Message on the topic of work culture. The concept of “work culture. Natural and climatic factor of labor motivation

The concept of work culture arose a long time ago, but it still does not have a final definition, since issues of work culture have been considered in the studies of philosophers, economists, sociologists and educators with different approaches at more than one-order levels of analysis. It’s not for nothing that there are such concepts as veteran labor and the benefits associated with it. How to register a veteran of labor and who is entitled to the title, you can find out about this from lawyers specializing in labor code. Now you can even do this online on the Internet.

Some scientists consider work culture from the perspective of determining its essence and content, others study its individual elements and research. The first are more theoretical in nature, while the research of others is applied. Moreover, as an analysis of literary sources shows, there is no common view on the very essence of the category of labor culture.

Let's consider some concepts proposed by the authors, according to the achieved level of knowledge. Detailed sociological research was carried out by G.M. Sokolova. Analyzing the developments of social scientists (G. Bühl, F. Staufenbiel, etc.). As well as philosophers and economists (R.A. Zlotnikov, G.N. Cherkasov, F.A. Gromov, V.N. Luzhbin, etc.) she notes the one-sidedness of the analysis of work culture. Studying exclusively the characteristics of the social-production sphere leads to the identification of labor culture with production culture, but it is necessary to study their connections and mechanisms of interaction.

The author's concept is to define culture social production, as an integral association, its essence is revealed in what material and spiritual values ​​are produced in society, as well as by what methods and means this production occurs. External form the existence of a production culture - the objective assets of society, the internal meaning of this culture is the development of man directly in the production process.

It is man who carries out the functioning and development of the culture of social production, and the culture of his direct labor is the core of the self-development of the culture of social production. Therefore, the culture of work is studied in the system of culture of social production, and its essence is characterized by those factors that reveal how the social product is produced. Work culture is reflected in production activities And cultural development human, therefore it must be considered in combination and interrelation of two sides: objective and subjective. The first side includes what relates to the technical and organizational content of labor. The second, subjective side, presupposes high vocational and technical training of the worker and his moral qualities, that is, the personal aspect of work culture, which is considered as professional culture employee.

Keywords: The concept of work culture, work, The concept of work culture, analysis of literary sources, G. Bühl, F. Staufenbiel, R. A. Zlotnikov, G. N. Cherkasov, Author's concept, functioning and development of culture, human cultural development, Veteran of labor, how register for anyone

Management work culture is usually divided into:

The personal culture of the leader, including: level of qualifications, ethical education, personal hygiene and appearance, form of address to subordinates;

Rational distribution of working time. Rational organization the work of a manager is unthinkable without a clear idea of ​​what he does, when he does it, how much time he spends on various types works

It's about rigorous planning. personal work in the following areas:

work with documents. As a rule, managers are overloaded with work with documents and, due to the disorder of document movement routes, their lengthy processing and poorly organized delivery, up to 40% of policy, accounting and other documents may reach performers late or not at all. So, managers of enterprises whose document flow amounts to 20 - 30 thousand units (and these are far from the most large enterprises), annually sign at least 20 thousand organizational and administrative documents, not counting contracts, reports, schedules, projects. Viewing the document and signing it takes approximately half a minute. Thus, 20 - 25 days a year, managers are busy exclusively with signing documents.

working with personnel and solving social and economic issues.

resolving commercial issues;

meetings, negotiations;

unproductive time, unspecified time.

At the same time, the manager should keep in mind that he must take into account and plan not only working, but also free time;

However, with this approach, the labor process is greatly hampered: the working area of ​​the table is reduced; it is difficult to concentrate on any one thing; sanitary and hygienic conditions are deteriorating; It’s easy to lose documents you need at the moment, etc.;

The culture of holding mass events. We are talking, first of all, about the culture of holding various kinds of meetings, negotiations and conversations, on which a significant amount of working time is spent.

