Rostelecom agreement on the provision of comprehensive services. How to terminate a contract or complain about Rostelecom: sequence of actions and necessary documents. Algorithm of actions on how to terminate a contract

When you made the decision to connect to the Internet, telephone or television from the company, a corresponding agreement for the provision of services was concluded with you. If suddenly, for some reason, you decide to disable any service, then you need to write an application to terminate the contract. In this article we will look at the procedure and list necessary documents.

Application for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

First of all, we need to fill it out. Open it in a text editor and the following page will appear in front of you:

As you can see, we will need the number of the contract concluded with you, as well as information about the employee in whose name we will have to write the application. Naturally, you do not know the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, so you will have to call the company branch closest to you and find out who to write the application to. After this, carefully read your contract, as it describes the conditions for terminating the contract. If you rented any equipment or paid in installments, you will need to pay full cost. The amount of time that has passed since the conclusion of the contract is also very important. If it is less than a year, then look in the contract for information about the amount of compensation upon termination of the contract.

Termination of the Internet contract by Rostelecom

Termination of an Internet contract most often occurs due to non-compliance real speed Internet stated in the contract. Many users mistakenly believe that the provider is obliged to provide the Internet at the maximum speed at all times, although the contract specifies the maximum possible speed and this does not mean that it will be so. Typically, speed drops occur during rush hours, when most people return from work and sit down at their computers and laptops. Technical failures on the line of the upstream provider cannot be ruled out.

So, you decided to connect to another provider. If you have a router or modem that was given to you along with the contract, then look at the conditions under which it was given to you. If you don't have a clause about selling it to you in installments, then returning it will be enough for you. If such an item is present and the amount of its cost has not yet been repaid, then you will be required to pay its full cost.

Termination of the contract for

Interactive television has become firmly established in our daily lives. Not only is the quality from a conventional antenna several times worse, but the range of additional services is very extensive. You can watch TV on multiple TVs at a cost or even on computers, laptops, tablets and phones at an additional cost. To watch Rostelecom television you need a set-top box and a video sender. Their cost is very significant and, most often, they are purchased in installments for 36 months. If this period has not yet passed since the conclusion of the contract, then most likely you will need to fully purchase this equipment upon termination of the contract. If you rented the set-top box, then it will be enough to pay the costs for the current month of providing this service.

Termination of the contract for a Rostelecom phone

With the advent cellular communication and available mobile phones, demand for home landlines has declined. Many believe that these expenses are useless and decide to turn off the Rostelecom phone. Before you complete the application, you should call the service technical support and communicate your intentions. It is possible that the company manager will call you back and offer the so-called “economical” phone, which will allow you to keep the phone in the apartment and reduce family expenses on it. If you are still firmly convinced that you want to disable it, then you should check the availability of and in your account.

List of required documents for terminating an agreement with Rostelecom

When you have filled out the application form, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. certificate of ownership of the apartment and its photocopy
  3. apartment purchase and sale agreement and its photocopy
  4. the contract itself for the provision of services (Internet, television, telephone)

With all this, you need to come to the Rostelecom office. in your city you can find on our website. Before going to a particular branch, call them and find out if they accept applications for termination of the contract, since this can not be done in every representative office.

Do not forget about the possibility of temporarily disabling the service while you are away or on vacation, as this will save you time and you can easily resume using the services you are accustomed to. If you are refused when attempting to terminate, you must be given the reason for the refusal. If it is in the text of the contract you signed, then you will have to fulfill this condition. If it is not there, then you can write registered letter addressed to the leadership of your city and state there in detail the essence of your situation.

You should not think that if you simply stop paying for a particular service from Rostelecom, then the contract with you is automatically terminated and you no longer have to pay anything. This attitude will lead to the fact that your debt will be transferred to the collection service and they will begin to persistently remind you of the need to pay. It is the laziness of clients that leads to conflict situations, so take care own time and nerves.

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Before canceling your contract with Rostelecom, you should carefully study it. The reasons for termination vary. We will tell you what documents you need to collect for this, and what the algorithm of actions is.

There are situations when further use of the company's products is impossible or impractical. Termination of an existing contract can be accomplished without penalties and mutual lawsuits.

The package of documents issued upon concluding a transaction includes an agreement. It contains comprehensive information about the correct termination of the contract, the settlement of financial issues, the rights and obligations of the client.

