Zrk tor 3m new. The Tor-M2 anti-aircraft systems were armed with a new missile. The main targets that the Tor air defense system should hit

Vyacheslav KARTASHOV

Thus, in all conflicts, the attacking side relied on the use of air attack weapons: tactical aircraft, cruise missiles and precision weapons. They were given tasks:

Suppression of air defense systems;

Destruction of military facilities: warehouses, arsenals, command posts, accumulations of military equipment and military personnel in places of dispersal;

Disorganizing the management of the defending side and forcing it to fulfill the demands of the attacking side.

In turn, the defending side made attempts to counter air strikes with available air defense systems. It is precisely the defenders' lack of modern means Air defenses capable of hitting not only tactical aircraft, but also, primarily, cruise missiles and precision-guided weapons (HPE), in all cases led to the defeat of the defending side.

Such air defense systems include short-range air defense systems, which are designed to directly cover military formations of the Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy facilities, and the most important government and military facilities from air attack weapons.

One of the most effective short-range systems today is the Tor-M2 family of air defense systems. It is specifically designed to combat the most common air attack weapons, such as precision weapons (anti-radar missiles, guided and glide bombs), maneuvering, manned and unmanned, high-speed aircraft.

SAM "Tor-M2U", the combat vehicle of which is located on a special tracked chassis high cross-country ability produced by JSC Mytishchi machine-building plant", is supplied to units of the Ground Forces and provides air defense to motorized rifle and tank units.

The Tor-M2K air defense system, the combat vehicle of which is located on a special wheeled chassis produced by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, ensures the implementation of air defense missions of units of the army of the Republic of Belarus.

The Tor-M2KM air defense system with combat and technical equipment in a modular design is the latest development of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern OJSC and the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol OJSC.

All special equipment of these combat weapons is 100% similar and completely interchangeable. The anti-aircraft guided missiles used in the Tor-M2U air defense system and the Tor-M2K air defense system are also the same.

The Tor-M2KM air defense system uses a modernized missile defense system, which provides this complex with an expansion of the affected area to 15 km in range. Rest combat characteristics all three complexes are similar. These include, first of all: the ability to simultaneously hit four air targets; the ability to protect extended objects and point objects located at a distance of 8-10 km from the combat position of the air defense system; the ability to work in a “link”, combining detection zones and destruction zones of two combat units; the highest automation of the combat work process and noise immunity; high rate of fire – 2.5 s; the ability to hit small-sized, high-speed and actively maneuvering (with overloads of up to 30 units) targets, strategic and tactical cruise missiles, anti-radar and guided missiles, anti-ship missiles flying at extremely low (up to 5 m) altitude and guided, including homing, and gliding aerial bombs, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles made using stealth technology.

The fundamental difference between the Tor-M2KM air defense system and the other two complexes of the family is the modular design of its combat and technical means. This ensures their placement on any automobile chassis (self-propelled version of the complex), semi-trailers or trailers (transportable version of the complex) or other platforms of appropriate carrying capacity, as well as in hard-to-reach points, at commanding heights, on the roofs of buildings and structures, on the decks of small-tonnage ships and other objects (stationary option).

The autonomous combat module (ABM) of the Tor-M2KM air defense system contains radar and optical equipment, special equipment, missile defense systems, main and backup power sources, and combat crews. A special housing with unified nodes fastenings, ensuring its installation and operation on various platforms and in a stationary version.

The maximum loaded weight of the ABM does not exceed 15 tons, which ensures its transportation on the external sling of a helicopter for delivery to various hard-to-reach places, to commanding heights, to the roofs of buildings and structures.

The ABM is equipped with its own power supply system, ensuring its autonomous operation in all climatic conditions with a wide variety of placement options. The ABM also has a backup power source, which will ensure the operation of the ABM in any of the placement options: from an industrial power grid or any mobile power station generating three-phase voltage 220V 50Hz, with a power of at least 80 kW. ABM combat crew – 2 people.

The design of the Tor-M2KM air defense missile systems ensures their transportation by all types of transport, as well as transportation on the external sling of the Mi-26T helicopter and its analogues with a load capacity of at least 15 tons. The ability to place the ABM on various customer platforms significantly expands the range of application of the family of air defense systems "Tor-M2" increases the volume of combat missions solved and greatly reduces the costs of its operation.

The ability to transport the ABM on the external sling of a helicopter makes it possible to place the air defense system in the most inaccessible places (for example, in the mountains at dominant heights, in cities on the roofs of buildings and structures, etc.).

Only the Tor-M2KM air defense system allows for the first time to completely solve the problem of air defense of large cities (metropolises).

Placing ABM on the deck of small-tonnage ships provides air defense for the ships themselves, their groups, naval bases and large international ports.

When placed on various platforms, the Tor-M2KM air defense system is capable of performing air defense tasks for various units and formations of the Ground Forces, Air Force, Strategic Missile Forces, Navy and protecting large cities, strategic and important military, government facilities, and industrial centers from air strikes.

The defensible area of ​​the facility with one ABM air defense missile system "Tor-M2KM" is more than 400 square kilometers.

The Tor-M2KM air defense system is highly reliable and effective in combating actively maneuvering air targets, guided and gliding bombs, anti-radar and cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, airplanes and helicopters. The complex is equipped with modern computing tools and radar, allowing it to detect and process up to 144 targets, display information about the 20 most dangerous targets, and ensure the simultaneous destruction of four of them.

