Job description of an IT specialist. Job descriptions of the IT department. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional work activities

(professional standard "Web and multimedia application developer")

1. General provisions

1.1. A website maintenance specialist falls into the category of technical performers.
1.2. To work as a website support specialist, a person is accepted who has:
1) secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists;
2) experience in the field of creation and maintenance information resources at least six months;
3) additional professional education - advanced training programs.
1.3. A website maintenance specialist should know:
1) tools and methods for identifying requirements;
2) technologies of interpersonal and group communication in business interaction, basics of conflict management;
3) architecture, design and principle of operation of computer systems;
4) principles of operation of communication equipment;
5) network protocols and basics of web technologies;
6) basics modern systems database management;
7) structure and functioning of modern information resources;
8) industry regulatory technical documentation;
9) modern domestic and foreign experience in professional activities;
10) rules of business correspondence;
11) examples of implementation in the subject area of ​​the project;
12) technologies for preparing and conducting presentations;
13) team and project management methods, development methodologies;
14) basics of the theory of system analysis and construction of interaction diagrams;
15) tools and methods of communication;
16) communication channels;
17) speech culture;
18) best practices for the subject area of ​​the project;
19) modern methods for testing the ergonomics of user interfaces;
20) basic requirements for the design of graphical interfaces, methods of transmitting information in text, graphic, sound, video formats, depending on the category of the user, taking into account age and characteristics of disabilities;
21) fundamentals of pedagogical design (for developers of educational IR);
22) principles of installation and configuration of software;
23) software and platforms for developing web resources;
24) basics information security web resources;
25) English language at reading level technical documentation in the field of information and computer technologies;
26) subject area of ​​the project for drawing up test plans;
27) basics of change management;
28) database theory;
29) database storage and analysis systems;
30) basics of programming;
31) modern standards for the interaction of distributed application components;
32) special knowledge of working with the installed DBMS;
33) principles of use electronic digital signatures and the work of certification centers;
34) IR capabilities;
35) communication models;
36) modern principles of constructing user interfaces;
37) methods and means of assembling modules and software components;
38) interfaces for interaction with the external environment;
39) interfaces for interaction of internal system modules;
40) methods and tools for developing procedures for software deployment;
41) methods and means of data migration and transformation;
42) modern principles of standardization of data exchange for information systems for managing educational processes;
43) methods and means of assembly and integration software modules and component;
44) methods and means of verifying the operability of software product releases;
45) languages, utilities and programming environments, tools for batch execution of procedures;
46) .....................
1.4. A website maintenance specialist should be able to:
1) conduct a survey;
2) conduct interviews;
3) collect source documentation;
4) conduct negotiations;
5) conduct presentations;
6) prepare minutes of events;
7) plan work;
8) use everything available methods informing customers (telephone, fax, e-mail);
9) conduct business negotiations with potential customers;
10) establish and maintain long-term relationships with the customer;
11) work with specialized software;
12) use software to design the interface;
13) carry out the interface design process taking into account existing rules for the subject area of ​​the project;
14) apply tools to evaluate the effectiveness and convenience of the created interface, apply the obtained data to optimize the interface;
15) follow the application software installation procedure in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements;
16) identify incidents that occur during software installation and make decisions to change the installation procedure;
17) use regulatory and technical documentation in the field of software;
18) test the IR using test plans;
19) work with test data preparation tools;
20) select and combine IR testing techniques;
21) interpret customer business requirements to develop test scenarios;
22) establish requirements for testing results;
23) carry out regulatory procedures for data backup;
24) document regulatory procedures;
25) install application software;
26) configure web server parameters;
27) install a DBMS;
28) develop regulatory documents;
29) identify user rights depending on the functionality of the IR;
30) regulate the levels of rights and roles of IR;
31) apply regulatory procedures for managing the access rights of IR users;
32) choose a method of action from those known; control, evaluate and adjust your actions;
33) analyze equipment performance indicators and message log records;
34) carry out communications;
35) work with requests to correct inconsistencies;
36) find out from a conversation with the customer and understand the causes of emergency situations with the information resource;
37) analyze and solve typical customer requests;
38) apply established rules business communication when communicating with the customer;
39) respond to customer requests within the time limits established by the regulations;
40) coordinate the resolution of customer requests with specialists from the relevant departments;
41) explain to customers how to solve the problem that has arisen;
42) work with software to receive, process and register customer requests;
43) write program code for integration procedures for software modules;
44) use the selected programming environment to develop procedures for integrating software modules;
45) apply methods and tools for assembling modules and software components, developing procedures for software deployment, migrating and converting data, creating software interfaces;