The document will allow you to act correctly and tell you how you can terminate the contract with Rostelecom without negative consequences for the client. Confirmation of intention is an application for its cancellation.

Possible reasons for refusing services

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the client, on his own initiative, can terminate the contract if the terms of its implementation are not met. Among the most common reasons are the following.

  1. Inconsistency between actual Internet access parameters and declared ones. The documents regulate the guaranteed and maximum data transfer speeds. This characteristic sometimes changes due to objective factors (peak hours are characterized by a decrease in speed). Technical failures on the provider’s line are also likely.

If such signs are recorded, it is possible to terminate the contract with Rostelecom under the terms of the contract. To achieve the goal, you need to decide what to do with the modem (router). When purchasing equipment in installments, you will have to pay the cost of the equipment in full. Rented routers are returned to the company until the contract is cancelled.

  1. The quality of services does not satisfy the client. To resolve the issue, you should look at the map of offices open to the public. The claim is filed indicating specific reasons for non-fulfillment of obligations.
  2. Constant communication problems. This includes periodic drops in speed, lack of network connection and other regularly recurring problems. Customers who return rental equipment must ensure that it is in good working order.
  3. Changes in tariffs and other terms of the contract. If the provider, without agreeing with the client, increases payment, reduces Internet speed, or introduces other adjustments, then the client has the right to terminate the contract.
  4. Another provider offers a better option.
  5. Change of place of residence, address of rented premises, and so on.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom and return equipment

Regardless of the reason that led to the termination of the contractual relationship with the company, the debt for services already provided must be repaid, as well as the rented equipment must be prepared for delivery to the provider.

A sample application form for termination of the agreement can be downloaded from the official website or filled out directly at the company’s representative office. If you cannot visit the office in person, you may send a completed application by mail.

Termination of an agreement with Rostelecom can be performed by power of attorney. For this purpose, a document of the approved form is drawn up. It should include a clause stating what actions are permitted.

It is possible to submit an application for termination of the agreement online (through the payer’s Personal Account).

If the subscriber dies, proof of death and full repayment of the debt are required to cancel the agreement. The application for termination of the contract itself is filled out by the relative (heir) of the deceased subscriber.

The procedure for returning equipment depends on the terms of the contract. If it is indicated that the set-top box or router is being purchased by installment payments, it means that the subscriber needs to repay the debt to Rostelecom.

If equipment is rented, you should collect all available technical documentation and hand it over to the company manager. After this, you can fill out an application to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom.

What documents are needed to terminate the contract?

Regardless of whether the client came to the office in person or chose another option to terminate relations with the company, a package of documents is required. It must be remembered that the subscriber, according to contractual obligations, must pay the cost of services on the appointed date. Cancellation of the contract is not possible until the debt is repaid.

After the application has been completed, you need to prepare the following package of papers:

  • documents proving your identity (passport, temporary ID);
  • certificate of ownership of real estate (plus a photocopy);
  • act of acceptance/transfer of equipment for rent;
  • contract

A package of ready-made documents and rented equipment are transferred to the provider.

How to terminate a contract if you can’t go to the office

In addition to visiting a company representative office in person, there are other ways. The client chooses the one that he considers most acceptable:

  • fill out an application through the subscriber’s personal account;
  • terminate the contract through a proxy (a relative, friend, etc. can be authorized to represent interests by proxy);
  • send the completed application form to the postal address of Rostelecom.

When choosing remote options, it is important to take care in advance about the return of equipment and payment of debts under the contract.

Do I need to return equipment (set-top box, router)

Termination of an agreement with Rostelecom will be accelerated if the client carefully studies the terms of the agreement in advance. Equipment will not be returned if an installment plan with subsequent purchase is issued. It is important to make sure that the cost of the equipment is paid in full. If the router was issued on a rental basis, it must be handed over to the provider.

How to buy Rostelecom equipment

To determine the conditions under which the equipment is purchased, you should carefully study the contract. For each subscriber, the company offers individual options for selling routers.

There is a corresponding clause in the contract. It is there that the conditions are stated. After the phrase “purchase and sale,” the form of transfer of equipment to the subscriber is indicated. If “Deferred or installment payment” is written, this means that the client is satisfied with the cost of the goods and the procedure for transferring it into ownership.

It is important to pay attention to the form of calculation. Upon termination of the agreement, the subscriber is required to immediately pay the debt for the cost of the equipment or arrange an installment plan.

Do I need to terminate the contract when moving?