The entire process of combat operation of the Tor-M2KM air defense system is fully automated; a person only selects a target for destruction from among those proposed by the machine and presses the “Start” button. The missile defense system is automatically aimed at the target, and at the point where the missile and the target meet, the missile warhead is detonated. The missile's combat equipment, weighing 14 kg, contains fragments of complex geometric shapes made from special alloy(tungsten-nickel-iron), which provides the highest penetration ability of the fragment and almost completely eliminates the possibility of ricochet. Small errors at the meeting point, adaptation of the radio fuse to the type of air target in combination with special combat equipment of the missile defense warhead provide the complex with a high probability of hitting all types of air targets. The probability of one missile hitting one target is not less than 0.98.

The complex is equipped with a modern satellite navigation system, which makes it possible to determine the location of the ABM and its angular parameters with high accuracy.

Two anti-aircraft missile modules located in each of the ABMs provide transportation, storage and launch of eight missiles.

The transport-charging module can be installed on a vehicle chassis similar to the ABM chassis.

Means maintenance and repair, a group set of spare parts and a simulator of the complex are placed in standardized container bodies, ensuring their installation on any automobile chassis, semi-trailers and trailers designed for transporting 20-foot sea containers.

JSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey and JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, together with ship developers and manufacturers, are studying the possibility of using air defense systems of the Tor-M2 family on warships of the Russian Navy of various displacements, both newly created and repaired to replace obsolete and discontinued naval air defense systems.

The 9K331 Tor-M1 autonomous self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) is designed for air defense of motorized rifle and tank divisions in all types of combat operations and in concentration areas, protecting the most critical facilities (command posts of communication centers, radio equipment, bridges, airfields) from strikes by precision weapons, guided and anti-radar missiles, guided bombs, airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles and remotely piloted aircraft(RPLA).

The complex is a compact, functionally complete and technically advanced tactical unit - a combat vehicle capable of independently or as part of an air defense system to carry out the assigned combat mission. The 9K331 air defense system is the result of a consistent modernization of the Tor air defense system. As a result of modernization, a second target channel was introduced into the air defense missile system, a warhead made of material with increased damaging characteristics was used in the missile defense system, a modular interface of the missile defense system with the combat vehicle was implemented, an increase in the area and probability of hitting low-flying targets, and the combat vehicle was interfaced with the unified battery command post "Ranzhir" to ensure control of combat vehicles as part of a battery.

The following took part in the refinement of existing and development of new means of the Tor-M1 (9K331) air defense system:

    Research Electromechanical Institute MRP (the leading enterprise of NPO Antey) is the lead one for the Tor-M1 air defense system as a whole ( chief designer V.P. Efremov) and the 9A331 combat vehicle (9A330 modernization) - deputy chief designer of the air defense system and chief designer of the 9A331 combat vehicle - I.M. Drize;

    Production Association "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" MRP - for structural modification of the combat vehicle;

    Kirov Machine-Building Production Association named after. XX Party Congress of the MAP - on the development of the four-missile module 9M334, used in the 9A331 combat vehicle (chief designer of the module O.N. Zhary);

    Research Institute of Automation Equipment MRP (leading enterprise NPO "Agat") - on the development, within the framework of a separate R&D, of a unified battery command post "Rangir" (9S737) - chief designer A.V. Shershnev, as well as MKB "Fakel" MAP and others organizations.

State tests of the Tor-M1 air defense system were carried out from March to December 1989 at the Embensky test site (head of the test site V.R. Unuchko). The air defense system was put into service in 1991.

Serial production of combat and technical means of the Tor-M1 air defense system was organized at enterprises that produced Tor air defense systems. New equipment - a four-seat transport and launch container for the 9A331 missile defense system and a unified battery command post 9S737 were produced respectively at the Kirov Machine-Building Plant named after the XX Party Congress and at the Penza Radio Plant.

The Tor-M1 air defense system, which has no analogues in the world (see comparative characteristics), capable of hitting aerial elements of high-precision weapons, has repeatedly shown its high combat capabilities at combat shooting training, at military exercises at exhibitions of modern weapons in a number of countries around the world. These systems are highly competitive on the global market and are in service with air defense units of China, Greece and Iran.

To protect sedentary military personnel, as well as civilian and industrial facilities variants of the complex have been developed with the placement of the main elements on wheelbases - in the self-propelled version "Tor-M1TA", with the placement of the equipment cabin (AC) on the Ural-5323 vehicle, and the antenna launch post (APP) - on the ChMZAP8335 trailer, in a towed "Tor-M1TB" (on two trailers AK - SMZ-782B, APP - ChMZAP8335). By eliminating off-road capability and increasing the deployment/collapse time to 8..15 minutes. a reduction in the cost of the complex is achieved. A stationary version of the "Top-M1TC" complex has also been developed.

A modernized version of the complex, designated Tor-M1V, has been tested. "Tor-M1V" differs from its predecessor in increased combat capabilities:

  • The system's affected area has been expanded in height and heading parameters. The need for such an expansion is dictated by the experience of aviation military operations in Yugoslavia and the Middle East;
  • The noise immunity of the complex has been increased in conditions of the enemy using self-covering interference. For this purpose, special operating modes of combat weapons have been developed, which are automatically activated when modern and future jamming is installed;
  • a special mode of combat work “link” has been introduced for coordinated and efficient work two combat vehicles without a battery command post when protecting point targets.

