When certifying a medical worker, it is issued. The procedure for accreditation, certification and certification of medical institutions and individuals


The organization of certification work is one of the mechanisms of state control over the placement and use of medical personnel, the level and quality of the provision of medical and preventive care to the population.

The legal significance of certification for a specific employee is that, based on its results, a qualification category is assigned, on which the amount of remuneration depends. The regulation on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by specialists working in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2001. This document applies to both specialists with higher and secondary vocational medical education working in the healthcare system.

Persons who have a higher medical and pharmaceutical education and have received the right to engage in relevant activities, as well as epidemiologists, biologists, zoologists, entomologists working in healthcare institutions in relevant positions are allowed to be certified for the qualification category. Paramedical and pharmaceutical workers are also subject to certification.

Certification is carried out by certification commissions created under the healthcare authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, healthcare institutions, education, and scientific institutions. The structure and composition of certification commissions are determined by the body under which they are created. The main form of testing a specialist’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills is a certification exam conducted using test items.

The qualification category assigned to medical workers is valid for 5 years from the date of issue of the order on its assignment. Three months before the expiration of the qualification category, an employee can apply to the certification commission with an application to confirm the category he already has or obtain a higher one. Certification of specialists is carried out at the expense of the institution in which the specialist works, professional associations, and scientific societies. It is also possible to conduct certification at the expense of the person being certified.

Qualification of specialists is carried out in 3 qualification categories: second, first and highest. When assigning each of them, the certification commission is guided by the following criteria:

    The order of assignment of categories (second – first – highest);

    Work experience in the specialty (for the second - at least 3 years; for the first - at least 5 years4 for the highest - at least 7 years);

    Work experience in this medical institution - at least 3 years;

    Fulfillment of relevant qualification requirements for a specialist.

Certification is carried out, as a rule, at the location of the commission, but on-site meetings are also possible. The commission is obliged to review the submitted certification materials for assignment of a qualification category within 3 months from the date of their receipt. Pregnant women and mothers with children under 3 years of age and on leave to care for them are exempt from the next recertification. The deadline for their recertification in these cases is postponed.

Professional competence and qualifications of a specialist are determined based on the results of a certification exam using test tasks. Upon completion of the exam, the certification commission, by a majority vote, decides to assign a qualification category to the specialist. In case of equality of votes, the decision is made in favor of the person being certified. Specialists who successfully pass the exam are assigned the appropriate qualification category and issued a certificate of the established form, certified by the seal of the institution or health care management body under which the certification commission was created. Certification materials are stored in the certification commission for 5 years. If a specialist refuses the next re-certification, the previously assigned qualification category is lost from the moment the 5-year period for its assignment expires.

Health care providers and individuals must be accredited and certified to engage in relevant activities.

Accreditation (from the Latin accredo - I trust) of institutions and individuals is a determination of the compliance of their activities with established standards for providing medical care and services in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 2, 1999 No. 70 “On licensing and accreditation of medical institutions.”

Accreditation is carried out by accreditation commissions created from representatives of healthcare authorities, professional medical associations and medical insurance organizations on republican (for republics consisting of Russian Federation), territorial (territorial, regional or autonomous entities) and city (Moscow and St. Petersburg) levels.

Financing of accreditation commissions is carried out through payment for accreditation procedures, consideration of disputes or from other sources not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Control over the activities of the accreditation commission is assigned to the bodies public administration. Accreditation commissions consist of administration, commission members and contract experts. The general management of the commission is carried out by the chairman, who is elected at a meeting of the commission for a period of 3 years (no more than two consecutive terms) from members of the commission by secret ballot by a simple majority of votes and is approved by the government body. Experts are highly qualified specialists in various types medical activities.

Accreditation of institutions and individuals is carried out by accreditation commissions, which are provided with a list of documents in accordance with the established procedure. The timing of accreditation and tariffs are established by regional government bodies. The validity period of the certificate should not exceed 5 years, but at the initiative of a medical institution or association or by court decision, accreditation can be carried out earlier.

