Farewell to the forest king. The largest investor in the timber industry, pulp and paper mills in Bratsk, Koryazhma and Ust-Ilimsk are part of Ilim

After graduating from the institute, he worked at the specialized research institute "VNIIgidroliz".

Zakhar Smushkin, together with the Zingarevich brothers, founded Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC in 1992, which first worked as an exporter of pulp and paper products, and then became a large manufacturer.

Until 2001 - General Director, and from 2001 to 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. He led the creation of Russia's largest vertically integrated forestry corporation.

In 2006, half of the company was sold to the American International Paper. Using the proceeds from the sale of Ilim, Zakhar Smushkin began to develop the Start chain of DIY stores, which was then reformatted into the Domovoy chain. In addition, in 2007, Smushkin founded the Start Development company, which later became one of the largest land-owning companies in the North-West.

Since July 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Ilim Group.

Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), Chairman of the RSPP Commission on Forestry and Timber Industry Complex, Member of the Council for the Development of the Forestry Complex Russian Federation under the Government of the Russian Federation. Honorary Professor of the St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, Honorary Doctor of the St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov.

In 2010, a project was announced to build a satellite city "Yuzhny", which will be located on the border of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region on both sides of the Kyiv highway. For these purposes, Start Development acquired a plot of 2012 hectares back in 2009. It is expected that 4.3 million m2 of housing will be built in Yuzhny. Moreover, in the summer the first three developers of Yuzhny were already selected. By 2028, the volume of investments in the project should amount to 180 billion rubles.

He took 4th place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2015". The fortune was estimated at 105 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group (21%), Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

He took 6th place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2016". The fortune was estimated at 108 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group, Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

He took 7th place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2017". The fortune was estimated at 90.7 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group, Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the pulp and paper mill OJSC Ilim Group.

The story of entrepreneur Zakhar Smushkin

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich went through a thorny path from a simple specialist to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the largest concern in the forest industry - Ilim Group.

An impressive starting point career ladder Zakhar Davidovich can be considered 1984 - it was then that he graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Pulp and Paper Industry and began labor activity. He got a job at the scientific association "Gidrolizprom" and at the same time continued his postgraduate studies.

On April 30, 1992, Smushkin, together with familiar specialists (among whom was also Boris Gennadievich Zingarevich, a graduate of LTI PPI), gave life to a new timber company - Ilim Pulp Enterprise. Four years later, Zakhar Smushkin transferred his brainchild to another form of ownership - CJSC.

It was in the middle of the difficult 90s that Zakhar Smushkin’s company, under his strict leadership, grew to federal scale. Thanks to active implementation modern technologies and a vertically integrated structure, Ilim was able to successfully compete with the largest forestry organizations in Russia and Europe.

Interview with Zakhar Smushkin

In 2001, Zakhar Smushkin took the chair of the chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Ilim Group. In 2003, he was awarded the title of honorary doctor of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy.

Personal life of Zakhar Smushkin

Zakhar Davidovich is married, the couple raised a son. As for Smushkin’s hobbies, the entrepreneur enjoys chess and tennis, and also collects paintings.

Zakhar Smushkin now

According to Forbes, in 2016 Zakhar Smushkin took 114th place in the list of the richest domestic businessmen. Under his leadership, Ilim Group continues to develop even in times of crisis - its enterprises produce on average 75% of all commercial pulp in Russia.

Zakhar Davidovich implements his ideas in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, is a member of the Council of the State Technological University of Plant Polymers in St. Petersburg and the Presidium of the Confederation of Timber Industry Northwestern district Russia.

Zakhar Smushkin was born in Leningrad on January 23, 1962. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Technological Institute for a specialty degree, and in 1984 – to graduate school. Around the same period, the institute sent Smushkin to work at the research and production association "Gidrolizprom" as a research fellow. In parallel with his work at the NGO, he is writing his Ph.D. thesis. Upon completion of graduate school, Zakhar Smushkin receives a scientific degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences.