At the International Aviation and Space Salon "MAKS - 2007" OJSC "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant "Kupol" together with OJSC "Concern Air Defense "Almaz-Antey" presented the latest development- 9A331MK combat vehicle of the Tor-M2E anti-aircraft missile system. The new system is different increased efficiency repelling massive raids by modern air attack weapons in conditions of fire and electronic countermeasures.


The 9K331 complex includes:

  • 9A331 combat vehicle and 9M334 anti-aircraft missile module (with 9M331 missiles in the 9YA281 transport and launch container);
  • transport-loading machine 9T244;
  • transport vehicle 9T245;
  • maintenance machines 9B887M and 9B888-1M
  • set of rigging equipment 9F116;
  • group spare parts machine 9F399-1M1;
  • Autonomous electronic simulator for combat aircraft operators 9F678.

On the basis of the 9A331 combat vehicle (see layout) the following are located:

    two 9M334 anti-aircraft missile modules (eight 9M331 missiles in the TPK 9YA281);

    three-coordinate target detection station (STS) with systems for identifying their nationality and stabilizing the antenna base;

    guidance station (SN) with a phased antenna array;

    a backup television-optical sight, providing automatic target tracking along angular coordinates;

    high-speed digital computing system;

    automatic launcher equipment (equipment for displaying information about the air situation and the cycle of combat work, as well as indicating the functioning of systems and means of the combat vehicle, operating consoles for the commander and operators, auxiliary equipment);

    telecode operational command radio communication system;

    navigation, topographical reference and orientation equipment;

    combat vehicle functional control system:

    Autonomous power supply and life support system (primary power source driven by an electric generator from a gas turbine engine or the propulsion engine of a self-propelled chassis).

The following changes were made to the 9A331 combat vehicle (compared to the 9A330):

    a new dual-processor computing system with increased performance was used, which implemented dual-channel work on targets, protection against false target traces, and expanded functional control;

    a three-channel digital signal processing system was introduced into the target detection station, which provided improved suppression of passive interference without additional analysis of the interference situation, an automatically switched selective filter in the input devices of the receiver, which, due to the frequency selection of each partial, ensured more effective electromagnetic compatibility and noise immunity of the station in the input devices of the receiver, an amplifier was replaced to increase sensitivity, automatic adjustment of the power supplied to each partial during station operation was introduced, the review order was changed to reduce the time for tying target tracks, an algorithm for protecting against false marks was introduced;

    entered into the guidance station new type sounding signal, which ensured the detection and automatic tracking of a hovering helicopter, an automatic target tracking in elevation angle was introduced in the television-optical sight (to increase the accuracy of its tracking), an improved commander indicator was introduced, interface equipment was introduced with the unified battery command post "Rangier" (radio stations and equipment data transfer).

The detection radar is a coherent pulse all-round radar. It operates in the centimeter wavelength range with frequency beam control based on elevation angle. The average transmitter power is 1.5 kW, the resolution is no worse than 1.5-2.0° in azimuth, 4° in elevation and 200m in range. The maximum errors in determining the target coordinates are no more than half of the specified resolution values. The use of digital signal processing makes it possible to reliably detect both high-speed and slow-moving (up to 10 m/s) targets without “blind speeds” in difficult conditions of passive (natural and artificial) interference, taking into account the influence of the underlying surface. Signal processing is carried out by special computers and a central computer, the computing and algorithmic capabilities of which allow solving analysis problems air situation, making basic decisions and other intellectual tasks of managing combat operations. The detection radar is interfaced with a system for identifying the nationality of the target and automatically blocks (with a high probability) the possibility of hitting “their” aircraft. To ensure the station can operate while the vehicle is moving, the antenna position is stabilized.

The station is capable of detecting F-15 aircraft flying at altitudes from 30 to 6000 m with a probability of at least 0.8 at a range of 25-27 km. unmanned aerial vehicles are detected with a probability of at least 0.7 at a range of 9-15 km, helicopters hovering in the air - with a probability of 0.6-0.8 at a range of 13-20 km, helicopters on the ground with rotating propellers - with a probability of 0.4-0.7 at a range of 13-20 km. In this case, targets can be detected that are covered by active and passive interference. The detection radar provides a multi-partial (8 partial - beams) three-dimensional overview of space at a high rate (see scanning range). The scanning period is 1 s, the beam width in the vertical plane is 4°. Scanning the angular viewing space in the vertical plane is mechanically divided into two ranges from 0-32° and 32-64°. This means that two batteries of the Top-M1 air defense system can simultaneously view an area in an angular raster of 0-64°. There is an increase in signal energy through the use of a long pulse with intrapulse modulation and a mode of concentration of all radiation energy in one partial - three in one.

