Technology for the production of children's fruit juices. Organizing the production of directly pressed apple juice - a fruity and profitable business Business plan for setting up a technological line for the production of apple juice

Russia ranks 5th in terms of apple harvest in the world, while the raw materials for the production of natural apple juice are accessible and cheap. Apple juice production is considered an economically viable and profitable business.

Organization of apple juice production

A business producing natural apple juice must be registered as an LLC or legal form. This format will make it possible to differentiate the responsibilities of the founders and attract investors. It is recommended to choose a simplified taxation system.

A product certification procedure is carried out to obtain the appropriate document. It is necessary to analyze the hygienic characteristics of packaged products. If the results are positive, the SES will issue a conclusion on the quality of the juice.

Stages and technology of apple juice production

The production of apple juice begins with a manual harvesting process from August to late autumn. Apples for juice can be collected from trees and from the ground. The fruits are placed in wooden boxes, which are transported to the factory by trucks. After which the raw materials are loaded into bunkers from stainless steel.

Further, streams of water push the fruits along the gutters into production workshop, where they undergo primary purification. Jets of water remove excess debris. Then the apples go to the sink and are washed with cold water to remove dust and chemical contaminants.

The next stage of production is sorting. The apples are manually culled. Selected fruits are sent to the crusher. The crushed raw materials fall under the press. The rotating drum compresses the mixture and produces an opaque pressed juice. It is sent to special pipes for ultrafiltration.

The unit consists of thin tubes made according to the membrane principle. The juice is passed under pressure through a membrane and enters a vacuum evaporation unit, leaving pulp particles behind. Under vacuum, the liquid evaporates with aroma-forming substances. The juice thickens, and the vapor condenses and turns into liquid.

Making concentrated apple juice

The concentrated juice is poured into barrels, in which it can be stored for a long time. Preliminary stage pouring juice into bags - diluting the concentrate with evaporated water. After which it is mixed to avoid separation.

A sample of juice is subjected to laboratory analysis, which is carried out to ensure compliance established standards. A high percentage of soluble solids in juice indicates the need to add additional liquid to the drink to obtain the ideal structure.

Then the safety of the drink is examined by placing small portions of the juice in a special thermal cabinet at a temperature of 36ºC. After receiving positive results the drink is restored by adding flavoring substances.

Then the finished natural juice is poured into bags, and lids are attached to them. Next, the technical control department tastes the juice, determining the quality of the product according to the following parameters: taste, color and aroma. If the sample fully meets the requirements, the batch of juice is sent for sale.

Video - how apple juice is produced

Juice is a liquid food product obtained by pressing edible ripe fruits of vegetable or fruit crops. It is popular almost all over the world. The most common juices are squeezed from edible fruits of benign, ripe fruits and vegetables, but there are those obtained from the stems, roots, leaves of various edible herbs (for example, from celery stalks, from sugar cane stalks).

According to the legislation (TR CU 023/2011 Technical regulations for juice products from fruits and vegetables), juice should be understood as “a liquid food product that is unfermented, capable of fermentation, obtained from the edible parts of benign, ripe, fresh or preserved fresh or dried fruits and (or) vegetables by physical impact on these edible parts and in which, in accordance with the peculiarities of the method of its preparation, the characteristic features of juice from the same fruits and (or) vegetables are preserved nutritional value, physicochemical and organoleptic properties."

Types of juices

Juice products also include nectars, fruit drinks and juice drinks. All these products differ in composition and taste.

  1. Derived directly from fruits or vegetables- straight or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Refurbished- prepared from concentrate and drinking water. It cannot contain preservatives, dyes, flavors or sweeteners.
  3. Nectar- a liquid food product prepared from concentrated juice (puree), drinking water with or without the addition of natural flavor-forming substances of the same name. In this case, the share of juice (puree) should be at least 20-50% of the total volume, depending on the type of fruit or vegetable. In addition to water, nectar may contain sugar, natural acidulants (for example, citric acid), antioxidants (ascorbic acid), fruit and vegetable pulp, citrus fruit cells. Preservatives, flavorings and sweeteners cannot be added to nectar. As a rule, nectars are made from those fruits or vegetables whose concentrate cannot be used for making juice because the taste is too sweet or sour (for example, cherries, currants, pomegranate) or because of the thick consistency (for example, bananas, peaches).
  4. Juice drink- a liquid food product made by mixing juices and/or purees, concentrate and drinking water, provided that the proportion of puree is at least 10% (if a juice drink is made from lemon or lime juice, then the proportion of concentrate must be at least 5%) . The range of juice drinks includes the largest number of drinks made from traditional and exotic fruits: blackberries, raspberries, cactus, lime, etc.
  5. Morse- liquid food product - a traditional Russian national drink. Industrial fruit juice is usually made from a mixture of berries (berry puree), drinking water, sugar (or honey), provided that the minimum proportion of juice is at least 15% of the total volume. Instead of water in fruit drinks, it is permissible to use an aqueous extract of the marc of the berries that were used for production. However, it should be taken into account that industrial fruit juice differs in production method and quality from homemade fruit juice made in the traditional way.

The most popular fruits and vegetables


  • Apricot is a product (drink) obtained by squeezing liquid from fresh apricots. Contains provitamin A (carotene), necessary for normal growth and development of the body.
  • Orange is a popular breakfast drink made by squeezing the liquid from fresh oranges. Rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), has antiscorbutic properties. Also the term "orange juice" is used in conversation and commerce when referring to "orange produced from concentrate." To distinguish fresh orange juice from concentrate, Canada, Israel and America use the “not from concentrate” label. In the US, all juices sold on the market are pasteurized.
  • Grape drink is a popular drink made by squeezing liquid from fresh grapes. Preserves the healing properties of grapes, contains large number sugar, vitamins and mineral salts, is recommended as a valuable dietary product.
  • Pomegranate is a popular drink made by squeezing the liquid from fresh pomegranate fruit (granatine). Pomegranate fruits are rich in sugars, tannins, vitamin C, contain fiber, minerals and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium. It is possible to squeeze up to 60% juice with a high anthocyanin content from the fruits. The juice of cultivated varieties of pomegranate contains from 8 to 20% sugar (glucose and fructose), up to 10% citric, malic, oxalic and other organic acids, phytoncides, nitrogenous substances, tannin, sulphates, chlorides and other salts. The pericarp, roots and bark contain up to 32% tannins. Pomegranate juice is useful for anemia, a decoction of the peel and membranous partitions is useful for burns and indigestion. The seed pulp is reddish and is used in desserts and salads, as well as for making soft drinks.
  • Plum - obtained by squeezing liquid from fresh plums, it quenches thirst well, improves digestion, and has a laxative effect.
  • Apple - obtained by squeezing liquid from fresh apples. Rich in sugar, pectin and mineral salts. Useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dysentery, helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Carrot - obtained by squeezing liquid from carrots. The main source of carotene. In addition, it contains calcium, phosphorus and iron salts necessary for the functioning of the body. In terms of calorie content and digestibility (availability to the body), carrot juice is superior to other vegetable juices. Its use is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Tomato - obtained by squeezing liquid from ripe tomatoes. Contains almost all the vitamins that are found in plant foods, mainly ascorbic acid and vitamin A. In addition, a large amount of mineral salts, carbohydrates and organic acids. Thanks to the harmonious proportion of their concentrations, tomato juice has a pleasant refreshing taste and quenches thirst well.
  • Pumpkin. Most often it is used in baby food.

Directly pressed juice production

Directly pressed juices (or natural freshly pressed industrial juices) are produced directly from fruits or vegetables during the harvest period. The harvesting and processing season lasts, depending on the type of fruit and geographic region, from 20 days or more. For example, the apple harvest season for making apple juice in European countries, including Russia, falls on July-November, Chile - May-September, China - August-December, South Africa - February-May. The oranges from which the world's most popular natural orange directly pressed (international designation "NfC" - "Not from Concentrate" are obtained) are harvested in Brazil in January-March and then after a month's break in May-December. Argentina - in May-December, in Cuba - in January-June, in the USA (Florida) - in January-August, then in November-December, in Spain - in January-May, then in December, in Israel - in January-December June, then December.

Collected fresh fruits or vegetables are delivered to a processing plant, the main task of which is to preserve the quality of the juice and, first of all, all the beneficial properties of the raw materials. To process raw materials, various technologies are used, which usually consist of several processes - receiving, washing and inspection of fresh fruits (vegetables), grinding raw materials, actually obtaining juice mechanically (for example, using presses of various designs), single heat treatment - pasteurization, bottling into sterile consumer containers. For bottling directly pressed juices, glass containers are most widely used, which is the best packaging material that preserves quality, beneficial properties and ensures the safety of products for a long time. Product quality and safety control is carried out throughout the entire chain - from growing fruits (vegetables) to the finished product.

In the case of high yields, the processing plant may not pack all directly pressed juice directly into consumer containers during the season, but place it for storage in sterile large-volume containers (from 10,000 liters or more). Storage is carried out at low temperatures (not higher than 10 °C) in a nitrogen atmosphere. Under such conditions, the drink does not lose quality and retains all its beneficial properties for several months (even before the start of the next harvest season). According to another technology, directly pressed juice obtained from fresh fruits (vegetables) during the harvest season is stored at low temperatures (not higher than −20 °C) frozen. In this state, it can be supplied, for example, to another enterprise located in a different region, which will fill it into consumer containers after defrosting it using a special technology. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can often find on sale, for example, apple, pomegranate or other juice from subtropical fruits, made in January-March or packaged in consumer packaging outside the region where this raw material is grown.

Depending on the type of fruit (vegetable), direct pressing technologies may differ in detail, but the main unifying feature of these technologies is the use of a minimum amount industrial processes, which allows, unlike reconstituted juices, to completely preserve the beneficial properties of fruits (vegetables) in the final product - directly pressed juice. For example, direct pressing technologies do not use operations typical for reconstituted juices, such as concentration (obtaining concentrated juices, which is accompanied by the separation of natural water, flavor-forming substances and changes in the physicochemical composition), stabilization, clarification, restoration by adding drinking water and aroma-forming substances. Directly pressed juices are pasteurized only once, while reconstituted juices are subjected to repeated heat treatment during their production process (several times during the production of concentrated raw materials, then again during reconstitution). It should be mentioned that a separate assortment group of directly pressed juices - chilled - is not pasteurized at all or is pasteurized once per so-called. “mild” conditions, then cooled and delivered to the retail chain in a cooled state. Such products must be stored in undamaged original packaging at low temperatures. The shelf life of chilled directly pressed juices, as a rule, does not exceed one month.

