Requirements for a business plan: how to attract investors. Business planning, drawing up a business plan Key requirements for drawing up business plans

Business planning is one of the most important mechanisms and tools for enterprise management, which predetermines and predicts its effectiveness in the future. Creating a business plan will allow the management team to more effectively use the funds and assets of the enterprise, and use planning for competent management.

The fastest and most adequate response to changes in the market and internal infrastructure will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and make it a leader in the intense struggle for consumers. This is only possible if several conditions are met:

    The investor and management team take a realistic approach to assessing the financial position of the enterprise, its actual position in the market, and are also able to track trends in changing situations and identify the reasons for their occurrence;

    The management team sees the goals it should strive for and clearly understands the steps necessary to achieve them;

    Management actively uses business planning when developing an enterprise development strategy, setting strategic and current goals, and skillfully monitors the implementation of each step of the previously outlined plan;

    The investor and the management team understand the reasons and essence of the processes that occur in external environment, within the company, on the market - and are ready to offer them an answer.

The basis of all these conditions is business planning, and as a result this process, business plan.

Company " Active Business Consultations" is ready to offer its services on business planning— in close cooperation with you, we will determine the main goals, create tasks, identify possible ways for the development of the enterprise and provide assistance in various matters creating a business plan.

We provide the following services in the field business planning:

    Creating a business plan , which will comply with international and Russian standards;

    Development of a feasibility study;

    Drawing up an investment memorandum;

    Analysis of financial and economic activities;

    Marketing research market;

    Promotion and protection investment project.

The documents developed by the company "Active Business Consulting" are fully consistent with the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation, and also methodological instructions most banking institutions, which contributes to a faster positive decision on the documents provided.

What do we mean by a business plan?

Creating a business plan carried out for external and internal purposes. In most cases business planning and the development of a business plan is carried out only when it is necessary to obtain a loan or attract investment. This is Russian practice- and this is what most entrepreneurs are used to doing. However, in addition to such external goals, there are others, including those not related to the extraction of “new” funds.

External goals creating a business plan- this is a justification for the enterprise’s need to attract borrowed funds or additional investments, presentation of available resources and opportunities, concentration of attention on the part of investors and the bank, as well as the belief that the chosen policy is highly qualified, and strategic goals profitable and efficient.

The investor, in turn, also wants to make sure that the investment project presented to him is profitable, and therefore wants to evaluate the full profitability of the investment. To do this, it is necessary to study the ratio of project returns and risks - the best way to solve this problem is creating a business plan investment project and its analysis.

The business plan is business card investment project. Only on the basis of its study will the investor answer a fairly simple but very important question - whether he should invest in the proposed project, and under what conditions and acceptable risks it will be most effective.

Also creating a business plan necessary when obtaining a loan from a bank - this requirement has been for quite some time prerequisite. The banking institution has no desire to take risks - and therefore, if the level of risk is high, the interest on the loan will increase. Thus, the loan provided will no longer be profitable and meet the conditions. Business planning in this case, takes into account the interests of the bank and provides it with the guarantees necessary to obtain a loan with a low interest rate.

Internal goals are more important for the enterprise because they allow the vision and understanding to be clearly defined further development enterprises.

Internal goals include business planning, training the management team, ensuring an understanding of the market environment and the real position of the enterprise in the market at the moment. They are the ones that are significant when it is necessary to determine work methods and development strategies, identify strong and weaknesses investment project, studying possible efficiency in different situations and conditions.

What do we mean by business planning?

Business planning is a procedure for writing and developing a business plan, the purpose of which is to study the effectiveness of investment in a project.

Business planning carried out jointly with the investor, since the fate of the enterprise and its development primarily depends on his goals. The main advantages of this procedure:

    The ability to assess the possibility of implementing ideas and draw them up on paper with calculations;

    Result business planning will eliminate many mistakes and unnecessary expenses, will help save money, time and effort on thinking about the factors that create “interference” in achieving the goal;

    Business planning , as the main component of creating a business plan, allows you to fully understand the mechanism of the company’s functioning, analyze the current situation in the market and act in accordance with the circumstances much more effectively;

    Ultimately, the business plan will always be at hand and will turn out to be a scheme, a map, following which will allow you to achieve your goal with “little loss.”