Guidance radar (SVR) - coherent-pulse (pulse-Doppler type) radar. It operates in the centimeter wavelength range and has a low-element phased antenna array (PAR), which forms a beam 1° wide in azimuth and elevation, providing electronic scanning of the beam in the corresponding planes. This system design allows for an almost instantaneous (400-600ms) transition to auto tracking, as well as simultaneous tracking and firing of two targets in the phased array sector. The station searches for a target using target designation data from the target detection station and locks on one target for auto tracking. With a probability of 0.5, the guidance station is capable of switching to automatic tracking of a fighter aircraft flying at a range of 23 km. As the range decreases, this probability increases significantly, so at a range of 20 km it is already 0.8. The tracking radar signal processing system is a digital monopulse with pulse compression and a corresponding signal processing algorithm, providing not only high accuracy and noise immunity, but also recognition of the target class, which allows optimizing the operating modes of the missile guidance system and its combat equipment.

For the first time in the practice of creating anti-aircraft systems, the Tor-M1 air defense system used the four-seat transport and launch container (TPK) 9YA281, which together with the 9M331 missile system formed the 9M334 missile module. Each 9M334 module is equipped with two special beams, with the help of which the modules can be assembled into multi-tiered packages. Such packages are used to store and transport missiles at all stages of operation. The 9T245 transport vehicle carries two packages of four modules, the 9T244 transport-loading vehicle carries two packages of two modules and has crane equipment for loading the module into the combat vehicle. The BM is loaded using a transport-loading machine. First the module is translated from horizontal position into a vertical position, then lowers into the BM shaft. The loading time for a combat vehicle with two modules is 25 minutes. The 9M334 module is operated during its specified service life without routine maintenance or inspections of on-board missile equipment. Main parameters of the module: mass of the module (TPK plus four missiles) with two beams - 1053 kg, mass of TPK with two beams - 333 kg, mass of one beam - 40 kg, dimensions of the module with two beams - 539x1507x3005mm

The 9M331 missile defense system is completely unified with the 9M330 missile (except for the material of the warhead's striking elements) and can be used in the Tor, Top-M1, Tor-M2 air defense systems and in the Kinzhal ship-based air defense system.

The combat operation of the 9K331 air defense system occurs according to the scheme usual for anti-aircraft missile systems with a radio command guidance system (see description of combat operation). A detection station in motion or in place provides a 360-degree view of the space, detects and identifies targets. The combat vehicle's computers analyze the air target, select the most dangerous targets for fire, and generate target designation data for the guidance station (command transmission station, SPK). The guidance station (missile sighting station plus command transmission station) based on target designation data carries out:

    search and capture of one target for auto tracking;

    accurate target tracking in three coordinates;

    launching one or sequentially (every 4 seconds) two missiles at a tracked target;

    capture of the rocket after launch by a separate coordinator and insertion of it into the beam of the phased antenna array;

    precise missile tracking;

    missile control using commands generated by the difference in coordinates between the missiles and the target in accordance with the selected guidance method that corresponds most optimal conditions meeting a missile with a target depending on its type, altitude and flight pattern;

    issuing a command to the missile's radio fuse to delay its operation depending on the speed of the missile's approach to the target.

Operation of the complex is permitted at altitudes of no more than 3000 m above sea level, at any time of the year and day, in various meteorological conditions in the range of ambient temperatures from -50°C to +50°C, in conditions of solar radiation and relative humidity not exceeding 98 % at a temperature of (30 ± 5) ° C and a wind speed of no more than 20 m/s. The operating mode of the rocket equipment when switched on on a combat vehicle is cyclic: 10 minutes of work - 10 minutes of break. After three starts there must be a break of at least one hour. At any time during the break, a one-time switching on of the rocket equipment for one minute is allowed to carry out the launch.

Performance characteristics

Number of simultaneously detected targets 48
Number of simultaneously tracked targets 2 (4 for Tor-M2E)
Detection area:
- by range, km
- in azimuth, degrees
- elevation angle, degrees
- by height, km

0-32 or 32-64
at least 23
Damage zone, km:
- by range
- in height
- by parameter

0.01..6 (0.01..10 for Tor-M2E)
6 (8 for Tor-M2E)
Probability of being hit by one missile:
- aircraft (type F-15)
- helicopter
- cruise missile
- precision weapons

Maximum speed of targets hit (towards/toward) m/s 700
Maximum lateral overload of the target to be hit 10
Complex reaction time (from target detection to missile launch), s:
- from the position
- from a short stop

Weight of combat vehicle, t 37
Fuel range (with two-hour operation of the equipment), km 500
Combat crew 3
SAM flight speed, m/s 700..800
Rocket mass, kg 165
Weight of warhead, kg 14,5

Tor-M2U is a Russian all-weather tactical anti-aircraft missile system designed to solve air and missile defense problems at the divisional level.

The April 7 attack by American cruise missiles on the Syrian Shayrat airbase will certainly have many consequences - both political and military. One of the latter could be the build-up of air defense forces and means covering the most important Syrian infrastructure facilities.

The use of Tomahawks by the American side may encourage the Russian leadership to transfer anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria, specially created to combat cruise missiles. Obviously, in the current circumstances, the Russian Tor air defense system is becoming the main candidate for the role of defender of the Syrian sky from American “battle axes.”

The Tor anti-aircraft missile system is designed for air defense of the most important military and government facilities from attacks by aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, anti-radar and other guided missiles, glide/guided bombs and unmanned aerial vehicles within the affected area of ​​the complex, day and night, in complex meteorological and interference conditions.

