Assessing the state of the company's personnel using a questionnaire. Employee opinion survey. I am not accepted into the team or invited to participate in joint leisure activities

Your employee's job satisfaction is the most obvious indicator of his loyalty. This parameter is influenced by various factors: management style and culture, involvement in work, and the presence of authority in decision-making. We offer you a questionnaire with which you can assess the level of job satisfaction of your employees.

The questionnaire was compiled to analyze the level of satisfaction of your beauty salon employees. The data obtained during the survey can be used to improve the working conditions of personnel at the enterprise.

Sample questionnaire on employee satisfaction with their work

Job title ____________________________________________________________

Division ______________________________________________________________

Work experience in the company ________________________________________________

Were there any promotions _____________________________________________

Circle the required item

1. Does working in our company meet your expectations?

  • No (on which issue your expectations were mainly not met)
  • I find it difficult to answer

2. From the factors listed below, mark those that you dislike the most (no more than 3).

  • The salary does not correspond to the volume of work
  • Not satisfied with the operating mode
  • Work is far from where you live
  • Monotony and monotony at work
  • Workload is too high
  • Overstrain at work (fatigue)
  • Disrespectful and rude attitude from managers
  • Lack of mutual assistance and understanding in the team
  • Lack of conditions for career and professional growth
  • Lack of attention, approval and objective assessment work from the manager
  • Dissatisfaction with the social policy of the enterprise (no concern for people)
  • Work outside of your specialty
  • Lack of conditions for further education
  • Difficult working conditions (please indicate which ones) _________________________________________________
  • Other ________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How would you rate psychological climate in your team?

  • Employees feel comfortable, relationships in the team are friendly, everyone can count on help and understanding
  • Relationships are friendly in the team, but the manager introduces tension
  • The team works harmoniously, but relationships outside work are cold
  • The team is divided into groups that compete with each other
  • Workers constantly conflict with each other, which significantly reduces work efficiency
  • I find it difficult to answer
  • Own assessment ______________________________________________________________________________

4. What do you think needs to change in your workplace?

  • Equipment, technical means labor (specify which ones) ____________
  • Living conditions(What exactly?)____________________________
  • Length of working day (reduce to ___ hours, increase to ___ hours)
  • Working hours
  • Salary
  • Relationships in the team

5. What do you think should remain the same in your workplace?

  • Equipment
  • Living conditions
  • Length of working day
  • Working hours
  • Salary
  • Relationships in the team
  • Relationships with management
  • Your suggestions and wishes ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your assistance!

People are the main capital of any modern company. That is why the personnel management strategy should be aimed at developing their loyalty and establishing a high quality level of relations between employees and the company. An opinion poll allows you to assess the level of these relationships, determine their strengths and weaknesses in order to develop measures for improvement. During the survey, employees have the opportunity to express their attitude towards work and towards the employer, which, in turn, can influence the formation of personnel management policies and the development strategy of the company as a whole...

It is known that most HR managers consider employee opinion surveys effective tool, allowing you to collect information important to the employer. However, not all of them conduct such surveys in their companies, since management is not yet ready to spend either money or time on this. Some believe that the reason lies in the Ukrainian mentality, but our experience shows that the distrust of the heads of domestic companies in employee opinion surveys is caused by the same reasons as the distrust of their Western colleagues who have already gone down this path.

What concerns do employers face when they want to conduct an employee opinion survey? Most often, company managers believe that employees:

    will not want to participate in the survey;

    they will not tell the truth;

    they will tell the truth, but there will be no way to adequately respond to it;

    they won't say anything new.

Indeed, all of the above concerns are justified and may well become a reality if the survey is conducted incorrectly.

Among the main mistakes that HR managers make when conducting surveys are the following:

    incorrect goal setting;

    incorrect definition of the subject of research;

    distortion of the essence of the study;

    flaws in the collection of information;

    errors in analyzing the results;

    absence feedback;

    ineffective communications.

However, all these mistakes can be avoided if you clearly understand why an employee opinion survey is being conducted, what stages it consists of, and what are the main prerequisites for success in its implementation. At the same time, one should remember the main misconceptions regarding such a survey.

Misconception 1: Employee opinion surveys are ready-made solution existing problems.

This statement is incorrect; a survey is not a solution to the problem. It is only a tool for collecting management information that needs to be carefully analyzed. Then, based on the results of the analysis, you need to draw up an action plan aimed at solving the identified problems.

Misconception 2: Employee opinion surveys can be used to evaluate the performance of individual employees.

This misconception is dangerous because using the results of an opinion survey to evaluate individual employees can lead to distrust of the employer and all subsequent surveys initiated by the company. However, the survey allows us to determine general trends in employee perception of processes occurring in the company.

Misconception 3. A survey of employee opinions is the only and sufficient source of management information.

Unfortunately, the results of the employee opinion survey are not the ultimate truth. However, through a survey, it is possible to identify “undercurrents” and problems, as well as identify areas that require more in-depth research (through sample interviews, group discussions, focus groups, etc.).

Taking into account and realizing all the above-mentioned features of this tool, you can begin planning the main stages of the survey through questionnaires (see diagram). At each stage, surprises await the researcher and, if everything is not planned and foreseen in advance, errors are possible that can lead to the “failure” of the survey.

So, let’s look separately at each of the stages of conducting a survey of employee opinions.

Stage 1. Setting goals and defining the subject of the survey

First, you need to create a working group, which usually includes company executives (including the HR manager), an HR specialist responsible for conducting the survey, and a consultant conducting the survey (if it was decided to use an internal or external consultant for this task) . Such working group will be able to most effectively set survey goals and identify areas of research that interest the company (survey subject), while taking into account the company’s business goals and stage organizational development, on which it is located. The main thing is that the goals set are not too diverse, as this will make the research “indigestible.” It should be remembered that a properly conducted survey in itself is an excellent way to increase employee satisfaction and their loyalty to the company.

All further stages of the survey should be aimed at achieving the goals and researching a specific subject of the survey.

Stage 2. Identification of target groups

This stage is directly related to the previous one, and its tasks are often carried out simultaneously with setting goals and defining the subject of research. Dividing the total number of employees into target groups allows you to obtain quantitative results for each of the groups and compare them with each other. As a rule, when determining target groups, three characteristics are taken into account:

    functional - target groups are formed by divisions or departments;

    regional - target groups are formed according to the location of employees.

However, when forming target groups, you do not have to limit yourself to these three characteristics. You can divide employees by their length of service in your company, by age, or by some other criteria that will allow you to get as close as possible to achieving your research goals. However, it must be remembered that if you conduct a survey in a too narrow target group (up to 20 people), you risk encountering a certain degree of distrust in it, as employees may begin to doubt the anonymity of their answers. Target groups can also be formed according to several criteria, for example, dividing employees into a certain number of regional and category groups, but in this case you must be prepared to process and analyze a larger amount of data.

Stage 3. Development and testing of the questionnaire

At the stage of compiling the questionnaire, you should not deviate from the goals and subject of the survey. Although it is tempting to ask additional questions is very large, it must be remembered that “related” topics and questions “just in case” lead to unnecessary administrative and time costs when processing and analyzing completed questionnaires. In addition, it often turns out that it is almost impossible to draw any clear conclusions from the answers to such questions, since the additional topic is only partially covered. But the most unpleasant consequence of including unnecessary questions in the questionnaire is the irritation and distrust of employees who may not understand why this or that question is being asked. Therefore, if possible, try to keep the number of questions in the questionnaire no more than 50, and write clear instructions for filling it out.

IN Application An example of a questionnaire designed to conduct a survey of employee opinions is given. In this case, the company management was interested in assessing the overall level of development of individual components organizational culture company, and also determine how effective, in the opinion of employees, the existing communications in the company are. Since cultural values ​​and communication methods vary from company to company, it is especially important to involve management in conducting such a study, and not only at the stage of determining the goals and subject of the employee survey, but also when approving an already prepared questionnaire. It is important that the researcher correctly understands the company’s declared values ​​and, accordingly, asks the right questions. We encountered the fact that different employees of the company put different concepts into one value. For example, “Growth through quality” was perceived by some as the need to monitor the quality of goods produced and services provided, while others perceived it as the need to strive for professional growth.