Production of concentrated juice

Concentrated juice is a product produced during the harvest period in regions of agricultural production of fruits and vegetables in specialized factories. To make it, fruits, including berries, or vegetables are used. First, they are cleaned, crushed, and then sent under the press. After this, the resulting juice is sent to a storage tank. From the storage tank, the liquid is sent for concentration, that is, under the influence of heat under conditions of reduced pressure, water evaporates from it as a result of boiling. Compared to the original juice, the concentrated juice has a thick, viscous consistency.

At all stages of production: from the supply of fruits or vegetables to the bottling of finished concentrated juice, the factory laboratory monitors the quality and safety of the product. For preservation, it is brought to a temperature of 87-92 °C and held for 35-40 seconds to prevent microbiological spoilage. After this, the juice is either left unclarified (cloudy) or clarified in a special installation with ultrafiltration, after passing through which it becomes transparent. In parallel with the heat treatment during concentration, the collection of aroma-forming substances is carried out, which evaporate when heated. After this, the resulting concentrated juice is pumped into tanks for storage. To obtain mixed products, specialists blend (mix) concentrated juices made from fruits or vegetables of various types, varieties and harvests. The mixtures are then poured into aseptic containers for transportation.

Production of reconstituted juice

Stage 1. Examination. Concentrates and purees are delivered to the plant either in barrels with aseptic food bags inserted into them, or in stainless steel containers. Testing concentrated juice consists of two stages. At the first stage, it is checked immediately after it arrives at the plant. The check includes: verification of accompanying documents, during which specialists determine whether the drink corresponds regulatory documents; checking microbiological parameters; checking organoleptic indicators (taste, color, smell); checking physical and chemical parameters (pH, titratable acidity, dry matter content, pulp content). If the first stage of verification shows that all indicators are normal, then a decision is made to use this concentrated juice in production. After this, the concentrated juice is sent for storage, which takes place in special conditions to save all settings. The second stage of testing is carried out immediately before preparing the product. It is re-checked for compliance of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators with the declared standard. If any deviation is detected at any stage of verification, the concentrated juice is rejected and not used in production.

Stage 2. Return of water. To produce reconstituted juice, it is necessary to return the entire volume of water that was removed from it during the concentration process into concentrated juice. For this purpose, drinking water is used, which does not affect the taste, smell and color. To do this, water undergoes multi-stage purification: mechanical defoliation, purification from organic impurities, treatment with bactericidal ultraviolet lamps and flash purification. To return the water, the concentrate is sent to blending tanks (special closed stainless steel containers). They mix concentrated juice and drinking water. This process occurs in closed, opaque containers without access to light and with a minimum amount of oxygen. At the same time, natural flavor-forming substances removed during concentration are returned to the concentrated juice. It should be noted that the return of flavor-forming substances is not mandatory.

Stage 3. Sampling. When mixing concentrated juice, drinking water and flavor-forming substances, plant laboratory employees take a sample and check the quality of the prepared product (taste, color, smell, consistency, titratable acidity, dry matter content, pH). The check takes 10-15 minutes. Until a laboratory conclusion is received that the product meets quality standards, the juice will not be released for bottling. If all parameters are normal, then it is sent for heat treatment.

Stage 4. Pasteurization. The task of heat treatment (pasteurization) is to ensure the microbiological safety of the product and its preservation throughout its shelf life. During pasteurization, the product is heated to 90-97 °C and held for 30 seconds. After this, cool very quickly to 25 °C. Such temperature regime allows you to destroy all harmful microorganisms and at the same time preserve taste, aroma, and vitamins.

Stage 5. Bagging. The pasteurized reconstituted juice is fed into a packaging machine, where it is poured into bags, which are sterilized and molded directly inside the machine. Thus, thanks to completely closed production and aseptic processing, the reconstituted juice is completely protected from unwanted external influences. At this stage, experts check the quality of the packaging, the quality of the formation of the package and its tightness, and check the completeness of filling. After this, the bag is marked with indelible ink (production date and expiration date), and a straw or cap is glued on. Then the packages are packed in, singeed in, folded in and sent to warehouse storage. Now the manufacturer has the opportunity to choose different types of packaging. Juice products are packaged in aseptic bags and in glass bottles (jars). The main task of packaging is to preserve the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables, and of course to ensure high quality and safety of the product for the consumer. There are differences in the method of bottling juice products in different types of packaging. Products are poured into glass bottles (jars) hot and can be sterilized after filling. When bottling into aseptic bags, the products are pre-pasteurized cold. Packaging bags are also pasteurized.

Production of clarified juice

To obtain clear juice, a method of clarification is used - removing fine particles and improving presentation. Among other benefits, clarified fruit juice quenches thirst better. Depending on specific technological conditions, as a rule, use physical (straining, settling and separation or division), biochemical (enzyme treatment) and physicochemical (treatment with bentonite, organic or, less commonly, synthetic flocculants, for example, polyethylene oxide and polyacrylamide; instant heating and others) methods of clarification .

Setting up a manufacturing business in the food industry can be difficult as there are many complex challenges involved in the process. But if you approach the matter with all responsibility, without missing a single detail, you can set up a highly profitable enterprise that will as soon as possible will cover all costs. But a novice entrepreneur should choose to release a product that is in high demand. And here we include the production of juices and juice-containing drinks. And in order not to make huge investments at first, you can buy equipment for the production of medium-capacity juices by organizing a mini-workshop. Juices and nectars based on fruits and vegetables are in constant high demand among consumers, and especially in the summer when it is hot outside. The variability of technology, raw materials and assortment will allow an entrepreneur to organize a business in this niche, taking into account his financial capabilities and skills.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from RUB 3,500,000.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 8/10.

The production of natural juices in Russia, due to the demand for products, is a highly competitive niche. There are many manufacturers on the market, large and small, supplying their products to store shelves. But you hardly need to be afraid of high competition, since even by selling fruit and vegetable juices only on the regional market, you can make a good profit. Business in the production of fruit juices is quite possible even for novice entrepreneurs - the main thing is to take into account important nuances.

Registration of a future enterprise

The business plan must necessarily contain information about the organizational form in which the entrepreneur intends to register the future enterprise. There is no way without this, because we are talking about the food industry, which requires mandatory certification of products and compliance with all norms and sanitary standards.

Not a single large store will sell fruit juices from an entrepreneur who does not have any permission from the supervisory authorities.

After the juice production workshop is registered, in parallel with the search for premises and the purchase of equipment, you need to submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor, which will subsequently give the entrepreneur permission to conduct production activities.

Search for production premises

The premises where the production of juices from concentrates will be located in the future may be located even outside the city. And many entrepreneurs do this - they rent a workshop in the area of ​​the city that is closer to suppliers of raw materials, since in this case they can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components.

As practice shows, 100-180 m2 is enough to accommodate a small plant.

Industrial juice production must have not only a workshop with equipment installed here, but also 2 warehouses - for storing raw materials and for storing manufactured products. Also, do not forget about sanitary rooms for staff and office premises.

To obtain permission from supervisory authorities to conduct activities, the premises must be carefully prepared for work - light, water, sewerage must be installed here, and ventilation systems must be installed. And this will take away a significant part of the entrepreneur’s investment, if he does not immediately rent premises with good conditions labor.

Purchasing raw materials for juice production

The technological process of juice production involves the use of a variety of raw materials - everything will depend on the assortment that the entrepreneur plans for production.

Each of the names is produced on the basis of juice concentrate. And depending on its quantity in the finished product, all drinks are divided into:

  • natural juices (100% concentrate),
  • nectars (25-75% concentrate),
  • juice drinks (up to 10% concentrate).

The production of concentrated juice is the most expensive of all possible directions. But such products, due to their higher value on the market, will bring greater profit to the entrepreneur. Therefore, it is clearly not worth forming an assortment only from cheap juice drinks. Best option– develop a line of juices from 8-15 flavors, where most of the assortment is represented by nectars.

Juice concentrates are not produced in Russia. These raw materials are imported from Asia, Brazil and Turkey. It will be difficult for novice entrepreneurs to establish direct contacts with foreign suppliers, since it is not profitable for them to supply products in small quantities. This means that you will have to cooperate with intermediaries.

The production of reconstituted juice, in addition to the concentrate, will require a number of components:

  • water,
  • sugar,
  • food additives.

Juice can be sold in different containers - glass, plastic, cardboard. And it’s better to provide for supplies to the packaging company Tetra Pak. Juice packaged in this way will be stored longer and transported better.

Development of juice production technology

To work out the recipe and production scheme, you can either buy ready-made specifications or invite an experienced technologist to cooperate. And the second option is sometimes more profitable with financial point view, since ready-made documentation is quite expensive. And the specialist, taking into account the available equipment and the planned assortment, will select specific ingredients and a production scheme.

Technological diagram of apple juice production

Although the production scheme may vary depending on the specific type of product, the juice production technology as a whole can be described as follows:

  • Heating the juice concentrate to a boil.
  • Cool the concentrate to room temperature.
  • Adding purified water to the concentrate.
  • Adding various components (vitamins, flavors, preservatives) to the juice.
  • Bottling finished products.

And the production of directly pressed juice begins with obtaining the initial component - concentrate. This scheme is rarely used at domestic enterprises, since it is not always profitable due to the high cost of the process and the resulting product. But if you have such equipment, you can set up the production of not only natural juices, but also fruit purees within the walls of the workshop. By selling juices and purees, an entrepreneur will be able to earn more profit and enter new markets.

Technical equipment of the future workshop

Juice production line

A juice production line can be of different capacities, configurations and degrees of automation. And in order to obtain a high-quality product at the end, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of technological equipment, taking into account the planned range of products and available finances.

The production of apple juice uses the following names of machines and devices:

  • water treatment system,
  • containers for mixing components and storing the finished product,
  • pasteurizer,
  • homogenizer,
  • automatic machine for filling juice into cardboard containers,
  • washing equipment.

The line for the production of direct-pressed juices is practically no different from other technological complexes - it only adds a machine for producing natural juice from whole fruits and vegetables. And such equipment costs a lot - from 500,000 rubles.

European production lines are famous for their quality - they can operate continuously for a long time without failure.

For the entire cost technological line will be influenced primarily by its power. But even in the case of machines of low or medium power (0.5-1 t/h), the price of equipment for the production of juices will be quite high - starting from 2,500,000 rubles. And the only way to save money here is to purchase a supported line. But such transactions must be approached with great caution, since there is a high risk of buying a low-quality installation that will very soon fail.