Institutions and persons who have passed accreditation receive a certificate that confirms the degree of compliance of the declared types of medical care or services in full. The experts involved by the commission are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and, first of all, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.21.01 No. 402 “On approval of the Regulations on licensing of medical activities” (as amended on 08.10.98). The result of their examination is a conclusion.

The above Regulations set out the rights and obligations of accredited institutions and individuals.

Accredited institutions and persons have the right: -

receive information about the procedure and timing of accreditation; -

change the terms of accreditation; -

invite independent experts; -

re-accreditation; -

if you disagree with the commission’s decision, appeal it through the court.

Institutions and persons are obliged: -

submit an application for accreditation within the established time frame; -

be responsible for the information presented in documents; -

pay for accreditation and submit a receipt for payment; -

provide conditions for conducting the examination; -

provide representation at the meeting of the accreditation commission.

For accreditation, a medical institution submits the following documents: -

statement; -

registered charter medical enterprise(institutions); -

constituent agreement (copy) or agreement on joint activities with a government body (for institutions with state ownership); -

a copy of the order or agreement for renting the premises; -

copies of certificates and licenses previously issued to the institution; -

copies of certificates of employees ensuring the implementation of the declared types of activities; -

certificate of premises, equipment (separately by type of activity and for the entire enterprise as a whole); -

number of employees, their qualification characteristics; -

indicators of the volume of activities performed at the time of application; -

financial report for the last year (balance sheet); -

availability of administrative and disciplinary sanctions for any types of activities over the past year; -

documents on participation in the implementation of territorial medical programs; -

materials on the analysis of the quality of medical care in accordance with the territorial quality control system; -

documents about scientific activity enterprises (institutions); -

documents confirming teaching activities.

A doctor or other medical professional submits the following documents for accreditation: -

statement; -

a copy of the diploma of completion of a medical school; -

a copy of the certificate of completion of advanced training and specialization (including in the workplace); -

a copy of the diploma of candidate, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor, professor; -

a report on the doctor’s activities indicating the list, volumes and types of medical work performed (not certified); -

types of medical activities applied for accreditation; -

a copy of previously issued certificates; -

the presence of disciplinary and administrative penalties for any types of medical activities over the past year; -

participation in the implementation of territorial medical programs; -

scientific activity (list of works, speeches at scientific conferences, participation in the work of scientific societies, etc.); -

teaching activities (including part-time work and on-the-job training); -

extract from the work book.

Licensing of medical institutions is necessary, as it is one of the conditions for the legal functioning of a medical institution, organization or enterprise, regardless of the health care system.

In accordance with Art. 15 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens and by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2001 No. 402 “On approval of the Regulations on licensing of medical activities,” licensing of medical activities is carried out by the body executive branch subject of the Russian Federation located on the territory of this subject. If it is necessary to operate in other regions, registration of such a license is required by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This applies to healthcare facilities, university clinics and research institutes. The licensing commission of a government agency of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation includes its representatives or local administration, healthcare authorities, and professional medical pharmaceutical associations.

The commission determines the validity period of the license, but not more than 5 years for government agencies and no more than 3 years for institutions with non-state forms of ownership. Licensing involves studying the documents submitted by the institution, conducting an on-site examination and issuing a license for the right to provide medical care in the declared volume, with restrictions or a justified refusal to issue a license.

Health care authorities, medical and pharmaceutical institutions, organizations, and professional associations may petition the licensing commission for extraordinary licensing, as well as for the deprivation or suspension of a license if non-compliance with the requirements of the quality standard of medical care is revealed. Regarding licenses for medical activities educational institutions, higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as postgraduate education, they are issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Medical institutions submit the following documents to the licensing commission: -

statement; -

a copy of the charter or regulations of the licensed institution, approved in the prescribed manner; -

a copy of the order or agreement for the lease of premises, documents confirming the availability or possibility of legal use of premises, tools, equipment corresponding to the requested types of activities; -

types of medical activities, services, insurance programs applied for licensing; -

copies of certificates previously issued to the institution; -

conclusion of the state sanitary inspection; -

conclusion of the state fire inspection; -

safety status report; -

conclusion on the operation of the building; -

financial report of the institution for the last year; -

annual report of the institution for the last 3 years.