The company "Active Business Consulting" does not make it possible create a business plan without the participation of the management team, investors - in this case, a rather “crude” option will be developed that does not correspond to the interests of stakeholders and is not able to provide maximum effect. We are getting closer to implementation business planning individually, in close cooperation with you - this is how success is achieved.

Our company’s experts will take on the main work - collecting and processing information, setting basic strategic goals and objectives, financial planning, calculation of the effectiveness of an investment project. Full accounting of information will allow your company to respond to the market situation in a timely manner and avoid many mistakes at the implementation stage.

Business planning - this is the most profitable investment at the stage of enterprise formation.

What do we offer?

Creating a business plan will help you resolve most financing problems - the result of our joint work with you will be good tool to attract capital from investors, partners and creditors necessary for the further development of the enterprise. A carefully considered and expertly developed plan will help answer key questions from investors and other stakeholders, as well as outline the degree of risk and potential returns.

Business planning fully reveals the most difficult questions possible business development and calculates not only financial condition enterprise in the future, but also allows us to predict development:


    Enterprise products;

    The opportunities that the implementation of a business plan will bring.

How do we work?

Business planning begins with a general formulation of the question, the feasibility of the possibilities. Experts from the company "Active Business Consulting" approach creating a business plan individually - we clearly outline the tasks and goals required of us, as well as results and deadlines. Only after discussing the project, experts begin business planning.

Process creating a business plan cannot be carried out by our specialists in isolation - it requires your participation. Only with you is it possible to compose great business a plan that will meet the interests of the stakeholders in the project. When developing a business plan, we use standardized methods for describing it.

Contents of the business plan:

    Summary of the business plan;

    Description of the enterprise;

    Business and its strategy;

    Market and marketing strategy;

    Operation and production;

    Management and the process of making managerial and other decisions;


    Risk factors.

During the work on creating a business plan A feasibility study is also being developed. The results of this work are in demand by investors, since they reflect the order of work on research and analysis of the elements of an investment project and clearly show the project terms of return of invested funds. Highly qualified specialists working in the company “Active Business Consultations” - financiers, lawyers, economists and marketers - participate in the compilation.

The Active Business Consulting company offers, for a reasonable fee, to develop, in close cooperation with you and investors, a business plan that reflects the development of the enterprise, taking into account various factors and market changes. With us, getting a positive answer is much easier!

In world business practice, almost all investment projects are described using business plans.

A business plan is financial document planning entrepreneurial activity in a certain period and establishing indicators that need to be achieved during this period.

Development and preparation of a business plan

We offer our clients professional development and drawing up a business plan.

Taking an individual approach to your needs and wishes, when drawing up a business plan, we take into account: the size of your project; its mobility and exceptional feature; industry specificity; purpose of the business plan and much more.

In addition, we evaluate and agree on the feasibility of certain sections of the business plan and, if necessary, add these sections to the business plan or exclude them.

Business plans developed by our company fully comply with international UNIDO standards. You can find out more about the contents of this standard .

Feasibility study

The ABK company develops business plans, including technical - business case(feasibility study). If the customer wishes, the feasibility study can be developed separately.

A feasibility study or feasibility study is an analysis, calculation, assessment economic feasibility implementation of the proposed construction project, construction of an enterprise, creation of a new technical facility, modernization and reconstruction of existing facilities. The feasibility study is based on a comparative assessment of costs and results, establishing the efficiency of use and the payback period of investments.

A feasibility study is a necessary study for every investor, during the preparation of which a number of works are carried out to study and analyze all components of the investment project and develop a time frame for the return of funds invested in the business. To develop a feasibility study, a comprehensive work of a group of specialists is required - economists, financiers, lawyers, etc.

We are also ready to conduct a comprehensive professional examination of your business plan, draw a conclusion on it and optimize it.

A business plan is drawn up in order to effective management and business planning and is one of the main enterprise management tools that determine the effectiveness of its activities.

