How to become an enterprising person. Initiative - what is it? How does it manifest itself in a person in various circumstances? What is "initiative" and entrepreneurship"

), conducts author trainings for top and middle managers, is a regular contributor to the magazine Business Without Problems. Staff"; newspapers "Labor Exchange", "Newspaper of Changes", holder of the diploma "The Best Consultant of Business Petersburg", lecturer at the Institute of Entrepreneurship Problems, Institute of Practical Psychology, curator of the School of Leaders of St. Petersburg State University.

The age of new technologies complicates the world in which we live and work; continuous social and economic changes, increasing complexity of the tasks to be solved lead to the need for adequate development of management tools and methods. Insufficient competence of managers in matters of management leads to the fact that the easiest (and far from the most effective) way of interacting with the world is used - according to a template, in the old fashioned way, according to a technology developed once and for all, according to a model. However, as noted by A. V. Avilov and E. B. Morgunov in their work “Management Difficulties”, due to the uniqueness of each organization, the head of the enterprise cannot improve his enterprise by copying the organizational, technological and other schemes of the “exemplary” enterprise.

Since the middle of the XX century. scientific research in the field of management psychology has led to tangible achievements, which, however, are still painfully little used in practice. This leads to insufficiently competent management of the available resources of the enterprise, and the least mastered is the human resource.

I propose from a psychological point of view to consider the available opportunities for the disclosure of the creative, intellectual and volitional potential of people working in the organization, as well as the conditions for its manifestation.

The art of management is based on two fundamental rules:

1) obtaining the desired effect at a minimum cost;

2) receiving maximum effect when using the given limited resources.

Both rules are implemented and the effectiveness of decisions made increases when the manager encourages the initiative of employees and encourages them to speak out. creative ideas, impressions, advice and practical proposals - initiatives. Employees who demonstrate initiative anticipate the manager’s decisions, do not wait to be told what and how they should do, express their vision of the situation and offer possible solutions problems.

      Initiative - an initiative, the first step in any business; enterprise.

Conditions conducive to the manifestation of initiative

On the forum of our website ( a discussion of the topic was held “Parameters that promote / hinder the manifestation of initiative” in online mode. Participants answered 4 main questions. Here are some quotes.

1. What in your work opens up opportunities for your initiative?

  • The lack of special knowledge of the bosses and the presence of them in me, my own creativity.
  • Uncertainty, lack of clear frames and boundaries.
  • My personal wish. Leadership motivation. Complete freedom of action.
  • Need!
  • My personal interest in the end result.
  • An expert level of understanding of the task the organization is performing.
  • You can work only with a person, from interaction with whom you get an acceptable result and positive emotions.

2. What hinders the manifestation of initiative in your work?

  • The conviction of bosses in their exceptional "creativity" and mediocrity of others.
  • Lack of interest in my ideas.
  • Laziness.
  • Prosperity!
  • The conviction that no one needs our initiative, we need performers, even if not always good ones.
  • The leader urged to show initiative, put forward ideas, and even promised to encourage her, but this is only in words, but in fact ideas are not needed, since he wants to keep everything in his hands, he is afraid to miss something.

3. What are you doing to keep your song from getting "throated"?

  • I dodge, alternative, prove and convince with results.
  • Proudly leaving; I insist on my own; I try to find any arguments in my favor; cunning; I ignore what I don't like; revenge; I do contrary; reconcile for a while; I start doing it for myself (the most profitable option - if people do not see their happiness, I cannot put my eyes on them ...); I set aside for a while and methodically prepare the ground. I never refuse to implement my ideas. I can also praise myself.
  • If the boss is a fool, then it is not worth working with him. Or suppose that he has weighty arguments in his favor, then you need to change something “in yourself”! Better not to change! It is better to open your own company, albeit small, but your own.
  • If there is interest and an expert level: choose the exact place, time and ears (whom to sing); look for allies, create a situation where the consequences of my initiative are beneficial to the support group.
  • If no one needs your idea, but you want to implement it - form a need, manipulate the worldview of others.

