BSC, ECM, CPM, etc.);
  • a network of partners with many years of experience in implementing ERP systems.

Automation production processes And financial activities increases business efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise, improves the conditions for conducting internal and external audits, promotes growth investment attractiveness companies. The “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0” solution allows you to build a comprehensive enterprise management information system that ensures timely adoption management decisions, transparency of business processes and assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise, individual divisions and staff.

Development and innovation in 1C:ERP relative to 1C:UPP:

  • The new production management subsystem provides management of inter-shop transitions and at the operational level, operational dispatching, management of bottlenecks, and equipment loading management.
  • The repair organization subsystem allows you to keep records of repair items, register operating hours, and monitor the implementation of current and unscheduled repairs.
  • The cost accounting and cost calculation system provides detail down to the composition of the initial costs, visibility and control of the validity of the calculation.
  • The financial management subsystem allows you to keep records by areas of activity and use flexible rules for cost distribution. The treasury functionality allows you to effectively manage funds.
  • Improved budgeting mechanisms and tools use a tabular budgeting model, allowing you to effectively and clearly manage budget process using a Gantt chart.
  • Subsystems for automation of trade and warehouse activities provide effective management sales process, allow the use of mobile workplaces for warehouse workers and sales representatives.
  • Customer relationship management allows you to measure results marketing promotions, track the stages of transactions with clients, create a sales funnel and analyze staff performance.
  • The procurement management subsystem includes specialized workstations that allow, in accordance with supply rules, to automatically calculate the need for the purchase of goods and materials.
  • Within the framework of the regulated accounting functionality, it is possible to reflect business transactions for financial accounting groups, the ability to maintain accounting in the context of separate divisions (branches) of the enterprise, and automatic support for accounting for “complex” VAT without additional settings.
  • The functionality of personnel management and payroll allows you to maintain personnel records, necessary for large manufacturing enterprises, calculate wages based on production data.
  • The subsystem of international financial accounting (IFRS) allows you to keep records and prepare reports using various ways reporting preparation, combining data from RAS, operational accounting and parallel accounting.
  • The configuration model is supplied in IDEF0 notation in 1C: Application Solutions Design System (ASDS), which makes it easier to design, implement and maintain. information system enterprises.

Features of the flagship solution from 1C

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators

The target indicator monitor is used to monitor and analyze the target indicators of the enterprise. The tools of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution allow you to analyze the current values ​​of indicators and the dynamics of their changes, obtain a short or extended form of presenting indicators, with a graphical display of data and decoding of values.

Main features:

  • building a hierarchical model of goals and target indicators;
  • creating different options for indicators with the ability to compare;
  • monitoring of target indicators with transcripts of initial data;
  • the ability to analyze financial results by area of ​​activity;
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports;
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone).

Performance monitoring and analysis tools allow you to:

  • set an unlimited number of performance targets and various options for their analysis;
  • control the organization’s work in real time, “cover the entire business at one glance”;
  • promptly identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, and growth points;
  • decipher indicators with detail down to individual business transactions.

Supports work on mobile devices. "1C:ERP Monitor" – special application for mobile devices, which allows you to:

  • quickly view the status of target indicators in the form of charts and detailed reports;
  • decipher target indicators using reports;
  • browse contact information partners, their files, and also make calls to them;
  • Selectively synchronize data to speed up work.

The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution implements a set of reports that allows management and performers to obtain the necessary information from the system for timely management decisions.

Planning system

The use of “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0” ensures the coordinated operation of enterprise services to build and execute sales, production and procurement plans.

The system supports several planning levels:

  • support for multi-scenario planning;
  • separation of target and control plans;
  • availability of various options for filling out plans (data from past periods, formulas, data import, etc.);
  • possibility of using seasonal coefficients;
  • automatic material planning to ensure production plan;
  • checking the correctness and balance of plans, assessing the feasibility of demand plans based on plans
  • provision;
  • Availability of plan-factual analysis tools.

Production management

Product data management

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" allows you to organize single base regulatory and reference information necessary for production management. Resource specifications set the regulatory need for material and labor resources for product production and describe the production process of manufacturing the product. The manufacturing route is set by production stages at the department (shop) level with the ability to specify key resources. The production stage can be detailed with a route map prior to technological operations.

