What do construction companies do? Business is difficult, but profitable: how to open a construction company

According to statistics, more than 20% of the population of our country use the services of builders. At the same time, orders can come both for minor household repairs and for the construction of houses, garages, and various outbuildings. Based on this this type business is profitable, despite the general trends of a declining economy. Its profitability, in some cases, reaches 70-100% depending on the type of activity. Therefore below we'll talk about how to create and develop this type of business.

What are the nuances of the construction business, how to get around them and make it profitable

Any business requires a careful approach, as well as clear planning of its future activities. Construction services require careful attention and consideration of all nuances. Only thanks to this strategic planning You can make this type profitable.

Let's consider the important nuances


Despite the fact that some experts say that you can open your own construction business from scratch, this is not true. Certain investments will be required. First of all, this is the registration of a legal entity, since an individual entrepreneur is not suitable for a profitable company, and the formation of it authorized capital. The minimum amount for this is about 100-200 thousand rubles. In addition, it is better to buy the simplest equipment. This is also about 100 thousand rubles.


If you carefully study the labor market, you will notice that there are enough construction specialists, but among them there are many people with bad habits. The main rule is that if a builder is a professional and does not have bad habits, then many construction companies will be after him, based on this, only good salary, and the attitude towards him from the company management. This also applies to the foreman.

Search for clients

In the first case, immediately after opening, you need to remember all your acquaintances, colleagues, relatives and friends and inform them that they can apply for services. It is better to advertise in newspapers and also hang them up in the districts construction stores and markets where the relevant goods are sold. Tenders are posted on websites various organizations, as well as in Internet resources that specialize in this.

Marketing approach to clients

This nuance is that you need to come up with a system of discounts depending on the volume of work, and also send business proposals to large construction companies that win large orders and hire subcontractors.

Knowing all these nuances, you can bypass them and create a truly competitive enterprise. First of all, a novice entrepreneur must draw up a business plan, which takes into account all the above nuances, and also carefully study construction market locality where the activity will take place. Also in the business plan you will need to calculate all initial expenses and develop a detailed cost of services and their list.

The staffing problem can be solved this way. We need to hire workers probation, and look closely at them (are there any bad habits, poor quality work). Only after full check workers can be registered.

And be sure not to forget about the secretary who will take orders. It is important to know that the success of further work depends on the correctly chosen taxation system. Many beginning entrepreneurs who have achieved success in this business choose the simplified tax system (15% of profits).

Construction business areas

According to current legislation The following areas of construction business are distinguished:

Based on these types of modern construction, we can come to the unequivocal conclusion that for a successful start and up to the first profitable millions, the easiest way is to start with minor repairs and construction. Then, when the first profits appear, you need to improve and move to greater heights.

It is important to know that in order to engage in such types of construction as industrial and road construction, a legal entity must join the association of such business SRO - self-regulatory organization. There you need to pay fees, which can reach several hundred thousand or millions of rubles.

The process of opening a construction company

In order to start this business you will need to register. For small construction organizations, there is registration as an individual entrepreneur or the creation of an LLC. Let's look at the benefits.
An individual entrepreneur requires a minimum package of documents for registration and payment of state fees. There is also a simplified tax system for entrepreneurs.

But such entrepreneurs are limited in the amount of income. That is, if the profit exceeds a certain threshold, then the person will have to register a legal entity. Also, individual entrepreneurs are subject to a limitation on the number of employees, for example there cannot be more than 20, in addition to this you need to open a legal entity.

You will need the following documents:

  • copy of passport and TIN;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee;
  • filling out a special application for a list of activities that the individual entrepreneur will engage in.

Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that the best option for those who want to do minor household repairs is an individual entrepreneur.

Registering an LLC requires little high costs, and collecting documents. But as a legal entity, it is not burdened with restrictions on profits, as well as on the number of employees.

The following documents will be needed:

  • copies of documents of the founders (if there are several of them), or the founder with TIN;
  • original and copy of the minutes of the meeting where the decision to create the LLC was made, as well as the appointment of the director and chief accountant, as well as the size authorized capital, as well as legal address (location);
  • the original and a copy of the charter, which will specify the duties of the founder(s), as well as the types of activities;
  • bank statements confirming account opening;
  • receipt of payment of the special registration fee.