In order to make sure that the questionnaire you developed is understandable and easy to fill out, you should definitely test it. For this purpose, a fairly representative pilot group is usually selected, whose members fill out a questionnaire and give their comments on the accessibility of the terms and scales used, the general logic of the questions asked, etc. Testing the questionnaire will help you take into account the nuances of the current situation in the company corporate culture, and this point is very important, since surveying employee opinions, in addition to all the above advantages, also contributes to the development of corporate culture.

Stage 4. Distribution and collection of questionnaires

While distributing and collecting questionnaires may seem like the simplest part of a survey, it's actually the most critical part to ensuring employee participation and earning their trust. The key to trust is properly constructed communications. Be sure to inform employees in advance of the purpose of the survey, explain the importance of participation, and tell them about the opportunities the survey provides. In addition, through communications it is necessary to create an atmosphere of openness in which employees will not be afraid to answer questions frankly. This is only possible if the confidentiality of individual information is ensured and guaranteed at all stages of the survey. Typically, in order to achieve a higher level of trust among survey participants and, accordingly, to obtain more reliable and high-quality research results, an external consultant is involved in conducting the survey.

Stage 5. Data processing

Solving problems arising at the data processing stage depends mainly on the availability of technical resources and expertise. From the point of view of optimizing the processing of survey results, it is best to use electronic versions of questionnaires by placing them in local network companies. However, this option, unfortunately, is not always available due to the fact that not all company employees may have access to a computer or the company does not have special program, allowing you to conduct an electronic survey. In addition, it is sometimes preferable to use paper questionnaires, as this gives employees greater confidence in the anonymity of individual responses. However, it is desirable that data processing be automated as much as possible and constant monitoring of the quality of information input and processing is carried out, then the reliability of the data will not be questioned.

At the same time, at this stage it is very important to calculate all the necessary quantitative indicators (for example, the overall satisfaction index, the level of loyalty, etc.), which will allow certain conclusions and perform further analysis.

Stage 6. Analysis of the results obtained

This stage is one of the most interesting and significant in conducting a survey of employee opinions. It is at this stage that conclusions are formulated on the basis of which you can determine what further actions to improve this or that area of ​​personnel management will need to be taken. If an external consultant is involved in the project, then at this stage he will be able to develop recommendations based on the results of the survey and taking into account his previous experience of working on similar projects in other companies.

In principle, there are quite a lot of options for analyzing survey results, but within the framework of this article I would like to focus special attention comparative analysis results, as the most frequently used and, in our opinion, the most effective. The fact is that many managers, having received the quantitative results of the survey after processing, begin to ask specific questions: “If 72% of employees are 80% satisfied with their work in the company, is this good or bad? What to focus on? What to compare with?

Most often, managers express a desire compare your company with other companies on a regional or industry basis. This is a fairly useful exercise, as it allows you to determine the capabilities of your company in comparison with similar companies operating in the market. However, it should be remembered that by using only this method of analysis, you risk coming to erroneous conclusions. Thus, a company that finds that it is at an adequate level compared to other companies may decide that there is no reason to worry. However, in any company there will be an area that needs to be supported and developed, and what is good for one company may not necessarily be good for another. In addition, when comparing the results of your company with the results of other companies, the interrelationships of factors are often not analyzed, and therefore the causes of the identified problem may be incorrectly identified.

Very helpful comparison of the actual state of affairs in the company with the desired one: This analysis allows us to identify the steps that are necessary to reduce the gap between reality and ideal. And don’t be scared by the fact that such a gap will always exist. Employees are well aware that the ideal is unattainable, but they will appreciate every step the company takes towards it.

It is also quite useful comparison of results obtained for different target groups(departments, management levels, etc.). Thanks to this comparison, it becomes possible to identify leading groups that problem groups can follow, as well as to discover different approaches to solving problems in individual target groups.

And perhaps the most common method of comparison is tracking changes over time. By comparing the results of the current year with the results of last year, you can see whether the right steps have been taken to improve a particular situation, what trends are emerging in a particular area, which activities should be continued and which should be abandoned.

Step 7: Survey feedback and action plan

Whatever the results of the survey, whatever conclusions you come to, do not withhold information from employees. Your employees are smart enough to remember questions that interest them, and may lose trust in an employer who is unwilling to show negative results. It is better to diplomatically present the results and try to explore their nature, as well as explain what the company can do to change the situation. In this case, it is best to hold a meeting with employees where you can not only present the survey results, but also discuss them in detail. If such a meeting is held by the head of the company (department) together with the HR manager, then employees will have a feeling of the importance of their own opinion and personal involvement in further development companies. During such a meeting, analyze the results obtained, discuss with employees possible ways to solve existing problems, ask them to express their proposals, and involve them in drawing up an action plan and in its implementation.

To achieve maximum impact, the connection between your next actions and the results of the survey should be obvious. To do this, after a certain period of time (usually no less than a year), you will need to conduct another series of communications with employees in order to provide them with a report on the work done. In this case, you can use any means of communication that seems appropriate to you - letters, information on bulletin boards, presentations, meetings, etc. In this way, you will maintain not only the trust of employees, but also their interest in the next survey.

As you can see, the process of conducting an employee opinion survey is actually cyclical and lasts from developing the survey goals to reporting to employees on the steps taken by the company, which were developed based on the analysis of the results obtained. Moreover, the cycle does not end there, but involves next rounds survey, resembling development in a spiral. By properly putting this spiral into action, despite all the difficulties that await you, you can give a tremendous impetus to the development of your company by building employee loyalty.


Employee Opinion Survey



Please determine the degree of your agreement with this or that statement using a five-point scale, where: 1 - completely disagree; 2 - rather disagree; 3 - I take a neutral position; 4 - rather agree; 5 - completely agree.



Your comments

Information about events taking place in the Company is provided regularly

It is important for me to learn information about the development of the Company from management

I can trust what management says

I understand the tasks and priorities of my colleagues from other departments

The communication system between the Company’s departments is effective

The Company treats all employees with respect

The team has developed an atmosphere of trust and goodwill towards each other

I respect and trust my colleagues

I have been given a real opportunity to develop and grow within the Company.

Effective operation of a company is impossible without satisfaction from the work of its employees. This parameter is influenced by the culture of the enterprise, the leadership style, the degree of involvement in work, and the freedom to make decisions. A staff satisfaction questionnaire will help you evaluate these and other factors.

From the article you will learn:

Related documents:

Personnel satisfaction research: why and how to conduct it

A loyal employee who is satisfied with his job is motivated to work efficiently and strives for self-development. Staff satisfaction reflects the employee’s attitude towards various aspects works:

  • safety and working conditions;
  • workload;
  • ;
  • status and prestige of work;
  • relationships with colleagues;
  • adequacy of management’s assessment of labor results;
  • relations between management and subordinates;
  • degree of possible autonomy and area of ​​responsibility;
  • opportunities for growth and development.

It makes sense to conduct a staff satisfaction survey every six months. It is advisable to choose periods of “low” seasons in business, so that the assessment procedure does not become an additional irritating factor for employees and does not negatively affect their work.

The study must be carried out if the following factors are observed:

  • high performance staff turnover- here it is important to determine the true reasons for the dismissal of employees, to reduce production costs due to layoffs;
  • carry out organizational changes at the enterprise - it is necessary to improve change management processes;
  • low work performance - clarify the reasons and find solutions to optimize the organization of the labor process.

Before analyzing satisfaction, enterprise management needs to identify the basic needs of a particular employee that motivate him to professional activity. To conduct such studies, you can invite external consultants, but with a small staff you can do it on your own. However, in this case, you need to have confidence in the honesty of the employees’ answers.

Pulse survey questionnaire to determine satisfaction with the motivation system

Stages of employee job satisfaction research:

  1. Specify the purpose of the study. Any survey should not be conducted for show. Before including this or that question in the questionnaire, management needs to clearly determine what to do with all this information and how ready the employer is to respond to the information received from the staff.
  2. Prepare questions and draw up questionnaires.
  3. Conduct a survey among employees and ask them to fill out questionnaires.
  4. Analyze the research results. Evaluate performance current system motivation.
  5. Inform management and staff about the results of the study.