One of the most common situations is a change of residence. Is it necessary to refuse telephone or Internet services in this case? For such clients there is a special offer from Rostelecom, the essence of which is that termination of the contract in the event of a change of address will not be required.

To determine whether there are technical capabilities to reconfigure the connected services at a new address, you need to call hotline. If the answer is positive, the subscriber can order and receive a “Moving” certificate. After moving to new home you need to visit the company’s regional office and activate the option.

Is it possible to terminate the contract for only one of the services without stopping using the others?

Far fewer people now use landline phones than before. The need for them has decreased. The question arises of how to terminate the contract, for example, on home phone, but do not give up the Internet and television.

This option for revising contractual obligations is possible. After receiving an application to terminate an agreement for a certain type of service, a company specialist contacts the subscriber. He may offer an economy option with the same number and a new tariff.

By agreeing to the proposed conditions, you will not need to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for Internet and television. The manager makes adjustments to current conditions and issues new ones to the subscriber.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom if the agreement is not concluded for you

There are situations in which the property is rented out, or the tenant signs the contract for himself and subsequently moves out. In such cases, Rostelecom suggests contacting the sales office.

Termination of the contract by the owner of the premises being leased

It is allowed to close the contract with the company in such a situation. To do this, you must provide a package of documents:

  • passport;
  • ownership of real estate.

Termination of the contract by the subscriber's heir

After the death of the subscriber, the contract must be reissued to a new person or terminated. In the first case, a birth or marriage certificate, passport, certificate of inheritance and a certificate from a notary are presented. When terminating the contract, you must provide a passport and death certificate.

Are there any penalties for early termination of the contract?

There are no fines as such. However, in situations where termination of an existing contract with Rostelecom for the Internet or other services is initiated during a promotional period or promotion, payment may be recalculated. This condition must be specified in the agreement and conditions for joining the promotion. If payment is made on time, the contract may be closed. If payment is not made, then termination of the contract with Rostelecom becomes impossible.

Possible problems

The chance of being refused to close the contract is high if the payment for maintenance and provision of services is not received on time, which leads to the occurrence of debt. Repayment of obligations to Rostelecom is possible by receiving and paying an invoice at the office, Personal account or the VLSI system, where the subscriber can find out the current balance and amount of debt.

Problems when handing over equipment

Almost all subscribers receive equipment when connecting to services. It is provided in the following forms.

  1. Free rent. Implies free use of devices for personal purposes. In case of termination of the contractual relationship, all equipment must be returned as a set. The specialist carefully inspects the equipment, checks the completeness of the equipment and serviceability. If a breakdown is detected, a compensation cost is assigned.
  2. Rent from monthly payment. It is offered to subscribers in situations where expensive equipment is required to provide the service.
  3. Installment plan. It assumes that the cost of the equipment is paid by the subscriber within a certain period. As a result, the equipment becomes the full property of the client.

Everything is spelled out in the contract. These rules should be taken into account when submitting a request to terminate services.

If the contract is lost

If the client’s copy of the contract has been lost, you should call the company’s call center. The operator can easily prepare a copy based on information from the database.

Availability of debts

If there are outstanding financial obligations, a refusal to terminate the contract with Rostelecom is likely. Before accepting the application, the specialist checks the presence/absence of debt according to personal account and only after that accepts the application.

Regardless of the reason for breaking the contract - moving to a new address or disconnecting a certain type of service - changes are made only after the debt is fully repaid. You can find out the amount of debt in your Personal Account or check with the manager.

There are situations when termination of a contract causes serious difficulties for Rostelecom clients, sometimes leading to disappointment and scandals. To prevent this, Rostelecom clients should know how to refuse Rostelecom equipment, how to terminate the contract and return the equipment back to the company.

There are a number of reasons that push subscribers to refuse the services of the provider and return equipment to him:

  • poor quality of services;
  • insufficient Internet speed;
  • not satisfied with the tariffs;
  • frequent problems that require a long time to resolve;
  • lucrative offers appeared.

Not every subscriber knows how to refuse Rostelecom equipment to get your money back. You need to understand that this cannot be done using the Internet. To refuse further use of services, you will have to go to the office.

Algorithm of actions on how to terminate a contract

If you no longer require the company’s services, first of all, you should prepare the required documents:

  • an existing copy of the contract;
  • the device itself;
  • equipment acceptance/transfer certificate;
  • your passport.

After making sure that there is no payment, you need to inform the company representative about stopping the use of its services.

The most common problems or how to refuse Rostelecom equipment

It is clear that the shutdown procedure has a lot of pitfalls, which are easy for an ignorant person to stumble upon.

Debt for services rendered

Such problems arise mainly when, when moving, they forgot or did not know how to terminate the installment plan for equipment with Rostelecom. Clients who do not use the services of a provider are perplexed by the amount of their growing debt. This is due to the fact that, despite the service being disconnected, the subscription fee is constantly growing. It follows from this that timely termination of the contract will save you from fines and overpayments, and, accordingly, stressful situations.

Debt for the use of equipment

When terminating the contract, you must immediately return the rented equipment, unless this requires its dismantling. Otherwise, rent will continue to be charged despite the fact that you have canceled the services. This can lead to the formation of debt.

Returning equipment to the provider

Many users don't know how to return equipment to Rostelecom and get your money back for it. If for any reason the manager refused to pick up the equipment and return your money, you can safely write a statement in which you must indicate:

  • reason for contact;
  • the essence of the requirements;
  • result of communication with the manager.

The main thing is not to forget to pick up a copy of the document, which contains a mark that it was accepted for consideration. Having received the answer, you can make a decision based on it.

Most often, if the set-top box has no defects or damage, receipts and original packaging are present, the issue of returning the equipment is resolved in favor of the client.

Approved by the President of OJSC Rostelecom
Rules for the provision of communication services of OJSC Rostelecom individuals

1. General provisions

1.1. Scope and regulation
1.1.1. Rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to individuals (hereinafter referred to as
"Rules") are developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law“About communication”, others current legislation Russian Federation and regulate the relationship between the Subscriber and
Operator when providing communication services, provided for by the Treaty.
1.1.2. These Rules are an integral part of the Agreement and the Subscriber, by concluding the Agreement, agrees to their terms.
1.1.3. If a separate agreement between the Parties establishes other conditions for the provision of Services than those provided for in these Rules, the rules of the separate agreement apply.
1.1.4. Services are provided by the Operator in accordance with the Federal Law “On Communications”,
Rules for the provision of communication services and on the basis of licenses for the provision of the relevant type of communication services. Details of the Operator's licenses are posted on the website of OJSC Rostelecom (Media Registration Certificate No. FS77-38643) and in places of work with Subscribers:
Intrazonal telephone services
№ 86466
04.10.2002 – 16.02.2016
Local telephone services, with the exception of local telephone services using payphones and public access facilities
№ 86464
04.10.2002 – 27.01.2016
Long-distance and international telephone services
№ 29777
Issued by the Ministry of Communications
12/11/2003 to 12/11/2013
Telematic communication services
№ 86475
05/15/2007 to 02/16/2015
Communication services for cable broadcasting purposes
№ 95581
06/26/2006 to 03/26/2016
Communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice informatization
№ 86473
05/15/2007 to 01/27/2016
Communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information
№ 86474
05/25/2006 to 05/25/2016
1.2. Concepts and definitions
For the purposes of these Rules, the following concepts and definitions are used:
"Subscriber"- an individual with whom the Agreement is concluded when a subscriber number (numbers) and/or a unique identification code are allocated for these purposes.
"Subscriber device" User equipment") - legally owned
Subscriber technical means, including software that provides the Subscriber with access to
Services by connecting this device (equipment) to the Operator’s communication network.
“Agreement on the provision of communication services (“Agreement”) - an agreement between the Operator and the Subscriber, in accordance with which the Operator undertakes to provide Services to the Subscriber, and the Subscriber undertakes to accept and pay for the Services provided to him.
« Additional agreement“- any and every additional agreement, which is an integral part of the Agreement, in accordance with which the Parties make changes and additions to the Agreement.
"Personal account"- is an automated self-service interface for users of communication services of OJSC Rostelecom, located on the corporate website of OJSC Rostelecom, or on the local websites of Macro-regional branches of OJSC Rostelecom, allowing users to independently control the account status, order details for telephone services, telematic communication services and data network services, view a list of invoices and

2 payments made to gain access to additional services OJSC Rostelecom, as well as perform other legally significant actions. Organization of Subscribers' access to the Personal Account is carried out subject to the availability of the appropriate technical capabilities of OJSC Rostelecom.

"Operator"- OJSC Rostelecom.
"Reporting period"- a period of one calendar month in which the relevant Services were provided.

"Rules"- this document, as well as appendices, additions and amendments to it, which are an integral part of the Agreement.

"Rules for the provision of communication services"– Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance, and international telephone services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 310 of May 18, 2005,
Rules for the provision of communication services for data transmission, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32 dated
01/23/2006, Rules for the provision of telematic communication services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
No. 575 of September 10, 2007, Rules for the provision of communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting and (or) radio broadcasting, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 785 of December 22, 2006.
"Calculation period" - calendar month starting immediately after the Reporting Period.
"Parties"- Subscriber and Operator, referred to together.
« Operator's communication network" (“Communication Network”) – technological system, which includes the means and communication lines necessary to provide Communication Services to Subscribers on the basis of appropriate licenses.
"Rate"- the price at which payment for the Services provided occurs between the Parties.
"Tariff plan"- a set of price conditions under which the Operator offers to use one or more communication services.
"Service"- each of the communication services provided by the Operator to the Subscriber in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
The Parties use the concepts and definitions given in this article when interpreting these
Rules and Agreements.
2. Procedure and conditions for concluding, amending and terminating the Agreement

2.1. Conclusion of the Agreement
2.1.1. Services are provided on the basis of an Agreement concluded between the Operator and the Subscriber.
2.1.2. The Agreement is signed in two copies having equal legal force - one for each of the Parties.
2.1.3. These Rules are an appendix and an integral part of the Agreement and are posted on the website
Operator, as well as at the Operator’s customer service points and places of work with Subscribers.
2.1.4. Use of the Operator’s Services means the Subscriber’s unconditional agreement with these
2.1.5. Services are provided by the Operator to the Subscriber if technically possible.
2.1.6. At the request of the Subscriber, the Agreement can be concluded for certain period. If the Parties do not agree on in writing term condition, the Agreement is considered concluded for an indefinite period.
2.2. Changes and additions to the terms of the Agreement
2.2.1. All changes and additions to the Agreement are made in writing, by agreement of the Operator and the Subscriber, by concluding Additional Agreements to the Agreement or drawing up other documents in the form established by the Operator, with the exception of changes and additions made by the Parties unilaterally in accordance with these Rules or legislation RF. When changing
The rights and obligations of the Parties to the Agreement are considered changed from the moment of conclusion of the relevant
of the Additional Agreement, or in the event of a unilateral amendment to the Agreement, from the moment the authorized Party takes appropriate actions aimed at amending the Agreement.
2.2.2. Amendments to the Agreement regarding the list of Services provided, Tariff plans on the initiative
Subscriber or change of delivery method of invoice for communication services is carried out by concluding
Additional agreement between the Parties (changes in the tariff plan for local telephone services are carried out upon the written application of the Subscriber), and if technically possible
Operator - interactively, through the Personal Account or by phone after identifying the Subscriber using analogues of the Subscriber’s handwritten signature, confirming that the order has been given
Subscriber. Analogues of the Subscriber's handwritten signature are the subscriber number, password and other data identifying the Subscriber (including the “Code Word”), determined by the Operator, used separately or together, under conditions determined by the Operator. Requests and orders
Subscribers submitted using analogues of a handwritten signature have the legal force corresponding to the legal force of a handwritten signature.
Regarding the change in the method of delivery of invoices for communication services, the conclusion of an Additional Agreement between
The parties are also allowed by the subscriber to perform implied actions provided for public offer OJSC Rostelecom to change the invoice delivery method, or by the Subscriber signing a corresponding application.
2.3. Termination/termination of the Agreement
2.3.1. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.
2.3.2. The Subscriber has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement at any time by filing an application for unilateral termination of the Agreement and submitting the application to the Operator. At the same time

5 3.4.3. The rights and obligations of the Subscriber under the Agreement cannot be transferred to other persons without the prior written consent of the Operator.

4. Cost of Services, payment procedure

4.1. Tariffs for Services
4.1.1. The cost of services provided to the Subscriber by the Operator under this Agreement is determined by the Operator’s Tariffs in effect at the time of provision of the relevant Services. Tariffs for Services are approved by the Operator independently. Tariffs for Services subject to state regulation, included in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2005. No. 637, are approved by the Operator independently within the limits of tariffs established by the state for such Services.
Changes in Tariffs are made by the Operator in accordance with clause 3.2.3. Rules
4.1.2. If the Tariff changes during the period for which the Subscriber has already paid for
Operator services, before introducing these changes, the Operator recalculates the Subscriber from the date of entry into force of the relevant changes.
4.1.3. If amendments to the Agreement entail the need for the Operator to perform the relevant work, these works are subject to payment by the Subscriber, on whose initiative changes were made to the terms of the Agreement, in the amount provided for by the Operator's Tariff in force at the time of provision of the relevant Service, based on invoices issued by the Operator or other persons authorized by him.

