Rating of the highest paid professions. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls. What are the highest paid professions in the world?

Young graduates of educational institutions, as well as adults who have not yet decided on their future, have always been interested in the question of which profession is the most in demand. In Russia there are ample opportunities both for obtaining a sought-after specialty and for retraining if the first profession did not work out. Perhaps the rating of the best specialties will help those people who cannot yet make a choice of specialty for themselves.

The most in-demand professions 2017 in Russia

  1. Economists, banking specialists. Russian market economy creates favorable conditions for economists and bankers; in recent years, these specialists have been among the leaders in the number of vacancies open to them. This list includes accountants, sales representatives, marketing specialists.
  2. IT specialists. Global computerization also affects Russia, and the demand for specialists continues to expand.
  3. Builders. The construction industry includes a group of related professions - engineers, architects, machinists and skilled workers. The profession will be in demand as long as new buildings are being designed and erected on the planet and Russia in particular.
  4. Working specialties. Physical labor in Russia is traditionally in demand on a par with intellectual labor. Often, a prestigious diploma is not required here; you need to work with your hands at specialized enterprises. Many blue-collar professionals can expect a competitive salary level.

The most in-demand professions in the world

The growing trend in the popularity of certain professions in Europe and the world is associated with the same laws of social development as in Russia. With rare exceptions, the need for personnel abroad is identical to that in Russia.

The most in-demand professions in the coming years in the world:

  • Engineering specialist. The progressive development of technologies in construction, the desire to automate many processes gives rise to the need for progressive technical knowledge.
  • IT specialists. More and more organizations around the world consider it their duty to create mobile application, try to serve our customers remotely, respond quickly and efficiently to requests. All this needs improvement computer technology, which is what hundreds of thousands of programmers around the world do. The current situation will keep programmers among the top most in-demand professions for a long time.
  • Doctors. Medical professionals have been and will be relevant until the human body adapts to all the factors that cause disease. Today, the opposite picture is observed - the number of diseases is not decreasing and is growing rapidly, and the age of many pathologies is rapidly decreasing. The demand for medical knowledge is growing in the world every year and doctors are still included in the ranking of the most in-demand professions. But today new requirements are applied to medical professionals - they need to understand biotechnology and electronics.

The most popular professions 2020 for girls

Modern women place less and less importance on starting a family and want to build a career at the same pace as men. Number of women with prestigious, quality education, willingness to work and earn money, is growing steadily. The question of what are the most in-demand professions for women now is especially relevant.

Of course, global computerization will also affect girls. In the coming years, competent IT specialists will not be left without employment and will be able to work in any corner of the planet where there is high technology and minimal communication with the outside world.

Connections between countries and cultures are developing no less quickly; there are practically no closed spaces left in the world. In addition to effectively performing her direct duties, a girl translator can quite brighten up a meeting with her presence and win over partners. According to experts, the most popular professions for girls in the future are translators.

Traditionally, women love to communicate, make contact easily, and strive to show care and attention to people in need. Doctors, social workers, teachers, psychologists - these are the most popular professions for girls in Russia in the field of humanities.

Caring for animals, emotional attachment to nature - distinctive feature women. Long overdue environmental problems will soon provoke the creation of new jobs and an increase in the popularity of the environmental profession.

The most popular professions 2017-2020 for men

For complex, physically difficult and dangerous work Men are still willingly invited. The trend is easily explained - men are more resistant to stress, show determination more often than women and adapt more easily in emergency situations. Therefore, more than 90 percent of the vacancies of firefighters, rescuers, pilots, miners and military personnel are occupied by men. This list of the most popular professions for men will remain relevant for many years to come, because people will always need protection and emergency assistance.

Among the quieter ones, the most popular professions of the year for men are engineers in various fields. Qualified male engineers predominate in the fields of aircraft construction, nuclear energy, and mining.

The most in-demand professions in Moscow 2017 list

According to open vacancies on the Internet, in 2017, the most in-demand professions in Moscow

  • salesperson - more than 3 thousand open vacancies;
  • secretary or office manager - about 5 thousand vacancies;
  • sales manager - about 10 thousand vacancies;

10 most in-demand professions

The top 10 most in-demand professions in Russia and the world are:

  • engineers;
  • doctors;
  • ecologists;
  • logisticians;
  • tourism specialists;
  • economists;
  • sellers;
  • service specialists;
  • workers;
  • IT specialists.