The first modification of the all-weather tactical short-range anti-aircraft missile system "Thor" was put into service on March 19, 1986. Over the subsequent time, the air defense system has undergone at least three major modernizations and has been qualitatively updated.

The modern "Thor" operates on batteries. One anti-aircraft missile battery consists of 4 9A331MU combat vehicles (the ammunition load of each is 8 missiles), 2 transport-loading vehicles (replenishing the ammo of combat vehicles in 18 minutes), a maintenance workshop, a battery command post "Rangier" and "Casta" - a mobile three-coordinate radar station of the decimeter range of all-round visibility in standby mode.

The maximum speed that such an anti-aircraft missile battery can develop on the move is 65 km/h. This allows the “Thor” to keep up with the “ward” columns of vehicles or armored vehicles on the march.

The air defense system is fully automated, for which experts sometimes call “Thor” a “complex of two buttons.” The air defense system is truly capable of doing almost everything itself: detecting, identifying, ranking targets by degree of danger. “News” 48 targets and ensure the simultaneous destruction of 4 of them, while simultaneously choosing the optimal moment of operation of the radio fuse of the warhead missile defense system. The operator remains to perform only two actions: “a” - select from the list of targets proposed by “Thor” those that are to be destroyed first; and “b” - give the command to launch the missile defense system.

However, in the event of repelling a massive air strike, when a delay of even a fraction of a second can have fatal consequences, it is possible to switch the air defense system to fully automatic mode. An important detail - if necessary, 2 air defense missile systems can operate in the “Link” mode. Those. one combat vehicle can issue target designation via wired or wireless communication to another, located at a distance of up to 5 km from the first vehicle and operating with the radar turned off or disabled.

According to domestic experts, “Tor” is significantly superior in its performance characteristics to all foreign analogues, including the Israeli Iron Dome tactical missile defense system.

So, “Tor” is a highly mobile short-range air defense system capable of performing air defense tasks for units of the Russian Armed Forces and protecting strategic targets from air strikes. The “area of ​​responsibility” of the air defense system extends up to 12 km in range and up to 10 km in height from the location of the complex’s combat vehicle.

Beyond this zone, the Tora’s “big brothers” operate - the S-400, S-300 and Buk complexes. The Osa air defense systems operate closer, as do the Pantsir and Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems. “Thor” is quite capable of operating independently, and yet it is more often considered as a fragment of a single layered air defense system.

"Thor" can confidently detect and destroy combat aircraft and helicopters of any type. Including, by the way, those aircraft that are developed using stealth technology. Moreover, by 2016, such goals for new modifications of the Tor air defense system had already become too easy. The main opponents of the Thors are now UAVs and precision weapons, i.e. anti-radar missiles, cruise missiles and guided bombs.

The increasing likelihood of the enemy's massive use of high-precision air attack weapons forced the Tor designers to sharply increase the "speed" of their brainchild. This is how a modification of the Tor-M2U air defense system appeared with new system control, a new phased array antenna, increased noise immunity, a new computing complex with increased performance. The newest air defense system began to enter service with the troops in November 2012 and, due to its high efficiency, almost immediately received the unofficial nickname “Cleaner”.

Naturally, the creators of “Thor” did not rest on their laurels. The air defense system is constantly being improved. For example, in 2016, Tor-M2U, for the first time in the history of the family, gained the ability to launch on the move at speeds of up to 45 km/h. Previously, all “Torahs” were forced to hit targets from short stops. Simultaneously with the improvement of the self-propelled version of the complex, the designers reported on the development of Tora-M2KM, a modular modification of the air defense system.

The autonomous combat module of this air defense system can be installed by crane on any platform suitable in terms of weight and dimensions in 10 minutes: the roof of a house, the deck of a ship, a tracked or automobile chassis, or a trailer. The main condition is that the platform must have a carrying capacity of at least 20 tons.

The development of the Tora-M2KM, together with the Tor-M2U, which learned to shoot on the move, turned on the green light for the work of Kupol on the Tor-MF, a naval modification of the air defense system. As part of this R&D, one of the Tora-M2KM modules was sent to the Black Sea Fleet in March, where it was successfully fired from the helicopter deck of the frigate Admiral Grigorovich.

This event allowed analysts to assume that already in 2018 the Russian Navy will have the opportunity to replace the outdated Kinzhal air defense systems on warships. the latest complexes"Thor-MF".

This is not the end of the Thor development line. By combining the antenna-launching device with the chassis of the two-link tracked transporter DT-30PM "Vityaz", the developers received the "Tor-M2DT" - an Arctic version of the air defense system. It is adapted to particularly difficult climatic conditions and is capable of performing combat missions in extreme conditions. low temperatures and difficult rough terrain.

On May 9, 2017, Tor-M2DT will be presented to the general public for the first time, taking part in the Victory Parade on Red Square.

TOR air defense short-range anti-aircraft missile system photo , qualitative technological growth of air attack weapons - including new tactical fighters, combat helicopters, precision weapons, digital automated systems management - gave motivation and opportunity also for the development of protective equipment.
At the turn of the 1960s-1970s, work began in the USSR on military complexes and second-generation air defense systems. To replace the Osa air defense system of the divisional level, the Tor short-range anti-aircraft missile system (system) was developed. It had to operate down to extremely low altitudes, in a difficult jamming environment, have autonomy, all-terrain capability and mobility equal to the columns of units that it would cover, as well as minimal reaction time.
The 9K330 Tor air defense system (ZRS) was armed with anti-aircraft missile regiments of motorized rifle and tank divisions. The regiment included a command post and four anti-aircraft batteries, each consisting of four combat vehicles and a battery command post. The batteries were supposed to operate autonomously or under the centralized control of the division's air defense chief or the commander of an anti-aircraft missile regiment.