For example, for Belarusian managers at the top and middle levels of management, these losses amount to 25 - 43% and 30 - 45%, respectively. Therefore, to save time and increase the effectiveness of meetings in any organization, the manager must use such rules for their preparation as: clear definition of the topic of the meeting, development of the agenda, timely notification of meeting participants, decision organizational issues(ventilation of the room, placement of participants), resolution of all issues only through the presiding officer (to avoid conflict situations) etc.;

Culture of receiving visitors. It involves compliance with the rules and requirements when hiring employees, both on personal and official matters.

Culture in working with letters. This includes mandatory registration letters, determining the timing of their consideration, the personal responsibility of the manager for timely and correct response to them, a mandatory response to each letter. For example, at Continental Airlines, any employee can leave a message (voice or written) general director, who is obliged to respond to it within a few days;

Speech culture. About 80% of a manager's working time involves contact with people. Therefore, the ability to speak (communicate) is important integral part manager's work culture.

A continuation of the selection process is the specification of personnel, that is, the detailing of the required characteristics and qualities of workers (qualifications, skills, temperament, etc.);

Today, an interview is a particularly important and widespread element of selection, since here candidates are given the opportunity to express themselves most fully. In turn, experienced interviewers, knowing how to behave and what questions to ask, select those candidates who best meet their requirements.

The last stage is the process of introducing or adapting a new employee. It is worth noting that different organizations use different methods of adapting workers to new conditions. For example, the Waldorf Hotel company uses video material that introduces company employees to new employees, and the latter to the work of the organization.

The work of any organization is inevitably associated with the need to staff. The selection of new workers not only ensures the regime normal functioning organization, but also lays the foundation for future success. The quality of personnel selection largely depends on how effectively the work of personnel selection is carried out. human resources, their contribution to achieving the organization’s goals and the quality of the products produced or services provided.

This is especially true in the hospitality industry, where staff turnover is more common than other types of business (in hotel business 45% of employees leave new job 3 months after admission to it, and 15% after the first month).

This process, often called an introduction crisis, is costly for companies and has a negative impact on staff motivation and therefore customer satisfaction.

work with personnel, development of organizational norms and standards, personal work plans, setting tasks and bringing them to the attention of performers, management, control of execution, etc.

It determines the degree of knowledge of management theory, methods of organizational work, experience, skills, and ability to carry out various organizational procedures, which constitute a significant share in the structure of a manager’s working time.

As a rule, for the most complete characteristics organizational work manager with personnel, it is customary to highlight the styles, methods and principles he uses in managing people.

The manager's work style is a set of techniques and methods of managerial influence on personnel. It is in the leadership style that the internal culture, knowledge and experience of the leader are reflected, and it is the style that has a significant impact on the climate in the team and the culture of the organization.

Management is creativity based on certain principles, the main essence of which is the following: people react better when they are led by one boss (the principle of unity of command), people tend to follow those in whom they see a means to satisfy their needs (the principle of leadership), The more carefully the structure of rewards and punishments is developed, the more effective will be the return on the part of employees (the principle of motivation), the use of the latest data from management science (the principle of scientificity), the use of a proven system of material and personal responsibility, as well as instructions and regulations (the principle of responsibility), professional selection personnel (the principle of proper selection and placement of personnel), reasonable expenditure of funds (the principle of economy), obtaining information about the results of work (the principle of feedback).

It is obvious that, with the help of leadership style, you can significantly improve the performance of an organization, division, or management apparatus, but it can also significantly worsen it. But we must not forget that there is no universal management style that is equally suitable for managing different people. A good leader is good psychologist, who at the right moment chooses the management style that best meets the requirements of a specific management situation.

A concept close in meaning to the definition of “management style” is “management method,” which is a way of achieving a goal or solving a specific problem; a set of techniques or operations for the practical or theoretical development (cognition) of reality.