Microsoft, together with The Future Laboratory, decided to reassure today’s youth and talk about changes in the labor exchange in 10 years. They conducted a study that was published in The Independent.

Refuting the general opinion that “machines will take over the planet,” scientists analyzed trends modern technologies and compiled a list of professions that will be in demand in the near future.

So, TOP 10 in-demand professions of the future.

By 2025, the following specialties will already be popular:

  1. Virtual habitat designer

Virtual reality devices are increasingly becoming a part of our lives. Scientists predict that the market for such gadgets will be about $40 billion by 2020, and by 2026, most of the planet’s population will “move” to virtual reality, where they will work, communicate, travel and play.

This does not mean that people will “leave real life and they will not see the world.” On the contrary, a lot of opportunities will open up before them: business meetings with colleagues from all over the world, business trips will not take up days; the heritage of humanity from the UNESCO list will be safe and sound, since its exact virtual copy will exist; people will be able to fulfill their dreams by visiting the cherished stadium and transforming into their favorite players.

To create all this splendor, designers will be needed, the necessary competencies for which will be: psychology, editing, architectural design.

  1. Roboethics Advocate

Of course, robots will soon occupy a certain niche in our lives. They may take jobs in the field of help desks or personal assistants, accordingly, the number of jobs in the production of machines endowed with intelligence will increase.

Therefore, we need an intermediary between robots and people who would dispel our fears about the “takeover of humanity artificial intelligence" This mission will belong to robotethics lawyers, whose competencies will be: communications, ethics, philosophy.

  1. Digital cultural commentator

These specialists are called upon to help the future society, with its habits towards digital culture, understand traditional art. That is, to create some kind of tandem from the great classics and modern concepts. Frances Morris, director of the Tate Modern Gallery, is confident that these specialists will be very profitable for the cultural sphere: “Digial commentators will help the audience of the future understand the world's artistic heritage of past centuries in the most accessible form - with the help of modern technologies.”

Competencies: business, PR and marketing, art history.

  1. Freelance biohacker

We are accustomed to the fact that science is carried out exclusively by scientists who have dedicated their lives to it. Yes, it is, but Microsoft researchers say there will be open-source biohackers who will help science. With the help of such freelancers, who have excellent knowledge in biological and medical sciences, data analysis, it will be much easier for scientists to decide global problems humanity.

  1. Internet of Things Data Analyst

Today, almost all equipment is equipped with built-in electronics, various software, thanks to which it can exchange data.

To improve the Internet of Things, attentive specialists will be needed who will analyze the information transmitted by home appliances and make it more convenient and efficient for users. To do this, a specialist needs to understand engineering, communication and entrepreneurship.

After 2025, the following specialists will be in demand:

  1. Space guide

Without having time to explore all corners of the Earth, people are already rushing to travel into space. Scientists are confident that by 2020 this route will become very popular, and, of course, experienced guides will be needed to make these trips even more fun and safe.

  1. Curator of personal data

Remember the pensieve from Harry Potter? So, researchers believe that such things will be very useful to people by 2020. Only they will work not on magic, but on the Internet network and technology. Such devices will help people “remember everything”: thoughts, memories, dreams, deeds. Personal data curators will help users adapt this huge information flow.

  1. Environmental Remediation Engineer

Humanity does not stand still not only in technologically, but also demographically. Scientists predict that by 2025 the world's population will grow to 9 billion people. Naturally, there may not be enough natural resources for everyone. Moreover, more people mean more pollution and housing development. Engineers restoring environment, will help rehabilitate natural ecosystems and restore the ecology. These specialists will also help restore extinct species of organisms.

  1. Continuous power supply developer

By the mid-20s of the 21st century, humanity will use the energy of the sun and wind - constant sources of energy. But a problem will arise: where to get energy if weather conditions do not allow the use of sun and wind? This is what developers of constant nutrition products – specialists in chemistry and materials science – are called upon to solve. They will develop a new generation of batteries.

  1. Human body designer

Scientists suggest that organ replacement or tissue restoration will become a standard procedure for the future person. Thanks to bioengineering, body designers will be able to help a person look the way he wants - they will “model” the body and its parts. That is, prosthetics will become not only necessary and functional, but also “fashionable.”


The labor market changes every year, so it is difficult to predict what the most in-demand professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will lead in Russia by 2019 can only be guessed at, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most in-demand professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to accurately answer the question of what are the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia from two positions: in terms of government orders for specialties and in terms of research. Based on the number of budget (free) places in the country’s universities, it is easy to guess which specialists are currently in greater demand.