The Tor air defense missile system was put into service in 1986, the complex received the index 9K330, the anti-aircraft guided missile - 9M330, the index 9A330 corresponded to the combat vehicle, the chassis was unified with the Tunguska air defense missile system.

Birth TORA short-range anti-aircraft missile system photo
Development " TOP "began in accordance with the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 4, 1975. The lead developer was the Scientific Research Electromechanical Institute (Moscow, since 1983 - NPO Antey), the chief designer of the complex was V.P. Efremov , combat vehicle - I. M. Drize. The anti-aircraft guided missile with a command guidance system was developed by the Fakel IKB (Khimki Moscow Region) under the leadership of P. D. Grushin, the chief designer of the missile was V. V. Kolyaskin.
"Thor" was tested from December 1983 to December 1984 and entered service on March 19, 1986. GRAU assigned

  • complex index 9K330
  • SAM - 9M330
  • combat vehicle - 9A330.

Serial production of the missile defense system was organized at the Kirov Machine-Building Plant named after. XX Party Congress, combat vehicles were built by the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant on a tracked chassis produced in Minsk tractor plant. In the US and NATO, the Thor was designated the SA-15 Gauntlet Gauntlet.
Composition and device TOP short-range anti-aircraft missile system photo .
The combat assets of the complex (system) are assembled on one tracked chassis GM-355. The 9A330 combat vehicle with a speed of up to 65 km/h includes a target detection station (STS) and a guidance station (CH) - both based on centimeter-wave coherent-pulse radars, a computer, and a missile launcher. The 9M330 solid-fuel single-stage missile defense system is designed in a canard design with folding wings and rudders, equipped with an autopilot with rudder drives, a radio unit, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, an active radio fuse, and is housed in a transport and launch container. The rocket launch is vertical using a powder catapult; after the launch, a gas-dynamic device in the tail section ensures that the rocket is inclined towards the target, then the main engine is turned on. Detailed video of night firing of anti-aircraft guided missiles, sea ​​trials, Kapustin Yar training ground, shooting at an unmanned aerial vehicle UAV at night, watch the video.

The SOC provides a circular overview of the space, its detection range is 25-27 km, hovering - 13-20 km, which is important - up to 15 km.

SAM launch container with 9M330 anti-aircraft guided missiles, module weight just over 1 ton

An SV with a phased array antenna (PAA), based on a target designation signal from the computer system, acquires a target for auto-tracking, determines the moment of launch and issues a command to launch the missile defense system, and accompanies the missile defense system during the guidance process. Control commands are transmitted to the missile defense system via a radio channel through the same phased array. The CH aims up to two missiles at the target. Also, from the SN to the missile defense system, the radio fuse response delay values ​​are given, depending on the speed of the missile’s approach to the target, which increases the likelihood of hitting the target.
Simultaneously with the adoption of the Tor air defense system (SAM), an order was issued for its modernization.
Modernization TOR air defense short-range anti-aircraft missile system
The lead contractor for the modernization of the complex was NPO Antey. The modernized 9K331 Tor-M1 passed state tests in March - December 1989, and was put into service in 1991.

The modernized 9K331 Tor-M1 was put into service in 1991

Among its significant differences:

  • - 9M331 missile defense system with increased lethality of the warhead;
  • - a replaceable missile module for four missiles (created by the Kirov Machine-Building Plant production association them. XX Party Congress), which made it possible to speed up the reloading of a combat vehicle;
  • - 9A331 combat vehicle on the GM-5955 Mytishchi M3 chassis;
  • - dual-processor computing system;
  • - the ability to simultaneously fire at two targets;
  • - new algorithms for selecting decoys and selecting the most dangerous targets, increased noise immunity of the SOC and accuracy of the SN, improved commander indicator;
  • - automatic tracking of low-flying targets using a television-optical sight;
  • - the presence in the system of a self-propelled battery command post 9S737 “Rangier” developed by NIISA (Zhukovsky).

Further work led to the creation of the 9K332 "Tor-M2", "Tor-M2KM" complex and the export version "Tor-M2E".

The Tor-M2 air defense system, adopted by the 120th anti-aircraft missile brigade in the city of Baranovichi in Belarus, during the review. 2011

Workstations of the TOR-M2 short-range anti-aircraft missile system

The Tor-M2U air defense system during the dress rehearsal of the military parade in honor of Victory Day. Red Square, Moscow, 2014

SAM complex 9K332 “Tor-M2 photo

Firing of the Tor-M2U air defense system, produced by the Kupol plant from Izhevsk

Modifications of "Thor" were supplied to Azerbaijan, Belarus, Venezuela, Greece, Egypt, Iran, and China.

TOR 2ME is one of the modifications of the air defense system with increased efficiency (relative to the M1 torus) intended for export

On current moment The Kupol plant, part of the Almaz-Antey concern, is working on the creation of a naval version of the short-range air defense system of the Tor-M2U type, not to be confused with the Kinzhal. It is assumed that the complex will be able to be placed on ships of various displacements.