4.2. Invoice for Services
4.2.1. The Operator issues a monthly invoice to the Subscriber for the Services provided under the Agreement. An invoice is a settlement document that reflects the Subscriber's financial obligations. The invoice must be paid by the Subscriber within the time limits established by clauses 4.3.2., 4.3.3. of these Rules.
The invoice may also include information about Communication Services that were not previously presented for payment, but were provided in the months preceding the month of provision of Communication Services for which the payment is made.
4.2.2. The invoice is delivered to the Subscriber in accordance with the chosen method. Delivery method options are mutually exclusive.
4.2.3. In cases where the invoice is sent to the Subscriber by mail (or by email address), duty
The operator's provision of invoice delivery is considered completed at the time of submission postal correspondence to the appropriate post office (or, accordingly, sending an invoice to the email address specified by the Subscriber), without receiving notification of its receipt. In cases where the invoice is sent to the Subscriber by courier to the place of registration, or to the place of terminal (subscriber) equipment, the Operator’s obligation is considered fulfilled upon delivery of the invoice to the corresponding mailbox.
4.2.4. Using the invoice delivery method chosen by the Subscriber, invoices from other service providers are also delivered, on whose behalf the Operator issues invoices on the basis of agreements concluded with such operators.
4.2.5. Loss or non-receipt by the Subscriber of an invoice issued by the Operator and other payment documents, incl. in connection with failure to fulfill the obligation provided for in clause 3.3.2. of these Rules does not exempt
The Subscriber is from the obligation to timely pay for the Services.
4.2.6. The subscriber can clarify the amount to be paid by calling the Operator’s help desk, or (if technically possible) through the “Personal Account”, or contact the Operator’s customer service points to receive a duplicate invoice.
4.2.7. The basis for calculations is the readings of the Operator’s communication equipment, taking into account the volume of Services provided.

4.3. Method of payment for Services
4.3.1. Payment for Services is made by the Subscriber in accordance with the chosen system and payment method. Specified in clauses 4.3.2. and 4.3.3. of the Rules, payment methods for Services are provided to the Subscriber if the Operator has the appropriate technical capabilities.
4.3.2. When choosing a credit method of payment for Services, the amount payable for Services is determined taking into account the cost of Services provided, other charges, as well as payments for the Reporting period and debt from previous
Reporting periods. The Subscriber pays for the Services provided by the Operator within 20 days from the date of invoice.
The Subscriber has the right to pay in advance for the Operator's Services. The amount of the advance payment is taken into account
By the Operator when issuing an invoice in the relevant Reporting Period.
4.3.3. When choosing an advance payment method for Services, payment for Services is made by the Subscriber within
20 days from the date of invoice. The amount payable in the invoice for Services is determined based on the existing balance at the beginning of the Reporting period and payments of the Reporting period. Payments for the Reporting Period are made in an amount not less than the cost of the Services provided to the Subscriber in the previous Reporting Period. If
Services are provided to the Subscriber for the first time, the amount of the advance for the first Reporting period is determined based on the size of the Subscriber's expected need for the Services. If the advance amount exceeds the cost of services provided
Services, the Operator credits the resulting difference as payment for the Services in the next Reporting Period.
The subscriber independently monitors the availability cash on your personal account, receiving information by calling the Operator’s reference and information service, in the Operator’s department, in
“Personal account”, etc.

When choosing an advance payment method for Services, payment for Services can be made by automatically debiting funds from the Subscriber’s personal account (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Account”) in the Billing Period, if the Operator has the appropriate technical capability. In this case, no later than 5 (five) working days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement, the Subscriber is obliged to make payments for paid Services to the Personal Account. At the time of commencement of the provision of the relevant Services, the balance Personal account must be sufficient to pay for the Services.
4.3.4. The subscriber has the right to give instructions to the bank to write off funds from his account according to
Agreement based on the Operator’s request, having notified the Operator in writing. In this case
The operator is obliged to submit properly completed relevant claims to the bank.