How to write a job satisfaction survey

Each manager must draw up questionnaires, taking into account the objectives of the study and the characteristics of the structure and activities of the enterprise. In general, you can rely on several general rules. In a staff job satisfaction survey, you need to find out:

  • categories of working conditions;
  • the degree of importance of these categories for employees;
  • to what extent, from the employees’ point of view, these categories are satisfied;
  • which categories are the least satisfied, from the employees' point of view.


Working conditions

Comfortable working conditions

Convenient work schedule

Convenient office location (easy to get to work)

Material incentive system

Adequate and understandable remuneration system from the personnel point of view

Stable wages

The opportunity for an employee to influence the remuneration received due to the availability of material benefits

Complex and interesting work requiring a creative approach

Having autonomy at work

Difficult job with a high degree of responsibility

Stability in work, absence of frequent personnel and organizational changes

Confidence in the future

Fulfillment of employer obligations to staff

Clear goal setting

Well-established feedback from the manager

Open discussion of problems and difficulties


Psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the team

Good relationship with managers

Common interests and worldview with the manager and colleagues

Recognition, respect for the work and merits put in

Recognition of the importance of work by both colleagues and management

Showing approval and respect from your manager

Interest in employee ideas and suggestions

Development opportunities

Opportunity career growth

Prospects for professional development

Opportunity to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities

Corporate culture of the company

The company has a developed system of corporate values, rituals and traditions supported by the vast majority of employees

Communication with colleagues outside the enterprise

Regular holding of corporate events at the enterprise, joint celebration of anniversaries and holidays

In accordance with the specified goal, management needs to select from the above categories those for which you will conduct research.

The main reasons why employees are dissatisfied with work and ways to cope with negativity

Sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys

As examples of questions for staff satisfaction surveys for the group " Interaction with management"The following can be cited:

  • Question on the significance of the category:“On a scale of one to ten, determine how important it is for you to clearly set tasks on the part of your manager.”
  • Satisfaction question:“Determine the degree of validity of the statement “I am given specific tasks.”
  • For the category " Factor of stability and security»:
  • Significance question:“How often do you save for a rainy day?”
  • Satisfaction question:“What percentage of you are currently worried about losing your job?”

Each employee is individual and can give the most unexpected answers. Therefore, for each question you need to offer several possible options, one of which the employee must choose. This will allow you to calculate the results of the survey, bringing the average values ​​to a common denominator. Answer options can be offered in the form of a percentage, numerical or verbal scale (excellent, good, bad, very bad).

Questions in the questionnaire must be placed in random order, alternating them from different categories. This will allow you to get the most frank and reliable answers. At the end of each block of mandatory questions with answers, it is advisable to leave space for comments at the initiative of employees, their expression of personal opinions without given options. So, after the survey, you will develop an action plan to correct the situation.

Action plan based on the results of the satisfaction survey

The following sample can be used as a basis for drawing up a questionnaire at a specific enterprise.

Personnel satisfaction questionnaire: standard sample

Download the full sample

Each employee must independently fill out the questionnaire within the specified time and return it for calculation of the results. If possible, research should be conducted anonymously, as this significantly increases the chances of obtaining reliable results.

How to and should not guarantee the anonymity of a survey

The data obtained during the survey can be used by management to improve the working conditions of staff. As a result of such a survey, it is possible not only to clarify weaknesses in communications, but also to identify other factors that interfere with coordinated work in the company.

In conclusion, it must be added that it is important for employees to see that their participation in the survey was not a formality, but had an impact on the work of the company. Management should really try to solve the identified problems and take appropriate steps to do so.

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2. Questionnaire creation technology





The relevance of the topic of the work is due to the fact that today it is hardly possible to meet a person who has not at least once encountered such a concept as sociological research. The results of sociological research are referred to as one of the most powerful arguments in criticizing opponents, in an effort to convince the mass consciousness of the advantages of certain views, ideas, methods of activity, etc., and to generate doubts or even complete rejection of the positions of the criticized party. In other words, our society is becoming more and more accustomed to the fact that sociological research is becoming a mandatory component in solving certain important problems not only on a national, but also on a local scale. Company management needs to receive objective information about how employees feel about working conditions, how they evaluate corporate policies, and how loyal they are to the company. This is necessary for the development of a motivation system and the adoption of the right management decisions. Methods of feedback to personnel help to obtain such information. The most popular methods of staff feedback include questionnaires.

The purpose of this work is to study the procedure for conducting a survey of employees using handout questionnaires. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

Consider the essence, features and scope of application of handout questionnaires;

Study the types of questionnaires;

Analyze the structure of the questionnaire and identify the features of its development;

Describe the types and purpose of survey questions;

Describe the group being surveyed and determine the specific objectives of the survey;

Develop a questionnaire form and prepare for the questionnaire;

Process the results of the survey;

Draw general conclusions based on the results of the survey;

Make specific proposals for improving the processes under study and determine economic efficiency from their implementation.

The object of research in this work is a bank.

The subject of the study is the process of conducting a survey of bank employees using handout questionnaires.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The first chapter outlines the essence of the survey, the range of goals and objectives of the survey. The second chapter highlights the requirements for composing questions in the questionnaire depending on the goals. In the third chapter, a statistical analysis of materials from the questionnaires was carried out and conclusions were drawn based on the results of the survey.

1. Goals, objectives and requirements for the survey

Questioning is one of the most common and effective methods collection of primary sociological and statistical information. This is a survey of employees using a special form with questions (questionnaire). Questioning, compared to conversation and interviewing, is like the next stage of an even more strictly programmed survey. The purpose of the survey is to quickly and easily high costs time and money to obtain an objective understanding of employees’ opinions on a particular issue. Samukina N. Methods of feedback with personnel // Personnel Affairs No. 2, 2006.

The most effective length of the questionnaire is 5-12 questions. If there are fewer questions, it will be difficult to get an objective picture of the issue being studied; if there are more, employees will not be able to pay enough attention to filling out the questionnaire, since they will have to be distracted from their main responsibilities for a long time.

The results of the survey are a report that contains the percentage of responses to the questions asked. The duration of the survey is very important. To get from the survey maximum effect(that is, to ensure that as many employees as possible fill out and return the questionnaires), you must ask to answer the questions immediately and collect the questionnaires after 15-30 minutes. If you distribute questionnaires to employees at home, you will only get 15-20% back.

The algorithm for conducting the survey is as follows:

1. Determining the objectives of the survey;

2. Selecting the type of survey, drawing up a questionnaire;

3. Notification and motivation of employees;

4. Distributing, filling out, collecting questionnaires;

5. Analysis of responses and preparation of a report to management;

6. Familiarization of employees with the results of the survey.

The advantages of questionnaires are that this method makes it possible to quickly collect a large amount of information and identify the opinions of company employees on a particular issue. The questionnaire method allows:

Conduct surveys of sufficiently large groups of employees in short term and with the least expenditure of effort and money;

Formalize the survey as much as possible, ensuring sufficient comparability of data, their statistical processing and analysis, including on a computer;

Maintain anonymity of responses to help identify the actual opinions of respondents.

The disadvantages of questionnaires include:

Rigid definition of questions that do not allow deepening the survey in specific cases;

Failure of respondents to return a significant part of the questionnaires and the presence of errors and inaccuracies in them;

The possibility of mutual influence on the opinions of respondents during organized surveys in work collectives.

The main disadvantage of questionnaires is the subjective nature of the information obtained. Therefore, assessing their reliability is possible only on the basis of a critical approach and comparison with statistical and other objective indicators. To compensate for these shortcomings, it is recommended to use the questionnaire together with an interview. Pass Yu. Questionnaire through the eyes of a psychologist // Personnel Affairs No. 7, 2004.

The survey can be continuous (in which all employees of the company are surveyed) or selective (in which one division or a certain category of employees is surveyed).

Sample surveys are carried out if it is necessary to obtain feedback on a specific local issue. For example, employees of one of the company’s divisions achieved the highest results for the year, and management plans to reward them for good job. By surveying employees of this department, it is possible to identify expectations regarding forms of reward.