This form of legal entity is suitable for any type of construction activity.

It is important to know that currently many law firms offer the creation and registration of a turnkey LLC. That is, a person needs a desire, and then lawyers will do everything, and the price of such a service does not exceed 3-5 thousand rubles.

How much does it cost to open a construction company?

It must be said right away that such a business cannot be created without investments. Therefore, if you don’t have money, you can write a competent business plan and take out a loan from a bank.

The total costs will be as follows:

As you can see, in total you will need about one million rubles. But the amount can be reduced.

Recruitment and search for clients

  • The problems with personnel were discussed above. In general, the presence of bad habits among people in construction professions is a chronic disease in the labor market.
  • Based on this, it is possible to construct personnel selection according to this scheme.
  • Contact the employment service. Its staff will send workers for an interview, and they will be able to review work books. They indicate the previous place of work and the basis for dismissal.
  • If it is written that the person was fired due to negative reasons, then such an employee may not be hired. The manager may even call the former employer and ask about the characteristics.
  • Ask your friends. It happens that among acquaintances or friends, there are those who are looking for work as a former builder. At least the company owner will already know the biography of future employees.
  • It is not advisable to take unverified people from the street and those who came to work from other countries if there is no information or recommendations about them.

Now you can move on to searching for clients.

Let's start with something simple, these are friends and relatives. They also need to carry out construction work, so it’s better for them to turn to those they know.

The next one is an advertising dacha. It is better to give it to the construction sections of newspapers and, if possible, to radio and television, but it should immediately be noted that this is an additional expense. The advertisement should indicate various promotions from the company and discounts. It is also recommended to negotiate with the sellers building materials so that when selling their products they recommend the created construction company as a performer.

The last thing is to visit and register on resources where public and private tenders for construction work are posted. Many entrepreneurs get work there. You also need to take the time to go around everything large companies regions that are engaged in construction, and offer their services for some types of work as a subcontractor.

It is important to know that any advertisement or business proposal must be written correctly, so for this it is better to attract competent marketers, and do not be lazy to spend some money on their services.

Other nuances of the company's development

Some of the main nuances were discussed above. But budding entrepreneurs should also take advantage of the following tips.

The first is compliance with safety regulations by workers. In the event of their injuries, the employer bears full responsibility, both financial and criminal, so he must take every possible precaution in this regard.

Second, it’s literate financial policy. According to the laws of business, the profit received should not be spent on the needs of the founder or founders, but invested in the development of the business.

By adhering to all the rules and nuances, entrepreneurs will be able to create a truly strong business, withstand competition, and develop large network branches. Construction business this is strong competition. Only those who plan everything and do not stop there can withstand it.

Here is about how to open a construction company, what is needed for this, what equipment, and also ready-made example business plan for opening it.

At all times, construction has been and will be the most promising type of service provision, because... few of them ordinary people he can build a house himself, renovate an apartment, change pipes, because... This requires special skills, knowledge and professionalism.

In this article we will look at the plan itself, as well as the basic information that is associated with the opening of repair and construction companies and their subsequent successful activities.

Business plan - example

We present you a free ready-made example standard business plan construction company to open a repair shop construction organization small in size, consisting of 11 people, including the director.

Let us immediately note that in your case the costs, of course, may be significantly different, because it all depends on the volume of services you provide, their types, as well as the number of orders and the amount of work.

Do not forget that many construction companies and firms very often use the services of leasing companies that provide special equipment, construction equipment and personnel to service it are rented, so if something happens, you can easily increase your staff by doing the same at any time, but read about this below in the section “Special machinery, equipment and leasing.”

How to open a construction company/company?

So, let's look at the information on how to open a construction company (company) in detail.

In fact, the process of opening this company is no different from any other. The key points for an LLC consist of the following points:

  1. Name of the organization - construction company;
  2. Company location;
  3. Authorized capital;
  4. Founders (participants) of the company.

Based on the above, you will need the following documents:

  • Copies of the founders’ passports and/or information about the legal entities that are the founders (name, location, OGRN, OKPO, INN);
  • Information about the address of the location of the registered legal entity, i.e. you;
  • Information about the main activities of the construction company;
  • Information on the size and method of formation of the authorized capital.

