Profitability of a beer outlet. What do you need to open a beer store? Taxation of a beer store

Sale of beer, fines, licenses, law, egais, magazines, cash registers, time of sale, labeling, responsibility, bottling and other new beer issues, as well as what is needed for sale in 2020, and other issues in the article.

Constantly updated, last time: 10/01/2020.

Features of regulation of beer sales in Russia

Beer is a foamy drink obtained from brewing malt, hops and/or hop products and water with or without the use of grain products, sugar-containing products as a result of fermentation of beer wort, containing ethyl alcohol formed during the fermentation of the wort. Beer must be prepared without adding ethyl alcohol.

The detailed order of the characteristics of the drink is fixed in GOST 31764-2012.

You don't need a license to sell beer

You do not need a license to sell beer, cider, mead and other alcoholic products ( exception of wine, champagne and alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, brandy, Becherovka…. with a share of ethyl alcohol over 9%), they can be sold through an LLC or individual entrepreneur without a license at retail and wholesale, but it is important to observe the time of sale, Unified State Information System, availability of a cash register, age of the buyer, volume of plastic containers.

For reference (listed in separate articles):

  • Where it is prohibited to sell alcohol and wine, including on holidays: March 8, February 23, etc.
  • Responsibility for drinking alcoholic beverages

What to choose LLC or individual entrepreneur when selling beer

Individual entrepreneurs (IP) and LLCs have the right to sell beer.

Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” indicates that the sale of beer and other alcoholic products is carried out from a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (IP) using a registered V tax service cash register and the corresponding OKVED codes.

An individual entrepreneur (IP) does not have the right to sell strong alcoholic beverages

Such a ban is indeed established by Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995.

Where you can and where you can’t sell beer

Sales allowed only in stationary objects

Retail sales of alcoholic beverages in non-stationary retail facilities, which are temporary structures for which it is not possible to register ownership, are not permitted.

Examples of non-stationary objects

  1. stall (tent),

Beer delivery

Remote sales of alcoholic beverages, as well as goods the free sale of which is prohibited or limited by law, are not permitted. Russian Federation.

All possible schemes to circumvent this prohibition are in our article: Is it possible to deliver beer to your home? Delivery is permitted by law.

Application of online cash registers, online CTT

From July 1, 2018, the use of online cash registers is mandatory for everyone who receives cash cash, incl. using electronic payment instruments.

What is the fine?

WITH according to clause 3 of Art. 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violation of special requirements and rules for the retail sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products

  • Individual entrepreneurs can be fined 20-40 thousand rubles.
  • Organizations will have to pay more - up to 300 thousand rubles.

No initial registration required

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 16, 2017 No. 03-01-15/37692 indicates that when using an online cash register it is not necessary to maintain a primary cash register, namely:

The Russian Ministry of Finance clarifies that the use of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording cash settlements with the population using cash registers, approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, is not required when switching to online cash registers.

This is due to the fact that the updated legislation on cash register systems does not contain such a requirement. All fiscal data is transmitted at the time of calculation in the form of documents generated using cash register equipment, to the tax authorities through the fiscal data operator (with some exceptions).

We remind you: the cash register must be equipped with a clock set to real time areas where this equipment is installed and used (letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-01-15/28072 dated 05/05/2017).

Who has the right to work without online cash register

Until July 1, 2019, except for organizations with registered personnel.

The list of organizations and individual entrepreneurs exempted from the use of online cash registers for another year, in particular, includes:

  • businessmen providing shoe repair and painting services;
  • entrepreneurs and legal entities providing services for the production and repair of keys and metal haberdashery;
  • persons selling handmade or handicraft products;
  • citizens renting out their own housing;
  • organizations or individual entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of newspapers and magazines in kiosks;
  • takeaway ice cream and draft soft drink vendors;
  • sellers of products from tank trucks: milk, kvass, fresh fish, etc.;
  • sellers of seasonal vegetables and fruits, including melons;
  • sellers of peddled products; sellers at fairs, exhibitions and sales, retail markets.

At the same time, they are obliged to issue BSO to customers. And if before July 1, 2018 they could use old-style forms, then from July 1 it is necessary to create a BSO using a new type device - an “automated system for BSO.” Actually a form strict reporting transforms into one of the types of cash receipts.

In addition, the following have the right not to use online cash registers indefinitely:

  • pharmacies operating at paramedic stations in villages and villages, as well as departments of hospitals and medical organizations in populated areas where there are no pharmacies;
  • legal entities and individual entrepreneurs working in remote villages and villages or hard-to-reach areas. The area must be on the list approved by regional authorities.

All these sellers of goods and services, including those who operate in areas difficult to communicate, are required to issue buyers a strict reporting form (SRF), which replaces cash receipt. At the same time, legislation and tax authorities emphasize that BSO should be issued not at the request of the client, but for each settlement case. If you don’t do this, you can get a fine; there are already precedents.

Is it possible to use an online cash register only for selling alcohol, and sell other goods in the old way, without a cash register?

It's possible, but it's not that simple. For goods without excise duty, at the buyer’s request, you must issue a document confirming the purchase - sales receipt, receipt, etc.

If you have alcohol and other excise goods on your shelves, you are required to use the cash register and issue receipts for them. Even if you pay taxes according to UTII, simplified tax system or PSN and have not yet used cash registers.

According to paragraph 7 of Article 7 of the 290-FZ, entrepreneurs and organizations on UTII and PSN may not use a cash register when selling excise-free goods until July 1, 2018. In this case, at the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt, sales receipt or other document confirming the fact of purchase. They must be printed by an automatic system or in a printing house. In addition, if they do not have a tear-off part, you must write out a duplicate.

On the other hand, if you want to punch checks even for goods without excise taxes, the law does not prohibit this. Use it cash register, if it's more convenient.

A cash register is not just a legal requirement, it is also a useful tool. It helps analyze sales, keep track of goods and manage the store remotely from a mobile device.

Is it possible to punch out receipts with the exact names of alcohol, and reflect the rest of the goods as a total amount?

The logic is this: according to the current version of 54-FZ, each seller indicates on the receipt the name of each product sold.

Law 290-FZ in paragraph 17 of Art. 7 clarifies that entrepreneurs and organizations under special tax regimes (UTII, simplified tax system, PSN) may not indicate this data on the check until February 1, 2021, but only if they do not trade excisable goods.

If you sell strong alcohol or other products with excise tax, it is mandatory to indicate the names of all goods, including non-excise ones, from March 31, 2017.

Fines for not using cash registers

The violation is punishable by Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services in the absence of established information or non-use of cash register equipment in cases established by federal laws.” Their size is for officials is from 1/4 to 1/2 of the amount of the blank check, but not less than 10 thousand rubles. The organization will pay from 3/4 to 1 of the amount on the check, but not less than 30 thousand rubles.

Friendship between food and alcohol

It is allowed to sell alcoholic products containing ethyl alcohol not more than 16.5 percent of the volume finished products at any facilities, provided that catering services are provided at these facilities. Here it is important to understand the difference between the retail sale of alcohol and the retail sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages when providing catering services.

If you have an unregistered premises (including premises that do not comply with clause 1 of this article) and you want to sell beer on its territory ( for bottling and in containers), you need to arrange a cafe or buffet ( table + two chairs + hanger, pies purchased in a store displayed in a display case with tea + notification of the opening of a cafe to Rospotrebnadzor, and for Moscow and the region to the stationary register of consumer market objects (a Certificate is issued). Specify this question in the Administration of your region/district).

How to sell draft beer in a takeaway cafe

The answer is simple: do not close the bottle with a lid, give it to the buyer, taking into account the paragraph above!

Important ! In the Ulyanovsk region (and only) in August 2016, new rules were introduced allowing trade alcoholic products, namely the presence of a toilet and sink, at least 6 tables and 24 seats, as well as a full-fledged working kitchen. This innovation came into effect on January 1, 2017. We believe that these rules will be tested in this area and introduced throughout the Russian Federation.