In market conditions and fierce competition, an enterprise must be able to quickly and adequately respond to changes occurring in the external environment and within the enterprise itself.

This becomes possible when several conditions are met:

    administration and investor correctly assess the real financial situation enterprises and their place in the market;

    there are specific goals that the enterprise should strive to achieve;

    every step to achieve these goals is planned and executed;

    The administration of the enterprise and the investor understand the essence of the processes occurring in the market, in the external environment and within the organization itself.

A business plan is drawn up for internal and external purposes

In the vast majority of cases, as is the case in our country, a business plan begins to be drawn up when it is necessary to attract investment. But the fact is that this is only one side of the matter; in fact, it is compiled not only for external purposes.

The main goals for which a business plan is drawn up are to justify the need to attract additional investments or borrowed funds, demonstrate the company’s capabilities and attract the attention of investors and the bank, convincing them of a sufficient level of efficiency of the investment project and a high level of enterprise management.

Every investor wants to assess the profitability of investing in a proposed investment project and assess the ratio of possible returns from the project and the riskiness of investments, and best way to do this, study and analyze the business plan of the investment project.

A business plan gives the investor an answer to the question of whether it is worth investing in a given investment project and under what conditions it will be most effective, given the degree of risk acceptable to the investor and the correctness of the assumptions made by the developer of the investment project.

A prerequisite for obtaining a bank loan is a well-written business plan for the investment project provided to the bank. If the borrower does not have one, this indicates a low professional level of the enterprise administration and makes obtaining a bank loan impossible. In addition, in the future, the bank will evaluate the issuance of a loan to such an enterprise as a higher-risk operation, which will certainly affect the amount of interest on the loan upward.

Thus, by drawing up a business plan, you will make the enterprise more efficient and manageable, and you will be able to predict the situation in the future with higher accuracy.

Business planning is a necessary event that is carried out when creating a new line of activity, a new company, as well as when determining the initial strategy or if it is necessary to make adjustments to the company’s activities. Development business planning a responsible process that requires multidisciplinary analysis of not only production, but also economic activity enterprises. Also, when creating a package of materials for business planning it is necessary to take into account the competitiveness of the company, its share in determining the market capacity. Risk insurance is also necessarily taken into account in business planning. The general calculation of the cost of manufactured products is adjusted according to business planning taking into account future indicators long term. Specialists of independent appraisal companies involved in the preparation of documents on business planning, will always take into account the latest trends and changes in the economic situation in the industry and compile an objective package of materials on business planning.

In conditions of transition to market economy mastering the art of drawing up a business plan becomes extremely important. Western investors are afraid to deal with domestic entrepreneurs. And not only because of the lack of guarantees, the instability of the economic and political situation in the country, as is commonly believed, but also because of unprofessional, unconvincingly developed documents, in particular business plans.

Let's list a number general requirements things to consider when preparing a business plan:

A business plan is the first thing a potential candidate learns about a company.
investor, therefore it is necessary that the design of the business plan corresponds to the image of a successful company: it should be attractive, but discreet;

The level of detail should correspond to the goals of the plan, but not include anything superfluous: a clear structure of the material and its clarity, brevity. The optimal (standard) volume of a business plan is 40 pages. However, in some cases more is required detailed business plans up to 70-80 pages. If, to ensure completeness and specificity of the presentation of the necessary
Since less material is required in the business plan, the number of pages of the business plan can be reduced to 30 pages or less;

The business plan should not include secondary and background information. It is better to put it in applications. Typically, investors ask additional information, and the presence of applications increases the flexibility of the project. The volume of applications is not limited;

Presentation style: simplicity of presentation and lack of language
and terminological barriers, i.e. accessibility to study and understanding. A business plan should be understandable to a wide range of people, not just specialists, and not replete with technical details. It should also be convincing, concise, and arouse interest among partners;

Reasonable dosing when presenting the technology business proposal;

When drawing up a business plan, you must also remember that the information presented in it must be succinct, clear and at the same time concise. In this regard, it is recommended to use the method of collapsing information: it is classified into certain categories (indicators) and presented in analytical (tabular) or graphical form. In a systematic form, when possible comparative assessment, digital data is perceived much easier, and therefore more effective;

Objective assessment of the difficulties standing in the way of implementation
outlined in the business plan;

A business plan should be an honest analysis based on realistic assumptions. Assumptions and forecasts must be substantiated and supported by references to sources of information, such as market research (surveys), industry statistics, economic and demographic studies, as well as opinions of persons who will do business with the company. Few investors or lenders will take risks based on unrealistic plans. Business plan shows investors and creditors the quality and depth of the company's leadership and highlights management's ability to achieve its goals;

Accuracy financial settlements;

The company's risks should be discussed. Trust in the company can be seriously undermined if existing risks and problems are disclosed not independently, but from the outside;

No immaterial or vague statements should be made;

The plan should be comprehensive and include a discussion of the organizational strategy to achieve the company's advantages and overcome potential difficulties;

Many investors like to read a one- or two-page summary of a business plan, which allows them to see the important features and benefits of the project. There are also four vital blocks key issues, worked out in the business plan, which are especially carefully assessed by investors: management team, current and planned financial indicators, goods and services, marketing plan. It is necessary to prepare a strong argument in each of these sections;

The business plan must be prepared taking into account the requirements and
standards of organizations and persons to whom this document is intended to be presented;

The business plan should be presented in an attractive, not overcomplicated form and reproduced in a sufficient number of copies for its consideration.

If you want to start own business, but you don’t have enough money, then you can’t do without such a document as a business plan. This document is provided to the prospective investor as a guarantee that his money will certainly be repaid and will not be thrown down the drain.

Classification of business plans

Business plans can be different. Here you can get acquainted with their structure in more detail. They are usually divided according to the following criteria:

  • By type - depending on the field of activity that the project is focused on. There are organizational, technical, social, economic and mixed business plans;
  • By class - depending on the composition, structure and subject area. There are mono- (a separate project), multi- (a project consisting of several mono-projects), mega-business plan (a program for the development of an industry, region, etc., which consists of many mono- and multi-business plans;
  • By scale - depending on the size of the project, the number of participants in it and the degree of influence on the world around us. There are very large, large, medium and small projects. In addition, the division can be by region - interstate, international, national, interregional, regional, intersectoral, sectoral, corporate, departmental, intra-enterprise projects;
  • By duration - depending on the duration of the time period within which the project will be implemented. There are long-term (the implementation of which must take more than 5 years), medium-term (3-5 years) and short-term projects;
  • By complexity - different aspects of complexity are calculated (for example, financial, technical, etc.). There are very complex, complex and simple business projects;
  • By type - depending on the nature of the subject area of ​​the project. There are organizational, innovative, research, educational and mixed projects.

You can read more about the types of business plans.

Requirements for writing a business plan

Mastering the art of writing a business plan is one of the necessary qualities for modern successful person. So for a successful project you will have to comply with certain requirements for the business plan:

Greeted by clothes

The business plan should be attractive, but discreet. Remember: this document will be the first thing the investor sees and learns about your project. It will create an image that will follow you for a long time.

More details

The more substantive details a document contains, the more trust it will generate. However, it is better not to overdo it. Make sure that the main principles of the document are brevity, clarity, and a clear structure for presenting information.

According to foreign studies, it has been proven that the ideal length of a business plan is 40 pages. But in some cases it makes sense to write out the plan in more detail - up to 70-80 pages. And vice versa - if necessary, you can reduce the volume of the document to 30 pages or even less.

Only important

No background or secondary information - only the most important things. If you want, you can include additional information in the appendices - they will help increase the flexibility of the project and satisfy the interest of pedantic investors.

Note! Large quantity important information is best presented in a table, chart, chart, or other graphical or analytical form. When it is necessary to compare and analyze, this form of presenting information will contribute to its better assimilation, and therefore brings more results.

We pay attention to style

Write as much as possible in simple language, do not use too many terms - do not use anything that may impede understanding, serve as a barrier to the perception of the information you want to convey.