4. How do you help your employees realize their potential?

  • I involve, I motivate, I press with authority.
  • I try to inspire those around me by encouraging, teasing and joking.
  • I am quite loyal to the company I work for. And I try to bring her, and, accordingly, her employees the greatest benefit. If the team does one thing, then why not help colleagues.
  • I teach. I create an environment. The strong must work in the environment of the strong. I delegate organizational functions and process development.
  • If we want people in an organization to show initiative and creativity, we need to separate the functions. For example, initiatives are received from generators, reviewed, and passed on to executors.

Summing up the discussion, it is easy to formulate a list conditions conducive to the manifestation of initiative:

  • standardization of the innovation algorithm;
  • incentive pay system. Personal material interest;
  • awareness of the security consequences for the employee personally (the initiative should not be “punished”);
  • division of functions and teamwork;
  • awareness by the employee of the social benefit of the work performed and, as a result, an increase in his personal rating in the organization, a sense of his own importance;
  • availability of knowledge and authority to implement initiatives. Trust on the part of management to the professionalism of the employee;
  • awareness by the employee of the goals to which the whole team aspires.

      Initiative is a volitional quality due to which a person acts creatively. This is an active and courageous position that meets the time and conditions, the flexibility of actions and deeds of a person. Initiative is manifested consciously and intentionally, and not under the influence of an unaccountable spontaneous impulse. As a rule, it is associated with the tension of the physical and spiritual forces of the one who manifests it. Opportunities for its manifestation appear when a person has an internal interest in change. existing situation for the better. It is the leader who is responsible for creating these conditions within the organization.

      To do this, he needs to take on a leadership role and skillfully, fully fulfill his managerial duties and functions (Table 13).

Table 13. Functions of the leader
goal-setting function Determining the goals of the team and the means to achieve them
Administrative and organizational Formation of governing bodies, distribution of tasks between subordinates, coordination of their actions and control over the implementation of decisions
Expert Employee consulting
Discipline-stimulating Assessment of the quality of work of subordinates, determination of rewards and punishments
ExecutiveBefore external organizations
Educational and propagandaCreation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, development of the abilities and initiatives of subordinates, selection and placement of personnel, participation in the training of the reserve for promotion

As part of the administrative-organizational and disciplinary-stimulating functions, to regulate the initiative of employees, standardization of the innovation algorithm.

You can give employees freedom of action within the framework of a specific task, while limiting the strict limits of personal responsibility. The communicative action plan to follow is as follows:

1) an idea proposed by an employee;

2) his rationale for this idea, including, if possible, a forecast of the outcome of the case in the form of calculations in writing - a kind of feasibility study or business plan;

3) determination of the expediency and possibility of implementing the idea, its protection;

4) determining the timing of the project;

5) determination of the personal responsibility of the ideologue in case of a negative result;

6) determination of remuneration in case of a positive result.

As a result of using this scheme, an equal and equally responsible tandem "employee - company" is formed, mutual trust and respect arise, which benefits everyone and brings profit. An internal “investment” occurs when a company invests in an employee’s personal project under real guarantees, with a reasonable hope of making a profit.

At the same time, the initiative of an active employee decreases somewhat, becomes reasonable and expedient, and is directed by him in the right direction. A person ceases to be sprayed on fruitless dreams, concentrates on the task set by him. Such an employee may be asked to lead a new direction or take part in its work. The result is beneficial for both parties.

Initiative management through pay systems

Cheap labor costs the enterprise dearly: it kills initiative. As a rule, a low-skilled, inexperienced worker who has nothing to lose comes to low wages. However, it makes no sense to pay a high salary to an employee who performs his duties poorly.

To solve the complex problem of adequate remuneration, wage systems are used, consisting of a constant and variable parts (Table 14). The remuneration system allows not to pay extra money to those who do not deserve it, and to encourage those who show results that are useful for the organization.

Remuneration systems should orient employees towards achieving results, the company needs, taking into account the results of both the group and individual worker. The rules for the distribution of remuneration should be known to employees, and their implementation should be controllable. In addition, they must respond flexibly to changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. Being one of the levers for managing initiative for a manager, a transparent and intelligible system of remuneration creates a sense of confidence and security among employees.

      Initiative is stimulated by the pay system itself, which gives preference to those who seek to increase their income and gives the most deserving the right to awards and bonuses.

Rewards are divided into two types:

  • the bonus for the intermediate result depends on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of the unit or employee (it can range from 10 to 70% of the base salary);
  • premium for final result company performance depends on quantitative indicators economic efficiency company (can be from 30 to 300% of the employee's monthly salary).

The award gives the employee the opportunity to realize his ambitions, but within very narrow limits. For example, a sales manager with a personal aptitude for leadership has the ability to manage only his own sales, but not directly influence the activities of other employees.

However, if the administrative-organizational, disciplinary-stimulating and representative functions are well mastered by the heads of enterprises, then, as a rule, little attention is paid to the goal-setting, expert and educational-propaganda functions. Nevertheless, the implementation of precisely these functions allows the manager to adequately manage the process of creating conditions during internal environment organization, to transform them to its needs, to be not only a coordinator of actions, but also their initiator: a true manager, a leader.

Transformational leader - initiator of change

The term "transformational leadership" was introduced into psychological science in the 70s. 20th century B. Burns. American scientists B. Bass and B. Avolio studied and revealed its meaning in detail, proposing a description of the transformational leader within the four "I": individual approach, intellectual stimulation, inspired (inspiring) motivation and idealized influence (charisma).

Individualized consideration, or Leadership through people development

First of all, this leadership style is associated with the leader's attention to the development of employees and their personal interests. The leader knows the needs of his colleagues and creates conditions for their satisfaction: provides employees with the opportunity to fulfill interesting work and learn. He gives them tasks that would develop their skills and strengthen their self-confidence. In this case, employees themselves strive to develop their professional skills and take the initiative.

Complacency plays a huge role in the absence or small manifestation of the initiative of employees. Fighting this disease, the leader must constantly initiate a challenge, awakening new, higher needs in people, inspiring new motivation. The latter is implemented through recognition of merits and non-material encouragement (for example, training, career opportunities, organization of a comfortable workplace, work regime) or constructive criticism. Career planning for each employee in an organization involves identifying human capabilities (inclinations, development needs) and taking measures to ensure their implementation (career development plan). The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole increases by increasing the efficiency of each individual employee.

Intellectual stimulation, or Leadership through stimulation

The leader encourages employees to use their imagination, think for themselves, look for new creative ways solving common problems. At the same time, the leader assumes the obligation to listen to any ideas, even the most stupid ones. One of its primary goals is to develop self-confidence and self-improvement in employees. This approach encourages people to reconsider their own ideas, they look for and find new ways to solve old problems. The leader emphasizes intelligence, rationality, caution and the best way solving the assigned tasks.

It is worth mentioning here the confidence in professionalism, which can be defined as the ratio of expert knowledge and official powers in a professional/manager relationship.

It is generally accepted to consider the head of the enterprise competent in a variety of professional areas activities carried out by specialists of the enterprise headed by him. Such "competence" of the leader is achieved at the expense of his own, quite specific professional activity. At the same time, he is not able to master the full amount of expert knowledge that he possesses. good specialist. This leads to the fact that the work at all levels is performed poorly: a real specialist is expropriated of authority, the manager, in turn, does not have enough time for the quality performance of his own activities.

Joint and frank analysis of disagreements in the course of decision-making contributes to the fact that the initiative, responsibility and execution are distributed by mutual agreement. The interaction between employees and the manager is determined the principle of trust in the creative forces and abilities of each other, while the leader encourages every initiative of the members of the creative team.

Inspired (inspiring) motivation (Inspirational motivation), or Leadership by inspiring people

The leader creates a clear picture of the future that is both optimistic and achievable, encourages others to raise expectations, reduces complexity by reducing the problem to key issues, uses simple language to communicate the mission of the organization to employees. Employees with this type of leadership are willing to expend extra effort in an attempt to realize the mission of the organization.

Idealized Influence or Charismatic Leadership

The leader strives to become a role model for his employees, is in ongoing process growth and development. Creates a vision for the future and a mission, sets lofty goals, shows perseverance and determination in achieving them, sacrifices his own selfish interests for the benefit of others, which deserves respect and trust.

The difference between transformational leadership and classical management lies in the fact that it is defined in terms of “vision” and “action”, rather than “tasks” and “relationships”.

"Vision" is associated with the creation of an image of a future goal. "Action" is directly related to behavior. According to R. Dilts, "vision without action remains only a dream, and action without vision remains meaningless fuss."

The world around us is changing rapidly. Today, not only the consumer dictates their terms, but the brands themselves control the behavior of people. From this point of view, the leaders themselves must have an entrepreneurial mindset, characterized by initiative and the ability to create new things: brands, markets and management approaches.

Summarizing, I note that for a competent disposal by human resourses enterprise and obtaining the maximum effect at a minimum cost, the manager needs to take personal initiative: not disregarding the classic guide technician, enrich them skillful management methods people.

Moving towards the goal by creating creative working environment, taking a step forward individual abilities and talents of people, awakening they have hidden personal reserves, encouraging desire to experiment and educating willingness to take responsibility for ongoing events and the results achieved, the leader-initiator becomes for employees best example and a role model.

1. What methods of developing initiative among employees do you consider the most effective?

People take the initiative when there are several conditions:

  • They understand the mission, goals, strategy of the company and are inspired by the opening prospects, they want to participate in building a wonderful future;
  • Relationships in the company contribute to the free communication of employees of various departments, the strengthening of "horizontal ties"; this is important, since communication is a fertile environment for the birth of ideas;
  • The management of the company at all levels (higher, middle, lower levels) supports those who put forward proposals and contribute to the implementation of the most efficient ideas;
  • There are well-organized processes for receiving initiatives, their evaluation, selection, implementation, control of execution, encouragement of initiators; in this case, everyone sees that the “machine” is working, there are results and they want to participate in this useful and creative process;
  • The management of the company organizes continuous training of employees on how to improve the work in which they participate; after all, it is not enough to want to take the initiative, you need to be able to find problems in work processes, analyze and develop solutions, plan and implement the necessary changes.

From this it becomes clear that the development of motivation is system task. It is not solved within the framework of some "campaign to increase the initiative." To solve it, a set of interrelated measures is needed, including the formation of a strategic vision, first among managers, and then among employees, systematically, well organized learning at all levels, clearly organized processes of "management of initiatives", correction corporate culture in the direction of greater "innovation", openness, leadership.

2. Is there a universal recipe for developing employee initiative?

The word "recipe" is generally inappropriate in the management of organizations. There are no recipes. There is a systematic approach outlined above. With its consistent and persistent implementation, the results are gradually improving - the number and quality of initiatives introduced into the work of the company are growing.

At the same time, it should be noted that not all employees of the company will take the initiative even under the most favorable conditions. The fact is that initiative depends not only on external conditions, but also on the internal motivation of a person. And she's different for everyone. A certain part of the employees has a "lumpen" type of motivation. They are only susceptible to negative external stimuli, such as the threat of punishment. But initiative "out of the blue" cannot be achieved.

3. What factors have a stronger influence on the initiative of employees: ongoing programs to increase motivation in the company, internal microclimate, features of the organizational structure of the organization, something else?