A licensed institution has the right: -

receive all necessary information and documents on the licensing procedure; -

re-license; -

increase licensing terms; -

challenge the decision of territorial licensing commissions in the republican commission; -

accept independent experts with advisory voting rights for licensing.

The licensed institution is obliged: -

submit applications and documents for licensing on time; -

be responsible for the truthfulness of the information contained in the submitted documents; -

confirm payment and provide conditions for licensing; -

ensure the attendance of representatives of institutions at the meeting of the licensing commission.

The certificate confirms the certification of the specialist.

It is issued on the basis of postgraduate professional education (internship, clinical residency, graduate school), as well as doctors with experience - additional education at advanced training courses and faculties followed by a verification test.

As you know, a certificate is issued for declared types of activities (and in this it is similar to a license) for certain types of medical or pharmaceutical activities in accordance with the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health. This is noted in the letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia “On clarification of the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated 08/07/95 No. 15-00 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for admission to professional (medical or pharmaceutical) activities.”

The procedure for admission to medical activities is set out in a number of documents. These include the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation, approved. Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated 05.25.94 No. 3, order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03.31.97 No. 3 “On the phased introduction since 1997 of the final state certification of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions”, as well as a letter from the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 15.06 .00 No. 2510-6646 "On the final state certification of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions."

The mentioned letter provides the stages of certification, the list and form of exams and, what is important, qualification characteristics, a list of knowledge and skills for graduate doctors in the following specialties: “general medicine” (040100), “pediatrics” (040200), “medical and preventive care” (040300), compiled on the basis of the state standard.

After completing the mandatory initial one-year postgraduate training (internship), the doctor must prove the compliance of his professional education state standard, the official evidence of which is a specialist certificate. For higher medical education, state standards were approved by the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 1994 No. 940 “On approval of the state educational standard of higher professional education” in accordance with standard plans and programs reviewed every 5 years.

To obtain a certificate, a doctor, upon completion of internship, residency or graduate school, passes a qualification exam, for which the Russian Ministry of Health has specially developed test programs for specialties, and receives a certificate or certificate. The specialist's certificate is confirmed every 5 years. Documents confirming the completion of internship, residency and postgraduate studies, issued before 5 years, have equal legal force with the certificate.

According to Art. 60 “Doctor’s Oath” of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens of persons who have graduated from higher medical schools educational institutions In Russia, before receiving a doctor's diploma, they take an oath. IN Federal law dated December 20, 1999 No. 214-FZ “On Amendments to Article 60 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health”, for the first time since the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, the text given above was published.

Doctors for violating the doctor's oath are liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Certification of doctors, pharmacists, and other specialists with higher education is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated February 16, 1995 No. 33 “On approval of the Regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation” (as amended on September 28. 99) and order regional administration health care, which form the composition certification commission. The commission is headed by a chairman, he determines the rules of its work (Appendix 1 to the mentioned order). The commission consists of a secretary and members from among highly qualified specialists, scientists and medical practitioners. The form of work of the commission is meetings held according to a schedule approved by the head of the healthcare management body. Members of the commission become familiar with the submitted materials 10 days before the meeting. The decision is made by open voting with an absolute majority of votes and is valid throughout the entire territory of Russia. The chairman of the relevant subcommittee takes part in the commission meeting.

Preliminary testing of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is carried out by computer testing, taking into account the acquisition of practical skills, solutions situational tasks and the results of the interview in the subcommittee. The head of the health care management body approves the number and composition of the subcommittee, its chairman and secretary, who conducts office work. The subcommittee meets as cases accumulate. A decision of a recommendatory nature is made by open voting by an absolute majority of those present based on the results of computer testing and an interview, which determines the level of theoretical knowledge and the scope of practical skills, the quality and reliability of the submitted report.