The easiest way would be to contact law firms, because... Registration services are not expensive - around 3,000 rubles, but you can do everything yourself by paying the state fee and standing in line for a while.

But there are, of course, differences, or rather one thing - the need to have a special permit for certain types of work to be carried out by construction firms (organizations), but read about this in the paragraph “SRO and other permits”.

Areas of activity – services provided

So, what types of activities can your construction company or organization engage in? The following areas exist:

  • Industrial construction.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Road construction.

Each of them involves the provision of the following services:

  • Construction (turnkey or not) of buildings, residential buildings, warehouses, bathhouses, garages, etc. The term “turnkey” means that you will build the entire facility with a roof, utilities, etc. elements.
  • Repair, installation, dismantling.
  • Additional services of a construction company. There are three of them:
    • Renting out your existing equipment and personnel;
    • Education. If you have specialists in your company, you can provide training services for personnel of other companies. Often, when selling any equipment, these services are required.
    • Sale of goods: building materials, projects, construction equipment. Moreover, when selling projects, for example, country houses, as a rule, they again turn to your construction company for their implementation, i.e. you will also build them.

SRO and other permits

Many people think that to open any repair and construction company or firm, registration of an SRO or some other permit is required. In fact, this is far from the case. We list all the main types of “licenses” and the moments when they are required:

  • SRO(abbreviated from Self-regulatory organizations). Strictly speaking, an SRO is not a license or even a permit and admission, but the very status of a construction company (firm), on the basis of which certain types of services are permitted that are associated with high risks. SRO is not required if you build: buildings with a height of no more than three floors; block residential buildings in which the number of residential blocks does not exceed ten; buildings with an area of ​​less than 1500 sq.m.; objects of individual housing construction, which are intended for single family residence. Those. For an ordinary company, an SRO is not needed at all.
  • Construction permit. Without it you cannot build anything anywhere. This permit is issued to construction companies and organizations by authorities local government with the participation of the head municipality and the chief architect of the district (city). The costs of obtaining it are minimal.
  • License for design of buildings and structures. Necessary for the activities of legal entities and entrepreneurs who do not have legal education for the purpose of providing design services.
  • License for engineering surveys during construction. This is a permit for carrying out engineering work during construction and design.

Special machinery, equipment and leasing

Here we will analyze not the cost of special machinery and equipment for construction and installation work, but a service through which you can significantly reduce your costs for purchasing all of the above and its maintenance.

So, leasing is, in other words, rent for use. In this case, you will be renting, although you can do this additionally. This service is simply necessary if your construction company lacks any equipment to carry out any work. You can rent everything from an excavator to a drill.

Not a single construction company can provide itself with all the necessary equipment, because it will be expensive for it. Some companies and organizations have this equipment on staff, but, as a rule, its quantity is minimal. Besides, why buy an excavator and hire a backhoe operator if you only need them a couple of times a year? Therefore, before opening, think carefully about what you will need constantly. Usually this is the most minimal tool, without which no construction can do.

Options for cooperation and search for orders

If we talk about large-scale construction projects, they are usually carried out with the participation of construction contractors. Those. one large organization- a company that has all the organizational capabilities first participates in a tender, wins it and then hires other companies to cooperate in the construction of this facility. At the same time, some construction company builds the foundation, another carries out communications, and someone supplies windows and installs them, etc. Those. Having such a contractor as your friend will be very profitable for you. But who knows, maybe you yourself will become one.

As for private construction (garages, bathhouses, private houses), it would be an excellent option to advertise or collaborate with retail outlets building materials. Don’t forget about the Internet and, of course, advertising in villages, towns, etc.

We hope that this article on how to open a construction company and its business plan will help you start your own business.

The market economy makes significant changes not only in economic activity most enterprises, but also on the very perception of life by modern people.

For many of us, it is no longer enough to simply have good job with stable income, but I want to open my own own business enterprise. A business started and built from scratch with my own hands- Here cherished dream truly enterprising people.

In current conditions, construction is considered to be one of the most profitable and promising types of business. If you have chosen this type of commerce, then you need to know where to start a construction business; this will help you avoid many common mistakes that most novice entrepreneurs tend to make.

Features of the construction business

Like any modern commercial enterprise, the presented business is divided into several main categories, these are:
— the field of civil engineering;
— road construction;
- industrial construction of buildings.

The services of a construction company can be divided into two types:

— basic services, including such types of work as: construction of residential buildings, garages, bathhouses, warehouses, and so on, turnkey, and: installation, dismantling, renovation of apartments and other premises;
additional services— leasing of personnel and equipment, sale of construction materials, training of personnel from other companies.

To start a construction business from scratch you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

— writing a clear business plan;
— preparation of all registration documentation;
- collection permitting documents;
— purchase of inventory, equipment, machinery;
- hiring qualified personnel;
- searching for regular and new clients.

For successful commercial activities in the chosen direction you will need to make good business plan. This is necessary not only for organizing a company, but also in order to obtain a loan from a bank.

It usually contains everything you need to know about your company's liabilities and assets, as well as what methods will be chosen to increase profits.

With the help of a business plan you will accurately calculate payback and profitability construction company business.

Pros and cons of the construction business

The main advantage of practicing this type entrepreneurial activity- this is an opportunity to get good profit, though after certain period. On average, the profitability of a construction business ranges from 50 to 70%.

Among all types of private entrepreneurial activity this result called the most impressive. It is also worth noting that the presented type of commercial activity pays off on average within one year.

To start a construction business from scratch must own large financial means. Also important is the ability to attract qualified and conscientious personnel and strong knowledge in the chosen specialty.

However, as with any other business activity, you may encounter some pitfalls and problems.

The most typical of them are the following:

1) A significant decrease in profits can be caused by problems such as difficulty entering the market. A positive factor will be hiring employees who already have experience in this field; they will contribute to the fact that your company will have a good reputation in the market; you will not need to spend additional cash for advertising. Also, hiring experienced employees is an excellent opportunity to avoid forced price reductions;

2) A company that has recently registered and is just entering the wider market may have serious problems obtaining a loan from large banking organizations. The fact is that banks doubt the stability and prospects of the young company. You can convince them otherwise only if you have a well-written business plan and significant assets;

3) When opening a construction company from scratch, be prepared for a high level of competition in the field of business represented. To be successful you must provide your clients with good benefits compared to your competitors.

Financial component of construction activities

In order for your company to actively develop over a long period of time, you need to learn how to properly conduct accounting; without correct calculation of profits and expenses, it will be impossible to maintain stable development and make smart investments. What can we say about attracting new clients, and so on.

It is worth noting that one of the important conditions for organizing a construction business is the implementation of permanent large financial investments, withholding money at stages of construction that is not yet completed. Compliance with these conditions will allow a novice entrepreneur to make a good profit after some time.

There is the following list of main investments:
— purchase of construction equipment;
- purchase special equipment;
- transport taxes, advertising activities, taxes;
— rental of office and industrial premises.

One way to reduce financial costs is not to purchase special equipment, but to rent it. Usually, a significant part of the funds of beginning entrepreneurs is spent on promoting the company and investing in advertising activities.

A good solution is to create an Internet site for your company, which will present a full catalog of services provided, projects, price list, and so on. Investments in website and advertising are among the most important.

Collection of necessary documentation

Each construction company must have the following set of documents:
- certificate of state registration;
- certificate of registration with tax services;
— charter of the enterprise;
- seal;
— statistical codes;
— decision to form an enterprise.
Licensing a company includes collecting the following documents:
- construction permit - issued by the local government and the chief architect;
— license for engineering work;
— license for the design of structures and buildings.

Hiring staff

If you decide to organize your construction business from scratch, then you cannot do without hiring qualified and conscientious personnel. The company's reputation, productivity and profitability will largely depend on this factor.

Depending on the specific business conditions, the list of personnel may vary significantly, but usually it includes the following names:
— supply manager;
— designer;
- HR inspector;
- architect;
- foreman;
- lawyer;
- accountant.

If you plan to open a small finishing company, then the minimum number of people in one team is 4 people. Accordingly, they should include an electrical specialist, a painter, a plasterer and a carpenter. Important point— to obtain a license from government authorities, at least more than half of the registered employees must have a higher education in construction.

To increase productivity, be sure to provide your workers with all the necessary set of construction equipment and tools. They must be in good condition and undergo regular inspection. technical inspections and also comply with safety standards and requirements. It is best to give your preference to an expensive but high-quality tool than to purchase cheap, low-quality equipment.

How to attract new clients

For successful development any modern commercial enterprise it is imperative to be able to not only win over your group regular customers, but also attract new consumers. The implementation of this task will significantly expand the capabilities of your company and reach a new level of development.

The following methods of finding clients are suitable for beginning entrepreneurs:
— creating your own database of potential clients;
— the beginning of independent development of the site for the purpose of further sale of real estate on the market. You can start selling at any stage of construction - both at the initial and final stages;
— a good way to attract new customers is to receive orders after winning a government tender.

If you don't know how to open a construction business, then the presented material should definitely help you with this.

If you follow all the above recommendations and the proposed algorithm of actions, then starting this type of business activity should not cause any obstacles or difficulties. It is worth remembering that success comes only to businessmen who are strong in spirit and able to strive for new information.

Entrepreneurial structures for the uninitiated look the same from a legal and organizational point of view. It may seem that starting a construction company can be done in exactly the same way as opening a cafe or store. In fact, despite all the similarities, these processes are the same only in some respects.

A construction company can be created as a company with limited liability, joint stock company or a small private enterprise. But for builders only permitting documents are needed, for establishments catering- completely different. What restaurateurs need in terms of organizing a business is of no use to architects. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​the nuances.

Relations with the state

An entrepreneur from the very beginning of his activity, or rather, even before it begins, necessarily interacts with the state on many issues. It all starts with the registration of a company, because you cannot start work without an officially created structure; legislation in Russia considers such a procedure mandatory.

Before opening a construction company or a TV repair shop, you need to come up with a name for the company, select an office (legal address) for it, decide on the size of the authorized capital and the composition of the founders, if it is a limited liability company. After completing a small number of documents required by law, it’s time to go to the body that deals with registration and go through all the necessary procedures. If you want to save time, you need to contact a specialized company; if you want to save money, you need to do everything yourself.

The next step is obtaining permits for certain types of activities. For construction companies there are not so few of them, but also uncritically many. What exactly you should receive depends on the intended type of activity.

There is a SRO document (self-regulatory organizations) that is needed by those who intend to build buildings of four floors and above, block residential buildings of eleven blocks or more. There are also restrictions on area and the number of families living. If all the indicators are below those described, there is no need for an SRO.

Right to design various objects must be confirmed by a license, as well as the right to conduct survey work. Local authorities issue a permit for the construction of any building or structure. If there is no such permission, buildings and structures are considered unauthorized construction, with all the ensuing consequences.

Market research

The start of any business project is necessarily preceded by a thorough study of the market in which you will have to work. It is necessary to find out how possible it is to organize this or that enterprise in a given territory, including from a technical point of view. For example, if there is no locality gas pipeline, it is possible to build a brick factory in it, but the construction costs will include the cost of supplying gas.

So, for a construction company it is important to determine:

  • are there appropriate resources in the area;
  • how in demand certain construction services are;
  • how high is the competition in the market;
  • what are the statistics on the construction of construction projects;
  • whether there are a sufficient number of specialists with the required qualifications.

This does not exhaust the necessary information; the more, the better. The main thing is to correctly analyze the information received, drawing conclusions about what niche in the market is worth pursuing.

Read also: How to open a construction company and make money from it


It has already become a tradition that for a novice entrepreneur, planning is a business plan. Many consider such a document to be something like confirmation of status or simply a necessity for obtaining financing from banks and other financial institutions.

In fact, a business plan is not a formal statement, or even a tradition. This is a document that the entrepreneur himself needs. It contains calculations of all the nuances of a particular project. Without calculations, a business turns into amateur activity, which usually ends in bankruptcy quite quickly.

Equipment, technology and methods of acquiring it

How to open a construction company if there is no equipment and machinery? Practically nothing, because cooking food for clients over a fire is not welcomed by sanitary and hygienic services, and the same is true with construction.

The easiest and cheapest way to purchase equipment is if the company only deals with repairs. But even in such cases, you can’t do it with rollers, brushes and buckets alone; you still need transport and some devices. A serious construction company needs a substantial number of equipment and, in total, a very expensive set of equipment.

What exactly is worth purchasing? You should proceed from the same business plan and think about purchasing only what you absolutely and constantly need. Construction equipment is expensive to maintain and operate, so every extra one, say a truck crane, will place a heavy burden on the cost of work and services. If a machine or mechanism is used occasionally, it is better to rent it. Services for leasing special equipment are not uncommon. You can rent almost everything - from a spray gun to a panel truck, and this will be less expensive than keeping, for example, a drilling rig so that it will be useful for something once a year.

In this article we will tell you about the features and nuances of the question “how to become a contractor for a construction company.”

How to become a partner in a construction company

The widespread and constantly growing construction business seems attractive to many professional managers and investors. But what is needed to start this activity, and how to become a contractor or subcontractor in the construction or repair of newly created or modernized facilities?

To understand the aspects of this type of employment and earnings, you need to more systematically understand how the construction process works, how the distribution and further production of construction contract work is carried out in the construction services market. To begin construction work, it is most logical to become a partner of a construction organization that already has sufficient volumes of work and established experience in relations with key customers.

How do contractors and subcontractors work in construction?

In construction, with rare exceptions, there are no enterprises that independently carry out the full range of work undertaken. Therefore, the concepts of general contracting for construction work and partial or full subcontracting. To understand how contractors work, it is advisable to study the open competitive procedures announced on trading platforms, for the construction of objects for various purposes, analyze the documentation offered by Customers. The package of competitive materials often contains special individual parameters that the selected contractor must meet. Often, in order to win a tender or competition, not only experience, the presence of a specified number of completed and delivered objects, but also the possession of specific resources are required. This could be: special construction equipment, human resources, contracts with manufacturers of building materials. To understand how subcontractors work in construction, in the documentation for the site you can look at separate lists of work, which, as a rule, are not related in execution and timing to other sets of work that can be transferred to other contractors. Often the general contractor selects subcontractors through competitive procedures. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the documentation and basic parameters specifically for subcontracted work.

What do you need to become a contractor or subcontractor?

In order to become a contractor in construction from scratch, you need only three important conditions:
Availability of resources;
Having proven experience;
Competitive price of the proposed work.
In addition to these conditions, in order to undertake certain types of work, permits may be required. For a whole set of certain types of construction work, this is membership in SROs (self-regulatory organizations), which carry out the statutory control over the availability of the required qualifications and competencies of performers, and also issue permits for these types of work. Some types of work, such as handling certain hazardous substances, high voltage work, others hazardous work, must be carried out under the supervision of specialized government organizations. This also requires certificates and permits for both personnel and the organization as a whole.
Many types of construction work are not subject to legal regulation and to carry them out, all that is required is the organization of compliance with work and safety regulations.
Customers, when choosing an organization for the construction or repair of a facility, pay great attention to the experience of successfully performing similar work. Therefore, the easiest way to get involved in such a business is to start by partnering with an experienced organization as a subcontractor. Subcontract work performed with high quality and on time will also be included in the portfolio of successful projects and, over time, will become business card to receive your own orders.

How do construction contractors earn money?

It will be easy for a manager from any business segment to understand how contractors earn money in construction, since the main task of a contractor is the competent organization of all construction processes and their provision with materials. The contractor may formally not carry out any volumes of direct construction at all, transferring them to subcontracting. Very often, organizations retain only the functions of supplying construction materials and providing special construction equipment. All other work can be transferred to other organizations.
The construction business is a very structured type of activity, therefore, in order to become a contractor or subcontractor in construction, it is recommended to start the first steps with some specific types or compositions of work. This could be: electrical installation work of low-current networks, construction of walls, finishing or plumbing work, etc. In addition, it is extremely useful to become a subcontracting partner with a large construction organization, taking on a feasible list of works from the general order.

Firms engaged in construction and finishing of premises are profitable. This is due to the growing needs of the population for living space and the desire to improve their houses and apartments. Savvy entrepreneurs are collecting information on how to open a construction company. And creating a business in this area is realistic.

There is serious competition in the construction industry. Companies offer a wide range of services - from cosmetic renovation of apartments to construction of houses. For many, it is the construction of new facilities that brings the main income (up to 70% of the organization’s total profit).

A young company can count on success if it thinks through before starting a business:

  • Availability of connections, authority as a builder among friends and colleagues. Build a minimal reputation using your previous experience. Customers study the history of the organization. Therefore, at the very beginning of the journey there will be small orders.
  • Availability of equipment and tools. Own, rented. Consider everything you have, try to win a grant, a government subsidy.
  • Capital for registration, licenses (if required by type of activity), permits, certificates.