A continuous survey is carried out if it is necessary to analyze the opinion of staff on important, strategic issues. For example, the company is developing corporate code- a document reflecting corporate culture. Using a survey, you can obtain information about how employees see the mission and values ​​of the organization, its position in the market, competitive advantages etc.2. Butenko I.A. Questionnaire How a sociologist communicates with respondents: Proc. manual for un-com. M.: Higher. school, 1989. p. 124.

Questioning can also be personal (when each respondent enters his first and last name in the questionnaire) and anonymous (when employees answer the questions posed, but do not indicate their name).

In practice, managers often avoid personal surveys of staff. However, with such a survey, employees give more thoughtful, balanced answers. Personalized questioning is necessary when conducting expert assessment company activities, for example, when evaluating innovations, when employees express opinions regarding the effectiveness of innovations.

With anonymous surveys, employees answer questions more openly and truthfully, but the number of hasty and ill-considered responses increases. However, in most cases, it is indeed recommended to conduct an anonymous survey. For example, when collecting information on assessing working conditions in a company, employee satisfaction with their professional activity, about the presence or absence of a “generation conflict”, about the attitude towards the management style of a particular leader.

2. Questionnaire creation technology

questionnaire question report employee

Let's consider the structure of the questionnaire, which, as a rule, consists of the following sections:

1. Preamble. The preamble briefly outlines the purpose of the study and characterizes the problem. It must be remembered that knowledge about the problem and purpose of the study is important for the respondent in order for him to decide on his participation or non-participation in the survey. The preamble is informational and formative in nature; the respondent’s work begins with it. The purpose of the research is formulated clearly and clearly; it must be perceived not only unambiguously, but also emotionally.

2. Address to the respondent. The purpose of the study develops into an appeal to the respondent, in which the common interests of the respondent and the sociologist should be emphasized in solving the problem under consideration, information about the use of the research results should be provided, a reminder about the anonymity of the questionnaire and a request to take part in the survey.

3. Instructions for filling out the questionnaire. The instructions are a reminder, a guide for filling out the questionnaire. It should be polite, informative, correct, non-categorical, and explain difficult parts of working with the questionnaire. These requirements must be observed so as not to cause a feeling of asymmetry and inequality of communication. The instructions consist of 2 parts: general, which informs about the degree of complexity of the questionnaire and its features and rules, which, in fact, contains instructions for filling out the questionnaire and working with questions. The suitability of the instructions is determined in a pilot survey. If respondents ask a lot of questions to fill out the questionnaire or many questions are missed, then the instructions are not suitable.

4. Questionnaire. In accordance with the questionnaire development methodology, simple and contact questions, basic and difficult questions and other types that you see fit. Simple and contact questions are related to adaptation and are aimed at creating a general positive attitude towards the survey. Basic and complex questions are aimed at collecting necessary information related to the objectives of the study. At the end of the questionnaire, questions are asked to help relieve stress. They may ask you to express your opinion on the topic of the survey.

5. Block of socio-demographic data. This is a passport that contains questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. It includes questions of the following content: gender, age, education, profession, position, marital status. Depending on the objectives of the study, the number of questions in the passport can be increased or decreased.

6. Expressing gratitude to the respondent for working with the questionnaire. Noel E. Mass surveys: an introduction to demoscopic techniques. - M.: AVA-ESTRA, 1993. p. 42.

The following basic requirements for drawing up the questionnaire:

The questionnaire should begin with a greeting, the purpose of the study, “obtaining consent,” instructions, i.e. hats;

It is important to formulate questions correctly. To do this, you need to understand what you want to get and what form of question best suits it;

The language of the questionnaire must be understandable and accessible to the respondents among whom the research is being conducted;

It is necessary to select the optimal number of questions, sufficient to obtain the necessary information and not overload the questionnaire (respondents may be intimidated by it);

Make the questionnaire as convenient as possible in terms of filling out and design.

The questionnaire may include different types questions, such as open and closed. Open questions require employee responses in free form, for example:

What other working conditions are important to you (underline):

Possibility to combine training with work;

Rewards for good work;

Length of service;

Medical care;

Food vouchers at the expense of the organization.

For closed questions, several alternative answers are given, and the employee must choose the one that corresponds to his opinion. In particular, closed questions may contain a list of different assessments regarding the question posed, for example:

The company's management decided to hold corporate events only for employees, without inviting their family members. Express your opinion on this issue (underline):

I completely agree;


I agree, but not with everything;

I don't agree;

I completely disagree.

Also, questions in the questionnaire can be semi-closed or combined, for example:

What working conditions are important for you (underline):


Operating mode;

Management relations;

Length and convenience of the commute to work;

Prospects for growth and career development;

Gaining professional experience.

If conditions that are important to you are not listed here, add:

There are direct and indirect questions. Direct questions are: “Do you know...”, “What do you think about...”, “Your opinion about...”, “Are you satisfied...”, “Do you think... ".

Indirect questions usually begin like this: “Some people think that... What do you think?”

By function, questions can be basic or guiding, control or clarifying, etc. The type of question can affect the completeness and truthfulness of the answer. As for the formulation of questions, phrases should be as short as possible, clear in meaning, simple, precise and unambiguous.

The following can be distinguished typical mistakes when composing questions:

1) hidden specificity of the answer;

2) super detail;

3) ambiguity of questions;

4) insufficient discriminatory power of questions.

Good questions should satisfy the usual criteria of reliability and validity. Paniotto V.I. Quality of sociological information. -- K.: Naukova Dumka, 1986.

3. Marketing analysis bank employee surveys

Development of a questionnaire and preparation for conducting a survey.


Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and the HR department conduct a survey of employees in order to reduce staff turnover and identify the prospects of employees (questionnaires - see in the appendix. For the convenience of processing the survey results for both questionnaires, they are summarized in single tables.). After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure. The questionnaire contains ten questions.

Instructions. The questionnaire contains questions that contain answer options and you need to select one or more options that best match your opinion, using the instructions for the question itself. Before answering a question, carefully read the answer options. There are also questions with no answer options. You can answer them in any (free) form. Free-form answers are of great value for research, because in them you can express your opinion and your vision of solving the problem in more detail. We ask you to try not to miss a single question, the value of the research results largely depends on this.

Table 1

Procedure and options for answering questionnaires

Answer order

Answer options

Characteristics of the issue

Are you satisfied with your work in our bank?

- yes;

- rather yes;

- I find it difficult to answer;

- most likely not;

Closed, straight

If you were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher wages, Would you change your job?

Underline the answers that coincide with your opinion

- yes;

- No.

Closed, straight

Rank the factors that you think will improve your productivity (most important first):

- stable income;

- payment based on labor results (differentiated wages);

- recognition and approval from management;

- complex and difficult work;

Communication with colleagues, partners and clients

Open, straight

Rank the factors that you think make a job attractive (starting with the most important):

Rate each factor on a 10-point scale

- convenient office location;

- flexible work schedule;

Fringe benefits

Open, straight

Select the conditions that you do not like in your work and rate them on a 10-point scale:

Rate each factor on a 10-point scale

- my manager treats me unfairly;

- I am often assigned to do less prestigious work than other employees;

- I am not accepted in the team;

- I did not have access to informal channels and additional sources of information that I needed for my work;

Open, straight

Write what other working conditions are important to you

Free answer

Open, straight

Do you agree to retraining?

- yes;

Closed, straight

Do you agree to undergo certification?

Underline answers that agree with your opinion

- yes;

Closed, straight

Do you agree to fulfill additional responsibilities no salary increase?

Underline answers that agree with your opinion

- yes;

Closed, straight

Do you consider it necessary to conduct corporate holidays?

Underline the answers that coincide with your opinion

- yes;

Closed, straight

Processing of survey results.

Processing the results of a survey of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements must begin by checking them for completeness, discarding poorly completed questionnaires, counting the questionnaires and numbering them (Table 2).

Table 2

Results of initial processing of employee questionnaires

Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements

Number of collected questionnaires

Rejected profiles

Number of questionnaires suitable for processing

Not all questions have been answered

The answers are written illegibly

Some sheets are lost

The position and signature of the respondent are missing

Department of the State Budget and Extra-Budgetary Funds

Department for organizing interbank settlements

Department of accounting and control of on-farm operations

Next, it is necessary to process the results of the employee survey. Table 3 shows the degree of employee satisfaction with work in the bank.