One of the proposed options for the location of the Tor air defense system on a ship

It should be noted that during production, about 240 SAM TOP short-range anti-aircraft missile systems photo ,

  • more than 120 units are in service with the Russian army,
  • the next most saturated is people's army China about 60 units (the number of unlicensed copies called “Hongqi-17”, probably no one knows), interestingly, China won the tender to create a missile defense system in Turkey, guess whose developments this system will be built on.
  • Iran has 30 air defense systems and Greece has 21. Iran also has a sad experience of using TOP, with its own plane being shot down after it flew into the restricted 20-kilometer zone around a nuclear power plant.
Modification "Thor" "Tor-M1" "Tor-M2"
Target engagement range, m:
- maximum 12 000 12 000 12 000
-minimum 1500 1500 1000-1500
Target engagement height, m:
- maximum 6000 6000 10 000
- minimum 10 10 10
Maximum target speed, m/s 700 700 700-900
Channel by target 1 2 4
Guidance system radio command
Number of missiles on one vehicle 8 8 8
SAM type 9M330 9M331 9M331
Launch weight of missiles, kg 165 165 165
Weight of warhead, kg 14,8 14,8 14,8
Warhead type high-explosive fragmentation
Engine type dual-mode solid propellant rocket engine
SAM length, mm 2898 2898 2898
SAM body diameter, mm 235 235 235
Wingspan, mm 650 650 650
SAM flight speed, m/s 700-800 700-850 700-850
Number of missiles on the launcher 8 8 8
Combat crew, people 4 4 3
Reaction time, s
  • (from position)
  • (from a short stop)
7.4 (from position) 9.7 (from short stop) 4-8
Method of reloading a combat vehicle SINGLEIZUR missile modules for 4 missiles each missile modules for 4 missiles each
Reload time, min 30 20 18

On June 20, 1957, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a new unique enterprise for the production of radio control equipment was founded in Izhevsk, today it is JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol (IEMZ Kupol). Since their founding, they have mastered more than 40 types of military products, from blocks for the first military anti-aircraft missile system “Krug” to the latest air defense system “Tor-M2DT”. Yes, it is also thanks to their work that we can now see a peaceful sky above our heads. I recently managed to get to this plant, but I still wanted to start with their museum.

A short-range air defense missile system "Osa" (GRAU index - 9K33, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO: SA-8 Gecko) is installed at the entrance of the plant. The Osa air defense system is an all-weather autonomous self-propelled air defense system, which was intended to combat manned and unmanned air attack systems in conditions of active electronic countermeasures. In short, they covered our troops from low-flying targets. Their development (at the stage of developing the requirements, the project was called “Ellipsoid”) began on October 27, 1960. At the same time, a similar Osa-M air defense system was developed to protect ships. navy. The Osa air defense system was put into service on October 4, 1971. These vehicles were first shown to the general public at a military parade on Red Square in Moscow in November 1975. Their serial production was launched at 2 enterprises. The combat vehicle itself was produced at the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, and anti-aircraft guided missiles were made at the Kirov Machine-Building Plant. In total, since the start of mass production, about 1.2 thousand units of this equipment have been produced. By the way, the Osa air defense system and its modifications are still in service with a number of countries.


In addition to the fact that this complex can move under its own power, it is ready to fly on IL-76 cargo aircraft or move on railway transport. The powerful engine is capable of providing the air defense missile system with a maximum speed of up to 80 km/h on the highway. At the same time, it travels on dirt roads at speeds of up to 55 km/h. If necessary, the Osa air defense system can even swim on its own at speeds of up to 10 km/h. In this case, the engine ensures the operation of a special water jet. Their chassis can tow trailers weighing up to 7,200 kg. The complex itself was equipped with four 9M33 anti-aircraft guided missiles, the Osa-AK modification has 6 9M33M2 missiles, and the Osa-AKM modification has 6 9M33M3 missiles. Such machines are capable of detecting and identifying air targets in motion. With a short stop, they are capable of firing two missiles at one target. The deployment and deployment time of a combat vehicle is no more than 5 minutes. The development of a similar anti-aircraft complex was also carried out in other countries. The British were the first. They managed to create ground-based air defense systems "Tiger Cat" and "Rapier", but in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics (TTX) they were significantly inferior to our "Osa".

3. Model of the BM air defense missile system "Osa-AKM" in the museum.

4. Memorial "Honor and glory to the participants of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"

Work on the creation of a divisional autonomous self-propelled air defense system "Tor" began at NIEMI in accordance with the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, dated February 4, 1975. The first 9K330 Tor air defense system appeared only in 1983, but even then, after a series of tests, it had to be modified. The complex was finally put into service on March 19, 1986. Serial production of "Torov" was again established at the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, but some components were supplied from other enterprises. Thus, the Minsk Tractor Plant (MTZ) supplied tracked chassis or a platform, the Kirov Machine-Building Plant was engaged in the production of guided missiles, and several more enterprises were responsible for other smaller units.

5. Another serious machine that is installed, but already on the territory of the plant, is the Tor-M1 air defense system (GRAU index - 9K331, according to the classification of the US Defense Ministry and NATO - SA-15 Gauntlet (“Plate Gauntlet”)).