Problems of selling finished products

It is not difficult to open a mini juice production; it will be much more difficult for an entrepreneur to look for wholesale buyers finished products. And everything is complicated by the high level of competition. Most likely, a novice businessman will have to offer his products to private stores, stalls and wholesale food warehouses. But about large networks You don’t even have to think about supermarkets at first - they prefer to cooperate with those manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the market. Besides, small production of tomato juice may not be able to meet the price that federal chains are asking for space on the shelves of their stores.

To overcome high competition, you need not only to make your product excellent in quality, but also to somehow distinguish it from other similar products. And here certain funds will have to be invested in marketing:

  • promotions,
  • advertising (at least in local media),
  • POS materials for highlighting on the shelves of retail outlets.

Profitability of the planned enterprise

Equipment for squeezing juice and bottling it into containers will begin to pay for itself as soon as all manufactured products are shipped to customers. And as practice shows, this moment can come quite quickly. And this even taking into account the fact that investments in business are considerable:

  • Registration of an enterprise - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Development of recipes and development of technology - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and its commissioning – from RUB 2,500,000.
  • Purchase of raw materials – from 500,000 rubles.
  • Preparation of the workshop for work - from 300,000 rubles.

And it will be even more expensive to introduce direct pressing into the work of the workshop. Therefore, experts advise leaving this idea until the workshop reaches the break-even point.

If the juice bottling equipment produces at least 0.5 t/h of finished product, you can sell up to 90 tons of finished product per month. As for the prices of nectars, it all depends on its specific type and pricing policy in the region. On average in Russia, juice is sold at a wholesale price of 20-50 rubles/l. It turns out that by selling all the products received, even at the minimum price, you can receive monthly revenue in the amount of ≈2,000,000 rubles. And for calculations net profit you will need to know the size variable costs, which will be spent on releasing new batches of juices every month.

Equipment and technologies

Juice production is one of the fastest growing branches of the fruit and vegetable industry both in our country and abroad. Not only the number of juices produced is increasing, but also their range.

The Soviet Union occupies one of the leading places in terms of production volume and range of juices. Along with clarified transparent juices, which have an attractive appearance, but do not contain many nutrients and biologically active substances removed during clarification, they are produced in wide range juices containing the pulp of fruits or berries - juices with pulp, or nectars. In these juices, basically all the components of the raw materials used are preserved, with the exception of indigestible waste, which is why they are also called liquid fruits. An intermediate position between these two groups is occupied by unclarified juices, from which the pulp has been removed, but some colloidal substances of the raw material are left. In appearance they are cloudy and opalescent.

In recent years, the production of drinks based on natural juices, both clarified and unclarified, and various purees has also developed. The need for their production was caused, on the one hand, by the growing consumer desire to consume natural products, especially juices, on the other hand, juices are highly extractive, which makes them difficult to use as thirst quenchers.

Unlike foreign drinks, which sometimes contain no more than 10% fruit base, domestic soft drinks contain at least 40% of it, which determines their sufficient nutritional and biological value.

Technological process for the production of clarified fruit and berry juices

These juices are produced from fresh or frozen fruits and berries, as well as from appropriately prepared semi-finished products.

Despite the wide variety of juices, their production consists of a number of identical operations, namely: storing raw materials, sorting, calibrating, cleaning, washing and other processes for preparing raw materials, obtaining juices, packaging products in jars, capping and sterilization (pasteurization) cans of juice (Fig. 64). Methods and parameters for carrying out these operations are different for specific types fruits and berries and juices produced from them.

Delivery, storage, washing of raw materials. For processing, fruits and berries of certain varieties with a maximum permissible mass fraction of dry substances in raw materials are recommended, since control over this indicator is necessary to ensure the production of high-quality products.

Pome and stone fruits are delivered to the enterprise and stored in wooden boxes with a capacity of no more than 16 kg, berries - in sieves with a capacity of 4-6 kg, blueberries - in boxes or baskets with a capacity of 10-15 kg, lingonberries, cranberries, red

Currants, viburnum, rowan, rhubarb, sea buckthorn - in boxes or baskets with a capacity of 10-15 kg or barrels with a capacity of no more than 50 dm 3. Transportation of pome fruits in containers is allowed.

Rice. 64. Technological scheme for the production of clarified apple juice:
1 - shaking strainer; 2- gooseneck elevator; 3 - fan washing machine; 4 - roller conveyor; 5 - shower nozzles; 6 - crusher; 7 - conical tank; 8 - hydraulic three-frame pack press; 9 - correction tank; 10 - collection; 11 - precoat filter; 12 - plate pasteurizer; 13 - line for preparing, filling and capping bottles with juice; 14 - light screen; 15 - kieselguhr filter; 16 - tubular pasteurizer-cooler.

Typically, raw materials are stored at raw material sites before processing.

Table 24.
Shelf life of raw materials before processing into fruit and berry juices

Raw materials Storage
on raw materials
plant, h
in the refrigerator
Raw materials Storage
on raw materials
plant, h
in the refrigerator
Raspberries, strawberries
black currant
Red currant
Cranberries, lingonberries,

5 days



Viburnum, cherry
Pomegranates, rose hips
Apples and pears years
Apples and pears in autumn
Barberry non-winter varieties
4 days
5 days

7 days



When processing, it is necessary to observe the order of receipt of raw materials and take into account its quality.

Raw materials are inspected for quality on tables or conveyor belts, and then sent to washing, which is carried out to remove mechanical impurities, microorganisms and pesticides from the surface of fruits and berries.

Wash with clean running water that meets the requirements for drinking water, berries are rinsed in the shower, stone fruits and pomegranates are rinsed in a KUM-1 type washing machine, pome fruits are rinsed in two machines installed in series (drum and unified). Then, affected and unripe fruits and berries and foreign impurities are removed on a sorting and inspection conveyor. The sepals are removed from rose hips. Pomegranate peels are peeled using pomegranate peeling machines. In purified grains, impurities in the form of scraps of skin and films of no more than 10% are allowed. Peeled pomegranate seeds are sent for pressing without preliminary crushing.

Crushing. To facilitate the release of juice, fruits and berries are crushed. When crushing, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the number of crushed pulp cells is at least 75%.

Apples, pears and quinces are crushed into particles 2-6 mm in size using universal knife or grater-knife crushers. Stone fruits (cherries, cherries, plums) are crushed on roller crushers so that the stones remain intact. The amount of crushed seeds should not exceed 15% of the mass of the pulp. During rolling, the plums should only be flattened, but not lose their integrity.

Rose hips are crushed into particles 1-2 mm in size, berries are crushed into large particles, ripe raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blueberries are not crushed, lemongrass is crushed into large particles, preventing the seeds from being crushed.

Processing the pulp before pressing. Increased juice yield, easier and faster pressing can be achieved in various ways. Thus, fruit pulp with a high pectin content is treated with non-political enzymes. The drug is added in the form of a suspension in an amount of 0.01-0.03% by weight of the pulp, left for 1-2 hours. Heating the pulp to 40-45°C accelerates the effect of the drug.

Another way to prepare the pulp for juice extraction is to heat it, which ensures coagulation of protein substances, increasing the permeability of cell tissue, inactivating enzymes, and facilitating the transition of coloring substances from the skin to the juice. Heat the pulp or whole fruits and berries: sea buckthorn to 30-35 °C, plum to 70-72, wild rose hips to 55-70 °C. When heated, 10-15% water is added to these fruits and berries, and 40% to rose hips.

It is allowed to treat crushed or whole fruits and berries with electric current to destroy protoplasmic membranes and increase cellular permeability. For this purpose, electroplasmolyzers such as A9-KED or plasmolysis 2M are used.

Pressing. To obtain juice, the pulp of fruits and berries is pressed using presses of various systems: hydraulic, screw or pneumatic. Peeled pomegranate grains are pressed on a continuous press HPND-5 or a pack press. For other fruits and berries, it is recommended to use hydraulic bag presses of various types (2P-41, ROK-200, MS-437) or stackers (VSSSH-10, RZ-VSR-10, JIJI-33). On basket and pack presses, juice is extracted with a gradual increase in pressure. You cannot immediately apply strong pressure, as this will clog the channels in the pulp for the movement of juice and reduce its yield.

When pressing apples of summer varieties, the thickness of the bag when filling should not be more than 4 cm. To facilitate pressing the pulp of apples of these varieties, it is recommended to add 4-5% rice or oat straw to it.

Pressing pomegranate seeds on pack presses is carried out according to the same regimes as for apples. When pressing them on screw presses, the outlet pressure is regulated in such a way as to prevent grinding of the seeds. The juice of the 1st and 2nd fractions is sent for the production of pasteurized pomegranate juice, the pressed 3rd fraction is sent for the production of pomegranate extract-seasoning “Narsharab”.

The pomace remaining after pressing fruits and berries is recommended to be used to obtain fermented juices, raw alcohol, vinegar, dry pectin or liquid pectin extracts.

Purification of juice to remove large suspended matter is carried out on a coarse impurity purifier type KS-12 or on a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.75 mm.

Clarification is used to remove fine suspended matter and colloidal substances to obtain a transparent product.

Thus, to break down pectin substances, which have a protective effect that prevents the sedimentation of suspended matter, pectolytic enzyme preparations are used. When processing apple, plum, blackcurrant and other juices rich in pectin substances, the drug is added to the juice in the form of a suspension in an amount of 0.01-0.03% by weight of the juice and kept for 2-3 hours at 18-20 ° C or 1 hour at 40-45 °C. For this purpose, fermenters or a closed, thermally insulated collection with a stirrer are used.

Gelatin can be added to pectolytic enzyme preparations. In this case, the breakdown and precipitation of pectin substances occurs due to the neutralization of negatively charged particles of pectin substances by positively charged particles of gelatin. A suspension of pectolytic enzyme preparation is added to the juice, kept for 25-30 minutes, then 0.005 to 0.02% gelatin is added in the form of a 1% solution, mixed thoroughly and kept for 2 hours. The optimal temperature for processing the juice is 18-20 ° C.

For apple, cherry, lemon and other juices, instant heating to 80-90 ° C and holding at this temperature for 1 minute, rapid cooling to 35-40 ° C, then separation are also recommended.

Heating is often combined with other methods of clarification, which increases the coagulation of protein substances, disrupts the stability of the colloidal system and precipitates colloids.

The process is carried out on plate pasteurizers-coolers or in tubular three-section heaters. To clean juices from suspensions, separators of the VSM, G9-KOV or VSS types are used.

Then the juice is filtered using chamber or asbestos filters through T-grade filter cardboard or AK-3 asbestos mesh. This operation is necessary to obtain a visually transparent product by removing turbid substances from the juice: small scraps of tissue, coagulated colloids. After filtering, the juice should be crystal clear.

When filtering, it is necessary to continuously monitor the transparency of the juice flowing from the apparatus. When turbidity appears, the juice is returned back to the filter. If after 20-30 minutes of filtering the juice does not become clear, you must stop filtering and recharge the filter. Typically recharging is carried out 2-4 times per shift.

With the performance slot, the filter can be recharged on the go without stopping the filter by changing the direction of juice flow. To do this, the filter is first disconnected from the line and then reattached so that unfiltered juice passes over the plates on the side where the filtrate previously flowed. The cloudy juice, falling on the clean side of the plate, is filtered and washes off the sediment from the filter plate.

The first portions of juice containing turbidity are collected separately and, after settling, decanted and filtered again.

When clear juice begins to come out of the filter, a switch is made and the juice is sent to subsequent technological operations.

Technological process for the production of unclarified juices

These juices are made from apples, quince, strawberries, gooseberries, viburnum, raspberries, rhubarb, plums, black and red currants, blueberries, dogwoods, cherry plums, tkemali, sea buckthorn, sloe, barberries, pomegranates, rose hips, blueberries, and rowan.

The technological process after preparing the raw material, crushing it, pressing and filtering is as follows. The strained juice is heated in a tubular heater to a temperature of 85-90 °C (pomegranate juice - up to 70-80 °C). Heating is carried out for 20 s. After this, the juice is quickly cooled to a temperature of 30-35 ° C and sent for separation.

The separation mode is selected in such a way that the content of suspended matter in the finished juice is no more than 0.3%. If there is significant turbidity, the juice after separation can be filtered.

Before packaging, prepared juices are subjected to deaeration at a temperature not exceeding 35 °C and a residual pressure of 5-8 kPa. After deaeration, the juice is heated to 75-78 °C and fared.

Pasteurization of juices in jars with a type I whisk and in bottles using basket autoclaves is carried out at a temperature of 85°±1°C for 10-20 minutes.

Hot filling without subsequent pasteurization or sterilization of juice in containers can be used when packaging in containers with a capacity of 2000 cm3 or more. In this case, the juice is heated to 95-97 ° C and immediately poured into hot prepared jars. Jars with hot juice are kept for 15-20 minutes, after which, to reduce the long-term effect of heat on the juice, artificial cooling is carried out by blowing cold air or spraying with water at a gradually decreasing temperature.

Hot filling of juice into bottles with a capacity of 500 cm 3 is allowed on mechanized flow lines with automatic temperature control with mandatory compliance with increased sanitary requirements.

Natural apple juice and with sugar can be pasteurized in a continuous operation apparatus A2-KPO.

The norms of waste and losses during the production of juices depend on the type of raw materials processed and are established by the current regulatory and technical documentation.

Technological process for the production of juices with pulp

These juices are produced natural, with sugar and blended from the same types of raw materials as unclarified ones, as well as from apricots and peaches (Fig. 65).

Delivery, acceptance, storage of raw materials and their pre-processing, including grinding, are carried out in the same way as for the described juices.

Crushed or whole fruits and berries are heated in screw heaters or digesters to soften the pulp. Cherries, dogwoods, plums are heated to 85-90 °C, peaches and apricots - to 70-75 °C. Where stone fruits have been heated prior to pitting, secondary heating is not required.

The crushed mass of quince and apples is heated to 90-95 °C, berries - to 70-75 °C. Rose hips are not heated.

Heating can be carried out with dead or hot steam. When heated with deep steam, it is allowed to add up to 15% water to the fruit mass.

When using filter centrifuges, the crushed mass is heated at the moment of crushing the fruit at a temperature of 90-95 o C for 16-30 s, for which live steam is supplied to the crusher and the hollow shaft of the screw feeder installed under the crusher.

Juice extraction should be carried out immediately after preparing the fruit. It must be taken into account that proper juice quality can only be ensured if the processes of crushing, heating and extracting juice are carried out continuously.

Depending on the type of juice (natural or with sugar), different equipment is used to obtain it.

Natural juices are obtained using continuously operating filter centrifuges NVSh-350, FGSh-401K or extractors of the 2P8-1M type.

Natural juices from apples and quinces can also be obtained by rubbing the heated mass on a double rubbing machine and then diluting the strained mass with unclarified pressed juice from the same raw materials.

Rice. 65. Technological scheme for the production of juices with pulp:
1 - machine for removing cherry stalks; 2 - fan washing machine; 3 - sorting conveyor; 4 - elevator; 5 - hammer crusher; 6 - screw heater; 7 - first wiping machine; 8 - second wiping machine; 9 - product pump; 10 - syrup boiler; 11 - collections; 12 - centrifuge; 13 - homogenizer; 14 - tubular heater; 15 - vacuum pump; 16 - deaerator.

When obtaining juice in filter centrifuges, the rotors must be equipped with sieves with round holes with a diameter of 0.06-0.10 mm (for plums, apples, cherries) or slot-shaped ones with holes of 0.1X2 mm (for quince, cherries and apples).

The juice obtained from the centrifuge is passed through a finisher with sieves having holes with a diameter of 0.4 mm. The finisher operating mode is set in such a way that the amount of pulp in the juice does not exceed the standard value. To prevent aeration of the juice, live steam is supplied to the finisher to create a steam curtain.

When using extractors, sieves with a diameter of 0.8 mm are installed, and the hot crushed mass is passed through them.
When using double grinding machines, the hot crushed mass of apples and quinces is first passed through a machine with sieves having holes with a diameter of 2-1.5 mm, then through sieves with holes with a diameter of 0.5-0.4 mm.

Natural juice with pulp from rose hips for the production of blended juices is obtained only in continuous filter centrifuges, while water in the amount of 50% of the rose hip pulp is first supplied to the crusher. Then the crushed pulp with water is fed into a centrifuge by a screw feeder to extract the juice. Sieves with slot-like holes measuring 0.1X2 mm are installed in the centrifuge rotor.

When processing light-colored fruits, ascorbic acid is added in the form of a 5-10% solution to avoid darkening of the juice. A solution of ascorbic acid is added to the fruit when crushing or to the juice immediately after it is extracted. When producing natural juices using filter centrifuges, the ascorbic acid solution must be added to the crusher simultaneously with the fruits.

Add 0.04% to apples and quinces, and 0.03% ascorbic acid to plums, peaches and apricots.

To juices from dark-colored plums, gooseberries, strawberries to improve color, and to peach, apricot and apple juices to lower the pH value and improve taste, add 0.15-0.20% citric acid.

Blended juices are obtained by mixing various juices in accordance with the recipe. Sugar syrup is added to some juices to create a harmonious taste.

After mixing, the juice is homogenized. Homogenization of apple and cherry juices is carried out at a pressure of 15-17 MPa, other juices - at a pressure of 12-15 MPa.

Homogenized juice is subjected to deaeration at a temperature of 35-40°C and a residual pressure of 6-8 kPa. The duration of deaeration should not exceed 10 minutes. After deaeration, the juice is heated to a temperature of 70-80 °C and sent for packaging.

Packaged juice is sterilized, pasteurized in autoclaves or continuous pasteurizers at temperatures of 85-100 ° C, depending on the type of juice and the capacity of the container for a pH below 3.8. In case of a higher pH value, sterilize at a temperature of 110 °C.

According to organoleptic indicators, fruit and berry juices with pulp should have evenly distributed finely ground pulp. In this case, slight delamination and a small compacted sediment at the bottom of cans and bottles are allowed, and in cherry and plum juices - sedimentation of pulp. Foreign tastes and smells are not allowed. Depending on the name of the juice, the content of dry substances in them is normalized by the current standard from 8 to 18%, titratable acidity - 0.2-1.9%, for cherry juice - up to 2.4% based on malic acid.

Juices with pulp have great value in human nutrition due to the content of easily digestible carbohydrates, organic acids, pectin, polyphenolic and nitrogenous substances. Juices are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Among fruit juices, natural grape juice occupies a special place in the production of canned products and human nutrition. The technology for the production of grape juice differs from the production of other natural juices, therefore, separate regulatory and technical documentation has been developed for it.

Technological process of grape juice production

Natural grape juice is made from fresh grapes, freshly squeezed must or semi-finished juice.

It is allowed to send grapes of one ampelographic variety with a dry matter content of at least 16.2% for processing to obtain vintage juice. The highest grade is prepared from one or a mixture of grape varieties with a mass fraction of dry substances of at least 14.2%. It is not permitted to use hybrid grapes from direct producers for the production of grape juice.

Grapes are delivered for processing in box pallets with a layer of no more than 200 mm, boxes No. 1 and 5, as well as in boat containers with a layer of no more than 500 mm.

The wort is supplied in tanks made of non-corrosive materials, the semi-finished juice is supplied under aseptic conditions in railway or road tanks, as well as in glass jars with a capacity of 10 dm3, sealed with lids.
The shelf life of grapes from harvest to processing should not exceed 12 hours, the must from receipt to processing - 4 hours.

The grapes received by the enterprise are washed in fan washing machines of the KUV and A9-KMB-12 types. Processing of grapes without washing is allowed. In this case, container boats are washed with a stream of water after each voyage. Boxes and containers are washed with a stream of hot water at the end of each day. After washing, the grapes are inspected to remove foreign impurities, rotten and moldy bunches.

Grape processing is carried out on complete lines or on prefabricated lines with the installation of VGD type roller crushers, screw stackers and presses.

The wort fraction from the drain, as well as the 1st and 2nd fractions from the press, are sent to the juice. Wort purification involves straining, separating and standing in the cold.

Straining is carried out on coarse impurity separators KS-4 and KS-12, equipped with sieves with a diameter of 0.8 to 1.3 mm.
Separation is carried out on disc separators.

During cold processing, the wort is cooled to a temperature of 0-5 °C and sent to tanks installed in refrigerated rooms with a temperature of - 1 to - 3 °C. The duration of settling is 18-24 hours. At the end of settling, the wort is decanted and the clarified part is sent for storage under aseptic conditions or in refrigerated rooms. The remaining sediment is heated in tubular heat exchangers to a temperature of 96±2°C, cooled to a temperature of 40-45°C and treated with an enzyme preparation in an amount of 0.3 g/l. The duration of treatment of sediment with enzyme preparations should not exceed 4 hours.

Semi-finished juice can be prepared and stored in tanks with a capacity of 24-300 m 3 . In this case, an aseptic method is used for canning juices or storing them with sorbic acid.

If self-clarification of the juice material does not occur during storage of the semi-finished juice, then it is artificially clarified with enzyme preparations in combination with bentonite or gelatin.