A specialist who has expressed a desire to undergo certification submits a personal statement; when confirming a previously assigned category - no later than three months before its expiration; certification sheet and work report for the last 3 years. The report should cover the nature of the doctor’s activities, the performance indicators of the department or health care facility, its characteristics, the dynamics of indicators for 3 years and an assessment of existing trends in comparison with the corresponding indicators of the city or district. The report is accompanied by published articles, certificates for improvement proposals, inventions, programs of conferences, congresses, improvement cycles in which the certified person took part. The report is signed by the applicant and certified by the head of the institution.

The second category is assigned to doctors who have worked in this specialty for at least 5 years, the first - at least 7, and the highest - at least 10 years. Work experience includes training in internship, clinical residency and graduate school in the same specialty. In some cases, with high practical and theoretical training, a higher category can be assigned without established requirements to experience. Specialists with an academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences are awarded the highest category in absentia. If a specialist refuses the next recertification, the previously assigned category is lost. Certification is carried out for a fee at the expense of the person being certified, trade union, scientific society or association at officially established rates.

Certification is one of the mechanisms of state control over the quality of training of specialists, which is voluntary procedure and aims to stimulate the growth of personnel qualifications.

Included certification commission includes leading specialists of treatment and prevention, research institutions, higher medical educational institutions, chief specialists of the health care management body, representatives of professional medical associations.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, by its Order dated August 09, 2001, approved the Regulations defining the procedure for obtaining qualification categories for specialists working in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this Regulation, when obtaining a qualification category, professional qualifications, competence, as well as the ability of a specialist to perform official duties in accordance with the position held are assessed.

The qualifications of a specialist are determined by three qualification categories: second, first and highest.

Specialists with work experience in the certified specialty are allowed for certification:

for assignment to the highest category - 10 years, of which 3 years in one place

To pass certification (re-certification) for a qualification category, a specialist submits the following: documents:

1. Statement

2. Attestation sheet

3. Work report for the last three years, approved by the head of the medical institution

Certification procedure represents a specialist passing a qualification exam for assignment of a qualification category. The certification exam can take the form of either testing or an interview and is conducted by examination commissions for specialties. Practical skills are assessed based on the submission of a work report for the last 3 years from the place of main work.

Assessment of qualifications and recommendations for further professional training of a specialist are adopted by vote in the presence of at least 2/3 of the number of members of the approved composition of the certification commission. The results are determined by a majority vote, and in the event of a tie, the decision is considered to be made in favor of the specialist.

The decision of the certification commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the meeting. Then the body under which the certification commission was created issues an order within one month to assign a qualification category, which is brought to the attention of the specialist and the head of the healthcare institution.

Recertification To confirm the existing category, it is carried out every 5 years. If a specialist refuses the next recertification, the previously assigned qualification category is lost from the moment the five-year period for its assignment expires.

Certification- a mandatory procedure for all categories of medical workers, since a specialist certificate is required to engage in professional (medical and pharmaceutical) activities.

Specialist Certificate is a uniform document confirming the compliance of a specialist’s training with state educational standards. The result of obtaining a specialist certificate is the specialist’s admission to carry out professional medical activities. Persons who do not have a certificate can only work as trainees under the supervision of a certified specialist.

Personnel certification is carried out qualification commissions, which are created at state universities and medical research institutes, as well as at professional medical associations.

Certification procedure is the process of passing a qualifying examination to obtain a specialist certificate. The qualification exam is carried out by examination commissions for specialties approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

To pass the qualification exam, the medical worker provides the following documents:

1. Statement

2. A copy of the diploma of completion of a medical school

3. Copies of state-issued documents on completion of various forms of postgraduate or additional professional education

4. Copies of previously issued certificates

5. Copy of work record book

Exam includes three parts: test control, determination of practical skills, final interview.