When providing catering services, there are no restrictions on trading hours - for all others it is prohibited to trade from 23:00 to 8:00.

Selling beer in a summer cafe

Regional authorities have the right to permit the sale of beer in summer cafes located at stationary facilities. For example, in Moscow this is determined by Moscow Government Decree No. 102-PP dated March 6, 2015 “Rules for the placement, arrangement and operation of seasonal (summer) cafes at stationary public catering establishments.”

The store is out of beer, the cafe is no help

In connection with the introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System, restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels, hotels are prohibited from purchasing alcohol from July 1, 2016. retail networks(retail). In general, any repurchase for the purpose of resale in retail chains, stores, etc. prohibited, you can only buy from wholesalers.

What to do with cocktails

Cafes and bars with a license to sell alcoholic beverages ( vodka, cognac.. over 9%) can make their own cocktails by mixing alcoholic products, since mixing is not the production of alcoholic products.

What OKVED codes are needed?



  • OKVED 47.25.12 – Retail sale of beer in specialized stores.

If you registered an individual entrepreneur or LLC before July 11, 2016, then you do not need to make any changes to the codes; the Federal Tax Service will independently correlate your previous and new OKVED codes entered in the registers.

You cannot use old codes:

  • 52.25 Retail alcoholic and other drinks.
  • 52.25.1 Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer.
  • 52.25.11 Retail trade of alcoholic beverages, except beer.
  • 52.25.12 Retail trade in beer.

EGAIS for selling beer “What a Beast”

All wholesale purchases of alcoholic beverages in urban settlements, as well as from July 1, 2016, retail sales in mandatory entered into the EGAIS system.

If you sell beer or other low-alcohol (excise-free) drinks, then you do not need to send data on retail sales to EGAIS. You are required to record the receipt of goods from the supplier in EGAIS and maintain an alcohol log.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer for further retail sale have been required to connect to the system for years only to confirm purchases of wholesale quantities from legal manufacturers and suppliers; at the moment, registration of sales to the end buyer is not required, so trade in beer through EGAIS is easier to register than other alcoholic beverages .

You reflect retail sales in the alcohol magazine

Data from there is not sent anywhere, but Rosalkogolregulirovanie checks this data when it comes with an inspection. If you are a catering company or sell excise-free alcohol by the glass, then make an entry in the journal upon opening the container - when you uncorked the bottle or printed a new keg. Data must be entered no later than the next day.

You must connect to the system before 01/01/2016 or from the moment you start trading, but definitely before the inspectors come to you. In rural settlements the deadline has been shifted from July 1, 2017. EGAIS is suitable for both a wired connection and a connection via mobile or satellite communications.

Deadline for recording information in EGAIS

Calculated in working days and is 3 (three) days, for rural areas 7 (seven) days.

Strange situation! Beer cannot be moved to another sales point of one legal entity if there is no EGAIS at the points, while if the question concerns vodka, cognac, then the products can be moved between divisions of one legal entity, and these movements must be reflected in EGAIS, but nothing is said about devices. Perhaps we misunderstand something, I hope readers will correct us.

Decommissioning and combat in EGAIS

The enterprise is obliged to reflect the write-off of alcohol consumption and losses in the egais system on a daily basis. If a violation is detected, a fine of 150 thousand rubles. So, make sure you don’t get caught, and if the supervisory authorities come, at the same moment make a write-off report with the current date. There is already judicial practice, but it is ambiguous and who needs judicial problems.

6.1. How to check alcohol in EGAIS, etc. New clarification of certain EGAIS issues, including how to check the authenticity of alcoholic products in the operating conditions of the EGAIS system, filling out the sales log, as well as questions about the operation of the system, how to move products between stores and common errors of its users.

Responsibility for violations + fine

(in a separate article)

Since 2015, liability for the sale of alcohol to minors has been tightened, and in 2019, liability for the sale of alcohol to minors has been preserved, and at your request, dear readers, we are posting - Fines for violating the rules for the sale of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

Don't forget about the seller's instructions: Instructing the seller on the sale of alcohol and tobacco.

Maintaining a journal of retail sales volumes

A form is being introduced for the journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, and also provides for the procedure for filling out the journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products. The absence of a logbook for recording alcohol sold may be considered a violation of the procedure for recording ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products during their production or circulation. For this Art. 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine. Its size for officials and entrepreneurs will be from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. And for organizations - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Filling out the log is carried out at the place of activity

  • organizations engaged in retail sale of alcoholic or alcohol-containing products;
  • individual entrepreneurs engaged in the retail sale of beer and drinks made from beer, cider, poire, mead or alcohol-containing products.

The log is filled daily

The log is filled out every day, no later than the next day after the fact of retail sale of each unit of consumer packaging (packaging) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or upon opening transport packaging(including reusable containers) used for delivery and subsequent bottling of products to the consumer in one of the following ways:

  • on paper;
  • V electronic form using software unified state automated information system accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (USAIS).

Example of a sales journal

  1. No. – enter the entry number in order.
  2. Date of retail sale of each unit of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Barcode ( Here you need to indicate information in the form of symbols read from a federal special or excise stamp using EGAIS software. To do this, the organization must have a two-dimensional barcode scanner. When connecting to the EGAIS system, its presence is mandatory. The “bar code” of the alcohol logbook should be filled out only by those companies and individual entrepreneurs who have connected to the EGAIS system. The bar code is read by a special scanner from the excise stamp).
  4. Product name ( enter the name of the alcoholic or alcohol-containing product. Data should be taken from accompanying documents).
  5. Product type code ( you need to indicate the product type code in accordance with the Product Type Classifier. It was approved by Order No. 231 of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated August 23, 2012.).
  6. Capacity (l) – the capacity of consumer packaging (transport packaging) of sold alcoholic or alcohol-containing products is entered.
  7. Quantity (pieces).

Example of a completed journal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 01.10.2016 Vodka "Putinka" 200 0,5 3
2 01.01.2016 Beer "Baltika" 500 1 2
Total for code 200 3
Total for code 500 2
Total by name Vodka “Putinka” 3
Total by name Baltika Beer 2
Total by quantity (pieces) 5

If the organization will keep a journal in electronic form for products marked with federal special and excise stamps, columns 4, 5, 6 and 7 do not need to be filled out.

There is no need to register the logbook anywhere or submit it for inspection anywhere. It must be kept at every point of sale of alcohol and beer. But at the request of the inspectors, you will have to submit it. Download EGAIS accounting journal in Word (Word).

Labeling of beer, cider and other beer products

Based on para. 6 tbsp. 5 of Law No. 171-FZ it follows that the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products include, in particular, the introduction of mandatory labeling with federal special stamps and excise stamps of alcoholic products produced and sold in the territory Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 171-FZ, alcoholic products (except for beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead) are subject to mandatory labeling in the following order:

  • alcoholic products produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of alcoholic products supplied for export, are marked with federal special marks. The brands indicated are purchased from government agency, authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • alcohol products imported (imported) into the Russian Federation are marked with excise stamps, except for the cases provided for in clause 5.1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 171-FZ. The brands indicated are purchased from customs authorities organizations importing alcoholic beverages.

Important: Labeling of alcoholic beverages with brands not provided for by Law No. 171-FZ is not permitted.

According to clause 5.3.3 of the Regulations on Rosalkogolregulirovanie, the issuance of federal special stamps for labeling alcoholic products produced on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market (Rosalkogolregulirovanie).

Sale of beer in containers up to 1.5 liters is prohibited

Government of Russia “On the use of containers” approved amendments to the law, according to which the production of alcoholic beverages with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 0.5% in plastic container volumes of more than 1.5 liters are prohibited from January 1, 2017, and the retail sale of alcohol in such containers is prohibited from July 1, 2017.