The optimal temperature for the action of enzyme preparations is 40-50 °C.

The dose of the drug is determined by trial treatment in the laboratory. To do this, seven 500 ml cylinders are filled with juice. In six of them, an enzyme preparation is added in various doses depending on its activity. One cylinder is left for control. The drug is administered in the form of a suspension, which is prepared as follows. The required amount of the drug is weighed into a glass with a capacity of 50 ml with an accuracy of 1 mg, poured with a small amount of warm juice (35-40 ° C) from the appropriate cylinder, stirred thoroughly and left for 35-40 minutes. After this, the suspension is poured into a cylinder, the glass is rinsed with the same juice, the juice is mixed in the cylinder and left for 2 hours. When combined with gelatin, cylinders are placed in parallel with the addition of gelatin of varying concentrations.

After sedimentation of the resulting sediment, the dose of the enzyme preparation and gelatin is set according to the cylinder with the lowest dosage, where the best clarification occurred.

Based on the selected dose and volume of the semi-finished wort and sludge being processed, the required amount of the enzyme preparation is weighed out, poured with 3-4 times the amount of juice, kept for 35-40 minutes and added in small portions as the fermenter tank is filled with juice. The required amount of gelatin is added to the fermenter in the form of a pre-prepared solution. To control clarification, the processed juice with added preparations is poured into a cylinder. After about 2-3 hours, the product is decanted from the sediment and sent for further processing.

To obtain crystal clear grape juice, the juice processed in this way is filtered on filter presses through T-grade cardboard.

The main amount of grape juice produced by the enterprise undergoes some aging in tanks.

Juice aging aims to remove tartar.

Cream of tartar is an acidic potassium tartrate, having the formula, with a small admixture of calcium tartrate.

The solubility of tartar is characterized by the following data:

Temperature, o C
Solubility, %
Temperature, o C Solubility, %

Grapes contain up to 0.7% of it, so grape juice at a temperature of 20-25 ° C is a saturated, and in some cases a supersaturated solution. In this regard, the possibility of precipitation of tartar cannot be ruled out. Despite the fact that this does not reduce the nutritional value of the juice, the loss of cream of tartar leads to a deterioration in the presentation of the finished product. For this reason, measures are taken to remove excess cream of tartar. There are several ways to remove it.

One of the methods that is most widely used is long-term exposure of juice material in the cold. For some time, the juice self-clarifies, while the protective effect of colloids decreases and, in the presence of

Crystallization centers in the form of mechanical impurities in the juice form crystals of tartar, which begin to grow over time and precipitate. After storage, the cooled juice is filtered.

Rice. 66. Ultra cooler:
1 - pipe for juice; 2 - stirrer; 3 - ammonia shirt.

However, this method is very time consuming. Therefore, searches are underway and an accelerated technology for removing excess tartar has already been developed.

Freshly pressed wort is cleaned and cooled in brine-type plate or tubular heat exchangers to 4-5 °C, and then in ultracoolers (Fig. 66) to a temperature close to cryoscopic (0-1.5 °C). The wort is kept for 36-48 hours to remove tartar and clarify. The wort is then decanted and separated when cooled.

The separated wort is heated to 95±3 °C and cooled to 30-35 °C. Subsequently, the wort undergoes all operations of filtration, packaging, and sterilization.

Another way to prevent loss of tartar is to treat the juice with metatartaric acid.

Metatartaric acid is a mixture of several polymers, the main one of which is the one corresponding to the formula

This solid, very hygroscopic and easily soluble in water. In aqueous solutions, metatartaric acid gradually adds water and turns into tartaric acid.

Metatartaric acid does not change the taste or color of the juice and is completely harmless. It can be introduced into juice in the form of K, Na or Li salts with the same effect as free. Its stability in juice depends on storage temperature. At 20-23 °C it hydrolyzes within 3 months, after which loss of tartar may occur.

Treatment of juice with metatartaric acid involves the complete preparation of the juice material (cleaning, clarification, heating, cooling, separation and filtration) followed by the addition of metatartaric acid. The amount of metatartaric acid added to the juice should be 0.5-0.6 g/dm3. A concentrated solution of metatartaric acid (250-300 g/dm3) in clarified juice is first prepared, which is then added to the collection for mixing with the juice going for bottling. Mixing the juice with the solution is carried out for 5-6 minutes, after which the juice is transferred to subsequent operations - heating, packaging, capping, sterilization.

To prevent inactivation of the stabilizer due to hydrolysis, high temperatures during heating during pasteurization should be avoided. It is not allowed to hot pack juice treated with metatartaric acid. This juice is stored at a temperature of 10-20 ° C for 6 months, after which the cream of tartar may fall out.

Preventing the loss of cream of tartar can be done by adding soluble calcium salts of organic acids to the juice, resulting in the formation of sparingly soluble calcium tartrate. It precipitates quickly, since its solubility is 30 times less than that of cream of tartar. This process lasts about 10 days at a temperature of - 1 to - 2°C.

Grape juice, which has gone through all technological operations, is sent for packaging.

When packaging followed by pasteurization in autoclaves or continuous pasteurizers, the juice is heated to a temperature of 60-70 °C in plate or tubular heat exchangers.

Hot packing of juice into glass jars with a capacity of up to 3 dm 3 is allowed, which is produced on A2-KLP-75 lines or on automatic fillers ANSM. Packing is carried out at a juice temperature of 98±2°C, followed by holding the sealed cans for 15-20 minutes, cooling them with water at a gradually decreasing temperature or cold air to a temperature of 30-40°C.

Pasteurization of juices packaged in small containers is carried out at a temperature of 85-90 °C. The duration depends on the capacity of the container. After pasteurization, cans of juice undergo visual inspection in front of a light screen and are labeled.

The norms for product yield and consumption of grapes, must and semi-finished juice are given in table. 25.

According to organoleptic indicators, the finished grape juice should have a natural, well-defined taste and aroma, and in vintage juices they should be characteristic of the given ampelographic grape variety.

Table 25*
Standards for product yield and consumption of grapes, must and semi-finished juice
*in the production of grape juice

Production scheme When processing
grapes on
wort on
semi-finished product
to natural
semi-finished product
semi-finished product
Production of grape juice with cold purification of the must
exit, %
consumption, kg/t







Production of grape juice with purification of the must by centrifugation
exit, %
consumption, kg/t







All varieties of grape juice should be clear. In juice of the highest and first grades, slight opalescence and the presence of single crystals of tartar are allowed.

According to the refractometer, the mass fraction of dry substances in the juice should be: vintage and premium grade at least 16%, grade I at least 14%, acidity - 0.2-1%. The mass fraction of sediment in branded juice should be no more than 0.08%, premium - 0.1%, I - up to 0.4%.

Grape juice is a source of carbohydrates in human nutrition. 1 dm 3 of juice contains 160-220 g of mono- and disaccharides. Organic acids are represented mainly by tartaric acid. In addition to it, the juice contains small quantities of malic, citric, succinic, glycolic and other acids.

Of the microelements, grape juice contains potassium salts to a greater extent, and Na, Ca, Mg, and P to a lesser extent. The juice contains ascorbic acid in small quantities.

Some natural juices produced by industry have a sharp taste due to their high content of organic acids and high overall extract content. These are juices from cranberries, sea buckthorn, rowan, cherries, black currants and some other fruits and berries. Due to the low content of organic acids, juices from apricots, peaches, pears, plums, and summer apples do not have refreshing and thirst-quenching properties.

The technology developed in recent years provides for the production of a finished product that has the advantages characteristic of drinks.

Technological process of beverage production

In the USSR, these products include canned food, which mainly contains no more than 50% fruit, vegetable or fruit and vegetable parts. The rest comes from the added sugar syrup. For some drinks, the use of natural stabilizers, as well as citric, ascorbic acids and other additives, is allowed.

The dry matter content in the finished product is at least 11%, which corresponds to the recommendations of the USSR Ministry of Health and the theory developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on a balanced diet. The release of such drinks with reduced sugar content makes it possible to use them in the diet of various categories of the population. Their production technology basically corresponds to that adopted for the production of blended juices with sugar or pulp.

Puree or juice prepared according to the recipe is mixed in mixers with freshly prepared syrup. The mixture for drinks with pulp is homogenized at a pressure of 15-17 MPa in devices of various designs, followed by deaeration for 10 minutes at a temperature of 35-50 ° C and a residual pressure of 8-6 kPa in deaerators or vacuum heaters.

After deaeration, the mixture for the clarified drink is filtered, heated to 80 °C and sent for bottling.

The technological scheme for the production of fruit drinks is shown in Fig. 67.

The production of fruit drinks contributes to a more rational and economical use of material and labor resources canning factories.

Fruit drinks are also produced for dietary nutrition based on fruit purees with the addition of dairy products and sugar. In the production of fruit and milk drinks, freshly prepared fruit puree is used. Dairy products (skim milk, buttermilk, whey) are heated to a boil, filtered through a thick fabric filter and immediately sent for mixing with other components. Sugar syrup is added at a temperature of 90-95 °C.

The production of fruit-based drinks with the addition of mineral water has been mastered. These include the Sochi drink, made from natural or concentrated clarified apple juice and mineral water with added sugar.

Rice. 67. Technological scheme for the production of fruit drinks:
1 - sifter with a magnetic catcher; 2 - collection; 3 - pump; 4 - filter; 5 - six-wheel pump for viscous products; 6 - homogenizer; 7 - vacuum heater; 8 - filter press: 9 - filler; 10 - automatic capping machine; 11 - autoclave; 12 - container tipper; 13 - calibrator; 14 - washing machine; 15 - conveyor; 16 - steam-thermal apparatus; 17 - inspection belt conveyor; 18 - conveyor-elevator; 19 - crusher: 20 - dehyster.

Technological process for the production of concentrated fruit juices

In the USSR, concentrated fruit juices are mainly produced from apples, grapes and citrus fruits (tangerines).

In the production of concentrated apple juice (Fig. 68), natural juice is obtained, it is purified from suspensions in centrifuges and sent to an installation for capturing aromatic substances. Sometimes freshly squeezed juice is instantly heated to 92-96 °C and cooled to 40 °C to coagulate colloids.

In the installation for capturing aromatic substances, 10-15% of the water evaporates. The amount of aromatic substances sampled and the reflux flow in the column are controlled using rotameters so that the concentration of aromatic substances leaving the installation is 1:150 or 1:200. The concentration of aromatic substances is set in accordance with their yield relative to the volume of juice taken. For example, if 10 m 3 of juice is passed through the installation and 50 dm 3 of aromatic substances are obtained, then the concentration of the latter will be equal to 50:10,000 = 1:200. The density of aromatic substances is periodically monitored using a hydrometer. It should be in the range of 0.97-0.99 g/cm3.