Your business plan should be understandable not only to investors, but also to as many people as possible. Try to be convincing, concise, and arouse interest.

Be honest with everyone

It is necessary to objectively assess all the difficulties that stand or may stand in the way of implementing the business plan. This document is a project to solve such difficulties.

However, all your assumptions and forecasts must be supported by facts, research, statistics, and expert opinions.

If the plan is unrealistic, few investors will want to work with you. A clear understanding of the risks and how to overcome them will show creditors how prepared you are to manage the company and achieve your goals.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any type of work, even writing a business plan


Often investors prefer to read briefly about what is contained in the document before getting acquainted with the project itself. Experienced lenders already from brief description they see whether the project is worthwhile or not, they will notice all its strengths and weaknesses.

Investors also pay attention to the completeness of the answer to 4 vital questions for the project: management team, current and expected future financial indicators, goods and services, marketing plan. So it is vital to prepare a strong argument for each of these points.

Here you can see examples of a business plan for a gas station and a sports bar:

The basic procedure for drawing up a business plan may vary. We bring to your attention the most popular option:

  • Resume,
  • Company,
  • Product/service,
  • Sales market,
  • Competition,
  • Marketing,
  • Production,
  • Organization, management, personnel,
  • Finance,
  • Risk assessment and insurance.

There are other factors that will determine the composition, volume, structure, and degree of detail of the business plan:

  1. Specifics of the type of business activity;
  2. Size of the organization;
  3. Purpose of the business plan;
  4. General strategy of the organization;
  5. Growth prospects;
  6. The volume of the expected sales market;
  7. Presence of competition.

Note! A business plan can be not only the initial document from which the entire enterprise starts, but can also become the internal law of the company.

In general, you already understand that this document is quite serious. And if you want your idea to be crowned with success, if you want lenders and investors to be interested in your project, then devote yourself completely to this document. Well, if you are burdened with studying at this time, our specialists will be happy to help.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, mastering the art of drawing up a business plan becomes extremely important. Western investors are wary of dealing with Russian entrepreneurs. And not only because of the lack of guarantees, the instability of the economic and political situation in the country, as is commonly believed, but also because of unprofessional, unconvincingly developed documents, in particular business plans.

We list a number of general requirements that must be taken into account when preparing a business plan:

  • - a business plan is the first thing a potential investor learns about a company, so it is necessary that the design of the business plan corresponds to the image of a successful company: it should be attractive, but discreet;
  • - the degree of detail should correspond to the goals of the plan, but not include anything superfluous: a clear structure of the material and its clarity, brevity. Foreign practice shows that the optimal (standard) volume of a business plan is 40 pages. However, in some cases more detailed business plans of up to 70-80 pages are required. If, to ensure completeness and specificity of the presentation required material the business plan requires less volume, then the number of pages of the business plan can be reduced to 30 pages or less;
  • - the business plan should not include secondary and background information. It is better to put it in applications. Typically, investors request additional information, and the presence of applications increases the flexibility of the project. The volume of applications is not limited;
  • - presentation style: simplicity of presentation and absence of language and terminological barriers, i.e. accessibility to study and understanding;
  • - a business plan should be understandable to a wide range of people, and not just specialists. It should also be convincing, concise, and arouse interest among partners.
  • - attention should be paid to the dual nature of the business plan. On the one hand, this is a serious analytical document, and on the other, an advertising medium;
  • - reasonable dosage when presenting the technology of a business proposal;
  • - when drawing up a business plan, you must also remember that the information presented in it must be succinct, clear and at the same time concise. In this regard, it is recommended to use the method of collapsing information: it is classified into certain categories (indicators) and presented in analytical (tabular) or graphical form. In a systematized form, when a comparative assessment is possible, digital data is perceived much easier, and therefore more effective;
  • - objective assessment difficulties standing in the way of implementing what is planned in the business plan;
  • - the business plan should be an honest analysis based on realistic assumptions. Assumptions and forecasts must be substantiated and supported by references to sources of information, such as market research (surveys), industry statistics, economic and demographic studies, as well as opinions of persons who will do business with the company. Few investors or lenders will take risks based on unrealistic plans. A business plan shows investors and creditors the quality and depth of a company's leadership and highlights management's ability to achieve its goals;
  • - accuracy of financial calculations;
  • - the company's risks should be discussed. Trust in the company can be seriously undermined if existing risks and problems are disclosed not independently, but from the outside;
  • - Do not make irrelevant or vague statements. For example, statements such as “sales will double in next year” or “a product line will be introduced” should be deleted and detailed explanations provided. Statements must be specific and supported marketing information and other data;
  • - the plan must be comprehensive and include a discussion of the organizational strategy for achieving the company's advantages and overcoming potential difficulties;
  • - many investors like to read one or two pages summary business plan (summary), which allows them to see the important features and benefits of the project. There are also four vital blocks of key issues addressed in the business plan, which investors evaluate especially carefully: management team, current and planned financial performance, goods and services, and marketing plan. It is necessary to prepare a strong argument in each of these sections;
  • - the business plan must be prepared taking into account the requirements and standards of organizations and individuals to whom this document is intended to be presented;
  • - the business plan must be presented in an attractive, and not overly complex, form and reproduced in a sufficient number of copies for its consideration.