The more services, the easier it is to receive orders and develop. But one of the right options for choosing the specialization of a new construction company is interior decoration premises. It is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • various types of work. This will bring a stable income to a new business; finishing is required in any construction;
  • recruiting employees is easy. Many people agree to work with a personal instrument;
  • It is more realistic to receive an order from a young company for finishing a room or for cosmetic repairs than for the construction of a large-scale project.

Registration of a construction company

In order for a company to operate, it must be registered. Need to choose legal status or, collect a package of documents, .

Joining the SRO

One of important stages at is the moment of joining the SRO (self-regulatory organization of builders). Until 2010, a licensing system was in effect. It was necessary to obtain a whole list of licenses when opening a construction company.

Now, to join an SRO, it is enough to collect a standard package of documents. They will be reviewed within a month, and after that either a positive or negative decision will be made. Capabilities new company are determined on many points:

  • the director of the organization has construction experience;
  • specialized education for employees and management;
  • number of employees, etc.

There is an exact list of conditions, and it is different for each SRO. When a construction company begins operations without registering with an SRO, penalties may be applied to it.

When joining an SRO, an organization is subject to fees and contributions. There is a fund to compensate for damage caused to customers during construction work. In addition to this, there are a number of mandatory payments.

Ways to receive orders

There are many ways to express yourself and get new orders:

  1. Participation in competitions. The first ones are carried out for the construction of large government facilities and will be focused on reputable companies. They have sufficient material resources and can carry out large volumes. The second ones are carried out to select repair contractors, for example, at a school or consider cheap performers.
  2. Participate in the subcontracting program. Large firms often outsource part of the work to small construction organizations.
  3. Cooperation with companies building new buildings. This can provide more than one year's worth of work.
  4. Create a reputation. You need to do a good job to get customer feedback. Positive ones increase authority, that is, the number of orders.

All factors confirm that opening a construction company should be done with a focus on specializing in interior decoration. And then increase the range of services.

The construction business is one of the most profitable in Russia. The so-called “construction boom” has been going on for several years now and will continue for many more decades. Not only residential buildings are being built, but also municipal buildings, factories, shopping centers. Even a young company can win a tender for the construction of a particular facility and earn a lot of money from it. You can find out how to participate in tenders.

Where to start?

The first thing you need to do to open a company is decide on the direction of work. Today there are the following types of construction companies:

  1. Architectural design firm . Such a company deals exclusively with the design and execution of projects. For such companies, not only experienced but also talented employees are important.
  2. General Contractors . They are engaged in both cosmetic renovations of apartments and the construction of large residential complexes. To open, you need powerful equipment and a large staff.
  3. Specialist subcontractors . They engage in a specific list of work or carry out construction work on a small scale. It is best to start a business by opening just such a company. To operate it, only a small team of specialists is needed.
  4. Subcontractors-suppliers . They are mainly engaged in the supply of construction equipment and materials.

It is best to start as a specialist subcontractor. Then you can gradually expand your business.

Team Recruitment

First of all, a construction company must consist of specialists with specialized education. Diplomas, work records - all this is taken into account when joining an SRO.

To start work, you need to assemble a small team, which will include:

  • mason;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • painter-plasterer;
  • tiler-finisher;
  • high-altitude installer (if necessary).

At the same time, it is important that at least half of the employees have diplomas special education, work experience of at least about 2-5 years.

A high-altitude installer must have permission to work and pass a medical examination. An electrician must also have the same medical examination and certificate of admission to work with a class mark.

Basic requirements that must be met by employees:

  1. Having work experience;
  2. Integrity;
  3. Ability to complete assigned tasks within specified time frames.

Once you have orders and start earning money, you can gradually hire employees with minimal or no experience.

Enterprise registration

Once you have more or less formed a team, you can begin registering your business. This includes:

  1. Register as . It is best to register as an LLC, as this will allow you to work for legal entities and government agencies. Registration will cost from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.
  2. Construction permit. You can obtain it by contacting your local government. It is issued with the participation of the head of the municipality and the chief architect of the city or district.
  3. Joining an SRO - a self-regulatory organization.