De-flavored, partially concentrated juice is cooled to a temperature of 42-45 ° C and sent for clarification. Juices are clarified in several ways: with enzyme prelarates, gelatin, bentonite, heating, settling and filtration.

The juice is treated in fermenters with purified pectolytic enzyme preparations, for example pectofoetidin P10X, approved for use by health authorities.

Vertical enameled or stainless steel collectors with a capacity of 4-6 m 3 can be used as fermenters, depending on the productivity of the line. Collectors must be equipped with mixers, level indicators and have pipes with taps for loading dearomatized juice, adding an enzyme preparation and draining sediment.

The dosage of the enzyme preparation is determined by the laboratory depending on the activity of the drug, but not higher than 0.03% of the mass of the processed juice.

When obtaining unclarified concentrated apple juice, treatment with enzyme preparations is necessary to partially depectinize and reduce the viscosity of the juice in order to facilitate its boiling and prevent gelation of the concentrate during production and storage. To do this, 0.005-0.01% of the enzyme preparation is added to the juice, kept for 2-3 hours, decanted and sent for filtration. To produce clarified concentrated juice, the dosage of the enzyme preparation is increased to 0.03%. In addition, the juice is additionally treated with a gelatin solution. The juice is mixed with clarifying agents in a tank with a stirrer for 5 minutes and kept at relative rest for 2-3 hours. The resulting large flakes precipitate. After this, the juice is decanted from the sediment, instantly heated to 75 ° C to stop the action of enzymes, cooled to 40 ° C and sent for filtration.

Rice. 68. Technological scheme for the production of concentrated juices:
1 - fan washing machine; 2 - belt conveyor; 3 - elevator; 4 - crusher; 5 - pack press; 6 - collection; 7 - pump; 8 - separator; 9 - tubular heater; 10 - nutrient tank; 11 - rotameter; 12 - evaporator; 13 - reflux condenser; 14 - refrigerator; 15 - distillation column; 16 - absorption column; 17 - low-temperature cooler; 18 - surface cooler; 19 - fermenters; 20 - filter press; 21 - vacuum pump; 22 - evaporation unit ASG-2000; 23 - filler; 24 - seaming machine.

Concentrated grape juice is only available clarified. To do this, various methods are used to clarify the semi-finished juice, as in the production of natural grape juice. Special requirements are imposed on the removal of tartar, since upon concentration its content exceeds the maximum concentration and it precipitates. To do this, freshly squeezed, purified juice is cooled first in plate or tubular coolers to 4-6 °C, and then in ultracoolers to a temperature close to cryoscopic, but not higher than -1.5 °C.

Cherry juice is processed by heating to 85-90 °C and rapid cooling to 35-40 °C. After heating, the juice is separated and sent for filtration.

Cranberry juice is processed in the same way as apple juice, but without gelatin.

Filtered juice is sent for concentration in continuous apparatus at a residual pressure of no more than 26.6 kPa.

Unclarified juice is concentrated to 55% of dry matter, clarified juice - to 70%, except for cranberry juice, which is concentrated to 55% of dry matter.

Concentrated juice with a solids content of 70% is packaged in prepared containers immediately after boiling at a temperature of 45-50 °C. Concentrated juice containing 55% solids is preserved with sorbic acid or sterilized to avoid bacterial spoilage.

When hot filling, the concentrated juice, immediately after boiling, is heated in a tubular pasteurizer to 85-86 ° C and poured into prepared hot jars.

When storing concentrated juice, some darkening of color is observed. The intensity of darkening increases at higher storage temperatures. The darkening of the juice is caused by a non-enzymatic process in which, as a result of the interaction of sugars, nitrogenous and tannin (polyphenolic) substances, and organic acids, dark-colored compounds are formed - melanoidins. Concentrated fruit juice is dominated by monosaccharides, which at low pH and high temperatures undergo chemical transformations resulting in the formation of dark-colored compounds and others, among which 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-OMF) predominates.

To prevent the darkening of such concentrates and the formation of 5-OMP, it is necessary to cool them after preparation and store them at the lowest possible temperature (not higher than 20 ° C).

The consumption rates of fresh raw materials for the production of 1 ton of concentrated juice are calculated based on the established amount of waste and losses. For example, when processing apples into clarified concentrated juice, waste and losses in the amount of 51% are accepted, including: losses during technological operations - 15%, waste - 36%.

In the production of grape juice, losses amount to 8% waste - 36-44%.

The rate of raw materials is calculated using the formula

Where X- rate of consumption of raw materials, kg; A- content of dry substances in concentrated juice, %; b- waste and losses during production, %; With- content of dry substances in raw materials, %.

The finished concentrated juice, intended for individual consumption through retail, is mixed with distilled aromatic substances before packaging. To do this, the juice is placed in a reactor or closed container with a stirrer and the appropriate amount (about 2%) of aromatic substances is added to it with continuous stirring. The temperature of the juice when adding aromatic substances should not be more than 40 °C.

Shipment of concentrated juices to the network catering and for industrial processing should be carried out together with aromatic substances in an amount of 2% by volume of juice separately from it. The labels indicate the amount of water required for dilution.

Tangerine concentrated juice is prepared from natural juice obtained by squeezing fresh tangerines on rollers or presses. The juice is passed through a grinding machine with holes in a sieve with a diameter of no more than 0.2 mm. After this, it is sent to an installation for removing aromatic substances (see Chapter 8). De-flavored juice is fed into plate or tubular heat exchangers, where it is heated to a temperature of 90 °C, kept for 1-3 minutes and quickly cooled to a temperature of 50-60 °C.

When concentrating juice, it is necessary to maintain pressure within the range of 14.6-26.6 kPa.

Tangerine juice is concentrated to a dry matter content of 45%. Concentrated tangerine juice is packaged in containers with a capacity of no more than 3000 cm3, sterilized at a temperature of 100 °C for 50 minutes.

The juice is packaged hot in large containers with the addition of 0.067o sorbic acid.

The concentrated juice is shipped to the consumer separately from the essential oil (1.2 kg of essential oil per 1 ton of juice).

The shelf life of juice in jars with a capacity of 3000 cm3 is 3 years, in large containers - 1 year.

Technological process for the production of fruit and berry extracts

Extracts are the same concentrated juices freed from pectin, in the production of which the use of sulfated materials is allowed. Therefore, during their manufacture, aromatic substances are not captured. Extracts are used to make soft drinks.

Technological operations for preparing raw materials for obtaining juice materials are similar to those for the production of natural juices. The use of frozen fruits and berries is allowed. Juice from them can be obtained by pressing after defrosting or by diffusion. Frozen berries (for example, lingonberries or cranberries) are defrosted in water heated to 30 °C. To do this, berries in baskets are immersed in water for 1 minute. The baskets are then removed and the water is allowed to drain. Several batches of berries are thawed in the same water until the dry matter content in the water exceeds 1%. This water is then drained and further used for diffusion. After defrosting, the berries are processed in a roller crusher with grooved rollers adjusted so that cracks form on the skin of the berries, but the berries themselves remain intact.

To obtain juice, defrosted berries are loaded into diffusers. For diffusion, water in which defrosting was carried out is used. Diffusers (5-10 pcs.) are connected in series to form a battery. The battery is started as follows. The prepared raw materials are loaded into the first diffuser, filled with water and kept for 40-60 minutes. Then the second diffuser is loaded with raw materials and the diffusion juice is pumped from the first diffuser to the second. Water is poured into the first again and the raw materials are kept in it again for 40-60 minutes. After this, the third diffuser is loaded with raw materials and the juice is pumped from the second diffuser to the third, and from the first to the second. The raw material in the first diffuser is again filled with water, and the entire cycle is repeated until all diffusers of the battery are filled. When the last (head) diffuser is filled with raw materials, juice from previous diffusers is pumped into subsequent ones and the first diffuser is filled with fresh water for the last time. At the end of the extraction, the finished juice is pumped out from the last (head) diffuser, and the extracted pulp from the first diffuser is unloaded and filled with fresh pulp. After putting the diffusion battery into operation, it is necessary to pump out juice from the head diffuser every 40-60 minutes according to the established schedule, depending on the diffusion cycle, pump juice from each previous one to the next one, unload the tail diffuser from extracting pulp and load it with fresh pulp. Sulfur dioxide is added to the resulting diffusion juice in an amount of 0.07% in order to prevent its fermentation and better clarification. Then the juice is heated and sent for clarification. When processing freshly squeezed juices, it is necessary to capture aromatic substances and return them to the prepared extract.

Juice clarification can be carried out with enzyme preparations and bentonite. Treatment with enzyme preparations is recommended for apple and other juices rich in pectin. Clarification should ensure complete destruction of pectin substances. The absence of pectin is determined by an alcohol test. To do this, add 5 ml of 96% alcohol to 5 ml of processed juice and heat to a boil. If there is no pectin, the sample after cooling should be transparent, without sediment.

It is recommended to clarify sulfated apple and pear juices with chemically pure calcium carbonate. The dose of CaCO 3 is established in the laboratory by trial clarification, but not more than 500 mg per 1 ton of juice. Lightening can be carried out at room temperature, but a temperature of 4-8 °C is more desirable. With this clarification, pectin binds with calcium carbonate and precipitates in the form of calcium pectate. Monitoring of pectin removal is carried out using an alcohol test. Treatment with bentonite is carried out in the same way as for natural juices. The clarified juice removed from the sediment is filtered on filter presses. The juice should be completely clear, without opalescence.

Boiling of juice is carried out in a vacuum apparatus of various types at a residual pressure of at least 12 kPa. Before boiling, the juice is heated to 87-92 °C. This is necessary to suppress the activity of microorganisms that cannot be destroyed at low boiling temperatures in vacuum devices.

In batch devices, juice is boiled using the continuous topping method. The readiness of the extract is determined by density. Due to the fact that when the extract is cooled, its density increases, the finished product should be unloaded from the vacuum apparatus at a density that is 0.011-0.017 less than the density of the product according to the approved regulatory and technical documentation.

Titratable acidity (calculated as malic) for most extracts is 5-7%, for grape extract - 1.8, sea buckthorn - 1.2, cranberry - 20%. According to commercial grade, extracts are produced in the highest and first grades. For the highest grade, the content of sulfurous acid and pectin in the extract is not allowed. In grade I, the allowed content of sulfur dioxide is no more than 0.05%, and pectin is no more than 0.35%.