Table 3

Degree of employee satisfaction with work in the bank



Are you satisfied with working in our bank?

Most likely yes

I find it difficult to answer

Probably not

Department for accounting and payment of wages

Rice. 1. Degree of employee satisfaction with work in the bank

As the above data show, a significant portion of the employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements are satisfied (15 people, or 37.5%) and are rather satisfied (10 people, or 25%) with their work in the bank. At the same time, 32.5% (13 people) of workers are not satisfied with their work. Moreover, if an employee were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher salary, 17 people, or 42.5%, would change jobs.

Employees of the Department of the State Budget and Extra-budgetary Funds (6 people, or 40% of respondents) are largely dissatisfied with their work. Among the employees of the department of accounting and control of intra-business operations, no employees were identified who were not satisfied with the working conditions in the bank. At the same time, 5 employees of the department are completely satisfied with their work.

Table 4

Analysis of factors influencing the labor productivity of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Calculations

Total respondents

Factors that can improve productivity

opportunity for promotion

stable income

performance-based pay

recognition and approval from management for a job well done

work that creates conditions for self-expression and

forces you to develop your abilities

complex and difficult work

a job that allows you to think for yourself

high degree of responsibility

interesting work that requires a creative approach

communication with colleagues, partners and clients

Department of the State Budget and Extra-Budgetary Funds

Department of organization of interbank settlements

Department of accounting and control of intra-economic operations

Department for accounting and payment of wages

The third question of the questionnaire allowed us to analyze the factors influencing the labor productivity of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements (Table 4 and Fig. 2). As the study showed, all interviewed employees named the most important factors as receiving a stable income and receiving payment based on its results.

Rice. 2. Factors for increasing labor productivity

In addition to these factors, the opportunity for career advancement (10 points), as well as recognition and approval from management for a job well done (10 points) is very important for employees of the State Budget Department and extra-budgetary funds. Factors considered important were the ability to think independently (8 points) and a high degree of responsibility (7 points).

For employees of the department for organizing interbank settlements, such factors as the opportunity for career growth (9 points), recognition and approval from management (9 points), and a high degree of responsibility (8 points) were considered important.

Employees of the department of accounting and control of on-farm operations noted such factors for increasing labor productivity as the possibility of promotion (10 points), a high degree of responsibility (9 points) and independent work (7 points).

For employees of the accounting and payroll department, recognition and approval from management (9 points) and a high degree of responsibility for the work performed (8 points) are also important.

Such factors for increasing labor productivity as interesting work that requires a creative approach; communication with colleagues, partners, clients, work, the availability of conditions for self-expression and the opportunity to develop their abilities by all categories of workers were described as unimportant. This is explained by the specifics of working in a bank: work is strictly regulated and strict requirements are imposed on employees. Consequently, the possibility of a creative approach to work is very limited.

The fourth question of the questionnaire allows us to analyze the factors that make the work of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements attractive (Table 5 and Fig. 3).

All employees rated factors such as stable work without the threat of dismissal (40 points), good relations with their immediate superior (38 points), and receiving sufficient information about the state of affairs at the bank (36 points) as particularly important.

The following factors were described as insignificant: flexible schedule work (12 points), work without much stress (15 points), cleanliness and absence of noise in the workplace (20 points), convenient office location (21 points). For employees of all departments, the attractiveness of work is largely determined by the opportunity to work with people they like (10 points), fair distribution of work volumes (9 points), and the provision of additional benefits (8 points).

Table 5

Analysis of factors that make the work of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements attractive

Worker groups

factors that make work attractive

Work without much tension and stress

convenient office location

cleanliness and absence of noise in the workplace

working with people you like

good relationship with the immediate superior

sufficient information about what is happening in the bank

Stable job without threat of dismissal

flexible work schedule

fair distribution of workloads

Fringe benefits

Department of the State Budget and Extra-Budgetary Funds

Department of organization of interbank settlements

Department of accounting and control of intra-economic operations

Department for accounting and payment of wages

Rice. 3. Factors of attractiveness of work in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements

Employees' answers to the fifth question of the questionnaire revealed the conditions that employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements dislike most about their work (Table 6).

As can be seen from the above data, almost all employees are not satisfied with the salary level (40 points). Most employees are dissatisfied with the fact that they have not been encouraged or allowed to participate in training and staff development programs for a long time (38 points). Employees of the Department for Accounting and Control of Internal Business Operations and the Department for Accounting and Payroll Calculations do not like the fact that they are often tasked with doing less prestigious job than other employees with similar responsibilities, or perform more work (32 points)

During the survey, it also turned out that almost all employees are satisfied with the manager’s attitude, and there are practically no industrial conflicts in the team.

Table 6

Analysis of the conditions that employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements dislike most about their work



Conditions you don't like at work

My boss treats me unfairly

My earnings are lower than other workers doing the same job

I am often tasked with doing less prestigious work than other workers with similar responsibilities, or with a larger volume of work.

I rarely do work that matches my qualifications

I am not accepted in the team or not invited to participate in joint leisure activities

I was not encouraged or allowed to participate in staff training and development programs

I did not have access to the sources of information I needed for my work

I haven't been promoted to office for a long time

I haven’t had my salary increased for a long time

We have a bad psychological atmosphere in our department

Department of the State Budget and Extra-Budgetary Funds

Department of organization of interbank settlements

Department of accounting and control of intra-economic operations

Department for accounting and payment of wages

When answering the question what other working conditions are important for you, the answers were distributed as follows:

1. Holding corporate events - 25 employees, or 62.5%;

2. Installation of more advanced software - 10 employees, or 40.0%;

3. Receiving gifts for holidays or anniversaries - 22 employees, or 55.0% of those surveyed;

4. Possibility of providing one unpaid working day monthly - 5 people, or 12.5%.

When analyzing the answers to the question “Do you agree to retraining?” It turned out that 38 out of 40 employees (95%) are ready for training. At the same time, 35 employees (87.5%) agree to undergo certification.

An analysis of the answers to the ninth question of the questionnaire showed that only 8 employees, or 20% of all surveyed employees, agreed to perform additional duties without increasing wages.

The tenth question of the questionnaire was asked in order to select directions for the formation of the bank’s corporate culture. It turned out that all 40 employees surveyed had a positive attitude towards corporate holidays and events.

Conclusions and suggestions

Based on the results of the survey of employees of the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Calculations, it is necessary to draw a number of conclusions and generalizations.

As the study showed, the problem of staff turnover is currently particularly pressing for the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements. It is often difficult to find an equivalent replacement for departing employees. The process of searching for worthy candidates for key positions becomes especially painful - sometimes it takes many months and huge amounts of money are spent. And a lot of time passes before new employees get involved in the work and begin to give maximum output. A number of positions initially assume that they can only be filled by those who grew up in the bank and went through a number of steps here.

Personnel selection for vacant positions is carried out with the help of recruitment agencies. Often, the price of selection services is a certain percentage of the candidate’s annual or monthly salary. The cost of services includes the selection of candidates for vacancies, assessment of professionalism (professional testing), checking references from previous places of work.

Excessive staff turnover causes great economic damage to the bank (Table 7). So, in 2006, the loss from this phenomenon amounted to about two million rubles.

Table 7

Assessment of economic damage from staff turnover of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements


Average daily output per employee, rub.

Number of dismissed employees

Damage from a decrease in output due to a decrease in labor productivity among those leaving (by 15% during the last 10 days of work), rub.

Number of hired employees

Damage from a decrease in output due to a decrease in labor productivity among hired workers (by 10% within 30 days of work), rub.

Lost time due to idle vacancies, days

Damage from loss of time due to downtime of vacancies, rub.

Cost of services recruitment agency for personnel selection, rub.

Economic damage from excessive staff turnover

Another problem is that employees do not see prospects for growth, and this is especially dangerous for the bank, since we are talking about young and talented employees. At the same time, of all the factors, it is the ability to attract and retain talent that has the greatest impact on financial efficiency and the cost of the bank.