46) carry out procedures for assembling software modules and components into a software product;
47) configure the parameters of the software product and launch assembly procedures;
48) assess the performance of the software product;
49) document the actions taken, problems identified and ways to eliminate them;
50) identify compliance of existing products with customer requirements;
51) create backup copies of programs and data, perform restoration, ensure the integrity of the software product and data;
52) ..................... (other requirements for necessary skills)
1.5. Website support specialist in his activitiesis guided by:
1) ..................... (name of the constituent document)
2) Regulations on..............(name of structural unit)
3) this job description;
4) ..................... (names of local regulations governing laborfunctions of the position)
1.6. The website support specialist reports directly to..................... (name of manager's position)
1.7. ..................... (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Carrying out work on the creation (modification) and maintenance of information resources:
2.1.1. Collection of preliminary data to identify requirements for IR.
2.1.2. Determination of the customer’s initial requirements for IR and the possibility of their implementation.
2.1.3. Planning communications with the customer within the framework of the organization’s standard regulations.
2.1.4. Design of IR sections.
2.1.5. Installation and configuration of application software and modules.
2.1.6. Testing the integration of IR with external services and accounting systems using the interaction of distributed system components.
2.1.7. Carrying out and regulating backup and deployment work backup copy IR.
2.1.8. Managing access to data and determining the levels of rights of IR users.
2.1.9. Ensuring the safe and uninterrupted operation of the site.
2.1.10. Registration and processing of customer requests in the technical support service.
2.1.11. Development of procedures for integrating software modules.
2.1.12. Integration of software modules and components and verification of software product releases.
2.2. .................... (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The site support specialist performs the following duties:
3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.1 of this job description:
1) conducts a survey of customer representatives based on prepared questionnaires;
2) conducts interviews with customer representatives;
3) documents the collected data in accordance with the organization’s regulations.
3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.2 of this job description:
1) identifies the customer’s initial requirements for the IR;
2) informs the customer about existing IR, their capabilities and methods of implementation;
3) determines the possibilities of achieving compliance of the IR with the initial requirements of the customer;
4) draws up a protocol of negotiations with the customer.
3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.3 of this job description:
1) draws up a plan for contacts with customers for the day (week, month);
2) agrees on a contact plan with the customer.
3.1.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.4 of this job description:
1) analyzes business requirements and business tasks of the interface;
2) designs the structure of IR sections;
3) develops a user interface for the IR using standards in the field of web development;
4) creates a prototype of the user interface using design software.
3.1.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.5 of this job description:
1) checks the compliance of the server equipment with the requirements of the IR;
2) installs software and additional modules necessary for the correct functioning of the IR.
3.1.6. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.6 of this job description:
1) conducts integration testing of the IR based on test plans;
2) records the results of testing the IR;
3) eliminates detected inconsistencies of the IR with test results;
4) develops testing requirements based on system requirements (business requirements, functional requirements, performance requirements);
5) draws up test plans based on the functionality of the IR.
3.1.7. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.7 of this job description:
1) monitors the implementation of the backup procedure;
2) controls the completion of the backup procedure;
3) regulates the backup procedure;
4) launches the procedure for backing up the database and software settings necessary for the functioning of the IR;
5) performs regulatory procedures for data backup;
6) checks the compliance of server equipment and software with the requirements of the IR;
7) installs the necessary software for the operation of the IR;
8) manages software settings;
9) verifies the correct functioning of the IR.
3.1.8. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.8 of this job description:
1) changes user access rights to modules, data and sections of the IR;
2) applies special procedures for managing the access rights of IR users;
3) monitors compliance with the access rights of IR users;
4) regulates the rights of users in accordance with functional tasks;
5) regulates the rights of users in accordance with the role of the IR.
3.1.9. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.9 of this job description:
1) installs and configures Turing tests;
2) configures integrity monitoring of IR files and application software;
3) manages blocking of users based on information about behavioral factors;
4) monitors attacks on the IR and takes appropriate actions.
3.1.10. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.10 of this job description:
1) receives customer requests through various communication channels in accordance with the work assignment;
2) registers customer requests in accounting system in accordance with the work assignment;
3) processes customer requests of a high level of escalation;
4) performs an analysis of the customer’s request with a view to possible ways to solve the problem;
5) classifies customer requests in accordance with the organization’s regulations.
3.1.11. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.11 of this job description:
1) develops and documents software interfaces;
2) develops a procedure for assembling modules and software components;
3) develops a procedure for deploying and updating software;
4) develops a procedure for migration and transformation (conversion) of data;