Production order management

“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0” implements two levels of production management. At the top level (the level of the chief dispatcher), in accordance with the product manufacturing route, a volumetric production schedule is formed to coordinate the activities of production departments. The principle of interval control has been implemented, which allows reducing the dependence of planning quality on the reliability of time standards.

At the level of shop planning, operational dispatching of production is carried out taking into account the load of equipment and the execution of tasks received from the chief dispatcher within the required time frame. At the workshop level, operational planning is provided using optimization criteria, and tools for modeling the production program are implemented.

Formation of a production schedule

The production schedule is formed on the basis of sales and production plans, customer orders, internal orders, including orders for equipment repairs. The need for production is converted in the system into a queue of production orders, taking into account priorities and the required production times. Problems to be solved:

  • assessment of the feasibility of production orders by the date of requirement;
  • formation of production programs (plans) coordinated among each other for individual divisions;
  • optimization of the use of material and labor resources production units;
  • operational management of changes and deviations in production plans.

In-shop management

A production schedule with established deadlines for the execution of production stages is the basis for organizing work in departments. Planning of work within the production stage is carried out by a local dispatcher. The local dispatcher draws up a work schedule in planning intervals based on the current production situation; the “drum-buffer-rope” method and MES/APS algorithms are supported. Automated accounting of work performed using a bar coding system is provided.

Local dispatcher functions:

  • control over the provision of resources to the stages being performed;
  • drawing up a schedule of work performed, loading work centers;
  • allocation of local production batches for processing (formation of route sheets);
  • monitoring the implementation of production processes in your department;
  • rescheduling the execution of route sheets;
  • timely notification of the chief dispatcher about critical deviations from the production schedule.

Organization of repairs

Management functionality implemented technical maintenance and equipment repair. Automation repair activities designed to provide efficient use enterprise assets:

  • preparation, planning and control of work to prevent equipment downtime (routine inspections, identifying deviations at early stages, preventing defects);
  • security high quality manufactured products by monitoring the condition of equipment (timely replacement of consumables and spare parts, monitoring operating hours and residual life);
  • reduction of costs for maintaining equipment operability;
  • introduction of uniform regulations for the provision and financing of repair work.

The functionality of the subsystem solves the following tasks:

  • registration and storage of information about the objects used, the parameters of their operation, the parameters for planning their periodic maintenance;
  • registration of equipment output in accordance with specified regulations;
  • planning periodic routine repairs.

Cost management and costing

To build in an enterprise effective system To control costs, use existing reserves and consistently reduce costs, advanced techniques and a set of functional tools are used. In "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" expenses are identified that form:

  • Cost of manufactured products - costs through divisions are attributed to orders for production and products (work performed).
  • Financial result - the objects of accounting are areas of activity, organizations (including for the purpose of generating profits and losses of organizations), centers of responsibility in the form of divisions.
  • The cost of non-current assets - formation of the cost of future fixed assets and intangible assets, accounting for capital construction costs, R&D.

To analyze and build a cost management system, the following approaches are used:

  • collection of all information about the enterprise’s expenses through operational (resource consumption standards, characteristics of work performed, etc.) and cost characteristics of business processes;
  • highlighting meaningful and controllable costs;
  • the use of various procedures and methods for allocating costs to the cost of production and the financial result of the enterprise;
  • formation of the value of current and non-current assets, expenses for R&D and capital construction;
  • formation of production costs according to costing items with a given cost classification.

The financial result shows the efficiency of the enterprise and characterizes the state equity for the reporting period. 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 tools ensure the generation of financial results and provide tools for their analysis, automating the following tasks:

  • formation financial result by areas of activity;
  • formation of general and separate financial results;
  • accounting for other income and expenses.

The use of "1C-Electronic Document Flow" (1C-EDO) allows organizations to use the exchange of legally important electronic documents instead of paper media. Paperless document flow not only helps reduce postage costs, consumables, maintaining archives, but also increases the efficiency of the organization.

Implementation of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

The 1C company recommends that users implement 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 in close cooperation with 1C partners who have the necessary competencies in the field complex automation enterprises on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a staff of certified specialists - partners with the status of 1C: ERP Center.