If the management of the company considers innovation to be an important competitive factor, then a strategic program formation of the company's innovative potential, including the development of employee initiative. It should mutually link measures to improve the strategic vision, develop motivation, corporate culture, tasks organizational development. Only with such systems approach positive results can be expected.

4. What motivation programs for employees do you consider the most successful for the development of the initiative?

I consider motivation programs meaningless, especially when applied to the development of an initiative. This is a systemic problem and it needs to be addressed systematically.

5. What permanent measures to develop initiative in employees would you recommend to employers? Who in the company should coordinate the development of the initiative among employees?

The development of initiative of employees is the task of each head of the department. Coordinates, organizes, trains the head of the HR service.

A "permanent measure" that promotes employee initiative is a leadership leadership style that leaders at all levels must master. A leader is not a boss, but a mentor for his subordinates. He does not command, but delegates, does not look for the guilty, but helps to find and correct mistakes. This does not exclude exactingness and responsibility.

6. What examples of successful and unsuccessful attempts to implement a program to develop initiative among employees in various companies are known to you.

There are companies that have successfully implemented the "Bank of Ideas" - a set of organizational mechanisms that ensure the collection, evaluation, selection, and implementation of promising initiatives. Authors of ideas and participants in projects for the implementation of changes are encouraged financially and morally. Where management pays serious attention to such programs, initiatives useful for the company related to customer service, product development, and improvement of internal processes really arise and are implemented.

7. In what situations can motivational programs for the development of initiatives turn into demotivational ones and why?

If the head of the company does not pay attention to the development of the initiative of employees, then such programs quickly turn into a formality and die off by themselves. This is a task that cannot be entrusted to someone and forgotten. She needs to practice regularly and very persistently. Only then will everyone understand that this is important and something will begin to change.

8. In what work situations, in your opinion, is it inappropriate to show initiative?

Initiative- the ability of the individual, expressed in the desire for independent social initiatives, initiative, activity, enterprise.
Pedagogical Dictionary

Enthusiasts and enterprising people hold the world together: thanks to them, new interesting ideas and find their embodiment in various spheres of life. In a business environment where it is already quite difficult to find free niche, fresh solutions and their implementation allow us to open up new opportunities for development and sustainable development. Healthy assertiveness, defending one's interests, the ability to notice an opportunity and take advantage of it in time - this is what distinguishes an enterprising person.

  • Initiative is a large number of free energy, which finds its outlet in fruitful activity.
  • Initiative is the ability to express your enthusiasm in a timely and appropriate place.
  • Initiative is a physical and mental activity that does not go unnoticed.
  • Initiative is freedom of expression.
  • Initiative is resourcefulness and resourcefulness.

Benefits of being proactive

  • An initiative person can always bring his ideas to life.
  • The initiative allows you to express yourself, achieve the desired results, realize your own ambitions and take a high position in society.
  • Initiative shows an active life position, which does not leave indifferent business partners, employers and people around you in life.
  • The fruitful implementation of ideas due to healthy enthusiasm, efficiency and resourcefulness can bring good dividends - not only material, but also moral.

Manifestations of initiative in everyday life

  • People who occupy leading positions in any field are initiative people. They were able to direct their energy and enthusiasm in the right direction. Leaders in politics, business, science are not passive contemplators, but true commanders.
  • Owners large companies or small business- These are active and capable of bold decisions people. They do not let their energy stagnate, they know how to use it correctly for their own well-being and for the benefit of society.
  • Representatives and inspirers public organizations perhaps the most striking example of initiative. These people are driven by the lofty idea of ​​improving the life of society as a whole. Activists of various movements are able to boldly express their civic position on issues that are significant to them, and strive to inspire others with it. And, despite the fact that they are not always supported and adequately perceived by everyone, they tirelessly put forward various initiatives to support their main idea.
  • The sphere of creativity and creativity can also serve good example initiative. If many wonderful thoughts and ideas did not find their embodiment, the world would be much poorer spiritually.