The following medical workers are allowed to take the qualification exam for a specialist certificate:

1. Among those without experience professional activities - persons who have completed internship, residency, postgraduate studies in clinical disciplines

2. Among those with experience- specialists who have improved their qualifications through cycles of improvement in their specialty in licensed institutions over the past 5 years or have completed doctoral studies in a clinical discipline.

    Regulation labor relations in healthcare. The procedure for hiring, dismissal from work, transfer to another job.

The qualification category of a health worker indicates his experience and merits, and is also a necessary career component. Specialist with high category can get a job in a prestigious medical clinic or take a management position in a medical institution. In addition, the assignment of a category directly affects the amount of remuneration for a health worker - the higher the category, the more salary. For information on how to pass certification to obtain a qualification category in the Moscow region and what documents are required for this, read the material on the portal website.

Who can be certified

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin Certification is voluntary and is carried out in three qualification categories. For example, for doctors this is the second, first and highest.

Certification can be carried out by specialists who have certain qualifications and work experience and work in the healthcare system of the Moscow region. At the same time this procedure is highly specialized in nature and is carried out in accordance with the current nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical workers. The nomenclature of positions is an official list of all medical professions - for example, anesthesiologist, allergist, immunologist, and so on. Certification for each specialty requires individual standards regarding minimum work experience.

Required documents

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin First, the applicant must fill out the certification form. In this document you need to indicate the desired qualification category and medical profession, as well as provide information about existing categories (if any have been obtained).

Secondly, you will need to fill out.

It must indicate:

  • date of birth;
  • information about education;
  • information about work activity;
  • work experience in medical and pharmaceutical organizations;
  • availability of qualification categories (including in other medical specialties);
  • information about available academic degrees and academic titles;
  • information about available published scientific works;
  • information about inventions, rationalization proposals, patents;
  • knowledge of a foreign language;
  • contact details;
  • characteristics of the manager, certified by signature and seal.

The applicant must also submit educational documents: diploma, certificate, certificate, specialist certificate. Of course, you need work book, certified by the human resources department of the organization engaged in medical or pharmaceutical activities, of which the applicant is an employee.

It is equally important to prepare a report on professional activities applicant. It must contain an analysis of professional activities over the last three years of work - for employees with higher vocational education and for the last year of work - for workers with secondary vocational education. The document must be agreed upon with the head of the medical organization (certified by signature and seal). Otherwise, the manager is obliged to explain in writing the reasons for the refusal.

If the applicant has ever changed his first or last name, he must provide a document confirming this.

How to apply

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2012 N 982n
"On approval of the conditions and procedure for issuing a specialist certificate to medical and pharmaceutical workers, forms and technical requirements specialist certificate"

With changes and additions from:

specialist certificate form in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

technical requirements for the specialist certificate form in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

V. Skvortsova

Registration N 27918

Installed new order issuing specialist certificates to medical and pharmaceutical workers.

The certificate confirms that its holder has a level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities sufficient for independent professional activity. As before, it is valid for 5 years.

For those who have received education in Russia, a certificate is issued by the relevant educational or scientific organizations. To do this, you need to undergo training (internship, residency, graduate school, doctoral studies, advanced training, professional retraining) and pass the certification exam. The procedure for carrying it out is prescribed.

Graduates of secondary vocational education institutions receive a certificate after passing the state (final) certification.

For those who studied abroad, a certificate is issued by Roszdravnadzor, provided positive result passing the exam in the specialty.

All issued certificates are subject to registration. If lost or damaged, you can get a duplicate.

The form of the certificate has been established. The forms are made according to a single sample and are numbered. They are equipped with protection against counterfeiting.

Let us remind you that from January 1, 2016, specialist certificates are replaced by accreditation certificates.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2012 N 982n “On approval of the conditions and procedure for issuing a specialist certificate to medical and pharmaceutical workers, the form and technical requirements of a specialist certificate”

Registration N 27918

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication
