List of innovative and high-tech products 223 Federal Law. Approval of criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to the established field of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

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In the third chapter“Organization of the process of managing the formation of a production program for the release of high-tech products” reveals the organizational aspect of the problem under study. Dans practical recommendations on organizing the process of forming a production program using the proposed method and algorithm, as well as recommendations for improvement information support formation of a production program. The results of practical testing of the author's developments are presented using the example of the enterprise JSC "Research Institute for Measuring Technology - Radio Engineering Systems".

In conclusion the main results of the dissertation research are presented, conclusions and recommendations are formulated.


1. The concept of “high-tech products” has been clarified. A classification of high-tech products has been developed.

The study showed that a single, generally accepted definition of the concept of high-tech products has not yet been developed. Modern authors use a number of similar terms, such as “high-tech products”, “high-tech products”, “ innovative product”, “intellectual product”, “scientific and technical products”, “high technologies”, “innovations”, etc. At the same time, the meaning in which one or another term is used is not always clear, and the difference in the essence of these terms is not always obvious .

The terms “high-tech products”, “high-tech industries”, “high-tech complex” appeared in the domestic literature relatively recently. Most researchers identify the concept of “high-tech” using the value of the science intensity indicator, due to which the terms “high-tech” and “knowledge-intensive” are currently used mainly as synonyms. However, in our opinion, this is not entirely correct, since the fact that production is knowledge-intensive (the share of costs for science in the total cost of production should be at least 3.5–5.0%) does not automatically mean that it is high-tech (advanced technologies should be massively applied in high-tech industries).

Based on the analysis carried out, the work proposes the following definition of the concept “ high-tech products": these are products manufactured by enterprises of knowledge-intensive industries, produced using the latest equipment and technologies, with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel, embodying modern scientific achievements, advanced experience and high socio-economic efficiency.

The proposed definition, in contrast to those found in literary sources, contains a formal criterion for classifying a product as a high-tech product, its main features and qualitative characteristics, which makes it possible to clearly identify its concept and separate it from other similar concepts.

Based on the analysis of the list of high-tech products (in accordance with the standard international trade classification SITC), as well as research materials on this topic, a classification of high-tech products has been developed (Table 1).

It should be noted that at present there are practically no attempts in the literature to classify high-tech products as a whole class. Existing classifications affect its individual types and most often use two characteristics: the degree of knowledge intensity of the industry and the type of production. The developed classification, unlike the existing ones, firstly, applies to the entire class of high-tech products, and secondly, it expands the list of classification criteria.

2. The specific features of the organization of production of high-tech products as an object of management are revealed, the main features of the market are formulated high technology and corresponding products from the point of view of their influence on the process of managing the production and sale of such products.

Development effective system management of the production and sale of high-tech products, justification of the feasibility of using certain approaches and methods is impossible without taking into account the specifics of high-tech products and their market.

In studies devoted to the problems of development of the high-tech complex in Russia, the authors provide characteristics of such products in various aspects(including from the position of production management and promotion to the market), determine the features of marketing and the specifics of its individual types, for example, innovative goods, scientific and technical products, goods for industrial purposes, technologies themselves as goods, but rarely high-tech products as a whole class. In our opinion, there is still no complete, systematized study of high-tech products as an object of market relations.

It is proposed to include the following among the features of high-tech products that must be taken into account in managing their production and sales.

1. Uniqueness, high degree of differentiation. The increasingly accelerating pace of development of science and technology, as well as the steady increase in demand for their achievements, lead to a rapid change of products, the appearance on the market

Table 1

Classification of high-tech products


Types of products

Product examples

According to the degree of knowledge intensity of the industry

“Leading” high-tech technologies (R&D costs more than 8.5% of the total cost of production)

Turbines and reactor equipment, generators for nuclear, hydro and wind power plants; telecommunications equipment; electronic devices and equipment for medicine; aviation and space technology; radioactive materials; weapons and weapon systems

“High-level” technologies (R&D costs 3.5%–8.5%)

Machine tools and advanced metalworking equipment; cables and fiber optics; consumer electronics and office equipment; automobiles and bearings; railway rolling stock; ceramic products, precious non-ferrous metals

consumer (destination)

Consumer goods

Cars; consumer electronics; medicines; telecommunications equipment; air conditioners and heaters

Products for industrial and technical purposes

Progressive optical instruments and measuring equipment; equipment for the pulp and paper, food and textile industries; progressive types of abrasives

Military products

Aviation and space technology; radioactive materials; weapons and weapon systems


Turbines and reactor equipment; generators; aviation and space technology


Aviation and space technology; supercomputer


Pharmaceutical products; medical equipment; various types equipment


Automobiles and bearings; consumer electronics; telecommunications equipment

By stage life cycle

Growing industries and productions

Communications; electrical equipment; COMPUTER; measuring equipment; optical instruments; medical equipment

Industries targeting market expansion

Construction equipment; some production of general and special engineering; organic chemical products, detergents, drugs; photographic materials

Industries whose product markets are saturated

Production of radio and television equipment, plastics, inorganic chemical products, dyes, fertilizers and other chemical products for agriculture.

Industries with declining production volumes

Oil refining industry, production of equipment for railways

Industries exposed to market conditions, economic cycles and military contracts

At different periods of time, these may include different industries and productions

By reproductive structure


Products suitable for independent use


Components, components, blocks, units, spare parts

Document title:
Document number: 1618
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Receiving authority: Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Status: Active
Acceptance date: 01 November 2012
Start date: March 31, 2013

On approval of criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to the established field of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation"



On approval of criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to established field activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 30 (Part 1), Article 4571 )

I order:

Approve the attached criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to the established field of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

D. Manturov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 11, 2013,
registration N 27584

Criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products

I. Criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as innovative products

1. Consumer properties (including functional characteristics) goods are new and (or) superior to the consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the production of goods, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work.

3. The consumer properties of the product are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including those that increase the competitiveness of the product, or new way application of the product, allowing to expand the scope of its use.

4. In the production of goods, only new or modernized technological equipment, technological processes or technologies are used that were not previously used in the production of this product, or new materials that allow improving the technical, economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the product being produced.

5. When performing work and providing services, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar work and providing similar services.

6. Performance of work and provision of services is associated with changes in production process, using new or upgraded production equipment and/or software, new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service is provided in an area in which similar work and services have not previously been used.

8. The work and service are new, not previously performed or provided.

9. When using in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services, the results of intellectual activity subject to legal protection.

10. When using new scientific, technical, design and/or technological solutions in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

II. Criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as high-tech products

11. Goods, work, services are accordingly manufactured, performed and provided by enterprises of knowledge-intensive industries.

12. Goods, work and services are respectively produced, performed and provided using the latest designs technological equipment, technological processes and technology.

13. Goods, work, services are accordingly produced, performed and provided with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


Innovative products are recognized as goods, work and services if they meet one or more criteria specified in paragraphs 1-10.

High-tech products are recognized as goods, work and services if they meet all the criteria specified in paragraphs 11-13.

Electronic document text
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Russian newspaper,
N 59, 03/20/2013

On approval of criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to the established field of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Document title:
Document number: 1618
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Receiving authority: Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Status: Active
Published: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 59, 03/20/2013
Acceptance date: 01 November 2012
Start date: March 31, 2013

Registration N 27584

In accordance with part 4 of article 4 Federal Law dated July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ “On procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 30 (Part 1), Art. 4571) I order:

approve the attached criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products in industries related to the established field of activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Minister D. Manturov

Criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products

I. Criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as innovative products

1. The consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of the product are new and (or) superior to the consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the production of goods, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work are used.

3. The consumer properties of the product are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including those that increase the competitiveness of the product, or a new method of using the product, allowing to expand the scope of its use.

4. In the production of goods, only new or modernized technological equipment, technological processes or technologies are used that were not previously used in the production of this product, or new materials that allow improving the technical, economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the product being produced.

5. When performing work and providing services, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar work and providing similar services.

6. The performance of work and the provision of services is associated with changes in the production process, the use of new or modernized production equipment and/or software, and new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service is provided in an area in which similar work and services have not previously been used.

8. The work and service are new, not previously performed or provided.

9. When used in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services, the results of intellectual activity that are subject to legal protection.

10. When using new scientific, technical, design and/or technological solutions in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

II. Criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as high-tech products

11. Goods, work, services are accordingly manufactured, performed and provided by enterprises of knowledge-intensive industries.

12. Goods, work and services are accordingly produced, performed and provided using the latest samples of technological equipment, technological processes and technologies.

13. Goods, work, services are accordingly produced, performed and provided with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


Innovative products are recognized as goods, work and services if they meet one or more criteria specified in paragraphs 1-10.

High-tech products are recognized as goods, work and services if they meet all the criteria specified in paragraphs 11-13.

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 30, Art. 4571; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 3, January 11, 2013) I order:

1. Approve the attached criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as innovative and high-tech products for the purpose of forming a procurement plan for such products.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to Deputy Minister I.I. Fedyukin.

Minister D.V. Livanov


Criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as innovative and high-tech products for the purpose of forming a procurement plan for such products
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2012 No. 881)

1. Innovative products include goods, works and services that meet a set of criteria:

1.1. Scientific and technical novelty.

1.1.1. This criterion for goods is characterized by the following features:

characteristics of goods (according to functional purpose, design, composition of materials and components used, areas of use) are fundamentally new or significantly different from the characteristics of a previously produced similar product;

the consumer properties of the product are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including those that increase the competitiveness of the product, or a new method of using the product has been identified that allows expanding the scope of use of such a product;

a product, the production of which is based only on the use of new or modernized technological equipment, technological processes or technologies not previously used in the production of this product, or new materials that can significantly improve the technical, economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the manufactured product.

1.1.2. This criterion in relation to works and services is characterized by the following features:

performance of work, provision of services are associated with significant changes in the production process, the use of new or modernized production equipment and (or) software, new technologies;

works, services are fundamentally new, have not been previously performed or provided;

work, services are performed or provided in an area in which similar work or services were not previously used.

1.2. Introduction of goods, works, services.

the product, work, service is of an applied nature and has practical application;

a product, work, or service is introduced in one or more industries.

1.3. Economic effect of selling goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by the planned positive economic effect of the sale of goods, works, services (in comparison with existing analogues) at the stages of the product life cycle.

1.4. Knowledge intensity of goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by the use of highly qualified intellectual labor, results of intellectual activity that are subject to legal protection and (or) new (within the last three years) scientific, technical, design and/or technological solutions in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

2. High-tech products include goods, works and services that meet a set of criteria:

2.1. Correspondence priority areas development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation.

This criterion is characterized by the use in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services of the results of research and development work that correspond to the priority directions of development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation and (or) the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2011 No. 899 “On approval of priority directions for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 28, Art. 4168).

2.2. High-tech goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by the following features:

goods, work, services are manufactured, performed, provided by enterprises of knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy;

goods, work, services are produced, performed, provided using the latest samples of technological equipment, technological processes and technologies;

goods, work, services are produced, performed, provided with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.

Document overview

There is an official website where information about orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services is posted. From 2013 to 2015, plans for the purchase of innovative, high-tech products and medicines by individual legal entities are posted on this website for a 3-year period. We are talking, firstly, about state corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopolists. About organizations carrying out regulated types activities in the field of electricity, gas, heat, water supply, wastewater disposal, cleaning waste water, recycling (disposal) of solid household waste. About unitary enterprises, autonomous institutions, and also about business societies, in which the share of participation of Russia, the region, municipality in total exceeds 50%. Secondly, about subsidiary business companies, in which authorized capital more than 50% of the shares in the aggregate belong to these legal entities. Thirdly, about subsidiaries of business companies, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% of the shares in the aggregate belong to those subsidiaries.

The criteria for classification as innovative and (or) high-tech products are determined by federal authorities executive branch. Since 2015, the purchase plan for such products and medicines has been posted by the customer on the official website for a period of 5 to 7 years.

In this regard, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science approved the criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as innovative and (or) high-tech products in order to formulate a plan for their purchase.

Innovative products include those goods, works and services that satisfy a combination of the following criteria: scientific and technical novelty; implementation; economic effect implementation; knowledge intensity. High-tech - those that meet the combination of the following criteria: compliance with priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering; high technology.

It is determined what features characterize each criterion.

The government has published a list of 90 state-owned companies that, as part of their contracts, are required to purchase innovative and high-tech products. Suppliers of such goods should be medium and small businesses.

90 state companies must make mandatory purchases of innovative and high-tech products from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The corresponding order dated March 21, 2016 No. 475-r was issued by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of organizations from the approved list also included 12 largest customers, which, in turn, are included in the list of specific customers, the draft procurement plans of which, before their approval, are subject to mandatory assessment of compliance with legal requirements providing for the participation of SMEs. By virtue of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities,” the cost of such products must be at least 2% of the total cost of all contracts concluded by a state-owned company. The Government of the Russian Federation should determine specific customers who are obliged to purchase high-tech products, including from small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses this norm is at least 1% of the total share of contracts. In the future, these figures may increase further - up to 2.5 and 5%, respectively. The criteria for classifying products as innovative or high-tech are established, according to the provisions of the law on public procurement, by a specially authorized federal body. Such a body is the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which, in turn, described these criteria in the order of the same name. For example, innovative products include goods that are made using technologies used for the first time, or work that has never been performed before. The “high-tech” criteria, in turn, include goods, works or services that are manufactured by enterprises in knowledge-intensive industries using technologically new or improved equipment. Moreover, these goods and services must be produced under the control of “highly qualified, specially trained personnel.” Legislative initiatives in the field of public procurement and innovation - both together and separately - are now very popular for legislative creativity. For example, the Ministry of Economic Development on reducing the period of ownership of shares or a block of shares innovative projects from 5 to 1 year without paying VAT. Apparently, with these measures the government is trying to introduce, first to the Russian, and then, possibly, the world market, high-tech and innovative goods/works/services of domestic production. And this is, in general, very good news for Russian manufacturers. But how many truly competitive products do we have in this area, and are they even enough to cover our needs? domestic market, only time will tell.