At the same time, the main reasons for excessive staff turnover are the lack of training and professional development opportunities, lack of recognition from management, excessive workload and low wages.

As the survey results showed, for many employees the opportunity to improve their skills is important, since working in a bank involves new, constantly changing technologies. Consequently, to reduce excessive staff turnover, the bank needs to organize corporate training and provide for an increase in employee salaries. Because currently financial condition The bank is very strong, there are possibilities for implementing the proposed measures.

Proposals for improving the processes under study

To increase the interest of employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements in working in this department, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for forming a personnel reserve. Work with the personnel reserve must be coordinated with others HR processes happening in the organization. For example, it is advisable to include employees in the list of candidates and remove them from this list based on the results of personnel certification; When hiring new employees, it is wise to “look ahead”, taking into account their ability to replenish the talent pool in the future. Additional costs for the formation of a personnel reserve will not be required, however, according to preliminary estimates based on the survey, this will reduce staff turnover, as a result of which losses from this phenomenon will be reduced by 40% (RUB 1,994,800 x 40% = RUB 797,920)

The most important area of ​​work with the personnel of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements should be employee training. In this regard, the personnel of the Department can be divided into four conditional groups:

1. performers,

2. specialists;

3. leading experts;

4. heads of departments;

Each group differs in tasks and activities. The difference between these groups is very noticeable.

Performers belong to the lower echelon of personnel with a limited area of ​​responsibility: they themselves do not need to make decisions in non-standard situation,operations are standardized and repetitive procedures. Therefore, the main training that performers may need is advanced training, acquisition of practical skills, and mastery of technology. Such training is required to achieve bank stabilization.

Specialists are employees who have certain professional training and a specific focus of work activity. As a rule, specialists are responsible not for specific operations, but for the technology and methodology for organizing work processes. Specialists are trained for the purpose of stabilization and professional development.

Department heads are line managers responsible for organizing the process and monitoring its results. It is necessary to train managers in the skills of leading a group of employees when the company is growing, when complexity is occurring internal connections and consolidation of divisions. Learning objectives are shifting towards professional and managerial development.

Heads of the Department are senior managers responsible for the overall development strategy of the Department for organizing accounting, reporting and settlements, for managing the bank and all its processes. Their training is aimed at management development.

Depending on the categories of personnel, the following personnel training system can be proposed. It is proposed to conduct training for the chief accountant and the head of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Calculations. Upon completion of the training course, these employees will be able to train their subordinates using the training method.

It is advisable for the chief accountant to take a training course on accounting automation international standards using Platinum SQL. This program allows you to optimize document flow and obtain a package of GAAP reporting (that is, reporting that complies with international standards). Table 8 shows the calculation of the cost of training for one employee.

Table 8

Calculation of the cost of training one employee using the Platinum SQL system

Training course

Duration, days

Cost, USD

AC Accounting and reporting

Financial Accounting (FI)

External accounting and reporting: introduction

General Ledger Accounting Configuration

Company balance

Special registers

Advanced financial accounting functions

Travel data management

Fixed Asset Accounting

Budget Management: Processes, Organization and Configuration

Russian-specific functions of Financial Accounting

Total for financial accounting:

Financial management (FM)

Financial management. Review

Main functions of Financial Management

Cash management

Total for financial management:

Investment Management (IM)

Investment Management/System Configuration

Property Management (PR)

Property management

Controlling (CO)

Cost Management and Controlling

Cost accounting by cost center/Internal orders

Cost accounting for MV. Advanced functionality

Cost accounting by process

Product cost planning

Accounting by Product Cost Objects

Cost Object Accounting: Sales Orders

Material Register/Actual Costing

Accounting for results

Transfer prices

Total for controlling:

Enterprise Controlling (EC)

Accounting by profit center

Management Information System (EIS)

EC-CS consolidation functions


Total for controlling the activities of the enterprise:


Other blocks



The cost of certification of one specialist in one module of the R/3 system.

The cost of certification of one specialist in all modules of the R/3 system (9 modules).

For the head of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements, it is advisable to train in banking technologies at the international level. The Oracle Applications automated system is designed for this purpose. Table 9 shows the cost of training one employee using this system.

Table 9

Calculation of the cost of training one employee in the Oracle Applications system.


Duration, days

Cost, USD

Oracle Applications, Financials

Navigating Oracle Applications

Introduction to Oracle Financials

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Receivables

Oracle Fixed Assets

Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Inventory

Oracle Cash Management

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping R11

Total for Oracle Applications, Financials:

Other blocks

Oracle Applications, Technical Foundation

Oracle Applications, Other

Working with a personnel reserve also involves additional training of employees. This may include attending seminars, trainings, assigning a mentor from among experienced employees of the organization, as well as training in educational institutions under special programs.

Let's calculate the costs of employee training taking into account the average US dollar exchange rate of 25 rubles:

(21450+3410 dollars) x 30 rub. = 621500 rub.

The economic effect of the proposed event will be expressed in reducing the damage from staff turnover. So, in fact, in 2006, the loss from mass layoffs of workers amounted to 1,994,800 rubles. If the proposed training system were implemented, the damage would be reduced by 1,373,300 rubles. (RUB 1,994,800 - RUB 621,500).

The main problem that the bank faces is the dismissal of employees who have undergone expensive training and the loss of funds spent on them. vocational training. In this regard, bank management must take into account that labor legislation(Ch. 32 Labor Code RF) gives the employer the right to demand reimbursement from the employee of the funds spent on his training. But this is only possible if an apprenticeship agreement for on-the-job retraining is concluded between the organization and the employee.

Such a contract must contain the employee’s obligation to work in the bank after completing training for a certain time (Article 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If, before the end of the work period established in the contract, the employee decides to resign without good reasons, then this may serve as a basis for recovering from him the expenses spent on his training.

Currently, the issues of increasing wages are especially relevant for employees of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements. Considering sustainable financial situation bank, it is advisable to allocate additional funds to increase the consumption fund. Wage growth cannot be assessed negatively, since wages are socially significant factor. Therefore, it is inappropriate to calculate the damage to the enterprise from increasing wages for staff.

It is also advisable to conduct certification of workplaces, assess the amount of work performed by each employee and, if necessary, review the job responsibilities of employees in order to distribute work more equitably.


In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize the materials obtained in this work.

As the study showed, the bank's management is currently concerned about the situation in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements. In recent years, staff turnover in this department has increased sharply. The HR department decided to conduct a survey using handout questionnaires in order to understand what employee satisfaction is, what factors of work life are more important to them, and what motivates employees to a greater extent.

The HR department developed a questionnaire to study job satisfaction among bank employees and instructions for interviewers on how to conduct the survey. Based on the results of the survey, a report was prepared describing the progress of the research, the current situation in the bank, conclusions and recommendations for changing the current situation.

As a result of the survey, the situation with staff turnover in the bank, the reasons for its occurrence, and the role of all parties in its occurrence became clear. Leading motives were identified labor activity workers and factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the work of workers, recommendations were also given to change the current situation.

Based on the results of the survey, the following problems were identified that are the cause of excessive staff turnover:

- low wages;

- lack of additional training opportunities;

- unfair distribution of work between employees;

- lack of prospects for professional growth.

Based on the results of the survey, the following measures were proposed aimed at reducing staff turnover in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements:

- develop a personnel certification system;

- organize on-the-job training for employees;

- revise job responsibilities employees;

- form personnel reserve for the purpose of identifying candidates for filling the positions of heads of departments of the Department;

- consider the possibility of increasing wages for employees of the Management Department.

The implementation of the proposed measures will allow the bank to reduce the damage from excessive staff turnover of the Department for Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements in the amount of about two million rubles.


1. Batygin G.S. Lectures on the methodology of sociological research: Proc. for students of humanitarian universities / - M.: Aspect-Press, 1995.

2. Butenko I.A. Questionnaire survey as communication between a sociologist and respondents: Tutorial for universities. M.: Higher. school, 1989.

2. Grechikhin V.G. Lectures on methods and techniques of sociological research: Textbook. allowance. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1988. 232 pp.