3.1.12. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.12 of this job description:
1) assembles software modules and components into a software product;
2) connects the software product to components of the external environment;
3) checks the functionality of software product releases;
4) makes changes to the procedures for assembling modules and software components, software deployment, migration and data conversion;
5) assesses and agrees on deadlines for completing assigned tasks.
3.1.13. As part of fulfilling its labor functions carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.
3.1.14. ..................... (other duties)
3.2...................... (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

4.1. A website support specialist has the right to:
4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions of the organization’s management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.
4.1.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
4.1.3. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.
4.1.4. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment.
4.1.5. Familiarize yourself with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.
4.1.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance established requirements etc.), compliance established standards, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.
4.1.7. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.
4.1.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to executable job responsibilities.
4.1.9. .................... (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The site maintenance specialist is held accountable for:
- for improper execution or failure to fulfill their official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation, legislation on accounting;
- offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. ..................... (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction has been developed on the basis of Professionalstandard "Web and multimedia application developer", approvedBy Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 18, 2017 N 44n, taking into account..................... (details of local regulations of the organization)
6.2. The employee is familiarized with these instructions whenhiring (before signing an employment contract).
The fact that the employee has read these instructions is confirmed..................... (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of thisinstructions (in the instructions log); in copyinstructions kept by the employer; in another way)
6.3. .....................

1. General provisions.

1.1. An access control systems engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by order general director enterprise, as recommended by the head of the computer technology department.

1.2. The access control systems engineer reports directly to the head of the computer department.

1.3. An access control system engineer is guided in his work by:

1.3.1. Decrees, orders and regulatory documents government and other bodies relating to the operation, repair and use of computer technology in information processing.

1.3.2. Rules and instructions for operating a corporate network of information technology systems.

1.3.3. Orders, instructions and instructions from the general director of the enterprise, instructions from the head of the computer technology department.

1.3.4. This job description.

1.3.5. Safety and fire safety regulations.

1.3.6. Enterprise quality management standards.

2. Job responsibilities.

The access control systems engineer is required to:

2.1. Carry out work to ensure the efficient operation of the Enterprise’s computer equipment.

2.2. Participate in the development of plans and schedules for maintenance and repair of the enterprise equipment.

2.3. Perform work on the installation of networks and telephony, conduct test checks and preventive inspections of equipment in order to timely detect faults and eliminate them, adjust and adjust elements and units of machines, individual devices and components, participate in preventive and routine repairs.

2.4. Participate in the acceptance of equipment, modernization and improvement of equipment taking into account the specific requirements of the Enterprise.

2.5. Keep records of equipment usage indicators and noticed defects in machine operation.

2.6. Participate in the preparation of applications for the purchase of equipment, spare parts, tools and materials for the repair of computer equipment and transmitting devices.

2.7. Perform other related duties.

3. Rights.

An access control system engineer has the right to:

3.1. Represent the enterprise in government, commercial organizations and institutions on issues within its competence.

3.2. Apply for the involvement of specialized organizations in the prescribed manner in the repair and maintenance of corporate network equipment.

3.3. Make proposals for the development of the corporate network and providing the department with the necessary property to maintain the functionality of the corporate network.

3.4 Improving your qualifications in your specialty and work performed (at the expense of the company’s financial resources).

4. Responsibility.

The access control systems engineer is personally responsible for:

4.1. For trouble-free operation of devices, components, equipment and software corporate network, organizing work to ensure their performance and functioning.

4.2. For the prompt recovery of information on corporate network servers lost due to equipment malfunction or erroneous user actions.

4.3. For the technical condition and safety of the equipment entrusted to him, other material assets and technical premises assigned to him.

4.4. For timely update technical characteristics on servers, computers, active network equipment, restoring the functioning of hardware in case of failures and failures.

4.5. For the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, the rules for operating the equipment of the corporate network of information technology systems, labor protection requirements, safety precautions and fire safety in accordance with current legislation RF.

The job description has been developed in accordance with:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account amendments and additions.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF “Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees” No. 37.
  • Charter of the enterprise.
  • Enterprise QMS documents.

Job description department specialist Information Technology.

General provisions:

Job title:

  • Chief specialist of the Information Technology Department.


  • Director of the organization.