According to independent studies, the demand for workers directly depends on the pace of development of a particular industry, the level of wages, and the shortage of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineering and technical workers

The development of technology and process automation requires a strong engineering corps, which creates the need for qualified personnel. In-demand technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • design engineer;
  • technologist;
  • electrical engineer;
  • heating engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

Medical staff

The profession of a doctor is always in demand and prestigious. Pediatricians and internists lead the way in vacancies, but this area of ​​medicine is facing a severe shortage of personnel. Most popular medical professions in Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzist;
  • nutritionist.

Education workers

There are few highly qualified specialists left in the field of pedagogy. Most of the teachers are still from the Soviet school system. For this reason, the demand for workers in various teaching specialties in Russia is high. Popular professions spheres of education:

  • foreign language teacher;
  • teacher of algebra, geometry;
  • teacher of Russian language and literature;
  • computer science teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information technology is just gaining popularity, so most Russian workers IT professionals are self-taught and have no documented evidence of their knowledge. This is due to the fact that public education is still poorly adapted to the requirements of modern IT technologies.

However, computer industry specialists are among the highest paid workers.

In-demand IT professions:

  • programmer;
  • web designer;
  • system administrator;
  • layout designer;
  • tester

Engineers in the field of nanotechnology and robotics

These are the professions of the future, so it is difficult to find professionals in these industries today. The promise of nanotechnology is incredible - it covers:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists study materials at both the atomic and molecular levels. Today, scientists who work in the following areas are especially in demand:

  • microelectronics;
  • solar energy conversion;
  • creation of light-emitting devices.

As for robotics, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high technology, where human work is impossible. Roboticists are programmers, cybernetics, engineers rolled into one.

Marketers and PR managers

Marketing is a common and popular activity. Professionals study markets, predict customer requests, analyze the work of competitors, and business development on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest company needs promotion own goods or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions in this field:

  • manager for contextual advertising;
  • e-mail – marketer;
  • coach;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics manager (transport management);
  • art director;
  • creator (creative director);
  • product manager (market analysis).

Service workers

The list here is huge. Service industry worker is a popular creative professions for girls and guys who are just starting out professional path. High demand for specialists different directions due to rapid development Russian business. Service sector professions popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor

Construction and design specialists

A study of labor market trends showed that due to large-scale construction projects initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction and design workers. The greatest demand is for professions.

Parents always want their children to be employed in the future, and therefore, when a child graduates from school, a caring father and mother want him to enter an educational institution that will provide a prestigious, in-demand and highly paid profession. Consequently, many closely monitor the relevance of a particular profession in the labor market, because the situation in this market It changes quite often, and if just a few years ago employers were literally hunting for employees of certain specialties, now the attention of business owners, companies and headhunters is completely different specialists.

Older people probably remember how prestigious it was in times Soviet Union was to work at one enterprise for a long time - 20 or, for example, 30 years. Such specialists were set as an example to everyone, they were awarded diplomas and various kinds of valuable gifts. Today, times are different - the USSR is long gone, and the planned Soviet economy has been replaced by a market economy, which requires universalism and flexibility from workers.

The situation in national economy trying to get out of the crisis is constantly changing, and after it, changes occur in the labor market. Accordingly, the professions for which there is an increased demand from employers are also changing. Therefore, it is quite difficult to give an exact answer to the question of which professions will be most in demand in 2020, since various studies conducted, including by sociologists, show different results. Moreover, even considering a specific period, for example, 2018, one can see a change in the preferences of employers - this is evidenced by detailed research. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is now unlikely that anyone can predict with 100 percent accuracy which professions will be most in demand in 2020. However, certain trends can still be traced here.

State procurement is being revived in the Russian Federation

Today in the Russian Federation such a slightly forgotten concept as government order, when the professions for which a certain number of specialists should be trained are compiled at the government level, and then this list“released” to the country’s educational institutions. The logic of the country’s leadership in this case is quite clear - private universities make their own decisions about what professions they will train, while a number of specialties simply cannot attract applicants otherwise due to the deplorable state of the industries in which they will work after receiving the appropriate education .