3. How to conduct sociological research / Ed. M.K. Gorshkova and F.E. Sheregi. - M., Politizdat, 1990.

4. Kapitonov E.A. Sociology of the twentieth century. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 1996, pp. 381-497.

5. Noel E. Mass surveys: an introduction to demoscopic techniques. - M.: AVA-ESTRA, 1993.

6. Panina N.V. technology of sociological research. - K.: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1998.

7. Panchenko M. Personnel - a source of strategic advantages // Financial newspaper No. 5, 2006.

8. Pass Yu. Questionnaire through the eyes of a psychologist // Personnel Affairs No. 7, 2004.

9. Rakhova M. Motivation by category // Personnel Affairs No. 7, 2004.

10. Samukina N. Methods of feedback with personnel // Personnel Affairs No. 2, 2006.

11. Paniotto V.I. Quality of sociological information. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1986.

12. Workbook of a sociologist. - M.: Nauka, 1977.

13. Tatarova G.G. Methodology of data analysis in sociology. - M.: NOTA BENE, 1999.

14. Churilov N.N. Designing a sample sociological study. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1986.


Questionnaire 1

Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and HR department conduct employee surveys in order to reduce staff turnover. After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure.

1. Are you satisfied with your work in our bank? Underline the answers that agree with your opinion.

- yes;

- rather yes;

- I find it difficult to answer;

- most likely not;

- No.

2. If you were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher salary, would you change your job?

- yes;

- No.

3. Rank the factors that you think will improve your productivity (starting with the most important):

- opportunity for promotion;

- stable income;

- payment based on labor results (differentiated wages);

- recognition and approval from management of a job well done;

- work that creates conditions for self-expression and forces you to develop your abilities;

- complex and difficult work;

- work that allows you to think independently;

- high degree of responsibility;

- interesting work that requires a creative approach;

- communication with colleagues, partners and clients.

4. Rank the factors that you think make a job attractive (starting with the most important):

- work without much tension and stress;

- convenient office location;

- cleanliness and absence of noise in the workplace;

- working with people you like;

- good relationship with the immediate superior;

- sufficient information about what is happening in the company;

- stable work without the threat of dismissal;

- flexible work schedule;

- fair distribution of work volumes;

- additional benefits

5. Select the conditions that you do not like in your work and rate them on a 10-point scale:

- I am treated unfairly by my immediate supervisor;

- my earnings are lower than those of other workers performing the same work;

- I am often assigned to do less prestigious work than other employees with similar responsibilities, or to perform a larger volume of work;

- I rarely perform work that matches my qualifications;

- I am not accepted into the team or not invited to participate in joint leisure activities;

- I was not encouraged or allowed to participate in training and staff development programs;

- I did not have access to informal channels and additional sources of information that I needed for my work;

- I haven’t been promoted for a long time;

- I haven’t had a salary increase for a long time;

- We have a bad psychological atmosphere in our department.

Work experience in the company ________________________________________________

Position, department_______________________________________________

Questionnaire 2

Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and HR department conduct employee surveys to identify the employees' prospects. After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure.

The questionnaire contains five questions and several answer options. Underline the answers that agree with your opinion.

1. Write what working conditions are important for you:


2. Do you agree to retraining?

- yes;

- No.

3. Do you agree to conduct certification?

- yes;

- No.

4. Will you agree to perform additional duties without increasing your salary?

- yes;

- No.

5. Do you consider it necessary to hold corporate events?

- yes;

- No.

Full name_______________________________________________________



Work experience in the company _____________________________________________

Position, department_____________________________________________

Thank you for participating in the survey.

Company management, HR department

Posted on

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The concept of “customer centricity” has firmly entered the business dictionary. No one needs to be convinced that a company's level of customer satisfaction determines its long-term prospects. But, unfortunately, not all managers pay attention to another strategically important variable - the level of employee satisfaction. Low satisfaction of company personnel will most likely lead to low levels of satisfaction among customers and partners. In my article I would like to tell you how and by what criteria you can assess the morale of your team. This is necessary both to determine starting positions and to assess the dynamics of change.

Tasks of assessing employee satisfaction

“Find the dissatisfied” is the wrong task. Employee satisfaction assessments are carried out to find opportunities for company development. And while identifying the strengths of the business organization is an important task of such a project, the greatest benefit will come from identifying the “zones of dissatisfaction” and the desires of employees (no matter how unpleasant this may be for management and shareholders). Another objective of assessment is to see changes taking place by comparing current indicators with those of previous years.

Ultimately, satisfaction assessments should provide guidance on how to attract and retain the most valuable employees for the company.

Step one: identifying drivers

It would be a mistake to start preparing a survey by writing survey questions. Each company has its own specifics of activity, its own history, culture, strategy and objectives. First of all, it is necessary to determine which factors (drivers) are key in terms of influencing employee satisfaction in a particular business. If Archimedes were a business consultant, his famous quote might be: “Give me a list of key drivers and I will turn the business around.” When viewing other people's questionnaires, you should always take into account the characteristics of the company for which they were developed.

    To begin with, you can outline the areas of search for drivers, for example:
  1. Working conditions,
  2. Nature of work
  3. Management,
  4. Compensation,
  5. Training and development,
  6. Career,
  7. Relationships in the team.

Next, in each area, we determine the key conditions for achieving success (in our case, success is 100% employee satisfaction with work in the company and their willingness to continue their activities for the benefit of shareholders). As an example and starting point, I offer the following list:

  1. Working conditions
  • 1.1. Convenient office location;
  • 1.2. Comfortable environment inside the office;
  • 1.3. Technical equipment of the workplace;
  • 1.4. Convenient work schedule.
  • Nature of work
    • 2.1. Pride in working for the company;
    • 2.2. Opportunity for self-expression;
    • 2.3. Variety of tasks performed.
  • Management
    • 3.1. Clear, precise, achievable goals;
    • 3.2. Clear tasks, responsibilities and procedures;
    • 3.3. Fair assessment of work results;
    • 3.4. Availability of necessary powers;
    • 3.5. Management's attention to employees' ideas and opinions;
    • 3.6. Respectful attitude from managers.
  • Compensation
    • 4.1. Compliance of the motivation system with the situation on the labor market;
    • 4.2. Compliance of remuneration with the professional level and performance of employees;
    • 4.3. Compliance of non-material incentives with the personal values ​​of employees;
    • 4.4. A sense of security and confidence for employees in the future.
  • Training and development
    • 5.1. Availability of training programs;
    • 5.2. Compliance of programs with work tasks;
    • 5.3. Opportunity to receive mentor support in the workplace;
    • 5.4. Possibility to access educational materials and best practices.
  • Career
    • 6.1. Possibility of vertical career;
    • 6.2. Horizontal career opportunity.
  • Relationships in the team
    • 7.1. Friendly atmosphere in the team;
    • 7.2. Opportunity to receive support from colleagues.

    Driver statements can either describe a desired outcome, such as “respectful management,” or provide direction for action, such as “clear operating procedures.” The last option is preferable.

    Compiling a list of key drivers is a challenging but important task. This can be solved by involving the employees themselves, for example, by conducting interviews and focus groups. You should not rely solely on the opinion of company management representatives.

    Step two: preparing the questionnaire

    Having a list of drivers in hand, you can proceed to compiling a list of questions. Depending on the information requested, the question type is selected. In some cases, this may be a closed question, requiring a “yes” or “no” answer. But most of the questions will most likely ask you to make a choice from available options (the 5-point scale will best choice due to its simplicity and obviousness). It is advisable to provide each question with a comment field.

    Below are questions that need to be adapted and supplemented to suit your list. key factors success.

    Overall satisfaction rating

    • How do you rate the Company as a place to work?
    • Would you recommend a job for the Company to your close friend?
    • How long do you plan to work for the Company?
    • For what reasons do experienced employees most often leave the Company?
    • What one phrase would you use to describe the Company as a place to work?

    Working conditions

    • Is it convenient for you to get to and from work?
    • You have everything necessary materials and equipment to do your job well?
    • Is your office space and interior conducive to productive work?
    • Does your work schedule allow you to effectively balance your work and personal life?