“The law is aimed at establishing a phased ban on the production, circulation and retail sale of alcoholic products in consumer packaging (consumer packaging or packaging made entirely of polyethylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate and other polymer material),” the document says.

These innovations indicate the lack of competition in the Russian Federation in the aluminum production market (the manufacturer UC Rusal belongs to " successful businessman"Oleg Deripaska), and they are trying to solve this problem through restrictive measures.

The essence of the law that came into force

Retail sale of alcoholic products containing ethyl alcohol more than 0.5 percent of the finished product volume in polymer consumer packaging (consumer packaging or packaging made entirely of polyethylene, polystyrene and other polymer material) is not permitted. Retail sale of alcoholic products containing ethyl alcohol 0.5 percent of the finished product volume is allowed in polymer consumer containers with a volume of no more than 1,500 milliliters.”

In the explanatory note, the authors of the bill noted that beer consumption in the country has acquired a “threatening volume”, the cheapness of plastic containers increases the availability of this drink for the population, and its large volume makes them drink more. At the same time, in the 1st quarter of 2016 there was a message in the media that state corporation Rosspirtprom bought 8 alcohol production plants, while the alcohol production market almost completely came under state control.

The amount of the fine for selling over 1.5 liters

The fine for the sale of alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 0.5% in a polymer container with a volume of more than 1.5 liters, as well as for its production and turnover, is:

  1. for officials from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. with or without confiscation of items of an administrative offense,
  2. for organizations - from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles. with or without confiscation of items of an administrative offense.

In this case, both the first and the second, together with a fine, may be subject to confiscation of the items of the administrative offense.

What is stated in the article applies not only to legal entities but also to individual entrepreneurs.

Law enforcement practice

  • In each specific case, when selling beer on the territory of a non-stationary facility, it is necessary to answer the question of what activity the entrepreneur was engaged in: retail sale of beer (in this case, administrative liability is lawful) or provision of public catering services to consumers (in which case penalties should not be applied). ).

Whose competence is this issue?

Questions regarding the turnover (including sales) of alcoholic beverages, incl. and beer are in the department Federal service on regulation of the alcohol market (website address - and are regulated by Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products.”

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 80,750 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan a draft (live) beer store with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This article presents a business plan for a draft beer store. Such an enterprise can be opened in both large and small towns. The article will consider such aspects as legal regulation, ways to promote your own business, calculations based on real data and, of course, a detailed analysis of what an entrepreneur needs to do to make his business successful.

Market analysis

Considering the alcohol market around the world, it should be noted that Russians occupy 4th place. Thus, per person in our country there are 15.76 liters of pure ethyl alcohol. This figure is very impressive. Only Moldova, the Czech Republic and Hungary are ahead of Russia.

But there is another side to the coin - the quality of alcohol consumed and its harm. In recent years, the taste preferences of Russians have changed noticeably. The majority of the population prefers elite drinks rather than surrogates. This is due to several factors. Firstly, with an increase in living standards (even taking into account the current crisis). Secondly, with the quality and taste characteristics of the products - Russians for the most part prefer to drink less, but proven products.

So, opening a liquor store is a very interesting idea that can pay for itself in short terms. If we consider the demand in this market segment, it is worth highlighting that the most frequently consumed products are:

  • beer (36%);
  • wine (34%);
  • vodka (26%).

There is much less demand for all other types of alcoholic beverages. From this we can conclude that the future store should be associated with these types of alcohol (all or one of them at once).

We must not forget that there are quite a lot of alcoholic supermarkets today. The competition here is very high. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman. Therefore, it is worth taking as a basis an interesting idea, which in itself will already attract customers.

Today, many Russians are interested in so-called “live” beer. Of course, it has a completely different taste, smell and quality than regular bottled products. And there are not as many similar alcohol “boutiques” as there are liquor stores. That is why we will consider this idea as the most attractive.

SWOT analysis

To really assess your capabilities, you need to evaluate internal and external factors that can not only benefit, but also seriously harm your business.

So, to external factors(which cannot be changed) can be classified into the following categories:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Absence of competition as such in the context of “live” draft beer stores.
  • Opportunity to develop a retail network throughout the city under the same recognizable brand.
  1. Threats:
  • Serious restrictions and requirements from the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations, which can negate all the activities of the organization or lead to fines.
  • Social movement for a healthy lifestyle (developing a negative attitude towards alcohol stores).
  • High level of competition among alcohol sellers.
  • Availability retail chains with more low prices for similar products (bottled alcohol).
  • The need to meet strict standards of quality and customer service.

There are also a number of internal factors (which an entrepreneur can independently regulate in the process of work), which include the following:

  1. Strengths:
  • Availability of quality products.
  • Favorable prices for consumers through the development of profitable relationships with suppliers.
  • Availability of powerful advertising opportunities that would attract customers.
  • Attracting customers through the emergence of new varieties of beer.
  • High level of customer service.
  • Fast service.
  • Availability of a system of discounts and other privileges for regular customers.
  • Availability of certificates for products purchased from suppliers.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Lack of experience in this field.
  • Lack of assortment (more precisely, other products in the store).
  • Narrow focus of the store.

Of course, opening a draft beer store will not be so easy; the entrepreneur will have to face a number of difficulties and restrictions, so preparatory stage need to familiarize yourself with current legislation to avoid fines and not commit an administrative offense.

Opportunity assessment

Planning working hours in the store, you need to remember that there are a number of standards. Thus, the sale of beer is prohibited from 23:00 to 8:00. This restriction does not apply to public catering establishments. But even here you need to be careful. Restrictions may be introduced additionally in a specific region. Thus, in St. Petersburg it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 22:00 to 11:00, and in Yakutia - from 20:00 to 14:00. In some places, retail trade may be completely prohibited on certain days.

The punishment for violating this rule is quite serious: a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles, as well as confiscation of products sold illegally in the store.

So, the work of our draft beer store will be carried out according to the following schedule (we took the average time frame, which, if necessary, can be adjusted to a specific region):

By the way, in holidays It is also prohibited to sell alcohol, and in the Ulyanovsk region it is impossible to buy alcohol on weekends.

Total: 98 working hours per week; 420 working hours per month.

The job will require salespeople who will also serve as cashiers. For uninterrupted supply, you will need 4 sellers who will work in shifts (2 after 2).

If you want the store to be open around the clock, then you need to equip it with separate tables and chairs. In this case, the establishment will already be considered a catering establishment.

To have additional profit, you can diversify the assortment not only with different brands of beer, but also with all kinds of snacks. It can be sandwiches, fish, crackers, chips and much more.

Particular attention should be paid to the size of the room. Thus, beer bottling machines can be located in stationary retail facilities and warehouses, the total area of ​​which is at least 50 m2. If a store opens in a rural area, then this value is reduced to 25 m2.

If you want to quickly return your investment, then it is best to open a draft beer store in the spring or summer. It is during this time period that the peak demand for this alcoholic drink occurs.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you need to register. You can choose or. OKVED codes must be indicated. In this case they will be as follows:
  • 52.25.12 – Retail trade in beer;
  • 52.2 – Retail trade food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores.
  1. As for the taxation system, it is worth focusing on UTII (if there is one in the region; in Moscow, for example, UTII can be applied to a small number of activities). It is also possible to use and.
  2. By choosing UTII, an entrepreneur can refuse to use cash registers. In other cases it will be required for use. If UTII is used, then it is necessary to ensure the issuance of strict reporting forms to your clients.
  3. It is imperative to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the Fire Inspectorate.
  4. If a cash register is used for work, it must first be registered with the tax service.
  5. To accept payment by bank transfer it is necessary.
  6. The lease agreement must be formalized.
  7. All employees working in the store must have health certificates. They must also undergo medical examination on time.
  8. The store must have natural, artificial and emergency lighting.
  9. It is better to decorate the store with tiles or non-toxic paint.
  10. Measures must be followed fire safety(availability of a fire extinguisher, evacuation plan).
  11. You will have to keep an alcohol declaration (new in 2016).

Of course, these are not all the requirements. It is worth studying the relevant GOSTs, SNiPs and SanPins in order to equip your store in accordance with all standards. When working in the format of a public catering outlet, you need to study additional legislative acts.

Marketing plan

One of the most important stages is the design own store draft beer. You need to start with cosmetic repairs. Next, you need to not only arrange the equipment, counter, tables and chairs, but also create a pleasant atmosphere that will attract customers, make them stay and drink beer. At this point, you need to carefully consider how the sign will look. It should be large, catchy and eye-catching, memorable.

The interior can be supplemented interesting subjects, which would emphasize the mood of the entire establishment.

It's worth working on possible options the name of your draft beer store. It shouldn't be ordinary or boring.

Selling draft beer is a rather specific type of business. You shouldn't try to use all types of advertising, some of them simply won't work, so why spend the extra money? For example, advertising a store on television, radio and other media is not only expensive, but also ineffective.

For work, it is best to use the following types of advertising:

  1. Outdoor advertising. It is the most effective of all possible. Moreover, it should be located in the area where the draft beer store itself is located. This also includes the design of the storefront and facade of the building in the same thematic vein, so that customers can immediately find the store. It’s worth thinking about lighting, so that even in the dark, potential buyers won’t have problems finding the right place.
  2. Distribution of coupons and discounts. This can be done either before opening, or after a visit or purchase for a certain amount. You can also think about a cumulative discount system.
  3. Additionally, you can agree with product suppliers to provide them with special promotional products. And many do it absolutely free. These can be ashtrays for visitors, coasters for mugs, and much more.
  4. You can organize an additional zone– open a summer veranda with umbrellas and benches. You can also smoke there.

Calculation of projected income

This is a very controversial question. Here everything will depend on the brand of which manufacturer the entrepreneur is going to sell. Thus, the markup on domestic drinks is usually 100%, and on imported drinks – 30%. Our store will sell domestic beer, which will allow us to make a big profit.

Subject to daily work, revenue can be: 30 * 15,000 rubles = 450,000 rubles. This size is quite realistic even for a small store. Especially if it also sells beer snacks.

Production plan

Here I would like to dwell on what equipment is required for the work. Naturally, repairs will be carried out first.

  • Cooler. It is he who will maintain the required temperature for beer so that visitors will enjoy drinking it. Hardly anyone is a fan of warm beer.
  • A stand on which the taps will be installed.
  • Counter.
  • Kegs. In it, the drink is transported from the supplier to the seller. Products can also be stored in it until opening.
  • Special beer column. It performs two functions at once - it complements the interior and helps the seller pour beer.
  • Drip catcher.
  • Beer tap (you can do without it if you don’t plan to pour the drink into glasses).
  • Special hose.
  • Gas cylinders. With their help, beer is released from the kegs.
  • Gearbox. It is this that allows you to maintain the required level of pressure inside the cylinder.
  • Fridge. For storing other products and beer itself.

In short, you will need quite a lot of equipment, but it can pay for itself very quickly. Equipment can be provided by beer suppliers. They often give it away for rent or even for free if you buy beer from them in certain quantities.

Organizational plan

Total: 380,800 rubles. These are the initial costs.

Financial plan

  • The profitability will be: 80,750/450,000 = 0.179 or 17.9%. This figure is quite acceptable for business.
  • Payback: 380,800/ 80,750 = 4.71. Consequently, after 5 months the entrepreneur will be able to return the invested funds and receive a net profit.


As with any other type of business, there are a number of significant risks when opening a draft beer store. The most important ones include the following:

  1. Seasonality

It should be noted that in winter the demand for these products is greatly reduced. To avoid serious fluctuations in revenue or even lack of profit, it is worth adding hot pastries, hot dogs, sandwiches or something else to the assortment in winter.

  1. Product shelf life

Live beer can only be stored for a short period of time. Some varieties even retain their taste qualities only for the first 5 days. If planning is incorrect, you can lose up to 50% of available raw materials.

At the beginning of your work, it is worth making purchases in small quantities in order to assess the level of customer demand, highlight the most popular varieties, and only then form a subsequent order.

  1. Strict control by regulatory authorities

This can also lead to large fines and administrative penalties. It is important to conduct your business honestly and in accordance with the law. Then, for sure, the regulatory authorities will not be able to find fault with the work of the establishment.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

To open a beer store, you will need about 500 thousand rubles. The payback period for the business will be 4-5 months. With the right choice of suppliers and location for a retail outlet, a stable profit of 100 thousand rubles per month is guaranteed.

In Russia they have and will continue to drink beer because it is an inexpensive alcohol accessible to the general population, which flows like a river from hundreds of thousands of Russian and foreign breweries. In the last 5-7 years, the number of outlets selling beer on tap has increased 10 times, and one of the reasons for this proliferation is that a license to sell beer is not required. However, there are difficulties in this industry, as elsewhere.

10 Key Facts

The beer market in Russia is huge: according to a study by the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights, in 2018, 722.2 million deciliters of this drink were sold in the country.

The essence of business

To open a beer store from scratch, you don’t need to be a genius and have an economics university behind you. The scheme is simple: in a rented or own separate room, a counter and a display wall with taps are installed, to which kegs with draft beer are connected at the back.

In addition to beer, which can be ordered from several suppliers, the store usually sells snacks: crackers, chips, salted and smoked fish, seeds, nuts and other snacks. They can be sold by weight and in individual packages.

No license required. Selling alcoholic beverages in a store is allowed at certain times (the hours vary depending on the region), with the average time being from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. If you set up a draft beer bar, you can sell drinks around the clock.

Main difference beer bar from the store - the presence of bathrooms and sinks, as well as tables and chairs in the sales area.

To start, you need an online cash register; no alcohol license is required. For the smooth operation of the store, you will need to hire two salespeople and one cleaner.

What not to do

Beer cannot be sold:

  • Minors;
  • At night (from 23:00 to 8:00) *
  • In Stalls;
  • Via the Internet or courier;
  • In a plastic container with a volume of more than 1.5 liters;
  • In educational and medical institutions;
  • At military installations;
  • In places of mass events, demonstrations, processions, rallies.

* Regions can establish their own temporary bans, more stringent ones, for example, in the Orenburg region, trade in alcoholic beverages and beer is prohibited from 22:00 to 8:00

News on the topic: In July 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade developed a strategy for the development of trade in the Russian Federation for 2019 - 2025, within the framework of which it was planned to soften a number of restrictions on trade in beer. As of January 2020, there is no understanding whether this strategy will be adopted.

Step by step plan

  1. Choosing a room. This is the most important stage that will largely determine the success of the business. You need to look for a location away from well-known beer chains. The best option is new residential area, where there are many newly built and under construction residential buildings.
  2. . To conclude a lease agreement for the selected premises, you will need to officially register the activity. This can be done through the government services website or through a personal visit to the tax office.
  3. Purchase of equipment and furniture, renovation of premises. During finishing, it is important to take into account the requirements of the SES and fire service for retail grocery stores.
  4. Concluding rental agreements and garbage removal, obtaining permits. It is necessary to obtain approval from the SES and the fire service, and notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities.
  5. Selection of assortment, search for suppliers of beer and snacks. Experienced entrepreneurs advise allocating 50% to inexpensive varieties, 25% to average-priced beer and 25% to the premium segment.
  6. Search for employees. For the smooth operation of a retail outlet, 2 sellers are needed. They must have valid health records.
  7. Advertising and promotion. You can order leaflets and drop them in mailboxes in nearby homes. It is advisable to make a bright luminous sign, since beer is mainly bought in the evening.

Store formats

Depending on the assortment and interior design, all beer stores can be divided into 4 formats:

Experienced market players assure that a draft beer store should have at least 20-25 taps, but there is no maximum. Many cannot provide such a scale at first, and this is not necessary. First, you should bet on popular varieties such as Zhigulevkoye, Dark Velvet, Czech, etc., and then little by little test more interesting options, expanding the assortment.