It should be remembered that in general, business planning is a very labor-intensive and rather lengthy process. An entrepreneur has to spend weeks and months creating a business plan. Various business planners agree that total time The time required for this is about 200 hours.

The economic essence of a business plan is to introduce a potential investor (business partner, bank, etc.) to the essence of the proposed project and interest him in participating in this project. To this document adequately perceived by potential project participants and could serve as a basis for them to make informed business decisions, it must meet a number of criteria.

The business plan must contain all the necessary sections in order to fully reflect the investment project under consideration. This means that the business plan must contain all the information that a potential investor or business partner may need to make a decision. positive decision. In addition, the completeness of the presentation of the project in the business plan means that this document must cover a period of time sufficient to complete the described project or to reach the planned level of production, sales, construction, etc.


The information presented in a business plan should not only be complete, but also useful. You should not include in the business plan something that you can do without and that will not in any way affect the potential investor (business partner) making a positive decision. For example, information about average number employees of the enterprise - the initiator of the project can be useful and interesting. However detailed description social structure personnel (the number of working men and women, the presence of employees with higher or secondary education, the designation of people whose work experience exceeds five years, etc.) may be unnecessary. Another example: if the implementation of a project requires the enterprise to have certain licenses, then a list of them indicating the validity period of each license must be included in the business plan. At the same time, a detailed consideration of legislative and regulatory acts regulating this type activities, it is recommended to leave them “behind the scenes” (you can briefly list these documents, indicating their date, number and name of the body that issued the document).


Reality and authenticity

A business plan must be drawn up on the basis of information that can be assessed as reliable. Deliberate distortion of project parameters in order to improve its attractiveness is not allowed.

All conclusions and proposals contained in the business plan must be based on real and reasonable evidence, supported by specific facts and examples. In addition, there should be an analogy between the data presented in the business plan and the current state of affairs (or the current market trend). All more or less significant discrepancies should be commented on reasonably, otherwise the business plan will look adventurous, which will most likely cause a negative reaction from a potential investor (business partner).


The business plan should be written consistently and logically so that any user can trace the rationale for the project parameters and business plan conclusions.


The business plan should be written with the possibility of adjusting it with the least amount of effort. The need for changes arises when deviations occur during the implementation of the project and aims to change the project parameters in such a way as to ensure the maximum possible effect under new conditions.


A business plan must be a reliable and reliable control tool, that is, it must, using a system of specific indicators, allow one to monitor compliance with work deadlines, production (construction) volumes, supplies and sales, as well as the compliance of actual indicators with planned data.


One of the most essential requirements for a business plan is that it be written in accessible, understandable language, in compliance with accepted terminology and clear, unambiguous wording. Potential investor or business partner should not and will not delve into obscure and non-specific definitions, understand incomprehensible indicators and study unnecessary conclusions.