Department name:

  • Information Technology Department.

Main functions for this position:

  • Responsible for clear and efficient work information infrastructure of the organization;
  • Responsible for the implementation of information security of the organization;
  • Responsible for coordinating the work of employees of the automation department and other departments of the organization;
  • Monitoring the performance of computers and computer peripherals;
  • Help, ongoing guidance and user training;
  • Development and implementation of proposals for the development and improvement of software;
  • Creation of a system for automating the collection, control, consolidation and storage of information about the organization’s activities;
  • Information exchange with third parties;
  • Information-analytical and normative-reference support for the organization’s activities.

Features of the position:

  • Higher education;
  • At least two years of work experience;
  • Professional knowledge and skills in handling computer equipment, knowledge and skills of a programmer;
  • The ability to concentrate, despite frequent distractions, and to work on several problems simultaneously is required;
  • Ability to not lose sight of small details;
  • Must be able to withstand intense work under stressful conditions;
  • Must have good level skills in work organization, decision making, working with people and communication when working with employees of the organization and clients.

Volume leadership work:

Number controlled persons:

External contacts:

  • tax and other regulatory authorities (in accordance with the law), clients.

Internal contacts:

  • management, department accounting and reporting, active and passive operations departments.

Level of competence in decision making:

Consequences of errors:

  • Mistakes made in the performance of duties may lead to conflict situations between the organization and clients, to material and moral losses of the organization and clients.

Access to confidential information:

Main activities:

  • Installation and maintenance computer equipment: servers and workstations, peripheral equipment and office equipment ( printers, scanners, etc.);
  • Purchase, modernization and maintenance of computer equipment, software installation;
  • Distribution of computing power between servers and workstations;
  • Checking the condition of office equipment and computer peripherals;
  • Procurement planning consumables;
  • Correcting minor breakdowns or organizing repairs for serious faults;
  • Local area network administration;
  • Monitoring the status of the network topology and the technical condition of the network infrastructure ( cables, network adapters, routers, hubs);
  • Control over the interface of communication systems with computer technology ( operation of electronic PBX, modems, leased lines and other communication systems);
  • Planning and ensuring measures to comply with computer security;
  • Distribution of user access rights on servers in accordance with their job responsibilities;
  • Planning and implementation of measures to prevent unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the organization’s information infrastructure;
  • Planning and implementation of measures to prevent intentional and unintentional inappropriate use of computer equipment by employees of the organization;
  • Planning and implementation of measures to backup the organization’s information;
  • Monitoring the relevance of databases: Restoring system functionality after failures;
  • Maintaining the necessary archive: daily archive ( ) and cumulative archive ( on the server and a copy on removable media);
  • Maintenance of software for analyzing accounting information and generating reports;
  • Contacts with employees of automation departments of control structures ( tax authorities, etc.) to clarify controversial issues;
  • Training and consultation of organization employees with office software;
  • Maintaining a current level of knowledge in the use and operation of office equipment among users.

Discussion/agreement between the employee and the management representative:

  • I hereby confirm that I have received a copy of the above job description and have had the opportunity to discuss this description with a representative of management prior to obtaining consent: and I agree to the requirements of this description without reservations.

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I. General provisions

This instruction applies to a technical specialist in the information technology department of an enterprise and is developed in accordance with:
- Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees.
Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on 01/02/00).
1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a technical support specialist.
1.2. A person with at least 2 years of experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of technical support specialist.
1.3. A technical support specialist is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4.The technical support specialist reports directly to the boss
information technology support department.
1.5.The main performance indicators are:
1.5.1. organization of uninterrupted operation of peripheral equipment:
printers, multifunctional devices, print servers, faxes, telephones,
scanners, copiers, monitors, keyboards, mice, etc.;
1.5.2. Restoring the functionality of IT hardware and equipment within the time limits specified in the “Access Level Agreement”;
1.5.3. maintaining the cable network system (SCS) of your branch in order;
1.5.4.organization of warranty repair of computer equipment;
1.5.5. timely replenishment of the reserve of consumables and equipment;
1.5.6. Formation of a procurement budget for the month, no later than the 25th day of each month;
1.5.7. Formation of a procurement budget for the week, no later than Wednesday of each week.