When determining the norms for juice consumption to obtain an extract, losses and waste of juice in the amount of 7-9% are accepted. The boiled extracts are cooled to 20-25 °C and concentrates of aromatic substances are added to them.

Extracts packaged in small containers are sterilized at 100 °C for 15 minutes for containers with a capacity of up to 1000 cm3, 25 minutes for containers with a capacity of 1000-2000 X5M3.

Technological process for the production of syrups

Another product for which fruit and berry juices are used are syrups. For their production, high-quality natural pasteurized or aseptically preserved fruit and berry juices, as well as juices preserved with sorbic acid, are used.

Freshly squeezed or all unclarified juices are sent for mixing with sugar. Mixing is carried out in two-body steam boilers or vacuum devices. Honey is used together with sugar in the production of sea buckthorn-honey syrup. The recipe for this syrup is as follows: sea buckthorn juice 28%, sugar 42% and honey 30%. When using honey, it is carefully melted in two-body boilers at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C and filtered through a nylon sieve or gauze in four layers. Honey is added to the mixture after the sugar has dissolved in the juice.
Mixing the juice with sugar is carried out with heating and stirring. After the sugar has dissolved, the syrup is brought to a boil. In syrups intended for packaging in containers with a capacity of 3 dm3 or more, after bringing them to a boil, add 0.06% sorbic acid. Packaging of such syrups is carried out at a temperature of 90 °C. Sorbic acid is not added to sea buckthorn-honey and sea buckthorn syrup.

The moment the syrup is ready is determined by a refractometer or specific gravity. Taking into account the evaporation of water from the syrup during cooling, cooking should be stopped when the content of dry substances in the syrup reaches 1-2% lower than they should be in the finished syrup. Finished syrups must have a dry matter content of at least 68%, including sugar (calculated as invert) 62%. Depending on the type of raw material, the acidity of the syrup (calculated as apple) should be at least 0.3% for pear, apple, and blueberry; not less than 0.4% for plum, strawberry, raspberry, apricot, pomegranate; not less than 0.5% for cherry, sea buckthorn; not less than 0.6% for cherry plum, dogwood, rowan; not less than 0.7% for lingonberry, red and black currant; not less than 0.8% for lemon and not less than 1% for cranberry.

Syrups are packaged in tin and glass containers for retail sale with a capacity of up to 0.6 dm 3 and for industrial processing with a capacity of up to 10,000 cm 3.

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Federal Fisheries Agency

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

“Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University”

Department of Food Technology

Discipline Technology of food production in small enterprises


Apple juice production technology in small enterprises


Student gr. PI-41

Katyukov S. V.


Assistant of the Department of Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Misakovsky A.A.



1. Characteristics of raw materials

2. Development of process flow

3. Raw material demand (grocery supply)

4. Hardware

5. Computer modeling

6. Greening the technological process


List of used literature


Juice production is of great importance for the population and national economy of our country. The high content of minerals and vitamins in vegetable juices determines their high nutritional value. Fruit juices are produced unclarified and with pulp, from one type of fruit and mixed from two or more types of fruit. Canned food products can significantly reduce labor and time costs for preparing food at home, diversify the menu, provide year-round nutrition for the population, and also create current, seasonal and insurance stocks.

Currently, about 950 million liters of juice are produced in Russia per year (in 1999 - 500 million liters). Market growth is mainly due to domestic producers. If in 1998 imports accounted for 31% of all juices consumed in Russia, then in 2000 it was less than 5%. The average level of juice consumption per person per year in Russia is 4 liters, in Moscow - 21 liters. Juice consumption in the Central part of Russia will gradually approach Moscow indicators, because... In this region, a culture of consuming juices and caring about one’s health has already formed (in 2000-2001, the juice market in this region grew by 40%). In Siberia and the Far East, juices are still perceived only as fruit substitutes with pronounced seasonal consumption in the spring, but also this region may become promising in the future. Thus, the potential juice market in Russia is quite large.

New developments in the field of technology for canning, freezing and drying fruit and vegetable agricultural products, increasing demand for domestic products and a wide range between the potential and actual market make this branch of the food industry attractive to investors.

It should be especially noted that the production of canned food is a very convenient area for small businesses. Simple technology, low cost (no need for large capital investments or production space), ease of organizing production (minimal amount of technological equipment), technically uncomplicated production equipment(its production is possible in the simplest conditions) allows a large number of small business representatives to actively participate in this.

Coursework objectives:

1. Development of a technological line for the production of canned sterilized products using physical methods for processing raw materials

2. Carry out product calculations (determining the masses of raw materials, finished products, waste and losses technological scheme production)

3. Selection and calculation of technological equipment

4. Construction of a computer model of technological processes

5. Greening the technological process

1. Characteristics of raw materials

Apple juice is the most popular of all fruit juices. There are two main types of juices; without pulp (pressed) and with pulp (homogenized). Apple juice is mainly made natural without pulp, clarified or not clarified.

When processing plant raw materials, for the quality of natural juices and nectars, not only the appearance, but also the botanical varieties of fruits and vegetables, which vary in their technological properties. Plant raw materials must meet the safety criteria established by Medical-biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products, and do not contain pesticides.

Depending on the types of juices and nectars produced, certain botanical varieties are recommended, which, in terms of their chemical composition and technological properties, are most suitable for the production of these products.

For juice production, apples of the varieties Antonovka, Reneta, Titovka, White filling, Winter golden Parmen, Cinnamon, Pepin saffron, Autumn striped, Mekintosh, Suislepskoye, Bellefleur, White Rosemary, Dzhigradzhi, Sary-Tursh, Kend-Alma, Shirvan-Gazedi, are recommended. Striped anise, Calvil, Wagner prize, Sary-sinap. When using fruits with high acidity (Baltic states, BSSR), 5% sugar is added to the juice. They practice blending apple juice with other fruit or berry juices.

The following requirements are imposed on raw materials for the production of juices: first of all, the taste, aroma, content of nutritional and physiologically active substances are assessed, and the degree of ripeness of the fruit is taken into account to increase the juice yield.

All fruits are stored in different ways. For example, different varieties of apples react differently to the effects of temperature during storage. Some of them tolerate a long-term state of hypothermia down to minus 2 minus 3 C, while being stored with minor losses and with slow defrosting (thawing).

Each variety of wild and cultivated apples has its own characteristics and different chemical composition. It all depends on the origin, growing conditions, and degree of ripeness of the fruit. All this determines the nutritional value, taste and use. The chemical composition of apples is very diverse and rich.

100 grams of the edible part of fresh apples contains 11% carbohydrates, 0.4% proteins, up to 86% water, 0.6% fiber and 0.7% organic acids, including malic and citric. In addition, volatile fatty acids were found in the apple: acetic, butyric, isobutyric, capronic, propionic, valeric, isovaleric. Apple contains tannins and phytocides, which are bactericidal substances. Starch has basic nutritional value. Its high content largely determines the nutritional value of products. In human diets, starch accounts for about 80% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. Starch contains two fractions of polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin. The conversion of starch in the body is mainly aimed at satisfying the need for sugar. Starch is converted into glucose sequentially, through a series of intermediate formations. The body contains it in the form of glycogen. As follows from the table. 1, most beneficial properties apples and cabbage have. Apples contain 2 times more fructose than glucose. They are indicated for liver disease, diabetes and a number of other diseases.

Table 1. Carbohydrate content per 100 g edible part apples , in grams

Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the chemical composition of apples is very diverse and contains large amounts of pectin and starch. Due to their high pectin content, apples are the main product for pectin production.

There are two main types of pectin substances - protopectin and pectin.

Protopectins are insoluble in water. They are contained in the cell walls of fruits. Protopectin is a compound of pectin with cellulose, and therefore, when split into its component parts, protopectin can serve as a source of pectin.

Pectins are soluble substances that are absorbed in the body. The main property of pectin substances, which determined their use in the food industry, is the ability to be converted in an aqueous solution in the presence of acid and sugar into a jelly-like colloidal mass.

Modern research has shown the undoubted importance of pectin substances in the diet of a healthy person, as well as the possibility of using them for therapeutic (medicinal) purposes in some diseases, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin is obtained from the waste of apples, watermelons, and sunflowers.

Pectic substances are capable of adsorbing various “compounds, including” exogenous and endogenous toxins and heavy metals. This property of pectins is widely used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition (carrying out fasting apple days in patients with colitis, prescribing marmalade enriched with pectin.

2. Development of process flow

apple juice production

The production of apple juice without pulp consists of the following technological stages: acceptance and preparation of raw materials, washing, inspection, crushing, heat treatment, juice extraction, sterilization, packaging and storage.

Technological diagram of apple juice production


The first operation is washing, which is carried out in two washing machines installed in series. Washed fruits are inspected, removing those affected by pests and diseases. After washing, the fruits are crushed using disk or grating crushers: pome fruits (apples, quinces, pears) into particles measuring 2...6 mm.

Stone fruits and berries are processed using roller crushers. Crushers must be adjusted so that the seeds are not crushed. The content of crushed seeds in the pulp is no more than 15%; a small amount of them improves the taste and smell of the juice.

For some fruits and berries, crushing alone is not enough to obtain juice.

To facilitate the release of juice, additional processing is necessary, which includes heating or electric shock; enzyme preparations are not used.

The pulp of almost all fruits and berries with dense skin can be exposed to the action of electric current in special devices - electroplasmolyzers.

The processed pulp is fed for pressing, for which hydraulic batch presses are used, either periodic or continuous - screw or belt.

When producing clarified apple juice, the strained juice is clarified. When preparing juices for baby food, clarification can be carried out by fining using 1% solutions of gelatin or tannin and gelatin.

The clarified juice is filtered and sent for heating and packaging.

When making juices with sugar or blended, mixing the juices and adding sugar is carried out before heating.

The juice, packaged in small containers with subsequent sterilization, is heated to 75...80 ° C and packaged in prepared bottles or jars. When producing juice with vitamin C, ascorbic acid is added to the hot juice, mixed for 5...10 minutes and immediately transferred for packaging.

The filled container is sealed and sent for sterilization (pasteurization), which is carried out at 85, 90 or 100 °C depending on the acidity of the juice and the capacity of the container, the duration of sterilization is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Juices can be packaged in large containers with a capacity of 2, 3 and 10 dm3 using the so-called hot filling method without subsequent sterilization. During hot filling, the juice is heated to 95...97 °C with automatic temperature control and immediately poured into prepared hot jars, which are sealed with boiled lids.