It is customary to distinguish 3 groups of methods:

economic management methods. This is a system of techniques and methods of influencing performers using a specific comparison of costs and results (material incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, wages, cost, profit, price). The main management methods here are the system wages and bonuses, which should be maximally related to the performance of the performer;

organizational and administrative methods of management. These are methods of direct influence that are directive and mandatory in nature. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion.

socially - psychological methods management. Since people are participants in the management process, then social relations and the corresponding management practices that reflect them are important and closely related to other management practices. These include: moral encouragement, social planning, persuasion, suggestion, personal example, regulation of interpersonal and intergroup relations, creation and maintenance of a moral climate in the team.

In general, the work activity of a manager can be divided into 4 functions. These are: planning, organization, motivation, control. But one should not assume that only the manager performs these functions. The rest of the employees actively help him. The goal of a manager’s work is to develop a direction for development and properly organize work.

The manager, as noted above, is a special worker in the organization and therefore he has some characteristics that distinguish him from other members of the team.

The following features can be highlighted:

Managers are not directly involved in the creation of material assets, although they are actively involved in organizing production;

The work of a leader is primarily mental;

Unlimited work of the manager;

Increased neuropsychic efforts of the leader associated with managing people and making responsible decisions;

The work of managers is not subject to quantitative accounting;

The need for acceptance large quantity decisions in a short period;

If a worker mainly performs several operations during his work shift, then a manager performs many different operations during his working day;

The work of a leader generally does not have a clear end.

All of the above features must be taken into account when organizing the work of a manager and considered all of them together and interconnected with each other.

We looked at the features of a manager’s work, but for effective work organization it is necessary to find out what the manager does during the working day. As noted above, a manager’s working day is not limited and varied. If represented in general view, then we can say that the manager performs the following types of work during his working day (according to various sources):

Scheduled meetings, meetings 60 - 65%;

Talking on the phone 3 - 6%;

Work with documents 17 - 22%;

Trips, inspections 3 - 7%;

Unplanned meetings 7%;

Lost time 2%.

The above data characterize the general situation and vary depending on the characteristics of the work. Manager or researcher doing analysis labor process, must take into account the characteristics of his organization. For a comprehensive and complete analysis of working time costs, it is necessary to carry out permanent job on cost accounting.

In a narrow sense it refers to proper organization mental activity, mandatory compliance with safety precautions and planning periods of work/leisure so that the result is obtained on time without overstraining the body. Great value also has a person’s existing attitude towards the work he does. The level of development of such a concept as work culture can vary greatly among different people. After all, everyone has sometimes noticed with their colleagues that one always manages to do the work quickly, efficiently and on time, while the other, despite all efforts, constantly fails to keep up and does his work carelessly. Such results are a clear indicator that this person’s mental work culture leaves much to be desired.

Work culture is a factor that must be observed under heavy loads. For example - during exams, preparing an important project. In those moments when a person is faced with a lot of work associated with stress at once. According to scientists, mental stress, although it does not look intense, actually requires much greater energy expenditure and effort from the body. Even more than physical labor. Moreover, it affects not only the brain cells, which bear the greatest load, but also all life systems. Thus, the heart of a simultaneous text translator can make 160 beats per minute while working. This is almost two and a half times more than in a state of relative rest.

Consequences of overvoltage

The neurons of the human brain, which ensure mental activity, cannot work uninterruptedly. Especially if you don't give them rest. This happens if a person does not comply with such an important discipline as work culture. By concentrating on the same type of activity for a long time, he causes brain cells to spend huge amount energy and protein. But the body’s reserve abilities, which have to be used in this process, are not unlimited. Then a person’s internal defense mechanism is triggered. The action of the cells is automatically inhibited, they seem to turn off to avoid overvoltage.

But people have come up with ways to renew using artificial means from outside: coffee, sweet energy drinks, sometimes even medicines. Unfortunately, such interference in a well-functioning natural mechanism does not bode well. Sooner or later, neurons stop coping: metabolism is disrupted, after which the cells die. At first, the consequences do not manifest themselves at all. The fact is that cells are capable of simultaneously performing different functions, including replacing other dead cells and performing their tasks. So workaholics continue to immerse themselves in work. The trouble becomes obvious when a person begins to get very tired, makes mistakes in seemingly familiar actions, and cannot even solve simple tasks. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to observe moderation and correctly distribute efforts throughout the day.

How to organize your working hours

It seems difficult to do a huge amount of work without getting tired. But some people still manage to do this. There is no secret here. Successful, fruitful work is an indicator that a person strictly observes the work culture. To begin with, it is very important to engage in self-observation and determine your biorhythms. When is the body most tuned to work, in the morning or in the evening? For some, midday hours are suitable, others are most active in the early morning, and in rare cases they wake up in the evening. It is best to distribute your efforts so that most of them occur during productive times.

It is also not recommended to try to solve several important matters at the same time. It is much more effective to choose one, the most relevant one, and concentrate on solving it. Otherwise, the person is at risk of overwork. This is due to some features of our nervous system. When solving several important issues at the same time, the brain has to create competing systems of neurons. This, in turn, leads to fatigue of the central nervous system and contributes to feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. In this case, the person is not in danger of success in solving the problem. And unfinished business, as we know, leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Another important condition that the work culture implies is the mandatory alternation of work and rest. You can’t sit for several hours on one thing without a break. This will not help you solve a difficult problem, but, on the contrary, makes you obsess over it. It is necessary to periodically be distracted by something completely different. However, complete inaction is not recommended. Our brain rests, even if we simply switch its work to another type of activity. Then other departments start working. It would be even better to go in for sports, do exercises or at least a couple of simple physical exercises. Alternatively, you can walk down the street with your dog, go to the store or to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Mental activity usually involves staying in one position for a long time, and this has a bad effect on muscle tone. The stomach and back are too relaxed, the legs are bent, the neck is tense, moreover, in a static position, blood circulation worsens and slows down. In view of this, daily physical activity is very important for maintaining health, and therefore

Also, those whose activity involves intellectual work should not overeat. Those people who prefer an evening with a book or computer to active recreation should especially pay attention to their diet. With weak physical activity, too little muscle energy is consumed to require replenishing it with large amounts of food. An excess of high-calorie foods in the diet leads directly to weight gain, or, more simply, to obesity. It, in turn, can cause many health problems, such as liver, heart and joint diseases. may cause the development of diabetes. It is best to replace fatty and heavy foods with healthier fruits and vegetables. They are high in brain-boosting vitamins and low in calories. Therefore, it is difficult to abuse such food, even if you eat it in large quantities.

component general culture people; determined by the cultural level of the employee, his professionalism, education, competence, discipline, and forms of communication with employees.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a system of extra-biologically developed mechanisms (and, accordingly, the “ability” to actualize them), thanks to which the activities of labor subjects are stimulated, programmed, coordinated and implemented. Functioning and development of K.T. provides a certain social quality of the labor process - the main condition for the realization of the essential powers of a person. The latter are realized the more actively, the deeper and more multifaceted they are reflected in the individual and collective labor activity technical and technological standards and social values ​​of labor, labor collective, society.

Objective characteristics of K.T. represent technical, technological and social standards, determined by the achievements of technology, technology and production organization and representing a hierarchy of requirements for a person as a performer production functions and as individuals. Subjective characteristics of K.T. are the sociocultural needs of workers, which in their totality form a type of value attitude towards work. The study of connections and relationships between these characteristics allows us to analyze the culture-forming effect of labor, which is manifested in the unity and contradictory development of the process of forming a person’s individual abilities and the process of realizing his individuality enriched by social experience in work.

The culture-forming effect of labor is determined by its content to the extent that it enriches, in the process of appropriating the existing totality productive forces, knowledge and abilities of a person, and the nature of work to the extent that it contributes to the full disclosure of personality and its self-expression in the process of creative work. At the same time, professional development, associated with the increasing complexity of equipment and technology, is often hampered by restrictions on the social and spiritual development of workers, despite the possibilities of scientific and technological progress.

K.T. develops in the interrelation and mutual reinforcement of its external and internal regulatory mechanisms. If the external ones are associated with the control influence on a person (by bringing his socio-professional characteristics and sociocultural needs in line with the increasing requirements of technology, labor organization and production), then the internal ones are with the knowledge and organization of a person’s own essential forces as social ones. It is due to the effectiveness of internal mechanisms that social reserves for improving work culture are formed. IN modern conditions The interaction between a person’s appropriation of the existing set of productive forces and the implementation of this experience in work activity is characterized by a certain inconsistency. On the one hand, this is manifested in the insufficiently rapid growth of the quality of the labor force capable of mastering the existing means of labor and technological processes, on the other hand, in the far from full use of the available abilities of the workforce, its intellectual reserve. The set of socio-economic and technical-organizational contradictions that cause the disharmony of these processes is resolved with the help of external and internal regulatory mechanisms of the computer system, revealing the reserves of its functioning and development.

The concept of “work culture”

There is no clear definition of the concept of “labor safety culture” in both Western and Russian publications. This can be confirmed even by this fact: take any reference book or dictionary on labor protection and try to find there the very concept of “labor safety culture”, but as a result of the search you can find a lot of related concepts: “safety climate”, “safety policy”, “ organizational climate”, “communication culture”, etc. A more or less clear definition of occupational safety culture can be found in Russian Encyclopedia on labor protection, where is the culture of labor protection understood? high level of development of the system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work.

The Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety defines “work culture” as a theory that includes:

  • 1) values, ideas and principles that serve as the basis for managing the occupational safety system;
  • 2) a system of practical procedures and behavioral responses that embody and reinforce these basic principles.

From this we can conclude that the occupational safety culture cannot be equated either to specific structures for ensuring occupational safety (labor safety department, occupational safety commission, etc.), or to existing safety programs (risk identification, monitoring activities such as worker inspections places, accident investigations, safety analysis of a particular profession, etc.). Analyzing various theories and empirical evidence about the impact of occupational safety culture on the level of occupational safety, we can come to the conclusion that there is special kind occupational safety culture, which is more productive for the quality functioning of the safety system. In other words, this safety culture must be a combination of leadership and support from senior managers, involvement of lower-level managers and involvement of workers in compliance with safety measures to preserve, above all, the lives and health of workers. In fact, such an occupational safety culture can be highly assessed by two main parameters of occupational safety: the occupational safety mission and “involvement in occupational safety.”

Let us consider the structure of the concept of “work culture”.

Rice. 1.

Technological discipline is strict adherence to all technology requirements, rules and actions, as well as requirements for the quality of the labor product.

Workplace is an area of ​​human labor activity, equipped technical means And auxiliary equipment necessary to manage some process or perform work.

The ultimate goal of organizing a workplace is to optimize working conditions that ensure maximum reliability and efficiency of work.

When organizing a workplace, certain conditions must be met.

Sufficient work space to allow all necessary movements and movements during operation and maintenance of the equipment.

The presence of a free action zone, i.e. an area in which equipment, tools, materials, devices that have to be used frequently are concentrated.

Sufficient natural or artificial lighting workplace.

The design and design of the workplace should be fast, simple and economical maintenance equipment, maintain a comfortable working posture.

Air exchange, temperature and humidity that meet the standards.

The level of work culture is an important characteristic of an individual and the basis of his readiness for work. Society's need for an individual with a high work culture is dictated by the requirements of scientific, technical and social progress, determining the necessary level of preparation of young people for an independent working life: complications of social production; changes in the content, nature and conditions of work; the emergence of new requirements for direct participants in production, for their general educational, professional and cultural level, etc.