    Nature of work

    • Do you enjoy telling your family and friends about your work?
    • Does your job allow you to fully realize your abilities?
    • Does your current job give you the opportunity to develop as a professional?
    • Do the tasks assigned to you match your interests?
    • Do you have the ability to take initiative and implement your ideas?


    • You know and understand strategic goals companies?
    • Are decisions made in the Company promptly and without unnecessary delays?
    • Do you clearly understand what results are expected of you?
    • Are all the tasks assigned to you feasible?
    • Do the tasks assigned to you correspond to your level of professionalism?
    • Do you have a good understanding of your responsibilities and work procedures?
    • Is the interaction between employees in your department well organized?
    • Do you receive regular performance reviews from your line manager?
    • Do you believe that the assessment of your work is objective and fair?
    • Do you have enough authority to complete the tasks assigned to you?
    • When setting tasks, does your manager ask for your opinion?
    • Do you receive moral support from your immediate supervisor?
    • Does the Company's management treat you with respect?
    • Does the Company's management encourage justified risks and tolerate mistakes?
    • Do you understand the decisions made by the company's management?


    • Do you think that your salary corresponds to the situation on the labor market?
    • Do you believe that financial and non-financial compensation is commensurate with your level of professionalism and the results of your work?
    • System non-material incentives Does it meet your expectations?
    • Do you feel confident in the future while working for the Company?
    • Do you have to look for additional sources of income?

    Training and development

    • The company encourages professional growth your employees?
    • Does the company provide an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to complete assigned tasks?
    • Can you get support from more experienced comrades if needed?
    • Do you have access to information that helps you do your job better?

    Career Opportunities

    • Do you think that your current position corresponds to your level of professionalism and services to the Company?
    • Do you see a real opportunity to make a career in the Company?
    • Do you feel that the Company's management is interested in your career?
    • Do you understand how and by what principles the Company promotes employees?
    • Do you know exactly what you need to do to get a promotion?
    • Has your manager talked to you about your career?

    Relationships in the team

    • Are all divisions of the Company working towards a common result?
    • Do you assess the atmosphere in the Company as friendly and aimed at productive work?
    • If you ask your colleagues for help, are you most likely to receive it?
    • Do you have colleagues whom you would call your friends?
      I would advise preparing questions in three steps:
    1. Make a “long list” without trying to filter questions.
    2. Select the most accurate and clear questions by preparing a draft questionnaire.
    3. Test the questionnaire on a limited number of employees, identifying things that are unclear to representatives target audience questions or questions that produce ambiguous answers. Adjust the form based on the test results.

    Example of a questionnaire design

    Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. 1: strongly disagree; 2: rather disagree; 3: difficult to answer; 4: rather agree; 5: I completely agree.

    Question 1 2 3 4 5 Your comments
    1.1. □ □ □ □ □
    1.2. □ □ □ □ □
    1.3. □ □ □ □ □

    In the questionnaire, you can allocate space for employee ideas, for example, ask them to answer the question: “What, in your opinion, should the Company stop/continue/start doing to make its attractiveness as a place to work increase?”

    For a more in-depth analysis, it is useful to add several “socio-demographic” criteria to the questionnaire, for example, gender, age, marital status, education, length of service in the company, length of service in the current position.

    Step three: conducting a survey

    The first requirement for the survey procedure is confidentiality. If an employee has the slightest doubt about the safety of his participation, one cannot count on obtaining reliable results.

    The second requirement is the technical ability to process the received data quickly and without errors. The best option for organizing a survey is using Internet technologies. Completing and analyzing paper forms will require a significant amount of time.

    It is very important to “sell” the idea of ​​research to employees. A positive perception of the survey is necessary so that there is no formal attitude when answering questions. Employees must believe that they have a real chance to influence the company's performance.

    The task of presenting the research is undertaken by the company's chief executive and immediate managers. In addition, the survey form itself must include a preamble with brief description goals and objectives of the study, as well as simple and understandable instructions.

    Example instructions

    We ask you to take the time to answer a number of questions in this questionnaire. The purpose of the study is to find out your opinion and the opinion of your colleagues about working conditions in our company. Your answers will help us find out what you consider necessary to save as strengths our organization and what needs to change. We will be grateful for your sincere and accurate answers.

    The survey is conducted anonymously and the data obtained will be used and presented to the company management in a summarized form.

    The questions are divided into groups and relate to several aspects of your work. Most questions require you to select an answer that best reflects your point of view. If you would like to give a detailed comment on your answer, please do so in the “Your comments” field. We ask you to answer all questions in the questionnaire.

    Completed forms will be accepted until the twentieth day.

    We thank you for understanding the importance of this research for the company and for your participation in the project. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

    Step four: summing up

    I propose summing up the results of the survey not in points, but in percentages, which characterize the number of people who answered positively (who gave 4 and 5 on a 5-point system). In this case, it will be possible to assess the state of affairs for each of the key factors:

    • above 70% - everything is fine, maintenance at this level is required;
    • 30-70% - work to improve is required;
    • below 30% - urgent measures are needed.

    The results can be visualized using color (similar to the colors of a traffic light): green, yellow, red.

    If the survey is not conducted for the first time, it becomes possible to compare the progress and dynamics of the organization’s development according to one or another indicator, and if the survey was conducted throughout the company, then compare the results for various divisions - functional and territorial.

    All drivers are important, but some are more important. Having the appropriate statistical base, you can assess how the overall level of satisfaction changes due to changes in one or another indicator, in other words, calculate the correlation of key factors. By understanding which aspects primarily determine the level of satisfaction, it will be possible to allocate company resources more effectively.

    An easier way to assess the importance of a particular factor is to give the employees themselves the opportunity to set priorities.

    To clarify the picture, it is worth conducting a series of focus groups and individual interviews with survey participants. For obvious reasons, the focus should be on the most valuable and most promising employees. Questions for discussion: identified strengths and weaknesses of the company’s activities, as well as the survey itself (the immediate reaction of participants and their expectations regarding the use of the research results).

    And, of course, it is worth paying attention to the percentage of employees who took part in the survey. This is a clear indicator of people's engagement and trust in management initiatives.

    Step five: development of a development plan

    Awareness of the strong and weaknesses organization of the company's activities should result in an action plan to eliminate identified bottlenecks. It is better to focus on 3-5 problems than to draw large-scale but impossible plans. First of all, you should pay attention to the variables that have highest value on end result, but received the lowest ratings.

    The more specific the plan, the greater the likelihood of seeing its results.

      Required items:
    • Identified problem;
    • Causes of the problem ( bottlenecks in the organization);
    • Problems that need to be solved;
    • Initiatives to eliminate bottlenecks;
    • Time frame for implementing initiatives;
    • Responsible “sponsor” of the project and members of the project team.

    Step Six: Presenting Research Results to Employees

    If participants do not see the results of the study, you can be sure that they will be lukewarm about the next one. For the same reasons, you should not delay the presentation of the survey results - the sooner, the higher the interest and involvement, the more comments and ideas you can get.

    What should you present to your employees? Firstly, show the strengths of the company and “celebrate” joint achievements together. Secondly, present those aspects of the work that require changes and improvements. At the same time, it is absolutely forbidden to make excuses or blame anyone. In general, the tone of the presentation should be positive: strengths speak for themselves, and weaknesses are opportunities to make the company even stronger. Don’t forget, no private opinions - only generalized results (for example, you don’t need to clarify with a specific employee what he had in mind when he filled out the questionnaire).

    The data received is already yesterday; what will happen tomorrow is much more important. Conclusions are more important than the numbers obtained, so the presentation should be completed by presenting and discussing the developed plan for further action. An honest acknowledgment of what remains unclear and a sincere willingness to hear employees make changes to the prepared action plan will bring valuable comments, ideas and support to those who will implement the plan.

    The last words of the presentation are gratitude for participating in the study, questions asked and proposed ideas.

    Sixth seventh: implementation and monitoring of plan execution

    Employee trust and motivation can only be maintained if they are regularly informed about the current status of the project. For example, a monthly report describing current results, problems and next steps will help you see progress and make timely adjustments.

    If management is not ready or doubts that the results of the study will be able to change the company’s performance for the better, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​surveying employees. And at the same time from the idea of ​​​​creating a client-oriented organization.
