The most profitable subsidiary farming. The relevance of farming as a business idea. What you need to create a farm

Farming is profitable view business, which, nevertheless, is very risky and requires high costs. Let's consider the main sectors of farming and the features of their implementation, as well as the reasons for such a rapid development of livestock farming in Russia.

Farm business development

Farm business in Russia, in particular livestock farming, has become increasingly popular and developed over the years thanks to the following factors:

  • the presence of government programs that, if farmers comply with certain conditions, in order to support newly created farms and national producers, provide subsidies, tax benefits, grants, initial capital, allocate land for farming;
  • rising food prices, which increases farm profits;
  • food products produced by farms, namely meat, milk, eggs, cheese, honey, cottage cheese, are always in demand in the markets and have their own customer base, as they provide the basic needs of consumers;
  • restriction of access to the market for products of foreign suppliers and manufacturers - national producers, in turn, do not experience such restrictions;
  • wide choice of species economic activity, the emergence and development of new species (for example, ostrich breeding farms);
  • the products of the national manufacturer inspire confidence among consumers and are in demand;
  • possibility of obtaining permanent client base and product markets.

Thus, farming business is a profitable and promising activity that is rapidly developing and, at certain costs, can bring significant income, which will fully recoup the investment financial resources and wasted time.

Farming sectors

Farming is divided into 2 main sectors:

  • agriculture (growing various types grain crops: rice, wheat, barley, etc.);
  • livestock farming

Animal breeding as a business includes the following sub-sectors:

  • pig breeding;
  • cattle breeding (cattle breeding);
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • bee breeding;
  • horse breeding;
  • ostrich breeding;
  • reindeer husbandry;
  • rabbit breeding;
  • fur farming and others.

Pig farming, poultry farming, sheep farming and cattle breeding have received the greatest development.

Cattle breeding meets the population's needs for milk and meat; beef and veal are of high quality and high cost.

Poultry farming provides the market with meat and eggs, and poultry meat (turkeys, chickens, ducks, turkeys) is more in demand than beef and pork due to the lower cost of meat and the absence of difficulties in breeding birds on farms. Chicken is the most popular meat in markets; chicken breeding is a promising and profitable activity.

Pig farming is a rapidly developing type of economic activity. Pork is the second most popular meat in markets, after chicken; this meat is cheaper than beef and has high quality, nutritional value and calorie content.

Sheep farming requires a large amount of pasture for its development and provides markets not only with meat and milk, but also with wool.

Pig breeding as a business

Before you start pig farming, you should keep in mind that although this is a highly profitable activity, it, like any type of farming activity, requires a lot of effort, time and significant financial costs to achieve results.

Basic rules to follow if you decide to start pig farming

1. Decide on the location of the farm, taking into account: established standards for proximity to settlements, minimum required area farms, distance from water sources.

2. Prepare necessary documents for the administration's signature. Find out under what conditions you can receive government subsidies, benefits, etc.

3. Study the market structure, namely the supply and demand of pork meat and lard in the markets in your region. As a rule, greatest demand has lean and lean pork, lard with a layer of meat (loin).

4. Prepare a business plan that, when calculating financial expenses, will show the effectiveness of pig farming and possible profit. Financial expenses include the following:

  • buying pigs;
  • construction or rental of premises;
  • purchase of inventory and equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • stern;
  • payment for veterinarian services, vaccinations, etc.

The plan also needs to evaluate possible risks enterprise and indicate the stages of project implementation with actions at each stage.

5. Build pigsties, sheds, purchase necessary equipment and equipment, feed.

6. Hire qualified personnel(livestock specialists, general workers, pig farmers, etc.).

7. Great attention should be paid to the selection of pig breeds. There are pig breeds specially bred for production:

  • meat;
  • meat and lard;
  • meat and bacon;
  • bacon;
  • lard

The meat and bacon producing breeds are in greatest demand because meat brings in more income than lard. Females and males must be purchased from different suppliers to prevent genetic mutations in the offspring.

8. Be sure to periodically disinfect pigsties and equipment, destroy rodents, ensure regular vaccinations and examinations of offspring and adults by a veterinarian.

But you shouldn’t expect instant results, because a pig farm pays for itself in about 2-3 years. A combination of growing potatoes, corn, etc. is also successful. with raising pigs, because feed costs in this case are reduced; Organizing your own production of meat and sausage products and lard is also profitable (for example, you can organize a meat and lard smokehouse).

Poultry farming as a business

Poultry breeding as a business, especially chickens and turkeys, requires lower financial costs than, for example, pig farming, since birds are less demanding, but bring stable income, because poultry meat is very popular due to its low cost, dietary content, and low calorie content.

Before you start poultry farming, draw up a business plan that will help you calculate the possible profit and the period within which it will be received, as well as financial costs (for the purchase of young animals, feed, vaccinations, rent of territory, construction of premises, equipment, etc.) , existing risks.

How to become a poultry farmer from scratch?

Let's look at the main factors that need to be taken into account if you decide to start breeding birds.

1. The choice of breed depends on the focus of your farm. Chicken breeds are:

  • for meat production (Cornish, red whitetails);
  • for the production of eggs (Leghorn, Russian White, Pavlovsk, Minor);
  • for the production of eggs and meat (Loman Brown, Moscow black, Kuchinsky).

It is most profitable to purchase breeds of chickens that are adapted for the production of both eggs and meat.

2. Having your own garden reduces the cost of bird feed; in the spring and summer, chickens can and should be grazed in the garden.

3. To obtain homemade meat high quality should special attention turn it into bird food. So, in addition to feed, the diet of chickens should include: dandelions, nettles, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, beets and other vegetables and herbs.

4. Rooms for chickens should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​feeders, drinkers, thermometers, instruments for measuring room humidity. Each breed has its own characteristics. Thus, egg-bearing breeds need ventilation, specially equipped perches, free space, good lighting (the room should be lit from 6 am to 9 pm, poor lighting is stressful for the bird and its egg production decreases or stops altogether) and thermal insulation.

5. Purchasing and equipping an incubator will help save on young animals; eggs laid by a laying hen are placed in an incubator, which must be equipped with a thermometer. If the incubator is the simplest and not automatic, the eggs are turned over manually (3 times a day). From 60 eggs placed in an incubator, you can get 45 or more chickens.

6. Purchased young animals should be vaccinated and given antibiotics to prevent possible diseases.

7. Regular disinfection of the premises should be carried out; if a disease is suspected, sick birds that are subject to slaughter should be isolated, a veterinarian should be invited to make a final diagnosis, and vaccination should be carried out.

Breeding birds is profitable, and most importantly simple and accessible view activity that does not require construction special premises, lease of a large area of ​​land.

Birds can also be raised in old barns, which just need to be equipped with everything necessary; a personal plot or vegetable garden will suffice. Chicken breeding is the most popular type of poultry farming; chickens are unpretentious in feeding and care, have high egg production and, with proper care, produce valuable and in-demand meat.

Cattle breeding

So, what does it take to become a cattle farmer? Before you start breeding yourself, draw up a detailed business plan, which should include:

  • planned production volumes;
  • production part (costs for purchasing feed);
  • marketing part (advertising, product prices);
  • organizational part (information about suppliers, buyers, staff);
  • risk assessment;
  • financial part (sources financial security, planned income).

  • breeding young animals for sale;
  • meat supply;
  • milk supply;
  • supply of meat and milk;
  • processing of animal skins;
  • production of dairy products (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • production of meat products (sausage products).

The next stage will be to go through all the authorities, prepare documentation and obtain permits (for construction on sites, etc.).

One of the most important aspects of organizing livestock breeding as a business is purchase of livestock. Things to consider:

  • selection and purchase is best done with the participation of an experienced veterinarian or livestock breeder;
  • basic meat breeds cows: Hereford, Charolais, Limousin, Salers, Kalmyk, Kazakh white-headed and others. Dairy breeds: black-and-white, red steppe, Yaroslavl, Kholmogory;
  • a healthy dairy cow that will produce large number milk, has a barrel-shaped belly, a long head, small horns, strong muscles, special attention should be paid to the udder of the cow. The cow's udder should be large, the skin should be elastic, and the udder should be cup-shaped. Cows with round udders will produce little milk. When purchasing, be sure to milk the cow, and no hardening should be felt in the udder; it should be soft and pliable. A healthy cow has a clear look, no cough, a firm and light gait, a narrow hindquarters and a sagging back are considered faults;
  • read the animal's documents and vaccination record.

Cows must be provided with pastures, feed must be purchased, hay must be stored for the winter, regular disinfection of barns and vaccinations is mandatory, and it is also necessary to equip premises for slaughterhouses.

Beef and veal are expensive and high-quality meats that are in demand among consumers. To increase income from livestock breeding, it is necessary to organize the processing of meat and milk and produce cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sausages, sour cream, fermented baked milk, etc. for sale.

How to become a successful farmer?

In order to become a successful farmer, you should take into account that farming does not involve immediate profit; it requires significant financial costs. Livestock farming is one of the most risky types of business, since there is always a risk of epidemics and natural disasters that can lead to animal pestilence, farm losses and bankruptcy of farmers.

Keep in mind that producing quality products is only the first stage. The second stage is its implementation. You can find sales markets, or you can open your own stores, which will generate income, but will also require additional costs for renting premises, personnel, equipment, etc.

Farming in Russia receives state support and brings businessmen high income, but also requires large investments and time, as well as compiling detailed business plan. The main branches of livestock farming in Russia and around the world are pig farming, poultry farming and cattle breeding, as their products are always in high demand, both in national and foreign markets.

Farming business is a successful and progressive field of activity. But, like everything else, it has its pitfalls. Is it profitable to farm in Russia today? Read on.


In recent decades, peasant labor has returned to fashion after the catastrophic decline it experienced starting from the first years of perestroika. There is an active purchase of land, old factories and workshops are rented, on the basis of which new farms are opened.

Entrepreneurs who want to create a farm and work on the land are offered assistance in the form of government programs aimed at assisting beginning farmers (full list):

  • Subsidies.
  • Benefits.
  • Provision of land.

Entrepreneurs who want to create a farm and work on the land are offered assistance in the form of government programs.

The popularization of farming activities is facilitated by the promotion of natural domestic products, for which there is demand and the margin is growing. By expanding the boundaries of sales, you can simultaneously create bakeries, companies producing cereals, flour, and meat delicacies.


The answer to the question of whether farming is profitable depends on many factors, including how the following aspects are analyzed:

  1. Risks. It is impossible to predict everything. Therefore, it is not always possible to calculate the benefits in advance, analyze the market, identify the main mistakes of colleagues and competitors, take into account epidemics and animal diseases, quarantines and natural disasters, harmful insects, etc.
  2. Sales market. Creating quality products is not the end goal of this business. It's important to find favorable conditions sales finished goods. Farming businesses often collapse due to the lack of promising sales channels and the desire of wholesalers to purchase agricultural products for next to nothing.
  3. Selecting a sphere. What exactly you do depends on where you live and your ability to establish instant sales finished products. Production in remote areas involves distribution of goods through intermediaries, which is less profitable at the beginning of starting a business. It is much more effective to enter into direct contracts for supply to supermarkets and stores. But even here it is impossible to calculate the advantages of one or another solution.

Farming businesses often collapse due to the lack of promising sales channels and the desire of wholesalers to purchase agricultural products for next to nothing.


Having analyzed the market for agricultural products, we can safely say: farming is profitable. Yes, it involves difficulties and risks, but if you love peasant work, are well versed in it and are willing to take risks, then this can become your life’s work.

It’s even more difficult with plans: so far only THOUGHTS OUT LOUD: rent a 200-300 hectare of agricultural land for 3 years.
prepare the land - at the expense of the future harvest
fertilizers - from grain
no equipment - rent for grain
There are no warehouses - rent for grain or sell from the field.
There are no people - but how many are needed? I don’t know, at least an agronomist and a technical engineer + a couple of workers.
allocate up to 20 hectares for growing vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.),
up to 20 hectares for animals (cows, chickens, quails, pigs, lambs, etc.)
there are still thoughts about a mini slaughterhouse, a greenhouse, a refrigerator, grain processing and sunflower oil and much more... even produce biofuel) and pallets

Oh, that’s a lot to write, but I’ll try to keep it short:

1. Lease for 3 years is not enough, the risks are huge, weather, force majeure, ruble exchange rate, grain prices, etc. You won’t get anything back in 3 years;
2. The future harvest must be insured - this is also money;
3. Fuel and lubricants will cost you a pretty penny, and so will renting equipment;
4. Selling from the field is not an option for large volumes; a warehouse is needed. In the case of grain, there is also a current; trading from the field is not an option at all;
5. For 20 hectares of vegetables you need a couple of dozen people, not four, as you wrote;
6. 20 hectares of vegetables - it is necessary to establish sales in order to distribute them to retail outlets immediately after harvest;
7. 20 hectares for animals - except for sheep, where it is cheapest to build a pen for them. For the rest - ancillary buildings, winter maintenance premises, etc. - a pretty penny;
8. Providing animals with feed - with 20 hectares you will feed a very small industrial scale livestock, plus feed must be stored somewhere, hence again premises;
9. A mini-slaughterhouse is a good thing, but it makes sense in conjunction with the production of meat products on site. Now the realities are such that in many places they simply do not allow small businesses to organize slaughterhouses; instead, they are sent to a slaughterhouse;
10. Greenhouses are a good thing, on a scale of at least 20 acres of covered surface. But the costs here are also high, plus mechanization is needed - at least to renew the inside of the earth every few years;
11. Biofuel - I can’t say anything here;
12. Pallets or pellets? If pellets and there is a source of suitable raw materials nearby, it’s quite a small business. If pallets, that is, Euro pallets, are also normal, but there you will have to buy equipment worth one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand: a good compressor, drum nailers, nails, hoses. Again - the premises and the sales market.

You can do anything, the question is the exhaust. You were absolutely rightly advised - start with a dozen chickens. Just keep accurate calculations of the costs of feed, bedding, fertilizing, etc. I think you will be very surprised when you understand what’s what. Now, in order to compete with agricultural holdings, you need to have similar volumes and also be able to hide your conscience in your pocket. Well, or go towards “eco” products.

Sooner or later, moment X comes, at which a person begins to think about what’s next. It doesn’t matter whether he came to this idea on his own or under the influence external factors(job loss, low salary, job dissatisfaction). One of the options for what to do next could be the answer - start a business, but what kind?

There are not many options for starting a business from scratch; in this article we will analyze one of the most effective ways(from my subjective point of view) searching for an idea in a village business.

To be fair, I can say that I myself am now organizing such a village business project, I think in the near future I will describe the areas that I have mastered, do not forget to subscribe to the blog. I personally think this is the most best option creating your own business with prospects for the future.

In this block we will talk about breeding, that is, animal husbandry. There is a misconception that you can start breeding any animals from scratch and immediately make a big profit.

To be honest, in reality you can really breed anything, even hippos (they are bred in the zoo), but in practice, not all types of such cultivation are profitable and, moreover, will give a return in a relatively short period (a year or two).

Breeding as a village business from scratch

First place is predictable. Alas, in Russia there is no more profitable livestock sector for small business in the village. Of course, I will seem banal, but to open a profitable village business, it makes sense to start pig farming. It is worth noting that there are two directions (although they can be combined): raising for meat and selling piglets. It is the sale of piglets that is much more profitable, but also more labor-intensive.

  • - high speed payback. The normal growth period for a pig to market weight is 6 months.
  • - most high coefficient meat yield per square meter of area in relation to feed consumption (with normal technology). It’s higher only when breeding rabbits, but they have a whole bunch of their own nuances.
  • - high level of manual labor or the need to invest in mechanization
  • - the need for initial investments in the construction of premises
  • - high feed costs, without the possibility of diversification

The second place is occupied by nutria. By most indicators, growing nutria can be considered one of the most attractive for starting your village business from scratch. You can make cages and pens for them using scrap materials; the animals tolerate cold well, have relatively fast growth, strong immunity, and the presence of both meat (dietary) and skins. Practical experience shows that a family of nutria (3 females and a male) in one year (with offspring) completely pays for the construction of pens, food, and even makes a profit.

  • - high yield of meat per square meter of area
  • - consume food that can be grown independently, which makes maintenance very cheap
  • - don’t get very sick (in relation to rabbits they’re just lively)
  • - low costs for premises
  • - rather unstable demand for meat. Not everyone is ready to buy nutria meat

Third place - ducks. Raising ducks as a business in the village has only one big advantage, if you start from scratch, then they will help you earn money quickly, maybe not very much, but they can guarantee a profitability level of 30-40% in 2.5-3 months.

  • - high turnover rate. Ducks grow very quickly, with good breeding, they reach marketable weight in 3 months.
  • - stable and good demand
  • - high costs of feed; to ensure high profitability, you can use various tricks, such as adding green mass, sand, and so on to the feed.

Fourth place - beekeeping. In terms of profitability, one of the most profitable business ideas in the village, but in terms of the level of “headache” and nuances when keeping bees, they also rank first. In fact, raising bees is quite a troublesome task; the presence of “blooming” fields, large farms in the area (my friends’ bees died last year after being treated with herbicides), care (so that the swarm does not fly away), wintering (feeding) and so on are also important further. Breeding experience has shown that there are both very successful seasons and completely failed ones, it all depends on the owner and approach.

  • - the opportunity to run the entire business yourself
  • - a large number of different conditions

Fifth place – quail breeding. The main advantage of this village business idea is the minimum requirements, both in terms of space and the level of investment. In fact, you can successfully breed quails in a room with an area of ​​20-30 square meters for 500-700 pieces, receiving 150-200 eggs and 2-3 kilograms of meat (in carcasses) every day.

  • - high turnover rate. Quail quickly reach marketable condition, both in live weight and for laying eggs
  • - low start-up costs
  • - stable demand for products


When working in agriculture, it is worth knowing that there is one big and pleasant surprise, in fact, for mini-businesses in the village, the most preferential system has been established in which there will be no need to pay taxes, and quite officially.

In the legislation there is such a concept as private household plots (personal subsidiary farming), which allows everyone working on this system to work officially without paying taxes. . Now let me just remind you that all of the listed ideas fall under the law on subsidiary farming and you can sleep peacefully.

Myths of some popular business ideas

I’ll say right away that other ideas in the field of livestock farming are also cost-effective and profitable, but in terms of the speed of payback and ease of doing business, they are much inferior to those listed above. And now about the disadvantages of the advertised ideas:

Cattle (large cattle ) - For successful management business in this industry agriculture Large areas are needed (for pastures), plus space and time. As an example, a bull is raised for meat for at least a year, with a carcass yield of 45%, and a pig grows for 6 months and the yield is about 70%. Regarding the dairy direction, from the moment of birth to the moment of receiving milk, a cow grows for 2 years! And it’s far from a fact that it will be dairy. Profitable, but very long.

Ostriches– large expenses are required for arranging the pens, plus large areas. So for one family of ostriches (1 male and 2 females), the pen should be at least 4 meters wide and 40 meters long. As for ostrich meat, the ostrich grows for at least a year, again it is profitable, but you can earn money faster.

– the problem is in the sale of products, if it is possible to separate skins and make fur coats yourself, then the business will be simply golden, if not, then it is necessary to very carefully calculate the maintenance costs. The main problem is the high cost of feeding.

Sheep, goats– the problem is large areas for grazing animals; if there are pastures, then you can try to do business, but it is worth remembering that in most regions of Russia this type of meat is not very popular, which reduces their attractiveness to the market. It is from the point of view of attractiveness that pig farming looks more promising.

Rabbit breeding- by all indicators, a very good business, but rabbits themselves are very flimsy animals, if an epidemic begins, then the mortality rate may be 90%. To organize an effective rural business it is necessary to organize the closure of barns with a strict quarantine system. Such premises cost money and are not suitable for all beginning entrepreneurs.

Other blocks of the most successful business ideas in the countryside

Video example of a village business

Business idea for the village!!! HOW TO MAKE EARNING IN THE VILLAGE!!!

about how people have achieved success selling natural food

Recently, the agricultural industry has been developing at a rapid pace. Large companies They are actively buying up land to create farms on it. The state strongly supports entrepreneurs who have chosen this line of activity. In this regard, we can confidently say that farming as a business idea for beginners is the best option for those who want to open their own business.

Market analysis

Agricultural products always enjoy in great demand among the population. But, unfortunately, existing farms cannot satisfy it fully, since they produce small volumes of products. Before the crisis, farming in Russia was developing poorly because the market was overflowing with products from European suppliers. After the introduction of sanctions, many unfilled segments appeared in the market, and the percentage of unmet consumer needs increased. High demand for agricultural products and lack of competition served as an impetus for the development of farming in Russia. This is quite an attractive idea for aspiring entrepreneurs who are taking their first steps in business.

If you have made a decision, I want to start farming, and you are wondering where to start and how to open a farm from scratch. We recommend starting with choosing a direction of activity. This is very important point for any aspiring businessman. Experts recommend opening a mixed subsidiary plot at first. Thanks to this, you will be able to study in practice the demand for a particular product, after which you can move on to a narrower specialization.


If you are attracted to the business idea of ​​farming, you can try animal husbandry. In this case, you will be able to produce such popular products as meat, milk, eggs, etc. Entrepreneurs who are not limited in financial possibilities, can increase profits by:
  • Product processing industries;
  • Conducting farm tours;
  • Country cafe or healthy food restaurant.

In addition, you can breed purebred young animals for their subsequent sale. Let's consider several options for organizing a livestock farm:

  • Pig farm. This is one of the most best business ideas for 2019 with minimal investment, especially if you will be raising Vietnamese pigs. To open modern farm with a purebred livestock of 100 individuals, you will need from 2 to 5 million rubles;
  • The easiest option on how to start your own business from scratch without money is poultry farming. If you don't have your own starting capital, start raising laying hens. Of course, to purchase young animals and feed you will need a certain amount of money, but it is so insignificant that anyone can find it;
  • It is worth noting that farming as a business also includes such an activity as beekeeping. To implement this idea you will not need any special knowledge or large financial investments. To get up to speed, just read relevant literature or talk to experienced beekeepers. Such activities do not require significant monthly expenses, and the initial investment pays off in literally one year;
  • You can also start raising rabbits, sheep or fish farming. We've looked at several popular ideas. Where to start farming? The choice depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Crop production

The most popular areas of activity:

  • Growing grain crops. This business is closely related to livestock farming, since cereals are the main ingredient in animal feed. In addition, crop products can be sold in bulk to food, pharmaceutical and perfume industries;
  • If you want to start farming from scratch, you can start by growing flowers. One more thing promising direction– growing berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, etc.). To prevent business development from being affected by seasonality, you can build several greenhouses or greenhouses. Vegetable growing also brings good profits, for example, growing garlic as a business. But for this business you will have to rent a large plot of land and a vegetable storage.

When running mixed subsidiary farming, you can significantly expand the range of products and thereby increase your profit margin.

Where can I get money?

Entrepreneurs who want to start farming from scratch can count on government assistance. There are many government programs aimed at business development. Where to start farming in Russia and how to find money, we will talk in this section.

Beginning farmers are provided with loans at a reduced interest rate for up to 5 years. In addition, under such programs, loan payments can only be made from the second year. In addition, you can try to apply for a government subsidy. To do this, you need to develop a business plan for a future farm with detailed calculations. In order for the commission to make a positive decision, it is advisable to attach a petition from the head of the district to it. Unemployed citizens can register with the employment center and receive assistance from the state to open a small farm in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles.

Business registration

Now let's talk about how to register farming in Russia. Beginners often ask the question: how to start farming from scratch and avoid making serious mistakes? Experienced businessmen recommend that you first officially register your activities. It should be noted that farming can be organized not only by citizens of our country, but also by foreigners. It can consist of three families, and all members of the organization must enter into an agreement among themselves. Before registering for farming, consult with specialists so as not to lose sight of all these nuances.

Registration process:

  • Pay the state fee;
  • Write an application and have it certified by a notary;
  • Take the package of documents to the tax office;
  • After registering the enterprise, register with all funds;
  • Obtain the necessary codes from the statistics department;
  • Open a bank account.

If you plan to wholesale your products in the future retail chains, you can’t do without registration.

Now let's talk about where to start farming in Ukraine. In principle, there are no significant differences here. In Ukraine you also need to go through the procedure state registration and register with the tax office.

Before you start farming from scratch, check out useful tips that experienced businessmen share:

  • In order to start farming from scratch, you need a plot of land on which you organize your farm. Of course, you can start small, for example, with your own garden of 5-10 acres, but if you want your business to bring good income, you will have to think about buying or renting land;
  • Farming is family business, which requires a responsible approach and full dedication. Hired workers will not put their heart and soul into your farm. Their main goal– work as little as possible and still earn more. If you work as a family, everyone will be interested in seeing the business prosper. Each family member should have his own responsibilities and area for which he is responsible;
  • Farming takes a lot of time. If you have own store, you can temporarily close it and go on vacation. Farming cannot be left for a minute. During the season, farmers work from morning to night, seven days a week, as animals and crops require constant care. If you want to start farming from scratch, reconsider whether you are ready for this lifestyle;
  • Experience comes with time, so don’t rush and open a large-scale business right away. Before you start farming, get a cow and several dozen poultry. You can also sow a small plot of land to see in practice how things will go. After you get the hang of it, you can start expanding your business;
  • If you are thinking about how to start farming without money, you should not rely entirely on government programs on the development of the agricultural industry. Most often they imply partial repayment of interest on the loan, or a small financial assistance. Of course, such programs should be used, but you shouldn’t rely too much on them;
  • For small production volumes you will not have to pay taxes. The legislation provides for the organization of small peasant farms who produce products for their own needs. Its surplus can be sold on the market and make a profit from it without paying any taxes.