If you can buy or rent refrigerators, it’s worth adding a “bottle” to the store. Its advantages are obvious: it is stored longer and does not require any manipulation from the seller.

News on the topic: In December 2019, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a law allowing the sale of beer in stadiums.

Situation in Russia

According to the results of the Rate&Goods study, beer is in 1st place in the list of “alcoholic” preferences in Russia, and this says a lot.

Despite a slight drop in indicators in 2016-2017, in 2018-2019 the situation changed for the better. The World Cup became a powerful sales driver in 2018. In 2019, growth was not as impressive, largely due to cool weather. Detailed data from Nielsen's Beer Sales Growth Study can be seen in the graph below.

The main reason for the growth is the lack of government measures to regulate the production of the foamy drink. The assortment is being developed both in retail chains and in private draft beer outlets. The latter make a significant contribution to the growth trend, as they open even in towns and villages where there are no supermarkets.

“We propose to sell beer only in the area under the stands, that is, with a ban on entering the stadium with a glass of beer. Please, in a specially designated place, in a cafe or some other place, at the stadium, during the break of a football match, you can buy yourself one or two glasses of beer, drink it and come back to watch the football.”

What do people say: A VTsIOM poll showed that 80% of Russians are against the sale of a foamy drink in stadiums.

Pros and cons of business


  • Small investment. To start, 400-500 thousand rubles are enough.
  • Payback if opened in mid-spring is only 2-3 months.
  • Stable demand for beer in Russia will ensure a flow of customers without high costs for advertising.
  • A license is not needed since the alcohol content of beer is below 15%.
  • The requirements of regulatory authorities are not as severe as for stores selling strong alcohol.
  • Wide selection of products and large number suppliers in any region.
  • Good opportunities for creating a chain of stores.

Negative points:

  • Strong competition. The main competitors are well-promoted networks with service standards, a wide range and low prices.
  • Seasonality of business. In summer, profits are several times higher than in winter.
  • The need to constantly monitor the sales dates and storage conditions of beer.
  • Distance restrictions from kindergartens and schools, sports institutions, military units, bus stops, markets and train stations.
  • Demand grows on weekends, and on weekdays it drops by 2-3 times.

Does it make sense to open a beer store in your city?

Yes, of course, because it’s not beer that kills people, it’s water.

No, it’s pointless, all the profitable places are taken.

You can, of course, try, but I'm not sure of the result.

What you need to start

To open a store you do not need a liquor license, but you will need other documents:

  • Permission to trade from the authorities controlling retail outlets with alcohol;
  • Sellers' medical books;
  • Premises rental agreement;
  • Permission from the fire inspection and SES to operate the premises as a beer store;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • Agreement on disinfestation and deratization;
  • Coordination of store assortment with Rospotrebnadzor.

You will also need to design a buyer's corner.

Equipment for a retail beer store is the main expense item if it is intended to be purchased. You can reduce costs by purchasing used furniture and cranes or renting them from a supplier.

Premises requirements

Own or rented premises must be 50-100 meters away from educational institutions, sports complexes and bus stops (the exact distance can be found in the city administration).

The sale of beer cannot be established in a kiosk - this requires a temporary or permanent building with a separate entrance.

There are no restrictions on the minimum area, but usually shops are opened in premises of 10 square meters or more.

If a store is opened in a residential building, it is necessary to build an autonomous ventilation system. The room must have heating that provides a comfortable temperature in winter period.

Water supply and sewerage in permanent premises is mandatory. The requirements for these communications in the temporary shelter are clarified at the time the conclusion is received from the inspectors. In any case, there should be a sink inside so that the seller can wash his hands and carry out wet cleaning.

Cash register and accounting automation

For a beer store you need to install EGAIS - unified system accounting for control of alcohol circulation. Visit the official website of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. All sellers of alcohol, regardless of the form of organization and scale of business, are required to apply it (Federal Law No. 171).

You can connect to EGAIS on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. The equipment you will need is a computer, an online cash register and a hardware crypto key on which the electronic signature certificate will be recorded. Additional equipment includes:

  • Barcode scanner for selling snacks;
  • Electronic scales;
  • Mobile acquiring terminal;
  • Cash drawer.

Beer retailers can only record their purchases in the system, and sale of lung There is no need to note alcohol.

Budget to start

Let's calculate the minimum amount required to start a beer store. Let’s assume that the premises already meet all standards, and there is no additional need for any communications. The amounts are minimal on the market, data sources are suppliers' websites and the Avito portal, where you can find inexpensive used equipment.

How much can you earn

Income depends on many factors, so calculate profitability beer business only approximately possible. In this case, you need to take into account:

  • % markup on beer - from 40 to 100%;
  • % markup on snacks - from 25 to 40%;
  • rental prices in the regions are 2 times lower than in Moscow, and traffic can be no less;
  • Salaries for sellers in the regions are also lower than in the capital.

Judging by the comments of the owners of beer outlets, the size net profit very different. One earns only 100,000 from three points, and the other receives the same amount from one. It all depends on the trafficability of the place, the correspondence of the assortment to the needs of customers, and the presence of competition in the area.

It is also worth planning the opening for the spring, and not for the winter, since the business is seasonal. When opening during the high season (from May to July-August), it will be possible to recoup the costs of the outlet in just 3-4 months.

Accounting procedure

To simplify control over the sale of beer in a store, it is recommended to use automation programs. Here is a list of the most popular options:

  • Goods accounting system EKAM;
  • Cloud service CloudShop;
  • Specialized software for beer store "SBIS";
  • Online program for automating a beer store Subtotal.

These are not all options - the range of offers is huge. Study at least these to choose the best option according to the size and needs of your business.

The procedure for contacting Rospotrebnadzor for opening

When all permits have been received, the goods have been delivered and arranged, sellers have been hired, the time has come to submit a notification about the start of the beer store to Rospotrebnadzor.

You can send it to the regulatory authority by registered mail, describing the attachments. If you have an electronic signature, you can send the notice electronically. However, experienced entrepreneurs recommend contacting Rospotrebnadzor in person, taking with you all permits and documents. This way you will avoid the risk of losing the letter in the system and the threat of a fine.

The detailed notification procedure is described in Government Decree No. 584 of 2009. If you don’t do everything according to the rules, you can get a fine of 3-5 thousand rubles.

Storage Features

Storage rules and periods depend on its type.

  • Live beer is a liquid in which microorganisms are preserved that have survived the fermentation process. The shelf life of this beer in an airtight container is 1 month.
  • Pasteurized beer (heated to 60 degrees) does not contain microorganisms. It can be stored in sterilized bottles for 6-12 months.
  • Filtered varieties are stored for 4-5 weeks.

The drink is supplied to draft beer stores in kegs from stainless steel volume 5-100 liters. While the vessel is not open, the microorganisms of living beer are in a “dormant” state. Having opened the keg, you need to sell out the beer within 6-7 days - then it will go sour.

To preserve the taste of beer when storing in kegs, observe following rules:

  • place the container vertically to slow down the oxidation process;
  • avoid shaking;
  • avoid overheating - use cooling equipment and maintain the recommended temperature for each variety (strong - 14 degrees, light and non-alcoholic - 8 degrees, live - 3.5 degrees).

Fire safety requirements

To obtain a conclusion from the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, you need to collect and submit a package of documents to the fire service and provide the outlet with fire protection equipment.

Documents to be submitted to the GUGPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation:

  • Statement;
  • Copies of constituent and registration documents, TIN;
  • Lease agreement or ownership of premises;
  • Act on measuring the level of insulation resistance;
  • APS acceptance certificate and agreement for its maintenance;
  • An order appointing a person responsible for ensuring fire safety measures in the store;
  • Fire evacuation plan.

A beer store is a retail facility, so it is subject to standard requirements:

  • compliance of the premises with SNiP 21-01.-97;
  • built-in stores must be separated from other premises by fire walls;
  • stationary stores must have escape routes (separate exits);
  • external stairs - open, flights of stairs - with access to natural light;
  • forced smoke removal system in the sales area or the presence of windows;
  • hatches or windows in basement and warehouse departments;
  • working extinguishing agents in the hall;
  • illuminated signs indicating the exit;
  • presence of a person responsible for fire protection;
  • decoration of the hall from low-flammable materials;
  • completed safety briefing log.

Information in the consumer corner

  • A copy of the state registration certificate, a copy of OGRNIP.
  • Conclusion of the SES.
  • Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  • "Code of Administrative Offences".
  • Government Decree “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods.”
  • List of regulatory agencies with telephone numbers and addresses.
  • Check log trading activities.
  • Operating hours of the outlet.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions.

The book can be stored anywhere, but at the first request of the buyer, the seller or the individual entrepreneur himself must provide it for review or completion. They buy it at a stationery store. The pages are stitched and numbered.

  • Emergency evacuation plan.
  • Fire safety standards.
  • SanPiN rules.
  • List of store services, if they are provided.
  • Terms of service for beneficiaries.
  • Information about promotions.
  • A sign prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors.
  • Emergency phone numbers.

Attention! All copies must be certified!

Features of EGAIS

EGAIS is a system created by the state to control the circulation of alcoholic beverages in the country.

To do this, you need to obtain an electronic signature, then go to the official website of the system and write down the RSA certificate there. Then they download the UTM for document flow from EGAIS and connect the store’s accounting system to the EGAIS UTM.

Beer traders do not need to conduct sales through EGAIS. Only purchases should be registered in the system.

To equip a point with the EGAIS system you will need:

  • computer;
  • transport module and an RSA key - Rosalkogolregulirovanie issues them free of charge;
  • electronic signature on key media;
  • program for EGAIS (any specialized automation system).

An individual entrepreneur can use one electronic signature and the system at several retail outlets. For an LLC, it is necessary to equip each store with its own electronic signature.

On topic: Even more information in our article.

Optimal organizational form

Both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs have the right to sell beer on tap. The first option will be cheaper in terms of tax and other deductions, and will also simplify reporting under the Unified State Automated Information System.

Optimal taxation system

For the beer business, UTII is suitable (from 2021 UTII will be abolished in the Russian Federation) and a patent.

Franchise business

Since the beer business is highly competitive, it makes sense to buy a well-promoted franchise. This will reduce risks and ensure a stable influx of customers loyal to the brand.

Let's look at the main parameters of popular beer franchises. They all provide equipment and train staff. The business is supported under all franchises except Hops and Malt.

Judging by the data collected, the easiest to implement franchise will be the “Beer Boutique”, since you can take a small premises and the most affordable budget for it.

Regulatory framework

Beer houses are regulated by the same rules as retail trade:

  • Consumer Protection Law;
  • Federal Law No. 171 - trade in ethyl alcohol;
  • GOST R 51304-2009 - safety rules;
  • Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 23;
  • SP - products and raw materials.


Investments in opening your own beer store in most cases pay off within 4-6 months, since, provided that it is properly organized, this is a high-margin business. Beer is in stable demand, so the main measure of success will be the foot traffic of the place, constant monitoring of the tastes of the audience and improvement of the service to differentiate it from competitors.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink among Russians: according to research, it is consumed by 51% of the population who are loyal to alcohol. Recently, the prestige of a foamy drink packaged in glass and, especially, plastic containers has fallen. Consumers increasingly trust live varieties, products directly from the manufacturer. Therefore, the business of a beer store on tap has great prospects in our country.


Business Description

The peak of opening draft beer stores from scratch came in the 2000s. At this time, incomes of the population increased noticeably, which persuaded many lovers of the foamy drink to drink draft beer. The varieties offered in stores, bars and restaurants had a significant advantage over their bottled counterparts in terms of taste.

Services provided

The main service of a draft beer store, naturally, is the sale of products to take away. In addition, such establishments can sell all kinds of snacks to accompany the intoxicating drink. Most often, packaged factory products are used, but some entrepreneurs sell products by weight or even home-made products. Considering the large number of snack options (all kinds of nuts, fish and seafood, cheeses, etc.), additional products can become a separate type of profit. At the same time, it is not necessary that its consumer will be the target audience of the beer store itself.


Beer is a seasonal drink, its sales peak during the hot season. But even in the autumn-spring period, especially during the broadcast of major sporting events, it remains popular. As practice shows, a well-organized beer pub sells up to 100 liters of product per day.

The advantages of a beer store as a business are that its consumer is almost always and everywhere at such a point of sale. Fans of an intoxicating drink prefer to consume a high-quality but inexpensive product. And stores selling draft beer offer exactly such products, certified and having passed all the necessary tests.

Beer options

Despite the seemingly narrow focus of a store selling draft beer, there are quite a lot of ideas and options for forms of its organization.

So the most common are:

  • specialty store;
  • a separate pavilion in a large shopping center or supermarket;
  • beer kiosk or container;
  • an establishment operating under a franchise scheme with one of the well-known brands in the field of draft beer sales.

Specialty store

It is recommended that entrepreneurs who already have experience in this field open a specialized store selling draft beer. The cost of opening such an establishment (even in rented premises) is significantly higher than, for example, a beer kiosk. To implement such a project, knowledge of the market, competition and main risks will be required, as well as an understanding of the taste and seasonal preferences of consumers in a particular region. In addition, you will need knowledge of room design and advertising strategies in business.

When looking for a place to open a specialized store selling draft beer, you should conduct careful planning and find a “golden mean” between the two main selection criteria. Firstly, the place must have a high “traffic” of potential customers. Secondly, since the product is sold “to-go”, it must be located close to the place where the drink is consumed (usually from the buyer’s home).

Department in a large grocery store or supermarket

Organizing your own business in a large grocery shopping center is suitable for novice entrepreneurs. There is no need for major re-equipment of the retail outlet or design design. In addition, monitoring buyers of not only bottled products will allow you to always be aware of customers’ taste preferences. But it should be remembered that in such establishments there will always be competition with cheaper bottled drinks.

A room with a separate entrance on the first or basement floor of the building

Promising, from the point of view of the availability of product consumers, is to open a store with a separate entrance on the first or basement floor of a residential building. But starting such a business, as a rule, encounters enormous resistance from local residents, and with them the administration. Sometimes, in order to obtain permission to open a pub, it is necessary to obtain the consent of even residents of nearby buildings.

Beer kiosk

A stall is a great way to start a business for aspiring entrepreneurs. In case of failure, it can be converted to any other type of activity. In addition, small architectural forms can be placed in any place convenient for the entrepreneur where the sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted.

Franchise work

Currently, there are a number of brands offering entrepreneurs their own ready-made business under a franchising scheme. The advantage of this type of activity is powerful advertising support for the network, assistance with equipment, room design and products sold. The only disadvantage of a franchise store is the narrow space for making independent decisions. In any controversial issues, the franchisor's opinion will have priority.

The video shows an example of a franchise offer from one of the chain of draft beer stores. The video was filmed by the Sergey Sergeev channel.

Description and analysis of the sales market

Before opening a business selling draft beer, you should carefully analyze the market. Research shows that sales volumes directly depend on weather conditions. Thus, the cold summer of 2020 had a negative impact on the entire beer market, including draft analogues. One of the characteristic trends of recent years is the optimization of product varietal diversity. Exclusive, but less widespread types of beer do not justify the investment in them.

Target Audience

The main consumers of draft beer are men aged 18 to 55 years. A distinctive feature of this target audience is that the consumption of the foamy drink does not decrease with a slight increase in its prices or a fall in household incomes.