Several years ago, the 1C company pleased its users with another beta version of its flagship program, called “Enterprise Management” or “version 2.0”. Given software product is a truly revolutionary product that is aimed at average and large organizations. With the help of this solution, the plans include complete, seamless automation of accounting for the entire enterprise.

The 1C 1.3 solution can truly be called the best class ERP solution, which domestic market has no analogues. It is automated large enterprises who are involved in various fields of activity.

"1C Enterprise Management (ERP)" version "2.0" is new program, which successfully combines new trends (mobile and cloud technologies) and many years of experience of developers. This development involves both consultants and developers of the 1C company, and a special expert council of professionals from partner companies that implement large corporate information systems.

Main innovations in the 1C EPR system version 2.0

This software product has many innovative solutions. The main ones are offered for consideration below.

Warehouse, inventory and purchasing
The main functionality of the subsystem includes:

Formation of a complex warehouse structure;

More expanded consumption system and procurement planning;

Address composition;

Automatic demand forecast;

Control regarding delivery;

Selecting the optimal supplier for each position at the moment;

Commission trading;

Interrelation with commercial equipment;

Control of working conditions with contractors;

ABC/XYZ analysis;

Support regarding order warehouses;

This module is an improved version of the Trade Management software product, version 11.


This is a logical development of the “standard” trading solution of the 1C company - UT 11. Using this functionality, any enterprise has the opportunity to receive many advantages that can significantly increase the number of goods sold. For example, an ERP software product version 2.0 can analyze, find the reasons for agreement failures and eliminate them.

Among the main functions of the software product are the following:

BCG analysis;

Processing complaints from the company's clients;

More advanced travel planning block;

- "Search bottlenecks"and sales funnel;

Good customer relations functionality;

Self-service for clients of the organization;

Evaluation regarding the effectiveness of the sales department;

Automatic control of late payments;

System for monitoring the status of agreements;

Compilation commercial offers in automatic mode;

Supporting the activities of sales representatives.


Production in ERP is innovative and completely different from the previous edition of the software product.

Among the innovations are the following:

The so-called Drum-Buffer-Rope planning;

Priorities for various types of orders;

Interval scheduling;

More detailed accounting of production by company employees.

One of the cohort of interesting innovations is the introduction of the Theory of Constraints for Manufacturing Process Planning. It was developed by Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt. The basis of this theory is the process of continuous improvement:

Find the weakest - “narrow” link in the production chain;

Expand this weak point;

After improvement, go back to the 1st point.

Thanks to “semaphore reflection”, the program allows the dispatcher to visually demonstrate problems regarding batches and orders.

From now on, each of the products can be clearly demonstrated in the form of an expanded specification tree:

Personnel and payroll

The previous version “2.0” did not have a built-in system for calculating personnel and salaries. In this version, this system appeared, and immediately a very powerful potential opened up for users of this software product.

The module called “1C ERP” version “2.0” is absolutely complete and complies with Russian legislation.

Innovations include:

Conducting analysis on personnel efficiency;

Managing the training, adaptation, development and talent of staff;

Non-material motivation of enterprise personnel;

Personnel reserve management.

The personnel accounting subsystem is similar to the modern standard solution called “Salaries and Personnel Management”, version “3.0”.

Features of financial accounting

UPP version “2.0”, as far as financial accounting is concerned, is very different from its predecessor. Financial accounting in an organization is carried out in the context of areas of activity, which allows you to highlight the right areas. Thanks to flexible reports, general or financial director will have the opportunity to learn about financial indicators organizations.

The main functionality of the financial accounting module includes:

IFRS support;

Treasury system (monitoring the expenditure of finances);

Registration of non-financial indicators;

Powerful functionality for maintaining a payment calendar;

Flexible setup of the chart of accounts for financial accounting purposes.


Budgeting module - not at all new functionality flagship solution, however, only now the developers have made it more understandable and simpler. This subsystem has a set of powerful, functional reports. With the help of the latter, it is possible to track budget implementation.


Today, the 1C ERP software product version 2.0 is quite innovative and powerful. This program has collected a truly interesting and useful set of functions. Despite the fact that the software product is new, its modules have already been established and used in other programs, such as UT 11 BP 3.0, 3.0. This is proof that the product will enter the market not in a “raw” form, but as a truly ready-to-implement solution.