How to develop initiative

It should be noted right away that initiative is courage and responsibility for one's decisions.

There are many people whose ideas are fresh and sometimes even brilliant, but someone else embodies them. Someone who is: a) brave, b) enterprising, c) resourceful.

So what is the minimum required to keep the initiative alive?

So, first of all, you need to stop paying attention to the negative assessment of your actions: gossip, gossip and slander. Most likely, they come from envy - and this is the first sign that you are able to do something that others have neither the mind nor the determination to do. The exception is constructive criticism, which should always be analyzed and taken into account.

Entrepreneurship and resourcefulness is the ability to assess the situation and understand how and when it is worth showing enthusiasm. After all, the initiative is punishable only if it is shown at the wrong time and in the wrong form.

Laziness is not an ally. Tension and fatigue often let out “oh, later”, “now I don’t feel like something” and “maybe another time”. However, this attitude will never lead to success. Delay is justified only if the analysis of the situation has shown that it is worth waiting for a more opportune moment or acting headlong is not strategically correct.

The most important thing, if you are an ambitious and success-oriented person, is to take the first step (even if it will be more than one)!

Golden mean



Obsession, adventurism

Popular expressions about initiative

Any program of action has inherent risks and costs, but they are much smaller than the long-term risks and costs generated by comfortable inaction. - John F. Kennedy - To succeed, you have to be willing to double your failure rate. - Thomas J. Watson - No great discovery was made without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson - “Excessive initiative is characteristic of people who are not able to assess the consequences of their actions. - Ilya Shevelev - Gene Landrum / 13 men who changed the world The book contains success stories of the most successful, persistent and enterprising men. Their innovative approach, ability to find a "gold mine" and incredible perseverance presented new opportunities for all of humanity and truly changed the world. Jean Landrum / 13 women who changed the world Using the example of the most prominent women of the late twentieth century, the famous biographer shows how, thanks to perseverance, diligence, enthusiasm, initiative and self-confidence, one can achieve great heights in creativity, business or public life. And you don't have to be a man to do it! John S. Maxwell / 21 essential qualities of a leader One of the chapters of the book is devoted to initiative as the most important quality successful person. One of the prominent businessmen was Kemmons Wilson, the founder largest network Holliday Inn hotels. His success story begins from the time he started working - from the age of 7. And his resourcefulness, entrepreneurial acumen and courage are a great example and inspiration.

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You sow care, you reap initiative.

Klyuchevsky V.O.

What is “initiative” and entrepreneurship”?

Initiative is an independent desire to change, improve or create something.

Genuine initiative is based on intrinsic motivation. This is when I initiate not to meet someone else's expectations, but because I myself want to do it.

For me, initiative is a synonym for the word “entrepreneurship”.

I want to? - Do It!

I do not like? — Change!

Lacks? — Create!

Do you think it's necessary? - Organize!

Initiative is inextricably linked with the concept of care: taking care of your present and future, taking care of loved ones, taking care of the enterprise where you work, taking care of everything that is around you.

After all, if something or someone is dear to me, I want to take care of it. And if I want to take care, I initiate and take concrete steps to translate my care into reality.

Someone who is proactive and enterprising tends to have the upper hand in managing any situation.

What does it mean to be proactive and enterprising?

  • It means always starting with yourself: what can I do in this situation?
  • It means looking for opportunities to do something rather than reasons not to do it.
  • This means not to wait for the most opportune moment, but to seek best options of those that are already possible.
  • This means purposefully realizing your vision of life and creating all the necessary conditions for this.
  • it means to be ahead of the initiative of others by one's own initiative.
  • This means keeping the steering wheel in your hands.
  • It means to approach life with interest, passion and healthy ambitions.

Why should a man develop initiative and enterprise?

A man needs to develop initiative and enterprise in order to:

  • be the real master of your life
  • master life situations
  • manage circumstances
  • explore new territories
  • lead the woman and children
  • create prerequisites for financial success
  • achieve goals effectively
  • be a creator in life, not a slave or consumer

Why do I consider myself entitled to be a Life-mentor in the development of initiative and entrepreneurship?