The sealed jars are laid on their sides for 20 minutes to sterilize the upper empty space of the container, after which they are blown with cold air to reduce the harmful effects of heat on the quality of the juice.

The machine and hardware diagram of the complex of technological equipment for the production of clarified fruit juices is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig.2. Machine and hardware diagram of a complex of technological equipment for the production of clarified apple juice

It consists of pumps 1, 9, 17 and 24, a screw separator 2, elevators 3 and 6, a washing machine 4, an inspection conveyor 5, collectors 7, 13, 15, 18, 19 and 22, a crusher 8, a press 10, a pasteurizer - cooler 11, pasteurizer 12, filters 14 and 16, cooler 20, tubular static mixer 21 and dispenser 23 of pectolytic preparations.

The fruits received for processing are poured into concrete baths, from where they are sent to the workshop by hydraulic conveyor through underground channels.

Here, using a screw separator 2 located in a concrete bath (pit), the fruits are separated from the water and, using an elevator 3 with a shower device, they are lifted to the final washing machine 4.

Water coming from the screw separator and containing large contaminants (stones, branches, leaves, etc.) enters the loading funnel of an inclined screw conveyor with a perforated bottom, which retains and removes contaminants.

The purified water flows into the bath (pit), from where, using a submersible pump 1, it is supplied back to the concrete baths with fruits for reuse.

The washed fruits are inspected on the conveyor 5, removing fruits unsuitable for processing, and they are lifted by an elevator 6 to the receiving collector 7, rinsing the fruits with a stream of clean water. Apples from the collection in the required quantity (depending on the productivity of the press) are fed to crusher 8. The crushed fruit mass is immediately sent by pump 9 to pressing 10. The resulting juice in the pressing installation is cleaned of possible large particles and, after the pasteurizer-cooler 11, is sent to one of containers for depectinization. The pomace from pressing is crushed on a mixer with the possible addition of water and sent to fermentation containers.

The juice after pasteurization and cooling (45...50 °C) is first sent to the intermediate collector 22, from where it is sucked into the depectinization tank by the dosing pump 24. Along the way, a pectolytic drug is introduced into the pipeline using a dispenser 23 and mixed in a tubular static mixer 21. The processes of depectinization and clarification occur depending on the type of drug used. If the preparation for clarification requires cooling of the juice, then after depectinization it is pumped through a cooler 20 into containers for clarification 19 and the preparation is added manually. If cooling is not required, the juice is not pumped in this case, and the clarification preparation is introduced into a container for depectinization.

Upon completion of depectinization and clarification, the sediment formed at the bottom of the container is pumped into a sediment collection tank 18, from where it is sent by pump 17 to filter 16.

The juice obtained in this way is pumped using a pump into a collection tank 19, where the juice obtained from filtering the sediment is added. The juice mixture is once again sent to filter 14 to obtain fully clarified juice, ready for packaging in bottles.

This juice is collected in the receiving collection 13, and then sent to the bottling line, where it is pre-deaerated and pasteurized.

The juice is packed into bottles at 80 °C, followed by additional pasteurization and cooling in a tunnel pasteurizer-cooler.

Technical characteristics complex of technological equipment for the production of clarified apple juice

Productivity for raw materials, kg/h.................................................... ...............3000

Total installed power of the equipment, kW...................................106.85

Total consumption:

water, m3/h................................................... ........................................................ ..........12

steam, t/h................................................... ........................................... ……… ..500

Number of service personnel, people....................................................12

3. Raw material needs

Raw materials - Antonovka apples.

The finished product is apple juice.

Productivity - 1t/day

Working hours: 12 hours, 1 shift, 7 times a week.

Table 2. Yield rates

where Q1 – consumption of raw materials, kg;

Q2 – mass of the finished product, kg;

p – the amount of waste and losses from technological operations, % of the weight of the feedstock.

р1, р2, р3…рn – waste and losses from technological operations, % by weight of raw materials or semi-finished products received for this operation;

n – number of technological operations.

Table 3. Output of semi-finished product by technological operations

Technological operation Waste and losses, % Movement of raw materials and semi-finished products, kg
per 100 kg per shift (day) per hour
arrives waste and loss arrives waste and loss arrives waste and loss
1. Reception of raw materials - 1119 - G3 - -
2. Washing 2 1119 G3 G3
3. Crushing 4
4. Grinding 5 P

4. Hardware

Selection and calculation of technological equipment
(using the example of apple juice production)

The required amount of continuous equipment is determined by the formula

N – productivity of this operation;

M – hourly productivity of the machine;

μ – equipment utilization factor (0.8 – 0.9).

The equipment used on a continuous operation vessel is presented in table. 20.

Table 4 Technical characteristics and calculation of periodically operating equipment

We will calculate the required number of washing machines;

we accept 2 pcs.

Let's calculate the required number of pasteurizers;

We accept 1 piece.

Let's calculate the required number of filters;

accept 1 piece

We will calculate the required number of crushing plants for semolina;

accept 1 piece

Table 5 Volumetric weight of materials

Table 6 Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment

5. Computer modeling

The computer models of technological processes being developed can be used in production through the use of microprocessor control and monitoring systems (MCCS).

The functioning of the MSKU is carried out on the basis of some model that reflects the main physical and chemical processes occurring in the product. Based on the model, an algorithm and process control scheme were constructed.

MSKU provides the following functions:

Determining when the product is ready;

Control of machine organs (equipment);

Regulation of modes (one-, two- or multi-speed);

A system of equations connecting response functions with influencing factors is called a mathematical description of the process. The method of full factorial experiment makes it possible to obtain a description of the process in the form of a segment of the Taylor series, which has the form:

Y = В0 + В1Х1 + В2Х2 + ... + Вn Хn + B1.2 Х1Х2 – ... – В (n – 1)n Х (n – 1),

It is called a regression equation, and the characteristics included in it are called regression coefficients, where X1, ..., Xn are independent variables that influence the course of the process, called factors (temperature, pressure, composition of the reaction mixture, etc.): Y - a value showing equipment performance, production costs, etc., called the response function. All possible non-repeating combinations of factor variations allow planning the matrix of a complete two-factor experiment (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. Matrix of a complete two-factor experiment

Based on a complete two-factor experiment, regression coefficients are calculated:

B0 = 1/4 (Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4),

B1 = 1/4 (-Y1 + Y2 – Y3 + Y4),

B2 = 1/4 (-Y1 – Y2 + Y3 + Y4).

Assuming the significance of the regression coefficients and the adequacy of the equation with a confidence probability of 0.95 and three degrees of freedom, the magnitude of the coefficients and their significance determine the ranking of the influence of factors X1 and X2 on the response function Y.

The number of full factorial experiments for choosing a socially oriented technological solution increases sharply with an increase in the number of factors. However, finding regression coefficients does not always require much experimentation. In such cases, it is possible to reduce the amount of experimental work by using the fractional replica method. This method consists of finding a mathematical description of the processes in a certain part of a complete factorial experiment: 1/2, 1/4, etc. Such experimental systems are called fractional replicas.

Then the matrix of the complete three-factor experiment and its fractional replicas will look like (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2. Matrix of a complete three-factor experiment and its fractional replicas

The calculation of regression coefficients, checking their significance and the adequacy of the mathematical description in this case are carried out in the same way as in a full factorial experiment, for example in the form of a regression equation:

Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + B3X3.

If you use a full three-factor experiment to calculate regression coefficients, then you need to conduct 8 experiments. However, this problem can also be solved using a two-factor experiment, if in the matrix we equate the product X1 X2 to the factor X3 (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3. Simplified matrix

Regression coefficients are calculated using the following formulas:

B0 = ¼(Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4), B1 = ¼(-Y1 + Y2 – Y3 + Y4),

B2 = ¼(-Y1 – Y2 + Y3 + Y4).

Coefficient B3 cannot be determined separately, so we calculate the sum:

B1,2 + B3 = ¼(Y1 – Y2 – Y3 + Y4),

then the required equation will look like:

Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + (B1,2 + B3)X3.

When choosing a socially oriented technology for processing raw materials from an economic and environmental point of view, you can get results faster using a PC.

During the research process, it is also necessary to calculate the correlation coefficient, which is calculated using the formula:

where YiВ, YiР - the value of the first virtual (V) and second real (P) indicators;

n is the size of elements in the sample (number of correlation pairs).

If necessary, the reliability of the correlation coefficient is calculated. If, in terms of the absolute value of μ, the degree of correlation between indicators is less than 0.4, the dependence is weak; 0.4-0.59 - average; 0.6-0.78 - significant; more than 0.8 - high.

When modeling the production of functional products using a PC, it is necessary to virtually assume processes and identify their patterns for the subsequent practical use of these dependencies in real production conditions of a particular production. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the technological process taking into account SMS by modeling them in virtual conditions based on IR methods.

6. Greening the technological process

The problem of the environment and the rational use of natural resources is one of the most pressing human problems, since life on earth, the health and well-being of mankind depend on its solution.

A sanitary protection zone 50 m wide is provided around the enterprise. This zone is landscaped and landscaped. Green spaces enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and noise, clean the air from dust and regulate the microclimate.

Pollution of atmospheric air and water bodies is within acceptable limits, since treatment facilities are provided for this purpose.

After washing the equipment and inventory, water containing contaminants is drained through holes in the floor that are connected to the sewer system, wastewater is treated at treatment facilities, and the resulting sludge is used for sale as fertilizer in agriculture. Purified water is reused at the enterprise, but only for domestic purposes.


The course work examined the technological line for the production of apple juice in small enterprises.

During the work, the following goals were achieved:

1. got acquainted with the characteristics of raw materials, identified the best varieties of apples for the most best quality juices I got acquainted with the chemical composition of apples.

2. Developed design and technological schemes for the production of apple juice, created a technological scheme for the production of apple juice and an operator diagram.

3. Made product calculations, determined the mass of raw materials, finished products, waste and losses according to the production flow diagram. Determined the production capacity of the line.

4. Selected and calculated technological equipment, determined the number of machines (devices), their dimensions and main structural elements.

5. Performed computer modeling, became familiar with methods for solving basic equations, algorithms for their implementation and computer programs.

6. Familiarized himself with the greening of the technological process and became familiar with the rational use of resources.

List of used literature

1. General technology of food production / Ed. A. P. Kovalskaya. – M.: Kolos 1993–384 p.

2. Samsonova A. N. Fruit and vegetable juices

3. Technology of canned fruits and vegetables. A. F. Fan-Yung, B. L. Flowermenbaum, A. K. Izotov - M.: Food industry

4. Rogachev V.I. Handbook of fruit and vegetable canning production technologist.