Compact and structured

The optimal volume of a standard business plan is no more than 50-80 printed sheets of A4 format. As practice shows, this volume contains all the necessary information. The requirements for a business plan include all the really necessary information about even the most complex and large investment project. Significantly exceeding the sufficient volume of a business plan makes it extremely difficult for potential investors to perceive it. In addition to a business plan, it is also useful to draw up short presentation of 10-20 slides, which contain the most important organizational, technical and financial parameters of the project. All information presented in the business plan should be grouped into sections, excluding ambiguities of interpretation and repetitions. In this case, the main text of the business plan should contain only information related to the essence of the project. All voluminous elements of the document (accounting and financial statements, research results, etc.) should be presented in the form of appendices and located at the end of the document.


In many cases, a verbal description of a project is not as effective and understandable as a graphical representation. For example, it is much easier and more convenient to describe the dynamics of changes in any indicators not with words, but with the use of diagrams. This way, a potential investor spends less time getting to know projects with minimal costs, with greater pleasure and better understanding begins to imagine the essence of the document. These are the basic requirements that every competently and professionally drawn up business plan must meet, the purpose of which is to interest investors and serve real instrument implementation and control of the investment project. Let's look at the typical structure of a standard business plan.

Typical business plan structure

The structure of a business plan is a certain logical sequence of its sections, ensuring the most complete and clear presentation of the investment project in order to accept it management decisions. In most cases, the structure of a standard business plan should include the following sections: summary; introduction;

The summary is the first information about the project that a potential investor will see. The main purpose of the resume is to interest the investor, making him want to read other sections of the business plan. A resume is a “business plan in miniature”, it contains in a concentrated form all the information about the project disclosed

Despite the fact that this section is the first, it is written in the most last resort. This is not difficult to do: you need to go through all sections of the business plan and take one or two of the most significant conclusions from each. After reading the summary, the investor should receive the following information.


The resume is written last, after the business plan as a whole is drawn up. It should include the main provisions and ideas of the business plan, the conclusions to which the entrepreneur came.

Resume structure should consist of 3 parts:

introduction: includes the goals of the plan, a briefly expressed essence of the project;

main content: a concise summary of all the key elements of the business plan and its main parts: type of activity, demand forecast, sources of financing, etc.;

conclusion: summarizes the factors for the future success of the entrepreneur, may include a description of the main methods of action of the entrepreneur.

Having the right idea about your resume is extremely important for writing a resume. The resume should be short, usually three to four pages, but it is better if the resume fits on one page. The executive summary is the key part of the document that “sells” it to the investor, and it should be written in such a way that the reader will want to continue reading the business plan. That is, the resume should attract not by quantity, but by quality, taking into account the specifics of the activity and the requests of potential investors.

Essence of the project

First of all, the investor is presented with information about the project with which he is dealing. The essence of the project could be the construction of a cottage village, the organization of production of a new bus model. replacement of existing equipment in order to save energy costs, etc.

Project initiator

The name of the project initiator is given, the experience of implementing similar projects and the stability of the financial condition are assessed.

Project competitiveness factors

This paragraph of the summary is perhaps the most significant. He must convince the investor that the planned project has every chance of being successfully implemented, and that the results of its implementation are in demand by the market. No other source of return on the investor’s investment than effective sales on the market, the project does not. Consideration of the main factors listed in the summary that ensure the competitiveness of the project’s products allows the investor to assess the compliance of the characteristics of the project’s products with existing and future market trends and, as a result, determine how likely it is that the sales planned by the project will take place. Here are some examples of presenting competitiveness factors in a resume.

Project financing

In addition to the essence of the proposed project and the factors ensuring its success, the investor needs to know from what sources the financing is planned and how much money he should personally invest to participate in this project. The summary briefly describes how much money will be invested by each of the potential investors in the project: their own or borrowed funds. If a loan is attracted to the project, then it is necessary to indicate not only its amount, but also the total loan period and the annual interest rate.

Economic results of the project

Under economic results the implementation of the project implies the following indicators: the amount of revenue (for the year and for the entire horizon of the project); magnitude net profit(on average for the year and over the project review horizon); sales profitability, defined as the ratio of net profit to revenue (annual average).