4.4. Form of payment.
4.4.1. The Subscriber has the right to pay for Services in cash or in non-cash form, at his choice.
5. Responsibility of the Parties. Dispute resolution procedure.

5.1. In case of non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for the Services provided under the Agreement,
The Subscriber shall pay the Operator a penalty in the amount of 1% of the cost of unpaid, not paid in full or late paid Services for each day of delay until the day the debt for the Services is repaid, but not more than the amount due for payment. The subscriber is obliged to pay such a penalty after presenting to him (by indicating in the invoice) a demand for its payment.
5.2. The Parties are responsible for failure to comply with confidentiality conditions in cases provided for by current legislation and contracts (agreements) of the Parties.
5.3. The operator is responsible for the confidentiality and security of personal data
Subscriber, his representative.
5.4. The Operator is not responsible for the content of information transmitted by the Subscriber via telecommunication networks.
5.5. Unless otherwise provided by law or the Agreement, the Parties are released from liability for violation of obligations under this Agreement if proper performance turned out to be impossible due to force majeure.
5.6. If the Operator fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations under the Agreement, the Subscriber must submit a claim to the Operator before going to court. Claims
Subscribers are considered by the Operator in the manner and within the time limits established by the current regulations. legal acts.
5.7. In case of non-performance or improper performance
the Subscriber of the obligations provided for in this Agreement, the Operator has the right to bring a claim in court against the Subscriber at his choice either at the place of residence (place of registration) of the Subscriber, or at the place of execution of the Agreement (in this case, the place of execution of the Agreement is the installation address of the user (terminal) equipment), or at the location of the Operator (or a branch of the Operator in whose coverage area the place of residence is located
(place of registration) of the Subscriber).

6. Other conditions

6.1. Features of the provision of Services, as well as the forms established and used by the Operator and
Subscriber documents are reflected in the appendices to these Rules.
6.2. In the event of a conflict between the terms of these Rules and the Appendices to these
To the rules defining the specifics of the provision of Services, the Parties establish that the relevant Appendices to the Rules, defining the specifics of the provision of the Services, have priority.
6.3. The validity of the Agreement concluded for a certain period is extended for each subsequent calendar year, unless either Party declares termination of the Agreement at least 30 calendar days before the end of its validity period.
6.4. In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in case of violation by the Subscriber of the requirements, established by the Treaty, including the deadline for payment for the Services provided, the Operator has the right to suspend the provision of the relevant Services until the violation is eliminated, by notifying in writing
Subscriber. If the Subscriber does not eliminate the violation within 6 months from the date of receipt of the Operator’s written notice of the intention to suspend the provision of Communication Services, the Operator has the right to terminate
Unilateral agreement.
6.5. In all other respects that are not regulated by the Agreement and these Rules, the Parties are guided by current legislation. Including the Federal Law “On Communications”, Rules for the provision of communication services and other regulatory legal acts.
6.6. The Operator has the right to unilaterally make changes to the text of these Rules, with the exception of provisions affecting essential conditions Agreement concluded with the Subscriber.
The Operator is obliged to notify Subscribers about the upcoming changes to the text of the Rules by posting new edition of the Rules 30 calendar days before the date of such changes, on the website of OJSC Rostelecom or in other media.

7. Address and details of the Operator

Open joint stock company intercity and international electrical communications "Rostelecom" -
OJSC Rostelecom
Operator's website on the Internet:
Legal address: 191002, St. Petersburg, st. Dostoevsky, house 15
TIN 7707049388
Addresses, details and telephone numbers of the Operator's branches are posted on the website.

Features of the provision of communication services
data transmission networks, telematic communication services and services for providing access to
television channels, and/or video on demand (Interactive television (IPTV),
cable television etc.)