Taking into account the state order and data from a number of studies, it is possible, for example, to compile a list of the most current professions for women in the Russian Federation, starting from 2018 and currently:

  • psychologists, including family psychologists;
  • ecologists;
  • service workers;
  • marketers;
  • experts in the field of nanotechnology;
  • IT specialists;
  • doctors;
  • engineers;
  • teachers (schools and secondary educational institutions).

One point should be particularly emphasized here - engineers and teachers today are among the most in-demand professions in the country, however, the level of payment for specialists here is quite low. At the same time, top managers and workers in the oil and gas industry receive quite high salaries, but the demand for them is not very high. The exception is top managers of the highest level - headhunters are constantly hunting for such specialists, trying to lure them away for more favorable conditions or broad perspectives. Taking this circumstance into account, we can conclude: in today’s Russia it is too early to equate the most in-demand and highest-paid professions.

The most in-demand professions in 2020 – forecast

As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to give a clear forecast as to which professions will be most in demand on the Russian labor market in 2020, for a number of reasons. However, based, for example, on data for 2018, and after carefully studying the trends observed both in the labor market and in the national economy, it is still possible to make an approximate forecast.

It is worth considering here that modern Russian market labor is quite flexible and dynamic, and the demand for labor depends on the direction in which technology is developing and on the macroeconomic situation. But here one should also take into account important point, as the duration of reorganization of directions by educational institutions vocational training– this takes a lot of time.

Considering all the above circumstances, what is quite in demand in Russian Federation in 2020 there will be 4 professions:

  • builders;
  • specialists in the field of PR and advertising;
  • service workers;
  • engineers.

Builders will be the most in demand in 2020, as the demographic situation in the country is gradually improving. Yes, the pace this process low, but changes in better side still there is. Naturally, with the improvement of the demographic situation, the need for new housing will increase, and accordingly, builders will be in increased demand in the labor market. Will contribute to high demand for builders and the development of businesses that will need new production premises, retail space, warehouses and so on.

However, the most in-demand professions in Russia in 2020 will still be related to intellectual work. There is nothing surprising here, since the country is gradually moving from the industrial stage of its development to the information one, therefore, after 4 years, the highest demand in the labor market should be for specialists who can work with their heads:

  • sales managers;
  • translators and linguists;
  • IT specialists and experts in the field of computer software;
  • scientists - in particular, in the fields of space research, aircraft manufacturing, mechanical engineering, medicine, and programming.

Specialists working in the service sector will be in high demand. Until humans are replaced by robots, these professions can safely be called eternal. The demand for such professions increases as business develops, and the requirements put forward by employers to those wishing to get a job change quite dynamically, depending on the current economic situation.

Every year new universities appear in Russia, new professions are discovered that instantly gain popularity. The world is changing, and this directly affects the institute of personnel. What is the list of in-demand professions for 2016?

List of in-demand professions for 2016-2020: technical

Yes, the world is changing, but technical specialties still remain popular. There are not so many electricians or plumbers in the country, but there is always work for them. Where should you go to study if the applicant is not afraid to work with his hands and wants to be involved?

An employee who performs maintenance and repairs electrical equipment. There are 6 categories of such specialists. 1 and 2 are newcomers to the industry, they get the most simple work. The 4th and 5th categories belong to production managers or engineers. Here we are talking about a completely different level of salaries. However, an electrician of the 6th category, who is considered a real guru in his field, receives the most.

  1. Welder.

Another sought-after master. There are also 6 categories here, on which the employee’s qualification level depends. A welder works in factories and any large industries. Plus, you can study private activity, because the services of a professional welder are always at a premium.

  1. Installer.

The scope of work in such a profession is truly huge, and everything depends on the profile. Installers are working on the installation plastic windows, lay telephone wires, work with electricians. The master receives a lot, but only if he has sufficient qualifications.

  1. Turner.

Such a master works primarily in a factory and is engaged in processing rotating metal workpieces. Here everything is the same as in the professions described above: 6 categories, and you can study to become such a specialist at a technical school or college.

  1. Combiners.

IN agriculture There has been a catastrophic shortage of personnel for 5-6 years now. That is why people who know how to operate agricultural machinery are worth their weight in gold in this industry. They are paid excellently, and they are trained to become such masters in technical schools and agricultural institutes.