The base for placing all units of the 9K330 Tor air defense system is the 9A330 combat vehicle, which was produced on the GM-355 chassis, manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant. The chassis housed special equipment, as well as a rotary launcher, on which, in addition to the launcher for guided missiles, special antennas and locators were placed. The weight of the 9A330 combat vehicle was 32 tons. Thanks to the most powerful 840-horsepower diesel engine, the combat vehicle could maintain a high rate of movement and keep up with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The Thor's cruising range reached 500 km, and the maximum speed on the highway was 65 kilometers.

The reaction of the mobile complex to the target was 8.7 seconds if the system was stationary, and 10.7 seconds when accompanying troops. The transition of the mobile complex from the traveling position to the combat state occurred in 3 minutes. To load the complex with new missiles to replace the used ones, it was necessary to spend about 18 minutes, and the loading of guided missiles took place using a special loading machine - 9T231. The missiles that were equipped with the Tor air defense missile system were called 9M330. These missiles, having a weight of 165 kg and a length of 2.9 m, carried a high-explosive fragmentation charge weighing 14.8 kg. The target was hit by numerous fragments of the warhead. The probability of hitting aircraft with one missile reached 0.3-0.77 (where one means 100 percent), for helicopters this parameter was 0.5-0.88, for remotely piloted aircraft - 0.85-0.955.

Immediately after the 9K330 Tor complex was put into service, the development of its modernized version began under the designation 9K331 Tor-M1. This Complex was put into service in 1991. It responded to the target faster (by only 1-2 seconds) and it became possible to fire at two targets at once.


7. Model of the Tor-M1T air defense missile system combat unit, towed version

The museum was opened in 2007, the reason could not have been more serious, the plant turned 50 years old. Today, on an area of ​​470 sq. meters there were more than 100 thematic stands, about 500 different exhibits, many albums, photographs, awards, and products. All this completely immerses you in the history and real life of the plant. The models are especially impressive military equipment, which the plant produced and is currently producing. Not only do they copy the originals, albeit on a smaller scale, but they can drive and even shoot. Very cool!



Anti-aircraft guided missile SAM 9M330. Its launch weight was 165 kg (including warhead -14.8 kg), rocket length - 2898 mm, body diameter -235 mm, wingspan - 650 mm. The rocket uses a solid rocket motor. The 9M330 missile defense system is made according to the “duck” design. The missiles were located in the launcher of a combat vehicle without transport containers and were launched vertically using powder catapults. The range of the missile to hit a target is 12 km. The time the rocket was ready to launch was 5 seconds. Maximum rocket speed - 850 m/s


Anti-aircraft guided missile SAM 9M33 for the Osa anti-aircraft complex. The mass of the missile was 128 kg, including 15 kg for the warhead. The average speed of the missile defense system was 500 m/s. The length of the rocket was 3158 mm, diameter - 206 mm, wingspan - 650 mm. The target engagement range is 10 km.


Since 2012, instead of 9K331 Tor-M1, our army begins to purchase Tor-M2U and then Tor-M2E anti-aircraft missile systems. Their target detection system already uses the latest optical-electronic system. The complex’s powerful modern processors are capable of simultaneously tracking 48 targets, distributing them according to the degree of danger. At the same time, the complex can attack up to 4 targets using up to 8 missiles.

"Tor-M2K" (9K332MK) is an anti-aircraft missile system with a combat vehicle on a wheeled chassis. The chassis was developed by the Belarusian enterprise Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The complex's combat assets include: a 9A331MK combat vehicle, a 9M334 anti-aircraft missile module with eight 9M9331 anti-aircraft guided missiles controlled via four channels.

12. Model BM of the Tor-M2K air defense system.

13. Model Artillery radar complex reconnaissance and fire support for ground artillery, ARK-1M "Lynx".

14. Model of the Autonomous combat module of the Tor-M2KM air defense system and the combat vehicle of the Tor-M1 anti-aircraft missile system.

"Tor-M2DT" (9K331MDT) is an Arctic version of the anti-aircraft missile system with a combat vehicle based on the DT-30 two-link tracked transporter. It was first presented to the general public at the Victory Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2017.

15. Model of the combat unit of the Tor-M2DT air defense system

16. In the history of the plant there were different times. For example, in the difficult 90s we even had to produce toys. The plant remembers its history well and is not at all shy. Separate stands are dedicated to this topic.

“If you want to live, be able to move around! And the enterprise begins to produce in wide range consumer goods: in great demand The population began to use their lamps, electronic toys, children's table tennis, Iskra piezo lighters, heating systems for heating garden houses, cottages, greenhouses, etc.


In addition to strategic products, the plant is now actively working in the field of civilian products. Today Kupol is one of the most diversified enterprises in Udmurtia. They plunged headlong into the niche of heat and climate technology, air conditioning and ventilation systems, equipment for food industry and oil industry, plastic products for cosmetics and medicine, production of nanocomposites and infusion solutions, etc.


19. Here, for example, is the Carousel bottling machine of the Izhevsk Kupol plant, which successfully operates at the Sarapul Distillery, which I also visited:




23. Many thanks to the entire press service of JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol for an excellent tour of the enterprise and the museum! And next time I will show you the plant itself.

My whole story is under the flag "Made in Udmurtia":