In 1990, Smushkin, already possessing sufficient qualifications and experience, was hired as head of the technical department at the international company Technoferm-Engineering. In his position, Zakhar Smushkin managed to modernize the production process in a short time. Subsequently, thanks to this, Technoferm was able to attract large investors. Working in this company allowed Smushkin to study in even more detail forestry industry, after which he decided to start his own business.

In 1992, Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich, together with former classmates and colleagues at Technoferm-Engineering - brothers Mikhail and Boris Zingarevich - founded Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. IN new company Smushkin took the position general director. The company was created as an exporter of pulp and paper products, but soon the management decided that it was necessary to open its own production.

The company's rapid growth is due to the fact that in the first years of operation several important transactions were concluded to purchase large forestry enterprises. Among them are the Kotlas pulp and paper mill, acquired and merged with Ilim in 1995, as well as the forestry complexes: Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk, which became part of the company in 1997 and 2002, respectively.

In turn, Zakhar Smushkin, while on leadership position, followed innovations in the field of management, and most effective techniques implemented at Ilim enterprises. Thus, he was the first in Russia to use a method of vertical integration of enterprises, which allows complete control of the production cycle - from resource extraction to the sale of final products, while management remains centralized.

Among other things, vertical integration ensured coordinated work large quantity affiliated with Ilim manufacturing enterprises, their financial and technical indicators showed positive dynamics.

This played an important role in the development of Zakhar Smushkin’s company: by the early 2000s, it took a leading position in Russia in the pulp and paper products market, and also entered the international market.

In 2007, in order to improve the management efficiency of a large number of enterprises, Ilim’s management decided to carry out restructuring. As a result of the restructuring, Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC became Joint Stock Company“Ilim Group”, where Zakhar Smushkin moved from the post of General Director to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. He remains in this position to this day.

Best of the day

Now the Ilim Group consists of 5 large production enterprises and 4 representative offices, one of which is located in China, since the company’s exports are focused specifically on the Asian market.

Ilim enterprises employ more than 17 thousand people; the company produces 75% of the pulp in Russia.

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich, as the head of the company, exercises strict control over compliance with environmental standards - both Russian and international. This is especially important given the scale production activities"Ilima".

The company takes part in the implementation of various environmental projects. In addition, each individual plant implements its own targeted environmental programs, regardless of the planned ones.

Since 2012, Ilim enterprises have not carried out production in the territories of unique forests that are not protected Russian legislation. This happens within the framework of the company’s agreement with the World Fund wildlife– WWF.

One of these forests was taken under the guardianship of the company by personal order of Zakhar Smushkin. The Verkhnevashkinsky massif in the Arkhangelsk region has been preserved for several years now, since Ilim leases its territory, while introducing a moratorium on logging.

Also, all enterprises of the Ilim Group maintain a positive balance when developing territories - the number of trees planted corresponds to the number of trees cut down, which allows maintaining the growth of forest areas.

At the end of 2017, Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich and the company he heads received an award from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment “for active environmental policy in the Year of Ecology."

Ilim, under the leadership of Smushkin, has been a leader in terms of production volumes not only in Russia, but also in Europe for more than 20 years. Despite global market fluctuations, the company manages to maintain positive dynamics in production and financial indicators.

Other entrepreneurial activities of Zakhar Smushkin

Several things happened in 2007 important events in the career of Zakhar Smushkin. After the restructuring of Ilim, he moved to the post of chairman of the board of directors. Almost at the same time, Smushkin opened a business in two more areas: development and retail.

LLC “Management Company “START Development”, created by Zakhar Smushkin in 2007, has already implemented many residential and commercial real estate, its land bank as of 2017 contains more than 40 million square meters.

"START Development" is engaged in the comprehensive implementation of construction projects: formation architectural concept, integrated development, including the construction of infrastructure facilities, attracting investors, monitoring the implementation of projects.

In addition, the company is engaged in the implementation of procedures related to construction: the creation of land banks, the development of concepts for the development of territories, the preparation of urban planning documentation, and attracting investors.

The construction company of Zakhar Smushkin is a member of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, as well as the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. "START Development" has 11 awards, among them "Best management company year", " Best Project mass low-rise development", "The best low-rise construction project in Leningrad region", "Best cottage village", "Village of the Year 2013". In addition, the company received a nomination for providing targeted assistance to children.

Among all the projects implemented by Smushkin’s company, the most famous is the satellite city “Yuzhny”; it has federal significance, since it will become largest project integrated development of territory in Russia. In addition, an innovation cluster will be built on its territory by decree of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Construction of “Yuzhny” is carried out on an area of ​​2012 hectares in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, on both sides of the M20 highway (Kyiv highway). Investments in the project for 2017 exceeded 176 billion rubles, construction will be fully completed within 20 years.

The project is also notable for the fact that its concept was developed according to the principles of “green development”, which involves the integration of infrastructure facilities into environment with maximum comfort for people and minimal harm to nature. The project is focused on the foreign model of so-called “smart cities”. For example, the coordinated work of everyone municipal services will be provided by a unified computer system, able to adapt to circumstances depending on the needs of residents. University employees information technology, mechanics and optics, on the basis of which a scientific cluster will be created at Yuzhny, are also taking part in the work on drawing up the concept.

Residential buildings with an area of ​​4.9 million square meters will accommodate more than 170 thousand residents in the satellite city. Also, all the necessary infrastructure will be created for them, including 60 kindergartens, 30 schools, 10 family medical centers wide profile. All buildings will be designed in the same architectural style, and the cost of the apartments will be for the middle class. In addition, the project provides for the creation of green park areas and bicycle paths. Street lighting will be obtained using solar panels.

The development will be carried out by one large investor. According to Zakhar Smushkin, this is what will allow maintaining a single stylistic concept. Leading world-renowned experts took part in the development of the architectural style.

The commercial construction area will be one and a half million square meters, which will create at least 21 thousand jobs.

The project also provides for the expansion of the existing transport network. In particular, the number of lanes on Kievskoye Highway will be increased. It takes less than 15 kilometers to travel along it from Yuzhny to St. Petersburg. There are also several train stations located within the boundaries of Yuzhny. And Pulkovo International Airport is just 7 minutes away by car.

In addition, the project involves the creation of an innovation cluster on the territory of Yuzhny; it will be called “Innograd of Science and Technology”. The cluster will be created on the basis of ITMO's Highpark - research university information technologies, mechanics and optics of St. Petersburg.

Innograd will specialize in information, biomedical and quantum technologies, photonics, cyber-physical systems and robotics, as well as in the research, creation and testing of technologies in the fields of urbanism and town planning.

The area of ​​"Innograd" will be 100 hectares, it will house laboratories, scientific centers, production and campus. The areas are designed for accommodation and training of 4 thousand students and 3 thousand ITMO employees.

Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko notes that the Innograd project will combine the efforts of city and federal authorities, science, education and business, as well as industries related to information technology.

More than 41 billion rubles have been invested in the project for the construction of a scientific cluster, 35% of which are private investments. Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich also acts as a private investor.

Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, believes that Innograd will become the best innovation center in Russia. He also said that federal funding for the scientific cluster in the Pushkinsky district will amount to 1 billion rubles annually.

Also, the development company of Zakhar Smushkin received an award from the Delovoy Petersburg newspaper for the most popular industrial park project. The industrial park is called “Donny-Verevo” and is located in the north of St. Petersburg - in the Gatchina district. Its area is 185 hectares, and this territory can accommodate about 30 enterprises specializing in logistics and production.

In addition, “START Development” has already implemented several countryside construction projects: “Tayberry”, “Golden Keys”, as well as plots for dacha development in the Pushkinsky and Gatchina districts of St. Petersburg.

As the head of a large development company, Zakhar Smushkin actively participates in public discussions and conferences on the topic of urban planning. Thus, in September 2016, at the II International Forum for the Development of Space, he voiced a new concept for the development of St. Petersburg. According to Zakhar Smushkin, the development of the city is polycentric, since the two largest and promising projects are located in different parts of the city - “Lakhta Center” in Gatchina and the satellite city “Yuzhny” in the Pushkinsky district. According to Zakhar Davidovich, the projects are the most promising due to their multifunctionality and scale - they attract large volumes of investment, and in the future they will create many jobs.

At the end of 2006, Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin opened the Start hypermarket chain in St. Petersburg. The store has everything you need for minor DIY repairs, home and everyday life - more than 55 thousand items. Currently, it is represented in five regions of Russia and consists of seven branches. Hypermarkets opened in Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ufa and Voronezh.

Personal life and achievements of Zakhar Smushkina

Zakhar Smushkin is a major Russian industrialist, entrepreneur and developer. He founded and currently runs largest enterprise forest industry in Russia and Europe. The success of Ilim Group is largely ensured by the constant implementation innovative technologies management, thanks to which the company manages to maintain positive dynamics in terms of technical and financial indicators. In addition, given the scale of production, Ilim follows the principles of environmental friendliness and transparency in its work.

Zakhar Smushkin managed to show himself as successful entrepreneur and in other areas of business, although very far from the forest industry. His network of construction hypermarkets is represented in five regions, and the development company is leading projects of federal importance. In general, all of Zakhar Davidovich’s entrepreneurial activities have a positive impact on the Russian economy.

Large publications whose topics are devoted to business often include Smushkin in various ratings. So, according to Forbes, Zakhar Davidovich is in 114th place on the list richest businessmen Russia. The “Rating of Billionaires,” in turn, placed Smushkin in 6th place with his fortune of 108 billion rubles. And according to the publication “City 812”, Smushkin is one of the three most influential businessmen in St. Petersburg.

Also published in 2014, “the top 100 businessmen who changed the Russian economy” includes Zakhar Smushkin. The rating was compiled by the General Director magazine.

At the end of 2017, the Internet portals Fontanka and City 812 presented a rating of the most influential people St. Petersburg. The list was compiled based on a survey of 122 experts. The publications note that by influence they mean the ability to achieve the adoption of the necessary decisions both in their field of activity and outside it, as well as how strongly these decisions influenced the citizens and St. Petersburg itself. IN this rating Zakhar Smushkin was awarded 26th place.

Smushkin also takes an active part in public discussions, the topics of which relate to him entrepreneurial activity. He is a member of the Forestry Development Council under the Russian Government, as well as the Expert Council on Economic Development and Investment under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District.

In addition, Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich has the status of honorary professor at two St. Petersburg universities: Forestry S. M. Kirov and Technological Plant Polymers. In them, Smushkin gives lectures to students, talks about the features of the forestry industry, and shares his own experience in the field of managing a forestry enterprise. Zakhar Smushkin also provides senior students with jobs at enterprises that are part of the Ilim Group - to undergo industrial training pre-graduate practice. Smushkin himself graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute with a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Zakhar Smushkin is also interested in collecting art. Thus, in 2016, he presented a collection of Japanese art from the Meiji era at the Hermitage. The exhibition featured more than 700 exhibits, all of which Smushkin collected at various auctions over the course of seven years.

In an interview with one of the St. Petersburg publications, Smushkin shared his idea of ​​​​creating a museum of modern art, where businessmen could exhibit exhibits from their private collections.

The press knows little about the personal life of Zakhar Davidovich, since the Smushkin family leads a modest lifestyle and does not shock the public. He has a wife and son.

Smushkin has several hobbies, such as tennis and chess.