In my life, the topic of initiative and enterprise takes a very funny place. The fact is that by nature I am a modest person and I do not like being a leader. At the same time, all my conscious life, I only did what I initiated, undertook, managed, led ...

I used to rely only on myself. Therefore, if I see a problem in the reality surrounding me, I prefer to solve it and not wait for a good uncle to do it for me. Plus, thanks to a well-developed strategic and creative mind, I tend to really see interesting and promising solutions.

The slogan "if not me, then who?" for me it's completely natural. Even when I was self-employed, I still thought like an entrepreneur and treated the business I worked for as if it were my own.

I do not know how to be indifferent, and therefore, wherever I am and whatever I do, I always wanted to change it for the better. I initiated decisions and took action because that's my way of life, for me it means to be myself.

In general, we can say that one of my main professions is an entrepreneur in every sense of the word.

On the other hand, to be honest, I have this feature: as soon as I see that there is someone other than me who can decide this task, I, as a rule, go into the shadows and relax. This is both my advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is that I easily delegate authority and do not get hung up on what is necessarily in my opinion. The disadvantage is that such a digression of mine is not always justified in practice.

This is especially evident in family life. If I see that something can be done without me, I don't interfere. And vice versa - I turn on only in those areas and situations where it is obvious that there is no one but me. My wife, of course, would like me to turn on more often and more widely. I share these views with her. So now for me it is a zone of actual development. I hope you and I are on our way :)

How can a man develop initiative and enterprise

1. Initiative and enterprise imply an active life position. You are your own driver, gasoline and motor. It is you who fill your life with energy, set everything in motion and control all processes.

2. You are the director of situations, circumstances and relationships. Learn to be an effective manager of life: determine the strategic directions of development, distribute the responsibilities of all participants, use the available resources, find the resources that are missing, receive and invest profit. Initiative and enterprise without the use of the head is more adventurous fuss than a productive process.

3. Initiative and entrepreneurship require well-developed creative thinking skills. You need to be able to find original, interesting solutions. This greatly increases the value of your initiatives.

4. Self-pity, self-blame, and self-justification are empty pursuits that lead nowhere. Being proactive and entrepreneurial means focusing on your goals and actions, and not on your fears and worries. Practice concentration.

5. For someone who knows how to manage a sail, any wind is fair. Learn to use any circumstances of life to your advantage. The one who knows how to use circumstances manages the situation.

6. Constantly check the balance between "want" and "what I'm doing now for this." This is the key algorithm for managing your life.

7. In a relationship with a woman, you don’t need to say: “I will do as you want”, “I will do as you like”, “where do you want to spend time?” etc. Offer! Initiate! Listen to her wishes BEFORE your suggestions, not INSTEAD OF. A man without initiative imposes a male role on a woman and deprives her of her femininity.

8. Decide what and who is in your circle of concern: personal relationships, work, area of ​​​​residence ... Think about what you can bring new to your circle of concern? How to improve? ….Care, indifferent attitude is the key motivation for the development of initiative and entrepreneurship.

9. In a situation of competition or confrontation, it is important to be able to take the initiative. Owning the initiative is the next level in the development of entrepreneurship. It's not enough just to be proactive. Here you need to have time to be the first or be able to seize the initiative. This requires speed in decision-making, the ability to convince and influence.

10. In order to fully manage the situation, you need to be able to be OVER THE SITUATION, that is, to think objectively, and not emotionally; be able to separate facts from emotions.

11. Managing a situation does not mean necessarily keeping it under your tight control and being afraid to lose it. To manage means to own the situation, that is, to see and understand it as a whole, including your control where necessary, and releasing it where possible. Learn to trust the implementation of your plans to other people. Otherwise, you will have neither the strength nor the time for new initiatives.