II. Job responsibilities

Technical Support Specialist:
2.1. Supports the operation of user workstations.
2.2. Conducts routine maintenance of equipment.
2.3. Monitors the performance of software on user workstations.
2.4. Organizes the purchase and receipt of equipment with the preparation of the necessary documents.
2.5. Monitors the availability and operational status of anti-virus systems.
2.6. Plans and implements a security strategy to protect data and general network resources, including folders, files and printers.
2.7. Plans and implements a strategy to audit network events to detect and resolve security violations. Manages resources and controls their use.
2.8. Schedules and performs regular backups to ensure rapid recovery of critical data.
2.9. Plans, creates and leads accounts users and groups to ensure that each user can register on the network and access the necessary resources.
2.10. Monitors the standardization of software and equipment of user workstations. Removes software not approved by the IT department. Together with the system administration group, develop a standard set of software. Conduct preliminary testing.
2.11.Accepts requests for maintenance of services (Help Desk). Performs them according to established regulations.
2.12. Maintains equipment records in 1C in accordance with established regulations. Conducts inventory according to department orders.
2.13. Moves equipment between employees, warehouses and branches.
2.14. Accepts applications for the purchase of equipment (“IT Application”). Checks that they are filled out correctly and that the necessary approvals are available.
2.15. Installs, configures, maintains everything in working order software products, used in the branch.
2.16. Performs other work of varying degrees of complexity related to the functioning of a computer system and applied mathematics. provision
2.17. Brings his innovations, comments and suggestions regarding the work of the IT department to the head of the IT support department.
2.18. Plans his work and reports promptly to the head of the IT support department.
2.19. Carry out orders from the Head of the IT Department and the Head of the IT Support Department.
2.20. Coordinates work plans with the head of the IT support department.
2.21. Improves his professional level with the help of special courses, senior system administrator, as well as self-study.
2.22.Increases computer literacy company employees. Participates in the development of instructions and training of company employees.

A technical support specialist has the right to:
3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by these instructions for consideration by management;
3.3. Demand and receive from everyone structural divisions enterprise information and documents on issues within its competence;
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.
3.5. Make proposals for improving the quality management system;
3.6. Participate in activities aimed at correcting and preventing inconsistencies in the quality management system.

IV. Responsibility

The Technical Support Specialist is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For untimely and poor-quality execution of documents on behalf of the director of the enterprise, improper record keeping in accordance with current rules and instructions, as well as the use of information by department employees for non-official purposes.

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To provide modern level service, the company needs a specialist responsible for information technology. To hire a professional who will be able to perform the required amount of work, it is important to correctly draw up a job description for an IT department specialist in the organization.

It should take into account the level of education and vocational training in the field of information technology. In addition, this document contains a job description as well as details about the job responsibilities and required skills.

Description of job tasks

The responsibilities of an IT specialist typically include the design, operation, or support of technology products. Not limited to working for technology companies, information technology (IT) professionals can work with any business, agency, or organization that uses technology or manages large amounts of information. Regardless of the sector in which they work, IT professionals typically provide services related to software, hardware, databases, web resources, networks and enterprise systems.

An IT specialist's job description may include responsibilities for network management, software development, and database administration. IT professionals can also provide technical support business or employees of the organization and train non-technical workers in how to work with information systems. Advanced information technology specialists can develop systems and evaluate the effectiveness of resources already in use or new programs being introduced. They also determine the practicality of changes and modifications to systems.

IT professionals may also work with external partners, including consultants, agencies, and vendors, to arrive at the best possible suitable system or integration of several structures, if this is included in the job description of an IT specialist.

Because IT tools are constantly changing, professionals need to stay abreast of new technologies and the potential effectiveness of these advancements on their current system. For this purpose, the company can organize advanced training and retraining.

Requirements for employment

Typically, to perform the duties of an IT department specialist, employers prefer to hire candidates with an average vocational education or with a bachelor's degree. Managerial positions are often accepted with a master's degree. Among the most popular specialties:

  • Computer Science.
  • Informatics.
  • Mathematics.
  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Statistics.
  • Operations research, etc.

Some certificates about additional education can help improve job prospects. For example, training on working with systems from Oracle, Cisco and Microsoft.

If the job involves increased responsibility, experience in the field or with systems may be required. Very often, when holding a competition for a vacancy, applicants are given a trial task to assess the level of professionalism and skills.

Range of tasks to be solved

Information technology specialists work in positions that use computers. information systems. The responsibilities of an IT department specialist include working with both software applications and computer equipment. Experience with multiple programming languages ​​and a variety of software and hardware is often required. Also, services performed by information technology specialists may include handling hardware and software problems or monitoring networks and databases.

How to write a job description for an IT specialist?