Developing this issue, A.S. Makarenko created the foundations of the theory of the educational team, which played a major role in the organization of the Soviet school. He believed that only joint labor efforts, teamwork, labor assistance people and constant work interdependence can create the right attitude of people towards each other.

According to A.S. Makarenko, it is work in a team, subject to the skillful guidance of a teacher, that forms the elements of a work culture that a future specialist will need in his subsequent creative activity. Exploring the process of forming a culture of work for young people, he developed a theory of education in a team and through a team. All his pedagogical activities had a single goal - the preparation of comprehensively developed people, whose work activity should become the basis of their whole life.

In contrast to the collectivist approach to the problem of developing a work culture, S.T. Shatsky emphasized the importance individual development specialist He believed that the main thing for a person is the opportunity to work and use his knowledge to carry out simple life tasks, worry about his health, work physically and mentally, draw up a plan for his work and at the same time test it in practice. This approach, in his opinion, provides the opportunity for personal development, the formation of elements of the work culture of each individual, and stimulates the growth and realization of the creative powers of the individual.

Thus, the problem supposedly arises of contrasting the role of the individual-personal aspect of the development of work culture and the “collectivist” approach to introducing the idea of ​​developing a work culture. If we discard the past and already outdated ideological layers of this problem, then the drama of such a confrontation disappears, and we find ourselves faced with the question of the optimal relationship between two aspects of the single and integral process of forming a work culture and professional development participants in the educational process.

While discussing the characteristics of a Russian employee relevant to creative behavior, we mentioned some features of the domestic management culture. Let us now consider this phenomenon more closely. Of course, the division of culture into management and labor is rather conditional, since each of them is a kind of response to the other: the first allows you to manage Russian subordinates, the second allows you to work under the supervision of a domestic leader. They represent different sides, or aspects, of a single whole, implementing the same practices of labor activity, each from their own position. Socializing in the process professional growth, the employee assimilates and reproduces as a leader those management practices of which he was the “object” at earlier stages of his career. The mutual consistency and complementarity of labor and management cultures ensures their relative stability over time and resistance to attempts at targeted changes.

Nevertheless, this conceptual division gives an additional perspective to the research view; it reflects the difference in the positions of the subjects of labor activity and the variety of tools that allow (trying to) manipulate these aspects of organizational culture within the enterprise. In addition to all that has been said, there are also practical possibilities for splitting the cultures of work and management, for example, the work of Russian employees in foreign company under the leadership of foreigners or a symmetrical situation of expatriate employment in Russia. So, as already mentioned, Russian management culture based on strict control, strict hierarchy, negative motivation, and the predominance of prohibitive norms.

Factors such as fluctuations in crop yields in central Russia, the vulnerability of people and material assets in the face of a military threat (nomads, internal strife) and natural disasters, huge distances that determined the possibility of extensive development [Shkaratan, Karacharovsky 2002]. Indeed, the fragility and unreliability of life in the vast expanses contributed little to the development of complex economic systems and intensification of activities.

Simple and reliable schemes that do not require complex cooperation and are easily reproducible and restored turned out to be much more effective: let wooden house vulnerable to fire, but it can be restored in one season. The constant military threat required a centralized paramilitary control organization, the byproduct of which was the subjugation of the individual state necessity, treating the population only as one type of resource. Another consequence of these factors was the limitation of the planning horizon to the short term.

Based on similar premises, A.P. Prokhorov writes that throughout history, domestic managers have been characterized by the desire and ability to maximize the mobilization of resources, including human ones, and the attraction and redistribution of resources, but not their saving, has always been effective [Prokhorov 2013, p. 56, 60-61]. It should be emphasized that the tendency towards super-control and super-exploitation always gave rise to resistance at all levels of the hierarchy, and at the slightest opportunity the system sought to go into a stagnant state, to protect itself from the authorities with the help of formal indicators and an abundance of bureaucratic procedures