Studying the in-demand professions of 2016-2020, you can see a lot of technical specialties on the list. This is due to the fact that modern schoolchildren do not dream of becoming installers or turners. Professions such as lawyer or manager are in demand among applicants, but the market has long been overcrowded with workers of this profile. That is why analysts believe that the future belongs to technical specialties.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have a very wide choice of professions to which they can devote their lives. To begin with, you can pay attention to technical specialties. If they are not satisfactory, then applicants should take a closer look at the following popular professions:

  • IT specialists, among whom programmers, database administrators, and WEB designers are popular. The modern world is increasingly dependent on computer programs, therefore, a master of a similar profile will always find a highly paid job;
  • financier is another in-demand profession that involves direct work with in cash. They work in banks, private companies, large enterprises. They also engage in financial analytics, calculating what will happen to economic situation country, city or individual company in a year or 5 years;
  • Conflictologist is one of the youngest and most amazingly in demand professions in modern world. Conflict experts work in private organizations, government agencies and tax services, and their immediate responsibilities include resolving emerging conflicts. Currently, 23 universities across the country are training such specialists;
  • Drivers are also always a profession in demand. The labor market especially needs specialists with category C and D licenses. Drivers are trained in technical schools, and there is always the possibility of independently obtaining a license after completing special courses;
  • engineers, especially with a combination of technical and economic education. There is already a shortage of personnel in the field of engineering. Wages in the industry are high, and specialists who understand modern technologies and production methods will be in demand in 10 and 20 years;
  • professionals in the field of nanotechnology. According to analysts, nanotechnology will soon cover the fields of mechanical engineering, space technology and even the food industry, which means people who understand this path will be worth their weight in gold;
  • Logistician is another profession in demand in the next 5 years. Russia is considered the largest country in the world, and trade is developing at an incredible pace, which means the influx of logisticians into the industry is completely justified;
  • biotechnologists who can work in the field of molecular medicine and pharmaceutical production are worth their weight in gold in the modern world. Having received such a profession, you can build a career in any country in the world.

Studying the most in-demand professions of 2016, you can see quite expected specialties on the list. The fact is that such ratings are formed on the basis of social, technical and economic changes in the world. That is why IT specialists and conflict experts are now needed everywhere, since the world is increasingly dependent on modern technologies, and the level of tension in society invariably gives rise to conflicts.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex rarely go to technical schools to obtain a specialty technical type. They are usually interested humanitarian professions. What in-demand specialties should ladies pay special attention to?

  1. Translator.

Nowadays, specialists who speak several languages ​​are in high esteem, especially if they include Chinese or Japanese. Russia continues to strengthen ties with eastern countries, which is why experienced linguists and translators who know Chinese are always needed. You can study to become a linguist at institutes and universities throughout the country.

  1. Accountant.

Despite the fact that there are too many managers and economists on the market, the specialty of an accountant is still considered extremely in demand. Such an employee calculates the company’s expenses, is responsible for tax deductions, and maintains documentation. Accountants are trained mainly in higher education institutions educational institutions, but you can find such a specialty in technical schools.

The teaching profession is always considered to be in demand, since new educational institutions are opened regularly, and there are few teachers in Russia who are passionate about their work. The government is doing everything to create comfortable working conditions for teachers, as a result of which wages grew up with teachers. You can study to become a teacher at pedagogical universities.

  1. Marketer.

Workers in the field of advertising, and even with good education always in value. Analysts predict that by 2020 a marketer will become one of the most sought-after professions in Russia. Such specialists are trained in higher educational institutions throughout the country.

  1. HR specialist.

Specialties with an office type of work are popular among girls, and therefore they are interested in such a profession. HR specialists are in demand all over the world and are required by all companies, because they are responsible for hiring employees. You can get a similar profession in higher educational institutions.

  1. Doctors.

From time immemorial, doctors are in demand, especially if they have specialized education. Now a doctor with a sufficient level of qualification earns a lot of money, especially working in private clinic. Most in demand used by surgeons, oncologists, dentists.

  1. Environmentalists.

The environmental situation in the world is worsening every day, and therefore professionals with such education are valued both in Russia and around the world. Developing new methods for combating harmful emissions, preventing the melting of glaciers - there is work for environmentalists.

  1. Chemists.

In the next 40-50 years, the world's oil reserves may run out, and therefore alternative power sources are already being developed. A good chemist can not only work in school, but also earn a lot of money doing research that is useful for the whole world.

There are many popular specialties, which proves the vastness of the list of in-demand professions. Nowadays people prefer to work without leaving home, doing copywriting, blogging and running groups on social networks. However, this does not negate the fact that the education received opens many doors and new prospects for its owner.