The job description of an IT department specialist is the main document defining the rights and responsibilities between the employee and the organization. A well-drafted document will help attract the most qualified candidates for an open position. Among possible options The following vacancies can be distinguished:

  • IT specialist.
  • Senior IT Specialist.
  • Head of IT department.
  • An IT professional certified in a specific area.
  • Part-time IT specialist.
  • IT support specialist.

The level of responsibility and knowledge requirements for candidates must be specified here. An IT specialist job description outlines the activities and responsibilities required for the job so that applicants can determine whether they are qualified for a particular job.

Document structure

In order to regulate the relationship between the company and the employee, a job description of the IT specialist must be drawn up. A sample of such a document must include a number of required sections:

  1. The general part is a description of the unit, the hierarchy of subordination.
  2. Requirements for the position - level of education, experience, qualification requirements.
  3. Objectives - description of the main job responsibilities.
  4. Functions - a list of specific tasks performed by an employee.
  5. Information - additional provisions for employee interaction inside and outside the organization.
  6. Rights - a description of the employee’s basic rights.
  7. Responsibility - a description of the main responsibilities of an IT department specialist and the consequences of their failure to fulfill them.
  8. Additions and changes - a field for noting changes, if they were made to the instructions.
  9. I have read the instructions - full name, signature and date of reading the document (usually coincides with the date of the employment order).

In addition to these sections, the structure of the document can be supplemented as necessary. IN budgetary organizations(for example, the job description of an IT specialist at a school) additionally prescribes a list of regulations for work, ethical aspects of work, as well as daily routine regulations.

Section "Position Requirements"

Required and preferred skills are listed here. This may include information about education, previous work experience, certifications and technical skills. Soft skills (for example, communication skills) and personality traits that are needed to successfully perform professional tasks may also be indicated.

Please note that a list of skills and requirements that is too long may discourage potential qualified candidates. Try to keep the section short, but concise and relevant in sufficient detail keywords and terms.

Section "Goals"

Depending on what functionality is expected to be entrusted to a particular specialist, a number of fundamental areas for IT specialists can be identified, each of which requires specific knowledge and skills:

  1. Help Desk: A specialist is usually available 24/7 to provide advice and assistance to anyone using a computer in the organization. He gets phone calls about help and responds to problems. Most of the time, an IT specialist can solve problems remotely; in particularly difficult cases, he can travel to the site.
  2. Network administration: The IT specialist is responsible for supporting day-to-day operations computer network. His job is to make sure that network systems keep in touch.
  3. Security: An IT professional is involved in developing software to prevent cyber attacks. An information security specialist develops software, such as data encryption programs and firewalls, to protect computer systems and organizational networks.
  4. Database analysis: An IT specialist uses specialized software to organize, manage, and store data ( financial information, shipping documents, purchase orders, statements wages or administrative expenses). The database administrator provides this information to users in the organization and sets up security procedures to prevent unauthorized access.
  5. Cloud Computing: Move data storage to the cloud. An IT professional is the architect of the cloud infrastructure that meets an organization's unique requirements.
  6. Software Development: This professional works with other IT departments to create programs that perform specific tasks.
  7. Software Engineer: Tests and installs systems on computers.
  8. Analyst, business analyst: technical specialist takes data that a company stores on its computer or in the cloud and turns it into charts and tables.

"Functions" section

The “Functions” section is the most important part of the description in the job description of an IT specialist in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in terms of competencies). Here you can see tasks that are performed on a regular basis. Examples of functional descriptions include the following:

  • Assess infrastructure on a regular basis to ensure its continued operation.
  • Managing the daily operations of the IT department.
  • Developing new strategies and IT procedures to increase efficiency, improve workflow, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Coordinate the needs of internal IT professionals and remote employees, suppliers and contractors.
  • Protecting customer data from outside penetration using encryption, secure data storage and other necessary means.
  • Assist in installing new equipment and software and training employees in its use.
  • Management and supervision of departmental quotas.
  • Development of proposals for possible updates and changes in the IT department.

Final provisions

Depending on the volume and nature of the work of an IT specialist, the amount of his remuneration is established. According to Rostrud average salary in the information technology industry in Russia is 40,000 rubles.

Thus, an employee of this department is a fairly highly paid specialist, the organization of whose activities requires increased attention. Given the rapid development of information technology, the range of tasks of the IT department may change. For more flexible regulation, it is recommended to review the job description together with the employee and supplement it with points taking into account the tasks and level of development of the IT sector.