Recently, there has been a decrease in alcohol consumption by clients who consume “medium” (from 2 liters to 4.5 liters per month) and “large” (over 4.5 liters per month) amounts of alcohol. The population’s growing passion for a healthy lifestyle also plays a certain role in reducing beer consumption.

Competitive advantages

The main competitive advantage of a draft beer store business is the freshness and quality of the product sold. You should pay attention to local manufacturers, whose products can be delivered for sale as soon as possible.

One of the important advantages of such an institution is its narrow focus. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the consumer with the largest possible selection of related products (snacks). It is also important to inform the buyer about the place and timing of production of products.

Advertising campaign

Most often used to advertise a draft beer store. outdoor advertising. The establishment must be properly designed so that the consumer can immediately understand the direction of its activities. It would not be superfluous to install advertising stands or billboards. In order to orient the buyer in the dark, it is advisable to install a bright luminous sign.

At the time of opening of the establishment and during the most active sales, they distribute all kinds of leaflets and flyers. In the first case, the main goal is to inform potential buyers about the appearance of a point of sale, and in the second, to intensify the sale of products.

What do you need to open?

When wondering what needs to be done to open their own pub, most entrepreneurs start by looking for premises and form. It should be remembered that any business must be organized competently and step by step.

To do this you need:

  • carefully draw up a business plan for the enterprise;
  • properly complete the establishment’s documentation;
  • rent and renovate premises for a point of sale;
  • purchase the necessary equipment, inventory, main and related products;
  • hire (and often train) staff.


When preparing documentation for a business, you first need to decide on the form of its organization. The most acceptable option is to register a person as an individual entrepreneur (sometimes LLC is chosen as the form of store registration). When choosing a UTII taxation system, the point of sale will not have to be equipped with a cash register; the system also significantly simplifies the maintenance of accounting reports. Since beer is not a strong alcoholic beverage, licensing of activities is not required.

When registering an activity, you must indicate code 47.25.12 according to OKVED (for the sale of beer). When selling related products, codes 47.23 (fish, crustaceans and seafood) and 47.25.2 (sale of soft drinks) are also registered.

When wondering, before opening a beer stall, what documents are needed for this, you should focus on the following list:

  • individual entrepreneur registration documents;
  • tax registration documents;
  • conclusion on permission to operate from the sanitary-epidemiological service, fire inspectorate and State Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Service;
  • health records of working personnel;
  • employment contracts with personnel;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • certificates for products sold, which are provided by suppliers of beer and snacks.

Room and design

When choosing premises for a store selling draft beer, you should proceed from the fact that its minimum size should not be less than 15 square meters. Two thirds of this space is allocated for retail space, the rest for storage.

As practice shows, visitors perceive the rustic style of interior design best. The walls, floors and ceilings of the room can be decorated with beer-themed designs or accessories. It is best to use wood to decorate the interior of a building.

Premises requirements

When calculating the required space, it is assumed that, on average, 5 square meters. m area can accommodate 6 types of beer (kegs and taps). That is, with an assortment of 30 varieties, you will need trading place with an area of ​​at least 25 sq. m.

According to fire safety requirements, the store must have an emergency exit in case emergency situations. Therefore, organizing a draft beer store in the basement is often hampered by this particular norm.

Equipment and inventory

A significant part of the funds (sometimes up to 50% of the contributed capital) is spent on purchasing high-quality equipment for the establishment. Working under a franchising scheme, an entrepreneur can receive the necessary equipment from the network itself. It should be remembered that saving on quality inventory can lead to poor quality service and loss of customers.

The list of equipment for equipping a beer store on tap includes:

  • beer column;
  • defoamers;
  • gas cylinders;
  • kegs;
  • drip tray;
  • fridge;
  • hoses;
  • showcase;
  • lighting devices;
  • cash register (if provided for in the tax form).

The main types of equipment for a store selling beer on tap look something like this.

Refrigerator for bottled drinks Kegs for storing draft beer Beer column Refrigerator display

Organization of supplies and storage

As practice shows, the minimum required variety of beer in a store should include at least seven varieties. You should definitely include both light and dark types of foamy drink in your assortment. It is advisable to offer the client several types of imported beer. To attract the female part of the target audience to sales, they offer cider, mead or cherry beer.

It is most advisable to enter into an agreement with one supplier. It is desirable that the company has experience in the relevant region (knows the tastes of the consumer) and has established contacts with local manufacturers.

Draft beer is stored in kegs. The optimal temperature in the room with the container is +10°C. 24 hours before the product is sold, it must be delivered to the place of sale and opened. Kegs should not be left on the floor; it is advisable to use wooden floors or pallets to place them.


For a store selling draft beer, it is enough to have two salespeople working on a “two in two days” scheme. It is best to organize the services of an accountant and cleaner for a small business on an outsourcing basis. To motivate sellers, it is advisable to set them a bonus in the form of a percentage of the amount of products sold. As a rule, a salesperson's salary is made up of salary and 5% of the store's income.

A very important point when selecting personnel is their preparedness for work. In many cases, sellers will have to be trained in how to communicate with clients, how to offer products, and how to resolve conflict situations.

Step by step instructions

Once the entrepreneur has decided to open a point of sale of beer on tap, he should draw up step-by-step instructions for implementing the business.

An approximate business plan for a beer store looks like this:

  1. Analysis of business profitability, marketing research of the product market.
  2. Drawing up a financial plan taking into account risks and options for increasing the profitability of the enterprise.
  3. Choosing a form of organization entrepreneurial activity, its tax system.
  4. Collection of a complete package of documents.
  5. Selection and renovation of premises.
  6. Purchase of necessary equipment and inventory.
  7. Selecting a product supplier, concluding supply contracts.
  8. Selection of key personnel, search for employees on an outsourcing basis.
  9. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  10. Purchase of main and additional products for sale.

Financial plan

The financial requirements for starting your own business selling draft beer vary significantly depending on the location of the business.

Thus, in 2020, opening such an enterprise on average in the Russian Federation cost about 123 thousand rubles and included the following expenses:

  • rental of premises - 25 thousand rubles;
  • salary of permanent employees - 40 thousand rubles;
  • personnel insurance contributions - 17 thousand rubles;
  • taxation (according to the UTII system) - 8 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 6 thousand rubles;
  • salary of an accountant and cleaner - 12 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

The lion's share of money in a store selling draft beer has to be spent on purchasing products and containers for packaging them (50-60 thousand rubles per month).

Regular investments

Regular investments in this type of business include:

  • expenses for the purchase of products and packaging;
  • staff salaries;
  • monthly rent for premises;
  • tax deductions;
  • utility bills.

Since the sale of beer on tap is highly dependent on the season, it is necessary to take into account how much it will cost to operate a beer hall during the unprofitable months of the year (from November to April). An entrepreneur must be able to wisely manage the funds received at the peak of sales.

Opening dates

The most optimal month to open a draft beer store is April. During this time, the entrepreneur manages to get comfortable in this market segment and conduct the necessary advertising campaign. By the time the season starts (May), the point of sale will already have its own client base and will be able to immediately begin generating income for the owner.

Risks and payback

The main risk of running a beer store on tap is its seasonality. You should be prepared for the fact that the store will not be profitable (and will often operate at a loss) from November to April. The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night or on holidays also has a significant impact on sales volumes.

The growing passion of the population for a healthy lifestyle excludes some consumers from the target audience. You should be prepared for the fact that local residents may object to the proximity of the pub and its regulars. In addition, the anti-alcohol campaign in Russia is gaining momentum every year, which may lead to the emergence of new restrictive laws.

The average store markup on the price of draft beer varies depending on the manufacturer. On average, the markup on imported varieties is 30–50%, on local varieties - up to 100%. If the average number of purchases per day is about fifty, with an average receipt of 150 rubles, then the enterprise will pay for itself within 9 months. The calculations include a period for “promotion” of the outlet, which, judging by the reviews, is three months. The profitability of a beer store on tap is about 80%.