1. Conditions and procedure for providing access to data network services, telematic communication services, and services for providing access to a television channel and/or video on demand (IPTV
– Interactive television, cable television, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as Services):
1.1. The Subscriber's access to the Services is provided if technically possible on the basis of the Agreement (Additional Agreement) and the Subscriber pays one-time payments for organizing access to the Services (if such payments are provided for in the Agreement), as well as the signing by the Parties of the Certificate of Completion specified in paragraph .1.7 of this Appendix to
1.2. Specifications services:
1.2.1 Technical indicators and standards are determined by Section 5 of this Appendix, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated September 27, 2007 No. 113.
1.2.2. Data transfer protocols used: TCP/IP protocol stack.
1.2.3. Type (type) of equipment: terminal subscriber equipment.
1.2.4. Basic requirements for connecting and/or setting up the Subscriber’s terminal equipment:
-availability software and the necessary interfaces depending on the type of subscriber equipment being connected and the availability of a distribution kit for the installed version of the operating system;
- availability of 220V AC power supply to user equipment through smoothing power supply filters.
1.3. When connecting and setting up terminal equipment :
1.3.1. xDSL: The subscriber is obliged to ensure the availability of a telephone line, the ability to connect terminal equipment to a computer via the Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT interface (Wi-Fi technology or port
USB subject to support of this connection equipment). When connecting to the Services via ADSL technologies, ADSL2+ the data transfer rate on the organized channel is set
Operator on ADSL station equipment, depending on what is selected by the Subscriber Tariff plan.
1.3.2. FTTx : The Subscriber is obliged to provide the ability to connect the terminal equipment to the computer via the Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT interface (Wi-Fi technology or USB port, provided the equipment supports this connection), access to the premises for installation of the Services and must assist in the installation of the distribution network.
1.3.3. xPON: The Subscriber is obliged to provide the ability to connect the terminal equipment to the computer via the Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT interface, access to the premises for installation of the Services and must assist in the installation of the distribution network, as well as ensure the presence of an electrical outlet no further than 1.2 meters from the ONT .
1.4. The speed of access over a data transmission network, including the Internet, depends not only on technical features services provided by the Operator, but also from the actions of third parties: telecom operators, organizations and persons managing segments of the data transmission network (Internet) that do not belong to
To the operator, on the state of the data network elements (telephone cable, data networks of other operators, as well as the availability of servers and other network equipment with which the equipment
The subscriber exchanges data). Service quality indicators are distributed and implemented
by the Operator only for resources located on the Operator’s network.
1.5. The terminal equipment is provided to the Subscriber at the time of signing the Equipment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate on the following conditions:
1.5.1. Transfer of ownership (purchase and sale). Transfer of terminal equipment and accessories into ownership is carried out on the basis separate agreement and is issued
Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment. The terminal equipment can be transferred by the Operator into the ownership of the Subscriber on terms of payment by installments.
1.5.2. Transfer for rent. The transfer of terminal equipment and its accessories for use and possession for the period of provision of the Services is carried out on the basis of the Additional Agreement and is documented in the Equipment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate. Return of terminal equipment and accessories thereto from the Subscriber to the Operator (if the terminal equipment was transferred for use and possession)
Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for the provision of communication services to individuals
OJSC Rostelecom

3.4. Equipment transferred to the Subscriber in accordance with clause 1.5.2. of this Appendix, the Subscriber pays on the basis of an invoice issued by the Operator. The procedure, terms and amount of rent are determined Additional agreement, or another agreement.
3.5. The Operator has the right to charge the Subscriber the full cost of providing a subscriber line for use in the event that the Operator suspends access to the Service for late payment for the Services provided.
4. Other
4.1. After receiving the Identification Data (login and password) to access the Services, the Subscriber must change the default passwords to new ones (When providing services for providing access to television channels, this condition is not necessary).
4.2. The operator is not responsible for the quality of the signal or interruptions in the broadcast of TV programs if these circumstances arose through the fault of the broadcasters.
4.3. To receive each service, the modem must support this number of PVCs
(Permanent Virtual Circuit - permanent virtual channel), which is required (one for each of the services).
4.4. Clause 1.9. of this Appendix are applied when providing Services in the North-
Western federal district.
5 Technical specifications

Technical standards for performance indicators of data transmission networks

N p/p
Indicator name
Type of transmitted traffic interactive interactive when using satellite communications signal streaming
Data traffic, excluding interactive, satellite and streaming traffic
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 1
Average delay in transmitting information packets (ms) no more than 100 no more than 400 no more than 100 no more than 400 no more than 1000 2
Deviation from the average delay of transmission of information packets (ms) no more than 50 no more than 50
- no more than 50
The rate of loss of information packets is no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
-3 4
The error rate in information packets is no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
no more than 10
Note: Interactive traffic is a type of traffic characterized by direct interaction (dialogue) between users of a communication service or user (terminal) equipment.
Streaming traffic is a type of traffic that is characterized by viewing and (or) listening to information as it arrives at the user (terminal) equipment.