Do you love beer and have you been dreaming of starting your own business for a long time? The idea of ​​implementing a business that you like can be successful, even if you start it from scratch.

Here are step-by-step instructions for opening a draft beer store.

Beer trading is a profitable business. In any case, that's what the statistics say.

Monthly earnings from one average-sized outlet in the summer are approximately 300 thousand rubles.

A well-organized business like this functions perfectly even outside the “hot” season, bringing the owner almost the same income. Inspiring, isn't it?! True, in order to create a truly successful beer store, you will have to work hard. First of all, with the design.

Let's look at how to open a beer store from scratch yourself and what you need to open a beer store. Step by step instructions from owners of similar businesses, taking into account administrative and organizational nuances, as well as secrets successful sales, at your service.

Where to start

Whether you are going to open a large or small store depends on your desire, budget and demand in the region.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties. They arise in the process of implementing any business.

By properly planning everything and predicting possible “deviations from the course”, you will be able to avoid unnecessary waste of time and money. When you decide to open a beer store, make sure that your business plan is drawn up correctly.

The complexity of managing a store, along with risks, increases in proportion to the scale of the business.

What documents are needed to open a beer store? In order for the profits from your store to flow like a river of beer, you should initially:

  • register an activity (not an individual entrepreneur);
  • register with extra-budgetary funds;
  • obtain permission to trade beer;
  • establish relationships with the sanitation station/firefighters;
  • legalize the cash register.

Then you should act according to the previously developed business plan. It describes in detail the scope, principles, methods of implementation and promotion of activities. It is imperative to conduct a market analysis, determining:

  • key competitors;
  • target audience;
  • the approximate number of clients that you can attract at first;
  • acceptable work schedule.

If you have experience or at least an understanding of aspects of entrepreneurial activity, you can try to write a business plan yourself, based on the materials in the article, or using a similar document with calculations from the Internet as a basis. Otherwise, it makes sense to order the development of detailed individual “instructions” for your activities from professionals.

We comply with the law

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in the following places:

  • educational institutions;
  • medical institutions;
  • markets;
  • transport stops;
  • train stations;
  • non-stationary retail facilities;
  • stalls and kiosks.

At the same time, beer can be sold in the time period - 8-23. And only to organizations! The advantage is the opportunity to switch to a simplified taxation system, therefore saving on paying taxes on the enterprise’s property, profit, and added value. For such trade, the code used is 52.25.12 “Retail trade in beer.”

To open a retail store, you must first decide on a product that interests you and that can make a profit. Children's clothing is a promising direction. : basic questions about organizing the business.

Read about how to organize a business raising quails at home.

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Institution format

The format of the institution may be different:

  • sale of bottled/canned products;
  • sale of draft drinks;
  • 50 / 50.
Naturally, the first option will require the least effort. However, competition in this segment is much higher.

Specialized stores sell “live” beer in the amount of only 11% of the amount of the drink produced in the country, which cannot be said about bottled beer.

It is sold by almost every more or less large supermarket.

At the same time, experienced entrepreneurs claim that with the right approach, organizing a store selling beer on tap will not be too difficult. At the same time, the income from such activities is higher.

Point of sale of draft beer

The fact is that retail sales of beer and draft products are two big differences, as Odessa residents say. It's not just about different audiences, but mainly about the perception of the drink itself. Draft beer is produced over high quality, that's why it costs more.

Buyers do not purchase such products spontaneously. They come to the relevant retail outlets specifically - with the goal of tasting an intoxicating drink that differs in taste from standard bottled beer.

Take-out sales usually account for the bulk of sales. Therefore, appropriate conditions should be created for customers so that they can conveniently deliver the purchased goods home.

At the same time, we should not forget about a comfortable atmosphere for the category of consumers who want to taste a glass of beer directly at the point of sale.

The room determines the audience

Let's figure out how to open a beer store on tap. While completing the paperwork, you can simultaneously start looking for premises for a store. It doesn't matter where it is. The main thing is the internal atmosphere. People enjoy a leisurely glass of “live” beer both in residential areas and in the center.

Be sure to consider the presence in the room:

  • repair;
  • communications;
  • security alarm;
  • infrastructure in the surrounding area;
  • safe;
  • equipment and furniture in the room.

The area of ​​the room is calculated depending on the number of cranes that are planned to be placed.

For 12 pieces, 12 squares will be enough. Do not forget that there should be a utility room and an area where it is convenient to place a couple of small sofas with tables.

An ideal store with a comfortable customer area and a room for staff needs, where you can easily sell at least 20 types of beer, will occupy 50 m2, of which the hall will be at least 20 m2.

For a store of the specified area, you will need to hire 4-5 people.

Premises for a beer store

A couple of salespeople will be enough so that they can work in shifts without days off, a cleaner, an accountant, a security guard (if necessary).

Basements are taboo. This is due to two nuances. The first is the negative attitude of the residents of the house towards such a “neighborhood”. The second is the requirement of firefighters to have an emergency exit, which in half of the basements simply does not exist.

Beer store equipment

If you are new to business, then it is wise to take a simplified route - to cooperate with one supplier at first. Distributor interested in promoting the brand:

  • will provide its equipment;
  • will help with installation;
  • will teach how to properly operate the installed units;
  • will provide advertising materials.

When, after working for a season or two, you get the hang of it, you can sign agreements with several suppliers. Most of them offer equipment for rent.

Beer equipment requires monthly maintenance, during which it is cleaned and tested. Do not forget to include this expense item in the budget, unless, of course, this obligation has been assumed by the supplier.

"Hop" in assortment

Selling less than 15 varieties in a store is not economically feasible.

It is better to divide beer into 4 categories from “economy” to “premium”. This way you will attract customers of all segments and without special effort increase the passability of the point.

Initially, it is better to make an assortment of classic varieties of light and dark beer, as well as the most popular ones.

It is worth conducting marketing research in advance (talking with suppliers, as well as staff of similar stores, posing as a curious client). Gradually, having studied the demand and wishes of customers, introduce new varieties of products.

In this case, it is important to maintain the proportion in the “price / quality” ratio. It is precisely such a product that will have stable demand, which means it will bring significant income to the store owner.

Try to focus on the “luxury” nature of the products. Of course, you will have to comply. However, the image of a seller of high-quality beer will work on you.

The trust of customers must not be lost under any circumstances. Once a customer buys sour beer, he will not return.

“Notoriety” will spread through word of mouth quite quickly, and this will cast doubt on the success of such a “tasty” business.

In addition to beer, it makes sense to sell snacks, for example, dried fish, chips, and nuts. No permits (except for a quality certificate provided by the supplier) are required for such products, which is very convenient. Practice shows that often the client does not go to another store for a similar product, even if the price there is slightly lower.

Costs and income

How much does it cost to open a beer store? Let's consider how much money will need to be invested for the arrangement small store(about 20 m2) for trade in draft beer. Costs will be:

  • monthly rent and payment utilities– 100-150 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (if necessary to buy) – 250 thousand rubles;
  • repairs and decoration – up to 150 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – about 100 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary is about 50 thousand rubles.

Naturally, there may be other unforeseen costs. However, with reasonable savings, you can definitely invest in the starting 450-600 thousand.

As for the markup, for imported products it ranges from 30%, for domestic products – at least 100%. For a liter of “live” beer, the buyer pays in the range from 60 to 250 rubles. on average. That is, the sale of one keg can bring in earnings of about 2 thousand rubles. If the location is chosen correctly, and advertising is carried out regularly, then the money spent during the season can be returned. A well-promoted outlet with popular products can bring in up to 1 million rubles.

Beer trading is a seasonal activity. Using a well-thought-out advertising campaign (tasting days, discounts on certain days, etc.), you can make a good turnover in winter.

If the season has been successful, you can safely plan to organize a new point. When the scale of the business reaches a new level, there will be a great opportunity to purchase beer directly from the manufacturer. And then the river of beer will surely rush rapidly towards high incomes.

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